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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9500177 No.9500177 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.9500180
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>> No.9500185
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>> No.9500221
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Con was kinda mediocre this year. Everybody's already talked about attendance and I noticed it too, but what was weird was that all of the local businesses were busy as fuck, and when I chatted with the people working there they were shocked to hear that the con was kind of quiet. I think maybe people were just spending more time hanging out with friends near the con than actually at the con.

The gathering was tiny but I had fun roaming around with the group and being the drunk old guy trying to play senpai.

One thing that was actually pretty good IMO was the dealer's hall. I really like that they're shifting more and more to small companies making original fan products, because it means there's actually stuff there that I can't just get on AmiAmi. I got some pretty cool KemoFure loot.

Oh yeah, Kaban dude, I have that pic of you and QT Serval. Want me to post it?

>> No.9500225

Anyone got pics from the Touhou Meetup??

>> No.9500230

anybody got pictures of that 1 spider-man

>> No.9500253

First Fanime and first out-of-state con. Fanime and my home con, A-kon are both widely considered sorta mediocre. In my opinion, A-kon is better, but I want to know your thoughts? I think it has something to do with Fanime staff that it's kinda... meh. I had fun with friends, though.

>> No.9500254
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Everyone I know who went to CWF had their voices blasted

>> No.9500266

It seems that overall Fanime did address its weakest areas

1. Long Reg solved with blazing fast lines
2. Poor guest lineup bolstered with more relevant people and a higher number of Japanese guests

Fanime still had a wide dealers hall, huge AA, great flow of traffic, engaging attendees and 24 hour programming. Meanwhile everyone who went to CWF says that it was awesome

I think a con that does that deserves a little more than meh

>> No.9500267

I think Fanime is on the path back to being great. This year was slow because of the issues in previous years, but word is getting out about how much better it was this year, so people are likely to come back.

The only real hiccup is the hotel situation.

>> No.9500291

What guests? I mean, the only person I was interested in had a shitty Q&A and that's about it. It didn't seem like there was a giant amount of guests to begin with.

>> No.9500295

I loved how easy and fast it was to get badges this year. I went early fully expecting the regular 5-7 hour wait, but I was pleasantly surprised that it took me like 2 minutes to get my badge. They need to keep this system from now on.

I agree with the hotel situation though. I'm local but it's still a hassle to change at the con. I'd rather get a hotel room but the whole reg thing is a fiasco.

>> No.9500303

Where were there so many people wearing Bullet Club shirts?

>> No.9500305

The hotel situation is the lowest point of Fanime.

Last year the Fairmont went hyper autist and started crimping parties and shit. This year they made every hotel guest sign a contract specifically telling them the rules and the consequences. I went to a party on Sat and it got broken up by security.

>> No.9500319

Diavolo being a fucking legend was a con highlight

>> No.9500328

Fanime used to be better. I heard they cut out some fan favorite panels, like Banzai Arcade, and their guest list was pretty meh. In the past, Fanime had a great party/fun vibe in addition to a very robust guest list (not like Anime Expo levels, but still a fair number of overseas guests and really solid musical acts). That weakness coupled with the hotel crackdown makes it a little less well rounded than previous years but could be that they're going through transitions.

If they keep it up, though, I imagine the con will stagnate a fair amount

>> No.9500358

A lot of people ghosted it bc of issues in the last couple of years.

>> No.9500402
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>> No.9500417

I got stopped from going to the black and white ball because my skirt was "too short" despite that my hem was below my knee. There wasn't any issue with the style of my dress or my shoes, it was literally just the length of my dress. I'm not even tall (5'2"), so below the knee looks fairly long on me. Ironically my friend got let in despite her hem cutting exactly across the middle of her knee.

>> No.9500419

were you a cute gril

>> No.9500424

I'd say I'm like a 8/10 with cosplay makeup on. Regardless, it was stupid that my dress was "too short".

>> No.9500427

I wanted to go but my friend didn't want to attend it + we probably weren't dresses for the occasion

>> No.9500444
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>> No.9500593

My dress would keep hitting the back of my ankles and it was still almost 'too short'. Bitch. It was so windy out when the ball was happening. But, you could kinda negotiate a little if you weren't breaking the rules to an extreme degree.

>> No.9500697

One if my friends had this happen too, it really ruined the whole night for our entire group.

>> No.9500729

As someone who returned to Fanime after a 7 year hiatus, it seemed alot more tame. I mean that in a good way.
The last time i went it was crowded to the point where walking was difficult, lines for anything were minimum 1 hour wait, and the staff used to be super pushy.
I was surprised by the fact that i walked up to the registration tables and the whole process was done in less than 10 mins.
Crowds werent that bad which i was happy about.

My main complaint was this copper haired lady they hired to sit next to an elevator leaving the garage. She had no idea where anything was and was adamant that i needed to repark in a different garage. Thankfully her other coworkers came to the rescue.

>> No.9500743

Banzai Arcade didn't get cut, the BZ staff did not submit due to the hotel situation. They have a big staff and not all of them would get their badges comped

>> No.9500745
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I enjoyed all the Megumin this year, but I could always go for more.

>> No.9500750

We are going to see many changing to the con next year with what happen to Phoenixcon. How will these change affect the con? We just have to wait.

>> No.9500756

Yes post it!
I posted the other Kabans I saw here >>9500188

>> No.9500761
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Why it flipped sideways

>> No.9500773
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>> No.9500786
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My favorite

>> No.9500812
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>> No.9500822

There hasn't been a lot of guests for a while. I've come to terms that Fanime is all about cosplay and hanging out with friends and that AX is the one where I do much less of both.

Thank god my room party at the fairmont wasn't broken. We were loud as fuck too.

>> No.9500836

Did any lolitas have to pepper spray any creepers?

>> No.9500850
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I wish I had the balls to do a hentai cosplay.

>> No.9500860

It couldn't be that bad. The only people who'd recognise you would have to be familiar with the source material.

>> No.9500886

Maybe it's the thought of people fapping to her

>> No.9500887

Not a Lolita but me and my group dealt with so many weirdos this year. Usually you encounter a couple but I would say this year, 90 percent of anyone who approached us was acting creepy

>> No.9500899

Like that actually happens.

>> No.9500930
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This guy was so happy that I knew he was Heliod.

>> No.9500956

I'd been kicking around the idea of doing a tentacle monster cosplay, but I don't wanna go for the more silly kind that I see other people do. More creepy and unsettling.

>> No.9500962

The most lit part of con was cwf and i def guilted all my friends that didn't go.

>> No.9501024
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>> No.9501035

I legit think the girl uniform is one of the cuter ones

>> No.9501056
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>> No.9501057

Why? Some people don't see the appeal
there isn't even real wrestling
that panel is cringe.

>> No.9501059
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>> No.9501062

which one of you bastards had the corner room of the Marriott with party lights on all weekend? Very subtle lmao

>> No.9501065
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I really want to do artist alley next year but my art is shit

>> No.9501074
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The best Black Mage I've seen, cool guy too.

>> No.9501076

that room was inspiring

>> No.9501101

You have a whole year from now

>> No.9501109
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>there isn't even real wrestling

How I picture you right now

>> No.9501113

What day was this? How the fuck did I miss this?

>> No.9501125
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>tfw someone stole my luggage from the Marriott while I was out getting food on the last day

It was such a good con too, up until the last few hours too.

>> No.9501132

>anything i don't like is socially unacceptable

>> No.9501136

Iirc, Banzai prefers Anime Expo now - given that I THINK they're LA based, it makes sense.

>> No.9501143

I DOUBT anything will be as severe as Phoenix Comic-Con was - I can see Silicon Valley Comic Con being more thorough in bag checks, but that's about it. If anything, building staff might be more severe, but I imagine that's due to the Ariana Grande bombing.

>> No.9501248
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Yeah I saw your pics there, that was actually what prompted me to ask here.

>> No.9501268

did anyone see tommy wiseau

>> No.9501281
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Dude spoke to me in nothing but lines. It was pretty great.

>> No.9501282

How was his sex life?

>> No.9501333
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This guy was the tits

>> No.9501335

I didn't see him past Friday or the first NC panel. :(

>> No.9501339


>> No.9501343
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>This anally devastated for not liking fake-fake-wrestling/embarrassing waste of time.

>> No.9501345

Underrated cosplay.

>> No.9501531

I didn't even think about it, honestly. I always throw room parties. This is just the first time I had a room you could see from the street.

>> No.9501542
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tfw got into a room party too late into sunday that i left after a friend decided to go to sleep.
>mfw never get invited to parties

>> No.9501592
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>> No.9501608

you need to search for them, know some contacts, etc

>tfw the 16th floor on the fairmont had two parties blasting across the hall from each other.

>> No.9501614

Is this just like a random play on Yuna or is it something specific? She looks cute, I'm just confused.

>> No.9501642

she said it's Hello Kitty if she were in Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.9501650

Different anon here,

I saw her few times and just figured it was Kokkuri-san(female) but wasn't sure because of the staff. Never considered Yuna due to the white hair.

I can see Hello Kitty now that you say the name, what with the bow in her hair, but if someone who knows the character can't tell who you're supposed to be then you're kinda doing it wrong.
She is cute as fuck though.

>> No.9501666
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>> No.9501672

Strengthen your power level, friend. It's something from within the last few years.
You'll need to do this to pick characters like that out of a mob. I am 100 percent sure of this.

>> No.9501674
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Teru from Mob Psycho

>> No.9501696

Hahaha hey I know that Teru

Mob fans are something else. I learned that this con

>> No.9501830
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>> No.9501837
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The fuckin guy in the back.

>> No.9501841

Oh interesting, that's a cute idea! Thanks

>> No.9501852

Honestly he was the best part of the con for me, but then again, I know all of Mark's lines so we just started shooting back and forth for a while

>> No.9501867

and keep in mind if you have any problems talk to me and i'll help you

>> No.9501868

>there were people at fanime who knew all the mark lines
>and i didnt bother to go

I'm gonna drop off the face of the earth, and that's a promise

>> No.9501887

was it your room??

>> No.9501893
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>> No.9501897
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L is so smart, he summoned 2 sabers

>> No.9501899

The forced dimension on this suit is kind of hurting my eyes
But that Eli in the background. Fucking lol.

>> No.9501924 [DELETED] 
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he has a pineapple

>> No.9501926
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hope I fixed it from being sideways

>> No.9501927

That's me
I'm the fucking guy in the back

>> No.9501930

My ass.

>> No.9501936

Post picks of your butt so we know its you

>> No.9501938 [DELETED] 

He is the guy in the back tho.

But seriously, worst Fanime ever. Went hunting for Asian guys with three girls, got 8 numbers, and all of them flaked on us. :(

>> No.9501945

Whoa, you're not Fawx, who the fuck are you and why don't I know you?

>> No.9501948

How do I get invited to parties

>> No.9501951

you didn't hunt me though

>> No.9501956

Nobody cares

>> No.9501962

>tfw I keep reading about all these seagulls hunting for Asian guys at cons.
>tfw I'm white.
Why even live.

>> No.9501966

you're e-famous

>> No.9501968

Anyone else have any asshole rovers think of themselves as if they were police and take their job too seriously?

>> No.9501970
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I actively avoid rovers nowadays.

>> No.9501975

If you don't know Bible Black at this point you deserved to be banned from the community. Do it anon. Everyone will know how you are.

>> No.9501981

I got yelled at for having a water bottle outside of the rave. I was going to finish it before going in, but as soon as I uncapped it and brought it to my lips, the rover at the table legit started yelling, and I kid you not, YELLING "PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN! Do NOT TAKE A DRINK".

Like... Whoa. Calm down, kid. "THROW IT AWAY IMMEDIATELY". Bitch, I'm OUTSIDE of the rave. Chill the fuck out. I just spent $2 on this downstairs at Peet's Coffee and I was in the arcade room dancing for an hour. I want to see whats inside the rave to see if it is worth it, but first I'mma finish my water because you said I couldn't bring it in. "THROW IT IN THE GARBAGE RIGHT NOW! PUT THE CAP BACK ON!"

Mother fucker got reported as soon as I went in the rave, walked right back out because it sucked, and holy hell. $2 wasted because I felt like if I tried to walk away with it because at that point I had no interest in going into the rave, that I would have it fucking confiscated.

>> No.9502008

DFW native who now lives in the Bay here. A-Kon is in fact a better con than Fanime IMO. Having said that, this Fanime was a lot less happening than in previous years.

>> No.9502014

That fucking blows anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.9502020

Fanime 2017: Confirmed to be run by Nazis.

>> No.9502023
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that room was pretty awesome

>> No.9502046

Anyone got pics of the shirtless Kakashi?

>> No.9502066

You ignored me because I wasn't an asian dick.

>> No.9502069

Thanks for the coke btw. :^)

>> No.9502073

Like I understand people sneaking shit into the rave like vodka in a water bottle, but if I felt comfortable to walk away I wouldve because being yelled at by some kid clearly younger than me who thinks he is the police really pissed me off, but at the same time I felt like I might be throw out of the convention or some shit if I didn't fucking throw my bottle away and walk in. I reported him asap when I left the rave which was like 3 minutes later. One of the con heads was pissed when I told him what happened and that he could ask the other two rovers who were there and looked equally uncomfortable as I did when the little brat started acting like a fucking cop. He freaked out over me taking a sip as if I had a fucking gun and was ready to shoot people.

>> No.9502079

Are you one of the girls he played ping pong with?

>> No.9502085
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>> No.9502095

what is a rovers

>> No.9502101

Oh, you were at the Hilton last year! I forgot you cgl'd. But yeah, we were on a mission Sunday night.

... :^)

>> No.9502129

Yeah, how did you know that?

>> No.9502172

That was Vincent Milium aka darkain being the usual attention whore that he is. don't encourage him.

>> No.9502261

He told me about it. Do you just want his photos? Or do you prefer his instagram/twitter?

>> No.9502275

It was super fun! Idk what everyone is on about, lots of shit to do, lots of people to meet and lots of cosplay to take pics of.

It honestly makes me want to get back into cosplay again, at my own pace.

10/10 would go again

>> No.9502468

Oh great, I am mainly looking for his photos, but Instagram/twitter would be okay too!

>> No.9502491

He was a nice dude! I'd take his insta. Also I like the multiple women he played ping pong with are in here. We're a thirsty bunch.

>> No.9502514

I focused more on the Eli in the background than the actual cosplay

>> No.9502525

Oh nice you played ping pong with him too? Which one were you? I was the one that wasn't very good, but I just wanted to play ping pong a little bit with him. ^_^

>> No.9502550

Ah, yeah I saw you, I was in the black dress. I get the feeling grey shirt girl doesn't go on /cgl/, she seemed more like a normie.

>> No.9502813

You're at an anime con EVERYTHING is cringe

>> No.9502890

wow this girl is actually bangable

>> No.9502908
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>> No.9502920
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I didn't notice until hours after I took this picture...

>> No.9502932

I thought about talking with her more, but given the nature of her cosplay, there's no way she'd not think I was hitting on her.

>> No.9502966

Notice what?

>> No.9502967 [DELETED] 

notice what, multipass?

>> No.9502972


>> No.9502973

Nailed it.

>> No.9502987
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hooray for the tiddy

>> No.9503032

I saw that, but I thought she was a guy.

>> No.9503120

I saw her in the con center and it was pretty damn obvious under the lighting in there, but I didn't want to stare and be sure of what I thought I'd seen.

Stares are probably what she wanted now that I look at the photo, though, that's no accident. She clearly used different material for the band around her tits.

>> No.9503326
File: 189 KB, 2048x1152, 18814661_1870666036534171_383307485257712670_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what character is this?

>> No.9503342

I saw him too, I think he's supposed to be Bunta from Initial D.

>> No.9503349
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his expression is spot on lol

>> No.9503358

You should of gotten her phone # or facebook

>> No.9503390

Fanime attendees who want a free hotel and badge and basically wear a vest to HELP other attendees find places or to help in event areas.

>they are not police
>they are not rent-a-cops
>they are not normal convention staff
>they are nothing more than hall monitors

>> No.9503423

did anyone see crash bandicoot he was dressed up like from that motorcycle level

>> No.9503441

I thought about taking a coord with me but decided not to last minute. Sounds unpleasant. I hope yoy had fun regardless.

>> No.9503486

Mfw one of my friends was trying pua type shit on every girl he saw

I'm sorry, fanime

>> No.9503504

How was fanimaid this year? Didn't go this year because the lines were insane.

>> No.9503515

I completely forgot that was even a thing. I was too busy spending time bouncing from place to place, trying different foods. That Whispers crepe place is new to me. I had a blast there the most. Probably 10x better than what the Fanimaids wouldve given its customers.

>> No.9503544

Whispers is worth that long ass wait. I try to go once a year.

>> No.9503547

That sounds fucking radical anon, sadly no.

>> No.9503552

Don't worry guy, you know how normies look at weebs when they talk in-depth about their animoo? That's how people looked at us when we talked.

>> No.9503571
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As an idea for next year, /cgl/ should agree on an easy mass-cosplay to indentify other gulls. My suggestion would be:
>battle royale uniforms
Very simple and would make for a very cool group picture, but could be anything.

Just something secret to signify you're a seagull. Just a thought, and could be fun.

>> No.9503601

New Japan Pro Wrestling has exploded in popularity since Wrestle Kingdom 11.

>> No.9503608

Midwest Anon here, id join you if I could.
>Battle Royale is my favorite book and movie of all time.

>> No.9503617

Most of us don't actually want to meet 4channers though. This just happens to be one of the best spots online to talk about cons that isn't a 'safe space' and can easily be posted to anonymously.

>> No.9503622
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>her face
i want to meet this girl and hold her hand while going on a walk

>> No.9503626
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Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy put a big dumb smile on my face.

>> No.9503628
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>> No.9503632

Gonna deliver or.....?

>> No.9503635
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>> No.9503689

I'm for this idea

>> No.9503735

ill fucking do it and also wear a facemask with a pompadour

>> No.9503736

Awful taste.

>> No.9503745

Has there ever been a faces of cgl thread?

>> No.9503761

then whats your taste fool

>> No.9503780

There's been a few for old trips, and selfpost threads.

>> No.9503806

I'm starting to think he is a meme and never really existed.

>> No.9503810

they talked about him the last thread where he was carrying a bucket of ice to his hotel room shirtless

>> No.9504130

Hello Kitty Yuna was the first thing that came to mind for me. I don't play those games at all but I am a Sanrio fanatic. She's adorable.

>> No.9504135

For what it's worth she might have used a different material fearing that the other one would be too see through or fall off or something.

You'd be surprised how oblivious some people are. I saw several girls in virgin killer sweaters who seemed to have no idea that the sweater sat at their waist, not below their butts like it's supposed to, and everyone could see their full underwear.

>> No.9504142

Fanimaid is limited in what it can serve due to convention restrictions. It sucks, but it's still better food than most anime con maid cafes.

The food this year was actually a little better than past years. Still not worth it if you're just looking to eat, but come on man, nobody goes to a maid cafe just to eat.

>> No.9504153

Fanimaid went pretty well this year. We managed to secure better food for the cafe and had enough polaroids to offer cheki to all the guests rather than just the first 50. We had better merch this year too and it sold out really fast.
We're hurting a little bit from the new age restrictions on volunteers (I'm not totally sure whether this applies only to our department or to all volunteers?) so if you've been waffling on auditioning next year, please do!

>> No.9504159

The 13 or older applies to you as well? Jesus.

>> No.9504182

I can't really imagine 12 year olds volunteering in any department? As of this year our new volunteers had to be over 18, though. Not sure if that applied to other departments as well.

>> No.9504252

But staff could still be underage right? Got a friend who was a volunteer and now staff that's under 18.

>> No.9504289

Yes the age restriction applies to all departments now

>> No.9504311

I went to the maid cafe for the first time this year. It was pretty cute but man the food is lame. Plus when I came in all the maids left to do a show. The food was alright but it was kinda cold and soggy. I wish they let you guys have cuter food, eating an ugly sandwich doesn't really give me the moes.

>> No.9504360

How come that Rock the Casbah guy wasn't there this time.

>> No.9504403

tfw no chubby girl

>> No.9504668

For you

>> No.9504713

i am a big man

>> No.9504719
File: 14 KB, 304x304, get_smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At Fanime 2018 when you're down in the dumps about not having a cosplay or your cosplay looking shit just remember this post

You had a whole year

>> No.9504775

C-can you post a pic?

>> No.9505005

Watching all these videos about people's experience at fanime made feel like I missed out on a lot of fun. Makes me SAD.

>> No.9505050

This is fucking embarrassing, but I played 15 people just to get to you. By that time I was too sleepy and didn't know what to say. You had really good form, I guess you haven't played for a long time?

>> No.9505769
File: 453 KB, 500x280, 635832341798744404-1605964657_tumblr_inline_nmvwhmAlFO1t507a3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what? You must be thinking of someone else! I only played the kakashi cosplayer. Unless you're him? I play a lot but I'm not great because the people I play with are little shit heads.

>> No.9505978

Oh fuck "girl in black dress" got me. Oh hey I manage to embarrass myself on and offline.

>> No.9505999

I'm right there with you, friend. I'm happy I got to see CWF, at least.

>> No.9506026

It's all good! I was trying to be somewhat ambiguous!! I was wearing a lolita dress if that helps. Sure makes it hard to move around though.

>> No.9506166

Immobility traded for cuteness, I am sure it's worth. I also got to play against a girl in a long black dress. Not gonna lie my heart rate went up a little. Man, sometimes it is hard to differentiate creepiness from appreciation for beauty

>> No.9506173 [DELETED] 

Immobility traded for cuteness, I'm sure it's worth. I also got to play against a girl in a long black dress. Not gonna lie my heart rated went up quite a bit. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate appreciation for beauty from being creepy.

>> No.9506198

I just didn't know they had a table set up! I woulda brought my paddle and dressed more appropriately. But I think as long as you only think and don't say anything creepy you'll probably be good. Especially since this year at fanime they were really pushing the "cosplay is not consent" stuff.

>> No.9506243


>> No.9506261
File: 979 KB, 663x916, 34934387451_4b07dc27e8_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is...is it this guy?

>> No.9506288

That's me

>> No.9506310

damn niggah you some sort of panty dropper right there

>> No.9506499

Pretty damn good!

>> No.9506509


>> No.9506598
File: 50 KB, 923x523, thxgoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have an insta?

>> No.9506625

You're welcome.

>> No.9506628

You look like a colossal faggot.

>> No.9506635

I mean..

>> No.9506715

he's yaoi bait

beanie: would you get chidori'd by him

>> No.9506717

Triggered armlet.

Go work out and maybe you too could look like him.

>> No.9507104

What did you mean by this?

His arms aren't big, he's got an average amount of muscle with low bodyfat.

>> No.9507160

We've already met. He's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.9507185

Orgy this year was pretty good, better than last year, but thats because there were less dudes and more traps.

>> No.9507186

I do this too when assholes ask for photos in the middle of the vendors room. Wait to take your photos somewhere else

>> No.9507225
File: 98 KB, 600x800, b9eab8b38281208c1e65677e3dfe66ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to piggyback I hate people who need to shop in bulky ass costumes. Someone had a shittier version of this cosplay with a bigger skirt in AA last year and I wanted to punch them.

>> No.9507283

Was it? I keep hearing mixed things about it. I went to the one last year and it was a massive sausage fest (cis-sausage). Kinda wishing I checked it out this year now...

>> No.9508463

Did anyone get a picture of the merle , Altera, riju, or a better picture of ramlethal? All my delicious brown waifus but I couldn't chase any of them down every time I saw them at the convention.

>> No.9508592

fuck how many chubby girls were there? i needed some chubby girl loving

>> No.9510568

This thread is dead and I was expecting more bread.

>> No.9510594

rip fanime dreams

>> No.9510753
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>> No.9510756
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the law

>> No.9510758
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>> No.9510760
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best girl

>> No.9510762
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pig man

>> No.9510765
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>> No.9510769
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>> No.9510772
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dr fast

>> No.9510776
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragon girl

>> No.9510781
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big dragon girl

>> No.9510789
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>> No.9510793

Awe shoot, this is hella cute.

>> No.9510805
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>> No.9510806
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star wars man

>> No.9510807
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looking for friends

>> No.9510808
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>> No.9510811

was that enough more bread? sorry sideway

>> No.9511437

yes this is good thank for the pictures

>> No.9511460

These are great, I especially like the Kanna one. Choosing the rainboots fit is a nice touch.

>> No.9511485
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, 1496806994144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple flip will do it.

>> No.9511746
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>> No.9511847
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>> No.9511934

that smiling man makes me happy every day

>> No.9512135

They get a free hotel? only knew they got a free badge.

>> No.9514061

Holy shit fukken kek

>> No.9514081

i don't think grunt rovers do. staff maybe. high level rovers maybe.

>> No.9514805
File: 600 KB, 1200x1699, 1479686379364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone see someone cosplaying as one of the long riders girls? I heard there was one but I didn't see it.

>> No.9515761

Posting this for those who don't know how crazy CWF is.

The show was hype before. It became totally unglued at Fanimania IV


You just don't see an event that consistently delivers on the excitement on a regular basis.

>> No.9518132


>> No.9523993

I wasnt there but these cosplay's seem fun and well thought out. People did their best and werent just trying to beg. This looked like a old school con. Just people getting together having fun
What did they want younger people or more cosfamous. I'm tired of no fun just paetron.

>> No.9523998

With all the photoediting this could easily be a dude.