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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1152, DragonConPromo_Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9600977 No.9600977 [Reply] [Original]


12 more days until Wed. is the new Thursday.

>> No.9601401


I get in Wed/Thurs midnight interface will there still be drunken revelry by then?

>> No.9601469

These threads never seem all that busy for such a huge con. Is it because it's not focused on anime as much as other ones CGL attends, or harder / more expensive to attend?

Fuck yeah DragonCon

>> No.9601476

Yeah I think this is mostly a weeb board so.. Still the best con ever.

>> No.9601650

>some last minute costume shit came in the mail today
If you see a 4cc Best Pony it's probably me. Feel free to tell me my team is trash and my costume is terrible.

>> No.9601800

excellent choice anon-chan, this is my fav Beatdown Boogie DC video

>> No.9602574

Tried for the last three years to find them filming and to get into a video.

I did appear in the parade video for a fifth of a second one year, so that's something I guess.

>> No.9602907

anyone notice how much of a dumpster fire some of the D*C fan groups on facebook have become since the whole Trump/Nazi thing?

Its getting out of hand to where people were doxing cosplayers who were at the rally and threatening to punch anyone at the con who they thought were a nazi.

I just wanted one fucking week where i didnt have to hear about the world ending because of trump every 5 seconds. Fuck the SJW shit thats starting to take over cons now.

>> No.9603226

Sorta upsetting because of all the bs I might not see the Nazi Rocketeer. I've talked to the guy a few times and he's nice as fuck

>> No.9603786

>following facebook con pages
Fucking nah. I don't want to associate with those weird nerds.

>> No.9603801

>ordered a zentai suit for Spider-Man cosplay for the con.
>it still hasn't shipped
Tell me everything is going to be okay, seagulls

>> No.9603990


The unofficial Dragon*Con FB is moderated by this guy who looks like GRRM so .. he bans all political talk.

>> No.9604012
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oh lol i didn't even realise the last thread got archived.

>> No.9604124

Driving in on Friday because I love holiday traffic. Posted it an FB and oddly enough someone I lost touch with said I should stop by and hang since apparently they live close by. Next thing I know I'm canceling my hotel room to spend the night with them and saving some dosh. Things are looking up. Let's just hope they don't demand sexual favors

>> No.9604253

Haha that's awesome! How much of a cancellation fee did you have to Fork over? If I cancel my hotel then I would still be charged the full amount I'm already paying for.

>> No.9604555

If some dick jockey punches me, I'll pin them under my fat ass and sweat all over them.

>> No.9604631
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Have you heard of the Parker luck?

>> No.9605255

probably gonna get here the Friday of con desu.

>> No.9606415

Rumor has it that the app or at least the pocket program should be out today or tomorrow. My pre-con hype hasn't set in yet for some reason so I'm hoping that will set it off.

8 days!!!! (til Wed)

>> No.9606607

It's going to be absolute fucking mahyem.

I cant wait

>> No.9606628

I've been refreshing all day. I know it's a meme at this point to be ask when the app will be out/updated in general, but we're a week out basically.
It's so stupid that they wait this close until release. I gotta plan my weekend.

I always assumed a younger crowd/more anime crowd used this board. GA cons don't seem to get too much hype in general tho.

As for BDB, from rumors I believe that Micah at least will be calling the whole con videography quits pretty soon now, which is sad since I adore watching his videos

>> No.9606931 [DELETED] 

Most people dont wabt to be aroubd a bunch of doped up trumpers. Its not safe. Backstabby, liars, and thieves. Even another racist doesnt want to be around a trump supportor.
You think you are ok but these bazi types bother people. They take up space and cause scenes.
Speaking of which- I wonder how republican is dragoncon. Seems like a level headed bunch but with the nazifurs and all this --who knows.

>> No.9606934

Posted from phone didnt realize how bad

>> No.9606936

Lmao good god, I'm almost happy I'm not going to Dragon*Con this year if people like you are going to be there.

>> No.9606959

Bringing up politics and shit when it is DC. So what if GASP A person who has opposite political views as you attendance? It is all about the human experience and gathering at DC. Cosplaying and fantasy and kicking it back. Sure there might be some willing to talk politics there but if that is the sole reason you are going to DC I feel kinda bad for you

>> No.9607032
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lol chill the fug out

come on bro you know you're missing out. That aside, a few fringe leftist lunatics are everywhere.

>> No.9607043

I can't go because of other circumstances, and I said "almost happy" anyway. But I don't know, it concerns me being around a huge group of (drunk) people that are probably leftists who would attack me if they found out I support Trump.

>inb4 Nazi

>> No.9607082

Yup. Communists can't afford it :D

>> No.9607096
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>> No.9607155
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You sound like you're fun at parties, I'm glad you wont be at this one.

>> No.9607951

Anyone interested in doing a craft supply trade/destash meet? I have quite a few things to get rid of.

>> No.9608118

What unofficial events are going on? I remember a moonshine tasting at the Marriott last year; is that still a thing?

>> No.9608149

I'd be down for it! What kind of craft stuff are you bringing?

>> No.9608241

I wanna smooch a bunch of cute drunk lesbians

>> No.9608811
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Actual moonshine? A friend of mine brews his own beer, very high abv. Good stuff but i've never tried homemade liquor. Are there any good bars or restaurants in walking distance of the hotels?

Anyway bump and a shitty mirror shot of my Best Pony.

>> No.9610823

This guy know whats up. Leave political shit at home.

Dragoncon is for escaping the shitty regular world for 4 glorious days

>> No.9610948

So hyped for this. Debuting a Tormund costume - still need to smoke turkey legs and do some weathering, but it's mostly finished up.

>> No.9611914

This is the most ready I've been for a con in...a long time. I feel like I'm always finishing up details the night before the con, but I finished the last 2 things I needed for my newest costume today, and I even have time to do a makeup test for once in my life. Doesn't stop that pre-con anxiety, though.

>> No.9612055

Looks like the app is up and running. Start scheduling all the stuff you're going to skip because you can't make it due to sleep deprivation/ hangover/ panel vacancy.

>> No.9612066

How do you do this autograph shit, can you really not schedule this stuff? I can't figure this out.

>> No.9612274

You wait in a big long line for most the con. Bring adult diapers

>> No.9612866

why don't they just have signups and ticketing in advance.. This is absurd..

>> No.9612924

Pls woo all the Brienne's for me

>> No.9612939

pls practice making weird faces so you can make weird tormund faces at every brienne you see

>> No.9613107

Wew just found out dragon con is in 5 days. Time to drive 16 hours for a con.

Anyone in between kansas and the con want a ride?

>> No.9613110

Shit, 3 days.

>> No.9615382

Any advice for babby's first dragoncon? I've done most other major east coast cons.

Heard of its party reputation but otherwise have done zero research.

>> No.9615555

1. If you can, get there Thursday and either wander for a long time or get a friend to show you around each of the major hotels. Knowing where certain rooms are can drastically change your con experience.

2. Follow all the normal con rules/the 5,2,1 rule. Get at least 5 hours of sleep, eat at least 2 meals a day and ofcourse, get a shower every day, it's going to be hot and everyone is going to sweat.

3. Related to #1, locate the con suite as soon as you arrive, if you get the munchies between panels there's usually free food up there, just no guarantees of what it is.

4. There's a ton of programming so use the app and mark everything you're interested in before you ever get there. It's normal to have 5 things marked in a particular hour, the decision of which to actually go to can be made on the spot, and usually involves proximity and expected line length, there's no point in walking 3 blocks to go to a panel that's guaranteed to be full.

5. If you have questions, need directions, need a place to hide from crowds, or need essentially anything else, find a volunteer, we are there to help and there are a ton of us. All volunteers will be wearing the same brightly coloured lanyard and are usually easy to spot in a crowd.

>> No.9615559
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T-Minus 41 Hours for the bloody bloody scarecrow. If you happen to see this motherfucker stop him and say you from 4chan.

Tons of panels but it is a nonstop party. It will beat all the other cons no doubt. Be prepared for long lines, DL the app and fool around with it. It might help.

>> No.9615646
File: 599 KB, 888x882, JasonLaboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did DragonCon change their policies now? I thought they banned paid photo shoots except for approved photo booths and I see this guy suddenly advertising he's doing paid shoots while going to Dragon Con as press?

>> No.9615669

If he does not have written permission from the convention then he will be in violation of dragoncon policies (#14 as listed on the official website)

>> No.9615847

I'll be heading up from Palm beach so only half the drive! I look forward to picking up hitch hikers as well

>> No.9615853

>get a shower every day, it's going to be hot and everyone is going to sweat
If you know you're gonna stink up a storm after 2 minutes in the sun and ruin my con when you walk past me, a not so secret secret is just bring a little baggie of baby wipes. Small bags cost under 2$ for like 50-70. Lotta brave souls deployed out in the field take a bag and that's what they shower with when not being showered by Jihadi John's Ak47

>> No.9616063

Is it bad I almost don't want to dress up on Friday because it's gonna be raining till sat?

>> No.9616079

At the Marriott. Rain. Been awake since yesterday. Doesn't look like anyone I wanted an autograph from is doing sessions so at least I'll have more time for panels

>> No.9616091

I was semi-debating this too.. I might just wear a lighter/casual cosplay if the weather seems bad that morning.

>> No.9616095

On a scale of 1 to sweaty, ruined burando, how bad of an idea is it to wear lolita to this thing?
>getting dragged by friends to a hot ass con in the south
>going to have to babysit because I'm the only one who can take their alcohol
I just want to be cute and enjoy my Labor Day weekend fml

>> No.9616146

Don't think he really cares what they do, they can't prove it anyway, as he's not advertising his fees in public.

>> No.9616165

Go for it. Not going to be that hot. And go to early things, drunk friends won't get as drunk.

>> No.9616179

Im stupid, 12 hr drive, figure leave at 8, get there by 10pm for registration and Voltaire show, but I forgot about fucking time zones.

>> No.9616182
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Shit'll be lit as fuck! Rockin' my bunny HQ!

>> No.9616348


>> No.9616505 [DELETED] 

I sort of knew deep down that the people that go to cons and such were libshit sjw faggots and cucks but it was cool and cordial and you just had a good time and enjoyed yourself. Laugh at Voltaire's shit jokes and stale songs, not to mention those gay ass bumpers, laugh at a few land whales cosplaying Victoria Secret lingerie FFS, etc. It was a good fun chill time.

Now it's like you can't look at these fuckers without being disgusted, they have their heads so far up their own asses they have no concept of live and let live but it's terrifying to think they have turn their rabid tribbles vs. ewok autistic mentality towards politics.

Japan was on the side of the Axis in WW2, doesn't that make half the tracks and shit with anime complicit in being part of Nazis?

>> No.9616583

Can someone explain the cosrume contests to me? There are like 6 and I can't figure out which one to enter, what I need to enter etc. There's at least 6 that I've seen including the one at the aquarium.

>> No.9616605

Any meetup happening?

>> No.9616637

You sound fun at parties...

>> No.9616666

I'm excited for this, even though I live in GA this is the first time I get to do this, two of my best friends are flying out to go.

Only downside, I probably wont be able to cosplay.

>> No.9616667

22:30 @ Pulse tomorrow? I'll either be in a scarecrow outfit or a cali raisin man

>> No.9616668

Why not? Thats sad

>> No.9616673

You can do something. Get a clown wig and paint your face, I did that my very first con. Got compliments. You can do it bro! Just dont overwork on shit, I did that last year and spent all Saturday afternoon stressing over something.
I was Frylock from ATHF, and my French fry box was too big and bulky and one of the straps couldn't hold on to the Box.
Tossed it as soon as I got to the Marriot and met up with my friends who were there ever since morning. POS was falling apart and had to hold box with one hand while also holding leaky cooler full of drinks. Much happier when I dumped the thing I spent HOURS working on in the last two days before the con

>> No.9616793

I'll be wearing the crimson set from dark souls on and off all weekend.
>>9608811 I need a pic of this. When /wheree are you gonna be around?

>> No.9616798

We should just do a meet up desu.

>> No.9616807

what the FUCK

is with the anime track this year?

There is like fucking nothing?! What's going on?

>> No.9616812
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Tonight and others at the Marriott. Does boco post here?

>> No.9616832

Yeah it's really lame. I mostly do anime only cons and I've already done almost all of it.

>> No.9616860

Didn't see you around, gonna be wearing it any more?

>> No.9617039


I was gonna ask you if Boco comes here too but then I took a closer look at the picture and laughed.

>> No.9617041

The big one is the masquerade and they've stopped taking submissions a while ago.
From there are s few tracks that have their own contests. If it's an anime costume, do the anime tracks contest. If it's a video game one do the animation (I believe) and so one.
Makes sense?

>> No.9617057

I don't understand how a sci-fi/fantasy lorefest turned into an excuse for an orgy. It's all the whore cosplayers now it's no better than one of those dominatrix convetions with stupid whores and cucks.

Is Mr. Spock fun at parties? This shit is highly illogical.

>> No.9617086

I'll probably stop by the meet up tonight.
It's just alcohol from drinking through the mask, in case implications. Make them if you see him post though.

>> No.9617096


Also: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F028NjjuT7EXA3bZWiA3_UhgdiGGFe2iWX5PniVBeXQ/edit#gid=777035051

This is the fandom groups photo shoot location and times

>> No.9617100

>tru nerds can't possibly enjoy partying
Anon, if you don't like this con go to a different one. There's bound to be a party con somewhere, and a big summer con in the south makes complete sense.

>> No.9617101

Hoping in the car now for a lovely 10h drive listening to gangsters paradise on loop

>> No.9617162

Does anyone want to meet up and be lewd together?

>> No.9617174

I cant be lewd, but i can meet up.

>> No.9617189

Unless you're into guys with regular sized dicks.

>> No.9617193


Nah I didn't want to explain the joke, but I had realized the Morrigan cosplayer and thus made the Boco connection.

I'm fairly new to this board though and didn't know if he is a regular or not.

>> No.9617194


Man the best is working at the airport and seeing people already dressed up. Fucking love that shit.

>> No.9617202

22:30 tonight at the pulse! Official meetup for today!

Once again 22:30 at the Pulse, look for the Scarecrow (>>9615559
pictures are on this thread)... I know the Scarecrow will be there since I can speak for myself.) Be sure to mention 4chan!

>> No.9617220

This con is too big for me to comprehend. Can't even find the vendors hall.

>> No.9617226


What if they're a guy too, anon

>> No.9617229


Need to download the app brah. Shit is poppin' off all hours of the day it feels like.

>> No.9617235


What is it that makes everyone meet at the pulse? I thought about buying a drink the other night and then said fuck it 'cause I wasn't giving up seven bones for a bottle of beer.

>> No.9617242

That was the assumption.

>> No.9617243

Even better

>> No.9617246


Fucking lewd

>> No.9617250

Pulse is in the Marriott, the center building and easiest to find

>> No.9617257

>not being hung

>> No.9617291


True true

>> No.9617296

Funny moment in time. My cousin is a moonshiner in South Carolina who decided to come down with me to sell his product.The man came with 20 gallon jugs of shine and sold them all by early Friday morning.

Goddamn y'all some drunks. And thanks.

>> No.9617317

Damn, would of bought like 5 bottles.

Also, best part about dressing like a knock off hunter s Thompson, people assume you're in character, and not on drugs.

>> No.9617373

I want to kiss a cute /cgl/!

>> No.9617383

Literally a whore houses 4 miles from con.
Pay for your sex like everyone else.

>> No.9617478
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Where ya bois at

>> No.9617508

Where the arcade shit at?

Im riding tracks.

>> No.9617528

America mart

>> No.9617533

Cosplay girls, if a guy asks to take a picture with you and puts his hand on you what do you think of that? I mean if he holds your waist or shoulder or hip.

>> No.9617538

It kinda irks me, but only as much as anyone else, you know? like you don't know me personally, don't pretend like you do. honestly, I think it's best just to take pics of strangers and not have people take pics of you together

>> No.9617573


>> No.9617656

fucking fuck my wig sucks why didn't I just grow out my hair damn you kurt russell

>> No.9617657

>thinks natural hair is better than a wig

>> No.9617658
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 3625465-9177ca514cc5b9f475bb78d32bb65db71435183734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I WILL have my wig looking like this.

meet me at trader vic's tomorrow night and you'll see

>> No.9617659

is it a lacefront?

>> No.9617665
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I have a few regrets in my life

>> No.9617669

ur fucked bro. just drink to forget.

>> No.9617682

What's the process for booking a hotel for the con like? This looks super lit according to Facebook and I want to get a head start on next year.

>> No.9617707

they open the pre-registration very early almost a year in advance so you have to get it fast

>> No.9617719

Anyone have any information on the Twin Peaks panel?

>> No.9617827

Meetup tomorrow?

>> No.9617831

meetup NOW

pulse bar leggo

wear your moot shirts

>> No.9617853

Looked for you, say too many people there man.

>> No.9617860

On the steps to pulse, who am I looking for?

>> No.9617868

On my way with a fluffy purple hat

>> No.9617869

im by the pool at the mariott now. im wearing a red stormtrooper helm w/horns

>> No.9617871

What pool? The one at the bottom of the elevators?

>> No.9617874


walk past the person dressed as butterfree

>> No.9617876

im streaming btw

>> No.9617879

friend has a blue shrit and white stormtrooper helm

>> No.9617883

I just walked full circle around the thing and I see no horned helmets or butterflies. I'm either blind or got the location wrong.

>> No.9617887

im next to the guy in the pulisic #10 uni

>> No.9617889

fuck im drunk i mean the hyatt

>> No.9617891

Im in a black flower shirt, red undershirt. Also in the area.

>> No.9617892

Where is the meet up and how many people are there?

>> No.9617896

hyatt pool guys. im around

>> No.9617898

>>9617892 twitch/totallywastedtv

here is my stream

>> No.9617899

have fun tonight ladies and gents, I'll catch you tomorrow

>> No.9617903

looking for me still?

>> No.9617905

i have a mask and a pulp fiction shirt on by the hyatt pool

>> No.9617909

Pools closed, none of you are outside, less im blind.

>> No.9617915

Pony will be standing on the pulse Loft if anyone wants to meet up I should be impossible to miss since I'm entirely purple just leaving my room now because of beer

>> No.9617916

Welp, just got threatened to lose badges and be banned. That wasn't much fun.

>> No.9617921


>> No.9617941

I give up going to be wondering the Marriott for the guy that wanted the picture of me if he sees me just say hello

>> No.9617950

Not him, but you seem cool to hangout with. We both browse mlp. I've turned in for the night already, but hope to see you tomorrow.

>> No.9617989
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lol not him but sometimes you want something real ya know what I mean?

>> No.9618030

That rave was offensively bad. Genuinely curious: has there ever been a good con rave anywhere ever?

>> No.9618039
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I like this guy found a clever way to work his wheelchair into his costume. Just zooming about in this thing.

God speed when he has to use the restroom.

>> No.9618040

Probably not. Bunny Hutches party Thursday was only good for eye candy. I almost fell in love with Bunny Pearl. Hard not to stare.

>> No.9618115

We may have accidentally inadvertently possibly set off a smoke alarm in the Marriott.

>> No.9618122

Fucking vapefags.

>> No.9618124

I have a shit phone and I'm trying to plan for when it dies. Any good place to charge up at con? Also consuite location?

>> No.9618164

Stan lee!

>> No.9618203

Friend got sexually assaulted by a shit Thor cosplayer last night. Couldn't take no for an answer and grabbed her tit and ran off like a bitch

>> No.9618227
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In the track hall there's a bar type thing with seats and outlets.

Fucking got booted. I asked the staff of the lot. He said i was good, wake up to a boot on my car. Fucking furious.

>> No.9618255

Wheres that con suite located?

>> No.9618311

Tfw my leg was so sore from walking that i had to use my party coke cola to leave bed.

>> No.9618313

How about that. The hotel Indigo is the most convenient non host hotel of the lot. I'm making this spot my permanent Dragoncon hotel.

>connected to the host hotels via America's mart
>marta station right there in your face
>cheap as fuck
>easy access to everything

>> No.9618351

Which one? There's like 3 when I google it.

>> No.9618365

Meetup soon?

>> No.9618400

There's a 2 hour wait to even get into the vendors hall. Kek.

>> No.9618419

I wish I saw that before leaving it to put something in my car. That line was retarded

>> No.9618423
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>> No.9618427


Welcome to Atlanta! Currently a massive lawsuit against booting companies is underway

>> No.9618445

Use the skywalk. You can get in no problem and it has a great view of people waiting 2 hours

>> No.9618509

Anyone check the parade today? Working on the day of so I ended up missing it. Never been to one before. How was it?

>> No.9618638

You can catch them on Dragoncon's Youtube after the con.

>> No.9618660

That place was booked out when I planned my trip. had to get a place halfway across town.

>> No.9618681

>pulse music is up
Rave when

>> No.9618696

Sorta salty prices have gone up by $5 again for next year's dc. Sorta hoping they get more hotels involved since every year it gets harder and harder to get around.

Also say hello if you're around. I'm the guy walking around as the alola marowak/kiawe

>> No.9618703

Where is lost and found? Does every hotel have one?

>> No.9618729

Sheraton handles a lot of general lost and found stuff. Especially badges. But yeah talk to security

>> No.9618771

It's late. What you fuckers doing right now? I can't be assed to come join you tonight but I wanna hear your stories.

>> No.9618774

Where the party at

>> No.9618789

Getting some homeless guy to buy me booze.

>> No.9618792

Just did the aquarium party. Its one of the coolest con experiences I've had.

>> No.9618793

Mariott second floor I belive.

>> No.9618801


>Not being 21

>> No.9618815

No one should have been born after 1996.

>> No.9618823
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>> No.9618824


Glad to hear it, anon. I'm gonna take a look for myself tomorrow.

>> No.9618848

>mfw ppl younger than I are winning cosplay contests.
I'm only 28 anons, where did it all go wrong?

>> No.9618850

>only 28

Go back the home granny.

>> No.9618873

Forgot about rocky horror. Line all the way around the building. Fml

>> No.9618878

>tfw 1996 but in December

>> No.9618888

if anybody sees dr. Stein at the Marriott that's me say hello

>> No.9618904

Saw a guy in a Kekistan uniform (and flag cape) get harassed by what i assume was staff in the Westin

I think Kekistan LARPing is pretty dumb and all that but dude was like Hispanic, he's probably not a neo-nazi guys

Good luck if you read this, guy, hopefully it all worked out

>> No.9618942

Caught the burlesque show. The first performer they had was on the heavy side and her performance involved taking off a risque outfit and putting on woek clothes.

It made me laugh, for the wrong reason, that people were cheering as she put clothes back on.

>> No.9618964

Anybody confirm incident of throwing chairs from the marriot balcony into the atrium. Leddit DragonCon is going nuts about it

>> No.9618977

Its bull. Ppl were high and freaking out

>> No.9618980

Correction, now it's the Marriott area where people smoke

>> No.9618995
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5pm on the sharaton 3rd floor balcony.
There will be free booze. Just don't be a fag.

>> No.9618998

If you see me say hi

>> No.9619013

Meet up for all 4chan types or just /cgl/ regs?

>> No.9619016


>> No.9619020

Just a general chan meetup. I'm from /v/. I only come to /cgl/ for threads on cons I'm attending.

>> No.9619045
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Gonna try to make this one, i couldnt find shit friday.
Wew lad. Pic didnt post

>> No.9619046

Also I have an unopened 12 pack of beers.

>> No.9619070
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They hit someone and he may have a broken hand.

>> No.9619074

What happened at the rave? Can someone confirm girl having seizure

>> No.9619079

Huge faggots, but we don't vape.

Fuck those guys trying to impress people outside by blowing smoke all over everyone

>> No.9619117

Can confirm, people smoking in the stairwell

>> No.9619180

Sweet,I'll be there

>> No.9619196

Leddit confirms one head injury and possible 4 more

>> No.9619212

Tha explains the ambulance maybe that guy I saw the cops taking out.

>> No.9619218

How long are people going to be around ? I had some panels i wanted to do around that time

>> No.9619268

those REPENT fuckers showed up on my side of the street with his megaphone

>> No.9619271 [DELETED] 
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Captured in the Marriot happy con boys and girls

>> No.9619299

Are there any parties going on tonight? I went to heroes and villains last night and had a lot of fun.

>> No.9619305
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somebody giving cpr in the bathroom?

>> No.9619332

Doing a very poor job at it. You're suppose to give chest compressions from the front and loosen their shirt to avoid restricted breathing , not their pants. Poor form

>> No.9619348
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Old man Lee accepted his 2 virgin sacrifices and went about his way

>> No.9619381

Drinks upstairs on floor 10 of Marriott

>> No.9619387

Is there advil? Im hungover af.

>> No.9619408

What to look for?

>> No.9619415

Oh man,i'm going to be in panels till 10. Any meetup plans after that?

>> No.9619430
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Alas, Saturday was my last day. I spent 14 hours in the arcade cause I'm neet af.

Enjoy the rest of your con, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.9619436

I can't into those Jap games at the arcade. They're all dance or rhythm based games.

Anyway, hope you had fun.

>> No.9619468

Tfw knee is swelling and it hurts to walk.

Guess i will just watch panels all day.

>> No.9619473

Does anyone know if the guy that had a seizure at the crosswalk near the DR/AA died? It went on for a while and he started foaming blood at the mouth.

>> No.9619479

Galleria level in the Hilton is a quiet place to get away from people if your hotel room is too far.

>> No.9619489

Love it down there, a lot of panels, no lines, chargers by the wall

>> No.9619505


>> No.9619533

Liquor or just beer?

>> No.9619538

Shout outs to whoever's gonna do the OW comp at 7:00. I have two buds playing with me and one gets super salty about competitions whenever he loses lmao.

>> No.9619541

Which balcony?

>> No.9619547
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright, I'm here with the booze. If someone else could order some pizza or bring chips or something as well that'd be great.

South tower balcony, 3rd floor in front. It's near a cafe

>> No.9619550

Almost forgot to mention, I'm wearing a plain black polo and jeans and I have a blue cooler.

>> No.9619551

Blue cooler white lid with the girl dressed like a blue fairy looking thing?

>> No.9619555

Willing to give booze to under 21 but over 18?

>> No.9619559

Wondering this as well

>> No.9619560

Moved into cafe

>> No.9619561

Not him but not legal in Georgia. I don't give a fuck but if someone tells, as people tend to do...

>> No.9619568

Obviously I'm not gonna say I'm not 21 but I mean are they gonna ask.

>> No.9619570

I can bring, uhh , more booze

>> No.9619576

Bring boneless booze.

>> No.9619579

Not for (you)

>> No.9619580
File: 118 KB, 348x348, received_10155685306714894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want it dontcha

>> No.9619592

How do you fuck up so badly?

>> No.9619598

Is anyone still at the meetup? Swinging by sheraton from marriot

>> No.9619601

Yeah, at the cafe by the balcany spot

>> No.9619605

Ummm the starbucks?

>> No.9619614

Redshirt blue jeans

>> No.9619625

I recognize that image I seen it used in Threads before he doesn't exist

>> No.9619633

You don't deserve my yous.

>> No.9619637
File: 1.10 MB, 2352x2919, IMG_20170903_190938126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't fake news

>> No.9619694

Tell the man in the polo shirt to charge his phone and that the blue fairy is in line for the masquerade

>> No.9619716

Blue fairy made it into masquerade. Please inform black polo shirt to stay at the cafe if his phone is day

>> No.9619720

Are people still hanging out ? Ive got a cooler full of beer i need to get rid of.

>> No.9619724
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Where do i bring it lads?

>> No.9619741

You tell me, i can take it off your hands.

>> No.9619744

Are there still people hanging out anywhere ? Otherwise i am in hilton

>> No.9619760

WOW I got my ass kicked in the tournament. Everyone was super cool, though. This is my second time going to a con and everyone being so chill is exactly why I'm coming back next year, too.

If you see a gnome looking fella it might just be me. keep having fun, anons.

>> No.9619786

At Hilton super hero vs vilians, card against humanity panal, red shirt, green jean shorys, black bag.

>> No.9619804

He was charging his phone after we split. Hope you guys get home without trouble.

>> No.9619835

What floor

>> No.9619852

Where you at ill come to you

>> No.9619853

I'm off to pick up a trap at the LGBT party.

>> No.9619855

2nd floor by stairs

>> No.9619856

Good luck bro

>> No.9619861

Hilton 2nd floor by the old escalator. Better hurry fore i drink em all

>> No.9619865

Any decerning details?

>> No.9619868

Grey shirt blue cooler.

>> No.9619870
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so what's the happy haps, what's did I miss?

>> No.9619873

I am also drinking beers

>> No.9619876

Free beers to anons on hilton 2nd floor where the elevators used to be

>> No.9619879

Is this the same guy that gave out free beer last year?

I was Law that time.

>> No.9619880

Where is that? I don't know the history of this place

>> No.9619892

Hilton 2nd floor fat guy and skinny guy sitting on a bliu cooler

>> No.9619898

That angle is fucking horrible, go learn how to take better shots

>> No.9619905

>standing on top of a toilet to take a pic over the stall wall of a chick getting railed in the bathroom
>bitch about photo angles

You gay or stupid?

>> No.9619921

Disregard that i sick cocks, beers have all been given away.

>> No.9619927


>> No.9619942

Did anyone catch the travesty of the masquerade mariocart/mad max mashup. Fucking beautiful.

>dat best in show was a nightmare tho

>> No.9619976

I'm thinking about that but I'm only bi enough to like traps and twinks. I don't want to be hit on by bears and otters.

Plus I left my rubbers at my hotel.

>> No.9619977
File: 220 KB, 1080x1920, 21273676_10213971775990245_8543559917378830791_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom heard gossip about the Dragoncon violence, and is now paranoid about me ever going to a con again.

Were there really cosplayers fighting in the streets?

>> No.9619978

>Playing YMCA at a "rave"


>> No.9620025

Some fucknuts tossed chairs off the Mariott 10th floor smokers lounge and hit two people, one on the head and one on the wrist.
Might have been some of the football fans who are here for the game on monday.
Overall the crowd can get a bit loud, but nothing violent. Past ~8pm is NOT a place for unaccompanied minors/small girls though. It's not bible camp, lots of people come here to cut loose, get wasted and laid.
Use common sense, people.

>> No.9620038

I know shitting on dubstep is very 2011 but god damn; I'm out here at the party going on in the courtyard at the Hilton and watching people try to dance to this crap is magical.

>> No.9620050

Gotta have something the white people can dance along to yo

>> No.9620082

I elevated best pony cosplay to an art form tonight turns out if you stand really still people will take pictures of you even if they don't know what you are.I even had a couple of people go to poke me before asking if I was a person or not

>> No.9620083

Post your costume fag.

>> No.9620085

Read the thread

>> No.9620087

Wtf was that shitty masquerade. Between JDF ducking his own dick the whole time and the shit tier cosplays. The fucking amazing bird thing at the beginning was unreal and some fur monster beat him and the D.va? Even that cute lil fur suit took more work than whatever the hell that fur monster was. What were the judges smoking?

>> No.9620095

Ahh. I see.

>> No.9620096


I actually saw you coming out but didn't wanna approach. I should have. Me and my friend were outside just shooting the shit when I noticed.

>> No.9620100

So DragonCon has been going a long time. Anyone know if people have committed suicide at the con?

>> No.9620103


Shit, there's various ways to do it.

>> No.9620144 [DELETED] 

Where can I find a girl to make out with at 4AM?

>> No.9620186

Definitely going back next year. Barely hit 2 panels but still managed to enjoy walking around taking pictures of cosplay. I'll be much wiser for next year. The drive from 75 and finding parking was beyond easy on Saturday compared to smaller cons I've been to. 99.9% of the people were chill except for this one bitch but it didn't slow me down. Getting food wasnt impossible either. For all the chaos with the massive numbers, it was at least organized chaos for where I went. Next time I hope to meet more of you guys and cosplay myself

>> No.9620417


Yeah, the only things annoying me are the elevator hunting game and the lack of security. After 10PM the dudebros tend to get a little grabby.
The rest though? Absolutely amazing. The high average age and hotel layout really help.

>> No.9620434
File: 194 KB, 581x811, 18010369_358066657929660_8262805194388237864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were there really cosplayers fighting in the streets?
Probably some raver retards. No cosplayers would risk ruining their costumes like that..

>> No.9620462

What is Backpage?

>> No.9620486

Jesus, are you the same kid asking about being 21 to drink?

Google it you fuck, its like old Craigslist. Go to massage page.

>> No.9620498

I'm skipping Monday since I'm a late sleeper.

All in all, it was a pretty fun time. I think I'll come again next year, hopefully I can get a room in one of the host hotels so I don't have to lug around a back pack to carry things I bought.

>> No.9620599

Nah, just tired of shitty bro shots.

>> No.9620603

Then stop sucking dick

>> No.9620616

Ya it was surreal to see ya there. Like wtf. Good job cosplaying and excellent costume. Glad you got to chat to a Scarecrow

>> No.9620657

Nothing but chinks advertising underground massage parlors

>> No.9620697

He was asking for a girl to kiss.

Actually pprostitutes dont kiss, just fuck...

>> No.9620752
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>literally the only person familiar with 4chan who came up to me.
For all the talk I see about meetups in every con thread it really seems like anons dont want to approach other anons, and if they do they rarely want to talk about the boards and related stuff.
At least I got to talk with some relative normies about the costume and the cup.

Much cleaner shots of the kit and scarf if you've never seen what /mlp/ does for the cup.

>> No.9621205
File: 99 KB, 563x380, dc help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is still out there trying not to get caught

>> No.9621210

at the con itself or just a con attender necking xerself in the bathroom for attention?

>> No.9621228

At the con itself. I gave some serious consideration to checking if the upper floors in the Hilton had overlook access to the mainhall so I could face dive right in front of the DJ booth. But I just decided I was tired and went back to my hotel.

>> No.9621259

I meet up with like 6 anons, the one group meetup that worked out was a drink and swap 4chan topics and memes.

Also what do normies think of >rape?

>> No.9621261

I usually only miss meetups when they suddenly pop up and I'm already doing something. I consider them a free/down time activity

>> No.9621289

see >>9621205

>> No.9621290

none of the jerseys say >rape as the player name. they were printed by a legitimate company and no offensive materials would be allowed. so his name on them is just >
I dont have the > 34 number. I have Best Pony 1 and Razzle Dazzle 25.
I did get the expected reaction when I explained that /mlp/ doesnt like the word brony because of the reddit connotation and refer to themselves as nor/mlp/eople or horsefuckers.

>> No.9621520

>call the westin trying to book for next year
>con rate blocks already sold out
fucking hell.

>> No.9621810

Several of the host hotels are on a legacy system, so people who had rooms this year get priority early booking for next year. The Marriott at least is still a free for all with a set start time/date usually in October. bookings for 2015 (the last time i tried) were sold out in 17 minutes.

>> No.9621977

Go away Anna

>> No.9621997

yo all the money he got went to charity too

>> No.9622073

no, see >>9621290
two different things

>> No.9622091

I didn't know it took money. I should have given him some.

Kinda wish I gave blood too but I was drunk every time I remembered the blood drive was going on.

>> No.9622097

There's reward money now for the fuckbros who threw the chairs.
fb CrimeStoppersAtlanta/posts/1794230117258601

>> No.9622243


I wanted to give blood because that shirt design lookeded dope but I ultimately decided not to

>> No.9622254

Hell even the street vendor knockoff Dragoncon shirts were nice with the whole dragon spreading its wings over Atlanta motif they had going on.

>> No.9622257


I had eyes on those shits the entire time. I should have picked one up when they were selling those shits for ten bucks. Absolutely LEGIT.

I wanted to get drunk, but I had no excuse not to pick up a shirt. Maybe I should head by the store tomorrow and see if they got any left.

>> No.9622363

Damn I really wasnt looking close to the vendor tees and the ones I did see were for college football. Next year I will look better.

As for a major DC purchase I am gonna make a custom DC flag. It will be professionally, yet unofficially, made. One of the large flags both front and back. Purple with the DC label.

>> No.9622497


If you talk about where you'll be showing it off next year I'll be sure to look for you. Sounds great, I hope you get to make it.

>> No.9624366

Meetup at meryiat 10 floor balcony, free beer.

>> No.9624391

Bro the con has been over for days.

>> No.9624600

Das the joke

>> No.9625530

Nice! Since you are THROWING the party I'll make sure to bring the chairs

>> No.9625649

I know people from Florida who just decided to stay. It's like DragonCon month for them.

>> No.9625936

I should have, I came back from vacation week and worked one day before we decided to close until tuesday.

>> No.9625967

try again. you still hanging around here, JJ?

>> No.9627003

Not funny

>actually it was funny