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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 152 KB, 504x823, Myep-manifesto_0415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9473076 No.9473076 [Reply] [Original]

Bitter poorfag thread

>live in SF, angry poor person capital of America (pic related- this is a real flyer from the original tech boom)
>at BtSSB store with boyfriend, who just got out of work and is dressed in his office clothes
>buying way more shit than normal because it's my birthday and I also hadn't got anything new in months
>had already gotten AP dress, so have bag from that
>two girls there together, one is gushing over last of one of the dresses I planned on buying, while lamenting the fact she can't afford it
>give her like five minutes to obsess over it while I look at other things, then nicely ask her if she plans on buying it and if not I would like to
>she hands me the dress, visibly upset
>as I'm checking out, I hear her loudly whisper to her friend "I wish I was with a rich tech bro that buys me everything... Oh well, at least my boyfriend isn't ruining the city"
>tfw I'm the one who works for a soulless monster company while boyfriend's job centers around making sure impoverished old people have solid health care

My first SF meet, there were two girls going on about how awful tech workers are and how they're destroying the entire Bay Area until I mentioned that I was one and they quickly shut up. The other tech workers in my comm stress that they never hear shit other than the occasional newbie, but the girls having this conversation have been in the comm for years. My guess is there's a lot more resentment than they're aware of, but obviously no one is going to say anything to their face.

(ot fun fact- the guy who wrote this flyer ended up being arrested for getting ridiculously drunk after having too much wine on a first class flight home from Paris just two years after putting these all over SF)

>> No.9473086

Anon, you live in SF, literally everyone you're going to meet is going to hate techies, I'm a techie and I hate techies.

Stop caring what randos think.

>> No.9473092

You're right. My father pushed me so hard to go into tech and even he hates techies and bitches about them all the time to me.

I just don't get the hate for us as a group. I get that the tech industry led to higher living cost, but it's not like we want to be paying the sky high rent. It was the local landlords who drove up the prices so ridiculously to take advantage of the fact we have no choice but to pay them, but I never hear people complaining about them for doing that... just us.

>> No.9473100


You sound newer to the industry, but you'll hate techies too once you've been employed at a shitty company or a startup for a few years.

In reality, you're just going to learn to ignore the people who are saying how much techies have ruined SF and embrace the stigma, just like weebs do.

Good luck friend, I'm in the same boat as you, just a little further down the river.

>> No.9473117

>the guy who wrote this flyer ended up being arrested
This doesn't supreme me of anyone who still says yuppie

>> No.9473133

I've found that techies who nerds are fine. It's dude bro techies that are awful.

I'm just tired of seeing techie rants fliers that end in #killthetechies since they clearly don't grasp the irony

>> No.9473155
File: 464 KB, 500x282, 1454414628858 (2016_09_08 22_03_31 UTC).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go
>vocally kinky girl in comm buys brand dress >treats it like shit
>she wore it during sex
>strange stain on the velvet
>new girl in comm wants the dress
>kink girl sells it for $50 less than the asking price to new girl
>holy shit

I feel like I should have said something, but it's too late now.

>> No.9473159

The best part is that he was arrested for doing something so over the top rich douchebag. Drinking too much wine on a first class trip from Paris screams "rich asshole" a lot more than owning one if the sports cars he was insisting people vandalize.

>> No.9473160
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Somehow the fact it was velvet makes this so much worse.

>> No.9473178

Yeah, I just started less than a year ago. The company I work for treats its workers pretty well and my office is made up almost entirely of Asian nerds, so I guess I just haven't had a lot of exposure to the "tech bros" people hold with such disdain.

>> No.9473182
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Oh wow, that girl was really rude. Happy (late) birthday though, anon!

>never finished high school because some serious bullying happened
>harassed like crazy at school by several people for no real reason other than "lol she's weird and gay" and tried to kill myself twice
>school phobia ever since
>after spending some time in recovery,did 3 online courses in aromatherapy,essential oils and all to work at a bio shop or whatevs
>have legit diplomas because of that, am also bilingual
Now I could try and find a job and everything would be fine but
>Have chronic fatigue, anxiety disorder and aspergers, currently getting tests done at hospital for all that
>i'll have to stay on NEET bucks for a year or two before I can even think about working because of all that shit
>maybe won't even have as much as I get now because I'll be 21 and I'll be given barely enough to survive (600 euros less than now, which is a big deal for my parents as I have two brothers with health problems as well)
>which means not buying anything lolita or barely at all for a year or two
My mother told me I should open an online shop or something to work at home but I'm so confused about everything and I don't know what to do but I wouldn't want to be a burden to them so i'll do whatever is best to not be at their charge or as little as possible. All I know is that it's not going to be a fun year if they take 600 buckaroos away.

>> No.9473198

Does anyone have the original version of Isaki's rant about how awful it was that people spend so much on Lolita and you should be buying other people Lolita with that money instead? She still has the remake she did in her channel and it's still pretty cringey and hilarious, but the original she deleted was gold.

>> No.9473201

>how awful it was that people spend so much on Lolita and you should be buying other people Lolita with that money instead
what is wrong with this girl?

>> No.9473210
File: 69 KB, 440x561, myep3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked up flyer and there's more. They get worse. I want to make a lolita parody of these from itas and Bodyline-chans angry at the brandwhores.

>> No.9473253

Did you mean to post this in the feels thread?

>> No.9473263

Are you me?

>> No.9473269

There's this ita in my comm who makes all her own dresses and believes that makes her a better lolita. I like sewing too, so I tried to talk to her about it but when I told her I made the dress I was wearing she didn't believe me. She said it looked like brand and I took that as a compliment... which pissed her off. Apparently I wasn't a hardcore handmade brandh8er enough for her? When I tried to help her find some lolita-appropriate sewing patterns she got annoyed too, because apparently ONS patterns look to much like brand and aren't original like her Simplicity sexy pirate costume patterns.

>mission brandwhore eradication project
>they drive up the cost of brand and push poor people out of the fashion
>vandalise brandwhore dresses!

>> No.9473273

I was kinda confused on where to post it but since I'll probably be poor in a little while-

We can get out of this anon, there's hope.

>> No.9473276

Omg please do it.

>> No.9473320

Feels thread is more appropriate for stuff like this. Bitter poorfag threads are for stories about encounters with bitter poorfags unable to control their jelly, not for people to post their feels about being poor.

>> No.9473335

>$300,000 for a condo in a major city
>rich pigs
Oh my god, few things grind my years more than people who act as if anyone with somewhat more money than them are the fucking Koch brothers or something. These posters make me think of the itas who treat the people who can afford some brand dresses like they're the people on the rkoi tag showing off their haul of 20 Chanel bags.

>> No.9473349

OK, but I live in SF too and people I know keep getting rent hiked out of the city. It's not just salt, although I'm sure there's salt too

Also, yuppie flyer gothic print when

>> No.9473362

Oh, my bad.
Everyone please disregard my post since it's too old to delete

>> No.9473380

Yeah, but violently targeting the people coming into the city doesn't do any good, it just further alienates your cause. It's like the hardcore SJWs of the internet. Yeah, it's great to not be racist, but when you take it to such an extreme level you're hurting your entire cause. That's what these people are doing. Don't blame the people coming in for the jobs, blame the building owners for using the opportunity to raise the rent so high no one making under 100k can even live in a studio without sharing.

>> No.9473427

Except the salt should be aimed at all the Chinese landlords that are hiking the prices and don't give a shit about the people who can't afford it. But no its easier to point fingers at techies who are just doing their jobs.

That being said fuck Google busses.

THAT being said things are much worse in Palo Alto.

>> No.9473455

Lobbying against the landlords takes effort, patience and intellect. Why bother when it's so much easier and more satisfying to vent your impotent rage on the shiny cars you wish you had, but can't afford?

>> No.9474771
File: 83 KB, 395x281, 100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with people??? All this does is hurt their cause and further the stereotype that the poor are dangerous and out to get successful people. I'm guessing all these flyers did was fuel the argument in favor of gentrification since it literally is saying as long as there's poor people in the neighborhood, you'll never be safe. It also probably made people feel a lot less guilty about moving to these places since clearly anyone dumb enough to think this would work probably isn't poor solely due to bad luck.

Thirding encouragement for itaparody, btw.
I feel like it would make a hilarious punk lolita print.

>> No.9474775

That's because people who take it this far usually do it out of envy. It's like the itas who shit on brandwhores, but in reality long for brand. This guy probably fapped to the fantasy of owning a Lexus.

>> No.9474853
File: 181 KB, 200x150, giphy (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man do I know this feeling. Just the other day some woman working at a coffee shop asked me

>Oh anon! You look so gorgeous, And every time a different dress! Where do you buy them?
>Oh well the-
> How are you able to afford so many? I know how much those cost!
>okay then

I also live in SF and work in tech so at least you're not alone. There are quite a few of us in the comm actually.

>> No.9474901

You should have just replied with, "Not working in a coffee shop, for starters."

>> No.9474942

300K? holy shit I am paying that much to have a nice condo across from New York in Jersey, where the hell do you find a condo like that in SF?

Also, everyone hates West coast techies, and this is coming from an east coast engineer. Google/facebook culture is hammer dogshit

>> No.9474953

These flyers are from the first tech boom in the late 90s/early 2000's, now your average 1br in SF starts at $800,000 as long as you're alright living in a shit hole.

>> No.9474980

I was gonna say $300k is affordable now and "yuppie" is horribly out of date.

>> No.9474988

Are you hot or cute at all by any chance?

>> No.9475017

>sitting with lolita friend <aka senpai crush> at local cafe
>wearing chocolate rosette centered coord
>senpai wearing handmade classic, is a seamstress irl and works on wedding dresses
>just having a lazy Sunday tea and chill while both work on coursework
>enter B-chan: gremlin looking ita with zero volume control and the confidence of a Jenner, calls self voluptuous
>harasses me fairly frequently but never be mean to her, just an immature weeb
>B-chan makes a.. ~B~ line towards us, "oh wow. Wearing brand to a coffee shop? Aren't you afraid it'll get dirty??"
>'no, I'm pretty careful with my dresses.'
>"well when you have enough money to BUY brand I'd HOPE you were careful! thats why I stick with BODYLINE. the same quality for a FRACTION of the cost! You'd know that if you weren't such an ELITIST."
>know she's just trying to get a rise out of me, not the first time she's pulled this
>about to give polite reply when
>'you being poor isn't our problem, get a job.'
>"elitist AND ableist, you know some-"
>'being fat isn't a disability.'
>B-chan looks like we just insulted her great ancestors
>ready to dive out of the way if she hulks out
>B-chan spots senpai's teacup and swats it at her splashing her with dress with tea
>before the manager can get to us B-chan quickly scuttles out
>her Cringe Crew gives senpai and I death glares the rest of the semester

no longer being harassed tho, so that's nice

>> No.9475022

What is a techie? Technology worker?
Data engineer?
How is that bad?

>> No.9475028

>'you being poor isn't our problem, get a job.'
>"elitist AND ableist, you know some-"
>'being fat isn't a disability.'

This made my day. Kudos to your friend.

>> No.9475033

this sounds fake lol

>> No.9475043

The tldr is most people who work in any large tech company like Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Facebook and several other companies in Silicon Valley and the surrounding Bay Area and San Francisco are paid much higher salaries than the rest of the middle class in the area. A lot of new employees are recruited from all over the US and other parts of the world so suddenly there's a lot of new people who need to live somewhere. So landlords have been ano lute ducks and over the last decade have been jacking up rent because they know these new tech workers can afford $2000 and month versus the $700 they were getting foe a unit before. They don't care that they are forcing families that are just getting by out with nowhere to go since any place that isn't rent controlled is doing the same thing. Huge new apartment buolding are going up but a lot of them are still stupid expensive. Almost all the public ire is to the new people working in a major tech company and not the landlords. Google is notorious for providing luxury buses that will bus in employees from distant cities to their Mountain View headquarters.

I was lucky enough to be in a rent controlled zone where legally they couldn't raise the rent higher than $75 a month per year. By the time I moved out my $1250 a month rent was considered cheap.

>> No.9475045

I have a friend who complains about not being able to afford lolita and says that me wearing brand makes her feel bad, but then her room is lined with those alpacas and anime figurines. another friend says she can't believe I spend so much on lolita, "omg i like lolita but I could never afford it :ccc" then has a library of manga books and video games and new consoles. Same with people who go to cons and pay for the hotels, you obviously have expendable income, how do you not afford lolita? You don't have to buy brand new releases and only have brand pieces

>> No.9475049

Anon you forgot the part where everyone clapped

>> No.9475054

I think lolita has a certain stigma to it, why it is considered to be a 'bad' hobby to spend money on.
Like, consoles and games are considered a pretty normal expense, in a sense where gaming is socially acceptable and new technology simply costs money.
Anime merch is 'supporting your fav animes' and is is safe and sound on your shelf.
Manga and books support the artists and you want to read your stories legally right?
And conventions is like spending money to have fun and socialize.

Lolita on the other hand is clothing; it can get dirty "Omg, I could never spend so much money on something that can get dirty so easily!". Also, clothes are worn out, so you are kind of showing off your luxury goods.

On another note, many expensive hobbies are rather external, collecting figures, books, art supplies. You can easily enjoy them secretly in your home. Lolita is spending money on yourself, on your look, on your wardrobe. Lolita revolves around your own person and you need to have self-confidence to be involved in it and spend money on yourself.
I know a lot of women who have a low self-confidence and would never spend too much money on clothes, because they think they can't own up to them.

>> No.9475058

Anyone that tries to make you feel bad for having nice things you bought for yourself with your own hard-earned money can barely be called a friend.

>> No.9475061

I ever understand those huge libraries of manga volumes. At $10 a pop that adds up and they have the shittiest resell rate. I only collect one series that's my favorite because the art is incredible and the author packs the volumes with extras.

>> No.9475062

>$2000 a month
Keep in mind that $2000 a month is for the lowest of the low, like piece of shit studio too far to use public transportation low. Usually a low-tier studio will cost $3000+. This is the entire city, no exceptions, and anywhere a commutable distance barely gets better.

How the BtSSB shop girls get by is beyond me.

>> No.9475063

Those are actually really good points, never thought about how lolita can't really be kept secret like other hobbies.

>> No.9475068

I mean, lolita CAN be a collector's hobby, but not wearing the clothes is depressing and outsiders don't really consider this aspect.

>> No.9475070

For me, I like lolita for the same reason I like vidya- the art and the story (I'm mostly a prints person), I don't get why people devalue fashion as an art form so much and dismiss it as frivolous. There's no logical argument that it's any worse than vidya, anime, or any other art.

>> No.9475077

But this simply isn't as obvious to a person that doesn't wear lolita.
The common person doesn't know about prints, or maybe would only think of florals. They acknowledge our dresses are really pretty, but can barely tell two apart, because they don't see the beautiful details.

If you were to ask a con-goer about lolita he would say it's a fashion thing about expressing your personal style.

>> No.9475099

I'm on lower Mission and $2000 is my rent with a kitchen and 1 bed 1 bath with w/ 1 car port but no laundry. I'm kinda pissed because we're the only unit in the building that rents and doesn't own but no one feels like putting in the effort to put coin laundry in the spare room downstairs. Like someone please explain to me why you wouldn't want laundry right by the home you own? This is like 17 other units.

>> No.9475102

Yeah a lot of people haven't actually touched a high end piece of clothing or know anything about textiles and craftsmanship to know the difference.

>> No.9475111

Some people just want to be angry.

>> No.9475438

Well,I'm told I look cute, but I don't think I'm amazingly cute/hot or anything. I'm "ok" imo. Why do you ask?

>> No.9475519

.... Sounds like a poorfag to me. (You're everything that's wrong with your generation.)

>> No.9475594

Senpai is the Shero we need. Hope B chan dies from non alcoholic fatty liver disease or complications from rampaging beetus.

I admired from afar until I had enough disposable income to justify the cost. Sort of understand being paranoid about getting brand ruined by stupidity though. Wouldn't wear anything light colored to a con or other places where you're at risk of getting randomly glomped by some hambeast with grease and ketchup fingers.

>> No.9475626 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I'm really trying my best though ;_;

>> No.9475632

if it's real then wew, your sendpie got some balls

>> No.9475635

>poorfag friend likes lolita, especially popular AP prints but won't buy any because it's "too expensive"
>every time discussion in friend group switches to lolita stuff we bought recently she starts sulking because she can't participate in the conversation
>she marvels at how my other friends and i have so much money to throw at lolita
>at the same time she's constantly eating out and buying a shitton of posters, figures, stuffed toys, keychains, and stationery she never uses of her precious husbandos
>we try to direct her to places like Taobao or CC where you can buy lolita without breaking bank
>but noooo!!! it has to be insert-$300-print-here!!!
>"for $100 or less!!!!!" or there's no point
>also constantly wails about how she'll never be kawaii j-fashion princess because she's not rich like us despite not putting any effort into budgeting or looking for affordable alternatives to popular prints
>except for replicas

The real zinger is that her parents pay for her tuition and living expenses and she has some kind of part time job that ought to be giving her enough disposable income to buy lolita.

OT but do greasy hambeast glomps actually happen? I've worn brand to cons multiple times and the worst stain I ever got was from me dropping my lipstick in the bathroom.

>> No.9475653

Your friend sounds exactly like someone I know. What's worse us that the one time I actually HELPED her buy something and she never fucking wore it. I always try and get her to dress up and go out with me but she never fucking answers my texts.
I feel like she really likes the idea of lolita and she likes competing with me more then actually participating. I don't know what else I can do at this point and it feels like beating a dead horse bringing it up even though she owns multiple dresses that she's never worn.

Also she's kinda fat and at this point is rather save the dresses if she's not actually gonna wear them.

>> No.9475676

You have a parking spot for 2k? Holy shit

>> No.9475678

As a genuinely poorfag college student with a disability stopping me from getting a part time job this is making me genuinely angry to read. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.9475681

Have you considered camming?

>> No.9475739

Anytime I see someone say with a disabilty so I can't work its like... ???
Can you make plushies or anything to sell?
Be a transcriber? Tutor english online?

>> No.9475771

What are you in school for? If you can't hold a part time job down, what are your plans after college? Most people go into full time work after they graduate.

As someone who has a professionally diagnosed disability and works full time, many of them could if they tried. It's not easy and I have bad days, but it's possible. What really irritates me are the ones who self-diagnose themselves with anxiety or some other mental illness flavor of the month because they think it's cute. Try locking yourself in the bathroom at work when you are having a real panic attack and don't want to ruin your career because of it. Or crying in your car to and from work. Or being late to work because you had to pull over on your drive because of a breakdown. I never had the luxury of government assistance, lying in bed, or going full-on neet.
Oh and don't forget how cute it is to get anxiety-induced diarrhea! My mental illness has real physical side effects unlike many tumblrites.

>> No.9475803

Yeah, well, what do you expect? My friends in Frisco are not techies. Seven of the live in a shitty, small, two bedroom apartment. It costs them $2,500 a month.

Another space I know, Station 40, has been a radical and community hub in Frisco for 20+ years. Now, it is being evicted so they can build giant luxury condos right in the center of the Mission.

Techies came in and destroyed everything people who have long lived in Frisco knew and loved about it. Rents skyrocketed and the very specific, long grown culture of San Francisco got replaced by Dr. Who trivia nights, $12 lattes, and a bunch of stuck up assholes.

Go fuck yourself, OP. Also, /cgl/ is not your blog or social media. Kys.

"Former AK Press Warehouse Sold to 'Tech Co-Op' Developer Who Demolished 1919 Market"

>> No.9475813

This is the thread where we make fun of bitter poorfags, not the poorfag general. I think you're lost!

>> No.9475816

It's fun smashing the cars of the people who come and destroy your city, though. We all know Google and the rest own Frisco now.

>It will further alienate your cause

Yeah, and not having billions of dollars to control economic and housing development and politicians with means our cause doesn't have shit control over the situation, regardless of it we go about it in a happy, smiley, not smashy smashy way.

That being the case, why not go out and show Google and Twitter employees how we feel on using their Porches and Mazarati's as examples?

>> No.9475847

Exhibit A of someone blaming the kids who went to school and worked hard to get a great job that rather than Yuanting Chen who just wants to get all his money with no regard of what will happen to his neighbors

>> No.9475866

>Porsches and Mazerattis

Wow you really know shit about techies. All of my friends are techies and no one has a car even remotely that nice. Except one guy who bought a Tesla but he grew up in Richmond so please tell me all about he's an outsider ruining everything.

>> No.9475869

>who just wants to get all his money with no regard of what will happen to his neighbors

You don't think that the Google employee is doing the same thing? How much of the techie workforce is involved in movements to try and lower rent for their non-techie neighbors? I would bet less than 2.5% for sure. The techies don't give a shit. They just don't like it when people call them out and want to alievate themselves of responsibility by pushing all onto the landlords...Pathetic...

>> No.9475922

the plague of socialism/communism propelled by sjw's

t. poorfag

>> No.9475958


Another SF techie lolita here. Name names, anon. Wanna know who to wear my best and most expensive around.

>> No.9475974

You just gave yourself away.

>> No.9476010
File: 155 KB, 657x537, 1489208612267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes. Eat shit poorfags.

>> No.9476046

I honestly hate a lot of the SF lolitas. They are serious bitches. Sounds like it only got worse 5 years later after I left the scene and decided lolita wasn't worth it for me.

>> No.9476051
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 1492138408540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9476053

I feel you, anon. Im in Concord but have tons of friends in SF. One of which is still in a legal battle over her rent hike from last year because her contract says it would remain $1300, but the landlord is trying to argue that he has rights to alter it when he pleases because it's his apartments he leases out and that she shouldve read fine print about altering rates. ...She's been there for 7 years.. Its like come on dude. I told her to just call squatters rights. Ha.

>> No.9476060

I fucking hate the younger generation so fucking much. I cringe every time I hear that fucking word.
>cries wolf with words that had zero context with the conversation
>like a black kid throwing out the race card when nothing had to do with race
>told a black kid that her calling me fat was like the pot calling the kettle black
>goes full monkey

>> No.9476066


Same techie lolita as above, I'm not involved with the community but I want to know who to stay away from, if I ever decide to be involved.

>> No.9476068

thb could be someone who doesn't live there and as they say has friends there instead. I know a few other states think calling SF 'Frisco' is what we refer to it as. Its funny because it sounds fucking stupid as hell. Its like someone not from New York calling it 'York'.

>> No.9476070

>I fucking hate the younger generation so fucking much. I cringe every time I hear that fucking word.
me, too, anon, me, too.

>> No.9476076

I don't see how it's their fault for getting paid a lot. They chose a demanding, profitable field, and their employers are willing to pay them a lot of money. I'm not a huge fan of silicon valley techie culture, either, but it's not a software engineer's responsibility to make sure rent stays low.

If you don't like it, move out. That's what I'm doing. Going somewhere where I can live comfortably on a lab tech salary (going to be a middle-class biology nerd lolita until I finish my PhD).

>> No.9476079

This was 5 years ago. Im not going to bother with it. Some are probably in their late 20s now, so Id be a little shocked if they were still in the comm. Ill see if I can find one of the group photos. I know I posted it here before where a bunch of us were inside the West part of Japantown and took some photos in front of the kimono shop right as you enter on that ramp.

>> No.9476080


incorrect, if you call it frisco no one from SF will associate with you much less be your friend

>> No.9476084

Google is building a lot of low income/senior homes right now west of San Jose/Santa Clara. My father is looking into it because he's on hard times, living out there in his car. I live with my mother and unable to support him, so he's been keeping in touch with the shelters down there about any advancement on getting spot for him. Silicon Valley sucks, but they do, do some stuff that helps low income people because they are aware that their riding office buildings ups the cost of anyone in 25 mile radius of those offices.

>> No.9476087

No.. Ive had my friend from PA ask what to call it because he thought it was Frisco. He came down here for Fanime and asked if we could visit and I told him to fucking pleeeease call it SF or San Francisco. Hell, I'll take fucking SanFran over Frisco. Now he just says it to be annoying. He also was sad we didn't go to the piers. Didn't get a chance to take him to Ghiradelli and Sprinkles.

>> No.9476115

a lot of techies in SF don't have cars period because it's a pain in the dick to park. plus if they have google bus who needs a car? they can just uber it because they have the money

the problem is both landlords raising prices and techies being able to pay those prices. can't blame the landlords for wanting more money. dick moves on their part to do their best to evict as many as possible in order to get more rent but still can't blame them.

i work in sf, sure as hell don't live in sf.

the other problem is the building regulation stranglehold. lot of places won't allow for higher density housing or new housing period. alternatively, why (if you're the guy making houses/apartments) make houses for poor people when you can make them for high salary people who can afford your crazy prices?

>> No.9476116


sorry you're so desperate for friends you put up with this

>> No.9476118

Idk anons I'm from here and I call it Frisco sometimes
Why all the hate for one specific nickname

>> No.9476120

My friend is fine. I know youre trying to troll, but I personally dont take much offense to calling it other things. Its not a big deal. Grating on the ears, but nothing to bunch panties over.

>> No.9476122

Because the know what their industry is doing, so Google is trying to halp in areas they arent located in order to help the people who cant afford the housing closer to the valley. Its not rocket science and so many people need that help.

>> No.9476126


Knew a girl who started a fight with me because I, a California born and raised native, like abbreviating it to "Cali."

Some people are just weird about names, yo.

>> No.9476130

it was a rhetorical question. it's good that google is doing something on their part. for the for-profit developers who want money it's a no brainer to charge as much as the market will afford and not a penny less.

part of me wishes there was a housing crash just to see what would happen. i live on the peninsula and things are just insane everywhere.

>> No.9476166

JFC I call it Cali. Your friend is a dumbass. Most Californians call is Cali.

>> No.9476169
File: 235 KB, 550x523, IMG_2233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who has a room packed to the ceiling with these ugly things at €50 a pop. All of them were supposedly worth it because they're "limited edition". Meanwhile she calls me retarded for spending full price on a brand release when I'm not sure I'd be able to find my preferred cut and colour secondhand later on. Oh and she's a NEET whereas I have a well-paying job. She's really not in any place to judge me, IMO, but happily and loudly does so anyway.

This sounds about right. So many people I know spend more money than I do on frivolous stuff but I'm the only one who gets called selfish for it, probably because I buy clothes that I wear and they buy anime figurines that stand around collecting dust, which is apparently a selfless act? Idk man.

>> No.9476183

Holy crap that barely looks like better quality than what you win at carnivals

>> No.9476328

Same here, anon. I work full time, good salary, and keep my IBS, c-ptsd, anxiety and depression (last three from childhood abuse, first possible also) firmly under control. I usually get a fever and spent a day in bed when I have some time off, all the tension physically manifesting at once, but I'm doing okay. Any free-loading tumblrites who posts starbucks selfies all day and wants to call me ableist because I manage to get up every morning at 6PM and can therefore afford to pay for a fashion that makes me happy can go fuck xerself, and xer headful of fictional kintypes too.

>> No.9476329


>> No.9476332

That looks fucking awful. I don't believe for a moment it has anywhere near the resale value of brand. I bought an OP for summer the other day that didn't sit right, and am 100% sure I can sell it for exactly what I paid for it.

>> No.9476381
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1482251633657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comm ita delicately calls me a brandwhore for all my brand
>Whines about how expensive everything is and how hard it is for 'normal'
>Mfw I work a shitty fast food job and live with my parents
I don't get why these people even get into Lolita. I love vintage cars but I didn't join a car club to bitch about how I can't afford them.

>> No.9476388

Maybe you should go to an actual therapist and finish highschool, I don't know what country you're from but in mine it's very difficult to find a decent job if you never even finished highschool. And also, sorry you got bullied anon.

>> No.9476392

>spending money on brand when you work a shitty fast food job and live with your parents
Please tell me you're in school or something.

>> No.9476397

I'm in school don't worry, I'm in a similar situation to the girl up thread: my tuition is paid through scholarship and I have no rent since I'm with my parents. I definitely can't buy the latest print but I save most of my money and buy used burando with the rest.

>> No.9476748

I feel the same as you two, I have bipolar 2 and anxiety but I still go to work everyday and can afford brand just fine. I mean I cry at work and during commutes sometimes but I still pull my lard ass out of bed because I know I have expensive interests.
I'm pretty tired of the pandering attitude towards mental illness as well. I know it's hard but honestly getting shit done and having a schedule and being responsible can be really motivating sometimes. Like damn, I made it to work today and I kept going and I did okay. I'm okay today.

>> No.9476765

Wait. What does you being fat have to do with them being black? Sounds like you're the one bring up race for no reason.

>> No.9476768

Anon, she was using the idiom "the pot calling the kettle black" and the other person suddenly started pulling the race card because of the word "black".

>> No.9476788

They were. Unless the black kid was fat than they were trying to equate that fat was a hindrance. >>9476768

There is a lot of /pol on this thread.

>> No.9476804

This is so bizarre to me as someone living in the UK.
If you own a home of any kind here, you also buy a washing machine and put it in your home. Having to share a communal washing machine with other people would never be a desirable option.

Amusingly I live with bf's family at present but the washing machine belongs to me.

>> No.9476810

I assume the conversation was like this:

fat black kid: "You're fat."
anon: "Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black isn't it."
fat black kid: "What did you just say about me being black you punk??!!!"

>> No.9476846

As an awful tech worker tell this girls I said "fuck you". All I ever wanted to do was build cars back in Detroit. But those jobs are few and far between and the only place hiring is Silicon Valley. Tell those girls to stop buying Hyundais and I can go home and leave their bullshit city behind.

>> No.9476850

Ableism is a real thing, anon. Just not like 80% of the time it's used.

Honestly, I'd take this generation over the baby boomers any day.

>> No.9476860

People like you are so disgusting and idiotic. The people coming in to work for the city aren't destroying it, your local landlords are. Why not hold them responsible instead of violently attacking people for doing their fucking job? You're dangerously mad at these people for choosing a wise career path and reaping the benefits of the decision. If you actually cared about SF, you'd put the blame where it belongs instead of being an envious piece of shit and destroying random innocent people's property.

I know this is probably a troll, but people who think this stupidly do exist and a cleansing fire can't come for them soon enough.

>> No.9476862

This new millennial/Gen Z/SJW/alt-right generation is the sequel to the Baby Boomers. Just as toxic and entitled and self righteous.

I never thought I'd turn into one of those "kids these days" old fogeys, especially not in my 30s, but I never thought kids these days would turn all authoritarian either.

>> No.9476865

>Go fuck yourself, OP. Also, /cgl/ is not your blog or social media. Kys.
>immediately after writing much more agregous offtopic example of a blog post

At least OP was /cgl/ related. Also, if anyone should be killing themselves it's the parasites like you raging over people making smart life decisions.

>> No.9476866

I can't stand it when you younger people are all like, "I have bipolar this, manic this, depression this, and I can't work," when my parents who both suffer from mental illness have worked their asses off and raised two kids, and me I work two jobs just to afford to LIVE and I'm on medicaid to get medication and therapy for MY mental illness. Like, SHUT THE FUCK UP. You can DEAL.

It pisses me the hell off because you can tell they're just using their illnesses as an excuse, rather than something to work hard to overcome.

>> No.9476871

I'm a techie and I literally don't have a single coworker who doesn't passionately want the rent to lower. You think we want to be paying $3000 a month for a fucking studio and have to hear everyone blame us for it? How dumb do you people have to be to think we don't care? What do you want us to do, just walk away from the great career opportunities we worked for years to get? Do you blame the cashiers at McDonald's for the diabetes academic? Get your head out of your self-righteous ass.

>> No.9476876

>They just don't like it when people call them out and want to alievate themselves of responsibility by pushing all onto the landlords...Pathetic...

... Explain to me how how the responsiblity is not on the landlords when they're the ones raising the rent, but it is on the tech workers. That makes absolutely no sense. Your frustrations toward the situation are clouding your logic, anon.

>> No.9476879

Not everyone is you or your parents, anon. Mental illness, just like all other illness, is on a spectrum.

>> No.9476899

Right, I'll grant you that. But I still dislike seeing younger people use it as an excuse. They've got great access to care. You shouldn't use your mental illness as an excuse as to why you can't afford lolita. Get your priorities straight first!!!

>> No.9476900

This is going to sound crazy, but bear with me here. There are plenty of jobs that pay well besides the tech industry and people outside that field also drive those cars. I wonder how many doctors had their cars vandalized by bitter poorfags too stupid to think about that.

>> No.9476905

>Yeah, and not having billions of dollars to control economic and housing development and politicians with means our cause doesn't have shit control over the situation, regardless of it we go about it in a happy, smiley, not smashy smashy way.
Yeah, because clearly doing things the edgy anarchist way was so effective the first time around-oh wait.

All acting like a thug does is make people see driving you out as a safety necessity.

>> No.9476909

Speaking as someone who isn't yet able to work because of my mental illness, not affording lolita sucks but it's pretty low on my list of worries. When you're really that fucked up and not just using it as an excuse, you're much more concerned with how in the world you're going to get better and salvage the rest of your life, not the fact you can't afford $300 dresses. It really pisses me off when I see people whining about not affording lolita as if it's the worst thing your mental illness can do to you.

>> No.9476917

The assumption is that because we're bootstrapping to a certain extent and not broadcasting our damage all over tumblr that our lives are perfect, and I hate that. You can have your life more or less in order, with a decent job, and still be going through stuff that these tumblrites don't even want to face. I've seen people on tumblr who want to go on disability but they're too lazy to figure out the paperwork, yet many of them beg for hand-outs from their followers (who are often in the same boat as they are, so what's the point?). I could go on disability if I wanted to, but fuck that, I'd rather continue to pay taxes, get some self-worth through my job, and live in relative comfort.

That's right, anon. Plan and save, and have patience. I'm into classic and it's not hard to build a wardrobe with second hand pieces. A little bit of planning, not going to Starbucks or spending on other random, useless crap, goes a long way.

They are both fat and the first girl took exception to the black girl calling her fat. "The pot calling the kettle black" means don't be a hypocrite, or "you're one to talk!", don't accuse other people of what you clearly are yourself. It has nothing to do with race.

>Hitler: "You're a mass murderer."
>Stalin: "That's the pot calling the kettle black, don't you know."

The baby boomers are finally retiring/dropping dead, which means there's actually a lot of jobs opening. Thing is, a lot of people don't have the skills those jobs require, because they spent their time in college smoking pot and virtue signalling outrage all day (according to some slacktivists grammar is oppressive).

I agree with you, anon. Techies are just another cog in the machine, they're not landlords.

Sure it's on a spectrum, but tumblrites/spoonies act as if being overweight and mentally ill makes them less able to move a finger than a vet who had all four limbs blown off.

>> No.9477051

jesus how retarded and/or young are you

>> No.9477060

BINGO!!! You the fucking nail on the head.Thats exactly how it went down.

>> No.9477064

No one is saying ableism isn't a real thing. Im saying that the way she used it in response to anon's friend's comment is completely out of context and didn't deserve to be used at all because nothing she said was ableist. I feel like no one can read in this thread.

>> No.9477065

"Yuppie" - there's a term I haven't heard in years. Whatever happened to all the yuppies?

>> No.9477066

it's weird to think that I'll see seagulls at the monthly and not know

bump for interest

>> No.9477067

There is a difference between me being a size 10 and her being a size 22 anon.

>> No.9477084

I'm pretty sure a lot of girls in the SF comm are seagulls given lots of other threads I've seen on here.

>> No.9477090

We are a pretty big comm, so I'm not surprised

>> No.9477104

Same. Disabled guy here who's about to start a full time job... as a programmer.

>> No.9477129


>> No.9477154

It depends if they are actually on disability or not. If by saying they are disabled that they draw disability payment then no, they cannot work. If you try making income on your own, generally you will lose disability. If they find out you've been making plushies on the side or tutoring online, it's considered work, and therefore you are not disabled enough to receive payments. At least, it's that way where I live.

>> No.9477309

I'm at the end tail of Gen X and really feel stuck between two gens which are basically a mirror of one another. We thought that were started to get it right, even if Boomers loved to call us "slackers".

Millenials = Boomers 2.0 on steroids.

>> No.9477408

Which, of course, encourages them not to work at all. Brilliant!

>> No.9477459

It's so fucking stupid. There's no reason at all why you shouldn't be allowed to hold a part time job while on disability, plenty of disabled people are able to work somewhat, just not full time. Plus, the amount of money you get from disability isn't even enough to live on unless you share your home with other people.

>> No.9477501
File: 44 KB, 610x455, 1425979690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posters have me legit triggered because they're way too close to the worst "bitter poorfag" story I have.
>in HS, only friends are fellow anime club members
>one girl introduces us to lolita, me and two other girls quickly take interest
>myself and one other start building our wardrobes as soon as we can
>the other girl makes a big deal about how she wishes she could afford it, but it would cut too much into her convention budget
>get first burando dress, it's secondhand old school BtSSB that I got for like $150
>convention-chan starts throwing mad shade
>couple months later get brand new AP dress
>she doesn't say a word, but the rage is clear on her face whenever she's around me
>her and a few other people sleep over my house for my 17th birthday
>couple days later, mad ant infestation leading to my closet
>find my AP dress covered in maple syrup and ants
>contact everyone who was at my house for answers
>one confirms she witnessed convention-chan get maple syrup and go back to my to my room while we were downstairs
>convention-chan's response when I confronted her was she had no idea what I was talking about and I probably just spilled syrup all over it while I was eating without noticing
>week after the fact one of the girls tells me she straight up admitted it to her and her justification was "that spoiled bitch doesn't need anymore brand, and it's not fair she's the one gets it when the rest of us love lolita so much more"
>my form of revenge was to take inspiration from Regina George and "warn" the guy she'd been crushing on for the past two years that she was creepily obsessed with him and he needed to distance himself for his own safety, but not to tell anyone because she might retaliate

>> No.9477559

Holy shit, I'm full of second-hand rage now.

At least you did a good dead in return, and saved that guy from sticking it in crazy.

>> No.9479155

Urban rent prices have gotten insane

>> No.9479171

Nerds are fags