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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 50 KB, 600x450, 18057037_10207084399906980_1992055044667435750_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9449051 No.9449051 [Reply] [Original]

>Last Thread >>9431775

What is a bump limit.

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9449057
File: 103 KB, 960x774, 18034236_1830808893848971_3167788049990820507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump ahoy!

>> No.9449062
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>> No.9449068
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>> No.9449072
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>> No.9449076


>> No.9449080
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Whoops dropped pic

>> No.9449086
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>> No.9449164

>ita bag
Does this annoy anyone else, or am I just being finnicky?

>> No.9449197

Probably just finnicky.

How about itabag?

>> No.9449371

That's the correct spelling, why would I mind that? The others annoy because it's one word, there's no fucking reason to break it up.

>> No.9449437

Ahh I thought you were mad about the inconsistency.

>> No.9449460

Why is it one word? Genuinely curious.

We wouldn't call it painbag if it was a english speaking western thing, we'd call it pain bag.

>> No.9449806

I'm not a fan of DMMD, but I can't get over how cute this setup is.

>> No.9449902

Ntayr but it's one word because it's one word in Japanese. That's it.

>> No.9450085

Is it okay to crosspost a box split from the sales group? I'm not sure how many Jojo itabaggers there are on cgl compared to the facebook group but I'd like to see if anyone here is interested in any of the badges from the split

>> No.9450243
File: 784 KB, 600x600, 3125778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news, gulls. I got a refund from the person I preordered charms from in January, even if the refund is like 20 cents short lmao.

They've been bitching on twitter about me and about how they've apparently been losing all their shipped orders since February. I feel bad for the other people the ordered charms from them.

They haven't said a word about losing charms until I contacted them asking for a refund, and now all of a sudden its excuse after excuse.

Anyways! Here's a small dump from Instagram.

>> No.9450254
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>> No.9450256
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>> No.9450259
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>> No.9450270

I'm kinda curious who the artist is and if they have a history of not fulfilling orders. I'd feel like such a dick if I didn't get my stuff out on time, I don't get how they can complain about cancellations/refunds.

>> No.9450276

I'm in love

>> No.9450287

If you still have the pin I'm interested

>> No.9450288

Dropped a number

>> No.9450322

Some artist on Twitter/Tumblr that doesn't even have a store. No etsy/storenvy/tictail, so I guess I kinda only have myself to blame lol.

I think this was their first attempt at selling charms, which yeah I get you can have issues. But if someone asks you about the status, at least update them? Honestly if they would have just told me they were having printing/shipping issues I wouldn't have asked for a refund. I just wanted to know the status of the charms. They're trying to say their phone is "broke" and they weren't notified of my messages, even though Twitter has read receipts and I saw that they read them.

>> No.9450695
File: 721 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_3378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some budget-itabagging tips. Don't know if these are well known already, haven't seen anyone here mentioning them at least (or I'm just blind).

Thank You Mart (390 yen shop) has clear base bags now, pic related is taken at one of their Harajuku-stores. They are all 390 yen (plus tax, so actually 421 yen), so it's hella cheap. They look fine but feel kinda flimsy and not as sturdy as more expensive bags. I'm guessing they'd be just fine with cardboard insert tho.
They have a Rakuten storefront too, if someone wants to buy some but does not live in Japan: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/thank-you-mart/c/0000000383

Tokyu Hands has a huge variety of clear window bags, very similar to Wego's. They have suitcases too. Tokyu Hands' bags were on sale, and were cheaper than Wego's. Couldn't find the bags from TH's webstore, but their Ikebukuro-storefront has them at least. If anyone is in Tokyo, go and grab some.

Lastly, Surugaya's Akiba storefront has huge selection of discounted merch for 100 yen. They have a row of huge boxes outside, all full of 100 yen stuff. A shit ton of keychains, buttons, clearfiles and whatnot. I don't think those are listed on their website, so this only concerns people visiting Tokyo.
I'm honestly thinking of buying a ton of the 100 yen stuff and re-selling it online, there was so much Osomatsu and Touken Ranbu among other stuff that it could be easily sellable.

(On a sort of unrelated note, Yowapeda-event at Namjatown starts in two days and let me tell you, I'm hella pumped. My T2-itabag is a mess tho, I decided to buy new base bag and arranging all my merch into it has been a pain)

>> No.9450704

>Surugaya's Akiba storefront

Mind if I ask which one, anon? Every time I go the 100 yen bins are full of trash and things from ages ago.

>> No.9450742

The Ekimae one.
Just today there were two newish-looking boxes that were labeled Osomatsu and had some really good looking buttons. One box was labeled as Touken Ranbu but it had shittier stuff.
There's always a bunch of trash, but buried under it there's hidden gems too. Plushies and good keychain and stuff, under all the shit. I spend a good 10 minutes just browsing through all of it every time I go.

>> No.9450857

Who is this purple haired cutie pie??

>> No.9450859
File: 899 KB, 1759x1759, IMG_20170426_173736_704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on ig and here a few threads ago with my other work in progress bags, but finally took a better pic of my KotoUmi bag I put together last year (first itabag ever and wanted to go for a simple look). Hate how the upper part drops like that so probs going to fix it soon

For my next bag I thought about doing one for Jafar from Magi, shame he doesn't have that much merch and it's rare

>> No.9450860

This is really cute! Love the mirroring

>> No.9450937

Kanato from Diabolik Lovers

>> No.9450941
File: 181 KB, 500x282, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_4ymkcwhagbcw8scwkgkcgwgoc_640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are gulls opinions on glitter vs non-glitter in transparency ita bags?

I don't want to sound like a dick, but in my opinion it makes merch look sort of like, dirty, or poorly printed. This may just be an issue with photographing it though, as I can see how it may be more subtle in real space, with moving lighting, I've wondered though if most people aren't even bothered by the way glitter looks, since so many people have glitter bags. I know they're more widely available, so is it a compromise, or do you actually prefer bags with glitter? Sorry if this is a dumb/boring question, I'd just never seen it discussed before and I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.9450943

The usage of the coasters here is really smart. Did they say how they turned them into keychains?

>> No.9450950

I think they look better/ok irl but in photos they usually dont look that good

>> No.9450964

I hate glitter bags because I feel like it obscures the merch, but I recognize why other people think the glitter is cute, and they do look much better in person than in photographs.

I think part of the prevalence in glitter may be that certain styles/colors of bags aren't available without glitter, so even people who aren't fond of glitter will compromise to get the color they want.

>> No.9451069

I don't mind them. I especially think they look cute with magical girl or idol merch, like anon's KotoUmi bag above.

>> No.9451160
File: 155 KB, 754x1434, IMG_3116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we finally gone too far?

>> No.9451172

I can just see my clumsy ass tripping and falling over, and denting all my can badges.

>> No.9451177

As someone who has worn button pants before, The knees is a terrible place to put it. It's going to be terribly jangly and loud, things will clank around every time you walk and bend your knee, it will make it difficult and inflexible to bend the knees. Etc.

Best place for buttons or button windows is the thigh, it is a much more stationary part of the leg. Looks better & works better with shorts, tho, so you don't have all these buttons at the top and then nothing on the pants farther down.

This was a rhetoric question I have taken too far.

>> No.9451199
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay gulls I need some help. A lot of the merch in my bag is very bulky and this bulk is making it so that nothing lays flat against the plastic. Without the pressure of the plastic all of my stuff turns around and gets out of place and it's driving me insane. Do you guys have any idea what I c an do to fix it?

>> No.9451219

Velcro around the insert and the front of the bag so that the insert can't separate from the front.

>> No.9451287

I own that black backpack from an ebay seller and I think I paid $20 for mine which I guess isn't awful but now I'm wishing the seller had the totes too.

>> No.9451303

It really depends on the amount of glitter on the bag and if it's clear or not. I think it looks cute if it's for a more girly character or series. It doesn't really fit with masculine characters. My YoI bag originally had glitter but the vinyl was discolored and looked dirty. I ended up buying new vinyl, cut out the glitter vinyl, and hand sewed the clear vinyl in. For my Tsum Tsum bag the glitter wasn't discolored so I kept it because I thought it looked cuter.

>> No.9451307

Nice shoop. I've seen the pants on my feeds a few times so I was waiting for someone to shoop it like this.

>> No.9451311

You can buy keychain coaster holders specifically for this purpose!

>> No.9451341

I hate glitter 90% of the time, but I'm not interested in the biggest glitter-window offenders(the damn heart bags). I see why'd people like it for certain bags though.

>> No.9451375
File: 136 KB, 750x742, 1493243589859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the glitter, honestly. Like you said, it usually does make merch look dirty/dingy.

Honestly, I think a lot of the knockoff bags just look dirty overall since theyre the go-to bag for the bandwagoners who slap together a bag just for the sake of saying they "own an itabag."
>in b4 muh elitism

I don't care if you have a knockoff heart bag, but fuck. Atleast make it look nice?

>> No.9451400
File: 113 KB, 960x960, try harder chica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck that's not an itabag, it's a bunch of random shit.
In this vein, I'm so sick of all of the "multifandom" bags that are popping up. I'm not saying that making one is impossible, but no one fucking does it WELL, and the results just wind up being con button bags. No one is going to look at a bag with 30 different buttons for 30 different things and think, "man, this person must be a huge fan of all these things." They're going to think "man this person likes a lot of shit" or "wow that's a lot of buttons" or something like that.

To me, a proper multifandom bag would have chunks dedicated to each thing, with a bunch of merch for the thing in each chunk. I've never seen this done however.

>> No.9451407
File: 114 KB, 742x561, soulessitabags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. In person, the glitter looks nice, but also obscures the merch in some lights. HOWEVER, with clear vinyl, you can see all of the scratches easily. With the glitter, you can't see signs of wear so easily.

We actually had a giant dump of these "souless" itabags a few threads back. I hate these kind of bags. No cringey dedication involved, just random shit put in. And before anyone starts bitching about elitism, see pic related.

>> No.9451409

Agreed with how these look like people who just want an itabag for the sake of saying they have an itabag. It just seems like they grabbed the handful of keychains they bought at one con and put them on haphazardly.

>> No.9451412

Honestly, I have a glitter wego bag and I dislike it. It was the first bag I bought, and it was a knockoff from Ebay, but I've been using it for a Tsuyu bag since I got a larger bag for my Kakyoin merch. Honestly I feel the same, that the glitter makes it hard to actually see the merch, but it's hard to actually have a lot of stuff in a heart window. I'm definitely gonna get a new base bag for Tsuyu eventually, but I want to get some work done on my other two planned bags first. Also I agree with >>9451375 and >>9451400 , the heart bags are pretty much "babby's first bag" and a lot of people are using them for bags that aren't really itabags.

>> No.9451414

Those shitty baby decorations/quote pins make me want to barf, I have a bag which I stick random shit in too but I'm careful to make sure the items at least match/ are in the same vein as eachother. These tumblr fandom bags just look ugly.

>> No.9451446
File: 62 KB, 600x450, 0000252_wego-ita-heart-backpack-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it depends whether it's from a knockoff WEGO or an official WEGO. the knockoffs bags always look kind of shit to me so the glitter just makes it look even shittier on top of that because colors of the knockoff glitter bags don't really supplement the glitter very well, but since the official WEGO bags only had glitter with their pastel bags, it's a lot more visually appealing than bold colors + glitter

>> No.9451452

Anon, could you possibly take photos of the YP event and post them? I'm so sad I'm not in Japan anymore, I wish I could attend and get all that adorable merch.

>> No.9451468

>the official WEGO bags only had glitter with their pastel bags, it's a lot more visually appealing than bold colors + glitter
That explains why I don't like glitter sometimes
Thanks anon

>> No.9451473

no problem! i never understood why all knock-off bags decided to throw glitter all over fucking everything. decorating trash doesn't make it better

>> No.9451475
File: 122 KB, 570x790, il_570xN.1140369371_iigm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever considered using washi tape in their bags? I have some really cute fanmade ones and though I have plenty of other stuff to put in my bag I'm curious if anyone has any interesting ideas. Maybe to make a frame or border on square/rectangle bags? I imagine though that just sticking it down as it is will lead to it peeling or getting scuffed or ripped.

For tapes with clearly individual characters like pic related it would probably be easy enough to cut them out and use resin doming to make tiny pins as if they were stickers. But with tapes that have art that's more of a continuous long image would the same technique work on long strips?

>> No.9451506

That one godawful MLP "itabag" still haunts me from time to time

>> No.9451508

Now that you reminded me of it it's all I'm going to think about.

>> No.9451512

I've never thought of it since I've never been fortunate enough for an artist to want to make fan tape for any series I've loved. You could consider trying to do a cool ribbon effect with it, maybe? Or even origami stars/hearts or something.

>> No.9451521
File: 172 KB, 750x747, 1493252109808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its even better up close, anon.
>100% fresh boy tears

>> No.9451525

The pacifier and toy cube are pretty fucking terrible too

>> No.9451528
File: 296 KB, 1440x986, IMG_6242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just posted this general bag in the fb group and this is the type of general bag I can get behind. Besides the brown pin everything is really cohesive looking and matches with the chosen bag. It's also filled and laid out well.

>> No.9451530

At first I thought that ugly ass heart keychain in the middle said "chubby"...

>> No.9451532

I'm not a fan of all button bags, but the colours at least go together.

>> No.9451533

Is this a lgdd/adult baby bag or something? That's the unfortunate impression I'm getting...

>> No.9451564

>All those MLP figures on the bottom
>Fairy lights thrown in

>> No.9451566

I'd consider that to be an aesthetic bag.
More cohesive than the usual "shit in a window", but not really what I'd call an itabag either.

>> No.9451585

Anon links to this tape, I love it.

>> No.9451587

Sin in a bag. Just go full hog and put "I drink daddys cummies" on the bag for gods sake.

This one is cute.

>> No.9451603
File: 261 KB, 750x752, 1493258158810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is this annoying.

>> No.9451609

Someone I follow was plugging that.
That store's stuff doesn't look impressive but okay.

>> No.9451650
File: 12 KB, 742x475, idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have enough merch to do a full itabag dedicated to one character or series, but I do have a reasonable amount of stuff from different series. Do you think if I organised it all neatly (see pic related, hopefully it makes sense) I could make a multi-fandom bag without it looking like complete trash? (I guess it wouldn't really count as an itabag, but it'd still be pretty close.)

Ooh, thanks for the link.

>> No.9451663

Seconding the Ekimae one, I've done multiple midnight trips there for the bargain bins lol. There's also a ton of bargain bins at shops in Ikebukuro. They do take a lot of time to go through but you can really get some awesome stuff. You can easily spend an hour or two just going through them, they're great fun.

>> No.9451666

>"souless" itabags

does anyone have any more? I love looking at bad examples

>> No.9451674
File: 151 KB, 1280x960, b70ee03e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for コアデ コースターカバー on amazon jp, there are circular and square covers available. They already have holes in them for ball chains but each pack only comes with one ball chain so you'd have to get more elsewhere.

I have some washi tape with multiple characters on it so I just cut out the ones I needed for my bag, stuck them on some card, and put them in one of those clear acrylic keyrings lol. If you want to use the whole strip, maybe you could use one of these streamer holders from tower records? I personally haven't used these before but they're designed for those streamers that get shot out at concerts so I imagine they'd work fine for tape as long as you back it with something first. They come in different lengths and the clips at the top come in different colours too.

>> No.9451700

I don't see why not, I can't be the only one who prefers coming here over Facebook. I completely forgot the sales group existed and now I'm just seeing someone today sold off a whole bag's worth of merch for the character I'm working on one for. Goddamnit.

>> No.9451703

I vaguely remember this. Does Anyone have the pic?

>> No.9451723
File: 109 KB, 733x960, shitabag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another fucking con button bag. Also, nice satanic trips.

>> No.9451730
File: 75 KB, 720x960, shitabag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9451732

While it's not an itabag by any means, it still is kinda cute for what it is; at least there's no uwu passive aggressive buttons or creepy DDLG shit.

>> No.9451742

If they actually organized it by fandom instead of spreading them out, it might be salvageable. Sections with Torabu, HxH, and Hetalia, since those seem the most prominent.

>> No.9451743
File: 152 KB, 720x960, shitabag3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give this one a bit of credit since I can at least tell they really like gudetama. Still a far cry from a proper bag though.

>> No.9451744
File: 94 KB, 960x720, shitabag5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

button bag in progress

>> No.9451747
File: 133 KB, 533x960, almost kinda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one starts approaching what I think could be a decent multifandom -- I can tell they really dig SU and YOI. Expand on the others, organize a bit better, embelish a bit, and this could be nice. They really should move the YOI buttons down with the rest though.

>> No.9451750
File: 38 KB, 540x960, absolutelydisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving away from the buttons bags and on to the souless shit.

I dug up this wreck for you, anon.

>> No.9451752
File: 201 KB, 720x960, shitabag4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was called a "general husbando/waifu bag" but all I see is a mess. How am I supposed to believe you love all of this characters when you can't ven make it so you see them all?
>having more than one waifu/husbando

>> No.9451753
File: 62 KB, 528x960, bitch this is not ita--not the right ita at least.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't even have one of the sections full, and none of the shit in each section is cohesive.

>> No.9451754

This isn't good but now I'm curious about where they got that base bag and I'm trying to think of the things I could do with it...

>> No.9451756
File: 25 KB, 274x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely atrocious

>> No.9451757
File: 89 KB, 720x960, souless2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good example of a YOI bandwagoner bag. I checked to make sure it was finished too and not a wip. No attempt at organization or embellishment, plus a fair amount of empty space while merch is still being churned out.

>> No.9451759
File: 109 KB, 960x720, souless1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. Popular character with a decent amount of official merch and tones of fan stuff. I can understand wanting to decorate outside the heart, but you can do that with other things. At least fill your window and add a backing or something!

They said it was a photo tote, so I imagine those slots were originally meant to hold pictures. I tried googling em, but kept getting custom totes from redbubble and shutterfly and the like. I agree it could be a neat base if used well.

>> No.9451760

I don't get multifandom bags. Just....make multiple bags? This isn't a "cheap" hobby.

Thank you for saving this anon. I thought I'd never see it again.

>> No.9451762
File: 12 KB, 225x300, fb17_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that one was obtained from a thrift store, but you can get your own photobag from ebay if you want

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-PHOTO-BAG-Picture-Brag-Gallery-Tote-Black-Quilted/151919525140

>> No.9451764
File: 163 KB, 613x391, JojoBoxSplit_Marked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I was thinking, I just don't see sales posts here often so I was a little unsure
Anyway, Amiami just posted some new Stardust Crusaders badges and I really want to get my hands on the Kakyoin one, so I'm trying to arrange my first box split. The badges would be $6 plus whatever to ship to you, and I'd ask for payment around mid-june when it's released. If I get some responses I'll post a throwaway email to keep track of what anons wanted to participate. I marked out the badges that are taken already.

>> No.9451768

I need some opinions. When it comes to base bags, do you usually go with your character's main colour, or is it okay to choose another complementaty colour? I'm starting a Yurio bag as my second itabag and I hate yellow. I have a spare pastel blue Wego heart bag and the merch actually looks really nice on it, but I'm worried it'll read as a Yuri bag.

>> No.9451769

God, I need that hisoka button so badly.

>> No.9451770

Some anons will shit on you and tell you to go post in the sales group, but don't let it bother you. Plus, not everyone's on Facebook, let alone the itabag groups.

>> No.9451771
File: 219 KB, 1024x853, CX4SFbwUkAApNxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gunna say right now I like this one. They've obviously made an effort to arrange the merchandise, they went with a base bag in an appropriate color, they tried to do something neat with lights and with a chain. It looks like a decent WIP or newbie bag. We all have to start somewhere.

> reminder that the yellow square on this graph exists

>> No.9451772

Awesome, thanks so much.

>> No.9451775

A lot of people choose a corresponding color if applicable, but tons of people just choose any color that's complimentary or will help your stuff stand out.

Sometimes it's easier to go with a theme for your bag based around the character etc when trying to think of what color base bag to pick. Everything in your bag is a personal choice and no one will fight you on the base bag, especially if it makes your stuff pop.

>> No.9451777
File: 528 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_oo02z8qoHr1s1x1obo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9451779

NP anon. It'll haunt my folder forever.
I'd like to thank the anon who requested bad examples, because honestly I wanted to vent for a while now and they gave me a reason to.

Character's color is the usual choice, but I'd honestly love to see more complimentary colors used. Variety is always nice.

I'd agree with you if it was a WIP, but the poster specifically said it was finished. It feels a bit lackluster. Also, when was the last time anyone cared about that chart? Wasn't the yellow square the "not sure if I wan't a bag yet" one or something like that? Regardless, I'd personally consider that example a piss-poor itabag

>> No.9451784
File: 618 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_onsyhvnLlC1qdy32qo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9451787
File: 647 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_onqo9iltMZ1s42px1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9451788

What are your guys thoughts on multifandom ita bags within the same genre? For example I'd like to do a mecha themed bag with Transformers, Voltron and Evangelion.

>> No.9451791

this graphic always makes me laugh, especially the first one. If possible, would anyone mind translating?

>> No.9451792

>implying that half assed bags are ok since its on a fucking picture

>> No.9451794
File: 127 KB, 1040x585, IMG_20170211_015035407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With things like that they're a bit better because they've got an overall theme. In your case, as someone who's already made a giant robot bag (and plans it upgrade it asap), I say go for that shit! The one thing I'd keep in mind though is how much you want to focus on the mecha themselves for eva and voltron? Because I think a bag with a buncha human characters then suddenly transformers could seem a bit weird. I know eva's got a decent mix of EVA unit merch alongside all of the character stuff, but I've yet to see fanmerch made for Voltron itself aside from a redbubble sticker and one charm at a con. Which is a shame, because I think the LD version did a great job of updating the old, chunky design.

I love the organization and little handmade touches on this one.

>> No.9451795
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my WIP bag dedicated to Maeno Tomoaki... I need more stuff for him. I have a second Camus bag to go with this one that holds all that merch now but like I need to make more balance? Any advice?

I have a lot of Natsume from BroCon on it. I also want to put more Haru from Tsukiuta on it.

>> No.9451797
File: 8 KB, 225x225, mifb3rBGfx1bb-DrZuU2x6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on having it split into two sides one side being Megatron and Starscream and the other being Shiro and Keith since I'm a shipper and I'd like my otps on my bag lol. The outside of the bag will be Evangelion themed with keychains, buttons, etc. The Evangelion part is actually the most rough because I'm not exactly sure if I want to do Eva unit-01 or hello kitty eva or some other character, thoughts?

>> No.9451819
File: 29 KB, 453x443, bag_w_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, SUPER spoon-feed question.

I can't find Mise Totes in stock anywhere that seems reliable. Can you use a shopping service to order directly from their website?

Sorry but I'm losing my sanity trying to find them.

>> No.9451835

I love how glitter bags look irl, gives them much more dimension and visually pleases the sparkle monster inside me. Photos tend to make them look worse than they really are imo.

>> No.9451843
File: 1.01 MB, 1576x2048, IMG_3117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on twitter and i LOVE it

>> No.9451844

There was a translated version posted a looooong ways back. I can try digging a bit and see if I can find it.

>> No.9451851

I like complementary colours. I've never used my character's colour, and always brought pink to make him stand out. And as cheesy as it sounds, I go with pink to show my love for him haha.

>> No.9451868
File: 648 KB, 676x1109, Itabag subcategories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it! Here you go gulls. Apparently rocketnews did an article about it which is where the translations comes from


The Multiple Carrier type is for those who own several ita bags, separating them by character or by the type of adornment, which is usually an entire covering of circular pin badges.

The Improviser consists of a few items pinned to the outside since the owner isn’t entirely committed to the craft, and still uncertain of the trend or character they wish to deify.

The Altar type, on the other hand, presents a neat, uniformly arranged design, which might be in the form of a heart or an initial, with fabrics like lace and ribbons added to complete the look.

The Runaway type is seen on those who’ve moved on from The Multiple Carrier, with an extravagant style that suggests the owner is taking all their belongings out with them, like a person who’s run away from home. The plush toy is a big feature.

The Grape Picker style is a step up from The Improviser as there’s no huge variety of goods. Instead, there’s an abundance of the same product, hanging like big bunches of grapes from the side of the bag.

The Alchemist is an advanced version of The Altar type, and can feature a bag made from a T-shirt, with handmade mini cushions and rosettes made from ribbons and badges.

>> No.9451888

sounds like a mess tbqh

>> No.9451907

>all that acrylic just hanging free and clacking against each other and causing scratches
I'm triggered. This is an actual 'ita' bag.

>> No.9451955

Like I said I'm in the rough planning stage and I'm just sketching out the charms I'm going to make for it lol.

>> No.9451982

Not even a FMA fan (thanks Vic) but this is oddly adorable.

>> No.9452031

How do you guys feel when you see someone with the same character as you but their itabag is executed worse?

>> No.9452035

Probably the same way lolitas feel when they see an ita wearing the same dress as them. It's unfortunate but you're not going to trash them to their face about it.

Just look at the MLP bag. It's awful and I'm sure anyone else with a MLP bag is weeping on the inside but they're not going to get hostile or anything over a bag.

>> No.9452040

The Arda wigs base bag makes that even more painful than it should be

>> No.9452043

Thing is though, this girl then posted a picture of her weeb collection and she had a pin board filled with Morning Musume keychains/badges and Tokyo Mee Mew keychains/badges. Why not wait till your bag arrived(shed ordered one) and make a cohesive one with one of those collections. Posting what she did made her look like a bandwagoner when she really wasn't.

>> No.9452058

Seriously why did they have to plaster their fucking logo on it

>> No.9452078
File: 258 KB, 1272x1272, IMG_1259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I'm not a fan of that idea. You can always use some larger filler pieces creatively (flowers/non-merch decorations, patterned background, large print outs, etc) if you're lacking in merch ATM. Especially that combo of anime sounds like such a dissimilar mish mash of stuff.

>> No.9452084

i feel like you would be better off doing a series of pouches rather than one whole bag. I'd understand multifandom bags if they were similar series or there was an overarching theme (ex: gundam and evangelion, white haired anime boys, imas and ll) but when there is no correlation it still seems like throwing shit together randomly

>> No.9452117

I get that seagull-brand ego boost, honestly. I wouldn't say anything negative to them about it, I just keep it to myself.
It's like when you see someone cosplaying the same character+outfit as you and you look much better.

>> No.9452181

Fuckin' excited, man!

Here is someone else who loves this character with the same excessive passion, I am going to chat up this person and fanboy to hell and back with them.

Their bag is smaller than mine? I don't blame them, it's a hard character to find merch for. I will gladly feed them links to sellers I know that have things or point them towards AA Booths if we're at a con.

Their bag is less thoughtfully arranged? If they're happy with it that's all that matters, but if they compliment my bag & thus obviously appreciate the aesthetic I go for, then I may offer some tips and ideas on how to better their bag constructively.

I just love things too much to be a salty asshole about it. Meeting fellow fans who get it is a treat and one I won't waste!

>> No.9452227

i like you anon. I'm the same! my bags vary in style anyways, so one is not always representative of my skills as a whole. no point in judging others differently.

the people i've run into just seem happy to find a fellow itabagger in the wild.

>> No.9452295

Same. I saw a bag on tumblr with my boys on a canvas tote bag and got weirdly smug about my own bag with the UtaPri tote for a base.

>> No.9452346

I honestly have no issue with con button bags, they're cute and I have one but just don't call them an itabag

I have one myself but it's a lot dfferent then my actual itabag

>> No.9452352

I have a con button bag too from years ago. I'm sure most don't mind them, the issue is people calling them itabags and posting them in groups/with the tag. If they didn't do that, then we'd have no problem. It's like someone wearing an AP salopette and calling it a lolita coord when it's obviously not.

>> No.9452389

Making my first bags here soon! Buying all the merch and supplies on Friday. One is for me and one is for my best friend to take to Metro with us this summer. We both share an otp (Yami Bakura/ Yami Marik) so I thought it would be a cute idea. I plan on mirroring a lot of the items in the heart shape of the bag and putting two charms side by side in the center. I just hope it works out the way I want it to. I'm so excited!

>> No.9452403

I actually have one base bag (for the moment) but I've been making different inserts for all of my merch (One for my husbando, one for my favorite series, etc.) Does anyone else do this?

>> No.9452433

I'd actually be really interested in the Avdol and Polnareff badges if those are available?

>> No.9452439
File: 365 KB, 974x1301, temp hubando bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get where you're coming from, but some people might just not want multiple bags. I'd personally rather encourage anons like >>9451650 and >>9451788 who are actually trying to make proper itabags with multiple things than just sit back and watch more people call their button bags itabags.

>making a bag for someone else
Anon, I get how you think this would be cute, but it really misses the fucking point of itabagging. Making a bag is something really personal, and making a bag for someone takes that away from them. Plus the whole point of bagging is that YOU are making a shrine to something YOU love and making it to YOUR tastes. Having someone
else make it really defeats the entire purpose. If you wanted to get your frind some merch and a bag to get started, that would be nice, but straight-up making it for them is rather silly.

Also, is anyone else getting tired of some people acting like itabags are fucking requirements for conventions now and rushing to get one done so they can have one for a con?

I'm kinda doing that now--making a temp husbando bag with my current base cause I got his buttons in. Which middle layout do you guys like better? I'm having trouble deciding.

>> No.9452454

I've actually been meaning to do this for a while and the convention is just one occasion as I plan on using this as an everyday bag as well. The reason I am making it for my friend is she admitted she had no coordination skills and asked me to do it for her because she wants it to look good. It's not like I haven't been getting her feedback either. She's had her hands in the process of picking out the merch and telling me what she doesn't like. So it's not like it's a surprise or anything. I don't see the harm and maybe if I show her how she can do the next one on her own.

>> No.9452455

I like the bottom one more.

>> No.9452465

Also, damn, forgot to apologize for the shittastic lighting in the pics.

Oh, well in that case I'd say its totally fine. From your post the impression I got was that you were doing it without any input for them as a surprise. Also, I wasn't singling you out sith the con comment, you just reminded me of all the people I've been seeing like that lately,

That one random metaton button on there is irking me something fierce. If you're going to put another character on a character-centric bag, shouldn't you at least make it someone related to the first one? Like Asriel or a scared Frisk in this case. Otherwise it's very nice

>> No.9452495

I like the bottom layout better! I think the distribution balances out the bulk of the keychains better than having them all clustered at the top.

>> No.9452563

Someone on the previous taobao thread linked it! >>9448224 not my bag subject but definitely cute.
Aw sorry. Maybe some day! I've definitely seen them made for things I wouldn't expect. Thanks for the suggestions, a ribbon look would be adorable!
I'd never heard of those streamer holders, that's so cool!! Definitely gonna look into that, thank you.

>> No.9452581
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started my Mina ita bag! Can't wait to get the official cheerleader charm (or like twenty) but for now the sparseness kinda bugs me. I was considering maybe putting a fur background (like her collar) to liven things up, or is that too tacky even for my Alien Queen? Any suggestions ?

>> No.9452585

Those are both still available! My email is in the name file, so go ahead and shoot me an email and I'll put you down for them!

>> No.9452592


>> No.9452597

You could just have one of these fandoms be it's own separate bag, even if it's a small bag. It would look a lot nicer and be easier to look at.

>> No.9452601

I personally don't really mind. My bag might be nicer, but they're probably still starting out and trying to figure out how to make a bag. I guess what I'm saying is if I can tell they have the same passion for a character but are just less knowledgeable, I'm not going to think twice and might even offer advice if they'd like.

If they're a bandwaggoner, that's a completely different reaction lol.

>> No.9452606

Since I'm going to be doing all the charms myself (besides the eva ones) do you think it would look nicer if I kept a similar artstyle for all of them?

>> No.9452611

Love the tiny cellphone charms and EDWARD and the pompoms, it's super cute!

>> No.9452658

i wish... i owned this..

>> No.9452662

>Also, is anyone else getting tired of some people acting like itabags are fucking requirements for conventions now and rushing to get one done so they can have one for a con?
Super yes. It doesn't make sense to me and the process for how some people decide to do this is also kinda baffling. A few AA people I follow on twitter did this recently very spur of the moment and decided to try and rush to make a bag. They both ended up looking really sloppy and like no care was put into it at all. I don't understand how others are making these things to "fit in" when not that many people are making these to begin with and honestly it's quite an expensive "trend" to even consider.

At least if you're going to be trendy, try to make it look nice for it's only debut before you get tired/bored of it and throw it in the back of your closet forever.

>> No.9452665

That's purely up to you. Some styles mix well together and some really don't. If you're going to keep an overall anime style type, I don't think there'll be any real issue.

>> No.9452847

See I'm sort of like this. I have the merch already enshrined on my wall but when conventions roll around I want to itabag them because it's the only time I take them out.
I just get so frustrated trying to put everything into a bag (since most aren't bag-friendly items) but I'll feel worse if I don't make a bag and get there and feel like I missed out on the chance.

>> No.9452891

This ones nice, and I can see why they chose not to put the buttons on the inside of the bag.

>elise only has like 2-3 pieces of official merch.

>> No.9453062
File: 270 KB, 600x600, blow-1007_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small backpack for small stuff

>> No.9453163
File: 59 KB, 480x360, goods03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is looking to make an eeveelution itabag, the new pokecen collection has you covered.

>> No.9453220

F r e e H i m

>> No.9453232

Im making an ita bag for a character whose main color is a sky blue (he has a streak of blue in his hair), but he has a twin brother that has pink as his color. Im using a pink bag to kind of "symbolize" his brother...and because I'm not a fan of the color blue for my purses. But some of the merch I bought actually has his brother in it so that helps too. But I find that certain colors compliment each other so as long as you're not picking anything that clashes then it's fine.

>> No.9453233
File: 289 KB, 580x483, types_ita_bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a simplified version I made of that translation.

>> No.9453273

I'd say it needs more Haru simply because Tsukiuta lol. I've been making a Rui bag, but it's difficult to get the merch I want. For the balancing issue, maybe spread the buttons out? Or maybe put the plush in the center of the pocket and have the buttons on both sides of it?

>> No.9453315

bless you anon

>> No.9453349

they probably got it at a con, maybe even with the viktor pin since for some reason arda is hawking YOI merch like crazy these days

>> No.9453352
File: 1.66 MB, 2130x1064, Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 1.52.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this base bag a few threads back and since it was like $5 i went ahead and got one. It just came in so I can give deets if gulls want them?

>> No.9453468
File: 679 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_3839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So today was the start of Namja Town's Yowapeda-event and my first time taking my newly arranged bag outside. The bag isn't done by any means, there's a ton of merch still laying around that I haven't moved from the old bag to the new one. It's a start tho. The clear vinyl cover is missing from the pic too, since it's wrinkly now and looks shit in the photos.

The YP-event was fun, a lot of itabaggers around. A ton of people called my bag cute, and one random girl even gave me a sticker of Teshima 'cause she liked my bag. My heart fucking melted. I'm gonna go again a couple more times, since I want to try all the available food and didn't play any of the event games this time. Sucks to go alone tho (seagull itabag meet in Tokyo when)

Since >>9451452 asked, here's pictures of the event http://imgur.com/a/DaB5M
There's some general pictures of Namja Town thrown in there too, as well as the Yowapeda-themed food that I ate.

>> No.9453483

Shame pouch. I like it.

Hey, that's me! I still haven't gotten around to taking pics of it or taking a seam ripper to the lettering yet.

>> No.9453485

Not a fan of the series but that event looked so cool. Hopefully one day I can get to Japan for an event for a series I like.

>> No.9453490

My plan was just to make a panel to attach to the side with the window and not deal with the letters at all. Also idk if yours got shipped folded up, but if it did, did the crease in the vinyl go away after a while?

>> No.9453495

Mine was kind of rolled up if I remember right? It didn't come out too bad and I think you can get the creases out using a hair dryer?

>> No.9453607

sounds like a really fun event anon!
how long are you in tokyo? i'd be down to meet up.

last couple times i went to an event i didn't run into any itabaggers, must have gone during the off season.

>> No.9453864

Has anyone got any of the old pics posted of girls in anime-themed yukata? My upcoming con has a Matsuri theme and they're trying to encourage more yukata wear so I'm debating getting one with matching character colors and decking out the obi in merch.

>> No.9453901
File: 109 KB, 640x489, C8nAxoYXYAA52eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some recent twitter bags.

Starting with the new style, "Please end its suffering" bag.

>> No.9453903
File: 208 KB, 899x1199, C8-ndxGU0AEQIjW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453904
File: 221 KB, 1200x677, C8g8gIZU0AA5zk_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453905
File: 291 KB, 1200x900, C8kbQkbUAAEOcz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453908
File: 124 KB, 1016x1016, C8-ndxIVYAAuSbN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453910
File: 208 KB, 675x1200, C8qMsk4UwAASED_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453912
File: 221 KB, 900x1200, C8tYsdeU0AADoqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this was tagged itabag.

>> No.9453918
File: 250 KB, 1200x829, C8LE9BKVoAApKTy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really love the design of this one!

>> No.9453940

this one's really cheeky tho I kinda like it

>> No.9453942
File: 248 KB, 860x1024, CyyBsJTUUAAVFW7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453946

Everyone else go home, we've found the best ita bag.

>> No.9453950

Well played, person. That's about what'd cost to make one anyway.

>> No.9453951
File: 208 KB, 1200x843, C8vgKvNUwAAN6v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453952

I've been collecting stuff for a Sylveon bag, and now I desperately need to order one of these...

>> No.9453953
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>> No.9453976
File: 237 KB, 900x1200, C8x9AnXWAAA5Th6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453977
File: 137 KB, 675x1200, C8YdJRMUwAQHsCa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453978
File: 80 KB, 668x1024, C8ZnR0dVoAE5tPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another odd joke bag.

>> No.9453980
File: 116 KB, 765x1024, C9dulrkV0AAv1qH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9453991
File: 228 KB, 1200x675, C8IhTRkVwAEphJZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9454004
File: 292 KB, 900x1200, C9DzpqgUAAQ86rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9454006

How do you stop acrylics from swaying in your bag or shifting over? I've just started mine and I'm trying to hide my pins.

>> No.9454010

Sew them down with clear or color matching thread or fishing line.

>> No.9454015
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, C9IQuE3UAAIGGyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9454029

Anyone know the artist for the realistic art? Not familiar with this series or the character.

>> No.9454065

When that broad unveiled this in the FB group it was all the evidence I needed to decide she basically shits these out for likes.

I think these were just thankyou mart twitter ads iirc.

This guy's got a fucking itasha as well

>> No.9454083

I've met him. He's the guy with the Nico itacar.

>> No.9454132

even if this is a joke, ted was absolutely huge in japan

>> No.9454214

This is such a nice display for what I'm assuming to be a character with little available merch. The crisscrossing chains puts it over the top in the best way.

This bag is so cute, but it doesn't look functional as a bag. The epitome of a portable shrine, I guess.

>> No.9454218

I'm the one who asked for photos, thank you so much!! I'm incredibly jealous but also really happy that you had a lovely time. I love what you've done with your bag, the gloves at the center melt my heart. All the T2 love!

>> No.9454255
File: 3.22 MB, 1440x989, 20170428_182458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who hates these "I heart insert love live character" buttons? The bag this was posted with was cute but Love Live has official merch out the ass and these buttons are ugly in comparison.

On another note, where do you guys get your fairy lights? I'm thinking of using some when I put together my Mob Psycho bag, but I'm not sure if I'd be better off checking physical stores or buying them online.

>> No.9454258

I find the buttons kinda redundant.
I can tell you love Kanan, your bag is covered in her.
However the I Love You buttons are cheeky, I like them.

Not for a bag, but I got my fairy lights from a physical store. I'm not sure if there's better prices online but it's not gouged in person.

>> No.9454261
File: 668 KB, 533x595, wb4U8CK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up backtracking a whole year to find what I wanted.

Found more special occasion wear as well so I'll dump those.

>> No.9454266
File: 54 KB, 276x368, 20140924024959620_276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9454270
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>> No.9454276
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>> No.9454277
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>> No.9454279
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>> No.9454285
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>> No.9454295
File: 216 KB, 498x370, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my lights off aliexpress, this exact listing:
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/fairy-lights/32761021656.html

Ten little LED, the "lightbulb" just being a little dab of hot glue to cover the LED from damage. Super cheap & works perfectly fine.

>> No.9454309
File: 1.00 MB, 1431x954, 1393200982899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate 'em because they're so damn simple and then clash horribly with the rest of the merch. Why settle on something so boring when your series has a fuckload of merch?

Anyway, my home board was having a collection thread and it reminded me of this pic I saved a while back, and that made me want to ask if any of you have any shrines? I know there have been ones form twitter posted, but I"m curious if anyone here has one.

>> No.9454314

Not sure if im a fan of all the plastic packaging still being there but wearing a plush as a necklace is such a cute idea

>> No.9454317
File: 47 KB, 498x759, T&B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a small shitty one. Photo is a bit out of date by 2-3 orders but I've run out of room until I can get more shelves.

>> No.9454342

My husbando has little merch but the idea has crossed my mind before. Maybe I'll try to set up a temporary one for special occasions ? His birthday is unknown and Valentine's day is far away, but his game is getting a HD remaster in July so that could be an occasion.

Always a pleasure to see your stuff, T&B anon ! By the way thanks for your help with the doujin order a few threads back, everything went well.

>> No.9454370

Yeah the thing about Ted in Japan is the American humor wasn't going to work so they rewrote it to appeal more to Japanese humor and took out any vulgar language so it could be enjoyed as a family film. There was a suprising amount of Ted UFO catcher machines last time I was in Japan.

>> No.9454407

Glad to know and thanks! Hoping to have my two bags done soon so I can finally post them.

>> No.9454410
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, B1NBXsdCIAE-L_C.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me but I gotta post my T&B-senpai's shrine.

>> No.9454446

more like eatabag am i right

>> No.9454459
File: 7 KB, 154x154, 1484926578008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9454469

The bag they used are the new ticket/jewel holder bags for an arcade game (took us 3 years to get non thin plastic/cardboard praise Jewlie) and are from what I can tell modelled after itabags. This is from the main Twitter so I'm gonna guess this is an example of its use to others??

>> No.9454529
File: 130 KB, 1080x1079, 17125896_228390870969242_6221848461466140672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon, I'm glad you liked the pictures! So sad that you aren't in Japan anymore and cannot attend. I'm now racking my brain on what to use as a centrepiece on the other side of the bag.

I'm not leaving Tokyo anytime soon, most likely in the fall/winter.
It's strange that you haven't seen other itabaggers in events, I went to Namja Town's Yuri on Ice-event (not a fan, just wanted to try the food). It was in middle of the day in Tuesday, the event had been going on for months, and there were still quite a few YOI-itabaggers. Maybe all the itabaggers just gravitate to Namja Town.

Chances are that you will anon, the events are plentiful here. Even from older series there's always doujinshi-events if not anything else.

Posting a neat Enstars-itabag fron instagram to keep the post relevant. Super minimalistic but looks nice and balanced.

>> No.9454556

does anyone have a non taobao link to plastic badge covers/sleeves? (i'd rather not make a taobao order just for a few plastic sleeves) TiA

>> No.9454561


We should prolly add Coade to the FAQ too for non-Taobao sauvy folks

>> No.9454733

Do Wego bags have a tag inside? I want a real one, but I can't find pics of a tag showing from the inside to confirm. I got one recently, but I think it's fake and need to know whether to open a paypal dispute.

>> No.9454835

i would just look at pictures of the real ones and compare. a general rule of thumb is that most non-pastel official wego bags dont have glitter, and if you do buy a pastel bag they usually have shinier fabric for the backing part. also the backing/merch area on knockoff bags often doesnt extend to the top like official backs. i dont think theres any sort of tag on my bag but i could check for you later

>> No.9454836

*if you bought a pastel bag

>> No.9454842
File: 104 KB, 750x740, IMG_3134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, i took a photo of the tags the bag came with since i was selling one i didn't use and the buyer wanted proof that it was authentic. WEGO heart bags should come with these tags and the straps are taped like this

>> No.9454875 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, .bootleg vs WEGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If still in doubt, the shape of the heart is rounder on the official one. Also, all of the knock off colors are fairly different compared to the real ones.
>left bootleg, right WEGO

>> No.9454877
File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, .bootleg vs WEGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that the shape of the heart is rounder on the official one.
>left bootleg, right WEGO

You could also post a picture if you're still not sure

>> No.9455047

It's usually something noticeable and off with the knock offs, yeah. Either the heart is a funky shape or the bag itself is a lot more square.

Posting would be a good idea so maybe we could help you out more?

>> No.9455251
File: 30 KB, 750x248, 1493497946703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9455261

I was actually making one myself but it was just going to be alaska

>> No.9455265
File: 56 KB, 480x640, Itobag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bootleg one also can't hold it's shape! The bootlegs are pretty flimsy compared to the Wego and F21 bags

>> No.9455372

Fucking love this bag.

>> No.9455409

thanks anon! didn't know about this store before!

seconding adding it to the FAQ

>> No.9455521

>Junji Ito bag
Fug, that's nice. Especially love how the backing makes everything pop.

Also all this discussion about comparing the bootlegs to the WEGO bags is making me reconsider my base bag. I was going to get a knockoff, largely because I was going to sew a trim around the window since I can't sew for shit and I'd rather fuck up a 12USD bag over a 40+USD bag. But having a nicely made bag and shaped window seems like it'll be better in the long run.

>> No.9455699

i love this! i've been working on mine forever, i wish they'd put out more junji ito merch.

>> No.9455738

The easiest way to tell a legit bag from a knockoff imo is the point in the top of the heart. It's very pointed in compairson to a fake one. I can post pics comparing my real VS knockoff as wel if you'd like.

>> No.9455787


good luck anon! the 20th anniversary of ygo must have been a gold mine for you as it has been for me. (I'm also starting a Yami Bakura itabag too)

>> No.9455803

Actually I wished I had snagged things earlier. Everything is so expensive now secondhand.

>> No.9455854
File: 75 KB, 564x1002, 639cdca0b86ca24477121f71d0918476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bag the "Real Style" brand?

I've been searching on Buyee for it but I'm not having much luck, and I'm starting to think its not like the big Real Style totes.

>> No.9455857

Oh my. That is glorious.

>> No.9455859

Was wondering if any anons here can help me out with some Tenso spoonfeeding here. I was able to consolidate 6 out 7 packages, but I forgot to check the last one, which is fine. No biggie. But now I'm trying to figure where to go to let Tenso know that the last package is also ready to be shipped separately.

Only button I can click on "My Page" was to consolidate, but I can't exactly do that with only 1 package. How do I let Tenso know that my last package is also ready to be shipped out and to send me the payment invoice?

>> No.9455913

I don't have the heart bag, sorry I should have mentioned that. I actually got the gameboy styled bag. I could still post pics if someone could help me identify whether it's real or not?

Unfortunately, I bought mine secondhand so no tags. The picture of the straps is helpful though!

I do plan on getting the heart one soon though, so I'll be keeping everyone's tips in mind. Thank you all for sincerely trying to help!

>> No.9456019

I'm not sure about "real style", but these were by village vanguard and is a collab version or their normal "my colle/kore" bags. Hope that helps

>> No.9456140
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 18251512_1362895843807416_5784361383298596864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on instagram, damn this is nice (though very simple).
It even has lights inside.

>> No.9456167

There's so little Rose of Versailles merch, so I kinda get it. I've always wanted to do a Lady Oscar bag but finding buttons and key chains isn't easy.

>> No.9456212

Click on the gray "Details and Payment" button. Should be under the package weight listing.

>> No.9456346

I'm loving this. I wish more people understood that itabags aren't about quantity strictly. You can have quantity bags or quality bags. Either you're toting a whole collection with you or toting a shine to a character. You can blend both ideas together to create a collection shrine but you don't have to, you can have one or the other.

>> No.9456372

as a berubara fan, i really love this!!! now i wish my daiso had some of the pink bags (i got a blue star one) so i could do something like this.

>> No.9456640
File: 283 KB, 1536x2048, C-nTqDuUIAA_LDJ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9456865

I want mine signed! I just finished my charm designs that im getting printed for myself. i wont show cause its kinda pluggy but they might be easy to find anyway

>> No.9457341
File: 59 KB, 511x494, unbridled anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the FB group just enabled another fucking button bag. I want to say something but I don' tknow how'd I'd put it so I don't sound rude.
Unrelated, but the amount of emotes this guy uses makes me want to throw up.

>> No.9457439

Don't worry, anon. I'd just be rude, too.

People not realizing that itabags are supposed to represent your dedication to something frustrates me so much. Slapping a bunch of random pins you have onto a bag shows dedication to what, exactly?

>> No.9457484

I left them a comment but I hope it didn't come across as condescending or harsh. I tried being as nice as I could considering they're still new

>> No.9457493

I think you handled it really well anon! It didn't come across condescending to me.

>> No.9457502
File: 651 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to post about this. I think they're so ugly and plain as well and they're expensive for what they are. I'm fairly certain the girl posting the bags with the pins is also the seller which is why she's shilling them so hard.

>> No.9457508

Ah, thank you! I know a lot of people are getting sick of YOI, but I thought the itapouch example I left was decorated really well despite the anime having a lot of merch.

>> No.9457514 [DELETED] 

I really like what you said as well. I really want to thank all of the gulls that politely tell newfags when they're on the wrong track. Everything that has been said has always been informative and helpful without being rude.

>> No.9457518

You worded it perfectly! I want to thank all of the gulls that politely tell newfags when they're on the wrong track. Everything that has been said has always been informative and helpful without being rude. I'm not sure why it's so difficult to grasp the concept of itabags being a cringey dedication to a character or specific series. I'm not a fan of those "I love" buttons >>9457502, but at least it isn't a clusterfuck of 10+ fandoms.

>> No.9457554
File: 100 KB, 300x433, lollipromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm customizing an obitsu doll for a specific character. Does anyone have any idea how I can incorporate it into an itabag or is it a bad idea?

>> No.9457594

Just carry it?

>> No.9457606

I got a figure my bag so I suppose it should be pretty much the same, mine's sewn down onto the insert so it doesnt move around and it works for me. You can also get a smaller pouch just for it and hang it from your bag/carry it in your hand if you prefer (something like the nitotan pouches that have been posted before). Can even decorate the pouch to match your main bag!

>> No.9457702

I'd say it depends on the size of the doll and where you are gonna use the bag.
If it's an actual BJD-sized doll, 60cm or so, then carrying it around sitting on the hook of your arm works fine. If you're in a crowded area or want to shelter the doll more, get another clear bag just for the doll like >>9457606 said.
If it's one of the smaller Obitsu-bodies, I'd say just treat it like figure and sew onto your bag.

I actually have multiple Dollfie Dreams and when they're not in a safe doll-transport bag, I carry them around so that they sit on the hook of my arm.
Having a doll with your itabag seems so hardcore, I'd do it too if the characters on my itabag could be convincingly turned into a doll-form (which they are not, sadly.)

>> No.9457752
File: 25 KB, 311x288, _20170501_163203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of not finding enough good merch of my husbando like there is for the other characters of the franchise

Plus idk if i should take a blue or purple base for my Jonathan ita-bag.

ah i just don't know anymore

>> No.9457770
File: 9 KB, 210x230, jonathan sticker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you checked booth anon? I remember seeing some good Jonathan fanmerch while I was looking for young Joseph stuff. Redbubble's got some nice stickers of him too you could use, pic related. http://www.redbubble.com/shop/Jonathan+joestar+sticker

>> No.9457778
File: 115 KB, 300x220, lklIwZt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say purple, Wego bags tend to have a blue-ish hue to their purple bags anyway.
Also anon do not fret! Me and a friend are having this same dilemma with Dragon Maid. We've decided to button maker our way to the stars, make rosettes and make embellishments ourselves. We will give our thicc thighed loli and trucker tits the itabags they deserve.

>> No.9457782

I want to make an itabag covered in somewhat saucy pictures of shotas. Try and stop me, society!

>> No.9457961

Society isn't going to stop you, but they're also going to avoid you like the plague.

>> No.9458089
File: 96 KB, 1440x1080, 1405963714765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you don't always have to match your character's color. You could go with orange/yellow for a complimentary color, or use something analogous like a light blue or lavender

I went back to check if they all were made by the same person, and yes they were, so I'm pretty sure you're right about them shilling. Why the fuck can't they just make a post in the damn sales group?

Society can't stop you. It can, thankfully, rightfully judge the shit outta you.

>> No.9458123

>fanmerch on a bag for a character with a shitton of official merch

this, to me, more than anything else, screams bandwagoner. A lot of the button bag people are just ignorant and misguided.

>> No.9458132

I don't even mind fanmerch if it's a few pieces that are actually nice, but filling up a large chunk of your bag with shitty "I love Character" buttons is absolutely hideous.

>> No.9458148

Agreed, it's just a bunch of ugly white space

>> No.9458208
File: 200 KB, 1080x1223, 16230972_170133426807575_3181167845333532672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a horrible attitude. Putting the annoying ugly button shill aside, fan merch VS official merch is a matter of personal preference and always has been. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bandwagoning. People can genuinely enjoy fan merch and itabagging at the same time.

>> No.9458220

I have to agree with >>9458208
While I hate the 'I <3 ___' buttons, fanmerch might be a necessity if you're like me and are making a bag for an unpopular character with very little official merch.

>> No.9458241

I think it depends on what kind of fanmerch. Sometimes it can be nicer than official merch, or maybe it's just a piece you love a lot or something. That fits into the spirit of itabagging, I think.

Filling a space with boring buttons screams bandwagoner though.

>> No.9458289


Similarly, I'm going to start looking for fan merch because the character I'm doing, while they have plenty of merchandise, are only two poses for the most part. One being the ugliest fucking chino I've ever seen, so that's not going on my bag.

I think in my extensive search I may have found enough differing stuff, but some might clash, so fuck yeah I'd sooner find some fan merch.

>> No.9458294
File: 82 KB, 500x500, IMG_0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chibi. Fuck.

But screw that, seriously.

>> No.9458316
File: 223 KB, 1200x675, C9OQXHaVwAEiysF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9458318
File: 239 KB, 1200x1200, C76Cdn-WkAAyi22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9458320
File: 264 KB, 900x1200, C84hDWXUMAAyeRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking itabags to hanami, new goal.

>> No.9458324
File: 169 KB, 1200x675, C85msafUQAAaaNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9458326
File: 309 KB, 1200x900, C-fPnReVwAAjXdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9458330
File: 109 KB, 600x800, CY0LHYbUAAEmmJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9458370

sis, i have fan merch bags. it's just gross when there's a variety of easily-obtainable official merch and the bag is filled with shitty i <3 badges and official art rips from a bootlegg-y etsy.

I understand being touchy because people can be elitist bitches about fanmerch but that's not the point I was making at all.

>> No.9458400

For those who are into FE:Fates

>> No.9458418

Nice selfpost.

>> No.9458421

this is perfect. I mean, the bag is pretty standard, but the cosplay completes it.

>> No.9458423

theres always people looking for FE merch so it's not a big deal

>> No.9458424

Damn, my hopes soared, but it's just the nobles (super freaking cute tho).

I wish tictail had a global search, I'm always afraid I'm missing out on Niles/Zero merch because I don't know it exists.

>> No.9458435

tictail does have a global search, you just go to the tictail website rather than individual stores.

>> No.9458437

I'm not the artist but okay.

Their search engine is not the best I find.

>> No.9458446

It exists, but it is nearly impossible to find anything using it. For example, the charms linked above don't come up in a search for "Fire Emblem" or "FE: Fates" because the name of the item is spelled "FE:Fates". They also don't come up in searches for the characters names like "Takumi" etc, because the character names aren't in the listing.

Tictail stores just aren't optimized for global searches.

>> No.9458448

Never thought I would see a World Trigger bag. 10/10 banging husbando

>> No.9458484

I think anon >>9458123 meant that those stupid "I love" buttons are the problem, not fanmerch in general.
We've beaten official vs fanmerch vs bootleg topic into the ground and the general vibes I've gotten is:
Official is preferred.
Fanmerch is fine.
Bootlegs are shit.

>> No.9458493 [DELETED] 

Thank you so much for posting this! I need more Xander/Marx merch for my bag.
>>9458418 I don't care if it is. The merch is so cute.

>> No.9458496

i thought there was a general acceptance for self posting merch anyway as long as you were reasonably certain people were looking for fanmerch of those characters? Like with the overwatch charms awhile ago.

>> No.9458505

A lot of artists don't tag or title helpfully in order to avoid having stuff taken down.

Makes me want to run a blog to comb through tags looking for merch posts...

>> No.9458507

Thank you for posting! The art is too adorable to pass up.

Hey, I've been needing more FE:F merch, so NBD. Epscially since it's popularity is dying down and it's getting harder to find new merch.

>> No.9458510

Would buttons made from official art be counted as bootlegs? Or is a bootleg strictly a knockoff of an official item, i.e. those YoI charms from a few threads ago that came out before the official ones?

>> No.9458512

i have weird feelings about official art being made into buttons in that I think it's okay as long as:
- the art isn't being used for official buttons
- you make the buttons yourself/get them through a custom button thing

I really don't like people encouraging those shitty sellers making money off ripping official images.

>> No.9458547
File: 840 KB, 3648x3648, TB2nzMMkHBmpuFjSZFAXXaQ0pXa_!!2678768354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurotsuki anon from the last thread! I bought this bag on Taobao to see if the quality is okay. My friend just bought one of the cat backpacks, so I can verify for you guys if either are decent if you were thinking about buying a base bag off of taobao.

>> No.9458561

I've been trying to get together a small World Trigger bag, but I love so many of the characters it's hard for me to pick one. For now, I just have them all pinned to a board on my wall

>> No.9458634

I have the wego full window backpack coming in the mail and I want to make a backing board for it. I already have the craft foam but I was wondering what were the precise dimensions to slide the foam in the bag?

>> No.9458655

Nice, a Ryoma that doesn't look like trash. Thanks anon.

I've had better luck just using google and searching "tictail [series/character name]"

Wego's made two so you'll need to be more specific.

I agree with this anon here

>> No.9458659

Fuck, meant to quote >>9458512 about >>9458510

>> No.9458683

I'd definitely be interested in hearing your review on the bag, and a link if you have it (if not, that's okay too).

>> No.9458717

>anon >>9457484 makes post trying to guide a newbie into making a proper itabag
>"lol no u can't do watever!!!1
Jesus christ, why the fuck are so many people in this hobby against having any sort of fucking standard? Have that many people forgotten that itabagging is about showing your dedication to something and enshrining it? Or do they seriously think one pin of a series among of a shitton of other things' merch actually shows your obsessive love of it? Setting a standard would just say "that's not an itabag" not "you can't fucking make anything like this ever" in regards to button bags. It wouldn't bring any negativity, but these folks seem to think saying that would be the /most godawful thing ever./ As much as I hate the stupid 4chan buzzword, the community is becoming a stinking hugbox.

Also I'm kinda sad this post got locked because I wanted to follow up on that anon's comment.

>> No.9458720
File: 8 KB, 228x228, 376fbd1a9a153b403fdfd919e589161c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this wego window bag

>> No.9458723

I feel like a lot of people tend to scream "Gate keeping!!!" whenever someone tries to lend a hand in anything nowadays. I personally don't appreciate the attitude/misunderstanding that anything can be an itabag when the reality of it is that a bag has to meet criteria for it to be considered such. It's similar to fashion in that you wouldn't call wearing bright colors and one black accessory as traditional goth or w/e. But people get really sensitive no matter how tender you are with trying to be helpful.

I haven't been checking the fb at all lately precisely because of this attitude that newcomers have whenever someone tries to help. It also isn't doing anyone any good to pat their asses for not even following the basic criteria of what is an itabag.

Even if your bag is ugly as sin but is dedicated to like Miku or some shit, it's still significantly more like to be considered an itabag than a con pin bag.

>> No.9458727

I would like to know about the size of a backing to slip in because since wego has discontinued them i am not sure if i want to take any chances of ruining the bag.

>> No.9458748

>Don't let anyone police your hobby!!!!
That annoyed the shit out of me too. I was going to rant, but you worded everything way better than me.

>itabagging is about showing your dedication to something and enshrining it
Exactly! If you're that obsessed, you'll spend hundreds of dollars on it!

It's also super annoying when people say "it's so expensive, let me buy a bootleg instead". That goes against the point of an expensive hobby... It's painful for your wallet and it's cringey as fuck.

>> No.9458769

Okay, thank you very much!

>> No.9458772
File: 279 KB, 800x1200, C35FPfDUoAAUaIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utapri ita shrine

>> No.9458774
File: 129 KB, 705x1024, C-T6gfhWAAA-zVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yowapeda itabag

Found a knockoff version on AE: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/MSMO-2017-Summer-Candy-Clear-Bow-Backpacks-Solid-Color-Cute-Girls-School-Bags-for-Girls-Transparent/1473174_32807562416.html

>> No.9458776
File: 243 KB, 1200x1174, C-qE2wJUAAI_WEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought this bag concept was good

>> No.9458781
File: 251 KB, 1026x1200, C9-pB8-UIAAXrBI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo 7th sisters Ayumu itabag

>> No.9458783
File: 294 KB, 1200x868, C98FgoGVoAAS2GZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri on ice victor itabag

>> No.9458786
File: 267 KB, 1200x880, C98FimPVwAAYOi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other side of that itabag (note: all the official merch is arriving by now, expect to see more this summer, especially since there's the US popup shop & a movie announced)

>> No.9458789
File: 157 KB, 1200x1072, C8eieOoV0AATC4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonball itabag

>> No.9458791
File: 262 KB, 1200x900, C8dlKPlUAAAjlYn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBZ Freiza itabag

>> No.9458794
File: 200 KB, 736x736, 22a5b6a966b33333a67d249eb0859cb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two should be friends

>> No.9458808
File: 242 KB, 1200x1200, C8XuTJsUMAAJMyO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugioh Bakura itabag

>> No.9458810
File: 246 KB, 900x1200, C7_-yDgVsAAN7ZX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka Mami x Charlotte itabag

>> No.9458817
File: 241 KB, 998x1200, C7rt4SVVUAI9x1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detective Conan/Case Closed itabag 1/3

>> No.9458818
File: 246 KB, 900x1200, C7rt4SVU8AAG5UG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9458820
File: 321 KB, 1200x900, C7rt4SmVYAE8BJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9458823
File: 177 KB, 1024x743, C7idFpPUwAAyrY5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dempagumi.inc itabag

>> No.9458826
File: 252 KB, 1200x900, C7Pc1IWVsAELk21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri on Ice Minami itabag

>> No.9458827
File: 147 KB, 960x719, C7CG-3FVwAED3XY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one in the twitter dump, Akagi itabag

>> No.9458835

>"dont let anyone police you"

Isn't this the same person that posted their own multi-fandom backpack a while back?

>> No.9458841

I really wish there was a way to combat this shitty attitude, but it seems like most of the FB is resistant to changing it so trying there seems moot.

Anon, that bag is from a taobao brand, that ain't a knockoff. You also don't have to label every dang bag you post, since most of these series are pretty recognizable.

>> No.9458845
File: 55 KB, 493x496, for fucks sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, I just realized I didn't include the cap I wanted to post.

I dunno, I'd have to dig through the group to check. Though I honestly wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.9458855

This is giving me Vietnam vet levels of flashbacks to when the "you don't need to wear lolita! You can be a lolita in your heart!" attitude was at its peak.

>> No.9458860

Sure, say I have a shitty attitude, I call it was it is, not properly keeping to the actual point of the hobby, a cringey dedication to a character with pain involved. That pain being the wallet and the look of it. It's as >>9458855 said. It can't be bird watching if you aren't looking at birds.

>that bag is from a taobao brand, that ain't a knockoff
Not that anon, but it IS a knock off of the taobao brand one. The lining is different, zipper pulls aren't the same etc. Also, what is your issue with them labeling everything? They're just letting people know because people do ask. You need to go back to FB.

>> No.9458882

>Sure, say I have a shitty attitude, I call it was it is, not properly keeping to the actual point of the hobby,
I'm confused. If you're this anon >>9457484 we're not disagreeing with you, or at least I'm not as one of the people who was in the previous reply.

>> No.9458883

Anon, I think you misunderstood, I was talking about the attitude of "anything can be an itabag!!1!" that those posts were talking about. I agree with what the actual posts are saying, and I'll admit I wasn't very clear on that.
I don't really have an issue with labeling, I just got the impression that the anon felt like they had to do it, and I wanted to say it wasn't required. Also, with the bag I'll own up to being mistaken, I see so much of the same stuff being sold on taobao and ali that I just assumed it was the case here.

How did that attitude die down? Did people actively speak against it, or did others just eventually realize it was stupid? We could learn something from this.

>> No.9458887

Here's another seller with a black version of that bag:

Never used AE but I'm tempted to pick this bag up.

>> No.9458889

I'm this anon >>9457484, but not >>9458860

I've been AFK the whole day. I'm actually kinda surprised the thread got heated although I am a little peeved that the police comment made my own comment seemed moot point.

>> No.9458893

Holy shit I'm an idiot, I am so sorry. I misunderstood and thought the initial post was saying I have a shitty attitude for saying something was NOT an itabag.

>> No.9458901

I have the AE version of this bag on the way if you want me to let you know what it's like in person when it gets here.

>> No.9458906

Oh, thanks, that would be great!

Thank you to the other anons who post reviews of their base bags, by the way.

>> No.9458910

It's ok anon, I really wasn't very clear in my post.

I'd personally like to know how easy the bow looks to remove if you could keep that in mind. Also, does anyone remember whether the original taobao bag had glitter in the window? Cause I'm really not a fan of it.

>> No.9458912

The original one has glitter on it. I have one on the way and I can do a mini review of it if anyone needs it.

>> No.9458962

cute! Where can I find this bag on taobao?

>> No.9458974

How do I make a vinyl cover tote for my existing tote base bag?

>> No.9458977

The original bag on Taobao was made by the lolita brand To Alice. https://tomybear.taobao.com/ I have two ordered, one in blue and one in mint.

>> No.9458988

Get some vinyl from your local fabric store, it's sometimes in the upholstery section. Measure your tote and add maybe and inch and a half to the dimensions and just make a pattern based on those and sew/heat-fuse the vinyl together.

If you're not very crafty, consider buying a clear bag to wear over the tote from amazon/ali/etc.

>> No.9459024

Thank you so much!!

>> No.9459041

>You also don't have to label every dang bag you post, since most of these series are pretty recognizable.
Anon, I was labelling so people can find stuff easily later like ctrl+f for on an archive search, but I'll cut down the labelling nbd

>> No.9459047

That was the idea I was getting too, easy archive search. Normally it's hard to tell if a bag is of something that interests you by looking through the thumbnails because they all kind of look the same at that size. I don't think it's a bad idea, not sure why it bothered that anon.

>> No.9459078

I like the labeling idea! Sometimes people ask for specific itabags of certain characters/series, so labeling can definitely be useful.

>> No.9459163
File: 87 KB, 800x774, C-z9V-sXsAEtxhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some official anime Jonathan straps coming out soon, no release date yet though.

Hope this helps a bit with your itabag, anon!

>> No.9459197

here's the link to my bag! https://world.taobao.com/item/547297669893.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.HPpuJq#detail

>> No.9459302

I ordered the pink version of this and I can't wait for it to arrive in my taobao order. But now I'm curious to how the knock off compares to the original.

>> No.9459490

When do you pay for reserved items on animate?
I clicked to pay with paypal months ago, yet they still haven't asked for payment, yet it says I've purchased it. Since the thing I preordered comes out this month, will I get an email with an invoice, or do I have to keep checking the site myself? Or do I have to manually send the money myself and if so, where?

>> No.9459499

You'll get an email with an invoice when your item comes out. You'll get a week to pay for your items (before they cancel the order for inactivity) and as soon as you pay they'll ship it out.

>> No.9459510

Haven't found any Jonathan merch in every con I went to recently.. But I'm going to check those stickers thank you !

Good luck to you and your friend anon !

Thanks for the advice, I decided to go with a light blue bag !

I DIDN'T KNOW I'M SO HAPPY THANK YOU ! Definitely going to buy them. Found a ray of hope again

>> No.9459520
File: 28 KB, 670x485, 11997489_166139140388500_267730255_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, you're a life saver. I was really stressing out.

>> No.9459535

That anon here, it was late at night and I was kinda grumpy, plus I hadn't thought of archive searching. I was being dumb and a bit autistic about it, so go ahead and keep doing it in the future!

Fuck, I need that tiny Speedwagon.

I shoulda been clear on this, I meant Pixiv BOOTH. It's a great place for japanese fanmerch. ジョナサン・ジョースター is his name in katakana, so you'll want to use that to search.

Anyway, we're a good bit over bump limit and on page 6, so I made a new thread >>9459525

>> No.9460360
File: 187 KB, 900x1200, C-cRrEbXUAM-h5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]