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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 220 KB, 800x1200, 080643184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9618600 No.9618600 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9614257

Look, fishnets

>> No.9618603

Those shoes are fucking ugly and Misako's whole outfit doesn't read as lolita.

>> No.9618606

yeah no armwear, arrest her!

>> No.9618622

It's nothing to do with the armwear, it's the loafers plus a long plain normie dress plus a shawl plus fringe earrings.

>> No.9618626

>bitch don't know Sheglit

>> No.9618632

I know Sheglit, still doesn't make that outfit lolita.

>> No.9618634
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How new are you?

Gulls, I want to hear about the best deal you've ever found. Did you find a stained dress for cheap that you cleaned or altered? Happen across a desperate or clueless seller? Discover lolita at your local thrift shop? Regal me with your tales (and photos).

>> No.9618640

I got a very popular print jsk missing one small accessory for significantly less than market price but that's about it. The seller wasn't from a country that participates in the international comm so they probably didn't know how popular it was.

>> No.9618642

Best deal I ever got was an older (2006-ish) AP dress + headbow for about $30. They were in pretty much perfect condition and bought from LM. I guess the seller just really wanted to be rid of them.

>> No.9618646
File: 34 KB, 345x437, 5f6eaa49-48a3-57aa-bc4a-31d363db2fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best deal I ever got was this OP for $14. WW had a site glitch that messed up the price and they ended up honoring their mistake without me even having to ask if they would.

>> No.9618648


>> No.9618652

The 'shawl' actually appears to be part of the dress, if you look at the webshop listing. I quite these, especially the one on the right. They're nice, everyday dresses. Lolita isn't always about wearing everything but the kitchen sink, despite the OTT trends that have developed over the last several years.

>> No.9618655

Best deal was probably a 2001 Moitie aristocrat OP. It was $500+ new, but I got it for under $100.

Absolute cheapest thing in my closet is an ancient Baby skirt that I got for $20.

>> No.9618658

I asked this in the old thread just as it hit the bump limit, so I'll ask this here again. Does anyone know how I can order from a special in-person event at Shanghai? If I'm not wrong, it's a tea party called Hello Lolita.

>> No.9618676

That's one of the many ways lolita can look like. The main pieces are from a lolita brand, modelled by a lolita, for a lolita photoshoot put together by the staff of Kerastyle, a Japanese online magazine.

>> No.9618678

Let them die

>> No.9618680
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Desperately looking for a wig just like the blonde one on the right plz help

>> No.9618693

Nice find! Any pictures of it?

>> No.9618694

all these newfags "schooling a newfag" to try to make themselves look less like newfags

>> No.9618702
File: 143 KB, 600x1072, sh_12s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to refute something without contributing anything
Sheglit is by a former designer for BPN, those coords are very much lolita/EGL.

>> No.9618738
File: 68 KB, 717x1023, OP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! Here's a picture of Mana modeling it for the GLB. I don't wear it often because it's so old, but damn is it fun.

>> No.9618739

Surely you must have literally anywhere else to be on a Saturday than trolling a slow imageboard.

>> No.9618740

It's like discussion about salopettes and mini-skirts, let it go.
While the picture you posted is certainlly lolita, the ones from OP's picture just don't cut the line for me. They are more EGA if anything.

>> No.9618813

Sorry anon; we didn't realize that you were the sole proprietor of the definiton of lolita.

>> No.9618826

I'm genuinely curious - how common is autism amongst lolitas? And I don't mean just those itas who can't dress themselves or behave at a meet up. I'd never met another girl with autism until I went to meets, and now I know at least 3.

>> No.9618829

Sometimes you gotta put your high horse out to pasture, especially when you're riding it this hard

>> No.9618834

There are a few people in my comm who are on the spectrum and even more with mental illnesses. The alternative fashion aspect of lolita probably attracts a lot of social rejects and misfits so we get a higher density of the special kids. I say this as someone who has a diagnosed anxiety and eating disorder.

>> No.9618835

I personally do not have autism (have been explicitly told by several different psychiatrists that I am not on the spectrum) and the only other women I've met with autism who were interested in the fashion were too self-conscious to wear it. Almost every lolita I've ever met had some mental illness though.

>> No.9618838

lolita attracts people who have some mental illness since it's a form of escapism in the form of clothing... I'm sure there's plenty of lolitas on the autism scale and a decent amount who have asperger's

>> No.9618842

ugh Mana is so beautiful

>> No.9618846

I found Meta sack dress at a thrift store during Halloween. 12 bucks. I couldn't believe my luck. Got someone who loved Meta for secret santa just a couple months later, and knew just what to do.

>> No.9618847

I don't like it but can admit it still looks like lolita

>> No.9618854

I was just thinking the other day that I'd buy the heck out of a cow spot print. Meta and Baby have done leopard print, it's time for a cute cow print!!

>> No.9618856
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Indeed he is Anon, indeed he is.

>> No.9618985

>escapism is autism
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.9618997

I've spent so long buying second-hand only that I've ruined myself for buying new. Paying 250+ before shipping for a dress really stings even though I can afford it, and I keep missing out on pieces I really want. Slap the thrift out of me, gulls.

>> No.9619025

Probably as common as any subculture in attracting non-normies. I remember in high school practically no one had any mental illnesses (or hid it extremely well) but in online communities for shit like anime or other special interests it was rampant.

>> No.9619032

Why do Lolitas love Lazy Oaf? I've only noticed it recently but their stuff is edgy and ugly, and a ton of Lolitas seem to love it as non-Lolita wear.

>> No.9619058

Because it's one of the very few western brands that cater to this sort of cutesy/bratty aesthetic. I think some of their items are cute but the fit is really bad, I don't know how they ammassed such a cult following

>> No.9619066

Thanks! Wow, that's girgeous, great find Anon. I can see why it only gets worn occassionally though, to look after it. My best deal in a way, although not a patch on your find, was buying off MBok what I was listed as a Boz op which turned out to be a 2004 Atelier Pierrot op in near perfect condition.

>> No.9619101

No problem! I have a number of other older Moitie pieces but that had to be my best find. Sounds like your Pierrot find was pretty awesome too. Out of curiosity was it one of their older pieces with a cross on the front?

>> No.9619102

In that case anyone with a hobby can be said to be autistic

>> No.9619103
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No, it was this one. I would love to try hunting down more of their stuff from this sort of time, as I prefer it to their more recent style. I can see why it got mistaken/mislabelled for being Boz as it does look like some of their releases.

>> No.9619106


I don't know, current market secondhand seems a little better for value than firsthand. Even new-ish secondhand dresses tend to crop up on closet child/wunderwelt/yja/mbok like within a year after they're released (though with SS fees it's kinda debateable whether it's really cheaper or not).

I'd reserve buying firsthand for special circumstances, eg if you have an event next month and this new release is perfect (like Halloween coming up), or it's an MTO (you can't really rely on someone else buying the exact cut you want and then reselling it, and anyway you have to wait an extra year for the price to drop), or on sale (already cheaper), or if it's an unpopular dress that's still very pretty (these are the kinds where some girls won't bother reselling because the secondhand price is too low).

What release did you regret missing out on?

>> No.9619107
File: 168 KB, 928x668, 9259380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might find this relevant. I capped it last year because I liked how neatly this anon answered the question of "why does this shit cost so much" and being a cheapass myself, I occasionally need that reminder of why nice things are sometimes worth the higher price tag.

>> No.9619111

Plus lolita isn't mass produced, they are small companies which often sadly have higher costs

>> No.9619113

very true, small runs of pretty much any product are going to be more expensive than large runs.

>> No.9619146

I love the OP Midori is wearing but the OP/shawl combo Misako is wearing makes her look so broad. Someone with a bigger or even average frame would look like a linebacker in this.

>> No.9619148
File: 199 KB, 800x1141, morriganeurotour2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you going here? I feel like I used to see way more lolitas at visual kei lives in Europe.

>> No.9619158

Nope, I only go to the lives of my favourite vkei artists. But I know the feeling, I remember seeing photos of people waiting for concerts of vkei bands all dressed nicely and such. But at all the lives I have attended in the past years, most people were just dressed in their normy clothes or band shirts. I wonder were everyone went, I would love to see more people dresses up for concerts.
Most say that most people I know who would go to concerts in Lolita, have stopped listening to the music and also stopped wearing the style.

>> No.9619163

Pretty common I think. I'm autistic, I can think of 2 others in my smallish comm. You probably didn't know many people had it before because it's kind of new for high functioning women to get diagnosed, and in an alternative nerd scene, ppl are more likely to be open about it.

>> No.9619181

I think I will go if it's not expensive, I live really near. I made some lolita friends at visual kei lives 5+ years ago but I haven't been to any in a really long time so I hope they don't dress like normies in my country now. I won't wear lolita either though, since 90% of my lolita wardrobe is long sleeves...

>> No.9619184

What >>9619163 said. I can actually only think of 2 people in my comm and 1 lolita outside the comm who are open about their diagnosis to everybody, and they're the kind of people that would never pass for neurotypical even if they tried to lie. But I've met a lot more people who I get that vibe from or who've told me in private, and a lot of people on cgl have admitted to being autistic.

I'm an aspie but I only tell people if it's relevant or once I know them quite well, since I don't want people to prejudge me as one of ~those~ autists before they even get to know me. Most lolitas are surprised when I tell them since I don't think most of my issues are noticeable when you're only interacting at a meet for a few hours.

>> No.9619197

I hope so. Thusfar I have only attended lives in three European countries and always felt overdressed. From my experience the ones who dress nicely (including Lolita's and cosplayers) are below the 5% of the audience and the Lolitas on itself below 1%, the others were all normies. But the people attending lives has also decreased. I personally find the scene in my country a bit sad. Last concert I went to here, there was only a handfull (I think 3 to be precisely) of people including me dressed up, the rest was normie. But there also weren't a lot of people. I felt really sorry for the band having to perform in an almost empty venue.
I hope you see some pretty Lolita's, but don't have high hopes.

>> No.9619204

Super common as far as I can tell. I can name 5 girls in my comm who are on the spectrum and those are just the ones willing to tell complete strangers about it. I'm sure there are even more who are a little more private.
It's a niche, weeb-related hobby that involves dressing very out of the norm, so it's not that surprising that it would attract non-neurotypical people. Combine that with the openness and acceptance of differences that you see in most geeky communities and suddenly it seems like everyone has autism or some form of mental illness or both.
I know that "lolita is the female fedora" is a maymay meant to troll us but... it's not entirely wrong.

Ha I did a double take reading this because I could've typed this entire post.

>> No.9619232

The best deal I ever got was a 2001 Victorian Maiden JSK that I never thought I'd find, that I ended up spotting in a massive lot of random dresses on Yahoo Japan... I paid around $150 for the lot, or around $10 per dress (there was also an IW JSK included, and then a bunch of miscellaneous casual stuff). The second best deal I ever got was a Meta JSK from my wishlist for $30 on Yahoo Japan.

>> No.9619251

I've got oldschool skirts in perfect condition for under 600 yen twice (from auctions with a low starting bid).

Don't have any amazing deals on pieces people actually want though. I have a Moitie dress that I got for 20k yen that usually goes for $400+ on the Western market, but that's because Western Moitie fans are shits who consistently price stuff at like 2x Japanese market value.

>> No.9619316

Which JSK anon? Show me that good shit.

>> No.9619347

Cheapest dress is a whipped magic jsk I bought for $20 shipped (after coupons) on a non-lolita site, missing waist ties and corset lacing though. It's super tacky but I love it.

Cheapest skirt in my wardrobe is teddy motors in pink in perfect condition, bought it for 1200 yen.

>> No.9619360
File: 75 KB, 527x600, 20602_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my picture but here it is - Cross Shantung JSK in black x black. There isn't even a Lolibrary entry for it so I just crossed my fingers and prayed that I'd be able to fit into it when it arrived and it actually does fit me. I haven't worn it anywhere yet because I don't have a fancy enough black blouse or shoes for it.

>> No.9619368

What a nice find! I used to love when VM did more gothic stuff, you should add it to Lolibrary if you can.

>> No.9619369

ah I'm jealous,
I bought the same dress from a gull for $200
nice dress though

>> No.9619378

Seconding this, older, more gothic VM is gorgeous, and it's a shame they don't make things like thus sny more. Congrats on the lovely find!

>> No.9619439

Why do some plus lolitas use "not fitting a dress" as an excuse to have tits nearly hanging out? I'm no prude or strict rule adherent, and honestly I don't care about blouse/no blouse if it comes together well, but I don't want to see your cleavage trying to eat your dangling necklace every time you move.
If the neckline of your jsk is falling below your nipples, you need a dress that fits better.

>> No.9619444

I think if gothic becomes more popular they will do it again, just like how they released slightly sweeter stuff when sweet was most popular

>> No.9619453

Fortunately I rarely see tits popping out but I've seen plenty of fat girls shove themselves into dresses that technically "fit" as in they are around their bodies, but the side seams are sitting where their nipples should be. There's even a girl in my comm who just leaves the zipper hanging open and hides it under a cardigan.
Owning brand, especially certain prints, is a big status symbol in this community and for some people, owning a certain dress is more important than actually looking good in that dress. Many people seem to believe that looking bad in a sought-after dress > looking good in a dress nobody cares about. They own Melty Carnival and it's on their body and if you think it doesn't quite fit then fuck you, you're just a jelly poorfag who wishes she had that dress. Even if you also own that dress or are into a completely different substyle. Jelly! Poor! Cry some more!

>> No.9619513

I've noticed this as well. The same in some ways goes for girls who are wearing dresses that are hanging off them because they're too big in places, or wearing something where the colour is unflattering. It's like because lolita is already a fairly unusual style and rather loud compared to normie fashions, fashion basics go out the window. If something doesn't fit and can't be reasonably adjusted without wrecking the piece, then go for a different cut, or series, maybe a different brand, depending what the fit issue is.

>> No.9619514
File: 109 KB, 960x720, life is unbearable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I finally got a chance to pick through some of my belongings that were hit when my sister's basement flooded. I'd been storing a few things there, including most of my lolita and my library.
Thankfully it looks like I only lost a Franche Lippee OP to another garment bleeding on it, and even that might be salvageable after a proper wash. Any tips would be greatly recommended. I'm planning on buying some color catcher sheets before washing it.

I'm happy this senpai was alright, and I can't imagine what people in the hurricane zone feel like.

>> No.9619525

I have no idea how to tell if a colour is unflattering on me desu. I've tried to do some online colour analysis but they're either shitty or need to be done for you by another person.

>> No.9619563

i know this is probably a dumb question but if i put a humidifier in my room (warm air on low setting?) will it harm my lolita dresses in my closet?
(the doors to the closet aren't air tight but there are wooden doors)

>> No.9619567

I'm the exact same. I also can't tell if cuts or styles suit me or not in the slightest.

>> No.9619569

Shit like this makes me mad because they're the reason good plus sized lolitas like myself don't get taken seriously. It's not that hard to find shit that fits in this fashion.

>> No.9619571

Ask a friend, perhaps. And look in a mirror in natural daylight rather than looking at photos.

You might just be fairly neutral and look decent in most things, I'm like that. Skin is neither overly-warm or overly-cool so both gold and silver jewellery look fine, etc.

>> No.9619589

If I could ask a friend I wouldn't have had trouble with those online tests

>> No.9619607

What the other anon has said. Look up guides to tell what general season you are, and play around with different shades of colours, as undertones are important. Avoid colours that make you look washed out or ghostly. Look at your figure shape and learn what sorts of cuts flatter your figure. This ties in well as well with the knowing what colours suit you, as different ways of colourblocking works well to flatter different figures. All of this can then be applied to Lolita pretty easily, as these basics hold up regardless of what fashion you wear. Good luck. I hope this helps.

>> No.9619643

>bought OP on lacemarket over 48 hours ago
>no invoice yet
>bought two JSKs from two different sellers a week ago
>paid invoices, but no messages on whether or not they shipped
>all three sellers haven't read my messages to them asking nicely about shipping/the invoice
Maybe I'm a little impatient but... why this

>> No.9619661

On the subject of sheglit OPs, I bought another based on the fact that one I purchased previously fit well and felt great. My new OP is a few inches above my wrist though it should be 'long sleeved', can I get away with this?

>praying mantis problems

>> No.9619665

i think that if you have some self-awareness you'd be able to tell if something looks horrible on you--which means if you don't notice anything then you might not look particularly bad in any color. pay attention to what other people say or ask their opinions if it matters to you.

i'm similar where nothing looks bad but some colors look extra good, like red and navy.

>> No.9619666

Yeah I basically pass as neurological/normal so I don't mention it unless there's some reason.

>> No.9619669

Probably not. In Japan they run humidifiers all winter long. If you're worried, just set up the humidifier as far from your closet as you can.

>> No.9619789
File: 91 KB, 500x522, Linen-Dehumidifier-500ml-Breeze (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can put dehumidifiers in your closet while you run your humidifier in your room (outside the closet).

>> No.9619883

Can anyone recommend me some good victorian gothic gloves?

>> No.9620026

seconding, but looking for high quality lace gloves

>> No.9620040
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Anyone have updates on this? I've yet to receive a tracking number. I'm guessing they'll head out in a week or two?

>> No.9620070
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_5500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently bought an oldschool Boz nun OP knowing it had stains but wow, it arrived in terrible condition. I want to revive it the best I can, but if I had known it was going to be so awful I would not have bought it. The listing said there were some dye-running stains, but they’re massive and on every part of white, not to mention what look like bleach marks on the black and missing buttons galore. Is there a way to fix this, or am I just better off dying the whole thing a darker color?

>> No.9620084

Double this. I also want to know if they gonna ship these soon

>> No.9620101

This is so odd. Lately my sellers have replied and invoiced so quick, I could barely keep up with it lol. Seems like you have bad luck, I rarely encounter deadbeat buyers or sellers.

>> No.9620107

You could get a seamstress to remove and remake the white bits

missing buttons will just have to be replaced

>> No.9620115

Picked up a (legit I think?) Liz Lisa dress at a thrift shop for $5, along with some Bodyline accessories, haven't found all that much since.

>> No.9620135

How is the quality? One of my normie friends has accidentally bought a liz lisa replica before, it has the logo and everything

>> No.9620183

It's worst when it's a taobao dress because those sizes run pretty big. When you're not fitting an XL and it's not down to big boobs/height/broad shoulders, it's time to stop and think if you're really happy being deliberately uncomfortable in clothing you're supposed to enjoy.

>> No.9620190

What do you think about wearing Crystal Dream Carnival OP to prom? Or any lolita dress?

>> No.9620194

If you're still that young don't wear lolita.

>> No.9620195

>that young
>likely 18
Umm, what?

>> No.9620196

What? I saw them last week. Have they ever been overseas? These guys are going to freak out when they see European fans. I hope if any of you go you post about it. I'm curious how they'll respond to European fans. I want to know if they throw a bunch of teddy bears off the stage too.

As for lolita, I saw a bunch of not so well dressed lolitas when I went to VK shows in my home country, but in Japan it's just girls dressed super cute who take off their high heels to dance around during the show. I only consistently see a lot of lolitas at Moi Dix Mois lives.

>> No.9620197

It's a very newbie/ita thing to do imo, reminds me of people being "lolita at heart" (I was guilty too) and wanting to lolify everything in their lives even if it's completely impractical or inappropriate.
Even besides all that, wouldn't it be weird to wear a dress that you're going to wear normally anyway? The whole idea of a prom dress is that it's special for the occasion.

>> No.9620199

If you really need to ask whether a lolita dress is appropiate from prom you are still too young to be in this fashion. 18-year-olds nowadays are still too immature.
Only people who work to finance their wardrobe or have a sugar-daddy aka SO should be in this fashion.

>> No.9620209


>> No.9620218

bad meme anon

>> No.9620226

Street Fashion Europe haven't posted anything since May, do they usually go dormant for a few months or is something going on?

>> No.9620247

So one of my high waisted skirts has a kinda wavy "crimp" (for lack of a better description, it's pretty much a 'u' shape) from where the hanger was. Is it better to iron or steam it to get it out?

>> No.9620252
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>> No.9620288

Yes it's normal that theydon't post anything until the new event is announced

>> No.9620293

I have someone I'm going to talk to the mods about, I bought something at the beginning of August, she used fake excuses of bad weather and being sick then nothing since the 17th besides a fake tracking number.

>> No.9620297

What city do you think it will be in? I feel like last year they announced Barcelona quite soon after the last event but Idk

>> No.9620298

This doesn't take into consideration that you're wearing a petticoat

>> No.9620305
File: 95 KB, 425x566, 37762e13-8a9f-53cd-8381-93642bcf0a35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I'd wear something like CDC but there are lolita dresses that basically look like prom dresses. However, at that point they look so normie you might not get any pleasure out of wearing them because they might not be your taste. I've owned dresses from Moitie, Meta, JM, VM, IW and MM that were suitable for normie occasions like weddings, funerals, office Christmas party, formal New Years' Eve party, etc. My little sister borrowed one of my non-prints for her prom but it basically looked like a prom dress anyway and wasn't a very lolita dress.

It honestly depends what prom's like where you live and what you want to get out of it. I nearly wore a Bodyline non-print dress to my prom and I'm so, so fucking glad I didn't.

>> No.9620307

Yes it does, it gives advice about poof levels at the bottom, read it properly.

>> No.9620310

If it sits closer to your elbow than to your wrist you might be able to get away with pretending it's supposed to be 3/4ths rather than a full sleeve. Do the shoulders fit properly?

>> No.9620315

>omg they're coming to my city
>on the ONE day of the month I already have a non-negotiable family obligation
fuck this

>> No.9620340


I'd do it, but not CDC (or cotton dresses, or sweet lolita).

Sweet lolita can sometimes come across as playing pretend princess/magical girl/kiddy anime/special snowflake, particularly if you show up to a social occasion (ie- prom) that has an unspoken dress code (ie-black tie event). IF you’re already known for being the sugar cupcake fairy that shows up in sweet lolita to everything, showing up to prom in CDC is fine, since people already know it’s you and expect it of you.

If you’re not, I’d avoid doing sweet lolita at all, it looks either special snowflakey or like you’re socially retarded and can’t figure out this isn’t your personal quincenera party. The CDC op being especially bad for this because it’s so OTT.

For a prom-approriate outfit I’d look to the classic and gothic brands, go minimal and simply pair a nice dress with nice heels and shawl/lace gloves. Something in chiffon from VM or Moitie would look lovely, or Atelier Pierrot makes a lot of bustier jsks that look great. AP jsks can work as well, but you need to keep a firm grip on the styling so you don’t end up with another OTT sweet outfit that looks more like magical princess than prom girl.

I’d avoid cotton as well because spills wash out much more easily from polyester. Not that everyone is going to get drunk and spill stuff, but you’re surrounded by normies who don’t understand you’re wearing a $300 dress, they aren’t going to care enough to be extra careful around your dress.

I personally don't buy into the whole one-occasion "special dress", imo that's a marketing gimmick to get you to drop $$$$ on a brand new dress and you'll be stuck with that afterwards. Better to re-use something you already have, or get something you can see yourself re-wearing later on. If you decide not to do a lolita dress, you can try looking in thrift stores or ebay for something cheaper that you can use. Then when you’re done, cycle it back to eBay or goodwill.

>> No.9620362

I stopped reading at lantern sleeves.
Someone probably copied normie advice and added the petticoat stuff, but then all of the shapes would look different.

>> No.9620363

All evening?

>> No.9620368

That's not what she said at all. People with mental illnesses tend to use escapism as a defense mechanism, I'm sure there's a fair amount who look for a sense of belonging as well. And lolita seems to be able to fulfill both of those purposes.

I'm sure the wish for burando has made several lolitas who would stay at home otherwise actually go out and get some kind of job.

But what do I know, I'm just speculating.

>> No.9620369

Most of the evening, and several hours away by train because my family lives in bumfuck nowhere. It wasn't meant to be.

>> No.9620371

>literally three lines in before bitching about it
Lazy or just stupid?

There's some decent general advice in their IMO, although I don't agree with all of it.

>> No.9620372

Could you go to another date in another city? Obviously it'd cost more though...

>> No.9620374

Probably, but I honestly don't care that much. I was just excited for a moment because it would be in walking distance from my house and I've never been to a vkei concert before.

>> No.9620496

Just recieved the MmM Special Xmas 2008 jacket, I'm wondering what the "special" part is about? Only available as a reserve at one store? Did you have to attend an event? Only 4 in existance (probably true either way)?

>> No.9620518

Most people use escapism. What is watching tv? Exactly that.

>> No.9620708

Please somewhere that won't be burning hot again, I can't take it.

>> No.9620794

Germany would make sense to me

>> No.9620822

Do any gulls have tips for making long distance lolita friends?
I'm in an area with no other lolitas, several hours from any major city, with no car. I'd love to at least have someone to chat with/bounce ideas off of eventually. I think it would be a lot of fun to have a lolita penpal or something.
I've been a lone lolita for a while, and I'm tired of it. However, I don't know how to approach people about this sort of thing. People barely seem to use tumblr at all anymore, and IG seems particularly weird after the implementation of the new algorithm.
Has anyone made a friend through the threads here?

>> No.9620843

I've talked with lolitas a lot through tumblr incl ~efamous~ ones but I deleted my account last year, did it change a lot since then?
If you've tried to talk to lolitas online how did it go?

>> No.9620858

It seems like most people barely use tumblr now, and people really don't communicate it on it.

>> No.9620865

Not the friend finder, but you can always email me and we can talk.
I've meet a couple of people on here, but we just ended up not talking to each other for a whileand it faded out. The discords are pretty bad from what I hear, but I would love to get more gulls to chat with.

>> No.9620912

It's been a lot easier for me to make friends on Instagram than Tumblr. Just from casual commenting I've been able to build up some nice online friendships over time, but Tumblr it's so hard to communicate on that I wouldn't bother there.

>> No.9620952

>Cornet skirt for 4 bucks (without shipping but still) from Fururun
>little Innocent World petti for $5 because it had a tiny hole in it and was a little deflated, but a little bit of starch and it was fine, didn't care about the hole because it doesn't show
>Old school Baby skirt for $20 on Poshmark of all places
>$2 real Liz Lisa dress off LM
I've gotten other very good deals but nothing spectacular, literally never paid more than $80 for any single item.

>> No.9621230

I wouldn't spend the money on admission to prom, I'd rather buy a new dress. When I was in school, it was ~$100 USD and I can only imagine it's gone up. Everyone gets cheap fast fashion prom dresses and tuxes these days too so wearing something really nice like lolita tends to stick out more than you'd expect.

>> No.9621309

i got a dream dress for 65$ because the button on the strap was missing (took me about a whole minute to replace) but the seller sent with the whole set, blouse socks and headbow! i really wasnt expecting that because it wasnt anywhere in the listing

>> No.9621315

I've never been formally diagnosed because where I live you have to telecom with doctors in another city, but all my doctors basically agree that they think I've got aspergers.
I don't know if it's really got anything to do with the fashion but maybe just girls in general? Apparently eating disorders are more common in girls with autism as well. A lot of girls don't show as many "symptoms" of being on the spectrum like guys do because girls tend to focus very hard on fitting in, copying people who are charismatic, parroting normal behaviour, and suppressing things like autistic twitches.
Maybe lolita can be like a special interest? I feel like its my whole existence, definitely my special interest if I'm as aspie as everyone thinks.
>tldr stuff I'd never admit off anon. Sorry for the tumblrspeak

>> No.9621317

i dont think id ever wear their stuff but sometimes their cropped jeans and turtleneck type sweaters catch my eye. its hard to find pastel cute normie wear

>> No.9621335

seconding the other anon. get the white all taken off and used as pattern pieces for new white, get the black dyed over to try to cover the bleach while the white is off, and order new buttons on etsy. at least itll be a fun project.

>> No.9621348

As a psychologist, your post made me roll my eyes.

>> No.9621352

"hurr hur im a real psychologist wasting my time on cee gee ell"

>> No.9621372

As a major in psych I agree.
I cringe at self-diagnosed people so, so hard.

wew, you were so close to using that spongebob meme, weren't you?

>> No.9621381

Nayrt but an actually diagnosed autism-chan, and what they described sounds exactly like what my specialist has told me. High-functioning autistic females are often diagnosed with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, ADD and other comorbid/similar disorders before it clicks that these may in fact stem from/actually be ASD. For a while I was in a group meant to help people adjust who didn't get their diagnosis until young adulthood and there were only two guys vs. ten girls. The guys both had depression, the girls all had severe anxiety disorder and three of them had an ED. The reason girls often aren't diagnosed until much later is in part because many people still consider autism to be a "male" disorder, but also because girls who are high-functioning are usually much better at mimicking neurotypical behaviour and so flying under the radar for years.

I posted >>9619204. Some of the "confirmed" ASD girls in my comm are easy to spot, but others seemed so neurotypical that I never would have known if they hadn't told me. They probably have some issues that they deal with privately but they're really good at masking them in public.

>> No.9621391

>what they described
This is only self-report though, from a person that obviously looked up the symptoms. You may never know if their actual behavior and copnition really fit.

It's like a mildly depressed person looking up the symptoms of a depression and saying 'yes, yes, yes, these kinda fit me good, I guess I have depression' and then they continue talking about these newly discovered symtoms they have and their self-diagnosed depression.

Self-diagnosis should only ever be used for people who suspect they have it, but can't or won't go to a specialist soon and only to confirm they should see a specialist about it.

>> No.9621433

are cutsew measurements posted by brands the minimum/unstretched size? i'm only a couple cm over most of the ones i'm looking at but i want to make sure they'll stretch enough

>> No.9621455

This attitude of self diagnosis really bugs me as well, and I do a lot of disability support. with ASD /Aspergers my main area. It's especially telling when you get the self diagnosed cases where it almost becomes like an excuse to act up and just 'blame' it on the condition. It gives the conditions a very bad rep, so it's no wonder that 'autistic' and the like has become such a widespread insult in places. Even the way that dietry issues are described. It drives me up the wall, it's not something to claim having like a trend. True, I've seen some people have suspicions about being on the Spectrum etc, but they've gone on to get proper diagnoses.
I sometimes wonder if there's an over abundance of self diagnoses combined with just general more awareness about girls also having Aspergers or ASD, and how it can present differently to in guys.
As for high numbers of lolitas with the conditions... I think there's probably a mix of reasons cumulating, such as the aforementioned ones, and how whats been seen commonly as outsider/geek cultures often contain subjects that draw interest. I'm not sure, but it's definitely an interesting bit of food for thought.

>> No.9621515
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20170801_141353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonelita here, you can email me if you want to and we can discuss prints or whatevs
I agree desu, the snowflake trend is very embarrasing

>> No.9621524

Yes, but the amount of stretch will depend on the fabric and brand.

I'm another actually diagnosed autism-chan and I don't judge self diagnoses much. It took me nearly two years from the anxiety specialist I was seeing realising I had autism to me getting an appointment with an autism specialist and finally a diagnosis (fuck NHS waiting lists), and that was AFTER I was already in the system and had a mental health nurse pushing to get me referred - it'd be much harder for someone that wasn't already seeing psychologists for other comorbid issues. A lot of places don't have an adult diagnostic service either, only one for children, so it's way harder to get funding and takes longer for out-of-area services to prioritize you, especially once you're at a stage where you've learnt to handle it. One of my siblings and my cousin got diagnosed after me, again diagnosed with anxiety/depression first, and after that my mum realised she had it as well (apparently very common). She never pursued a formal diagnosis because it would have been a lot of work for no tangible benefit for someone her age.

>> No.9621539

>someone on yahoo auctions bought big bundles of VM, Excentrique and IW just to resell and scalp them all on mercari
I don't understand people like this in lolita. There are tons of hobbies with easier methods to make a quicker buck.

>> No.9621540

Yeah. You should be fine. If you're even considering buying one secondhand though best to just ask the seller. But for buying straight from brands if you're just a bit over, it should be okay.

>> No.9621551

The mental health situation in the UK sucks. I personally hate the lack of funding across the board, and the rise in stigma in a lot of areas against mental health conditions hasn't helped either.
The common finding of depression and anxiety being co orbit with ASD / Asperger's has a combination of causes imo. For girls with the conditions who are high functioning and very self aware of being 'different' to the perceived norm, and struggling to learn how to blend in and mask being not like her peers in terms of some areas of interest, struggling to build relationships with others etc, and hiding when struggling with reading people, or sensory issues, are all challenging. Also, because of the difference in how say the Aspie brain is wired, it can be very hard to switch off and relax, as the resting brain activity level is higher. Using an analogy to a computer, when you get meltdown episodes, it's akin to when a computer has too many processes going on. Things like emotions are also much more strongly felt, so when you get upset, it's bad, and due to the brain's wiring, it can get easily stuck in a rut. This is all stuff ive picked up and noticed along the way, chatting to my friends with Asperger's. I can see why some believe Asperger's has a strong genetic link to bipolar disorder, something mentioned to me by someone I know in medical physics who's an aspie herself.
One of the things I'm wondering about a possible draw of lolita fashion for some female Aspies is that it can be, either consciously or unconsciously, seen as a sort of 'armour' against physical contact with people to an extent, with all the layers of fabric and the wide petticoats helping to push people further away from the personal space boundaries, and so shielding them from touch related sensory issues. Sensory hypersensitivity and processing issues to me seem behind a lot of the social issues, as well as the dietry issues.

>> No.9621555
File: 21 KB, 539x960, WAKE ME UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in Florida
>tfw selling things and some auctions are slated to end today/tomorrow
>tfw worried about getting everything invoiced and out before this weekend.

>> No.9621556

I would like to be able to give more the benefit of a doubt, but sadly I've seen a lot of self diagnoses be misused as a tool. That said, I have genuinely seen a lot more cases of diagnoses in recent years, especially of girls and women, as it gets recognised more. Some of my best friends have Asperger's, with a range of how it affects them. They're all very caring, genuine people who want to try and learn how to deal better with their difficulties, and loyal friends. I see it a lot at work, as I work in the hard sciences, where it's pretty commonly observed. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the older lecturers and professors have it also, but never got diagnosed due to their generation.

>> No.9621562

I have never met a lolita with autism and I've been active in my comm for years. Nearly want to report y'all for being off-topic but the posts mention lolita once I guess.

>> No.9621564

There's exactly one in my comm and she doesn't even come to meets anymore.
Most people on this site that use the tism meme don't actually know what they're talking about and their only insight to it is shit they read in a blog article.

>> No.9621566

I recently learned that I actually love Maxicimam but was always put off by their own photos. So okay, their main thing is designing clothes so it's forgivable they don't take the best photos for their webshop. But what is the excuse of Kerastyle? Why are their photos so shit

>> No.9621567
File: 39 KB, 683x1024, 0806b44965-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9621571

The post above yours is the continuation of my easier post, the one starting off with 'The mental health situation'.
I don't think that numbers are so high that you'll find at least one aspie or someone with an ASD condition, but it doesn't mean that just because you haven't met a lolita with it in your comm doesn't mean you might not run into someone with it in the future, or in passing at an event.

>> No.9621578

In my comm, the only people who use autism as a meme or insult are autists themselves. They say that makes it okay for them to use it but desu it's still hurtful to hear them say "what a fucking creepy autist" about a man who politely asked us for a picture with his daughter, for example. I'm one of the people who's quiet about my diagnosis but I'm seriously considering outing myself just to get them to take me a little bit more seriously when I ask them to tone that shit down.

>> No.9621582

>a lot more cases of diagnoses in recent years, especially of girls and women, as it gets recognised more
This is what makes me skeptical. Why does suddenly have this? It almost too easy to land yourself on the spectrum somewhere.

>> No.9621583

I've never heard anyone use the tism meme outside of 4chan.

>> No.9621592 [DELETED] 

A combination of factors. Firstly, it's now being recognised that for a mix of genetic and environmental reasons, it manifests differently in girls to boys, and due to the prevailing thought that it was something only boys got, or in a significantly higher ratio to girls, many girls weren't previously getting diagnosed but now are. So there's an artificial seeming that there's a rise of ASD cases. So, the DSM-V, which provides the diagnosis criteria, has broadened the Spectrum and now conditions that weren't previously included now fall under the Spectrum, including Asperger's, which has now been abolished as a diagnosis by itself. It occassionally still gets diagnosed, but as a subtype of ASD. So that furthers this perception of an increase in diagnoses. You then get the self diagnoses on top of that, some of these being genuine cases, some not, and it all adds up. As with any medical condition that you try to self diagnose, it's all too easy to jump to conclusions, so should be handled with a pinch of salt unless a professional medical practitioner or psychiatrist is consulted in a lot of cases. Åt that point, a degree of case by case discretion should be used. That said, even if there is a proper diagnosis in place, it shouldn't be used as a poor excuse for acting up, regardless of whatever subculture you might be in (or not).

>> No.9621602

Come visit my comm! It's full of teenage memelords. They also "Pepe-face" IRL, among other things.

>> No.9621604 [DELETED] 

>conditions that weren't previously included now fall under the Spectrum, including Asperger's, which has now been abolished as a diagnosis by itself.
I know science and medicine are ever changing, but for things like cancer, you can simply explain what it is. ASD has all these intricate parts that aren't fully discovered yet and it keeps changing in definition, and it's so hard to diagnose because of things like this. It's like they haven't even figured out what it really is and are slapping up red flags everywhere that people then take completely out of context and apply to themselves.

If we don't take someone who is self diagnosing depression seriously, or even just a grain of salt, like acknowledging they're sadder than most, why do we do it with something we can't even really pinpoint it seems?

I'm more skeptical that there are actually this many cases. It just seems like a form of public panic.

>> No.9621607

My comm isn't free of complete ass-hatery. We have an old mod that is now just an honorary member as she lives somewhere else but apparently she's a /pol/ fag? I've never had a chance to speak with her but I never would have expected it, and was shocked to hear it from a friend of hers.

There are some girls who like memes too but not like 4chan shit and there are even some that think cgl is "evil". Both of those groups are appalling in my opinion.

I feel your pain, though. I used to play MtG and there were some IRL pepe tier fags. So unfun being a girl into MtG.

>> No.9621632

What made you think I wanted to hear more?

>> No.9621634

Honestly, I want this to be a continuous conversation we have because I am so fucking sick of the autism meme.

>> No.9621642

Eww. If my comm was like that I would leave.

>> No.9621644 [DELETED] 

I'd take someone who was self-diagnosing depression seriously too, I think it's pretty easy to self-diagnose (and easy as fuck to misdiagnose or for the same sort of people that would wrongly self-diagnose to get a doctor's diagnosis just by exaggerating symptoms).

>> No.9621650

Stop being so autistic

>> No.9621670

The ones in my comm are very open about posting (I'm sorry, "memeing") on cgl. They remind me of those kids in middle school who'd spout /b/ memes and think they were so badass for doing it.
>pool's closed due to AIDS! ehehehehe
These girls are always talking about how salty they are, yet somehow also deny being the people who post others from our comm to the ita thread or talk shit here anonymously. Funny thing is, they're kind of ita themselves. It's a big part of why I no longer trust anon coord advice on here. The anon you're talking to could easily be a roleplaying crossboarder, a cosplayer or a memeing ita.

Fortunately it's not the entire comm, just a few annoying teenagers. They're very loud, though. I do whatever I can to avoid them at meets.

>> No.9621709
File: 307 KB, 715x392, FashionNightOut_Tokyo_2017_09_09_HalloweenTreats_Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we got some Halloween orange from AP.

>> No.9621710
File: 425 KB, 750x531, FashionNightOut_Tokyo_2017_09_09_QueenChocolateDressSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention this hideously over-designed dress.

>> No.9621717

I kind of like this colourway, but after seeing how bad Halloween Treats looked in person at DMC I'm put off buying it (also hoo boy those prices).

This, on the other hand, is hideously tacky.

>> No.9621730

I saw a picture of it from an event and it looked nice, I think it was blue or mint though

>> No.9621736

DMC? I don't think that was the OTT version.

>> No.9621749
File: 35 KB, 730x156, IMG_5901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure whether to ask here or BST, but should I call this seller out on outright charging PP fees? I realize it's a super cheap item so it feels almost petty to, but I bought it for $10 + $8 shipping and not any more, and I've never had anyone directly ask me to cover their PP fees, I figure usually they just charge a little extra. Should I say something, and if yes, how? This is on LM.

>> No.9621752

It is against LM's policy to charge the buyer PP fees.
> Paypal is the required method of payment on Lace Market. Any other method of payment (cash in mail, etc) is not encouraged or supported by Lace Market. Paypal personal payments are not permitted, and fees must be paid by the seller, not by the buyer as a surcharge. Violation of these rules could result in removal of listings or disabled accounts.

Now, most clever people would just build that into their prices, but you're entirely in the right if you bitch out that buyer.

>> No.9621760

You may be right about it, I've complained about it before. But LM doesn't care if they included it on the listing in the shipping fee category. If she did list it as $8, then you should be fine in calling her out, but good luck. Some sellers get mad about it. I have a list of sellers I won't buy from anymore due to issues like this.

>> No.9621780

I always call sellers out when they do this and link them to the page on LM's ToS where it says not including PayPal fees is banned, as well as mentioning it's against PayPal's own policies. It always scares them into backing down but some have still got resentful over me challenging it.

I always act polite about it and pretend like I think maybe they just didn't know, even if I'm 100% sure they know full well and are relying on buyers not saying anything. A lot of sellers give excuses to save face like "oh tee hee I usually list on a lot of different platforms so I always forget!"

>> No.9621784
File: 88 KB, 650x847, antique-paper-doll-black-lolita-short-long-sleeves-op-dress-dp-1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify the brand of this dress and perhaps vouch for its quality? I have fallen head over heels in love with it but I have never ordered from a taobao brand before.

>> No.9621789

My eyes are bleeding

>> No.9621793

BCN isn't even the hottest part of the giant oven that is this country

>> No.9621806

Does paypal pay them or something? Why the monopoly? So glad I don't use LM

>> No.9621808

It's written on the image, Dolls Party. Unfortunately this seems to be their first release (or at least, I couldn't find anything else) so you're going to have to decide if you want to take a chance on them or not.

>> No.9621813

What? Because it's against Paypal's TOS so LM can't support it. Why is that not obvious?

>> No.9621816

I just don't understand your attitude. On egl comm sales nearly everyone charged pp fees so I guess I got used to it. I would never pay for paypal myself and would rather turn the buyer away.

>> No.9621819

>on one hand, that color
>on the other, those cuts
I feel like I'm being punk'd

>> No.9621822

This looks like a 2010 milanope disaster story

>> No.9621826

>doesn't understand why an organized, PayPal based shopping platform won't support explicit violation of paypal's tos
nayrt, but what?

>> No.9621829

Just build it into your item pricing if you don't want to pay it. It is their TOS and if you don't like it, don't use it. I, for one, am glad we're reinforcing their policies finally.

>> No.9621830

Because it's literally against Paypal's TOS. They will shut down your account for charging the fees. You're the one who wants to sell your item, correct? You're using their service online, why would you expect not to pay for it? The only time it's reasonable not to pay Paypal fees is when it's a "Friends and family" transaction, and that should be for in person transactions only (or with your friends who you know won't screw you over).

>> No.9621831

Plenty of companies charge them, I've reported a hotel chain for it before and paypal gave no fucks.

>> No.9621833

>if you don't like it, don't use it
This is what I do, but when someone insists on using paypal I ask them to pay for the fees since I offer free payment options.

>> No.9621840
File: 13 KB, 236x314, fb823225038ae47d3d86a8d645b4dfb4--pink-umbrella-perfect-pink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for fixing a parasol handle?

I have a white AP parasol with a handle covered in white and pink dot fabric, which gets dirty if you look at it plus I've had it for awhile.
I'd really like to replace it.. somehow? I don't know how I could get the handle off. Is there some way I could cover it with something that would look cute, and not get so dirty?

>> No.9621846

It hasn't been acceptable to charge buyers for the pp fees for many years now, at least, in the Lolita sales comms.
This started long ago when people were selling on LJ, so the seller has no excuse of not knowing either.
You should definitely tell them that it breaks both the LM and PP's ToS and that you refuse to pay it.
Even if it's only a fokking dollar.
It's fine to factor them into your listing price but it's not alright to add them afterwards when you send your buyer the total.
What a mess.

>> No.9621848

All you need to do is build it into your pricing.

It makes price comparison much fairer too, if others are selling similar items with PP fees included and you try to tack them on after that means that your price in search results looks much cheaper than it is. Basically false advertising.

>> No.9621849

>I would never pay for paypal myself and would rather turn the buyer away.
Enjoy getting banned on LM, mods can block your account if you openly refuse (which is why so many shady sellers that do it claim they "forgot").

>> No.9621850

>It's a big part of why I no longer trust anon coord advice on here. The anon you're talking to could easily be a roleplaying crossboarder, a cosplayer or a memeing ita.
I say this all the time and I'm always met with, "Oh you just can't tell when people are trolling". but like, the only time someone isn't trolling is when we have discussions like this.

Also, I used to go to /b/ but I grew out of it and now this is like the only board I frequent and it's not even frequent. Just when I'm like waiting to go somewhere on my 10 minute break at work.

>> No.9621851

I think you bought from the same seller I did as well. I ended up paying the fees bc I didn't read their TOS before I hit BIN on two of their sells and I just wanted them to shut up.

>> No.9621855

What do you dislike about it in person?

>> No.9621860

It looks really cheap. Like, shockingly cheap, it literally looks like Taobao. I felt the fabrics and compared them to the other AP on the rack and it was really shit quality. Maybe it was just supposed to be sheer but I really didn't like the look and feel of the material.

It doesn't look as bad from a distance (print doesn't look as crisp as I'd like due to sheer material but that's a design choice), but up close I really didn't like the fabric.

>> No.9621862

What is your problem? It's my clothes, I can sell it where and how I want. Stop sucking paypal dick.

>> No.9621864

None of those are what I call high demand brands either. There's a good chance they're not going to make their money back on all that.

>> No.9621868

Holy crap these are fug.
These look like cheap bedsheet fabric handmade projects made by some ita from amino.

>> No.9621875

My "problem" is that you're lying about the cost of the item. When you list your dress on LM for $350 and another seller lists it for $360, and then you invoice me asking for $350 + $10.45 in fees it would have been cheaper to just buy from the other seller. Sellers who don't declare this in their TOS are just being scummy.

I actually really like that LM bans it outright, it makes price comparison and working out market value so much easier than on Facebook.

>> No.9621879

Can you please read before you reply? I don't offer paypal as a payment option unless someone asks and I don't use LM.

>> No.9621883

It's your own fault for jumping into a discussion about Lacemarket when you don't even use it, without clearly stating you don't use it.

>> No.9621890

Not the person you replied to but, I agree on you on this.
You don't like PayPal, you don't use PayPal, you also don't use LM which requires PayPal, so all is fine.

But the seller in question is using PP & LM and they are breaking the rules which isn't fine.
If they don't want to pay the fee themselves, they shouldn't use LM and shouldn't accept PayPal as a form of payment.
If you sell via Facebook (or whatever) to someone in your own country it's fine to ask for banktransfers if the groups ToS states it's fine.
If I can, I'd rather avoid PayPal too cause their seller protection is jack shit and buyers can easily scam you even when you ship with tracking, signed for, etc.
And the fees are really high too.

>> No.9621892

Okay but I wasn't commenting on the seller at all. I said in my comment I'm glad I don't use LM so I'm not sure why that was confusing.

>> No.9621899

I saw your comment earlier about not using LM, but maybe anon didn't?
Or maybe anon thought someone else made that comment?
That's the problem (and blessing) with anonymous posting, we don't know who is posting.

>> No.9621901

People responding to you have been trying to answer your initial, genuine sounding question about why Lace Market had that policy. Someone answered, and then you went on a tangent about how much you hate Paypal. Essentially every comment you've made since then has been off-topic. Just give it a rest.

>> No.9621904

What do you use? Venmo or something?

>> No.9621906

I asked why paypal is the required payment method on LM and why Kerastyle has such bad photos.

>> No.9621910

Stay safe anon

Related to this, I think it would be nice if there was some kind of community GoFundMe for lolitas that lost/lose clothing in Harvey/Irma

>> No.9621919

I don't know but whew do I also love MAM/Maxicimam
They consistently make pieces in that traditional, almost old school, style and they stay true to their colourways (every pink from them matches etc.). Freaking love their sturdy lace too

>> No.9621923
File: 128 KB, 609x1080, c908b63af8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been here in awhile- what's everyone's thoughts about this dress?

>> No.9621926

I think it's not lolita.

>> No.9621927

I think you're right, checking their TOS saying their prices don't include PP fees, but... that's still against LM's and PP policies, that's ridiculous. If they aren't included in your price, you... aren't allowed to charge them, I feel. Putting that in your TOS doesn't mean it's alright, or am I wrong?

>> No.9621933

I am looking for some scalloped/nice collared cardigans in western sizes (US Size 6) for casual lolita.
Any leads? Mod Cloth never seems to have any.

>> No.9621938

Check rockabilly brands like voodoo vixen or collectif. their dresses are usually trash, but their cardi's are fine quality and have a cute aesthetic

>> No.9621943

this is tacky as hell plus it isn't really lolita

>> No.9621950

It still violates the ToS of PayPal & LaceMarket, so (I think) the seller is still in the wrong and is breaking the rules.

>> No.9621957
File: 13 KB, 460x460, Sheglit_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long limb problems
Yeah, shoulders, bust and waist are a great fit, just the arms let it down. Don't want to sell it on just because of the wrist gap

>> No.9621959

You can't just put in your TOS that Paypal's TOS don't apply. It doesn't work that way. You're in the right, anon.

>> No.9621961

nayrt, but it's the same damn jsk cut ap has been force feeding us for the last two years, but with some pizza on it

>> No.9621962

How big is the wrist gap?
Could it be solve by using (lace?) wrist cuffs or would they look out of place?
It's a stunning piece, no wonder you don't want to let go of it.

>> No.9621963

I have seen some girls use wrist cuffs to bridge the gap. Depends how close you are to fitting, though.
If it is that OP and you can find some simple black ones you might be okay.
I feel you, girl, long arms in Lolita is a killer.

>> No.9621964

That's gorgeous, Anon. Shame about the sleeves issue. I'll have to remember that for Sheglit.

>> No.9621966

If you like the 3/4 length look, you can maybe get it tailored to look more deliberate. it's easy to take out if you ever want to resell

>> No.9621970

It's cute for a quirky otome coord, ignore the salty anons

>> No.9621981

I'm asperger (diagnosed), i met at least one other lolita who was also aspie. There was another one but she was "self diagnosed" which i don't really take seriously especially since she was always talking about her autism everywhere,getting offended at "autistic screeching" jokes on facebook,...

>> No.9621991

I like it but I can't imagine any way to wear it.

I'm 99% sure if I wore it around people would think I was handing out three samples.

>> No.9621992

You could maybe get a seamstress to remove the cuffs and replace them with longer ones.

>> No.9621993
File: 96 KB, 640x897, Tdzxlzz_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Tenshi gotten back to anyone yet about Carnival? I havent heard shit from her or seen any updates even though shes posted updates about other releases

>> No.9622024

I want this so bad. How hard will it be to get

>> No.9622028

>>9621709 >>9622024
I want it too! I want orange and grey to trend for a while, like green did for a hot minute. We need more color combinations in Lolita!

Otome no Pizza

>> No.9622051

It depends if they put it up on the online shop or not. If not, it'll be pretty difficult.

>> No.9622074

Her site says she's on vacation right now and will mail things out as soon as she's back.

>> No.9622094

Maybe try soaking it in Oxyclean? I have tried this for similar fabric coverings and had it work well.

>> No.9622104

The problem with that is that the hardware underneath might have metal in it and it might rust and ruin the handle even more.

>> No.9622120

I want this dress so bad but my shoulders are slightly too big. They wouldn't happen to do custom sizing would they?

>> No.9622157

dude i never fucking self diagnosed. my doctors have tried to get me to see a specialist but im not interested in a diagnosis, why the fuck would i want to be an autist? i didnt ask to be the way i am and i didnt look up any symptoms. youre actually retarded

>> No.9622215


nayrt either, and actually I think the dress has loliable potential.

But once you compared it to AP, well, AP is THE brand that always embellishes everything, even on their $100+ special sets they will throw in lace and bows, and honestly I can't recall a release that didn't have some ruffles or lace at the hem as the barest minimum. Next to AP, this dress looks so plain it does look more like a normie sundress than a lolita dress.

>> No.9622222
File: 673 KB, 1512x2016, rsz_20170905_235006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to know what year this Noble Queen JSK is from? I know VM releases this cut sort-of annually but I only remember the gobelin and blue flocky versions. The skirt pictured is embroidered fabric.

>> No.9622260
File: 2.25 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_6017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think that the theme of this Royal Princess Alice release is a bit toooo similar to Innocent World's? iirc they also have a few other releases that look similar to what other brands have released?

>> No.9622263
File: 152 KB, 500x584, 1b90a205-9ed1-5580-9578-39355012dda7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a combination of that and this Meta dress

>> No.9622267

Some elegant gloves might work

>> No.9622268

That's because this no-pp-fee rule only applies to private sellers.
They treat businesses differently.

>> No.9622274

>normies who don’t understand you’re wearing a $300 dress
nyart, but isn't everyone at prom wearing $300 dresses? people in my school were dropping $500 on some of their outfits

>> No.9622278

Those people aren't even trolling. They really think that after lurking for five minutes or putting on a dress one time they've figured out how the fashion works and can give good advice. The Dunning-Kruger effect in full force.

>> No.9622279

I think it's a cute, quirky novelty dress, but my lolita.

>> No.9622281

The designers of RPA don't have any shame I guess.

>> No.9622286

Not sure where to ask, but if you organise an "off the books" sale for a LM listing should you still ask the person to press "buy"? I would think its necessary to let anyone who's wishlisted the item know it hasn't just disappeared, but this is my first time selling through LM.

>> No.9622289

Yes. Update the title to RESERVED FOR ___ you can leave feedback.

>> No.9622292

I have dreams that I find BTSSB like this, I'm so glad it can happen

>> No.9622319


I have to wonder at this, though. because the releases are very close together. I can get behind RPA copying every other dress they've released because RPA is usually a couple of months behind, which gives them enough time to draw up the copy cat designs, get a prototype out and then schedule a photoshoot.

This is so close together, it feels more like all the burando designers went to a tea party, someone said "we should totally do a higanbana theme sometime" and two of them went home and seperately made higanbana dresses.

>> No.9622333


Mine topped out around $150-$200ish. You could get up to $500 if you included that some of them had nice designer accessories they borrowed from their mom or sister.

Admittedly my prom was more than a decade ago, though.

>> No.9622335

Its just flowers in a nightscape. Chill.

>> No.9622355

When will it be released? I don't see it on their website.

Yeah, it would be weird if they know what IW is designing. But I heard RPA is owned by a shop owner so I guess they see their sample collection, if they have a quicker process maybe it's possible?

>> No.9622358

..why only three?

>> No.9622427
File: 119 KB, 623x849, _20170904_133814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend hair dye that's available in the EU?

>> No.9622429

Probably meant free

>> No.9622434

Get a sense of humor.

>> No.9622435

the bodice/straps are too basic and the skirt doesn't look full enough, plus the print is just "quirky" normie shit

>> No.9622437

It wasn't funny sorry

>> No.9622439

I think I've seen it posted by them as neo lolita? Either way it looks see-through.

>> No.9622471

What do you guys think of the new BTSSB print coming?

>> No.9622474 [DELETED] 

Someone recently mentioned to me that Metamorphose no longer has any brick and mortar stores in Japan. Is this true?

>> No.9622475

RPA is by the manager of Kera shop, which sells right away. So she'd have known about the IW release. I'm surprised she gotten away with the rip-off for so long already

>> No.9622477

I am a seller on LM and the truth is that since LM moved to circly, they send a lot of my notifications to spam. I've had buyers purchase a listing and me never getting a notification for it. However, once the invoice is sent and the buyer pays, I get a few notifications from paypal about the payment, so I always know when the transaction is paid and I can ship. It is a bit more difficult to miss both messages from LM and Paypal notifications, so I dunno about that.

>> No.9622501

RPA seem to just copy brands, they've had some stuff that just looks like mashups of about two or three AP prints.

>> No.9622503

How 2 get free stuff from devilinspired? Realistically there's no chance I would/could, but I'm really curious to know how they choose Lolitas to give free shit to (and why they'd accept it knowing they're iffy).

>> No.9622514

Maybe I'm imagining this, but why are so many Lolitas vegan? Is it still trendy?

>> No.9622515

I think you are imagining this.
I know that vegan lolitas are just as loud about it as normal vegan people.
There are two vegan girls in my comm and I've already blocked their posts.

>> No.9622526
File: 727 KB, 546x602, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any advice to become better at posing in photos made by strangers?

I have noticed that when I take photos of myself (mirror or with a tripode), or when a friend who knows Jfashion or someone who cares about me takes photos, I look great, but...
In cons, where self-proclaimed photographers go, photography students and so on, people who don't know the fashion, don't know me or really care about me, the photos look terrible.

On a side note, a friend of mine who is a model always looks great. Even in pictures of said shitty photographers. She told me to think of yourself as a queen or some fantastic thing to get in the mood, but that just does not work for me.

>> No.9622553

directions, stargazer, manic panic?

>> No.9622555

Pfttt my prom dresses were $60 and $80. I hit that clearance rack lol

>> No.9622557

RPA has always been a shitty walmart version of other brands, no surprises here.

>> No.9622561

I always try to tell self-proclaimed photographers not to crouch to take photos but they never listen. Lolitas rarely/never do that, either because they know low-angle photos are unflattering for most people, or because they don't want their skirt hem to drag on the ground.

I think a lot of normies have seen photographers crouching and assume that's just the done thing for professional photos, even though it looks bad when you're trying to give off a girly image because it emphasises the chin and minimises the eyes, as well as potentially giving upskirts, and the only benefits (making you look taller) aren't really things most lolitas care about. If you can get them not to fucking do that it helps a lot.

That or the normie photographers are guys 3" taller than you, and they stand too close and foreshorten you until you look like you have no legs and are looking up at the camera like a little kid. Also looks bad.

These are the two main mistakes and your posing cannot fix them easily.

>> No.9622602

How much longer does it take to get MTOs from baby NY than jp? I ordered Elizabeth Bride of Death from baby NY and am dying of excitement can't remember when it's supposed to be sent out

>> No.9622609

I think you nailed it

It is the photos where the guy/girl approached too much and crouched the ones with the worse face. The only passable photos are where the camera and the face were in the same level

from now on I will never trust when somebody claims to be a photo student

>> No.9622613
File: 84 KB, 750x499, IMG_5034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9622617

November. I'm waiting impatiently too!

>> No.9622619

Ding dong the bitch is gone

>> No.9622621

I hope this ends to 'boycott'. While I understand that people were mad at Lynda, I felt like given AP position in the US right now it was a poor choice to then extend the outrage to the company.
I stop by there every so often and I am deeply concerned about the foot traffic. I try to be as good of a customer / patron as I can, but when this erupted the calls for "action" against AP really bothered me. Japanese business work very differently then US businesses, even if a branch of a store is overseas and to me expecting a Japanese company to react in the way we'd normally expect an American company to react seemed risky.

I'm not saying we should coddle foreign companies because they handle situations differently, but I bet half the people calling for action would have flipped out if AP decided to pull out.

>> No.9622622

Not if you got that shit in chinatown for $40.

>> No.9622623
File: 70 KB, 426x639, emilytemplecute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob question but, do you have to double the measurements on ClosetChild or is this dress ridiculously small?

>> No.9622625

except they overprice their crap

>> No.9622640

Sometimes they sell children sized stuff from a sister brand of Emily Temple Cute, might be that.
A link would be useful.

>> No.9622647


Baby this is what I came for.

>> No.9622648

iirc closetchild takes flat measurements. I'm pretty sure they have an english language measurement guide though, so you can check that. But yeah, doubling the measurements should be about right.

>> No.9622651
File: 758 KB, 1400x698, asos-generic-hp-desktop-01-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from now on I will never trust when somebody claims to be a photo student
I mean, they could be but just have no idea how lolitas want to look. A lot of fashion photography does use low angles - ASOS do it all the time in their campaigns, for example (pic related is actually a pretty ugly example, but usually theirs don't look this bad). But it gives the impression you're looking up at someone, which is very odd for lolita.

When I take my own photos I am always careful to get the camera nearly eye-level and far enough back, since otherwise you miss details of the coord (hiding the tops of socks if it's too high, making skirt look short and slutty if it's too low), but normies might not even realise those details exist or are important. I guess since I'm short I look more like a high-angle photo to the average person unless they're far away, but I try not to think about that...

I guess the only thing you can do is step back, and try to tilt your face so you either find your light or you're looking down slightly. Your friend that looks good in all photos may have a rare face that looks good from below.

>> No.9622653

That would make alot of sense, I had no idea they had a children's brand. That's adorable.

Thank you!

>> No.9622668
File: 52 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1504652198253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a list of Atelier Pierrot releases? Lolibrary doesn't have the dress I am looking for, and the AP website shows me a lot of staff coordinates which are beautiful but not very helpful.

>> No.9622679

East coaster here who wants to buy more from APUSA but $20+ for domestic shipping is not worth it. For $10 more I can get it from the main store.

>> No.9622681

I would not be surprised if AP USA pulls out of the US all together, anon.

>> No.9622685

They changed the shipping prices to be more reasonable. But I've noticed it might be because SF will beat up your package and they don't want it to be damaged. My boxes come with holes in it (luckily everything has been fine), but everything else I order from other parts of California is fine.

>> No.9622692

>>9622679 >>9622685
Yeah, the shipping price is a lot. I feel the feels; that's why I walk into the physical building. Really I don't live close by, it's definately a trek, but the journey is technically still much cheaper then the old shipping fee.

The location isn't very... Savy? They're near Chanel, Hermes and the other designer stores on the street. Very, very close by there is a huge in-door mall with a Bloomingdale's and Nordstroms. Really I think they'd get more new customers if they were in the mall and it would create more of a "hangout" vibe because that same mall has a HUGE internal food court that takes up the whole basement floor and then a bunch of sit-down white table cloth restaurants on the top floor; so you could go to AP before or after catching a meal or tea.

>> No.9622693

Does anyone who's friends with Lynda on Facebook know if she's tardraging over this or anything?

>> No.9622695

I don't think the shipping is so much anymore though. At least last time I ordered just socks, it was very reasonable, not the $20+ it was before.

>> No.9622703

Repling to myself to add; When I say "savy" what I mean is that AP definately produces unique clothing that could stand along side these designer shops, but I think their core audience is more likely going to be found in the mall. Young women between the ages of 15 and 30 are not going to Hermes; they're buying one really nice thing at Nordstroms and then piecemeal the rest of their outfit through H&M and other fast fashion shops AT THE MALL. They could even fight for a space next to Valentino's ready-to-wear shop, or one of the bakery shops (there's more then one dessert shop in there) or a tea shop to stay more "themed", but I just think they'd get more traffic, more new customers, more people buying accessories, trying them out out and then buying something big later on.

I remember the shipping use to be high, but you and others are saying it's lower, which is something they should REALLY be advertising like; "Shipping fees slashed!" or "New affordable shipping!"

>> No.9622709
File: 133 KB, 814x769, shipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't reasonable considering flat rate boxes are 13 and change.

>> No.9622722

Strange, maybe they increased it again. Keep in mind you need insurance for your $250 dress which is $5 minimum.

>> No.9622733

It seems like they are using a large flat rate box, instead of medium. And your dress is apparently 3lbs which seems excessive imo.

>> No.9622738

Yeah DDB is chiffon-like if I'm remembering correctly, so realistically it should be little over 1lb. And APusa doesn't pad its boxes so I don't understand where the rest of that weight is coming from.

>> No.9622739
File: 423 KB, 1642x1095, Skizze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry me a fucking river

>> No.9622741

Priority flat rate boxes include up to $350 in insurance, so not all products are going to be covered by that but most of them will.

>> No.9622742

It's in a really weird location. Visited last year, was my first time in SF so didn't really know what to expect. I walked down Market street in a full lolita coordinate- I've never smelled so much urine and seen so many people shooting heroin out in the open in my life. Also witnessed several muggings.

>> No.9622744

>$252.42 shipping
wtf GXG is crazy

>> No.9622756

Agreed. I'm guessing they just put everything at a specific weight because with flat-rate boxes, it doesn't make a difference. But they shouldn't be shipping flat-rate anyway, they are a business. Just get a massive amount of boxes/envelopes and ship it all priority based on an accurate weight.

Where are you reading that? It's only $50 and up to $100 for express.

I don't know what you expect. Besides you have AP Paris to buy from to get cheap Euro prices. Why would you buy from the US branch?

>> No.9622758

So if Kimura U has KawaiiHolic, then is she only a model for RPA? She always posts RPA on her instagram and advertises the hell out of it. Or does she own both brands?

>> No.9622759

Yeah. That's the thing; I love the atmosphere when I'm inside the store, but there's no reason for me to be in the area other then to be inside of AP. With the mall idea, people might linger, or window shop, have a snack and then decide to come back to buy something. With where it is now, I don't feel like coming back to the shop if I already visited that day. Even if I think I want to go back and buy something I was on the fence about, I really have a hard time not putting it off until next time.

>> No.9622762

Same with their Paris location, they are very close to the Louvre shopping centre. I find it hard to believe it's profitable.

>> No.9622766

International is no excuse for ridiculous shipping fees. I just bought a pair of socks and tracked shipping was $14. Even the most expensive US shipping I paid was §35 for a whole set.
And AP Paris scalps a lot and despite this they sell out real quick.

>> No.9622770

Nayrt but I would expect shipping to be around 50 usd from experience. And for me to send a 1kg parcel to san fran would be less than 40 euro tracked with one of the more expensive postal services...

>> No.9622772

She only models for RPA

>> No.9622773
File: 145 KB, 750x499, IMG_1589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's not good enough of an apology. Like what more do you fucking want they got rid of her.

>> No.9622774

I agree, but they are using flat-rate mailers for domestic, I don't know why you think they wouldn't for international. The point is they don't need to be using flat-rate because everything is far underweight (except maybe shoes). They need to buy shipping supplies like any other business doing online sales.

$48 is pretty expected for international priority, I agree. I wish it was as cheap as sending to the US from anywhere else, but for some reason USPS charges a lot more to go out of the US than in.

>> No.9622775

Speak SJW language. Tell them they're racist for expecting a Japanese, poc company to react the same way as an American company.

>> No.9622777

Wow, what is different cultures. AP (Japanese culture) thinks it's enough shame for them to be forced to leave. But why do I think that person wouldn't buy straight from AP anyway.

>> No.9622779

Just why is it so expensive.. If I ship a heavy 2kg package to anywhere in the world, it will be $20 usd max. Why can't this big ol' murica not figure out how to ship shit for cheap.

>> No.9622782

This person comes across as a major sjw who doesn't understand how the world works.

>> No.9622783

The funny thing is USPS is the cheapest. DHL and UPS cost even more ridiculous prices for international. I'm guessing there's a lot of paperwork involved or export fees that we don't know about.

>> No.9622795

They probably aren't lowering the prices because their competitors also don't..if they can lower prices, the other companies can too and it'd just mean less income for all of them.

>> No.9622798

This will be the same person who in a few years will be like; "I wish it wasn't so hard to get brando. There use to be stores in the USA."
I swear, without going on a rant, this is the biggest issue in Lolita; a lot of the most "needy" members of the community also contribute the least to it financially. I know so many people who buy directly from brand stores outside of Japan who never throw a public fit. They might boycott, but never witchhunt. This person probably contributes very little, and I mean that in any sense of the word; posting their coords, drawing art, offering advise, running their own etsy or buying from a label. And yet their voice will come off as the loudest.

>>9622775 >>9622777 >>9622782
Exactly. Japanese companies form different types of relationships with their customer base then American companies. There is a certain perspect they have that there is a "line" somewhere and if it's crossed they will take their ball and go home. Japanese companies have a different definition of "reasonable request" and you need to understand how they work in order to effectively navigate towards getting what you want. Can the international community directly infulence the company? Yes. But it needs to be presented in the way they are receptive to. This outrage stuff isn't acceptable behavior to them, they will never react the way people would want them to. Idiots need to understand that.

>> No.9622802

USPS actually only operates because of government funding, they ship at a loss. Either they make up for some of the loss in international shipments, or that's what it actually costs them. They can't lower the prices any more because they would then need more govt funding.

>> No.9622805

Wow, I guess my brain turned to $ into a 3. That's so weird. You're totally right.

>> No.9622842

Then why does it cost 4 times more than in the rest of the world?

>> No.9622847

Probably because our govt is slow to update anything. Old technology is expensive to use because it wastes so much time for the user (which we pay an hourly rate).

>> No.9622906

I'm a liberal vote with your dollars kind of person, but do these people not know that they don't want to know the true opinions about race the brand owners, designers, and models have? Leave that can of worms alone.

>> No.9622914

New thread >>9622792

>> No.9622941

Is this a meme? I have one of their dresses and its fine? I never understand these posts.

>> No.9622985

Do they charge a flat rate to wherever within the US? The US is a huge country, the cost might have to subsidise shipping to super rural area.

The UK is way smaller and had the same issue when they privatized Royal Mail and opened up the shipping service to competition. Royal Mail were forced by their contract to offer a flat rate to anywhere in the UK including rural areas; private couriers got to pick and choose the most profitable areas and charge extra outside of them. Might be something similar.

>> No.9623018

i feel like an odd one out because i take my photos from the angle like the pic you provided and feel i dont look terrible? i always look really bad in photos other lolitas take

>> No.9623042

I've noticed a lot of small businesses just don't put any thought into their shipping. it's dumb because there are so many shipping tools and it doesn't have to be expensive but they really don't put any thought into it, even if it's driving away customers. and yes AP counts as small, there are way larger companies with equally shitty approaches to shipping.

>> No.9623137
File: 31 KB, 400x515, C7NW_WGUwAAqPEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this, I'd like to buy from Baby NYC but they want 12 bucks just to ship a pair of socks a couple states away. If you can't implement a shipping calculator like most sites, I wouldn't mind ordering through email.
>Tfw got the same pair of socks brand new shipped cheaper through CC half a world away

>> No.9623836

Where do you live that 18 year olds don't work? Everyone I was friends with have had jobs since they were 16 years old.