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9446752 No.9446752 [Reply] [Original]

its so funny cause they over price this shit so much

>> No.9446757
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>> No.9446761


>> No.9446765

>selling used 5 dollar skirt for 45 dollars

>> No.9447685

I bought a Misty Sky replica when I first started out; tried it on and decided I didn't like the fit. Would it be wrong to sell it for like 10$ plus shipping? I don't live anywhere near a comm so I can't just give it to someone new.

It's either that or I try and alter it into a skirt, but I haven't done any sewing in a long time.

>> No.9447814

I would make something out of the fabric, like pillowcases or little bags. Print replicas aren't allowed on LM anyhow, but I guess you could sell it cheap somewhere else.

>> No.9447817

Seconding the other anon, use the fabric and make yourself a cute tote bag or something.

>> No.9447835

I've seen Milanoo being sold on LM recently as well.

>> No.9447838

ebay it off but please state its a replica dead on in the title. some weeb will want it.

>> No.9447850

This. You'd be surprised at what sells on ebay.

>> No.9447877

The only replica I ever bought (design, not print) I saved and took to a con swap meet with me. Some weeb kid bought it for $25 and was simply thrilled. Granted, it was a nice replica, but I wanted to rid myself of it still.

>> No.9447905

What colour is it? Id be willing to take it off your hands depending on the colour

>> No.9447924

It's navy. I listed it on ebay with a starting bid of $5.00. If it doesn't sell in that time I'd be willing to just give it to you for the shipping cost if you're interested.

>> No.9448448

>tfw I'm doing this right now
I know it's bad ethics but I have a shitty old off-brand dress I spent $90 when i was 15, and if I can rope some 15 year old into spending $40 on it then God dammit I will.

>> No.9448458
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>new girl posts in swap meet group asking if it's okay to bring a replica to sell
>at least four people I've never even seen at a meetup respond with "yes honey that's fine ^__^"
>one girl even says that she might be able to sell it to another newbie, how nice!
Who are you people? Actually never mind, just leave.

>> No.9448531


I can sort of see the logic behind it, Kidsyoyo was one of the better taobao brands way back then, and priced themselves to reflect that, and this was actually a pretty good replica (egl had a decent side-by-side comparison review), Plus, they're inactive now, so if you're after this print, either you hunt forever for the original, or be saddled with a sad Milanope, or else there's this dress.

It's just. Like it's 2017, replicas aren't cool anymore, pastel sweet is so last decade. What rock has this girl been living under.

>> No.9448631

There is a replica Facebook page and depending on the quality of your replica, it may sell for 50~70 usd
I've seen it happening

>> No.9448639
File: 209 KB, 750x1110, IMG_4109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know there was a market for "rare" knockoffs.

>> No.9448676

Some young weeb will see "rare" and snap that shit up.

>> No.9448699

> rare replica

>> No.9448702

This. I was able to sell a shitty F+F AP replica on ebay for 45 bucks. No regrets, kek.

>> No.9448774

>tfw you desperately want to win bid to turn it into a cute af bag

>> No.9449930

>omg like, pastel sweet is sooo last decade
>caring about trends
Not even into super cutesy OTT but people that think that still wearing pastel sweet is "zomg sooo lame" are eyeroll inducing

>> No.9450598


Eh, I still wear it.

But I know better than to price a kidsyoyo pastel sweet replica at $150 like it's still 2010.