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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9476011 No.9476011 [Reply] [Original]

Questions to ponder for this edition:

•Are there pets that you consider more "lolita" than others? If so, why? Should that image matter to people?
•Lolitas who have weird pets?
•Coording with your pets?
•Do people really give a shit if I have a dog hair on my burando as long as I'm not selling it to them that way?
•Pet hair removal methods?

>> No.9476020 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your data collection, cunt

>> No.9476028

I wear goth and I have a sphynx and a black cat, which I guess both fit the image, but I've had both of them since before I started wearing lolita. People who try to have certain pets to fit in with the image of being 'more' lolita than others can suck my frills. It's a living fucking creature, not an accessory.

That said, I think you can coordinate with your pets, just don't make them miserable so you can have a kawaii photoshoot for CoF or Instagram.

>selling with pet hair
Really, just make sure you wash your shit so you don't set off someone's allergies. I know it's damn near impossible to get every hair off, so as long as you're making an attempt, I don't really care if I buy a dress that comes to me with a little fur or something. Smelling like animals is a no-go, though.

>> No.9476029

Someone's salty that animals don't like them

>> No.9476030 [DELETED] 

I used to torture cats behind my house when I was a kid. Now I don't have any pets. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.9476037
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>> No.9476041
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All I want is for my hamsters to become calm enough in my hands that I can do a shoot where I'm doing a Lolita tea party but they're in the teacups.

>> No.9476043 [DELETED] 

No...but I might kill the neighbor's cat if it doesn't stop meowing really loud outside at night and waking me up

>> No.9476078

>dat face


>> No.9476081

Really disturbing and unwarranted in a thread about ANIMALS. See yourself out, trash. I hope you die.

>> No.9476083
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>> No.9476090
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When will Angelic Pretty release a line for dogs desu

>> No.9476138

Small dogs are literal trash

>> No.9476157

You have to be 18 or older to use 4chan.

>> No.9476165
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I've been wearing lolita much longer than I've had a cat, but my cat is a medium-haired siamese and he fits the whole classic aesthetic pretty well. I pulled him out of a bush behind my work one day. We bonded. He has to be within two feet of me at ALL TIMES.

>lolitas with weird pets
Cockroach-chan though

>> No.9476211

Not AP, but 2 people in the SF comm had their dogs twin w/ the extra usakumya outfits you can buy

>> No.9476282

>Should that image matter to people?
To who?

>> No.9476310

I'm seriously considering getting one of AP's poodle prints since I have one.
Poodles are good lolita pets, they don't loose hair (and you can style them)

>> No.9476311
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victorian maiden did it for april fools and I fliiped my shit when I found out it was fake lmao

>> No.9476316

I had a toy poodle. She was a shelter adoption. Really sweet dog and I had to put her down last year. I had a fluffy black cat, and a conure. Right now I don't have any pets due to living situation, but hope to set up a nice betta tank and get a cockatiel when we move.

>> No.9476364

I own a baroque horse but only recently got into lolita and I'm craving for a photo shooting. But I can't imagine a possible theme at this time.

Pets I consider more lolita than others
>most cats even if I don't like them as much, dogs (I prefer larger and more 'classic' breeds here like king poodles, great danes or wolf hybrids), horses (yeah not pet) and depending on the lolita style then also some kind of reptiles

>> No.9476370

>wolf hybrids
Like, actual wolfdogs? They make terrible pets in general and would be even worse for a lolita.

>> No.9476380

I have a wolf hybrid and she's the sweetest thing ever. Got her as a pup and she's 9 now. She doesn't like many men. But her manerisms are so cute. She smiles with her teeth and instead of licking to say hi like my other dogs, she puts her open mouth on your face....it's weird but I've never had an issue with her.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable discussing "loliable pets" as I know a number of girls who get pets for aesthetics and accessories to their fashion rather then for the sake of having a pet. Kate *cough*
Aside from my wolf dog, I also have a Basset Hound who is also an old man, whom I rescued from a shelter years ago and I've always wanted to do a photo shoot with him in classic Lolita. He is my dearest companion and I was sad I wasn't able to get my hands on the haenuli special jsk because I really would love to have a pretty dress with his face on it. Besides he's getting on in years, and it would of been cool to have a dress to remember him by after his inevitable passing.

Actually, now that I'm thinking of it, didn't JetJ have a contest years back for a pet to be used in a dress design?

>> No.9476387

Are you sure your wolfdog is actually that and not just a husky or something? Many people can't tell dogs from actual wolves and misrepresentation is something you should avoid.

>> No.9476406

They need to be trained in a very special and strict way, you aren't allowed to show any kind of weakness infront of them that combined with enough activities and such and you'll get an even 'better' companion than a 'real' dog. Because if you show you're the pack leader they'll obey you and protect you no matter what. I know a good few of 1st gen wolf hybrids and they're amazing. Yet you really need.to be a pro to raise them

>> No.9476417

OP here. I recently got a Madagascar hissing cockroach.

>> No.9476426

I've got two Cardigan Welsh Corgis, and they're the sweetest, cutest dogs ever. But they shed. A lot. And their hair is long and gets stuck in clothing. So, I try not to pet or play with them while in lolita.

>> No.9476459

I feel so blessed to have a dog that doesn't shed like normal dogs. I couldn't handle the hair everywhere. Picking him up and petting him in lolita is just so convenient and easy and I normally don't even need a lint roller after

>> No.9476467


Yeah but would you ever bring it to a meet at a restaurant because that's what a girl in my comm apparently did once.

>> No.9476477

I wouldn't bring him to a meet because I understand that a lot of people dislike bugs. It's disrespectful to my roach and the other girls. Especially at a restaurant, even though they're not particularly dirty creatures, they're still animals.

I do let him interact with me while I'm in lolita though. He likes to hide beneath my frilled collars. I just wish he wasn't considered a gross pet though. People will say "If I see it, I'll crush it," and have no problem with that when they'd never say the same thing about a hamster or gerbil or whatever.

>> No.9476497

Dumb question from someone who's coming from a country where we have at max really really tiny roaches.
>if your's is bigger, is it still able to fly? Like won't it fly away if you let it outside?

>> No.9476506

Top tier most lolita pets
>full sized poodle
>long haired white cat with blue eyes
>toy poodle
>other long haired cats
>Bichon frise
>afghan hound
>spaniels in general

Mid-tier lolita pets
>any standard colored cat, mid and shorthair
>dalmations (only well bred)
>other unspecified toy dogs

Low tier lolita pets
>Any working dog (Rottweiler, doberman, husky)
>mixes of standard breeds (fuck ur yorkipoo it's a stupid name)

Put them out of their misery you sick bastard tier lolita pets
>Persian cats
>any poorly bred animals

Gothic lolitas fully exempt from above. See below:
>black cats
>sphinx cats
>dark colored birds
>young men

>> No.9476510

I forgot rodents. That being said, rodents are not very lolita. Consider hamsters, guinea pigs, and mice to be low tier and rats not at all lolita.

Also, this does not reflect my personal opinion of various species of animals, I love ugly mutts and cats and rats and the like.

>> No.9476511

>young men
I laughed. What about Borzois?

>> No.9476516

Top tier for sure, I totally intended to put them there and forgot.

>> No.9476523

Bodyline used to have a line for dogs

>> No.9476537

I've been considering getting one for a while. They're just so cute to me. Would you recommend them as pets?

I currently have a couple of snakes. They're super cute, and any of my lolita friends who've met them have liked them.

>> No.9476574

I agree. Chihuahuas are for gyaru.

>> No.9476629
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A lolita pet is whatever pet you have while wearing lolita.

>> No.9476633

I lost my cat two days ago. Tried to search everywhere but there was no sign of her, she was a beautiful white cat with blue eyes and she would sleep with me.
My other lolita friends just have dogs and cats or nothing at all. One of them has two little parrots though, they're really cute!

>> No.9476675
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this cutie belongs to a girl in my comm. i wish she'd bring it to a meet just once.

>> No.9476683

I don't support the idea of bringing pets to meetups but this is adorable!

>> No.9476689

You're a retard

>> No.9476701

No. I lived in the middle of nowhere. Mom was a wolf that got shot, don't know what the dad was, but she was one of the pups rescued afterwards. She has a wolf face and has long legs and a large slim built, but muscular body. Just a tad shorter in height then a great Dane. No one in our town kept Huskies or other heavily furred dogs due to the long and hot, humid summers. Most dogs are ranch type dogs or muts

>> No.9476726

They're sort of lazy, but they're very low maintenance! They really prefer having a heating pad or something beneath their crates. They're also excellent climbers and most active at night. I find them super interesting though.

>> No.9476728

No anon, Madagascar Hissers don't have wings! They don't bite either. They are fast though. I wouldn't recommend taking one outside.
The hissing is them releasing air from their bodies to ward off predators. My boy is about two and a half inches long right now. Max, he'll get to be three. He's big for a bug though.

>> No.9476735

Stop. Just fucking stop. You do not have a "wolf hybrid".People like you are the reason why other idiots think they have wolfdogs too, or why they want them and think they're cool. You shit on Kate for having a novelty pet when you're literally no better, please do everyone a favor and educate your podunk ass, jesus fucking christ

>> No.9476753

>dress mostly victorian inspired classic
>have two pembroke corgis

I know you shouldn't bring pets to a meet but I'm constantly tempted...

>> No.9476773

Isn't there a risk they could escape and breed in your kitchen or something?

>> No.9476780
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I really would love to attend a pet/dog meetup now where everyone brings their kawaii mfing (well behaved) dogs and twins with them, but I know how poorly this would go in reality.

>> No.9476807

pug owner detected :^)

>> No.9476808

They shit constantly FYI

>> No.9476821
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>working dogs in the low tier

>> No.9476822


When I was in second grade we had Madagascar hissing cockroaches as class pets. They bred, then the tiny babies escaped the enclosure, and they got into the walls. So far as I know, they're still finding them sixteen years later.

>> No.9476823

Used to have a Turkish Van but the boyfriend made me get rid of it as he hates cats.

>> No.9476824

That's disgusting and has made me judge OP's life choices.

>> No.9476829

Should have gotten rid of boyfriend instead

>> No.9476856
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I have a chubby calico cat who would look endearingly mismatched to every coord I wear.

She once walked all over my skirt looking for pats and my friends were mildly aghast I was letting her near the dress at all (it was sturdy and easy to wash, though.)

I also have an elegant goldfish aristocrat who honestly has more style than me.

>> No.9476904
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it's hard to calm robos down, but your lil ham is precious!

no puppy is trash

>> No.9476934

I was waiting the whole time for you to mention rabbits, I think they are very synonymous with lolita and the most kawaii animal

>> No.9476941

I agree with >>9476829. You're a piece of shit and I hope you die.

>> No.9476965

Ow the edge. Anon didn't say she threw the cat into a woodchipper, as far as we know she gave it to an owner who loves it very much.

>> No.9476975

Calm down

True but unless the cat was absolutely awful it's kinda fucked to force your partner to get rid of their pet

>> No.9476996

Dont you fucking dare bring animals to a meet. We have an ita in our comm who drags her ratty mutt with her to most meets and it makes my allergies flare up. Another girl complains about it too. I want to go to a meet and not get sick. Have a meetup for your pets if you really need to bring your animal with you.

>> No.9477211

You can judge my life choices, I know a bug isn't most people's idea of a pet. However, I just have one male Hisser. I don't plan on getting more! No worries for babies. I'm not about that. I made sure I didn't get a female. Just in case.

>> No.9477212

Shut up cakefucker

>> No.9477234

My cat recently had to be put down, so now I'm on the look out for blue bi-coloured rag doll prints, I saw Haenuli was doing a make your own print sort of thing so I might resort to that. I miss him so much :(

>> No.9477249

You have to be 18 or older to be on 4chan

>> No.9477252

I saw the most gorgeous rag doll (Aptly named "Little Doll") at my local shelter, but she was adopted. I know how hard it is to lose a truly beloved pet. I still feel sad over my sweet girl we lost 7 years ago.

>> No.9477260
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I got my boy from adoption agency and he was a senior. I'm dying inside.

Keeping this on topic, I saw this the other day in another thread, and I would kill for something like this with Cherokee's face and fur pattern on it

>> No.9477263

>i was outed
>heres an irrelevant meme

>> No.9477271

I think anything small and cute will fit.

Also taking any kind of groomed, healthy, well mannered dog to a meet is a good idea because they can stay on leashes and everyone loves them!

Unless someone's allergic :(

This is so cute!!

>> No.9477276

I promise you don't have a "wolf hybrid." That's shit doesn't happen naturally (very VERY rarely due to a wolf's territorial nature, they're more likely to kill a dog than mate with it.) You really are spreading misinformation, you have a mutt. Plain and simple. A lot of people don't understand how difficult wolf dogs can be becuase there are so many uneducated people that think they have a sweet docile "hybrid" and all they have is a brown eyed farm dog. This leads to real wolf dogs being abandoned or mistreated because people aren't prepared for their true nature. Also, any dog that is labeled as a "wolf dog" will immediately get put down at a shelter whether they are one or not due to conclusions about their "dangerous" nature. So misinformation can even kill regular old mutts.

>> No.9477304

My comm tried to do this once, but everyone with pets said they couldn't bring their dogs because none of them would be well-behaved. It's a shame because lots of them have such cute dogs, but I was shocked how none of them were trained.

>> No.9477489

No. Like I mentioned here >>9476701 we know shes a wolf mix because her mom was shot as a pup. We don't know what the dad was though. I grew up in a place where most people kept flimsy barbed wire fence to keep the cattle off their lands, but dogs were always free to roam.

My folks still live out in the country, so after my sister and I left, they agreed to keep her out there since because of her background I doubt either of us would of been able to get accepted into an apartment with her. She's really protective and sweet, but weary of strangers(particularly men). She hasn't done anything bad before, but I wouldn't want to risk her biting a stranger that approached her too quickly on a walk. At least staying in the country she's safe and happy, it just sucks I have to drive so far to visit her on the weekends now.

>> No.9477504

I think it's cute that you have just one, as long as it doesn't become a pest control problem it's fine.

>> No.9477523

>People will say "If I see it, I'll crush it," and have no problem with that when they'd never say the same thing about a hamster or gerbil or whatever.
People used to say the exact same thing to me all the time back when I had a tarantula. I'm getting another after I move into my new place and anyone who says that to me again will be met with a less than gentle response about how if they want to be around me, they need to not fucking threaten to murder my pet.

>> No.9477531

>Also, any dog that is labeled as a "wolf dog" will immediately get put down at a shelter whether they are one or not due to conclusions about their "dangerous" nature.
This must vary shelter to shelter because the one I worked at got a half wolf dog once and we didn't put him down. His temperament was fine, but I've never known a dog more difficult to train. He was also way too big for the normal kennels, we had to keep him in the fenced off yard outside that we let the dogs play in.

>> No.9477536

Or they just stress if there is a bunch of other dogs? My now passed away dog used to be really well behaved but she would have stressed so much it would have been bad decision to take her to such a meet. She also had a huge influx on my other dog and she is rescue with trauma so she doesn't mix well with other dogs either especially if they are even a tad aggressive or pushy. We have been making a huge progress though, I would have never guessed she would go this far. But I agree an average dog is usually pretty bad behaving.

>> No.9477548
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>> No.9477549

•Are there pets that you consider more "lolita" than others? If so, why? Should that image matter to people?
I consider Persian Cats to be the ultimate sweet lolita pet for reasons of the obvious. For gothic lolitas, black cats. This image should not affect your pet choices, though.
•Lolitas who have weird pets?
I'll be getting a tarantula at the end of the year, but I'm gothic so I guess it's not that weird.
•Coording with your pets?
You do you boo
•Do people really give a shit if I have a dog hair on my burando as long as I'm not selling it to them that way?
As long as you mention you have one for the sake of people with allergies, I see no problem.

>> No.9477552

My dog has terrible anxiety. He's very cute and fits the "lolita aesthetic" but I'm always too worried that he'll get freaked out and growl. He doesn't like the be touched from the behind either because he had a back injury.
It's not that he's poorly behaved, he simply has problems I guess.

>> No.9477634

Mine is well trained and socialized, but a meet like that was even bad for him. He got the most human attention, which made the other dogs (understandably) exhibit dominating and jealous behavior towards him. nothing crazy, no teeth, but just running over to constantly shove and jostle him away from whoever was petting him the moment they started, and he eventually started growling at any approaching dog after being pawed to the ground so often and refused to be pet anymore.

It can be anything, even with a really chill dog, so now I just do one to three other dogs at a time, as a small friends thing (and we're less worried about other people's large breed pups and adolescents, precious though they are, ramming into us in a bit for attention in the way that they do).

>> No.9477783


Elementary school anon here: wasn't judging. Just telling a story to the person that was worried your bugs might get out and breed.

>> No.9477787

No worries and no offense taken. No Hisser babies for me though!

>> No.9478579

I'd say the same about snakes though. Or any reptile. Or small dogs. But people should have the tact to not say it out loud when clearly you like that animal enough to have it.

>> No.9478591

>we know shes a wolf mix because her mom was shot as a pup
so you happened on this stray pup you think looks like a wolf, someone locally happened to shoot a wolf, and you put two and two together?
I hope your dog's name is Pixyteri.

>> No.9478651

You're really against wolfdogs huh? You can obvs tell from the story the mom was a wolf cub who got shot and rescued who ended up mating with a dog. My bf worked at a rehabilitation center for wolves and he swears up and down they're miles better than having dogs especially in the countryside. He had professional training and lived on a cattle ranch though, so obviously we're not getting a solitary one in the city. I see where you're coming from, I feel the same way about Persians, Munchkins, and Scottish folds. Which should all be on the trash tier list.

I have 10 rescue cats of all colors and sizes. They're in no way lolita romantic, with their wonky tails and random spots but I love them all to death. I'd love to have a few Norwegian Forest cats, or Maine Coons, or Ragdolls. Savannah's are also to die for. But I can't bring myself to buy one when I could have rescued another off the street. I fantasize about getting a kawaii dog breed like a poodle or Samoyed, but I'll probably just end up with a ragtag bundle of mutts from the shelter in the end.

>> No.9478655

>against wolfdogs
I am not against any animals. At all. I am against people who are uneducated and want people to think they have a ~*cool and mysterious*~ pet.
Anon should post a photo of this dog, so we can all laugh at the fact that it's a malamute mix or something.
>I feel the same way about Persians, Munchkins, and Scottish folds. Which should all be on the trash tier list.
You're just as disgusting, anon. Don't hate the animals, hate the culture and the people who breed these animals to the point of disability for the sake of "cute" features.

>> No.9478664

Well duh I don't hate the animals. If I found a rescue Persian/Munchkin/Scottish Fold I'd take excellent care of it. I mean I feel the same way as in I don't believe people of the general public should be allowed to have them, and I don't think breeding them or having them for sale or them being popular is an ethical practice.

>> No.9478668

I'd suggest just having him out and sitting on you as often as you can, that's how I calmed mine down. He'd even sleep on me,or just sit in my hood for hours.

>> No.9478685

You're right. Rabbits are very lolita! Consider them in top tier as well.

>> No.9478828

You're obvious bait, but let's reply anyway. A wolf dog is in most cases NOT the kind of dog you get, because you want a mysterious pet omg never. Like, in my country they're forbidden to breed, but you can have them (i know makes zero sense but so does my country) and yoj can still buy them from outside. What I want to say though is, that someone who goes for a wolf mix knows what they'll get. They know, that if they'll fuck up only ONCE during the learning period they can give the dog away. BUT in the end of the learning process and if you showed that You are the boss these dogs will protect you with their live. And THAT's why people usually want this kind of crossbreed. They don't want it for kawaii or mysterious reasons, they want it to feel save and protected. And from the reactions you get when walking out a cross breed the 'evil' wolf face 'works' people NEVER come close to me when walking my friends dog.

>> No.9478863

Is this bait or are you retarded

>> No.9478920
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I think I'll try and get a male, too. That way he definitely won't be able to lay eggs. What I'd really love though is an emerald pill millipede, also from Madagascar. Pic related. They're too cute.

>> No.9478934

Personally I think a white dove would be top tier
Also, whenever I see people with pugs, I always judge them really bad lol
Like, before getting a dog you should research that breed. If you don't, you're an idiot, if you do, and see all the shit that's wrong with pugs, and go "eh who cares", you're an idiot

>> No.9479132

Does anyone have pictures of 70s-80s Milk and Vivienne Westwood collections? Or can tell me where to find them?

>> No.9479138

Nvm I can just find VW's on their website lol, but not Milk

>> No.9479142

I guess it would be ideal with either A. Only dogs with no behavioral issues or anxiety, which is feasible. I live in a big city and constantly see large groups of dogs on walks or in dog runs, a "well-behaved" dog really just means "well-adjusted and trained", or else B. a small meetup with 3-4 dogs max.

Unfortunately most of my lolita friends are cat people.

>> No.9479145
File: 142 KB, 900x450, Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for the day we get a Cavalier related print- I'll snap it up in a heartbeat. I have two cavs who i absolutely adore, and they'd look so cute next to me if i was in a Cavalier inspired coord! Honestly, they'd look super cute no matter what coord I wear. Hopefully I can get some pictures with them while i'm dressed up one day.

I also have a tortie cat, she's got a fantastic resting bitch face, so I think she fits the lolita aesthetic nicely lol. Unfortunately she sheds like crazy, so I try avoid having her near my brand!

>> No.9479146

>>Any working dog (Rottweiler, doberman, husky)
My Rot and doberman are offended, my cat is indifferent to his status.

>> No.9479157

I personally think working dogs, especially rotties, look cool with gothic. I'd LOVE to see a gothic coord with a doberman in the picture.

>> No.9479204

I think the pill millipedes are cuter, you should get one. Cute li'l ball.

I think ponies are top tier lifestyle lolita pets desu, for that rich Victorian girl aesthetic.

>> No.9479205
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>adopted a rescue cat little over a year ago
>was estimated to be around 4, been through a lot
>she wasn't the most beautiful cat
>had something wrong with her lip so her mouth always looked like it was open
>stump tail
>a bit chub
>the most patient and loving cat I've ever met, she's my baby
>suddenly one day a few weeks ago I notice she starts being super tired and eating less
>call vet, come in and they do checks on her etc
>turns out she's super fucking sick
>one week later we have to put her down because she was so sick

I know that this is super unrelated and this isn't my blog etc but I just.. Got really emotional when I saw this thread
I just put all of my j-fashion related clothes away into the basement because I'm so depressed that I just can't bring myself to wear anything like that
Sorry again for this stupid post, I just felt like venting to people who really understands what it's like to have pets
Love you gulls, remember to cherish your little fur-angels (or cockroaches, in some cases)

>> No.9479212

My condolences, anon. I'm sure you made your cat very happy while she was around. I hope you can bring another rescue into your life and be happy again soon.

>> No.9479315

I think that especially a dobermann would look great not only in gothic, but also in classic. As well as a ridgeback could go with classic.

A husky can be great for a goth, but I can also see them in sweet somehow.

I'm craving for a pitbull, but it's hard to get them in my country and I think it's 100% impossible to import one

>> No.9479341

No loss, pitbulls are super ugly and un-aesthetic anyway. I also flat-out don't believe the stuff about them not being dangerous.

>> No.9479423

Know her life was better for having met you anon. You were the best thing that happened to her, and your life was better for having her in it.

Get another rescue cat.

>> No.9479435

>don't believe the stuff about them not being dangerous
they're not any more dangerous than any other dog. they're animals, the ARE dangerous, but people have been trying to form relationships with dogs for centuries and we know pretty well how to show them care and respect in a way they understand.
also pull your head out of your ass, you're part of the problem.

>> No.9479438

I have two ragdolls. I love them to pieces but dear god they get fluff everywhere.

>> No.9479447

Sounds like there's a huge cultural gap here, anon. Speaking as someone in the wolfdog rehabilitation community, the overwhelming majority of people who want dogs with wolf content are people who want to use their dog for "cool points", who want the novelty of saying they have a tough or wild animal but have no idea how different they are behaviorally from dogs with no wolf content. It's very common to see wolfdogs rescued from low-income households where the highest level of education is high-school dropout.
People here are not even able to distinguish wolf features correctly, let alone fear or respect them as they should.

>> No.9479455


I would suggest going to your local humane society and asking to be locked in the cat room for an hour. Wear JNCOs. When you leave, don't let them search your pockets.

>> No.9479456


>pitbulls are super ugly and un-aesthetic anyway

sounds like a personal problem mate, this ain't your blog

>> No.9479459
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Don't take the bait, gulls.

>> No.9479490

Guess so, I'm from Europe. And at least in the country where I live especially in that part of it, it's hard to get your hands on a wolfdog since as said above it's forbidden to breed them. So if you want a true wolfdog, you'll need to know alot about them in the first place to distinguish 'fake' from 'real', so only then you'll be able to find a reliable breeder who's not a breeder because it's not allowed to breed them *cough*.

>> No.9479531

I pretty much quit caring about lolita when my puppy died 7 months ago although I still browse out of habit I've not worn it once.

So sorry about your kitty Anon.

>> No.9480352
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I have several tarantulas. I can't stand when people do this. They are beloved pets, just like any other animal. Rodents are almost universally creepy to me (rabbits included) and I also dislike dogs but I would never say anything negative to someone about their pet just because it's not my ideal.

IMO, spiders and other bugs are super kawaii pets, it's so easy to get dollhouse furniture and mini tea sets and just let them roam across the "set" if they're docile enough, pic related. Ophelia's so cute!

Some of mine would cooperate with that too and I can set little bows/flowers on top of them. I would never bring a tarantula to a meet though, for its own comfort and because they're actually pretty fragile animals. They really don't like to be outside their "territory" for long periods either. The most I've done is occasionally take one to a nearby pet store with me, to let people who are curious touch them and ask questions. Otherwise they stay in their cages.

>> No.9480358

That picture is beautiful.

>> No.9480372

agreed, and anyone who threatens another person's pet isn't worth shit. much love for your spider babies!

>> No.9480456
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>Live in a countryside
>Have a miniature poodle sized lagotto romanglo looking thingy
>Would love to go to walks and dress in lolita, just another reason to dress up
>Pretty bad idea here in the woods
>Going to move to school and have to probably leave puppers at home because she was taken from her mother super young and gets anxious easily
>She literally screams most of the time because she can't communicate like a dog
>Mfw I could finally just wander around in lolita with her but it's probably impossible and we both will most likely die from loneliness
This hurts my heart, I will probably try it but I'm pretty sure she can't stay in an apartment complex. I have been her special human for nine years now and it feels like betraying her. I can't trust my little brother so she might end up in my grand mother's but atleast she will be loved and I can still see her when ever I want. But anyways, just a little dream of mine.

>> No.9480953

Jfc just bring her with you anon unless you can leave her with your grandmother as you dont trust your brother. I have a special little dog like that, I moved into a houseshare for uni & brought her, she did scream a lot when I went out. My partner moved in with me the second year & she always had someone home so didn't stress as much. I tried everything but its just how she is. I couldn't even get her another dog for company. She hates other dogs.

>> No.9481094

I would but it's not possible here to keep howling dog in an apartment complex. My bf will come with me but he will study too so she should still be able to stay alone for a while. I have been talking him into getting another dog and we will at some point but I'm afraid she will pass her bad behaviour to the puppy which is really an only option with her. I will probably take her and stick a note in bulletboard asking people to inform me if she disturbs someone and if she does I will leave her to my grandmom. Fortunately, they love each other to bits and my dad will be able to take her in again in a few years. Nice to hear it worked out with your dog though, anon! I really hope it does with mine too.

>> No.9481255

Oh man, I want to do this with my roach now. Do you every just gently place tiny bows on your tarantula? I feel like my roach would tolerate a photo shoot when he's not feeling grumpy.

>> No.9481585

While I agree that it's wrong to purposefully breed a dog that will be prone to health issues, you shouldn't automatically judge people for owning one without knowing how they got it. Plenty of purebred dogs are rescues as well. It doesn't mean they got it from a breeder.

>> No.9481588

Agreed, the pugs and other animals who have been bred to have health problems that exist still need homes. Not everyone who owns a pug is evil.

>> No.9481743

You chose your temporary boyfriend over an animal that loved you unconditionally?

>> No.9482238

Thanks anon
I try to think of it like that too, but it just feels so unfair to her...
Apparently the disease she got is mutated from a virus that's easily spread among cats who live in bigger groups together (so pretty much how they live at the shelters) and, even though I would love to help another cat I'm too scared that something similar will happen again
I will get another pet though, because I don't want to be without one
Thanks for understanding, and I'm sorry to hear about your puppy... Having a pet die might not be the same as having a person you love die, but in some ways it's almost worse, because you feel so responsible for them...
I hope I can get into enjoying fashion again sometime, but for now it just feels like a burden
Thanks for understanding
>locked in the cat room for an hour
Damn, I didn't know that was a thing lol, need to look into that
Sounds like a pretty sound plan

>> No.9485722
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Anyone else have buns? They're the sweetest most precious things and mine barely shed meaning I can hold them in burando for shoots.

>> No.9486006

This is so cute!

>> No.9486033

Fellow bun lolita here, glad to see another gull that owns one of them cuties!

>> No.9486156

>no cocketiel or budgie

>> No.9486355
File: 141 KB, 640x1216, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay!! What kind of bun do you have?!

>> No.9486968

Aw anon I'm so sorry for what you have to deal with.
I myself am really afraid of bugs but if a friend had a bug pet I would never ever say such a thing as I have the empathy to know how terrible and vicious I would feel if someone had threatened to hurt my cats just because they don't like it. Besides people who have such pets never force them onto others knowing it could be dangerous for their little buggy, so why the freak out/nasty comments.
Save the nastiness for the Ita Threads.

People can be completely retarded.
You do you, roach-litas!

>> No.9486972

>What about names- has anyone named their pets with "Loli-able" names to suit their tastes?

Things like Milky, Dolly, Lady, etc I've all heard before even from normies but I'm curious what sorts of names other gulls have picked out and why.
Names you would one day use if you got a pet are also welcome!

>> No.9487004

So I'm >>9476996 and guess who brought their mutt to the meet again

It's a bigger dog so it's tail kept slapping everyones legs. It was also jumping up on some of the girls. My allergies kicked up too. Jfc Im just done going to meets with the owner of this animal

>> No.9487013

Have you actually told her that you're highly allergic to dogs and that it'd be nice if she wouldn't bring it to meets? Or at least tell people in b4 the meet if she'll bring it or not?

Also semi OT but this thread seems to be full of people who have no idea of how to tame a dog damn. A well trained dog doesn't jump up to people and it doesn't bark or makes other noises. And yes, you can even teach this stuff to your smol handbag dogs. It's seriously not THAT difficult!

>> No.9487034

I like naming my pets after sweets or foods, but now that you mention it anything named after a print, like candy-chan for poodles or usakumya for a white rabbit (even though I know it's really a bear!!) would be super cute

>> No.9488131

I think the noise part was directed to me when I said my dog screams. You are very welcome to give advice if you know how to fix it, could you perhaps leave your email or something? She is pretty quiet when I'm around and has definitely became more comfortable as we got our relationship together after her friend died and makes less noise. I didn't take her and was so young I couldn't properly train her when she came to us so I have tried to train her in the last few years. I already mentioned in my earlier post she was taken from her mother so young she was barely alive and I have read it causes the howling and screaming in the situations she is left alone. I'm ready to put work into her so if you know any methods or general advice I would really appreciate it. She doesn't seem really anxious otherwise, doesn't destroy things or anything but definitely shows signs of having mental problems (staring the wall for example). Otherwise a great dog, doesn't jump on me while I'm in lolita and doesn't run off, this is pretty much the only problem we have. I will probably contact a vet that has treated similar cases but if you still have a method in mind I would really appreaciate it!

>> No.9488203

These are the best pets ever. I wish I could have some.

>> No.9488237

It wasn't much pointed towards you as you've properly explained why your dogs does these things.

There can be several reasons why your dog still makes these noises. AsI don't know either you or you dog in person I can't know if these go for you, so pls don't take it personal if it doesn't apply to you.
>no1 reason to make noises and to not stop is the attention it might get the dog.
Eg Dog barks when owner leaves, owner gets back immediately and looks after dog. Or another person in the household is like 'oh poor doggo'. So noise = attention, noise = good.
How to get this fixed. Work with it. Leave her in a room with a 'personal space' like a pillow or so on which she can rest. Leave the room for a while and ask her to stay on the personal space. You can leave the door open at first. Start small,get bigger.

I'm sorry english isn't my native language

>> No.9488252

I used to have a bun but had to rehome him, I miss him a lot. :( He sheds a lot (especially in the spring) and I never let him or my dog (German Shepherd) near my burando since they are both shedders during this time of year.

>> No.9488527

What type of conure? Id love a sunny but damn all birds are loud but they take the cake