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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9570491 No.9570491 [Reply] [Original]

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Nanchatte, etc.!

Previous thread got deleted due to all its off-topic shitposting. Let's not do this anymore.

ITT you may post:
- Usefull guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this
- Casual crossdressing without any /cgl/-context

Link collection:

Spreadsheet is still WIP. Feel free to share your sources with us!


Contact for suggestions or contribution: cgl.crossplay@gmail.com

>> No.9570498 [DELETED] 

omg he's so fucking annoying, entitled, racist and xenophobe I cant

>> No.9570646

If the character you are cosplaying is a boy but you are also a boy but he's kind of trappy/girl like does that still count as crossplay?

>> No.9570666

No being a bunch of fucking faggots like last thread

>> No.9570672

Nope, but it will be accurate. Congrats.

>> No.9570909

That jawline difference is some kind of black magic.

Isn't this dude the most well-known crossplayer? I can't think of another crossplayer with so many follows, views, etc.

>> No.9570919

Yes he is. His IG is theofficialariel.

>> No.9571069

Want to do Rider of Black. Not technically a crossplay but let's be honest. Shame about my dude jaw. It might work otherwise.

Also my father is still alive so I can't do shit like that anyway.

>> No.9571087

>Son, are you dressing up as a girl?
>Dad, do you see any boobs on this?
>Then no, I'm not.
>But what about the skirt?
>Skirt? This is outer thigh armor and a overly long shirt, No dedicated clothing in sight.

>> No.9571103

No, but a lot of the way you would cosplay them would be the same.

>> No.9571106

The stockings though.

>> No.9571112

>They're supposed to be two tone trousers, but I got really long socks instead because the costume wouldn't breath otherwise. They kept falling down so I had to attach 'em to the shirt.

>> No.9571118

He's not buying it lad. The pink hair isn't helping.

>> No.9571137

>When it comes to anime, the hair colour's fairly arbitrary. So much so that I can name five other male anime characters with pink hair right now:
>Szayel (Bleach)
>Hacchi (Also Bleach)
>Natsu (Fairy Tail)
>Raikōu (Nabari no ou)
>Sunny (Toriko), Which on top of being pink, is also blue and green, /at the same time/

And for good measure:
>Sylvain (Magical Prince)
>Mikage (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

>> No.9571140

"Son, I don't understand anything you just said but if you don't take off those fucking women's clothes I'm kicking you out."

>> No.9571155

>Do kilts look girly to you dad? What about form fitting jumpsuits?, aprons?, any kind of glove that goes past the wrist?, boots with even just the slightest amount of heel on them?, rings? Really, any semblance of what is and isn't dedicated women's clothing bar anything dedicated to actual feminine anatomy went out of the window when first world culture at large outside of religious circles stopped being massive prudes, which to my estimation now is about 35 years ago at maybe the absolute latest.

>> No.9571156

"Stop talking shit and get the fuck out of my house."

>> No.9571167

>If all it takes for you to blow a gasket is a change of clothing, then it's obvious that I wasn't going to survive much longer here anyway. Have fun sitting there with the knowledge that you just threw the last 19+ years of both your life and mum's life down the drain over something so moronically trivial.

>> No.9571188

So can I post in this thread then if it pretty much is a crossplay?

>> No.9571190

Post astolfo crossplay pics pls

I hope i survive 2 years so i can crossplay him (already planned a cosplay for the next con)

>> No.9571196

reminder non cgl suff goes in lgbt gif or soc.

cincerally people who care about cgl

>> No.9571237
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>> No.9571255

Now he's homeless and selling boipucci on the streets. At least he's dressed for it.

>> No.9571259

that sounds like a song lyric

>> No.9571270

How does one go about pink eyebrows? Dying them or what? I'm super new to this sorry.

>> No.9571274

I'm dying. I love you guys, you're hilarious.

>> No.9571304

Don't ask the same question in multiple threads. Please just use one at a time, otherwise it's a waste.

It's like posting on twelve topics on one forum board.

>> No.9571438
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Last thread I asked about magic shaving powder on sensitive spots like bootyhole and balls. I can confirm that it works and doesnt really hurt. Keep in mind that it may not apply to everyone.

Also amy advice on good hair extentions? Im planning a Contanze cosplay and im nit sure what i should do for her hair. My hair matches hers pretty well, i just need long ponytail.

>> No.9571450

Great to hear! I'll be giving it a shot some time in the near future and it's great to hear it won't destroy my nether regions.

>> No.9571452

Honestly anon, I'd go for a wig.

>> No.9571454

I got a few burning spots on more sensitive skin, but nithing major. Just an irritated feel. Aloe fixed it right away though.

Ill think about a wig. I wanted to avoid it for affordability. Thinking about it, the cosplay wont cost too much, so suppose I can find the cash for a wig.

>> No.9571493

never your natural hair, especially not when you're a dude
please buy a wig they're not even that expensive

please just someone give me ANYTHING even remotely related to ftm contouring/makeup, I'm kinda losing hope here

>> No.9571494

>My hair matches hers pretty well, i just need long ponytail.
Don't ruin your chance of a potential decent cosplay and get a wig.

>> No.9571507

Ill get one then! Im just timid about them since I have no experience with them. The shops in the /cgl/ general dont really have what Im looking for. Any other recommended resources for wigs?

>> No.9571527
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apparently this is a guideline showing where things need to be darker, it's the only contouring help I've found.
The wig thread seems to like arda wigs, but I currently don't have the time to read every post to find more stores.

>> No.9571530
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, 20170721_124413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZR or pantyhose?

What do you crossplay guys prefer and why?

Pantyhose, you don't have to shave, so I take it as the lazy option, but then again pantyhose is perfect for autumn/winter cosplays.

>> No.9571537

>ftm contouring/makeup
Well there's the old Gaia guide, but being old many of the "useful links" are now dead. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=21352165
However I did come across this http://aminoapps.com/page/cosplay/5021738/tips-for-makeup-cosplay-update when checking if any of the links were archived, it has some good ones that are still up like http://vilya0.deviantart.com/art/Female-to-Male-Crossplay-Makeup-Tutorial-409457154

>> No.9571590

Where can I go to look up pictures of good crossplays?

>> No.9571707

thanks so much to both of you, I was starting to get really frustrated about not finding much <3
(also oh god gaia is a blast from the past)

>> No.9571741

you need a petticoat that looks like crap whatever thats supposed to be.

>> No.9571934

>Pantyhose, you don't have to shave
Unless you're layering super thick, you still should shave your legs. Your hair will poke through and make you look even more like a walking cactus.

>> No.9571945
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Well duh, I didn't plan on wearing some 20 den pantyhose or a net one like all the cool hipster girls are wearing now.

A thick, black one 80 den upwards.
I would prefer to wear the 20 den one, for looks and the smooth feeling on the leg, but shaving can be so tedious. I'm glad I only shave for cosplays.

>> No.9572459
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x1836, 20170723_204855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to work on hand grooming and found this guide.
What hand creams do you reccomend? My skin suffers from washing dishes.

>> No.9572466

you didn't need to post your ashy hands dude. go to the skincare general

>> No.9574238
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>Previous thread got deleted due to all its off-topic shitposting
Man, why do the mods have to be such lazy asswipes and torch everything instead of purging just the shit?

>> No.9574272
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There was almost nothing to salvage anon.

>> No.9574325
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I blame shitty wannabee crossdressers who think wearing thighghighs makes them full and legit crossdressers.

>> No.9574329

hmmm, not heard of those anon. Sounds like a noise homer simpson would make

>> No.9574331
File: 33 KB, 500x475, 1495483460717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh eat my ass, phoneposting sucks donkey dicks.

>> No.9574450

Just contour and highlight. Ez.

>> No.9574530


Do you happen to know any YouTube videos or tutorials that help contour noses like mine specifically.

Every time I try a makeup gurus nose contour tutorial I end up making my nose look 3 times worse.

>> No.9574532
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Photo reference sorry I forgot to add

>> No.9574552

is that you?, not the other person, but i think you are adding way to much contour and it should be like a fading downwards line.

>> No.9574579


So add less highlight to the bridge of the nose?

>> No.9574598

Nayrt. The contour on the cheeks is not blended that well and stands out more than the nose IMO.

>> No.9574619


Some advice from male anon here. Don't use powder or whatever on your sensitive spots. Shave in the shower with female razor blades. We call it 'Gilette Venus' in Europe. Believe me.. that's the magic you need.

>> No.9574698
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Give me some more tips on shaving.

I never shaved my privates and for the few blonde hairs in my face an electrical razor is enough. So all these years I've never shaved with blades. And the thought alone of letting blades near anything between my legs lets me shiver in fear.
But down there ... oh boy. Let's try not talk about details here.

>> No.9574706

Anon you replied to. I'm glad you asked cause I have a big nose as well and actually i'm very proud of my contour skills, so i'll try to explain. Basically you need to do the lines on top of the nose, not on the sides. Your mistake is using your natural nose shape, so you enhance it instead of stretching it. Imagine that you are drawing a new nose. When you have those two lines on top you have to blend them to the outer corners. That's what i do anyway, and it makes a huge difference. I hope that helps!
Also this.

>> No.9574721
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Male anon here again.
Excuse me for my English grammar that can be very bad sometimes, but I'll explain it as good as possible.

From my personal experience you NEVER use expensive 'shaving foam' on your delicate areas, even when the product says 'can be used for sensitive areas'. Almost every product has parfum or chemicals in it that can irritate your skin. And you don't want to scratch your balls all day long because of irritated skin..(been there, done that).

I was always afraid to use razor blades, especially down there since everything is delicate. I used every brand razor blades for males and somehow I always seemed to cut myself.
One day I forgot to buy new razor blades and I decided to use the razor blades from my gf instead (No worries, they weren't been used be her yet). And oh boy.. that was heaven on earth. I really don't know HOW female razor blades can shave so smooth af, but they do. I always thought; razor blades are razor blades right? No need for the blue or pink package. But yeah.. they work. Especially the brand I said earlier in the thread.

A few tips for shaving down there:
- NEVER use some kind of shaving foam. Just shave underneath the shower. The water will make your skin smooth so it'll make shaving easier.
- When you want to shave your genitals make sure you don't have 'lose' skin. Just hold the skin so it will be tight and easier to shave. Otherwise you WILL cut yourself (yeah... unfortunately been there and it hurts like hell).
- Shaving between your butcheeks is tricky, but you have to stand like a sumo wrestler with your legs spread.. Or just hold one leg up and try to shave. Oh, and hold your butcheeks apart so you have space to shave.

And take your time while doing it. No need to rush shaving there.. only bad things will happen from it.

I think this is good advice from male anon to male anon.

(photo is the blade I use)

>> No.9574911

What do I use for cinching? I have decent enough thighs and ass but the difference between my hips and waist is not enough.

>> No.9574955

Depends on what kind of difference between hip to waist you want to have.

I use a stretchy broad belt I borrowed from my sister (without her knowing that)

It's one of these decorative belts that serve no purpose but to look like a belt. It gives like only 2 or 3 cm difference in hip to waist ratio but its good enough to be worn underneath a cosplay

>> No.9575001

Has anyone else ever had any bad experiences while trying to get decent pictures of your crossplay?

>> No.9575009

My dad walked into me crossplaying.

Beat the everlasting shit out of me and threw me and my "gay" ass out of the house.

Jokes on him, I'm as straight as it can be.

>> No.9575027


Conditioner makes a great shaving cream substitute that is almost certainly privates friendly.

Coconut oil or baby oil is great to soothe the skin if you need it and you will need it if your hair is thick enough to stubble. I think the oil softens the hair, whatever it does it makes butthole stubble much less annoying.

I personally have moved to using Veet hair removal cream, the sensitive skin kind. Less work, better results/no stubble. I haven't had a bad experience, but it's something to test cautiously.

>> No.9575036

I just need something to help smooth it all out.

>> No.9575091
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Apparently after some of the older fudds at this range learned that this wasn't a real girl /k/ isn't allowed to have meets at this range anymore.

>> No.9575144
File: 1.24 MB, 550x6200, 1432493662667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a roommate walk in on me because he has a habit of knocking twice then immediately opening the door. Apparently this is the reason he cited to back out of the lease. So I had to answer questions from my landlord about it, and had to find a new roommate.

>> No.9575177

was that the PA meet?

>> No.9575616

Yeah, over Memorial day.

>> No.9576327

I'll be crossplaying a character with large breasts (fully covered so no cleavage illusion needed). Does anyone known an ez way of how to do this?

>> No.9576369

step one: properly sized bra
step two: some kind of filling (socks, pantyhose filled with rice, breast forms
step two alternate: get those self-adhesive strapless nu-bras of each cup up to the cup size you want (I think), and layer them like a matryoshka on your chest
step three: pull that extra skin above them so that they're shaped more accurately, and don't look frumpy

another alternate: buy breastforms of the size you want somewhere.

>> No.9576389

Thank you very much for writing this out. I'll be keeping it as a guide. As well, what in particular were you referring to with "extra skin?" Thanks.

>> No.9576423

if you feel around your chest you should have at least some fat stored between your nipples and your armpits, that you most people can pull up above the padding to create a better shape at the top of the breasts.

>> No.9576433

I'm having a hard time imagining how I'd get the skin/fat to stay there. How does that work?

>> No.9576441

with tape and will power

>> No.9576447

you pull it up, and inward, then you tuck the padding under it, and into the bra. As the skin tries to return to it's original position it pushes against the padding, and can't move past it due to the bra keeping the padding in place. Which is why it's vital to have a proper-sized bra

>> No.9576448

Ah, that makes sense. I'll give it a try next time.

>> No.9576449

Sorry for all the questions, but just to be safe for sizing since I'm going out tomorrow, what should I measure right now to find the right bra size?

>> No.9576453

measure all the way around your chest, right across your nipples. That is your band size. Cup size, in the case of crossplayers depends on how big the character's breasts are. Then after you get a bra, you get to mess around with the shoulder straps to set it at the right height.. In a previous thread, (about a year ago?) a kind anon taught me that the middle of the breasts should be around halfway between your shoulder and elbow.

>> No.9576494

Pretty obvious question but, How do you hide the dick?

>> No.9576555

Dance belt could work.

>> No.9576594

Tight underwear and tucking.

>> No.9576598

Bullshit there wasn't.

>> No.9577016

Wearing a backless dress, would an adhesive bra be the best option so nothing shows around the back or what?

>> No.9578283

Dat chin though.

>> No.9578311

>wannabe crossdressers

I mean no point in crossdressing/playing if you're not passable, you'll just end up looking like a drag queen. For example that picture you posted, manly face.

>> No.9578331

probably, but stick-on bras don't really offer any support so don't expect any added cleavage if you're wearing one

>> No.9578403 [DELETED] 

"Reminder to wear a Chasity cage"

>> No.9578415
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Most people crossplay because they like the character. And the pic you commented on is a Touhou cosplayer. Pretty much all Touhou cosplayers are males who don't pass.

>> No.9578438

Sounds meh, if you're gonna put effort into a crossplay when you don't pass, what's the point? Surely if you like the character you want to look like them? Instead of just wearing the outfit they wear and having a face that looks nothing like them.

Maybe it's just me, seems kinda pointless.

>> No.9578466

do you have a problem with white people cosplaying asians?

>> No.9578580

>cosplaying asians?

What? Where did that come from? If you're refering to anime characters they don't look asian or white but whatever.

>> No.9578630
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Any recommendations for hip pads/enhancers? I'm thinking about getting these, but any recommendations or advice would be much appreciated.

>> No.9578634
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>> No.9578637

Depends on how much shape you need. I have these and I'm not a fan of them because they don't really add a ton of hip imo. But I also prefer a more exaggerated hip area on myself. If you crossplay alot, you should look into making your own. More cost effective and more customizable to what shape you're looking for.

>> No.9578643

Thanks for the tip. I'm trying to avoid making them for now but I'll definitely consider it once I get more experience crossdressing (I'm trying to aim for a natural look, if that makes sense). Do you wear custom hip pads too? If not, what do you use?

>> No.9578654

I made my own, yeah. Those that you linked should be fine for you if you're on the thin side and want natural though. They work well enough for me when I'm wearing a more toned down/less body crossplay. Though just an FYI you can get the same ones on ebay for cheaper.

>> No.9578662
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Thank you, anon.

>> No.9579738
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so /cgl/ what do you recomend me, how hard will it be for me to crossdress, what do you consider are the most problematic of my facial features, and what characters do you recomend for me.

I am just starting, and for make up and dressing related stuff i have already a decent female suport, but i want to know what the "experts" think.

My main concern is my jaw and nose; body wise, i am not worried, bc i am 167cm (5'6) and 52kg

>> No.9579801


not that hard, depends on how your face looks at angles too; show us a few of those

>> No.9579973

You should worry about your skin first.

>> No.9580230

Is contouring for male to female crossplaying the same as contouring for male to female 4real?
Also to feminize the face beyond contouring I'm doing eyeliner/shadow/mascara and foundation/concealer of course. Is there anything to be done to the lips? Anime characters tend to have no actual lip color, so maybe just keep them at max health/hydration?

>> No.9580238

If it's a character like Felix from Re:zero where they just drew a girl and called it a boy then you're probably best off asking questions here.

>> No.9580517


Yes, you will need to find references for the shape of face you are aiming for, not forgetting that you have to take into account your own features. Find those who cosplay these characters and how they contour, if they do, if you are cosplaying a character with strong features, you will have some fun.

For lips, you will obviously need a pencil so you do not have wonky lipstick/gloss if you intend to use it. Make sure to prep lips first by also applying foundation to them. What I normally do is when I get to lips, I apply balm around the working area, line across my lip line then colour in (always colour in), then on top of that, apply lipstick. Applying pencil all over and then lipstick allows for lipstick to stay and retain its colour for longer.

In terms of anime character lip colour, you have to assume they have lips so you will need to use the appropoate colour.

>> No.9584154
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Anyone here use the no-no? Is it worth it?

>> No.9584165

>its a asking if i can crossplay episode

>> No.9584321

>It's an asking if a crossdressing character is crossplay episode

Why not invade other help threads and learn from there how to touch up your feminine side

>> No.9584361

I've head a lot of stories about how it burns your skin, Maybe try using hair removal cream instead?

>> No.9585429 [DELETED] 

>I personally have moved to using Veet hair removal cream, the sensitive skin kind
Old post I know but if you're still here; is there a trick to using that stuff? I bought some a while ago, tried it and it gave no result whatsoever. Facial hair's my main problem in the first place, but I kinda hoped the hair removal cream stuff would be more thorough than I could get it to work out as.

>> No.9585431

>I personally have moved to using Veet hair removal cream, the sensitive skin kind
Old post I know but if you're still here; is there a trick to using that stuff? I bought some a while ago, tried it and it gave no result whatsoever. Facial hair's my main problem in the first place (and you can't use it there), but I kinda hoped the hair removal cream stuff would be more thorough than I could get it to work out as.

>> No.9588155

NO result? That's strange.
Mine says 5 minutes recommended, 10 minutes max.
I normally leave it on for close to 10 but I've taken it off at 5 and it's still done a decent job.
Sorry I can't help, I've also never tried it on facial hair.
Might be worth trying a different brand.

>> No.9588221

youre gonna smell like chicken

>> No.9588243
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it's a no no from me

no but really, my mom got it and didn't like it so she gave it to me and it's awful. you'll smell like >>9588221 said, and it hurts honestly. i'm a girl with dark hair too

>> No.9588260

Yeah, literally no result. Was pretty disappointing, was hoping to get rid of some stuff which leaves awful stubble when shaved on my stomach, but it got nothing at all. May be best to just suck it up and wax it instead.

>> No.9590238

I used to live with a professional "female impersonator", i.e. a drag queen, and he made his own hip pads by cutting up some upholstery foam and just stuffing it into some nylons, and he wore multiple nylons in layers to help keep it secure. I thought that sounded ghetto as hell, but when he did it he would suddenly have rockin' Kardashian level hips, plus the layered nylons had the added affect of making his legs look better. You might want to look into doing something like that, it turns out it's a pretty common trick.

>> No.9591027

It's expensive and useless if your hair isn't light. I have dark brown hair and while it indeed melted the hairs, it didn't stop or even slow down regrowth.

I used it for 3 months, went through about 16 replacement heads and then gave up.

It only burns about the first 2 weeks of using it. After that it's fine, just not effective.

Also the technique to getting the head to jump up takes some getting used to.

>> No.9591134


>> No.9592383

>>9578662 here, I'm thinking about making my own hip pads since it would be cheap. Do you know if your roommate cut the foam up in any specific patterns?

>> No.9592638

scam device

get laser if you're that bothered. some great groupon deals out thar

>> No.9593214

Best to just watch a youtube tutorial, apparently this is what the female impersonators do.



One thing I do remember that this guy doesn't mention is that it's actually better to put the rounded part you carve inward against your skin, not outward like he says, that way it smooths out better and doesn't look like cellulite. My roommate use to also create the illusion of not wearing pads by wearing opaque dance tights that matched his skin color as close as possible first, then a few pairs of sheer tights over those. It seriously made it look like those were his actual hips and butt, shit was nuts.

>> No.9593258

Holy fuck, where in PA?

>> No.9593366

Western PA, like an hour from Butler.

>> No.9593457
File: 78 KB, 960x640, 18766094_1762470087376554_2216858519212061241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crossplay as Male bishies, i did the anime version of Caesar clown from One piece (for the second time) any tips on how to improve my look? i plan on doing a more natural white, (like his manga version) this year.

>> No.9593479
File: 79 KB, 1080x720, FB_IMG_1502297858625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your jawline can be sculpted quite easily with contouring and I think the nose isn't a game breaker. No real reason why it wouldn't work I think. I think the next question you need to tackle is if your character's haircut is flattering and helps soften your features as well.

Also photos from my Koakuma shoot came back. So selfposting I guess

>> No.9593505
File: 681 KB, 1024x1110, 16700216_1225754080807570_6036252238823737666_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You explain this to me. Did she get a boob job or is it all shoop? Also, is it still crossplay if she transitions?

>> No.9593520
File: 13 KB, 440x188, sgawgrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's just Haoge. Well known for his convincing crossplays. Look up his FB or Weibo and you'll see more of this mindfuck.

>> No.9593522

I follow them on fb alright, but I'm just blown away every time.

>> No.9593530

As someone who has seen him in person... Haoge effortlessly passes and dumps a ton of photoshop on top of it. Not sure why, I think it is a chinese cosplayer aesthetic.

>> No.9593536
File: 792 KB, 1024x683, 19466392_1352874464762197_438316408109213936_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely photoshop involved. Look at the odd shading on the chest, the hard dark shadow under the right edge of the dress's neckline when there are no other hard shadows in the photo... Not that he's not super pretty and feminine without retouching.

>> No.9594669

I'm more purturbed by why it is done to that extent rather than if it is. Difference between subtle touchups and full on remodeling I guess. Especially since quite alot of the very convincing asian crossplayers really don't need too much shooping anyway.

>> No.9594765
File: 61 KB, 380x349, warudo the fuck are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric razer doesn't cut my face when I shave with it
>decide to trim pubes with it
>mfw cut dick

>> No.9594769

Ha, I've fallen for that one before, and it's really not pleasant. Leaves a weird line of small cuts over your skin, I still get those while shaving the top of my legs.

>> No.9596377

How does one even into characters with heels?

>> No.9596437
File: 201 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm a girl who cosplays Naoto from Persona 4 and I'm not quite happy with her makeup. She is female, but crossdresses as a guy so I'm not sure if I should follow male or female anime makeup guidelines for her, anyone have suggestions?

>> No.9596452

Personally, I'd go androgynous. No male contouring but also minimal feminine touches.

>> No.9596486

I don't know what y'all smoking but this is good makeup and I have a diploma in makeup artistry. It's not much contour all.

>> No.9596532

be manlet

>> No.9596553

I use a normal 5 edge razor for that and I'm surprised I neither cut my dick nor the sack with it. Since then I use the machine only for lazy face shaving.

>> No.9598193

One of my biggest issues with crossplay has been shaving my face. Doesn't matter what kind of razor I use I still have that blue hue even when I use foundation. I remember someone had suggested using some sort of orange lipstick to cover the blue hue, but that didn't seem to help at all.

In my limited crossplay experience I love doing ZR. My thighs are actually kinda big and I love when my legs are smooth shaven

>> No.9598810

Uhhhhhhhh...just barely check. Now what?

>> No.9599530

I use a Max Factor panstick over my beard area, and follow that up with a layer of Ben Nye and by translucent setting powder on my whole face. It covers really well but it's very obvious I'm wearing heavy makeup.

>> No.9599753

Double sided tape, sock glue, or a garter belt?

>> No.9599775

What even is your question? How to walk in heels?

>> No.9599778

A high waisted garter belt would be best if you're not wearing it under something thin. Sock glue is also fine assuming that your thighs are shaven.

Double sided tape just doesn't work in my experience.

>> No.9599786

Personally, sock glue works better with natural fabrics while double-sided tape works with synthetics better. But in both cases you need to shave.

>> No.9599905

Pluck your beard.

>> No.9602168

Where can I find heels for US 9.5/10 online and with international shipping? I live in a shithole where such thing is nearly impossible to find

>> No.9602794

Step one: find heels that look like the ones in question (maybe Taobao, or aliexpress)
Step two: make sure you get heels in your size
Step three: get the heels
Step four: practice
Step four (a): if the heel in question is delicate, find a practice pair with a stronger heel to start
Step five: can you walk now? If so, you're done. If not practice more.

Notes to remember:
>Heel. To. Toe.
>Keep the hip sway at a low to moderate level.
>Short to medium steps, lest you look like a lumbering lummox.

>> No.9603076

Thanks anon! I'd love to get some more notes from you if you don't mind, they seem to be very helpful.

>> No.9603339

Sorry for late response, but is the Ben Nye the translucent powder or are you talking about a different powder?

>> No.9603541

I don't really have any other important notes when it comes to wearing heels. Those 3 were things I got told when I was practicing with heels. But there is one thing that a lot of people might want to keep in mind: heels are noisy, and the sound is distinct; other people in the house will hear, and most will know. So if for some reason you need to keep this stuff hidden, wait until no one is home, or try them out somewhere else, like outside during the later evening/early night when most other people are inside.
Or if you have cash to spend, practice with a nice unisex pair of platform boots that have some heel to them, last I checked those weren't completely out of common fashion

>> No.9603708

Weird attitude, cosplay is a hobby for having fun unless you wanna be jessica nigiriiriri

>> No.9604223

I hate replying to people in my own male voice, anyone got any good voice training tips for mtf?

>> No.9604264

Quick question: why do girls worship/praise gay guys who dress up like girls.. ?

i love ru paul. i love drag queens. but i am by no means impressed to the point of worship/praise like say, Nikita Dragon's fans are.. those girls fuckin hyperventilate at the site of Nikita.. its odd.

>> No.9605281

Got some BB cream to somewhat fix my face a few days ago, and it's got a pretty mild foundation in it.
The problem is that with my facial hair growing so fast, a bunch of it gets stuck to that and it's HYPER obvious. Is there some sort of application method which would hide it, or am I just gonna have to suck it up and get that laser hair treatment I've been eying?

>> No.9605315

You can pluck it, it'll take some time to grow back since you remove the hair from deep inside. Also, plucking is semi permanent since it can damage the root of the hair follicles and, just like laser, make it impossible for hair to grow back, but it almost doesn't happen, so laser is the most permanent for sure. Sometimes good deals appear on groupon and shit, just look for it and don't buy the portable ones, those don't work most times.

>> No.9605316

I never actually thought to go check places like Groupon, I know there's somewhere local which does it but the number of treatments required makes it pretty extortionate. Plucking in the meantime might be for the best; that area gets pretty inflamed on shaving too, thanks.

>> No.9605325

The maid difference between male and female voice is where you speak from, guys tall from their chest and women speak from their head
It sounds weird but give it a go!

>> No.9605328


>> No.9605337

Crossdressing gay men seem harmless to the average girl. There's the stereotype of the sassy gay best friend who goes shopping and does makeup with their girl friend.

FYI Nikita is transgender, not a drag queen.

There are tutorials on Youtube that could be helpful. Use some combination of keywords like "male to female", "vocal training", "transwoman", "feminization".


>> No.9605916

Ru paul's drag race made drag part of pop culture so a lot of younger straight women are starting to like it for different reasons. Either because of the sassy attitude, the glamour, or just for inspiration to be different.

Women generally like gay guys anyway since they're harmless, are probably better looking than straight men, and might enjoy doing feminine things with them like shopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-YCdcnf_P8

As for straight women liking crossdressers I guess it's just their personal preference. Like, why do you like the things you do? Although I was actually surprised how intensely some women like crossdressers after I started crossdressing myself, and I'm a straight cis male.

>> No.9606012

As a crossdresser, most of my interactions with females, while dressed up, comes from a group of girls with butch haircuts that call themselves trans. Most of the time they're proud of me for taking the first steps out of my trans egg, and breaking free of the patriarchy, and I'm just like "Bitch please, I just wanna look frilly,"

>> No.9606262

I'm super mild crossdressing, and this is me exactly. Cute shit is cute. I'm a man, but being frilly, glittery, and clothes actually designed to have you look attractive are nice.

>> No.9606616

It's pretty gross how many non-draggers are getting into drag just for the attention.

>> No.9607403

I use Ben Nye creme makeup on my whole face, including over the pan stick makeup, and set it with a translucent powder. Ben Nye makes a translucent powder, but any translucent powder should do.

>> No.9607592
File: 387 KB, 1280x1920, 1363487231401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I shrink these kind of leggings? I'm not sure what to call them

>> No.9608015

Ok. So here's my issue. I'm trans ftm. I am in love with brolita and the whole ladybeard look. I premiered my new look at afest this year and I want to improve it. I guess I would like suggestions on gothic styles that look good on a broader shoulder and larger arms without looking too ridiculous. I'm going to be making my own dress but am not sure how to style the top to suit my new body type.

>> No.9608106

Are you doing actual gothic lolita, or your own version of jfash? I'm just asking, because there are very few "made my own" lolita dresses that actually end up looking good. Especially if you stand next to people's burando.

If you're looking for styles, outside of gothic lolita I guess there's aristo and ouji but those aren't too "gothic", and male gothic jfash doesn't seem to exist except maybe viz kei or brands like h.naoto?

If you're just looking for broad shoulder tips, maybe just style the top like a jsk or even a halter top and wear a long sleeve blouse or cute outerwear. Broad shoulder is a body type problem that can usually be solved with tricks, not by finding specific styles.

Otherwise post pics so we can get a better sense.

>> No.9608112
File: 32 KB, 376x700, 8c34905e5eb114d96248ce545412060b--gothic-punk-fashion-lolita-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the classic cuts. I've been out of the loop for a few years. So I'm not really current on what is and isn't considered in fashion or in what subset of the different styles. I love classic shapes like this one but cap sleeves look like shit on me.

>> No.9608180

The different lolita styles haven't changed. And it hardly matters what's recently trendy as long as your coord is good.

You can do your own research on lolibrary for inspiration, and look through brands like moi meme moitie, atelier pierrot, antique beast, etc etc, and figuring out the different substyles yourself. Go lurk the coord threads and look at archives, they have good content.

Also I'm just a little confused what being ftm has to do with gothic lolita..

>> No.9608184

Thanks for the info. The ftm thing is just more about finding something to compliment my body type. I still have wide hips and a narrow waist. But I now also have very broad shoulders and thick arms. The fat redistribution has done a number on my body shape and I'm not sure how to find a top style to compliment that.

>> No.9608205

Ah. No problem.

As a brolita I just steer clear of shorter sleeves, puffy shoulders, or things like capes. Longer sleeves and wrist/hand accessories can detract attention from arms/shoulders.

Attract attention to the center, which is really easy with lolita as your main piece is the most eye catching especially if it has a border print. Wear curly wigs that help cover your shoulders. Lolita is pretty forgiving for large shoulders, so don't overthink it. However, learn to pose at an angle for cameras.

Otherwise just google broad shoulder tips.

>> No.9608339

Awesome! You are a lifesaver!

>> No.9608861

People (more often girls than guys) tend to think it's okay to grope my fake breasts in public.
It's not that the touch itself is unpleasant - I'm not going to pretend this is actual sexual harassment - but I'm worried every time that any onlookers will do a double take on me when they see it.
I feel like if I react like a normal girl would they'd think I'm overreacting, since they just touched some fabric and silicon pads - I don't want to be a drama queen, so I mostly try to play it down.
This is easily enough explained to friends who are used to seeing me dressed, but regularly friends of friends and new acquaintances seem to think this is appropriate and just go for it without asking.
I don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.9608865

It is harassment. Call that shit out.

>> No.9608900 [DELETED] 

No one cares about your emotions we come to fap to you and wish we were you pussy bitch. Let's be fucking honest here, that's why you get so many man jaw fuckers and fetish posters.

>> No.9608911

To be honest, why are you even on this thread? Go shitpost somewhere else if you mind so much people that are, unlike you, on topic with the thread.
If you are here to fap, go to /b/, they have the thread for you. Else you can just accept the way things are and go on with life.

It is the same as with women, it's sexual harassment and, if you dislike it, you should call it out. Some women don't mind or just accept it so to not be a drama queen with friends, but they would call out for men or strangers doing so.

>> No.9608924
File: 65 KB, 624x950, AnimuBoozing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ is shit but at least they don't take themselves seriously
Pic related is my suggestion

>> No.9608926

Where should butt padding sit?
I got some panties that you insert the largest (not big enough imo) silicone pads they have, and they look good in a skirt and jeans, but in things that don't have as much form on their own like sweats or tights I can't tell if they should be worn so they're up 1-1 over my butt or if they should be a bit lower to go from the curve of my butt and make it sit a little lower and bigger and then flow back into my thighs.

>> No.9609364

Padding is all about what looks good on you and makes clothes fit better. Wear them the way you think they look best.

>> No.9610044

some help with face hair? I do wax my face but in under a week I start to get tiny some hair, and I wouldn't want to wait them to fully grow to wax them again, since I'd like to go to a convention and I have time contraints, what to do?

>> No.9610048 [DELETED] 

Posting from the standard help thread:
Bio-oil, is it worth it to touch up scars or marks after getting /fit/, or is it snake oil?

>> No.9610051

Posting from the standard help thread: Bio-oil, is it worth it to touch up scars, or is it snake oil?

>> No.9610123
File: 705 KB, 1920x1080, 20160517_095025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Velma crossplay. Did I do ok?

>> No.9610194 [DELETED] 

I bet your father is proud

>> No.9610373

I'd be interested in that myself; I've been using it for a while and for the most part it feels like it's made some difference, but then I'll have a day where my stretch marks stick out like an open wound and I question if it's placebo.

>> No.9610522

Why do male crossdressers get so much shit for no reason

>> No.9610527

self-proclaimed "traps" on kik and cam sites, sissies, and older movies involving, usually creepy, crossdressers kinda give male crossdressing a bad rap

>> No.9610938

Yeah, scars I might not give too much of a damn about since mine are only dots from bumps after ingrown hairs (and you'd have to look for them anyway), but stretch marks after getting /fit/ may be a bigger problem.

>> No.9610940

being feminine or girly is looked down upon in society (even for girls it's often trivialized or mocked as shallow), so it makes sense it's considered embarassing for men to "lower" themselves to something so silly

>> No.9610997

This is a shit tutorial
Her crossplay makeup looks like how every fujoshi that cosplays from DMMD does theirs

>> No.9611024
File: 14 KB, 211x250, 1502632567030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these white wannabes in this thread
Give up, the prerequisite to crossplay is being asian because they have BY FAR the most adaptable face proportions.

Unlike white faces which are easily discerned as female or male (girls have smaller noses and wider mouths while boys have fuckhuge brows and jaws), asian faces are far more androgynous and can be adapted to either.

I'm saying this as a white person, fucking stop and do something else

>> No.9611153

>Not enjoying the challenge of playing on Hard Mode
'Cmon son.

>> No.9611202

You forgot-
"Step six: Have a pair of comfortable flats that look close enough.", because most shoes intended for women are made of cardboard and coloured paper.

>> No.9611669

White men are not kawaii at all unless you already look girly. Otherwise you look like a gross amateur drag queen.

>> No.9612319

where to get anime gurl clothes

>> No.9612766

Same place where girls get their clothes. Just as long as you understand your own measurements you can go anywhere and buy in your size.

>> No.9612910

Does anyone have the link to that guide on depilatory powder that was posted a couple threads ago? I can't find it in the archive.

>> No.9612916


Anyone tried this?

>> No.9613008 [DELETED] 

this one?

>> No.9613013

Can OP put that on sticky, plz? Thx in advance.

>> No.9613106

That's the one! Just remember to give it a NSFW tag if you sticky it.

>> No.9613420

Did your parents hit you? Just because you wore your mama's shoes and walked around the house that one time? My advice is that you don't project this anger onto others. Stay here, don't go, you clearly have an interest, just don't take out that hatred you've held in all that time on others. Eventually you'll build up that courage and crossdress, like the little you wanted to do before they hit you and hammered that nail down. When you do, we won't judge you, we'll help. So be a functioning human being and show some compassion.

>> No.9613432 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sorry I didn't turn out to be a flaming homosexual who wears skirts and sucks dick for some pocket change. Here, you can suck my dick for free!

>> No.9613540

Pal, look I took a little dig at you there in the first sentence. But in fairness, you're being quite nasty and I felt it wasn't too harsh.

Look you clearly have an interest, why are you here? Reading the crossplay thread? Maybe you don't even realise it, but you have an interest in it.

BTW, for 98% (rough guess) of people on here, it's not for kinks, it's EXACTLY the same as cosplay for us. It doesn't make you gay, besides, if you are gay, is that really so bad? Put your judgements aside and ask yourself, "Why do I keep looking at the crossplay thread?"

I know the answer, do you?

>> No.9613566 [DELETED] 

Dumb question but male to female makeup, do I still request for a normal female makeup instead of something special or specific

Literally zero makeup experience

I want to impress my boyfriend

>> No.9613571

Dumb question but male to female makeup, do I still request for a normal female makeup instead of something special or specific

Literally zero makeup experience

>> No.9613581

in terms of products you can use normal make-up. Here's a masterpost from the link collection that should help you get started

>> No.9613633 [DELETED] 

>Not for kinks
>Anime girls are not sexual
>How to be sexy???
>I-i dressed like a slut and I'm being harrassed what do???
Absolutely disgusting my friends
>RuPaul's drag race isn't sexualized degeneracy

Want me to keep going buddy?

>> No.9613765

Carry on, you're dodging the main question here; Why are you here? There's only one explanation.

Don't be a self hating crossdresser. I'm not in it for the kink, but by the sounds of it you are (behind closed door and in the closet obv), you know what? That's fine, keep it clean and we can advise you in areas where you're struggling.

There's nothing wrong with you wanting to crossdress, just don't be a dick to like minded people.

>> No.9613814

I'm here because the traps on /r9k/ don't get so antsy when you call them out. I made one little shitpost here and one of your spergs in sparkles gave me a paragraph. It's fucking hilarious how seriously you take yourselves

>> No.9613883

>I'm here because the traps on /r9k/ don't get so antsy when you call them out


Look, just because your life is shit doesn't mean other people's lives are too. Go back to r9k then, you incel.

>> No.9614028

Ok, gaynon
You know you should take a chill every once in a while. You're little dress up time is not that serious

>> No.9614445
File: 48 KB, 469x505, 1485451354055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you, shut the fuck up with your bickering before I blast you fuckers. Okay?

>> No.9614559
File: 20 KB, 324x559, mtf-walk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different (female) anon here, hip sway is more natural if you walk like you're balancing on a line instead of normally where your feet travel along parallel paths. That doesn't make much sense so I drew a picture.

>> No.9614561

Doubtful. They're probably synthetic, and shrinking synthetics is very difficult. Even if you did manage, you'd probably ruin the wet-look effect. Your best bet would be to take them in from the side seams or inseam.

>> No.9614629


You're super mistaken pal. Nobody here is upset by you and your shitposting. But you're obviously here because you want to look pretty.

Sad that you're cool with cosplay, but CROSSING THE GENDER BOUNDARIES!? TRIGGERED! You need to cill dude, you're the one posting your disgust. Hypocrisy 101 much?

But seriously, your desire to crossplay, whenever you're ready to accept that feeling you've been hiding, just actually ask like a normal human being and we'll help.

If you're after some kinky shit, you're in the wrong area though.

>> No.9614762 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 320x240, 1502942760399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want you to do is to sit back and really think about what you're doing. You're playing dress up for your tv show character. That's it. You may say, "oh but it's expensive" or some thing, but I've seen more expensive and autistic hobbies where the hobbyists don't act like their whole lively hood has been destroyed when someone makes a snide comment. You're not pushing some social boundary, you're not making a statement, I didn't even know there was a dedicated trap shit place until I glanced over this board. I said 6 words and you guys are giving me paragraphs about how I want to join your game or some shit?? Loosen up, literally don't get your panties in a twist.

>> No.9614800
File: 179 KB, 404x521, 1495763811090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is feeding the troll, but I'll keep it to one post.

From one visiting /r9k/ anon to another, nobody seems to be doing the things you're saying. From what I see, nobody is trying to push some social boundary or make a statement, and nobody is acting like their livelihood is destroyed because of you. They're just trying to partake in a hobby they enjoy, but then you come in with the sole purpose of shitting on them for some reason I can't fathom.

Would you like it if you were watching your favorite anime (or whatever it is you do) and some nigger came in and started talking shit about you and your anime? If you don't like their hobby, then you can always go back to /r9k/ or to a /cgl/ thread that does interest you. These people don't have to justify their hobby to you. If you're trying to find someone to blame for the trap crisis on /r9k/, you should direct your blame at /lgbt/ since they're the degenerates pushing titty skittles and openly doing kinky shit. At the very least be more creative and tone down the exaggerations if you stick around to shitpost these people.
>I didn't even know there was a dedicated trap shit place until I glanced over this board
You do know that /lgbt/ exists, right?

>> No.9614817

>Nobody is trying to push some social boundary
>No one is acting like their livelihood us destroyed
>Would you like if some nigger came in and started talking shit about your anime
Ever been to /a/?
Maybe it's because I've hung around /ic/, and I'm use to harsher """"critique"""" but, doing shit like I did, making a little snide comment like wouldn't give me derriere devastated powderpuffs up my ass there, just an lol or nothing at all. I don't care about traps or them telling me why they dress up or whatever the fuck. I'm saying you guys need to stop taking yourselves so seriously. You're on a Mongolian BBQ art bulletin pretending to be anime girls while stuffing your dick away. Have some self awareness for fucks sake.

>> No.9614821

I'm not the one who's triggered AF. You're visiting here and flipping out, not the other way around.

If I posted photos of me in /r9k/, sure, go for it. Why am I bringing that shit over there? But I'm not, you've come to /cgl/ where we all dress up like fucktards, that's what we do. Just like how you fill your hard drive with r9k images for no reason. We're arguing on 4chan, neither of us can get on any high horse.

>> No.9614825

You're not addressing anything I've said. You're just angry I'm here saying negative things about your sekrit club

>> No.9614827

Holy shit dude, can you gather your thoughts before you spurge please? You are making very little sense.

Sorry I triggered your snowflake ass. I'll stop now.

>> No.9614842

Still not addressing anything I've said. What the hell is your guys problem?

>> No.9615174


False equivalence. Some people come to cgl to ask questions and get help. You don't go to /a/ or /r9k/ looking for critique or help with something you know little about. Shitposting when someone asks for honest criticism isn't helping. You obviously don't understand how shitty of a person you're being.

>> No.9618007

What would happen if I poured like two cans of that stuff into a full bathtub and just soaked in it for like ten minutes?

>> No.9618074

It'd probably solidify.
I tried using the stuff yesterday and it didn't even remove a single hair.

>> No.9619331

What's a decent push up bra that's on the cheaper end? Gonna be doing a character with big tits if that helps. Also is there any material that's best for stuffing a bra or can I just use something like socks/hand towels and be ok?

>> No.9619554

Alright, tried the second batch of it today.
It -does- work, surprisingly well in fact, but it's messy as hell and it seems like it'll need multiple applications to get everything. Apparently it took multiple tries to get anything with my hair, which isn't a surprise.
Bonus is that epilating legs afterwards doesn't hurt anywhere near as much because of how weak the hair is.
Maybe after a third application, if it cleans up the rest, I'd be able to recommend it. Was nice to see hair literally just falling off my legs and butt.

>> No.9619971

Mouth piercings look terrible in cosplays. Makeup needs work, less eyeliner and shadow.

>> No.9622604
File: 314 KB, 944x1513, IMG_20170906_164851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting Anna from FE Awakening. Somehow all pics where I did her signature pose turned out shit, so have this action shot with visible con pass instead.
Donnel cropped out for privacy reasons.

>> No.9622614

I don't think Naoto is a very convincing reverse trap so I'd say look feminine. It was really obvious that she was a girl from minute 1, she's like 5 feet tall and always had the face, voice, and build of a small woman. I would've been more surprised if she had actually been a man desu.

>> No.9623515

Good job! Maybe add some padding for boobs? I notice it's a little loose there, but could be the pose

>> No.9624431

The top had a somewhat weird cut, when I added padding the loose area appeared -above- my chest like I tented the whole thing out.
I still have a thing to learn about patterns.

Also, this was my first crossplay with pants, and I found it somewhat easier to pass with a skirt, giving the general shape.

>> No.9624599

You might want to go for some hip padding. Also, keep your shoulders down, smile and relax! You look tense and unnatural.But overall- good job!

>> No.9624663
File: 300 KB, 651x1352, IMG_20170908_132736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the reason for the tense, not smiling thing is that that's an action pose, with weapons drawn and whatnot - but yes, the reason I chose that one is because when I smile even slightly I get bags under my eyes that are the size of Neptune and Uranus respectively.

Pic related, and also for padding - I guess some subtle pads would be beneficial, I'm just somewhat cautious of making my hips plump when I'm already lanky overall, I'm worried that would look out of place.

>> No.9624927

Could I make cleavage with Saran wrap?

>> No.9624930

Just buy some "chicken cutlets" aka breast enhancers and a bra,

>> No.9624978

>He thinks I can simply buy cd items

>> No.9625323

There's a method that involves duct tape, but it hurts, and if done wrong it just looks like utter shit, but saran wrap does not have enough pulling force unless you already have a moderate amount of fat already there
>wants to crossdress (or crossplay)
>can't buy relevant items
This hobby involves a lot of purchasing even if you don't buy any convenience items such as the cutlets, or padded clothing. So good luck getting everything you need

>> No.9625395

use amazon or say it's for your girlfriend if that's the issue.

If that's not it you can fake it till you make it. Get a bra used from goodwill if they carry them, use some sock stuffing and maybe a little bit of contour if you need the cleavage line itself to be seen.

>> No.9625753
File: 882 KB, 751x865, vghcghc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that evening your skin tone with light foundation and / or just with powder would be the right balance. Mild contouring at tops but nothing very noticeable since Naoto seems very "neat" and clean faced.

You could buy several pairs of bras to create an illusion of bigger breasts and cleavage. Basically buy atleast 3 pairs of them with the smallest fitting your chest comfortably (or get slightly bigger ones so that you can fill them with socks to achieve them oppai) then the 2nd pair would be slightly bigger that gives the effect of bigger breasts and the 3rd pair would be push up bras that help you get the cleavage and again bigger looking, lifted breasts. You could also try contouring a cleavage but if you draw it on a flat surface it will look funny from different angles.

Planning of doing a Lust crossplay from FMA and I have a dilemma with her makeup. She seems to wear little to almost none except mascara and lipstick but my mug needs a layer of cake to look feminine. Would it be too crude to do a full blown makeup with false lashes, drawn eye crease, glitter etc instead of trying to look more "fresh" ?

I'm also interested to know people's opinion regarding minor changes of character designs that help cosplayers look more feminine or masculine if that's one of the major points of the cosplay. For example adding paddings on waist and chest to seem more hourglass shaped and feminine even though the character looks slim or not that curvy. Also wearing clothes in a different manner or cut them differently to accentuate your best points.
Just got the wig and beginning to style it.

>> No.9627037

Anyone happen to know where I could get pantyhose/stockings that could fit for a really tall guy? Need it for a kancolle crossplay as well as future crossplay.

>> No.9627040

So pretty. I wanna do lolita stuff so badly.

>> No.9627089

Don't be a coward and just do it. Unless you live in a shitty hickville, why would a store clerk even care.

Do it then.

>> No.9627095

I can't at the moment, sadly. I'm in the process of moving, so funds are tight.

>> No.9627867
File: 478 KB, 1200x848, Your Silver Garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 100% sure if this belongs here, but I'm looking to cosplay Homura Akemi for an upcoming con. I have never attempted a crossplay before.

Does anyone here know who makes the best male-sized version of her outfit?

>> No.9627890

>male sized version

>> No.9627901


I have never done something like this before and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.9627933

Measure yourself. Then look at costume measurements. It's not hard.

>> No.9627943


I did that. The problem is that there are dozens of different makers, not a whole lot of them seem to have reviews outside of a scant "pretty good"-esque generic feedback, and I don't know which ones are reputable or of good quality.

This is probably a question for another thread, now that I think of it, but I was hoping that someone else here might have tried a Homura crossplay and could point me in the direction of a more reputable-quality costume.

>> No.9628252

Don't worry too much about the crossplay part.

Re-measure yourself, add some for your bust and hips since you'll fill those in to create a figure.

You can easily go into any other thread and as long as you find something that matches up with those measurements, you're fine.

>> No.9628255

if you're looking at mass-produced or chinese ones, there really won't be anything other than "pretty good"
anything higher quality and you'll need to find someone to commission to make it for you and that will start to cost in the hundreds

>> No.9628386

That looks plenty good already, anon. I think gonig for "full blown" makeup fits the character pretty well though.

>> No.9628401

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but here goes. How would I go about saying I'm doing a genderbend cosplay without potentially upsetting Tumblr-style people? Like what's a "better" way to describe it?

>> No.9628838

Not entirely sure what you're getting at, I don't see how a genderbend cosplay is upsetting to idiot SJWs?

>> No.9629192
File: 13 KB, 225x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M -> F crossplayer here. Looking for japanese loose socks, pic related. The problem is I have big feet, about US size 11, and these socks are usually for females size 5-7.5. I was wondering if I can fit them since these are some long ass socks.

>> No.9630212

Just say you're doing a genderbend or r63 cosplay. There's no way to describe it without certain people getting upset because the entire concept just makes them mad that you're doing that instead of a trans __ cosplay.

Most won't have the guts to say anything in person if it does bother them and I doubt the majority or regular non uber sjw congoers think it's a bad thing.

>> No.9630236

I'm a tall girl with women's size 11 feet and I just got a 180cm pair of socks like this off amazon. They said they only fit up to a 7.5 or something but they fit my feet just fine.


seems like the price went up for the 180cm though, I got them for 25 bucks.

>> No.9630238

I should have mentioned that I think Your feet will fit in them as well. the food of the sock is stretchy and even if it doesn't stretch long enough for your feet, they're freaking long and I doubt it'll matter too much desu

>> No.9630269

I also got mine off Amazon. I wear women's size 9. They will probably fit you since they're just a really long tube sock without an ankle part. They're so expensive, though.

>> No.9630499
File: 376 KB, 782x1139, 1394380635282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy here, not looking to "pass" as a woman, but I'm trying to find some overtly feminine costumes to wear on halloween for the fuck of it.

Found a Sailor Moon costume but even the largest size is apparently made for an anorexic chinese woman.

(Bust size was 38-39 which BARELY matches mine. I'm not fat at all, and I have no tits, and the XXXL size still would barely fit my chest, let alone anything else.)

Where the hell do you find costumes in non-anorexic chinese girl sizes? My chest/waist/hips are like 38-31-38 or something like that, can't find anything that would fit that isn't just a generic schoolgirl costume.

>> No.9630581

Completely new to this, what's the best way to cover up underneath skin facial hair that's already been shaved? I was thinking foundation maybe but I have no make up experience at all

>> No.9630590

Already been answered this thread, read before you post

>> No.9630623

It would have been less effort for you to simply reply to my and that post, instead of posting that

>> No.9630647

You sound dumb because nothing about that size says anorexic, just Asian.

Look for listings on aliexpress with maid + male size, plus size. or something in that vein. Bodyline also has cosplay with larger sizing.

>> No.9630747

People are taking offense to the terms genderbending and crossplaying now because they imply only 2 genders.

>> No.9630832

If you meet people like that IRL who literally lecture you about nonbinary gender it's probably safe to just walk away and not care.

>> No.9630835
File: 261 KB, 964x1288, 20170812_120101s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just measure yourself, then make a cosplay based on those measurments.

t. Homura crossplayer

>> No.9630841

You have nice legs, anon.

>> No.9630915

Even without seeing the rest of your face, that's a pretty damn good job.

>> No.9630923

Face is censored more because of the edgelord book desu.

>> No.9631584

Is it dangerous to tuck? Is putting your balls back up in their cavity cause for worry of torsion?

>> No.9631636

I haven't had any issues. It takes some practice though, and it can take a bit of time to get used to it.

>> No.9631961

>you'll just end up looking like a drag queen
Please, I've seen queens that pass better than that.

>> No.9631998

Sorry white guys, you're just not very cute.

>> No.9632124
File: 39 KB, 125x210, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9632126

>ye be an obese triangle

>> No.9633999

I'm interesting in crossplaying as a genderbent Hakan (from street fighter).

I've been having fun thinking about what a girl Hakan would look like, and eventually I wanna try doing it. Any advice on the following?

-Body paint that can make me look like a red person without the paint peeling or coming off when I pour olive oil on myself.

-Lightly padding a makeshift leather bra so I can wear only the bra and have it look okay. Like, no shirt, only bra. If I can't figure this out I'll use a tank top style instead to make it easier.

-The hair. Hakan's hair looks like it's got stone octopus rings on it. I was thinking to make it girly I could have two octopus tentacles, like twintails. I like that idea especially because Hakan's wife has sort of twintail braids, and I think it'd be a good reference. No idea how to make that though.

I have a fairly feminine body to begin with so the somewhat revealing nature of this isn't a huge problem. Fuck, Hakan's so cool.

>> No.9634018

You know you're not crossplaying if you're cosplaying a genderbent variant of a character, right? You're just regularly cosplaying a OC based on a character of the opposite sex.
For you to crossplay him I'd suggest getting something like this in red (http://www.flexdesigncostumes.com/standard-muscle-suit.html)), getting/making the shorts, armband and leg band as needed, paint your face & feet, and make a low profile helmet sort of thing for whatever helmet / hair thing he has going on.

>> No.9634364
File: 13 KB, 480x480, d89362f0-c40a-42e6-8aa0-6e885ab554b8.jpg.w480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really browse this board that much, nor do I browse /lgbt/, but I feel more comfortable asking this here. I've started shaving my legs - I'm a guy - using pic related. They work very well. However, I have 2 problems. One is my rate of hair regrowth - after 2-3 days, I start to feel like I need to do it again. It's not a problem, I was just wondering if there's a way to force it to slow down without taking drugs of some kind. The other problem I have is that the soap around the razor seems to run out quite quickly. In 2 weeks I've already depleted 2 cartridges. Any tips on how to make them last longer?
Thanks if anyone is able to help!

>> No.9634465

Just buy a regular women's razor or whatever and don't feel bad that you have to shave so often. I pretty much shave every night. Otherwise, get an epilator if you just want to do it 1-2 times per week.

>> No.9634533

How is it not crossplay? I'd be a guy dressed as a girl.

>> No.9634691

For some reason, with how you put your initial post, I thought you were a girl. In that case, crossdressing a nonofficial genderbent version of a character seems, kinda redundant. Cosplay what you want, but if you're already a guy, why go through the hassle of looking good cosplaying as a girl version of a already male character?

>> No.9635210
File: 387 KB, 500x452, fit_line_position.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to purchase a tailored girl's costume and they need to know my height, weight, bust, waist and hips. Is this diagram correct?
>Bust measured at nipples
>Waist measured at navel
>Hips measured at the widest part at the top of the pelvic bone

>> No.9635215

Waist isn't always precisely on navel. Just use the slimmest part.

>> No.9635245

bust is the largest measurement you can get on your chest, hips is the largest on your waist, waist is the smallest you can get on your waist

>> No.9635256

I'm really jealous of those who can crossplay and look like a girl.
It's impossible for me.

Someone trade faces with me

>> No.9635262
File: 41 KB, 682x682, 1iw40c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do what I plan on doing, don't exactly have to worry about having your face pass if 75%+ of it's covered.

>> No.9635268

I've put some thought into trying to do cosplay like that in general, not only crossplay, because I have a face that isn't bad, but it doesn't have the 'clean' look you'd want for cosplay. I wouldn't look like any character.
I've put some thought into a Celty cosplay, maybe, but trying to do that at a con seems a bit... Well, I'd be a bit worried people would photograph the booty.
Maybe cosplay just isn't for me.

>> No.9635281

Most people don't look like whatever they're cosplaying, crossplaying or otherwise. I'd say go for a character that's either at least somewhat looks like you and go for it, or shoot for something completely non-human that'd need a mask/full head to work.
The latter's what I prefer to do 'cause I'd personally rather have a cosplay be wrong because of something I can fix rather than something I can't do anything about without major reconstructive surgery.

>> No.9635284

I'm just a shy perfectionist.
To be honest, my ideal situation would be to have someone cute I could make absurdly elaborate cosplay for, instead. I'm more interested in the making part, anyway.

I think I want my next project to be something really over-the-top and elaborate too. Not sure what yet.

>> No.9635370

Thank you

>> No.9635674

This should go without saying, but keep in mind the bust measurement should be after padding.

>> No.9636593

thos man hands GOD u look like a drag queen

>> No.9637620
File: 486 KB, 599x815, IMG_4398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm brand new to the con scene, and since I'm only interested in female characters/outfits, got a question
I'm not gonna get a bunch of fucks throwin shade and shit am I?
Like what to expect? AWA in particular in case there's any personal experience
Pic related is what I'm cosplaying

>> No.9637627

Nah, AWA is chill. There's a ton of dudes dressed as touhou girls there every year, both ironically and sincerely. You'll be fine.

>> No.9638021

Do a good job on your costume and I doubt people will give you shit if they don't expect you to be a dude

>> No.9638032
File: 15 KB, 567x567, tumblr_oiyxb8F6vN1sk0jtmo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi yes hello i would like a homura crossplaying bf

>> No.9638096

Reminder that chasity cages are better than tucking

>> No.9638098

Most of the people who shit talk MTF crossplays are other crossplayers

>> No.9638320

Help me out senpai, I need to be a cute /k/ommando

>> No.9638937

Tucking is better for bikini and other tight shit, whilst chastity is a good boner preventing method.

>> No.9639285

I am MtF and I'd like to do a cosplay next month (so it technically isn't a crossplay, but the tips are the same, even better when I am a lot inexperienced), but I am a lot confused by the sizes, what I should do?

>> No.9639290

you can call it whatever you want, but you're gonna have to do the same tricks as other crossplayers, you might as well call it that

>> No.9639892

Are you the german qt?
You look very cute desu :3

>> No.9640013
File: 472 KB, 1024x829, tres_horny_boys_by_kelcasual-datlkqk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how many FtM crossplayers lurk in these threads, but I'll shoot anyway.
Recently I've started listening to The Adventure Zone, and I'm planning to cosplay someone from it for my next con. Initially I was planning to do one of the females, but my bf and my brother mentioned cosplaying it as well, and I love the idea of doing a tres horny boys group. I'd love to cosplay Taako, but I have a very large chest (around 110 cm). I've been looking into binders, but I'm wondering if there are any larger busted girls who have experience with different brands and how they work. Right now I'm looking at GC2B because they have a really good size range.

>> No.9640237

If you want to get as flat as possible, do underworks. My friend has huge tits and they get her as small as possible. I use underworks when I want to be super flat, but I do love my GC2B binder. GC2B is more comfortable for all day wear.

Just understand that even at your flattest, you have a lot to work with and you will still have mass around your chest. When arranging your tits in the binder, try and keep them round and don't let them pancake. Think about where your nipple would sit if you didn't have boobs and try and keep the extra fat closer to your band area/armpit because it's easier to hide. Figure out what works best for you! Keep your chest in mind when choosing your top for your cosplay so you don't emphasize your chest.

I hope that helps! Good luck!

>> No.9640894

This is all really helpful, thanks anon! I'm waiting to get to Lup to see if I like her as much as Taako, but I've got a while to think about it. I was definitely thinking of going with a poofier shirt for Taako, though, so hopefully that would make it easier to work around my bust.

>> No.9641223

I hope you're kidding.
Chastity cages are a sex toy only, anything tight will prevent unwanted erections just fine.
You are the reason people think all mtf crossplayers only do it for their sissy fetish.

>> No.9641529

i am almost certain 50% or more of the posters in these threads have a fetish for that.""

>> No.9641556

is it possible to make a male face pretty?
how do I into makeup, esp with beard shadow and stuff

>> No.9641613

Yes but it helps if you don't have an ugly manface to begin with.

Go lurk the makeup threads, watch a bunch of makeup youtube videos, and keep practicing on yourself over and over.

>> No.9642685

See, I, >>9638937 , never said tucking wouldn't prevent a boner for it is pretty obvious that it does, I only said that if you only want to prevent boners chastity will do just fine, else you'd want to tuck for sure.

Also, thanks for the tips on being a good crossplayer, it really enlightened me on how decent I should be to work on a hobby which decency is of little concern, as you can see on cosplaying as a whole.

You're probably right, although I'd say the percentages of lurkers from other boards here greatly overwhelms the one's doing it with respect to the character (if you think that exists). See, this is the only helpful thread in regards to crossdressing on all 4chan for all I know, it's bound to have a great number of fetishists that want to do it right instead of posting their hairy, fat selves in panties, dresses and stockings on /b/ or /soc/, maybe even doing it so they feel better with themselves.

Read the thread sticky under MtF, there's a tumblr page in there with a whole lot of material if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.9643011

I remember 'her.' Good times lol

>> No.9643013

Oh shit its you
Going to Katsu this year?

>> No.9643071

>NOT allowed:
>Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff

I wouldn't mind you bringing actual advice to the thread, decency or not, but your "facts" about this are both unhelpful and give lurkers a wrong impression.

A cage is rigid thing, the shape it makes under your clothes is big compared to wearing tight fitting underwear (regardless of if it's intended for boys or girls).
It smooths out the shape and doesn't involve making your dick inaccessible.
Literally the only advantage a cage has is for fetish play. I won't have you run around and make people think that they either have to learn to push their balls back into their abdomen or purchase sex toys in order to safely wear a skirt in public.

And let me empathize this again: I have no issue with anyone who chooses to engage in any kind of fetish play, but please don't make it look like that's a prerequisite.

>> No.9643128

^^^ this!

>> No.9645428

What do I need to know/do when buying pantyhose/tights? My only experience is with some Homura Akemi costume ones from Aliexpress.

Those were onesize and fit fine, but I'm a bit confused by the sizing and varieties on Amazon and other western retailers. I just want some generic black and skintone tights/pantyhose and I expected they'd mostly be onesize but there's like a million different kinds in different sizes.

>> No.9645430

>a fetish tool that'll produce a bigger bulge than a half-erection is more effective than just pressing your dick against your body

please end urself thanks

>> No.9645444

cosplay girls will think ur cute tho

>> No.9646038

Sizing is based on height and weight. If one size doesn't match both, pick the size that matches the larger of the two.
For example- Size A-B fits 4'-11 to 5'-7 and 95 to 140#. Size C-D fits 5'-4 to 6'-0 and 120 to 165#.
If you're 5'-2 and 110#, pick size A-B.
If you're 5'-6 and 135#, pick either size.
If you're 5'-2 and 150# or 5'-9 and 130# pick size C-D.

And if you're wearing any hip padding, pick a size that would fit someone 10-20# heavier, depending on how big the pads are.

>> No.9646425 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my first crossplay yesterday, how bad was I? It was more of a more mainstream gaming convention than a comic con so there weren't many who recognized me or were cosplaying at all.

Some issues, some of which I already solved, some I'd love help with (but any feedback about anything is appreciated):

1. I avoided tucking thinking the huge skirt would hide it (along the sneakers) and that backfired a lot as it didn't hide either. Tried some tucking stuff tonight (tape+feminine panties) and seems to work, friend of mine also suggested some medical panties made for men with things like orchitis, giving some limited tucking with the possibility of peeing if necessary.

2. The shapewear I have is far too small, there's a huge bump between my chest and my waist. Just ordered one with more "coverage", up to the sholders, hope that will help.

3. I noticed the 5oclock shadow is quite visible, I wonder if I can solve that with stronger foundation?

4. Gotta get better shoes

5. I'm junk at moving/acting feminine, the spreadsheet section on the matter is empty, does anyone know what I should search about that?

>> No.9646434
File: 240 KB, 1024x1365, IMG_0548_FIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my first crossplay yesterday, how bad was I? It was more of a more mainstream gaming convention than a comic con so there weren't many who recognized me or were cosplaying at all.

Some issues, some of which I already solved, some I'd love help with (but any feedback about anything is appreciated):

1. I avoided tucking thinking the huge skirt would hide it (along the sneakers) and that backfired a lot as it didn't hide either. Tried some tucking stuff tonight (tape+feminine panties) and seems to work, friend of mine also suggested some medical panties made for men with things like orchitis, giving some limited tucking with the possibility of peeing if necessary.

2. The shapewear I have is far too small, there's a huge bump between my chest and my waist. Just ordered one with more "coverage", up to the sholders, hope that will help.

3. I noticed the 5oclock shadow is quite visible, I wonder if I can solve that with stronger foundation?

4. Gotta get better shoes

5. I'm junk at moving/acting feminine, the spreadsheet section on the matter is empty, does anyone know what I should search about that?

[reposted to fix photo orientation]

>> No.9646619

>Want to wear sexy high heels for my cosplay
>Finally find some that fit my neanderthal man feet
>I'm nearly six and a half feet tall wearing them
Are overly tall crossplayers off-putting? Suddenly I'm self conscious about it. I didn't think it would be so noticeable until I actually put them on.

>> No.9646626

>If you're of a similar body type and height to the character in question.
It's fine
>If you're rail thin, and the cosplay is adjusted accordingly.
It's fine
>If you're a big and bulky person and the character in question is not.
Might possibly be off putting depending on how you carry yourself.

>> No.9646635

I'm doing my best to be as fit as possible and use padding and shapewear to at least cut the same figure as the character, or as close to the same as possible for a guy anyway.

>> No.9646647

Best of luck to you then, what's the character in question, for reference?

>> No.9646648
File: 1.06 MB, 2677x3532, 1424914044931[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiny Chariot. That's part of what makes me self conscious. She's obviously not super tall in the show, and the hat only makes it worse.

>> No.9646654

As long as your relative proportions are on point, you should be fine.
What are you doing for the open areas on the torso though?

>> No.9646664

Anything I can leave open I will, otherwise sheer or flesh toned material.

>> No.9647848

I know jack shit about who you're cosplaying as but that's some man in a wig tier stuff

Dunno much about make up but your face just screams man

>> No.9647860

You guys know any alternatives to the magic gold shaving powder that work just as well? Amazon is jewing me out on the shipping and I can't find a retailer here

>> No.9647905

>don't have the confidence to go the extra mile and change everything yet
>posture is bad from years of self-loathing
>trying my best to keep skin clear but have a crippling sweets addiction

I want to do a Shygal, but all I can think is buying a skin colored morphsuit since I won't be showing my face anyway...

>> No.9647909
File: 157 KB, 600x621, f0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skin coloured morphsuit.
>As if that's not the optimum option.
Unless you're one of >1000 out of 7 billion people who somehow lucked out and has 100% flawless skin, it's going to look kinda gross regardless of what you do. And testosterone actively makes having decent skin nigh impossible anyway, so I'd suggest getting that morphsuit and not worrying about it.

>> No.9648160

Can I ask where you're getting your cosplay?

>> No.9648246

NTAYRT, but what the hell sort of heels did you even get that would take you from "ok" to "oh fuck I'm tall" with her? Shiny's doesn't even look that tall in the image you supplied.
Then again, I value being accurate to the character quite a bit, so maybe if you went even an inch extra I could see how you feel anon.

>> No.9649845

Oh sorry, forgot to mention, it's supposed to be Rose Lalonde from Homestuck (Black Squiddle dress).

> that's some man in a wig tier stuff
Could you elaborate on that?

> your face just screams man
Is is the 5oclock shadow or are you also talking about the shape? I thought my face was round enough to not seem obviously masculine, so maybe there's something I'm missing.
I also fucked up the lipstick quite a bit so maybe that's part of the problem too? (and no eye makeup at all)

>> No.9649855

Not that guy, but,
>You say you thought your face looked round, I'm not getting that at all from the photo.
>Double chin / neck/lower jaw flab not helping matters either.
>No beard shadow would help, but not by much.
>No chest.
>Hip to weight as it is, is completely square.
The last two points might be because of whatever character your trying to crossplay, but you need all the help you can get when doing so.
Also, contouring makeup might help things immensely in the face department.

>> No.9650145

Thank you! I'm actually amazed you don't find the beard shadow to be a problem, it annoys me a lot every time I glance at that photo.

>You say you thought your face looked round, I'm not getting that at all from the photo.
Might have used the wrong words then, maybe what I meant was more like.. not-square? My jawline isn't sharp and the fat is probably smoothing some of the rougher areas.

>Double chin / neck/lower jaw flab not helping matters either.
I hope that gets better as I keep losing weight. Would that be such a dealbreaker for passing though?

>No chest.
I avoided that because, as you correctly thought, the character is supposed to be flat or almost flat. Might try making some up and seeing if it helps with passing as you suggest. I have some nubras and shit around.

>Hip to weight as it is, is completely square.
Could I solve that with pads? I have some foam I got for making diy hip pads but never came around to actually doing them.
Friend of mine said that my chubbiness would take care of that but if anything I think being fat means that my hip must be ever bigger to compensate.

>Also, contouring makeup might help things immensely in the face department.
Will try that! Never considered contouring, but I think I know a friend who should be decent at it.

>> No.9650166
File: 1.92 MB, 1750x1850, Padding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point in saying
>No beard shadow would help, but not by much.
was more that the other problems were overshadowing (mild pun completely intended) your 5 o'clock shadow.
Your face, shape wise, could be way worse, but needs something (contouring) to be passable.
Even if the character in question is completely flat chested, not every woman who'd want to cosplay the character is. Even having A, borderline B cups and a obvious bra would help in passing quite a bit.
Pic related was a attempt I had made for figuring out the hip / waist issue, and I'd say it looks slightly better in person than the pictures show because of the angle I took them at and the wide angle lens. So yes, with foam pads and shapewear you can solve that as long as you proportion yourself right.

>> No.9650627

Hey OP, we need a new one, we're past the post limit.

>> No.9650783

New thread:



>> No.9651206

I don't know which ugly white males you know. Sounds like you're projecting your own ugliness, my man.

>> No.9651726


Laser hair removal reduces regrowth. Had it done just the once (had to get a refund for the rest due to having it overdone) and now it grows back finer and at least 50% slower overall.

Generally speaking though, shaving every day or two is normal.

>> No.9652348

His face looks too manly