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File: 32 KB, 539x492, 20799158_1580285762016718_8889826272783864350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9598521 No.9598521 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is with the drama this time?
Lynda Leung is apparently a US retailer.

>> No.9598533

She's the head of AP USA and Harajuku Hearts. From the screen shots and word of mouth from other people, she's an asshole and has been like that for a long time. It's just spreading now thanks to the recent screen shots.

>> No.9598534
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>> No.9598536
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Is lolita redpilled?

>> No.9598539

>s-stop disagreeing with me on the Internet or I'll tell on you!
What a baby.

>> No.9598540

Well, I was going to comment then realized it showed where I work and hahahahahahahahahhaaa

>> No.9598562

Have you ever met Lynda yourself? I think she's a wonderful person and people are taking what she said out of context... She's not a nazi...

>> No.9598563


Holy shit I remember that guy, he's still around? Last time I saw him must've been 7 years ago.

>> No.9598566

if you work at sf ap you could really do with wearing a light blouse or at the very least making sure your bra isn't out and showing

>> No.9598567

This. She's a genuinely kind person, especially to new lolitas. Everyone's taking her post out of context and distorting it to further their liberal opinions. If you aren't liberal, you don't get free speech I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9598581
File: 65 KB, 539x767, 20841179_10155520224267557_9196828760322268655_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LL isn't the franchise owner, but works under the owners as some sort of public face/manager person for AP USA.

So there's this insane Nazi rally going on in Virginia right now and some crazy person drove a car through a crowd of people protesting and killed one and injured others.

In response to that armchair warriors have been passing around a meme posting about how people who were mad about that NFL player taking a knee during the anthem aren't mad about this, and because LL is tone-deaf and loves to antagonize people who aren't ultra conservative like her, LL comments and then argues with people about how she's not trying to offend anyone. Somebody screenshots it and then other people spread it around everywhere.

She does this all the time on facebook so I'm not sure why all of a sudden this time everyone decided to pay attention, but now that it's 'hot' everyone's been posting all the old dumb shit she's posted (including OPs screenshot).

TLDR LL isn't the AP USA owner, and has always been a troll. She's a shit person, but it's dumb to boycott AP over this.

And before you go 'oh she's nice in person' no, she will 100% try to start dumb shit in normal conversation too, you just have been lucky enough to not have heard it.

>> No.9598582

Posting edgy """anti-SJW""" stuff on fb is cringey but not exactly the same as being a literal nazi

If I dare say that though I'll probably be shunned from the comm

>> No.9598583


>> No.9598585

She shouldn't be fired

>> No.9598591

It's funny to see all these fat SJWs spouting off about boycotting AP as if they could fit into it, much less afford it.

>> No.9598594

Well I don't but thanks for the advice.

Just don't get involved in the hive mind you nazi!!! Ban all nazis from lolita!!


>> No.9598596
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It's nice to know wonderfinch is still a raging, lying cunt.

>> No.9598599

She looks kinda white in that image.

>> No.9598609


Genuinely kind people don't act like shitfucks in public about things that are kind of important.

Quietly kneeling is not the same as having a pants-shitting screaming fit and a march over a statue of a goddamn Confederate general being removed. These things are not equal.

Being pleasant on occasion doesn't mean she's not an asshole. There's nothing "lol troll" about what's happening. It's really, really bad.

There's a cult in a nearby town that's preparing for the incoming race war. They have this half-biblical half-Nazi gibberish logic. Every few years someone snaps and they kill or attempt to kill someone.

>> No.9598612

Shit that never happened land

>> No.9598620

Additional context, she was actually much worse in the comment thread under her original comment, and only stopped being inflammatory when a somewhat known black lolita joined the thread and called her out. It was really a social presence mess for someone who's supposed to be representing a brand

>> No.9598622

Lynda has always been terrible. She's fucked people over since before AP SF, when she was starrycandybox, and publically whined about customers because she thought they didn't buy enough from her at conventions. She's threatened people with her gun collection. She might have sold replicas at the same time she was an AP vendor. She's been consistenly a terrible business person, screwed people out of gift certificates they've won from HH, and overcharges everyone on shipping. Even if for some reason you don't care about her terrible political views, if you like AP at all you should want her out because the store would most likely run much better without her there. From a business perspective, she's terrible. She's known for fucking over customers. Why would you shop somewhere that is actively trying to do that?

>> No.9598631
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Just remember that Meta did it first.

>> No.9598633

Labeling her as a nazi, nazi sympathizer, etc was a reach for me. But that's only because I reserve the word "nazi" for when it truly applies. People fling that word around like a frisbee and it needs to stop. Her message was extremely ignorant and distasteful but that does not a nazi make.

I can't be bothered with Lynda and I haven't purchased from AP USA in months. She can keep her shit opinions and over priced inventory.

>> No.9598645

Whoah. Do you have a source for any of this?

>> No.9598648

Does someone have more screencaps/can someone give a chronological explanation of what happened?

>> No.9598654

But anon, don't you realize that if you disagree with anything about far-leftist ideology and question a single thing social justice warriors say, you're a literal Nazi?

That's the definition of a Nazi, right?

>> No.9598658


I remember all this. Yes, even before StarryCandyBox, there's CosplayOneesan. Remember that? Some of us have long memories.

And who could forget that Fanime disaster nicknamed "fancy French"? If that wasn't the comm being ripped off by Lynda Leung, I don't know what is.

>> No.9598669

>She's the head of AP USA and Harajuku Hearts
Where are you getting that from? Someone else said she's just in charge of webshop orders.

>> No.9598672

You're talking about someone who has repeatedly said people deserve to die in situations they were the victim, like in Paris and the balcony that fell down.

>> No.9598677

Mte, I was really surprised to see people say that and just assumed those people are not from a country that was occupied by hitler

But you are overreacting to something only a couple young people said

>> No.9598678

Honestly, I've always had good interactions with Lynda. I speak with her in the shop regularly and have never experienced anything negative. If anything, as a left-of-center person, I've always been impressed at how "brave" she is to be a conservative trans Asian american in San Francisco. I know a lot of people, including myself, who get bullied for being not liberal enough around there.

>>9598633 >>9598654
I feels the feels. Getting tired of this word that people have forgotten the meaning of. What is a Nazi? A nationalist / socialist hybred political party that labels things that oppose them as hate speech, forces people to group together by their cultural labels and then identifies select groups as the "problem". And that, if we could only get rid of the "problem" then the world will be perfect.
Forgetting the root logic of what makes a Nazi, you lose the ability to spot it and stop it from happening again.

"I fundamentally disagree with this person, but their employer probably doesn't care about my fee-fees, so let's raid yelp!"

If evidence can be gathered, this is legit ammo. If Lynda can be shown to be professionally awful, then that would be a reason to then complain. My issue is with punishing someone professionally for disagreeing with them politically. You have the right to choose not to do business with them, but to start promoting a boycott you need to show there is an issue with their business practices.

>> No.9598684

I don't necessarily agree that she's a nazi sympethizer in that she has never publically said thing supporting white supremacy and the elimination of other races (regardless of all the other shity opinions she has about lgbt and other minorities), but I've pretty much had it up to here with people who are "okay with racism because that's just their own opinion" because being okay with people who choose to not believe in human rights and actively try and ensure that others don't have rights is fucked up. I don't care if she was just playing troll or if she's a "real nazi", she's just all around a shitty person and I don't want to give her my money.

Thank you!!! Yeah, the archives have some of the older stuff, and there's a few getoffegl posts, honestly I can't remember everything she's done because she has been so consistently terrible the entire time she's been in the lolita community

>> No.9598685

Honestly, I'm not. Did you even see the comments on Rufflechat Uncensored? Every other post called her a Nazi, and people who dared question their rhetoric was labeled a Nazi as well.

>> No.9598686

Let's not forget her allowing Phil Shinkai into meets and events. He's banned from BTTSB and all the local comms, yet she's still on his dick. Why is this not a bigger issue?

>> No.9598689

>You have the right to choose not to do business with them, but to start promoting a boycott you need to show there is an issue with their business practices

Wtf? No, why the fuck can I boycott something if they're a bad business practitioner but not if I disagree with them on moral grounds? If a bunch of people decide to not support a business because they disagree with them politically I don't see how that's somehow worse, they're just not giving money to someone who they don't agree with. Like I don't fucking go to hobby lobby or chik-fil-a, why am I obligated to?

>> No.9598691

The amount of "nazi" getting thrown around is really upsetting to me. I have a lot of family that survived the war and I'm starting to really resent having to talk about what is or isn't a nazi during meet-ups. I became a Lolita to indulge on a fantasy, not to either tolerate ignorant people screaming "nazi!" or having to explain to them how they are incorrect.

>> No.9598694

What's the deal with Phil?

>> No.9598696

I didn't say you can't make the conscious choice as a consumer to boycott based on political views, I said it is wrong to start a witch hunt to convince / pressure others into making the same choices you have.

What I see happening right now in this thread is people trying to pressure others into making the same choices; this is why the word Nazi has become meaningless. It's applied to create a situation where in people are discouraged from making their own decisions. Please, go ahead and boycott Lynda. That's your right, but stop guilting everyone else into backing up your personal choice; stand on your own two feet.

>> No.9598698

He used to be a medical practitioner and got his license revoked because some patients filed restraining orders against him. He used to go into Baby and bring the shopgirls gifts until they got creeped up by him showing up and being unnessacarily pushy towards them but also underage customers. He tried to give one a foot rub I think, and he's got a foot fetish (he was a foot doctor). He finally got banned from Baby and the comm but is not from AP since he's friends with Lynda, so people felt uncomfortable since he would attend AP events and tea parties.

>> No.9598702


>> No.9598703

No one's pressuring others to boycott AP, Tarrah, the post was just a heads-up to people who might care about these issues so they could make their own decisions. Feel free to buy up as much of HH's overpriced stock as you want.

>> No.9598704

This isn't the only thing she's done or said. People aren't calling her a nazi just because of this one incident.

>> No.9598711

Like, I'm confused because you seem to be under the impression that you can be forced into a boycott. You can't, no one can make you not buy anything. No one's breaking down your door and burning up your AP. There are literally no negative consequences except it sounds like you're worried you're going to be judged or something? Which is kinda on you?

>> No.9598718

Everyone has the right to judge people based on their statements, beliefs and actions. However, the public shaming and call-out culture that follows social media boycotts usually spirals into harassment. I don't care if people judge Lynda for her statements, I care that instead of presenting the evidence and letting everyone make their own choices, that people will feel pressured into going one way or the other to avoid being unduly shamed.

btw who's Tarrah? Completely unrelated or are they tied into all this?

>> No.9598724

Yeah, its ridiculous. Freedom of speech runs both ways

>> No.9598727

I can't find everything because my Googlefu is weak, but here are some of Lynda's past transgressions.

Fancy French Event reviews:
More about the Fancy French Event:
Starry Candy Box (AP USA's predecessor) selling AP replicas:

There was an incident where she threatened egl members with her guns in a chat room, but I can't find that. Her lj username is pawteegal.

>> No.9598730

>I care that instead of presenting the evidence and letting everyone make their own choices, that people will feel pressured into going one way or the other to avoid being unduly shamed.

Okay, but like I said, the posting of this kind of info to social media's purpose is exactly why you said- presenting evidence and letting people make a decision (which, let's be real, people were going to form an opinion and make a decision one way or another anyway? That's kind of how a boycott works, you either support it or you don't) And if you decide not to boycott who's going to know? Are you like, going around telling people who you know are actively boycotting things that you don't agree with them and picking a fight? Because unless that's the case, you can't get shamed for not participating in a boycott.

>> No.9598731

Yeah, she's free to say anything she likes but that doesn't mean she's free from the consequences of her publically posting her opinions. If people decide not to buy stuff from her that's just them expressing their freedom of speech by talking with their dollars.

>> No.9598732


Goddamn. At least Baby stood up to him.

>> No.9598733

None of this matters. You guys are still going to buy from her store when the next AP bloodbath print gets sold out everywhere else.

>> No.9598735

>the public shaming and call-out culture that follows social media boycotts usually spirals into harassment.
Like with the Leighs, actual scammers that allegedly harassed lolitas? Or are they doing business as usual and nothing happens when lolitas support them?

>> No.9598736
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Are you really going to boycott a brand because they employ somebody who has different views? If you found out the person who served you at McDonalds was a fascist would you never eat there again? It's not like AP are actively telling lolitas to adapt this mindset, or even condoning it.
I guess I just don't understand the drama desu

>> No.9598738

Yeah if somewhere I went employed someone who doesn't believe in human rights I would't go there again, why the hell would I? If I expressed opinions that someone else disagreed with I also wouldn't expect them to buy anything from me. I can give you a while laundry list of places I don't shop because I disagree with their views. It's literally the easiest thing in the world for me to not buy something.

>> No.9598740

People aren't boycotting the brand, they're boycotting the shop she personally runs.

>> No.9598742

So this comparison is confusing, which makes me think we're definately ships in the night missing each other's points. It's about the balance of sin versus punishment, I'm trying to say. My use of terminology referencing outrage culture, social media calling out and shaming all centers around a concern that the backlash can quickly outweigh the actions of the accused.
What the Leighs did was terrible and people have the right to know, so they can decide how to factor in that information with their purchasing choices.
All I'm trying to point out here is we need to try to keep cool heads and not turn this into a binary "with us or against us" situation. There is a habit currently of calling for out of proportion pushiments and then demanding support for making sure it's carried out. In no way am I trying to let her off the hook or ignore her statements; all I am saying is that we are currently in an era were everything goes too far, too fast and the damage is dished out swiftly to all those who can somehow bare some "blame", which now a days often includes those who did not actively take part in a boycott.

>>9598733 >>9598731
This is the part I just don't get; vote with your dollar. Everyone just vote with your money and the world will change based on that. You're right in that a lot of the complainers here, who are trying to exert social pressure to boycott, are probably not going to do it selves unless they know it's happening as a group.

>> No.9598743
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Oh yay I get to use this image.

>> No.9598747

I'm >>9598622 and I guess I'm really just surprised that it's taken this long for any major outcry to happen regarding Lynda. As you can also see from >>9598658 and >>9598727 she's been doing this for years so I just don't see this as a situation of "going too far too fast". Like, in my opinion, it's been kind of slow. This is a culmination of things she's said and done over years.

>> No.9598749

just like how ten other people used it in the rufflechat thread, too. wow what a surprise you're using it to justify your hivemind here too.

inb4 you call me a Nazi

>> No.9598759

The gun thing happened during/after this public EGL chat iirc, pity the caps are gone now

>> No.9598760

some people are boycotting the brand entirely tho? or at least they're making it seem as if they are. the RC:U comment chain is probably a giant clusterfuck but there's more than a couple in there.

>> No.9598764

This. She's been openly shitty on fb for years, but I know plenty of people that have defended her or ignored it because they want to suck her AP anus.

>> No.9598768

does anyone have any info on what's "tying" her to the company, aside from her stake in it? people seem to be alluding to there being something more and i'm really curious. especially about why Honda is so keen on her.

>> No.9598771

Sissies always ruining the fashion.

>> No.9598774

>writing like a /pol/tard on your public facebook
I don't care if she's a right winger or whatever the fuck but she deserves the backlash for being this unprofessional when she owns a business.

>> No.9598776

The only theory I've seen is that Japanese businesses don't like to end doing business with people because it's bad etiquette

>> No.9598777
File: 740 KB, 2042x2042, IMG_5405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incase you wander what S***** was talking about

What info do you put in when order from Ap Usa?
Name, address, telephone, credit card, e.t.c.
Who is running that website? ...?

They keep your info
some times even do things like run background checks e.t.c.

In addition stopped taking medication for mental instability, and have large stockpile of gun and ammunition

>> No.9598778

i feel like keeping that kind of info is pretty standard for a website like that

like, what's the worry? is a crazed L**** going to fly across the country and shoot up her least favorite customers or something? not trying to be a jerk, i just wish we knew more

>> No.9598779

I thought you were expecting lolitas to harass others about this, but previous events have proven that they won't. Now it sounds like you are talking about general call-out culture, which is not a thing in my country.

>> No.9598781
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AP USA posted this on their Twitter!

>> No.9598783

They posted it on fb as well.

>> No.9598789

The info is kept securely not for an employee to have for personal playtime
Ripe for an identity theft

>> No.9598815

>Lynda is dangerous
>things that keep her tied are too scary to talk about
>watch what you say and keep safe

lmao, what are these idiots talking about? Are they inferring Lynda is yakuza? Or are SJWs just this fucking stupid? I had a really good laugh at this.

>> No.9598820

Since I've never met them irl I imagine SJW to be teenagers like in that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt episode or perhaps even younger (from how they type), so I always find it funny when other lolitas react to them like this

>> No.9598839

Guyssss you need to boy(girl)cott AP.
And sell all your AP dresses on lacemarket right now...

For super cheap..

And free shipping

Its the only way

>> No.9598852

Nah she used to be friends with Lynda.

>> No.9598853
File: 28 KB, 200x200, 3F213B37-2106-4EC9-ABD3-7A1D57F91E7A-956-00000155AC2372CD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, tf was all that about? I'm sure AP JP just keeps her on board because they've no idea what her affiliations are and don't care. The brand gets sold and gets recognition throughout the country. I'm not sure AP cares about much beyond that.

I'm sure Lynda is a perfectly normal person with no gang affiliations and no crazy secret double life that makes her "dangerous." This just sounds like shit stirring.

>> No.9598854

If you post it to RC some will belive you.

>> No.9598862

There have been talk about her intimidating people since years ago, from people in her comm. But I don't think she has actually done something violent.

>> No.9598872

Imagine what you could achieve if you used your freedom of speech to do something instead of just being against something, your gif is inaccurate. All rabid sjws do is complain.What you should be doing if you care so much is to help poor civilians in Syria that are getting bombed out of it get out of their country. Personally I hate politics, both sides are nuts & I am a pacifist that doesn't vote but I think witchhunts over personal beliefs are wrong.

>> No.9598873

Fun fact, the CEO of AP jpn is a pretty racist old lady.

>> No.9598877

Not american, but the gist I am getting is that people are mad at someone for spouting beliefs/political opinions at their job, which is the very thing the girl herself was saying pissed her off. But sjws are literally screaming "nazi,nazi,nazi" & trying to ruin her life & lose her her job. Riiiight.

>> No.9598881

Really, who is the CEO? Then again all old japanese folks are kinda racist. It's a culutural thing over there that japan is superior. Not cool but common.

>> No.9598884

2017 - Where authoritarian and thought-policing-virtue-signaling hypocrites are the loudest voices and heading this world right into the abyss in the name of their version of "justice", or in the name of victimhood/supremacy.

It's terrifying being in the middle and noticing so many similarities between each end of the political spectrum and all the tactics that they both use. It is only going to perpetuate the vicious cycle of oppressor/oppressed. No balance, no self-awareness and definitely no real intent to get the balance right. Only anger and revenge.

Differing and being a little more nuanced gets you labelled a nazi or communist these days.

So many angry people spewing rhetorics and narratives almost word by word.

I bear no love for authoritarians who come under the pretence of "progress". As I bear no love for supremacists.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.9598886

glad i'm not the only one in the middle about some of these things. but i guess if we don't agree with everything that everybody says all the time we're either literal Nazis or extreme leftist SJWs.

>inb4 people start being criticized for wearing AP

>> No.9598887

If free speech has 'consequences' it's not really free, is it.

>> No.9598892

Where was this posted?

>> No.9598894

No one screencapped what she commented after that? That she edited within second is also obviously a lie since someone was able to screencap this before she edited and made dumb replies.

>> No.9598896

she's aggressively rightwing which would have no bearing on her job if she didn't do it in such a loud and demeaning way. What really makes me mad isnt the original tone-deaf post, it's the way she responded to being called out on it.

>> No.9598897

This! My grandfather lost his first cousin in the Holocaust. He was taken to Haushvitz with his wife and kids. The way that people are labelling every other dissenting soul a nazi/fascist so freely truly gives me great concerns. And what's with the celebration of communism too?? I have so many Eastern European friends who really don't understand how this ideology is still being considered "correct-thinking" and acceptable.

>> No.9598901

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a trans _asian_ person gets called a nazi/white supremacist.

>> No.9598903

>what's with the celebration of communism too??
Where? Actually I have a lot of Spanish and Italian friends who like a type of communism and I thought Americans are very anti-communism just as much as anti-nazi, and most people on Rufflechat are Americans.

What bothers me most actually is the people in the comments admitting that they don't wear lolita. I knew there are a lot of people pretending to be lolitas or who only have 1 coord that they never wear, but I didn't think there would be so many bold enough to admit in a lolita discussion group that they are not lolitas.

>> No.9598904

>He finally got banned from Baby and the comm but is not from AP since he's friends with Lynda
Okay, see, that's a genuine example of her doing a shitty thing. She's an asshole. But being friends with a creepy footfag does not a nazi make.

>> No.9598905

No, it's still free. You are free to say what you want, and people are free to react to it however they want. Why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.9598908

I think the stupidity of calling everyone who comes off as slightly supportive of these extremist right groups has already been hashed out in this thread.

She's not a Nazi and she doesn't support Nazis, but she's a raging asshole who doesn't act professionally. Instead of apologizing when she's called out on her racism, she doubles down with even worse shit.

>> No.9598909

So, what you're saying is that some people don't have the freedom to criticize other people, is that right?

There are consequences for the things that people do. It's not immoral to not frequent a store and tell people why. Fuck, there's a store in town I've stopped going to because all the cashiers are assholes. Am I being immoral when I tell people not to shop there?

>> No.9598910

It's IS free. Free speech has always had interpersonal consequences. What makes it free is the fact that the government won't come and lock you up for your terrible opinions unless you make a credible verbal threat.

>> No.9598912

Conspiracy theories at best. Next, George Soros is the putter master behind all the AP drama and Lynda an agent of the NWO.


>> No.9598913

I just hope they don't expect us ALL to boycott AP as a whole
>mfw I've sunk hundreds of dollars into AP
>mfw I also have Jewish relatives that wouldn't give a shit about this particular situation because they care more about the actual important things related to Charlottesville and actual nazis
I'm hoping this just blows over like all other past dramas have

>> No.9598915

God, I love it when stupid people use words and terms they don't really understand.

You have such a poor grasp of what is going on and why.

>> No.9598916

So which "side" are you on then?

>> No.9598919

There are many who feel like us, unfortunately. We are just not the loudest.

>> No.9598921

Lately there has been increasing numbers of people who refer to the current society as "late capitalist" as if an inevitable switch to communism is coming soon.

Americans have been very anti-communist but that has slowly decreased since the fall of USSR. Now on Facebook there's even pro-communism meme groups. Naturally they always choose to ignore all the political prisoners, hunger, executions, persecutions, death of free press that happens under every communist government. Just try finding or affording AP and Baby in a country like Cuba or pre-capitalist reform China.

>> No.9598925

>Am I being immoral when I tell people not to shop there?
No, you are not being immoral but you are being biased. Your version of being an asshole might not be the same for others. Your subjective personal experience with these cashiers is what it is: your own experience, informed by your own standards and values.

You may say that they cashiers were all assholes to you but the fairer thing to do would be to let others go there have their own experience and make their own judgement, according to their own standards.

>> No.9598928

Thank you, you just made my point. Since you clearly know best, please go ahead and enlighten me on the words that I seem to use without even knowing what they mean.

People like you cannot see the irony behind their actions and words. Never mind.

>> No.9598929


>> No.9598930

>Now on Facebook there's even pro-communism meme groups
Like the ones my Italian and Spanish friends are in lol. Memes can be about anything, they are innocent.

>> No.9598931

>implying that's the first thing she done
You forgot the part when it happend last time and she implied all gays should get murdered.

>> No.9598934

Again, anecdotal evidence. Implied means that what was relayed from her comment was down to personal interpretation.

Did she clearly say, word by word, that all gays should get murdered? Screencaps needed.

>> No.9598936

Interpersonal consequences means you choose to not be their friend or associate with and you can express your thoughts of their wrongness. It's not free license to form a vigilante lunch mob. That being said if someone is the public face of a store all their public actions are going to reflect on the business no matter how many disclaimers they put.

>> No.9598941

>What bothers me most actually is the people in the comments admitting that they don't wear lolita.
I'm not surprised.

>> No.9598942

It's funny to me that people into a Japanese fashion are happy to yell Nazi at people whose opinions they don't like.

The Japanese did some FUCKED up shit during WW2. Check out anything on Unit 731. That's a fun read.

>> No.9598945

I don't think any lolita brand designers were involved in war crimes or even alive when they were committed, though.

>> No.9598948

what are you, my racist great grandpa?

>> No.9598949

Why don't these people get kicked out? Buying lolita clothing is so easy nowadays that anyone claiming to be into the fashion for more than a few months has no excuse to not have at least one coord together. If someone admits they don't even wear the fashion, why are they in discussion groups for it? Just to talk shit? Boot their asses.

>> No.9598951

So pointing out warcrimes is racist now?

Why are you using nazi as an insult if its racist to point out warcrimes. Sure, by that logic the nazis were misunderstood patriots.

>> No.9598952

>vigilante lunch mob
I don't see anyone lynching anyone, though. So far all people have done is express their own opinion about her opinion. Being mean about it doesn't make them a murderous horde and her life is not in danger. Livelihood, maybe, but that's her own damn fault for being so unprofessional.

>> No.9598954

All of her worst stuff is from what people have experienced irl, you can choose to believe it or not but there's no point arguing about it.

>> No.9598955

Weren't people trying to get her fired and smear her name across social media?
Lynch doesn't mean literally hanging her from a tree, its still harassment and a call to terrorize her. You think the KKK burned crosses on peoples lawns because they thought it would make them happy?

>> No.9598956

see >>9598945

The majority of people who committed these crimes are no longer alive, and I'm quite certain none of them are involved in weird niche fashions. Calling someone who currently espouses Nazi beliefs a Nazi is very different from calling an entire country of people Nazis because of what their grandparents did. My own grandfather was stationed in Indonesia and spent some time in a Japanese war camp but even he knows better than to blame current-day Japanese or German people for that when they weren't even born at the time.

>> No.9598957

>why are you
>all anons are the same if they disagree with me

no, i don't believe in calling people nazis unless they're actually nazis. just like i don't believe in blaming people for war crimes they weren't alive to commit.

>> No.9598963

If she gets fired it isn't because the community got her fired. She needs to own it, she will have gotten herself fired by saying such vile, insensitive shit for literal years. Most jobs have clauses that state you need to act professionally, she hasn't been doing so and they'd be totally within their rights to give her the chop.

>> No.9598968

I just think she shouldn't get fired for her opinions but if it happens it's the business's right.

>> No.9598974

this. She's been acting like an edgy /pol/ack, her fault. She should have known better. I have no sympathy for her there.

>> No.9598978

also this. people yelling "NAZI1!11" at people with opinions they disagree with (not talking about people saying "lol black people/gay/... should be killed : D", that's not an "opinion") are getting on my nerves. For "open minded" people they sure aren't being open there.

>> No.9598980

Pointing out the war crimes committed by fascist Japan is pretty irrelevant to the fashion, considering it came about in a different decade under a completely different economic and political structure.
We aren't talking about Nazi Germany either, but present day American neo-Nazi antics. No need to bother bringing up WWII.

>> No.9598981

Exactly. I'm the anon who mentioned having perfectly fine experiences with L**** in the past. One theory I have is that in a way L**** embodies a lot of the tumblr crowds "ideals" in terms of identifying labels but she does not share their political views, so they're really mad at her. As a person who stands center left, I've seen my non-white friends who vote republican get treated horribly by white people on the far left; because for some reason POC are expected to vote / think in a more homogeneous way.

I think it's a lack of debate, honestly, people are literally stating in studies that they feel "uncomfortable" with having their ideas challenged and having to discuss / defend an idea.

Nope. Never said that. Take off your rage glasses and look again; there is a difference between speaking openly about whatever and trying to drum up a mob. Please, take everything in this thread and do what you want as a consumer.

>> No.9598982

Fundamental misunderstanding, she's not being fired for her opinions. No one will ever get fired for their own personal thoughts. Opinions are internal, it's the external actions that get people fired. There's not a single person on this planet who doesn't have some internal bias they have to tackle, that's not the issue.

She chose to act on her (objectively offensive) opinions and show her prejudices publicly. She also chose to associate herself visibly with her job. If she had not done one of those two things, there would be no issue here. If no one knew she worked for AP USA no one would be boycotting them. If we knew she worked for AP USA and was a professional person in deed and in word, there would be no problem even if she was real shitty inside.

Maybe it's not fair but the more prominent you are the more what you say matters.

>> No.9598984

I did screen cap it, but because it was on someone's personal page, for their privacy I don't want to post it here.

>> No.9598988

>I personally had okay experiences with this person, so everyone else's experiences are invalid, and so is all the evidence of this person being an asshole. Everyone's just victimizing them for being a POC trans person but not on the far left ://
>People as a collective should just keep quiet and not speak out when someone is openly, publicly being a shithead. It's mob culture and public shaming because other, unrelated people might also see this person being a shithead and a large swathe of people being (rightfully) aggravated by it, and they may be lead to think "Wow, what a shithead" as right. That's not right.
I just don't understand this logic.

>> No.9598992

This. I was not only called a nazi/nazi sympathiser. I was told to harm myself, my life didn't matter, and that people who didn't actively complain about racism where pro-racism and therefore should get their life ruined, no matter the reason of not actively complaining about racism.

>> No.9598995

i've read through the entire comment chains on both Rufflechat and RC:U and haven't seen anyone be told to harm themselves. don't exaggerate.

i don't agree with calling everybody a nazi just because we disagree. though if you were one of the three-ish people who everybody really disagreed with, you're awfully dense and deserved a little reprimand.

>> No.9598996
File: 155 KB, 487x339, Spectacle.TJ4325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one's pressuring others to boycott AP.
>Post in Rufflechat literally asking people to boycott AP (pic related).
>Post in RC: uncensored calling anyone who doesn't agree to this a Nazi.

>> No.9598997

>"autistic screeching"
I couldn't give two shits about ableism, but it's basic common sense that you can't get away with slang like that outside of 4chan. The fact that she doesn't bother hiding her borderline /pol/ack power level, despite being associated with a business, says a lot. What'd she expect to happen? Maybe it was was a spur of the moment burst?

>> No.9599001

Firing has big consequences is Japan, so you indeed don't end doing business. You also don't start about ethics unless ethics are your job. They are a clothing store, so they design, make, and sell clothes. It's not their job to tell someone what to believe. So unless she's posting this shit on an official AP page, I doubt they will do anything.

>> No.9599003

Peach on

>> No.9599005

Sounds like people wanting to say someone is bad, but know they have no proof and lying, so they try to make it look like they can't talk because of fear, instead of a lack of information that supports their propaganda.

>> No.9599008

>L**** embodies a lot of the tumblr crowds "ideals" in terms of identifying labels but she does not share their political views, so they're really mad at her.

It totally shatters their worldview when said worldview seems to have formed in an eco-chamber. It goes to show how little of what they spew is their own thoughts (or at least the thoughts they came to by their own deductions). They seem incapable of thinking in a nuanced way. When will they understand that discourse is paramount in order to challenge ideas (good and bad). Identity politics and labels are totally killing the discourse. It is essential to recognize and identify issues which affect certain pockets of society but it has become a breading ground for those who use a label to either excuse their actions or shut the debate altogether. They are collectivists who cannot fathom individual freedom of thought and complex concepts. I could go on and on about how frustrating it is to be surrounded by radicals. Sometimes I wonder if they truly care about finding solutions. They will tell you that being "moderate" or in the center is allowing the status-quo while in the same breath doing all that is in their power to bring another status-quo. We are merely pointing out that labeling anyone who don't fall in line with the current dogma is unhelpful.


>> No.9599011

It's not Japan is superior. Most Japanese feel that other countries belittle and overshadow them, and they need to stand up for themselves. This is also why they love it when seeing people trying to do Japanese culture. You choose THEIR culture instead of another, even when they are so small.

It goes two ways really. Most older people are fine with foreigners in Japan, as long as you try to fit in. You don't need to be perfect, but trying to do thing their way when being in Japan goes a long way. Can't blame them. You can't go to another country and suggest anyone just adapts to you. You went there.

Most Japanese just fear the lost of their own culture. If anything, they feel inferior and feel bad about.

>> No.9599014

I don't know about others, but I'm a social democrat. I noted if you say anything not super capitalistic, people label you as a communist. So people calling the wrong things communism might be part of the "celebration of communism"

>> No.9599016

>Most Japanese just fear the lost of their own culture
This is kinda depressing when you consider all of the people on tumblr screeching about "cultural appropriation" and how it's "better" for cultures to just die out than have them be appropriated, including Japanese-Americans saying that who aren't even aware of these things.

>> No.9599017

probably the most accurate assessment of this attitude that i've seen by a (what i'm assuming) non-Japanese. the nationalism has a different feeling from American nationalism. it's less to impose on others and more to remind ourselves that we exist. there are racists and xenophobes, but some Americans are the same way in this regard. there are bigots everywhere.

>sage for my bad english explanation, sorry

>> No.9599019

That sounds really different from what I've heard from acquaintances who hide their alt fashion style (that they only wear in their free time) in fear of getting fired, when I asked why a lot of Japanese lolitas don't post coord pictures online.

>> No.9599022

You should really post screenshots isolating those messages.

This. Internet language doesn't translate into the real world without making you sound insane.

>> No.9599025

Show the receipts instead of just saying 'oh she is bad trust me' that's not enough.
Also what the fuck i thought lolita was free of politic bullcrap but even at /cgl/ i can't relax damn.

>> No.9599028

I'm sorry your country sucks, I'm also tired of seeing Trump every time I watch an American channel. Anyways, >>9598954

>> No.9599030

>what the fuck i thought lolita was free of politic bullcrap
...where have you been, anon?

>> No.9599031

Nazi sympathizers aren't nice people, no matter how much they might pretend to be.

If you're not against nazis, you're a sympathizer. Anyone in their right mind should oppose nazis.

>> No.9599032

I blocked them eventually after my last comment, as I was getting 5 replies mentions in a minute because no one could post within a single comment. A friend said they told me to harm myself afterwards. The other mentions I said I did read myself.

I didn't even agree with Lyndas post, I agree she has done things that are unproffesional and plainly unacceptable. I only said you can't expect someone to risk ruining their life because of an issue that is not theirs. Some others also gave examples of Japanese being fired for less. I only wanted to show both sides of the story, instead of just "Japanese brands don't care about ethics 90% of the time", which was the comment I was replying to. When people start calling me a Nazi for that, yes I get dense.

I don't care about them disagreeing. But saying you're not even allowed to see the reasoning of someone THEY don't agree with before judging, and being a Nazi if you do so, that what made me annoyed.

>> No.9599033
File: 166 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20170706_195852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Dream Dress appeared.
The ones overreacting are those who call nazi anyone they don't like.

>> No.9599034

She is against nazi's

>> No.9599035

Since because it was a few years ago there are not caps but she did say so herself

>> No.9599036

She already said she disagrees with calling her a nazi so your reply makes no sense

>> No.9599040

For someone who claims to be "rational" and "logical," she sure didn't think through what the consequences would be for spouting her shit.

>m-muh free speech!
I didn't say that she shouldnt ever be allowed to say it, but come the fuck on, if you hint at being a nazi sympathizer then yeah, it's gonna bite you in the ass. And yes, saying dumb shit like this and refusing to condemn fucking nazis will make people come to that conclusion. Being pro free speech is great, fuck, I agree with it as well- but saying shit like this and suspiciously not saying that far right wing views are disgusting?
Yeah, Lynda dug her own grave. Rest in peace, fucking idiot.

>> No.9599041 [DELETED] 

people on RC:U : >racism is the worst!

also people on RC: U: >the Japanese are all racists and xenophobes!

can everyone make up their minds

>> No.9599042

You are supposed to act like a professional adult and do your job. That means no "weird" fashions, including lolita, and not interfering with things that aren't your job, like a clothing store talking about ethics.

Both are things you shouldn't do, which can cost you your job. It's pretty much the same reason. Stores fear the lost of their company as well, as many big companies and other, far more influence people, disagree. They could force the alternative fashion stores to step it down when doing stuff they don't like. Stores like BTSSB are big to us, but in a business view, they are pretty small.

>> No.9599043

people on RC:U :
>racism is the worst!

also people on RC: U:
>the Japanese are all racists and xenophobes!

can everyone make up their minds

>> No.9599045

>but saying dumb shit in public that I know will set people off shouldn't have consequences when I'm a public figure!!!
Bitch I'm not political, but when you're a public figure you gotta act like it or accept things are going to get real rocky real fast

>> No.9599047

I get you. But I was referring to people who literally celebrate communism and the figurehead who contributed in the oppression, killing and mistreatment of millions of souls.

We might be in different countries though. In my country, there are literally communist student unions filled with people who romanticise communism, consciously ignoring and finding excuses all the atrocities that it has created out. The mental gymnastic is outstanding!

Same as people being equated to National-Socialist when they have a different way to look at social issues. It just seems as if nowadays, anything to the right of the far-left is literally against humanity.

>> No.9599051

Thank you :). I'm indeed non-Japanese, but I've talking to a lot of Japanese people (and a few Chinese ones) lately and been trying to get some accurate info about the culture, because I'll probably be moving there for work.

>> No.9599053

>for their privacy I don't want to post it here.
Just black out their name and don't link to the personal page.

>> No.9599054

Nah, I see a lot of armchair activists IRL who celebrate real communist figures, and as a polish person it's extremely unsettling. Like if you think we should all share money and sing kumbaya you do you. But don't fucking tell me Stalin was a hero.

>> No.9599059

>but she did say so herself
And we are meant to believe you?

>> No.9599060

I'm sorry your new but it's been known how shitty she is for years, no we do not have receipts of the stuff she has done irl to comm members or saved links to comments from 7 years ago. Maybe try googling it yourself?

>> No.9599062

nayrt, but I remember talking about her being a nazi sympathizer years ago, long before the current political climate. You don't have to believe them, but I do.

>> No.9599063

>Since because it was a few years ago there are not caps
that print screen button has existed far before online communities where a thing. Years ago is no reason. Enough people have caps from years ago.

>> No.9599068

Totally agree! I have lots of friends from the former URSS who just cannot believe how "westerners" can equate communism with a good idea. It has failed in practice every time it gets implemented and brings more misery than anything else.

>> No.9599075

Not new, no need to be sorry.

Again, it has always been -he says, she says-. And then personal feelings and opinions taken as facts.

>> No.9599080

Maybe they were uploaded to photobucket, deleted lj accounts, imageshack or any of the other sites that don't exist anymore or deleted stuff

>> No.9599090

No one will actually be boycotting. People love to yell that but as soon as the next "it" print such as Fancy Hospital comes out and gets sold out on AP Japan they will all keep crawling back to AP USA. And then lie saying they got it from Japan.

Many of these boycott screechers probably already don't buy from AP USA for one reason or another. Nothing will change. Just like Anime Matsuri. Just like Bodyline.

>> No.9599092

Nothing is ever truly removed from the internet. There are ways to get old deleted content back, and there are always people saving it on a HDD. There are many things proven with screenshots that have happened years ago, also in the lolita comm, I don't see why we would now believe something without proof because it's old. Especially when it's apparently something big concerning an ongoing problem.

>> No.9599094

Really? My friends family immigrated from Japan because of how terribly she was treated. She was half Japanese half white and they shat on her calling her a mutt, saying she didn't belong in Japanese culture, saying she wasn't good enough, even parents didn't want their kids in class with her. Maybe it's because she wasn't in the city? But it seemed like the Japanese people there looked down on her for not being full Japanese. According to her, they also look down on black, korean, and southeast asians. They seemed pretty proud behind closed doors.

>> No.9599095

>pushing out an "it" print in forever

>> No.9599100

>the Japanese people from one area and one person's experience are representative of all Japanese people

anon, it's pretty easy to answer your own question if you just think about it. not everybody is racist, but not everybody is singing kumbaya either, just like basically anywhere else. nothing is different because they're Japanese.

>> No.9599101

But you said "most" Japanese. It was a large enough number of people against her that I'm sure it's common in other places. It seems you're the one pushing your thoughts to be representative?

>> No.9599102

It will still happen eventually, or when they have a n OK release on sale. Point is lolitas won't let decent burando sit around for their supposed ethics.

They all buy shit from China made in sweatshops. No one in the comm is truly perfect and ethical.

>> No.9599103

what? i wasn't the anon you responded to. i'm just saying that you're wrong for judging everybody based on one person's assessment.

>> No.9599109

Anon moving for work here.
Yes really. I've heard mixed stories. Most often, I hear you will always be an outsider, but that's not necessary bad. They expect you to make mistakes in their culture, and react less extreme to them than with a Japanese. But you will also never be truly considered Japanese. It has two sides.

I'm getting to Tokyo university. The job I want is hard to get there, even harder outside. From what I hear, it seems companies who are used to outsiders are in general nicer (think big universities, internationals like Sony, etc.), but English teachers are not always threaded well, because a lot of weebs take that job to go to magic Japan, so for you many others. Other places seem to have the basic xenophobia, sometimes it stays negative, sometimes it goes away showing you are serious about it.

One thing to remember is western standards are very different. You need to work hard, be on time, adapt, etc. It more strict than most places I've seen here.

>> No.9599110

>judging everyone
I wasn't? Maybe read what I reply to before commenting your own? The person was giving generalizations saying "most Japanese ___". Therefore I gave a counter that was my friends experience to show it is not all like that. Nowhere did I say most or all. I said "the Japanese people there" implying, where she was living.
What is reading comprehension?

>> No.9599112

Thanks for your informative response! Good luck on being a teacher, I hope it all goes well.

>> No.9599113

>It was a large enough number of people against her that I'm sure it's common in other places.
You just seem like you're mad because your point was silly.

>> No.9599115

Also, little side note. Some people did agree with me (so I guess I'm not in the "one of the three-ish people who everybody really disagreed with" group). It where like 5 people who kept spamming comments calling me an evil Nazi and such.

>> No.9599116
File: 650 KB, 1019x696, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the original with the names blocked out properly.

I am not posting any of the non-LL comments for privacy concerns. Sorry I totally missed clicking the 'See More' on that last one before taking the cap.

As a note, she had posted waaay nastier comments about the bottom pic when the event actually happened that I sadly do not have caps too.

>> No.9599117

I'm not a teacher. I'm going to work write software. Wanna write humanoid artificial intelligence for android robotics (which is why I need to go to Japan, little other places where you find that). Universities often do research as well, they don't only teach.

>> No.9599119

Anon. Yes, not generalizing the entire population, just saying it probably happens in many other places? Implying it's a mixed response and not all like previous anon said. I didn't think I'd need to clarify this much because I thought anons had reading comprehension.

>> No.9599122

You're throwing around insults to try and compensate for the fact that your point was unclear.

>> No.9599127

Sorry, you were talking about English teachers so I assumed that's what'd you'd be doing. What you're aiming for sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.9599129

nayrp but I think their point was clear if you read what they're replying to. it offered a different side of insight into the mystery that is the japanese.

>> No.9599130

I hadn't seen screencaps that included her saying the "btw I don't like either"

I don't see why everyone is so worked up...? I don't see where she's a nazi sympathizer in this.

>> No.9599135

Holy shit, does she think anyone believes this? Wonderita is a fucking trip.

>> No.9599137

Sorry I didn't think I'd need to spell every tiny thing out? Doesn't seem like anyone else thought I was generalizing all of Japan though?

>> No.9599138

English teacher is the most easy way into Japan, so a lot of people who want to move use teaching English as a way in. There are entire companies dedicated to foreigners teaching English in Japan, same with South Korea. But because there are so much people using it, it's not very comparable to other jobs, which is why I named is seperatly.

>> No.9599145

This is common in South Korea, too. I think it's getting better as they are very very slowly getting a tiny bit more diverse. People aren't really becoming fully accepted as part of Korean/Japanese culture (understandably), but they are becoming slowly more accepting of foreigners. I think, like you said, it is different in the city or not.

Not that anon but I don't think they judged everyone if you read it again and the previous post they respond to I think you'll understand.

>> No.9599146
File: 1.88 MB, 1896x957, Spectacle.TJ4325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, she replied to a post with it and didn't even came with the photo herself. There also had been caps of her saying that the original post said "Btw, I like neither" but people nicely left that out.

She has been trying to say it was about the difference of protesting in your own time and during work. Now that other post she apparently replied to does make that sound more believable.

>> No.9599149

You can't find the link because she isn't sympathizing but because people didn't like what she said, it make sure her an automatic nazi. And anyone who disagrees with them calling her a nazi is a nazi themself.

>> No.9599152

Please note everything here has the 'Edited' mark because I didn't think it was going to be a big deal so I didn't check what the past versions are. People are saying the 'Btw I don't like either' was an edited add on, which I agree with.

She's not a nazi, she's just an asshole who likes to antagonize people on purpose and she does this all the time. I'm glad it's finally coming out.

>> No.9599154

Yeah, I'm aware of what it is. Unless you're fluent in Japanese it's one of the limited jobs available. You only really need a bachelors.

>> No.9599155
File: 514 KB, 918x830, Spectacle.TJ4325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently it's unacceptable that AP USA wants to investigate and then see what steps should be taken instead of firing her on the spot without seeing what's going on.

>> No.9599160

Note how she edited everything to be less inflammatory after the fact.

>> No.9599161

This is not the first time people have complained about Lynda to them, by now their investigations should be over. Her behavior is hardly new.

>> No.9599163

Did you check WHAT was edited? I edit messages all the time to remove small typo's and fix grammatical issues. If you click the "edited" tab you can see all previous edits, so editing to hide is pretty useless. Would love to see some caps of the previous versions of that post before hating on it being "edited" to say this.

>> No.9599166

Ah ah this exactly!

The amount of eye-rolling I do when the virtuous self-congratulatory army attempts to chastise, denounce all kind of inequalities and demand that others check their privilege, whilst simultaneously partaking in a fashion which doesn't care much for ethical production and is a luxury fashion for the most part. Sweet sweet irony.

>> No.9599168

So far left memes are innocent but as soon as it is about the far right these people deserve to be lynched?

>> No.9599173

Previously they said AP USA ignored it. They have now made a statement. If they never did this before, I would say wait until they get a conclusion.

They can't react on every single complaint, and a lot of people are saying this was always a background drama now finally getting big, it might be the first time AP seriously looks into it.

Unless AP has made these "we'll look into it" statements before, which would change the case. I haven't seen them, but I may have missed them. I don't follow AP USA as I'm European and can buy just as well from AP Japan, AP isn't my fav brand anyways.

>> No.9599176

The point is that people are frustrated because this woman has been like this for ages, they've brought it to AP's attention, and it's taken THIS LONG to get a statement. It's not that they're complaining AP is "taking the time to investigate" it's that AP should have investigated the easily-verifiable issues long before today.

>> No.9599183

Yeah, the CEO of AP jp is a bitch to every single foreign customer on the Laforet Store (the major shop visited by tourists btw), you guys will boicott AP JP too? I don't think so. And be an old woman isn't an excuse to be like that. That's disgusting.

>> No.9599185

I agree. But even so, when someone does something, getting mad they look into it before taking action is still weird to me.

They've brought it to their attention, but there are also a lot of "complaints" brought into companies that are unreasonable. Because it hadn't become a mass drama yet, it might have been taken as being one of those "unreasonable complaints", even when it's not in this case. The owners of AP are not necessary on rufflechat, /cgl/ or anything. How many people did file an official complaint instead of talking about it online? Without facts about such things, I find it unreasonable to get mad about them looking into it before taking action. As long as they actually do take action, which will need more time than people need to leave hate replies.

>> No.9599186

No, because I didn't think it was going to be something I needed, I took the caps to share with a friend, not to have as receipts. I think all the editeds in her comments in the comment thread were typos, but from context in other comments in that comment thread, I do think the btw etc was added as a clarification.

I don't think it matters though, because the point is she's not a nazi, she's racist and she likes to antagonize people over nothing.

>> No.9599188

There is no pleasing the angry mob. They just cannot deal with grey areas and reason. They've decided that they want her head to fall so that's what needs to happen, or else. It's that moment that they can feel beyond reproach and virtuous, immaculate conception incarnated. Please, don't take this moment and all the warm fuzzy feelings away from them anon.

>> No.9599196

I feel like you're reading a bit much into the replies there. They all seem a bit eye-rolly but no one is going ape and I doubt AP is going to do anything because of them, if they've taken this long to respond to the issues with Lynda.

>> No.9599201

Small example we lately had of unreasonable complains that get trown away as soon as the customer is gone.

>we tell people weeks in front, IT service desk will be closed on certain day until 13:00.
>Every employee get's a mail, all digital boards say so.
>One guy get's to work. Walks by. Get's mad it's closed. is told to come back at 13:00.
>Comes back at 12:00, get's mad again when being told it's open after 13:00.
>Comes back after 13:00. Find it horribly bad service he has to walk down 3 times to go to the service desk. How dare we let him walk 3 times! Files official complain for this.

Many complaints are ignored because of such things happening all the time. If it never got mass drama and not much official complaints have been filed about it, AP might have taken is as people overreacting and being unreasonable, and because they never looked into it, never did anything about it. When many official complaints have been send, or AP USA had made such statements before, it's different. But otherwise, give it a change.

>> No.9599206

It's the current narrative, go with it or you shall be removed from the Borg (or punched, or killed with no remorse). But it is all in the name of "justice" so yay!

The left has become synonymous of unquestionable righteousness. If you even dare to question some of their actions, you are considered worse than a Disney villain. They control the narrative at the moment and will not allow room for dissenting opinions. To an outsider, they make the right seem pretty chilled and reasonable in comparison.

This is why I despise political labels.

>> No.9599207

You're assuming no one has ever said anything to them formally before this. No one here really seems to be getting pissy, either. Obviously the people on facebook are pissy but that's always how facebook is.

>> No.9599216

>Unless AP has made these "we'll look into it" statements before, which would change the case. I haven't seen them, but I may have missed them. I don't follow AP USA as I'm European and can buy just as well from AP Japan, AP isn't my fav brand anyways.

I said this. So yes, I assume this, but I'm free to be told wrong.

>No one here really seems to be getting pissy, either. Obviously the people on facebook are pissy but that's always how facebook is.
Indeed, which is why I prefer talking here instead of Facebook. But it seems relevant to this conversation right now.

>> No.9599227

IMO it sounds like management is taking reasonable steps. Slow, but reasonable. I doubt that the people threatening to boycott even buy from AP anyways. Many look like SJW stereotypes.

>> No.9599239

>longwinded opinions about central Japanese sentiment and cultural ideals
(1 of 2)

incorrect. I don't think Japan has an inferiority complex whatsoever.
there is a fear of losing culture, history, and maintenance of a strong majority of 100% nihonjin/family's-been-here-for-countless-generations in the population...
but I can absolutely tell you that at the foundation of Japanese culture is the idea that, by blood or nature, the Japanese are smarter, more refined, and more self-sufficient than any other people.

for example, there is a lot of pride taken in how difficult it is to learn the reading/writing/speaking of Japanese for someone whose 1st language is a romance language. It's apparently a testament to how advanced or special they feel their language is.

Currently, I understand certain governmental ministries have been working together to take advantage of foreign interest in media products like music and anime to push this sort of fantasy, meta-culture and keep the economy stable. It's kind of a sell-out strategy, but it's working temporarily. the major negative effect is that, as time progresses, more historic villages are being abandoned for concentrated urban areas, and the commercial versions of "culture and tradition" will be taken at face value by the newer generations. (e.g. no one will know the diff between the domestic product fake culture and whatever real one is left, that's propagated by people and social relationships, instead of the capitalist machine)

>> No.9599241

(2 of 2)

The following is a separate issue altogether: I think there're still a lot of wounds and sadness from WW2, and a lot of situations in which the government, unquestioned of course, did major damage at the expense of the people. Loyalty no matter what is essential to the central ideology of unconditional pride in self and country.
These things being said, I think the result is always increased isolation/separation and not boo-hoo inferiority.

Japan is interested in preservation, still very competitive and also active in world relations, but the main goal is surviving while others fall, without help and by their own efforts.

if you have no Japanese ancestry and attempt to participate in real Japanese traditions, be careful about it. a lot of older people just will not accept you and will try to politely (passive aggressively) bar you/prevent you from immersing in those ways. This includes preparation for certain festivals, participating in dances, etc..
They are very protective of these legacies and I really disagree with your assertion that everyone is generally happy to pass on culture and history to interested gaijin, from a deathbed motivation or inferiority.

>> No.9599252

As a left-center libertarian, she's an embarrassment to the rest of us who aren't hyper liberals. She somehow has less tact than my Tea Party supporting father and shows complete ignorance by her stupid comments online. From the bragging about her concealed carry to the shit she pulled with Paris, fuck her. I'm glad she's getting punishment finally. I don't give a shit if she's a saint irl, her online persona is horrible and she needs to stop.

>> No.9599263

What does she do? Any stories?

>> No.9599267

I'm really, really glad things are finally blowing up in her face. I'm surprised it has taken this long with all the shit has pulled in the past.

>> No.9599270

Lol, this.

>> No.9599271

i think another anon has mentioned this before but i really doubt that a lot of the people who are "boycotting" AP bought new AP very often.
slacktivism at its finest. "i'm such a good person for doing something that i was basically doing already! go me!"

>> No.9599279

ntayrt but I think your friend's experience specifically of someone who's half-white was probably much worse because she was in the country. I've been told by Asian friends from various countries that half-white half-Asians are borderline fetishized in and often hired as models. In somewhere like Tokyo it probably wouldn't have been an issue. The prejudice against Koreans in Japan is huge though, even to this day, and to a slightly lesser extent Chinese.

>> No.9599291

What a witch hunt. These people need to calm the eff down. All these dumb sjws on Facebook are out of control and trying to silence everyone that doesn't agree with them. I hope they get their vindictive asses blacklisted by AP USA and Japan haha that would be marvelous.
It's clear if you read Linda's posts she doesn't sympathizes with Nazi's but I guess sjw's don't know how to read.
Hell, I'm a Netanyahu loving zionist and I'm not mad at her.

>> No.9599293

Nationalism is rampant in Japan, what are you even talking about? And old people tend to be the most racist towards foreigners. I'm assuming you just can't understand what they are muttering under their breath when you pass them on street.

>> No.9599297

>lot of pride taken in how difficult it is to learn the reading/writing/speaking of Japanese for someone whose 1st language is a romance language.
Beside that this counts for any language not using Romanised symbols. Including Chinese and Korean, who they feel are overshadowing them. They also have more problems with speaking and writing English than we have with their language, and are ashamed to try because of it. doubt they feel awesome about this.

In fact, I remember a Japanese saying in an interview that their borrowed their writing partly from China. Why would you think someone feel superior when they accept the fact the writing isn't their own.

>Currently, I understand certain governmental ministries have been working together to take advantage of foreign interest
Sadly, this "happy others try to do their culture, because we feel overshadowed by other cultures who are bigger" was said by random Japanese people on the street in an interview about a American popstar wearing a bad knockoff of a kimono (including video), and not by the goverment

>I think the result is always increased isolation/separation and not boo-hoo inferiority
The Japanese have isolated themselves far before WW2. It started in the 17e century.

>if you have no Japanese ancestry and attempt to participate in real Japanese traditions, be careful about it. a lot of older people just will not accept you and will try to politely (passive aggressively) bar you/prevent you from immersing in those ways.
Japanese often say they love it when foreigners do it. And Japanese won't even tell you know if you don't like your ideas at work. Instead, they say yes and then a "change of plans" comes from your boss. The Japanese hate saying no because they fear being impolite, so I doubt they'll be passive aggressive about it. In fact, I have seen them happily ask gaijin to join their culture, getting happy is they try, no matter if they do it well or not.

>> No.9599299

Oy vey! You're not alone.

That would be marvellous AND hilarious, indeed.

>> No.9599304

I never said they where all nice to foreigners. They do act like we are different, you will never be Japanese if you're not native Japanese.

My point was that they don't think they are better than everyone else. They are fearing their culture will disappear. They feel inferior because they feel that during history, they always have felt and been scared that they are considered small and unimportant. Heck, they wanted to get a colonie just because of that fear.

>> No.9599305

The commenters are nearlly all American, and it shows. If you called someone a nazi in central/eastern europe, you would be probably banned or shilled. The people who didn't have near contact with the ideology seem to know it the best.

>> No.9599306

You clearly haven't been around on the internet for long enough to know how it used to be. Please do share with us all the translated lolita content that disappeared with people deleting their journal if you can find it.

>> No.9599307

SJW culture is also from the US unsurprisingly. That's probably how SJW got the attitude that only their worldview matters.

>> No.9599308

>The prejudice against Koreans in Japan is huge though
I think the prejudice is mainly just alt-right politicians and old people. A lot of negativity Japanese people feel is also based on South Korea's leaders, and the country's politics, but aren't holding things against Korean people they meet. The younger generations seemed to not really have a problem with Koreans or Chinese at all, really. Some Japanese may secretly look down on Koreans since our education system is not as advanced as theirs, but we are still catching up and similar in many ways. I am Korean, and I studied in Japan for a semester. Other students knew I was Korean, but nothing bad ever happened. Some of my friends actually liked kpop, and would say I looked like Taeyeon. The family I was staying with, the mother was always watching Korean drama. I saw a girl reading a translated manhwa (Korean manga). Saying Japanese people hate Koreans to this day, is in a way similar to saying Americans hate Mexicans.

>> No.9599309

Seconding this and glad to notice i'm not the only one in the middle. I'm sick and tired of all of what's happening right now.

>> No.9599313
File: 521 KB, 680x445, 5654625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing is ever truly removed from the internet
Ah, thanks for reminding us that we can all just create a GUI interface using Visual Basic to track the old posts.

>> No.9599318

Yeah wow that is exactly what I said, only calog memes are okay and if someone sends me a franco meme I block them and cry!

>> No.9599322

>My point was that they don't think they are better than everyone else.
A lot of Japanese people do think that. They don't have the same kind of self-deprecation that America and some European countries do. Japan thinks it should be the major power in Asia and lot of Japanese people even support Trump at this point since he wanted to give them back their own military. They are not doing these things out of fear, they are doing it out of nationalist pride in their country and culture. That pride has existed since even before their first encounters with westerners in the 1500s.

>> No.9599323

Even tho it's a bad nation, you do seem to be understanding what I get at. Yes it can take some work, and it's not easy.

But if you feel you need to make statements and then say "it's old so caps not possible", you might as well say nothing. Internet is not to be trusted without proof. If you really care so much about people knowing it, do the work. It's not impossible, and claiming it is doesn't help you. At least get a better excuse if you want to say it anyways.

>> No.9599326

The biggest point to take away from this whole situation is that how thin the line between one's personal and professional life can be. If this were just some rando, it wouldn't have turned into this witch hunt situation. This has to do with a person who publicly and openly represents a branch of arguably one of the most popular lolita brands in the world. Unfortunately, when you're in that position, you really don't get to state your extremist political views without suffering the consequences. You can scream freedom of speech all day every day, but you also have to remember that the only thing the first amendment protects you from is government retaliation, not public retaliation.

Also, she types like a seasoned chan user. Wouldn't be surprised if she posts here shit talking her customers on a regular basis.

>> No.9599328

>self-deprecation that America and some European countries do have.
All I ever seen Americans do is being patriotic and loving a broken system because they have the "American Dream". Even their whole politics are "look we're great, I love my country".

Most people in Europe don't hate their countries, but their goverment. We are proud on achievements we've made, but in general, European Union acts like a dictatorship right now. Governments don't listen to people, and people losed faith in them completely. We can only legally protest in goverment approved places on goverment approved times. Media tries to hide it, but people hate it right now, and every time we try to riot because it's the only think that does something, but we're labelled horrible people. How dare your riot! Gotta be peaceful! Just ignore that the goverment covers up rapes instead of fixing them, it'll be fine. Media said so. It's a whole different issue and not a cultural thing.

Japan has had a history of wanting to be big, but always feeling outplayed by the "big people". Feeling like the kid who wants to be as good as his brother and tries to act like it, but deep inside feels like he's not.

>> No.9599333

Mte, in this thread also they are acting like the bellybutton of the world and assume we are either democrats or conservatives

>> No.9599334

The owner doesn't work in the store lol~
Do you mean the Tokyo Ten manager? She's nice to gaijins that aren't annoying fucks

>> No.9599337

You sure are dense

>> No.9599338

>annoying fucks
I feel this is a problem many have, and then combine it with the stereotype they read online making them think Japanese are racist.

>> No.9599340

What is the back story of this? Who is she shitting on?

>> No.9599364

can someone make a tldr version of this drama? i'm a lazy fuck

>> No.9599366

Typical gulls expecting to be spoon fed.

>> No.9599369

It's not everyone but it's a sizeable group, and those right-wing politicians are one of the biggest minor parties. I'd say the same thing about Mexicans in the US, of course plenty of people aren't prejudiced but a lot of political dialogue is. A lot of the younger generation are more accepting of other countries due to pop culture, but it doesn't mean there's no prejudice there either...like my friend's mother watches K-dramas all the time, visits Korea, and sister likes K-pop, but they're still prejudiced against Koreans, mad about the war and would struggle to accept their son or daughter marrying a Korean.

Also about the younger generation, the political/history curriculum in Japan is still biased in some ways so a lot are ignorant even if they don't hate foreigners. For example, all the furore about Nanjing massacre denial, when outright deniers are a tiny minority in society but that isn't taught or only very briefly mentioned in schools, so when they've done surveys a lot of young Japanese people don't believe it happened. Of course a lot of countries try to cover up their past like that, but it's a reason for resentment between countries.

sage for completely OT

>> No.9599370

Nobody cares stay on topic retard

>> No.9599374

>person working at AP USA (Lynda), known to show inappropriate behaviour, makes a FB post relating to the Nazi demonstration in USA.
>People take it out of context (which was already shitty, just not THIS shitty), and decided she's a Nazi sympathiser.
>Everyone who disagrees and tries to reason is also a Nazi Sympathiser.
>People are making drama in Rufflechat and RC: Uncensored trying to lynch her and boycott AP USA for different reasons than what happened.
>AP USA said they look into it, people are mad at AP USA she's not fired on the spot.

>> No.9599375
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What a shitfest.

>> No.9599382
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>ding dong ban u stfu
God bless Japan.

>> No.9599383

That was the first time in the whole thread ive seen wondercunt pop up. The photo was posted without any context. I have that crazy bitch blocked on fb. How is asking who shes being a bitch to this time spoonfeeding?

>> No.9599384

There is no alt-right outside the US sweaty

>> No.9599388


>> No.9599389

Can we report posts like this so far off cgl or thread related topic? Sick of everything always getting derailed.

>> No.9599391
File: 52 KB, 419x480, 1482691519122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They should know me by name

>> No.9599392

Not the same anon, but this is a joke right?

>> No.9599398

>what is europe
>what is canada
>japan even has a term for online right wing raging (netouyo)
Are Americans all this stupid? Genuinely curious.

>> No.9599399

Is this a joke?

>> No.9599400

I love the idea of these morons being banned. Lynda owns that store. Who are they going to get fired?
>for once, loving that brand will ban you for being a dumbass

>> No.9599401

Alt-right refers to a group of people/political beliefs in the US.

>> No.9599403

>wondercunt, the one who started the whole post causing all the drama

>> No.9599405

Top kek.

>> No.9599406

So this is a thing now...


>> No.9599408

Rufflechat and RC:U ought to be purged from non-lolitas who are only there to spread drama

>> No.9599409

thank you anon, you're a real bro/sis

i'm coming back from a long day of work i'm too tired to read through all this (half deleted by the mods) shit dude

>> No.9599410

You, friend, are an idiot

>> No.9599412

Can you please explain? I'm seriously confused why you people think there is alt-right outside the US.

>> No.9599413

And let the banning begin! Fucking hilarious. The comments on this petition are gold

>> No.9599414

Most of theses whining SJWs either can't afford AP, or can't fit it. The ones who can will secretly stiff buy from AP, despite what they say to fit in. I just placed and order with AP USA out of spite.

>> No.9599419

Sorry anon meant to say right wing. I don't live in an English speaking country, and most of us refer to far right wing people as alt right since we hear it so much referring to that.

>> No.9599422

I would almost say that's cultural imperialism desu. Even if there are people who have the same beliefs, they come from a different background and political climate so they had different insentives to develop those beliefs.

>> No.9599423

Ew. Hope AP doesn't take this serious

>> No.9599426

>principally in the United States, but also to a lesser degree in Canada and Europe

>> No.9599427

Well, like i said im not sure because i have her ass blocked. Ive seen about 10 different girls post about it on their own fb pages, plus the post in RCU

>> No.9599428

I wish someone would divert the SJW attention back to the Leighs.

>> No.9599430

No idea what what you just said means, but my point was about far right wingers no need to look far into a simple mistake of a word desu. This conversation is very off from the thread purpose so I'd be happy to discuss it in private but not fill the thread with this.

>> No.9599431

Not all of us are that stupid, just that anon.

>> No.9599433

do lynda supporters not care about the whole phil thing?
i don't really care about her political views but the whole thing with phil is just wrong.

>> No.9599439

>Alt-right is a very loosely organised political subculture in the United States
Honestly, by your logic are they all netouyo, ilbe and neo-nazi's too?

>> No.9599443

>a-alt right is ONLY in the us!
>but also to a lesser degree in Canada and Europe
By my logic?
>but also to a lesser degree in Canada and Europe
Yes that is only my logic 100% opinion not taken from the same page you just quoted desu.
Before these all get reported for OT, the petition is stupid and I hope AP laughs it off

>> No.9599452

Have you read the Reasons for Signing section? The meltdown, so cringe.

>> No.9599455

plenty of /pol/lacks and alt-right among young men in the UK and Europe

>> No.9599459

If so, they only call themselves alt-right to fit in with Americans or to troll. There may be Hillary supporters in Europe but not democrats, and there may be people with the same ideologies and goals as alt-right but they are in a different political group here.

>> No.9599462

I'm fine with people dragging themselves into this but I hope they don't expect everyone to follow suit. I shouldn't have to feel tentative to talk about mundane things like new purchases or releases at the risk of being called a Nazi.

>> No.9599468

What "extremist" views though?
She compared the two cause those dumb ass nazi's were holding a rally in their own time while off work and Colin K is doing it while he's on the job which is unprofessional. That was her point, don't try to twist it into something it's not.

>> No.9599483

I'm not saying anything about politics, but lynda does the same shit. she is the online presence for the company in the us.
She basically adds every lolita she meets, then shares her opinions on facebook. even on other girls pages
by her own definition she is unprofessional.

>> No.9599492

What if this causes AP to permanently close the store here in the US because of a lack of business and not wanting to deal with American politics?

>> No.9599495

Go read the RC thread, they mention and screenshot other shit she's done over the years. This isn't an isolated incident.

>> No.9599502

If it actually came down to that
why would they close the store instead of just getting rid of lynda.

>> No.9599508

A lot has changed in a few years. The idea of needing caps is newer and s lot of stuff from lj era is gone. or ppl just linked to the lj instead of caps and the pics are gone.

She didn't. She just posted it on Rc, but it started when L posted on A stuff and those are the caps that were posted on Rc:u after it circulated locally a bit.

>> No.9599519

You can order on the jp store with tenso, the us store isn't needed besides the fun of going to a physical location.

>> No.9599555

I'm talking abou Candy, she makes a lot of bitch comments about the foreign lolitas, especially if you go to the store without AP full outfit. Same as closet child harajuku shop girls.

>> No.9599556 [DELETED] 


ntayrt, but I remember the ordeal with starrycandybox. A quick Google search pops up a number of GetOffEGL posts about slow/unresponsive service, and there's a bit more in the EGL lj search engine

>> No.9599570

Cool story

>> No.9599574

Oh I'm not American luckily. I'm not a PC person so i'm really happy i don't live there t b h
This. You can believe them if you want but some of us still demand proof.

>> No.9599587

"Alt-right" is a term conjured up by the US media in order to identify and tackle a political phenomenon. So yes, you are right, there is no "alt-right" outside the States, but there is no "alt-right" period.

>> No.9599626
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A petition was created to ban her now

>> No.9599629

I love when liberals go on witch hunts.

>> No.9599631

565 supporters, 565 less people to compete against during print releases. That is, assuming they actually stick to their pledges and aren't just virtue signalling for fear of being left out.

>> No.9599634

The UK media uses it plenty and so do other people I know in the UK.

>> No.9599655

How many signatures are they hoping for?

Also, their bullet point list of grievances is just a bunch of subjective accounts/interpretations. Compare them to the screen-caps that they used to draw these conclusions, this level of mental gymnastics is fascinating.

>> No.9599658

Yeah, you're both right. It's a new term, so it's not widely used or an actual "political party", but the UK and US are the most prominent in using it to describe far right views that are less common.

>> No.9599665

it is definitely generational. I have a friend who is in her 60s who barely ever has anything good to say about Korean people, and is surprised when she meets someone she actually likes...treats them as an exception though.
She thinks all Korean people are pachinko-playing mobsters who are fake, liars, and thieves from birth. it's fucking scary to hear some of the things she says because I love her and I'm not used to hearing someone live on rationalizing unfounded hate like that.

Then I think of all the "zainichi" Japanese who are of Korean descent and whose ancestors were refugees. No matter how long they've lived in Japan, being 4th and fifth generation, there's no naturalization there and they will never be granted full citizenship. it's petty and prejudice. Japan has a long history of being absolutely shitty to and subjugating the Korean people.
it's definitely phasing away with younger people. I'm sure even though a lot of the people you studied with would never act on hateful things, they have no doubt been told prejudice lies by parents/grandparents. those thoughts came up every time they saw you and hopefully you met some genuine kids who actively rejected what they may have learned, or never got tainted by prejudice growing up.

there's a similar mistrust and even veiled jealousy of Chinese people I've encountered from prejudiced individuals. shit I hear always ends up tied to some classist belief.
>on fuerdai: "oh, Chinese may be rich now but they have no class or manners or couth"
>speaker goes on to imply they were born with all three just by having Japanese blood
it's like they think all Japanese people are a part of some large extended royal family, ignoring the divisions within Japanese society, and the rest of the world are filthy peasants lol

As usual, not all people are prejudiced or racist but it's not incorrect to say the majority of Japanese people from X time and place thought a, b, and c.

>> No.9599683

This is so dumb and just empty virtue signaling. Do these idiots know anything about how the brand branches work? Do they have some kind of goal? Do they even know how change.org works? Yeah, I guess not. Like everyone's saying, less competition for me and my SF releases.

>> No.9599686

>like 1-2 posts

>> No.9599691

they're athletes. they get paid for their game performance and likenesses, by contract salary and not by the hour. this isn't the first time an athlete has non-violently motioned in protest during a massively broadcast event.
>see 1968 summer olympics
her point wasn't valid to begin with. why'd she even pretend she knows what professionalism is, let alone try to complain about it?
all these other shit stirrers loudly yelling who aren't even invested in the fashion, let alone AP specifically can also stfu
gulls have had complaints about Lynda for years and (even though I think lolitas are generally and unrealistically spoiled about who does and doesn't get to be involved in the various communities) L should just be replaced by now.
AP has nothing to do with her behavior but she's bad for the business and the image.
Just like Baby rightfully canned Sana they should put up a job listing requesting a new GM or whatever L is at APUSA

>> No.9599696

I have serious doubts that those are all actual customers. Who the heck is the person who started this petition, anyway, "Richard Sorondo"? Never heard that name before, and the account has no visible history.

>> No.9599701

People are signal boosting it on their personal pages, so a lot of it's probably normie friends thinking they're supporting a cause.

>> No.9599704

I'm pretty sure she's been generously contributing to this thread.

>> No.9599707

The sanctimonious mob has been unleashed...

I've just re-read some of the comments in RC and RCU, it's pretty frustrating. They gang up on anyone with a slightly different POV. They resort to insults, jump to conclusions and make baseless accusations (only based on their own bias and feelings). They can't even see the irony in their behaviour. At this stage, only a divine intervention can save us and I'm an atheist. Why are they so blind?

>> No.9599710

It is a bit surreal to see someone refer to "vocal about heil-hitlering neo-Nazis 'just practicing free speech'" as a "slightly different POV" but perhaps that's simply my age speaking.

>> No.9599725

No dear, The slightly different POV is how people may suggest that we tackle the situation in a different, more constructive manner.

For instance, If you believe that punching a nazi and wishing them away is going to make everything nice and lovely then you clearly haven't paid attention to out world history. Or am I also showing my age here. Anger only breads anger, and so on.

Lynda might have had questionable opinions in the past and behaved poorly but unless you open a sinçere dialogue and hope for true change, going full on angry mob and seeking someone's destruction is only going to add to the problem.

Why do you think that very bad ideas are still being ambraced and alive?

>> No.9599734

The local SF comm has been saying she's a shitstain on their community for years. I like how we refuse to take the word of other lolitas, instead we would rather snivel at the feet of someone who directly profits off of us.

>> No.9599766

>The slightly different POV is how people may suggest that we tackle the situation in a different, more constructive manner
diff anon but wtf this makes no sense.
I am guessing esl and I am pretty sympathetic to your sentiment
>save for the reasoning that preudiced hate continues only because angry critics just haven't tried to understand the haters

many people have a reason to be angry. storming the streets and waiving around confederate flags and swastikas in the middle of a community, with children who will actually grow up remembering this event. this in addition to the concurrent murder and wounding of community members.

it's not the job of the protesters and angry people to change the thinking of the hateful. it is the choice of the hateful how they will regard and interact with the people they walk the earth with.

don't blame the genuinely upset for being upset.
that being said, a lot of U.S. millennials are so detached from reality and jump on the SJW wagon as an act of self-righteousness, thinking that yelling about everything will help them get back at the people who bullied them in grade school.
I do wish people practiced being more sincere, informed, and honest--as well as trying to be better listeners.

"PC" without actual conviction is the status quo right now, and it's fake and obnoxious, but it's in no way worse than being an intolerant racial separatist whose ideology's practices are murder and archaic misogyny

>> No.9599768

AP has one surefire way to make part of this drama or at least the "boycott" disappear instantly
>rerelease Cat's Tea Party

>> No.9599772

Why don't one of you SF lolitas confront her in person.

>> No.9599779
File: 22 KB, 720x140, IMG_20170816_042212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they always exaggerating everything? She is a shitty person but not a nazi/nazi sympathizer unless i missed something. Just because someone is shitty and/or has a different opinion does not a nazi make

>> No.9599782

Im all the only alt-right nazi gull that likes lynda more now?

I mean despite liberal tears, shes not wrong.

>> No.9599796

Of course she isn't in the wrong, which is why she has no reason to apologize. The SJWs can go fuck themselves because they turn a blind eye to communists/communist sympathizers. Plus, more AP for the rest of us who are sane.

>> No.9599818

It personally pisses me off that people lose their jobs, or threatened to in this case, over something said online, or your online life. That can be anything from how you dress, or in this case posting on unrelated things. IMO what you think over your personal life and business life should be separate, unless it is illegal or actually extreme, like organizing racial hate groups online or something, or releasing sensitive information like if they are a nurse. Much too often, things can get taken out of context, or blown up much farther than it is because people are purposefully twisting people's words in the wrong way. This shit happens literally every day on facebook. I overall have more respect for people "boycotting" because of the Phil thing, or scamming behavior providing they didn't know about it beforehand, but the people that are boycotting over a statement that wasn't directed at or about customers can fuck themselves.

I know that's the way the world is, but I think it's wrong that people lose their job over some stuff they said online on their own time, and that is exactly what these people want.

>> No.9599828
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Anyone who would broadcast super controversial views on social media with their real name attached while working for a largely online brand with a massive sjw following ON THE SAME SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM is a fucking idiot. People in prominent positions shouldn't say shit that pisses off their customers if they want to stay in business regardless of their own personal ethics. Employees like that are more of a liability than an asset if they can't understand something that basic.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.9599829

Yeah, I feel like the emphasis on the Nazis vs. Colin thing really wasn't the strongest argument to go with... I have no firsthand experience with Lynda, though I trust my friends when they say she's just a nasty person to deal with. Still, they should focus on the more concrete and tangible issues, like allowing a sexual predator near minors, shady business dealings ,etc., not an ignorant opinion on a facebook post.

>> No.9599842


Wait, isn't that one of the names that fuckwit Funk Brothers uses? You know, the guy that's always shitting up RC:U?

>> No.9599850

No i mean the views shes expressing like comparing the football guy to marchers and homocakes with kkkakes is pretty much the truth. Shes getting ostrasized for speaking the truth. I know thats not a new concept but woww..

>> No.9599866

No, entirely different person. Different last name.

>> No.9599896


Because socjus keyboard warriors literally shake in real life unless they outnumber their victims to ten to one.

>> No.9599942

Apologies if my statute,en the was not clearly enough to you.

Let me rephrase: I was suggesting that some of us have a different perspective and opinion on how this all issue should be tackled. Some are demanding that Lynda be made redundant, whilst others think that it won't help the discourse and only further the cycle of hate amd resentment.

I'll respectfully disagree with you. It is the job of the protestors to engage with their opponents if they truly care about changing their thinking. Again, anger breeds anger.

This is not about being PC without any actual conviction. I came to think this way because I DO have convictions.

>> No.9599951

Same anon. Sorry, I meant to say: "Apologies if my previous statement wasn't clear enough".

Clearly, I feel passionate about the subject. It reflects the current discourse/political climate.

Being "neutral" has its advantages. Believe me, the world needs us. Emotions are running high and extremes are getting more extreme by the day. We can have beleifs and the will to make concrete positive changes without necesssrely be a full on activist.

There are so many inconvenient subjects that need to be talked about but many people want to avoid them. Instead they just get angry and hide behind buzzwords and labels. It's not helpful and does not produce long lasting positive changes.

And I resent PC culture. It's stifling at best and counter-productive at worst. We need to engage and let it all out, even it means running the risk to hear unpleasant thoughts. Riots never resolved anything. Revolutions don't always bring long lasting stability and fairmtrestemtn for all, or break the cycle of oppression.

A yes, I've digressed enough.

I agree with the anons who suggested that we focus on tengible issues such as the creeper and unsatisfactory business ethics/practices. Bring those issues to the attention of AP USA and JP and allow them to address the matter on their own accord.

>> No.9599982

It's really ironic that they would use a foreign term

>> No.9600009

>that boobloaf

>> No.9600088

I don't feel bad for her at all. Nazi sympathizer or not. If you go out of your way to be an asshole to your customer base. Don't be surprised if they stop buying from you.

>> No.9600099

Times like these I really wish my job wasn't social media.

>> No.9600211
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Is this what they call "mocking" the Paris attacks? If so, people are so fragile these days. They are running on thin air.

L's comment might be uncouth and of poor taste, especially shortly after the tragedy, but it doesn't qualify as "mocking". Plenty of people make commentaries and speculate in the light of tragedies of that scale. They really need to step up their game. This alone makes them sound like angry toddlers. They need to rethink their strategy if they want to achieve positive and meaningful changes. They're too angry to think straight, they are being led by their emotions right now.

>> No.9600249

She used that tragedy for a pro-gun argument? Doesn't she already have a bunch of guns? What else does she want, for us to also allow guns in our country?

>> No.9600275

She insulted Europeans who commented on her post, many of who were stil trying to make sure that their friends/family were alive. Then she started posting a body count

>> No.9600295

Again, it's rather uncouth but does not amount to mockery.

How sinister! Screen caps of this body counting malarkey would support more the "mocking" argument. More like insensitive.

My point is that right now the petition includes a full list of assertions, including "Mocking and making light of the Paris terrorist attacks." If this screen cap alone will be used this particular assertion then it's really pushing it.

At best, most grievances seem more like an attempt at character assassination based on personal interpretations of what she said and may or may have not implied.

However, using tangible occurrences which are directly business related, such as the pervert being allowed around minors/in the shop and unacceptable customer service ethics, might get this petition somewhere. There will be witnesses to hopefully back it all up.

>> No.9600300

These are what I'm talking about:

>Introduced a documented stalker/harasser, Phil Shinkai, into AP events as a photographer, allowing him immediate access to minors and event attendees, despite the knowledge that he had been banned from BTSSB SF, SF New People and the SF Lolita group for habitually exhibiting inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature towards minors.

>Brought firearms to AP USA events to the discomfort of attendees.

>Demeaned customers and charged service fees for using gift cards purchased by others or won from legitimate AP event raffles.

>Overcharged on shipping costs to customers without justification or explanation.

Anything else above these paragraphs should have been left out imo. Especially if involving politics does not resonate well with Japanese business ethics.

Oh well, best of luck anyway.

>> No.9600344

>>9600300 #
I feel like these events you pointed out are probably what will make the AP Japan folks the most uncomfortable with keeping Lynda around.

Also I'm sure it's been said already in this thread I just haven't been keeping up, but I feel like most people are just jumping on this petition because most if not everyone fucking hates Lynda. She's sketchy and kind of a cunt, I don't agree with the things she said at all but I feel like this was just a good catalyst that came at a good time where people feel like jumping into action. It seems like it has become less about Lynda being a nazi sympathizer and more just about her being a rude cunt and the fact that people don't like her and want her to have nothing to do with AP USA.

At first I felt like AP Japan wouldn't really give a shit but with the additional incidents people have put down (guns, stalkers/Phil, and in general just making customers feel uncomfortable purchasing from her/the store/the brand) it seems to me like that might make corporate feel compelled to do something? But this makes me worried about who would take over AP USA. I'm not sure what's up on the Japanese front re: the leighs but I'm worried they'll see this as an opportunity to be seized and try to take over.

(reposted and edited to fix a few mistakes)

>> No.9600355


The petition need to appeal both to the recipient but also the people signing it and the motivations for those two groups of people are different.

>> No.9600450
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I too did a little digging, but theres no trace of it. But I did find this entry dated a day after. I find it hard to believe a nazi would mock a nation of whites, while calling attention to African, and Lebanese.There is another entry in which she did sarcastically mock those who didn't pay attention to African being passed around which is being misconstrued without the context of the Garissa University assault entry.

>> No.9600452

People aren't calling her a nazi though or if they are they're misunderstanding the original post - she's being called a nazi sympathizer. That can run the gambit in terms of meaning but it's specifically in regards to the way she is supporting free speech for neo nazis in spite of not agreeing with their ideology.

>> No.9600666

Are any of these signatures real or those of just five individuals? Given anonymity and bots, REALLY?

>> No.9600726

stop trying lynda

>> No.9600860

Someone summoned me from the Innocent World dimension to look at this post. Please, I'm cuddling with my Rilakkuma plush right now. Goodnight.

>> No.9600945

Pretty sure she posted this to cover up the shit she posted the day before just like she backpedaled now after what she said a few days ago

>> No.9600953

Are you girls going to drag her out of her shop and claw her eyes out?

>> No.9601067

Anon, that doesn't make any sense at all. In that cap, she clearly griped with someone about a previous Kenya post made month before this Paris shooting that didn’t garner any attention.

>> No.9601109
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Oh well. It's truly devolving into a shitfest. Not the "anon" that this mod is publically shaming but come on. Witchhunts'R'Us. What a bunch!

>> No.9601917

>Drama should be purged
I dont think you understand the group

>> No.9601923

When I was in Japan a friend showed a photo of Nazi flags to a high school girl and the girl just replied "cool". We had to explain to her they were not, in fact, cool, because she legitimately didn't know the history behind it due to censorship in Japan.
I'm not optimistic AP Japan won't just chalk this up to foreigners shitting themselves over nothing.

>> No.9602441
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Oh boy! The Japanese guy who got involved with LACE and had a vendetta against the lolita whatever association in Japan is getting involved...

>> No.9602444
File: 23 KB, 600x158, 524775898.759811public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wants to help with the Japanese translation.


Imagine him getting mad again and start harassing AP Japan. So good, so good.

>> No.9603172
File: 108 KB, 550x550, lolita secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9603175

A lot of people have over the years, what do you expect to happen from it?

>> No.9603180

The group is for lolitas, gtfo

>> No.9603440

I don't agree with the way Lynda's comments and opinions were presented. People who had a deep seeded hatred for her, or a horrible experience with her, took it as an opportunity to start a witch hunt. All facilitated by the current political climate where labeling someone a nazi/sexist/racist/homophobic/islamophobe/allsortsofphobic to justify vidinctive impulses and acts of violence is common currency. One is absolutely entitled to disagree with her and be disgusted by her stance but none of it warranted a nazi-sympathiser/nazi label (some went as far as calling her a nazi). It's trivialising the evil of the past and the true evil that is lurcking in the shadows. People won't know what's coming for them when it happens. It's getting silly. Look what happened to Kyle Quinn https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/08/14/us/charlottesville-doxxing.html

This mass hysteria needs to stop. It's agravating an already toxic situation. Nothing good will come out of this.

With that said, Lynda should be challenged when it comes to business ethics and how she conducts herself in the context of her business. Not her political leanings. The current narrative is so one-dimensional that it's become very easy to stand out as "the opposition" or a "bad person" for expressing a controversial opinion. The world has become so all or nothing. The masses are reciting/regurgitating the same narrative and getting disproportionately upset when others question "state-media-peers approved" worldviews. How can't people see this madness???? It's not normal.

TL:DR The fact that we need more brand representation in the US is not an excuse.

>> No.9603446


>> No.9603459

This man is an inspiration http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/kkk-klu-klux-klan-members-leave-black-man-racism-friends-convince-persuade-chicago-daryl-davis-a7489596.html

What are we hopping to achieve by "punching" a nazi, doxing, demanding that they'd be fired and take away their livelihoods? Instead of projecting your anger and thus generating more anger and keep the status quo where it's at, learn from this man. It's so okay to feel angry and outraged, just don't let those emotions control your thoughts.

>> No.9603509

I've never punched a nazi but I also don't think I have such a lovely personality or skills in music or whatever that I could convert racists.