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File: 1012 KB, 640x2016, IMG_6690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383622 No.9383622 [Reply] [Original]

Because Lolita cringe is best cringe.

I cringed soo badly reading this fakeboi's blog. Then this got made. I just can't. Someone take Tumblr away from this snowflake.

>> No.9383629

"you don't have to be trans to join just not be cis"
Bitch, what?

>> No.9383640

mm.. how is this cringy..?

>> No.9383662
File: 104 KB, 640x480, IMG_6695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part mainly. Pretty much saying you have to be special unicorns that are lolitas at heart. None of your straight normal society shit allowed.

>> No.9383669
File: 209 KB, 1402x1498, IMG_6685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this snowflake. It's the "bodyline is brand. I'm an artesian" age regression fakeboiz

>> No.9383730
File: 6 KB, 457x76, lolfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. Recent post on a local convention group

>> No.9383732

The troll in the ita thread. >>9383528

>> No.9383735

i read the first fucking header and immediately noped out

>> No.9383747
File: 54 KB, 200x150, 9MXKm_s-200x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans lolita

>> No.9383752 [DELETED] 

>Chubby Harley or chubby lolita but with no self confidence and none of the usual lolita personality that makes dating them a living hell

My dick isn't cringing, I want to cum inside this girl.

>> No.9383892
File: 38 KB, 640x227, IMG_6765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9383894

My gender identity is a fucking mess and even I cringe at this shit.

>> No.9384750

So I guess cis people can't be trans? I know of two cis couples that one or the other identifies as the other gender but only dates people of proper baby making plumbing.

>> No.9384760

hi kris

>> No.9384773

Not sure if bait but if they are cis, they cannot be trans. Cis ppl by definition is the opposite of trans, if you identify as anything but your assigned gender...you are trans.

>> No.9384782

I think you're confusing cis with straight.

>> No.9384801

Is she pregnant because a fucking pregnant Chihero would be horrifying.. She's like 10 fucking years old.

>> No.9384825

Not being cis doesn't = trans

In order to be trans you have to experience gender dysphoria, and most who are trans have a desire to medically transition. You can't be non-binary and trans, agender and trans, genderfluid and trans, etc. because the label "trans" itself implies that the person feels a disconnect with their bio sex and they want to transition to the opposite sex, it's impossible to transition into a non-binary/genderfuck state, anyone that claims to have both labels is a special snowflake who makes the real trans community look like a joke.

>> No.9384934

Literally the entire Vice "Lolitas at home" arcticle. I don't know if only the Toronto comm's ugliest and worst dressed volunteered, but that's certainly what it looked like.

>> No.9384946

Pretty much, yes. I was asked and declined because I value my privacy. It was efame bait.

>> No.9385003

no, you are thinking strictly of transsexual.
trans is the umbrella label for people who are transsexual as well as transgender, which includes all kinds of gender-fuckery from habitual crossdressing to gender fluidity.

>> No.9385009



Am I in 1995

>> No.9385015

The word is making a comeback to distinguish people pursuing HRT/surgery from people who call themselves trans because they feel girly sometimes and macho at others.

t. a transsexual

>> No.9385021

"Making is cheaper than buying" isn't really a valid argument anymore when Bodyline literally has $6 JSKs.

>> No.9385058

Transvestite That better?

>> No.9385134

It really isn't cheaper to make your lolita if you're serious about it. The right materials, lace, and quantities needed actually cost more then buying lolita new in most cases. Not to mention how you have to know exactly how to minupulate the fabrics and pattern them to work with the fashion properly. It's a very costly and time consuming endeavor. But ita's always like to toot the " it's cheaper the make then to buy" horn. They want to show off their skills in reading a poorly planned simplicity pattern and quilting fabric dresses. No one gets a pass when they use quilting fabric for clothes. Especially when it's a luxerious fashion like Lolita.

>> No.9385142

Get over yourself, snowflake.

>> No.9385156

Documentaries always attract itas and annoying famewhores that failed at reaching e-fame through good coords and now want to try their luck in the media. Good lolitas generally won't touch a documentary with a ten foot pole.

Aren't those just crossdressers?

>> No.9385187

I recently made a dress out of what is technically quilting cotton, but it's thicker and nicer than on some of the brand I own. If you're getting the thin shitty quilting cotton from big box stores though you can just go burn it.

>> No.9385209

Just curious, what is the lolita personality?

>> No.9385212

You're buying the quilting fabric that doesn't go for 5 dollars or less a yard at Walmart. All that fabric is for me is drafting and draping fabric.

Then how the fuck did hello batty get so known? She doesn't dress well and never appeared on any show. Is posting yourself all over cgl and spamming wherever you can really that effective?

>> No.9385214

Depends. To your face usually sweet and kind. On the internet savage beasts. With good close friends savage beasts in frilly dresses and wigs giving off the friendly cute vibe.

>> No.9385292

It depends who you want to be popular with. If you're content with an audience of 14-year-old weebs and wannalitas like Batty has, spamming social media with photos of yourself with colourful hair, clothes and makeup can be enough if you make clever use of tags, peak times and different platforms. If you want to generate a following of peers it takes much more effort. If you just want people to talk about you whether good or bad, mainstream media exposure is an easy way to achieve that. It never works in the long run, though. My comm used to have a queen bee who was constantly courting tv and newspaper reporters and even invited a film crew to a tea party once after people had already paid for their ticket. Sure she got on tv and people knew who she was, but she became rather unpopular locally and has now faded into obscurity. Newer lolitas have never heard of her.

>> No.9385301

Speaking as someone that has detransitioned, identity politics has done this weird thing in the last five years where the focus has switched from living the way you want and accepting yourself to making sure ~everyone else~ validates the way you live. It all just feels like even more of a lie, especially with fashions like Lolita and fairy kei.

>> No.9385328

Is it that girl that was on the living doll documentary?

>> No.9385332

It is nice of them to provide us with the tag for more quality cringe content.

>> No.9385364

>Good lolitas generally won't touch a documentary with a ten foot pole.

There's all sorts of weird stuff on the TV contracts you have to sign, so any lolita with a professional career stays away because being on something like Living Doll would kill our careers. The only people willing to take the risk are the fame-hungry or the stupid most of the time.

>> No.9385430



>> No.9385546

No. I don't think our programmes ever got international attention. My grandma watched them though, and of course believed every bit of weird spin the filmmakers edited into it for drama and shock factor. Ugh.

True. People like that want views and attention, and the best way to get those is to paint the subjects as crazy freaks. If they portrayed us as normal young women who just like dressing up and collecting cute clothes they wouldn't get nearly as many views.

>> No.9385572

You only think this because you go to cgl

>> No.9385831

I could only get through a few minutes of it his voice makes me want to kms

>> No.9385850

You're talking about Leyla, aren't you?

>> No.9385904

I've heard people use the word to describe people who were born intersex (with both/ parts of both male and female genetalia), and their parents decided which parts to keep. I can see how this could be pretty damaging, because sometimes when the kid grows up, they'll have a female body and hormones, but a penis because her parents and doctors thought she looked looked more masculine at birth.

In my mind, a transgender person is someone who did not have surgery as a baby due to deformities. They have that same disconnect as a transexual person, but from a biological standpoint their "assigned gender" is correct.

>> No.9385940

There's a huge difference between cheap poly-blend fabric and high quality quilting fabric. If you get nice fabric (which itas don't because it costs $10+ a yard) it doesn't have the stiffness/ shine you usually see on homemade Lolita garments. I also like the variety, since I find way more tiny prints on cotton than I do on poly.

>> No.9385981

Some people just want to have no junk, so while they not be wholly cis they are not fully trans ya dig?

>> No.9386010

I think she means she's put on weight. Which in schoolgirl-speak means she's thin as a twig and emphasizing the fact.

>> No.9386056

You must not have many lolita friends to know that anon pretty much hit the nail on the head. Maybe it's better that way not knowing it.

>> No.9386149

Fucking liberals.

>> No.9386150

Why are even giving this bullshit the time of day?

>> No.9386153

Honestly, same. Like if you want to wear jfash just wear it well and don't make it sexual, gender has NOTHING to do with it. If you're uncomfortable because it's too feminine or whatever, why are you wearing it? Just don't wear clothes that make you uncomfortable, problem solved, gender irrelevant.

>> No.9386156


Transvestites are just cross dressers, and always have been. Transsexual is the outdated-but-coming-back term for people who do HRT or have surgery and actively live as the other gender, and trans* is now an umbrella term for people who have any dissociation at all with their biological sex (so people who ID as agender or genderfluid or whatever else tumblr has come up with fall under the category or trans*)

>> No.9386242

That's a Hermaphrodite I thought? A person born with both gender defining genitalia. Usually internal organs determine what you actually are and at a very early age most people born like that are surgically corrected to match the reproductive organs they have. So if there's a uterus then they remove the male genitalia. A transvestite was a man who lives as a woman on hrt and an transsexual is someone who finds life better sexually as the opposite gender. This is what my human psychology professor pretty much told us when the subject of gender identity came up last year.

>> No.9386421

Yeah, no fuck the poly blend shit. You don't even have to pay $10/yd for nice fabric if you're not super picky about design, and you're willing to shop the sales. Hawthorne Threads has loads of super nice cotton prints, and their sale section has stuff <$9/yd and some of it is pretty Loliable.

But, nah I mean itas gonna ita and buy Joann prints for $3/yd because ooh coupons.

>> No.9386460

They're just mentally ill then.

>> No.9386468
File: 773 KB, 640x1580, IMG_6744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fakeboi as op's post. This snowflake is cringe gold.

>says they want to make a replica of an ap item

>immediately turns around and says beware of replicas.

>> No.9386567
File: 70 KB, 500x600, 393062-10571-2015-06-13991542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always hate it when itas "cant find" a lolita piece and dont even bother waiting for it to show up and decide to replicate it instead. not getting into the replica argument but why not just wait until it pops up? like its not that difficult and desu its kind of exhilarating seeing a piece youve sought after for months pop up online and buying it
pic related

>> No.9386576

My comm is a pool of cringe y'know...
This week a girl proposed a "Free Hugs campaign", so that we'd all wear lolita and go around hugging people on the streets.

As if that wasn't enough, another girl started a Patreon to ask for money to give lolita tips and etc. Acting like a mentor (for monthly 10$). The thing is that she is often to be found on the ita threads.

>> No.9386578

I'm not favourable to using replica, but I've been waiting for some dresses for years already and, at this point, I've just given up on them.

I don't understand this NEED to have the thing to the point you just go and replicate it.

Like, dresses aren't a primal need.

>> No.9387147

That fakeboi wouldn't even buy it though. They are a cheap ass that wouldn't even fathom spending maybe the 60 dollars it would cost. Instead she would rather spend 60 dollars on thin quilting fabric to replicate it.

>> No.9387158

that's not real

>> No.9387220

I don't think the selected were that bad. Frankly there are way worse people who could have been selected.

>> No.9387247

Might be, there was an anon not too long ago who accidentally got pregnant despite birth control and was worried about not fitting into lolita

>> No.9387446

Post caps!

>> No.9388669

It's not in English, so I guess it wouldn't be useful, but I'll try to get the Patron link later.

>> No.9388695
File: 62 KB, 461x705, nopicsplz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Literally none of that is correct (Maybe the statement about transsexuality is if worded a bit differently.) If that was taught to you by a professor, you should bring it up to them. More likely I'm going to assume you took notes wrong tho. Hermaphroditism is never a term that has been applied to humans under any official medical or psychological context; the word there is intersex. Transvestite literally just means crossdressing, and has nothing to do with gender identity, let alone HRT. Transexuality is a little murky but most commonly used to refer more specifically to a trans person who has undergone gender reassignment surgery. I don't know what the phrase "finds life better sexually" means in this context; it could be completely wrong, or correct yet poorly phrased/interpreted.

Here's some lolita cringe to keep on topic.

>> No.9388949

Can't wait to see that flaming hot mess.

>> No.9388958

Wait, I thought you could be cis and trans if you were trans and identified as a "conventional" member of the opposite gender from the one you were born with.

I'm so fucking confused by this stuff these days.

>> No.9388962

Cis literally means you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth, so trans people are essentially the opposite of cis, no matter how stereotypical/convential they might seem in regards to their current gender.

>> No.9389033

Underrated post.

>> No.9389057

100% this. I may be a queer piece of shit but i'm not so insecure about my identity that I need it to govern every aspect of my life. People like this need to get over themselves.

>> No.9389458

from a purely syntactic point of view, the words cis- and trans- are complementary opposites, regardless of how tumblr wants to try to redefine them

sage for OT

>> No.9389843

this person is an ageplayer i die

>> No.9389844

gtfo truscum

>> No.9389866

lolita means boobies

>> No.9389890

as someone born intersex. fuck you.

>> No.9389938

buying replicas is shitting but trying to replicate something strictly for yourself is good sewing practice. It's just a romper with the shorts being puffy, you could make that yourself and not have it be a replica.

>> No.9390835


>> No.9390852

It's in the march edition of the magazine but here's the writer's blog about it http://www.hayleystewart.ca/blog/2017/3/4/vice-magazine-lolitas-at-home

>> No.9390854

Your fake human psychology professor is retarded, and so are you.

>> No.9390855


>> No.9390857

I was part woman, part woman

>> No.9390860

>using hermaphodite
either your professor is 80 years old or a fucking dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about. You can be a psychology professor and know nothing about gender.

>> No.9390862

Did they really lead with a photo of a subject not paying attention to the camera? I know Vice isn't all there on professionalism but jeez an article on what is essentially nothing, a photographer who can't take proper shots,bland basic af outfits. Can Vice just stay away from Lolita?

>> No.9390910

Anon that's semantics

>> No.9390946

>this type of mental illness is different than this other type of mental illness

>> No.9390949

They're not buying replicas but trying to replicate the style of this for themselves since it's pretty basic. Is English not your first language?

>> No.9390965

As someone born normal. Haha.

>> No.9391037


>> No.9391064


>> No.9391080
File: 111 KB, 750x768, IMG_4066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I don't think she's joking.

>> No.9391084
File: 111 KB, 750x1090, IMG_4067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That or she's dedicated

>> No.9391091

>born normal
Being born intersex is not that uncommon, idiot-chan. There's actually more children born intersex than are recorded because doctors will perform surgery to "normalize" the genitals. If this isn't bait, it's the definition of someone uneducated in the area of biology.

>> No.9391094

what is even happening here? Is this a troll?

>> No.9391146
File: 151 KB, 420x500, kowai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find OTT coord inspo from the OT Tea Party, and I ran into Chanel's youtube pagel.


I had no idea that's how she sounds like.

>> No.9391152
File: 13 KB, 288x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted to Amino. I see at least 2 dicks on this drawing of "French Cafe"

>> No.9391175

ok, I'll refrase.
As someone that wan't born a mutant. Haha.

>> No.9391183

You might want to lurk more before trolling, newfag.

>> No.9391187

Her Aspie lolitas vs Cyber bullying video is embarassing as hell.
>bawww people think I'm a racist because I said racist things
>it's ignorant to judge me as a racist because I say racist things
>I have ~flashbacks~ from people calling me a racist and it makes depressed
>oh and btw, San Francisco talked about another person in the comm being autistic so that's totally why people hate me not because I say racist things.
>I miss LACE

>> No.9391205

This was just recommended to me on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6wto2RiuNQ

So much cringe at the 2sad4me intro for a tutorial made by an ita.

>> No.9391283

The beginning and end bits look like they were made by an art student at an engineering college.

>> No.9391297

Sorry you were born a mutant but keep your hopes high and something nice may happen.

>> No.9391523
File: 184 KB, 586x577, 1479203830331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chip tune Melanie Martinez

>> No.9391648

I bet they are, anon.

>> No.9391785

Who is that?

>> No.9391991

The music is so loud! She also talks as if she can't open her mouth far. And I'm still confused as to how she fits in that dress!

>> No.9392036


>> No.9392091

oh god it just kept getting worse the longer I watched
how did she think any of that looked good?

>> No.9392105

basically when you decide you are trans, start to change stuff in your life, then at some point change your mind and go back

>> No.9392113
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9392122

How did this thread become the "gender identity politics" thread? It's supposed to be cringe, silly gulls.

So to start off an actual discussion, what do you do when you see cringe, especially from newbies? Do you ever try to politely (or not so politely) correct them? Those of you who have, what were the reactions? Did they fix it or flip the fuck out?

>> No.9392130

Depends on what the cringe is but generally speaking I try to be polite and accommodating, the vast majority of newbies react much better to that. I try to stay polite even if the person in question flips their lid for no good reason, that's the real challenge but fortunately it doesn't happen often.

>> No.9392182

I tend to be polite and calm with them. I don't mind correcting (in private, of course) and lecturing how many times it is needed, but if they refuse to learn or change, it's their lose.

>> No.9392354
File: 103 KB, 750x706, IMG_2396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh. The beginnings of an ita.

>> No.9392391

I generally just distance myself because most cringey itas/weebs I've encountered cannot stand getting even polite criticism or correction. If they flip their shit when an oppressive white cis normie smiles in their direction and tells them they look nice, how will they respond when I, practically a stranger, ask them to chill out? The one time I asked a girl to stop making rude gestures at the elderly man on the other side of the street, she only got more aggravated and yelled at me that he started it... by staring at her. No shit he was staring you have turd-looking 'ram' horns tied to your head, you weeb.
So no thanks, I'll just stand over here with the adults instead.

>> No.9392414

It depends on how cringe someone is desu. If it's someone who is simply an ita or beginner I don't really say anything to them unless they specifically ask for advice. I just feel like it's not my place and I also started out ita and improved myself. I'm glad no one was patronizing or mean to me at that time and I figured it out quick.

If they are super cringe, like argue for replicas, smell bad and are greasy, say retarded shit, etc. I just distance myself from them as politely as I can. They always seem defensive to begin with, and arguing with one will just bring yourself down.

>> No.9392417

That's a really impressive resume. I would hire her to be my top anime gothic.

>> No.9392420

This doesn't sound that cringe desu. At least she admits its a hot mess and isn't trying to sell it to some noob ita for the same price she got it.

>> No.9392425

My bad, I can't read. Totally thought she was trying to sell it for 200 until you pointed this out.

>> No.9392793

Newbie lolitas I usually pass and help when they ask. I will often point them out to cheap things that are quality to get them out of the Milanoo crap by making friends with them and going " hey check this out, it would look cute on you" and if they get angry at me I remove myself from trying to be their friend. More often then it though they find my subtle help useful and improve quickly.

>> No.9393020

i dont give advice to itas. they can learn by themselves or get spoonfed by others, but i have no patience for dealing with retards, i already work in customer service i dont need to bring my work home with me

>> No.9393035

>dress is half of a photo thats been copied and flipped??????

>> No.9393174

I really don't blame you. I don't like helping weeby itas much either and I always feel guilty, but why should I? No one spoon fed me. I had to learn on my own.

>> No.9393187

>how i feel about itas

>> No.9393189
File: 450 KB, 640x1558, IMG_6772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr never change for the cringe.

>> No.9393193


2 things will happen with them:

1. Best case scenario, they realize they're a fucking trainwreck and will improve

2. They'll realize how hard/expensive lolita fashion is, and/or pull some "lolitas r supposed 2 b lovelies!!!" BS and ragequit the fashion

I just wait for 1 of the 2 options to inevitably happen

>> No.9393203

Unspoken 3.
>Everyone in the comm accepts the itas and that they'll never change, validating them by omiting confrontational judgement

>> No.9393230

That reminds me of something I've read on one of the old lifestyle blogs. Still kinda cringey but not necessarily a new idea spawned on tumblr.

>> No.9393234

>How did this thread become the "gender identity politics" thread? It's supposed to be cringe, silly gulls.
There's a lot of overlap, to be fair.

>> No.9393290
File: 841 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170316-044523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only worn multiple times

>> No.9393354

Should there really be a limit on how many times someone wears something though? As long as they wash it and aren't scalping too badly, I feel like it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9393372

I don't know about you, but I wash all my purchases that where used. Even the ones that say never worn. You can't count other people to be your standard of clean.

>> No.9393375

It's not so much a limit as it is an indication for how used the dress is. Obviously a dress can get wrecked from only one wear if you're not careful at all but a dress that was bought new and worn once will likely be in a much better condition than a decades old dress that was worn often.

>> No.9393378

I think "only" and "multiple times" contradict each other.

>> No.9393396
File: 16 KB, 527x340, 5465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393708
File: 45 KB, 625x342, what the FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my daddies and dollies and im more trans than u

>> No.9393864

Jfc this is a mental disorder.

>> No.9393925

did her favorite plant die or why is she crying over a leaf?

>> No.9393942

Really depends. If the cringy person is nice, new and I don't know them well yet, I normally don't say anything. If they ask for advice, I try to gently steer them into the right direction. I normally try to friendly suggest accessories or styling ideas that would make their coord less terrible, but without outright telling them how horrible something looks. I don't want to scare the newbies away.
If someone is just obnoxious all the time and does not realize that we do not behave like a bunch of anime characters, I simply stop my interaction with them. Sooner or later they always stop coming to meet ups.

>story of correcting someone
Small meetup, the conversation somehow turn towards replicas. The sweet, new girl shows off her dress and admits it's a replica, but claims that "you really can't tell". I tell her that I recognized that from the very beginning and what gave it away, then suggest that 2nd hand brand really is cheap, if you know where to look. I did not start the whole replica bashing discussion because I felt it would get her into a defensive role, but simply showed that people can tell if you're wearing replicas. I don't think she felt offended, but maybe a bit embarrassed, and the conversation simply continued.

>> No.9393951

not bad advice, actually. It's basically "how to be a well-behaved, decent human being 101", but I'm afraid those who reblog it would like to see themselves as the rich, posh girl from a noble family in animes.

>> No.9393955

What happens when a girl is really girly and likes being a girl, but also really wants to be trans. All it takes is becoming a man, and then becoming a woman again! Boom! Trans woman!

>> No.9393998

I miss the days when people like this were committed in mental institutions

>> No.9394141

Except they weren't, because people didn't spend time trying to be special. Don't categorize this as mental illness, it's just being an absolute moron.

>> No.9394187

I would've really liked this when I was 13.

>> No.9394208


>> No.9394215
File: 131 KB, 500x475, 1438579928612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic has never more accurately described my feelings.

Has anyone here ever fucked a trans girl tho? Sometimes when gulls talk about trans, regardless of their stance, I just don't get the impression anyone really sees them as people enough to have relationships with them.

>> No.9394217

Wow, my post comes off as super-douche. I meant to say that I felt a bit alone, best girl I've ever had les relations with is trans.

>> No.9394259

Receiving end or giving end? Giving isn't hard if they are post op. But pre op it's more just a back door approach. I'm not FTM but my ex was MTF post op. It's just casual strap on sex really.

>> No.9394390

ive been a lesbian (with cis girls my whole dang life) and right now im dating a trans woman(and not the tumblr kind). the sex is foreign to me but personality wise i see no difference at all

>> No.9394428

seriously who is this? sorry i know im fishing for info but i want to know if this girl is in my comm

>> No.9394429

I've only been in 3 serious relationships so far and they've been with a cis man, cis woman, and a trans man. If I date a trans woman, an NB, and an intersex person maybe I'll get an achievement?
>that's supposed to be humor

>> No.9394532

Who do you guys hate the absolute most in the community?

>> No.9394540

I briefly dated a transgirl and didn't enjoy it. She was very pushy, high maintenance, and wanted me to pretend to be a guy instead of it being a lesbian thing. She made me feel gross and unfeminine because she kept pushing me to act like a guy but told me I "didn't have enough confidence" for her when I tried to talk to her about it. Finally I broke it off.

I dated a couple of transmen (Well one was a legit transman, the other was on a bandwagon) and it was similar levels of exhaustion and feeling shitty about myself.

I think this is why a lot of trans peeps date eachother because maybe a lot of it was some shitty side effect of not feeling happy in their own body, something only another trans person gets, but idfl.

but they were the most toxic relationships I've ever had, even worse than the guy who sexually abused me (idk, i think mental abuse is way worse than sexual abuse as someone who has gone through both and is far more damaged from mental abuse).

Another side of it is I felt guilty dating the transmen since I was more attracted to the fact that they were "masculine girls" rather than being able to see them as men. I didn't WANT to think that way but that's how my clit saw it so i stopped attempting relationships with them after that realization since that isn't fair to think about someone you're supposed to care about, even if they mistreated me in their own ways.

I dunno. If more were open to transitioning even just hormonally I think they'd have an easier time being taken seriously, especially now with the tumblr train making every girl who's ever been insecure about her body think she's a boy.

>> No.9394549

Dear god no. How much you wanna bet they mean the shitty Suicide Squad Harley?

>> No.9394552

No retard. Transexual was the old term for trasngender until it became less PC just like retard used to be what we called the mentally disabled.

>> No.9394555

So girls who don' know the difference between having a different fashion sense and actually wanting to be a different gender? Fucking retarded special snowflake bullshit.

Transexual is a slur just like Queer is a slur. These teenboppers on tumblr don't get to decide to change language like that when there's people out there offended by those terms.

God fuck i hate that site. please purge it.

>> No.9394558

To everyone saying this is just a term for crossdressers: No. It's not. the ignorant use it as a slur for transgendered persons.

God you people are stupid.

>> No.9394560

the living doll was venus angelic.

>> No.9394566
File: 73 KB, 809x265, Screen Shot 2017-03-17 at 2.23.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Educate yourself.

>> No.9394567

>implying a screencap with no source is a reliable source of information
Try again dipshit

>> No.9394569

It's not that I don't see trans people as human but basically no dick, no deal.

>> No.9394570

>tfw you try to bitchily "educate" people on /cgl/ while using "transgendered" instead of the more widely viewed as acceptable/inoffensive term "transgender."

You're dumb.

>> No.9394571



Or you can google.

>> No.9394572

I hate hypocritical exclusionary behavior. If you preach acceptance and equality, you don't get to be exclusionary. And yeah, I get you need a safe space but marginality whole groups of people is overreacting. Ban bad people, not broad groups.

>> No.9394619

99% of the shit talked about here.
Politics and how they are being applied to the fashion.
How most people in the fashion obsess over pink, pastel and angelic pretty.
The community property mindset some people have regarding altering and changing brand in any way.

>> No.9394713

My original comment says that IGNORANT PEOPLE use it as a slur. The dictionary definition means jack shit if people use it in another, derogatory fashion
See: The word FAG

God seriously, you're retarded. Give up.

>> No.9394727

I kinda enjoy how mad you're getting over words and how they are used.

>> No.9394818

There have been others though, but I don't remember their names.

>> No.9394961
File: 135 KB, 966x452, Screenshot_20170317-110322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you think this is ok to post on RC??

>> No.9394966

>Whines about slurs and words being used ina derogatory fashion
>Calls someone retarded
What is it with you SJWs, man?

>> No.9394978

You don't wash your clothes, anon?

>> No.9395704
File: 245 KB, 542x341, venus so ddlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is what i waste my time on

>> No.9395705

Notice the hickey on her neck in that video?

>> No.9395738

Senpai you got your ass handed to you. Learn when to give up.
Tumblr is that way ---->

>> No.9395761
File: 81 KB, 1300x860, IMG_6351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too triggered for this board. Go back to Tumblr where people care about your opinion.

>> No.9395776

omg no i didnt

>> No.9395828

She looks just like her mother here. Urgh not kawaii.

>> No.9395847
File: 541 KB, 866x663, peeproof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacemarket now has ads for "pee-proof underwear"
I've never looked up anything diaper related so if this is some kind of thing targeted at me they are horribly misinformed. also, what the fuck?

>> No.9395882

I am 100% positive my transgender friend will end up doing this. I want to be supportive and everything, but everything he does and says just screams 'jumping on the latest fad so people will finally notice me' All his other friends feel the same, but no one wants to say anything.

>> No.9395933

It's actually more common than you think for some girls and women to pee when they cough, sneeze, exercise, stuff like that. Kegals help but it isn't full proof.

It happens to a lot of women as they get older too.

Seriously, ladies. Kegals.

>> No.9395935

It's better to let him grow out of it. I went through a phase of this in middle school (before tumblr existed) and didn't grow out of it until I was 22-23.
A lot of the times when it's a transboy it's due to discomfort in their body rather than a real desire to be another gender/sex.
For me, I had BIG fucking tits when I was 11, my first boyfriend only dated me for having tits and told everyone this (I broke up when i found out), and for years after that i was fat.
It wasn't until I was older and became more comfortable with who I was that I started to grow out of it.

I just wish it was more acceptable to talk about this as a possibility considering all of the fake trannies are ftm and there's no way that many are suddenly trans considering what, 2% of the population is?

It explains why many of them still wear girl's clothes. It's not about being seen as a boy, it's about finding a way to be comfortable with feminine things whether they realize it or not.

obviously guys can wear girls clothes but if you're trans, the last thing you're trying to do is be associated with the gender you don't identify with.

>> No.9395968

I went through the same identity crisis in my middle school years. Not as gender identity goes but with my sexuality. I was always more interested in girls and flirt with them more then boys. But I was stubborn when people started calling me a lesbian. So I dated a guy for about 5 years through school. Flirted with girls and even got to live out his ( and probably most men's) fantasy of two girls at once. Then he used that as a reason to bring girls in more and more. I was 24 when I realized that he didn't please me like women did. I felt awkward a lot of the time with him and kissing was weird. We split up as we both realized this on good terms. Now I'm almost 30 and married to a wonderful woman.

Tl:dr Sometimes it takes a good while of exploring to really find yourself and comfort.

>> No.9396102

Last meetup this girl I had only just met started talking about how sweaty her feet were and how wet her socks and shoes got while walking to the location. She used words like "sopping" and "soaked" and tried to go into detail about the smell before I stopped her. I don't understand how some people think this is appropriate conversation with someone you literally met two minutes ago.

>> No.9396105


>> No.9396125

It's happened to me a few times, didn't know it was normal. Huh. The more you know

>> No.9396213

I'm really tired of this transgender trend. They are roping kids into it and shit now.
Actual gender dysphoria is extremely rare.
There is possibly a connection between autism and transtrenders in that autistic people tend to be overly focused on their gender.
At this point I can pinpoint who in my network is going to come out as trans, nonbinary, genderqueer or whatever else.
I know a lot of really wonderful trans people, it just seems like its been taken over by attention whores in the past 2-3 years. And I think that is going to have some serious repercussions later.

>> No.9396220

A. Fucking. Men. Of course, try voicing this opinion not in anonymity and prepare to be burnt at the stake. I'm 100% for people having safe spaces and for getting help/acceptance for things they can't control, e.g. dysphoria. This is so reminiscent of people pretending to be bi/schizophrenic on MySpace, but with angry mobs and potential health risks tacked on from HRT and junk.

To make this less OT, there are just way too many genderspecials and transtrenders in J-fashion. I agree that it must be tied to autism in some way.

>> No.9396221

Fucking this. All day. Every day.

>> No.9396224

Especially in women, theres a connection to high testosterone levels on girls with autism, which can cause forms of dysphoria.

>> No.9396326

Same. The actual trans people I know are pretty chill. It's the ~genderfluid/demi-girl/panromantic~ types who are clearly straight cis women (and present as such except when they're trying to win an online argument) that are super annoying. They're honestly so offensive in co-opting lgbt terms to act like they're oppressed while shutting down any meaningful activism. I had a bunch of them on my fb feed getting all offended by discussion of female health care because uteruses triggered them. Seriously.

>> No.9396339

I often wonder if the people who transtrend realize that their genetic sex still comes into play in terms of personal health and the medications they take.

>> No.9396676

He/shes 27 though. And they got hormones after only one therapist visit? I was under the impression that you had to go to multiple sessions to be sure its what you really want and not just covering for some other issue?

Like I said, I'm not gonna say anything, its his life, he can choose to live how he wants, but I'm worried that this is going to make things worse.

>> No.9396699
File: 71 KB, 670x438, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is.. this just some weird urgent-selling technique?

>> No.9396767

Certain therapists are prescribing hormones like it's candy now. It's also pretty easy to buy online, a lot of gendertrenders will buy online and claim it was prescribed.
And yeah fucking his/her hormones up is going to make them worse. I don't know what you can do though. Just let them make their mistakes and slowly distance yourself.
Another reason why this trend is stupid and needs to die.

>> No.9396771

tumblr motto

>> No.9396812

Holy shit wtf whyyyyyy. I might say that, in a less overly disgusting way to like, my sister or something but jesus.

>> No.9396816

Hahaha I love it, that's hilarious

>> No.9396820

My S.O is MTF post op, pre surgery it was a huge strain in our relationship (couldn't be naked, couldn't go swimming, fear of bathrooms, panic attacks during shopping, fear of not being prescribed hormones etc) but it's nuch better after op. I think the key difference in whether its fad or real is how much dysphoria actually affects their day to day lives.

Otherwise we don't really have much drama, our relationship is very peaceful and the sex is good. She's extremely caring and bought stuff from AP SF during a work trip before to surprise me

>> No.9396822

She sounds like a dream for anyone with a foot fetish

>> No.9402701

I see like 4 of them kek

>> No.9402704

>nothing to do with gender
Uhh newsflash, if you wear girl clothes as a guy that makes you gay

>> No.9402712

or at least bisexual?

>> No.9402792

I think it is hilarious how these types of LGBTQI folk need to exclude cis scum from their groups. It makes me think, what do they even talk about? Do they talk about their junk or junk identity all day? Who/ what they like to fuck? If you create a group for people with divergent sexuality or gender it stands to reason that that is what they would be talking about. Otherwise wouldn't they just talk about "normal" stuff and not need to exclude people who also talk about "normal" stuff.
In my imagination:
>"I love BtSSB's new print release #transgrill"
>"I'm a boi and I love dresses" ~ad infinitum
>"I think AP putting a print of a staircase that draws attention to the crotch is a micro aggression. They should know that many people don't want attention drawn there especially if they are uncomfortable with their assigned gender" #boycottAP #Cisscum #mahopression

>> No.9402798

I don't know. I mean there's cis people out there that appreciate and accept trans. So this behavior of excluding them is counter productive to being accepting of all. But when you grow up on Tumblr I guess not understanding human rights comes with the territory.

>> No.9402942

I'm not sure you've ever been in the real world or not, but it sounds like you're protected snowflakes by the way you're talking. The fact is, most trans boys don't like dresses, fakers like to be special, there's a whole community of right wing retards on Tardlr, gay people feel more comfortable around each other, and nobody who's really trans says shit like this.
It's time to grow up, gulls.

>> No.9403058

I actually study this stuff, there's some suggestion out there that the reason there's so many ftm transtrenders is due to autism.

Autism has a massive bias towards guys, so there's reasoning that ftms with autism might just have a brain structure that's slightly more masculinized, or that the diminished ability to be as successfully sociable as other women leads to feeling closer to the male gender than female, or that the altered structure of autistic brains leaves autistic people feeling out of touch with their bodies. Higher levels of testosterone in the womb is related to autism too.

But a more masculinized brain doesn't equal trans. I've been a rampant tomboy since I was small and always felt more like a boy than a girl. I don't experience dysphoria and I don't want to transition so calling myself trans seems like a mockery when it's something people suffer with daily

truscum out lmfao

>> No.9403088

>Oh no, it's a human rights violation that I can't join this webring (which I don't want to join anyway)

>> No.9403102

Dutch comm

>> No.9403396

Nayrt but sorry Anon hope things are going alright for you. I always wondered what it would be like to be intersex with how retards (including some very educated people) on both sides of the political spectrum act like people like you don't even exist and need to be fixed

>> No.9403662

honestly i just hate being made fun of for something that barely effects my day to day life. i take birth control to get the estrogen that my body doesnt produce and i dont have fully developed ovaries so i cant have children but i guess if i was a thot id be excited about that. youre right about even educated/liberal people making fun of intersex though. or trying to shove us in the trans corner with all the genderspecials. ugh.

>> No.9403684

It does have to do with gender though but there's a reason it's called "LGBTQI" (don't get me started on the cis het asexuals on tumblr trying to be special holy hell)

>> No.9405110

How cute. Ever hear of eunuchs? Yeah, there's a sub section in that world called smoothies. Pretty sure you can figure out what that means.

Also, anyone know wtf to call someone that wants their genitals or breaststroke to change (and experiences the dysphoria) but is chill about the designated gender at birth? There's almost nothing about it online.

>> No.9405168

Actually, if that's a google ad, it's because of the word "lolita" in use somewhere in the sites description. I was involved in the creation of a Lolita website last year and we had to name it something not related to Lolita because google wanted to cover all the add banners in porn, fetish gear and diapers.

Kegals is definitely something to look into, but it works if you're too loose down there (natural with aging; the muscles get soft and loosen) but it's bad for people who are on the other end of the spectrum.

I think we need to work on figuring out why women make other women feel uncomfortable about themselves. I went through a tomboy stage and it had nothing to do with boys; It was about how all the girls treated me. Once I was out of school I threw out all my pants and went straight to dresses; it was a coping mechinisum for being rejected by my peers.

BEST sales technique.

Body dismorphia? Body dismorphia and Gender dysphoria share common points; the difference is obvisously one is tied to gender indenityand the other is about a general discomfort with the body and a need to alter it. A lot of body dismorphia people are either anorexic or they're really into body modification / plastic surgery.

>> No.9405234

Why are lolita communities always so cancerous and clique-y? This is the first thread I've read on /cgl/ and already I can tell that this board is shit. Not even trying to bait, just commenting.

>> No.9405249

meh it's mainly this board and btb (LJ), in real life if you met up no one would dare pick a fight unless they wanted to be bashed themselves, comms are very strict on bullying tbqh

>> No.9405256
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>> No.9405264

>we had to name it something not related to Lolita because google wanted to cover all the add banners in porn, fetish gear and diapers.
I cringed so hard I hurt myself

>> No.9405273

LikeWowLala X leaf
better story than twilight

>> No.9405341
File: 809 KB, 687x1052, 20170323_142841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes not. This girl is batshit crazy. I sadly think she either has a mental disability or severe autism. She screeches when someone doesnt agree with her opinions or when she is told off for her behavior.

>> No.9405346

Sounds like every college age SJW desu.

>> No.9405347

who let 7 year olds on the internet
>My parents back in 2003 did

>> No.9405443

>do not be taken as a fool
>be underestimated

>> No.9405502

I don't dress in lolita and I immediately cringed at those shoes. And then the rest of it.

>> No.9405527

Autist here. I'm a cis woman, but there's also just a general dysphoria that comes along with the territory, like your body is wrong but you can't say how exactly. Currently a lot of shitty communities are pushing the whole "Body feels wrong? Clearly you're trans!" thing, so people wondering why they feel this way latch on to the first "answer" they get when really the autistic fakebois need to realize that most of them aren't trans and just need to make their peace with the fact their body will always feel wrong.

>> No.9405531

I have a form of autism and I can confirm that the way my brain works is neither typically "male" or "female" (in regards to functions like problem solving) but this has basically no impact on my gender.

>> No.9405942

intersex has to do with sex. the only problem comes when genderspecials try to make people like me be "teh differents so trans" just because of my internal biology. its like telling a butch lesbian she has to be a boy.

>> No.9406222


>> No.9407404
File: 119 KB, 494x476, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9407412

What's her disability? Too lazy to work and using this as an excuse to whine about not having any thing?

>> No.9408087

Sounds fetishy.

>> No.9408192
File: 132 KB, 750x679, IMG_2595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just save up for some real clothes jfc

>> No.9408619

>no jokes allowed
>#not all
>your just jelly abloo bloo

>> No.9408655

Not all footfags like disgusting feet. Some of us ar connoisseurs tyvm.

>> No.9408671

Tell that to Eddie Izzard

>> No.9408680
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170325-212107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9408689

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness though; the politically correct climate of society today damns you for thinking of it as such but it's pretty obvious.

If you have ANY thought process that causes you intense mental anguish, anxiety, self hatred, or inability to function normally because of your emotions, it's a fucking mental illness. Literally name ONE condition that follow these criteria and isn't considered a mental illness. Why do we grant special snowflake status to not call it what it is? Don't want to hurt feefees? A person with depression is mentally ill; a person who looks at their penis and thinks "this isn't right, I should have a vagina instead" is mentally ill. Not saying we should lock them in mental institutions - but the way we're going about the whole acceptance thing and inability to maturely be frank with it seems pretty detrimental to me. But that's just my opinion - I don't hate trans people but the gender politics shit is stupid. My opinion is backed up also by the fact that post-ops are more likely to attempt suicide, that most children grow out of trans feelings with age (not pulled from my ass http://www.apadivisions.org/division-44/resources/advocacy/transgender-children.pdf)), and there's of course a decent amount of those who regret transitioning.

The way I see it is like this - you're free to do what you want with your body. Nobody should be able to tell you otherwise. But the way we encourage people to do it instead of first trying to get them to accept who they are and realize that their fucking physical traits isn't what should be defining of them but rather their personalities, then I feel we'd be making better strides towards actually helping people and not pushing them into something irreversible that they may potentially regret and may not even fix their mental anguish.

I sound harsh, but I really want to help people.

>> No.9408698

Ita starter pack

>> No.9408702

That skirt is cute, but I'm normie trash.

>> No.9408708

This..all of this. All day. Everyday. *claps slowly*

>> No.9408715

Generally I agree with you, but I have to ask: doesn't this mean women who want boob jobs and people who want plastic surgery in general are mentally ill?

>> No.9408717



I'm not an expert enough to tell you if all people seeking cosmetic surgery are, but the chances are if you are willing to spend thousands on changing a facet of your appearance, you may have this disorder.

>> No.9408723

That's a completely different disorder.
They have different names for a reason. And if you take umbrage with that, take it up with the people who write the DSM.

>> No.9408724

this. +9001

The left dont actually want to help people. They just want votes and to provide band-aid/shit solutions instead of actually striding towards an actual answer to a problem. most of them are brainless minions for soros

>> No.9408732


I'm not arguing is the same disorder, I'm stating that it is in fact a disorder like >>9408715 is asking.

>> No.9408742

Whether or not the person is getting surgery for the "wrong" reasons (ex: feels extreme anxiety over looks, getting a boob job likely won't change the negative thoughts or anxiety) is the determining factor

For example I know a girl who got a boob job for practical reasons since her breasts were VERY asymmetrical in shape and size. She didn't have deep rooted insecurity issues caused by this, but they made fitting into swim suits and clothing very difficult.
She got the boob job and is fairly happy with it other than the fact that it popped once.

The problem comes when the person gets the surgery, but how they feel on the inside hasn't improved.

>> No.9408747

>the left
Oh boy, we're acting like everyone who leans one way politically doesn't want to discuss mental illness? Okay. Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.9408779

Lol, I'm guessing you're for keeping undocumented immigrants in the country, working as slaves with no rights at all

>> No.9408786

I see more and more younger people being "transgender" and it worries me but I do work in an industry where this is something I see every day so maybe I'm biased because of this.

I often wonder if it is a fad and people are jumping on it because they want to be a victim etc.

While I don't understand how someone can not feel like they aren't the right sex, I don't discriminate due to the nature of my job and everyone deserves to be happy but that doesn't stop me from wondering if it is a real issue or if as you say, a mental illness.

Also, someone mention before about Autism being a possible issue with gender dysphoria and I have noticed, along with the 15-23 year old range of people, that a lot of the people I deal with do have a place on the Autism spectrum and gender dysphoria issues.

Definitely going to have a read of that PDF you posted. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sort of feels this way.

>> No.9408789

This is pretty spot on.

A close relative of mine wanted to transition for years before anyone found out; he often had suicidal thoughts and suffered from depression. He would always try to hurt himself in the balls, and it wasn't until he tried to commit suicide that his parents found out. They gave him the option to start getting cognitive therapy, and if it didn't work out, they'd cover for transition. It took a long time in accepting his body, but eventually he did though even today, he occasionally struggles with feelings of dysphoria. He considers himself lucky for having a really good therapist who prevented him from doing something that might not even bring him the peace he wanted with his body.

>> No.9408814

You are absolutely correct. As a child I experienced gender dysphoria. I'd stare at myself in the mirror and think "these breasts don't belong here, I don't want them". I always indentified with being a boy and tried to dress and talk like one for years. I couldn't shower naked until I was 13 because of it. I'm 19 now and completely comfortable with my body. As I grew older I realized I didn't want to be a boy, I was just disgusted with the thought of having large breasts. I don't know if having small breasts now helped with it but I sure as hell don't want to be a boy now.

>> No.9408822

I remember this person from the ita thread. Sewed a frumpy skirt with Joann's fabric and lashed out at some very forgiving concrit. VERY forgiving.

>> No.9408823

Wew lad, that's some intense false flagging.

>> No.9408894

ITT: Trans talk.

>> No.9408966

I'm dating a trans girl right now
I kind of feel fucked though because I don't tell them this, but the fact that they are in my mind a boy wearing women's clothes is the sexiest part to me. I dont mentally feel like they are someone who is an actual female but that is basically why I like it so much.
The sex is awesome and she has an awesome personality and super similar interests to me. She definitely has a super feminine personality and is just like a regular girl personality-wise. I see her as a person just like I would see anyone else.

>> No.9408969

God she sounds just like this girl I know

>> No.9408981

>identity politics has done this weird thing in the last five years where the focus has switched from living the way you want and accepting yourself to making sure ~everyone else~ validates the way you live.

And I hate it so much because it's obviously never going to be successful, or long term sustainable. Even if it were OK to shame others into lying about their beliefs and not calling you a man when you look like one, it wouldn't be possible to enforce it long term. But now apparently trying to fight back that tide is all the movement's about. SO frustrating.

>> No.9409016

To me, though, if someone requests you to stop calling them a man because it hurts their feeling deeply, yet you keep doing it just because, you are disrespecting the person, and they have a right to be angry at you. You are not the victim in this situation, you are knowingly hurting their feelings. For example, if a person is sensitive about their birthmark and asks you not to point that out, yet you do so anyway, you are disrespecting them. It's that simple, at least the way I see it.
I might think whatever about trans people, but I'm not going to fuck up their pronouns because I don't want to ruin their day, I'm not a jerk.

>> No.9409093

>2% of the population
Haha no, less than 2% of the population is GAY OR BI. Trannies are much much less than 2%, like .02% maybe.

>> No.9409101

>It's that simple, at least the way I see it.
It's really not that simple though, what else true am I supposed to deny because it makes somebody feel bad? 101-tier economics? Some people are beautiful and others are ugly? The Earth is round and really old?

Framing it as "doing it just because" is itself part of shaming, there's never any "just because" when it comes to the truth, it's self evident that the person with the problem is the person who gets upset with it, who needs to learn to cope with reality. Even if the person is a paranoid schizophrenic or something and can't do that on their own, that's still no reason to act as if the FBI are definitely really following them around everywhere.

>> No.9409125

Do you have any friends? You sound like a massive dick.

>> No.9409289

I think she was whining about people calling others by a slur in a non-slur non-taking it back way. Like someone calling a black person a nigger but not in the slur way. I know I would have saved a deserved ass whooping in Detroit if someone taught me that porch monkey does not in fact mean people that just like to sit on the porch and enjoy hanging out.

And then she used retard as a slur. Pretty sure she'd be annoyed with a therapist calling a client retarded though.

>> No.9409300

Eh. Kind of a dated mindset that autism is a boy's thing. I'd say more Trans boys happen in girl autism because they don't know that it's just regular dissociation or "My boobs are bigger this week cuz my period is soon and I can tell as weird difference that makes my bra tighter and more uncomfortable but don't know the reason why so much be dysphoria" sort of thing. Definitely was confused until talking to a psych and getting a diagnosis for the auts.

>> No.9409310

Its more about being polite and not a dickwad. If your mother was super fucking ugly and was very self conscious about it, would you make jokes about her face in front of her? No you probably wouldn't, because even if its true, you realize that the only thing you are accomplishing is hurting her. Its basically the same principle.

>> No.9409361

>jumping directly to personal insults
Yeah, I definitely look like the bigger asshole here, nice. You've really made me reconsider all of my ideas, Anon.

>If your mother was super fucking ugly and was very self conscious about it, would you make jokes about her face in front of her?
Bad and unfair comparison. I wouldn't make brutal jokes about a tranny's looks to his face either (or behind his back for that matter). The more accurate comparison is, if my mom were super fucking ugly would I call her beautiful all the time just because she demanded it and got upset if I didn't? And the answer to that is no, I wouldn't lie so she could stay in some sort of unhealthy denial. If I saw mom acting that insecure about her looks I'd tell her she needed to learn to deal and probably see a professional instead of taking it out on her family, *because* I love her and care about her. That's not even in the same general ballpark as actively fucking with her with mean jokes and stuff, which is cruel and unhelpful.

>> No.9409380

mods please delete this whole thread

>> No.9409551

the person in the pic is talking about buying a replica of it though

>> No.9409561

Was going to ask why on earth anyone would do that until I noticed the symmetrical ruffle patterns. Holy shit. Was the copied side really the most photogenic half of the dress?

>> No.9409600

Seriously, this entire thread itself is pretty cringe. It's arguing about who's autistic and who's transgender and who's not when it should be about CRINGE topics (closets full of replicas, ita behavior, rude lolitas who think they know everything, claims of bullying when given concrit, bad wigs, foolish posting, dumbass questions, etc.)

We can have a cringe thread but make it actual cringe and not gender politics that aren't even related to lolita.

>> No.9409606


>> No.9410081

i've done a fwb thing with a mtf on HRT. and we would cuddle too. but they are too anxious to present as a woman to other people, and they don't act feminine in the slightest. at least they have boobs.

>> No.9412011

>"Hello I'm very gay I would like a few dollars"

>> No.9414969
File: 259 KB, 1273x901, IMG_7825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't trolling but it was soo cringy. Not creative at all.

>> No.9414970

This is trolling. Fucking autopredict.

>> No.9415048

If a 30-year-old white woman from Texas asks you to refer to her as Sarah Yukiko the kawaii Japanese teenager, would you respect that too? Because calling her white REALLY hurts her feelings.

>> No.9415168

Nayrt but to their face yeah I would respect their wishes. Elsewhere probably not. The trans trend I'll play off their preferred bull shit snowflake gender around them because it's respectful to them and their exploration to who they are. But say here or else where I would refer to them as the gender they are. Some cases I'll support their ideal titles if I feel they are valid in their transition and changes and showing effort to me that they are dead serious about it. In the cases of this thread, these are just teens still exploring them selves and highly influenced by modern media politics and popularized ideals. They will be referred to their given gender unless to their face.

They deserve the blacklash they get because they over react when you accidentally refer to them as their given gender when the proper way to handle it is to ask POLITELY that they prefer what ever title they desire. When they behave like humans and not children throwing tantrums, then I'll respect their decisions. But they rather throw a fit and be the victims then being the teacher a leading by example.

>> No.9415578
File: 444 KB, 444x588, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9415589

why is she stuffing bobs into her dress?

>> No.9415591

come to think of the korean way of promoting aethetic surgery. For them, it is a way to improve yourself, not to remove or drastically change.
You are priviliged if you can do it, is like showing off a sports car.
Also boob/nose jobs could be considered minor in comparison to a complete gender change, which involves hormones: changing a t a very deep level.
You are privileged if you can do it, is some kind of treat to yourself.
But when it comes to the whole gender change with surgery and hormones, it is supposed to be a solution to a pre-existing "problem" of dysphoria/depression, some sort of extreme thing, and that is why the current politics would never criticize such changes, but may keep aesthetic surgery as a luxury.

>> No.9415601

What did bob do to get shoved into such a bad overpriced replica?

>> No.9415665

I finally got curious enough to look around, and apparently the reason that being transgender isn't identified as a mental illness is that it isn't consistently the cause of mental anguish, anxiety, or self hatred - it's the treatment from other people as a result of the "gender nonconformity" that causes all of that.

For instance what if the girl in >>9408742 's story got her boob job to make herself more comfortable and her life easier, fine, easy-peasy, no mental illness. But what if her family shunned her for her boob job, she got stalked/harassed/assaulted/abused for it, and people had public arguments over whether she was allowed to shop at the same lingerie stores as "natural" women? I imagine that being treated like that would be plenty to cause mental illness to develop.

I agree there are lots of transtrenders and that fakebois are the worst obnoxious shit though.

>> No.9415774


I'd want to clarify if by "waist tie" she's referring to that thin black ribbon tied around the waist of the dress?!?

>> No.9415784
File: 882 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170330-120511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9415808

Done right this concept could make for really cute ott.

>> No.9415826

this is so silly it's adorable

>> No.9416175
File: 16 KB, 518x174, wtfsales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl posted a skirt with Putumayo's Cat Window replica print for sale in a Brazilian Sales group and these comments appeared:

1:" Is that a replica of Putumayo's print? It's pretty similar. Is that a replica or original?"
2: "I don't care if it's a replica or not, I once saw it and instantly fell in love. I searched everywhere and couldn't find it."
1 again: "Ditto. I asked just out of curiosity."

God, why...?

>> No.9416177

I wanna see it with the meta art dress

>> No.9416234

Same. I'm very for equal rights for all, always have been, but ever since this tumblr insanity started, that's not enough or I'm doing it wrong, not validating their special snowflakiness makes me apparently a terf which makes me a devil Nazi instead of a leftist.

All the trans people I know are those who have transitioned and are happy with their post-op gender and aren't constantly on a crusade to accuse their non-trans friends and colleagues of bullshit offences. I don't know, maybe the transtrenders automatically set off my bullshit detector and I avoid them like the plague without even noticing,

>> No.9416351


>> No.9416688

so, amidst the general "lolita is dying" craze the past two days, someone posted this on the tea party club. If this isn't cringe, i don't know what is


>> No.9416695
File: 115 KB, 599x401, IMG_6092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop spamming this everywhere. It's cringy seeing you spam your shitty YouTube video everywhere.

>> No.9416726

That wins in the cringe stakes this week. I couldn't watch more than ten seconds. It's a fucking magazine, and she acts as if Trump is going to round up all the Lolitas and throw us into a gulag where we'll only have clothes from the GAP to wear, and no tea parties ever.

>> No.9416736

And this from a "lolita" who is going as a guest to Anime Matsuri lol~

>> No.9416743
File: 72 KB, 594x585, 1485952350177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about GLB going out of print
>looking like that
she obviously didnt read it much

>> No.9416936
File: 825 KB, 340x340, 1446765210031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly though im mad, cause i was planning to finally start collecting the magazines BUT NOW i feel girls are gonna sell their Kera&GLBs for more just cause
>out of print/"rare" le meme lol

>> No.9416967

Brazil is replica heaven. Even their indie brand designers wear replicas of other brands.

>> No.9416986

lol she had time to put on milky planet for her crying video but not enough time to calm that rat's nest girl which is it

>> No.9422822

Brazil really? Do tell