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9502236 No.9502236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 bait
I really want to start a discussion.

Western countries have a huge obesity problem and despite this the fat-acceptance and sjw culture is growing.

I noticed j-fashion has a two-sided stance on this subject.
For one, most items come from asian brands that offer small sizing, people have small OPs as dieting goals and asian cultures encourage losing weight.

On the other hand western lolita communities encourage body-positivity, western brands often offer plus-size options and even japanese brands tend to have larger sizing for their western customers.

Now my question is; should be support j-fashion brands producing larger clothing or should we see small sizing as a chance to encourage losing weight to lead a healthier life?

>> No.9502239

One incident that made me think about this subject was a post Venus Angelic made.

Now VA isn't technically a full lolita (even though she started buying AP and BTSSB stuff lately), but I think she somehow counts as someone wearing j-fash.

She postet something on instagram and said she wanted to lose weight and people (in Japan) complimented her weight loss. Her mostly western followers were shaming this behavior and encouraged her to stay this way and not slip into an eating-disorder.

This made me think about the different stance western ans asian people might have on the topic of weight-loss.

>> No.9502245
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Well it's a complex matter.
Some of them are just lazy fatties that can't put the fork down but some of them have actual problems (water retention,"genetics",blablabla).
While I think fat acceptance is half bullshit because most of the girls in it are tumblrinas going about how their fupas and rolls are totes kawaii uwu~~ as an excuse to keep eating junk but once again there are some girls that really can't help being this big and it's important to tell them "yeah you might be fat but you're not worthless and you can be beautiful" (for example i have a friend who's pretty overweight due to health reasons and she has a beautiful face,is a super cool person,really confident...).
So as a final word i think that it would be both a good thing for lazy dumblrinas (even, though they would probably just whine about it on their blog and then make some bad handmade or worse: sew two dresses or three together) and a bad thing for girls that genuinely can't help it.

>> No.9502247

it's nice to encourage people to be satisfied with what they cannot change.
However making it as if obesity isn't bad for your health is ridiculous.

>> No.9502249

my only opinion on this is that it's silly how fatties get their titties in a tizzy over how their gargantuan sizes aren't catered to. i don't have a problem with brands making larger sizes but i do have a problem with some fatties acting like they have some kind of lolita birthright that justifies their demanding nature in regards to ~~bigger, more inclusive~~ burando sizing. newer AP can get pretty big, buy shit that fits or lose weight?

>> No.9502251

Yeah but fatties CAN change being a fatty, its not like they are trying to change ugly...which isn't as easy

>> No.9502256

I agree with this. No one is entitled to brand. If you are fat and can't fit your dream dress use it as motivation (if you actually want to change) if you don't want to change then find another dress that fits. I would say the same thing about someone who has a small budget, save and if you can't save then shop within your ability.

I would just like to see people judged on the quality of thier outfits rather than on things they can't change or can't quickly change. Its unreasonable to tell someone not to wear or do things that make them happy untill they lose weight. They can look cute and look good and be happy while on thier way.

>> No.9502259

First off, not kawaii to use a fat girl who likely has an underlying medical condition as your kawaii fatty discussion poster girl. That's pretty rotten.

Asians are blunt about weight and don't like fat or even chubby. Those cute bento boxes for anyone but children's lunches are about making strict portion control more appealing and 'kawaii' if you read the fine print moon runes about their capacity and how to pack the food in them for a carefully balanced diet. Food portions there are much smaller, sweets are less sweet, western snacks and sweets are limited (or were, now that a more western diet is more common, more Asians are getting fatter too). If you see Misako and the other Japanese models when they go out to eat here they all exclaim in honest amazement at how massive the food portions are.

However Asian fashion marketing is trying to cash in and appeal to fat girls with the whole 'marshmallow girl' thing. So typical mixed message. I only know of one Japanese lolita brand that regularly caters to fatties even approaching western plus size, MAM Maxicimam.
In Japan, lolita regularly is already seen as a fashion style for pudgy or chubby girls, slim fashionable girls wear styles like Gyaru, Himekaji or more recently Larme, 'sweet girly style'.

I'm not gonna support any kind of fatty brands cause I'm in the 'fat isn't healthy, I believe the obesity studies linking it to lots of health problems ' camp so I believe in eating and exercising correctly.

Many more people have illness and higher mortality related to being too fat than from being too thin. Weight loss type eating disorders are mental illnesses, not something you catch from dieting too much. I believe over-eating disorders might be too and it needs to be studied but omg, no one can suggest someone seek treatment like that without a fat acceptance heffa crying discrimination and fat hate.

>> No.9502262

I encourage body positivity in the sense that people should love their body and take care of it by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. If someone does that and is still kinda chubby then so be it, but treating your body like crap and being morbidly obese is not kawaii.

>> No.9502264

>First off, not kawaii to use a fat girl who likely has an underlying medical condition as your kawaii fatty discussion poster girl.

I agrre with your whole post, but I disagree with this. Expecting her to have a medical condition is part of the problem. Why do you think so? Because her face is rather slim while her legs are really big? I don't think we should give every obvese girl the benefit of doubt by assuming medical problems (that are not linked to obesity).
Also, the girl was never put down in any way, she is basically just a plus-sized lolita.

>> No.9502265

Sorry for long ass post in advance!
TLDR; I was hamplanet, now I'm not. Now I'm happy, yay.

I mainly buy from J brands and also some Taobao stuff.
As someone that had a big weight problem for many years, I have to say J-Fashion has helped me lose weight because it gave me motivation.
Wanted to fit the non-shirred stuff, I wanted all the cute dresses that didn't fit, and it gave me a huge (no pun intended) reality check for sure.
I have gone from weighing almost a 100 kilo's at only 155cm (5'1) to weighing 52 kilo's and feeling much better & also looking much better.
I wear a western size xs and s now, or dutch 34 & 36 depending on the brand/shop.
Now I fit almost every brand piece from my favourite brands BtssB/AatP, bar from the extremely tiny stuff which I kinda want to fit as well if honest.
I still want to shift a few more kilo's, get a flatter stomach, "tone" my legs & arms and also lose more weight as I want weigh around 48~49 kilo's.
Body-positivity and swj culture do more damage than good, in my opinion.
Embracing positivity at all sizes sounds nice in theory, but hey, heart damage, plaque in arteries, sleep apnea, blood pressure issues, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc isn't good for you at all!
Deluding yourself is bad for YOU.
You are also at much higher risk at developing cancer, both my parents died from that and that was also a reason for me to shift the pounds.
Also, being aware about how large you are, and how people judge/treat you makes you feel depressed.
Telling yourself you look great and are healty at that bigger size isn't going to help you feel better at all cause deep down you know better.
Now that I'm small(er), that is one thing I have stopped worrying about, and people treat me differently.
People in general are much nicer now, perhaps because I'm much more confident and happy?

Your question; I support brands as long as they make stuff I like and fit. Which is a 85cm bust, 65cm waist.

>> No.9502268

>should be support j-fashion brands producing larger clothing or should we see small sizing as a chance to encourage losing weight to lead a healthier life?

I think that some brands are extremely generous in sizing. Meta for one runs pretty big. Some AP items are great, There are also a lot of nice items from Baby that fit larger sizes well. I think brands are in general, doing a good job of creating items that fit a range of sizes while still catering to a more homogeneous customer base. In the west, we have people of varying heights, builds, and shapes, body fat percentage aside. Most Japanese and Chinese (since a lot of brands are focusing there now too) are built pretty much the same, so much that there's less variance than there is in the west.

On the other hand, there is a very big obesity problem. There's absolutely no harm, however, to anyone regardless of their size in eating healthier diet of fresh unprocessed foods (little to no pre-packaged garbage, especially if it's labeled fat free cause it's full of sugar) and being more active in your daily life.

Still, I lost 50lbs and gained 60. Turned out that even after that weight gain, I had options that I could wear from brands, and new releases too. (Doesn't mean they looked good on me though, thank god for Boleros and places that make nice custom-made tops)

Overall, I think there are a fuckton of options. But I think there's a point where brands should stop catering. It's not their responsibility to provide things for everyone. But what they are providing is pretty damn generous.

I was looking for a blouse on MAXICIMAM to go with a coordinate a few weeks ago and GOD DAMN the sizes they provide in the lovely line are HUGE, and nowhere near where I am right now. I mean there are options guys lol. It just probably isn't going to be all AP all the time.

>> No.9502270

The problem is it goes beyond health. People seem to think that no matter what someone is doing, it's totally okay to just shame them outta nowhere about being fat. It's clear that they have no interest in the person's health. If everyone was as concerned with people's health as these people claim to be, the world would be a much more caring place.
When someone is just spouting vitriol and throws 'fat' in there for good measure, surprisingly I find it hard to believe they actually care about that person or their health.

>> No.9502271

Japan even has an even lower bmi threshold for overweight and obesity so don't expect Japanese lolita brands to care about western fatties all that much. Especially when so many Chinese lolitas are buying brand and most easily fit it, on the whole.

I'm not sure that any Japanese fashion brands have larger sizing 'for westerners', if there are some, that's news to me.

I don't like Haenuli because it's become known for being a brand for fatty chans and since I'm not a fatty and fit most of the brand I want, I wouldn't buy something from Haenuli. But of course fat prople will support the brands making them clothes, it's the only way they can wear lolita fashion unless they make things or get custom clothes made.

I don't think girls past a certain weight look very good in lolita at all though and that's my overall opinion.

>> No.9502273

But people can change though, everyone can lose weight by changing their bad eating habits.
Most of the times it's that and not a medical or genetic issue, but people like to delude themselves.
Encouraging people to be unhealthy is just going to do more damage to them.
Doesn't mean I will treat them badly and be nasty caue I know that sometimes that will lead people to drown their sorrows in food, but I will not encourage them into thinking they are healthy.

>> No.9502274

This sort of thing is inspirational or sad.
I've been trying to lose weight for most of my life but can't break out of a range (57-65kg). It's demotivating because it's difficult and instead of people being positive, it's always "blah blah, but you're so skinny already, eating disorder...! you shouldn't..."

I wish I lived in Japan or the Netherlands like you where food is tasty/smaller and presumably people are a bit more supportive...

>> No.9502277
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>Now my question is; should be support j-fashion brands producing larger clothing or should we see small sizing as a chance to encourage losing weight to lead a healthier life?
Is this a rhetorical question? The only real HEAS supporters are (american) fatties themselves. Just because no one is calling fat lolitas out or is rude to them in public, doesn't mean it's acceptable.

>> No.9502279

It's not just fatties though, most vices that affect your health are spoken of in shaming negative ways because, duh, they are bad for you. Smoking, drinking very much, taking drugs, unprotected sex, reckless lifestyles. Not just gluttony.

>> No.9502282

First of all, I think fat people shouldn't be shamed or bullied because they're fat, they probably already feel miserable and hate themselves enough. Being fat isn't healthy but people can do what they want with their bodies. If they want to stay fat, they can stay fat, but if they want to lose weight they should be encouraged and supported because it's not the easiest thing to do. Fat acceptance is an ok thing unless it turns into fat worshipping and fetishization like HAES.

I need larger jfash sizes myself because I'm a tallfag with large boobs. Even when I buy western clothes, I need M or L to fit my boobs and I usually take them in at the waist so that they fit me. I like VM but I will never fit their dresses, so I wear other stuff. I am not entitled a special snowflake size because of my body, I work with what's available on the market and make it fit my needs. That's what people with broad shoulders, stubby legs, a long torso etc. do and what fatties should do too.

>> No.9502283
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I'm probably going to start a flame war with this.
>inb4 blogposting
I'm fat. I've been fat all my life, and I've tried dieting here and there trough my years with lots of excersice. I'm still fat. Now, I fucking hate those idiots who blame everything on ""genetics"" (more like coke and fries) and are too lazy to even wash their face. Kind of the itas from C&C we have been seeing lately. They not only disgust all of you but they disgust me as well.
I've had extremely poor self-estime for as long as I remember, my childhood was hell, all because I was heavier than others. I grew up thinking I was ugly, and to be honest, I still think I am, even if some people compliment me and say I have a cute face and big boobs, lol.
Now, I really love fashion. Outside of lolita, I like following some plus size girls who know how to dress themselves (btw most of the ones on tumblr are fucking ugly and mediocre and boohoo fat rolls are kawaii desu, I fucking hate them). It's nice for a change seeing girls who even if they are big, can look very nice. They might or might not defend being big, I could care less about that. What I'm trying to say is, when you grow up absolutely hating yourself, it feels nice when you can see people who can work their body out even with their disavantages. Really, yelling at people to become less fat is not the way to go, it doesn't help, it feels terrible. Fat acceptance is -for me, at least, because I know how stupid tumblr is- accepting that for the time being you're a big gal or guy, that you can still feel okay in your body but work out towards a healthy lifestyle. Eating and eating shit is really autodestructive and binging is also an eating disorder, even if you coat it in nice words and sparkles. Please eat healthy.

TL,DR: There are different kinds of fat people

>> No.9502284

>People in general are much nicer now, perhaps because I'm much more confident and happy?

It's more likely because you fit into thier idea of acceptable. If you were thin and ugly you would still be treated poorly.

People make assumptions about others based on what they can see, they assume all fat people are lazy, gluttonous and have poor hygiene. They do not want to be associated with that so they shun it. Obviously this is not the case with all fat people. Not all of them got fat or are still fat because of poor diet and lazyness there are other factors that come into play. Some people are fat as a symptom of something more. Not all of them are riddled with diseases. Why they are fat or how they got fat is something that as an outsider we would never know.

Genuinely congrats on your weightloss, i am currently working my way down though it is a bitch.

>> No.9502285

>I'm not sure that any Japanese fashion brands have larger sizing 'for westerners', if there are some, that's news to me.

AP released many dresses that were a lot bigger than their older dresses. I think there was even a problem with their japanese customers being too small and swimming in their newer dresses.

>> No.9502286

Nayrt but I live in NL and it depends on the people around you how supportive they are. We're nowhere near the US or UK in obesity levels but some areas have more obesity than others, and those areas are like a crab bucket where anyone who tries to climb out of it gets pulled back in. Back in my small shitty hometown people would spread rumours about me being anorexic because I had a BMI of 20 (healthy) and didn't like junk food. It only stopped when I left for uni in a bigger city.

>> No.9502287

This is honestly a very good and balanced post. Being horrible to someone who is fat is much more likely to just make them feel like shit, not make them think "Gosh I better get a Slimming World membership".

From what I've seen in real life, it's a decision that the person themselves can make and nobody else. A girl I know used to be about 21 stone. She watched a doc on morbid obesity and the gears suddenly started turning, it frightened the shit out of her.
Today she's lost 8 stone since she started and she's still going, but she had to realise it for herself.

I follow the loseit sub and the success stories are the same there. Someone has to make the decision themselves and not be shamed into it to actually stick with it and do it for the right reasons, and do it healthily. Calling someone fat doesn't change anything.

>> No.9502293

That was across the board releases though not what OP referred to which is
> Even japanese brands tend to have larger sizing for their western customers

No. No they don't.

>> No.9502298

I was a hamplanet, lost weight, and am back to being a hamplanet again thanks to a surgery that put me on bed rest for weeks and depression due to family medical issues. Lolita was the only thing that inspired me to lose weight before and I got shit on a lot even after I had lost 60lbs. Now that I've gained back all the weight I lost plus 10 I almost feel like quitting Lolita entirely because of all the shit I got before. I personally say let people live their lives. When you see a fat Lolita you have no idea what they're doing when they're not in frills.

Even HAES people know they're spouting bullshit. Medically speaking the only issue I have wrong with me is that I'm obese. My doctor routinely tells me I'm as healthy as a horse. Even with all that I know that my weight is unhealthy and will cause joint issues in the long run. We don't need random internet girls telling us what we already know, you're not enlightening anyone nor will shaming them change anything.

People will lose weight when they're ready and inspired to.

>> No.9502304

Forgot to add. HAES is a defense mechanism born out of people feeling trapped by their weight and villianized by society as opposed to being offered genuine help (i.e. Offer to work out with said person regularly or help them learn how to cook healthier meals or eat better if they're busy professionals)

>> No.9502305

Someone first needed to make that documentary, though. I agree that just calling people fat doesn't help anyone but it's still necessary to put the information out there that being fat is really bad for you, something fat acceptance and HAES people are campaigning against because they consider that "shaming", too.

>> No.9502306

I've offered to be workout buddies with friends in the past and offered to help my roommates cook healthier meals. In every case I nearly got my head bitten off and accused of being fatphobic. I get that some people want help and are just afraid to ask for it, but there are many many people out there who don't want any help and are apparently happy to stay fat.

>> No.9502308

I believe in the dollar vote. If there was actually a market and more size XXXXLs bought brand clothing, brands would see the demand and produce more. There are already plenty of fat girl brands like Metamorphose and Enchantic Chantilly. Lolita /is/ a fat girl fashion in Japan.

Now it's ETC and Japanse Otome brands that hate non-xs-s sized girls. I'm a US size 12 and generally fit into Japanese size L and no Otome dress would have fit a size 4 or Japanese M. They're literally for size 0-2 only.

>> No.9502311

Well hopefully you get ~inspired~ before your joints give out.

>> No.9502312

This. I have friends and family members which I offered to help. But it simply comes down to eating less and they can't and won't do that. They claim to have tried so many diets and lost hope, but I know they still ate too much and didn't even bother to try it for more than 2 weeks. These people lie, to themselves and everybody else. You can't be lazy and need to learn self-control. It#s not easy and that's the problem.

>> No.9502313

Nah, I'm not going to address weight solutions with anyone, it's too easy to get your head ripped off. Slim but healthy people already get enough passive aggressive and snippy comments when they say ANYthing about diet or exercise, even just referring to their own.

>> No.9502314

And that's completely true. Those people usually aren't ready or have started to view everything as an attack. But there isn't a fat person alive (and I'm talking FAT not just a little chub) who doesn't wish they were smaller unless they have some kind of dysphoria. Anyone who says differently is lying.

Unfortunately, this HAES thing has made it almost a crime to say different. I'm fat. No way around it and I post anything remitting considered "Fat shaming" I get attacked even by people smaller than me.

>> No.9502316

For me it literally had nothing to do with eating less. I actually ate more but went low carb and still lost a ton of weight. My body just doesn't process carbs well. Even when I did track in HS I had the same problem and I was working out daily for 2 - 3 hours.

>> No.9502318

Oh ffs, did you not even read my original post

>> No.9502320

Low-carb automatically leads to eating less. Bodies don't work like that. If you eat less calories than you burn your body will need to take them from stored fat.

>> No.9502322

Except my caloric intake went up significantly. And in terms of volume of food I was eating more as well. This is why I hate the CICO bs. It's not an equal equation for people as it depends on how your body processes certain types of food. I was eating roughly 1000 calories more per day than I was when I wasn't low carb and still losing 3 - 5lbs per week.

>> No.9502325

Calories in calories out. Carbs lead to bloating and retaining water. When I was heavier if I went from a mostly carbs and high sodium diet to almost none if both I could drop 5-10 pounds very quickly. If you want someone to believe you show studies and proof.


> I was eating roughly 1000 calories more per day

Bait then, please no one respond until they can link actual studies and not exaggerate anecdotes.

>> No.9502326

I don't think that being fat is kawaii, but also, shaming someone because of that surely is even farther from kawaii.

>> No.9502327

Several of my coworkers are significantly overweight and constantly talking about how they want to lose it, but then they eat a full-size Mars bar with lunch every single day and drink Cola instead of water when they're thirsty. I've tried telling them that the candy bars and soft drinks are part of their problem since they've explicitly said they want to lose weight, but instead of taking that into consideration they just snap back about me not understanding them/them deserving to have their candy every day because they work so hard. I've given up. There's someone like that in my lolita comm too and I'm just going to let her be.

Forgot to mention that when I offered to be workout buddies it wasn't just me graciously descending from the heavens to help lift up a poor fatty, I'm legit looking for a workout buddy because I hate doing shit alone. I ended up working out with my mom instead.

This. The majority of the time it's unwelcome, so I don't bother trying anymore.

>Anyone who says differently is lying.
I honestly believe this too, but can you imagine actually voicing this opinion? Oh I don't care what you're telling me, what you really mean is something else... It's really shitty not to take people at their word and blatantly disregarding what they say won't make them more receptive to your opinions.

>> No.9502341

I'm guessing you are from the US and are only talking about your own culture when you say ''western''

>> No.9502349 [DELETED] 

you're hella stupid or I dont think you've ever bought from japanese brands. jane marple is fucking huge, unshirred emily temple cute fits me comfortably with a 73cm waist, only Milk is small for us which is around EU size 34

>> No.9502355

ETC has always been quite roomy at the waist for me but it's the only brand where I actually need to check the bust measurements before buying. At 83cm my bust isn't that big but certain ETC JSKs really aren't made for any kind of tiddy.

>> No.9502356

you're hella stupid or I dont think you've ever bought from japanese brands. jane marple is huge, unshirred emily temple cute fits me comfortably with a 73cm waist, only Milk is small for us which is around EU size 34. other otome brands (which is a dumb term to use in the first place) fit M and they have a lot of shirred stuff that fits L too.

>> No.9502359

No, I'm german. We are not as delusional as american people but right on the way.

>> No.9502361

sorry I deleted it lol but I posted it before I was fnished. It's just inaccurate to say ''otome'' brands only fit xs-s

>> No.9502362

Actually surprised by the reasonable responses in this thread besides "fatties r losers!!!"

>> No.9502363

So you're from the one country that has the most obese people in all of Europe. I'm from a country next to yours and I can't take a second piece of cake at a birthday without being properly judged.

>> No.9502364

That's true. Most of the Japanese brands I've bought from are plenty forgiving for my big boned Western ass but the only dress I have that I'm likely to outgrow one day is ETC.
And then there's Shirley Temple but that's actually supposed to be for kids, right?

>> No.9502367

sup >>9502286 here, you should move to my hometown where people would judge me for NOT taking a second piece of cake, it's really great

>> No.9502370

What country is yours then? I like the attitude about the cake. One piece is good.

>> No.9502371

Sorry anon, don't have any studies for you. Just my personal experience and witnesses. That was one of the reasons I was so excited about going low carb because I was able to eat more. If you don't believe me that's fine, never said it would work for anyone else that's just how my body operates.

>> No.9502372

Honestly, I will never completely understand why people give a fuck about what other people choose to do with their lives if it isn't hurting anyone. I am on the I don't care position of the fence, but for the love of peat, why do y'all care so much about other peoples waist lines? If people want to eat excessively leave them be, it is their life to enjoy as they choose. Only a very loud minority push their fatness on other people, delude themselves into thinking fatness has no health repercussions, or try to thought-police people into finding them attractive. The rest just want to live their life as normally as possible with minimal discrimination against them for their vices. No, brands shouldn't make larger sizes for the minority of entitled fatty-chans if it is not economically adventitious.

Much like other unhealthy choices like smoking, drinking, skydiving etc. the education is out there to encourage healthy life style. From that people can then choose the direction of their life, it is really that simple.

If something needs to change in their lives, it is between them, their families, healthcare professionals and psych-practitioners.

From a seagull who's mother is seriously ill with diabetes and who will probably die young cause she just can't stop putting shit in her mouth. Seriously I want to cry.

>> No.9502375

Fatties are repulsive. No amount of repulsive can become kawaii

>> No.9502376

People are quick to say "no one is entitled to brand" then get up in arms when they see a fat person wearing it because "they're stretching my precious burando!!"

Gulls just need something to bitch at all the time, that's why they care

>> No.9502377

That's really funny because I'm also from the Netherlands. It really does depend on your surroundings. In my experience the bigger cities are more accepting of obesity and social justice stuff, whereas there's no SJWs to be found in my village.

>> No.9502379

As if the other EU countries are any better. I have friends in many parts of europe and traveled to my fair share of them and fat culture simply spreads everywhere. This is no pissing contest.
Also, people judging you for eating cake at a special event sound pretty toxic. My senpai is really healthy and even they say you should treat yourself on special occasions.

>> No.9502380

>My senpai
What am I even doing here
Thank you for making me get off 4ch

>> No.9502383

what the hell, when did 'f-a-m' become senpai??? Last time I didn't spell out family.

>> No.9502389

>what the hell, when did 'f-a-m' become senpai???
how new r u?

It's been like that for months.

>> No.9502391

I know 't-b-h = desu' and such, but never noticed this. I can't know everything.

>> No.9502395

I'm sorry, but aren't the benefits of ketogenic diets really mainstream knowledge now? Like it helps diabetics come off their medication and cures chronic inflammation. Calories in calories out is a meme-level myth on /fit/ by now.

I read up on it and went almost no-carb, like 30g or less only in incidental carbs all day. 60% fats. And I lost 8 lbs but looked 20 lbs skinnier because of all the bloating I'd dropped. My waist was half as thick front-to-back as well.

>> No.9502396

People in the Netherlands cant cook shit and the portions are quite big. My mom is the worst cook ever, but most Dutch people don't know their herbs and spices.

And I am slightly overweight (165/70kg) but I havent had proper meals when growing up and I still had a bit of a belly.. so I am doing proper diet and exercise now. Hoping it'll go away one day..

>> No.9502398

You would think. But some people live under rocks.

>> No.9502407

It depends on the people you hang out with. Most people in public are pretty judgemental, but there's always a group of people who couldnt care less. I myself cant finish a small sized pizza, but my thinner friends can finish 8 without shame..

>> No.9502427

In your case, it's sad because it's not your fault at all. Your parents completelly fucked up your education regarding food and thrown you into adulthood with a big handicap for your hetlth and social life.
Becoming thinner and healthier when one has no idea what a proper meal and proper food proportion are must be extra difficult.

Parents should be educated more on preventing chil obesity because once your fat it's really difficult to get out of it.

>> No.9502432

>the first law of thermodynamics is meme-level myth

>> No.9502434

I'm fat bordering almost obese by BMI. And I know exactly why I'm fat. I eat average (normal portions, no soda/cream, no junk more than once a week) but I don't exercise nearly as much as I should. It's all my fault for not making the time for it when I know I could out of all the hours I spend at the PC. It irritates me when I see a post about "i tried soooo hard for sooo long and i just couldn't lose the weight" because I'm almost certain they're lying to themselves like I used to. People don't mention the occasional(regular) late night snack, the tall latte or frapp full of caramel and cream, the "healthy" vegetarian roti loaded with butter fat and sodium, all the skipped workouts because they were too busy trawling pinterest and instagram.

That being said, bullying someone for being fat is unacceptable. It happened to me and it made shrink into myself and avoid social contact which left me socially stunted. You wouldn't berate some random person for smoking out in the street so why would you do it to someone for being fat? Likewise, I think the healthy at every size cult is just as harmful as a 1950's cigarette ad with a real doctor telling you smoking is good for you. Like smoking, obesity is something whose harms people should be educated about to prevent and reduce it, and something that should not be a reason for harassment.

>> No.9502438

This so much. Neither of my parents every taught me any nutrition or healthy eating habits (my dad used to give me McDonald's for lunch 2 out of 5 days in grade school). Mostly because they're both naturally skinny with high metabolism so they eat whatever. When I got older I had no clue about my eating habits and because they're so skinny I was constantly being badgered by them about my weight (even when I was 190lbs which is 15lbs above my healthy weight for my build set by my doctor and puts me at a size 10).

So I grew up with a lot of angst regarding my weight and no clue how to eat properly. The fucked up part is that I was a pretty skinny kid until about the age of 9 and they still didn't do anything to help me and wouldn't put me on sports or dance despite me constantly begging. People don't realize how hard it is to start so far behind with regards to eating education and habits. By the time I finally got things down I was well into my 20s and very overweight.

>> No.9502448

I agree with this sentiment. It is not kawaii to shame people for their appearance, and most kawaii to help your friends achieve their best if they ask for help.
Though, I do like some chubby girls in lolita, their round faces are cute.

>> No.9502449

Nayrt but I believe in calories in calories out for weight loss. Period.

But for water retention, that's not technically considered fat or energy to burn and bloat sure as hell affects my weight and measurements in addition to caloric weight management. Also what you burn, and how you burn it affects how you lose weight too and your BMR. Which is what we use to calculate tdee to accurately get to just how many calories we need to cut, right?
Calories in, calories out is a truth. But lots of things affect how well we measure, how many calories we take in, how many calories we need, and how many calories we are burning.

>> No.9502452

are you USian ?
Because in the US "normal" portion are fucked up and not normal at all. everything is done to make you a fattie.

>> No.9502454
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See >>9502432

>> No.9502456

Nobody's judging anyone for eating cake, they're judged for eating TOO MUCH cake. Overeating isn't kawaii whether you're fat or skinny.

>> No.9502458

I never thought of it this way anon, that is pretty hilarious. Can I raise you a "we don't care about people judging us for how we look", "FATTIES GET OUT!"

>> No.9502473

I meant normal as in home made food. I don't serve myself restaurant size at home.

>> No.9502475


>I have gone from weighing almost a 100 kilo's at only 155cm (5'1) to weighing 52 kilo's and feeling much better & also looking much better.

Holy shit you're the perfect size and height for Japanese clothing now.

I'm asian, 170cm, with a 99cm bust and and 75cm waist and can't even fucking fit into most brand. And yes, i'm considered a fatty-chan :'D
At my lightest, I was severely underweight at 49kg and at the heaviest (now) I'm about 66kg on a good day. Even at 49kg, I was too big for most gyaru and earlier 2000s lolita.

>> No.9502477

A lot of my lolita friends are overweight ranging from chubby to fat and as much as I love them, it's really uncomfortable when they get on the topic of struggling with fitting into brand. "Everything is so tiny, anon!" It makes me feel weird and self conscious and I don't know what to say in those conversations because I don't think brand is tiny.

>> No.9502479

As someone who is underweight due to a love of dance and one of the pickiest eaters alive, people act like i am deathly ill if I don't over eat when I go out to eat.

>> No.9502498

I HATE when this topic comes up at meets and it does way too often. I'm soooo fucking sick of people crying about their size, it gets old then tedious then just crazy because gaddam, they KNOW what they need to do to fit, it's not some arcane mystery!

~~Lose the weight or accept your fate!~~

Exceptions for tall people who don't fit due to height because they don't control that but hell y'all ain't gonna shrink shorter so why cry about it?

I think we should ban complaining about fit as a conversation topic at meets.

>> No.9502502

Hell no we should not support fatty brands.
Lardo-chans are literally choosing excess food over their fashion hobby AND crying about it too.
I'm not in favor of supporting that in any way.

>> No.9502508

If brands were to offer larger sizes, I think they'd lose some of their prestige.

>> No.9502513

Couldn't agree more. When I was growing up my parents would let me eat everything I wanted to because "she's just a child!", but then when I hit 15 they suddenly started to shame me for all I ate, like if I finished a portion and wanted more they (mostly my mom though) would look at me disgusted, same if I wanted dessert. I don't eat much now and I'm pretty thin but I was left with some ugly marks I hate so much.

>> No.9502515

Especially when they lie right to your face about it. Don't tell me you're "just womanly unlike those gross little Asian boy body-chans~" when I can see in person your waist is literally bigger than my bust and your arms and legs are more than twice the size of mine. You're not "busty" when every part of you is too big for brand. Then there's the girls that are busty but need to lose at least twenty pounds saying it impossible and the same thing. How do you know if you won't even try to get out of the "chubby" range? I'm not even tall and all the "wahhhhh tall/big feet girls are so privileged" shit really really gets on my nerves. God forbid you ever mention an OP or brand would be too big on you when they try to force you into telling them your measurements. This is a big part of why I don't even come to the really fancy meets.

>> No.9502518

Not only that, they would lose a huge market in Japan and China, so I highly doubt they would ever do that. As for me, I wouldn't mind if brands release larger stuff as long as they keep releasing the same in a smaller size.

>> No.9502522

brands already offer larger sizes, how much larger can they go without becoming an actual plus size brand?

>> No.9502526

when I was a child my mom was very careful.
No butter, no bread. Just vegies and meat. and once a week : pasta.
I was a thn child but I was always hungry.
I turned myself into a chubster during my teen years because I started eating shit on my own.
I'm the only one to blame, unlike those who were fattened since birth by clueless or careless parents.

>> No.9502528

fat people shouldn't cosplay/lolita, period.

And by fat, I mean "fat" not "american/british fat".

>> No.9502529

I definitely think this is what has happened to Haenuli. The fat girl brand. Phantom dress is known as the dress most fatties jumped for.

Not only this but when most people are fat their bodies actually change shape and proportions. There's a reason plus size dresses aren't styled or cut like smaller ones. Plus size after a certain size becomes more of a ball or a cylinder. It's not just a question of 'make everything bigger' the dress patterns have to be redesigned. Also where does it end. Western XL? XXL, 6X? Where is the point when a lolita silhouette and shape is lost completely?

Dollbe brand makes 'any size' but if you look at her very big jsk, the bodice lines are very different from regular jsk bodice lines. The fairly straight bodice, waist and then cupcake skirt are very distorted. No shade on her sewing skills, her dresses look well-made but those shapes, mang, those shapes.

>> No.9502531

I think if j-fash brands want to produce larger clothing, that's fine. It's a business decision on their end - a larger range of sizes means more customers can buy their stuff. If they choose not to make larger sizes, that's also fine. It's still a business decision - they want the image of their brand to be a certain way.

Ultimately I don't think the availability (or lack thereof) of jfash clothing for plus sizes is going to affect their weight loss. The decision to lose weight is easy, but the work isn't. This isn't meant to sound like an excuse at all, but the mental work of losing weight is strenuous. If it were easy, no one would be skinny. And although it sounds easy to say "just eat healthy food in smaller portions", in reality there are compounding issues like depression, food addiction, and shitty self esteem that make it really difficult to keep up on eating well. (AGAIN it's not an excuse. I'm fat and these are issues I've experienced and are working to overcome.)

So anyway, where I'm going with that is that the decision to love your body by feeding it healthy things and exercising, that decision rarely is made because a certain dress doesn't fit you or people are mean to you. It has to come internally, through a sense of self worth, which IMO is entirely separate from any fashion. (not to say that shopping plus size doesn't suck ass, but it alone isn't enough to motivate someone to get fit).

So, brands should do whatever they deem a good business decision, whether that's offering larger sizes or keeping their brand fit for smaller girls. If someone doesn't like a brand offering larger sizes, they can support brands that don't offer plus sizes. As for body positivity, it's almost always a good thing, because that positivity is what inspires people to take care of themselves. But that body positivity should be more like "you have worth as a person even if you're fat" and not "being fat is ok and you shouldn't change."

>> No.9502532

Fat is only accepted in cosplay if the character is also fat

>> No.9502539

Fat bodies carry their weight in a lot of different ways too. While healthy bodies are more or less shaped the same (barring actual skeletal differences like having wide shoulders or long legs), the way fat gets distributed on the body is different for each person. So "plus size" clothing has to accommodate all the different ways fat settles on the body. This is a problem plus-size clothing manufacturers have to sort out for any fashion. If you've ever wondered why plus size clothing is so unflattering with all the elastic and draped and baggy bits, it's not because clothing designers hate fat people. It's just the easiest way to make sure clothing fits a wide variety of bulky body types.

>> No.9502542

Holy shit her legs literally look like dinosaur turds
that's crazy

>> No.9502547

Her legs do not look like regular fat, it looks like she may have lipedima.

>> No.9502551

Fuck I definitely meant to say "if it were easy, no one would be *fat*". That's what I get for trying to write a novel.

>> No.9502559

I honestly believe that only thin girls should wear Lolita fashion, because it's supposed to look cute, not ugly. Large people squeezing themselves into dresses that are not meant for them is offensive to the Japanese brands, and gives people a bad image of Lolita. It's just not cute. I'm not trying to be mean, but if you don't fit something, you can't wear it. That is true for all fashion in general.

>> No.9502573


>i just drank a liter of gasoline
>i didn't gain 140lbs of fat

sorry, your thermodynamic meme bullshit wasn't referring to fatasses and diets.

>> No.9502576


fat guys can cosplay as fat people of the same caliber, as long as there's not many of them.

fat girls shouldn't cosplay, period.

>> No.9502585


>> No.9502587

Not producing large sizes isn't just a matter of image, though. Large sizes require more material than small sizes and the patterns need to be completely redone like >>9502529 explained, plus there's no guarantee that they will fit all or even a majority of overweight people because there's so much variation in their bodies like >>9502539 explained. Making large sizes is a huge (no pun intended) investment and the few times brands tried making truly large sizes, they lost money. I don't blame them for playing it safe. Brands like AP and Meta already go up to much larger sizes than other Japanese fashion brands.

>> No.9502590

1. Everyone is able to lose weight. Some conditions, physical and mental, make it more difficult but it's never impossible.
2. People who are overweight are like that because they either want to be overweight or lack the discipline to lose weight.
3. Being obese is less attractive than being just overweight which is less attractive that being normal weight.
4. Shaming people for being overweight is wrong. Being overweight doesn't make it you less of a person. But being obese is not healthy, attractive, or should be considered normal.

All of that said, who cares if a fat person wants to cosplay? Just don't get catty if people don't think they look good.

>> No.9502597

Tell that to the next girl you see who has performed some kind of origami fat-folding wizardry to stuff herself into that AP dress she's got NO business wearing. If she can catch you she's liable to smash you flat.

>> No.9502609

Another thing to consider, besides taking more fabric and needing to re-design the pattern for fit, one of the most charming and iconic things about brand lolita dresses is their prints right? Those prints are designed with the dress design in mind, especially if the print falls across the bodice. If there is a center motif on the bodice or the skirt front, the yardage AND the way the print falls have to be coordinated. If the size changes, so does the placement of the print. It would matter most on things like JetJ Cadre du Chat but it will be a factor in nearly every print dress. JetJ already makes 2 sizes and on size a few dresses, sometimes a third size. I'd say that's pretty generous. As others have said, AP designs different cuts and some accommodate larger sizes. More dresses have quarter, half or full shirring than they did even 5 years ago. So some accommodation has been made. That is barely acknowledged as it is and prople demand more, more. Just no. Get things custom made, buy from the brands that will fit you and be satisfied. It's a foreign niche fashion, not Dress Barn, ffs.

>> No.9502619

>never impossible
Not bait but if someone underweight says "I just can't gain weight!" then gulls would accept it because of the person's appearance. And even if an overweight person is perfectly healthy, gulls will say they need to lose weight. It's just a double standard based on the beauty industry and internal prejudices. People who say they care about the health risks that a fat person is facing are pretty delusional. They've deluded themselves into thinking that it is about health, when really, it's not.

Fat acceptance has been a thing, and it's going to continue to be a thing. It's a movement to accept that fat people exist and a message to the normie fashion industries that they need clothing to put on their bodies unless you want them walking around naked. If you're not part of it, that's just whatever. You don't have to be. But nobody's going to cater to you because you're triggered by body fat, and nobody's going to be gentle or baby you insult someone's weight/cellulite/stretch marks/etc. The world just doesn't work that way.

>> No.9502622

I'm all for being in one's healthy range.
I'm a non-white amazon, 180cm and my weight distributes differently on a pretty big frame that can handle weight. I'm kind of lucky that I'm a giant and chub looks alright on me. I like being a big girl.

that being said, my goal for the summer is to start getting within what I think is a healthier weight range for myself. I'm about 30 pounds outside of it.

It's important for people to know what they want for themselves. a lot of disorders can come from not knowing your body and letting an unrelated mass of folks tell you what you should look like. another's plan for your body may not actually be what makes you feel most confident or happy.

for myself I prefer to find a nice middleground of jiggly and healthy.
quote, unquote thin is not for me.

>> No.9502625

>perfectly healthy

Chose one.

>> No.9502629

I know people who are overweight that run marathons and do trialathons regularly ending toward the front of the pack. Overweight can literally mean 5lbs. Take a chill pill anon.

>> No.9502633

>And even if an overweight person is perfectly healthy
By definition, these two concepts are mutually exclusive. Overweight people like to say things like, "my blood panel is good" and crap like that, but being overweight affects your body's internal geography.

>They've deluded themselves into thinking that it is about health, when really, it's not.
Fat people have deluded themselves into thinking they're healthy and they're not.
False equivalency.

>> No.9502636

So what? What do you want to tell us with your anecdotes? You can look up hundreds and hundreds of studies telling you how even small overweight is unhealthy. You die earlier and the last years will be filled with more health risks.
Praise fat however you want but don't think you can fool anyone into thinking excess fat is good for your body.

>> No.9502640

Seeing some comments about keto and guys, please do not go on a ketogenic diet if you're not diabetic or if your doctor doesn't give you the OK first.

The benefits outweigh the risks when you're like me and you're diabetic, but the diet can lead to low sugar levels even if you aren't a reactive hypoglycemic, heart problems, and it only takes the weight off temporarily.

It's also a very difficult diet to balance unless you have a good grocery budget; when I was on it I wasn't able to afford to shop properly and felt weak a lot of the time, once almost to the point of blacking out.

If you want to cut empty carbs and lose weight, a fad diet intended only for people with serious health problems isn't what you need. A mostly raw fruit/veggie diet with some white meat here and there and some real whole grains will get you to your goals, probably a lot more slowly than you want, but in a much more healthy way.

Please gulls be safe and don't hurt yourself.

>> No.9502641

>They've deluded themselves into thinking that it is about health, when really, it's not.
>Fat people have deluded themselves into thinking they're healthy and they're not.

Both are somewhat true. For as many fat people who are denying their health problems, there are just as many normal-sized people who absolutely loathe fat people and hide behind a concern about their health. Skinny people who smoke, eat shitty food, don't eat anything, drink a lot, etc. are rarely criticized in the same manner fat people are, because they still look good, even if their health is almost definitely suffering. I don't mind people hating on fat people as long as they admit it's purely based on looks and not a fake concern about the person's health.

>> No.9502643

Yes, because that's why doctors tell older women that being 5 - 10lbs overweight is normal and nothing to worry about. FFS. You sound like a teenager, shouldn't you be off at the mall somewhere.

>> No.9502645

Why would you expect to? That's only about 8000 kcal.

>> No.9502648

I don't know which doctors you are talking about but please cite studies then.

Oh wait, I could quote one stating how some doctors are part of the problem .

>> No.9502651

>some doctors are part of the problem
>cite studies

There's no point anon, you're clearly only going to believe what you want. It's not that hard to Google, not gonna spoonfeed your mania

>> No.9502662

The reason JetJ offer two sizes is because most of their designs have no shirring but they still want to cater to the same size audience as other brands.

>> No.9502665

There is plenty of clothing for fat people. If they want to wear designer clothing on the other hand, maybe they should work for it and lose weight instead of overeating and expecting the world to cater to their deformed bodies.

>> No.9502667

Don't do THIS diet because I did this diet (but I didn't do it correctly) and it was BAD.
But it's perfectly ok to do THIS unbalanced diet that I (who am not a doctor), recommend to you as a stranger on the internet.

Listen to yourself, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.9502669

Skinny people who smoke, binge drink and do other stupid shit to themselves are criticised all the goddamn time, often more harshly than fat people because there's no "smoke acceptance" group out there to cry oppression and get people fired for discrimination. You're only seeing fat people being unfairly picked on because that's what you want see and it fits your worldview.

>> No.9502679



So I can put in 3 heart attack grill quadruple bypass hamburgers and an extra large of their lard fried fries and be able to run my car for 50 miles?

wait why doesn't it work?

your themodynamics law apparently wasn't meant to apply to food/metabolism you stupid shit.

>> No.9502682

Hmm. That's a good point. I think if someone is *caught* smoking or binge drinking, they're likely to catch more shit for it than a fat person. But just going about their day-to-day lives, they don't look any different, so people aren't going to rag on them the same way they would a fat person walking down the street minding their own business. Being fat is a much more visible badge of unhealthiness than a lot of the unhealthy things a skinny person can do. But I concede that there might be some bias on my part, can you concede there might be some bias on yours?

>> No.9502684
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I wonder what's causing this wave of salt?

>> No.9502687

I was going to write out a long post about why your analogy makes no sense but
>"your" thermodynamics law
>not universal
I just remembered that there's a strong correlation between obesity and low IQ so I might as well spend my time doing something productive instead.

>> No.9502695

There are clothes to go on fat bodies, I have yet to see one naked fatty "because there isn't any clothes" for them. But you don't get to dictate what people make in their clothing styles unless you can sweet-talk or brainwash Kaiser Karl or you have enough money to pay to get what you want custom made. I prefer a lot of things that are unrealistic for me, that doesn't mean I just deserve them (or will ever have them).

Just the fact that you call not-fat people 'normies' implies that you are not one of them, i.e., not normal. Many things are made only for a norm in between extremes. No one is making you conform to it. But no one is going to go out of their way to cater to you or make special exceptions for you if you choose to stay outside of it either.

Feel free to choose to stay fat but don't expect others to accommodate your choice with special treatment.

>> No.9502698

If you're doing it right, it's sustainable in the long term and is a simple dietary change that you can live with in the long term without fucking up.

It's not really a fad diet. It's eating how humans are intended to eat, how we evolved to eat (to a degree). We did not evolve to eat grains, sugars and carbs. This is all shit WE made rather than the environment making us.

It's probably not good if you are diabetic or have hypoglycemia. But cutting carbs down low is still possible. Some people who are diabetic have gone on keto, but under doctor supervision. I see it often in keto blogs/reddit etc. I have a few diabetic friends who eat under 100 carbs a day and have good luck with it while I hit around 20 or less. I was pre-diabetic and had severe blood sugar issues. I've been on the diet for awhile and I've had none. I can go without eating for a long time without muscle loss or without hunger. It's not that difficult. It can be done on a budget but it's true that it is better if you have a higher budget for groceries because to get all your minerals you need a LOT of greens. i'm running to the store every few days to restock. But I have money so it's not an issue.

What hurts yourself more is restricting your calories low for a long periods of time. It fucks up your metabolsim and the moment you start eating a little more, you start gaining it back. Your body wants to maintain a higher weight.

Any form of weight loss is going to be temporary if you don't change your diet and what you eat. Counting calories and everything in moderation sure was temporary for me, because two years later I'm heavier than when I started with metabolic and blood sugar issues. On this diet, you feel like SHIT after eating carbs and sugar again, so it's motivation to not eat them or go back.

>> No.9502700
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Meaning that they considered their designs and decided that the best way to serve their customers is to offer a range of sizes since their designs are less forgiving. Also depending on the design, they offer custom alteration for a fee that can add a few CM. If you can read and write the moon runes.
Their sizes are not unreasonable range.

>> No.9502702

Also if you were weak to the point of blacking out you were...
1) Probably not into ketosis and your body is still running of glycogen
2) Your electrolytes were down. I get dizzy and light-headed when they are down, especially after working out. I have to down some broth or powerade zero if I'm desperate and I perk right up.

>> No.9502705

If you designed an equally efficient engine you could run your car off hamburgers and fries, yes.

>> No.9502721


Why doesn't the law of relativity apply when im playing super mario or crash bandicoot?

You(not the person who made the law) said it's universal.

So why won't it apply?

you're a scientist right? explain.

>> No.9502723

I once read a study that implicated fat is actually toxic in a way, because it can cause many small infectious symptons that actually affect brain functions.

>> No.9502728

>your mania
>tries to tell us fat people can be healthy

Please put down your tinfoil-hat.

>> No.9502729

>is a simple dietary change
I don't even live in the US and I find it extremely difficult to find food without sugars.

>> No.9502732
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>> No.9502767

Added sugars. Though some zero calorie sweeteners like stevia have a low gylcemic index and don't cause a spike in blood sugar. I use it to make small treats for myself every once in awhile. But honestly most of what I eat is from the fresh veggie area, fresh meats and very little boxed items. i have to spend time looking at the labels to find anything I can eat. Honestly 1-2 g of added sugar hasn't hurt me or knocked me out of ketosis, but I check to see what types of sugar and try to avoid it if I can. Though sometimes it's in the dressings I buy.

I've been eating this way for awhile and I even eat out at least 5 days a week for one meal. There's options to eat at most places. Swapping out bread/rice/pasta for a veggie and you're pretty much good to go. But I usually eat one huge kale/spinach salad with mushrooms and a whole avacado to make sure I get all my minerals in.

>> No.9502771

Psst, look in the fresh vegetable and fresh meat aisles.

>> No.9502772

If dressings are causing you an issue with added sugar, try making your own! Vinaigrettes are super
easy to make and there are a lot of good recipes out there :)

>> No.9502774

If you live in the US, try Skinny Girl brand for dressings. Sugar free, low carb, low fat and they are delish! They make sf coffee flavoring syrups too.

>> No.9502782

I need to.

My time is so limited these days (lol on /cgl/ when I need to pack for a con and go to work in an hour) I just keep putting it off, but I could control the contents better that way.

>> No.9502786

>lol on /cgl/ when I need to pack for a con

oh hey me too. Leaving for Colossalcon tomorrow evening and I have to get everything ready today since I work all day tomorrow :')

>> No.9502787

Dukan Basil Balsamic Vinaigrette is also much lower in fat and very fast and easy to make. Endless variation are possible with the basic recipe once you get in the habit of making it. Herbs, spices, mustards, flavored vinegars.

>> No.9502799

Fat = Overweight
Overweight =/= Fat
Seriously, how do you have zero logic? You can be overweight and not fat you nit. If you bothered to read what I said, even being 5lbs overweight is overweight but unless you're like 2ft tall it's not fat.

>> No.9502804

You're an idiot. Five pounds overweight is still fat. Overweight is fat because it's unhealthy.

>> No.9502807

This has got to either be a troll or someone who has never taken a science or biology class ever

>> No.9502808

Overweight is just a nicer synonym for fat. You can be overweight without being clinically obese but everyone who is overweight is a fatty. Even fatties acknowledge degrees of fat, small fat, large fat, super fat. 'Over normal weight' is 'fat'.

>> No.9502811

>someone who points out that being
overweight is objectively unhealthy and by their standards if you are OVERweight you are fat is a troll

You must be a goddamn planet

>> No.9502815


>> No.9502821

There's no smoke acceptance group crying oppression because second hand smoke is a thing... It can directly hurt other people.
You're kind of picking and choosing on this matter, it seems like.

>> No.9502825

Not everyone who's fat is overweight. They base the "overweight" category on average health outcomes, not fashion aesthetics

>> No.9502826
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There are overweight people who have no weight-related health problems. Sorry. It's just the truth.

>> No.9502829

It isn't though. Five pounds isn't hurting someone. It's not unhealthy. Five pounds is something that someone can lose in two weeks. You really are stupid, aren't you?

>> No.9502838

overcontrolling a child's eating can be just as bad for the kid. i see this all the time with people who had SUPER stringent diets as children.

a parent's responsibility is to teach you to think and make choices, not micromanage you

>> No.9502840

Five pounds OVER the limit for what is a healthy weight IS hurting you. It's called OVER weight for a reason. This has been proven by fucking medical science. Holy shit you're dumb.

>> No.9502842

It's five pounds over a healthy range. A very large and generous range that starts to have similar affects on the higher end to being overweight. It's not 90 pounds and 95 pounds. It's 5'5 115 to 145, or literally 30 pounds to spare.

>> No.9502843

I'm 170 (5'7) and there is only 30 pounds difference between me being at a healthy BMI and being classified as clinically obese. To anyone at a normal weight, thirty pounds is a fuck-ton of weight, but to a fairly fat person it's 'not that much'. Also, its recommended that people stay at the LOWER end of a healthy BMI range meaning 18.5-22. Overweight or FAT begins at BMI 25, obesity at BMI 30. A rough way to tell and people vary but for most people it's accurate enough. Overweight BMI people have more health problems.

For the lazy, measure your waist. It should be less than half your height. If it's only a bit less, then you still might want to fine tune your weight a some but if it's over, studies show you are at risk for quite a few health problems.

>> No.9502845
File: 712 KB, 1650x1275, bmi-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it you daft cunt, unless you're on steroids and the same level as the rock or football player it applies to you.

>> No.9502848

Fat people cost everyone money in several ways. Healthcare premiums, and goddam, I'm convinced my strawberries went up in price because my grocery market has to keep replacing the fucking scootie-puffs because fat fucks keep breaking them.

>> No.9502852

I'm really conflicted about this topic because I have gastroparesis that waxes an wanes plus an electrical problem with my heart. When I get hit with the gastroparesis it becomes very hard to eat but the moment it goes back into remission my appetite comes roaring back and I over eat. This causes me to yo-yo between a normal weight to being overweight in a period of a year. I also recently had a heart ablation and suffered complications and haven't been able to workout without getting horrible chest pain and weakness. I basically have two lolita wardrobes, one for when my weight is normal and one for when I'm fat. Currently I'm in my fat phase and exclusively wear MAM and brand that has generous shirring. I'm trying to diet right now but the heart issue is my biggest problem right now.

As for this topic I believe there's a certain size if you reach that you don't have the right to complain about brands not catering to your size. If you knowingly consume over your BMR and are sedentary and have no underlying medical condition that makes it hard to lose weight you have no right to complain. Sorry. If you really want to be a lolita you have plenty of custom options now. Even I compromised and wear MAM's lovely size clothing.

>> No.9502860

Learning to moderate your eating despite a huge appetite should not harm your health conditions in any way, but ask your doctor. Also people with existing conditions can aggravate them by either being overweight or yoyo-ing their weight up and down. It's bad for your heart.
Weight control is mostly diet, even athletes say 'abs are made in the kitchen not the gym'.

>> No.9502873

Fattie here to chime in, I'm pretty dreadfully overweight and I acknowledge it as an extreme problem but wearing jfashion is one of the few things that makes me feel confident in myself. I'm pretty picky about what I wear and custom commission everything. If it comes out being too small due to the issues with custom sizing over the internet I resell it, so don't try and squeeze into it.
That being said my weight issues are tied directly to my depression and a number of texture issues I have. Growing up I think my parents just rolled a bit too much with my taste/texture issues so I ate a lot of pasta and chicken nuggets so I didn't develop as expansive of a favor pallet. I've expanded my tastes quite a bit since my childhood and I always try something new once but my issues with texture end up precluding a lot of food even if I like the taste. Also I can't eat fish at home since one member of the household throws up if they smell fish. My depression then leads me to snacking a lot between meals, especially in the evening. I used to actually be an incredibly skinny child but my depression hit bad when I was around 10 and medication that young has some nasty side effects. I gained a ton of weight and was at the point where I was able to buy more food on my own at school. Also my special ed school I transferred to used candy and sweets as rewards for positive behavior so that ended up equating food with happiness in my brain and it's something g I struggle to break even today at nearly 30. I go through cycles where I exercise and cut out all the crap and loose a bunch of weight but then the depression rears it'shead again and I end up backsliding. I've been considering seeing a therapist for eating disorders though as I'm doing a lot more than I used to and my stamina is shit so I can't enjoy the things I'm going to as much. I know it all comes down to myself and my own will power but it's definitely a mental struggle with years of learned behaviors to break.

>> No.9502877

Usually I'm quite good about dieting after I go in remission but this time around it's been especially difficult because they put me on a new medication that increases my appetite to the point where I'm waking up in the middle of the night to eat. I've been slowly tapering off the medication the last two months and I finally got my weight to plateau this week. I gained 22 lbs which took an immense amount of control considering some people can gain upwards of 100 lbs on the same medication.

>> No.9502888

This seems reasonable. I get that people have different tastes.

>letting an unrelated mass of folks tell you what you should look like

This so hard. I really feel like this is the reason people come on here and yell "EW fatty" at everyone. CGL has gotten a little better than it used to be but it's actually embarrassing how insecure everyone is. It's toxic too.
None of you care about the health of the lolitas we judge. We're just always trying to loudly identify the person we think is on a lower rung than ourselves.

>Get well soon, gulls. Mentally and emotionally

>> No.9502897

Your appetite does not require you to overeat. Stop overeating and you can probably stop dieting. I'm sorry but meds to not force the fork into your hand. I'm not on any meds and sometimes I wake in the night and I'm hungry too. I drink a cup of water and go back to bed.

>> No.9502904

b-but anon that requires actual self control and not just what fatties pretend is self control

>> No.9502909

Most people who wear lolita aren't fat though. So yeah, when fatties constantly moan and cry about not fitting clothes that are meant for not-fat bodies, we get fed up. I hear more 'shut-up Fattie' than anything else. Cause most fat people in lolita bitch non-stop about the clothes. It's mind boggling to watch some heffalump inhale cupcakes at a meet yet the minute someone mentions a smaller dress, Fatty has to remark about its ~~insanely small size~~.
We're sick of it. Very, very sick of it.

>> No.9502913

Meds can be really bad. I ostensibly have bipolar but I don't take anything because all the meds I tried made me feel starving all the time. Even if you resist it, spending life constantly hungry is terrible. I'd rather be a bit off kilter than that.

>> No.9502918

Yes, yes it does. I can't even fathom having TWO wardrobes, one for fat me and one for normal me. Looser jeans for menstrual bloat days yes, but two wardrobes just for 'when I get fat'? That's just...I can't even...

>> No.9502923

People voluntarily fast for days, weeks on little to nothing. With willpower alone. So surely someone on meds can restrict themselves to normal healthy calorie intake that we all eat without dyyyying of hunger, hm? We aren't slaves to our appetites. That's like saying, "but I'm horny, I have to fuck so much, I just have to, my sexual appetite is so big". Ugh.

>> No.9502928

It did have self control until I went on a medication that they give to people who have anorexia and cancer to make them gain weight. The medication they had me on before stopped working so they switch me to my current medication as a last resort. I've been a healthy weight the majority of my life and I the moment I get slightly overweight due to medical conditions out of my control then it's because I have no self control. It's bullshit and yes I am salty about this. It would be totally different if I was a perfectly healthy individual who mindlessly eats and doesn't attempt to lose weight.

>> No.9502936

You know medications like anti-psychotics can make you have high blood sugar? It's much more complicated than just will power. Fluctuations in blood sugar that are medication induced and make your body think you need more food.

>> No.9502942

There's a reason "constant, insatiable hunger" is part of a Roman legend about hell, anon. Hunger from fucking directly with hunger-inducing brain chemicals goes beyond what you'd experience from fasting for a few days.

I mean I don't know if other anons meds are that shitty but "just deal with it" is a stupid response

>> No.9502948

Your body doesn't drive the bus though, your brain does. I'm sure it's horrid to be on one of those meds. I'm sure hunger as a side effect sucks. I guess getting fat sucks less? Must be so.

>> No.9502949

It won't kill them and they're fucking up their bodies by giving into the med induced hunger. "just deal with it" is actually solid advice in this case.

You don't give a junkie more drugs just because they're craving another hit, do you? same fucking logic

>> No.9502950

Pretty much this. Medication can fuck up your world. My dad was on prednisone for his asthma for years and gained a ton of weight. As soon as he stopped taking it he dropped roughly 70lbs with no change in his diet

>> No.9502954

Except withdrawal can actually kill you. If you have meds fucking with your blood sugar and you don't keep it up that is insanely dangerous. I have a hard time believing you're this daft about body chemistry. So I'm gonna guess you're trolling.

>> No.9502955

In a world of banquets with vomitoriums so you can puke and eat more, I'm sure being hungry would seem hellish. In other cultures of other times, fasting was valued more than food and hunger to enrich spirituality. Neither is the perfect way. Humans often do best with moderation though, neither feast nor famine.

It's between she and her doctor but I'd be very surprised if the doc didn't have a bad opinion of yoyo weight gain-loss in someone with an active heart condition too.
Peace out.

>> No.9502956

You have eat for more than 3 women your height daily to get to and stay the size as the woman in the OP. No amount of being hungry will cause that without eating horribly. Sweets, sodas, sweet tea, starbucks, candies, bread, chips, and etc all have nothing to do with getting full. If it's fried food or useless carbs like white rice swap it out for non-fried food and brown rice or quinoa. You will never be that huge on decent foods alone without eating literally $30 worth of avocados and fruit every single day.

>> No.9502958

You can maintain your blood sugar on a normal maintainace calorie diet, planning reasonable snacks for the blood sugar lows. Many people have to do this.

>> No.9502959

Keeping up your blood sugar =/= eating enough to make you the size of a fucking house.

ironic you say I have no idea about body chemistry.

>> No.9502970


You do realize that there are levels of weight gain between stick thin and OPs photo? At no point did I say anything about being a particular size. All I said was that if your brain chemistry and body chemistry are being fucked with by meds sometimes there is literally nothing you can do. Obviously that is not the case for OP and I never said it was. If you get off your fucking high horse for a half second you would have realized that (because reading comprehension is difficult apparently). Also, if you've never been an addict or on a body/mind altering drug your opinion is 1000% invalid.

>> No.9502975

I personally consider anyone in the overweight range to be a whale. Same rules apply. You can be fit and keep your blood sugar up, literally thousands of people manage to do it and your lack of self control isn't an excuse.

I've been on "mind altering drugs" before and I managed to maintain my weight, it gave me cravings and yet somehow I miraculously was gifted the superpower to eat like a fucking normal person.

Fuck off with your enabling bullshit. You aren't helping the fatties, you're killing them.

>> No.9502979

The girl in the OP looks twice my size. Before the weight gain I was 160 lbs at 5'7 now I'm at 187 lb and since cutting down on the medication I haven't gained any weight

>> No.9502983


holy FUCK. I am your height and you are EIGHTY TWO POUNDS more than me. How? Seriously, Please explain how you manage to eat so much in a day you are almost literally twice my size???

>> No.9502984

>I personally consider anyone in the overweight range to be a whale.

If you mean by BMI you are retarded

>> No.9502985

In mice studies some of the atypical antipsychotics quadruple AMPK (hormone which causes hunger) and also mess up blood sugar, which there's an ongoing lawsuit over

seriously, my opinion is just "being insanely hungry all the time sucks (and don't take drugs that do that if you can possibly avoid them)" is that this controversial??

>> No.9502988

>if you consider people who are medically fat to be fat you're retarded

I don't understand how you can be in this much denial.

>> No.9502990
File: 31 KB, 500x500, (1496145958878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have bed and got into trouble with alcoholism. Now I'm dealing with severe IBS where I throw up and have diarrhea usually several times a week. You absorb nearly all calories instantly no matter what but obviously still feel full. I used to chew and spit constantly and really fucked up my teeth and gums. I've gone from literally twice my ideal weight to within 20 pounds of it. Several times a months for around a week or two I can barely handle much more than white bread, oats, sweets, pureed rice and fruits, and things like candy. To quote your words get the fuck off your high horse. If you would've asked I would've given you tips for things to binge on. Like frozen blueberries, pickles, cucumbers, ice, and what to cut out and what helped me stop binging as much.

Everyone here besides the nitpicker trying to derail is talking about people too fat for modern AP, hence the discussions about brands not making things for them. It's not people's fault you're being off topic without making it clear.

>> No.9502993

I wasn't the one who said anything about a high horse. Jesus. You sound like a miserable bitch.

>> No.9502995

Not OP but you're underweight at your size. 120lbs to 160lbs is within healthy range for that height. 187lbs is overweight but not staggeringly so.

>> No.9502998

>If you get off your fucking high horse for a half second

And yeah most people who can't keep food down from either end while dealing with horrible pain nearly everyday are pretty miserable. Most people arguing on cgl bitches. Especially when you have someone whining and saying no one else could ever have it as hard as them or succeed in similar conditions.

>> No.9503000

I know, and I've talked to my doctor about it but I am very physically active with dance so it is hard to maintain anything more than this. Better under than over though.

>> No.9503004

Oh, are we? When I saw 'small sizing' in the OP I was thinking about brands like VM and Moitie. Modern AP is huge.

>> No.9503006

Before I was eating around 1,600 calories a day then after my heart ablation and the medication I was struggling to prevent myself from eating 2,500 calories a day. There was one day where I ate almost 4,000 calories. I'm actually not eating unhealthy I eating the same food before but at larger quantities. I usually have a Greek yogurt with fruit for breakfast and veggie burgers for lunch and dinner but when I started the medication it took three times the amount of Greek yogurt to keep me full.

>> No.9503007

Sorry if this is OT, but I've always been very confused about my body and weight for a long time. I'm 4'9, so I never see myself on any standard BMI chart and if I do see myself it's usually for kids when I'm a grown adult. Because of this, I've never figured out the proper weight I should be at. The last doctor I saw about this told me to always stay within 80-100 lbs. I just want to know if anyone else my size/knows about this thinks that that's correct?

I know there's a lot more to health then just weight, but I guess I'm curious if this body type has any sort of standard.

>> No.9503012

Point is that shaming doesn't work. Many people who are obese are that way because they are depressed, and insulting them is just going to make them feel bad an get worse and not better. Drug and drinking problems are also problems that often go back to mental illness, and insulting someone is more likely to make them fall deeper into the hole than it is to make them think "gee, I need to change". What part of "you're a useless ugly fatass and no one likes you" sounds like something that will help a mentally ill person?

Most of the time, people just use obesity as an excuse to be a bitch or asshole and then just hide behind "it's not healthy!" as an excuse. It's easy to see through the excuse. If someone really cared, they'd maybe encourage the person to go to come to the gym with them.

You're not a doctor, and, unless you're asked, you should mind your own business.

>> No.9503016

BMI is a bad indicator at "extreme" heights like yours, because it scales based on square of height while the volume of your body scales based on cube of height. Try getting a caliper test or estimating your body fat visually.

>> No.9503020

>shaming doesn't work

That's funny, because when it used to be acceptable the obesity rate was very low. And in places where it's acceptable obesity rates are very low.

Your math isn't adding up.

>> No.9503025

I'm 4'10 and the problem with being this short is that you have much less range. 80-100 is pretty much correct, although even 100 can be nearing unhealthy depending on frame size and how active you are.

I'm only an inch taller and with calculators based on the new more accurate formula it's perfectly fine. Sub 5' is nowhere near rare or extreme in my area.


>> No.9503030

Someone rejecting help is not an excuse to be an asshole or bitch to them. They probably have very low self-esteem and possible mental illness that needs to be worked through before they take steps. Having a skinny or average-sized person offering to work-out with you can feel intimidating, and maybe they are afraid that the people at the gym will laugh at them or laugh at you.