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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 366x275, suomen-lippu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9607524 No.9607524 [Reply] [Original]

Tracon is few weeks away, Animecon has fucked up at least with competition prizes, Puricon seem to drop out one of their guest of honour, what else is going on?

>> No.9608332
File: 17 KB, 937x135, b192efaa2e8aa4d31f7c2f4c03aecc57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this just happened. SCT oy isn't going strong I guess.

>> No.9608360
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Am I horrible person for laughing at SCT and their shitty cons

>> No.9608382
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I wonder what will happen to Umicon, even though Arina Tanemura might sell enough tickets

>> No.9608384
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>> No.9608649

I wonder which pairs are participating in wcs this year. Last years winners did great job with the social media updates and the copslay itself.

>> No.9608665
File: 395 KB, 827x681, 23528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loving this SCT shit that's going on. Rescheduling a con to a later date is nothing new, Desucon did it once too when they were starting out, but SCT always seemed shady. I hope for more juicy traniwreck-y stuff in the future, please keep on delivering SCT.

>> No.9608673

Desucon did it because they moved into a bigger venue. It was supposed to be a small convention in a school, but they switched to Sibeliustalo.

SCT has been consistently fucking up, I cant believe people are shocked by them failing to organize Puricon. Just what in the world did you expect from them?

>> No.9609078
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Finland is cute. CUTE

>> No.9609438

what do these characters have to do with finland?

>> No.9609456

They're Finnish.

>> No.9609698

I'm quite disappointed with the lack of drama concerning this Puricon case... Could it be because no one is actually surprised about this decision?

>> No.9610746


I guess everyone with any experience in cons was expecting either this or a complete train wreck that would bankcrupt them, so there isn't much to say. Seems like the amount of people at the very top of the organization who knew the number or tickets sold and made the decision to postpone is small enough for not too many rumours to leak.

Btw was the last guest of honour ever revealed? Met the CEO once and he was hyping their totally awesome musical GOH whose gigs usually had tickets costing more than those of the convention, and who was totally going to make them sell all their tickets months before the con. Kinda curious if he was referring to what's-her-name the seiyuu/singer, or if the last mystery entry was a band or something.

>> No.9610991

Wasn't it supposed to be some english lolita? At least some anon told it was leaked somewhere in the last thread

>> No.9611065

I think Saaraz and Anae are participating again, but idk about any others. Maybe the participants will be announced on the website and FB again at some point before the con?

>> No.9613175
File: 24 KB, 633x326, mt-ongelmat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs want Kyuu's head. Some of them said they are boycotting cons because of him since cons are no longer "safe spaces". Less SJWs in cons, better for us.

>> No.9613183

Post more! I've been waiting for all this sjw bullshit to land in Finnish cosplay scene. From what I've heard, ppl have started to complain about tanning being racist ("blackface") etc.

>> No.9613185

Kissalesbo seems super salty, her entire rant reeked of having some personal beef with Kyuu instead of just disagreeing with him.
>Japanese names aren't cool since it fetishifies japan but it's okay to use lesbo as a nickname since that doesn't fetishify gay people at all it's just progressive

>> No.9613193

hey, eestiball coming to tracon here again, any news about whether the local lolitas are organising any meet/event? the gull who gave me their e-mail hasn't updated me in ages :[ I'm planning to wear lolita on Friday (but I'm arriving too late to really do anything) and Sunday, but I can switch that shit around for meet purposes.

>> No.9613250

I mostly feel worried that these kind of rabid SJWs are starting to pop up in cons/anime communities. They are not right in the head. I hate that they justify bullying and harassment by claiming high moral ground and are completely unable to hold a civil conversation.

You don't have to like Kyuu personally, but he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment after all the work he has done for Finnish cons during all these years.

>> No.9613389

These people are fucking nuts. Eeli already got fired from her previous job due to careless tweeting, why is she doing this again? And why is Saara Huttunen and all of these other batshit insane SJWs even included in the whole debate? I wish they would just fucking leave if the scene is so awful and oppressive. Oh right, most of them don't even go to conventions or watch anime so they never belonged to begin with.

As far as I know she's just fucked up in the head and doesn't even know who kyuu is. Goes on to show how war-hungry extreme SJWs are

>> No.9613986

Cons might actually be safer spaces without these people. Lot's of people feel unsafe and are worried that their cosplays might offend someone. Seen people change their cosplay plans in the fear of being called out and being shamed online for cosplaying something, that these people might call racist or cultural appropriation.

>> No.9614647

The post (and screenshot) have been removed from Ylis, but SCT have trademarked comiccon. No one has ever mentioned it, maybe they did it just in case?

>> No.9614661

Oh dear I hope they are not into some franchising deal. And I wont be surprised if they tried to slap their comiccon on top of Tampere Kuplii or Popcult.

>> No.9614719

Or Helsinki Comics festival...

>> No.9614783

i'd rather have SJWs complaining than neckbeards touching my ass

>> No.9614791

That's kinda irrevelant comparison :D:D or are you implying that without sjw's complaining about cosplays and organisers political ideology, there'd be a bunch of neckbeards going around grabbing asses?

>> No.9614793

i've mostly heard about "SJWs" complain about creepy men at cons and less about cosplay

>> No.9614830

Nah, it's pretty much everyone complaining about the creeps.

>> No.9614929

I've understood it as everyone complains about the creeps and the creeps complain about the sjws

>> No.9614979


Even creeps complain about creeps ruining it for the rest of them, since not realizing you're one is a core component of creepdom.

A lot of people were complaining about SJWs still a couple of years ago when the meaning was universally understood as "miserable angry people who claim they're progressive but act like bullies in middle school" and dickheads leaning the other way hadn't started throwing it at everyone who wasn't an actual racist etc. Now it's way riskier/edgier, but some people Twitter users who've been shared seem to be making a strong case for bringing it back.

>> No.9616047
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>> No.9616118

What on earth is "asian eyes" makeup?

>> No.9616135


What an utter moron. As an ACTUAL Asian with ASIAN eyes, I am extremely offended by how this idiot speaks for me and my people. What makes this moron the authority on this subject? This level of retardation is mental institute worthy.

>> No.9616164
File: 127 KB, 1371x1105, Viestintävirasto_-_Fi-verkkotunnushaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like SCT has also registered comiccon.fi domain. Another copycon incoming?

>> No.9616177

Pretty sure it means the one many Levi cosplayers use

>> No.9616208

wow, you sound like a lovely person. you probably dont care about how people treat others since you use the word "retard" so i dont think you have a say in this, "asian with asian eyes"

>> No.9616224

Not that anon, but I think it's pretty understandable if people get pissed when people who aren't minorities themselves try to educate others on how to treat said minorities, and that treatment often boils down to ridiculous minor details and coddling ("aasialainen silmämeikki", really now?) rather than actual problems in racism. I won't comment on making yourself look tan in cosplay, but saying someone shouldn't do their eyeliner in a certain way because they think it tries to emulate looking asian rather than the character they're cosplaying is silly as hell.

>> No.9616289

I think "asian eye makeup" means more like taping your eyes to look more slanted.

Also on the topic of non-minorities speaking for minorities, it hasnt appeared out of nowhere. People wouldn't be speaking for minorities if it wasn't a problem. A lot of (east) asians think its fucked when westerners try to look asian, some dont care (like our "asian with asian eyes" person).

>> No.9616297

These kind of people made me abandon social media. Virtue signaling dumbasses poisoning the whole scene.

>> No.9616300
File: 127 KB, 600x314, mc-wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: why do you want this to be ok? it doesn't even look good.

>> No.9616327


It doesn't look good but it is not mocking anyone or done in an offensive manner. It's someone using makeup to look similar to a certain subject as a show of skills and because they like the character.

If you're going to reach that far, then with that logic, black people are not allowed to cosplay fair skinned characters from pretty much anywhere because they don't have the skin tone as them, and wearing makeup, contouring noses + contact lens is the same shit as this one. Also, straightening their hair, wearing Malaysian/Brazilian hair weaves/wigs and so on and so forth.

>> No.9616345

I'm not saying blackface in cosplay is offensive, I'm saying it just looks so fucking dumb.

>> No.9616355


Oh wow! You sure hurt with mere words. You probably suck on your thumbs and scream for safe spaces and "trigger" words to be banned. Boohooo. You don't have any say in this, "random anon".

I call bullshit when I see bullshit.


>I think "asian eye makeup" means more like taping your eyes to look more slanted.

That's pretty dumb then. It's more of a dumb thing to do than a racist act.

>Also on the topic of non-minorities speaking for minorities, it hasnt appeared out of nowhere. People wouldn't be speaking for minorities if it wasn't a problem. A lot of (east) asians think its fucked when westerners try to look asian, some dont care (like our "asian with asian eyes" person).

I was born and raised in Asia from most of my life. A lot of people think that it's pretty strange when Westerners try to look Asian when the vast majority of Asians want to look more Western.

On the topic of "speaking for minorities", it's dumb shit. You make it sound like "minorities" need "protection" or be acknowledged by white people in order to affirm our existence. Siding with minorities or agreeing with their grievances is one thing, speaking up for them as if you're the authority or you know better than them is another.

People like that fakeboi listing out rules on what not to do are just making things worse. Fucking virtue signalling losers are ruining everything.

>> No.9616365

dude just chill out and leave the internet if everything triggers you

>> No.9616378
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>> No.9616428

Nobody thinks it looks good. It looks ugly. But thinking it's racist because someone does it for a cosplay is dumb as fuck. Like other anons said, they're not trying to emulate a race, they're trying to emulate a character. If you can't tell the difference between those two things, you should quit breathing.

>> No.9616833

It doesn't look dumb if it's done well.

>> No.9617017

Umicon's site is up. They changed the overall appearance and the ticket price is 41,80e and little lower if you buy it early on.

>> No.9617053

They better have some good shit coming for that price. Also probably goes without saying but please don't do any volunteer work for free for a profit-seeking company.

>> No.9617304

after what happened to puricon, people are still willing to pay this much for a con what most likely fucks up? wow.

>> No.9618200
File: 491 KB, 499x597, feelspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9613193, anyone? I don't want to start flagging down individual lolitas over facebook, especially since my profile looks really normie/on the border of slightly embarassing weeb

>> No.9619082

WCS contestants are out. Place your bets!

>> No.9619084

8 pairs listed, I bet only 4 of them will perform like in previous years

>> No.9619183

do you have any examples of a well-done blackface?

>> No.9619289

And all of them are subpar and the one who wins is only the least bad.

>> No.9619393

It's pretty obvious who the winners are going to be, won't even be a contest.

>> No.9619437


Cr'ella & Navia's patchy body paint job causes me physical pain
It could have been smoothed over with photoshop but instead they decided to just leave it at that which is somehow almost worse

>> No.9619477

hey linda leung lel

>> No.9619529

Yeah right and if you cosplay a dark skinned character and leave your skin pale you're accused of being a racist and offensive for whitewashing a character
So is the only "not-racist" sjw-accepted choice to actually pick and choose only characters of your own race to cosplay? As in: actually racially discriminating?
What the fuck

>> No.9619549

Now u're just teasing. Give us names.

>> No.9620043

You must be dumb to see the only good pair there. The rest of them are below average.

>> No.9620830

if you're white and you really want to cosplay lucio, just cosplay the frog skin or something. you have other options than blackface

>> No.9620856

THIS. SJWs seem way more racist than normal people that don't focus on race all the time.

>> No.9620860
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Sure thing, internet police.


Maybe she should work on her face before telling people what to do with theirs. Looks like she lost the genetic lottery and decided to say fuck it and be a fakeboi for likes.

>> No.9621392

can most of you guys go back to /pol/? i don't think /cgl/ is the place for racial issues

>> No.9621418


Vivilan and Umiyo are pretty good, so are Saaraz and Anae. I think the real competing is between those pairs. The rest don't matter


True. Unfortunately, SJWs are infiltrating the Finnish cosplay scene. They need their RTs and likes to make up for their miserable existence irl

>> No.9621425

Please tell me this person is like 15yo tops so I can rest assured they might actually eventually grow up into a decent human being.

>> No.9621445


Sadly, she's 21

>> No.9621478


>> No.9621512

whether you are allowed to cosplay outside your race in a Finnish con without getting sjws harassing you is very related so /cgl/ and this thread so I'm not gonna stop
but I'll try to be civil about this

Sure, but most characters don't have several designs to choose from. Would your suggestion be to just not cosplay those characters if your ethnicity doesn't match?

On a more general note: the problem with "blackface" in the classic sense is that it is used to depict and exaggerate specifically negative racial stereotypes. It's a form of ridicule. If someone was doing THAT, I'd have a issue with it.
On the other hand, if someone tries to depict a character's appearance all the way from their clothes to their facial features and skin color, that isn't inherently a noxious thing to do. It's just imitation that doesn't exaggerate or comment. It's neutral. It's fucking fine and has no racist implications in itself.

Now if someone made a costume that is based on offensive racial stereotypes, and painted their skin darker to go with that: yeah sure, that might be a problem and an insensitive thing to do.
But I really fail so see anything wrong with an accurate looking cosplay of a character that isn't itself somehow offensive.

>> No.9621638

if you manage to make your blackface so realistic you pass as that race it's fine by me

>> No.9621679


Hi, Tyyhtis!

You sure LOVE acting like you're the judge of things when you're a colossal failure yourself.

>> No.9621681
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The thing is though, a lot of the time in anime when a character has darker skin it doesn't necessarily mean they're black or even if they are their other racial features may not be represented properly in the original source. If someone cosplays a character who merely has darker skin and then tries to make themselves look black in all aspects it would look stupid. If someone makes themselves look tan to match the characters and tries to match their other features accordingly, it'll merely be an accurate cosplay, not blackface.
Unless we're talking about cosplaying irl people, in which case the cosplayers will look inaccurate and silly 95% of the time anyway so who gives a fuck in the first place.

>> No.9622580

>guessing people's names on an anonymous board

>> No.9622624


>seeing the glaringly obvious writing style and knowing Tyyhtis' style.


>> No.9622922

I would never use a nickname such as nyyhtis but thanks for assuming

>> No.9624551

Will be there to harass virgin cosplayers.

>> No.9624552

>But not a cosplayer
Aww man.

>> No.9625993 [DELETED] 


Postatkaa joku toi ylikselle, siin on sanomapron digikirjat

>> No.9626354 [DELETED] 

Dear child. I think you don't know how cgl works.

>> No.9627517

So how was Tracon? According to twitter cosplay competitions were disasters and a lot of stuff disappeared from the flea market.

>> No.9627603

>a lot of stuff disappeared from the flea market
Really not surprising, as the flea market was packed full and there wasn't anyone to look after the items in the hall so small stuff gets stolen a lot. I think this happens at every con?

>> No.9627610

It was super crowded, probably because of the rain keeping everyone inside. It seems people were less considerate of others than usual, though - lots of people got pushed in hallways, had their costumes stomped on or even broken.
The programs were riddled with technical problems. The cosplay competitions' practice ate into everyone else's plans which in turn delayed everything, cosplay date had almost 10 mins in the middle where they just had to improvise some filler content while the tech people fixed their audio and video output.
Water kept running out and people were tracking mud inside, nice for people with white costumes. There was trash literally everywhere. Don't be pigs, even if you're young weebs.

>> No.9627733

unfortunately I didn't go to cos competitions nor make it to flea market, but might as well blogpost about con
I really enjoyed it myself, this is the first time I visited and it's the first time I've felt I'd like to have more time to hang around and do *all of the things* (I'm an eesti so I've not really visited any big anime-oriented cons before - I'm sure some of you have heard how small animatsuri is)

>rhythm game section (which I spent the most time in) was pretty sweet, I'd have loved to see a larger variety of video games though - not just rhythm ones. if there is video game panels happening, why not have a whole video game room with some cool VR shit or fighting games or something?
>the usage of the space the con had was really nice, there was something put everywhere. Saturday was a little crowded but that's pretty normal with cons I guess
>very pleased about Saturday evening's 'there are no more events but everyone can still hang around as they wish', I got to sit around and watch my buddies play weiss/schwarz

>difficult for foreigners to come to. the amount of information out in English was shit, I had to piece most things together from my very shitty finnish. buying a ticket internationally is hard, in the end someone local had to buy one for me
>very little was in English. especially would like more English panels - I would really have loved to have more to go to. I managed to go see Angel McCoy and it was alright but not exactly what I expected from it, and I missed the music panels (that one was my fault though)
>as >>9627610 said, jesus christ the amount of shit little weebs left behind was sad, I had to go back at 2000 to meet up with a volunteering friend and someone had left a folding chair along with chinese takeout trash in the fucking pond. I think if they were called out on it, it might get better.

still had lots of fun despite these issues, kinda want to ask about volunteering next year despite being a foreigner.

>> No.9627755

> I'd have loved to see a larger variety of video games though - not just rhythm ones. if there is video game panels happening, why not have a whole video game room with some cool VR shit or fighting games or something?
There's always Yukicon for a more game oriented con. Although it's still a bit rubbish since it's a new con, but this year they even had a questionnaire about what games people would like to see there, so they're improving a little bit every year.

>> No.9627774

that does look cool, but the upcoming dates suck for me so I definitely wouldn't be able to make the upcoming year, and I don't have anyone to stay with in Hellsinki - not even talking about how the city is a fucking trainwreck to navigate (as I was reminded today while nearly missing my boat). maybe sometime in the future, though!

>> No.9627840

To be fair Tracon doesn't really advertise itself as an international fair so they have no reason to cater to non-Finnish speakers.

>> No.9627879

i think the young weebs are the most polite people at conventions. they apologize and are very careful and dont leave shit everywhere. it's the 20-somethings who act entitled and who dont cosplay who are the rudest *coughs* neckbeards with rick and morty shirts *cough*

>> No.9627931

Honestly, it's useless to generalize people by their age. Whether or not a person knows how to be polite at public events has to do with their personality rather than their age, so yes, there are young weebs being rude as well as young weebs who are polite, and the same applies to older con goers.
That being said, it would really do some good for cons to remind people ahead of time about how to act appropriately at cons since I feel like the crowd that usually gathers at these events may not be the best when it comes to public places and appropriate behavior. Not to mention it should be allowed to openly scorn that kind of behavior in social media either by the con organizers or just other attendees. Littering public places and not having basic manners when interacting with other people shouldn't really be tolerated.

>> No.9627951

I love how none of you saw Nio and Cidate's WCS win coming and are trying to be quiet about it in embarassment :D

The cosplay contests were super messily organized this year. Information between the organizers, security, tech and others just made it sad to watch. I hope the one in charge will take the feedback to heart. I felt so bad for that one pair in WCS who had to start their skit all over again....

>> No.9628430

Nobody cares about cosplay competitions anymore, anon. That's why nobody's talking about them.

>> No.9628847

I'm waiting for good pictures of all costumes in WCS preliminaries to say anything. None of skits was a clear winner to me.

>> No.9629056

So Kitacon is getting replaced by a tubecon? Not that many people care about a small con like that, but i don't see the idea of making a tuber con in a place such as Kemi

Tubetus is the new weeb?

>> No.9629285
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Maybe not enough volunteers and panelists? Organizers getting too busy with life? Maybe Lokatube it's just a meet&greet with some tubers with bigger aspect. Since tubetus is a trend, guaranteed there will be young weebs volunteering.

>> No.9632075

Who decides who can get in SM cosplay compatition to compete? I'm curious.

>> No.9633674

Miro. Isn't he like the only person doing anything about SM?

>> No.9634394
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And he whines about it.

>> No.9634404


>> No.9636066

Hello, african american(black person) here. I would like to vacation/holiday in Finland. How racist is finland and if not what parts do you guys recommend for me? I would be traveling with a tour group.

>> No.9636112


Not racist if you dress and act normal. If you come over here with full bling bling, then yes.
Helsinki is pretty multicultural with swarms of north Africans and middle Easterns. A black person is not a new sight. Just act normal and people wont care or give a second look your way.

>> No.9636880

If you're American (speak perfect English with an American accent) you'll be fine. We have so many barbaric, violent, sexist Somali immigrants here that people have prejudices but any other black people are ok with everyone.

>> No.9639186
File: 252 KB, 831x617, 599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayaajat, varsinkin Suomalaiset kuulostaa helvetin kehareilta.

>> No.9639830

Oh lord...

>> No.9640446

people are generally not racist, especially if you act like a normal person and wear nice (or hipster) clothes. helsinki is generally the best because thats where all the other tourists are

>> No.9640473

Umicon's ticket sale began last week, is anyone going? They also announced the other GoHs.

>> No.9640486

I am glad I asked. From the answers and reading this thread finland seems like a place of comformity. Good advice I know what to wear and how to be a tourist. I've decided to do the Finland -Norway hop.

About this thread. There is a lot of made up things. The reason why minorities are so vocal- IN AMERICA and THE U.K about whites speaking for us is because in the past they would speak for people wrongly so they could make money and belittle. Dress white people up as asians so they can give their friend work instead of an asian. Burn businesses so you have to shop on theirs.
Since your country wasnt built by multiple races you guys won't really understand. Its not your debate, not your issue.

>> No.9640537

Yes it's not our debate but SJWs still force it to us and what you read was response to that. Finnish SWJs don't get nowadays idea of white person is fairly new and Finns weren't probably considered white in the history - as weren't Slavic people, gor example. Racism by Russians and Swedes have been forgotten also and that makes people feel strongly when SJWs continue to push their politically correct shit to everyone. My point is, context here isn't only the situation on US but pointless SJW nonsense since we are not in US.

>> No.9640631

Also, Finns have been enslaved by our neighbors for centuries before we finally were freed from them.
In the dark ages Finns were kidnapped to be slaves for either Rus on east or for Vikings on west. Then between 1250-1809 we under swedish rule without almost any rights as regular citizens (swedish Lords and nobles ordered almost every aspect of our life.) Then 1809 to 1917 under russian rule (surprisingly it wasnt actually as bad as it was under swedes)

All this becouse our neighbors did not even consider us as humans..

>> No.9640706

Oh, fuck off.

>> No.9643012

Okay they are finally announcing the contestants for the SM this week. Sure took their time considering they were chosen in July... Hitsuwa is sure to be taking part since he's been postin pics of a "secret cosplay" for awhile now, others been keeping it quiet.

>> No.9643181

Maybe read up on actual history instead of watching Hetalia? :^)

>> No.9643413

Know your history. Dont erase.

>> No.9645169

Now they are all out, any thoughts?

>> No.9645837


Subpar. Ilona looks like a middle aged mom trying to get in with the cool "kids". It's like watching a cliche 90s comedy show.