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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 420 KB, 966x1042, Panther_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9422823 No.9422823 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready to see legions of this walking around cons for the next year?

Persona 5 isn't even that good

>> No.9422830

Here's your (you)
It's not easy enough. Latex or pleather bodysuit with multiple zippers means a relatively high barrier to entry, and the thigh-highs don't make it any easier. Shit like Harely Quinn or Yoko are widespread because they're instantly recognizable and require no effort.

Why do people say this about literally ever female character with her tits out?

>> No.9422872

>no such thing as Taobao

>> No.9422896

I dont think there will be tons of these. Persona was always more of a smaller amount of cosplayers in a convention scene.

>> No.9423039

>being this naive when cheap spandex Samus and D.Va have been such a big thing the past years

as if basic bitch cosplayers give a shit about what the actual materials would/should be

>> No.9423207

P5 is really really good tho

>> No.9423222

>generic anime JRPG with loledgy themes and eye-searing graphic design.
Truly, it is poetry in motion.

>> No.9423237

It's gonna be something ~gamer gurl~ cosplayers will do to get more Patreon donations. Lots of casual cosplay potential, meaning just leotard, cat ears, boots.

>> No.9423362

>persona 4 is too bright and cheery
>persona 5 is too edgy
Will people ever be happy with this series!

>> No.9423376

There's a difference between "edgy" and having a story with well-executed dark themes. Detractors want (and expect) the latter from Persona games. It's fine if you like it, but the series is definitely lacking something it had back in P1 and P2, but of course P1 and P2 had completely different directors, artists, and composers. I kind of wish they'd called Persona 3 something other than Persona, because now it seems like we'll never see another Persona like the first 2 again.

>> No.9423397

P1 & P2 were boring as fuck. But if you want stuff similar to it, the SMT games are more similar than the main Persona franchise

>> No.9423398

Then go play SMT. That has the old artists and the old vibes you want so much

>> No.9423403

I do play SMT.

>boring as fuck
I don't see it. P3 and P4 were boring for me because they're just like typical anime shit + some elements from Persona. But I see why they appeal to teens, at least.

>> No.9424519

>complaining about a game where most of the cast are teenagers, takes place in a highschool and one of the core gameplay mechanics is experiencing student life because it caters to teenagers

P1 and P2 were great games but the reason the latter games were so popular were because they managed to cater to their target audience. If you want complex storyline with dark themes, don't complain about a game that wasn't meant for a mature audience.

>> No.9424533

Oh lol sorry I didn't realize 4chan was a complain-free zone. I'm not bitching about their popularity or misunderstanding it at all, I'm just saying that it blows that Persona got neutered and given to a different creative team instead of New Persona being given a different name so Old Persona could continue to exist too. P1 and 2 also starred high schoolers, you know?

That said I'm not complaining too much because without the persona series being in the state it is I feel like SMT as a whole would be dead, the other games in the franchise just don't move as many copies as Persona does these days. Sage for OT.

>> No.9424540

/v/ is over there you cuck faggots. whine about the game and your dry dicks over there.

>> No.9425849

I'm as much as an SMT fangirl as you can get. I get Persona 3 was very different from the first two, but get over it. That's what the SMT line is still for. At least they're still developing games on that side.

Also, Persona 1 was boring as hell.

>> No.9425856

This. Most of them are going to be wearing cheap red spandex bodysuits with the zippers printed on and a tail hanging from a safety pin or something. Thigh high boots aren't that hard to find if you're not looking for 100% accuracy, which the majority of them aren't.

>> No.9426063
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1500, budget panther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a horrible fusion of Harley and Catwoman/Miraculous Ladybug.

>> No.9426073

Every time someone talks about missing/liking the first persona games i see someone roll up like this with the loledgy "get over it" attitude. If your preferred style of game is getting all the love why are you so defensive?

Awaiting some streamer girl to stream up to 7/7 wearing exactly this.

>> No.9426176

Persona has always been good. If you don't like JRPGS you don't like JRPGS. Go play your Wii.

>> No.9426220

ok but futaba is obviously going to be cosplayed more. she is literally the image of a gamer girl, like, come on.

>> No.9426539

I agree with you and her costume is so lazy well her non-thief one. Even still I Def have seen way more of her so far and only a hand full of panther/ann

>> No.9426559

Futaba is going to be the cheap spam cosplay. Just wait until we get pictures up from AX later this year; the Persona meet is going to be a sea of orange Party City wigs.
The sad thing is that a lot of these are going to be busty or fat girls trying to pull this off.

>comes in to talk shit
>surprised when people get defensive
4chan is fucking adorable

>> No.9426681

>legions of femdoms for me to pickup

I have no problem with this

>> No.9426695
File: 2.53 MB, 2005x1492, Bayo432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, but I guess if they'd go to the trouble of doing that kind of thing I'd prefer to see more Jeanne cosu.

>> No.9426899

lol I'm not the original anon, but okay.

>> No.9426950

Samus and D.Va are both part of franchises that are exponentially more popular than Persona.

>> No.9426990

as a bit of a cuck i approve of more women walking around in weird dominatrix gear

my fear is only that it will just be some cheap bodysuit garbage

persona isnt very popular either. it's kind of like worrying about an influx of 2B, the series isn't very big and the costume is hard to do well

>> No.9426992

>hard to do well
>implying anyone cares about doing it well
Bodysuit! Fetish! Titties! What better way to get more Patreonbux than to cosplay a skin-tight fetish outfit from an ~obscure~ series to prove to the h8ers that you're a true gamer girl?

>> No.9427011
File: 313 KB, 633x940, IMG_1086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto has a similar outfit so maybe we'll se a bunch of her too

>> No.9427015

>we'll se a bunch of her too

>covered up boobs

yeah, doubt it because of that. even if shes best girl. pretty sure most cosplayers will just do Ann because of easy cleavage shots.

>> No.9427281

Fair enough, but if there's at least one Chinese webshop to get a spandex suit from it'll find its way.

>> No.9427362


Make sure to use buttplug tails for maximum authenticity.

>> No.9427839

Do you even know where the female ass is located?

>> No.9428126

>Go play your Wii.
but the Wii, also has JRPGs

>> No.9428744

I love her design most because she looks like a fucking bad ass but I can probably agree that most girls will go with Anne

>> No.9429050
File: 156 KB, 1256x996, vestep5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pain in the ass to find a good jacket.
This one is the closest I could find.
Should I go to a tailor and make a custom one ?

>> No.9429068

hell yes. I always think about cosplaying her because her outfits are easier to make and pull off than Bayo's.
And she's the best.

>> No.9430951
File: 324 KB, 1536x2048, C7uXrXAVMAA0aa8.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how accurate you want it to be.

A pleather/matte vinyl one would be more accurate than regular textiles/fabric, but much harder to work with. It's an extremely formfitting jacket despite being a jacket. I've seen people buy a jacket/coat off the rack and they hung like shady trenchcoats 10 out of 10 times.

I'd say custom is the way to go. You want the coat to hug you perfectly and with hidden fasteners so that the torso sticks to you even when the tails are flapping, but be prepared to really pay up for any commissioner worth their salt.

Photo related; official replica prototype. Likely to be listed in the coming weeks for upper hundreds if not past a thousand USD.

>> No.9430973

she's so beautiful

>> No.9430984

so, red Catgirl?

>> No.9431177

>the female ass

>> No.9431191

Ironic that Futaba mentions all the female thief outfits look kinky

>> No.9431232

>t. I didn't actually play the games

>> No.9431851

Aliexpress already has the costumes up, and for every one that looked decent there are about 30 that look "oh jesus no" bad. The futaba costumes leave out the shorts and usually don't have the designs right on the outfit.

True fans will probably do Makoto and Haru, or maybe the side characters. Doctor, Fortune Teller and Journalist are all super cute. Though I really love Futaba's tetris tank top and the god awful fannypack

>> No.9431981

That would require folks to play the game

>> No.9432011

Thanks a lot for this.
Still the official looks sooooo shiny.
Also Pleather for the grey inner layer is a very bad idea I think.

>> No.9432084
File: 523 KB, 1000x1000, 1477256984542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9432088
File: 326 KB, 982x1758, menabax125-gry-sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really more of a satin / matted shine like a sharkskin suit. dealing with shiny pleathers will just be a bad time.

>> No.9432150
File: 163 KB, 704x1575, 1487233581246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's piss easy to sew the costume and even easier to imitate with normie clothes. OP is wrong, we'll be seeing way more Futaba cosplayers than Anne

That said I better go shop for an identical jacket before they pull them out of the shelves for summer

>> No.9432168
File: 160 KB, 500x449, tumblr_of6t1xiUYC1r84vemo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think people will do goro at all, or will they stick to mc because he's more easily accessible?

>> No.9432175
File: 37 KB, 225x350, 309246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a good cosplay of true best girl or best girl's predecessor

I can already tell Yusuke will only be cosplayed by fat girls despite the fact that he's all about the aesthetic.

>> No.9432320

Is he the autist with the lobsters?

>> No.9432452

>why not both.jpg
He's a popular character by the time most people clear the game, judging by the JP reaction.

Honestly though Goro's regular outfit is pretty easy to do. I can see people buying clothes off the rack and throwing on a wig and calling it good. His Thief outfit is definitely easier to do (at a glance) than P5 MC's possibly pleather trenchcoat. It's the horrid mask I'm going to enjoy seeing what low-effort cosplayer will try to do.

>> No.9432516

I'm going to attempt his phantom outfit. The mask is going to be pretty tricky. I really don't want to mess it up like>>9432452 said

>> No.9432523

Do try to take into account how much he looks like Light. We're either gonna get a bunch of the long sleeping Death Note fans reusing shit, or a bunch of shitty cosplayers who look more like Light and are getting mad at people for confusing the two.

Also I think come winter we'll have some school uniform Ann since it looks warm and comfy. I want a fat girl to do her layers of clothing outfit.
yes, though Futaba is way closer on the scale.

Let's also not forget we'll have tons of weebs in cat ears saying they're Morgana.

Like I kinda want to do Futaba's summer outfit (the one with the tetris shirt) as a lazy sunday cosplay so if we stop anywhere on the way home I'm still in normie clothes.

>> No.9432624
File: 204 KB, 575x711, 1462659283190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love doing Yusuke if not for the tail.
Normal people will instantly label me as a furfag and furfags will instantly think I'm one of them.

>> No.9432735
File: 748 KB, 1280x713, P5_Medieval_Girl_without_her_mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do this for Acen. I have nursing clinicals sucking my freetime. How would someone approach her body? It looks like a corset. I was thinking of getting the general shape with thin foam.

>> No.9432892
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, huehuehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aliexpress already has the costumes up

>> No.9432916

They have the costumes for more than a year.

>> No.9433115
File: 55 KB, 500x618, 137fa08455bd9356f972a7ca19c663fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave it to seagulls to have shit taste in vidya

>> No.9433118
File: 171 KB, 1000x1875, IMG_2501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the fit and collar are perfect but I'm not a fan of how shiny and stiff the coat looks.

I feel like a wool vest and matte vinyl like pic related would work more towards keeping the coat more fluid and more aesthetically pleasing when worn with the pants.

>> No.9433252
File: 296 KB, 1536x2048, C7u8nVcVsAEWzc1.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just waiting on Cospatio to release proper photos of their P5 MC phantom suit any day now. All the black makes it tough to see the details.

>> No.9433256
File: 292 KB, 1536x2048, CsXgEKEUEAAMyDe.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also looking for some opinion here, who made the school uniform better?

This is Cospatio's--

>> No.9433258
File: 468 KB, 1536x2048, CqSO2PvUkAAQ83Y.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

--and this is whoever Atlus commissioned for promotion events where official cosplayers wore them while handing out flyers.

>> No.9433348

i think cospatio's has a bit more polish, but they're overall basically the same outfit with small tweaks here and there

>> No.9433352

cospatio; the structure and pockets kill the game

>> No.9433426

What's wrong with fanny packs?

>> No.9434424

>Are you ready to see legions of this walking around cons for the next year?
Do I get to fuck them? If yes, then YES.

>> No.9434461

>Spookies cosplay never

>> No.9437459

worst girl

>> No.9439195

I think we're gonna get fewer Goros, but they'll be higher quality while most of the neckbeards will go for ill-fitted MC's. I feel like male cosplayers in particular tend to stray away from characters that are confirmed to be attractive or good-looking unless they have enough confidence to consider themselves attractive or good-looking themselves

>> No.9439204

Money is on school uniform protag and futaba's winter outfit.

>> No.9439628
File: 2 KB, 93x125, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I genuinely adore Ann and want to cosplay her Phantom Thief look without being mislabled as a slut

Should I just wait for hype to die down, or go with her school uniform? I usually don't like revealing outfits/designs but hers is so cute, I can't help myself

>> No.9439637

Do you think there will be lots of misc persona stuff like Shujin academy uniforms?

I am thinking of this.

>> No.9439645

Do what you want. If you're uncomfortable with being called a slut, then yes, go with her school uniform.

Probably not. If you're looking to buy the uniforms, you're better off looking online.

>> No.9439651

ya im thinking of the summer shirt and the school pants.

super simple.

>> No.9439665

This just makes me wanna get my Loveline Nanako together

>> No.9439677

i feel like the only one who thinks this design/character is ugly as fuck.

>> No.9440097
File: 732 KB, 523x1745, Sadayo_Kawakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay BEST GIRL but not sure how to be accurate with her shirt. It's pretty much a closet cosplay so I need it to be perfect.

>> No.9440166

Why not do Carmen? Cause her persona is so neatly designed (at least her first is, 2nd form is so disappointing)
I think as long as you do it well and aren't doing sexy poses you should be fine. Like poses from the game are fine, just maybe not her knocked down one.

If you want it perfect, design the fabric and get it printed on spoonflower.

>> No.9440190

You have impeccable taste

>> No.9440200

Spoonflower it and make sure you print on the appropriate knit fabric in the right scale to your torso/body and have the exact number of stripes, etc.

>> No.9440207

OP is fat and hasn't played P5.

>> No.9440251
File: 58 KB, 512x256, CutInCom_0_10_16.000-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls marry me

>> No.9440299

Only if they do the maid outfit

>> No.9440642

fite me irl

>> No.9442944

>Do I get to fuck them?


>> No.9442952

>Cosplaying the canon whore

Not even an insult. Shes a literal whore.

>> No.9442982

She's still best girl just from social link bonuses alone.
make coffee, do laundry, make lock picks, and give you a rub to let you do a night activity after doing a dungeon. Also screw off in class time even though it rarely pops up.