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File: 210 KB, 1238x1600, 7D02A7B5-0ED1-4A4B-A0D1-61FE1E78586A-4573-000003FA8F5F58A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9543283 No.9543283 [Reply] [Original]

becsuse no one cares about Larme in the summertime >>9490364

Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

Partial Scans List:

Brands/Models List (WIP):

Video about Larme Magazine (annoying narrator alert):

Facebook group: Don't Cry Baby
Amino: Larme Fashion
Discord: public link currently not available

>> No.9544283

H&M is having a massive sale of you need to pad your wardrobes.

>> No.9544338
File: 28 KB, 384x576, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a big H&M shop over the weekend, and it's really good for some larme basics right now
Pic related, got this in pink and white and it goes with pretty much everything

>> No.9544719

I love this top but it sold out in my size when it was still at full price so oh well.

>> No.9544846
File: 601 KB, 800x900, uofinds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some finds in the sales of Urban outfitters.
Looking at this stuff makes me feel a bit better at all the autumn collections jp brands are teasing + their summer sales.

>> No.9544989

Review anon here. I apologize for my absence, I know I promised another review to be up ages ago but I got some pretty big news and was consumed by that for a while. I should have a review up in a few hours.

To the anon who asked me if I would mind moving to a more stable platform, I would certainly consider it! I don't know where would be the best place to do so though. I have a tumblr that is already focused partially on fashion and I could move my reviews there and tag them with "review" so people could find them easily. If you have any ideas on any other platform please let me know!

>> No.9545063
File: 1.94 MB, 400x259, Funny-bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you're back! I'd recommend Blogspot, though Tumblr is more user-friendly.

>> No.9545471

I'll look into blogspot, thanks! If anyone else has any more recommendations please let me know.

>> No.9545483
File: 19 KB, 431x575, IMG_1123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review anon here! I'll be going ahead with my second review of Swankiss, this review features their Polka Dot Tulle Rose dress. As far as I am aware this dress is still up in some colorways on TOM even though it's a bit older. I'll try and pick pieces for you all that are still available and let you know where to find them if they are.

First thing to note is, I am a sucker for this type of cut and I am very biased and while I will try and be objective it's going to be a bit more difficult here. You're going to see a lot of peter pan collars in my reviews.

Swankiss strikes again with their terrible stock photos. If you ever see an item listed as white and the stock photo shows it being offwhite/ivory don't be fooled, it is stark white in person. This dress is no exception to that despite what my bedrooms vintage lamp lighting is showing you.

Their severe issues with accurately portraying colors is frustrating so maybe I will work on a guide to figuring out their wacky stock photos that people can reference so they don't have to dig through all of my reviews in the future.

>> No.9545489
File: 533 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_1124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The downside to this particular piece for people who have a longer torso or that are taller is it is quite short. I have other dresses in similar cuts that don't have this much of a length issue. (for reference I am just about but not quiet 5'6" with a shorter torso and I feel like anyone taller than me would have issues with the length of this particular dress.)

The roses on the front are secured fairly well I noticed. I have a bag from SK with similar roses decorating it and they weren't as well secured and after time loosened but I haven't seemed to come across any issue with these lifting. The shirring on top is pretty stretchy which seems as if it would be useful for accommodating a larger chest. I feel like this would be a lot more forgiving width-wise than a lot of swankiss pieces.

The bottom has several layers of tulle which gives a nice amount of volume and gives me mild ballerina vibes with the way it sits on my hips, and I absolutely adore it! It's a very nice touch that I didn't notice before ordering and was pleased as punch when I discovered it. The rest of the fabric is a suede-like fabric and very comfortable to wear, as well as there is no noticeable fraying or odd construction.

Over all if you aren't too tall or don't mind short skirts, this is a super cute piece and I feel TOM has it for a reasonable price right now(white is around $90 and black is only $63!)

>> No.9546660
File: 206 KB, 1079x905, NewLookSale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Look has a fantastic sale on at the moment full of larme appropriate stuff. Quality is on a par with cheap-middle range high street if not better at times. I find their value for money in terms of the quality you get to be generally excellent and often (but not always) better than places like H&M. They also deliver overseas.

The majority of the items in this collage are under 15 USD in the sale.

Apologies for horrible image quality, hopefully you can still get an idea for the styles they have on offer.

>> No.9546672
File: 234 KB, 749x850, larme_style_NewLook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better pic of bottom left dress. It's super pretty.

>> No.9546698
File: 350 KB, 705x800, newlookset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reckon quite a few items such as pic related would also look great (and give that 'not quite typical highstreet' detail) with added little black bow(s) on the top. Really easy to do, even if you can't really sew.

>> No.9547928

Does anyone have recommendations for Western brands that make thigh high socks? The closest I've been able to find are over-the-knee socks. Even the high end brands I've looked at only seem to carry translucent pairs, which I assume are meant for lingerie.

>> No.9547997

sock dreams

>> No.9550298

While we're being cheap, Boohoo has a lot of cute shoes. Use "cleats" to find chunky sandals, and they have a lot of feather sliders.

>> No.9551489
File: 117 KB, 1000x1500, dzz46543_pink_xlgrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads up! Bought pic related, not super larme but now I can wear cute shoes all day without crippling my feet

>> No.9551752

When RoseMarie Seoir was at Omnia Vanitas did they sell shoes? I really want some Larme shoes but they seem expensive to ship to Europe.

>> No.9552345

Thank you!

>> No.9552888
File: 787 KB, 1147x518, eatme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or does the collar seem different? pictures are from runway and rakuten. It's cheaper on rakuten but I like the runway collar better. Is it just the quality of the pictures? I really feel like the lace is different

>> No.9552927

Nope, I can definitely see different lace.

>> No.9553262

Tip for UK anons regarding new look, H&M and other good high street stores: It's well worth looking in the kids/teens section.

H&Ms size 14yrs+ is cut to fit people 5'6 tall, bust goes up to 35", new look is slightly better as they go up to 16yrs. Kids clothes are tax free, so cheaper, and they also have some pretty cute stuff in a lot of the time

They also randomly put certain shoes in the kids section even though they're in adult sizes. I got my favourite pair of flatforms from one ages ago.

>> No.9554287
File: 127 KB, 1200x1361, media.newlookassets.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded. In New Look age 14 is about the same as size 10.

>> No.9554330
File: 106 KB, 698x960, 1498311215121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what brand the plushie shoes are from? Or where I can get something similar?

>> No.9554349

I've gotten some skirts and sweaters from the kids section before that are really nice.

>> No.9554400

what issue is this from? If you can either find the issue someone can have a look in their copy or find a higher res scan someone might be able to read it for you, I can't quit make it out as it is.

>> No.9554414

It says they're from syrup/Rosemarie seoir.

>> No.9561641
File: 86 KB, 415x540, 19989604_1610744492290687_3118046182646068916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next Larme cover

>> No.9562448

ohh I want those lavender creepers.. where are they from?

>> No.9562491


Yeah but not eveyone can fit into them anon - you have to be really petite and shorter otherwise

>> No.9563372


According to this Larme is Japanese Nymphette

>> No.9563388
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>> No.9563392

They had one pair of "your rabbit" shoes iirc. They don't usually bring shoes to events.

>> No.9563426

She fully admits she doesn't read Larme and doesn't know anything about it so I would take anything she says with a grain of salt. She even gets annoyed at a list of brands because they're "not very nymphet" brands like no fucking shit, they're not trying to be.

>Don't hate me!!!!111

Honestly her translations just confirm for me that the editors are pretty tone deaf and don't understand Lolita or the connotations it really has, but that's pretty par for the course with Japanese media.

>> No.9563427

Has anyone else translated articles from larme magazine? I would be really interested in that.
What volume is the 'what's lolita' page from?

>> No.9563431

>Six Bland

>> No.9563432

>She even gets annoyed at a list of brands because they're "not very nymphet" brands like no fucking shit, they're not trying to be.
The brands are not trying to be, but the magazine is obviously recommending brands for nymphet fashion/lolita the film

>> No.9563448

The Lolita theme only shows up in a couple of spreads out of many.

Again, I'm going to say that the editors are extremely tone deaf and simply see the outfits in Lolita as cute, whereas this whole nymphet fashion shit was build around the Tumblr community of dumb girls who actually wanted to fuck older men. There's also some missing culture context here, since it's more socially acceptable for girls and young women in Japan to look cute and feminine rather than overtly sexy.

As for this nymphet crap, lot of the girls on Tumblr who I used to see have grown out of it by now, even though they might still wear similar clothes (see how the popular tumblr nymphetfashion changed to coquettishfashion to try and distance themselves from the grosser aspects), while the girls who didn't grow out of it just fell deeper into ddlg bullshit. So seeing some girl who's so into nymphet fashion even now just makes me think she's behind the times and doesn't know what she's talking about.

>> No.9563459

This girl in particular just likes the fashion and is not interested in older men. She is talking about a page that specifically recommends brands for nymphet lolita fashion and she kind of disagrees with their choice of brands, that's all. So don't act like she's stupid for not understanding that those brands are not trying to cater to nymphet lolita fashion.

>> No.9563469

I'm sorry but your "friend" is at the very least uninformed. She's cherry picked a few spreads that are using the aesthetic from the Lolita book/movies and trying to apply them as rules for nymphet fashion. That was not the intent of those spreads and is not the intent of Larme magazine as a whole. She's trying to mash a bunch of spreads from different issues into some coherent "lolita fashion" rule book and it's not working.

Of course she's going to disagree with their choice of brands because those pages are not actually "recommending brands for nymphet lolita fashion," they're just a bunch of cute brands that they decided to pair with that particular spread.

And lol if she didn't want to fuck older men then why hasn't she blocked that one dude commenting on all her videos asking her to put on "wet look thigh highs." Major kek.

>> No.9563529

>The brands are not trying to be, but the magazine is obviously recommending brands for nymphet fashion/lolita the film

No it's not. It's recommending brands and clothes for mimicking that editorial specifically. The editorial has a theme and obvious source of inspiration but that doesn't mean it's an actual style or fashion itself. You may as well start making videos on how to be an "urban goth" because they had a couple of spreads titled with that.

I hate how much western J-fashion comms have to label everything into smaller and smaller substyles and categories. It's so autistic. Larme is already niche as hell, we don't need shit like people making up rules on how to be do larme lolita or pheromone fetish or whatever else was misinterpreted into a "substyle"

>> No.9563531

You obviously have no idea what autistic means

>> No.9563534

Autist is a pretty common insult on 4chan and Reddit and whatnot. Have you been living under a rock?

Not that anon btw and I personally don't use autistic that way but seriously, do you realize where you are?

>> No.9563539

Not interested in larme but I need to point out the shirring on the shoulder yoke is completely decorative and not functional for extended bust sizing. Even on the short small dress form the shirring sits above the bust, not over it. It would probably look pretty awful if you're not a similar petite size.

>> No.9563544

No I always tell them off because I feel bad for my dad who actually has autism

>> No.9563565

Motion to switch burando to bland

>> No.9563583

Maybe it's genetic.

>> No.9563588

It is

>> No.9563614

You should probably remove yourself from 4chan if you can't handle autistic as an insult you autistic fuck.

>> No.9563860

>Needless and obsessive categorisation and organisation
>Not autistic

You are the one who does not know what autism is. You wanna know what's one of the most common signs in very young autistic kids? Grouping their toys into categories or by size order instead of actually playing with them.


>> No.9563913


>> No.9563915

I own it and the way it sits on me it actually does help to accommodate ones bust some. Thanks for your opinion on it though.

>> No.9564291
File: 978 KB, 1440x780, Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 6.40.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider Nana Kitade's newer looks to be larme?
It's very extra/more dramatic and less put together than the stuff I see in these threads, but I can't help but see a few similarities (plus, she's reportedly inspired by riot grrrl and Courtney Love, which larme sort of dipped its toe into in the early days).

>> No.9564310
File: 157 KB, 640x481, barrackroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not larme as such, but I'm glad you've shared it. It's gorgeous. It's not quite either, but feels a bit CPK as well as larme to me. Larme-influenced can look even better than/just as good as larme at times (pic related). Thanks for posting it.

>> No.9564312
File: 287 KB, 2560x1440, 1470273736086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does 'extra' mean and why do I keep hearing it?

My assumption is that it means 'extra chromosomes' and is a way of calling something retarded.

>> No.9564329

It pretty much just means excessive, in a sort of dramatic and humorous way. Normally about personality/actions.

>> No.9564332

Means overboard, extra effort

>> No.9564342

>gaijin misunderstanding things and spreading that misunderstanding, therefore creating misinformation
There's taking mild inspiration from the film, and then there's trying to draw parallels between the western Tumblr "nymphet" fashion. It's not the same. There are similarities, but it's not the same.
Larme also occasionally takes inspo from grunge/kinderwhore, but I never see these people talk about that.

>> No.9564362

5'6" isn't really petite, it's actually above average height.

>> No.9564405

>Larme also occasionally takes inspo from grunge/kinderwhore, but I never see these people talk about that.

Because it doesn't fit their narrative, that's why. Although this is probably the first time I've seen the "Larme is nymphet" idea presented as a positive. Usually the accusation is made by salty lolitas (the Japanese kind obviously).

>> No.9564414

All the pages she translated were from that volume.

>> No.9564444

Oh then that's even stupider. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt thinking she was taking scans from a few volumes to make her point, since there have been a couple of lolita editorials.

>> No.9564460

It seems like that section of the volume was trying to introduce lolita so I can sort of understand.

>> No.9564571

Many fashion designers, films, people etc are inspired by Lolita`s style featured in the film and imo often that is simply because they find the look cute and pretty. Not because there was some deeper meaning like being or pretending to be an underage girl who likes older men. Sometimes people overanalyse things related to Lolita theme and think it must has something sexual in. Often brands and magazines are simply inspired by the aesthetics of Lolita and ignore the problematic themes related to the book and the film.

>> No.9564632

How do you know when something is larme influenced instead of amo kei influenced?

>> No.9564643

Because amo kei is dead.

>> No.9564876


Seems like the new word for OTT. I keep seeing it on leddit to describe OTT makeup looks (I stalk beauty threads on reddit) with highlighter strips, eyebrow scythes, knife like contours, etc. So I assume that's the new term.

>> No.9564891

I guess you don't really without asking the person who put it together, but it could be influenced by both. We're in a larme thread, so I said larme-influenced, but it could be Amo-inspired too. The second one definitely felt larme to me because of the red and lacing details.

>> No.9570237
File: 68 KB, 720x960, larme 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have 029? Looks like there are some gorgeous coords. Pic from fb group

>> No.9570289

The new EHWGB collection looks nice for autumn! I love all the neutrals! It seems lace up front dresses will be in this autumn

>> No.9570722


>> No.9570764
File: 541 KB, 1206x1600, SCAN1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emiiichan posted scans on her blog.
Google: emiiichan blogspot larme 029 (4chan thinks the link is spam)

I like this issue better than the last one because the outfits are more unique and less mainstream looking. But I found like a third of the outfits ugly. Alot the coords don't feel like they're distinct enough from quirky Japanese street fashion compared to older issues

>> No.9570791
File: 59 KB, 293x442, SCAN1797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link!

...What am I looking at here?

>> No.9570812

Amo kei isn't a thing. People had coords inspired by Amo (a person) but it isn't actually it's own fashion.
It's also worth noting that Amo was at her peak before Larme was a thing.

>> No.9570849

Sounds more like you don't really understand what people mean by kei

>> No.9570984

Are there any busty/hourglass shaped people in the community?

i love the style but some of the structured pieces just make me look like a stuffed sausage, and i'm not even overweight. i guess it all depends on dressing for your body type but it's super frustrating

>> No.9571025

The entire original concept of Ehypen Bonbon was Amo-kei

>> No.9571034
File: 65 KB, 640x853, 073097a55831c3297e32bb764adead0ae2ed3e46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am busty too and in some clothes I easily look chubby just because of that but showing some legs helps a little because they are more slender.

I am not sure what kind of pieces you mean but for me non-pencil skirts coordinated with cropped tops and cardigans work the best.

>> No.9571486

The model doesn't deserve this denim monstrosity

>> No.9572145

I remember when people were asking about coordinating t-shirts with larme. Honestly, I like what us anons did better than the coordinates in this issue.

>> No.9573416

Does anyone here know if the larme boutique ships world wide?

>> No.9574247

I don't think so but try Zenmarket or other package forwarding service. It is not hard at all!

>> No.9574294

It's an AAVE (African American Vernacular English) thing.

>> No.9574299

It's a shitty insult to use, anon. Fyi, not everyone here is so lasy they have to talk trash about an entire group of people just to mock one person.

>> No.9574303
File: 569 KB, 1191x1600, SCAN1813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ordered magazine on release day
>Shipping takes at least 2 weeks
>Look at the scans to appease curiosity
>Hate at least 50% of the outfits

As has been said before I think larme is best in the winter, so I'm looking forward to the later issues.
There are times where I honestly just think that they are reaching for content by coordinating band shirts and I'm sure they coordinated a plain grey hoody in a previous issue? Don't get me wrong fashion is all repetition, and larme isn't exactly super unique as a style, but sometimes the outfits are plain fugly

>> No.9574337

Hah, I actually like this. Then again, I really like the more grunge looks in larme anyway. I do think it's weird when they just add lacing to a random t-shirt and call it a day, though. And I feel you on ordering the latest issue then being disappointed...I've been there. I guess every issue has its dud pages.

>> No.9574350

Unfortunately I've noticed that this sloppy band t-shirt stuffed into a skirt trend is really popular right now. Not just with Japanese fashion, but western and Korean as well. I hate it, and wish more feminine styles would come back, not just in larme, but fashion as a whole.

>> No.9574486

I don't love tshirt looks in general but desu there's something about how they combined it with the Larme hair and make up that actually makes it feel a lot more trendy for me. It's part of why I appreciate the magazine/style in general.

>> No.9575370
File: 513 KB, 1218x1600, SCAN1805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just prefer the more formal/dressed-up larme looks, the kind that were popular from about Volume 14-23. It's taken on more current trends recently (or maybe vice versa) so in many ways it's become a lot more wearable and accessible, but I prefer the more unique combos and cuts.
Maybe I just gotta accept that I'll never be Gramrock...

>> No.9575380

Who is your favourite larme model? Mine was Risa but now I am drifting more towards Katou and Maihee - I actually think Maihee is prettier than Risa... maybe Mai Shiraishi too

>> No.9575394

risa will always be my fave but i love maria too

>> No.9575404

I used to like Mai Shiraishi best, but I don't like her look recently now that she's grown out her bangs. It's too mature looking in a bad way, I think. I'm currently liking Nana Katou a lot, and although she focuses on designing over modeling now, I'm obsessed with Tsubasa Masuwaka's style and look.

>> No.9575409

My favourites are Maria and Maihee. Imo Mai Shiraishi is pretty but more traditionally beautiful than for example Risa so she is not as memorable although I like her style. Risa used to be my favourite but I liked her cute and girly look more. She likes more mature high fashion look now, I miss her old style but people change.

>> No.9575453
File: 37 KB, 320x569, smp_thum_00997d20900549a0727840b489b0d882e0f93072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine shifted from Risa to Maihee too, for the same reason as anon above.
All time favourite J-model is Ai Orimo though, I think she'd look great in Larme and I have such hair envy

>> No.9575583

Some people in the facebook group were shocked about a waist measurement of a skirt when it is a just the flat measurement, not the full waist. I kind of wanted to tell them but I felt too shy because I don`t speak French uh

>> No.9575603

I think all Japanese magazines are better in winter because Japanese people layer in a different way

>> No.9575863

>tfw you went shopping multiple times, seeing many larme-ish items
>doesn't fit or is too expensive
>end up buying normie stuff again

Sucks man. I saw many great items, yet they either didn't fit, or I couldn't buy them due to a lack of money.

>> No.9575877

Y'know, there is a concept called saving money. if you hadn't bought the normie items now, you could have afforded something you really liked later.

>> No.9576045

Yeah I saw that too, but couldn't figure out if they knew or not because of the French. It would be very unlikely for a woman to have such a small waist though

>> No.9576676

And sweaters seem to be cuter than summer clothes for some reason.

>> No.9576701


Tsubasa is fucking hideous

Her mouth is like a thunder birds character

>> No.9576895

jalter top

>> No.9577046

Risa all the way. Maihee is cute but girls got some weird lips imo.

>> No.9577135


Nah Maihee is pretty but Risa changed her style and Maihee is gradually overtaking that dolly larme style now. Risa wants to go high fashion now

>> No.9577147

I think Risa's are weirder, lol

>> No.9577177

Risa's lips look like she put a pussy pump on her ladybits and photoshopped an image of the end result over her lips.

>> No.9577178
File: 115 KB, 640x887, IMG_3130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, her style kind of changed into more high fashion, I don't mind since I love high fashion as well but I'll admit it.

Risa's just look fuller than your average Asian, which doesn't bother me. However Maihee's look kinda weird to me, I don't know if that's how they're supposed to be or if she just draws them that way... pic related (excuse the shitty screenshot).

>> No.9577294

Is this look actually slightly behind the west? My local high street stores were selling stuff like this a few months back and now it's all in the sales section.

I dig it but there's something a bit cringy about wearing the t-shirts of bands you've possibly never been into. On the the other hand, there's the low-key smugness when you feel the scorn of others assuming you to be some clueless trendy bitch, and you're say, actually a legit massive led zep fan

>> No.9577743

F21 has this corset lace up band tshirt right now, which is pretty much the culmination of the current trends. I tried to post a picture but 4chan is giving me hell right now so here you go.


>> No.9577756
File: 4 KB, 112x167, whydotjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some of these around. I like band shirts in larme, but I can't stand the style of these, plus they don't use actual bands...

Maybe I'm naive, but I'd hope that outside being styled in them for a photoshoot, nobody would wear a band t-shirt they've never listened to

>> No.9577856

How do you spell her full name in Japanese? I'd love to see more pictures of her!

>> No.9577885


What it is is that Risa has quite wide sleek eyes already but she enhances them with lashes and underneath eyeliner plus the lenses. If you watch her in Midori the movie her eyes are bare and they look like normal asian eyes. The inbetween corners of her eyes towards her nose dive in more than usual and asians have that fold making them look oval/sleek anyway. Risa has her mother's eyes if any of you have ever seen her - she and her father are actors.

Maihee has average shaped eyes but again uses the same lashes, make up and angle to make them look bigger. All of them use angles to make their eyes look huge then blur and filter.

Plus their tiny frames just make their eyes and heads look bigger in general anyway.

>> No.9577890
File: 77 KB, 431x574, IMG_5077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maihees eyes are meer average

>> No.9577891
File: 47 KB, 600x338, IMG_5078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9577906
File: 312 KB, 352x463, risa_kako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Risa has done something to her eyes, tape or surgery because they didn`t look so big and round in her early days. Maybe it is just tape, sometimes they look more round and sometimes less?

>> No.9577911

>that jawline

Yikes. I'm always so startled by that and how puffy her face is when I see her in videos or unedited photos.

>> No.9577915
File: 313 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_okng79o3781qb7w7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think shes lost a lot of weight, deflating her cheeks a bit and making all of her features more prominent.

>> No.9577936

NAYRT Losing weight doesn't change the actual shape of your eyes that much, but it can make them look larger. Why is it hard to accept she uses double eyelid tape like almost every other girl in japan who's into fashion?

>> No.9578014

She writes it in hiragana so it's literally just おりもあい, and her Instagram is ai_orimo. She posts regularly fairly regularly too, I wish I was so cute!

>> No.9578079

I thought she had jaw surgery?

>> No.9578090

looks like either jaw surgery or bulimia cheeks

>> No.9578102
File: 250 KB, 450x466, 1442766495072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she uses eyelid tape and photoshop too, I'm just providing another explanation as to why she looks so different now

>> No.9578112

Fun fact, bulimia will also dry out your lips and make them puffier than they are naturally. Her lips look pretty dry too.

>> No.9578799

she was so much gorgeous with her natural jaw and eyes in my opinion... so unique

>> No.9578840

Here eyes do look that size in below videos and she uses a different style of makeup now to make them bigger (and probably tape like other anons said). I think her jawline looks smaller because she always has hair covering part of it


>> No.9579604

where is that blue jumper from ????

>> No.9579605

That narrarator makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.9579611

What are you talking about

>> No.9579821

The first anon probably means the black skirt that has a blue lens effect over it. The text says Katie I think

>> No.9579848
File: 30 KB, 431x575, tumblr_o2na8sO82d1qb7w7bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have shoes they've bought that are in stock (everything I want from onespo, etc. is sold out) that they would recommend? JP brands, Ali/Taobao, or US brands are all okay by me.
I really want a platform heeled sandal in pink or black, maybe with a fur or ribbon detail. Forever kicking myself for not instantly ordering these.

>> No.9582272
File: 228 KB, 432x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ank Rouge makes me wonder what is Lollita

>> No.9582404
File: 86 KB, 431x575, OSP0117F0004_pz_a007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone waiting on anything in the mail? I've done a good bit of retail therapy the last week or so. Bought a bunch of tops from Milk, Ank Rouge, and Fint from CC and snagged a couple of things from Onespo. I'm really excited about these tartan pants.

>> No.9582544

When you want to be Lolita but you take another L? (sorry, that was dumb lol)

>> No.9582546
File: 21 KB, 460x580, yru_ballet_baes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are blatant rip offs of YRUs collab with Dolls Kill. The only difference is the shade of the ribbon laces. This isn't the first time One Spo has copied a shoe design; they released some platforms that look exactly like Current Mood's Candy Cloud. Most Jfash brands rip ideas from each other every season so if you saw something you really liked keep digging and you might find the original design still for sale.

>> No.9582550

this just got released and it's immediately on sale lol they probably noticed when they got the batch and were just like fuck it 2000yen off

>> No.9582635

In which country is it made?

>> No.9582742

Where is it on sale? At ailand it is the newest item and regular price but a very similar looking dress without the text is on sale

>> No.9582752
File: 289 KB, 387x403, those seams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the execution of the knockoffs more. The ribbon looks less tacky. Also, in some of the customer photos, the YRU/Dolls Kill ones look like the shoe is two different colors and the construction is super shoddy.
Can anyone comment on quality?

>> No.9583025


They're hideous as fuck

>> No.9583301
File: 174 KB, 640x460, bnr_20170725120951228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it works once you add it to your cart. Shit part is Ailand doesn't accept credit cards from overseas.

>> No.9583359

Last I checked, they accept foreign credit cards but won't ship to Tenso addresses.

>> No.9583488

Can confirm they accept foreign cards - I live in Japan and have ordered with my American card multiple times (most recently a couple weeks ago) no problem.

>> No.9583846
File: 181 KB, 754x932, 748949393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a really obvious question, but I was just wondering if these earrings are for people without pierced ears? I've never seen these outside of online stores so I really don't know.

>> No.9583868

yeah these styles are "screw" ons i guess you could say. the metal part with the threading screws back so you adjust it to your earlobe. there are clip on styles but i've heard they can be a bit painful and heavy so i guess that's where this adjustable style came from. not sure if these are better or not though.

>> No.9583937

Yes, they are. Screw ons are usually a lot more comfortable than traditional clip ons. I can't have my ears pierced (they would never heal properly), so I wear these.

>> No.9584931
File: 44 KB, 431x574, 02_J40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a stupid question but how do you guys go about ordering from Ailand or Rakuten? I recently moved back from Japan and regret not buying pic related, and although I could use my friends as a shipping service I'd rather not hassle them with it if I can avoid it.
Thought you gulls would have the best recommendations, even if it's just a simple Tenso job

>> No.9584996

I don't think Ailand ships to tenso adresses.
I've ordered Ank Rouge items from Fashionwalker through tenso with no problems though, but I dunno if the item is in stock there anymore.. Rakuten should be really easy, Tenso has a specific guide to sign up for Rakuten.

>> No.9585019

Thanks anon! Managed to find it on Fashionwalker (which I'd forgotten about).
Now I can live my kawaii larme dreams

>> No.9586578
File: 346 KB, 750x1000, M341720800400_p_08_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally hate shirts with words/images on them AND scratchy lace, but for some reason I love this.
Maybe it's because I hate myself.

>> No.9586727

God imagine owning this for shitty days. It should help you unhate yourself.

>> No.9589644

WEGO did some a while back with cats on them. I can't find them on their website right now, but they were definitely on there at some point

>> No.9589649
File: 48 KB, 532x800, 20151004_19dbe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're by Syrup.

Does anyone have one of these bags? If so, is it sturdy? I feel like the ribbons could damage easily.

>> No.9589875
File: 32 KB, 800x450, 20707965_1697031977272158_3882204846384928354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for sweater weather!

>> No.9589948
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 2071731756168p-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people i follow have it and i haven't heard complaints or see it look damaged in photos. i always stumble upon it in pink for a really good price so i might just get it one day. i do have this rose marie seoir tote from their mook and it's held up really well so i'm assuming this bag should be good quality as well.

>> No.9590071

Does the Katie webstore take foreign cards and ship to tenso addresses?

>> No.9592690

Yes and yes!

>> No.9594495
File: 806 KB, 770x918, 12365778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this happened

>> No.9594514

which brans of WEGO are Larme?

I have been looking at W(heart)C. Their stuff reminds me of larme, but not so sure.

Got some Larme mags, but can't remember finding that name there

On a side note, is Bubbles also Larme?

>> No.9594531

Bubbles does cute harajuku styles and can be worn with larme

>> No.9594532

I thought WEGO was a fast fashion chain, are those commonly featured in niche magazines like Larme?

>> No.9594534

i like ank rouge but i'm honestly glad someone called them out. they always replicate designs from katie and other brands. i know it's common for a lot of jfash brands to rip ideas from each other but it's really not right. and something like this is just blatantly making money off of another person's photo without permission a la kim and kylie

>> No.9594611
File: 46 KB, 431x575, OSP0117S0145_pz_a001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have recommendations for long sleeve knit dresses? Should I hold off my search until more A/W stuff is released?
Looking for something similar to this piece by Katie:
Red or pink would be ideal, as I'd like to wear it under a sheer black overdress.

>> No.9594735


Personally I would wait till more of the collections from all brands are available because its still early days. I usually find when i purchase Im broke when all the good stuff comes out properly and i like what I bought early less ... like a heat of the moment spurge...

>> No.9594936

Where's this black dress from?

>> No.9594939

Has neo lolita ever been mentioned in larme?

>> No.9595185

It's from Onespo, but it's sold out now.

>> No.9595802


WEGO caters to Harajuku in general, and reach Larme as a result. Their lines aren't categorically "Larme" and "not Larme", but you're definitely going to have an easier time looking at the W<3C stuff. Personally I just search til I find a couple workable items and then just surf the recommended items off of those.

>> No.9596905
File: 22 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found these on ebay
these are metallic looking
i am new to larme and i was wondering if these would fit the aesthetic enough (with the metallic-ness i mean)
i would plan to use these with cute socks

>> No.9597473

They're a little more 'swankiss larme' but there have been metallic items like skirts in the magazine. If the rest of your coord isn't too OTT they could work? But they might honestly be a bit too shimmery.

>> No.9597494

They could work if you had some larme coord skills but since you're new and most westerners look like shit when they attempt Larme I doubt you will be able to pull it off.

>> No.9597916

What do you all think of brand Melt The Lady by thr Ayagram girl? Personally I just think it is the exact same as Bon Bon and the model is scary looking.

>> No.9597923


To be honest most of the popular foreigners who wear Larme like Katie for example look terrible in Larme because of her hair colour, cord skills and she always has that shit ribbon in her hair.

Or Ebunnybee who is usually in liz lisa and her outfits for Larme look too unorganised.

Plus it depends on the build too - Larme looks dainty and fitting on the right body. Most look frumpy and sad

>> No.9598224

Who is the first person you're even talking about?
I don't even think of Ebunnybee when I think of larme; she barely wears it.

>> No.9598326


Capsule bunny and she does from time to time

>> No.9598357

started in eastern europe, actually. been saying "extra" since early 2000s

>> No.9601548

So it's really cold in my country and I needed some inspirations, can anyone help me out? Also some insps for coords without heels would be great too.

>> No.9604678
File: 90 KB, 480x719, winterlarme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a rare example with opaque tights

>> No.9604691
File: 105 KB, 540x780, larme coats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there are a few coords with coats. You just have to be careful and try to have some sheer elements or lots of girly details, or it could easily look like a standard winter outfit

>> No.9607584

Which collabs has Risa done? Where can I see the sold out items?

>> No.9607866

At least one collab with Wego including a few items, 3 or 4 Swankiss collaboration pieces, a collaboration collection with Bubbles and maybe something more... Risa's collaboration items were introduced in her style book but there has been more after that

>> No.9609665
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 2086067_BQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to get one of my little cousins some accessories for her birthday, and I found these bows. Doesn't Katie sell something similar to this?

link: https://www.childrensplace.com/shop/us/p/kids-clearance-clothing/girls-clothing/Girls-Patent-Leather-Bow-Hair-Clip-2-Pack-2086067-BQ

>> No.9609713

This type of bow is incredibly common

>> No.9610901

it's hot af where i'm at and i'm kind of new to larme, what are some of your favorite summer coords?

>> No.9614999

Why is every single item on the Bubbles website sold out?

>> No.9615044

How much does Larme sell? I feel like gulls overestimate its popularity when they claim it's basically Japanese normie fashion. I know Larme follows normie trends a lot though.

>> No.9615068

Are you talking about the magazine or the clothes that fit into the genre?

>> No.9615101

The magazine

>> No.9618185

just get some block heeled boots. those are pretty easy to walk in during winter. its just like walking on flats

>> No.9618673
File: 29 KB, 431x575, SKI0117H0001_pz_a004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the resale value like on Swankiss fukubukuro items?
There are a couple of items from the 2017 bag that I really want, especially these pants, but I couldn't care less about the rest. Should I just buy one of the extras of the bag and try to sell the rest or try to hunt the items I want?

>> No.9618687

You should have just buy that stuff in the sale. There's a reason things end up in lucky packs.

>> No.9618692
File: 223 KB, 1600x1265, ank rouge honeycina coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iirc the NY fukubukuro usually have original items in them, no?
Also, your post doesn't exactly answer or help anon. Contribute or gtfo.

>> No.9618717

If depends on the brand. Some have LP specific items and others don't. In this case, it's an old lucky pack. I would just find someone willing to sell it, but why are you so late? Most reselling happens in the month or so after LP sales. It's not as common for someone to have held onto something they don't want for this long.

>> No.9618720
File: 388 KB, 1276x1276, tumblr_omzhklW8YS1rbs6dto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to the fashion/new to Swankiss and didn't realize these existed.
Also some recent health and lifestyle issues have made me seek out open waisted dresses and wide legged pants in comfortable fabrics.

>> No.9618832

Sorry about your health and lifestyle issues but your best chance of getting fukubukuro items piecemeal esp for cheap is immediately after the release. Some people even sell same day. This is the case for pretty much every LP regardless of brand.
The items are worth what you are willing to pay but swankiss fukubukuro items are sometimes shit.

>> No.9619077

mon lily will be your friend, lots of loose tops & stretchy fits. It's run by the same people who do Dream V, so whilst the quality is average the range is good for getting basics together.
Head over to wear.jp and search some of the larme brands for some look ideas to help with your current condition issues.

>> No.9619080

How is that not super helpful? You're obviously new enough not to know that things that don't sell during the sale end up in lucky packs. Now you know for next time, you're welcome.

>> No.9619086

90% of larme brands release exclusive sets for lucky bags.
So, not really helpful ...at all ?

>> No.9619091

Ew, I never knew that since I only pay attention to my favourite brands and the magazine. I wonder why they still call them lucky packs.

>> No.9619165
File: 43 KB, 600x800, 521981-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mostly wondering because I have seen a few pieces, like the coat, ribbon sweater, and bag up for sale recently. I haven't followed the secondhand market for a lot of these brands for very long, though, so I'm not as familiar with them and figured I'd ask.

Thank you, anon! I actually already own a few tops and a pair of heels from MonLily.
I have a little wardrobe going made of mostly Katie, MILK, Onespo, HoneyCinnamon, and a few minor pieces by Ank Rouge and Fint. Mostly I need to change up my bottoms, improve my shoe game, and accessorize a bit more.

I'm really happy that looser styles are back in fashion.

>> No.9619214
File: 56 KB, 512x768, 97fb1d848915211ec2594e1460184fd54e5f9b59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have anyone tried ordering bonbon from stripe-club.com and know if they support orders from shopping services?

>> No.9619351

I guess what I'm trying to say is that selling the contents of lucky packs isn't Larme or swankiss specific at all and common sense leads you to believe people who don't want the items, usually get rid of them prior to 9 months after receiving it. You can still find some but your chances are highest in January. I know that doesn't help now but since you seem to be a little clueless...

>> No.9619383
File: 47 KB, 450x600, ff5b4698d50bdb821e8a48855dc591b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure the only way telling anon to have just already bought it in January is going to be helpful is if you also tell her how to time travel

>> No.9619394

I've ordered from them using Zenmarket and I've had no problems

>> No.9619434

They're 4,000 - 3,000 yen on fril.jp, you may be have difficulty to find a shopping agent who will work on fril.jp though.

>> No.9619450

Momoirokumasan buys from fril but her SS is aimed at lolitas

>> No.9619458

Well there we are !
I hope you can now get your pants and look cute with your wide legged pants and open waisted dresses !!
ps. if you want to find more options use the search term '福袋' and under brand put swankiss.

>> No.9619508
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 212ca0814a18ff6f4639c141ef96c759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you two~!

>> No.9619562

I already said "I know that doesn't help now". Get out of her ass.

>> No.9619801

god this looks like utter shit. what was she even trying to go for and why cant tumblr retards ever dress themselves or do makeup that suits their face properly

>> No.9619926

lmao she's literally wearing an ank rouge sweater dress with a jacket relax it's not that deep

>> No.9620120

Where is this dress from?

>> No.9620141

She looks fine, not sure what your problem is.

>> No.9620256
File: 776 KB, 1280x1819, tumblr_oaoo8zh1oY1t3o48co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple anons in this thread (>>9619801)
need to get out and enjoy the sunlight. Why all the grouchy, unhelpful replies?

Styling looks like Fint/Another Angelus.

With autumn and winter just around the corner for those of us in the northern hemisphere, what are you all looking forward to wearing in the cooler weather?

>> No.9620689


lmao are we looking at the same picture?

>> No.9620700


>> No.9623080


Is anyone bored of the basics of Larme yet like the typical fetish style?

>> No.9623513

Kind of to be honest. I think many or most western Larme fans like the pheromone fetish look in pink and black the best. I used to like this style but I am getting bored with it because so many do coordinates like this and they often look quite similar.

>> No.9623662


Exacty - it all looks the same. No wonder Ris changed her style

>> No.9623680
File: 101 KB, 720x1280, DI2pDJMUwAAOKN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I appreciate other types of looks and less traditional looks, but half the time they get posted to /cgl/, some ass blasted anon screams that they're trash or "not larme!!!"

>> No.9623688

It would help if more different looks from the magazine get posted I don't think everything from a "larme brand" is larme.

>> No.9623893
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, tumblr_ohr8y5gq181rv5dydo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why we're so strict about the fashion, though. Plenty of different looks are posted in the magazine and by Japanese girls that might not be strictly "larme."
Fashion doesn't exist statically in a bubble, and I personally would prefer it to be dictated by its wearers, not just a magazine. I'm not saying that absolute trash, Walmart looks, as posted by some people on the fb group, should be considered larme or not critiqued. However, I do think that fashion that refuses to allow creativity or room for movement generally dies.
Also, I'd encourage people to post more images with their replies.

>> No.9623959

There are no looks in the magazines that aren't strictly larme. There are brands that are just doing their own thing and some girls decided that because they get featured in Larme often, everything they do must be meant for larme.

>> No.9624221


This is pretty nice though! Wether its traditional Larme or not its still cute

>> No.9624607

This is definitely larme. The hair and make are right, there are little details like the ruffles on the collar, there's not too much skin, and leather and leopard print are big larme trends.

If this is the example of "not strictly larme" then I definitely agree everyone needs to relax their definition and branch out.

I still love pink and black though.

>> No.9624683

Im wondering if Teddy coats and long over knee boots would ever work for Larme? Those are really popular in the UK at the moment. I think they could depending on their colours and how they are put together.

It doesnt seem the norm but hey look at Risa and her current style. It is not even that dolly anymore but still works for Larme. Plus her bon bon collection this season is different compared to last year... still works.

>> No.9624707

I feel like every post Risa makes is either sponsored or at her work. Which Japanese girls do you follow on insta besides the main models?

>> No.9624716

I'm pretty sure teddy coats have been in the magazine. Maybe over knee boots too, but it could be tricky to have both of them together. I'd like to see what you come up with.

>> No.9624855
File: 17 KB, 276x368, 20170325123940203_276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mean to say that that photo was borderline, just posted it to share some content in the thread.
Also I know not all of the items by the brands featured are larme. I'm only saying that I think a wider interpretation, or at least slightly less nitpicking, would help it continue to feel fresh.

>> No.9625289


Ah I dont want them together anon I just wondered if they would work with Larme but within the right colour scheme! Maybe black, white or a cream for the teddy coat and black for the boots :)


>> No.9625293


Ive been wondering this too... I mean yeah bloggers and models get gifted. But she just seems to advertise things she has been given and I think she has been travelling before going back to Japan for more model jobs/start Larme again. She was in London by herself I noticed.

Risa's style is weird at the moment its Larme but... too high fashion where it looks boring. Maihee basically took over the dark dolly image and she is rapidly growing. It won't be long before she is properly in the magazine, it wouldn't surprise me. She is catching up.

I think Risa got bored of people just latching on to her old style when it became popular. There are so many japanese girls who try her angles with the big buggy eyes showing off a lipgloss or lipstick with the whole blur going on ect. Sometimes I get mistaken if it even is Risa and realise it isn't.

Dunno - maybe she is just expanding to new things now I guess. Her Bon Bon range for A/W 17 is quite different and I like it. Some people haven't been too impressive about it though... probably because it isn't what it was when it first came out with the signature pieces.

>> No.9625384
File: 179 KB, 800x800, 1474591569121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more coord with pants, anyone? i need inspiration

>> No.9625859
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_othow2ikdf1tdjy6po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone id this dress? Or knows where I can get something similar?

>> No.9625885

She basically getting rid of what made her unique and popular so it doesn't seem very smart

>> No.9626121

This is the most recent data I could find from a ranking of women's magazines in Japan:


Looks like Larme sold 180,000 copies in 2016. Considering it's bimonthly when some of those other mags are monthly, I'd say that's pretty good. I mean we all know it's not Vogue.

>> No.9626158

Remember when an anon a while back said a friend flipped through her copy of Larme and asked why the magazine was "trying to make everyone look like sad lesbians"? I'm beginning to ask the same thing.

>> No.9626687
File: 81 KB, 550x724, 2F94A700-DB7A-40B8-87EA-73E72C331E30-12758-00000C0D8F59D686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad lesbians? Noooooo

>> No.9626695


Well... thats her call anon. We can only see I guess? I kind of prefer some mature pieces she wears compared to the ultra dolly things - I have purchased super dolly items myself and I put them on and walk out feeling like a twat or they're just not suitable for the everyday. But when you are Risa Nakamura and you barely have to worry about the normal everyday things, dressing cutesy is the norm in your own country and you're loaded... hardly a worry. But it's up to her I suppose. I still like her regardless anyway! She still has a dolly face and what not so I don't care aha

>> No.9626708

What do you all think will be in the next edition of Larme magazine?

I have a good feeling it will include about three pages of Bon Bon's new range and Risa doing the usual poses. Dark gothic dollies again. I do love it but I am also hoping for other things too...

>> No.9627272

Halloween stuff maybe?

>> No.9627293

Can't ID it, but pretty much any fast fashion place (F21, HM, Zara, Primark, etc) has similar styles right now.

>> No.9627343

It's from her original brand, Jayoung Market. Sold out now though.

>> No.9628064
File: 104 KB, 1080x1078, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9628457
File: 453 KB, 1161x1600, SCAN0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I right in thinking the newest edition comes out this month? I lost track after moving..
I'm really looking forward to the winter issues as I think there's much more variety, and I really love winter fashion in general

>> No.9628463

Sauce on the t-shirt?

>> No.9628484
File: 76 KB, 500x667, ank rouge 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants dump incoming

>> No.9628485
File: 109 KB, 500x667, ank rouge 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ank rouge staff

>> No.9628486
File: 41 KB, 500x667, ANK ROUGE ALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything ank rouge

>> No.9628487
File: 111 KB, 500x667, ank rouge pants 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ank rouge pants

>> No.9628488
File: 53 KB, 500x667, ank rouge pants 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ank

>> No.9628490
File: 136 KB, 500x667, ank rouge pants 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all ank rouge outfit

>> No.9628493
File: 115 KB, 500x667, ank rouge pants 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ank rouge high waist w/ corset detail

>> No.9628495
File: 74 KB, 500x667, ank rouge pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ank pants

>> No.9628498
File: 35 KB, 500x667, ank rouge SPINNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ank rouge playlist with SPINNS shoes and shirt(?)

>> No.9628500
File: 109 KB, 500x667, ank rouge swan kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeans - ank rouge

>> No.9628501
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jeans again

>> No.9628504
File: 90 KB, 500x667, axes femme pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

axes femme

>> No.9628505
File: 56 KB, 500x667, e hyphen pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9628507
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eat me brand

>> No.9628508
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>> No.9628509
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>> No.9628511
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>> No.9628514
File: 74 KB, 500x667, honey cinnamon pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9628515
File: 92 KB, 500x667, honey mi honey channel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9628518
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>> No.9628519
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>> No.9628521
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>> No.9628522
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>> No.9628523
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>> No.9628524
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>> No.9628527
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>> No.9628530
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>> No.9628532
File: 103 KB, 500x667, pants monlily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one! All photos are from wear.jp

>> No.9630530
File: 87 KB, 700x885, LARME030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover for Issue 30

>> No.9630560

How old are brands like swankiss, rosemarie seoir and hyphen world bon bon?

>> No.9630806
File: 143 KB, 900x1200, DJmuyv0UQAA_MY-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do sales start again? I need to buy stuff asap.

>> No.9630836

Bon bon has been around since 2011. Swankiss 2012. Syrup was 2009/2010, and changed into Rosemarie Seoir last year.

>> No.9631165

If you need to buy asap, then why does it matter when sales start?

The more extreme ones won't be until late December or early January.

>> No.9631166 [DELETED] 

I don't literally need to buy new things as soon as possible, I just want to
But I also want to be economical

>> No.9631168

I don't literally need to buy new things as soon as possible, I just want to. But I also want to be economical.
I know about LP sales and such but I don't know if normal sales seasons are different from the West or if they have any holiday related sales in autumn or something. I just don't want to buy new shit then find out it goes on sale 4 weeks later.

>> No.9631363


>> No.9631485
File: 66 KB, 904x903, 043abbf4-9894-4a01-940a-adb0343170f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever designed these needs to be fired

>> No.9631488

I like Larme but in all honesty, when I first saw it, my way to identify items that would be easy to use in the genre was to ask "is it ugly af?"

>> No.9631808


Even the fucking clown from IT would run away screaming from these monstrosities

>> No.9631854

>my way to identify items that would be easy to use in the genre was to ask "is it ugly af?"

>> No.9631862

Is it bad that I like that I like the all black ones? I'd swap out the laces for organza or silk ribbon, though.

>> No.9632785

Would anyone like to part with volume 25? I want to buy it. Located in the US.

>> No.9632920

I really think Dakota Rose will end up back in Larme magazine again at some point. She is already back doing shows for brands like Fint, Evelyn ect :( They aren't Larme Larme brands but she is on her way to something... I sound so mean but I really don't want her back in the magazine.

>> No.9632960

I think the all black ones are the most tolerable (still don't really like them though) but the pink/black ones are heinous

>> No.9633020
File: 299 KB, 500x693, 31a7c83968e878a08109f8d3d3a1120c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at some Larme magazine pages and was thinking that alot of the outfits look like they could be in any other jfashion magazine, which made me think of things that look specifically Larme.

What are some things that make you instantly think something is larme?
Some things for me are
>Sheer socks
> Ribbon hair pins
> Turtleneck tops under loose tops/dresses
> Corset laced details

>> No.9633056

That it's really ugly and tacky but in a fashion sort of way. Like those fur sandals or huge frill details.

>> No.9633057

Try the Larme sales group on fb

>> No.9633346

not that anon but where is that

>> No.9633358

I want these pants or something really similar where do i get them?
Who do you guys use as shopping service, is it like taobao where they just buy it for you?

>> No.9633359

Sauce on the shirt?

>> No.9633371

you don't sound mean anon, she's gross and her personality is gross

>> No.9636726

Does anyone else feel like larme isnt as larme as it was? Like the fetish style is dying out a little? All the models in the magazine seem to have shifted from it. I look at their instagrams and they all dress a bit differently now

>> No.9637092

It's just called "LARME SALES" on Facebook

>> No.9637099

I have these pants for sale if you still want them! Drop an email?

That LP in particular had items that are specific.

>> No.9637218

T.a.t.u. Kei
Lmao i know so many people who would wear this in a heartbeat
For me it's the make up and hair style.

>> No.9638817
File: 87 KB, 500x666, tumblr_onjsbxoKJA1qda60po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like that too. Like I mentioned in my post >>9633020 I think alot of the coords last few issues aren't distinctly larme and are similar to the coords in Vivi or Popteen (pic related is Vivi from May 2017). I wonder if Larme'll beable to compete with these other magazines if they keep becoming more generic. I know fashions change but Larme has changed to the point where it doesn't stand out as much.

What got me into Larme was Amo's style and Risa's old style. I really miss Amo's style because I like the pastel x pastel color palette

>> No.9639016

I feel like the whole fetish thing which was symbolic to Larme became overrun if I am honest and probably why Risa shifted from it. Now she just sells the style at Bon Bon to fund for her high fashion YSL bags, why not? Good idea I guess for the cash.

But yeah it is becoming less noticeable now, this current issue the style looks a lot more Western too like here in the UK atm it's all shearling jackets, boots and leather vinyl skirts. I noticed this issue had those elements too, I like the style but it wasn't as frilly and lacey as it has been before hand.

>> No.9639019

I really miss amo kei too, when I look at her insta now it just makes me sad.

>> No.9639060

>I feel like the whole fetish thing which was symbolic to Larme became overrun if I am honest and probably why Risa shifted from it.

Definitely. Pheremone fetish is cute but became oversaturated. Personally, I liked her sweet girly looks more than the pheremone fetish ones. Maihee now fills the sweet girly look for me though

>> No.9639188

Exactly... Me too! Also Maihee is filling her boots now so no wonder she's blooming in popularity.

>> No.9639204

What disappoints me with Bon Bon is that they are so unactive at updating their twitter, blog and instagram nowadays compared to other brands. During their first Risa collection the hype they started online before the release was quite big but now it is so lazy. I think they even deleted their old instagram pictures? Anyway it is hard to be excited about their new stuff when it is so difficult to find any pictures of it and usually everything comes to online store really slowly. I am used to seeing other brands like Ank Rouge, Katie and Swankiss sharing pictures and shop staff coordinates so actively that it feels like Bon Bon is not even trying, lol...

>> No.9639264


I agree you barely see many updates from it, it's like they don't care and all the other brands have so many shoots! Bon Bon barely has any apart from Risa doing them and thats every so often. Their new stuff might be in the next Larme issue but thats about it. Melt the lady is a similar line by that Ayagram girl on Instagram - another Larme model and she's creepy looking in my opinion. The stuff is nice! But it looks too similar to everything else these days... I think thats why I lost a bit of interest in the fetish Larme style.

>> No.9641951

Putting together a collection of what larme #30 says the biggest trends are for autumn.

boots - ankle and otk's, in fluro pinks and glitters.
buckle details, usually paired with fur, lace, or flower details.

Autumn 'keywords'
Fur shoes, sets (i.e matching tops + bottoms), material mix ( i.e tulle and knit), ribbons ( esp. in accesories), leopard print, check, frills, caps, lace up boots, sporty items, velor, oversized belts, classic flower prints, 'classical' one piece, oriental, big accessories ( earings)

Whilst some aspects of this issue was questionable, I really loved risa's outfits. And I was happy to see akarin modelling in the makeup section as well.
I can scan any parts if anybody wishes for clarifications on what the 'trends' mean.
(Barely trends and more, what everyones been wearing anyway.)

>> No.9642046

What's a good place to sell Larme burando? I've got a bunch of stuff I want to get rid of.

>> No.9642164

Requesting tulle/knit, frills, and classic flower prints please?

>> No.9644407
File: 58 KB, 500x690, e4dafcf30eeefdb239445f9c87cb0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice Claup

>> No.9644411
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>> No.9644413
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>> No.9644415
File: 45 KB, 564x752, ab3f83582328ffa26f77ad318ff19a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ank Rouge

>> No.9644426
File: 50 KB, 524x720, 95f5f57aab41f227cdb3697f94e5b950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risa Nakamura x WEGO

>> No.9644719

I haven't thought of Dakota in a while! Is she still with Popteen? (Pardon me for kind of derailing.)

>> No.9645248

>Is she still with Popteen?
Nope. They let her go because she got too old.

>> No.9647658

What is the first thing someone should buy to get into Larme?
I’m a Sweet Lolita and I have some Jfashiony stuff (Axes Femme, Nile Perch, Swimmer) but I’m not sure how to incorporate this in Larme outfits.

>> No.9647802
File: 19 KB, 300x300, blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Axes Femme can work but the colors might be hard to work with. Initially I thought Nile Perch might be too fairy, but looking at their website now, some of their new stuff might work; maybe look to Honey Cinnamon for inspiration? Swimmer is definitely too fairy though.

I recommend you get:
-A nice reddish/berry blush like pic related. There are a lot of blush colors that can work in Larme, but this color really screams Larme to me, and I think it's easy for beginners.
-A pencil skirt or tight a-line skirt in a 'hard' material like denim or leather. This is good to make an outfit fore mature and also add texture.
-A tulle skirt, preferably a long one in a light color. This can make an outfit more feminine and dreamy, and again, texture.
-A fluffy pastel cardigan and/or loose sweater. Again more dreamy aesthetic, and more texture.
-Choker necklaces! They're easy to find now and they're good for balancing the colors towards the bottom of your outfit with the top.
-A simple-ish pair of low black heels that match everything
-Ribbons for cute hairstyles!
-A big practical bag that can carry all your stuff! I'm quite partial to the frilly pillow totes.
-I usually pad out my wardrobe with simple graphic tees and cutsews from Ank Rouge
-Also dresses are good, but all I can say is just look to the Larme brands for those?

>> No.9649603

Is interest for Larme already dying?

>> No.9649962

What do you mean already? Larme the magazine is five years old, it's not some new fashion that's just materialised and is now fading. You would get that impression if you only follow western people because there were a lot of people who jumped onto it when they found out about it, and left pretty quickly after realising it wasn't a quick meal ticket to e-fame. You could infer that means interest is dying, but imo people hopping in and out of a fashion doesn't give a net result so it's not worth looking at.

>> No.9649963

Is larme worth buying if you don't like Risa's style and prefer a more childish, less sexy look?