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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9403924 No.9403924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I honestly think black female cosplayers do it better, they just have an air of authenticity to them. Plus guys seem like them way more. Just my two cents

>> No.9403926
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>> No.9403929
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>> No.9403931

Cosplay black girls better or cosplay better in general? just curious... I've seen bad cosplayers of all races trust me... no one is safe

>> No.9403933
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>> No.9403935

They just seem to try much harder

>inb4 other people post pics of professional non-black models "cosplaying"

>> No.9403948

hmm, I'm not a cosplayer (I'm into j fashion) so I won't judge but yeah all these pics are really good desu. I would post my one friends since I love her cosplay but she is a very private kind of person though. she did sailor pluto last year it was so cute. she's half black, half mexican but still she nailed it.

>> No.9403949

why do my posts randomly say desu sometimes im kinda peevevd fuck this never happened before until recently fuckh

>> No.9403950
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Here we fucking go bois.

>> No.9403952

Well they have to, niggers are naturally ugly.

>> No.9403954

for some reason they block t-b-h

>> No.9403957
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>worshipping BBC

>> No.9403958

>being this new of a fag

slap my head turns into baka
to be honest turns into desu.
family (first 3 letters) turns into senpai

Newfag anon turns into casual elitist shitposter

>> No.9403966
File: 873 KB, 2046x2234, ultimate brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown girls are the best after all

>> No.9403976

this was probably posted by a black person meh go back to tumblr stop making shit about racism pls

>> No.9403991

>i will never be brown
>i can't cosplay as a brown girl or else i'll get called a racist white cunt
this is too much to dealio with ~cries~

>> No.9403997
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feelio feels

>> No.9403999

From what I've seen outside of "cosplayers" this is true. My black friends always seem to be doing the most, one of them actually approached me and said she feels she has to "do the best she can so she'll be thought of as a good cosplayer, and not just a black one"

>> No.9404001


>> No.9404106
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bcs no matter how shitty their cosplay is, they get to be applauded because yay black cosplay wow amazing

>> No.9404301

>guys liking black cosplayers more
>no popular black cosplayers
Kek Sure OP. They sure do.

>> No.9404408

this is def a bait thread but...I think tasteful cosplays of someone a different coloration than you are fine. just do the character but don't make it weird. if authenticity is something you are insanely anal about, choose a character that you look more like to begin with.
if you are just having fun, and you love the chara, just put your personal spin on it and dress up! obviously, like I said, think sensitively.

I'm not a cosplayer I'm a lolita but I definitely notice that black girls don't get as many nods as other girls. It's probably because we give more likes to the people we aspire to be. That's the basis for admiration--wanting to be the image on some level. there's always a push to be what already gets the most likes, so it's a self-perpetuating standard.
Goth girls aren't the standard either, everyone loves a pale girl dressed head-to-toe in pastels.
I'm a black girl and I just want us ladies to stop vying for spotlights. I know it sucks feeling like you could be the fav if you were more this or that, and that is certainly valid, but just being out here and visible is wonderful. Enjoying yourself is wonderful. Someone is admiring you for sure, never doubt that. Hopefully you are a key member of your own fan club!

>> No.9404413


fitting the standard or the trend is fleeting and not that valuable.
this competition thing is especially an insidious seed sewn among women so we can tear each other down instead of make beautiful connections.
I don't feel better hearing shit like "lol here comes the tiny titty brigade" when someone lobs an insult about so called "cowtits."

We have to stop comparing our bodies like there is only one, best way to be. if that's the case, why even live?

I don't want extra applause for being black or a woman or whatever. just applause in general; a smile, a high-five, a >you look great!
the kind of stuff that just builds anyone up and gives them a little positive reinforcement.
everyone doing something fun and good deserves that.

I hope this community, a nerdy as hell community at that, can learn to continue loving itself, feeding itself.

I'm not saying we can't be salty! just less divided/divisive.
cringe threads, bad cosplay, ita threads, they can be both hilarious AND helpful, as long as you acknowledge that the person can succeed with some constructive advice. They can look back and chuckle while being proud of how far they've come!

>my 2 cents

>> No.9404781
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None of these characters are black. Not even "African queen" who's just a shooped version of a pale skinned character.

Niggers are so insecure they pretend BROWN & tanned characters are black. Pathetic.

>> No.9404785
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Hello texas chan
please go back to frbr

>> No.9404789
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>Gets told
>"Hurr durr go back to x board Dx!!!!"

>> No.9404843

>ITT: idiots fall for obvious bait

>> No.9404904

This exactly this

>> No.9404950

This bait made me laugh. Nothing you said is true or makes sense.