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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9520486 No.9520486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cosplaying a character from a game/anime you didn't even play/watch

Why do you fuccbois do this? It's cringy af.

>> No.9520825

Liked the design, group cosplay, friend's insistence, etc. Personally, I wouldn't do it, but I can understand why people would want to.

>> No.9520852

For me this is a big no. A lot of people will ask you about your opinion of the series or talk to you about their love for "insert character here" and all you can say: "eh.. I don't know. I just liked the design. I just googled it" Or any other reason.
You would just be doing it for attention, for a friend etc instead of enjoying it yourself and being able to appreciate the reacting of other fans and being able to geek out together.

It's your choice, but I think you'd miss out on a lot of precious feels!

>> No.9520857

I seriously hate when people buy a cosplay of a character they know nothing about. Its just people who want attention. Lacks the spirit of cosplaying.

>> No.9520865

As a game artist I can greatly appreciate the design of a game I know I won't play. I haven't done a cosplay from a game or series I don't know however, simply because it's hard to keep dedicated to the process of making a costume for a character that you don't know much about.
Also many people in the ages 20+ have little time to watch or play games, wheras they would still like to practice their hobby.

>> No.9520983

People who haven't played the game have completed our group solely because they are our friends. I see nothing wrong with it in a group, but I hate it when they do it by them self.

>> No.9521139

I don't want those autistic feels and I don't want people being obnoxiously in character.
I'm more interested in the making of the costume itself.

>> No.9521143
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Who cares aslong as I can fuck it

>> No.9521234
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We have one of these threads like every month

Yes, most people dislike when people do that, but everyone cosplays for their own reasons.

Some people enjoy games or series that don't have that interesting character designs, like Death Note or life is strange for example, but really enjoy making intricate outfits like magical girl outfits or armor and guns etc

Or maybe you really like a game but can't play it because it's too hard or maybe you simply don't have the console

Personally, I think it's more cringey with people who care that much about others hobbies
Just spend your time doing what you like and what makes you happy, because in the end that's what counts

>> No.9521325

This. People who are into any fandom are often sperglords anyway, I don't talk to them even when I'm really into what I'm cosplaying.

>> No.9521333

>I'm more interested in the making of the costume itself
This. I still wouldn't cosplay from something I haven't fully played/watched/read, but the #1 thing that factors into my choice to cosplay a character is if the costume will be within my skill level while still challenging me and making me learn new skills.

The crafting aspect is by far the most important aspect of cosplay for me. Part of the reason I go to cons is to meet people who are also passionate about the creation of their costumes.

>> No.9521416

>being a pretentious cunt

Nobody like a raging bitch.

>> No.9521431

I wouldn't do it myself, but why does it really matter if other people do? Especially if you're a new fan yourself, it's obnoxious to complain about.
>90% of bandwagon automata fans whining about 2b cosplayers

>> No.9521436

If I'm cosplaying from something I don't know I would atleast research it a little.

>> No.9521622

Same, but I won't make a scene about someone that doesn't know about the character.

Not everyone has to be a no life weeb to enjoy a character. Some people have lives.

>> No.9521625

>because it's too hard

Fucking lel

>> No.9521644
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>big expo and competition in baking
>rather passionate in making bread, so I enter and try to win the artisan bread contest

>> No.9521659

>enter bread contest
>didn't even make the bread, you bought it
>don't even know what kind of bread it is

>> No.9521662

I just find it weird that poeple are willing to dedicate hours to a character they nothing about. And besides, how hard is it to at least watch a couple of episode/play the game

>> No.9521665


Do you think gordon ramsay cares about the history of all the types of steaks he makes?

you think he cares what kind of steak winston churchill preferred the most? is he a pretender piece of shit for not knowing what year the first chateubriand was originally served?

>> No.9521671

I admit I cosplay from Dramatical Murder just to get bitches. It works.

>> No.9521730

While I wouldn't make the costume myself, if a friend had the costume and wanted me to match with them or something I would. I know that feel of wanting to do a group/couple cosplay that badly because I'm a fan of obscure-ish games

>> No.9521818

>food analogy
you understand cooking is not the same definition as cosplaying right? you can google the definitions of both words and resize the windows so you can compare definitions side by side.

There are probably videos on youtube of how to do it if you aren't sure on how to do that.

>> No.9521830

I'm not even sure how people can do this. I always cosplay a character I'm at least a little bit passionate about, if not I lose interest incredibly quickly.

That and it's always disappointing when someone has no interest in the thing they're cosplaying from/is doing it because it's popular. But it's none of my business. Let them waste their money.

>> No.9521879

Only coswhores do this for attention.

>> No.9521888

I will never understand this even though I have friends who do this. Just recently a game came out that my friend decided to cosplay from. A really short game too, one that you could finish in one sitting. Well, she makes the cosplay, and THEN finishes the game and surprise surprise she didnt actually like the game all that much. So now shes stuck with a cosplay of a game she didnt like.

>> No.9521903

Spending hours upon hours working on a costume of a character you don't even know is fine, but putting on the source anime to watch in the background means you're a weeb with no life...?

>> No.9521911

I suffered through Musaigen no Phantom World because I wanted to cosplay Ruru. A+ character design. Terrible show, she was its only saving grace. Will still cosplay her.

Also, a lot of people want to be the first to cosplay a show/game. I don't really care why someone cosplays.

>> No.9521925

At least you watched it and have some clue of what her character is like, even if it turned out to be shit. I'm so sick of people cosplaying characters with a very defined personality and body language and, because they haven't even tried watching/playing/reading the source material or even reading the goddamn wiki, completely fucking up in the posing department. All that effort to make a cosplay and then they can't even take a decent picture, ffs.

Also maybe I'm just a grouchy old bitch but to me, screaming FIRST and scrambling to be the first to cosplay some character from a series that often isn't even out yet seems more no-life weeb to me than watching 30 minutes of anime once a day. You'd think people with fulfilling lives wouldn't be so desperate for fleeting social media likes that they'll grasp onto anything as long as they're first.

>> No.9521928


>> No.9521949

>has time for costuming
>but not 25 minute long episodes of anime

lack of time is not an excuse

>> No.9522017

I'm one of those people that don't have patience for watching or reading something, I'd much rather DO something. It's very satisfying to have a visible result after hours of doing something, or I feel very useless.

>> No.9522028

It makes no sense. If the desire to cosplay them came solely from the design, why wouldn't you just watch/play/read the series? It's not that difficult and if you're so enamored with the designs it would be enjoyable to see them in context.

>> No.9522038

you mad

>> No.9522039

>It's not that difficult

because it's not about difficulty, it is about FUN. not every anime is a masterpiece, not everyone likes to play jrpg's. It's not that difficult to understand, are you a moron?

>> No.9522070

So have it on in the background? I can't sit still either but I always have something on while I'm working. If it's not in a language I understand I might not catch 100% of the story but at least I've 'experienced' it and sort of got to know the characters.

Nayrt but why would anyone want to cosplay from something they think is too shitty to watch or play? There are literally hundreds of thousands of character designs out there, why would you pick one from a series you don't think is even worth trying?