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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 51 KB, 382x400, TB1aoYZJpXXXXXYXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9505532 No.9505532 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9478764

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

New Store Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

NEW! Shopping Service Spreadsheet:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

>> No.9505608
File: 67 KB, 321x480, vm_short_boots_replica_-_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from last thread: Any idea how I can get secret shop shoes these days. I really want some of their boots.

>> No.9505637
File: 408 KB, 498x750, TB2zYOSXqi5V1BjSspfXXapiXXa_!!41178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am seeing SO many gorgeous hats this summer. I hope this catches on.

>> No.9505656

>Orders a 2b cosplay from Meowhouse
>Receives a shitty iCos cosplay.
I want to kill myself.

>> No.9505697
File: 87 KB, 600x600, TB1.NvjPVXXXXa9XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505940
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I'm getting the weird errors too for a few days now. It worked for about an hour earlier and I though it was fixed but then it started shitting up again rip

>> No.9506018
File: 99 KB, 640x688, 3040081000_school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searching for a pleated white dress to modify for this, am I supposed to say something like 假 衣领百褶白连衣裙?

>> No.9506019 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1058x1731, Screenshot_20170602-225911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-should I be worried? I got a replica blouse from vivid. I thought only the Chinese customs took your stuff?

>> No.9506055
File: 220 KB, 1058x1731, 743478986335331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-should I be worried? I got a blouse from vivid. I thought only the Chinese customs took your stuff?

>> No.9506090

That's all normal. Everything that comes in goes through ISC but in 10+ years of ordering I've never had them take anything/charge you anything.

>> No.9506114
File: 687 KB, 900x411, igottastopshopping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, finally got this all approved and bought... Almost all of it is basics.

>> No.9506120

Has anyone got a link to that old school looking blackxwhite lace JSK that's been posted before?

>> No.9506145

Link to the tights please??

>> No.9506152

Link to the hat as well

>> No.9506241
File: 192 KB, 720x951, HTB1RV8LOXXXXXbsXpXXq6xXFXXX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a journal cover like pic related
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Japanese-Style-NOTE-FOR-Flower-Eggs-Cute-Houses-PU-Leather-Cover-and-Filler-A6-Notebook-Set/32760598204.html but can't find it on Taobao.
Link to blouse?

>> No.9506281

If those are wristcuffs may you link them? Thanks!

>> No.9506290

Me too, cannot get it to work

>> No.9506339

Does any one know any cute first aid boxes for sale?

>> No.9506372

same , anyone got a solution ?

>> No.9506378

Does anyone know of any stores that sell chocomint style accessories? Or cotton blouses and dresses? I'm so sick of chiffon, it looks cheap and I'm stuck in 2012

>> No.9506452

I'm in the same boat as you anon, I wished I could buy these again.

>> No.9506537




They're actually gloves, I'll link them anyways just in case you or anyone else is interested:

>> No.9506540

Is it normal for there to be a lag between Lucaille putting wigs on their Taobao page and on their website?

>> No.9506555

Does anyone know any good shops that sell cutsews? I'm dying to grab some for some more casual coords but I'm having trouble finding any shops.

>> No.9506570

As far as I know, yeah

Some were posted in the last thread but by and large all the shops that typically have them are unfortunately either closed or not carrying anything cutsew-like at all

>> No.9506572

Lag in terms of shipping, getting new stock, or what?

>> No.9506573

Are people able to see reviews anymore? Each time I click on the reviews for an item, it prompts me for my log-in/cell phone number. I can't look at worn photos or anything now.

>> No.9506647

A new wig that I want is on their Taobao store, but not on their non-Taobao website yet. I wasn't sure if that meant anything.

>> No.9506719

I'm getting this too but only with certain items for some reason, most are still fine

>> No.9506726
File: 51 KB, 750x291, TB2kbJtgY4npuFjSZFmXXXl4FXa_!!2969647012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone provide a quick translation of this for me?

I've got that the first one is height, but google is giving me weight for the second, which I'm guessing is actually the waist measure? the third is in azn bra size, I presume, and the fourth is giving me waist, but it's in feet or some shit?

>> No.9506943
File: 357 KB, 1628x600, TB2cPUdXnga61BjSspoXXX_8XXa_!!2251662012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought fabric off Taobao? How did it go? Been eyeing these and a few others

>> No.9506969
File: 6 KB, 642x266, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any taobao link redirects me to an error page on Tmall now. Clearing caches doesn't fix it. Switching browsers doesn't fix it. Anyone have this happen before? Happened while I was logged in too...

I can still view the page links throw a SS.

Pic related. It's the page not found error I keep getting redirected to.

>> No.9506971

I bought pleather once to make a huge plushie. It was dirt cheap so worth it despite it being heavy and kinda smelled like chemicals, but accurate to the images and fit my needs.

>> No.9507030

How can I find patches for plushies on Taobao? Like eyes for example.

>> No.9507049

All international packages go through customs. Theyre not going to take it away.

>> No.9507063

Could anyone help me figure out the tag for 7 Mortal Sins? Not 7 Deadly sins, im talking about that weird ecchi anime. Got asked to join a group and I feel like the horns/wig would be eaiser to TB

>> No.9507086

It takes a while for them to update their non-tb store. I don't remember how long but yeah usually it takes a while.

>> No.9507100

You won't find shit, it's Sin七大罪

>> No.9507121

Does anyone know the search term for fanny pack? Thanks!!

>> No.9507122


>> No.9507135

Because I want to buy some? Theyre extremely useful for travel and events and I want to find cute ones that arent pricey

>> No.9507159

Google is right, it's asking for Height/Weight/Bust/Waist.
Why it's in feet is beyond me. Taobao sellers do some weird shit but converted to inches/cm the measurements are proportional.

Seconding this question. I need some stretch PVC vinyl in funky colours like the stuff they use to make catsuits. Anywhere else it would cost me minimum 20$/m and I can't buy it in store.
Mind linking to what you bought as an example?

Read through older posts. Lots of people are having this issue and for me it randomly shits out so just check back periodically.

>> No.9507177

Now Taobao is mostly working, but is it just me or is it still funky? When I try to sort by the shop's tags (Colour, length, etc.) if it's a shop I haven't visited before nothing will show up. In any category. Or fantasysheep and piaolioujiafa are both just completely empty.

>> No.9507271

I've got 3 colours of spandex and a few yards of that bread print fabric coming in an order rn, should be able to review them in a couple weeks (to the anon who originally wanted reviews, sorry it's taking so long! Another item was mto so the whole parcel took ages to be ready)

>> No.9507389

This happened to me and I think it's just weird Taobao downtime or something. It fixed itself within a day for me.

>> No.9507508
File: 31 KB, 600x600, TB2Ok8chpXXXXXEXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!1918582627.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I know for good A-line pettis, Aurora & Ariel is the way to go, but what about Cupcake pettis? Which store would you recommend?

>> No.9507728

Aurora & Ariel

>> No.9507771

Sourcing a 2B cosplay on taobao do any of you have any advice for what shops have good ones/good cosplays? I've had bad luck in the past

>> No.9507943

Kekked anon thanks

>> No.9507995
File: 256 KB, 800x800, TB2nE5DbbJmpuFjSZFBXXXaZXXa_!!292373892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody happen to know any stores that sell laser cut trims or fabrics with laser cut edes? I vaguely remember somebody asking something similar several months or even years ago.

>> No.9508055
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, Persona_4_nanako_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a few weeks ago I was looking on taobao for Persona 5 cosplay and came across the actual game couldnt believe how cheap it was on taobao!! Well now my order finally arrived and I popped that bad boy into my ps4 only for it to all be in chinese. Which I was expecting but i can't find an option to change it back to english someone help please?? Thanks in advance

>> No.9508058

are you a fucking idiot

>> No.9508179

Are there any wig shops on Taobao that have a number of styles in the same colors similar to Arda? I need 2 wigs plus a clipon in the same color, but Arda's wigs are too huge for my tiny head and I don't like how easily they tangle.

>> No.9508181

You should have bought the eng version?
which would have 英版 or something similar in the title.

There no such thing as a language change in P5 so have fun trying to read Chinese

>> No.9508333
File: 40 KB, 600x609, Cat_20B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody tell me what Taobao shop these tights are from?

>> No.9508346
File: 83 KB, 465x465, TB2gCzDXp_AQeBjSZFyXXb1bXXa_!!11083299.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am looking to buy some fabric soon as well so I'll be tracking to see what you find out.

>> No.9508386

Found two cute bra stores for the spreadsheet:


>> No.9508391

How about somewhere to get a smaller poof petti? I have a petti from CP from when they were good and it's pretty huge. Something smaller would also be nice? Both bell and a-line

>> No.9508414

...Are you retarded?

>> No.9508417

If anyone can help me figure out the search terms for stretch PVC i am willing to spend the time searching for good shops. All I could find was non stretch for bags and stuff.

>> No.9508422

I apologize for such a simple question, but are there specific shopping services that are better for smaller orders? I'm planning to pick up a base bag for an itabag, but I've never ordered from Taobao before. I've been looking at the spreadsheet and it's all kind of overwhelming, but I might just be overthinking it. Someone suggested TaobaoTrends, and that's the one I was thinking of going with, but I wanted to get some opinions from people who've ordered before.

>> No.9508440

Those are actually a collaboration between artists Kondou Emi and Lilly. http://shop.abilletage.com/?pid=73138345
Please don't buy them from Taobao.

>> No.9508460

They look to be Mu-Fish jewel and lovely cats. Not sure if they will be restocked. https://world.taobao.com/item/40587267900.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-16021659861.95.zn9FES

>> No.9508500

Ah, I saw it on MLD and just assumed it was from Taobao, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.9508547

I've never used TBT so I can't vouch for that but it seems like a pretty decent bet for that, esp since they offer SAL shipping.
Also imho if you haven't gone with Yoybuy before I'd say they're worth it at least for one lone first order, bc they have a promo thing where they give you a flat $10 off your first order, no matter the size (and also have SAL available too), so that might be handy for a small order, and then head back to your usual SS of choice after that

>> No.9508550

Thank you, added! And to the anon who dumped all those store links last thread, I'm still gonna add them! Just been struggling through the last bit of finals week here and haven't gotten around to checking them all out yet in order to categorise and describe them all

>> No.9508559

You can try Buynosaur, they have this shipping option called E-Express and it's good value for small orders.

>> No.9509234
File: 490 KB, 1800x1108, smallshittyorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smallest order I've ever made but for once I'm on a limited budget.

>> No.9509237

can you review that blouse when it comes in? It's all over ebay for ~20$

>> No.9509282
File: 60 KB, 599x862, d350128b-a94e-417b-bdf8-21024896dd9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple resin threads ago, someone said that these was a mold to make capsules like this on Taobao (using gelatin capsules does not yield results like this btw, believe me, I've tried, this is clearly one continuous pour with no difference in size between the two halves ). I tried a couple different search terms and couldn't find it, does anyone know if such a mold exists?

>> No.9509287

Sure? You probably wouldn't get the same quality though and mine is around $11 I think.

>> No.9509320

link to tee and shoes please?

>> No.9509372

link to bag please! It's for fancy itabaging right?

>> No.9509461


Yep! I plan to toss my few HieixKurama merch in there.

>> No.9509465


>> No.9509470
File: 59 KB, 960x720, asdkfsf (170).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HieixKurama merch
Please be sure to post WIPs in the Itabag thread, anon. I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.9509557
File: 442 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mzikfxIZXb1rlo8c6o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly my WIP is going to literally be "Here is bag, here is two pieces of identical merch per character, this is four pieces inside bag." because the window is tiny and my merch is huge.

Maybe one day I'll have a proper bag but I thought this was cute enough as a subtle OTP show-off.

>> No.9509584

Also interested in getting a 2B cosplay from taobao anyone any suggestions or reviews?

>> No.9509705
File: 141 KB, 282x201, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know of any biscuit bags like this I can use for cosplay? Even if it's just a heart-shaped biscuit bag that I can put the pink icing on, that'd be great.

>> No.9509811

The 200 thing they keep mentioning on all their listings, is that a minimum order price, or something else? Google translate isn't helping make much sense of it

>> No.9509825

Apologies in advance if this has been asked multiple times or somewhere in the FAQ, I tried quick searching keywords with no avail.

Have any anons experience buying cosplay in custom sizes from any taobao store? I basically have a weird ass skinny fat body.

>> No.9509830
File: 19 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question, but it's my first time ordering this sort of item.

I am trying to order the D.Va pistol with Yoybuy and they told me it won't pass customs. If this is true then how can other Chinese sellers offer this to the USA on Ebay? Wouldn't that also get confiscated by customs?

Should I just risk it and take the loss if it gets confiscated? I also intend on using DHL if that matters.

(Pic is what it looks like.)

>> No.9509971

That's a good question. It's probably because eBay sellers aren't going to tell you "hey this thing we're selling might get taken" while shopping services make their money by insuring your stuff gets to you.

Also customs doesn't open EVERY package. Technically you're getting a realistic looking firearm so it would be more on the USA side of getting taking instead of China, I would think. Just tell Yoybuy to hide it in the middle of the package out of sight. Most Chinese customs if they open the box will just look at what's visible on top and not bother rummaging through.

The issue may be DHL though. They're VERY strict about customs while slower items like SAL are very lax because of sheer number of packages. Ask Yoybuy if they recommend another shipping service with less chance at being seized?

>> No.9510035

Yeah I figured. :( Thank you anon!

I asked Yoybuy what the best way to try and do this is. I want to try this out. If it gets caught that's fine since the rest of my order is not problematic for customs.

>> No.9510149

Thanks gulls, I'll look into both before deciding!

>> No.9510173

They won't ship it, I've tried with yoybuy and nothing you say will convince them to ship it because the customs it won't pass is china customs, and they'll get in trouble for trying to ship it.

>> No.9510252

links to all the clothes not sourced in the previous thread, please?

>> No.9510664

Aw crap. I wouldn't want to get them in trouble. I'll just have them cancel it and see if there's a US seller.

>> No.9510694
File: 2.91 MB, 1293x1164, badcollagetaobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentioned this stuff in the last thread too but brought it up again here since I got the rest of my things in. Anyone else wants reviews let me know.

I got the blackxgold colourway. They seem pretty nice, they stretch and I'm tall so I'm happy. They stink a little like all Yidhra stuff does so I'd suggest airing them out a little.

Not sure which shoes you mean so I'll go with the velvet ones. They're alright, I ordered a size up and they're pretty much the right size at the toe but need an insert in the heel. They have padding but the padding's a little odd, it's all in the front of the shoe and none in the back. As for whether they stain, I haven't worn them for any extensive period of time so I honestly can't say for sure yet. I'll get back to you on that.

>> No.9510782
File: 1.50 MB, 1198x888, iswearicanstopatanytime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added just a few more things... If anyone wants reviews then just tell me, but most of it is from well known brands so I doubt I'll have much to add. Still willing!

>> No.9510783

Link to the bottom first tights?

>> No.9510796


>> No.9510798

Anon, I'm so jealous of this haul

>> No.9510941

Can I have the link for the t-shirt? need more slav ae in my life

>> No.9510976

Could you review and link those galaxy fabrics?

Link to those blouses and bag please?

>> No.9511066

See >>9509461 it should be the first or second link.

>> No.9511082
File: 22 KB, 482x169, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inventory on Squat shirt says 1999
>wake up to this instead

Well maybe someone on AliExpress has it.

>> No.9511319

So, sometimes when I add things in the cart (on taobaotrends), it will say the full price instead of the sale price
So for example, item usually costs ¥ 100 but is lowered to ¥ 50, but when I add it it still says ¥ 100 in the cart
It doesn't happen every time, just on some items
Anyone else have this problem? Is it taobaotrends or is it taobao itself?

>> No.9511854

White Blouse: http://www.spreenow.com/category/c11078/taobao-agent/taobao/548990909040

Blue/Black Blouse: http://www.spreenow.com/category/c11078/taobao-agent/taobao/552467119303

Bag: http://www.spreenow.com/category/c11078/taobao-agent/taobao/543811443204

>> No.9511866

99% of the time, it's because your ss tried to bargain with the seller and got banned from the shop.

>> No.9512269

Not that anon but I've heard of this before. It's a long shot but is there any ss known to not do that kind of stuff?

>> No.9512418

nm, got help from the staff at taobaotrends, it apparently happens sometimes, but they fix it when you place the order (just in case someone was wondering)

>> No.9512852

Id love a link to all the fabric!

>> No.9512863

Did the website have good reviews?

>> No.9512896

Sorry, I forgot I posted to this thread. I got this
> https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18844600202
It's not stretch PVC, but maybe it can help you find the search term for it.

>> No.9513507

I'm having a hard time finding current info on ordering direct from infanta through their email- all the reviews I'm finding are several years old. Anybody have experience/info on this?

>> No.9514204

checked the dictionary but no luck- princess sleeve blouses? Any recs?

>> No.9514426
File: 44 KB, 500x600, 5f2dcfe176768ce34f8562a0e5e65bf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everybody!
Where can I get pair of these shoes? Replica, coz my feet are bit larger than AP max size (260mm)
Antaina don't answer my emails

>> No.9514442

Both Baby the stars shine bright and Swimmer have released heart shaped biscuit bags and I'm pretty sure there are replicas of both bags on taobao. Both have writing on them, though.
I'm on my phone right now so I can't efficiently browse taobao right now, but maybe this is still of some help for you.

>> No.9514451

I have these but I never wore them? It's in brown & size L (24.5/39 size), I can sell them for $70 + shipping from USA

>> No.9514483


>> No.9514487

not that anon but this is really cute, is it out of stock or is there something wrong with the price field?

>> No.9514524

Infanta has one that is cropped and with detachable princess sleeves. I'm actually wearing it right now. Beware that the elastic in the sleeves is super tight and you obviously can't wear it with a skirt.

>> No.9514537

It is waiting for a restock but https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a21wu.241046-CN.4691948847.145.QPpXJJ&scm=1007.12493.69999.100200300000001&id=541104377763&pvid=d7d0dd1c-a90e-4e13-8abd-d986c89f3dd4 would be similar if it's urgent.

>> No.9514539
File: 1.09 MB, 350x300, 1422184769213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any good stores that sell instagram-fashion-tier stuff?
.. Asking for a friend

>> No.9514929


>> No.9514974

Not sure if this store is in the spreadsheet but i found it while searching around. Lots of really cute clothes.


>> No.9515121
File: 2.04 MB, 3502x2736, biscuit1_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even know about the Swimmer one, thank you so much!

A replica of this or even the BTSSB bag would be perfect, would anybody happen to know how to find them on Taobao?

>> No.9515140
File: 228 KB, 744x744, 20170610_204559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the blue and orange nebula fabric. It's nicer than I expected. About as vibrant as in the stock photo. The blues and oranges are lovely.

The purple's was a little disappointing just because instead of looking unique it kind of just looks like a purple version of the fabric above. Which is fine, just not what I was expecting. I took a shitty phone pic comparing the two (they don't photograph incredibly well but the black and blue is darker than in the pic)

This is the black fabric. I was most apprehensive about this and was pleasantly surprised. I really like it. The fabric feels solid and the embroidery stands out. It doesn't photograph all that well because of the shine so I didn't bother taking a pic, but I'm looking forward to working with it.

It was also incredibly cheap, something comparable would probably be 30$ a yard here. So I recommend it.

>> No.9515143
File: 316 KB, 450x600, TB2vW9_nCBjpuFjSsplXXa5MVXa_!!666475850.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Alice is making underskirts now. No wonder since all their lolita dresses are so damn short.


>> No.9515147
File: 561 KB, 500x375, 1494624044775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Dreamholic have more than one storefront? It looks like they have different stock on their Storenvy vs their taobao shop.

>tfw no Hime Ringos in their taobao shop but lots on Storenvy

>> No.9515208

does anyone have good cosplay shop recommendations for p5 uniform cosplays? I really don't want any more bad surprises of that scratchy synthetic crap I've been seeing

>> No.9515300
File: 1.03 MB, 1044x645, dva trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boyfriend and i are going to cosplay dva, just waiting for the police uniform as the ss told me it'll take at least 2 months, which is the same month as the con i am going to starts ;_;

>> No.9515349

Unfortunately that was the one I was planning on getting, but the color I wanted just sold out in the past day. Thanks, though!

>> No.9515351

Thanks for the links! The Best Wish blouse was my first option, but it's not available now. Then the Infanta blouse someone else suggest became my second option, and it sold out in the color I needed. I'll see about getting the second one you linked, fingers crossed taobao doesn't fuck me over on this one, too

>> No.9515430
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 9bb0765d-d04f-4d3a-bdb2-68f8d524ac89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spreadsheet update: 30+ stores added! Newest updates are in yellow, those from previous updates have been switched to a light orange for reference.

Having a little trouble sorting/describing some of the stores dumped by anon last thread; the remaining ones listed below I've sorted into general Jfash/Gen asian fash categories for the moment but if you have any suggestions as to what styles they fall under, general descriptors, please let me know!

Thank you!

>> No.9515433
File: 992 KB, 500x465, nano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you !

>> No.9515435

Thank you for all your hard work!

>> No.9515566

Thank you anon! Your hard work is appreciated greatly!

>> No.9515587

>假 衣领百褶白连衣裙
Why add the 'fake' keyword? And like technically those are right, you just won't find anything because it's very cosplay and not actual clothes. I recommend doing a "sports dress" or tennis dress instead?


>> No.9515832

Seconding this question I love some of the styles on their storenvy but I can't justify the prices compared to their taobao

>> No.9515855

good luck if you're trying to ship the guns; they'll probably reject it at customs.

>> No.9515865

I have ordered from both the old etsy store and from the taobao store. The one on Storenvy is run by a Swedish girl, but it seems they have some issues lately. She can send from Sweden though, if you ask, which is nice as a eurofag.
Taobao store just seems like any old taobao store. Had no issues when I ordered from them (recently). No idea why their stock varies so much though.

>> No.9515870
File: 199 KB, 750x1809, TB211sLpgxlpuFjy0FoXXa.lXXa_!!699298700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this a reference to something or just........weird

>> No.9515910
File: 553 KB, 488x360, 1494807061320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon! this spreadsheet is super helpful!

>> No.9515966
File: 999 KB, 250x251, wejustdontknow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, what's the cheapest shopping service to order from if I know the weight is going to be high? I want to order several pairs of shoes and I know it's going to be crappy no matter what. I've used bhiner, buynosaur, and spreenow. I've had bad experiences with bhiner inaccurately weighing stuff, and I know buynosaur doesn't get great shipping rates.

>> No.9515998

I recently had TBring ship a SAL
3880gr package to me (Eurofag), I paid $46 usd.
I find them quite cheap because they offer SAL. I also think they may offer SEA, but on request as it's not seletable in the shipping options?
SEA is hella slow but cheap as fuck, you could email them for a quote?

>> No.9516097

Where is everyone getting their supplies for resin crafts from? I'm looking in particular for those hollow metal charms you fill with UV resin (sometimes called bezels) and molds

>> No.9516100

Maybe I'm an idiot, but did taobao get rid of the image search function? Yes I'm on the Chinese site and I still can't find it. I can't use the mobile app right now because my phone is broken

>> No.9516149

>but did taobao get rid of the image search function
No, still in the searchbar.

>> No.9516150

>not knowing Star's Rainbow
It's Fantasy Sheep's clothing brand and pretty much one of the first shops everyone and their mom knew because they invented the galaxy seifuku.

>> No.9516162
File: 31 KB, 790x289, HTB1GvmwLXXXXXXbXXXXq6xXFXXXa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't figure out for the life of me how to read this. Are they genuinely using chi for measuring clothing?

>> No.9516530

yea chi and the ying yang

and also cuns

>> No.9516536

Do they still do VIP only sales? I've not seen anybody but Clobba carry their shit for years now.

>> No.9516641

I find it's usually the last thing to load/appear, sometimes even after the automatic translation, so if something's happening and your page isnt loading 100% that might be causing it to not show up

>> No.9516643

>what is the store spreadsheet
there are multiple resin craft supply shops in the diy category, take your pick

>> No.9517068
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 5bcdb4cf73b6f4f1144dae6c220c96ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order onmyoji cos from 1/3 delusion
>agent states it's gonna take 6 months because they're the official cosplay of the game

oh well.

>> No.9517160

1/3 delusion almost always states when their costumes should be ready on the page, and their time estimates are pretty accurate. If your SS is stating a different time than what's listed, they're likely lying.

>> No.9517416

Any TB Lolita brands selling jabots? I couldn't find anything that was being sold separately from a blouse.

>> No.9517723

Does anyone have experience with warehouses? I want to try sending things to a warehouse and shipping it out myself so I don't have to deal with SS fees for massive orders. Chinese communication isn't a problem, but I don't even know where to start looking for this kind of stuff.

>> No.9517736
File: 20 KB, 359x253, feb964e509e35b214e8f0b2b6f11cccd45d7d048_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, posting this here as well as help as Im sure it fits here too but what is the type of plastic people put over wire when making ahoges? I need to make a couple in parts of the wig and will probably clip them on, do you think that'd be balanced enough?

>> No.9517877
File: 15 KB, 386x122, Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 5.08.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does this happen?

>> No.9517878

People usually just cover them with wefts, not plastic. If you do that, you'll be fine.

>> No.9517883

real weight vs volumeric weight
if your package is bigger in size, they'll use the volumeric weight instead of the actual weight.

>> No.9517889

Thank you! I thought my SS was trying to rip me off or mis-weighed.

>> No.9517893


Those look like they would make excellent circle skirts with some little fairy lights under it to light up.

If I was feeling ambitious they would make lovely flowy shirts too with a camisole under it.

>> No.9517969

https://magic-contract.world.taobao.com Gothic J-fashion

>> No.9517995

Some people put either felt or tape over the wire before covering with wefts if that's what you're asking, >>9517736?

>> No.9517996

whoops pardon the misquote there

>> No.9518212


Is there a search term like this store for men? I really like the old and modern mix

>> No.9518216

I just use yoybuy for my warehouse

>> No.9518217

Source for d.va cosplay plz

>> No.9518727


I have one coming in the mail and can give a review when it comes in if you would like? It'll be a few weeks though

>> No.9518814

baka at those replica tights.

>> No.9519257
File: 19 KB, 400x400, weebchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any dva anons, pls help. I saw a dva chair (like a gaming chair) once on taobao but forgot to bookmark it, and now my taobaofu is failing me. Googling only comes up with storenvy/other site resellers, and I want the og link to hopefully save a bit of $$$$ if I ever want to drop the cash on it. pic related.

>> No.9519984
File: 69 KB, 400x400, TB2J6p9s04opuFjSZFLXXX8mXXa_!!86846410.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this qi/wa blouse on Taobao and thought I'd link it since the preorder ends in 6 days and it can be hard imo to find good blouses for qi/wa.

>> No.9520030


Can anyone clarify how many bags comes in this? I'm assuming a decent amount but I can't see a clear answer. Or I'm an idiot.

>> No.9520034

>Is this "wig" really Overly photoshopped?
I mean I've take alot of picture of wigs in my day
I'd just like to see a before an after of the wigs first.

>> No.9520041

Warehouse is super easy! I don't speak chinese at all, and i've put in quite a few orders, and any problems I've had I was able to fix by just talking to either the seller or the warehouse staff (using google translate of course).
This site is a really good resource if you're just starting out, plus, the guy who runs it can help answer questions if you're having difficulties!

>> No.9520045

What Price is It your looking for
Oh wait your one of them...

>> No.9520319

>police dva
>hanbok dva

>> No.9520323
File: 336 KB, 800x800, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9521919
File: 321 KB, 500x715, TB2aEc5aF6AQeBjSZFIXXctXpXa_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any otome/casual lolita petticoat suggestions?
I'm thinking about this one from Chess Story but the 2 different layer lengths is getting to me.

>> No.9521923

Could someone specifically help me figure out the tag for Tamamo from Fate? There's SO Much under the Fate tags

>> No.9521929

Link on wig? Looks the best out of everything I've seen

>> No.9522350
File: 130 KB, 1100x1170, 9a6ff59136487f01b0daba6f620c3ae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to find Ann's thief outfit from Persona 5 for a friend. I've tried every search term I can figure out and no dice. Does anyone have any leads? Thanks.

>> No.9522426

have you tried "女神异闻录5 cos"?

>> No.9522445

How do gulls deal with measuring yourselves for costumes using a seller's given size chart? I fit all the measurements for a given size, except for the shoulders. Should I expect it to still fit or would it be in my best interest to order a size up?

>> No.9522457

By how much is it off?

>> No.9522465


Approximately 4 centimeters.

>> No.9522486
File: 37 KB, 702x702, 7a507a779b29cd442a5462cb31fd14f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my order in today and it looks like there's dried blood on a pair of gloves I got.

... I don't even know what to do about it. Should I contact my SS? Can I get a partial refund or something? Should I just let them know so they can chew out the store?

>> No.9522498

long sleeves or short sleeves

>> No.9522510
File: 119 KB, 500x500, T2VumyXBtXXXXXXXXX_!!88071645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say it's at elbow length. Pic related is what I'm looking to get.

>> No.9522520

if the shoulders are too small, it'll make your sleeves shorter. if you don't care, just order it

>> No.9522747
File: 3 KB, 646x93, secondhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like world updated and now shows regular items and secondhand.

>> No.9522783

Shoulders are the most difficult thing to alter (except *maybe* crotch/bum in pants). In a loli style, always order whatever size fits your shoulders and waist as bust can be adjusted via undergarments and hips are given a lot of room in loli style.

If it's a more tailored style waist-down, you always go with shoulders and hips as a waist/bust is ridiculously easy to tuck in/let out.

Your local dry cleaner will do your alterations for $15, generally speaking.

>> No.9522785

The dual lengths look super cute to me and expensive. They aren't very useful as actual petticoats though because it makes your outer line bumpy.

>> No.9523090

dhl is always by volume, sal/ems is always real weight.

>> No.9523102

This isn't true, dhl goes by whichever one is more expensive. If you order a tiny item that weighs 10 lbs, they'll charge you for the 10 lbs.

>> No.9523103

huh i see, i guess my packages were always more expensive by weight
til something new thanks anon

>> No.9523206

Copy/pasting from the help thread since I'm blind and completely overlooked this thread. But could someone probably spoonfeed me some advice/help?

I've never placed a Taobao order before, but I've been saving up and wanting to place somewhat of a decent sized order. A lot of what I'm looking at are very small items (headbands, clips, fake flowers, jewelry, accessories, those sort of things), but they're all from a very wide range of shops. I'm worried one or two small items from 20+ stores are gonna kill me with shipping costs. Is that the case? And if so, could anyone reccommend me a good service or agent?

I've been looking at the FAQ and I saw that it said to avoid buying a lot of small stuff and from a lot of different stores, but unfortunately I can't find some of the items I want on eBay or elsewhere.

>> No.9523263

The advice is don't do it, but you still want to do it. There's nothing left to tell you other than deal with the shipping costs if you really want the stuff.

>> No.9523898

Not to mention anytime I buy small things like at least a handful of them get lost in translation. I would try to find one or two stores that have most of the things you want instead of buying from all over.

>> No.9524307

Do it fucking basicbitch cunts like you need to fuck off

>> No.9524932

Any recs for a casual petticoat? My current one from classical puppets is great but its poof is too extreme for some of my more toned down co-ords

>> No.9525185
File: 26 KB, 308x478, IMG_7479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me the term for "splatoon" I really want to cosplay as Callie

>> No.9525292

You need to breathe, this is not /fa/ we don't act like that this is a civil thread

>> No.9525380

Do you mean the daily bell from Classical Puppers? I have one and I love it for day-to-day and normie-tier wear.

>> No.9525608

I don't have the term but I was actually
looking it up a few weeks ago and they don't have cosplays, only plushies and toys :(

>> No.9526104

I might be mistaken, but was it Akane Alois doing some pretty good petticoats? I've gone to their store and none are coming up

>> No.9526122

Perhaps you're mixing them up with Aurora and Ariel?

>> No.9526164

My niece's school formal is coming up and she wants to do something gothic for it, does anyone have any good recommendations?

>> No.9526166

You're 100% right anon, thank you!

>> No.9526791

This is a really silly question but I'm terrible with Chinese and translation in general. If I'm trying to preorder an item, the cost is 99,999 RMB. So do I tell my SS to get that item when preorders actually open, or...? I'm lost gulls :( I just want a dress and some goodies

>> No.9526922

Dropped link, but my issue here is the sellers weibo seems to suggest the item is for reservation now? https://m.weibo.cn/status/4120787575878510

>> No.9526971

Thank you so much anon. I hope you have a great day.

>> No.9527110

Is there an affordable sewing machine in any of these sites?

>> No.9527131

If you need a cheap machine I think Ikea sells a basic one for $50.

>> No.9527362


If anyone likes weird Tumblr-tier merch of celebrities and tons of beautiful washi tape / wax seals.

>> No.9527781
File: 2 KB, 328x78, WE WILL FIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time ordering from Taobao and I'm trying to figure out if this character means USA or not. It's the only one that I've found that sorta matches 美国

>> No.9527884
File: 260 KB, 1576x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell in love with the cockatiel ToAlice bag, and being a cockatiel owner myself, I'm looking for more adorable birb merch. But searching basic keywords (parrot, Bird, Yellow bird, etc) I come up short. Any help or links appreciated!

>> No.9527967

Link to the stuff in bottom left please!

>> No.9528028
File: 62 KB, 480x536, tumblr_naa703sa9w1qzfsnio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a set of banana bird figures.

>> No.9528031
File: 71 KB, 480x536, tumblr_naa703sa9w1qzfsnio7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9528044
File: 29 KB, 487x695, 71-xdBlYqKL._UY695_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9515121 here
I don't know if anybody else is interested but I ended up searching Taobao up and down and didn't find what I wanted. However, I found what I'm fairly sure is a bootleg of a Disney official purse that was actually a ripoff of the Swimmer bag on Amazon.

sage for OT

>> No.9528211

Hi! Idk if this goes in the Lolita general or Taobao thread so I'm double posting.
Any other brands with super sweet style like diamond honey,to Alice,hawberry...etc?

>> No.9528338

The lolita brand section of the store spreadsheet lists everything by substyle, you can find lots of primarily sweet brands there

>> No.9528365
File: 462 KB, 130x130, remain calm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is any other Yoybuy user having issues with the add item by url function? It was working fine 12 hours ago. Fell asleep and now no matter what URL I input, even trying on different computers/in different browsers, the screen stays blank (a.k.a. doesn't load the Taobao item page in the window so I can actually add it to my cart).

This is my first order through them and I'm really excited about this potential haul, if I can ever complete my order

>> No.9528584

I just tried it and it works for me.

>> No.9528648

thank you anon! I just checked again and everything is back up working.
it was really weird that it didn't work for me all day. I even tried it at work lol

>> No.9528658

It was probably on Yoybuy's end since they've been updating everything.

>> No.9528659

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems like you were too late.. "we are closing preorders earlier than planned at midnight today, and preorders for this month are closed." Maybe they'll put it up for sale again later?

Yup, it's USA. For some reason the text in the image is using traditional script rather than simplified.

>> No.9528753

Curses!!! I don't think they ever re release things, at least not that I have seen. Wasn't a dream dress tho. Thanks for the help

>> No.9528775

google image search is just pinterest.

>> No.9528893

I really want an update to this story

>> No.9528907

Sorry for the eBay link but I couldn't remember what they were actually called. I've seen them on Taobao from shops that go to japan and buy gashapon to resell.


>> No.9528910 [DELETED] 

nyart but those are from the branch epoch and were gashapon toys. You can find them on japanese auctions/etc. easily by searching their japanese name.

>> No.9529054
File: 96 KB, 658x564, FILE1039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slightly out of the loop. Is buynosaur still usable for smaller orders (worth of 100-150$)? A couple of months after their organization desaster, they somewhat caught themself and became usable again.

>> No.9529132

Don't even try anon, they're still a fucking mess.
I switched to YoyBuy and is going well

>> No.9530239
File: 84 KB, 600x602, 1486618363015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made my first order with them and now you have me worried

>> No.9530280

I have an issue gulls
I found an adorable classic college-style dress on taobao themed after one of my favorite books, but it came up alongside of a bunch of Nameless Poem replicas...? The basic dress pattern is really similar, especially with the embroidered bottom. But the entire theme of the dress is vastly different. I've made orders on my own from Taobao before, I'm only wary because it popped up with so many replicas.
It's 80 USD though, and that's a decent price for a taobao dress so their quality should be at least decent. I just don't want to buy a replica or shit quality dress off of fucking Taobao for that much. I-I should be okay to buy it though right? R-Right..? I've never been this nervous before about ordering something...

ps I can drop pics on request if anyone wants to help me out seeing if it's a knock off of a specific dress

>> No.9530285

Might as well show us a pic so we'll be able to know. Hell I'm pretty lax in that if you want to get a replica off Taobao just to wear casually then do it, just don't show it off as lolita or wear it to a meet or anything.

>> No.9530340
File: 48 KB, 360x493, 1460307740110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao just severely restricted my primary shopping account, likely due to the fact that I stupidly had two accounts linked to the same email address. I thought it was a nonissue for more than two years, until today I found I couldn't add anything to my cart or login to Aliwang.
>i don't see why they had to delete my 250+ favorites tho. bastards.

>> No.9530653

Is a Russian roulette, you still can have luck with them

>> No.9530710

OT but what anime is this from?

>> No.9530797

Looks like an idol game card.

>> No.9530801

I don't know what >>9529132 is suffering through but I have an order going and everything is going smoothly. They sent most of my items out already, I'm just waiting for a preorder item and added some other things on. They're still kind of slow to communicate though so be warned about that.

>> No.9530941

Yeah I noticed the slow communication but other then that everything seems to be fine, I've been (slowly) talking to a person from there and they're extremely friendly!

>> No.9530989

Using them now, totally fine and they've even upgraded me to premium plan for free. They are good if you don't want to pay a flat fee for domestic shipping.

>> No.9531256

source on the socks?

>> No.9531458

Yeah but at the same time I find the domestic shipping in general gets really elevated with them from certain shops since it's being shipped to hk instead of more locally

>> No.9531468

Not sure if these are large enough, also not taobao, but they go up to US 9.5. They don't have the white colour but idk if you were specifically looking for that colour

>> No.9531579
File: 285 KB, 600x600, TB2Et3vXisX61BjSszhXXbzWpXa_!!2495278969.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like they made this listing just for us to use as reaction images.

>> No.9531870

>mfw when I picked 2 epoch menoko inko in Japan in Nakano broadway
>want more mushroom birbs

I've looked around and can only find the banana birds

>> No.9531901

Surugaya or Strapya World might have them?

>> No.9531916

I had this bag and sold it because it's huuuuuggeee

>> No.9531948

You can also find full sets on y!j auctions (though it might just be the newer series). btw, the name is kinoko (mushroom).

>> No.9532015
File: 286 KB, 321x522, TaobaoDress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer I look at it, the less I think it's a replica of something specific. I think I'm going to take the plunge.

>> No.9532042 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 426x640, tumblr_oci96jWogM1s020upo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because of the collar, IW loves that one.

>> No.9532046 [DELETED] 

And the results probably showed lots of Nameless Poem as the collar is mostly used for nun lolita.

>> No.9532050
File: 67 KB, 429x810, tumblr_nf2ex1k18g1tykkceo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably showed alongside Nameless Poem replicas as it is a common collar for nun lolita.

Also that dress is pretty old, it's original release was 2015.

>> No.9532416

What does it mean if my SpreeNow items have been in "Queued for for packing" status for a week? Do I need to give them more money?

>> No.9532479
File: 511 KB, 1400x1700, 62107443_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been away from taobao for a pretty long time, and it seems I've either become shit at finding something, or it's not there, but does anyone know of anywhere to get a gerudo link cosplay? I've tried the legend of zelda tag from the dictionary, but no breath of the wild things popped up for it. Right now I'm just tag jumping.

It's being resold(?) on places like ebay, so I'm assuming some are out there.

>> No.9532483

have you tried using the taobao image search using the pictures from the ebay resellers?

>> No.9532497

I've never been able to get the image search to work for me. It never uploads the file fully no matter what I do, and always switches back to just the world page when it seems like it will be successful.

I'll check on a different device the next time I can, since I'm not sure what's up with it.

>> No.9532696

It means that they haven't gotten around to packing it up yet and weighing it to charge you shipping. Give them another day then message them to ask what the hold up is.

>> No.9532879

Did you make sure everything is in the same shipment and stuff? They usually get stuff packed and shipped in 1-2 days, I'd shot them a message or check your shipments page.

Or if you haven't paid for shipping yet, is there a little notification on the side bar?

>> No.9534282
File: 206 KB, 1477x1107, 38102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what's left of a 200+m fabric haul.

only buy 5 meters maximum from new stores. if it says it's silk it probably is if it's over 100yuan a m. it's a hit and miss if your chiffon is going to be soft and silky or needing lining because it's a little rough. only buy from stores that have picture reviews or good refund status. takes pictures when you get it, and wash everything on delicate cold minimum spin and hang dry before cutting, never put anything in the dryer even cotton.

it's it says it's a branded silk fabric and is selling it for under 500yuan it's legit but it's end pieces and may have minor defects, what you get is up to them and they probably won't take it back since it's in the description. I lucked out on the versace silk chiffon.

>> No.9534675

Would you say the shoes are true to size?

>> No.9534692

Don't know, they haven't arrived yet. I'll let you know.

>> No.9534727

What can I search for an ita bag with a full clear front?

>> No.9535087

Can anyone recommend a good store for men's ouji/EGA blouses?

Desperately need to replace my partners black one with something a little nicer and better fitting but I haven't a clue what stores actually cater to men's sizing.

>> No.9535151

How big is he? If he can fit brand like aatp or boz (95-100cm bust size for mens) then anywhere second hand or their own sites. But I've noticed mens blouses sell out fast because you got both men and larger chested girls going for them.

If not then there is always Fan+Friend for blouses. Sometimes people recommend those romantic goth stores for mens but I personally think they're overpriced for they offer.

>> No.9535159

This is some really good info, anon! May I ask why you don't recommend putting the cotton in the dryer? What if it's on the delicates cycle?

>> No.9535400

Could I get a link to the ram headdress, please?

>> No.9535469

Any suggested stores for Sailor Scout cosplays? I looked through the directory and tried searching, but last time I ordered from Taobao from a reputable shop, my items still looked like shit.

>> No.9535484

Even though I trust in the seller, you still can't always be 100% certain that it is cotton. I've put a few on low dry before and the cut ends still frizzled up (slightly) plus most of my personal Chinese friends(might be isolated cases) always air dry regardless of care instructions so I just felt fabric from China I'd just do what friends do.

>> No.9535796
File: 3.79 MB, 2400x2400, Taobao order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current order. A few are pre-orders so going to be waiting for a while.

>> No.9535799

Whoops. Missed labelling the D.Va shoes.

>> No.9535955

I like your labeling system! Link to 26?

>> No.9535963


>> No.9536087

no 25?

>> No.9536098


>> No.9536257

Does Taobao have any shabby chic stuff?

>> No.9536260


>> No.9536265

Has anyone bought any long pettis suitable for long IW dresses? I'm not sure if I can get away with just my normal petti and an overskirt?

>> No.9536290
File: 240 KB, 750x1125, TB2Hbe3cY8kpuFjy0FcXXaUhpXa_!!2862443611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found a cheap as fuck ulzzang shop. Quality is 4.8 rating.

>> No.9536366
File: 211 KB, 750x750, TB26UK2t3xlpuFjy0FoXXa.lXXa_!!1992275089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we make this the next thread OP pic or something?

>> No.9536375
File: 178 KB, 750x750, TB20DOOt84lpuFjy1zjXXcAKpXa_!!2189268777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9536652

So did anyone ever discover a shop with nice cutsews? Because it's getting pretty hot and I could definitely use some.

>> No.9536699

Anyone knows some shops that sell ouji/boystyle?

>> No.9536704

>onmyoji waifu at #35
good taste, anon.

>> No.9536733

Theres a spreadsheet link in the OP that has a list of stores, look for ones with ouji.

>> No.9537326

Hey gulls, has anyone had sellers telling them that the forwarding warehouses on taobao aren't accepting wigs? I've tried looking in the cgl archives but I haven't found anything.

>> No.9537330

Yeah I have, the ban is on fibres specifically. Dreamholic is still available through storenvy at least

>> No.9537343

Ah, I see. Last time I received a wig through the fs was in April, and I know the ban was supposedly in place before then, plus most of the sellers are still sending wigs to the warehouse so I'll keep you guys updated I guess?

>> No.9537493

Link to 6, 5, 7 and 22 please? Very cute haul!

>> No.9537526

I just bought a wig and had it delivered last month with no problems from the JCEX warehouse. What a weird ban though, does anyone know why it's happening?

>> No.9537531

Wasnt there a wig ban on aliexpress for a while as well?

>> No.9537589
File: 732 KB, 1812x1152, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will drop links to anything. Stuff got purchased last night so I can't do reviews or anything.

>inb4 AP replica
Yes, I know. It was $20 and I plan on doing stuff with the material when I'm done wearing it like an edgy normie dress.

>> No.9537658

Links to the Colin Firth/Kingsman stuff please? For reasons.

>> No.9537664


Tried to find Eggsy versions of the stickers but sadly no one had them.

>> No.9537678

Huh! That sucks. But thanks for the links eh.

>> No.9537727

Does anyone have an experience with having their packages returned to their agent by customs?
Does your agent usually charge you again to ship it? I've never had this issue with my shipping right now and pretty sure customs is sending it back. I've never had to have my agent re-send something. Taobaotrends for instance.

>> No.9538048

they will charge you again

>> No.9538065

Fuck man, this sucks..

I've never seen this on a tracker before
2017-06-29 16:00 Posted in Shahe, has been voted
2017-06-29 08:19 Posted in Shahe, are posted
2017-06-28 14:21 Posted in Shahe, reach delivery

I'm only guessing it's getting returned to my agent.

>> No.9538123
File: 317 KB, 374x372, 109de7b57740807aac67a98dca94df13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heres some more kingsman stuff if youre interested.


(all this stuff makes me want to make a kingsman itabag or something)

>> No.9538134

link to cheap as dirt replica? want to make a matching pillow for my chair, seems a decent price for the efforf!

>> No.9538277

I'm actually making a Kingsman itabag for daily use so all of this is super helpful! Thank you!


>> No.9538382
File: 32 KB, 566x536, stocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely post WIP photos of it to the itabag thread, im gonna need to see that.

>> No.9538416

So I asked my agent what is going on with my package and all they said was
"We're sorry, we don't know what the problem is, we will get the parcel back soon, we will let you know when we receive the return package.

Uh.. how about you call the post office it says on the tracker. jfc.

>> No.9538450

The forwarder 4px has been cracking down and banning wigs because they're considered as cosmetics and they don't ship them, try to use a different courier. Alternatively, you could ask the seller to label the package as accessory or clothing if they're lenient enough.

>> No.9538460

Will do! It's going to be fairly plain compared to other bags because I want it to be a daily one but I'm excited either way.

>> No.9538843
File: 42 KB, 455x607, IMG_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any taobao stores that sell cosplay base wigs AND wefts?
If I can pay less than ARDA that would be great.

>> No.9539381

I just went to Fantasy Sheep's shop and on the front page it seems to be advertising a BOGO sale. It also says "contact customer service for pricing", but I'm not sure if you really need to message them for it if it's just Google translate being off. Anybody participated in a Fantasy Sheep sale like this one before?

>> No.9539825

When doing a group order what's the best way to divide up shipping? I don't think it's fair to make someone that's buying 2 things pay the same as someone who's spending $200. We have someone getting just 5 pairs of shoes for example. I know shoes are heavy but would that be heavier than someone getting a bunch of accessories? How do I figure it up?

>> No.9539972

Use a shipping calculator and get estimates of the weight of each item.

>> No.9540618 [DELETED] 


Has anyone else had the JCEX warehouse return a package to the seller before? I got a few tops from a store I have bought from before (no problems with that order) but when I checked the tracking info today, it said "Storage exception 5252, returned to seller".

Unfortunately, this seller doesn't accept returns, so idk what to do. I've messaged them about it to let them know what's going on, and I'll message the warehouse when it opens.

>also, using google translate to communicate, so i'm always worried that i'll come across rude and offend someone 3:

>> No.9540905

When I use Yoybuy as my forwarder it shows me the weights of each from each store that I get a package from (before I choose which ones I want packaged together). I'm not sure what you're using though so you could do >>9539972 too.

>> No.9541263

I always divide proportionally based on the percentage of the total shipping weight each person's items were

>> No.9541344

I dont think https://7cos.taobao.com/ has individual wefts but they do sell matching extensions and ponytail clips for their wigs so you could probably use those

>> No.9542083

Anyone have links to taobao shops for himekaji and/or oneegyaru stuff?

>> No.9542375

Late to the party but throwing in my two cents.
They can be slow sometimes but they're super patient with me when I'm always adding more shit last minute. The English proficiency and friendliness makes them my #1. Plus, I've gotten valuable shipping upgrades on 2 of my 4 orders. Still...If you're time sensitive I would use a different agent.

>> No.9542778

Other than Lizjill and Evol Day, what other taobao shops makes higher quality lolita shoes?

>> No.9543246

Update: 4px accepted a package of two wigs but rejected two other wigs and a watch. Guess I'll be switching to ZTO permanently.

Oh, I see. I'll take a look at the package that 4px accepted and see how it was labeled.

I think The Second Nachname does? Try searching 发片 cos

>> No.9544737

My god. Other anon here. Thanks for the links! Watched the movie for the first time the other day so I'm a bit obsessed for the moment with it.

I was actually planning on doing a Flash itabag as that's one of my fav chars since I was a kid but doing a Kingsman one is damn tempting now.

>> No.9544820
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Do it. We need more Kingsman fans, especially with the new movie coming.

>> No.9544956
File: 794 KB, 498x211, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tempt me. I'm already having ideas.

>> No.9545003
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Go over the top with it. I have to stay somewhat subtle since it's a daily bag for public eyes but someone ought to make the various ships proud.

>> No.9552983

If you're interested in selling it, I'm interested in buying.