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9613137 No.9613137 [Reply] [Original]

Getting everyone in the loop:

>Tea Party Club disbanded (sort of)
>risa nakamura rudely dragged from sightseeing holiday to model for AP
>ita beats girl in Cat's Tea Party at rock paper scissors

>> No.9613187

>how was the fashion show?
>what's up with Risa?
>who was the special guest?
>how was the raffle?
>who won best-dressed?

>> No.9613188

>ita beats girl in CTP
was that the same one in CoF with the constipated expression

>> No.9613201

So anyone wearing something refreshing this year? Any new trends/styles that caught the eye?

>> No.9613207

IT was nice to see more sweet and less OTT classic. There were a lot more simple and elegant coords this year.

Overall I only saw maybe two or three badly dressed people on Saturday, and the tea party I don't think I saw anything hideous.

>> No.9613216

No there was a girl wearing the grey colourway

Someone did a pasta and tomato coordinate that I thought was cute.
It's hard to do ott in London because you have to travel by public transport.

>> No.9613222

what about that girl at the tea party who wasn't event wearing lolita or jfash

>> No.9613228

I hope I can attend this one year. I feel like the quality of America's events like this is so much lower.
Maybe Rufflecon will be worth it, idk.

>> No.9613234

Saturday Good

- Triple Fortune!
- Lots of shopping
- Imai Kira a delight. Gave so many signatures.
- Fidel David fashion show was amazing. He upstaged AP.
- Cool photo booth and set up and props for photos.

Saturday bad:

- Risa Nakamura literally visible only during the fashion show and was a total sour puss. What was the point of her as a guest?
- Who was the mystery special guest???
- Day dragged in the second half - too many stage events.
- Raffle ticket confusion, a bit shambolic at start.
- The gift from AP was just a little mirror and was made by TPC. Long Ears Sharp Ears gave more gifts than the main guests. Wtf AP?
- only one AP item in the raffle. Wtf AP?

Sunday Good:

- Triple Fortune!!!! They came round every table, talked to everyone and made a real effort.
- Triple Fortune translator. Stunning and really nice.
- Imai Kira was friendly and sweet.
- Food and service better than last year.
- No photographs fan was fun and cute.

Sunday bad:

- Very over-crowded. Everyone felt rammed in. Impossible to move around and talk to other groups.
- AP may as well as have not been there.
- Where the fuck was Risa?
- Where the fuck were the photographers? (last year there was space, props and multiple photographers.) People went more all out on sunday with their outfits but couldn't get round tables and didn't get professional outfit shots.
- Top raffle prizes were awkward dinner with Kyra, Mica and no personality, vacant AP (Triple Fortune dinner would have been much better dinner guests).
- AP incredibly stingy with raffle prizes. Long Ears Sharp Ears gave a whole set in comparison.
- Still no sign of a proper free gift from AP. Badges, fan & tattoos were commisioned/ made by TPC not AP.

Overall came away with a bad impression of AP. Triple Fortune, Fidel David, Imai Kira, and Long Ears Sharp Ears were the mvp's.

>> No.9613238

100% agree with this run-down, Triple Fortune were great guests and I hope they enjoyed themselves

>> No.9613255

Fairy lights seemed popular at the tea party. I was also happy to see more sweet this time.

>> No.9613257

Imai Kira was so cute, even if she couldn't speak any English.

>> No.9613262

I also wondered who the secret special guest was but wasn't it actually Risa?? Like we guessed it would be her here on cgl but they didn't announced her beforehand so I think it was her

I also want to add:
- AP didn't brought a lot of stock of their "interesting" stuff
- AP fashion show was underwhelming (both of them)
- AP designers not really around for taking pictures
- too much waiting time for checking the tickets (on both days!)
- why did Kuniko Kato didn't had a booth (her short presentation was kinda sad)

- loved the photo corner, birthday cake and bar on saturday, and food on sunday (delicious and more than enough of it)

>> No.9613264

I totally agree with this.
Triple Fortune were amazing, I am so happy they were there

>> No.9613266

Risa was announced beforehand.

>> No.9613272

Ooops you're right!

>> No.9613274

Where & when did they announce they'd have a special guest anyways?

>> No.9613277

I regret not buying from Fidel David. Does he sell online?

>> No.9613305

Possibly one of the photographers? Not all of them were given a sash to wear.

>> No.9613310

All of the photographers, apart from one girl dropped out on Sunday. The remaining photographer was only suppose to volunteer for Saturday, however was kind enough to spend two hours volunteering on Sunday. She wasn't able to dedicate any more of her time, as she had previous commitments. I thought it was a shame they gave her a round of applause after she left. She was really nice.

>> No.9613327

She was definitely a guest, she won a jsk in the raffle but was wearing a lacy normie top and skirt

>> No.9613337

I didn't see her, as I had a terrible seat at the tea party. It doesn't sound like the translator? The translator for AP had short brown hair. I didn't see what she was wearing on Sunday though?

>> No.9613361

I saw her. If you're going to be Normie why not wear an AP cutsew and mini skirt? They exist for that reason.
There was that one girl who did the show girl outfit on Saturday, but that was fine.

>> No.9613377

Kuniko Kato aka the old Meta designer now Physical Drops? Maybe you mean Kunika (the sweet artist)

>> No.9613380

You can comission him. He makes one-of-a-kind pieces inspired by your personality and what you ask from him (asks for a mood board etc.). I recommend his craftsmanship 100% but his communication is not that good sometimes cause his job is very demanding.

>> No.9613412

I expected to see a lot more famous AP dresses. Not one sugary carnival! Anything you were shocked to see/not see?

>> No.9613426

Anyone go to the other tea party on Sunday?

>> No.9613429

So few Holy Lanterns! I think I saw two on Saturday and one on Sunday

>> No.9613441

Did that Lee guy wear the same coord for both days again? Was anyone unlucky enough to have him sit at their table on Sunday?

>> No.9613453

He did! I'm not sure who he was sat with on Sunday though. Who wants to bet that now there's no more TPC anniversary events he's going to step up and "ask the hard questions"

>> No.9613458

I was going to wear Sugary Carnival but decided not to because I thought there would be loads there and I didn't finish my outfit idea in time!

>> No.9613484

He must have smelt something awful! If he did organise an event it would be a total disaster.

>> No.9613488

Thanks. Sounds like you'd end up with something completely random though

>> No.9613497

Saturday Good
>Stunning venue and photo props, very active photographers
>Lots of booze and decent amount of cake
>Guest were all friendly (except for Risa) and Imai Kira tirelessly gave autographs even to girls who only bought one postcard
>Props to Mica for stalling for time when stuff was going wrong, things like the raffle confusion could have been even worse without that
>Long running time made it feel like a real event. People complaining about that are daft, nothing was stopping anyone from leaving or taking a break when they wanted to

Saturday bad
>Risa. What was even the point in flying her in just to sulk in the fashion show for 3 mins?
>AP and wunderwelt were meant to be a main attraction but there was barely anything worthwhile after the volunteers/Gold were done with the stalls. The biggest disappointment to me.
>10 years of AP was lazy, every dress was just plopped on without any styling. It would have been more fun to see wigs/accessories that matched the trends at that time.
>The chair arrangements at the fashion shows meant that the back section couldn't see a thing, if the models just walked down one block of chairs further then it would have been fine
>Why didn't they rehearse a plan for the group photo?

Sunday Good
>Beautiful venue and cute table goodies
>Plenty of food
>Unpopular opinion that although it was overcrowded, it was good that they fitted as many people as possible in there
>3f are sweet baby angels that we don't deserve

Sunday Bad
>That crowded killing floor nightmare at the beginning
>No real AP gifts, TPC' made nice attempts but it was clear Long Ears Sharp Ears cared more than AP
>What photographers? A shame when so many people went hard with their coords that day
>Another unplanned mess of a group photo
>Bye bye tpc

I'm sad it's all over famalams

>> No.9613515

Okay maybe I'm stupid, but where was Wunderwelt? Were they in with the Bring and Buy?

>> No.9613519

I'd love to organise something next year, not nearly on the same scale, but I'm terrified of it being full of itas. How do you promote events like this and keep sissies and itas out without keeping it in a private FB event?

>> No.9613520

Kuniko Kato wasn't there....

>> No.9613521

They were with the remote vending section in the bring and buy

>> No.9613528

I personally feel like remote vending was handled very badly. Many items weren't displayed properly and there was no clear advertising of the items. Just placed around in a boring way.

>> No.9613552

Welp. Reading all of this kind of supports my impression that AP is only in it for the money nowadays.

>> No.9613553

> It would have been more fun to see wigs/accessories that matched the trends at that time.

I didn't even think about this but it would have been a great idea

>> No.9613560

Two people didn't show without saying, there was no update until the middle of the night before so maybe they didn't think it was going ahead.

>> No.9613570

Anyone know the two top raffle prize winners? I don't recognize either of them

>> No.9613579

Damn sorry, I meant Kunika the cookie artist

>> No.9613580

>Sunday Good
There was also a proposal

>> No.9613586

Who is that Lee guy??

>> No.9613608

Best and worst dressed?

>> No.9613639

What were the prizes?

>> No.9613655

Anybody got any pics of the janken ita?? I wanna see how bad she truly was

>> No.9613657

Dinner with Mica, Kyra and the AP team but idk if that included Risa or not

>> No.9613659

Ticket prices. It won't keep out brand itas with more money than taste, but most itas are poor/cheap and sissies usually don't want to spend too much money on events when they can just creep on a picnic meet for free.
The event actually has to be worth it, though.

>> No.9613670

I was thinking of similar prices to the TPC events (maybe a little lower if it works out cheaper to run). Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.9613739

Please try to get 3f to come back, I don't even care if there's no other Japanese brands there, they deserve to be the main guests

>> No.9613747

nayrt but how much does it typically cost to get a guest over?

>> No.9613754

AP were actually very good at going around and having their photos taken, I wasn't expected to see them much at all. Risa could not crack a smile and totally changed my opinion of her.

AP shop was disappointing and like most I struggled to see what Wunderwelt even had. Apart from that, very solid event, lots of freebies.

>> No.9613755

Usually you cover their flight and accommodation.

>> No.9613760

Is an appearance fee on top of that typical? I guess that'd depend from person to person and now I've just answered my own question. Dangit.

>> No.9613774

As you said, usually it depends on the person and if they're willing to go without.

>> No.9613812

I don't think so, they sell so much at the event, the flights and accommodation is a good deal. Why not get in touch with the previous organisers? They might be happy to pass on advice if they can see you're serious. After all, they'd probably enjoy going to events, just not hosting them anymore.

>> No.9613817

>they'd probably enjoy going to events, just not hosting them anymore.
This probably sounds really silly but I'd love to host people who are used to being the organisers, to let them actually enjoy themselves and experience an event at the other side and relax through the day/weekend.

>> No.9613818

Ballpark figure for a Japanese guest is around £1200 upfront + misc costs before and after the event depending on if you are treating them to dinner, etc. You can occasionally drop this price a fair bit, too. Whatever the hell you do, don't get a loan for this. Guests who sell their own items will expect free reign to set up their own stalls and sell their shit, and probably wont ask for a fee.

If you can get volunteer translators you absolutely should be using them through this entire process for the love of crap, make sure they have a JLPT1 cert at the very least, too.

You can also strike lucky and get guests who are hype af for an event and come over of their own accord (to coincide with a holiday or whatever) but they're rare and usually not Japanese.

>> No.9613828

3f are precious babies who need to be protected at all costs

>> No.9613861

That girl who won at rock paper scissors was with two other loud annoying girls at the back. Some shit they did during the raffle:

>scream 'get naked' and other embarrassing shit at a complete stranger when he goes to collect his raffle prize
>scream 'they've gone home!' and other stupid shit after almost every fucking number is called
>scream as though they've one when numbers are called as a 'joke'
>scream in general. Ow my ears

>Each of them wINS something in the raffle and then when Kyra asks everyone with certain coloured tickets to come forward to get new ones (some kind of issue idk) they took their winning tickets up and got new ones.
>Then one of them won a second prize. >Bearing in mind most of us won nothing.

>> No.9613865

Our entire row got the girl on the end to go up for us since it was a pain to get out of the aisle, and people kept saying shit about her every time she went up. I assume you meant her?

>> No.9613869


Oh, I'm a moron. You meant screaming-chan 1 2 and 3 at the back.

>> No.9613877

I did yes. We figured out that girl in your row was just collecting for you guys dw :)

>> No.9613903

They were dreadful, I know there was a lot of alcohol at the event but you can be drunk without screaming. They slagged off the entire 10 years fashion show too.

>> No.9613906

Was it just me, or did it seem like the organisers were egging them on and cheering with them?

>> No.9613908

Wish they'd been kicked out honestly. It was really, really embarrassing.

>> No.9613913

But lolitas don't hav 2 b lovlies anon uwu

>> No.9613931

We had way too much wine as a group but we had our shit together enough to not be whooping and screaming. Save it for the afterparty, buckos.

Speaking of, the afterparty venue was a bit cramped, but the drinks were pretty great and the atmosphere was banging.

>> No.9613960

Had an absolutely great time at the afterparty but the service was shocking. Most of us had to wait at least 15 mins at the bar to be served. The vibe was great though despite the crappy service.

>> No.9613968

Speaking as a part-time volunteer here, some of the highlights and slight gripes of the day.

-AP manager Candy was a sweetheart, so kind to me even though I wasn't wearing AP(Was I one of the itas of the day? probably.) and helping her out at the stall was alot of fun, even if I did get in the way slightly at times. She was always complimenting girls and took a photo of a few girls coords. When I left I got a hug, overall lovely.
-Asuka worked on the stall for a short while just as a Chinese lolita appeared to buy £1000 worth of dresses and insisted on Paypal. Trying to get their tablet connected to the internet with minimal english was a slog. Most girls were champs and ran to grab money if they didn't have enough however.
-They brought along a Star Wars themed translation guide.
-All Lucky packs sold by halfway through Silver entry and were actually pretty decent. Old lucky packs yes but still good.
-Most of what was good was again gone by silver and they were slow in putting out jewellery?
-AP director was strict af with the girls, freaked out one or two of the girls but your representing a large brand. Maki and Asuka were the ones slapping on the blush but were very kind to the models.
-Risa wanted to stay on her phone but she must've felt like a clothes horse the whole time. When each show was happening I could hear a set of girls whispering "Hooknose".
-Fashion fix was banging, 10/10 up for that kinda time again and 3F Kabedon as a treat for the girls was well appreciated. Hearing girls say grumpily "But I want to be thrown against a wall" because they weren't models was hilarious. Hugs and kind words were given afterwards, honestly the sweethearts of the event.
-Drunk screamers can fuck off honestly, took everything not to heckle back but I wasn't the only one.
-Raffle was a mess but the Irish girls won AP bag and a friend of a friend won the Long Ears set. Ita girl winning in the raffle and the choco brolita and chums cleaning up left me salty still.

>> No.9613980

Forgot to mention, volunteers were all given a pin at the end which was very lovely of them and we appreciate it.

>> No.9613981

You're unlikely to find anyone of this level who will do it voluntarily. That's literally better than the average Japanese person.

>> No.9614012

I don't know about you, but buying gold was not worth the money in the slightest.

>> No.9614014

Was just about to say this.
JLPT1? Good luck. Most Japanese companies hire at JLPT2. Some less technical fields hire at JLPT3 even. Level 1 is "native level" and the exam itself is so hard some Japanese people have failed it.

>> No.9614029

I think at least one of them (the girl that also was on frilly fortunes) was friends with the organisers? Possibly the other ones as well. They seemed really friendly with Kyra's husband. Unless you mean different people - I wasn't there for more than half of the raffle, but they had already been pretty obnoxious even before then.

>> No.9614035

I meant to ask. So Dom is the sweetest guy ever, but why does he never dress up? He had a suit for the fashion show he later took off, why doesn't he make an effort too? I know he works behind the scenes, but it's a bit odd.

>> No.9614036

I have N1 and I'd totally do it if it means I get to hang around cool guests. I had to help my friends talk to Imai Kira a bit on Saturday because she'll be remote vending for an upcoming event my comm is organising and it was a really nice experience. I'd totally do that again for a whole day if I'm provided some drinks at meals.

>> No.9614038

Are you from mainland Europe? I think I passed by as you were discussing it. Do you have an email? I'd love to hear more about your event.

>> No.9614043

That actually sounds really sweet, anon :') warms my icy heart

>> No.9614052

I heard the Irish girls won the big alternative tea party prizes too, I don't want to bring up the (historically false) stereotype, but lucky!

>> No.9614053

Yes. We're from Germany. It's probably easiest if you look up "Das Teekränzchen" on FB

>> No.9614075

They did? That's great! I spoke to a few of them and they seemed such a nice bunch.

>> No.9614166

What did you all buy?

>> No.9614224

I don't see it as odd? He is not in the fashion. why waste money on stuff you don't care for?

I wish we had a rented out place, too many normies taking up space.

>> No.9614249

>- AP fashion show was underwhelming (both of them)
Didn't Kyra say in some announcement that AP would talk through a little about each dress in the 10 years fashion show? I was so excited for that and it never happened.


>> No.9614327

So tell us some details about the TPC disbanding or whatever, what's up with that? Any ideas what were the possible reasons?
Also question to the oldfags, does this just mean that someone will take up the free space and large-scale lolita events will continue (specifically in Europe), or is this one more reason to cry that the fashion is dying?

>> No.9614342

American here, Rufflecon is NOT worth it

>> No.9614566

One of my friends is friend on Facebook with Kyra and showed me screenshots of a very long post Kyra wrote. It seems like the work was simply far far too overwhelming for Kyra at least (I'd guess it's similar for the others or else they wouldn't stop?).

>> No.9614595

Indeed. I am sorry for the strain this put on her and everyone else that organised these events. I only attended a few and I am very grateful for them.

>> No.9614602

I didn't attend but considering hellocon was announced as dead and nothing has popped up in the vicinity here, I'm concerned

>> No.9614604

It sounds like SFE is gonna get stronger if anything, I think she's still helping run that one?

>> No.9614644

I get that, but why not scout out some helpers or even if you want to retire why not try to gather a team that could take over so that, with a bit of help, these annual events could continue? Why just up and quit like that?

>> No.9614657

Diff group as far as I could tell- one large group of drunkards and one group of three screamy-chans. Screamy-chans fucked with the raffle and (I think?) the fashion show. Drunk-chans had calmed down by the raffle

>> No.9614658

I'm really questioning why Risa even came. AP needs to find a better model than that brat... she's definitely only good for larme. She's far too broody and sour for AP sweet.

>> No.9614660

What did you get? How was the breakfast?

>> No.9614667

Seriously? Have you ever looked at the tests?
Japanese people don't need to take JLPT tests (and if I'm not much mistaken, they can't really take it as it's specifically made for foreigners). And even if they did it, any Japanese failing JLPT1 would have to be a total idiot (or a primary school kid, really)

>> No.9614677

I am pretty sure no one wanted to do it anon. I mean, most of the original members have stepped down a long time back, it was mostly Mica and Kyra left at this point. From what I understood from her post, Mica also wanted out since a long time ago. If any other TPC member or any other lolita group wants to take over, they can do so, even without calling it TPC. No one is stopping them.

>> No.9614680

N2 is around the average native level. Any higher than that is going into Kanji which aren't on the Jōyō kanji list, meaning the chances are even a native won't recognise it.

>> No.9614684

Different anon here, but I'm pretty sure N1 is still joyo kanji

>> No.9614689

She also said she felt like there was too many events in Europe and it was getting competitive, that it would be nicer to focus on just one event. Which is fine if you have lots of money and a passport.

>> No.9614701

Are there? (This is not me being sarcastic I'm a newfag so it's a genuine question) it seemed like DMC was the second big event after Omnia Vanitas, all the rest I've heard of like the AP anniversary tea party in Paris or the picnic in Prague seem a lot smaller and more low-key in terms of reach and status. So I'm really curious if other people also think that there are too many events, because, they way I see it based on the hype around such events as Omnia and DMC and how tickets sell out in minutes, there's enough demand for a bit more supply, still. But like I said, I don't claim to know enough to speak confidently, I'm just speculating.

>> No.9614704

N3 fag here - Expecting to easily find N1 speakers willing to do this for free will be incredibly difficult. N2 is what you need to go to university and to get a job, and N3 is needed for highschool, so pretty much N3 is as low as you should go for translators. N2 is pretty much fluent by that point,,

>> No.9614709


Well, this is why you're supposed to find one that is into the fashion (and possibly would like to attend anyway)
Everyone is working for free at these events, so I feel like it'd be a dick move to ask for a payment just because you're N1 level

Anyway, I feel N2 might be sufficient

>> No.9614722

Not what she said really, but again, why dont you guys try to host something locally yourselves?

>> No.9614726

I guess you can also give him precise instructions, but I've never heard of anyone unhappy about his creating process and what they got from it. You also get a draft before he starts sewing and gives you a choice of fabrics and materials. It really depends on how much you trust him.

>> No.9614733


>Flight: ~1000€, might be more or less
>Accomodation: ~100€xNights you're having them (at least 3)
>Taxis from and to the airport and from and to the venue(s)
>The cost of a TP ticket if you're hosting one as that's a ticket you won't sell
>When you have someone travelling to you for work it's nice to treat them to dinner at least once
>Food during the event (something easy like a sandwitch and a drink)

So overall I'd say keep around 2000€ per guest if you're based in a big European city. No idea for smaller cities or US.

>> No.9614734

It is difficult to find people who have the necessary experience to host huge events like this. People have to work their way up - you can't go from hosting a 10 person tea party to hosting a 300 person event and expect to keep the same quality that is expected of an event that was 10 years running.

I am really sad to hear that the TPC is closing down, but I understand where they are coming from. In my local comm I've been hosting events (nothing as huge as this, max 50-80 people) and it is 99% a thankless job that people just take for granted. It shouldnt be a struggle to get passionate, dedicated volunteers ever year, but it is, and it is exhausting - especially considering most events are done where no one gets paid. It is really sad, but honestly it is time for new lolitas to step up and start organizing. I can't fault someone who has been organizing for 10 years not wanting to pass it on and watch the legacy ruined by a bunch of newbies - and honestly how fair would it be to those who dont know about the management switch who buy tickets expecting the same quality just to find that the whole thing is a flop? It is hard enough, but it is the right thing to do. Nothing is stopping anyone else from hosting an event except their own laziness.

>> No.9614742

It's his wedding suit. I personally would kill my partner if he was lifting boxes in his wedding suit and sweating all day.

As long as the good man doesn't appear in your outfit shots, let him be.

>> No.9614743

SFE events will be still happening, and comms in Germany, Spain, France and Austria seem quite active organising events atm

>> No.9614768

>not having a passport

fucking americunts

You definitely weren't at the Tea Party to hear the announcement if this is your take on it. Kyra specifically said someone else could organise events.

>> No.9614773

>fucking americunts

Wait for Brexit tho :(

>> No.9614835

She didn't say that though, way to stir the pot. If anything, she was encouraging others to step up and host more events across UK/Europe.

>> No.9614845

This is true. Many lolitas want to host big events, but most of them aren't interested anymore when they realise it's a lot of work without getting paid for it or getting anything for it at all. And I'm also sad about TPC closing down. I loved their events and I have so many great memories. I don't think there will be an organisation like TPC soon, because of the reasons you mentioned.

I've been hosting events for my local comm, like you. We get the same amount of attendees for events. Yes, it's a thankless job, most of the attendees just assume everything will be perfect and otherwise they will complain about it. But I still love to host events and I have many ideas for new events. It feels great when the attendees leave and have had a nice day. Most of the lolitas enjoy the events, most of the time the same ones complain.

I would like to see more lolitas take initiative to host (small) events, because the end of TPC isn't the end of lolita events in europe. Hopefully lolitas will stop being lazy or afraid to host events. They have to start somewhere, it's better to grow slowly than start big and make huge mistakes and ruin your reputation. Talk to important lolitas in your comm, mods, local indie brands, ect. Maybe they have nice ideas. And talk about it in your comm, do they want to attend (big) events? What amount of money do they want to spend? What kind of events do want to attend?

>> No.9614870

It doesn't really sound like you get it if you keep questioning why someone who has been doing thankless work for 10 years wants to stop. People are acting like she said "nobody can ever host events ever again", all she said was that she wouldn't be the one to do it anymore. If people want to step up and organise something else, they can. Sure it won't be DMC level from the the beginning, but if they start small and work their way up it is possible. People interested in planning events should ask for her advice, which would be wise considering she originally didn't start off with any event planning experience either. I bet she'd be willing to help out with at least that, but expecting anything more is really selfish and entitled.

>> No.9614892


The idea is that you're gonna be writing contracts and you need basically perfect Japanese for that. If you can't find an N1 volunteer, it's worth it to pay for one. N2 at a stretch, but you do really, really need to work out the specifics and what-happens-if-shit-explodes side of things (e.g. if a guest is ill, then what?)

>> No.9614894

It's a good opportunity for SFE to get stronger. I wonder what they are going to do next year, because there aren't many countries left to choose from. They already hosted the event in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona. Would they go back a country? Iceland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Belgium are other SFE countries. It would be most likely Italy or Germany, maybe Portugal. I have no idea who the SFE representives are from these countries.

>> No.9614914

Vienna would be awesome!

>> No.9614939

Italy would be so cool but I don't think the comm is ready for that. I'm not even sure we have an Italian lolita in SFE...

>> No.9614947

I wish they did AMS, Paris or some other Northern country. I am from the Mediterranean and I don't wish to travel to another Mediterranean country again. it is boring

>> No.9614949

I'm not sure if the JLPT would even be the correct thing to measure somebody's competencies in translation or interpretation with. The JLPT tests no active skills (writing / speaking) whatsoever, unlike similar tests for English like the TOEFL or IELTS. I've seen quite a few people who had passed N1 but couldn't hold an actual conversation and on the other hand I know people who failed N1 but who I think are excellent at speaking Japanese which is why I'd totally trust them to be good interpreters for something like DMC or an anime con.
The N1 sometimes (it really depends on the year) tests pretty obscure grammar points and differences between them which probably is why some people claim Japanese people wouldn't pass the N1 either - if you ask native speakers, they might say things like "I've never thought about this before - is there a difference between these expressions?". The same thing happens to me when learners of my native language ask me about certain grammar points. That doesn't mean I can't speak my mother tongue fluently though and I'm pretty sure I'd pass a C2 level test in it as well.

Excuse the wall of text above, but to sum it up, I think if you want to have proper volunteer interpreters etc., it might be best to also ask them about their previous experience in interpreting and translating as well as their daily job.

BTW I'm pretty sure that contracts for this kind of stuff are either written in English or you'll need a certified translator for them, not just some volunteer.

>> No.9614957

No Japanese person educated past the 6th grade and not a total idiot would fail N1. That's a myth.
Also you only need like 65% to pass.
I have N1 and would gladly volunteer for something like this, but I'm US based.

>> No.9614970

It's not inevitable for small events to turn into big ones though. Now people are used to having big events like this with big brand guests and dozens of indies, there's no evidence they'd shell out for travel and accommodation for an event half the size with no Japanese brands, even if tickets were half the cost. I know I wouldn't unless it was local, even though I want to support the community.

>> No.9614975

seconding! maybe then i'll finally have the courage to meet local lolitas.

> ywn attend an exclusive lolita event at the gloriette

>> No.9614996

There was never any evidence that TPC events would have grown to what they did, literally until the point at which it happened. Event planning involves taking risks, there are no guarantees. Now everyone is afraid to make moves because cgl is so quick to scrutinize every little move anyone with a shred of leadership tries to do. You say people are now used to having big events; what that means is they were used to receiving lots with very little to give back. If anything, people became a bit too co-dependent on big events and cgl threads like these were full of nothing but complaints, petty gossip and bitching every year. This kind of salty, damaging culture is what leads to large scale event productions shutting down. Rufflecon is probably next with the way things are looking. It's a shame, really.

>> No.9615009

I genuinely believe that cgl and the behaviour of some anons here is at least in part to blame for TPC shutting down.

>> No.9615019

Then you're very small minded

>> No.9615024

Not that anon but it'd be understandable. Every event gets nothing but criticism even if it was great. You'd feel pretty shitty after putting that much effort into something only to have people moan about it.

>> No.9615035

What's small minded about this opinion? The constant criticism and nitpicking on here stresses me out and I'm just a pleb attendee.

>> No.9615078

What makes somewhere an SFE country?

>> No.9615093

Said country must be in Europe and have at least a member in the group (as a national will be the main organiser for the country's event)

>> No.9615097

So how do you get involved? It sounds like something that would be great to have a hand in.

>> No.9615106

This are the countries with SFE members, I believe: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Russia and the UK. Not sure if it's up to date. Does anyone know more about the SFE members? Who are they?

>> No.9615128
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>> No.9615135
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tl;dr. Summary for a lazyfag?

>> No.9615145

It got out of hand, bigger than expected, too competitive. Anxiety and lots of behind-the-scenes struggles.

>> No.9615187

Why do people on cgl do fucking nothing but bitch about her? Surely this is enough for people to cut her and the others a break, they did amazing work.

>> No.9615242

"a mega brand nearly came to DMC last minute on their own expense"

I wonder who that was? That must have been the surprise guest, but I don't know if Baby would have dropped the money to come last-minute with AP as star guest...maybe Mana? That sounds ridiculous though.

I knew she had anxiety but I didn't realise it was that bad, nor that she was doing 30+ hours a week on TPC. It sounds horrible and I feel sorry for her.

>> No.9615257

Skimmimng the DMC threads I got nothing but a good impression of the event overall. Yes, there are negative mentions but they mostly refer to things that wasn't in TPCs hand, like Risa not being available and AP not leaving the best impression.
Only thing that bothered me that about a week before the event started some anons started stirring drama for no reason other than being petty. Shittalking the organisers is just a shit thing to do. It's one thing if they fuck up the event badly, but another if you don't like them out of spite.

>> No.9615272

And it's really nothing but shittalking, vague bollocks with no proof and no purpose other than to make someone who is doing a ton of work feel miserable. "Uhh I didn't ever see kyra at x event she doesn't even care", "uhhhh she seemed rushed" "uhhhh she's sad on her personal fb" literally fuck off, she has done so much along with the others and if she did 1 bad thing in 100 people would blow up that 1.
I can't help but wonder if it's someone jealous of what TPC built.

>> No.9615278

Maybe because jealousy? Wanting that enthusiasm? Bitching because they can? Who knows. I know I'll be thankful and grateful she and her team did so much to help it grow to what it was. The shit stirring was incredibly unfounded and possibly someone not attending just wanting to cause trouble.

I hope whoever decides to hold the next set of events takes note of her struggles and what came with it. Ive seen a few cocky people act as if holding this is nothing and proclaim they'll do just fine, which is fine if you have the funds/planning to combat that. Perhaps we should go back to basics for a small while.

>> No.9615291

I have a lot of respect for her organizing so many events the past years, I would never have the balls to take such a huge responsibility, and I would probably cancel the event out of anger about all the critisism

>> No.9615335

I saw someone posting about "replacing" TPC already, it just feels too soon. Let the dust settle. More power to you for stepping up but please just wait a little while out of respect and please make your own name.

>> No.9615338


>> No.9615345

I don't think they mean anything bad by it, so I'd rather not, but if they see this they'll hopefully reconsider. It feels wrong to have "tea party club" in the name at all, come up with something original. And please wait a little while. Even a few weeks is enough for everything to settle down.

>> No.9615346

They call for members and translators every now and then. I guess once DMC has totally wrapped up they'll make an announcement for next year?

>> No.9615351

Yeah, right now it's either naive idealism, or just straight up thirst for power/ attention

>> No.9615357

I really hope it's idealism or that I'm reading into it wrong, there's no way shed be able to handle it on her own OR with the few contacts she has. It'd be disappointing if it was a power grab.

>> No.9615405

What did gold ticket holders receive in their gift bags? Did you receive any AP merchandise– e.g. a bow, or a pair of socks? The (silver) gift bags were a bit underwhelming, in my opinion. I did however appreciate the mug provided by TPC. It seems like AP didn't donate anything?

>> No.9615410

Nothing different in my bag except the wrapping of the bath bombs and a small TPC pin in a sachet.

>> No.9615419

That's disappointing. What extras did you receive with gold? Was breakfast just first dibs on the buffet available throughout the day? That was the case with IW. However IW were very generous with their contributions to the gift bags.

>> No.9615420

Yeah and then some parlor games for 4 bundles of AP donated prizes, and a chance to go on a carriage ride with the guests. I thought the game was nice!

>> No.9615533

Need to point out she also cheated. Turned her rock into paper, I heard quite a few people mention it so it definitely didn't go unnoticed. Don't know her but she was wearing this Claires esque wire bear ear alice band and red jsk

>> No.9615785

The designers delayed the show so much fussing over the models that the discussion had to be cut to save time

>> No.9615786

If this is the same person who mentioned this on her cof post then it's for real
I overheard her asking organisers questions at the after party

>> No.9615790



>> No.9615793
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>> No.9615795
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>> No.9615800

She's not saying she'll host one here, just that there will probably be an event. I can appreciate wanting the dust to settle but if someone is planning a big event, you need to act fast to plan it. Maybe they would be better planning something for 2019 instead.

>> No.9615801

Is this the person who won rock paper scissors?

>> No.9615803

She was overheard asking the organisers questions by quite a few people at the after-party

>> No.9615806

Asking questions =/= action. This isn't even the person I was talking about, no need to drag up her whole CoF post.

>> No.9615949

Are you the same shit stirrer from earlier? Maybe she was just making conversation jfc

>> No.9615953

...Does her choker say "misandry"?

>> No.9615965


>> No.9616210

You can clearly see the ita girl didn't cheat lol. It was fair and square winning.

>> No.9616234

It wasn't on stage when she did that. What I heard is she changed it when she noticed it was down to two people and then when mica was like "Oh only one left" she was like erm no there's two!!

>> No.9616240

Oh, now I understand. I thought about it to when I was there. That people could easily fake what sign they did since no one had an eye on everyone.

>> No.9616307

A few people pretended on the first go. I was too slow to even do anything the first time so I just watched it all. Who cares though, it's a game of luck anyway

>> No.9616333

No, they were worse than this.

>> No.9616429

Oh dear, I just watched the video...

>> No.9616926

I was a few rows forward from the its and we even noticed that she'd cheated. Also why the fuck would anyone in their right mind wear a main Bodyline piece to an event like that?

>> No.9617121

Maybe it was her first event and she didn't know any better

>> No.9617186

Pretty big investment for a first tier

>> No.9617192

Could have been a Londoner, I don't live down there but there are barely any public meets for the London comm, I met people at DMC who'd never been to a lolita event before.

>> No.9617292

It wasn't her first event, she's been in the fashion for years and has always dressed like shit

>> No.9617330

Someone here really doesn't like her and pulls her into every damn conversation and thread they can just to start shit

>> No.9617384

Londoner myself, I know there are no meets. I'd assume she'd have gone for j-fashion meet with other newbs.

>> No.9617420

Pictures are up from one of the photographers

>> No.9617456
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These photos are really cute and I am not in any of them. Hope the other photographer is as good.

There are high-res shots of all the new releases in the album too.

>> No.9617464

Risa looks haggard, poor girl.

>> No.9617477

she looks like she's about to blink

>> No.9617479

Man this shit makes me hate Risa even more. She sounds like she acted like a spoiled brat the entire event. Your job is to pretend to love your job, woman. Do your job.

>> No.9617485
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It's just a bad photo I think, she looks much better in this one.

>> No.9617486

Most people at any given moment are, in fact, about to blink, anon...

>> No.9617490

Thanks for linking, I don't see this posted anywhere yet. I really like the quality and lighting but the photos of me are so terrible i wish I could turn back time and adjust my expression and body. The candid photos are nice!

>> No.9617494

I second this

>> No.9617535

She's in the video in >>9616210 at 7:14 but I thought she looked a worse in person, from that angle you can't see her wire cat ear headbow or anything from the knees down.

>> No.9617568

I was seated near the front and could see her armpits and everything. It was horrifying.

>> No.9617577
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It's him again!

>> No.9617579

wasn't she wearing a sleeveless normie blouse under her bodyline dress?

>> No.9617586

I wonder if this is what he considers a ~difficult question~

>> No.9617587

Who in their right mind would wear bodyline to a brand event

>> No.9617588

Please tell me that she shaved oh my god

>> No.9617589

Gosh, not an armpit!
That wasn't even one of the bad things about how she was dressed. When I saw her I assumed that maybe she was a photographer trying to blend in and getting it really wrong, proper baby's first coord

>> No.9617590

This guy was so fucking creepy to me and my friends on Saturday holy shit, he kept staring at us and going "hi cute ladies!"

>> No.9617593

details please!

>> No.9617603

40 replies, mainly people shutting him down.

>> No.9617606

My friends and I also had a similar encounter with this guy. He was so loud and obnoxious. He seemed to think the fact that he was a male wearing lolita was significant. I got the impression that he was trying to be edgy. But he just came off as creepy.

>> No.9617610

Dom has entered the scene.

>> No.9617611

Can't the mods just kick him out?

>> No.9617612

I had a creepy encounter with him too. I was helping at a stall and he walked up and said "Heyyy we're wearing the same print, good choice" whilst leering at me.

>> No.9617613

Who is this guy?

>> No.9617615

Any pics of what he was wearing?? I wanna know who he is lol

>> No.9617617

He's a gross sissy who complains about everything the TPC do. He also once tried to host a big sleepover event but luckily that got shut down pretty quickly.

>> No.9617619
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He was wearing toy parade in lavender on the saturday. This was his tea party outfit.

>> No.9617620

That's not really creepy in and of itself, it's a normal attempt at conversation that just happens to come from someone nobody wants to be around.

>> No.9617623

It's hard to explain but it was due to the way he said it.

>> No.9617625

Ohh THAT dude. I didn't have any particularly close encounters with him but I definitely got that creep vibe all weekend.

>> No.9617631

I sat at the same table at the tea party and actually didn't realise it was him, he gave off major autismo vibes but was nowhere near as creepy as I expected. Mostly loud and socially unaware interspersed with quiet and awkward.

>> No.9617635

>sleepover event

EXCUSE me what?

>> No.9617637

But anon, it was in his 'top 5 memories he will treasure forever', so expecting 45 degree elevation of the photographer and counting every head in the room to confirm everyone in attendance wasn't present is perfectly normal.

But in all fairness, I'm impressed the organisers remained polite for so long. He has been pushing it since the tickets were released.

>> No.9617640
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>> No.9617642
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does anyone know where to get a backbag like this?

>> No.9617645

"Don't take this the wrong way hidden costs tend to crop up when you fail to ask the difficult questions"
Ah, what a classic.

>> No.9617646

I've seen something like that on Dollskill?

>> No.9617649

you're right!! thank you anon. made my day

>> No.9617692

Does not surprise me it was this guy. He sat near me during the brand fashion show and spent the entire time complaining and muttering to himself.

A girl sat a row in front was lifting her phone to take photos and every single time he berated her for 'getting in the way of his shot'. Struck me as a self entitled arsehole

>> No.9617698

Is this even English? Why is he so hard to understand? Where is the punctuation??

>> No.9617699

the trash
why the fuck would you want something as hideous as that?

>> No.9617701
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>> No.9617704
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>they did not see me as male

>> No.9617712

Confirmed sissy fetishist

>> No.9617713

He looks like an absolute toad. I doubt they didn't recognize him as a man in a dress.

>> No.9617722

Here I was feeling flattered when kids called me a princess and it turns out they'll say that to literally anyone.

>> No.9617726


Ah Bodyline girl, she's Aisha Anime and she is linked to the cesspool of the UK con scene that is AnimeLeague.

>> No.9617737

You should never underestimate or try to diminish your brain throwing up red flags left and right.

>> No.9617748

not sure whether to feel sorry for him because the dude's obviously got legit mental problems and is oblivious to the fact everyone wants him to fuck off (top 5 memories he will treasure forever etc), or even more hostile towards him because of the confirmation of what we all suspected: he's in lolita for fetish reasons

>> No.9617765

This is why we don't trust brolitas.

>> No.9617787

Yeah, he's clearly autistic as fuck but honestly I'm not sure that really excuses this behaviour? Obviously he has cash to spend on these events so he must have a job. At the very least he must know that people think he's being rude, because everyone has said so on fb.

>> No.9617794

He's a security guard, not that much social interaction required.

>> No.9617805

aren't female age players and weired daddy kink girls also infesting the lolita hobby?I think I've seen several on IG.
People getting into the hobby for fetish reasons seems to be a thing, no matter the gender/sex.

>> No.9617835

I think that might honestly be the main reason he hasn't been banned, since he hasn't actively harassed anyone and people could cry hypocrisy if DDLGs weren't also getting banned and puritanical kinkshaming if they were.

>> No.9617839

Risa didn't post a single photo of the event on her Instagram. She really didn't seem into it on the day either.

>> No.9617842

where've you been for the past two threads, people have been bitching about it for ages

>> No.9617843

I'm aware, but now she's back in Japan and hasn't even mentioned it. People complained about her being mainly a no-show at the event but being totally mute even on social media is kinda rude to the organisers.

>> No.9617845

misfired, was replying to >>9617842

>> No.9617848

I noticed that in M's post praising how wonderful all the guests were, Risa was notably absent from the rundown.

>> No.9617850

So is it clear to say that Risa's resting bitch face look isn't just a case of genetics?
She's just a salty bitch?

Has anybody ever seen her smile?

>> No.9617852

Apparently she smiled when she bumped into one of the AP designers after the fashion show and was talking to her.

>> No.9617855

I saw her smile when one of the girls in the changing room spoke to her. Never caught what they were saying though. Aside from that she sat on her phone.

>> No.9617880

She sounds and looks like a sulky teenager.

>> No.9617895

But she's so ~dolly~, anon!

>> No.9618062 [DELETED] 

I was really careful to be nice to him all weekend because I thought he might have been a trans girl having trouble passing. baka wasted effort.

>> No.9618065

For anyone curious, this is armpit chan
It won't let me save the image to post directly on mobile so sorry for the link

>> No.9618069

I hate my photo in this album, I had no idea the photographer was waiting at the top of the stairs until it was too late.

>> No.9618070

I appear in a few , and everyone of them is hideous. Not her fault though, I only look good at very specific angles

>> No.9618072

Second photographers photos are up.

>> No.9618075

Has anyone seen the photos from the tea party when Kaie and Babi stopped at each table?

>> No.9618078 [DELETED] 

Jfc the cat ears and whatever it is that's resembling a blouse. Glad I did not see her on the day. why would anyone think this look remotely ok?

>> No.9618084

I'm glad i didn't see her on the day. Her "group" photos are disgusting, just why?

I feel you. I wish I knew she was there because some people clearly stopped and posed and they turned out so much better.
I like both photographers' work, very nice photos to look at

>> No.9618086
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>> No.9618087

I had no problems with him but he kept posing for photos while standing in the manliest way. When you want to pass as a woman how hard is it to close your legs a bit?

they were taken by GLB so they might just upload a handful as part of an article

>> No.9618088

What makes you think he wants to pass as a woman? He looks and sounds like a sissy.

>> No.9618089

He doesn't. He describes himself as a "man in a dress."

I do wonder if he has any friends in the community at all?

>> No.9618110

Looks like he's pissing

>> No.9618114


what'd she do to the organizers

>> No.9618121


I met her at a different event. She was nice and smiley if you talked to her, but she didn't even try to hold a conversation with anyone, just one word answers. She went back to rbf if she thought no one was looking or paying attention to her, and didn't talk to anyone herself. Dunno if she's just really fucking awkward or actually a bitch, but if she can't even act the slightest bit like she wants to be there, she's not doing her job as an event guest.

0/10 guest.

>> No.9618125

>when most of your photos are ugly and you're forced to accept that maybe that's just how you look

>> No.9618156
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>> No.9618162

Can you please stop this? Your hate boner is embarrassing me.

>> No.9618169

Honestly so disappointed with AP not delivering on the swag, they gave nothing in the bag, the prizes were shit as well, the chocolate bags are old stock and the girl who won their best dressed just got a bag full of leftovers they usually give for free when you purchase at in store events :/ they usually give novelties at their own events like the ones in Paris so wtf went wrong

>> No.9618175


>> No.9618177

I feel you, anon. I'm so embarrassed.

>> No.9618237

I wonder too, they didn't even gave postcards?? Maybe they only give presents when they are the only special brand

We asked 3F about the pictures and they said they will be uploaded on Facebook if they are not uploaded somewhere else

>> No.9618308

Roughly how many people attended the Saturday? I was trying to figure out numbers when we were sitting in the hall together but I didn't quite manage it.

>> No.9618319

I think Kyra said 150-160 at one point. I counted and I remember each table had 12 people and there were over 12 tables in the hall (couldn't see all from where I was sat).

>> No.9618361

I realize i'm too fat for lolita. I had some medical setbacks and gained a ton. Im on the road to health and drop a few dress sizes but its not good enough.
Whats a good culture for a fat person. My regular sci-fi events have a lot of skinny and short people. Where did all the nordic people go? Fats can generally blend in with them.
Anyway this event looked beautiful. Lolita is about layers and purpose. Most parts of the usa its about the event but with lolita its about being seen, its about the fashion. I know tpc is gone but you guys can still have fancy events. You dont need special guest just a large crowd and willing people.

>> No.9618369

Having anxiety as well, i respect her so much for everything she's done and i understand the struggle. I hope she's feeling better. Sometimes your hobby can turn into hell.

>> No.9618384

Did you reply to the wrong post?

Also I don't really give a fuck about being seen, I come to shop and meet the designers. I can be seen anywhere by uploading photos online.

>> No.9618387

I didn't know who he was but couldn't take my eyes off of him due to his extremely cakey makeup

>> No.9618388

At least 300

>> No.9618397

You're talking about the Sunday I think.
Our table had one empty seat though, but I don't know if anyone else's table had that?

>> No.9618410

Sorry, I completely misread the post, yeah, I was talking about Sunday.

When I was walking around I didn't really notice any empty seats, mine was towards the back and had none empty.

I remember Kyra saying Sat was over 300.

>> No.9618517

Are you the creator of the video? Maybe thats why you are high strung. If you watched the video you would see anon was refering to the people at the event and how she doesnt measure up. Then she furthured commented on the video.

About her point. That event was about dressing to the '9s. Most lolita events are dressed to impress! Even the simplest coord is about presenting oneself to the world. How ita are you?

To >>9618361 sorry she hi-jacked your question. You should ask it outside of cgl.

>> No.9618539

I'm not the creator, she was just vague and wordy, the only direct question in her post was "Where did all the Nordic people go?". Thats some projecting you've got going on there.

>> No.9618549

Nope, not even a postcard, ridiculous, haenuli isn't a major brand and still managed to give far more last year

>> No.9618555

I was kind of worried before the event because's I'd heard Maki and Asuka can be a bit bitchy but it turns out they were absolutely lovely. Risa, however, was a bitch.

>Also, surprising lack of DMC secrets this week

>> No.9618559

Don't mind me that's my lack of sleep talking

>> No.9618560

BtB is dying and has been for ages. Most of the old guard who posted there back at its peak have grown out of it, and none of the newbies use LJ.

>> No.9618577

>btb is dyinnnnggg
>Lolita is dyinnnnnng
>altfashion is dyyiiiiinggg
> we're all dyyyyiiinnggggggggg

>> No.9618583

Most people I met commented on how they weren't really friendly compared to other guests we've had, but they thought they might have just been tired. I didn't interact with them in the morning so they might have been more alert for gold.

>> No.9618586


>> No.9618587

Just learn context clues before you bash! Learn to put 2 and 2 together. Why does everything need to be spelt out.

Funny we are having this conversation in a thread about people running away.

Read >>9618539 this is why secrets are lacking. Everything has too be lovely.

>> No.9618588

Maki and Asuka are lovely, I think they're just a little shy with language barriers and they're not as outgoing as some other guests. If you bring up a topic they're interested in they get super adorable(for example show cute pony accessories to Maki and she'll get so excited).

>> No.9618592

Not what I said, m8. BtB gets probably 10 secrets on a good day, it's definitely less active.

FB comms, meanwhile, have blown up. The fashion is growing rapidly worldwide (closure of physical stores isn't because the fashion is dying: it's because online sales have fewer overheads and people prefer them).

Agree. It's hard for people to be outright dicks on fb.

>> No.9618714

I'm guessing it was IW, the IW designer travels to Europe pretty often on her own dime and had a good time last time she was here. She said in the interview at Regalia that she's been to London several times already and never gets bored of it.

>> No.9618773

I have a lot of admiration for her, event planning is hell and with anxiety it must have been exhausting. Also agree that the competitive spirit of events takes the fun out of things.

The people who think the organisere are bitches are probably those who have no idea how much time and resources go into something like this, only to be met with often trivial complaints. Good on her for doing her best for so long

>> No.9619240

Isn't this a VM replica that Bodyline did?

>> No.9619246

It's BL but not a replica, BL released that dress long before VM released a dress with the same print. One of life's little mysteries.

>> No.9619249

I think it was just a commercially available fabric

>> No.9619253

put it back in the frame

>> No.9619382

Some of the indie brand stuff in the fashion show was pretty poor, some stuff was cute but others looked so frumpy around the waist and curtain-y.

>> No.9619416

I thought it was a lot better than last year, stuff looking frumpy around the waist could just be fit issues with models. There was one really awful-looking indie last year but I've forgotten the name.

>> No.9619419

I remember one block/brand being really "babbys first sewing project", but I was pleasantly surprised with the good ones, even indies I hadn't heard of.

>> No.9619429

She has no idea how crazy this looks. I would've laughed if I was there.

>> No.9619441

Holy shit I saw her in person and I didn't even notice the shoes. She literally hasn't a clue.

>> No.9619640

I see people dressed like his with such confidence and wonder why I can't have that same attitude even though I dress better

>> No.9619697

Don't you remember discovering Lolita? Your first shitty horrendous coordinate you were so proud of?

>> No.9619742

Honestly for a lot of men, and even mtf trans women, it takes a lot of practice to stand in a feminine manner and I'm not sure if they can tell the difference when they're physically posing. In the image, it looks like he's trying to do what his idea of a feminine pose by holding out his skirt, but the execution is wrong. Has anyone told him?

>> No.9619745

Well the definition of resting bitch face is that it's like her default expression, so... yeah if no one's talking to her and it's just what her face looks like when she's not trying to smile constantly I don't see how that makes her a bitch?

>> No.9620270

Is there a third photographer yet to post their photos? I'm hoping I will look better in those, but morr likely my dreams will be shattered and I just have to accept how I look. It would be nice to see more photos of the day in general.

>> No.9620299

I'm autistic and have several friends who are noticeably autistic. IMO being an autist doesn't excuse creepy behaviour or involving people in you fetish without their knowledge or consent. If this guy was in my comm I'd boot him out.

I can only speak for my comm, but female fetish creeps make up <5% of women who join whereas practically every single brolita who's ever joined my comm turned out to be a fetishist. Being suspicious of brolitas is still discriminatory, but I don't see any way around it considering my comm's history and the fact that there are a lot of underage girls in it. Maybe the female kinksters are just better at hiding it. If so idgaf, they're not the problem.

>> No.9620303

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.9620492

I'm still in post-event depression so let's bring ourselves back to the weekend?
>how much money did you spend on purchases?
>what was your favourite purchase?
>best bargain?
>favourite vendor?
>favourite gift?

>> No.9620588

>how much money did you spend on purchases?
I'd budgeted for way more, but I think I spent about £200? There wasn't very much that really appealed to me.
>what was your favourite purchase?
One of the AP lucky packs.
>best bargain?
Aside from the lucky packs, I picked up some blouses in the B&B for £6 and £8.
>favourite vendor?
Imai Kira. I wish I'd bought more of her stuff.
>favourite gift?
Call me tacky, but I liked the fans from Sunday. I've also found myself using the mug a fair bit.

>> No.9620619

What was in the lucky packs, anon?

I couldn't go to this, so I'd love to see photos of everyone's loot!

>> No.9620633

>how much money did you spend on purchases?
I spent £160 at the event and picked up £40 of stuff I'd pre-ordered from vendors as well, so £200 I guess. I pissed away a lot of money on food that weekend as well.
>what was your favourite purchase?
Imai Kira and Triple Fortune were both lovely, so I remember my purchases fondly even though I only bought small things from them.
>best bargain?
Scored a deal at the B&B.
>favourite vendor?
Triple Fortune. I only bought one pair of tights from them but I saw in event videos that they had more stuff I was interested in earlier in the day, kind of wish I'd got a gold or silver.
>favourite gift?
no photos fans

>> No.9620635

They were random, but they came with a dress, cardigan, bow and wrist cuffs. Not al the same colour though.

>> No.9620682

And a pair of tights. I think all the JSKs were the same except for colour.

>> No.9620841

I think so, because one photographer was late and missed most/all of gold entry and both that have posted so far had images from the morning.
I hope so anyway because she was the only one who took photos of me on Saturday and I haven't seen those posted yet...

>> No.9620958

They weren't, a few were from the same set, but mine was from a whole different series

>> No.9621528

Yeah there must be because I did pics on sat with the frame and they aren't there.

>> No.9622719

Any chance there was an unofficial photographer at the door? Old guy, respectful(?); opened door for me. Proper camera, not some Fujifilm Single Use...

or have i just done goofed and fed a person's loli fetish by allowing him to photograph me at the door for a wanky album

/continues to rot further internally/

>> No.9622988

Uhh I don't recall there being any old guys.

>> No.9623021

Did anyone actually watch the live streams of the stage events? I can understand filming but live steaming just seems a bit pointless to me.

>> No.9624540

i have been duped for some guy's personal Loli album

i did get there late serves me right