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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9409095 No.9409095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with armpit hair?

>> No.9409099

I will shave it about 1-2 a week. Depends on the growth. I mostly shave it if it's bothering me. Or if I feel gross. I do it typically before I date with bf.

>> No.9409102

with an epilator

>> No.9409105

I epilate it.

If anyone judges me or tries to drag me into the raging culture war right now I will punch them harder than any nazi.

>> No.9409106

Shave it either when I'm going to wear something where you can see my armpits or when it makes me feel gross.

>> No.9409109

I trim it.

>> No.9409110

I shave it and on occasion I epilate it by hand with a tweezer. It helps me to focus my trichotillomania on an area I prefer to be hairless so I'll leave my eyebrows and eyelashes alone.

Sage because what does this have to do with cosplay or egl exactly?

>> No.9409112

I shave daily. It grows really quickly and pretty thick/dark, so I gotta.
It's got nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with comfort just like all of my other body hair that grows in this way - if it's uncomfortable I remove it.

Also saging because this really isn't cgl.

>> No.9409118


>> No.9409121

How do threads like this get serious answers? Never ceases to make me laugh

>> No.9409123
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>tfw sage

I shave every other day usually, the hair gets so prickly it hurts my armpits. But I don't give a fuck if people don't shave or do. Stupid thing to get upset about.

>> No.9409124


>> No.9409140

I used to pluck it but then I got laser.

>> No.9409145

Woah am I a minority? I wax when I get my legs waxed coz Im lazy. But I don't do it if Im not in the mood. Case en point, my armpit hair is maybe an inch long rn? Probably gonna get it done this week as i have dinner plans for Friday

>> No.9409150


I just let mine grow. It doesn't bother me

>> No.9409155

most do handle their body hair for cosplay, so it could fit within cgl

>> No.9409165

I shave it. I thought that's what everyone did.

>> No.9409183

Shave it once a week. Maybe every 2 weeks if it's winter but I go to the gym and lift my arms to usually once a week is fine. Takes 20 seconds for each pit tho, quick and easy

>> No.9409198

During the winter, I shave with a normal razor once a week. During summer, I touch up every day or so with an electric razor.

>> No.9409205

I used to wax, but I finally decided to just get laser treatments instead. Laser life is good.

>> No.9409210

"feminists" like to not shave because shaving is the patriarchy oppressing us.

>> No.9409212

I leave mine alone. My husband doesn't care and I don't wear sleeveless tops so no one ever sees it.

>> No.9409219

Here we goooooo

>> No.9409223

I don't shave very often because I think it's a stupid double standard, am I dumb feminist now?

>> No.9409227

Sounds like it.

>> No.9409230

That's a dumb reason and a red flag but whatever.

t. Trap that always epilated for himself

>> No.9409232

If that's your own only reason, then yes. If it's more like "I don't mind having some hair here and there", then no. Just do yourself a favour and at least trim it so it doesn't end up crawling out from under your sleeves.

>> No.9409245

juste thinking about the pain of stucking you armpit hairs in those metal bracelet and bustier ...
Call me weird if you want but in winter I do some bleach/dye test on my armpit hair to see what work best on my hair / what they can handle. I make some allergic reaction to sun so I only shave for cosplay or when I would really have to do it for a special event

>> No.9409255

I used to leave it until I brought a guy home and he made an excuse to leave after seeing it. He tried to be nice about it but that was quite a blow to my ego.

>> No.9409264

During the winter it's like once a week maybe, but when summer rolls around I typically do it every couple days. I have a sun allergy so I generally still remain pretty covered, but I do realize there's more times where I'll be more likely to be, so I suck it up.

In the winter I'm just lazy and I don't usually date, so whatever.

>> No.9409270

I don't blame him. I can't think of a nice way of saying "please shave" to a girl.

On the other hand, I'd shave my body hair for a girl I liked, so I don't consider it a double standard.

>> No.9409271
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>Be okay with swapping bodily fluids with a girl you barely know
>Call off a one night stand because of some hair

>> No.9409288

This is going to sound gross, but I never shave any part of my body unless it's going to be exposed.
My boyfriend lives in another part of the country, so I literally have no reason to shave other than when my parts are going to be out.

>> No.9409307

shit, guess i'll go shave then

>> No.9409314

Do or don't whatever you want with your body for yourself, not because some fag on the internet like me told you to.

Yes I realize the paradox here as I tell you this.

>> No.9409319

Only place I shave, don't give a shit if my legs are hairy but I hate applying deodorant to hairy pits man. Plus it is 100% more sweaty and a bitch can't live like that if they are going to be around people.

>> No.9409323

I don't think so why do women have to keep up their appearances more then men besides capitalism + patriarchy
>sage for radical feminism
but honestly we have to do more shit because it makes us buy more beauty products and because we have to put on more of a show for men then they do for us.
Of course it comes down to if you don't like having hair on your body shave and if you don't mind having it don't shave

>> No.9409324

I know i'm weird, but i do find pit hair attractive sometimes. Guess i have a thing for hippyish girls.

>> No.9409326


If you don't care about being attractive to men who cares.

Trimming is still important, because it makes you look unkempt if you don't. Even guys often do that, they just don't go all the way and shave it off.

>> No.9409328

I havent shaved my legs in years, and rarely shave my armpits. I'm happily single and have always hated wearing shorts and sleevless shirts. I stopped after breaking up with my last boyfriend because my hair has never taken well to shaving, its very thick and gets prickly within hours, causing the back of my thighs to get irritated all the time.

>> No.9409335

Does that mean you punch them as if they were nazis? or as if you were the nazi?

>> No.9409339

So what do you call it if you think armpit hair is nasty on everyone, men and women alike? (I also think crotch/leg hair looks nasty on men and women too, same with chest hair on men.) Serious question because I feel a bit nauseous when I see it. Do what you want with your body, but I find it gross af.

>> No.9409340

Whoa are you me

>> No.9409367

>Trimming is still important, because it makes you look unkempt if you don't. Even guys often do that, they just don't go all the way and shave it off.
As a hairy guy I can definitely confirm this. I both trim and shave various parts of my body, including my armpits. I do this not because I have to, but because I simply don't enjoy looking like a silverback gorilla the moment I take off my shirt, trousers or pants. When it comes to girls I truly don't mind seeing some body hair, in fact when comes to their naughty bits I highly prefer it. But like you said, trimming is key. Nobody enjoys seeing an unkept armpit or bush just as nobody enjoys seeing an unkept beard.

>> No.9409369

So make it so that men have to shave their armpits too so I don't have to see their disgusting armpit hair that's so long that it sticks out of the sleeves of their t-shirts.

>> No.9409373


I don't shave. My boyfriend is perfectly fine with it. I'm Asian though, so I don't grow very much to begin with.

>> No.9409375

This is my opinion exactly. I wish guys would shave their legs, too.

>> No.9409378

It's not just that it looks better trimmed, you sweat less too.

You could, you know, ask your bf to shave it if it bothers you that much. The double standard only exists because most guys don't even think of armpit hair, and people don't go around telling the other gender what to do with their hair.

>> No.9409385

>tfw you're asain but you got the hairy gene
Sucks since I have to shave since my hair is so visible.

>> No.9409398

>le punching nazis maymay

Aren't you embarrassed of your ineffectual posturing?

>> No.9409399

Only if we get to stop shaving or trimming our facial hair.

>> No.9409415

I've been epilating for years (Satinelle) and I know you're not supposed to use it in delicate areas, but I use it for everything. On trimmed armpit/pubic hair it doesn't hurt that much, and it gets very hot here in summer, hairless skin is easier to keep clean and doesn't smell as much when sweaty. My SO has no opinion on it and I'm a feminist.

Unrelated to hair but since someone mentioned sun allergy: ever since I started a high fat diet I don't burn in the sun anymore, it's uncanny.

>> No.9409433


>ever since I started a high fat diet I don't burn in the sun anymore, it's uncanny.

Still.. use sunsceen..

>> No.9409456

I honestly didn't use to care so much until I started shaving (I really only cared about shaving my armpits in the summer/never had to worry about hairy legs since its not visible). Now, I wish more guys would at least shave their armpits. It's just gross.

>> No.9409465

Wax it. It's amazing, lasts awhile, grows back thinner and softer. Barely feel it when they do it, never any annoying bumps or razor burn. I will also do my legs right before a con, but normally just shave them and save the wax for my armpits and eyebrows.

As far as maintaining that rather than being lazy and letting it go, I just don't like body hair. The mild effort is worth the feeling of smooth skin.