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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 5 KB, 200x193, 0917 - Y7tiQFK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9489066 No.9489066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here, serious question.
Assuming some of your are into Anime from seeing some threads, and I occasionally see some of you pop in on /fit/;

>how do I get a /cgl/ waifu?
(who is willing to cosplay my 2d waifus)

I'm a solid 6/10 and I've had loads of girls ask me on dates and stuff but never any qts who are into more than just basic anime
How do I approach a /cgl/ at a con and how do I know if she's into me? I don't want to bug them if they aren't interested.
I just want a qt gf that can lift me on her shoulders for fun in our paired up costumes, don't even care if she's super big just average

>What are some ways to win your heart over?

>What's generally your type?

>What are some things you look for in somebody?

>What makes you completely NOT want to be with said person?

>Would you be willing to cosplay for your SO if they dressed up as somebody you liked?

>Do you consider makeup as an acceptable holiday gift?

>> No.9489079
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>> No.9489084
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pic related 4 years lifting

>> No.9489088

great work anon you've gone and scared them away from us

>> No.9489089

Fuck off back to /fit

>> No.9489094
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>> No.9489095

If you see a girl you're interested in at a con, just try to strike up a casual conversation about what she's cosplaying from. Either she'll want to see you again after or she won't.

>> No.9489099

don't listen to this fag

just flex a 'cep

>> No.9489101

Throw poop and make seagull noises

>> No.9489109

>flexes cep

good thing you arent my cousin(16) she would be all over these

>> No.9489113
File: 213 KB, 1915x943, b-baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuck off

>> No.9489121
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any of you have tiddys like this?

>> No.9489125

You faggots are always bothering us about 'so sad no gf :c', so YOU can fuck off. That post is probably one of your own fucking with you.

>> No.9489126
File: 659 KB, 720x540, i'm truckin invincible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top zozzle breh

>> No.9489130
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Or it's a female citizen making you guys look desperate. Either way, YOU fuck off

>> No.9489134

okay listen.

>> No.9489135

has /cgl/ had that first sip of the day?

>> No.9489138
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yeah. of my seed

>> No.9489140

>homeostatic protein economy

good on you lad, don't lose a single gain

>> No.9489142

>implying i let her swallow it

no no no
i have her spit it into my blender

>> No.9489144
File: 64 KB, 541x960, le cookie man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I cosplay as?

this is me

>> No.9489146

you'd make a good bottom

>> No.9489152

The rapist from "Thirteen Reasons Why"

>> No.9489157

>>What makes you completely NOT want to be with said person?
Being from /fit/
I'm not being facetious, I'm just not into super muscular guys and I find the way guys start lifting and expect girls to be all over them (and/or bitch about how girls just care about guys' bodies) really irritating. Guys who have going to the gym as the main part of their personality/hobby are also really, really boring, so I'd rather be with someone who had an average body but more common interests. If someone just sometimes browsed /fit/ I guess it'd be fine, it's not a dealbreaker like being a /pol/ack or /b/tard but I wouldn't seek it out.

full disclosure though, I'm bi and super into feminine guys so probably not a good person to ask

>> No.9489159

>i have her spit it into my blender
my sides

>> No.9489164
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>implying we lift for women
>/cgl/ is so far behind they don't know were all actually just gay

how much can you even dead lift?

>> No.9489168

thats funny. /fit. is into feminine guys as well.

>> No.9489170
File: 215 KB, 825x886, JOJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking people go to the gym for women

>> No.9489174

I was going to say that /fit/ guys put me off because I think nobody can be that obsessed with muscles and appearances without being lowkey gay in denial, but desu I a little gayness is not a negative in a guy as long as they're not the type to try to hide it by acting super macho and homophobic (which I guess applies to a lot of /fit/ but w/e). Plus >>9489146 made the joke before me.

>> No.9489175

>i have never browsed /fit/: the thread

>> No.9489179


have you ever been to /fit/? nobody is denying that shit. Listen. I'm not gay, I go to the gym everyday, I do my hair and get my eyebrowse done professionally too. metrosexual is the future baby

>> No.9489183

I say that because most of the guys who've gone from nerdy to fit when they suddenly started lifting (and I think /fit/ leans nerdy even though they like to pretend they're alpha jocks, this is 4chan after all) who I've met IRL have outright stated that as their motivation, it's pretty off-putting. I met a lot of engineer types who were like that when I was in college. People who just like being active are fine, but I've never met a /fit/izen who was like that - guys who just love sport and don't do it for aesthetic reasons seem to be more /out/ types than /fit/ types.

>> No.9489188

Last time I looked in /fit/ was 2014-15 because screencaps of gay shit on there kept ending up on /lgbt/, IDK if the board culture has changed significantly since then.

>> No.9489189
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also to add to this, you seem to think all muscular guys are like jokes you see in movies. that's just a fantasy dude. people in the gym are actually really nice, and like a said a lot of gym rats have open feminine sides, so may be you're the shallow prick judging people.

i can understand that motivation though. I'm not going to lie, nerdy skinny guys get treated like shit. I started because I got bullied, nobody fucks with me anymore, and yeah people actually treat me like a fucking human. i get tones of tinder matches a day based on my physical appearance alone desu. But I don't condone that hook up culture stuff. I even met my gf on tinder and i don't think i would have been able to meet her without the effort i put in the gym. and for those guys who like to pretend like alpha jocks, usually its because they know they really aren't that strong. wait hold on though, pic related, what /fit/ would consider actually being fit

>> No.9489191

you just fell for the memes and shitposting. don't forget /r9k/ goes there to shitpost because they are jelly

>> No.9489195

/fit/ has a similar thread going on right now. with inverted roles.

>> No.9489212


>> No.9489220

And girls only get into cosplay because they crave attention from thirsty nerds.

>> No.9489225


a seagull started it though, even posted her body, so i blame her if we get exercise autists itt

>> No.9489227

ok m8

Like, if you seriously believe that, whatever. If you don't believe that and are trying to say it's equivalent to what I was saying, I repeat that I'm basing what I said off people I met IRL, I'm not conjecturing out of thin air or assuming all gym rats are like that, but all but two that I've met are and I stand by my statement.

>> No.9489233

Come at me, thundercunt.

>> No.9489236

If she's that desperate for dick she should have made a tinder account instead of dragging us into her attention whoring

>> No.9489254

>people are still posting in this thread
Why do gulls have the inability to restarin themselves from posting in theeads like these? Just let it die
>sage for death

>> No.9489259

or you could have a mod delete it. Pretty sure the /fit/ one 404ed

>> No.9489361
