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9514921 No.9514921 [Reply] [Original]

While I was shopping around for home insurance, I started thinking about the value of my wardrobe and what I'd want to happen to it after I died. I thought fellow seagulls might find that interesting to discuss.

Would your family and friends know what to do with your dresses if you died right now?
Have you made a will and included what happens to your wardrobe in it?
Which dress from your wardrobe would you want to be buried/ cremated in?

>> No.9514924

I'd like my wardrobe donated to the fashion history wing of my local art museum. I will be cremated so there's no point in burning up burando that should be archived and appreciated.

>> No.9514939

I'd gift a few dream dresses to close friends, and probably get them or my family to sell the rest since I have such a huge collection that it just wouldn't be practical for anyone to hang onto it

>> No.9514945

You're gonna have to prey it from my cold dead hands.

But seriously, I do wish to be buried in one of my dresses (in a complete coord) but if I die, I would want my family to sell it all on the internet (it's mostly not so popular older Baby/AP stuff)so this way it'll cover some or most of the funeral expenses as I wouldnt want them to pay for it fully. If there is money left they can do whatever they please and treat themselves. I hope that they sell it mostly to my friends so they can rock that brand and have the pieces they liked in my wardrobe.

>> No.9514954

Bury me in my magic amulet full set and make sure my mausoleum is spooky kawaii

As for the rest of my wardrobe, I would donate it all to a particular friend and leave her in charge of selling it off and deciding what to keep. I trust her to do that for me if I die suddenly. I would like the proceeds from the sale of my wardrobe to go towards diabetes research.

I do not have a will but as someone with severe chronic illnesses I need to write one just in case. I worry about dying suddenly to much to have not gotten around to it. I worry more about my legacy than my wardrobe though. Like I worry about dying before anyone sees what I'm capable of.

>> No.9514960

I would leave all of my clothes to my friend who is also a Lolita. Our tastes don't overlap much, but she'd be able to sell it to people who like my stuff instead of it going to a charity shop.

>> No.9514970

I'd sell my entire wardrobe and use the funds to go to some really nice getaway to spend my last few days at. I'd probably take Honey Cake with me to die in, though. The print and color make me so happy it'd be nice to feel like that at the very end of it all.
My family has no idea how to sell lolita so once my wardrobe hits critical mass I'll probably add it to my will with sales instructions and a price breakdown for each item.

>> No.9514982

I've been thinking of this for like years, ever since I saw a secret on BTB where a girl said she found a bunch of AP and BABY stuff at a couple of thrift stores in her area, then kind of concluded that something really bad must have happened for the dresses to end up there.
Not sure if it was true, but I feel like that would be something my family might do if I died very suddenly.

>> No.9515095

I'd want any close lolita friends I have at the time to take what they'd like (I only have two girls in mind right now if I were to die tomorrow or something, and neither of them have a similar style to mine, so I'm sure even after they got anything they wanted, probably at least 85% of my wardrobe would be left), and then after that, I'd want my family to sell it to help pay any expenses I leave behind or whatever. I plan on donating my body, so hopefully there won't be many. Any money left after that, if there is any, will go directly to my brother.

>My family has no idea how to sell lolita so once my wardrobe hits critical mass I'll probably add it to my will with sales instructions and a price breakdown for each item.
Dear everyone ITT, as someone who several years ago inherited a ton of stuff from a family member who passed very suddenly, had no fucking clue what to do with most of it and no one to trust to give me an accurate idea of what the value of any of it was, and with some of it had to either spend time trying to find good info or just say fuck it and deal with whatever loss, absolutely do this. Especially if your wardrobes are particularly valuable, save your loved ones the extra strain if they don't know what to do and you don't trust anyone to do it for them, and make them that list with instructions sooner rather than later.

>> No.9515107

>Would your family and friends know what to do with your dresses if you died right now?
I've told my husband which of my friends to contact to sell/distribute it. I gave him a small list of items that I would want specific people to have, as well. Ultimately, whether he follows through would be up to him.

>Have you made a will and included what happens to your wardrobe in it?
Kinda? I mean, my will isn't that detailed, but I have a little list of things that should go to specific people that's in with other documentation.

>Which dress from your wardrobe would you want to be buried/ cremated in?
None of the above. I don't want an open casket, and "taking it with me" during cremation would just be a waste. If my husband chooses to include a memento or similar post-cremation in the urn, that's up to him (again).

>> No.9515195

I made a will, I'm to be buried in my current favorite coord (I change the document whenever I'm feeling depressed), my mom gets her favorite dress of mine just for sentimental value, and my best lolita friend gets the rest of it.

>> No.9515325

Ideally I'll sell it all off long before natural or illness related death becomes likely, but in an accident/emergency I'd probably just leave my whole wardrobe to my best friend in the comm and ask that half the proceeds of anything sold off gets sent back to my family

>> No.9515560

Previously, I would've wanted it all sold to pay for expenses. But I have life insurance now. I think I'd like to be burried in my favorite dress (probably day dream carnival, wore it a ton and it's special to me) and then the rest would go up for sale cheap to my comm members and then have someone else in my comm sell everything for an animal charity or something.

>> No.9515578

If I knew I was going to die, I'd sell it and give the money to my family. Otherwise, I've considered writing a guide for my family on how to sell the items / how to price them and approximate prices so that they can have the money once I'm dead. I want to be buried in my dream dress, but other than that I would prefer the dresses to go towards the welfare of people I care about.

>> No.9515581

That's really sad. I'd be worried that if my clothes end up at a thrift store someone would use it for Halloween (or worse).

>> No.9515627

>Would your family and friends know what to do with your dresses if you died right now?
In case of a sudden death? My family doesn't value my fashion. My batshit insane mother already threw away some rare and sought after items of mine without permission which I used to store at my parents while I was living abroad. They'd probably just throw my clothes away in case I'd died..
I'm a lone lolita as well, so there is no one I could hand over my items in case of death. If I know I'm going to die though, I'd sell my clothes for cheap to the international community to make some poorfags happy that they can afford their dream dresses.
>Have you made a will and included what happens to your wardrobe in it?
I don't care about my family so I have not. They probably wouldn't stick to my decisions anyway and find some loopholes so they can do whatever they want to do.
>Which dress from your wardrobe would you want to be buried/ cremated in?
It doesn't matter in the end. But as a true lolita who's aways aspired to have the perfect coord for every occasion, I'd give a go for the JetJ cruxifixion dress.

>> No.9515881

I would tell your family they can sell your clothes on lacemarket when you die. They sound shitty but if they think they will make money they will probably do it? Or ask a cousin or something to do it.

>> No.9516070

I'm currently saving up for cats tea party. Once I have it, I can finally kill myself. I will ask to be cremated in the dress and to have photos of my corpse put on cgl wearing it.

>> No.9516123

My younger sister likes and knows about lolita, so it'd end up being given to her. She doesn't have an LM or Facebook account but it wouldn't be beyond her to create one and sell the stuff she didn't want to keep to raise money for the funeral.

>> No.9516164
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>> No.9516878

Was just about to comment this anon, the bad mojo from it alone was enough to freak me out.

>> No.9517500

If I still have my wardrobe, I would leave it to a brolita who loves lolita.

>> No.9517504
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Bury me in my nicest coord, donate the rest to friends or let family sell it online.

>> No.9517545

>if i die

>> No.9518489

I have a shiro coord I want to be buried in for those ghost vibes.

Everything else is to go to my friends, but they'll just have to duke it out, because I don't want to assign pieces to people in case I cause disappointment.

My one stipulation is that my family must keep a full coord, wig and all, and someone has to dress up as me every Hallowe'en.

>> No.9518826

>Bury me in my magic amulet full set and make sure my mausoleum is spooky kawaii

Pretty much this.

>> No.9518839

My family will sell and I know I've left them a tidy sum of inheritance.

>> No.9518852

>someone has to dress up as me every Hallowe'en
Anon that's beautiful.