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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9541089 No.9541089 [Reply] [Original]

'What do you mean Hold The Salt?' Edition

>No previous thread found. Just start

>> No.9541095

I'll start us off with a doozy.

Mana looks like Mr Yan became his own wife and it's cringe seeing him in Lolita

>> No.9541218

-Larme is extremely boring.
-over-the-knee skirts are fine with lolita (as long as it's done well).
-crystal dream carnival is overrated. Big prints in GENERAL are overrated.
-peignoirs are still cool (again, as long as it's done well).

>> No.9541302

Lolita looks kinda stupid in general

>> No.9541323

sweet lolita looks ridiculous on 85% of the people who wear it regularly. it's okay when it's OTT though.

>> No.9541332

>Larme is extremely boring
I don't think it's boring. I just don't think it can be considered J-fashion. It's cute but normie as fuck.

>> No.9541373

I think most green text stories are made up

>> No.9541394

Moitie is a dead brand. Their releases are so boring and Mana can't be arsed to contribute anything except for a couple of tweets now and then. I hope it goes under.

>> No.9541449
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Fat girls shouldn't even BE in lolita. Their chunks and rolls look absolutely disgusting, and they smell like rotting flesh. I've come close to puking several times just because obese lolitas couldn't be bothered to put down the donut and scrub between their gargantuan fat folds. Even worse, they have the gall to demand that brands produce larger sizes for their gigantic proportions (88cm waist? SERIOUSLY???). Losing weight is fucking easy as hell, and I say this as a former fat girl.

>> No.9541479

Oh boy here we go again gulls

>> No.9541501

Pleb alert

>> No.9541526

i don't consider anybody a "real lolita" unless they have 30+ brand pieces, wear lolita at least twice weekly, and dress well. i don't care about the opinions of people who don't fit this criteria.

>> No.9541533
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>I fervently hate cats tea party. It's overrated trash and could have been excited so much more skillfully.
>You aren't cute if you are overweight no matter what. It's unhealthy and unhealthy isn't cute.
>If you have a mannish face I automatically think your coord is worse for it. Beauty is in the details and a giant chin or manly brow does not make a pretty picture in a fashion that is the epitome of femininity.
>Animal ears can be done well in coords, it's just the people who seem to pick them as an accessory are trash.
>Sack dresses are cute and the people who complain about them aren't thin enough to look good in them.

Fight me, I know I'm shallow but this is a fashion related hobby.

>> No.9541540

executed* not excited. My salt levels temporarily made me unable to spell.

>> No.9541744

I like a well-done cosplay lolita/themed lolita outfit.
I miss the days of Metamorphose when Kato was still around.
I hate the concept of MTOs. It feels so cash-grabby.

>> No.9541768

>peignoirs are still cool

Agreed so much, especially in summer. I wish cult party would be back.

>> No.9541793

I guess this is unpopular because I've never seen anyone bring it up before:

I wish so badly that AP or BTSSB would do some kind of MTO where they produce jewelry made with real precious metals and gemstones. I really don't like costume jewelry at all. I want high-quality but lolita-friendly jewelry, and normie designs don't cut it for me. I guess I could get things custom made in common burando motifs (bows, hearts, whatever) but i want the satisfaction of having it from the brand itself.

>> No.9541816

I would looove that. I'd definitely buy fine jewelry from Baby, even if it was a simple charm bracelet with their logo made of real gold.

>> No.9541821

As much as I'd like that, considering their costume jewellery sells at nearly $200 a lot of the time, I'm not sure it'd be worth the money for me.

>> No.9541834

>Girls who do stuff like CD are trash
>A lot of cosplay just borders on softcore porn and the girls who do it shouldn't be surprised when it generates negative attention
>"Cosplay is not consent" is bullshit

>> No.9541846

Secretly semi agree. I put on some weight recently and I've stopped wearing lolita until I drop it again because I don't want to do that to my dresses. It's a little painful worrying that I'll never feel like I can wear them again though.

>> No.9541892

Popular cosplayers like Jessica Nigri are perfectly fine, and their cosplay interpretations of characters are just as valid as any other. The real reason that they are disliked on this board is that gulls are jealous of their attractiveness and the attention that they get.

>> No.9541909

>Mana can't be arsed to contribute anything
He designs the prints

>> No.9541913

I think lifestyle lolita is a stupid term that's become useless. Most of the time people in lifestyle threads just talk about stuff most non-lifestyle lolitas also like. Only Princess Skye types were real lifestyle lolitas.

>> No.9541917

I find Momokun fairly attractive if only she didn't have a shit personality and taste.

>> No.9542023

I don't even consider Princess Skye a "real" lifestyle lolita. She just had a crazy blog and a persona that was a result of some really intense RP.l

>> No.9542029

Who would you consider a real lifestyle lolita?

>> No.9542034

I feel like comms kind of ruin lolita, instead of people just enjoying the fashion and being content with themselves everyone gets stupidly catty, jealous, bitchy, and whiny. It turns adults into children, and I know there are good comms but in general from my experience and the experience of others comms are overall shit. It's like the girls who were never popular in high school are usually the mods and decide to live out their teens years again by being the "mean girl", it's just obnoxious and cringey.

>> No.9542041

I can't relate to what you say at all, and my comm has an elitist reputation. There's never any drama at meets and people are really chill about how you dress, you can even *gasp* wear JM and ETC coords to meets without headwear or armwear if that's what you like and how you want to wear lolita. Sometimes there are really young people who try to start something by posting negative stuff on cgl but everyone just ignores them. Actually what you say sounds more like cgl, which is full of cunts and non-lolitas, than an irl comm.

>> No.9542045

Most importantly, somebody who's true to themselves as opposed to making up a fake persona. That's a big aspect of the "lolita spirit" imo. Somebody who wears lolita every day, only with the exception of special events where you absolutely cannot. (Work doesn't count as a "special event," think along the lines of weddings, fancy parties, solemn funerals, at the hospital, etc.) Somebody who incorporates lolita into their hobbies or their hobbies into lolita. All of those put together.

IIRC Princess Skye only did the last one, just like the silly people in the lifestyle threads. I kept up with her blog for the most part and, while her more informative entries were interesting, her persona was really contrived and she encouraged the "lolita at heart" way of thinking. I think she's comparable to the lolitas in the lifestyle thread who think that lifestyle equates bat-shaped cookies or pink bedroom walls or knowledge of etiquette.

>> No.9542053

Imo that's just being a lolita and lifestyle lolita is still a stupid term. You don't call gothics lifestyle goth, and people who only wear the clothes some occasions just goth.

>> No.9542054

Yeah, I don't disagree that lifestyle lolita is a stupid term. I only think that Princess Skye wasn't one.

>> No.9542056

Let me guess... Sydney?

>> No.9542120

You sound like a dipshit.
That sounds cool, i live for gemstones. Also plastic jewellery looks awful combined with rococo inspired clothes. There, i said it.
I hate that dumb face, i would never want to look like that. The tits are fine i guess.

>> No.9542155

I honestly kind of love the whole cliché concept of lifestyle lolita/lolita spirit thing. As long as it's not itas shitting up social media or idiots who would never wear the fashion itself, I mean.
I don't go in for fake personas or anything, but just... that silly romantic idealism that the fashion evokes. I know a lot of people find it cringy, but I mind my own buisness more or less, so who cares?

Keeping my 'lolita spirit' in mind helps me be happier.

>> No.9542178

>I think it's okay for a someone to cosplay an already revealing design (Think: Yoko from Gurren Lagan.)
>cosplayers who make a design slutty just for attention are disgusting imo.
Y'all already have so many designs to choose from, why you gotta ruin the loli dragon?

>> No.9542206

I like larme when its made of the actual clothing from japanese brands.

I don't want to see your coordinates made of H&M and Forever 21, which is 80% of the posts in the western community. Something always looks off imo and it isn't jfashion.

>> No.9542233

I'm a lolita. I hate feminism. (At least third wave)
I apologize for any reee'ing that this will cause.

>> No.9542283

What gives you the right to say it was RP? I think she was just expressing herself

>> No.9542293

Having a working brain? RP is certainly a form of expressing oneself but she presented herself as an actual princess when she isn't. That is RP.

>> No.9542307

Itabags are ugly and embarrassing as fuck and the threads for them are filled with weeb trash. If you catch yourself seriously getting angry because someone else has a bag of your "husbando" you're either 13 or you should reevaluate your life.

>> No.9542314

That's not an unpopular opinion on 4chan at all. I'd say it's such a popular opinion that bringing it up at all is redundant and obnoxious.

>> No.9542327

/cgl/ seems to be the ONE board where it IS unpopular, which is why I said it.
Everytime someone brings it up, people march in with "WELL YOU MUST HATE HUMAN RIGHTS" or for said gull to turn over her woman card.

>> No.9542332

I 100% agree but the girls in the larme threads get salty and bitch about quality of japanese brands if you bring this up.

>> No.9542356
File: 62 KB, 497x750, tightswhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish fat people would stop cosplay/jfash/lolita.
Like, they are trying to make something out of themself, buying expensive dresses and bother with wigs and make up - yet spent no effort to actually work on the *biggest* problem.
It's like wearing foundation over extreme acne. It maybe covers it but you can still see it through.

>Wearing lowkey make up at photoshoots
Always results in looking like no make up and weird

>People always critizing no wigs and people not putting effort in real hair
Just buy some fucking priscila hair pieces

>Wearing kneesocks when you're fat
Just makes you look +100kg fatter

>> No.9542388

>You don't call gothics lifestyle goth, and people who only wear the clothes some occasions just goth.
That might be because weekenders (and 'meetlitas' and 'conlitas') are a lot more common in lolita than in goth. In the latter it's almost a given that you'd incorporate it into your everyday life so "lifestyle goth" is redundant.

>> No.9542389

You and me both!

>> No.9542390

But we do call people mallgoths.

>> No.9542392

Agreed. Larme is just so boring to me.

>larme more like lame, am I right gulls? Hohohooh

>> No.9542396

True but they're usually teenagers who are still finding themselves so it's not that bad. In lolita you can find "conlitas" and others like them who swear up and down that you can't wear this style daily in almost every age bracket.

>> No.9542397

I agree, but where do you define fat?

>> No.9542400

I totally agree with you, but at the same time, sweet lolita is simply not the market for it and they'll never stop putting out cheap jewelry.

Have you never heard of Q-Pot, though? It's incredibly sweet friendly and good quality.

>> No.9542437

I always saw "lifestyle" as it encompasses your life in some way. Lolita shaped how Skye saw the world and had a really princessy, rose-colored lens on everything. It was just her personal "lifestyle" and I don't get why people rejected her so hard or clung to her.

Another way to be a lifestyler is have it something you simply wear daily and it sort of changes your day-to-day life, hence lifestyler.

I don't get why people think it's one or the other. They often go hand in hand, having it change your view of life.

>> No.9542458

Alright, since we're talking about her:

I never understood the hype behind Princess Skye. Even back when she was relevant, all I saw was an ugly borderline ita with an inflated ego. I guess it might be because people saw themselves in her and wanted the idealized lifestyle she pretended to have. Even her writing was really bad...

>> No.9542465
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I agree, when is someone too fat for lolita?

>> No.9542466

That's not an unpopular opinion at all. Entire comms were created to show lolitas weren't luvlies in response to her and other ''lifestylers''.

>> No.9542472

Seems to be nowadays since some people in this thread have on their nostalgia goggles.

>> No.9542478

>some people in this thread have on their nostalgia goggles.

>> No.9542481


>> No.9542486

>implying people don't go out of their way to show they aren't luvlies uwu today
This thread >>9525918 is just as cringey as people who pretend to be princesses in their frills, if not more so.

>> No.9542489
File: 81 KB, 381x594, 20151022203703-ac146374-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Larmie is cute but normie and the trend is dying
The thread insists otherwise, but it has been stuck in one thread for a month. Lets face it, it isn't much of a -kei, it's just an temporary, aesthetic style like how Mode Gyaru was a thing for two seconds. Larme came from gyaru and amo style.

>Swankiss is the cutest and most memorable Larme brand
>The Japanese secondhand market has the best deals, the western secondhand market is too greedy
>There is nothing wrong with wigs, circle lenses, and ott sweet
>Lolita actually flattering on slightly chubby girls, I prefer chubby lolitas than super skinny lolitas
>Old school can be just as OTT and ridiculous as current OTT sweet
>Conlitas aren't a real thing and no one gave a fuck about them until a couple years ago
>To normies we all look ridiculous so we shouldn't care what they think, and if you do, you shouldn't wear lolita

>> No.9542497

My opinion starting at the 35% also because that looks unhealthy to me

>> No.9542501

>The Japanese secondhand market has the best deals, the western secondhand market is too greedy
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion as it is not widely known. Either that or people are just too lazy to use shopping services.

>> No.9542509

I'm >>9541913 and I didn't like princess skye, I just think only really extreme types can warrant a special snowflake term like lifestyle lolita, the rest is just being lolitas to different degrees.

>> No.9542537


This is why L.a.c.e was needed. Its fine you guys feel like that but people who dont fit your idea need a place. You dont want fats and poori-sh people but you dont want them to have their own spot.
*unPopular opinion* you guys hate l.a.c.e and milanchan amino because you dont you dont want to be banished there. You dont want the kewl girls to have options of where to send y'all. Ohhhhhh.
Crabs in a barrel.

>> No.9542546
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Can someone translate this please?

>> No.9542549

What is milanchan?

>> No.9542554

Post pics. Cause i've yet to see a legit hot girl get violently mad about fatties. The ones that are like 8 -7's will get a little upset if something else is going on, Like their club is having an audit. Or they "personally" are having money problems.

>> No.9542561

>viloently mad

I'm not, I just think fat people are gross.

>post pics
Not when I have a presence on social media that would probably backfire if people found out I am legitimately grossed out by chubsters. I don't feel the need to go out of my way and damage my reputation to prove to an anonymous poster on 4chan I'm cute.

>> No.9542567

>milanchan amino
>banished to l.a.c.e.
>Ohhhhhh. Crabs in a barrel.
Are you drunk or something? I kind of get your general point but none of this makes any sense.

>> No.9542598

You have to be up on the drama to get it. So, just skip over it. You guys might be too new.
Milanoochan but I believe i've seen people refer to her as milanochan.
We will have to agree to disagree then. Plus, I wrote hot. Hot girls arent bothered by fatties. Thats why a lot of fat girls have hot friends. Cause the hot girls see past the fat cause it isnt a threat to them. Not even a poor hot girl cares about fat. Transwomen dont like fat. Are you maybe a transwoman? Dont answer doesnt matter.

>> No.9542602

Alright this is some really shitty b8 or you're having a stroke.

>> No.9542616

What is Milanoochan?

>> No.9542619

This anon is clearly having a stroke.

>> No.9542622

For the most part I honestly love the lolita threads on 4chan.
I think most of you are harsh yes but, honest
I think most of you are hilarious
I think most of you honestly try to protect each other and the fashion in a tough love kind of way.

>> No.9542624
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Milanoo chan/ lily pls leave you try hard fatty chan. You're a literal joke

>> No.9542625

You are well in your right to think so. You are getting info second hand and through a computer screen.

>> No.9542631
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>> No.9542634

Honey most lolitas on cgl are role playing

>> No.9542675


>> No.9542749

How overweight?

>> No.9542791

>True but they're usually teenagers who are still finding themselves so it's not that bad

Those are babybats, tho.

>> No.9542794

Girls only cosplay (or do any hobby, really) for attention from attractive men. Slutty cosplays are just an extension of slutty Halloween costumes, but even demure-tier cosplay is strictly for attention.

Girls greatly enjoy being 'sexually harassed' at cons as long as it's from an attractive guy and not a neckbeard. Actually I can prove this one - I grab girls' asses all the time at cons and as soon as they get a look at me they just smile (am 6'2 white guy lucky enough to be born with a great face). On the rare occasion they get upset (usually an act, imo) I just pretend I thought they were someone else and within like 15 seconds they're giggling at my dumb jokes and wishing I'd fuck them in my hotel room.

>> No.9542798

I realize they're not the same thing but it's not uncommon for babybats to start off as mallgoths.

>> No.9542801

>Girls greatly enjoy being 'sexually harassed' at cons as long as it's from an attractive guy and not a neckbeard
How is this an unpopular opinion?

>> No.9542810

Eat shit, pig.

>> No.9542811

Every time I go to a con I see some dumbass signs with "COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT" and a ton of panels on social justice retardation - it certainly seems to be the most popular opinion.

No thanks, that's the girl's job when I feel like making her rim me (another unpopular opinion: girls will do literally anything you tell them to in bed, no matter how nasty, if you tell them forcefully enough. Almost every girl loves being degraded in bed, especially cosplay girls).

Don't be so down, maybe I'll let lick my shitter sometime if you're not too fat.

>> No.9542814
File: 235 KB, 494x260, nana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't take the bait gulls, even though you know you want to

>> No.9542822

Is it still bait if it's all true?

>> No.9542839 [DELETED] 

I feel like in order to get a random girl to rim you and/or do a2m she's gotta be both a mega slut AND very desperate with low self confidence.

I consider myself to be a huge slut and you're right, most girls will do most things in bed if you tell them forcefully enough, but yeah I've literally just gotten up, hastily got dressed, and left a hotel room when some fucker shoved my face into his asshole when I was going down on him. Not okay. Even sluts have our limits, and my limit happens to be ingesting SHIT

>> No.9542849

Medically overweight. You don't even have to be obese, but overweight and I think you're gross. It's not healthy no matter what you delude yourself into thinking. The healthy BMI range is really large and nobody actually has an excuse to struggle to stay within it.

>> No.9542853 [DELETED] 

It's been my experience that if you want a girl to do something nasty like rim you, she doesn't have to be any of those things. You just have to make sure it happens "in the moment." Women - all women - are extreme suckers for things "just happening" - things that happen because they got "carried away" etc. As long as they can think up some reason why it's not their fault, they'll do anything. By the same token I can't even count the number of chicks I've fucked at cons who had boyfriends. When it comes to getting a girl to do something like lick your ass, all you have to do is shove her face down there while she's licking your balls - if you left when a guy did that to you, it was because he had a stinky feces butt or wasn't alpha enough. Another option is to just verbally manipulate her - "be a good girl and lick my ass." Girls melt like butter when you use phrases like that.

FWIW in all seriousness my butthole isn't actually covered in shit, thanks, I do wash.

>> No.9542854

>hurr durr im a grill guys rly i promise, let me talk about my VAGINA and how much of a SLUT i am, did I mention I'm a SLUTTY GIRL who loves SEX

yep cos girls actually talk like that, b8 harder m8 and maybe this imaginary character you've concocted in your head will finally validate your virgin fantasies

>> No.9542858 [DELETED] 

Anon, all women are sluts, some just hide it better than others.

>> No.9542861

you say that like you aren't replying to an actual girl instead of yourself like your last few posts. notice how you cannot tell my gender from the way I type because women are actually just people, shocking I know.

>> No.9542863

I stayed a virgin until marriage, tell me again how all women are sluts?

>> No.9542867 [DELETED] 

Actually he used that exact line and was pretty hot, had a clean ass. I just don't lick assholes, and I know I can just as easily find another hot guy who won't try to make me lick his ass.

But you are right. The super average looking "good" girls tend to be the nastiest... Mostly because they have to be to compete with girls like me who are actually attractive and have pick of the crop

>> No.9542879

The ita threads these days have been full of nothing but nitpicks and people bitching over the definition of nitpick. (Btw, some of these people need to calm down and learn that nitpick =/= ita)

People need to calm down about having prescription glasses match the lolita coord too jfc

>> No.9542934

This is giving me massive deja vu for the last time we had an unpopular opinions thread but here we go.

>I really dislike 99% of ouji and I'm glad it's not popular in my country
>lolita couple pictures with a guy and a girl are cuter if the guy is wearing a contrasting alt style like punk than if he's wearing boystyle
>aristo is usually boring and girls have to be tall to pull it off
>I quite like real-life rabbits but bunny prints and motifs aren't cute and neither are Usakumyas
>I prefer cookie-cutter oldschool to proudly frumpy "creative" or "mismatched" coords and I wish Ophelia hadn't made them popular
>arguments about whether not being a daily lolita shows a lack of dedication to the fashion are as boring as the replica debate because the arguments are the same every time

I wish gulls on here would get some self-awareness about the fact that social attitudes to people that dress differently aren't the same everywhere and stuff like larme or Fanny Rosie-type coords might come off as totally normie in one area and extremely weird in another. I thought the state of the jfash nation survey we had a while back would make people realise but apparently not.

My experience is closer to >>9542041's as well and I'm in Europe. I think my comm's pretty inclusive. The only think I have to watch out for is sometimes getting so excited to catch up with friends that I forget to include people I don't know, which is never intentional.

>> No.9542956

Maybe it's because I'm from the NY/NJ area that I've had consistently terrible experiences, glad you have a good comm.

>> No.9542963

As long as they're well proportioned and have a good face an overweight girl can look decent in lolita well into the 40% zone (granted she's wearing a dress that can actually cater to her measurements and is still long enough), once you get into the strange lumpiness/dough ball territory things start looking bad before 30%
I guess that's my unpopular opinion, I've seen a few fat girls look decent in lolita. Not like superfat though, just kinda pudgy.

>> No.9542966
File: 151 KB, 500x750, img-189626462e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, true sweet lolita is something like pic related.
The "new" sweet lolita or the mega pastel vomit is shit most of the time and I miss that old sweet lolita.

>> No.9542988

The lolitas I know are either the tumblr luvly uwu type or the 4chan bitch type.
I wish there was something in between.
I want to say what i think without being told that's "too mean!!" (even though i'm weighing my words) but i also like a pat on the back once in a while

>> No.9543038

I mean, you just called yourself a slut in a previous post and here you are saying you aren't nasty.

>> No.9543044

I didn't say I'm not nasty I just said I don't lick butts

>> No.9543106 [DELETED] 

>women are the exact same as men
Heh. Pleb tier opinion. Unpopular opinion: women are vastly different than men. Science happens to agree with this unpopular opinion - women's brains are tremendously different, and as a bonus they're physically inferior by almost any metric.

>> No.9543137

I know plenty of lolitas who are in between. Mostly people I've met face-to-face over the years, but also people I met who were friends of friends.

How close are you to anybody in your comm? Anybody that you think could be a genuine friend and not just a frills friend? That's the person you're looking for. People who do the luvlies or queenbitch attitude are putting up a front in public most of the time. Get to know some of them and see how it goes.

I can promise you, a lot of the luvlies girls are probably salty as fuck under that sugar coating.

>> No.9543140

Add me to your party!

>> No.9543149

>that pic
My sides

>> No.9543193

Platform shoes are the cutest and oldschool is best school but ruffle RHS and bubble-toed RHS are really not cute.

I wish platforms in general were more popular where I lived because I get comments and odd looks whenever I wear even platform sneakers or goth shoes with non-lolita outfits. Not necessarily negative, but it stands out a lot.

>> No.9543197

Fake bois should stay away from lolita, they do nothing but complain about being misgendered for wearing frilly dresses, it's pathetic imo

>> No.9543206

That makes me feel hurt.

>> No.9543220

On that note, I don't believe half of you are even lolitas or cosplayers. If you are, you're fatties or not the best, hence why you're here anonymously. The only lolita gull I ever knew posted really polished, deceptive pictures here in self-post threads but the girl was really overweight in real life.

>> No.9543221

Want a cookie?

>> No.9543259
File: 878 KB, 1170x1506, 001phdzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon, except I think Antenna RHS are cute. I'm really short so I like wearing heels and platforms with jfash and normie outfits so I can actually look people in the eye, but I get so many "Compensating for something?" jokes whenever I wear them. My bf and family are all super tall so it makes me feel more comfortable around them, but my roommate and my other close guy friend are both shorter than me if I wear heels so I feel kind of bad doing it.

I also inevitably find some footfags requesting can-crushing and whatever every time I Google for reviews of a new shoe I want if it's a western brand (Demonia, Buffalo, YRU), which makes me feel kind of grossed out and not want to wear them.

>> No.9543265

Man, I loved those ruffle RHS, but I never bought a pair because the replicas never looked as good as the originals, and the originals were impossible to find.

>> No.9543304

I wish the words "nitpick" and "vendetta" would be banned or something, it feels like every time someone posts an ita the next ten replies are just "nitpick." "clearly vendetta." "vendetta or nitpick?" and even when it's true it's so boring to read.

>> No.9543324

>If you are, you're fatties or not the best, hence why you're here anonymously.
Every lolita I've known has either visited /cgl/ or posted here. Ranging from ugly, fat, mediorce, to gorgeous and well dressed. What's your damage?

>> No.9543789

These are going to be unpopular because I'm stereotyping based on my own experiences and girls who match the substyles or whatever will no doubt disagree but

>girls who mostly wear sweet and/or AP tend to be attention whores
>girls who mostly wear gothic tend to be cool as shit, if sometimes pretentious
>girls who mostly wear classic are either really reserved, sweet people or uppity, no-fun-allowed prudes. No inbetween.
>girls who mostly wear recent Baby-style OTT sweet-classic are i n s u f f e r a b l e
>girls who mostly wear Meta tend to be really chill people

>> No.9543889

I am actually going to say this is totally accurate. I'll also say AP/sweet lolita tend to be the newest, loudest, and always the ones to critique and act like they know the most about lolita initially, but fall off so fast. People who buy into gothic or classic brands or are into the good stuff like Meta tend to be the people there to stay.

>> No.9544155

This may be unpopular based on cgl activity, but I really dislike the hateful comments that go too far. Ones that casually say "go kill yourself" just makes me sad and ashamed to be on here. I am by no means a saint, and I get that the cases are rare, but I feel like it never has to go there.

I get lolitas arent lovelies~ but damn, some of y'all be savage af.

>> No.9544179 [DELETED] 

Fat people shouldn't even BE

>> No.9544181
File: 679 KB, 1232x2048, dmsharedude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember that whenever someone on here tells you to kys they probably look like this

>> No.9544223

>tfw you were born a woman
Why live?

>> No.9544227

I've also seen a lot of confessions of people who pretend to be lolitas to give their arguments more value in lolita threads or just because they are bored. Even if you look at people who comment on Rufflechat posts, a lot of them are weebs that don't wear it I think. None of my lolita friends come here and I come here occasionally but unless I start threads myself I feel like it's mostly the same content so it gets boring fast for lolitas who aren't new. On the other hand, there are some popular lolitas who I'm sure post here and since lj is dead it isn't as looked down on to go to cgl.

>> No.9544254

This. The whole "kys xD fgt cunt" thing id quite ridiculous and something a sad edgy teen would write

>> No.9544257

That's nothing, I feel ashamed for coming here whenever someone uses autism as an insult because my bf has autism

>> No.9544259

>tfw i have autism and use autism as an insult

>> No.9544262

Fight me. Well at least on the ruffle ones. I'm with you on the bubble toed shoes

>> No.9544376

I'm a lolita. I love feminism but I hate third wave with a passion. Please don't hate feminism just because of these idiots. Real feminism is about real equality, not manhating and pandering to black people.

>> No.9544379

That's pretty impressive bait-and-switch bait.

>> No.9544402

I should've thrown that in there too, I completely agree with you. I'm not sure why that is, I guess since it's the loudest form of lolita it attracts girls that wear it to be "trendy" or "different" instead of because they actually like it, and with such shallow reasons, of course they'll lose interest.

>> No.9544418

New sweet and pastel vomit is utter shit.
2009 sweet is where it's at

>> No.9544488

Printed Meta is louder and uglier than AP though, and I say that as a gothic lolita.

>> No.9544527
File: 132 KB, 1122x823, IMG_3446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's back. Let's keep arguing :)

>Bodyline is brand
>Misako is the new Mana
>Venus and her past will always represent lolitas in one way or another
>fattys should not dress in lolita
>feminists should not dress in lolita
>I like the fake lolita personalities
>but I love the bitch anti-Lolita personalities
>conlitas are fine
>meetlitas are fine
>the times of OTT Sugary Carnival Sweet was the fucking bomb and you can't convince me it wasn't

>> No.9544611

I actually have to hand it to cgl on that one though because it made me do research on autism. I'm not exactly an expert on it and still have a lot of confusion with the spectrum aspect.

I don't condone in using tha as an insult, but it did raise some awareness on a micro level

>> No.9544684

From the outside looking in, you women have some issues. Not even trying to insult you girls as I know you'll take it that way.

>> No.9544691

It's an unpopular opinions thread, they attract more salt and trolling than any other format on this entire board.

>> No.9544694
File: 194 KB, 581x811, 18010369_358066657929660_8262805194388237864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty-chans are people, too.

>> No.9544728

I was referring to this entire board. Most of the girls here on cgl are like that.

>> No.9544739
File: 2.48 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We men have issues too. So I don't understand why you'd even post.

>> No.9544760

I think lolita is one of the fashion that fits fat people the best, if the clothing is large enough.

Sadly, they're mostly squeezing themselves into brand that is way too small for them.

>> No.9544819

>thinking most people on cgl are real girls

>> No.9544831

>think there are real girls on the internet

>> No.9544882
File: 130 KB, 1100x1170, 9a6ff59136487f01b0daba6f620c3ae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Persona 5 and every character in it, most of the character designs are fantastic but picture related just doesn't work irl.
Anyone I've seen that actually rocks the suit just looks like a used-up BDSM slut that's ready for an orgy because of that mask, and it just makes me feel bad things inside whenever I see anyone cosplaying her.

Every other phantom thief is fine, just.. Something about Panther, it just doesn't work for me in 3d.

>tfw this exact design was my original "fuck yes I wanna cosplay this" plan but after seeing so many girls wear it I've changed my mind

>> No.9544922

Panther looks that way in game as well, but you get used to it pretty quickly because of the art style. The same happened with the Arkham series Catwoman, but she is slightly more recognizable to normies. The black instead of red makes it slightly easier for cosplayers to blend in as well.

Overtly sexual characters can be toned down in the context of a game or a show, but you're probably just going to look like a kinky boothbabe at best. Keep in mind that these characters are also either in peak or in unattainable physical condition, so you are probably going to look like shit in addition to looking a fetish model.

>> No.9544930

>Panther looks that way in game as well

I know, I think she looks just fine in game, it just translates horribly into 3d.
It's not the suit I have a problem with, the P5 people know what they were doing with it and most people I've seen wear it have a nice body.
It's just the mask, it looks unflattering as hell on anyone that wears it.

>> No.9545021
File: 493 KB, 300x225, applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg lol
>if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

>> No.9545023
File: 45 KB, 640x480, are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be reeeeeeeeeal popular with the ladies, dudebro.
go ahead and tip that fedora you wore in 2003.

>> No.9545029

>>"Cosplay is not consent" is bullshit
I don't really understand why you think this. Can you elaborate?

>> No.9545042

Fuck you skinny cunt i fuckin love me some meat on the bones. Overweight women aren't seen as fat where I'm from so kys little cuck fat is cute as fuck go look at that blonde pig from vocaloid

>> No.9545046

Well that's just your opinion man

>> No.9545072

30-34 just looks like the previous level with weird abs and bigger boobs.
That said, I yoyo between 25 and 35 and I feel like I'm at the cusp right there at 35. I can wear all my shirred pieces and not strain the seams, but I also carry way more weight in my T and A than my stomach like these pics. So I think part of it is distribution, too.

I also think anorexic looking girls look bad too. Shorter girls tend to get away with it but if you're tall and your knee joints pop out that's not cute

>> No.9545086 [DELETED] 

Sure, but we aren't petty faggots.

It's primarily a female board. Theres no denying it.

>> No.9545088

I don't know Anon, I'm petty af.

>> No.9545094 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but you're a faggot that likes cock. You don't count.

>> No.9545104

Triggered fatty detected.

>> No.9545106
File: 2.96 MB, 360x270, not-that-theres-anything-wrong-with-that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay

>> No.9545107

I do think conlitas are real but people have a varying definition of them.

My interpretation is, girls who only wear Lolita to cons, fashion events, and shoots.

I see people lump in girls who wear it to comm meets too, but the underlying reason why conlita has a negative association is that it implies they don't ever wear it in their daily lives.

To which I say... whatever.

Some people hate conlita because it doesn't meet their expectations of authenticity, therefore it's fake and almost a "knockoff" of the fashion. Some people view Lolita as an identity and therefore disparage those who use it for special occasions.

They may be right, but everyone's view of Lolita is subjective. Some people buy into the romanticism and wear it daily, others might, dare I say, wear it as a costume and only for certain events. It's not different to them than wearing a tuxedo. They don't become a "tuxedo wearer"

Ultimately only you can decide what's right for you. If you think conlitas diminish the value of the fashion personally or globally, then don't associate with them. If you don't like extravagant trends that would only make sense in extravagant situations, then explore the aspects you like.

Personally, I like OTT done right (think baby's expensive dresses). I dress identically at tea parties, cons, in the town, or at home.

>sorry for rant
>tldr conlitas are real but you shouldn't be care

>> No.9545108 [DELETED] 

You're just a straight guy that likes traps right?

>> No.9545187

>I dress identically at tea parties, cons, in the town, or at home.
Not sure if this shows an admirable level of committent to your own lolita aesthetic or just a lack of social awareness and unwillingness to tailor your outfit to the setting like any normal person would (e.g. dressing differently for a date night or work party than for a weekend around the house or a country walk).

>> No.9545224

Agree 100%. I want the trend to die

>> No.9545256

I'm not interested in making them and I find that level of committent to showing loyalty to a fictional character bizarre, but I have no salty feelings towards people that do. Let them enjoy their weebshit in peace.

>> No.9545298

They are not really supposed to be pretty. It's more like how much merch of your favorite character can you stuff on this bag.

>> No.9545320

I cringe extremely hard whenever someone here says "I AM NOT A WEEB". Like, who the fuck cares? Normies think you look absolutely retarded anyway.

>> No.9545326

I've never seen anyone angry that someone has a bag with their husbando/waifu on it. What i have seen though is people being mad at half assed, ugly (not in the itabag spirit sense) or bandwagon bags, which imo is a justifiable reason to be mad about.

>> No.9545355

Have you read the current thread? Because it literally has people saying they get angry when they see another bag of the same character.

>> No.9545443

Why do you think feminist shouldn't dress in lolita?

>> No.9545451


If you browse this site, 9/10 you're a weeb. With the 1/10 being the cancer that pours in from unmentionable sources.

>> No.9545459
File: 33 KB, 650x750, daaz5girp0iy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a self aware ironic weeb

>> No.9545509

agreed! hime lolita and sweet lolita were what got me into the style to begin with back in like 2007. the modern iteration of OTT Sweet is a bit much for me, it's very "busy". i think old school sweet had a unique elegance to it that seems to be lost in a lot of sweet coords nowadays.

>> No.9545542
File: 11 KB, 222x227, You+may+not+be+able+to+find+a+traitor+_62dfeffdcf3ff3526d5b9f2180271634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggot, you're still a gaylord.

>> No.9545589

Actually, I haven't read it. That's really cringey though. I may be a bit biased because I have an itabag and I'm in the process of making another 2, but I don't think it's the cringiest hobby to have. I really started because I love buying merch, especially keychains and badges, for my favorite anime and found putting them on a bag is a fun and cute way to store them. But I understand your opinion.

>> No.9545591

I don't know how I can be any more abundantly clear than posting an anime fedora tipping that I'm being facetious.

>> No.9545608
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 3a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OH, so now you think you're smarter than me because you're using big words that I don't know?

Well, guess what, we have Google now so I know what you said. NERD.

>> No.9545635

You have to be 18 years or older to post on 4chan, seriously I was at least 12 when I knew what these words meant.

>> No.9545644
File: 1.87 MB, 314x240, 1495482087987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still using big words huh, but talk from a small guy. At least I'm not a NERD!

Hey, everyone, get a load of this guy! What a weeabofaggot!

>> No.9545758

It's an aesthetic thing. I think I wasn't clear enough. My style is consistent and similar, ie consistent aesthetic, but I'm not gonna bring a scepter to go shopping or to a major event.

>> No.9545762

Ok but what are you on about the vocaloid thing? There's like, at least 6 blonde ones from the major ones. None of them are fat and none are skinnier than the anime standard.

>> No.9545822
File: 63 KB, 480x675, 13508869_10154290111952350_4223870609854854012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a fatty, I think fatties shouldn't dress in lolita unless they are just a little fat and actively trying to lose weight
>only japanese burando is real burando and lolitas wearing Taobao or Bodyline stuff are subpar lolitas
>girls wearing their real hair in a nice way are superior to wig-chans
>AP is best brand and you can't deny it
>replicas should be banned and shamed in every group, not just sales
>if you put in gems and stickers on your face you are retarded
>lolita should be a 18+ only hobby
>Mana is overrated and worshipping him even ironically is cringe

>> No.9545846

>referring to lolita as a hobby
what a casual

>> No.9545888 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 250x250, ohnobaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. Hey, I really hope that you speak English as a second language. Just so you know, in the U.S., we learn those words in around the 5th grade. I promised they are not trying to perplex you by saying those words.

To stay on topic, I despise tights.

>> No.9545903
File: 11 KB, 250x250, ohnobaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. Hey, I really hope that you speak English as a second language. Just so you know, in the U.S., we learn those words in around the 5th grade. I promise they are not trying to perplex you by saying those words.

To stay on topic, I despise tights.

>> No.9545918

I think itabags are a cute way to make friends at cons but they do not belong on cgl. /a/ or /co/ more likely but by allowing itabags to have their own threads considering they are not directly cosplay or lolita. They're not a fashion, they're an item that is constructed mostly via purchase. AA threads I get because cons, but itabags don't really belong specially if they're not making threads for guys in the AA to shill their shit for the bags. So much co-op crossposting potential.
I wish people posted in the progress thread like they used to.
I miss the color themed threads we used to have too.
And the commissioner threads while I'm at it.
Fandom general threads keep the board moving but man I miss creating our own content instead of grabbing shit from facebook first.

>> No.9545919

>girls wearing their real hair in a nice way are superior to wig-chans

i agree with this wholeheartedly. wigs scream "costume" to me.

>> No.9545929

>Amerifat education
If you are the kid you sound like, do your homework instead of coming to /cgl/ and you might learn those words and many more!
If you're 18 or older, please do the world a favor and kys.

>> No.9545940

They probably meant Pochaco, the disgustingly fat faraway cousin of Sonico.

>> No.9545947

I wish my real hair was Lolita friendly. I'm in the process of growing out an undercut-- once it gets just long enough I'll have to cut all of my hair off so it's a more or less uniform length.

>> No.9545996
File: 309 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2015-04-12-009-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairy kei and other casual pastel jfash styles look best with dyed real hair
>wigs don't suit a daily look but candy colours are cuter for these styles than natural ones

I think changing your real hair colour shows an admirable dedication to the kawaii aesthetic.

>over-ear headphones are the cutest fairy kei accessory

>> No.9546075
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Gt+when+you+spot+the+weeb+_62dfeffdcf3ff3526d5b9f2180271634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, what do we have here?

Would you look at that, a bunch of White Knights.

News flash you inbred parasites, you're centuries late. Maybe if you were a little smarter and stronger you'd stand a chance.

>> No.9546084

DESU, if otome is as dead as everyone claims it is, and seeing as it's such an overlap with lolita anyway, we should totally just steal the name, maybe allow for a little more quirkiy shit in Lolita and call it a day.

>Tfw feel dirty saying lolita aloud cause even though very few people have read the book where I'm from, weeb culture was fucking rampant and everyone now thinks lolita refers to lolicon.

>> No.9546086

Fuck forgot about filters, don't mind me

>> No.9546093

I'm smart enough not to have to look up the meaning of the word "abundant".

>> No.9546109
File: 1.93 MB, 1000x1546, 1498966501125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you aren't smart enough to not be a white knight. Your intellectual level is abyssimal.

Hahaha, don't make me laugh, weeb.

>> No.9546116

Otome is an okay choice, but otome already has some of its own negative connotations.

Otome is sometimes used to describe female otakus, and searching the word "otome" on google will get you tons of pictures of reverse harem games.

That said, "Otome" is still way better than "lolita". It would help distance the community from confused fetishists.

>> No.9546125

I agree, as a male non-native to this board or cosplay in general, whenever I hear of lolita the only thing that comes to mind is loli

>> No.9546132

What's wrong with being associated with otome games? I mean, it's a little weeby but it's nowhere near being associated with pedophilia. There's no way we could change the name of the fashion now, but calling it otome to other people sounds a lot more wholesome to me.

>> No.9546168

Oh, I agree. Otome is a big improvement. I was just pointing out the downsides if it ever caught on.

The ideal solution would be to find a new word for the fashion that doesn't currently have negative connotations. Maybe a Japanese word for 'graceful', 'charming', 'delightful', or something else along those lines.

I also agree that changing to an entirely new word would be much tougher than simply co-opting 'otome'.

>> No.9546172

People don't tend to avoid the filter for desu on this board anyway, everyone knows what you really mean so people have carried on using it ironically.

Why is nobody picking up that Mr. Image Replies is an obvious crossboarding troll?

>> No.9546173

Why are you people here?
You are pissing in a sea of piss.

>> No.9546179

Oh, that part is obvious. It does get confusing though when the trolls, during the course of trolling, leave an opening to be trolled themselves. It's bad trollmanship.

>> No.9546181

What's your point? You're just like all the other weebs here, don't try and pretend to 'rise above'.

Typical, lol.

>> No.9546194
File: 94 KB, 639x703, 1477793065074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh, they still think they're smarter than me. They're so focused they don't realize what's going on.

Case and point >>9546179

I like to think of it as helping your community. They're releasing their stress on me and working together instead of your usual pointless bickering.

>> No.9546204

The singularity is real

>> No.9546206

Holy fucking shit I'll leave you to your bickering but first
*Case in point
Punctuation use it.

Do you realise how fucking dense you two sound? /salt

>> No.9546207

You don't know what the phrase "pissing in a sea of piss" means, do you?

>> No.9546221

Another costumer. Hello new friend, would you like some of the cheese with that wine? Or some water for your salt.

You don't know what the term "What's your point, you're still a weeb" means do you? Because you're still a weeb.

Hahaha look at all you nerds. It's like you're a bunch of losers, OH wait...

>> No.9546226
File: 1.32 MB, 500x280, tumblr_o9rtakFyvm1r87g0to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooops forgot my pic.

>> No.9546228

I dislike sailor collars. They look cute on many, but I dislike them so I get sad when items featuring them are released.

>> No.9546394


>> No.9546416

>His statement is backed by a four-continent effort involving 239 studies and data from 10.6 million people. The collaborative and comprehensive study — one of the largest to date
There was another study with the same findings just a couple weeks ago, but I can't find the link. Listen, I personally don't care about what you weigh, everyone has some unhealthy habits and I think it's hypocritical to pretend fat hate is justified just because it's unhealthy. But at the same time, it's incredibly dangerous to spread misinformation from some random GP promoting a book who's the only person that news site could get to tell them being overweight was like totally good, guys! and drive up page views. Sage for off topic.

>> No.9546419

I hope you're joking, I really do.

>> No.9546574

I was under the impression that mall goths were baby bats that didn't know where else to hang out/were too young to hang out anywhere cooler?

>> No.9546667

A baby bat can be a mall goth but mall goth can be someone who has been a goth for years.
Baby bats are newbies and still finding thier way
Mall goths usually shop mall stores like hot topic and yellow rat bastard and hang around the mall even if they can do better. They might be into it as part of a phase or trend.

>> No.9546689

I've never see people getting angry for having a bag of their husbands, if anything they're super excited about it

>threads for them are filled with weeb trash
this whole website is filled with weeb trash tho

>> No.9547314

It's not gay if they have a feminine penis

>> No.9547320

I can't disagree.

>> No.9547681

I kinda think itabags are an invention of anime goods companies because people weren't buying enough random character junk.

>> No.9547780

take that back. super Pochaco is my wife and I'd cos her if I wasn't so shy. she's cute af

>> No.9547791

Your waifu is a whale.

>> No.9547815

I feel this. I have one, but I also would probably cringe if I saw one outside of a con in real life. I only got one so I could carry it around at cons and attract other fans since the series isn't super popular anymore, but I know there's quite a few people who wear theirs out and about. It also matches a cosplay I wear a lot, so.

>inb4 why would I spend hundreds of dollars of merch not to use it

It's just...a lot.

>> No.9547819

So bitter that I didn't have much sweet when the Sugary Carnival OTT trend was a thing. Decided to switch over to primarily sweet and it promptly died.

>> No.9547831

I'm one of those people who wear their itabags out and about and I get what you mean by it being a lot. When I enter fancier establishments, I tend to hide the front because all that weeb shit is just so out of place lol. On the other hand, if I'm extra enough to drop a bunch of cash on ultimately useless merch of my favourite anime character, why not go all the way and make the most out of it. It helps that I live in a big city and that I'll probably never interact with the people who cringe at me anyway.

>> No.9547968

Part of the fun for me is the secretly competitive aspect of lolita. I like seeing people try their best to outdo everyone, and it makes me proud to be apart of such a well dressed comm

>> No.9548009

NAYRT but Pochaco is also my waifu. She may be terrifically fat in ways that defy human imagination, but she is also a beautiful, brave girl.

>> No.9548033

I don't think everyone can do cosplay. If you are fat, like having rols hanging from your sides.
Either change the outfit to fit you or lose weight.
I am loosing weight, not only for cosplay, but one of my cosplay dreams is Superman. I have lost 50 pound or 25 kg in one year.
And at the same time you can do what ever the fudge you want. That doesn't mean i wont be cringing my ass off. Just be conscious that people will laugh or talk behind your back. Be healthy my friends!

>> No.9548086

>A lot of lolitas need to grow a fucking personality

Beyond being catty and bitchy af, I've left comms because most of the people in them were incredibly BORING. If lolita is the only interesting thing about you then damn..

>> No.9548115

this is one of my main beefs with going to meetups anymore. it seems like everyone's primary interest outside of lolita is anime, and i literally don't watch any anime or play japanese games so i have nothing in common with anyone. where my csgo lolitas at?

>> No.9548117

sucks to be you huh

>> No.9548119

i kind of feel this. a lot of the lolitas i've talked to in the past claim to have the same hobbies that i do, but when we actually get down to it it seems like they only have a passing interest in them... my hobbies are pretty traditional and feminine so i get the impression that they say they do them just to seem more lifestyle-y. getting real tired of it real fast.

>> No.9548132

stop projecting

>> No.9548135

You could start doing this and if someone gives you shit, remind them of the essays Takemoto Novala wrote for otome girls and tell them you were inspired by him.

>> No.9548136

IBS is a result of poor diet or hypersensitivity to certain foods acquired in early childhood from bad parents who coddled their children too much, much like how asthma and allergies are autoimmune problems.

No one should ever need to use a public restroom, go at home before you go out lol

>> No.9548137

I've seen Japanese lolitas use otona alice

>> No.9548168

I don't think you know what that word means anon

>> No.9548171

you are competitive so you assume other lolitas are secretly competitive too

>> No.9548172

I'm nayrt...

>> No.9548174

NAYRT but... i think it's pretty obvious that a lot of lolitas are. this is a lifestyle deeply rooted in materialism and mild hubris. it's not a bad thing, so there's no need to get your bloomers in a bunch.

>> No.9548196

You honestly don't mean to tell me that when you're planning out your coord, you don't think about how everyone else will dress? For me, I want to make sure I'm not underdressed because there are girls in my comm who can dress really well. Like >>9548174 said, it's not a bad thing. It keeps things interesting for me anyway, and it challenges me to push my coords
>I guess this is a rather unpopular opinion after all

>> No.9548199

That person >>9548171 is just extremely introverted and has no concept of how to interact with others in a social setting, so they assume its OK to not think about how everyone else will look. Its something that is rather common in the modern era and honestly kind of upsetting that people seem to support this behavior of "justByourself!!"

They even go as far as to say that people who are overly concerned with what others think, as if that is even possible... are fake or vain.

>> No.9548217

Dressing for the situation is not the same as using your style to compete with other people, especially with such a 'weird' style that you know a lot of people don't like.

I know there are a lot of lolitas that are, I just think you shouldn't assume all other lolitas are secretly competing too. Just look at the massive amount of itas and ''lolita has no rules!!'' types. If competitive lolitas were in the majority there would be a lot more people posting to CoF and trying to dress better.

>> No.9548222

anon was obviously referencing people who actually dress well, not itas and "lolita has no rules" types. CoF is the perfect example of a competitive lolita environment as well.

>> No.9548237


Never take news articles as a source for anything. For example this one is written by a guy who wrote a book about high cholesterol being good for you, but then had a company that sold heart health supplements and used to prescribe them to his patients to make money out of them. He's a quack. Of course he is gonna rec being slightly overweight cos it means more things he can sell to people. Use real sources if you're gonna make a point.

>> No.9548251
File: 75 KB, 840x644, aoKMN5O03_840w_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preaching science shit they read on wikipedia when they have no friends with IBS or actually felt what its like to have it

you have no idea what kind of a tragic fucking condition IBS is you insensitive bitch, i'd like to see you try to wear anything remotely nice or expensive with this hellish disease, i hope you shit yourself uncontrollably when you're old and wrinkled,
IBS is literally the worst thing ever and pure suffering for everyone who has it and wants to wear lolita

>> No.9548340

People were buying multiples of merch to "support the show" before itabags existed, they're a natural extension of that as a better way to display it.

>> No.9548342

Itabags are fun for people who aren't very good at coordinating because the main idea is to staple as much random stuff as you can all over the bag and its one of the few innocent lets have fun things in this culture still left. Not everything has to be serious elitism general you know..

>> No.9548346

>Itabags are fun for people who aren't very good at coordinating
This has nothing to do with coordinating though? Like, I'm pretty damn good at putting together coordinates but I like collecting shit and putting together cool looking ita bags of favorite characters. But yes, it's innocent fun. If someone gets their bloomers in a twist over itabags, they can just participate in something else of their interests. But this is /cgl/ where everyone is edgy tryhard serious because they have something to prove apparently.

>> No.9548349

If you are good at coordinating and make itabags there's nothing wrong with it. But too often you see people who are just starting out want to do itabags and make crappy half-assed cosplays and never get any better. They appeal to newbies a lot and people "just wanting to have fun", and don't really have a high barrier of effort.
Cosplay and lolita fashion should be at least somewhat inaccessible to people who aren't willing to devote more than an hour's time and $50 to it and itabags kind of don't help with that since they can be made cheaply, easily, and are essentially conglomerates of random trash dollarbie collectibles like tin buttons and stickers (excluding actually well-made, amazing itabags of course)

>> No.9548352

I hate to ask but i have a morbid curiosity...
has anyone ever like... soiled themselves while in burando? please tell me that doesn't happen right

>> No.9548354

That's a specific question, did you wash yours after soiling It?

The longer you take the more it sets in.

>> No.9548359

As someone with IBS, a thousand times no. My problem is that I get bloated really easily from wearing things on my waist. Even if it's loose by a couple of inches when I put it on, I will have bloated up to the point of looking pregnant in a couple of hours. Then I get really painful tummy cramps too. It fucking sucks.

>> No.9548360


>> No.9548379

IBS isn't exactly shitting oneself's uncontrollably. They just need a bathroom. They make it to the bathroom. If one's bowel habits get to the point that one is straight out shitting their clothing, it becomes incontinence, not IBS.

>> No.9548384

Also not being able to poop or poop properly eg. constipation accompanied by bloat, pain, gas, etc

>> No.9548406

This too. I'm not an expert on IBS, but I know enough about it to know they aren't shitting themselves. I'm sure those affected by IBS get very upset when people make that assumption.

>> No.9548418

Wow you must be new to the comm. Not everyone is that chill, if you turn up looking like an ita they will still talk about you behind your back with the other lolitas.

>> No.9548436

Loli/lolita actually doesn't mean child porn or whatever people in this place seem to think. It's just a character that looks like a child. That's why Lain, who is god knows how old and not even a person, is a loli.

>> No.9548437

No, I'm in Europe

>> No.9548452

You shut your damn mouth blashpemer, don't you dare talk about my waifu again!

Do I make myself clear!?!?!

>> No.9548507

She's flat chested, a loli

>> No.9548564

I think exactly the same and also happen to be an ex-fatty too. I also kinda think I'm a horrible mean person for thinking like this, but then again, if I'm a bad person then I just am. Anonymous discussion is what keeps me from publicly airing these kind of opinions, anyway. If your body looks like it belongs to a pig, it's time to stop eating so fucking much.

>> No.9548585

30-34% can barely make it I think, anything above that is hella too fat to be cute in lolita. Around 20% - 29% range is the ultimate best. 15-19% looks flat as cardboard shit and the dresses would droop weirdly instead of draping beautifully along the body. Fight me for knowing that it's not "unrealistic standards".

>> No.9548594

This shows a basic lack of understanding of weeb etymology. A lolicon was originally (like 30 years ago) a young character yes, then the word became associated with child porn, and the modern use of "loli" on /a/ to mean an extremely young-looking character is a kind of ironic shortening of the word lolicon for child porn.

>> No.9548619

I don't accept stuff like that. When I see someone use wrong words, eg kodona, I slap them. Luckily I don't live in the US and the people in my comm try to use the appropriate words.
>A lolicon was originally (like 30 years ago) a young character

>> No.9548674

>lolita should be an 18+ hobby
Why? If you do your research and know right from wrong, starting to build a wardrobe and wear lolita before turning 18 is good. With a part time job and without paying for life expenses, it's a good time window for buying brand. I owned 11 brand dresses (8 AP, 3 Baby) before turning 18, plus brand shoes, bags, blouses, socks, accessories, etc.

>> No.9548722

Yep, I was surprised when I found out too.

>Shortly after publication, this bit of trashy reading was translated into Japanese, the term was then referenced in the 1974 shoujo manga Stumbling Upon A Cabbage Field, an Alice In Wonderland parody. Already do we have Alice, the Lolita's patron saint, being mingled with the word "Lolita"! After this first usage, in the late 70's and early 80's, "lolicon", as it was then shortened to, was used in reference to fan-favorite girly characters. Many early anime characters that had the otaku term "lolita" aimed at them were often simply cute female characters, largely from shoujo series, and there seemed to be significantly less stigma against the term at the time. It seems to have had a much "tamer" definition than it is infamous for now. Although the Lolita fashion would not be named such until many years later, both of these ideals had their roots in this era.

The quote's from fyeahlolita's old post on why lolita is called lolita, but I can't link it because 4chan always thinks blogspot links are spam.

>> No.9548724

Clearly I didn't mean itas, hence why I commented how well dressed my comm is in my op

>> No.9548768

I think she means lolicon were the people who liked those characters

>> No.9548805

What did I tell you!?!?!?!?!


>> No.9548808

You genuinely triggered me anon. Mana is perfection.

>> No.9548816

Why is it wrong to use self-tanner or tan yourself to be more accurate to a tan character? I'm not talking like they are black or Greek I mean like tanned from the sun naturally

>> No.9548895

"""""brolitas""""" are a shame

>> No.9548910

Nobody says that it's bad...? I think the only people who would have a problem with that would be pale, fat weeabs that hate girls who use tanning stuff.
>"I'm not like the other girls :^) "

>> No.9549020

The 35%-39% body fat example seems out of place or something. Ironically the 40-44% looks better to me.

I guess it goes to show that it's not only how much fat you have, but how you look with it. Once you reach 45% I think "how you carry it" no longer matters though.

>> No.9549021

This morning I woke up to a notification from most of the larger cosplay communities about this shit. Thousands of comments from faglords getting super butthurt, including a black friend who is admittedly dumber than she thinks she is and causes shit for no reason, flipping the fuck out over this Bayek cosplayer. Its not blackfacing, these morons have ruined that word.

>> No.9549026

I think they're gross and have no place in lolita.

>> No.9549049
File: 3.46 MB, 1440x1862, 1491522250177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot of transactivists and trans women here that bring tumblr flavored libfeminism into the board

>> No.9549064

They have no place on this earth.

>> No.9549072

True. There is no good reason for a man to want to wear frilly dresses like that. (I'm obviously excluding people who do drag or similar things)

Guys who wear boystyle/ouji or whatever are fine though.

>> No.9549076

Alot of people view it as black facing and an insult to POC.

>> No.9549081

Is what I was referencing to.
https://m.facebook com/story.php?story_fbid=1884307475227157&id=1474513419539900

>> No.9549083

I think punk lolita is the best substyle
I think all people who argue that substyles are themes are newfags

>> No.9549091

I think Lolita needs more terfs

>> No.9549099

I really like this. Am I correct to assume this is referring to Alice in Wonderland? Google shows 'otona' means 'grown up', and 'grown up Alice' fits very well with the aesthetic in my mind.

In general, Alice seems like a decent way to explain the fashion to normies.

I think boystyle/ouji looks much worse on men than frilly dresses do. I can't think of a single example where poofy shorts looked okay on a dude.

>> No.9549115

It honestly depends on where you are and how tan it is. In some places nobody cares but in others they do.

>> No.9549129
File: 65 KB, 427x640, C58A23F6-BD5E-403A-A26F-2F982410F290-594-00000067B8ECB8C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree in some aspects and disagree in others. Boys look so much better in aristo or elegant boy style (think buttcapes more masculine things).

But. If a male is pretty and waifish, and doesn't talk too much, I don't see why not for Lolita.
>pic related

That said folks of either gender can fuck off with the sissy shit or kink stuff. You can do what you want in your bedroom but leave it out of the comm at large.

>> No.9549131

It's goofy as fuck, but at least it's not a 5 o clock shadow in BTSSB.

>> No.9549144

I would love to call this fashion otome instead of lolita.

Especially since DDLG shit has been so ~trendy~ lately a lot of the wrong connotation lolita is gaining traction.

>> No.9549153

NAYRT but minors ruin everything, the girls in my comm that are under 18 are so try hard, edgy and annoying in general, most of them are spoiled brats. Plus you can't have meeting with alcohol/ smoking.

>> No.9549157

>Plus you can't have meeting with alcohol/ smoking.
are they prohibiting you from drinking?

>> No.9549197

Wahg, that cuteness is not fair

>> No.9549290
File: 14 KB, 250x250, poor sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't think of a single example where poofy shorts looked okay on a dude.

Why you gotta come for me like this

>> No.9549301

Sora's shorts are actually skintight, his legs just have really fucked up fat distribution. Anon's point still stands.

>> No.9549304

You can have over-18s meets without having an over-18s comm/hobby. I've met a lot of annoying weeby teens but I've also met enough teens that were fine to be around and enthusiastic about the hobby that I think it's pointless totally banning them - there's a 16-year-old in my comm that's pretty chill. I joined a comm when I was 17 and I like to think I wasn't a total embarrassment back then - I could dress myself and communicate without screaming, at least.

Plus IME (small sample size of course) comms that ban under-18s end up with very little new blood and tend to stagnate after a couple of years.

>> No.9549330

It's better, but I can already hear the questions of "did you know the writer of alice in wonderland did drugs? DO YOU DO DRUGS?"

Though I'd rather have people think I take LSD than have some sort of pedo kink

Agreed. I mean Otome sounds slightly weeby I guess but at least it won't have everyone and their grandmother jumping to conclusions over the name. They can at least jump to conclusions over the clothes themselves.

>> No.9549342

There's also a whole thing about how Lewis Carrol may have been a paedophile with an unhealthy fascination with Alice, can't get away from people that want to read sex into things.

>> No.9549350

Ntayrt but I've seen so much bitching and complaining about 18+ meets being "exclusionary" to understand why some people might just want to ban all teens and avoid the fuss.

At least if they're not in the com they can't whine on the com page/event pages.

>> No.9549354

Mte, it doesn't matter what you call lolita fashion, people will shit on you for wearing something unusual no matter what

>> No.9550191

Lolita needs no kind of feminists at all, period. Feminists ruin everything because they make everything about their trendy ideology.

>> No.9550196

If there we're any """""brolitas"""""" in my comm I wouldn't go to any meets with them. I'm just wearing weird fashion [no ideologies attached] which in itself attracts attention in public, I don't need sissy transvestites beside me to chase off any poor normie soul who likes my style and decides to innocently compliment me on it. Just no.

Also trans and queer and whatever people who make meets and fashion solely about their perverse ideas of their body/sexuality need to fuck off and shut their mouths for a second. I'm here for the fashion, not your sob story I never asked anything about. Social justice and feminism also need to burn and be gone, people need to stop making things about issues they're not ACTUALLY about.

>> No.9550241

I disagree. Just because they can pass for a girl doesn't mean they're a man wanting to wear a dress.

>> No.9550248

Skirt coords look terrible and unbalanced 99,99% of the time. I Wish lolita brands would Just stop Making skirts already.

>> No.9550254

Do you mean it looks unbalanced because the overly busy print is only on less than half your body instead of all over the place?

>> No.9550272

Yes! Also with a solid skirt and a blouse, it Just looks like two Blocks of Color stacked on top of each other, if that makes sense? It can sometimes work if you add a cardigan with a different Color but most lolitas don't do that.

>> No.9550276

This is why I only wear black. Skirts are the best.

>> No.9550291

>No one should ever need to use a public restroom, go at home before you go out lol

Like... do you just mean pooping or pissing too?

>> No.9550294

Yeah I actually did poop myself (kind of). Thought it was a fart. It was not just a fart. Didn't get past my underwear, let alone my bloomers, but still gross.

I don't have IBS, I'm just nasty.

>> No.9550307

The skirts are really good for people who want to wear more casual styles though.

>> No.9550313

You're gonna get laughed at and talked about anyway, so do whatever you want.

I'll never get the "you shouldn't cosplay because you're fat" concept.

>> No.9550318

They basically already did, AP barely ever release skirt cuts these days.

>> No.9550348

Not sure how unpopular this opinion is but
I love Venus Angelic. I think shes sweet and quirky. Her cringe has really toned down since she left her mother, and now her personality seems genuine as opposed to artificial when she was stuck with Maggot.

>> No.9550366

I agree with you! I never hated her before the whole drama with her mother, just thought she was slightly annoying/not my cup of tea. Now that she's gotten away from her mom though, her true personality really shines through in her videos, which are uplifting and fun to watch.

>> No.9550397

People who say certain j-fashions are boring are attention seekers who only dress that way to distinguish themselves to normies, and have confused how they dress with their personality.

Larme isn't dying, it's been going strong for many years already, if you think it's a flash trend it's because you're a lot more ignorant and uninformed about what's popular in Japan than you think.

>> No.9550428

Or they just fine it boring.

>> No.9550449

See point above that one.

I have the right to stare, touch and take photos of women who put themselves on display like that. They're asking for it.

>> No.9550484

People only started hated replicas because it gave a chance for fatties to wear Lolita and most Lolitas are too appearance conscious and can't stand having to have their eyes stained by a tub of roll trying to frill it up so they do whatever they can to 'gatekeep' the fashion from fatty-chans. Being against Replicas is just one more tactic among anorexia-chans' never ending quest to kick fatties out. How do I know this? Cause even the fatties that are against replicas and buy Brand only and get it altered in order to fit are STILL mocked and shamed by the comm! (i.e. Tifaret) Look, y'all should just admit you hate fat people already and get it over with, its not hard kek!

Some Indie brands (Western even!) are either equally on par or surpass 'actual' brand.

OTT Classic looks like hideous grandma-kei and makes you look 20 years older which no woman should ever want!

JetJ is an Ita brand, their prints are tacky as fuck!

Self-righteous Lolitas on their high horses who love to look down on ageplayers/fetishts in the fashion are just lying to themselves. When it comes down to it, humans IN GENERAL are into fashion and dressing up just in order to attract a mate. lmao ya really think we actually do this for OURSELVES and our own enjoyment? If our respective attracted sex didn't give a fuck about what we wore or how we looked we wouldn't either cause like, who WOULDN'T just love to be a lazy slob and hang around all day wearing just a t-shirt & jeans if they could get away with it? Dressing up is too much work and especially in a fashion like Lolita, IS UNCOMFORTABLE TOO!

Also most Lolitas that shit on Ageplayers are probably just single spinsters who are jelly they can't attract a guy! ^:) (or girl, if lesbian/bi)

>> No.9550519


I agree with the other two, but are we talking hoverhands hug or a titty squeeze here?

>> No.9550531

That's some very high-investment bait, must have taken you ages to write that out in appropriate teen ita style. Here's your (you)

>> No.9550532

Is this bait or are you just retarded? People admit they hate fat people on here all the time. Skinny lolitas also get shamed for replicas.

>> No.9550555

Wow I knew my opinions were unpopular but I didn't think they'd be THAT unpopular as to be taken as bait, guess I truly have fulfilled this thread's purpose.

>Skinny lolitas get shamed too!

Yes but you have to admit fatties get it harder.

>> No.9550579
File: 241 KB, 297x397, 1377047214810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound fat and really mad anon, calm down. Tifferet looked terribad and she ruined a highly demanded dress with her shit skills which is why people "hated" on her. Fat people look bad in anything, Chubby girls or girls that don't look like hamplanets can actually look good. Hell, some hamplanets actually have a cute face but they're so fat it ruins everything (boobloaf,looking like a stuffed sausage).
>muh anorexia chan conspiracy
You're making a fool out of yourself

But after reading further about how apparently we can't dress for ourselves because "human nature", not only are you making a fool out of yourself but you actually are one. Not really surprising anyway.

Sage for responding to probable bait

>> No.9550584

Of course, they're gross and a shame to the community, they deserve to be shamed. Also, sorry you don't fit in JetJ but to call it and ita brand is the most autistic thing I've read on this thread.

>> No.9550610

>Thinking Jesus and Mona Lisa museum-like prints actually look good

Dat taste... Seriously though I don't say this out of spite, if you're looking for an actual tasteful and gorgeous classic brand try going for MM instead. That I definitely can't fit into (most western lolis in general can't) but coming from normie fashion even I can notice when something is tasteful or just full out cringe.

But hey if you wanna go around looking like a walking museum and making 'painting-kei' a thing, be my guest! More AP for me.

>> No.9550641

Calm down, you know how your heart gets with high blood pressure. Please stay hydrated and take brakes between typing sentences. We don't want you to overwork yourself.

Do you have a towel to wipe off your sweat?

>> No.9550649

Fatties get shamed less because one of the main reasons to buy a replica is that you're too fat for the real thing. If you fit the real thing that takes away one of the most logical reasons to buy a replica.

>> No.9550753


You got to ambitious anon, this would have been a fiiiine piece otherwise.

>> No.9550772

Come off it, that typing style's obviously not sincere unless this is babby's first day on 4chan.

>> No.9550849

I agree you are getting too worked up only because you messed up your ":^)". I've never seen you mess up the face before.

You typed "^:)".

>> No.9551197

10/10 best made up story!

>> No.9552460

Swankiss and Liz Lisa are boring brands and overpriced.

>> No.9553421

I don't understand why some lolitas leave the fashion because of drama. I mean, you can hate other lolitas and keep loving the clothes? You can wear the clothes without posting pictures online all the time? It is ultimately just clothes. Unless you have some serious PTSD that is triggered by lolita clothes because you happened to be wearing the fashion when the traumatic event occurred, I just don't see any reason for it.

>> No.9557717

I know right?
There's drama in every single group of people.
Just ignore them and move along. Simple!

>> No.9557865

A popular opinion