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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9448081 No.9448081 [Reply] [Original]

Let's hear stories about cosplay organizers, show organizers, or event organizers, that did things that made you almost literally scream.

>> No.9448090

two words: anime matsuri

>> No.9448096


>> No.9448102

>AX posted info for autograph session tickets 2016.

>> No.9448105

god fucking damn them

>year of tsunami
>Leighs set up donation points and persuade cosplayers to forfeit their masq winnings to charity
>money fucking disappears
>lawyerbro checks and their shitty "charity" was never even registered

>this year
>plastic ice skating rink
>dashcon 2.0 desu

cheap fucks

>> No.9448157


All i want to know if theres any videos on that gender science panel they had and other juicy shit

>> No.9448161

Last year JAFAX scheduled similar types of panels and photoshoots to happen at the same time. Like all the idol-related panels overlapped and the two photoshoot locations often had similar themed shoots happening simultaneously (think "Pokemon" and "Misc Video Game", for example).

>> No.9448213

>Anime USA
To this day I don't understand why people even go

>> No.9448459
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Working in Denmark and have done cosplay events for a while now when I get approached by Copenhagen Games to do cosplay for their gaming/esport event. They already have a pretty iffy rep for making events that run on time, and aren't only about the money. The volunteers however are all stand up people, and I see the event as a chance to bring cosplay to more people, and give cosplayers a chance to win some prizes and do some cool stuff.

I quote them costs:

> Cosplayers get in for free since they are entertainment more than enjoying a con
> Food and drink backstage
> Judges & Transport/hotel fees

They turn me down when they find out it isn't for free to host a show. Should have been a red flag.

A sponsor comes in that i have worked with at other events and they really know what the world of cosplay is thanks to one guy that works there that actually cares bout the scene. Offers to pay everything, and also make sure there is a photo wall, and and an awesome aftermovie made. Good prizes too. The sponsor man even briefs staffers at other events on how cosplayers are talent just like esport pro players and must be treated with respect. Really is an outstanding guy.

Invites me to a meeting to do all the things for games. We host it, huge success. Year after, we repeat it and it turns into a huge success. Our part of the work was all ready and done. We even had Enji Knight come in, and Issabel Cosplay and Arts from Poland and Hungary which was nice.

Second year repeat and do everything independently. Success!

Come this year, the sponsors pull out of the event since it is esport wise just a bad move, and things didn't mesh. Decides to replace our team by finding people on facebook.

Show gets totally smashed. 6 participants, green organizers that tried, but failed miserably. 3 years of making it happen, and because they have control issues everything just explodes. You can see the entire show here in ENG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j5GC-ETCFU

>> No.9448711

Thanks for the heads up. Just getting back into conventions in Denmark after taking a break for the last 9 years, Games was on the list of things to maybe check out but probably gonna stay away from that event in the future now.

>tfw there'll never be a 2nd dashcon

>> No.9448735

Anime Fan Fest. The fucking vendors were the last to know the con was cancelled. And three weeks before the con. WTF is that shit?

>> No.9449834
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Never Forget

>Be a first year con
>Book a ton of expensive guests
>Sign at one of the biggest venues in the city claiming you'll have over 3k in attendance
>Venue releases you from contract because it's clear you are full of shit
>2 weeks before con let everyone know you "lost" your venue. Blame the hotel. Promise you aren't cancelling
>A week from the con cancel the whole thing
>Never refund vendors or prereg attendees
>End up on the nightly news for fraud

>> No.9449866

Anything hosted in the Boston Commons. Just anything. Chances are it's the same group who will go out of their way to be as autistic as possible. Nothing says fun! Like 300+ people standing around for 4+ hours while DJ Lame blasts his crappy remixes of anime openings. But it's totally a picnic you know! Just pay us to not provide anything! /endsarcasm

>> No.9449882

The con that cancelled itself 2 days before it started....

2 days away. Fuck me and my hotel room.

>> No.9450017

And this is why I'm not nearly as into cosplay as I am into lolita

>> No.9450021

I think some organisers can be a bit too paranoid that some cishet white male is going to show up, rape all the women, and give all the glbts stress trauma.

On the other hand I think some organisers aren't prepared enough for people who are poorly informed about social norms.

>> No.9450022

Not surprised really. I understand we have a decent Lolita comm up here? I'm still bummed Salem fell through they hosted one of the better events had a grill and everything.

>> No.9450080

Fanime AA

From the sounds of it, they're trying to drop their approval ratings even lower and go for that 4-year shittiest AA streak

>> No.9450437

This has always bothered me more about the Leighs than any of John's creeping.

>> No.9450476

I formally want to thank CGL for being there for me during Dashcon. The live update threads kept me awake all night. It was a riot.

>> No.9451240

Wasn't there a Firefly con that cancelled on the Saturday?

>> No.9451278


New England is overall a complete fuckshow of incompetence, though...

>Cancelled two nights before
>Turned into another Boston Common picnic with "cosplay death match" in the gazebo

>> No.9451334

But it's always that one group, if I hear of an event it's usually them hosting. The reason no one tries anymore is because they go after them. Even Salem the event mentioned above was done in cause of them. The main host threw the other host under to be with their group. I just don't understand the pull they have, any talk I hear about them is generally how truly mean and nasty they are.

>> No.9451368

From IReland

>> Gamercon
Overbooked a venue. Made national and international news with the overcrowding and dissapointment
>> Otakucon
An utter, misereable shitshow that got CaD'd by Otakon
>> Chaos Con
Otakucon II. Just as shite. Run by the same fucktard.

>> No.9451381

I mean there's only so many variations of Otaku and Con you can make

>> No.9451736

Nihon Fest/Expo - An One Year Wonder that failed on all fronts, held together by a crowd of Idol cover groups and their fanbase which flocks to them like bees to honey and an adequate car show. Disaster on every front to the point that the expo volunteers threw their hands and gave up.

Vancouver is filled with a pit of dead cons save the for profit ones. Even Anime Evolution is on their last legs.

>> No.9453105

The OtakuCon/Chaos Con fucktard admitted having a venereal disease on ask.fm

>> No.9453140
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>be military family from the Midwest
>have to move to Idaho
>not nearly as many cons around as I was used to attending
>local con coming up this month. A little excited for the possibility of meeting some new people
>arrive at convention. Holy shit this is definitely the smallest convention I've ever been to
>Enter costume contest
>get costume judged, walk on went okay
>guy with the mic announces if you won't be attending the award ceremony Sunday to give them your address so they can send you your reward if you won
>thanks for participating and thanks to our audience
>costume contest abruptly ends after walk ons
It felt so weird. Like everyone was happy to see the costumes but it was all over so soon
>I still have no idea who the fuck won
Their Facebook page hadn't been updated with anything for about a month before the convention started and even nothing while the convention was happening.
I know people say the Midwest is more quality over quality but I'm really starting to miss it. Guess I need to start planning big trip conventions over local cons.

>> No.9454049
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I know this isn't a con per se, but oh my god this is Dashcon for the rich.


>> No.9454053
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>> No.9454097
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>> No.9454104

The costume contests here are a train wreck. One of the main judges is an SCA lolcow and she judges winners based on "historical accuracy" and pretty much ignores anything anime based that isn't historical. They don't care about technical skill or being true to character at all.

>> No.9454142

Ugh.... I like competing because I've met so many people doing it. I hate to hear that. I met very little people there that day.
I really get the vibe that the com here tends to favor armor builds and big costumes even if they aren't well made over the sewing stuff which makes me sad.
Hopefully I can just go to Sakura Con or something next year.

>> No.9454199

Ooh, you got me all interested in this.

From their website:
>We ask that guests currently on-island do not make their own arrangements to get to the airport as we are coordinating those plans. We are working to place everyone on complimentary charters back to Miami today; this process has commenced and the safety and comfort of our guests is our top priority.

Fuck that. I'd be making calling in chargebacks and making my own plans back. I hope no one is stupid enough to trust them twice.

>> No.9454210

thank you

>> No.9454213

It's small and horrible and insignificant to the point of barely being worth mentioning but I feel particularly obligated to say that Sausomecon is a mother fucking mess of a convention.

>> No.9454235


Yet year to year people keep going. The average pleeb doesn't give a shit about any of their faults. Boycotts aren't doing shit for them.

>> No.9454478

Random Battle Con. It was run by the ShutoCon people and they had the bright idea to run it Labor Day weekend in a college town with little to no advertising. Quinton Flynn and Steve Blum were guests at some point but they either pulled out or were never invited in the first place. The con drew not even five hundred people for the three days it ran and was a huge financial loss.

>> No.9454487

The con I run isn't mentioned in this thread or in previous threads calling out bad cons. I guess we're doing a good job.

>> No.9454857

>>name your con EpicCon
>>get known as epicfailcon

Bad name choice for a first time convention

>> No.9454861

I think we aren't doing enough to spread information about them. I'm a Lolita and I didn't know about >>9448105 until now, I only know about the things he did to lolita shops and the car thing with his friend. My friend thought people only wanted to boycott AM because of the sexual harassment stuff and that's just not enough to piss people off.

>> No.9455191
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It keeps getting better.

Apparently official news outlets like the New York Times are using the ballpit picture.

>> No.9455221

I liked the way you worded this. So basically you knew the origanizers didnt want to pay you. They didnt string you along and let you know upfront. Then someone looking for press comes in and pays you. After 2 years the independant sponsor decides that the overall event isnt good for their business. So back to square one. The organizers still dont want to pay you so they got people for free/exposure.
Its kinda hard to talk about the org when you want to make money as well. And did the audience like the performances or was it just for you guys. Sound like no one saw the added value.
Not trying to bash but examine why the sponser left and why the con still didnt see the value after two years. What was lacking. Or is it just a little con that cant afford cosplayers.

>> No.9455223

This is wonderful.

>> No.9455250

I still think dash was worse. Atleast fyre was a bunch of rich people. Its also in the bahamas so simply walk a few yards and get a restort room. Dashcon held those kids hostaged and made them give more money. If the fairy girl hadnt called them out no telling how many "just a little more" fundraisers they wouldve had. Did they ever get their panel money back?

>> No.9455308

Dash was more cringy for sure but I would rather be there than stranded on a beach on an island of another country 3 miles from any other hotels/resorts

>> No.9457129
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I worked for a convention for years and the shit I put up was unbelievable. We constantly found ourselves in shitty situations because the con head could not organize worth a damn. Con head spent most of the convention throwing tantrums, running terrible panels and complaining about how "hard" they were working. Half of the staff was flaky as hell because our con head just hired them on the spot sometimes. And yes, these people were full-on staff who got staff benefits (hotel comp, free badge, catering or food allowance), not just temp volunteers who worked for a couple of hours. Our con head half-assed the entire con and the rest of us had to pick up the slack.

Here are a few choice stories:

>Con head being nowhere to found most of the convention even in dire situations where we have had call local authorities. They usually were eating out or hanging out with friends.
>Con head throwing an actual temper tantrum and storming off after one of our upper staff members told them about an extra charge or something that we were going to incur?
>Staff members actually fainting and throwing up because of how overworked they were and the poor conditions at the convention. I got really sick after one year because the weekend took a toll on my body.
>Usually only like 10 staff members (for thousands of attendees) working at any given point because again that's what happens when you hire people on the spot.
>Cut costs constantly. Instead of getting more expensive badges (which we could have afforded), con head whipped out a home laminator and made staff laminate badges into the wee hours of the morning. Prizes for contests were usually recycled sponsor gifts.
>Con head bought badges and hotels to other conventions on the convention budget but never promoted at these conventions.

That's just the tip of the iceberg with this convention. I endured almost a decade of this hell.

>> No.9457130

Should also mention that a lot of people that brought up legitimate concerns were fired from the convention staff. The whole thing was a clusterfuck.

>> No.9457179

Jesus, For a second i thought you were talking about the con that i staff at.
Although I have some complaints
>the con organizers has some oligarchy of some sort. It is almost impossible to move up unless you are in good terms with them
>if one of them are extremely incompetent, and enough complaints are voiced, there will be no action
>Some high ranking staffs are good friends with con organizers so even if they are bad at their job, they will still keep their position
Every year, i hear some incidents of some sort. but i'd rather stay quiet on them and wait till the ride is over

>> No.9457364


>> No.9457449

You mean the Dutch con a few years ago?

>> No.9457468

everytime I scroll past this thread, I think its titled 'horrible orgasms'

>> No.9457754

Nerdageddon. My friend tried this itty bitty "con" as an artist for the first time. I have screenshots of all of the problems with the con and mostly the owner's delusions; Facebook style.

>> No.9458397

Sounds like Hoshicon :')

>> No.9458501

german one last year

>> No.9458531

I hope this turns into far cry 3.

>> No.9458903

I read that as "horrible orgasms" lol

>> No.9459141

>I have screenshots
>doesn't post them

>> No.9459378

Don't forget Otakucon/Khaoscon also tried to run Ireland Cosplay Con with that guy from england who ran an 'underagers only' group while in his mid twenties.

>> No.9459379

When I was 14 and went to my first otakon, I got recruited to help out with some panel I knew nothing about because the organizers were not organized.

>> No.9459393

Any Kopf con is boring and all of the guests are the same

>> No.9460314

>New England Cosplay Community

>> No.9460463


>> No.9463224

Whoever is running cosplay for Anime Central.

>> No.9465006

Been there a few times and can confirm, it's shit. Only reason to even go there to drink and hang out with people.

>> No.9465033


>I endured almost a decade of this hell

Until that sentence I legit thought you were talking about Newcon.

>> No.9465266
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This sounds a bit like Sugoicon.

I staffed for them one year and the con head just probably had more temper tantrums than a spoiled child at Disneyland.

It was a massive linecon because they decided to cut costs on the badges by having them non-laminated, and reg had to get everyone's name (not just pre-reg people) to print labels from a machine that'd probably existed long enough to see the Nixon presidency. They then stuck the label onto the badge, slipped the badge into one of those folded plastic things, stapled it, and handed it to the attendee.

I worked the first night and it was utter hell- so many people reasonably getting pissed off. I overstayed my time because I had the process down to a science and could churn out those badges like a South Asian street vendor, but one of the other staff insisted I go because I was "overworking". The girl who replaced me took like 20 seconds to assemble each badge because she had to get everything perfectly aligned. I wanted to throw her out the window and take back my throne, but unfortunately defenestration is considered assault.

At some point earlier on, the network died so people were freaking out because I guess just handing attendees a sharpie to write their own names was too primitive a concept for them. Attendees up in front were starting to get antsy. Noticing the power icon on the laptop I was using changed to a battery, I crawled under the table, turned the fucking power strip back on, and WW3 was averted.

>> No.9468315

Anyone have stories about Nekocon, or is decent enough?
I've only gone once and can remember a really long ass line to get in, and a huge amount of people on the second day, like artist alley was butt to butt

>> No.9469824

I really enjoyed my time at both Japan Expo USAs, but wow those organizers would not listen to advice.

>First year had some bumps, but it was the first year, so it's easier to forgive those
Bumps included:
>Panels in open areas so it was hard to hear panelists
>Confusing autograph system (though once you figured it out, it was fine)
>Some translators were brought from their French team (as this was an off-shoot of the very popular French convention) and didn't have the strongest grasp on English

People voiced their complaints and it seemed like the staff listened.

Second year:
They would give their biggest guests the French translators so lots of people would go to these panels and have to deal with this guy (it was mostly one guy) translating poorly into English. He might have known Japanese inside and out, but his English was pretty bad, so there were mistranslations everywhere. They had some panels in the same room they were giving judo(I think) demonstrations. Why would you do that?

Like I said, I still had tons of fun, but goddamn, listen to input please.

I kind of want a thread to complain about terrible know-it-all attendees and guests of honor now… Luckily, most of my staffing has been with pretty good superiors, but I have lots of stories about everyone else.

>> No.9469891

The UK has AnimeLeague conventions, and, well, someone probably knows the story better than I can recount.

>> No.9469913

Is this archived somewhere? I have to read it.

>> No.9470198

>I wanted to throw her out the window and take back my throne, but unfortunately defenestration is considered assault.

A jury of your peers would never have convicted you.