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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 464x600, WonderCon+in+Anaheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9411082 No.9411082 [Reply] [Original]

WonderCon is this week, anyone going? Any cosplay plans or events? Is it worth it?

>> No.9411883

I'm going! Feeling the con crunch right now as I finish one more cosplay. I'll be going as Amaterasu from Wick+Div and Belle from the original animated Beauty and the Beast. So glad its back in Anaheim.

I'd say its worth it if you're into western comics and pop culture, or if you're a Disney fan. There's always plenty of cape cosplay and Disney cosplay.

>> No.9412097

I'm going. Cosplays aren't even close go being done. God help me.

>> No.9412104

Same anon. I'm driving down from Nor Cal so I have to make sure everything is done before I go to work on Thursday. We'll make it!

>> No.9412121

Thanks anon! Have a safe drive. I'll be thinking about you during my grind.

>> No.9412452

>>9412097 Good luck! What are you cosplaying?

Damn thats a long drive, good luck to you! Hope I see that awesome Belle cosplay! Kudos for doing the animated version instead of the bland new version

Ya'll going all three days? Saturday sold out before I could snag a ticket so I guess it's only Friday for me. Since It's just one day and I'll be going alone, no cosplay for me this time but I'm looking forward to everyone's cosplays for future plans inspo

>> No.9412464

All three days for me. Sorry you couldn't get a three day pass. Some years you've been able to hang out in front of the fountain without a pass, wonder what they'll do this year.

>> No.9412983

im con crunching as well, i just need to make this utility belt pouches and a couple of belts but my sewing machine is jacked ;-; hopefully my aunt will let me come over tomorrow and use her machine.

>> No.9414215
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they added a fence a couple years back. Believe it was 2015? Same year they had those badges you could just copy at kinkos.

>> No.9414236

Yeah I remember, it was the last time it was at Anaheim. I just wasn't sure what they were going to do since its been a few years since its been in OC.

>> No.9414258

So 3 day passes are sold out, only Friday and Sunday are available.
I'm considering on going on Sunday, would it be worth it at all?

>> No.9414264

What are you general interested in? Cosplay? Panels? Dealer's hall? Sunday is only $18 (plus like $20 parking) so its not that big a deal if you don't find something fun to do.

>> No.9414265

I wanna hang out, meet cosplayers, check the panels, buy some loot, etc.

>> No.9414267

It'll be worth it then. Sunday's definitely slower but there's still plenty of people there.

>> No.9414439
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>lat year at the LA convention center

it just wasnt the same. It also felt pretty dead for some reason.

>> No.9415974

I'm already hearing people bitching about not going because they can't ghost out in the fountain anymore. Mostly hearing it from people who didn't get a 3 day pass and/or Saturday pass.

>> No.9415982

I will never understand that with this convention. Badges have been on sale for months and they aren't that expensive. If you really wanted to go you should have planned ahead. One of my friends is one of those people who is bitching and I have no sympathy.

>> No.9416283
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>couldve bought the pass months ago
>bitching about the fence

seems like its their fault

>> No.9416499

No one wants to be in LA.

>> No.9416500

>Is it worth it?

If you already got a badge, yes.

It's like Comic Con, but what comic con used to be. No celebrity lines for Hollywood twerps. Mostly just comic artists, writers, and industry panels.

>> No.9416661

Crazy how there's not a single good panel at Wondercon

>> No.9416951

it was only a temporary move because all the big construction going on at the anahiem convention center.

glad its back too since i literally live a few blocks away.

>> No.9417342

Felt my heart sink as I got farther and farther down the schedule without seeing anything even remotely interesting. Last year's panels were breddy gud, even if the venue sucked. It's too bad they came back to the good venue and gave up on panels.

>> No.9417427

Con fucking sucks

>> No.9417443
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Do tell

>> No.9417708
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Bit dead for a friday, but had a decent time. Talked to that Stryfe for a bit, apparently he was the same guy who made the onslaught a while back. Got some tips on potentially working on an Alphonse for next year.

No idea whats going on tonight, might just knock out.

>> No.9417710

No but I'm at AnimeBoston, and there's a ton of /co/ cosplay.

>> No.9417815
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Party at Hilton

>> No.9417818
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>Bit dead for a friday

people work, the hordes will come tomorrow.

>> No.9417834

was snake with you, i was the autist who walked by and went "snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!" dressed as cyrus from animal crossing

>> No.9418065

i love how people take pictures of cosplayers when they are posing for other people.

whats the matter? afraid to ask them for a picture yourself?

>> No.9418125

It's convenient for them and the cosplayer. Saves time.

Anyone gonna be at the Fallout gathering? Doing a New Vegas squad. Look for two Mormon bible thumpers from Zion Canyon.

>> No.9418483

i heard there's an orgy in one of the suites

>> No.9418619

So what's the word on any hotel parties?
Got more booze than I can drink and I desire to bless someone for company

>> No.9419120

are you fucking retarded m8, if 10 people are taking pics at the same time do you expect the person to pose 10 seperate times for a picture back to back, do you think ur some sort of special snowflake that warrants the person take the extra time to face you specifically

>> No.9419126

Obviously you've never been in a costume that's garnered a lot of picture requests.

Multiple people taking a picture at the same time is optimal for everyone. Saves the cosplayer time, and stops everyone else from having to waste time 'waiting their turn,' so to speak.

>> No.9419129

There has literally never been an orgy at a con. They're always myths or made-up stories.

>> No.9419188

I got the bud what's good for Sunday? The last hoorah.

>> No.9419975

Guess it sucked, huh?

>> No.9419984

this con kind of sucked desu but at least I bought some cute things

>> No.9420111

Orgys only happen really at dragoncon or anime cons.

And it's usually a great story of an STD/STI outbreak almost every single time.

>> No.9420114

Depends on what you went for.

It was fine for cosplaying and relaxing a bit on a weekend at a con, without it being retarded like Comic Con. We have surrendered comic con to the normies and celebrity worshipers.

Wondercon may not draw big names, but that's a blessing. The less the normies know or care about wondercon, the better it is for the rest of us. Let them keep fighting over Comic Con tickets.

>> No.9420134


If you want celebrities and famous people, Wondercon is not for you. If you like cosplay, interesting progressive panels, or like a big exhibit hall with a big variety, Wondercon was a great show.

The big negatives was parking, more specifically, the gigantic lines to go back and forth from Angel's stadium and the lack of signage to point people in that direction once Convention center parking fills up. Saturday traffic was a nightmare.

>> No.9420161
File: 140 KB, 1189x744, hitler@dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orgies never happen at cons

tell that to dragoncon
and yes, this was real
just go on CL and look around DC weekend

>> No.9421351

Did nobody take photos? Why is this thread empty of any cosplay?

>> No.9422653

Sorry Anon, I didn't take any photos. I spent all day in panels and the exhibit hall.

>> No.9422656
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orgies with decent looking people never happen at cons so what's the point.

Might as well take a weekend trip to a farm or zoo for that action.