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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 553 KB, 2048x1536, anime north 2017 logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9501678 No.9501678 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>9496526

>> No.9501685
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I guess photo dumps are in order now.

>> No.9501686
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>> No.9501689
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>> No.9501694
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>> No.9501695
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>> No.9501746
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>> No.9501749

>tfw kept stuttering every time I asked people for pics at this con

I hear too much shit about creeps on the Canadian con scene so I'm terrified of approaching people in fear that I'd be seen as one of them. I just ask for a pic then leave so I don't overstay my welcome and they don't see me as a creep but then again my paranoid self thinks "well they heard me stutter maybe they think i am a creep". Yet I see so many cool cosplayers, so many attractive ones too, and though I might want to chat or maybe befriend one, I don't want to bother them.

I ended up not doing as much as I might have wanted to during the con. I didn't even go to the /cgl/ meets because I have zero backbone.

>> No.9501759
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Does anyone have any Saber pics? I saw a few good Sabers but didn't end up getting any pictures.

Anon you're overthinking things, asking for a picture and talking about what their cosplaying isn't creepy or bad - unless they are obviously in a rush to go somewhere or they are eating, etc.

>> No.9501762
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>> No.9501764
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>> No.9501766

I worked with a sailor who had a bad stutter for two years and ever since I have had nothing but respect for people who struggle with it.

Don't even worry about it man, chances are people are just super flattered that you're asking to take a picture with them. Personally, I think it's fucking admirable for someone who's that nervous to talk to me about it and go through the trouble of taking a pic. I didn't go to the meet too but maybe next year we'll both make it.

>> No.9501768

dont mean to b rude but was another thread required?

also drop lolita pics

>> No.9501781

Last one hit bump limit I think, maybe image limit too since an anon wanted to image dump.

>> No.9501801
File: 3.01 MB, 3840x2160, topgun otoole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so you guys did make a new thread eventually. I thought you guys wouldn't since AN is over. If you guys have any questions for me, I'd be more than happy to answer. I'm the guy Macleans interviewed. See >>9501647

>> No.9501802

lmao that perfect nose pick in the background

>> No.9501807

I just always hear so much shit about cosplayers being uncomfortable and about creeps ruining their day. I'm so terrified that I'd end up being seen as one, as ridiculous as that sounds. Then again that might just be my low self image at play too.

Like... I saw a bunch of cosplayers who were cosplaying stuff I liked, some of them happened to be really attractive too. I ask for their picture and it always ended up like
>h-hi, um... c-can i... can i get your p-picture please?

Then I take it and leave. There's a part of me that doesn't want to leave so quickly, like,
>they're really cute i should chat for a bit
>like they're also cosplaying something i'm into
>i could talk to 'em about that
>maybe i could make a new friend

And then it's quickly met with,
>no they're probably busy
>they have better things to do
>they already have friends to see, i'm just some stranger
>god i'm probably creeping them out, i should just leave
>oh i stuttered i got nervous great now they really must think i'm a creep

Maybe there are opportunities and friendships that I'm losing out on here but I'm so terrified of coming across as something bad that I don't push things further. I get that there's always a risk but I'm a guy. Every creep I hear about is a guy, so I want to say it's possible I'd probably overstep a boundary and cross someone and then be ostracized as a creep but then again I'd wonder if that's a weird thing to point out since the real priority and more important issue is the fact that these creeps are bothering people to begin with, so fearing that I'm seen as one shouldn't even be compared. I don't even know if that made sense. I do admit I overthink a lot.

>> No.9501826

I'm not the original anons you responded, but the more you think that way, the more you sound like a genuine creep/autist with no friends, anon. And here I thought I had "overthinking issues." Dude, do you have any friends at all? If you go to school, try to find someone that's within your scope (i.e. if you're a nerd/geek/otaku, find some other nerd/geek/otaku guy). Initiate some convos, keep things short (THIS IS IMPORTANT), and have your friend say his thoughts, and after he's done his part of the talking, reply back or add on to what he said. It's that simple mate.

Some community centres may even have these sort of "gathering places" to practice communication. Heck, if you must, apply for ODSP if you have some kind of "disability" (high spectrum autism lol?) so it can partially pay out some of the cost for counselling and other programs to help you out. Honestly, I ain't any better. I used to be fairly autistic and only until this year I toned down my power levels considerably to levels close to normie so I don't outcast myself from others and what not.

You gotta take initiative, anon. Stop thinking so hard.

>> No.9501832

Discord link once again, though probably anyone who was going to join already did...

>> No.9501833

Christ this is really fucking rude and off-putting. I'm obviously not the dude you're talking to, just someone in the thread that thinks you're being unnecessarily mean. This is obviously someone that's hyper self-conscious and you're feeding into his worst fears by being so critical. Do you have no self-awareness or are you just trying to be an asshole?

To you dude all I have to say is that you should do your best to find a therapist. There's over-thinking and then there's over-analyzing social interactions to the point of debilitation. Everyone thinks about talking to people after a conversation is over, but you're going out of your way to analyze conversations anonymously, off-topic, on an imageboard dedicated to japanese cartoons. Please talk to someone that can help you look at why you are having such a hard time with your self-image. I bet you're a blast to talk to once you loosen up, but for anyone to appreciate your company you've got to stop being so uptight.

>> No.9501846

Generally if someone is cosplaying, it's safe to say that it's okay to approach them. If they don't want to be talked to, maybe they shouldn't cosplay.

As long as you're not stalking someone, taking inappropriate photos, or not leaving when asked, you'll be fine.

>> No.9501849

I'm just being realistic and I offered anon a lot of advice/pointers so he can better himself or whatever. Initiative is everything. I took the initiative to better myself by working out, eating healthy, and stop straining my mind with how globalism and zionists are going to fuck up all of us etc etc. This is God damn 4chan, give me a break.

The way he worded out everything in that post is the literal definition of "autism." All I did was point out that he shouldn't worry/think like that because it will give him more issues down the road. I gave anon a realistic and honest answer, no sugar coating at all. The hard cold truth; I gave him buckleys, not strawberry flavoured buckleys. Get my analogy?

>> No.9501851

I get your analogy, and saw all of the pointer. What got me is how to laid into what would completely put off and scare away someone with social anxiety (who, to be frank, shouldn't be on 4chan at all). It just struck me as unnecessarily cruel. Anonymity isn't an excuse for being an asshole. It should allow you to be honest, but why do something that you know will upset someone? You could have just as easily given him the criticism and advice without digging into his fears.

I'm probably being too soft-hearted for your tastes and I accept that. I just hate to see yet another potential member of the community run off because of a poor reception, you know?

>> No.9501865

Fine, I guess you have a point. I sincerely do believe you may be a bit too soft, but at the same time I wanted to help anon just like you. Believe me, I didn't have it any better when I was younger so I understand anon's issues to some degree. One of my best friends is from the military, and he often does not sugar coat when I fuck up on something, so I guess part of the influence in regards to the way of thinking/speech is from him. If anon is going to close the tab to this thread, it's his choice, but at the same time it's his choice if he wants to take our advice to take the next step in life.

Because even if he fucked up big time in the past, there is always tomorrow and one must continue to fight his own war to reach an endgame. Easier said than done, I understand, but he must understand he is not the only one on /cgl/, if not all of 4chan, that has similar problems and overcame it to a certain degree. For me, I overcame it half way, and hopefully I can continue the healthy lifestyle I decided to take upon myself until my death.

>> No.9501866

Anon was just being really blunt, and since he said he also deals with autism, it's not a surprise.

>> No.9501949
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>> No.9501965
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>> No.9501990

She was at AN?

>> No.9501998

She was, but I don't know who she was.

>> No.9502004 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9502007
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>> No.9502016
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ayyyy jojos guys from the meet! you were a lot of fun

>> No.9502025

You have an amazing eye for detail

>> No.9502028

You guys should just dump them all into Flickr, Google Drive, or Imgur or something so autosage or image bump limit wont occur too soon, no?

>> No.9502031


>>9501965 Is meltyfate, didn't know she was still active and cosplaying.

>> No.9502064

That's a good Yuyuko, wish I got a pic with her

>> No.9502250

Sounds like social anxiety to me. Look into some counselling and cognitive behavorial therapy (CBT), anon.

Listen, with all those people at a con, no one's going to remember a 5 second encounter with some random face in the crowd. Do you remember everyone you met this weekend? I sure don't. Unless you did something like break someone's costume during the photo, no one's going to give a fuck about whether you stuttered or stumbled over a word or whatever. It's cool.

>> No.9502290

Anyone else sick as F? I got back from anime north and have to say something was going around att he con. I felt sick on Saturday but it seemed to get worst on monday iwth a slight scrathcy throat.

Now it's wednesday and I'm getting a slight sore throat and phleghm. No green marbles yet (oh god no....those HURT when you cough).

>> No.9502300

I was sick with something similar a couple of weeks before the con. Same scratchy throat and clear phlegm, no runny nose or fever. I think it's some bug going around lately. I had a non-weeb client complain about it as well.

>> No.9502324
File: 12 KB, 307x370, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or did this anime north go by too quickly? It feels like yesterday was when I finally got to my hotel and walked to the convention.

>> No.9502329

For a moment i thought that was my brother who went as Majin Buu

>> No.9502334

I've seen her at a con or two over the past year but she keeps a low profile these days. More power to her i guess

>> No.9502338

Same here, but in my case it's because I missed the first half of each day due to commuting and other outside problems. Almost certainly gonna try for an IP room next year.

>> No.9502345

which one of you fags crashed a hotel room Saturday night, thinking it was a /cgl/ meetup? Then stayed for like 10 minutes spewing nonsense after the door was shut on them.

>> No.9502411

Only thing we crash on Saturday night was planes.

>> No.9502440

Who /CIA/ here?

>> No.9502505

One of my friends caught the flu or some shit. Must have been at a photoshoot because none of our roommates caught it.

>> No.9502523

I am. It's was probably a mix of the colder nights on the weekend along with the regular convention bad hygiene atmosphere. Puked up my dinner last night and still have terribad nausea and coughs.

It seemed like at all the panels I went to, at least one unwashed teen was coughing without covering their mouths.

>> No.9502533

What do to get invited to truffle's room party next year

>> No.9502563

be kawaii grill

>> No.9502594

>Too embarrased to ask for a pic of her cosplay

>> No.9502604

Hey if anyone is interested, me and two other friends are booking a room for yeti con and have room for 1 more!

Looking for people ASAP

>> No.9502617

Didn't work for me ;_;

>> No.9502638


Who else is going and cost?

>> No.9502644

seconding this can someone please do this

>> No.9502652

looking at $140ish for lodging the entire weekend

>> No.9502953

Who wants to do a yeti con meetup

>> No.9502965

Fuck I was so excited for yeti but then half my room dropped and driver flaked out, now I very likely have no ride and no room unless I want to shell out at least 100$ over what I was originally paying.

>what do

>> No.9502994


>> No.9502999

Who wants to do a not-going-to-yeticon meetup

As much as I want to go I can't afford any more time off work right now ;_;

>> No.9503021

Party in Nekko's room.

>> No.9503058

Practice on other cosplayers when they're standing around and not eating or walking but not in a hurry. It gets a little easier each time.

>> No.9503062

It's always available to party in, the only problem is that I only got a village studio so im assuming that its going to be small.

>> No.9503073


The stains on my cosplay won't wash off. Drinking games and hard liquor after 5 months sober were a mistake.

>> No.9503154

I would be up for a meet the week before yeticon. Maybe powerup bar or tilt barcade?

>> No.9503216
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Well I snagged a hotel room for the Japan Festival because of this. Now it's time to make a sweet devil outfit.

>> No.9503303
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gender neutral washrooms

>> No.9503314


oh honey

>> No.9503315

When I saw the gender neutral bathrooms, I specifically asked which one had urinals to a person outside of them so I could pee comfortably. I'm not using a dirty ass stall if I don't have to.

>> No.9503369

wait am i missing something?
i feel like anime north was MUCH more spacious this year than previous years?
especially AA/CC

>> No.9503399

Nope, that's exactly what I meant. It feels like there were a ton less people this year, inside and outside. Making it through the dealer's room comfortably was new for me.

>> No.9503403


>> No.9503411


who did this? rude desu

>> No.9503416

Mississauga gonna be lit for once. Just hope they plan the food better this year.

>> No.9503434

AN is technically in sauga too.

>> No.9503502
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The LL cosplayers with the veils and bells everywhere were amazing to see in motion.

>> No.9504121

I'd be down to make /cgl/ stickies if anyone wants to meet at yeticon

>> No.9504128

Join this person >>9502604

>> No.9504183

No, it's in Etobicoke

>> No.9504225

Isn't it a 1 day event? What do you need a hotel for?

>> No.9504226

Fuck the famous asian cosplayers. They're all stuck up bitches.

>> No.9504239

This was my first Canadian convention, I'm more of a NE US kind of con-goer. This con was fun but why the hell is it split between two hotels and a convention center? The walk wasn't very fun.

>> No.9504241

They changed it to two days now because it was so busy last year.

>> No.9504243

Liui Aquino and Reika are very nice. The rest though? Yeah basically

>> No.9504244

Because only an irresponsible retard would give the AN staff a bigger venue to ruin.

>> No.9504246

Is it worth getting a hotel? I live near the venue.

>> No.9504288
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Honestly what did he expect? The part about people with penis using urinals like that's a bad thing, just... fuck you're dumb.

>> No.9504293

next year im going to try and get a hotel because catching a ride to the convention and back was a pain in the ass

>> No.9504298

Next time I'm gonna go for sheraton because my boyfriend loves the gaming and it's already much closer than holiday inn was. I'm a pretty active person so I didn't mind the walking but it was annoying when I needed a costume change

>> No.9504299

Thanks for the blog

>> No.9504306

We have a much nicer convention center downtown but AN sticks to TCC and spread out hotels for reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9504319

No join this person

>> No.9504320

Sure, tilts a good time as long as we can get in

>> No.9504326

I am confused. What did they think Gender Neutral bathrooms meant?

>> No.9504339

That'd it be all "gender fluid" girls

>> No.9504350

They thought it would be free of cis males with their microaggressive dicks.

>> No.9504357

Okay, so aside from not know what neutral means, all panels are meant to be panelists talk to you and, sometimes, the audience can ask questions, and there are maps of all ares in the damn program

>> No.9504423

>cosplay as 2B
>didn't even play Nier Automata

Why do people do this?

>> No.9504427

>draw 2B
>didn't even play Nier Automata
>fap to 2B
>didn't even play Nier Automata

people just like her design, what do you expect

>> No.9504454

Correction: 5 hotels.

>> No.9504502

I doubt it. I live an hour and 45ish away, hence why I got one. Don't want to commute for almost 4 hours each day, and also want to be able to enjoy sake without worrying about driving after.

>> No.9504603
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>go to Sheraton inn to play vidya
>two doors leading to the washroom
>sign literally saying "who gives a shit, this is a washroom, go in and do your business"
>go into one
>see two guy pissing in a urinal
>one tell me sorry this is the men's washroom
>blush like hell because LONDON
>mfw as i get out

If i had a pen at that moment, i would have wrote (HAS URINAL) on that one. They seriously didn't think that one out, you don't need to cater to sjw retards, they already have a whole hotel for their shit next to radisson

>> No.9504735
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This was a really pretty saber

>> No.9504742

Rude. My dick is an at least averageaggression!

>> No.9504794


>> No.9504864
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>> No.9504937

Sounds like a chill idea anon. Haven't been to either before but heard they were pretty chill venues

>> No.9504958

Cognitive behavorial therapy?

>> No.9504960

its when they torture your cock and balls. usually with a floppy stick

>> No.9504971

Im interested but I dont know you fucks

>> No.9504978
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>> No.9504982

he does not look happy to be there

>> No.9504986

That's the face of the man who has 8 times as much Succ as he needs

>> No.9505101

Is Otakuthon the next big con worth going to?

>> No.9505203
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If that's a bit too much of a read, I like this one Spock-themed description of it. The shortest tldr I could write is that you learn strategies to identify if your reactions/racing thoughts about something are actually sensible in the first place. If they're irrational, you learn how to talk yourself down.

>> No.9505332

>you will never eat truffle-chan's baking again
why even live

>> No.9505365

I've neve even had truffles' truffles ;_;

>> No.9505502
File: 32 KB, 624x448, 1395936907911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally pissed everywhere, toilet seats, sinks, floor, hand sanitizer, it was great.
I love Gender neutral bathrooms now.

>> No.9505505

also cheaper, not sure if you've stayed at the hotels near the MTCC, but they're about $400 a night starting

>> No.9505695

>implying AN is worth going to
Otakuthon's guests gave been better year after year and two annual international competitions choose their Canadian representatives at Otakuthon, not AN. Otakuthon is IMO unarguably the better anime con, and AN is more of a teen party con at this point. There is also a lot less political programming.

>> No.9505748

Do teens even care about politics?

>> No.9505763

I am sorely trying to convince myself to take the extra time off work to make otakuthon. I just dread the thought of getting that emergency call in the middle of a concert.

>> No.9505820

>you will never have the balls to ask truffle-chan to be your gf

kill yourself now anon

>> No.9505830

>get tons of pictures taken, more than any previous years
>can't find them, photoshoots haven't been posted yet

why didn't i take my own god damn pictures. i'll have to dress up again and take pictures like an autist somewhere outside.

are there any photoshoots at otakuthon? i liked how the shoots were all listed in the con book and was well organised

>> No.9505839

Whats the programming like at Otakuthon? Anywhere to see stuff like last year's panels / photoshoots?

>> No.9505840

>not taking your own pictures
Noob mistake. Otakuthon has a lot of nice photoshoot locations though, so if you want pictures, it's a better con than AN. I don't remember if you get the shoots listed in the booklet though, I think it's mostly on Facebook.

>> No.9505850

One of the only photos I have found of myself is a candid photo of my ass.

>> No.9505860

Will there be another truffle meetup next year? ;_;

>> No.9505862
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>> No.9505912

Does anyone have the 2016 bathroom poster?

>> No.9506041
File: 144 KB, 500x433, 1433950821659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone get a picture of that Satsuki's butt?

>> No.9506047

I didn't see any Satsukis all weekend. Not even at the sunday KLK shoot.

>> No.9506087

Got photo dumps on GDrive if y'all want, just casual shit tho

>> No.9506098



Like another anon said, I don't think there are official photoshoots like there are at AN, but I feel the spots you can find are a lot nicer. If there are public unofficial photoshoots, they will probably be listed on Facebook or their cosplay.com forum.

>> No.9506100

all dumps are welcome, even stinky ones

>> No.9506194

even homestuck ones?

>> No.9506428

Post the sweet sweet nekko booty.

>> No.9506481
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Think he's talking about this one

>> No.9506482
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>> No.9506483
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>> No.9506493

Cosplay is not consent

>> No.9506515

Sounds like you are a fan of the new Baywatch
Enjoy the raunchy summer comedy, it's litty

>> No.9506817

Nekko is fucking disgusting

>> No.9506825


>> No.9507460

Did anyone go to the Judge Anime by its Cover panel? I'm curious how it went.

>> No.9507587


Are you/any gulls going to otakuthon? I heard the meet up is small so maybe it'll be less intimidating to join

>> No.9507639

I was one of the panelists for Judge Anime by its Cover (got the idea from here actually, thanks to whoever suggested it).

I'd be open to constructive feedback on how to improve it. If it was well received, I'd like to do it again next year, especially since there's a lot of complaints about not enough anime-focused content.

>> No.9507663

are you the girl in this photo? >>9506482

>> No.9507730

I'm going, last time I went the meet was relatively nice but everyone split very early after a few drinks

>> No.9507743

absolute lel

>> No.9507753

Not going to Otakuthon this year, but you're welcome to join us when we do our monthly boardgame meets! We're still working on scheduling another one, but everyone's schedule is kinda tight due to all the cons happening during the summer.

Also fyi we had two meetups at AN this year. One on Friday and another on Saturday. The Friday one was a lot smaller than the one on Saturday. You can try your luck next year at AN during the Friday meet. But please don't be discouraged to attend the Saturday one as well and by large gatherings of people. Only a handful of us know each other and we come to these meets to actively try and get to know new people.

>> No.9507862

I'm going! But yeah, the meets are rather small.

>> No.9507930

WHere was the Friday one?

>> No.9507996

Same place as the Saturday meetup, in front of the pool at the IP hotel. Unfortunately the meetup was a bit of a flop due to the fact that Harry's Bar was closed and under renovations and no one at a room at the IP hotel. So we had nowhere close by to migrate the meetup to. Me, Nekkomancer and few others hung around for a bit at the back parking lot, and eventually ran into another group and got invited into their room party at the Sheraton.

>> No.9508062

Working on my Otakuthon plans now, I should be there.

>> No.9508074

I'll be going too.

Hooefully They'll let us do the Gachi Panel there lel

>> No.9508094
File: 82 KB, 640x657, 1439298965342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /a/toronto here

>> No.9508437

I'm the one who suggested it, and I'd love to give feedback if only I had been able to go! Did you fill up the room? Get any big laughs from the audience?

>> No.9508676

Room size was standard for panels. I think it was a good time! There were a few enthusiastic members of the audience who ended up knowing a lot about one or two titles in the list and gave the room a real sales pitch on said title (there was one girl who LOVED the Ballroom dancing anime). There were a few titles that really got peoples' attention ex a monster girl and an X-men inspired title really made the room go ooh.

I'd say it was a very discussion-heavy panel, not so much one where the panelists talk at the room at length. Some people like the former, some the latter, and I'm not sure where your preferences lie. However, this is what things looked like to me from behind the panelist table, and someone who was in the audience might feel very differently.

>> No.9508679


Oh yeah forgot to mention. There was one title where the image and description were really vague, so we as a room started making up shit ex it was a gay-Beatles-inspired anime (someone sang 'come together...on me'), the dog was really the main character, and/or that it was some kind of
crazy Japan road trip.

>> No.9509018

Otakuthon already has a better guest lineup than AN, either they have a good recruiter or AN's is just bad kek.

>> No.9509070
File: 596 KB, 933x1470, transupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trans bathroom update

>> No.9509094

I'm satisfied with how the staffer responded to this. Clearer signs and wastebakets is all that's really needed. Also happy they didn't bend over backwards to normalize the... ...phallophobia?

>> No.9509102

Most of it is fair, but the end of the second post does imply that "feeling like you they were surrounded by cis people" isn't ridiculous, when it completely is. The majority of people are "cis", so no fucking shit. They can't fix that outside of making a trans only safe zone or something.

>> No.9509175

But trans people (male) still have dicks.

>> No.9509227

I think they're saying that the majority of trans people with penises would be aware enough of dysphoria that they probably wouldn't be using the urinals as to not bother other people.

>> No.9509264

How far away from the urinal are these people standing? I have used many public restrooms, and unless I actively try to look, I never see seeing dicks waving about.

>> No.9509354

The latter. AN has been shit for years. They only have 3 or 4 well-run departments at this point. DESU I don't understand why people think it's THE Canadian anime convention when Otakuthon has been outdoing them for years. AN cares more about making money, kissing the asses of minority groups to make themselves feel good, and having a place for teens and young adults to party than they do about having a well-run convention with good programming. Until some serious changes happen among the staff, it will continue being shit.

>> No.9509373

A few things.

1) Capacity
2) Cost
3) Seclusion
4) Nigh impossibility of even getting another venue, see >>9504244

Do you have a video recording? What even was the premise of that panel?

>> No.9509375

Curious does anyone know where does all the money goes for AN? I know it's listed as a non-profit fan run convention, but with over 20,000 attendees at $60 a piece for weekend passes that's at least $1.2million in revenue. They should at least be able to afford better guests. Is this a case of someone padding their own pockets here?

>> No.9509439

> Is this a case of someone padding their own pockets here?
Maybe, but not necessarily when you're booking a 500,000 square foot convention center plus space in 4-5 hotels and all the performing acts.

Either way AN isn't going to change without some properly-managed competition to push them to organize better and shape up the guest department. You'd need an upstart con like Anime Shogatsu but in late june/early july and give it 5 years or so to grow an audience to the point where people start opting for it instead of AN.

>> No.9509462

I do not unfortunately. I suspect there'll be little panel footage this year as TCC security was very strict about no photography inside the swanky part of the venue. Damn shame - I was one of the panelists for Bad Fanficion (18+) and imo the Palpatine x Gandalf sexfic was quite possibly the worst fic that has been read since that panel started in 2014. I want to traumatize all my friends with footage of the live read so much.

The premise of Judge Anime by its Cover was that we had a powerpoint of the summer 2017 lineup with the promo image and the description of each new show. With no other source of knowledge, we'd talk about whether it seemed interesting, what kind of genre was it (ex mecha, harem, magical girl etc), and encourage the audience to join in if they were already familiar with the title as an adaptation of a game or manga. Then we'd ask the room whether they thought it was promising or not. Repeat until time runs out.

>> No.9509468

Mostly what >>9509439 said, but also a lot of money goes to Sick Kids. $80,000 from last I heard.

>> No.9509492

>$80,000 from last I heard.
But is that number cumulative from all the previous AN's combined or just from last year? Cause if it's cumulative, than something fishy is going on.

>> No.9509689

This money for "performing acts" could go to getting better guests. AN's guests are a joke in comparison to similarly sized anime cons.

>> No.9509742

Not me.

>> No.9509912

Yeticon is the weekend after this one. Who's in for a not-going-to-yeticon meetup? This week or next?

>> No.9510043

I went to that, I haven't laughed that hard in years, thank you for putting me off cauliflower and strawberry jam.

>> No.9510076 [DELETED] 

I was the panelists with the Samus is Praegnent submission, but I'll pass along your appreciation to the panelist who submitted the Palpatine x Gandalf fic. The fucking Anakin testicles. Oh god now I'm reminded of it. Fuck!

>> No.9510078

I was the panelist with the Samus is Praegnent submission, but I'll pass along your appreciation to the panelist who submitted the Palpatine x Gandalf fic. The fucking Anakin testicles. Oh god now I'm reminded of it. Fuck!

>> No.9510414

are we gonna half to migrate to a yeti con thread or a ontario gen

>> No.9510629

Oh my god, that was funny too.
Reminded me of Otakuthon 2014. One of the Bad Fanfiction panelists brought a published copy of "My Immortal" and they all took turns reading it out loud.

>> No.9510697

someone should probably start a new canada general thread desu

>> No.9510911

Fucking hate this cunt

>> No.9510943

Tell us how you really feel.

>> No.9511064

At least I'm not the only who feels this way. He may be the most autistic person on this board.

>> No.9511148

>go to meetup
>left after 5 minutes because of strong language barrier

I'm Chinese and could barely understand what you English speaking anons were saying.

>> No.9511208

We were in an English speaking area, idk what you expected.

I speak Chinese though and I'm sure others do too. If you brought it up you probably would have found someone to talk to or help with translating.

>> No.9511349

You guys sound like faggots. Are you upset that he's sociable and gets on well with girls?

>> No.9511395

I had a good time doing as I usually did. This year at the TCC front has been a very big and successful year. Music and dancing.

>> No.9514071

did anyone run into those jojo's that where "going to CUM IN THEIR PANTS"

>> No.9514169

>>finally saw my favourite band of all time
>>thought I'd spaghetti all over them
>>bought them a round instead
>>11/10 would do again

Still feelin' pretty spaghetti about it but overall AN was actually worth it this year.

>> No.9515939

I went to college with those panelist. They ran the anime club and we would atleast mention my immortal once per week OR have a reading session