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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 165 KB, 821x196, momocon_logo_landing_page_0_1463404871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9432953 No.9432953 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna be my first time at Momocon this year. How is it like? Seems like it's trying to encompass all things geeky, instead of just anime nowadays.

Also, who's ready? Got your lineup made yet?

>> No.9433020

Not so much all things geekym the only western shit is western cartoons, and no general sci fi like Dragon or anything. I'd say content nowadays is more like 50% anime 25% gaming 10% western cartoon 10% comics 5% catchall. I've been going since the last year it was held at GaTech, makes me feel like an oldfag at 22.

>> No.9433705

Momocon is a circle jerk trying to be a bigger con then it really is. The owners bank on buying shitty equipment and volunteers doing work, then pay themselves to go to other cons and to promote Momocon. They are also in some deep shit with the state. They are hiding behind Dragoncon hoping its influence protects them from them failing their obligations.

Fuck this con.
-Former staff that got tired of being ripped off.

>> No.9434090

All cons work off of volunteers for staff???? Also what is the "issue with the state" they have?

>> No.9434132

Didn't get to go last year, but able to this year, so of course, none of the people I wanted to see last year will be there this year. I REALLY wanted to see TheRunawayGuys, them and one other youtuber are the only ones I like that I haven't gotten to see, but I don't think they'll be there this year. I don't think there are any guests I'm interested in this year. Oh well, i'll be in AA, so its not like I'll have much time to do much stuff anyways.

can't be worse than AWA.

>> No.9434649

Certain jobs are paid. Momocon would rather get some half cooked college kid to run their legal work then an actual lawyer. Run a lawsuit against them, watch how fast they settle to shut you up. Why do you think Luna Lanie, a known slut bag, got quiet real quick?
I left AWA for Momocon because I was offered better perks. None of those perks ever made it to me.

>> No.9434686

I had a great time when I went last year. The dealers room was a bit of a let down, but otherwise I had a good time hanging out and meeting people.

>> No.9435003

I think they are talking about the fact that the convention center they used is state owned. Usually with state owned convention centers, to be able to use them at a discounted cost, you have to bring a certain amount of commerce to the area. They likely did not reach that bar and have to pay the full price.

>> No.9435780


Any girls here get approached by EMCP for a shoot after they posted their lineup?

>> No.9435990

Yuuuuup. Magical girl cosplays are totally his "thing."

>> No.9436782

26-year-old lolita here.

I've gone about three times, once since it moved to the new venue. I found it to be really small, or look really small, once it moved, like it didn't really fit in its space. Just lots of emptiness. Also, the age of attendees tends to skew young, and there were a lot of non-anime panels and cosplayers, which doesn't really interest me. I much prefer AWA, both for the venue and the atmosphere, and I like the dealer's hall better. AWA has a big doujin booth each year, and from what I remember, Momocon doesn't sell anything adult-oriented.

>> No.9437014

Tbh i like the "emptiness" as someone who hayes how crowded AWA can get and thinks it should be in a similarly sized center. I agree with you on dealers room but also prefer being downtown to up in Cumberland.

>> No.9437527

There are plenty of trash cons to go to if you enjoy empty hallways. You don't have to go to the land of 50 dollar a night parking and homeless fucks on your ass when you walk out.

>> No.9437574

That's any city overnight parking yo. There's a reason Momo is mostly a locals con even though it's huge now.

>> No.9438087
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>Can't sell out their hotels no matter how hard they try.
>City parking, totes great
>Empty ass con

Even Otakon and AX parking prices are as bad as Momocon's

Stockholm syndrome is alive and well with the Momocon attendees I see, lol.

>> No.9438097
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>> No.9438100
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>> No.9438105
File: 61 KB, 800x450, momocon_2015_main_hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fine here, I'll throw you a bone. Here is a Momocon sanctioned photo for you. Specially taken at just the right time when everyone was being routed a certain away for a fire alarm to make it seem "crowded and full"

>> No.9438124

I went to momo last year for the first time and it was... disappointing. Seemed badly managed (had friends waiting hours and hours past their scheduled judging time for the contest, staff who couldn't explain where anything was located, etc), I couldn't find a single thing in the dealer's room that interested me, and it just seemed stagnant. I'm gonna try going one day this year, and not get a badge this time, just to take pictures and hang out. I haven't ghosted a con since I was a teenager but judging by last year, there was just nothing in the paid entry areas that mattered to me.
Any one have suggestions for places to take photos?

>> No.9438138

is AWA paying you to talk bad about momo or something?

>> No.9438657

Ill be going to Momocon this year with my gf and some freinds. IDK whats with the hate, I went in 2015 and it was a great show. The gaming area is huge, numerous DDR machines and rhythm game cabinets as well as some retro fare. The dealers area is on par with Megacon and other big shows and while not jam packed shoulder to shoulder like AX or Mega it was a very sizeable crowd. The quailty of the costumes was also quite high, which was nice.

All I can complain about was some of the panels seemed pretty shite. Namely the ones focused on identity politics in fandom etc. Plenty to do otherwise though so even that is a bit of a nitpick.

I picked up tickets for the Final Fantasy concert as well. Here's hoping they do some FFXI tunes since the composer is a guest.

>> No.9438854

>Implying AWA is even in the same genre of Momocon.

Why even bring up AWA?

>> No.9438861

oh hey!! I see almost no lolitas at Momo and it makes me sad ;_; glad to see there's at least one other

>> No.9438894

because it is in the same city and only 4 months apart?

>> No.9438913

Sound like someone has some irrelevant salt directed towards AWA instead.

>> No.9439464

My issue is everything at momo is so damn expensive. Also,mothers was that like, 2 yr period where they weren't an anime con anymore, but now they seem to be back to being an anime cin again maybe?
Like, rebrand if you want but what's this back and forth?

>> No.9440398

Awh fuck, salt anon has me worried now because I'm going to Momo for the first time this year. I usually only do AWA but I decided to make the trip to Momo because I'm a slut for Overwatch and they have a lot of the VAs.

My main cons are usually Katsucon and AWA, so am I going to be disappointed?

>> No.9440580

Nope, they are still general nerd con.
The VA's make rounds at all the cons. Only person that rivals them in cons they attend is Vic Mig. It's not like they have tons of work after the game was released, they record what? 2 lines for blizzard for an event and then troll the con circuits.

>> No.9440752

I generally ike Momo better for content, AWA for atmosphere. It's a toss up year to year which con I enjoy more. I wouldn't worry.

>> No.9441278

it's a trash media con run by trash people

the dude is a major piece of shit, runs his mouth nonstop to earn the approval of strangers

i feel bad for the girl, putting up with that shit

>> No.9441338

How about ya tell us how much you hate Stuckey. That's what this all sounds like.

>> No.9441432

She married him. The wads of cash they spend on themselves likely helps with her tolerating them.

>> No.9441649
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited. Since Momocon moved to the new venue I've always preferred it over AWA.

Huge space and it's not absurdly crowded so it's really comfortable to get around.

Well connected to CNN Center for lots of food options

And maybe it's me, but it has the best guests (for my tastes). Dragoncon has the big hitters obviously, but I can never get into those panels because dem lines.

Last year Momocon had big (for me) youtubers like TotalBiscuit, ProJared, Nostalgia Critic, who all had great panels, and Little Kuriboh (not as good anymore but I left early 10 mins in because his wife was grating).

I know TotalBiscuit and the whole cooptional crew is coming this year, which is what I'm looking forward to the most, I'm not sure about the rest though, I know Nostalgia Critic isn't coming this year.

Judging from this thread I guess it's controversial?

I guess maybe because I don't really drink or party so the con shutting down at ~1AM and being more family friendly never bothered me.

>> No.9441683


obvious shill is obvious

Glowing praise, tempered by extremely mild criticism to seem genuine

>> No.9441755
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Argue shill if you want because I used to volunteer with them, but I really do like this con a lot, especially the congress center space. I have some shoots in Centennial lined up which should be fun. Not gonna do the aquarium this year but it was cool last year with a group and I would recommend it to someone who isn't local. I'd recommend against costume contest because it took up like half my Saturday last year.

Enjoy this shitty collage of current lineup plans.

>> No.9441776

At least they were fast to admit they were an official Momocon shill. lol

>> No.9441780

...you realize admitting a potential bias to be taken into account before stating views isn't shilling, right?

>> No.9441784

I may be a nazi, just saying, but you should totally support trump.

and attend momocon

It is the best evar

Making anime great again

>> No.9441799

Oops, I guess I gave you more credit then you deserve.

Shill trying to pretend they are not a shill by hiding behind a technicality.

>> No.9441854
File: 868 KB, 2452x2244, IMG_3036 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a shill, I just feel like momocon is a really good addition to ATL con line up, it's very different from Dragoncon and AWA. I feel like they actually try with paneling, gaming, etc..

Dragoncon is very old school, the paneling is very set year after year and new stuff even if it's way bigger often gets relegated to tiny rooms. AWA paneling has been very stale for a while now imo. I'm not sure why they gave one of the few interesting panels (TeamFourStar) a tiny room compared to last year, pretty salty about that considering they filled the room last year and it was wayyy too full this year.

>> No.9441862

Disagree about the AWA panelling (generally like it better than Momos, then again I mostly hang around the VAT) vut agree that all three cons fill very different niches and have different feels. I like all equally and attend all; Atlanta is a good place to be a nerd.

Post more lineups (did mine already)

>> No.9441972

>bitches about teamfourstars wife and left early
>proceeds to bitch about room size.

Shill can't even get their story straight.

>> No.9441988

I've never even heard of this con but not everyone who likes something you don't is a shill calm the fuck down bruh

You realize that you're making them look way better here

>> No.9442009

Are you autistic? Stop. You have hit the point of samefag now.

>> No.9442049


Do you always argue with yourself and call yourself a shill on 4chan?

I don't know if you are trying to act like the big bad AWA attendees are being mean to you or you are just a special kind if retard looking for attention.

>> No.9443372

I generally prefer Momo to AWA, too. AWA focuses almost exclusively on anime, while Momo has a good mix of anime, video games, and other media. I've actually enjoyed the con more since they've moved locations (not being crammed in like sardines is a plus), and I've been attending since 2012. Their gaming room is awesome, especially all the arcade and rhythm games. They've got some good guests this year, what with all the Overwatch and Yuri on Ice voice actors.

>> No.9443995

Anyone going, make sure to go to Cosplay Safety Tips 101 panel for a good laugh. The host is going to tell everyone that sports tape is unsafe for chest binding and to use duct tape and gorilla tape instead.

>> No.9444046
File: 162 KB, 1920x1079, 17917512_10155151921323764_2325537114824223501_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yessssssssss TheRunawayGuys are confirmed to be at momo-con again this year! They are the only American youtubers that I enjoy that I haven't gotten to meet yet.

apparently they have a really fun interactive panel too.

>> No.9444350

Was the panel approved as ironic content or are you just a dick

>> No.9444355

No Nostalgia Critic this year is upsetting.
Anyone going to the orchestra concert/gone to it in the past?

>> No.9444617
File: 406 KB, 766x430, a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was straight up approved and an East Coast lolcow is running it.

>> No.9445636

Prime example Momocon panel content right here.

>> No.9445797
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>> No.9446431
File: 280 KB, 1181x885, parking questin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone confirm that if I park in bottom there is a pathway straight through towards the convention center?

I live in the metro area, but I'm not familiar with parking in this lot, usually I just look for a spot on the day of, but I'm trying to be more proactive this time and reserve parking so I don't need to waste time frantically searching when it's super busy.

>> No.9446746
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Speaking of..there was this one panel last year that I tried to go to with my group. I think it was girls in anime/gaming? I heard it was canceled due to shit flinging lmao.

>> No.9446891

That dumb cunt has to have a bunch of scars all over her tits.

>> No.9446896

>implying its not going to be full already and you are going to be frantically searching anyway.

>> No.9446900

Ben, go whore yourself somewhere else. You were talking mad shit about Momocon last year.

>> No.9446907

already reserved a 4 day parking pass for this lot for $20.

I'm not worrying about finding parking this year, was really annoyed by it last year.

>> No.9447528
File: 94 KB, 636x813, 2017 - Artist Alley Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the list of artists if you guys are interested. https://shows.map-dynamics.com/momocon2017artists

Anyone else here going to be in AA? This is my first year at momo.

>> No.9447579

Me! This will be my third MomoCon and will mark two full years of artist alleying for me. I'll be at table 88! :D

>> No.9447661

cool! Do you have any advice? This con looks huge, worried i'm going to get lost x.x I'm table 126 btw.

>> No.9447697

I think your confused. I didn't go to Momocon last year, I went the year before. Your probably thinking of something I said about Megacon, which even then just boils down to its expensive for what you get and its super crowded.

Cant imagine I would have much bad to say about Momo since I walked away with a Chogokin GaoGaiGar, Sega Saturn Twin Sticks for Virtual-On and a trophy from Volpin that weekend.

>> No.9447857

Just focus on engaging the attendees. The per-attendee spending is really good at momo.

Thursday and Friday are really slow days and a lot of people skip those days which annoys of us who show up -.- but may be something you can consider if you have to take off work.

Last year we were in the worst absolute shit place (the entire artist alley) But everyone who did see my table bought something. They apparently screwed over the artist alley head at the last minute and moved the whole alley.

The staff are nice and allowed some artists to move to empty spots that were in a slightly better position throughout the con.

As an aside, it should be a juried con, but isn't for some reason. So you'll also see a few artists who /really/ shouldn't be there doing really poorly and looking sad. Really don't know why they don't jury it.

>> No.9448072

I didn't say you went.

>> No.9448076

Is that what the AA head told you?

No, they bitched and whined till they got that area and then when they realized they fucked up, it was too late to move and they just had to deal.

Also, you don't jury a artist alley when it can't even sell all its tables with open reg.

>> No.9448089
File: 24 KB, 480x360, adventuretime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you think YOUR last Momocon was shitty?

My car got stolen, and they never found it.

Other than that, good con.

>> No.9448091

An AA staff told me that, but I didn't talk to the AA head. I'm inclined to believe it because of how the table numbering changed twice last minute -.- I'm still salty about that placement.

But, point is despite being no-man's land at an end booth that saw little traffic, I still did well.

They should raise the price and then jury it. I'll happily pay $75 more if I don't have to sit there refreshing my internet for 90 minutes because sometimes the app goes live early -.-

>> No.9448092

Oh, also Momocon's artist alley sells out for print artists in 1 minute, and for everyone else in 8....

>> No.9448104

Well your still wrong. Heres a post from almost exactly a year ago of me praising the show.


>> No.9448463

I literally only go to sit in the arcade and play games.

>> No.9448538

I'm just annoyed by all the rave kids honestly.

>> No.9448775

pro-tip: it never sells out. they just pretend it does. Those empty tables are not no shows.

>> No.9449571

Remember last year, when the flood of Mexican soccer fans showed up? That was a blast.

>> No.9449845

...You realize how little sense that would make, right?

>> No.9450360


Is there anything like that going on last year? I didn't really have an issue, but they were just a bit too rowdy..

>> No.9450420

Some local high school graduations on Thursday and Friday most likely, and hilariously the USA Wrestling Southeast Regional Championships on Saturday and Sunday (kid and junior divisions.)

Source: Little bro is competing while I go to the con

>> No.9450629

Fuck this con. It brings the shitty Georgia cosplayers and their stupid drama.

>> No.9450813

You underestimate the power of hype.

Why would you ever admit your show can't sell out when you can lie and pretend it does so you look better?

>> No.9450849

literally no one but other artists would care or even notice if AA sold out of not. I even know people who were put on the wait list this year. I was even put on the wait list last year!

>> No.9450917

There was literally a thread in one of the facebook art groups of a 100+ of us where we were posting when the app went up, who got in, and who got waitlisted. 3 of my artist friends got off the waitlist this week.

Why are you even arguing about this??

>> No.9450918

How was your experience with the cosplay contest? I remember seeing you onstage there, and I was considering participating this year.

>> No.9450945

>Also, you don't jury a artist alley when it can't even sell all its tables with open reg.
They probably get 500+ applications and too lazy to jury it. medium size cons get 300+ applications, so who knows how many a huge con like this get.

>> No.9451227

There was a graduation last year too I think. Bunch of african American families? It ended up being a huge crowd of graduates right in the middle of the con. My friends got through fine but I kept getting asked "IS THIS LIKE...HALLOWEEN???"

>> No.9451590

Went well. The overall quality of the costumes entering seemed high. The judges knew their stuff and the contest itself was streamed on Momocons twitch channel as well.

>> No.9451607

I did it last year too. The contest walk/ceremony itself was run really well imo, but they run really behind schedule on the judging slots. Sign up for a slot that's as early as possible if you wanna do it.

>> No.9451734

Ive gone the past 4 years, I like it. I dont really go to many of the panels since none of them are too interesting, mostly just walk around in cosplay, get shit signed, and hang out with some of the dealers I know. Probably not gonna go this year though, I wanted to see some 2B and OW cosplays but I'll wait till AWA or D*Con since I can get in for free.

Had 2 good meetups from here too tho if youre into that.

>> No.9451739

Yeah, had plenty of those people stop and ask for pictures. They were super nice about it, expected alot of hate for ruining their graduation, the little kids loved it.

>> No.9453181

You mean that fake waitlist? Yeah, there has been over half the tables not actually sold.

It's like a club that is shit. Make a line outside and dumbasses thinking the club is hot will line up trying to get in to an empty club.

Again, no reason to jury when you can't even sell out of tables. You just let every loser in that thinks their stick figure yaoi drawings is worth paying for.

>> No.9453200

dude, give it a rest. literally no one cares about your vendetta against momocon.

>> No.9453397
File: 67 KB, 225x204, devito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um.... Can anybody help me find a gf at this con?

I got my badge today.

>> No.9453418

Why would I have a vendetta, I just work at it and tell ya'll the facts. If I have a vendetta, its against you sparkle children thinking you are like some special exclusive elite attendees getting into some exclusive rich bitch club.

>> No.9453637

what do you mean by fake waitlist?

>> No.9453712

There's no fake waitlist, only this bizarre con vendetta-chan. Would recommend reading from top of thread.


>> No.9453938

Where's the shit talk about Stuckey? Past Momocon threads usually devolved into that. Have people gotten past blaming him for their vendettas?

>> No.9454126
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to give up bro. And just not worry about it anymore.

You'll enjoy the con a lot more that way and won't feel bad about it when it ends either.

Well that works for me at least..

>> No.9454541
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This. I gave up on getting a girlfriend years ago. They're just like your friends, except you can gattai with them and they make female noises. Focus your energy into vidya and and animu and read all the mangos.

Most other congoers, at least those with vaginas, are there to have fun and not worry about relationship drama, senpai.

>> No.9454802

>Implying there is only one person.
Lol, oh you.
We don't want to give him attention. The more attention you give him, the more of a chance his autism will appear. I fear he was already summoned though, so we are hoping he just fades away and goes back to muttering in a corner.

>> No.9455559

Momo is going to be my first con. Going with about 10 friends (so like half the attendees I assume) for all 4 days. Traveling from Arizona to meet everyone. Even if the con is lousy I think I'll have fun.

>> No.9455834

Don't eat in the con, walk across the street and theres like a mall foodcourt there btw

>> No.9455903

Don't go to the panels if they even hint at being SJW. It's usually just some "woke" dumbass with a white boyfriend.

>> No.9456329
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This this this unless it's for laughs

>> No.9456538
File: 248 KB, 500x648, downrightoffensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or some doughy white chick with a mohawk reading blogposts.

>> No.9456580

I would totally go to that panel for the laughs. I hope it was a joke panel and not real.

>> No.9457818

It was real. This is literally 80 percent of momocons panel content because its "family-friendly" and "can't be offensive"

>> No.9459128

saw some panels similar to this at last years Dragoncon. fucking hell, getting tired of the PC bullshit brought into cons.

>> No.9461609

Went into the contest both last year and the year before, got best group in 2015.

Last year the judging was disappointing, even in the earlier time slot they were running behind. So understandably we were rushed through, the judges seemed to like my stuff even if I didn't win anything and the best in show winner was bullshit (salty for friends who participated who did miles above the rinkinkuma mascots) Yes it sucks to wake up super early but definitely go sooner rather than later as >>9451607 said.

The judges do change every year, so keep an eye out for cosplay celebs to see who might be judging. From what I remember they didn't announce anything ahead of time.

As for the con itself, I remember feeling banal about the con last year as we left (probably to do with the omni parking shit show), but I really don't feel up to going to Mega even if it is closer. At this point for me and the bf, cons are about the people you go with- you just hope there is some paneling that's worth your time.

In addition, they're bringing more of the Japanese arcade games this year, which was my favorite part of last year, so I'm super hyped for that reason alone.

>> No.9461723

You mean the Tokyo Attack guys that got funded by the money BGZ stole from the kickstarter?

>> No.9462519

>Huge space and it's not absurdly crowded so it's really comfortable to get around.

This is what I like about the venue. I'm older now and do not like trying to walk through a mass of people for 20 mins just trying to get to a panel at the end of a hallway.

That shit is not fun anymore.

>> No.9462662

So why do you not go to any other failing cons?

>> No.9462778


Cause those failing ones have tiny ass dealers rooms and nothing but hotel food nearby.

Momocon is just about the size I like and I get to actually walk around cause there is some room. There is a huge food court just outside not to mention food trucks. The aisles get clogged for like a couple hours a day cause people will stop in the middle. But it's not the crush of folks that I hate where I can't move.

>> No.9463435

I have mad dislike for the riliakuma guy.
1-pretty sure I saw him PSYING about hiw his suit finally came in the mail, but then that post got deleted and suddenly he made it (if it wasn't him, it was someone with an exact copy of his suit, plus he was trying to get someone to wear the light colored one a few weeks/days before the con)
2- he was walking around trying to get hugs from girls,mwhcih, whatever. Except, he stood behind me when people where trying to take pics of me and would not leave until I hugged him and then he tried to pick me up which caused me to start screaming at him bc I don't fucking know him,muck off. And he never said a word and finally walked off after I was obviously pissed.

>> No.9463444
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Georgia Tech to hotels to convention center

What did he mean by this

>> No.9463583

I don't get why people love to suck on AWA's teat all the time in this thread. AWA hasn't stepped up their game or changed anything in the 8+ years I've been attending it. It's fucking boring now. At least Momo has new shit every year.

>> No.9464042

No one is talking about AWA? Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.9464592

I'm about fifteen miles out from the Venue, and I'm looking to meet fellow people around the area - This is my first con, too. I crashed Dragoncon back in 2014, but didn't pay for anything.

4/20 friendly, too, so if you guys want to smoke, I can roll one up.

>> No.9464891

You sound rapey.

>> No.9464902

What's BGZ?

>> No.9465301
File: 1008 KB, 480x270, akusoangry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's the same Rikkimara guy that hugged me, that man smelled like poops.

>> No.9465549

God I hate that guy. I hope he doesn't show up this year

>> No.9466868

I may try to attend MomoCon next year. What is it do you like most about the con the years you attended?

>> No.9466998
File: 29 KB, 500x323, tumblr_ooc7m9YFOq1r3by1to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have got to get my shit together and finish my cosplay for Momocon, but I'm so fucking depressed right now. I need someone to kick my ass into gear or something. I know if I don't finish, I'll be super disappointed at the con, but not even that is motivating me right now.

>> No.9468324

If you find inspiration, let me know.

>> No.9469647

Are they still doing the all-genders bathroom this year?

Last year some guy stole a poop from the girls.

>> No.9470770


i don't remember this last year

>> No.9470842

At least one of them is gender neutral

>> No.9472985

I'm hella excited for momo this year

>> No.9473296


>> No.9474250


What are you looking forward to?

>> No.9474303

Stealing poop from the women's bathroom.

>> No.9475069

Not that anon, but cosplaying and meeting new people. Light shopping maybe. Y'know, typical con shit.

>> No.9475091

Also not that anokn, but I have an Utena cosplay group planned that I've been wanting to get together for years and I'm so fucking pumped. Also youtuber concert.

>> No.9475162

youtuber concert? do elaborate

>> No.9475591

Wanted to go this year for the first time but my job pulled me into Megacon to run a table.

What am I missing? I go to AWA every year and wanted to see if Momo was like a second AWA opportunity each year.

>> No.9475666

I'm SO pumped for this! All my arrangements are taken care of. Not gonna cosplay, because I don't wanna risk shit falling apart on the plane ride up.

Playing at the Omni Lounge at 4 PM on Friday. If you want to mosh, there's the place to be.

Defintely want to hit up the Overwatch and Magic The Gathering events.

>> No.9476067

You missed a Lego room.

Lets just changed the name from Momocon to Autismcon

>> No.9476539

I'm going, I just kind of wish they werent blowing so many of their guest spots on overwatch... I don't really care about that game so its a huge chunk of stuff that's not for me. Oh well, still lots of other people I'd like to see, just not as many as last year

>> No.9477226
File: 268 KB, 1430x1218, IMG_20170513_142819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Watch out for this creep photog.

>> No.9478404

I wanted to go to a babycon this weekend and half the guys in the Overwatch room farted.

I can't fucking wait for Momo. So sick of this bullshit.

>> No.9479314

>Online negative behaviors actually erode our integrity and keep us from getting ahead in life. Come learn to constructively criticize!

Why is this a panel

>Test your meme knowledge at this interactive panel and take your shot at some dank meme prizes!

even more why

>> No.9479388

What day is this on

>> No.9479809

I see this shit at every con now.

Fucking hate that every culture is being filled with insufferable cunts trying to push this shit.

>> No.9480976
File: 103 KB, 832x468, Ophelia_f41fa8_6029394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited for Momo but I am going to be so broke all weekend. Dealers Room doesn't usually get me, but AA tho...

>> No.9482217

Im going m/29, yeah it used to have a anime vibe but now its more gaming based

>> No.9482222

this will be my second year vouluntering tho but so far i like it

>> No.9482227

yeah awa had a yard sale type thing going which was fun because they would slash prices at the end of the night

>> No.9482233

i kinda want to fuck his wife and her mom

>> No.9482452


Yeah, I noticed on their twitter there's a lot of focus on the gaming room. Kinda excited considering how sparse AZ's game room was the last couple of times I went to it.

I hope it won't be as crowded as AZ, walking through the dealer's room was such a hassle.

>> No.9482467

Nice name, Forget to clear your auto complete there, Stuckey?

>> No.9482469

CNN center has a big food court

>> No.9482519


> Why do you think Luna Lanie, a known slut bag, got quiet real quick?

because she wasn't getting anywhere?

cons are private organizations and can kick you out for whatever reason.

>> No.9482550
File: 102 KB, 873x808, 1401329374315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9484193

Because she got paid to shut the fuck up. She was going somewhere. News outlets were eating the story up.

>> No.9484202

News outlets? You mean shitty blogs that have nothing real to post about?

You think she has more legal clout than a fucking organization that has to have serious legal consultation to set this whole thing up?

>> No.9484246

Anyone down for a cgl meetup Friday night?

>> No.9484313

Those same shitty "blogs" ruin other people's lives just because some cunt said someone raped her on the rave floor while everyone screamed white power, without actual evidence. Momocon had enough reason to be scared and shut her up quick.

>> No.9484615

I'll try. I'll be in artist alley and I'll be with a friend, so idk if I can make it to a meet up but I really want to.

>> No.9484688

Is it in a bad area? My mom is scared that I'll get raped.

>> No.9484720


Why would men be pooping in the girl's restroom though?

We all know girls don't poop, Anon.

>> No.9484742
File: 245 KB, 1024x1216, 8d40f0_5950023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried closet cosplays and don't have the energy to put forward into an actually decent looking cosplay without six months preparation, so I'm just going to do an ironic cosplay.

I want to go as an "Otaku", like pic related, but how do I make it stand out more as a cosplay than someone mistakening me for an actually greasy dweeb (moreso than I already am)? So far, I've the following:

>Seifuku-print T-shirt
>A generic waifu bodypillow strapped to my side with a belt
>A large, empty bookbag stuffed with fake poster-rolls sticking out the top
>A wig-hat with stragly, greasy-looking hair
>Swirly "Otaku/Blind" glassses

Should I wear shorts or jeans? If the former, should I wear knee-high socks? Should I stuff my shirt to make me look fatter or no? Should I wear reflective silver shoes or knicked up velcros or flipflops with socks? Anything else I should add?

>> No.9484755

Flipflops with socks. That's definitely ironic territory rather than the average neckbeard.

You could also go the Japanese otaku route and get a headband/flannel.


>> No.9484890
File: 46 KB, 540x377, tumblr_inline_oq6gxfYgDX1scqj0y_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is so goddamn salty.

>> No.9485008

Depends where you're walking from.

It's in a decent area, right next to CNN center, there are plenty of close by parking lots around that charge a bit more, but are easily accessible without walking into weirder areas.

>> No.9485064

Local here. The con area is tourist central and hella safe, if you plan on exploring the city alone at night for some reason though you'll be fine as long as there are moving cars in sight. Theres a sketchy warehpuse district about a mile down between the con at Georgia Tech but no reason for you to be there.

>> No.9485237
File: 1.22 MB, 1650x963, m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlet Chung is gonna be there. Ya nig is about to get a fuckhueg mousepad with this design signed.

>> No.9485292

Friday is cool with me

>> No.9485427

Friday is fine. Is MomoCon one of the bigger cons for the GA scenes? Only been to AWA and it seems like one or the other.

>> No.9485474

They are not as big as they pretend they are. Don't go in to hyped up and you will be fine.

>> No.9485506

It's basically the same size as AWA. Almost everyone I know goes to both since the vibes are really different.

>> No.9485566

My friend is a fatty-chan doing a naked cosplay, please be nice to her.

>> No.9485570




There's a very small, freakishly vocal minority that absolutely hate Momocon and will tell you how shit it is because someone must have pissed in their cereal.

Momocon's not as big as AWA, but it's basically on equal footing in regards to what it tries to offer. The main difference is that Momocon tries to sell itself as an everything-con, from vidya to anime to scifi and beyond, so it becomes a bit watered down. Less people pose in the dealers room, but I think more people pose in its artist alley.

The main difference is that Momocon was originally (not sure if currently) run by students from GA Tech, as it was a tiny, tiny thing back when on GA campus and swelled into its gargantuan form now (price creep included). If you like a mixed bag and a more "family oriented" con, you'll love it. If you want anime and JUST anime, AWA has you covered.

Personally, I say why not both?

>> No.9485700

You forgot to mention an abundance of SJW panels.

Don't try to minimalize us faggot.

Don't forget to inform them about the planed Antifa protest outside the building.

>> No.9485708



>> No.9485845

>abundance of SJW panels.
?? What are they? I looked at the schedule and only saw one, maybe two.

>> No.9485894


>Don't forget to inform them about the planed Antifa protest outside the building.

lol what? Really, I look forward to messing with those people

>You forgot to mention an abundance of SJW panels.

Every fucking convention has shitty SJW panels, it comes with the territory

>> No.9486332

Look again. There are 13 SJW panels. They disguise it by giving it some stupid name. Read the descriptions.

>> No.9486333

Do you like getting a u-lock on the head? Mess with Antifa and see what happens.

>> No.9486339

Ooh we got a tuff guy here

>> No.9486376

so what are they?

>> No.9486458

oh shit nigger im in the back of that photo :o

>> No.9486680
File: 20 KB, 171x282, IMG_5253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else gonna be cosplaying marvel stuff.... any marvel meetups anyone knows about?

I'm cosplaying Star Lord on Friday and Homecoming Spidey on Saturday and don't want to be the only movie/comic cosplayer in a sea of animu

>> No.9486687

see my pic

don't worry, you'll find something from everything here

>> No.9486690

Which ones your pic senpai?

>> No.9486697
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.9486706



I'ma make sure to shake your hand if I bump into ya, pal. Gonna' be "a huge otaku". Starlord is A-tier taste.


>That Psycho in the background


>> No.9486761
File: 1.30 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep a lookout man, I love meeting people from /cgl/

>> No.9486851


>> No.9487503


>> No.9488073

Used to katsu dragon scene. Anyone know if this has a good room party scene or is it too family oriented

>> No.9488110

Nah we need another stalker story

>> No.9488243

If you enjoy a bunch of cucks paying too much for a hotel room and sausaging it up, we can call that a momocon-caliber party for you.

>> No.9488266

The Omni party scene is pretty good, but you won't find anything at the other nearby hotels.

>> No.9488312

I'm really fucking pissed they tried to hide the artist alley of in a corner. Apparently whoever is in charge of the room thinks the artist alley is a waste of space. That's not what your attendees think, asshat, and some of us do this for a living -.-

>> No.9488405

can't be worse than AWA

please, please don't be worse than AWA.

>> No.9489149

I fucking warned you. But did anyone listen? NOOOOOOOOO.

Just because your shit undertale futa fanfics didn't sell does not mean an artist alley sucks.

>> No.9489231

>Just because your shit undertale futa fanfics didn't sell does not mean an artist alley sucks.
Anon, I made more revenue at a one day convention than I did at AWA. AWA is complete garbage when it comes to artist alley sales.

>> No.9489268

Wow, that's exactly where my high school graduation was.

>> No.9489316 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well they'll probably have a graduation on the same day like they did last year lol

>> No.9489318
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck wrong image, i need to delete..

>> No.9489324
File: 498 KB, 2048x1536, 18588796_461283484211537_7667592026851282344_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna win some MEME PRIZES, guys?

>> No.9489422

You say that as if no one in the vicinity knows how to fight, or at least carry some sort of self defense in the mist of Atlanta, moreso than greasy hardcore sjws would have.

We all know the guy who got rekt by the ULock got cheap shot.

>> No.9489745

I did well at AWA AA and I'll tell you it sucks. Honestly though 2015 AWA was a nightmare, 2016 AWA was less shit than 2016 Momocon

>> No.9489869

>2016 AWA was less shit than 2016 Momocon
really? Every single person I have talked to have said the exact opposite, that momo is MUCH better than AWA.

>> No.9490195

Where are we meeting up Friday

>> No.9490272

in the dark area of the parking lot at 10pm.

>> No.9490279

Let's go ahead and say by registration at 8pm on friday.

>> No.9490336

Should someone just get a picket sign that says /cgl/ on it?

I highly doubt we will be the only centralized group to meet.

>> No.9490586

I can dig it

>> No.9490616

I mean if you go by their hype of the convention center, yeah. But they are about to get the state of Georgia on their asses if they don't actually start performing in projected sales. They can only lie so many times before the state noticed that they are not having the economical impact they promised.
>implying any of you fucking weebs know how to fight after getting clocked on the head by a sneak shot.

Yeah, more youtube fodder to laugh at the dumbass stumbling around trying to act tough.

>> No.9490622

Congratulations, you were 1 out of 6 artists! Of course you did better because there was nothing else to buy!

Even more proof that your shit is garbage.

>> No.9490646

Momocon is a big... nothing. Guests are shit. Not a single Japanese guest. Stupid, banal panels run by amateurs. It's not even an anime con anymore. I guess it's trying to be like a small family-friendly version of Dragoncon, and why go to this when Dragoncon is in a few months?
I live less than an hour away but I can't think of a single reason to go to Momocon this weekend.

>> No.9490658
File: 134 KB, 800x936, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you go by their hype of the convention center

I'm going by what dozens of artists have told me. Every single one has told me the same, besides you.

AWA is literally rated THE worst convention for AA according to the annual AA survey. I'm really unsure what to say when you don't think its a bad sign for an AA when I make more at a small one day event.

>> No.9490735

Dude, Antifa isn't the fucking spawn of Satan. I'm sure at least a handful of capable people exist among the couple thousand that will be there. Hell, a friend of mine is a US marine. Vs a bunch of self righteous left extremists, I think we'll be fine.

>> No.9490744

Oh you got the data from the "group of butthurt fucks that are not allowed to sell exculsively fanart"

Yeah, I'm in the group and watch the pettiness of you lack of talent fuckers whine, complain and blame everyone else for your lack of skill.

I made 50k that year, got my badge in 6 minutes and the only issue I had were disrespectful shitbag neighbors pushing their shit and garbage over into my table space while I was able to keep my merch neatly under my table, not sprawled all over the fucking work area.

But you will never see my comments I made on that little mspaint survey because it does not serve your agenda.

I also paid for electricity and I caught you fuckers trying to steal it when I came down one morning thinking I wouldn't notice the bright orange extension cord going under the table.

>> No.9490753

Yeah, worked real well for the guy that got klonked on the head.

Your Marine friend is nothing but a grunt that will go down with one rock to the head. They will slap a rape charge on him for him just getting in the fight and hitting their female front line.

>> No.9490758
File: 1008 KB, 479x270, calm down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down, anon. Its just a convention.

>> No.9490804

>worked well for the pacifist guy who was struck in the head
>ignoring the fact it was a cheap shot on an innocent bystander attempting to diffuse the situation

Dude, what the fuck? Why are you so terrified of Antifa?

And why do you even assume the Pom law would take Antifa's side, when there's video evidence of both the federal law and police force refusing to get involved?

The worst that'll happen is they'll be a buzzkill and throw a few punches. Sit the fuck down and take off your tinfoil body armor.

>> No.9490813

I'll make one for the lulz

>> No.9490889
File: 2.46 MB, 2988x5312, 20160527_112346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New apron for Osono means bf and I are gonna once again pass out publix cookies to cgl/Ghibli peeps. Come say hi if ya see me.

Also cross your fingers that Aku gets done because he's not being very cooperative atm. Can't believe the con is so soon, time crept up super fast.

>> No.9490897

Ohhh herro.

I used to work at publix, can I get an extra one?

>> No.9490909
File: 73 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_mlhf3sVlvv1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked those cream cheese pumpkin spice cookies. I might pass those out at the meet up. I'll either be in lolita for the first time ever or pic related.

>> No.9490979

See ya there!

>> No.9491008

Who said I was terrified? I'm informed and cautious, not a wannabe internet tough guy that thinks he can stop rocks with his face.

>> No.9491011

Cut your damn threads.

>> No.9491017

Go to laugh at the cossluts that get told to go back to their rooms?

>> No.9491024
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Guests are shit

4 u maybe, great for me

> I guess it's trying to be like a small family-friendly version of Dragoncon, and why go to this when Dragoncon is in a few months?

Can never have enough local conventions.. I mean do you guys really have something better to do this weekend?

>> No.9491075

Not waste a shit ton of money on parking, get berated by sjw's complaining I am appopriating someones culture, not get harrassed by hobos, listen to the collective bitching of the artist alley vendors when I browse their wares, not get harrassed by staff because some autistic fuck got offended by the color of my shorts, because somehow that triggered them into a mental break down that nazi's were destroying their furry-kin family and just generally wasting time in a over hyped empty con. The only thing interesting that will occur is the constant fire alarms this year.

>> No.9491293

That was me one year..

>> No.9491295

Dragon is way too crowded. I'll be going anyway, but momo you can actually hangout and talk to people. Dragons just a swarm.

>> No.9491316

I suggest less sodium in your diet.

>> No.9491683

Of course
Oooo, those sound good
Lol that apron is in the trash, the new one doesn't have any lose treads, be nice or no cookie for you.
You sound like you don't need to be going to cons in general anon

>> No.9491765

What the? Cautious and informed?

Dude, Berkeley was the worst of what Antifa was capable of. You're under the assumption that,

A: Everyone involved will just tank their blows head on,

And B: Out of literal thousands, regardless of their hobbies or recreations, none of them will carry or know any form of self defense.

I digress, take off the tinfoil armor.

>> No.9491988


If antifa plans to get violent in a state that actually isn't facist on gun rights then I mean.. more power to them. Hope it works out well..

>> No.9492139


>> No.9492328

o shit whose that Wrathion cosplayer tho

>> No.9492338

me :)

I don't know if I'm going to do it again this year, kind of a pain in the heat and the costume needs some touch ups

I'll do be doing different variations of Law most days this year if not all

>> No.9492344
File: 25 KB, 494x494, 17523615_10155199636242533_753657811079153080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know if you see my ass tomorrow. I will be VKS Minecraft Steve.

>> No.9492363

Unless your marine friend is seperated from the marines, it is against orders for any military personnel to participate/join or be active in any type of protest.

>> No.9492450

Anyone else going to panels that seem tragically bad for a laugh?

>> No.9492566

Its refreshing to see a nice Wrathion every now and again.
Usually the only ones I see are giant tumblr girls, or that one guy who walked at Blizzcon with a bought costume.
Do you have any more pics as him?

>> No.9492595

How about you not tell me what to do and let me have an opinon? Don't fucking act like I'm some sub human because I experienced different garbage with this con then your social handicapped ass has.

>> No.9492598 [DELETED] 

I suggest you go swallow gasoline. I raped your girlfriend, you mad? oh shit don't be salty now. I just ran over your dog, you salty anon, you salty. I just rammed your car with a pipe. Why so salty?

People have reasons to be mad, let them be fucking mad. Stop trying to compartmentalize that shit. The way you assholes treat people, I wouldn't be surprised if some fucking nerd finally freaks out and walks in with a gun and just starts blasting. Its more of a surprise it has not happened yet.

Oh wait...the chlorine bombing of the furry convention....

>> No.9492630
File: 301 KB, 170x248, 1463155848_팝콘먹자.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.9492635

What's with all these retards comming out the wood work this year? Should I be worried about shit going down? Like wtf is actually goin on I just want to enjoy myself at this con.

>> No.9492661

Don't know man, you tell me. Shit just blew up in manchester. Fuck if I'm going anywhere near a place called "World Congress Center". Place is symbolic and it would be my luck some crazy nut would pick it during Momocon because they overhype it and pretend its this massive filled con.

All it takes is one radicalized Lolita vowing to kill infidels for her new husband in the caliphate that promised her all the fucking burandu and BOOM! Fucking frills and limbs everywhere.

Screw that, I'm out this year.

>> No.9492783

Hey fellow anons, I ended up with an extra pass due to a friend getting screwed by his job last minute. If possible I'd like to at least get some money for this thing, it's a 4 day pass and I'm looking for $50 to cover parking costs if possible. Any of ypu guys need a pass and would like to help a fellow con goer?

>> No.9492789

Your friend is just letting you take the hit?

>> No.9492799


He's honored the deal where he'll split the room cost, but for parking I'll be handling it alone. It's not a situation where I'm completely screwed but it would definitely be appreciated if one of you guys want to buy the spare pass from me. The staff basically told me no refunds.

>> No.9492983

I was coming from a place of concern but alright. Hope you have a good weekend however you choose to spend it
Anyone picked up their badge yet? Hour out and worried about lines kinda

>> No.9492995


Pre-Reg line is long as balls, but walk-in is super short. Don't worry about rushing here, Anon.

>> No.9493003
File: 3.02 MB, 4128x3096, 20170525_142238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.9493013


Here is an album:


I have to admit didn't make the costume myself, but commissioned it locally.

>> No.9493022

Jesus, alright, looks like I'm getting settled into my hotel room first.

>> No.9493351

So are we doing a meet up?

Are we planning one with no one showing up?

Also our first Con Casualty, some girl passed out and was wheeled put the dealer's room. RIP

>> No.9493387

Yes. 8Pm Friday at the registration. Me and a friend will be there and I will have a cgl sign

>> No.9493602

If you guys go to anything with soldier76 come say hi. I'm his handler.

>> No.9493772
File: 3.40 MB, 4128x3096, 20170525_183001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so happy to see such an on-point Pappa Franku cosplay, guy was even doing his voice and everything. Shame his shirt wasn't stained.

What cosplays so far have you seen and liked genuinely, super or simple?


Fuckyear! I'll be an attempted generic-otaku.

Praying to God my flipflops won't murder me after all day. I wonder if I should bring shoes just in case.

>> No.9493804

Dude i saw him walk into the middle of an undertale crowd and just yelled "you're fucking cancer"

My friend and his girlfriend wore matching maid outfits with pink wigs and the joke is guess the trap.
Papa frank roasted the shit out of them.

>> No.9493819
File: 31 KB, 250x300, 184b99a7-12fc-5d64-a85a-bbd1a1403513_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for the meet! I'll be in my Celestial OP!

>> No.9493850
File: 34 KB, 500x301, Facebook-41f4bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot to pay for a 4-day pass months earlier
>Remember I'm a brokeboi
>None of my peeps are going because no one in my groups fucks with cons
>I don't like shit, I don't go outside.
>Don't feel like trekking down Downtown to get raped by a parking meter, then get raped on the walk-in pass prices.
>Too lazy to scalp a pass/ and-or scam someone to pay for a pass
>Rather work on my YouTube channel for a press-pass next year.

AWA is my favorite con, desu. I just like the atmosphere, and the comfy outdoor setting. I do feel bad for the artists though, the artist alley was vacant as hell last year. Looks like I'm just gonna code and wait for next year.

Vro, just give up.

>Last year some guy stole a poop from the girls.

Yo seriously?

That explains that one time some girl walked out of the same bathroom I was in. I was mad confused last year, I thought I was in the wrong bathroom.

> I guess it's trying to be like a small family-friendly version of Dragoncon, and why go to this when Dragoncon is in a few months?

Because talking to people at Momocon is actually possible. Dragoncon is like a massive wave and you are only but a raindrop.


>> No.9494127

Day 2: The graduation parties continue to be scarred for life.

>> No.9494157

Where are they?

>> No.9494172
File: 2.14 MB, 1150x2952, 20170526_120954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see the Dino with the fidget spinner

>> No.9494197

Near registration

>> No.9494238


Not yet!

>> No.9494279
File: 2.25 MB, 1529x2331, 20170526_133425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9494361

Meme karaoke is killing my soul.

>> No.9494387

Embrace the memes

>> No.9494445


The atmosphere was fun. Shame it just was getting so darn loud more than anything.

>> No.9494550

Why is it so hot at this con? I'm just sitting here and dying

>> No.9494572



>> No.9494608

Because they can't pay the bill. contractors won't come out to fix it till they are paid.

>> No.9494624

Isn't that on the folks who run the convention center?

>> No.9494626

Pretty sure it was hotter last year, can't tell since it's not hot to me

>> No.9494650

Genuinely isn't hot unless you're near a cluster fuck of people.

>> No.9494667

What do I do for an hour and a half? Just came from the game room, worried I'm gonna' buy more stuff. Send help.

>> No.9494735

8pm near prereg?

>> No.9494739

Yes. Near doors. I have a sign.

>> No.9494745


It's a small sign.

>> No.9494782
File: 3.75 MB, 4128x3096, 20170526_203209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meetup went swell! Glad to have met ya'll, here's to a rad rest of the con!

>> No.9494784

Aw no! I went to nap and woke up too late!


>> No.9494804

Same I took the stares to my room too many times and killed my legs so I kind of forgot about it.

>> No.9494815
File: 3.99 MB, 4128x3096, 20170526_120934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's okay, Anons! There's always tomorrow if you really want! We took a picture I can upload tonight to show off the gang.

>> No.9494867
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>> No.9494881


There it is! Rad!

>> No.9494969

Who wants to meet at the arcade around 5? Near the rhythm games?

>> No.9494997
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Furry with a panty fetish reporting in.

Any cute cosplay girls wanna lowkey gimme a pair of their panties?

>> No.9495040
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If I'm not going to a panel then, I'm game! I'm garbo at rhythm games though.

>> No.9495165
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>snake has a lamia dakimakura

>> No.9495226

I honestly prefer it out of the big three in GA. AWA and the venue are small. Dragon is way too damn big. But momo is just that healthy medium.

I did Sigma from VLR and ZTD today, I'm doing Todd Ingram tomorrow and sunday I'm gonna try to do a hajime in his "super saiyan" form at the end of the game.

>> No.9495383

They are moving all the artist around 5 Minutes before it opens WTF MOMO

>> No.9495405

Is there going to be a meetup today?

>> No.9495652
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Sure, we can meet up by the dance machines in the game room if y'all want. We mostly met yesterday though, so I wouldn't count on the same turnout today.

>> No.9495820
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>want to momocon tomorrow
>too scared to drive to atlanta by myself

>> No.9495830

So anyone coming?


Don't go to a convention on the last day. :(

>> No.9495852
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Where you guys at

>> No.9495864

Why not?? O: I mostly just wanted to look at the dealer room and aa, do you think theyre sold out?

>> No.9495870


I can float over now from the food court, it'll be a minute. Figured no one was going cause no one said anything. Lol


Oh, well then yeah, go for it!

>> No.9495879
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Look for this jacket near Popn.

>> No.9495932



>> No.9495947

PopnMusic, home dog.

>> No.9495994
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Star Lord here, what did /cgl/ think of my cosplay?

>> No.9495998
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>> No.9496029



>> No.9496175

Goddammit people its a humid Atlanta evening and some folks out here smell like a mixture of crotch rot and garbage.

Take some time outta your coning and wash your ass.

>> No.9496218

If only I was face-deep in someone's ass like you say you've been, Anon.

>> No.9496330

Saw you when I was Yuuri Katsuki and was stuck in photoswamp, but I wanted a pic of you so bad ;_;
Wearing it sunday?

>> No.9496343

It was my first con ever today. It was fun, not as many trannies and furfags as I was expecting. Don't forget that Atlanta is about the third gayest city in America. Saw lots of lesbians though.

Had a few people ask where I bought my Jojo shirt, people were far friendlier than I expected.

>> No.9496382

I think so, might not be here for all that long but yeah

>> No.9496386

...are you seriously complaining about non-straight people going to conventions

>> No.9496573

The Live Steel Combat panel was pretty fucking rad. It's happening again at 2:30 if anyone wanted to check it out.

>> No.9496605

stop shilling out your garbage panel. no one came for a reason

>> No.9496655

Go to Magfest if you want to scratch your bi-curious itch.

>> No.9496809

As an actual trans attracted guy I find very few trans women none I would want to chat up.
I think that is an overblown meme but yeah lots of lesbians and women in general. That being said atlanta despite having lots of trans women seems to be a bad place to find them.

>> No.9496912

>Tfw didn't get the time off from work
>Tfw go anyways because I work from 4am to 12:30
>take marta over
>$70 for a multi day pass, no fri+sat or sat+sun
>dealers room selling shit for way over market value even for a con
>vat awards, while trash save for maybe three, we're actually new amvs this year and not the same show from the previous con like they were last year
>Friday night toonami panel was pretty ok
I think the fat mermaid pillow being sold in the aa is the perfect metaphor for momo: and overpriced flop. Definitely not worth $70.not even going to bother going after work today, would rather get some sleep.

>> No.9497019

Which one of you is the pepe the frog cosplayer?

>> No.9497099

>$70 for a multi day pass, no fri+sat or sat+sun

Is there any explanation as to why they did that this year? I was dying to go but it was so expensive, and it really wasn't worth it to me.

>> No.9497224
File: 3.41 MB, 4128x3096, 20170528_115846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, time to drive back to Savannah! Was good fun! Drive safe and rest well!


Not Anon, but it got a giggle outta' me for sure.

>> No.9497356

I actually got 2 free badges but was too lazy to drive and didn't want to wear cosplay in the marta. So that feels like a waste Since I didn't even go Saturday or Sunday.

>> No.9497466

Ayyyyyyy that's my nigga

>> No.9497806


>Caring about your cosplay on the Marta

Lol. I spent $15 for the concert and didn't go due to a hangover so I feel ya there at least.

>> No.9497817


He was a pretty rad dude. Awesome-wicked outfit to boot.

>> No.9497926

It literally wouldn't make sense for them to offer that though, from a business standpoint. Thursday is 25, Friday is 40, Saturday is 45, and Sunday is 25. The cheapest a sat/sun pass could reasonably be is like 55-60 which isn't that much lower than buying for the whole weekend, and the lowest a Fri-Sat could be actually works out around 70. If the used to prices to make 2 day passes the difference would be negligible to attendees, and if they dropped them any more they'd be devaluing their single day passes enough that they'd lose out on a lot. Maybe preorder next time? If money's tight they had whole weekend passes up for like 50 at the beginning of this month. (I forgot to actually get it and ended up buying at the door too.)

>> No.9498007
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As fun as the rave was, there was some mad con funk going on.
Coolest damn thing happened when I dressed as Todd. I was walking around minding my own business when I hear "FREEZE VEGAN POLICE!!!!"
Two people I had never met before were there dressed as the vegan police. We acted out the entire scene from the movie. It was one of the greatest moments of spontaneity in my entire life. Made my entire weekend. What made it even better was a scott showed up while were talking.

>> No.9498011
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>> No.9498023
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>> No.9498029
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>> No.9498117


THAT is fucking amazing!

>> No.9498324
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Pretty happy with the turnout at cooptional related events, hopefully it'll encourage them to head out here again next year.

Overwatch was blowing up Momocon this year, lot of lines for those panels, I guess that investment was worth it.

A lot of buzz on my feed about Momocon topping AWA as a preferred convention this year.

I don't have many complaints myself, personally just hope to get in earlier next year and not stay so late since I don't get much out of the night life at cons..

>> No.9498446

>A lot of buzz on my feed about Momocon topping AWA as a preferred convention this year.

Except AWA has not even happened yet?

>Overwatch was blowing up Momocon this year, lot of lines for those panels, I guess that investment was worth it.

Implying that overwatch is not blowing every con up.

Man, Jess said you fuckers in marketing were weak the year but seriously, I didn't know you guys were that bad.

>> No.9498594

Welp. Looks like there are going to be more people from NC are going to Momocon.

Animazement was a bit underwhelming to them.

>> No.9498612

>Momocon Marketing still not getting the hint.

You guys need to worry about your attrition bill before you try to start cutting the other cons throats so hard.

>> No.9498789

He spent so long on that arm lemme tell ya, went through like 3 different remakes.

>> No.9498797
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The best things I got from momocon
I love the perks of being an artist.

>> No.9498921

I mean, I went to the overwatch one-year panel and maybe 3/4 of the seats were full. Any panel can have a line, that's kind of what happens when people are waiting for the room to clear out in prep for the panel they want to see next.

>> No.9498986

Great con.
A lot of hot ass ladies who are really easy to talk to.
If you can't get laid at a con, I feel bad for you.

>> No.9499140


Everyone is assuming AWA will be the same like it has been for the past couple of years.

Is there any reason to assume AWA won't be the same as it was last year?

>> No.9499594

I don't know man, Momo felt the same. Living off the convention center hype and nothing but flavor of the month jizzing their pants over the same voice actors.

>> No.9499598

So you feel bad about yourself?

>> No.9499659


Nah dude, I mean this might have gone over a lot of people's heads but the investments into the esports side and gaming was amazing. That Dreamhack setup they had this year was crazy.

I don't know if they can keep something like that up or was that just a hype generator for upcoming Dreamhack in July.

>> No.9499811

Considering this is what you guys consider amazing, your standards must be pretty fucking low. I mean the only gear maybe worth was corsair. The rest of it was just bullshit overpriced garbage plugged by eGamers because it makes the most margin. Selling garbage for a high price.

And also fyi, momocon invested shit. Those were donated and taken back at the end of the show. Momocon owns nothing high grade, period.

>> No.9499850


No I mean that huge lan setup.

The PCs that were available for open use the whole convention.

I'm not saying Momocon is the best thing ever.

I'm just saying this is far beyond what AWA has to offer and I can see why people are getting hyped for Momo over AWA.

>> No.9499877
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Anyone run into Asherbee/AxelAsh? Heard she was running around the convention yelling at people.

>> No.9499973


>> No.9500125


I'm someone who casually enjoys conventions who doesn't have the slightest bit of understanding to what goes into cosplay. Anything outfit of closet cosplay is amazing to me.

I meant the outfits, though, not the rigs. Get the stick out your ass mate.

>> No.9500128

>If you can't get laid at a con, I feel bad for you

Then you should be on the brink of tears for me.

>> No.9500203

oh this is hilarious I wish I was there. fuck.

>> No.9500246

Go swallow your fidget spinner you autist.

Here let me get a light bulb for you so you can suck on it.

>> No.9500257

Because Momocon is literally on its knees sucking dick for funding. 3k of their "attendees" were really comped badges for outsourced providers. The guys that provided those computers and kept the network running and their entourages took more or less 100 of those badges.

Momocon is pretty much an over inflated bubble. They are trying to hide that they are barely afloat. Just look at the quality of the shit they actually own. It's all garbage. Their gear is garbage, they have to rent almost everything. They had to bring in DragonCon to buy them some time before Georgia brings the axe down on them. They can't provide the business boost they claimed. Tech is literally held together by scotch tape. The 3rd party outsourcing was huge this year.

I mean yeah man, put some lipstick on a pig and it looks good for a second, but shiny LED lights, big lcd monitors, light up keyboards and overpriced garbage class headsets don't impress me.

I had to deal with our dept getting taken over by these arrogant posers so yeah, I know what was actually in those systems and it was not all that grand as you all think.

>> No.9500565

>not knowing the scamming sperg of the East Coast


>> No.9501599


What in the actual fuck are you on about?

I'm a cosplay rookie - I'm a photographer, not a cosplayer, so when people talk about worble, it's literally sorcery to me.

I don't even fucking care about the fucking fidget spinner meme, fuck off.

>> No.9501770

Jesus, I'm sorry Momo fucked you over but that's not gonna prevent me from going next year or the great time I had this year.
I've been wondering if I wanted to continue cosplaying because it felt more mandatory than actual fun, but on the way home I was bouncing off ideas for the next con super pumped.
Again, sorry that you have some bad times with Momo, but get over yourself and realize that posting in this thread isn't going to change anyone's opinions

>> No.9501800

Of course not. But I don't want to here you all bitching when shit goes down.

>> No.9502043


>But I don't want to here you all bitching when shit goes down.
>Been making this post every year for the past decade more than likely
>want to here

A confirmed idiot in every aspect.

>> No.9503102

>Wanted to bang a cute Moana cosplayer.
>All too young

Just give me a damn break.

>> No.9503319
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x1920, 20170531_195241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to bang ryuji and akira
>too shy to ask
Give me a gd damn break

>> No.9503503

Thats a large assumption you dimwitted faggot.

>> No.9503610
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>The guy in the back with kid, both grabbing dick.