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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.9526728

How interested would you guys be in a table display generator? I was thinking of making one for people to create a table mockup and share them or use them as a guide; like a table dress up game essentially. May do it all in flash and a ton of display options.

>> No.9526738


Not scummy, you're just putting all the labor back on yourself. Also, pretty common for people who do smaller prints!

>> No.9526759

I would love this

>> No.9526768

I would love this as an AA newbie

>> No.9526810

How many websites do you guys post your art on? Do you find that being spread out over more websites helps get you traffic/exposure?

>> No.9526813

I've just never had a problem with people taking too many business cards. Even had giant conventions, barely anyone takes a card.
I'm a craft artist though, so maybe that is it? Are people more likely to take cards from artists than crafters?
I bought 500 business cards and 6 conventions later, I still have at least 100 left.

>> No.9526959

I'd appreciate it. Honestly, I do my mock ups on Paint of all programs, just to give me rough idea before I go out and buy display stuff.

>> No.9526961

Four for me. Personal website, Facebook, tumblr, and Instagram. There are different communities on each site. Not everyone has an account everywhere, and there's really no harm in posting in multiple places.

>> No.9526987
File: 51 KB, 933x959, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this sometimes happen? Just going back and forth between two countries like that.

>> No.9527005

>How many websites do you guys post your art on?
as many as i have the patience for. tumblr, twitter, deviantart, instagram, facebook and my own website. rarely i update youtube as well.

>Do you find that being spread out over more websites helps get you traffic/exposure?
i think so. i did a few experiments where i posted a link to a livestream i was doing on select platforms, and the crowd was different depending on the site i chose to advertise it on. i also got the most viewers when advertising on all platforms at once

>> No.9527007

>Not everyone has an account everywhere
This. Each site has its own sort of demographic, and there's no harm in targeting all of them. Of course, maybe it's not worth the time to post on furaffinity if you're not planning on catering to that audience at all. Personally, I have twitter, DA, and tumblr. I'm planning on branching out to instagram soon too.

>> No.9527009

That's usually because of the route I think? It's easier for them to deliver certain packages on a certain route...or something like that. I once sent out a package literally to the next town over (probably could have delivered it myself even) and it went across the country before it was delivered haha

>> No.9527044


Not the original anon, but I've always wondered if the possible overlaps bother people/does it come across as spamming? Have any of you noticed this at all?

>> No.9527060
File: 268 KB, 1231x866, socialmediaposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram following a chart like pic related. I usually schedule the posts where possible, so I can spend more time on art. I also use Youtube, but I've only started to post art stuff, so not much traffic yet.
I also have a personal portfolio site, but only the best stuff goes there.

>> No.9527104

This is really helpful. I've noticed a similar time pattern with deviantart but haven't had a chance to look into other social media yet.

>> No.9527129

This always confused me, since everyone lives in a different time zone. For stuff like facebook more likely to be your own but for things like tumblr, it is very possible that most people aren't in your timezone at all.

>> No.9527159

It might affect how many views you get through tags rather than your direct followers.
But I guess this would probably depend on the site, Tumblr seems to have more US users whereas Twitter and Instagram seem to be more globally distributed.

>> No.9527185

You can throw the instagram one right out the window since they did away with chronological posting. Before that happened, I found the best time to post for me was between 7-9am.

>> No.9527224

It's really annoying they did that. That and I feel like it's nearly impossible to get any traffic on my art posts there.

>> No.9527249

Just look at steam stats for example http://store.steampowered.com/stats/ Even though steam is international, there is a very clear time when the most amount of people are logged in.

>> No.9527264


Hmm so I guess you follow about the mid to east coast US timezone then? For example, I live on the west coast, so following the guide I would be later than most.

On a side note, I'm surprized that steam heaviest times are during noon or so. Either they are choosing a strange time zone for most of their users, or the average steam user has nothing better to do during the day

>> No.9527283

It's in the timezone of the person viewing it, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.9527288

Does anyone have a good method of organizing their print stock for conventions? I'm looking for a way to keep my prints within reach and have them easy enough to pull out. Oh, I'm stocking large 13x18 prints btw.

>> No.9527305

I like to keep my prints in an artist portfolio book. I know some people have luggage with dividers specifically for holding documents, but if you're selling 13x18 a 13x19 portfolio may be good for you?

>> No.9527308

When I order prints I keep the box and separate each print with cardboard labeled in between them. I cut one of the sides so I can stand it up and just pull them out from the open side, then close the flap at the end of the day.

>> No.9527311

I don't think so. I sort of tailor which art I post to the website. Like finished pieces go to deviantart, twitter has more wips, etc. I also follow other artists and I'm not really bothered when they post the same thing on multiple platform, though I cannot speak for others.

>> No.9527313

You can also sleeve them beforehand.

>> No.9527319

that is right

It is when most people are awake. In Europe, that is around 6 to 10 pm, so once it is around 6pm here, they are asleep.

>> No.9527338

I'm looking to translate my artwork to pins, since that seems to be the hip-happening craze lately (also late to the party) Could anyone recommend some manufacturers they have dealt with in pin making? It's been kinda hard asking other artists about their manufacturers... I might as well try here.

>> No.9527339

Christ that sounds super clever. I'm gonna try that out for myself. Thanks!

>> No.9527372

Sorry if this is a dumb question but do Ghibli prints sell for you guys? I know they're a classic and this might not make sense but I'm wondering if they're TOO classic. Like in my case, I'd always recognize and love seeing a good Ghibli print but would probably not buy one because they're always...there? or something lol. Basically I wouldn't buy it.

But yeah I have an idea for a Ghibli drawing that I want to do but I'm not sure if it'd be worth making into a print.

>> No.9527374

I do this too! I put my separate my prints by putting all of the same design into a sleeve instead of using cardboard separators because I'm afraid of them getting damaged, but this is the easiest way to organize/transport prints without buying something extra.

>> No.9527383

Like most ultra-popular series; You're only going to get sales if your composition/art style stand out among a sea of the same merch over and over again.

>> No.9527415

Would these work well for print bags?

>> No.9527433


Thanks guys! I'll definitely do that from now on, glad I asked before ordering!

>> No.9527455

Are these measurements in CM?

Here's the ones I use for 11x17

Its almost a perfect fit, and looks really great when sleeved and given to the customer. You can browse other sizes and buy in other quantities from the seller's hop.

>> No.9527459
File: 18 KB, 405x405, ffGGln3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently judging 200+ apps by myself for 65 AA tables and I want to pull my hair out. Guys, as a fellow artist, and an AA head that decides your fate, PLEASE, make sure your gallery links work. I have a lot of apps with a whole lot of different styles to try and judge fairly. If your url is completely broken, like to the point I can't just fix it with one keystroke (looking at you everyone that put http//) I will get very frustrated and probably be more salty when judging your art, or, if I can't find it at all (like if your aa name is strawberry pancakes or something general like that) I will just give up and your app is auto declined... Oh, and a personal twitter/insta does not count as a gallery. I want your art not someone else's you reblogged or your bad jokes. It says it on the app. Please guys, especially if your art is great, don't make me auto disqualify you.

Sorry. Bit of a mini rant there, so I apologize.

As a general question, what is everyone's opinion on non-anime artist in a very obviously anime con AA? I'm against it since its not related to our convention's entire purpose, but some of my non-artist judges are a bit more on the fence.

>> No.9527462

If it's a non-anime style depicting anime characters, go for it. It adds style variety and is in line with your convention.

If it's non-anime style depicting non-anime characters, I'd give preference to artists whose content is on topic for your event. While there's nothing wrong with a primarily anime table having a Steven Universe and Mass Effect print, if ALL their inventory is western then they really should be tabling at western cons, and the table space should go towards an artist who will cater towards what the attendees bought their ticket to see.

But that's my opinion both as an AA artist and as a fellow staffer, so I might be biased.

>> No.9527463

>what is everyone's opinion on non-anime artist in a very obviously anime con AA?
Delet them mercilessly. I'm so sick of seeing the same pig nosed SU fanart at every anime convention I go to. Take that caca to a different con

>> No.9527464

wow, would you like some pepper with that salt anon

>> No.9527465

Why is it just you judging alone, if you don't mind me asking? That seems unfair to both you and the artists. They should give you a partner to help you with the work load, and for more than one opinion on the art. We've seen time and time again, that what one person thinks is shit, another loves and vice versa.

>> No.9527470

Depends. A lot of people come to anime cons for western shit too. I'd say if more than 50% of their roster is non-Japanese though then decline.

>> No.9527478

The apps in question are pretty much western style art of western series/comics/ect. I'd give it a pass if it was tangentially related, but it some cases I think the line has become a bit too blurry between "anime can" and "general pop culture con"-especially since my con is listed as and anime convention specifically.

I don't mind you asking at all. Truth be told, I would love a partner. But the age old "conventions are understaffed" rings true for my con, especially this early before our con. I'm the only person we have that's qualified and as unbiased as we can get, I have no "friends" I feel like I have to favor/slip in, which has been a problem previously and have previous irl work experience in stuff that's very much related. I made myself a strict individual point rubric (like high school art class, hah) and am trying to weigh more heavily on variety than anything else. Of course, you are right, I have my own opinion on all of it. So anything I feel like I'm judging too harshly I do ask for help judging...but the other "helpers" don't do anything really art related so their opinion are more like your best friends and family telling you how great you draw. Sweet, but not the most helpful.

>> No.9527487

I'm happy to hear you're not doing the "my friends get in" thing!
Just food for thought, too, maybe the other people you ask for a second opinion who don't have art experience is a good thing. Sometimes what consumers want is different than what artists want. As artists we can see all the little flaws and imperfections, but normies can't. We may know why something sucks, but the rest of the crowd adores it for some dumb reason. In the end, you're gonna want to please the consumers over artists. Yeah you'll have artists as attendees too, but most people won't be?

>> No.9527494
File: 198 KB, 500x500, 679d0a9448e190a9558f8200329b17e79a8cf635_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably very right...I'm probably not valuing their opinion as a fan/customer enough. I'm on my "fellow artist" high horse. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hmm...I'll probably finish my first run through of the apps and then take the apps that made the first cut to them for the final decision. That way I can be my picky artist self and make sure the general quality and variety is there, but then they can actually judge what's more like they'd want to see as a customer. I'm super tired so that was actually very helpful. Thanks anon, hah.

>> No.9527496

If they're applying to an anime con with non anime related art I'd pass on them. It's really become annoying to go to anime cons and not see anime related things (outside FotM shit) in the AA. With 200 apps for 65 tables I'm sure there's plenty of other people to fill the spots.

>> No.9527524

Do you guys find that packaged sets of buttons bring in more sales vs individual buttons allowing customers to pick an assortment for like 6 buttons for 5 bucks.
I've been selling them individually for years now but I love how some tables have really nice packaged sets, they look so professional and clean. Most of my buttons are in sets of 3-5 anyway, but I'm afraid to switch over for fear of losing sales from people who only want their favorite characters. What do you do and do you find one method to be better than another.

>> No.9527528

>As a general question, what is everyone's opinion on non-anime artist in a very obviously anime con AA?

While I understand the urge to reject them and keep everything on theme, I think it's a bit shortsighted. You risk ending up with a pool of artists who all look the same and are offering the same things if you restrict it too much based on style or content. And while some artists and hardcore anime fans are tired of the SU and Overwatch prints, there are plenty of fans who enjoy those things as well as anime. There are also plenty of people at any anime con who are not into anime, either parents or SO's or friends supporting friends. And there is always the risk that strict guidelines like that mean you're passing on some really special artists who could have really cool or unique stuff but can't get into cons because they don't fit into the correct categories. If you ended up with a con with a majority of western art, I could see that being an issue, but I don't think it harms anyone to let in some people who can boost variety.

>> No.9527533

>t. "artist" who only sells shitty SU/Overwatch prints

>> No.9527536

All this person did was give their opinion, why the hell you salty?

Also, I agree with them. It can be good to have one or two booths to tide over the moms and siblings that get dragged to the con. Don't start making it the majority though, remember that it's an anime convention.

Before the salty anon accuses me of being a shitty Overwatch artist, my table is almost entirely anime or anime games like persona 5.

>> No.9527599

Any word on Crunchyroll Expo acceptance/rejection emails?? It's now past the deadline.

>> No.9527640

I think it depends on your sales--do you have people already buying sets or an assortment of characters from various series? If a majority already buy sets, it may work for you.

I love how professional it looks too, but it would personally cripple my button sales or be impossible. I have about 200+ buttons and counting and some series have 7-20 characters in them. I also only have 1-2 of each design in stock and make them at the table as needed instead of wasting parts. I usually put my buttons into a small resealable bag with my business card and I don't think people mind--some even open them right away and wear them. I do any 3 for $5 so a lot of people pick randomly for themselves and between friends, but I'll also offer combo prices for various series so people can get a set for a better price as well.

Maybe try introducing a few prepackaged sets at a future con alongside your current set up and see if it makes a difference?

>> No.9527657

Who shat in your breakfast? That anon isn't wrong. Variety boosts sales. At A-Kon, when print sales were down for everyone, I sold a pretty decent chunk of prints because I had a variety of things. My anime prints didn't move as much as my western stuff because of competition throughout the alley. Fandom variety is beneficial for both artists and customers. Artists can make more money off of underrepresented fandoms because they'll have the niche market, and customers can have a wide range of things to choose from instead of Sailor Moon, Ghibli, the Big Four, and FOTM anime.

Not to mention, there are artists who table at both anime and general fandom conventions and their portfolios have both western and anime pieces. Skill is a more important judging criteria than "is this person's work strictly anime?" I'm not saying that juries should completely disregard subject matter but also, I'd much rather have someone selling well-drawn Steven Universe fanart than some newbie trying to sell ugly My Hero Academia stuff.

>> No.9527702

Asking super early but for people who've applied to Ohayocon and been accepted, what kind of stuff did you have in your application? Did you show only original work?

>> No.9527752

Is this for Crunchyroll expo kek. Hurry up and give us our results slowpoke

>> No.9527777

>non-anime artist in a very obviously anime con AA?
There are plenty of non-anime genres that are popular at anime cons, like japanese video games, furry, lolita, homestuck, etc. As long as its not polar opposites like comic book related, probably fine.

>> No.9527826

SU fan artist detected

>> No.9527828

Go to AANI and search in the group.

>> No.9527995

No that anon, but this reminds me how I wish that there was a better platform for AA than god damn facebook. I wasn't an LJ user back in the day but it had a more organized system and you could tags things for easy searching. Facebook is less reliable and can be frustrating imo. I know forum like sites (LJ, actual forums) are out of style now a days, but I really do miss them. Much more organized for looking in the past discussions and filtering out people's borderline blog posts to get what you want

>> No.9528004

iirc crunchyroll expo announced they have thousands of apps, it's more likely anon is a smaller local con

>> No.9528042

People mentioned being waitlisted.

>> No.9528086

I'm not an artist myself, but I've collected quite a bit of prints, keychains, buttons ect over the years from AA. I notice a lot of people reselling charms and other art though. It doesn't usually look like it's for profit, but I personally feel like it's...weird? How do you guys feel as artists about having your items resold?

>> No.9528088

It feels sort of weird, but rationally thinking, since they bought it then it's their property now and they can do whatever they want with it.

>> No.9528221

Does anyone know when Derpycon will send emails out?

>> No.9528243

It's no different than selling some handmade rug you bought on Etsy in my opinion. It's yours. You bought it. You can resell it.

>> No.9528251

Yeah I have a ton of extra charms that I won't ever use that I've bought/received from trades that I kiiiinda wish I could resell but feel awkward since like I said some are from trades.

But imo as long as they're not doing it for profit (especially if the item is still in print) I don't mind.

>> No.9528331

No idea, I'm waiting too. Probably before the end of July since Aug 31 is the deadline for table refunds, right? Did you table there last year by any chance?

>> No.9528369

No. I'm the anon from the last thread you use to AA, stopped, and then just starting up again this year new.
Was Derpycon juried last year too? Is it difficult to get in?

>> No.9528407

This is my first year trying it actually! I think the jury is just a way to make sure they have a variety of merch (prints, plush, etc) according to their site. I wouldn't worry about it being difficult.

>> No.9528431
File: 11 KB, 400x173, Ever After - 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ordered my main prints that are about 20~or so 9x12's of each piece and tacked on about 10 of 2 different smaller prints because "why not"? and now I'm sitting here thinking "why?" I ordered a bunch of the big ones to have them on hand for other events and such, but the small ones are more likely to sell because they're smaller. If I'm offsetting this weird stock issue with the previously planned buttons and comissions/artist doodle cards, then do you think I'll be alright?

>> No.9528436
File: 752 KB, 1338x804, TableDisplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I have decided to put this project into full swing. Now I have to decide which orientation.

A or B?

>> No.9528444

Is B just with the walls on the side kind of "science fair" style like you see sometimes with the rail walls? And A is the same without the walls on the side?

This being said, does anyone have any handy set ups for when you don't have walls to hang art on?

>> No.9528453

A is the table straight on with no perspective, B is with perspective. The pvc pipe display is just there as an example.

>> No.9528471
File: 8 KB, 629x524, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH! Alright! I'd say don't worry about perspective. It complicates things. If you're going to work with perspective then I'd say do it in a fold out kind of way like this

>> No.9528501

sorry it's dumb question, but what's the Big Four?

>> No.9528620

Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, and I think Fairy Tail??

>> No.9528639

>Fairy Tail
It's 2017, not 2007. I'm pretty sure #4 is Attack on Titan.

>> No.9528647

Does AoT still count though? No one gives a shit about it anymore even with season 2 out. If anything My Hero Academia might fill that slot a little better.

>> No.9528695


The Big Four traditionally refers to manga in Japan so yes, AoT counts. Bleach is out as is Fairy Tail. Add in MHA and that's your new Big Four (though I'd argue Naruto is on its way out).

>> No.9528724
File: 137 KB, 295x422, 1313304597985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try as a might, can't seem to get into anything that's popular
>don't feel comfortable making prints or merch for series I'm just not into

Sorry for the blog, but I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried so many series lately that I see are super popular and find them either "eh" to downright bad. Are my prints and merch doomed to be entirely obscure or unpopular shit forever unless I learn to like more shit or lower my apparently high standards?

>> No.9528734

What kind of stuff are you into anon? It doesn't happen every year but there's usually at least one FOTM within a 5 year timespan that you can jump onto. That or older and classic anime instead.

>> No.9528790


One of my best sellers at cons is a print for a real obscure non-anime movie that ran in theaters for like 10 seconds. Just make what you actually like, anon, there's an audience out there for it.

>> No.9528801

If you're worried about this, post at different times for each site. I have friends who follow me everywhere and I feel bad they have to see my stuff several times but if people really do mind, they'll deal with it on their end. Worry about yourself. You are just trying to share your work.

Good luck anon.
I don't mind it. No harm in it. If they don't like it, they don't have to engage or purchase. The only times I don't like it is if the artist is condescending about it as if their non anime art is better just because it isn't anime.

Beating a dead horse but draw what you want anon. Popular series are over saturated with merchandise anyway. Better for you to draw the things you like, even if they are long over or a nostalgic checkbox.

>> No.9528825

>as if their non anime art is better just because it isn't anime
My tablemate does this and my art style is 95% anime and chibi. She doesn't want to "ruin" her style by making it more anime for her products even though it'd help her sales a lot. So frustrating even when I know she's not trying to insult me on purpose.

>> No.9528923

But Boruto is a regular series, right? Despite that, I agree, there isn't really any merch of the Boruto characters

>> No.9528927

That sound really great anon! I know I would appreciate it.

>> No.9528944
File: 60 KB, 392x484, 1420453157902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really "Artist Ally", but close enough.

>Do nsfw yaoi on another account
>I try to keep them separate, but I'm not too ocd about people putting pieces together
>Tumblrina commissions me to draw a twink with vitiligo
>I know a (white) guy irl with vitiligo, so I decide to base the pic on him because it's the first thing that comes to mind
>Wasn't aware of the black people with vitiligo trend that was going on and wasn't aware that she probably expected a dark skinned twink
>She spergs out and thinks I did it on purpose to be an "anti-sjw"
>She rally's her handful of fat lesbian friends against me
>Their sperging eventually makes it to my other blog
>Friend with vitiligo sees the pic

It's not a horribly lewd picture (It's a naked boy with an erection/patchy dick looking up at the camera) but it could not be more obvious that it's based on him and there's not a whole lot of people with vitiligo in the world. He hasn't said anything but I know for a fact he's seen it because he's mentioned all the drama on my page.

>> No.9528979

Do the patches match up 1:1 or something? Also just call the girl out for being ableist or something. That or just ignore the whole thing until it blows over.

>> No.9528981

>basing a nsfw commission on an IRL friend

Like the girl is an idiot because she should have provided examples, but dammit anon that's so stupid.

>> No.9528988

>You are just trying to share your work.
Not that anon, but I really need to stop being so insecure about this. I always feel like I am bothering people, even my own followers, by sharing my work. Even when I posted on ANII's WIPW I felt "why am I even sharing my stuff?" (and no one did like/comment) but forced myself to do it anyway

>> No.9528989

If the commissioner should have provided reference/been specific if they wanted a specific skin color (and you can just adjustment layer it anyway I don't see the problem here actually how did this blow up did you refuse to change it?)

But.. using a friend as reference when you can literally just google for hundreds of examples... >>9528981

>> No.9529062

>draw piece with characters naked
>realise it counts as adult content despite not being porn so needs to be censored

>> No.9529332


Second the ableist thing. Sjw's heads explode if you try to turn it back on them.

You can also say that she is fetishizing vitiligo when people who have that should not be reduced to sexual object as they should be appreciated and valued for who they are and the struggles they face from an oppressive society who judges them uwu

>> No.9529691

That's so fucking stupid. I'm over people spitting on anime as if it's an inferior media. It reeks of special snowflake syndrome and confidence issues. Plus, she's tabling at an anime convention. Why is she even there if she's going to shit on anime art?

It's a hump pretty much every artist goes through. It's easier said than done, but just stop caring what others think. There isn't anything wrong with wanting to show your stuff, especially if you worked hard on it.
Beating another dead horse but try not to worry about the attention your work gets. Start training yourself to be happy with what you've done, not anticipating the notes.

>> No.9529806

Just got my Crunchyroll expo acceptance letter! Am I seeing anyone else there?

>> No.9529836


>> No.9529843

I'm going!

>> No.9529995

If she had asked nicely I would have changed it, but she was being such a cunt I didn't. (She didn't ask me to anyhow) She though that I made the drawing with a white person on purpose to be a dick and that it should have been obvious what she meant because she has lots of art like that on her tumblr page (Which I didn't look at cuz i dunt curr)
I made the patches a pinkish color cuz that's what my friend has lol I went to his facebook and placed them in the same areas he has them

>> No.9530023

I'm Asian and I have minor vitiligo on my neck and chest despite being decently pale. I think it's pretty dumb for them to assume a skin disease has a race.

>> No.9530035

First time contacting Vograce so i'm still new to this and hope it's not a very frequently asked question but how long does it usually take for them to reply? Are they still busy with AX orders? i'm from asia so i'm clueless on dates for western cons. It's been 3 days so i'm not sure if it takes awhile or i've been doing something wrong.

>> No.9530062

Usually pretty quickly, but they are quite busy at the moment (not just from AX). If it's been three business days, then I would try shooting a "hey wassup". Just a heads up: they don't work on Sundays, if I remember correctly.

>> No.9530086

Yeah i messaged them around the beginning of this week via the contact inquiry at the bottom of their front page. Is that the correct way or is there another way to get to them? currently says my message is to "null null"

>> No.9530138

its ax season they are super busy

>> No.9530142

>Why is she even there if she's going to shit on anime art?
Idk I think it's more of an overconfidence in her style issue than anything else, the worst part is I know if she just sacrificed a little pride she could make bank. I can tell she gets upset when we compare numbers after convention because I'm consistently making double her profits. She likes stylized anime, not really the mainstream/fotm styles that are currently in. We've only been tabling for under a year and she's a good friend so I feel like there's still hope for her if I keep trying. Sorry for the rant, she's my only friend within the AA circle currently so it makes venting difficult.

>> No.9530255

>artist i follow suddenly got a massive increase in followers but number of comments/likes don't match up
>start realizing she's buying likes and follows on instagram

does anyone else do this? why?

>> No.9530339

Don't buy likes or followers. Instagram does occasional purges where they wipe out fake accounts, so eventually you're out those followers/likes/money and it makes your profile look super phony. If your art is good, people will come.

>> No.9530351

I wouldn't do it, but I see why people would. Some won't give you the time of day if they see you have very few followers, even if your art is decent. It's a vanity thing, I guess.
What helped me build followers was participating in those S4S things with bigger accounts, or by tagging some of the accounts meant for sharing art. The S4S I hate because it's not guaranteed you will get "chosen" and it's more for the accounts hosting the S4S than the participants. I'd be interested in knowing how others gained more followers besides from "make good art", sometimes it takes more than that

>> No.9530360

>if your art is good
I just want to add on to this. Good does not mean amazing, just better than what your average Instagram user can do. As long as you're posting frequently with half decent art, people will come.

>> No.9530383

I don't know man, I feel like the fact they don't update your timeline with the chronological order really fucks it up for newcomers

>> No.9530392

I post as good as daily and am definitely above average, but my follower number is only going up by as much as my post number is. The new algorithm is definitely screwing over newcomers. Like >>9530351 said, sometimes it takes more than making good art, and I too would love to know what others have done that worked.

>> No.9530445

What gets me the most is seeing my own art reposted on some rando account with 200k followers that literally just reposts art without credit.

And in general, on instagram I see a lot more cases of below mediocre artists having 500k followers despite all they're drawing being greyscale anime screenshots etc.

>> No.9530505

How early are you supposed to arrive to set up your table? I've never tabled before and the con I'm going to hasn't said a single thing about it.

>> No.9530513

most cons will give you 2 hours before the doors open to go in and set up. But hopefully the con will let you know soon.

>> No.9530542

Email them and ask if it's within 2 weeks of the convention. I was at a local convention that was sending out important AA info the morning of and during the convention that caused a lot of the artists to be late/get lost because the staff didn't think to let them know earlier.

>> No.9530545
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 18892992_1350643938382724_1150856482480796971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching all the drama with outlaw comic con.
>their gofundme has raised a whole $40.

>> No.9530566

I get the struggle, but buying followers isn't going to help, because that's not real engagement and Instagram will purge them anyway eventually. If you're interested in Instagram strategy, look into hashtags and comment pods/groups.

>> No.9530569

Message them through the alibaba app, and try to get to a contact person. I did exactly what you did for close to two weeks without a reply through desktop so something's been going on with that shit. Once I switched to mobile I got responses within an hour.

>> No.9530574

Maybe take those shitty repost accounts and consider why the have more followers. Do they use better hashtags than you? Do they post more often? Often on Instagram it's not only what you post, but when and how you engage.

>> No.9530633

whats going on

>> No.9530635

They generally post 50 times a day, I know why they have more followers.

That doesn't mean it isn't annoying to see your art credited to "unknown" when you know they grabbed it from your own instagram.

>> No.9530657

I'm not excusing their shitty reposting behavior, hence my above comment calling it shitty.

Also, posting 50 times a day is excessive, nobody is going to find that anything but annoying.

>> No.9530694

Tfw My Hero Academia fanartists who frequent artist alley submit their art to scanlations websites to be included??? Smh that's a new low to get exposure... check the latest chapter on mangastream...

>> No.9530703

My bet is they just don't see a moral problem with reading scanlations. But Shonen Jump has a legal simultaneous release with the Japanese publication so is there is literally no excuse

>> No.9530708

I was always under the impression one of the scanlators on the team was contributing art or that they just picked art off google. I don't really see the shame in it though.

>> No.9530758

Pretty sure scanlators just pick random fanarts to put in the beginning and end of chapters as an extra page to run ads on.

HOWEVER, if people are willingly and volunteering to put their art on scanlation sites that's career suicide for future work in that realm

>> No.9530764

At a con in the AA and every single table but one has At least 50% crafts. This is the first time I've seen an AA with majority crafts. Anyone know if this is a new trend?

>> No.9530767

What con?

>> No.9530783


>> No.9530823

You defiantly don't want to tie your name to that forever. Industry interviews are willing to turn a blind eye to some cleaning/typesetting/etc work in a portfolio being "unofficial" if you have no professional industry experience, but it's definitely not preferred and considered a skeleton to shove in the back of your closet as soon as you can. And you never, ever want to tie your name to a specific scanlation group.

I mean, I don't necessarily know how that translates to illustration gigs in the anime industry, but I assume the stigma is similar.

>> No.9530891

So I want to make enamel pins and I thought I could combined that with my love of knights and helmets. But I want to mix it up with something, so the helmet, in profile, just don't look like a mascot for a sports team.

Any ideas? Got the drawing talent. Totally tapped out for inspiration.

>> No.9530898

It's probably generic but you could do different nations armor styles with different indigenous flowers. I'm a sucker for nicely drawn florals.

>> No.9530966


You know, I'l be honest and admit I didn't even think about giving them flower crowns. What a good idea! Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9530983
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1000, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I didn't even mean flower crowns, I just meant like florals behind one side and wrapping around to the front or something. You could do English, Viking, Japanese, etc. armor sets with indigenous flowers. Sorry for the shitty google images collage as an example, I don't have my tablet on hand right now and I'm lazy. Flower crowns would work too though.

>> No.9531008



>> No.9531030

Sorry, super late reply, but yeah, they are cm.

Would they work, you think? I like the bags you gave me the link to, but I need something cheaper because I'm still starting out.

>> No.9531035

Also looking for something to fix 20x18 ;;

>> No.9531097
File: 908 KB, 2521x1134, EgyptArmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok so, thanks for the idea. I don't know why I decided to go with a nation that historically was known for NOT having armor, but that's how my brain works oddly enough.

I've also never done a pin before, so I copied some of my favorites pieces and stole things from those. I also did this really fast before I would lose any drive to actually sit down and get it done. So it's not final by any means, as I having it's too busy and a lot of lines are wobbly. I'll redrew the whole thing once I know which to go with. Any and all advice would be awesome. A has no face, B is a black women, C is a white. The only reason I gave C a flower (btw, Egypt's indigenous flower is the Jasmine. Now we all know) by her face was because I actually feel it's not as interesting as the black lady. But now it might be too busy? I have a problem with giving everything the rococo treatment by giving it a lot of gaudy extra crap.

>> No.9531112


You should do helmets from like Transformers. I'm sure those would sell well.

>> No.9531140

You need to simplify those flowers. I'm also not convinced they can even be made to that detail (never actually made pins myself though). I can be sold on A or B depending on the set but a bunch of people are gonna get snide over a white person in Egyptian imagery and that extra flower is just clutter to me.

>> No.9531155

I think dark skin would work really well for this, especially if you plan on doing other armour, since a lot of nations that historically have well-known armour have light skinned folks, and it would be nice to have variation in characters.

I agree with >>9531140 that the flowers are too detailed, but I really love the concept. And flower next to the face is definitely too cluttered.

>> No.9531158
File: 56 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1139156469_7qdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to simplify those flowers.
I was thinking they need to actually make them look more like flowers and not white cloud puffs and give them more detail. You just need to find the right people to make it, cause as you can see in my pic, getting those niddy griddy details is totally possible.

As for the white lady vs black, that's interesting. I for one like that your black person is just a solid onyx black, not brown. Makes it look more artistry to me. But I also like the white lady, because when I think of Cleopatra, I think of a white 80s Hollywood actress starlit. I bet people won't say anything to your face about, but they might back talk about you in reviews/online. "Can you believe she made a WHITE women too? Do they not know whites did not live in Egypt etc, etc, etc".

>> No.9531215

low key salty that p5 is the flavor of the month because I know artists who haven't played or finished the 100+ hours in the game are cranking out art because it sells.

Just felt like complaining. That game was grueling so a soft fuck you to people trying to capitalize on it without having finished it.

>> No.9531222

I'm high key salty so much of the p5 shit people are cranking out is so bland. I didn't particularly love p5 but it was a visual treat but then the merch is so amazingly generic and lifeless I don't even understand how it is This Bland.

>> No.9531228

What's funny is that they've recently discovered that ancient Egyptians have more genetically in common with Europeans and Asians than they do subsaharan afticans.

>> No.9531229

I want to say not to go with the solid black skin tone since it might blend too much with the gray armor on the finished product? As other anons have said, simplifying the flowers would make them seem like they belong more in the design.

>> No.9531241

I lurked some of the artists from the next con I'm attending and so many of them posted on their tumblrs/twitters about making stuff for P5, BNHA, YOI, and N:A just because it sells, and all of it is so fucking bland.

>> No.9531245

Show us the bland!

>> No.9531270

Not anon you replied to, but I absolutely loath my art, no matter what I draw, what medium I use, or how ever many times I try to change my style up.

All I ever remember are the bad comments I get over anything good. I feel like nine times out of ten, people hate my art. I can't find anything good or likable in my work, and I instantly compare my kawaii desu animes shit to amazing complex concept art, and I know I will never be that good no matter how hard I practice, because I've been practicing all my life and I still feel like I suck. It's not like I'm young either.

How can I ever appreciate my art when I constantly see better and hear how terrible I am. I was even that anon from the previous thread who got told my art isn't even worth a dollar at my last con.

Then I see people with even less fundamentals than me getting more likes/followers/money. I'm fucking miserable and I always leave cons feeling like shit because I feel like nothing being surrounded by successful and talented people. Yet this is basically the only thing I can do to earn at least some money. It just sucks knowing there is always someone better than me out there, in every aspect, not just with art.

>> No.9531282
File: 1.05 MB, 1224x792, tumblr_ophcrnIMdJ1qevpd2o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one makes me want to die.

>> No.9531287

its better than most of the shit you guys draw desu

>> No.9531291

translations of series that are not serialized is general used in portfolio/resume for translation work so it can go good or bad, contributing art however gives off the air that you as an artist do not care about piracy and rights

>> No.9531292

I saw mookie draw it and she hasnt touched anything besides haikyuu in years, disgusting

>> No.9531293

This isn't even that bad. I hope they work on the face a little more, but other than that the artist has a solid grasp on form. And like >>9531287 said, you know we've seen worse posted here before.

>> No.9531295

I fail to see how this is bad. Manly face, but this person can actually render.

>> No.9531299

Those colors though.....

>> No.9531300

It's shit because none of it is cohesive. Different parts of her have different amounts of detail and different styles of colouring/shading. Not to mention the angle that the foot on the ground is meeting at her hip, which is straight-up borked.

>> No.9531304

I wouldn't call it shit but it looks unfinished.

>> No.9531308

idk compared to all the bland waist-up-staring-blankly-at-the-viewer prints ive seen, especially of 2b, it's not that bad

>> No.9531309

you will probably get a fair amount of people thinking this is a pharah (overwatch) pin

>> No.9531314

Girl please, you think your average retard customer is going to notice that? You all put in way too much effort in all of the wrong things. A piece like that looks unfinished to artists, because it is, but we are not the ones buying it. We're behind our own tables. The average AA goer is going to buy this shit up.

>> No.9531318

These are also awful.

I'm not an artist.

>> No.9531321

Well thank you for being the type of person to appreciate well drawn, interesting, and finished artwork. Really. We need more of you around. The average customer, however, just wants something that looks cool.

>> No.9531333

I don't see the problem? A lot of people have been fans of the Persona/SMT franchise for a while so they probably know they'll enjoy the game even if they haven't played/finished it yet. Not to mention that people are juggling jobs and conventions so they might not have had time to finish the game even if they like it.

Playing 100+ hours isn't a requirement to draw fanart of something.

>> No.9531350

It's okay that they do it and they don't have to change, but I think anon is just disgusted by that behavior

>> No.9531372

Seconding this >>9531112
It is impossible to ever find anything from Transformers in artists alleys and the second I do find anything I buy it all. Those are gorgeous btw, would buy one of each.

>> No.9531381

Yeah, I know how AAs work and I'm not saying people are evil or immoral for trying to make a quick buck. This just annoys me personally because I put considerable effort into the game. There are probably people like me about every flavor of the month series, it's nothing new.

>> No.9531383

overall though its not bad at all and youre just nitpicking because youre anally anguished over this weird aa gatekeeper mentality.
The average AA consumer is going to buy this without a second thought about menial issues.
You guys should learn from the people who produce to take advantage of flavor-of-the-month series'.

While you complain about muh anatomy and game accuracy composition; This person is making more money than you so who really got the last laugh?

>> No.9531387
File: 173 KB, 500x633, with-threads-like-these-i-cant-lose-ok-but-whys-13596272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, had to post

likes/followers/money is a number and chance game mang, it has no reflection on you. nor do assholes making unsolicited critique matter, they probably just said that to neg you into lowering your prices

is there anything else in your life not so great? this isn't an art problem its a general state of mind problem

>> No.9531390
File: 160 KB, 638x825, TF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you all mean. I need to make the flowers look like they are in the same design world as the helmet, and that'll it happen if I take some of the detail out. Need to go more deco, and less detail.

Make it a gradation? I'll play around with that.

I actually LOVE Transformers, but I was thinking, can you even tell who's helmet this is? I guess on one hand if you can't, it might catch the eye of someone who just thinks it's a cool sci-fi helmet.
I was thinking Overwatch too, but I think it'll look too much like a company product. But a cool thing I thought up with if I did a bunch of TF pins (the packs would naturally be sets of: Leaders, Constructicons, Seekers, Medical Staff, the mix and match ups would be endless) that I could get a chained one. And the second pin could always be switched out with your OTP (if you're into robots that is). Like say Starscream or Skyfire. Good ol' dorky stuff like that.

Thanks for everyone's tips and crit! I'll mull it over and see what's the best way to go about this. Isn't everyone and their grandmothers AND their grandmothers doing enamel pins now?

>> No.9531422

As a note for everyone who's interested - it is possible for them to do more detail but the amount of defective pins you get are much higher since the enamel is less likely to fill the small gaps.

>> No.9531460

DOes any one know of a way to contact prince-ichi? I've been trying to get a refund from them for an order from late 2015 and they start off communicable but then ignore after a while....Twitter and email has led me to silence so uh...if anyone knows them irl....

>> No.9531465

Was it an art commission or smth?
The only way to smoke out refunds from dodgy artists is to publically put them on the spot.
Start @'ing them.

>> No.9531475

I'm pretty sure someone on lolcow posted caps of someaone on tumblr calling them out on not sending orders.

>> No.9531485

RODIMUS! My baby.

Pls we need more Transformers merch in AAs

>> No.9531497

Agreed with >>9531387 that the problem isn't your art. You may want to look into coping skills for cognitive distortions - specifically, Discounting the Positive and Filtering.

>> No.9531530

It was an order for charms on storenvy. But I guess I'll try publicly @ing them...//sigh soon enough we're gonna hit the second anniversary of this dumb ordeal :')
Also when I made the order I wasn't aware of their reputation, as the promo tweet was RTed onto my TL. I wish I had known :(

>> No.9531588

How do you guys do your book keeping? I've been keeping track of expenses via the Trinity of bank records, PayPal records, and a Google spreadsheet of expenditures. It's my first AA experience and I'm learning as I go.
Also, is it worth it to get a card swiper for a first con? Or just go with cash? I know a card swiper would maybe complicate the book keeping a bit, but if it could broaden my sales then would it be worth it?

>> No.9531590

With all the enamel pins ive been seeing lately I rarely ever see any that aren't original. Is this because they are such finished products that people are afraid to do fanart pins because they'll fall into that gray market goods section and not be allowed in AA?
Has anyone here not been allowed to sell an enamel design at a con for this reason? Just curious since enamel pins have really been exploding in popularity lately.

>> No.9531602

Bless the conventions that let venders and artist park at the loading dock all day.

>> No.9531615

A card swiper is free, and gives people an opportunity to spend money when they're out of cash and the ATMs are empty. There's not really any reason to not go for it. Additionally, if you use an app like square to swipe cards, it documents all sales for you, and you can even use it to track cash sales as well. I keep track of all my sales through square.

>> No.9531636

>I actually LOVE Transformers, but I was thinking, can you even tell who's helmet this is? I guess on one hand if you can't, it might catch the eye of someone who just thinks it's a cool sci-fi helmet.
I was thinking Overwatch too, but I think it'll look too much like a company product. But a cool thing I thought up with if I did a bunch of TF pins (the packs would naturally be sets of: Leaders, Constructicons, Seekers, Medical Staff, the mix and match ups would be endless) that I could get a chained one. And the second pin could always be switched out with your OTP (if you're into robots that is). Like say Starscream or Skyfire. Good ol' dorky stuff like that.
Anon I love you and that Rodimus helm is a thing of beauty, please make it happen (if you think they'll sell ok and everything) I at least would be all over them.

>> No.9531665

>enamel pins have really been exploding in popularity lately.

I'd actually say the bubble has burst on enamel pins.

>> No.9531836

>I'd actually say the bubble has burst on enamel pins.
>Isn't everyone and their grandmothers AND their grandmothers doing enamel pins now?

Yes and no. You can have a hundred people sell them at an AA, but only 10 of them are the actual artists. The others are just merchants that got a hold of some and are selling them for a buck or two. Those are usually really small once and have no artistic flare to them or they are just generic baseball team names.

I have a personal dislike for pins that are the size of pennies. I don't know if it's part of a "cute tiny" trend, but what's the point of it if I can't see what it is from five feet away.

And for pinanon, going with either your own designs (the Anubis is seriously cool) or going with a fandom (I'm not a fan of Transformers, but even seeing them here is interesting as the others said, they are very rare to see in AAs) I think you'll do great! Any bubble can burst, but if you don't do the old hash over and over again, and least you'll be ontop of the soap scum.

PLUS I think you'll make a killing at BotCon, which is, if you don't know, the county's biggest (and only?) Transformers convention. Girls may like to buy those types of pins to put on their cloths, but guys love to put them on lanyards and backpacks if they aren't too girly. And having TF helmets would be right up their alley.

>> No.9531840

Thankyou anon.
You mean that the card swiper apps are free, right? I know Paypal's app is free but you have to buy the swiper if you want it.

>> No.9531848

No, I meant the card swiper. I'm surprised to hear paypal makes you pay, but the square one is free, shipping included, upon signup.

>> No.9531854

Not that anon, but if you get referred by a friend you and your friend won't be charged square fees on $1000 of sales for the first 6 months of usage.

>> No.9531860
File: 132 KB, 1242x1359, IMG_2438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon's right. I prefer Square because the readers are free (unless you get the chip readers) and their referral program gives you free processing if you invite people. Some of my friends who have Etsy stores use the Etsy reader since you can consolidate your con stock and online stock that way.

Here's my Square invite code if anyone wants to try it out with free processing. Maybe we should make a spreadsheet of seagull Square codes so gulls considering Square can help other gulls.

>> No.9531893

Hey that's a pretty dynamic pose, nice angle, nice rendering.

>> No.9531895

>PLUS I think you'll make a killing at BotCon
Heads up on BotCon the people who host it every year lost their licesing with Hasbro so it doesn't exist anymore. Hasbro is running their own con that incorporates all things Hasbro but it's not the same. Next best con for selling TF merch is TFCon and yes you would make a killing with those cute helm pins there.
Also consider advertising them on tumblr, there is a HUGE transformers fandom on tumblr with very few artists catering to them so they buy anything they can get their hands on (speaking from experience here).

>> No.9531918

>there is a HUGE transformers fandom on tumblr with very few artists catering to them so they buy anything they can get their hands on (speaking from experience here).

This baffles me, 99% of my transformers merch is from japanese artists because the western TF fandom is really lacking in things like charms, buttons and pins.

>> No.9531936

>the western TF fandom is really lacking in things like charms, buttons and pins
Yeah same problem here, it's impossible to find any cute tf stuff without importing it from Japan and then you're paying out the ass for either a middleman service or just the postage. It's nuts. I would kill for really cute little TF enamel pins or even shitty buttons at this point.

>> No.9531950
File: 967 KB, 1937x1411, TFBatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOTCON IS DEAD!???? NO!!!! Well fuckin' A', Hasbro. That was always on my bucket list to go and get to meet Peter Cullen (personal hero). I guess I can meet him at "Hasbro Marketing Party Con" or "TFCon", but it's not the same!

As someone who peruses the TF/Mcadams tag on Tumblr myself, I don't see many notes on the TF related things. Is the fan base really that big there? the TF fandom seems small compared to others, only because 95% of them are men and they only collect the official toys and comics.


>> No.9531967

Fuck I want those helm pins anon.

>> No.9531971

I hate to say this but I think one of the reasons you dont see many notes on the few tf related merch things on tumblr is because most of the stuff I've seen is crap.

>> No.9531988

For N;A, I released a specific print of something that you really would care about if you had played the game, and doesn't really have any appeal to those hopping on the NieR bandwagon for 2booty.

It didn't do as well online but sales have been phenomenal at cons, and I've gotten comments from people who had fond memories of the game brought up, or that were glad to find something that wasn't another generic 2B pinup. It can definitely be worth it to actually draw things you're passionate about rather than what's in. I'll be the first to admit I've bandwagoned before, but I just love the reaction of people being genuinely attached to a print. The great sales are a bonus as well.

>> No.9532008

Does anyone have any experience with a silhouette portrait or other type of cutting machine? I would like to branch out to making kiss cut stickers/sticker sheets and really hate relying on online printing services. Was just curious if there was anything you guys would recommend or if it's worth it to invest in my own machine. I was looking at the portrait because it seems like a cheap investment for the type of work it does and has good reviews.

>> No.9532016


Yeah? Hmmmmm....HMMMMM. Interesting. Very, very interesting. I might be onto something here.
Problem is, I have no followers, so if I post it, nobody will see it.

This is a general question, but is it better to do "pre-orders" to see if you need 100 prints vs 1000 prints, or do you just order 500 and hope you sell them?

So a set of 4 pins for 15 bucks? I agree with what >>9531836 said, I don't like tiny pins either. I should make them be about an inch in size? I'll have to do some research about the chain thing, and if it's even possible to do a swap-able base for one end. Sounds like it would be easy enough to custom order something like that off Alibaba.

True, but I also see a lot of really hard core TF porn that have the highest notes, and 9/10 the TF is giving birth to spider eggs????????? And that is totally not my cup of tea, but to each their own I guess.

>> No.9532023

>Problem is, I have no followers, so if I post it, nobody will see it.

I'm not sure if they'd actually BUY it, but something tells me that if you post it to twitter with japanese tags, you'll get plenty of retweets.

It might be worth posting it to itabag groups, too, pins are just perfect for that. Specially if you can go through with your idea and make them swappable.

>> No.9532041


*Ahem* If I may.
The TF fandom is special, to put it lightly. Once a popular artist sets the norm for fan art, everyone else kinda follows. The TF fandom is what really nailed the whole "Robot "Males" have female vags". Or artists they stay away from that popular thing, and make their own thing. Then we get weird anthro-furry stuff, but in the Transformers armor. It's unappealing, but they post a lot so they get followers, I guess? I've seen weird ass things from insect-cons or mermaid-bots. It's like each artists is trying to find that one nitch that will rocket them to into the 1000+ notes department. Some characters get so far away from the original TF design, the only reason it comes up in the tag, is because of the Mcadams tag. I think it's cause there's a huge fanbase, because after 30 years, there are so many things to get into, G1, the comics, the toys, the movies, Bayformers, TFA, TFP, RID, The Japanese stuff, even the super adorable Rescue Bots, there's something for someone. But lots of people are not good at drawing armor, so they fall back on what they know and turn Optimus Prime into a Steven Universe Fusion Gem with Megatron. It's cringe worthy, but there's a nitch for it, I guess. I don't like it, but it comes up on my feed all the time.

tldr; make more pins and post them. You only need a few people to reblog it. If it's good, it'll catch on. Become the diamond in the rough. Be the cute physical item in a sea of "is that a tiger Soundwave but pregnant?" prints.

Do you mean like by hand? I don't see how else you would do it if not for the online outline the printing service is providing for you.

>> No.9532069

>Problem is, I have no followers, so if I post it, nobody will see it.
If you do a preorder post on tumblr give a link and I'll reblog it; I have a dedicated Tf blog and I'd love to see these get made. I'm interested in seeing what you make since this is a pretty cool idea (maybe do Whirl and Tarn too since both of those are super popular as well and also because I'm a loser and want them).

>> No.9532072

>lol at all the people getting butt hurt of simplicity's new lolita patterns on AANI

>> No.9532073

Oof, the con is in exactly 2 weeks and they haven't even said a single thing to any artist. I'll email them and pray that they respond. This con isn't a scam or anything, but the communication is abysmal! I've asked multiple questions on their facebook and through email and I've only been answered twice. Haha, sorry for the mini rant I'm just super frustrated.

>> No.9532074

No, the silhouette portrait is a machine that can do kiss cut stuff for you. It seems pretty damn nice honestly. Only 100 dollars too.

>> No.9532113

If no one answers in the next week or so, see if you can find a staffer or chair's name and try messaging them directly.

>> No.9532171

I do both package sets and a button board for pick-your-own (with deals ofc) and it works really well!! In order to avoid too much extra work, I just have some display packaged sets on the table, and then get the buttons for the customer as they're wanted. Some times I 'premake' a set of each pack in a small baggie with a business card stuck in (would be a good plan for people like you who make buttons at the table). People really don't care if they don't get the packaging, they just going to rip it open and throw it away anyway.

It's a good system for people who want a mid-range-price item, they see a button pack of a series they like and are all, "oh cool I can get all of these at once, and here's how much it is."

>> No.9532190

I have a silhouette cameo and it's the best! i dont know how the cameo compares to portrait price/performance wise, but my cameo has paid for itself many times over, I sell about 30-50 4x6 kiss cut sheets a con and a good amount of 2.5-3 inch die cut sticks. A bit of a learning curve and money to drop but well worth it if you have a good library of designs imo.

>> No.9532208

Oh, awesome! I was looking at the portrait because it's cheaper but reviews seem to say it's pretty much as good as the cameo. If at least that product is really good then that makes me feel a lot more confident investing in one, thanks!

As you're someone who sells a lot of stickers, can I also ask you what types of stickers you do and what tends to sell the best? Character stickers vs "generic" non-series specific cute stickers, or what have you?

>> No.9532224

How did you pay? I was able to get my bank to handle things for me. See if you can do that, especially if you paid via PayPal but not with a PayPal balance (as in the money was connected from your bank account through PayPal, not you happened to have x amount of money on your PP account).

>> No.9532303

Another anon here, I bought a Silhouette and I still haven't gotten over the learning curve. Is there any tutorials or tips you can share?

I keep having issues of either the cut not being calibrated (cut lines being off) or the kiss cut going too deep in some areas.

>> No.9532362

Oh snap. You're cool. I'm moviesatmidnight212. Hit me up in the tumblr chat and I'll share with you what I'm currently working on and let you pick the color scheme I'm messing with on Tarn.

>> No.9532425

If the cut lines are consistently off in the same places each time, just nudge the cut lines in the software to compensate. I know mine always drifts up and to the side more and more as it goes further down the page. Also make sure there is a flat, unobstructed area around and beneath your cameo, even something as small as the weight of the paper falling off and edge behind the silhouette can move the cut lines off enough to be annoying.

If the cuts are too deep even when lowering the thickness, you may need to adjust the blade height (you have to do it physically with the little black cylinder in the machine, not just in the software, lmk if you need help finding out how to do this, I only recently was taught how haha)

For 4x6 sticker sets, I have more all-around appeal/generic designs (a few food types, lots of different kinds of animals) including animal ones with humorous twists. They sell better then my fanart ones, altho those sell decently also, but the proportion of original to fanart is def skewed towards original. For my die cuts, I just upsize the individual elements of my sticker sheets (I work in a really high dpi for everything), altho compared to my sticker sheets they are not as successful, ive sold 300 sticker sheets but only about 150 individual stickers this year so far (altho I also don't have -all- my designs available as big sticks, and I price them at the high end since I laminate them). I will say, my friends sell the same 4x6 sheets as me in the same way and don't seem to have the same luck selling as many per con, and we haven't really been able to decern why besides the fact that i have lots (25+) of designs, so you may need to build a robust library before you see real success with them. People love looking through the book I display them in.

If anyone has more questions I'm happy to help! I love stickers a lot so if I can help more be in the world for me to purchase... that's enough of a reward for me haha.

>> No.9532468

What trends in AA are you tired of seeing? Or things when you're doing artist alley that make you tired in general?

>> No.9532500

I'm almost never a fan of whatever the current FOTM is, so seeing an AA saturated with it is kind of tiresome. I naturally gravitate to artists who do series that are a little more unique/rare or original stuff with a clear visual style.

Also the worst thing is cashing in on LGBT stuff, with pride flag pillows and keychains, etc. It's cringeworthy and I find it kind of exploitative on a weird level--I understand that most of these people are selling it because it heightens the sense of community I suppose, but I hate the LGBT "community" anyway, so I find it distasteful. This is probably just me.

>> No.9532513

does anyone have that parody picture of tracer posing from a few threads back? that. i'm sick of that.

>> No.9532554

I'm so happy to see someone else feel the same about lgbt stuff as I do.

>> No.9532572

It sucks because I'm bi, so I would enjoy feeling some sense of community, but I find the entire LGBT thing just incredibly alienating. In general I find creating community over interests instead of sexuality better, anyway.

Plus, selling that stuff just reeks of consumerism. I know, it's a con, and people are there to consume anyway, but I'd rather people spend money on something they love with maybe slight artistic merit at least, rather than spending it on merchandise for some idea of an obnoxious community based on an intrinsic part of themselves. It feels vaguely narcissistic almost. It's even worse when I see official booths at a con selling this stuff.

Sorry for the minirant, maybe I'm just being stuck-up, but if there's one pet peeve I have at cons and AA it's that.

>> No.9532575

i think the thing that makes me most upset is straight teenaged girls cashing in on the hot gays trend, whilst actual gay and bi men creating gay and bi stuff get shoved to the sidelines for one reason or another.

>sage for blog

>> No.9532599

That also is pretty icky, yeah. But I find the people who are obnoxiously not-straight pretty if not equally bad.

>> No.9532602

Will do, but I'm at work atm so will have to be later today.

>> No.9532609

I have zero problem with consumerism in LGBT merchandise, when it is appropriate. Which means at pride festivals or other LGBT oriented events. It's entirely out of place at an anime con, and is definitely an "easy money" exploitive move.

But honestly, I feel like people who are LGBT but hate the queer community are lucky. It means you live in a place or way that you're not constantly self-monitoring for fear of physical violence, etc. Queer community is less about wow, we're so special because we're gay, and more about wow, a group of people where for once in my life I don't have to worry that some red neck is going to assault us for holding hands. It's having a place or group of people where for at least a little bit, you can let down your guard and just be.

Sorry I might be waxing on a bit, but it's Pride month so it's at the forfront of my mind.
>Save for only slightly on topic

>> No.9532619

My biggest pet peeve is seeing those buttons that are just the pride flag colors or that just say 'bi', 'gay', etc. There was zero effort or thought put into making something unique and it's obviously just done for profit. It's always annoyed me but I've never said anything because I know most people would get mad.

>> No.9532651

If you live in a very homophobic Midwest or Southern area or a country that has serious anti-gay laws, I totally understand wanting to form more of a community. But saying the queer community as a whole is about safety and community in that sense is wishful thinking. (Queer community is also extremely, hilariously self-policing and critical, which is part of why I'm alienated from it.) Especially when it comes to the queer community that's present at cons and the like. That shit is all about "we're here, we're queer, we're going to be as annoying and blatant as possible".

To get a bit back on topic because I don't want to totally derail into "queer community sucks":
That's another thing. Most of that merch definitely just has no effort, I agree.

I've seen stuff at AA where it's like, characters at pride, or character-themed pride merchandise. While I would still never buy it, I can totally accept that kind of merch at AA. There was at least some effort put into it.

>> No.9532673

I don't get it though. What do lgbt communities do? I live in Alabama and all my friends are lgbt but I just don't get the idea of an lgbt community and such. I'm and authors and feel the same about those communities. I don't get the idea of shouting your sexuality. Most people don't care.

>> No.9532678

If a fellow artist asks you where you got a product printed or made (like charms or shirts), do you usually tell them or say "I can't answer?"
Is it better to share the printing source to get your printer more business or just keep quiet so that printer doesn't ever get too busy?
For context, I just overheard others talking about this, with one girl saying "I'd never tell where I get my stuff done. I had to find out where to get it printed, others need to put in their own research."

>> No.9532687

That sounds really fucking dumb of that girl. Information between artists should be shared for the most part I think. I understand there's some people who want to be spoonfed everything, but if some artist just asks you where you got things printed and if it was a good service or not, why be a dick about it?

>> No.9532714

It really depends on the product and how the artist approaches the question for me. I'm much more likely to share my sources if an artist has made some attempt to befriend me/get to know me on some level first. And if they ask after hours at a con or through private messages online. I fucking hate it when random people I don't even know ask me for my supplier in front of customers or publicly on my art posts. Be smart about it, I'm not going to tell you per unit cost of my products in front of my customers.

I've also had people use me for sources and then ignore me/ghost me so now I'm wary about helping other artists. I've been burned too many times by artists promising to exchange sources with me or invite me to group orders only for them to get my sources and never reciprocate. I really only help my friends with suppliers now. I used to be a big believer in the "artists should help each other because we're a community" mantra but not so much anymore.

If it's easy shit like prints or charms, I don't mind telling people where I get my stuff done. Anything else and you're not entitled to my time or knowledge unless we're friends.

>> No.9532753

The "why be a dick about it" anon here, I also agree with you on this. There are lots of people who feel entitled to your time and don't really deserve it.

Like anything, it's just best to use your judgement on whether you want to give out information to someone, depending on how, when, and where they ask you.

>> No.9532776

lol fucking christ; Theres no room in this community for stuck-up artists like that.
i had an ex-friend recommend me a printer once, and then when i started to tell everyone else about it she got all pissy with me "Youre just telling them that because I told you"
um yeah. Its called freedom of information.
the fuck ?

>> No.9532780

Also if it's with a third party, you just made them lose money by not sharing their information.

>> No.9532796


I've had services up their prices because of demand, so like hell if I share them now.

>> No.9532825

I tell people where I buy stuff but some people ask for a step by step guide on how to make stuff and I don't do that.

>> No.9532859

sounds like your "friends" probably think you're really annoying lol.

>> No.9532919

Thoughts on ohmonah throwing a crazy amount of charm stock away

>> No.9532943


>i personally feel like carrying them around as "discount" is a waste of weight and space T__T.

how is that a waste? at least get some of your investment back. or include them for free with purchases over a certain amount or something to boost other sales slightly?

it's not my money but she strikes me as incredibly stupid

>> No.9532949

It also depends for me. I've had an artist I'd never met come up to me and ask where I got all my products, including my back wall. They literally went back to their table to get a notebook to write it all down. This was at my second con, while they'd been doing it for years. That kinda soured me on giving out info to other artists.
I don't mind contributing to our local artist community since we're pretty small, but I don't want to be just an information source. If someone I don't know asks me, I just say China/alibaba. If they're friends or if they've proven that they've done their own research, I'm far more willing to help out.

I'm also really weirded out by random customers asking where I get things made. Rude.

>> No.9532967

Why the heck wouldn't she just throw them in some blind bags. People fucking LOVE blind bags.

>> No.9532974

Who gives a shit? It's her money, her product. She could shit on the charms for all I care.

>> No.9532981

I have come to find that rando customers (and other non-artists online) think you can get these things made as one offs like artsmoo, so they aren't looking to find a "source" they just wanna put like their favorite photos onto a thing for themselves. they usually immediately back off when i say it's very expensive and you have to make a bunch at time, they aren't looking for that kind of thing at all and don't realize they seem rude because we think they are

>> No.9532982

Yeah, I had a customer ask me before. To be fair, she did strike up a decent conversation with me first and was a bit reserved in asking about resources, so I was just like "oh I get them made in China." Honestly though, that bit of info is really all anyone needs if they are at least trying to do their own research.

>> No.9533002

This is kind of on the same level as people not taking art seriously and thinking it's all cheap and easy....you know, the people that say shit like, "Why would I want to spend three dollars for a button when I can make one myself!"

I really wish something would happen to let people appreciate art more and how financially draining it can be.

>> No.9533012

Her stock so she should be able to do whatever she wants with it.

Charms are heavy and from what I've seen at cons, she already has a lot of stock to shove into her luggage as is. Having to pay more for those charms as extra weight in luggage is a waste especially if they're not selling for her as well as they used to.

>> No.9533024

because I don't care that they are lgbt?

>> No.9533036

...wow that's actually a great point. Maybe I'll refer them to artsmoo from now on!
Someone did ask after my button maker once though. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when they heard the price. Who woulda thunk, this stuff costs money, lol

>> No.9533108

Their stock, their choice. She can do what she wants with her possessions and finances. On the other hand, on a moral level, I do feel like it's wasteful. I personally would have thrown it in free with orders or donated it to some charity. When there are so many easy alternatives other than trashing it, it almost seems irresponsible to do so.

>> No.9533128

youre missing the point and getting so worked up over it sounds like a personal problem to me

>> No.9533130

who fucking cares

>> No.9533137

Seriously? Anon didn't seem worked up over it at all, just wondering why it was the way it was. Projection much?

>> No.9533146

Yea, it makes a lot more sense once you realize their actual motives. It's a lot less sinister and a lot more "hey I just bought this thing from you but what if i wanted to put my dog on a bag for my mom too, is that possible?"

if they were really innocently wondering why they would have just listened to the person they were replying to who outlined reasons why a lgbt community is helpful. honestly look at the context, someone clearly quite literally just explained why they thought lgbt communities are needed in some cases and they came in to say "as a straight, i don't think so :)" but whatever. 4chan blah blah blah.

>> No.9533149


I might have done one or two more cons and just gone crazy cheap grab bags where the charms are marked down to at cost. You get rid of them and make a bit of money back. It's up to her what she wants to do but I feel like there's always some way to sell or get rid of them that doesn't involve destruction.

>> No.9533168

Yeah really, that's how I get rid of all my old charms. I sell at least $400 in blind boxes at any mid sized con I go to.

>> No.9533180

>"as a straight, i don't think so :)"
Oh, so you're one of those idiots. Fuck off, you are annoying.

t. bisexual

>> No.9533195

I didn't even think of that, what a good idea! Thank you anon.

>> No.9533200
File: 747 KB, 603x806, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as it's her choice it pains me to see this. Wish she could at least donate or recycle it.

>> No.9533206

I have done this before. But it was with stock that would have hurt my sales if they were to be given away free with purchases (they wouldn't buy the upgraded version in the future).

>> No.9533207

Oh man, Pokemon is such a perfect thing to do blind bags with too.

What a waste.

>> No.9533215

I think what really rustles me is her acting shocked/indignant at the people suggesting she give them to kids or away as freebies. She's throwing away a lot of money and publicly posting about it, what the fuck did she expect people to say? Some people are so socially retarded.

>> No.9533226


Her reasoning -> I don't want to sell them cheaper or give them away because the people who bought them will feel bad

But how will her customers feel when the thing they bought is literally trash?

It's the attitude that's wrong

>> No.9533237

How do you get people to look at your tweets?

I'm literally posting into the vacuum of Twitter most times.

>> No.9533247


It feels like flaunting wealth. "Oh I can afford to throw thousands of dollars of stuff in the trash, haha, why are u mad". Plenty of artists are still excited to even afford one or two designs of their own charms, she cares so little that she made dozens of different ones and then just trashed them because they were annoying. Plus a lot of people are broke and would have loved a cheap charm.

>> No.9533288


Yeah but anytime you buy something full price at the store there's always the potential it will go on sale later. Yeah, you might feel robbed or cheated, but there's also always the potential something will sell out before it gets to clearance. AA is no different than regular retail in this regard.

>> No.9533296

Her followers replying with remarks like "if you wanted it, you should have bought it!" aren't helping, either. I get that it's her property and she can do whatever she wants and people will still worship her, but why would anyone want to buy her stuff when it will literally go in the garbage and be free?

>> No.9533300

> but why would anyone want to buy her stuff when it will literally go in the garbage and be free?
If it goes into the garbage, then it's definitely not free. It's just trash. Say I throw away old clothing. It is absolutely not free clothing (dumpster diving is illegal here). It is not necessarily shitty clothing either. It is just clothing I have no use for anymore, so it is going in the trash. Same concept with the charms.

>> No.9533301

>when it will literally go in the garbage and be free

It would be hilarious if someone fished them out of the garbage and sold them.

>> No.9533317

How do you guys reject print trades without sounding like a total ass? Most of the time people I don't know shove their junk art at me so they can get my stuff without paying full price. I don't even want to trade with friends sometimes because they always pick the popular ones, but it seems rude to decline.

>> No.9533318

Well, sort of? The way the study was reported in the news was misleading because people think Europe = western Europe, and they really meant Eurasia. The study actually states that ancient Egyptians had more in common with people from the ancient Near East, so modern-day Turkey, Jordan, Iraq etc.

>> No.9533321

I usually do a lot of conventions so I'll say something like, "I'm sorry but I'm going to another con next weekend/next month/etc and I don't have time to restock so I'm not doing trades at this con." If you don't do a lot of cons you could say something like "Sorry, I'm trying to save my stock for my online store!"

If you don't like telling them directly, you can always ask them to come back on the last day of the con since you don't do trades until Sunday. And then just say you ran out of whatever or pack up early and leave before they come see you. I would personally recommend being direct rather than avoiding, but that's up to you.

>> No.9533325

Just be honest and say you don't really do print trades. 99% of artists are completely understanding and if they really want something they will just buy it. the other 1% who make a big deal about people not trading with them are scrubs and not worth your time, everyone else probably hates them too.

like most social interactions, twitter is a two way street. if you aren't engaging with other people and replying to other people's tweets, there's no reason for them to look at you. 75% or more of your tweets should be replies to your friends / other people. not tweets on your timeline!

lol ok

>> No.9533331

I never reject trades, even if the artist asking is at a really low skill level. I figure the amount I paid to make a print is worth the positive connection at future cons, plus its nice having people in the AA like you. Thats not to say you have to do trades, but I personally think its worth it just for the social aspect even if they dont have anything you'd want.
I have been rejected twice for trades though and didnt take it personally so dont be afraid to say no, its not the worst thing you can do.

>> No.9533358


I'm always honest because most of the time they don't have fandoms I like. If the art is good but the fandoms aren't ones I like but my friends do, I'll still do the trade and give the art to a friend. If they don't have fandoms I'm interested in I'll just say "Your art is nice but none of these are my fandoms, sorry! But if you like my art and come back by, I'll give you a discount as a fellow artist." Even if I only knock off $1, I think it's polite to offer a small discount if I reject the trade and leaves them with a good feeling even though I didn't want their art.

That said I did one con where I asked for a bunch of trades and got them, and in retrospect realized I got the better end of the deal getting better art than I gave. I have stopped asking for trades myself. If I like the art enough to want it, I'll buy it.

>> No.9533362

I'm not a print artist, but I'm choosy of what I share and don't share. Some are easy to mention as a first step to sources, but I'm not going to walk hand in hand with someone that helpless. No one is obligated to share sources, and really, sometimes you have to do your own homework. Ask the right questions and have the right approach to asking artists, and just move on if they don't give you anything.

By the way I'm a craft artist, so I do get people asking how I make my stuff, which are easy questions - longs they don't want exact details about patterns, which I wouldn't give, only general answers.

I understand/agree with these sentiments.

>> No.9533363

> I figure the amount I paid to make a print is worth the positive connection at future cons, plus its nice having people in the AA like you.
Yeah, it cost literal pennies to make prints. I'm with you.

>> No.9533369

and sometimes theres people who are really aware that they're one of the weaker artists in the alley and they get incredibly happy when people accept trades from them. just makes for better memories for everyone involved

>> No.9533374

This is a bad analogy because you should at least donate old clothing if it's still usable.

>> No.9533392

I'm with you guys on prints but I think it can get a little weird when we go into merch territory. I've had people try to trade me prints for charms/pins/other merch and I kind of hate it. If you only carry prints and can't match the item (charm for charm, shirt for shirt, etc) thrn at the very least offer enough prints to get to a monetary equivalent? I wish people knew it was bad etiquette to offer like dinky buttons or 1 print for items with higher production costs. No, I'm not trading you a tote bag for 2 stickers.

>> No.9533399

oh yeah i totally agree with this, if its for a charm or something I tell them how much i spend per whatever im selling and try to match their costs. Its just better to not ask for things like bags or handmade items and the like if you dont have an equivalent.

>> No.9533613

So when I order prints, I honestly don't do anything special besides get the prints at Kinkos.

But what does one do when ordering buttons or pins? Do you guys order 1000 for China and hope you sell at least 100 to make it worth it, or you order only 20 and makes sure you make then as "special rare ones"?

>> No.9533626

plz read faq

>> No.9533629

Oh hohoho. Yes, there's the answer. And more. Thanks!

>> No.9533641

Looking at this threads reaction I think it was wrong of her to post it publicly. I totally get why she did it because, let's face it, merch takes up so much damn space and there's always a chance you won't be able to get rid of all of it/you might stop going to cons/ other situational stuff, but it is a bit insulting to share with others the fact that you're throwing things away.

>> No.9533711

It also seemed like she was laughing/joking about it but when people started to reply that she could have donated/given away/etc the charms, she later tweeted "Oh, they were defective anyway." So was she selling defective charms? And why did she bring so many defects to a con anyway?

>> No.9533753

I don't know how many of you are actually long time followers of her, but she has had these in grab bags/boxes for a long time now. That's why people are asking why those commenters didn't buy them then. I know it's easy to pile on an artist you think is successful, but she's had these grab bagged for probably over a year now. Personally yea i'd have given them for free with orders but some artists think that devalues their art and that's their right / their brand, so be it.

She's also taken photos of prints she's trashed after cons and hates it when people dig in the trash for them etc., she's just an artist that doesn't want to give her stuff away for free, oh well.

>> No.9533756

Fuck that. I'm throwing my old clothes out. I paid for it and I'll be damned if some hipster or hobo gets my stuff for a fraction of what I paid.

>> No.9533777

>she later tweeted "Oh, they were defective anyway." So was she selling defective charms? And why did she bring so many defects to a con anyway?
She was obviously just trying to get people off her case. Don't be stupid.

>> No.9533781

> fraction

So you throw them out so they can get them for free?

>> No.9533878

Print trade anon here. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm going to give some of these a try. I hope people will be understanding.

>> No.9533896
File: 34 KB, 640x480, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a big deal out of trashing prints
>gets angry when people dig them out of the trash

Once you trash it you don't get to choose what happens to it. I find it pretty gross that people would do that but she has no business complaining when she could have given them away for free with other purchases instead.

>> No.9533926

Dumpster diving is illegal where I live, so no one is getting them (without risking their ass big time and at that point, you deserve it).

>> No.9533934

Uh, cool, do you live next door to her? Otherwise nobody cares.

>> No.9533939

If you care that much, shred it or burn it, or take it to a composter or incinerator. Jeez.

>> No.9533949
File: 189 KB, 737x947, Screenshot_20170626-102844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to add heads, you need to think about how it's fitting into the armor. This doesn't really make sense. You also want your pin to be rounder. If you look at other artists, you'll see they're designs are more or less circular, and that's more pleasing to the eye as well as sturdier

>> No.9533959

Have you.... Ever actually seen a bust if anubis? It's more of a large headdress that extends out back, almost like a giant sheath of hair. Op's design is fine

>> No.9533974
File: 17 KB, 300x400, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um no, try again. Their shape is an artistic interpretation and would be fine without the face, but the face makes it more of a mask. And either way, they should work to make it a more visually pleasing shape.

That shoulder gap is way too huge

>> No.9533982

maybe she should stop making it a public show every time she tosses old stock instead, and just says "i dont offer these anymore".

Better than posting a picture of perfectly good merchandise in a trash can and then getting all surprised that people get angry about it.

why do so many internet-famous artists have 0 awareness about the things they post

>> No.9533996

I mean yea maybe she shouldn't? but it's not like any of you guys are actually suggesting that to her so how is she supposed to know? You guys pull this weird pile up on random artists every other thread and not a single one of you ever says anything to the actual artist but expect them to be aware some how it's so weird.

sage for stupid drama

>> No.9534013

to be fair, enough people have replied to her tweet saying exactly all of that tho

>> No.9534036

I used to live in so cal before moving recently, and dumpster diving is very illegal there but it's still common despite being looked down upon. Just because you're too pussy to do it doesn't mean other people aren't.

>> No.9534051

When you're over the age of 20 I think your brain should work enough to figure out that if you don't want people to get mad at you/bother you about something, you shouldn't post it publicly. Someone said she's posted throwing things out before and had a similar reaction, so how many times does this have to happen before she figures it out?

If you don't want to be bothered with drama or people @ing you all the time, post it behind a locked account.

>> No.9534130
File: 168 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you guys love these new prices for AX next year?

>> No.9534132

>buy two tables
>still only get two chairs
I don't know if I'm getting my $715 worth here, AX

>> No.9534190

lol what, this has gotta be a typo right>

>> No.9534193

wow, $415 and only a single pass? Thats lame.

>> No.9534219

she's friends with emily hu, a girl who posts selfies of herself on the toilet and talks shit about her customers on twitter, she's just stupid

>> No.9534239


>> No.9534252

- And a paid employee of Marvel comics

>> No.9534257

theres a thread of her shenanigans on lolcow

>> No.9534262

who only got the job because her old friend was head of the project and bypassed the storyboard test

>> No.9534265

I was wondering why she's got such a reputable position with such mediocre art

>> No.9534360

So now we critique people based on who they hang out with, is this tumblr?
She's a storyboard revisionist, not a comic artist.

>> No.9534366

i mean yeah but she still gets to put on her resume that shes worked for Marvel now.

>> No.9534370

Same. The only time I ever reject print trades is if I have a con literally the next week and am running very low on something. And even then I'll be frank with the person and say I'm running low on stock, and they can catch me at my next convention.

I have made so many good friends from trading with people who are on a lower skill level than me, who have ended up helping me out so much more in the long run/just being downright nice people.

>> No.9534374

Yes, and? My resume has Cartoon Network studios on it. It's pretty common to have a "big" animation studio on your resume if you are an artist in southern California (or some other area with accessible studios) who is actually proactive about making connections and seeking positions.

>> No.9534393

well shit, must be nice.

>> No.9534394

god this thread is worse than aani when it devolves into lolcow crap

>> No.9534412

What's the most unique, non-original work print you've seen? I just got back from a con where someone had a Lizzie McGuire movie print.

>> No.9534418

lmao and shit talking the prolapsing anus horse is any better? get off your highhorse

>> No.9534443

I found a print of the professor brothers once. The best

>> No.9534512

anyone ever try selling blind boxes the way they do in japan? as in putting charms in solid bags you can't see through and having the buyer pick one?

>> No.9534522

>s you can't see through and having the buyer pick one
Are you saying you've seen grab bags that were see through? That's what BLIND grab bags are, you can't see in them????

>> No.9534532

Does anyone want to share their partner in charms/pin making? Only because I would rather order through someone who has a satisfied client list, rather than me just picking a random person (which is also not a problem) from Alibaba. Doesn't matter to me, just figured I could give my business to someone who knows someone. Maybe they'll even give you a discount the next you order bulk from them because you recommended them to someone else.

>> No.9534537


Yo! I'm the OP. I thought about putting the rest of the head in there, but I wasn't really focusing on the person? The face was really an afterthought. I will also claim "I'm being artisty" by just having the profile face stick out of this made up fantasy Anubis armor.

>> No.9534546

I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell everyone. They're all the same shit. Every Ali seller is going to give you the same damn end result. Just find someone with good reviews and good prices. I promise you can trust the Chinese, anon. They're good people.

The fuck kind of blind bags have you been buying? They're not supposed to be see through.

>> No.9534570

Oh yeah? well alrighty then, Chinese seller it is! IDGAF. Thanks.

>> No.9534583

Or you could just not be lazy.

>> No.9534703

Yo AA peeps tabling at AX, is this ban new or is this something that's already been a thing?


>> No.9534706


Whoops, second one was supposed to be:


>> No.9534722

It's been in the AA packet of nearly every convention ever. They include that clause just to cover their ass

>> No.9534726

Like every big convention will have this in their AA rules. It's so they can throw you under the bus if the original creators are like "Why is this person selling charms of my characters?"

>> No.9534743

If I am reading this right, it it looks too much like existing merchandise, its no bueno. But else we should be fine if we aren't copying art essentially.

>> No.9534788

Iwas an artist there. Tables are FCFS and the regulars for Alabama are more crafters and most of them do things other than anime conventions too.

>> No.9534843
File: 96 KB, 316x449, FuckYouAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this purely out of spite. I still like the open back one more. Just cause it makes the helmet look bigger.

>> No.9534923

>Tfw still looks lazy

>> No.9534924

bruh it's a pin

>> No.9534926

You didn't get the point the other anon was trying to make. The back part of the helmet would have to come down by the shoulders. You made the curve too high/wide.

Also, I know this is a wip but I hope you're aware that you have to make the outlines for the flowers gold as well? Right now you have silver going on in the flowers and you can't pick two different metals.

>> No.9534933

I'm on mobile so here's a shitty meitu edit but I'm pretty sure this is what the other anon was trying to point out. The back part of the mask would rest on the shoulders and the way you've drawn it exposes the neck so you need to bring it down in your design.

Oh and you can't have gradients on enamel pins jsyk.

>> No.9534935
File: 122 KB, 316x449, IMG_2449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, dropped my pic

>> No.9534944


Oh. I see, being the back of the helm in, not fill out the negative space with the person. Gottcha, gottca.

>> No.9535040

Hope this weeds out depressing looking tables.

>> No.9535048


On one hand, I wonder if that was the idea. I know a lot of people complained last year about the AA at AX (the grand daddy of cons) was filled with 1- Really low tier artists and 2- lots of really crappy soaps and knitted crafts.

I don't mind the second one so much, but only if they are anime themed. That didn't seem to be the case.

But then on the other hand, sure does suck if you're a top/middle tier artists and a HUGE chunk of you earrings goes to a table. Lame.

>> No.9535054

I hope artist will boycott AX AA.

>> No.9535060

>Since when did the Chinese take over AX?
Perhaps the price hike is passing the electricity fee on to the artist alley for airconditioning.


>> No.9535101

Your first design had a much better silhouette and also the copy/pasted photoshop brush flowers look tacky and clash with the rest of the design.
Just drop your blog link and stop spamming us with updates.

>> No.9535230

Yeah, that's going to fucking happen. For every artist who wants to boycott, there will be five more who would probably actually kill to get an AX table.

>> No.9535513

Just popping in to let you guys know, I'm ready to throw my cash at all the artists at the AX. So if sales are slow or something, tell me your table and I'll buy stuff from you!

>> No.9535649
File: 39 KB, 500x358, stargate anubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based off of Stargate brah.

>> No.9535671

May the AA Gods look down at you with kindness at AX this week. I hope you don't get flooded with $5 tables being your neighbor.

>> No.9535743

Vintage plastic horse convention is now dead too. Replaced by same con + bronies.

>> No.9535760

That's really sweet, are you the same anon that was doing this at A-kon as well?

>> No.9535965

Was there ever a formal complaint if this was true? No one should ever be subjected to getting near heat-stroke conditions ever in an event they paid to be in (to both table artist and attendees) on purpose of all things (I did see a discussion about this too on the cosplay forum leaked from a staffer). I've seen business owners sue mall management for little things and won big because they spoke up, are all artist actually passive sheep and take it up the butt like that? #sad

The issue is the price hike after that debacle - they should have offered those that suffered under their decisions some form of compensation in table refund or discount for that bs. I sppose they are the greedy douchebags in disguise as a "non-profit" in light of this table price raise? didn't see anything new being offered there for that justifies an addl extra hundreds of dollars.

>> No.9536005

That was me and I am not >>9535513 (I wish I could go to both cons haha). I really would love to see this seagulls supporting seagulls concept become something we do for every con, though.

>> No.9536083

I keep trying to do this but y'all are too nice and usually just end up wanting to trade.

>> No.9536211

New thread: >>9536210