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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 85 KB, 465x700, surface_spell_emma_high_waist_op_dress-ssp-42-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9406922 No.9406922 [Reply] [Original]

Jfash (mostly lolita-relared) that draws inspiration from 1790s-1820s fashion.

This is a common area of influence for ouji, but due to the flowing silhouette for women's wear, it can be difficult to emulate in lolita. Thus, while Regency-like coords may use lolita brands such as Victorian Maiden, their status as lolita might be debated. Discuss if you have knowledge about this unique point between Rococo/Georgian and Victorian fashion!

>> No.9406925
File: 114 KB, 700x1028, GLB10-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, Moitie has released many items that could be used in Regency-style coords. more than i expected.

also also, this thread is dedicated to the anon who asked me to start a Regency thread. i would like to save a Victorian one for later, because it will likely be a two-part monster of a dump

>> No.9406928
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Surface Spell

>> No.9406930
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Lily of the Valley

>> No.9406931
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Fan+Friend (though it reminds me more of Rose from Titanic than Emma)

>> No.9406933
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>> No.9406934

I really want to start a thread nitpicking, but I don't see either of these dresses as looking very lolita. I know that they're both brands that make lolita clothing, but those dresses lack the detail and sillouheutte of lolita.

Can you help me see it, OP? I don't hate the idea.

>> No.9406935

Really hate to*, sorry.

>> No.9406936
File: 116 KB, 736x1467, d0d5ea8a60c40230692f6131de1ced6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now some coords

>> No.9406939
File: 173 KB, 725x1051, glb_vol_1-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i do not think those are lolita, and not everything i share will be lolita. the beginning is more some brands that have made Regency-style dresses that could be used in a coord that incorporates elements of lolita style. whether or not it would count as such, i do not know.

most of my collection is ouji so the lolita side is not something i can confidently discuss. still, to see the spirit of Regency (as a reaction against OTT Rococo) in lolita coords would be neat.

i expect these 2 lolita examples are very nitpick worthy and invite heated debate as to whether or not they fit in the category that contains both "lolita" and "Regency"!

>on the right, here

>> No.9406944
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>> No.9406947
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>> No.9406954
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>> No.9406962
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>> No.9406963

only coord i have of the Boz set on the left, which could be a good start to an ouji coord, though this is more vkei

>> No.9406967
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>dropping image

>> No.9406970
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>> No.9406976
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>> No.9406979
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>> No.9406985
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>> No.9406990
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>> No.9406994
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>> No.9406996
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>> No.9407000
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>> No.9407004
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>> No.9407009
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>> No.9407023
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>> No.9407027
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>> No.9407038
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>this pose

>> No.9407060
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>> No.9407068
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>> No.9407083
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>> No.9407087
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punky twist

>> No.9407093

that definitely not regency period inspired, as you said its more "rose" from titanic and is more in resemblance of 1912 fashion, 100 years later.

>> No.9407098
File: 228 KB, 600x902, 19c2a69ae75022e2c63de5e5a136f917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407107

Some of these, like this one, look more Victorian-ish to me, but I'm not super familiar with Regency men's fashion. If you don't mind, could you explain what the common elements of a regency ouji coord would be? It would be a big help!

>> No.9407112

yeah, F+F categorized it as "Empire waist Regency" but i was doubtful

thank you for confirming my suspicions

>> No.9407116

desu most of them aren't regency inspired and either inspired by a mix of boys clothing from around then and mid-late 1700s

Sorry about being a party pooper, I was just heavily into reenactment for quite some years for these eras haha

>> No.9407117

I don't know where that "Desu" came from lol

>> No.9407119
File: 28 KB, 249x468, early-1800s-dandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is 1810s-ish Regency, and is somewhat close in silhouette and key elements to the coord in question

for me, the jacket style is more Georgian, and the tight trousers more Georgian/Regency and fairly un-Victorian, and the top hat excludes it from Georgian. the high and wide collar is also un-Victorian. but since it is ouji and not reenactment, there is a mishmash of elements and the overall effect is fantastical, which makes it difficult to pin down.

>> No.9407122

nitpick away, nobody really does "Regency inspired" ouji or lolita so these are all ambiguous and worth discussing

from your own newfriend status 2bh, it's one of those things the board software does to mark new posters

>> No.9407141
File: 99 KB, 800x524, The_First_Quadrille_at_Almack's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are these coords classified as Regency-influenced?
key Regency elements for menswear include breeches rather than trousers (in the earlier years), fitted tailcoat jackets with sometimes a cropped front, cravats or jabots (not ties or bowties), high ("popped") collars, tall hats or top hats as a change from Georgian tricorns, etc.

few of these coords actually aim to represent the Regency era, exceptig a few such as >>9407098. teasing out elements of Regency-era fashion and distinguishing them from Georgian or Victorian is important, i think, because of the widespread idea that most of ouji is "dressing like a little Victorian boy" despite all evidence to the contrary. in the Baroque/Rococo thread, the 18thC as a major influence on ouji fashion was discussed. before getting into a Victorian thread, it seemed necessary to me to establish a set of post-Rococo, pre-Victorian "look" to coords.

input and alternate examples greatly appreciated, especially for lolita or other jfash, which is lacking representation in this thread.

>> No.9407152

weird, I've been on here for at least 6 months. Ah well

Also, I don't think that a full regency inspired outfit would work for ouji and agree with you about them being worth discussed, because ouji is a massive mix of eras together, although I mostly see either young boys clothing from those eras or King George and Pirate 1700s inspo for ouji. I love me some late 1700's naval uniforms

>> No.9407177
File: 126 KB, 400x600, V6MCJ7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been on here for at least 6 months
it's one of them shibboleth things t.b.h.

>ouji is a massive mix of eras together
which is fitting because lolita is also. but it is easier to identify Rococo elements in a lolita coord, even if the lolita dress is half the size as well as half the length of a real Rococo dress and has an entirely different neckline, because female Rococo fashion is well-known enough that riffs on it are recognizable.

however, Atelier Boz, one of the most-worn brands for ouji, routinely releases Regency-style jackets, but they are not recognized as such, because images of Regency menswear is rare. additionally, the general 18thC-inspired ouji items get interpreted just as "pirate ouji" because people associate tricorns and breeches with pirates, forgetting they were common menswear for generations.

i agree that there are, just as in lolita, definite influences from children's clothes, especially Victorian, but that only tells a small portion of the story.

>pic related, Boz jacket that reads as Regency-derived to me; a modern take to be sure, but not a far stretch

semi-related but offtopic to this thread, but the Rococo thread is chock full of Rolands, which is essentially a modern take on an 18thC men's jacket+waistcoat look. it is the most popular ouji item, and it, together with Boz's other historic-inspired pieces and AatP's love affair with the Rococo era, easily provide opportunities for coords inspired by clothes men once wore. not just ageplay-esque kawaii coords.

>> No.9407186

Not even close.
>b-but high waist

>> No.9407257
File: 178 KB, 733x1053, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visual kei example

alternate lolita examples eagerly solicited

>> No.9407581
File: 115 KB, 574x845, ac4eb1ae0f4b321e5708cf575fc0c5aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita large and part is defined by that cupcake or A silhouette which is specifically moved away from during the Regency time. If we're sticking to the original "rules" of Lolita, anything Regency cant and wont be Lolita. Period.

BUT fashion is fluid and not that finite... Especially J Fashion. So while everyone can look at a dress >>9406933 and poo poo it to not being Lolita... If you take away the silhouette rule and put in all the "rules".... it is pretty much Lolita.

I want more Regency / Mori stuff. Its more fitting anyway~ Lolita's the Rococo opulence. Mori is the Regency return to naturalism. No more powdered wigs and ridiculous panniers -- Please!

>> No.9407612
File: 101 KB, 500x385, 0dd755581527a86fecbde8ea48d14b17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cupcake or A silhouette which is specifically moved away from during the Regency time
this is the essential problem. however, astronaut and military lolita coords have been made, so i think transposing elements of Regency into lolita can work.

additionally, brands such as Juliette et Justine sometimes make high-waist, low-poof, tea-length dresses; as does Moitie, with one example posted above. old school snaps also use that long, low-poof silhouette at times.

still, the easiest period to emulate for lolita would be late Regency as it morphs into Victorian, even with the dresses mentioned above. trying to do an early Regency lolita would be like trying to do a Flapper lolita. or a Classical Grecian lolita. you would need to be very clever to pull it off.

>> No.9407617
File: 129 KB, 736x1112, 97d8108aef46b1971ef2a4d467c729ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about using something like pic related?

>> No.9407620
File: 36 KB, 337x614, 36f70907db2ff269b0ec6435525afc4b1249429797_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this? The puff at the shoulder, and crazy high waist, seems similar to the styles of 1816-1817 in >>9407612

>> No.9407625
File: 75 KB, 493x640, CUSTOM-Olive-Green-Jane-Austen-Style-font-b-Regency-b-font-font-b-Gown-b-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9407612 --- Oh I agree that it can be done (and should) --- But the rebuff almost instantly is "Not the right shape!" if its a more relaxed poof or length. We see it on COF constantly... Biggest example right now is all the pics from OV. Everyone's like this is or isn't Lolita because its sticking to the "standard" of poof and length from the 2000s--not what we've seen the in the trending styles over the last 5 years. In 30 years it'll start going back the other way, and we'll be sitting on there going "I remember when Live Journal was where everyone sold their stuff. Now we have teleporters and you dont even have to wait for it to ship!!"

Old School had almost no poof, grew into massive poof, and now were moving back.

I think when we examine current fashion that is trying to be combined with historical attributes we should look for the overall aesthetic of both styles to say whether it is or not "IT", and be a little more forgiving over the hard and fast rules we've come to use as our standard.

(Pic...sort of related. I wanted to share the detailing on those sleeves.)

>> No.9408787

The decorations are too busy. One key characteristic of Regency is sleekness. Also hair is almost never worn down for Regency.

>> No.9408891
File: 754 KB, 600x800, Regency inspired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the Regency and lolita silhouettes are never going to overlap, high-waisted A-line dresses can evoke a similar aesthetic to the Regency fluidity of line in my opinion. Spencer jackets could look gorgeous with high-waisted dresses and skirts, and there are so many possibilities for interesting Regency-inspired sleeves. Pic related could be the beginnings of a Regency-inspired coord - probably best with cream tights and shoes to maintain the illusion of length for the lower portion of the body. Many day dresses for the upper classes in the Regency era were white or off-white, so that could be a good starting point for planning an outfit. That said, I'd love to see an OTT interpretation of Regency evening wear, complete with turban and giant ostrich plumes!

>> No.9409299
File: 39 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mwdipoi5H31qghl44o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete with turban and giant ostrich plumes!

for late Regency fancywear, is pic related too far off to use as a base? i may be trying to force JetJ into a Regency (1815s-1820s) style coord

>> No.9409302
File: 19 KB, 236x336, e0a51080b77b817e01e48bfd4d4a9fa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is kind of more of a Renaissance cut, maybe.

also looking at dress on right in pic related.

>> No.9409320
File: 50 KB, 425x567, Purpleprintlong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moitie's empire waist items might also provide a base

>> No.9409806

>>9407617 #

The one on the right is pretty much right on the money though.

>> No.9411141
File: 93 KB, 500x709, Image-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darcy is considered one of the most romantic male characters ever created
>boystylers who want to impress their GFs don't emulate his style sense

Ladies and lads, you're missing a golden opportunity for a simple, elegant, girlfriend-swooning look.

>> No.9411144
File: 54 KB, 614x960, 223ac2d684aa55357bc9b70bbdb6e84c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is close but the hair is all wrong. All wrong.

>> No.9411156
File: 285 KB, 479x697, Pride and Prejudice Manga 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga inspo

>> No.9411844

>>9409302 This has got a lot of scope for a fancy coord. Personally I wouldn't use >>9409299 because the Rococo portrait could easily jar with the Regency theme.

>> No.9412165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9412180 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9412183
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>> No.9412207

>it's one of those things the board software does to mark new posters
some people who aren't new use desu anyway and just don't care, that's more common on other boards tough

>> No.9412314

>at least 6 months

>> No.9412485

I thought we agreed that it was cool to discuss this in the rococouji thread?

>> No.9412976

Everyone seemed to want it on its own

>> No.9413011

>not recognizing bantz

>> No.9413013

this is the new Rococouji thread bc the other hit image cap

speaking as OP feel free to post what you got

>> No.9416614
File: 24 KB, 700x700, 12211750_5677bd5ec3360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could this work?


>> No.9418490
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Bring back high necklines

>> No.9419695
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>> No.9419697
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>> No.9419698
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>> No.9419699
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>> No.9419702
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>> No.9419705
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>> No.9419709
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>> No.9419716
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>> No.9419722
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>> No.9419729
File: 585 KB, 1232x1632, Long Sleeves Vintage Sense and Sensibility Wedidng Dresses_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some photographic inspo, actual or reproduction Regency.

>> No.9419730
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>> No.9419732
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>> No.9419734
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>> No.9419736
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>> No.9419738
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>> No.9419741
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>> No.9419745
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>> No.9419747
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>> No.9419749
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>> No.9419751
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>> No.9419755
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>> No.9419756
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>> No.9419757
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>> No.9419760
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>> No.9419768
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>> No.9419815
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>> No.9419816
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>> No.9419818
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>> No.9419821

sauce on the dress?

>> No.9419822
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 14719747_521861534674019_4421412090971947008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9419823

Juliette et Justine's Robe de Celadon

>> No.9419827
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>> No.9419829
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>> No.9419840
File: 2.56 MB, 1006x1700, tumblr_n5p8kvuNQL1s01fyuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flamboyant Napoleonic coords give life to coords influenced by this era

>> No.9419843
File: 153 KB, 736x1092, e291b6176d963c5d4f09eeb564413a6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9419845
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>> No.9420027
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>> No.9420040
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>> No.9420427

seems more EGA to me desu

>> No.9420734

1. this thread is not exclusive of EGA
2. the item in question is literally labelled EGL

>> No.9424058

Does anyone have contact info for Gropey off of 4chan?