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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.9382633

A next finally sent the rest of the emails out.

>> No.9382920

Why is AN so picky, jesus.

>> No.9382922

idk man I think the bar is pretty low, especially since it's such a small con

>> No.9382925

I wouldn't say it's a small con? I mean, it's lottery so getting in is mostly luck, but they make you do these weird backflips that no other con asks you to.

>> No.9382945

What weird backflips? I didn't apply but I looked over their FAQ and I don't see anything out of line.

>> No.9382959

Well, for example there's the paper rule. Buttons somehow get a free pass when magnets and mirrors don't because a staff member sells them. I never seen another con separate crafts from prints like this.

>> No.9383047

We are talking about anime next right? The rules of merchandise are listed right on their site


Candles – Displayed product or back stock may not be lit at any time during the convention weekend. Product may not be sold with any form of ignition devices, such as matches or lighters.
Chain Mail
Cosmetics – Please see Cosmetics section below for more information.
Cosplay & Cosplay Accessories
Etched Glass
Foam Cosplay Props that meet the Convention Weapons Policy

Idk what's the deal with magnets or mirrors? Lots of other things to put your investment into though. I'm wondering if it's a convention center building rule on magnets, like stickers are kinda not allowed most places.

>> No.9383058

Does anyone know about selling in japan? I think I understand most of the process, but for the life of me I can't find info about whether I need stuff like a sales permit, or how to report that income/collect taxes as a non-citizen.

>> No.9383065

>Small con


>> No.9383071

Pretty sure anon is talking about Anime North which separates 2D artists from crafters... AN=Anime North. ANext=AnimeNext.

>> No.9383076

You don't need to report taxes unless you are a resident of Japan, but if you're applying to a Japanese convention you will need a Japanese address.

>> No.9383079

Okay maybe you mean Anime North and I misunderstood.

AnimeNext is a small convention.

>> No.9383084

No, I'm talking about Anime North lol

>> No.9383087

Anime next had 12,000 people last year. Where do you live where 12,000 is considered a small con?

>> No.9383117

I mean, when you consider cons like Otakon that had 30,000 attendees last year. I'd say Animenext is a mid-sized con

>> No.9383160

Not that anon, but some of the closest cons I have are AX, SDCC, and WonderCon. I tabled at AnimeNext last year and while it's not fair to compare it to the three I mentioned, it definitely felt small.

>> No.9383318

it's such bullshit to the point where I'd rather sell at 3 small cons and have all my merch than sell at Anime North and only be able to sell 1/3 of my stuff.

My notebooks weren't allowed, and no acrylic keychains allowed in the Comic Market section, and that's why you still see shitty laminated keychains.

I've been selling there for 10 years and I've finally given up on them.

>> No.9383374

Anime Revolution is a friggin' mystery to me, I can't tell if it's open or it's too late etc. Strongly debating about it until Anime Evolution gets their act together and treat artists better (history of AA getting squeezed back-to-back and placed in awkward spaces). Basically thinking to pay more for comfort to last 3-days than pay less for agonizing ones.

>> No.9383407

oh, same. I applied for the summer convention but there's been absolutely no word from them. I take it they haven't sent out emails or anything?

>> No.9383424

Heck I've signed up for email updates and got nada since 2015. I just don't even know anymore.

>> No.9384205

>Artist Ally

the one time i think to search alley instead of starting with artist

>> No.9384262

I like the irony that the word "alley" is even in the OP image properly spelled in giant letters

>> No.9384282

This kept tripping me up, since I always search Alley to avoid searching the draw threads

>> No.9384401

lol. I just shouldn't make new threads first thing in the morning.

Sorry guys.

>> No.9384410
File: 156 KB, 444x332, USAGI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone do both artist alleys and Patreon stuff?
Always wanted to try and do both but it'd probably kill me

>> No.9384441

I'm going to be my friend's assistant with her first table, but I'm not really sure what to expect. Is there anything I should know before going in?

>> No.9384502

Depends on what type of Patreon you set up, I have both and it works out. Speaking of Patreon though there are some artists out there with shit art and $$$$. Consumers are weird.

>> No.9384700

other than being similar to working a retail job, just be aware of table barnacles, creepers (some autists tend to lurk around and not leave when you talk to them)

>> No.9384718

It will depend on your friend, sometimes you might need to help with the merchandise (cutting out stickers, making buttons, etc) or they might just need you to handle sales while they're taking a break. Also con hours are long and tiring so bring some snacks and drinks and something to play or read.

>> No.9384731

anyone doing AANI's washi tape GO?

>> No.9384747


Does washi tape even sell anymore or has everyone moved onto pins?

>> No.9384824

I do. I suggest setting up your patreon so you can use all of your work for both. A lot of people on patreon promise exclusive and/or custom artworks as rewards levels, and you can't use it for anything else. It makes more work for you. But if you only give people on patreon first looks plus psd packs of artworks you intend to turn into prints later then you save yourself from doing double the work. Also there's nothing wrong with keeping things simple on patreon until you figure out what you can handle. You can always just have a single tier to start and add other rewards later if you feel like you have the bandwidth.

>> No.9384845

I'm thinking of trying it as well

>> No.9385113

Weird backflips is right. I have never heard of any anime convention in the United States that does this shit that AN does.
1. Payment for a table must be mailed by check and be at the mercy of shitty Canada post.
2. You must sign a 12 page contract by paper, and initial every page.
3. You can't sell anything that's not paper based or you're sol in their artist alley.
4. You have to mail out your contract and payment to their Canada address and it has to get there within 2 weeks to their vonlunteers AND you cannot do signature delivery so if your application gets lost, you're sol.

I have no idea why AN makes you jump through so many pointless hoops. The only reason why I can think of making you pay is to avoid being taxed.

It's a shame it's the biggest con in Canada because it has the most god awful AA sign up system I have ever experienced.

>> No.9385130

What do you guys think about merch that is kind of similar to official merch? I had something all drawn out, but since this series is insanely popular (you all probably know what series I'm talking about) all you need to do is blink and there's new merch popping out left and right--of course they would come out with a similar design. It'd be in my own style/twist, but I'm not sure whether I should sell it as merch anymore. (I'd still probably produce it just for myself though) I know it's not hard to just come up with a new idea but I was really fond of my designs ):

>> No.9385136

be more specific if its a common idea no ones going to yank your designs from here

>> No.9385278

Show pics. How similar are you talking about?

>> No.9385280

theres a big difference between being too similar to official merch and someone elses fanmerch idea

>> No.9385432

How do you guys like to package your stickers? I've already ordered the bags but I wanted to see if anyone had any cute packaging. Do you think it's worth it to design the labeling or do people not really care?

I'm really spending more time this year working on my package design and display since last year was my first year tabling and everything was pretty rushed.

>> No.9385444
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, artist's table plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this isn't too stupid of a question - I've got my first AA coming up and I'm planning out my table setup. Since I don't have much stuff yet and no experience tabling, I'm planning pretty much the same wire-storage-cube setup as everyone else does. I asked for feedback and got generally good advice except for one guy who says setups like that are rude and he knows lots of artists who think they're inconsiderate. In your experience, is this true? if it is, how can I adjust a wire storage cube setup to be considerate of my table neighbors? Picture is what I have planned so far.

>> No.9385452

looks normal enough, dunno why the guy has an issue unless he thinks it'll over shadow his table which is toughshit for him since its not your problem.

>> No.9385461
File: 277 KB, 800x320, stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to pack some of my stickers. Most of the time I add one big sticker(Like the tower, or the big Yato coin there, they are also holo laminated) so it's the cover of my whole sticker set.

Or you can use those cute bags with patterns from ebay or aliexpress if you don't have the time to custom pack them.

>> No.9385486

As long as you don't have prints on the back or outer side panels of your grids (so they detract from your neighbors or the row behind you), which you don't, I don't see why it'd be inconsiderate.

>> No.9385498

Very cute! My stickers are on the larger side so I think this would work well. I know more people are moving over to sticker packs/sheets as opposed to single stickers so that's something else I'll be thinking about

>> No.9385617

That guy sounds like he's being a selfish prick. Also, you can go one tier higher because it's likely that your neighbors are all gonna tower over you. 4 panels up and 5 across are pretty standard.

>> No.9385622

Yeah, this is the only negative I've heard.
I get a little annoyed if someone has stuff on the backs of their side-hanging stuff if I'm a neighbor (since I like to have a mannequin on my table on one side) but it's nbd

>> No.9385637

Yeah, definitely not going to be putting anything on the outside/back of this setup, that does sound like it'd be intrusive to my neighbors.

When I have more stuff to sell I'll probably do that! Right now I don't think I have enough stuff to sell to even fill up this much space. :)

>> No.9385675

I double side my print display so that I can tell which print customers are pointing to, never really considered it intrusive since it's still within my realm of display.

Does anyone else have really strong opinions about this?

>> No.9385687

What I've seen that I prefer is artists put labels or notes on the other side that they can read instead of the full print

>> No.9385688

I double side mine too for the same reason. I used to do a numbering system but I would have to shift over all of the numbers whenever I would have to alter the display in any way and it would be really annoying. this just works so much better

>> No.9385766

While I personally don't find it to be a big deal, some cons have a policy against it. I believe it's to prevent people from being confused or to prevent "hijacking" someone else's customers.

Quite frankly, if people aren't browsing first or if someone's artwork doesn't hold up against another's, I'm not sure why it's the artist's individual responsibility to "play fair".

A lot of quotes simply because I don't buy into any of this at all.

>> No.9386191

im considering buying a booth at a local smaller con (50$) mostly to showcase my cosplay. I would sell simple items to make the money back for the booth.

is this a bad idea? Its a smaller convention like 3000 likes on fb. has the local ghostbusters squad and local stormtroopera squad at it, more comics, less cosplay, no anime. my cosplays are mostly gaming.

>> No.9386221

its $50 for a local con, what are the downsides?

>> No.9386738

I guess the downside is say I dont get any following out of it. If I lost money, meh, the 50$ includes two entry tickets. I would only sell to recoup my costs.

>> No.9386749

Yeah, I think it's easier and less likely to draw attention to just have little sticky notes with names/numbers to help you know which print a person wants.

>> No.9386764

Is Kumoricon worth flying to?

What about Momo? AWA? Metrocon? Youma?

I'm east coast but I want to branch out some more. Any insight is appreciated, thank you.

>> No.9386765

That style of setup is pretty standard in a good way, lots of artists do it and as longs as you have that setup secured to your table, you're golden.

There's been times I've personally witnessed someone's grid display collapsing, so just be careful. I noticed more artists are using ropes, and clamps, or the both just to be sure the display won't do something funny.

My goodness your AoT/SnK stickers look so cute.

>> No.9386774

Dont do metrocon its a waste of time and money despite being a 4 day con. I only go because I have free lodging and I never get to see the ocean otherwise.

Youma is pretty good but sales have the weirdest trends of any con I've been to (No money on friday, so much money on sunday)

>> No.9386775

Metro - really? I've heard good things from friends so that's a little concerning! I'll have to think strongly on it.

Youma - I've heard it's really hit or miss and that the area is bad but in recent years people have talked more highly about it. No money on friday would probably give me a small panic since my days seem to be pretty even with a slight bump on saturday most likely due to hrs

>> No.9386780

Last year i spent a lot of time away from my table (I'm a joint table and sales were slow lol) and every one of my artist alley friends save for one made an empty laugh when I asked how they were doing. It wasn't *abysmal* but factoring in flight cost and time off wok it's hard to justify.

They switched from the artist alley not being badged to it being badged last year which definitely contributed to the drop of sales. My first time selling there was after the rule change

>> No.9386786

I did metro last year, made my costs back but wasn't extremely profitable. I signed up again this year though because most people near the room entrance seemed to have done really well & they changed the AA layout a little (which was a huge problem last year). I don't know where you'd be travelling from but as long as your break even is decent I'd give it a shot. Florida & the area around the con is really nice.

>> No.9386796

I'm from Maine but the airport closest to me has southwest at dirt cheap prices (can get 49$ one way if you hit it right) with 2 checked and 2 carryons included to florida so it isn't too bad to fly there specifically)

>> No.9386821

A lot of the feedback I've gotten was about the structural integrity of using wire storage cubes for a display like this, so I'll be doing a test build with zipties and c-clamps to see how secure it is before the actual con.

>> No.9386832

Its just $50. Even if you get nothing what so ever from it, you still get to have fun at a con.

Not been to momo, but everyone says its a great con. AWA is very 50/50. Some people do good, others don't. I didn't do "bad" at AWA, but don't expect to rake in money there.

If you want to know the best con to go to around there, go to Kami-con in Birmingham AL. It is smaller than momo and AWA, but I made *twice* as much revenue at kamicon than AWA.

>> No.9386848

Seconding Kami-con being great. Everyone is so friendly, the attendees are great, and the con has it's own unique feel that's unlike most cons these days.

>> No.9386927

Which sells better?

Large individual stickers 5x5
Or a pack of them?

>> No.9387040

Would anything Simoun ever sell? I finished it recently and have fell in love, haha.

>> No.9387085

Can I get some advice on here about some potion bottles I made? For some reason even after sealing the cork (there's glitter and water inside) it still ended up leaking a little bit. Is there some water proof glue/sealant that can prevent any future leaking?

>> No.9387104

well, looking at google images and mostly seeing girls kissing, I'll say yes.

>> No.9387119


Question about Kami Con. Do you need a state tax ID or anything? I'm an AL native but moved to TX 5 years ago. I've been considering going back for that con since I really enjoyed it when I was attending years ago and I know it's grown, but I don't know what vending in AL looks like.

>> No.9387134

Nah, they just give you an envelope near the end of con for you to put a check or cash in for sales taxes.

>> No.9387169


Thanks anon, that's good to know! I'm definitely going to Kami Con on my application list and pray for cheap SW flights.

>> No.9387181


Individuals, with a deal if they buy a certain amount. For example buy 4 get 1 free. People love that.

>> No.9387251

As far as I've read in random places, it's not recommended to use water because it'll be prone to leak through the porous cork. Sorry can't help you with which glue/sealant to use.

>> No.9387254

Are you filling it till it's completely full, or leaving a small gap of air between the cork and liquid? If you're leaving a gap. I wanna say maybe e6000?

>> No.9387259

Have you thought of using colored resin instead of water? Then you won't have to worry about the seal so much.

>> No.9387290

49 one way sounds unreal.... am i just cured because of the midwest?

>> No.9387291

I got a $25 roundtrip flight on southwest once, Chicago to Philadelphia. It's possible.

>> No.9387300

these are cute

>> No.9387391


Kumoricon is a mess and really unprofessional. They've had years where the AA has been stuck outdoors (coveredish, but still, in Portland, city of endless rain) or in a room with lighting so bad it looked like some kind of dungeon.

Their "jury" results are easily the worst I have EVER seen, with extremely amateur artists getting in (we're talking one step above colored pencil drawings on lined paper, here) and much better artists getting rejected. I'm talking instances where there would be no question in anyone's mind about the skill difference. It has been so bad sometimes I honestly think they just get so overwhelmed by the numbers (they leave their applications open for MONTHS) that they just shit it out and pick random people and give up on even looking at the rest.

And apparently last year they didn't even BCC their acceptance/rejection e-mails so everyone who got an e-mail saying they were accepted or rejected could see the entire list of other people accepted/rejected, depending on the e-mail you got. It caused a minor shitstorm with some of my friends in the NW.

So basically, historically the AA has been put in bad locations, terribly run, with an extremely questionable jury, and it's not great. If you're local, it's nice to get into, but it is definitely not worth coming from out of state, especially not all the way from the east coast.

>> No.9387436
File: 1.90 MB, 384x216, 1475644668823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is selling hentai books/doujin allowed? I've never been to a con before but I'm looking forward to doing AA this year

>> No.9387449

Depends, conventions usually have specific rules on what you can sell (stickers, R18, mass produced products, food, etc.) so you'll have to check their FAQ. Some cons allow R18 goods as long as you label and censor it (usually with post-it notes).

>> No.9387464

As the other anon said, it depends on the con. Most cons will let you keep it behind the table and you have to check the potential customer's ID before you show it to them. There are certain cons though like YaoiCon that allow R18 stuff to be on display.

>> No.9387519

diff anon but thank you, you just saved me a lot of gas money.

>Sage for no contribution

>> No.9387706

AWA is not the best but I'll still typically make a good chunk of change even with flight+hotel costs.
Metrocon is a little hit or miss. They recently moved aa into dealers room and a lot of artists were used to getting sales from the hall attendees who didn't pay for a badge. It's my lowest grossing con but I have friends in Tampa so I do it to pay for my trip and then a little bit of extra.
Youmacon was great for me this past year, I made almost as much as I do at cons like SJ and A-Kon.

I also fly to these conventions with my husband and get our own hotel so our expenses average about 1-1.5k per con, which is much higher than other artists I know. For more expensive cons, sometimes our expenses hit the 2k mark.

>> No.9387743

Agreed. Fuck this bullshit Anime North artist alley process. I just logged into my e-mail today to find that they sent me a question asking me- can you confirm that your paper backed stickers are in fact made of paper? (sent yesterday asking me to reply before they make the lottery selections).

I probably wont' be even getting a lottery ticket this year, but it's good because good riddance to this massively crappy Canadian con.

>> No.9387746

Kumori isn't worth flying to unless you're local. If you're within 2-3 hour drive away like I am, you should definitely attend. There are just a lack of decent sized anime cons other than sakuracon in the north west coast

>> No.9387781


Yeah, living in Oregon is pretty much the shittiest, have to recommend staying away to anyone serious about AAs. No good local cons, and flying out of our airport is way more expensive than other cities regardless of distance, so we have to pay more to get to out-of-state cons, too.

>> No.9387785

>our expenses average about 1-1.5k per con
>sometimes our expenses hit the 2k mark.
dang. How much do you make at cons? I normally only make around 1 to 3k.

>> No.9387790
File: 110 KB, 497x478, ss+(2017-03-12+at+11.27.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to kind of rant about this so sorry not sorry.

Saw this on SPS today and this isnt the first time Ive seen a store selling something along the lines of "Save the bees!"

What bugs me about these types of merch is that they go on to say things like "bees are super important to the ecosystem and are dying!!" But no where do they state they will be donating any amount of profits to a charity that would be relevant to the cause. It just seems scummy to me to be profiting entirely off of a very serious ecological issue that people are aware of. I wouldnt be bothered at all if any percentage was donated however

Am I crazy or does anyone else feel this way too?

>> No.9387798

I had no idea people did this at all but assuming none of the profits are going to be donated I agree with you, definitely scummy. Too bad too because the design is cute and I'd be willing to buy it if it meant donating for this cause.

>> No.9387804
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170312-115732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$27 and they're not even cleanly painted.

>> No.9387807


Eh, It's no different when a bandwagon of art/merch for recently deceased celebrities floods my feed. Pretty questionable, but I just gloss over it since it's not my thing.

>> No.9387813

A recently deceased celebrity doesnt usually represent a cause though. Still a questionable thing to do, but they arent really comparable here.

It'd be more comparable to say people who make "transgender blah blah blah!" or "trump blah blah blah!" But for those people I almost always see them donating profits to planned parenthood or something else

>> No.9387816
File: 272 KB, 640x360, south-park-scauses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see places do this all the time, especially during October for breast cancer. Read the fine print on half the "for awareness" stuff coming out and most of the time the lipstick or nail polish or whatever doesn't directly donate a percentage to the charity. It is literally just "congrats, now you're aware of the cause and you paid money to be aware of it".

>> No.9387834

San Japan really has some balls! More then a thousand applied. They said that they were going to get back to us in mid March on who goit in and that that it was a "first come first serve/Jury application". ( I guess they needed some time to "Judge" the all the artists that applied) Well my fellow artist I call BULL on that. Apparently just a couple of days later they somehow went through more then a thousand artist applications and picked there 155 artist that they needed, but didn't even had the courtesy to let the hundreds of other artist that we did not get in. We only applied and re apply an hour later, wasting our time on there website but they can't even take the time to let us know we didn't get in. There is no way in hell that they checked out artist website/portfolio out and pick out 155 artist in a couple of days in over a thousand that applied..for God sakes! Akon is still judging there artist and haven't picked all there artist out. Then San Japan goes to there Facebook page and and brags about the many that applied to there con. But again can't even take the time to email us back and say we didn't get in. If we can take the time to do there application at least acknowledge us and treat us with a bit of respect. Conventions are losing that quality on Artist. Rather then treating us like creators that we are they treat us like numbers.

>> No.9387840

Momo is fantastic, I'd say it's worth flying to. AWA is weird and hit or miss. I do well there but a lot of people tank. I wouldn't take the risk if you haven't done the show before and know you'll do well.

>> No.9387843

KamiCon is amazing. The attendees are great, the staff is great, the alley is small so you aren't competing with a million people - all around awesome show. I'd do Kami over AWA in a heartbeat

>> No.9387847

More than a thousand clicked the link, iirc they capped applications at 300.

>> No.9387850

i cant read this
can someone tl;dr

>> No.9387858

I agree with you man. They Flat out lied about there process.

>> No.9387861

apologies if this is asked often, but for people that sell needle felted goods online/at cons, how well do they tend to sell?

>> No.9387864

They did in there initial first sign up then more then a thousand applied and messed up there application system. We had to wait another hour to re-apply so they can fix there crash.

>> No.9387870

tl;dr sanjapan apparently chose which artists got into AA within a few days of that submission fiasco, but they waited until mid-march to release acceptance emails. There's some other complaining in there but shit is indecipherable dude.

I thought no one could submit during the first round. People showed screencaps of the submission button being missing so SJ redid the applications at 6:30 instead or something. Where are you getting your info?

>> No.9387872

The capped entry submissions at 300. A thousand didn't APPLY the first time, a thousand people CLICKED the link causing the application to lock up. Did you not even read the tweets they sent out on application day?
Also they literally just had to "jury" by checking tax ids & clicking a gallery link to quickly make sure it wasn't full of bootleg shit - they were not judging for quality. Ffs it's all in the rules but once again it was clear you didn't read.

>> No.9387878

Don't look up how many millions companies have made from "breast cancer awareness" merchandise.

>> No.9387879

I already know about that anon, its dumb as hell. But I feel its a little different when its a huge corporation vs a one man show doing it. You expect corporations to do sleezy shit like that

>> No.9387887

wasn't san japan first come first serve

>> No.9387888


Anon, please don't reply to your own posts. It is painfully obvious when you're the only one whose English is that bad.

>> No.9387897

Someone from Europe is asking to do a wire transfer to pay for an Etsy transaction. Has anyone had luck with these?

>> No.9387904


FCFS jury but not a full jury like A-kon. What sucks though is some were able to click through at 6:29 while others couldn't get in until 6:30.

I think the best approach would have been to delay the sign ups by a whole week and then to NOT immediately send out acceptances like a day later. I know the jury process is just to check tax IDs and make sure you didn't steal art, but I do wonder how well they verified that stuff given the turnaround on acceptances. And it wasn't just "the first 150 who meet our criteria got in" because there were people who had later time stamps who were accepted vs. people who managed to click through earlier. Such a mess.

Have they formally sent out rejection emails though? I never got a rejection or acceptance, but I know I didn't get in because a friend got an acceptance email pretty quick.

>> No.9387924

I saw them San Japan replying to somebody's tweet basically saying that they wouldn't be sending out e-mails for rejections and if you weren't contacted, you didn't get in. I think that's pretty shitty of them to not at least contact people after all their site issues/rescheduling, and they should at least take the time to send out an e-mail to rejectees letting them know what's up and how they decided who got in, since I've seen some squabbling over time stamps. Pretty much the only good news is that they're definitely not doing FCFS again next year.

>> No.9387929

>how to get yourself killed: the hat

>> No.9387931

That would be the MAGA hat in a blue state

>> No.9387939

They sent me that same question wew.

>> No.9387941

yeah, I replied and got the lottery ticket, but I'm not holding out for it.

Results come out tonight, so good luck to to both of us, anon.

>> No.9387944

Good luck to us both indeed. It's my first time applying so we'll see how it goes.

>> No.9387955

May as well burn ur money over an open flame. You have no protection, no refunds with wire transfers unless you really know them or they have a known positive trust worthy reputation.

>> No.9387967

Don't be an A-hole, I'm Asian! sorry that you don't agree with my English, self entitled prick!

>> No.9387997

The timestamp thing is confusing because there were two time stamps and some people are arguing about the wrong ones. If someone didn't screen cap their time stamp from when they submitted and are using the email one then their argument is moot because the email one is wrong. I don't think there are any real instances of people who submitted an earlier one with valid ID and merch that didn't get in desu.

>> No.9387999

Are you actually fucking retarded?

1) San Japan is First Come First Serve

2) They aren't sending out rejection emails yet because they need to figure out who declines after their first acceptance wave so they can offer tables to the next person in line.

3) You can't fucking properly articulate your words, you shouldn't participate in the Artist Alley

>> No.9388005

I'm the seller that's being paid and I figure I only send the item out when the payment is received. Does this change anything?

>> No.9388009


Don't most cons send out rejection emails regardless of who accepts or declines? It's more of a "you're on the waitlist" than a "there's no hope EVER" type of rejection. It's shitty that San Japan won't even email people to say "hey, you didn't make it." I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a con to respond when clearly they can do so quickly.

No need to get so angry at that anon.

>> No.9388014

hi skimlines

>> No.9388016
File: 251 KB, 500x343, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good lord you are probably right anon that this is skimlines and im dying

>> No.9388083

>Don't most cons
No, you're fucking retarded kys

>> No.9388121

nice job replying to bait, can we talk about something else now

>> No.9388140

fuck off back to your tumblr safe space

This still sounds like a bad idea regardless, surely there are other ways to pay instead of a wire transfer where it won't screw both of you over

>> No.9388218

>check lottery results
>oh maybe I got in-
>last number is different
Dammit. If anyone got in Anime North and is up for sharing a table, please let me know.

>> No.9388253

looks like nobody got in...

>> No.9388261

Not the anon you were replying to, but it doesn't change the fact that there is no protection for the buyer.

>> No.9388266

I didn't get in either. I was off by one with my number as well.

>> No.9388303


>> No.9388355

Needle felt stuff is a small portion of what I sell, but it's small for a reason: requires a careful balance of time/effort/materials for the cost (I doubt I could sell anything reasonable if I invest too much time into one item), and slower sales compared to the rest of the crafty things on my table.

But I'm still pursuing to try to bring needle felted items to the table in other fairer ways, like photo prints maybe. I'm aware of a couple of other artists in the local scene who sells needle felted goodies, but honestly I've seen the same stuff sitting around the last couple years.

Whatever you do, just gotta make it not look like you broke out a $2 Daiso felting kit to make a $8 charm; gotta find a way to appeal to customers but somehow don't under cut yourself.

>> No.9388373

I've sold out of the needle felted shit I made at all the cons I've had them at except for the very last AX I did.

As >>9388355 says, it's a lot of effort for pennies, and yeah I got insanely sick of doing the same shit over and over. It's amazing it took the buyers over two years to get sick of it.

>tfw there's still 19 leftover unfinished pieces of that same shit

>> No.9388387

eew keep your schizo ramblings to yourself skimlines

>> No.9388742

I know there was talk about sticker packs earlier but what about print packs? I know people will sell them online but I was wondering if something like that would sell at a con?

I have a bunch of two-toned paper lying around that I've been sketching on and I thought about making some prints to sell. Some of them are too small to sell on their own (imo) so I considered making them a set.

>> No.9388840

I think a triptych set of postcard prints could be cute.

>> No.9388892

i have a friend who does mini print packs with a YOI theme so they definitely do ok

>> No.9389255
File: 98 KB, 1144x760, 14682067_10154643531960127_8819797525660366201_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody dump nice washi tape designs? I'm looking for inspiration in designing my own but I find it surprisingly difficult to find images of it (specifically the artist made one, not the normie plain type).

And if they also have links on where to buy artist washi tape that'd be rad. I love collecting and buying unique designs but again searching around just brings up the plain stuff 99% of the time.

>> No.9389277
File: 298 KB, 922x600, 231631-156c05d56c7249eea1edb6325976fd98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling has a couple on their tictail

>> No.9389280


i personally love looking through booth

>> No.9389293
File: 273 KB, 800x477, 231631-92a638a9ac244cde87b1ad8fd99819d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9389294
File: 421 KB, 964x600, 231631-3fea52f81cd54792b3504bd85db98bc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9389296
File: 135 KB, 1200x900, CpqEZSQUAAEP9TA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god Im an idiot, how did I never think to search for Japanese artists tapes... Thank you so much for the link! Im in washi tape heaven

Heres a few I saved from some Japanese artists I follow on Instagram

>> No.9389298
File: 353 KB, 877x625, cocotte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389301
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 09b15f34cdb01e2c5d7487fd6ecc24706dd950f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389304


oh shit they have more under the stationary tag

>> No.9389317
File: 72 KB, 500x557, TB1RyRKHFXXXXbxapXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shitton of CN/TW washi tapes
https://www doujin com tw/goods/search/0/1/57SZ6Iag5bi2 (add periods)

>> No.9389408
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to those who replied to my potion bottle issue! My boyfriend had tons of leftover resin from when he made resin gems, so he let me use the rest to make my potion bottles! I can't wait to sell these at a con I'm going to soon

>> No.9389422

Cool! Good work anon. I impulsively bought tiny bottles for a few dollars, but haven't clicked with any of the ideas to use them yet.

>> No.9389469

Looking for a gift for a friend's birthday. Link me your shop/storenvy/tictail/what-have-you if you've got any:
- My Hero Academia
- Princess Jellyfish
- Cowboy Bebop
- Animal Crossing
- Ore Monogatari
- Kingdom Hearts
- Earthbound

I'm mostly looking for stuff like charms, pencil cases, stationary, etc. I've been searching all day, and aside from the spreadsheet in the OP, it's kind of hard finding storenvy/tictail shops!

>> No.9389516
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x828, washi-snail_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill share what i have saved

>> No.9389523
File: 17 KB, 800x122, 14358622_10210431223358039_861679660673925661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389526
File: 239 KB, 474x352, asdw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389529
File: 552 KB, 1280x1280, 399175-b7ca4f535a3745a9ba3380c122d6b371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389535
File: 120 KB, 800x800, N-1605-865346_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389538
File: 228 KB, 1023x1024, IMG_-b549g5_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc these are clear tapes? imo they turned out awesome looking

>> No.9389575

I'm about to put up preorders for an ore monogatari charm and an isabelle and digby acnl charm, but they won't be ready to ship for another two or three weeks. I also have an Isabelle holographic button.

If you don't need them immediately I can post my tictail where I'm putting up preorders this week.

>> No.9390097

There was some talk about it in the previous thread, but how exactly do you go about finding people to table split with if it's allowed? Does it really come down to who your friends with? Or do people just use the cons forum boards still? It's been 5 years since I've last done aa, and a lot seems to have changed. I have a lot more questions too...

>> No.9390116

I guess I'll just share my situation since it's connected. I am in a dangerous situation with being stalked by my neighbor. The guy is a convicted serial rapist who is in the same house as me. I live in a large house divided into 4 separate apartments. He moved in two years ago and his behavior towards me has been escalating very badly...going as far as to cut down a tree because it was blocking one of my windows, and he will stand outside my windows and door and just stare...There's lots more creepy stuff he does, but it would all be tldr.

So people in authority have strongly suggested that I move and I would love to, but I live in a very expensive state where security goes about 2-3k, and you are so sooo lucky if you can find an apartment at $850 lowest. It doesn't help that I am disabled/blind and on ssi and section 8, so that adds more complications to moving and my lack of money being below poverty level.

That being said, I don't pay taxes and I cannot work in a "real job" because of ssi. Part of the reason why I stopped doing cons was because of cons requiring you to have a business tax number, and it would royally screw things up with me to have to register myself as a business and let the government know that I'm "working".

When I was doing cons 5 years ago, I *never* broke because I suck. The most I ever made at a con was $300 at NY anime fest....I usually walk out of cons with anywhere from $40-$200. So everything just stopped being worth it.

However, because of the urgent situation I'm in, I'm trying to get together a few prints now that my skill went up a little. Naturally every con near me coming up is sold out until November, and I don't have the funds to travel and lodge (I even have to pay someone to drive me as it is).

So, my questions are basically how can I find someone to share a table with asap for cons next month or so, and is there any possible way you don't need to have a tax number??

>> No.9390139

Stupid question, but what are you supposed to do with these tapes? I see a lot of them in craft stores but never understood where to use them. Using them like a normal tape is bad since usually they don't stick well. But all of these are super cute

>> No.9390147

I use mine to make my order packages a little cuter but I think people also use them in journaling a lot? Your guess is as good as mine, ha.

>> No.9390150

I use it on damaged book spines and on things like charge cables to stop them from being mixed up with others'.

>> No.9390151

Planners, journaling, card making. I work in a paper store so washi is a big thing in a lot of papee craft projects

>> No.9390153


>> No.9390195

I use them for sealing regular envelopes that dont like staying close.

>> No.9390359

I think you need to find a different get rich quick scheme, because tabling isn't it. There's no guarantee you're going to make money now if you didn't before. Even at a higher skill level there's a multitude of things that still affect profits, such as the fandoms you're creating merch for and the type of fans you cater towards. Who you split with also affects profit, as customers tend to have an internal subconscious 'wall' about spending too much at any single table, thus you need to have a different enough style from your table mate that customers easily internalize the two as different sellers (which is weird and easier said than done as it turns out).

Additionally, you don't sound like a smart investment as a table mate, either. Not to be crass but if you don't have the funds to travel and lodge, and you don't have the prints already made, then you don't have much to offer. There's no guarantee you're going to make enough selling over the weekend to even pay your half of the table, something that most people are going to want up front. And it's shitty, but since you're disabled you probably can't even offer the same level of labor that a standard table helper would - I don't say this to be mean or to discriminate, it's just true. My table mate for an upcoming con is disabled, she's a fantastic artist and will easily pay her half of the table so I don't care, but as a disabled person she can not spend as much time manning the table, needs more frequent breaks, and is not capable of doing quick food runs due to her physical limitations. If you can't pull your weight in sales, and you cant make it up in labor, there's no reason to table with you.

This isn't the answer you wanted to hear, but I think you need to look elsewhere for the money that you need to find. If you're dead set on art, market yourself for commissions, and consider putting yourself out there in the furry community where commissions are actually valued at fair market prices.

>> No.9390364

I honestly think online sales might be the way to go for you. Set up an Etsy account or promo commissions on Tumblr/Twitter. If you're willing to share your story on Tumblr you could even set up a signal boost post?

Crowdfunding will raise the money quicker and more decisively than going to a con. And costs you pretty much nothing to set up so there's less to lose if you fail. I was in a really shitty place several years back on the verge of eviction and was able to raise about $2k in a week to pay for back rent. Strangers can be kinder than you think and taking into account your current financial situation (no money for lodgings, travel, or for prints), it will be hard to find a tablemate willing to split with you like the other anon mentioned.

I'm not saying you NEED to take handouts. You can still offer sketches/prints as an incentive. Heck, even just setting up an Etsy store would be something. But posting abt this and attempting to crowdfund will help drive traffic to your store so you can get out of that situation fast.

>> No.9390393

Facebook. Try Artist Alley Network International or find the specific FB group for the con you're interested in. Do be careful who you pick to table with because you're trusting someone in your space with your money.

>> No.9390398

Planner, sticking notes to the wall since they (usually) don't leave residue, decorating otherwise plain Ikea drawers, on packaging, labeling folders and containers. Granted I wouldn't trust any types other than the original mt when it comes to most of these functions.

>> No.9391078

Anybody printed washi tape before? How small is too small?

>> No.9391136

A-Kon artist alley acceptance e-mails just went out. I'm on mobile right now but can copy and paste the list (and waitlist) when I get home.

>> No.9391142

LMAO A-kon sent out acceptance e-mails but organized the list from good art->not as good art

Holy shit the drama that's going to come from this

>> No.9391155

akon is fucking retarded
also did anyone realize that people sent in multiple portfolios?

>> No.9391156


Wait, how do you know that?

I'll be honest, I saw this list and thought this is a tough competition given how many well-known people applied and got in, but then also how many of those same people have bad reputations on here.

>> No.9391158


I'm an idiot and should read the full email. A-kon is a bigger idiot for saying it's in order though.

>> No.9391159

and it's on complete opposite spectrum of the list. maybe it's rated differently?

>> No.9391167

Deets on this list please.

>> No.9391170

>The official list is in a specific order - the order of scoring. Although we generally do alphabetized lists, this reflects the decisions and the precise outcome of the Jury process. The Wait List, of 50 artists, is arranged in alphabetical order. If you are not on either list, good luck next year! Banned products, invalid Tax IDs, and broken gallery links were removed prior to Judges Voting.

>The Jury focused on: Original poses, coloration, and excellent use of art theory such as : Composition, Color Useage, Framing, Poses, Anatomy and more! Fan art and Original art were judging using the same metric. Crafters were judged upon their final product, how unique it was, and how well made or inspired the designs were. Artists, for next year, be sure to vary poses, especially heads - add in some backgrounds, mix up compositions, and stand out from the crowd! Crafters, vary product from well known, well used supplies. Be creative and use your artistic might to represent your vision of fanart or original art: many entries had many of the same poses from the same popular shows. Sidenote : Amazing surge in art of male characters, awesome!

>> No.9391171

who do you mean bad reputations? Like I saw skimlines but...

>> No.9391178
File: 126 KB, 520x2150, akonlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't see anything wrong with this system, though. It's good to see a con that isn't all about that hugbox life. If your art is mediocre, you CAN fix that. It's not the end of the world, you did make it, and you will move up on the list if the quality of your art moves up as well. It's also helpful because now you can see who your direct competition is.

Anyway, here is the list. The asteriks just mean that that person needs to update their PayPal e-mail.

>> No.9391182

>tfw you're on the list but you haven't gotten an email yet


>> No.9391184


There are people on there who have been caught tracing art. Then there are people like thumbcramps who everyone just seems to all around not like.


Looks like they also focused on who knew the judges.

>> No.9391188

the first ones are people who plagiarize old art styles and beats everyone else who make their own compositions and styles...

>> No.9391194

That's only the top of the list
It's cut off
The real list is like 3x as long

>> No.9391197

Do you know who's on the bottom of the list? Would be interesting to know what the quality cut-off is.

>> No.9391200
File: 299 KB, 559x4990, akonlist2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me with a baseball bat. I didn't realize the list got cut off. Here's part two! There's also a part three. This list is HUGE.

>> No.9391202

Here, I uploaded it in a searchable spreadsheet. Just use this.

>> No.9391208
File: 173 KB, 591x2785, akonlist3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, anon! I thought it might have been longer on my phone because mobile and all, but then I saw the little tiny text that said the e-mail had been clipped. NOW the list is done.

It's anonymous on here, sister. Name and shame. We won't tell.

>> No.9391213


Wait a second, so am I supposed to believe that all the artists listed on the waitlist are considered to be of higher quality than all of the artists who are listed at the bottom of the regular list? Or is this only a list of accepted + waitlist, not counting rejections at all? This list is fucking huge, so it's kind of confusing.

>> No.9391224

No rejections on this list. They said they got near 1000 applications; this is only 350 (300 accepted, 50 waitlisted).

>> No.9391225

those on the waitlist are considered lower quality to the ones on the accepted list

>> No.9391231

I am making myself butthurt as hell by looking at all the artists who scored higher than me that I think I'm way better than.

>> No.9391233

I don't think so. I'm still going through the waitlist, but so far everyone on there has sucked. They'd probably make up the final part of the normal list had they not been waitlisted.

>> No.9391235

When ACEN happens this year I hope I can snatch some 2hu bead art.

>> No.9391238

they are all older style from or referencing off of famous older paintings

>> No.9391240

Anon...everyone knows who Mucha is. You can't seriously expect anyone to believe that people are ripping off of someone as well known as him. Everyone KNOWS it's supposed to be Mucha inspired. That's the whole point. Not that I don't agree with you on it being overdone, but it's hardly plagiarism.

>> No.9391241

So far, it looks more or less correctly judged so maybe you are butthurt. Though Akon judges do seem to have a penchant for antique Japanese style and classical art.

>> No.9391243

The sooner you learn that you're never as good as you think you are, the better. Take the opportunity to concentrate on some of the things the e-mail suggested. Actually, since I know not everyone gets the AA e-mails, here's the blurb:

"The Jury focused on: Original poses, coloration, and excellent use of art theory such as : Composition, Color Useage, Framing, Poses, Anatomy and more! Fan art and Original art were judging using the same metric. Crafters were judged upon their final product, how unique it was, and how well made or inspired the designs were. Artists, for next year, be sure to vary poses, especially heads - add in some backgrounds, mix up compositions, and stand out from the crowd! Crafters, vary product from well known, well used supplies. Be creative and use your artistic might to represent your vision of fanart or original art: many entries had many of the same poses from the same popular shows. Sidenote : Amazing surge in art of male characters, awesome!"

>> No.9391246


>this is one of the top artists

OK, so I mean ones like this. Maybe I have shitty taste, but I just don't understand, especially after looking at their criteria. Because this seems to excel in exactly 0 of those areas, but it's rated above tons of other stuff. Am I just totally insane and this is actually amazing??

>> No.9391250

plagiarism is the wrong use of word
I get that it is inspired,
but so according to the jury, it focus on " original pose, colouration.... " how is something so heavily inspired original? the composition/lighting, colours are all already thought out. I'm not saying that it came be done, but for it to be rated so highly over everyone else who thought of their own pictures is insulting.

>> No.9391257

I kinda love that they put it out as ranked, at the bare minimum it gives insight into what the judges consider "acceptable".

Also shows that they really don't know much about all the criteria they listed, but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.9391260


Ok yeah, that works if the list actually made sense. But there are people lower on the list that are better than some of the people on the top of the list. They should've never publicized this "order" to begin with, saying that it was juried based on scores was enough.

>> No.9391263


Agree with you, there were some near the top that was just like "Wtf, really?" Makes me question whether these people are truly "amazing" in the judge's eyes or they get a free pass because they're friends with the judges.

>> No.9391264

Absolutely agree with you, anon. IMO, if what you show for your portfolio is a famous artist's painting that you stuck a pokemon in, it shows me that you DON'T have good composition, color useage, framing, poses, anatomy, and more! because you have to rely almost entirely on what another artist already did instead of doing something that's actually your own work.

>> No.9391265

Hence more or less. Don't take it personally and scrutinize it. It's just a general reference as to how you fared compared to others in the judge's eyes. Key word being the judge's eye. If anything, your example just serves as a reinforcement of the judges' boner for antique Japanese art.

>> No.9391267

Yikes this is fucking terrible. How did they get so high on the list?

Yeah, it puts a bad taste in my mouth to see someone with a gallery that's mostly pop culture/famous artwork mashups get in on the grounds of being "original".

>> No.9391272

oh shit A-kon fucked up and rated the same portfolio differently

>> No.9391280

I'm convinced that there was an error in the GoogleDoc at some point. They said in the e-mail there was an error that ate some of the PayPal e-mails (which is why the asterisks are there). It would explain why some people are both in the waitlist and not, on the acceptance list twice, and why people like this tachiik person are so high up on the list.

>> No.9391301


you'd think after making a multi mill headphone thing she'd be rich enough stop doing AA, at least go to the dealers room jfc

>> No.9391307

I think legal issues and a bunch of other things ate up most of those profits

>> No.9391325

This, plus the overall opinion on the quality of the headphones seemed to be negative. Tons of people complaining that they break easily or sound horrible, which isn't yuumei's fault persay but it does affect her bottom line.

>> No.9391407

what? shes a cal alumni, shouldnt she have that info figured out???

>> No.9391414

Her partner disappeared with half the money. She was unable to complete the product to the quality she needed and still give the backers the product, which is why she sold the rights to that shitty gift shop or whatever that sells them in malls now.

>> No.9391449

Besides that fiasco, is there a reason I shouldn't like Yuumei? People seem to have mostly negative opinions on her, but her art is nice at least.

>> No.9391456

> she sold the rights to that shitty gift shop

I find it hard to believe yuumei who, is socially awkward, cant cook without burning the stove down, and cant even set up her own booth, could arrange a deal like that

do you have source for this info?

>> No.9391468

I hate her fans. As far as my personal experiences have gone, she's fine, never had a negative interaction with her.

Omocat is awkward as fuck in person too and she's handled creating a business and worked with Riot without issue. Social awkwardness doesn't always translate into inability to handle business dealings.

>> No.9391479

a lot of it is jealous salt that she is so popular. She also used to be rather pretentious/elitist iirc.
I find her ideas to be kind of cliche'd and obvious - particularly her environmental art - but she's improved a lot with her actual art.

I remember a lot of salt when she posted her improvement meme thing, but honestly it's not that remarkable (except in the west, where children aren't pushed as hard/feel the same pressure to be at a certain standard)

>> No.9391481

>she's handled creating a business

I mean if making your close friends run your store and handle your emails/social media is considered a business accomplishment, sure

also lets not forgot her game thats been delayed 3 years and maybe even longer because she wants to make an anime instead of something interactive

>> No.9391484

tim said she brought her fans to classes and made lecture a circlejerk for herself?

its a mix of being not self aware chuunibyou at like 25

>> No.9391495

desu i find quite a lot of her work to be lazy/unfinished looking which contributes to me feeling like she's pretty overrated (alongside her generic semi-realism anime style)

>> No.9391515

I spy Maya Kern on that AA list. Don't a lot of people hate/dislike her? I know a good few who said that she's a "huge bitch" but I've never met her irl so idk personally. Anyone have some input on this?

>> No.9391518
File: 284 KB, 580x836, catearheadphones5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the source is look into any Brookstone in your mall and it's the first thing you'll see. They even have Ariana Grande repping those things now. Pic related is the box.

>> No.9391520
File: 388 KB, 638x1014, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took the tweet down, but it's still archived here.

>> No.9391547



>> No.9391565

What? I think Brookstone is responding to Veronica (who seems to mistakenly think they made the headphones w/o ever contacting Yuumei) there, not to Yuumei saying that she designed it.
I mean, based on >>9391518 it seems like Brookstone isn't trying to hide Yuumei's involvement, since her signature is literally on the front of the box.

>> No.9391567

Has A-kon always included gallery links in their public acceptance list?

>> No.9391579

right, but yuumei made it seem in the op that ariana grande is a thief and that this was done w.o her permission when in reality it no longer belongs to her and she shoudve kept her mouth shut

>> No.9391591

I'm a little confused on the legal matters here. If you buy the rights, do you also buy the right to lie and say that you designed it? That sounds sketchy af

>> No.9391598

No, if you look Brookstone was responding to the girl that claimed that Ariana saw the art and got someone else to make the headphone. They just responded saying that they had the rights to make them, and that Ariana didn't "just find other people to make the headphones", aka stealing the idea. If you check, they didn't respond to Yuumei's tweet directly.

>> No.9391607

like another anon mentioned, she's definitely big enough to comfortably do well in vendor's halls. There was a time when she was actually funded by 4DE publishing but still set up both in AA's, which I think is pretty skeevy.

>> No.9391618

the wording is tricky in these articles
ariana grande DID design her limited edition headphones so technically they didnt so anything wrong

buzzfeed, rando articles claim ariana made the cat ear headphones, not brookstone

>> No.9391769

I've read that post by Tim before but it kind of sounds like jealous gossip. It mostly seems like Yuumei was invited to do a lecture and the fans made it all about her which she doesn't really have control of? I don't even like Yuumei or her art.

The only personal example I have of her being kind of shitty was at AX one year. I was tabling behind her and she brought all of her cosplayer friends (who didn't have artist/helper badges) behind the table and they would just hang around for hours making it super cramped. She also had large format posters which she put behind her in piles on chairs so it made it impossible to walk through the aisles because she decided the common space behind the table was all hers I guess.

>> No.9391792

Lmao I'm at the 75% quartile of this list. I guess it feels ok senpai. Not great, but then again, I work in public accounting and don't have time to weeb anymore.

>> No.9391933

isnt littlereddo/kinwamonster pretty well known for tracing art and ripping ideas from foreign artists?

>> No.9391938

yeah she shamelessly rips from official and other artists all the time

>> No.9391967

I think it comes down to the fact that judges can be extremely biased. I prefer juried cons but I also think it's shitty of them to rank the ones they already accepted. What is the point in that if not to start a bunch of petty drama?

>> No.9392086

although it looks like a shitstorm waiting to happen i actually prefer this because you can see what they like and tailor your art or portfolio to more match it. Like if i draw X Y and Z types of art, but i know they prefer Y, i would make a Y heavy portfolio of my existing art (And have X and Z but not featured as much). The only weird thing is that tachiik person.. i don't know why they are so high on the list but baring them it's pretty clear what they value so that's good info.

I didn't apply this year becaue of a schedule conflict but it's good to know for next year!

>> No.9392108

I guess they're so big and they know people will apply regardless, they don't care about the artists anymore.

The ranking is a bit of a slap in the face because it is really dependent on personal preference, but you know what, I do agree that my friend is a hell lot better than I am and she deserves to be higher.

>> No.9392151

Can you ask for a double white layer with Vograce? I've noticed a lot of clear charms from them are pretty translucent.

>> No.9392158

I've asked before, but I don't think Coco understood what I wanted.

>> No.9392163

>check out littlereddo
>immediately see milkbbi sweater ripoff
man you weren't kidding

>> No.9392167

Vicky said they were trying, but it wasn't working. Another (Chinese) anon said they managed to get Vograce to do it though.

>> No.9392183

That's news to me, though it would explain quite a bit.

And yeah I didn't bother mentioning the whole game thing bc it's ridiculous as shit. Practically everyone underestimates the amount of work completing a game actually takes, especially for first timers, so no surprises there.

>> No.9392255

Ahh I see, thank you! I'll just stick with opaque for now then.

>> No.9392299

I'm pretty high up on this list but i havnt gotten Any emails..what do

>> No.9392318

you need to contact them

>> No.9392319

They said emails are going out periodically today for invoices. I wouldn't be worried. I'm on the list too and the only email I received was the initial mailing list email with the names of everyone who was accepted.

>> No.9392454

300 artists at akon seem like quite a lot for a con that size. How many tables were there last year? It didn't feel like 300 to me.

>> No.9392458

I haven't received a single e-mail from them since I applied, and I'm on the accepted list... Didn't even get the e-mail saying who was accepted.

>> No.9392462

126 tables last year

>> No.9392463


Yeah, I'm kind of worried about this. Like if it's FCFS, moderately priced, and a shit ton of tables, I feel better about going to cons because I know a lot of my competition is going to be bad artists who lucked out, but if it's 300 post-jury tables at a $300 price, it feels like it will be way more competitive for sales since the quality is (in theory) way higher across the board and the only people willing to pony up that much money for a table have to be very confident in their profitability.

The way they've organized the public list also almost seems to be encouraging people at the bottom to drop out because A-kon's basically saying, "You are barely good enough to be here, and everyone else is better." Only then those dropouts just be replaced by worse artists from the waiting list, so it's kind of hard to see how that will benefit the con in wanting to have a quality AA?

>> No.9392464

Megacon in FL did the same thing, doubled the tables in the AA and it hurt everyone massively. I can only imagine how much of a clusterfuck akon will be with that many accepted.

>> No.9392490


A-kon's always been well-organized and well-run, so it's kind of baffling that this year they decided to fuck over artists by more than doubling the amount of tables. I know that A-kon is a huge con, but I have a hard time seeing this do anything but hurt sales for a lot of artists.

>> No.9392498

Wasn't this said about AX when they initially expanded the AA out? It's still one of the most profitable cons for a lot of artists.

Plus Fanime has less attendees than A-kon and they've had around 250+ tables for a couple of years now, haven't heard much about sales getting worse there either.

Is the crowd at A-kon less likely to spend than west coast crowds or something?

>> No.9392504

Texas sales are always lesser than CA. This is going to be a bad year for akon artists. Feels bad.

>> No.9392507

Yeah but keep in mind the $300 comes with two badges AND you get a parking spot all weekend. Honestly that's a good deal to me because the parking around the convention center is a nightmare.

>> No.9392514


AX is one of the most profitable cons for a lot of artists. It is also one of the biggest money sinkholes for a lot of artists, where there are so many tables that your placement can make or break you.

>> No.9392522

Wasn't sure about that, so thanks for clarifying.

Can't disagree with that. Does that mean that table placement has less impact with the smaller AAs?

>> No.9392532

It's a good deal for some people, sure, but for a lot of people, it's basically being forced to pay way more for things they don't want or need.

>> No.9392554

Are you on their mailing list? Yhe email was sent to their mailing list. Also, check to make sure you don't have stars next to your name because that means you need to contact them.

Megacon also played favorites re: what genre you put down and had uneven aisle widths. It was Megacon's new management that fucked things up for the most part while A-Kon is staying under the same leadership. I wouldn't worry.

I disagree. Big Texas cons have been very good to me and I'm a Cali artist. I make as much as AX at most big TX cons and A-Kon is probably the Texas con that brings in the biggest number of sales for me. I'm sure having twice as many artist will impact the AA somewhat but not to the extent you're insinuating.

>> No.9392562

I got in?! No email here either. I'm so confused.

>> No.9392566

Oh shoot now I gotta decide between AnimeNext and Akon.

>> No.9392570

Check the google doc they linked on their twitter. Official emails/invoices are going out today.

>> No.9392576
File: 315 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can everyone stop panicking about A-Kon emails now.

>> No.9392665


(sage for ot)

>> No.9392768

Sounds good because I haven't received a single news letter from them before. I'm always getting the news from screenshots in this chat.

>> No.9392775

Does anyone know if they allow table sharing for A-kon? It would be great if I can get a table partner willing to put down some of the hotel and table fees.

Also, to share a table for A-kon, does the other artist have to be accepted on that list as well? If we can share with random people, doesn't that bump the artist alley size up past 300? I know Fanime expressedly states you can't share unless you applied as a shared table.

>> No.9392808

IIRC you have to apply as a shared table.

>> No.9392817

I got an automated email when I emailed A-kon, and it seemed like they are letting you submit for table partners afterward. I could be wrong, but it asks for gallery and tax ID, which they would have already had if you were only allowed to submit people that were already accepted.

I lowkey would like a partner too, but I feel like everyone decent that tried for one was already accepted.

>> No.9392821

iirc same rules as Fanime then? You would have to write in your application the person who you are sharing with and they must get in as well. If so, that's a shame. I guess I won't be able to be sharing my table but I can still maybe bring my bf for an extra person to split hotel with.

>> No.9392825

same thoughts here, anon. After I got the automated reply saying it's letting you submit table partners afterwards, I wasn't sure exactly

I'm going to e-mail them really quick about that policy.

>> No.9392981 [DELETED] 

>Books hotel after Akon acceptance
>"It's going to be a 4 day con! EVERYONE EXCITED???"
>Crying inside
I was going to use the time before con to spend time with senpai while I was there.. Not spend wed and Thurs at the con. I'm glad I got in but damn I'm not one for 4 day cons. My old bones have a hard time with 3 days already

>> No.9392985 [DELETED] 

- Books hotel after Akon acceptance
- "It's going to be a 4 day con! EVERYONE EXCITED???"
- Crying inside
I was going to use the time before con to spend time with senpai while I was there.. Not spend wed and Thurs at the con. I'm glad I got in but damn I'm not one for 4 day cons. My old bones have a hard time with 3 days already

>> No.9392991

- Books hotel after Akon acceptance
- "It's going to be a 4 day con! EVERYONE EXCITED???"
- Crying inside
I was going to use the time before con to spend time with senpai while I was there.. Not spend wed and Thurs at the con. I'm glad I got in but damn I'm not one for 4 day cons. My old bones have a hard time with 3 days already

>> No.9392994

For some reason senpai or family keeps getting changed to senpai in my post. Oh well

>> No.9392995

4chan filters that have been around for ages now
f a m -> senpai
t b h -> desu
s m h -> baka

>> No.9393001

Oh hah never even knew about it. First time I've typed any of those words here I guess.

>> No.9393068

I booked my hotel as soon as the block went up, now I have to figure out if I can add Wednesday or find another hotel for just one night.... I hope you still get some time with your family somehow anon

>> No.9393303

Anyone who didn't get into A-Kon going to ask for a portfolio review? Apparently the AA head is offering small reviews for anyone who wants to know their score/what they can improve on.

>> No.9393310

I thought the point of the discord was to avoid the noobs that shit up every thread with basic, easy to google questions

>> No.9393320

Does anyone know if we have to have a physical copy of our Texas tax id for akon like we do for San Japan or if just having the number is ok? I lost mine in a move and I'm moving again so things are a bit complicated right now...

>> No.9393328

I'm in the process of moving right now so I feel your pain, anon. Last year, they were fine with just the numbers. But you can request an extra copy easy peasy through the comptroller's website so I would do that since you have plenty of time and it never hurts to be safe.

>> No.9393333

I wish you luck with your move anon! I'll give them a call once I'm settled down then, Im pretty sure we also have to file a change of address.

>> No.9393339

You can add/remove addresses through their site! I personally hate talking on the phone so that's what I usually do. Good luck with your upcoming move too!

>> No.9393386
File: 52 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.943117596_c7io.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get stamps made that are mounted on the acrylic like this? I love the look of this stamp versus the wood.

>> No.9393387
File: 34 KB, 600x337, 13321946_1750735095170606_5585928950637481538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393424

i thought maybe this was a slight overreaction to a single dumb question in one single channel but my god was i wrong

>> No.9393436


>> No.9393438

wow Im a big ol' dumbo. I rarely check zap and I always forget they have more than just acrylic keychains. Thank you so much for spoon feeding me anon!

>> No.9393442

Is it a discord for AA specifically or cgl? You dont have to link it, Im not even sure I would want to join. Just curious on the deets

>> No.9393444

iirc its not specifically cgl (even though thats where it was made) but its for advanced sellers and people who are super serious about it and should be able to google what it costs to make prints at the very least.

>> No.9393446

holy shit someone asked about the cost of prints?? Thats like the most basic of the basic

>> No.9393471

I feel like person is just shitting it up with every question they ask. Need to lurk more.

>> No.9393568

Person who made the discord here. I think i did initially make a mistake by sending the link to everyone who emailed me in the last thread, and not checking portfolios before inviting and just trusting people's word. I didn't know if a portfolio/con history check would be overkill, but now I'm going to be doing that and gradually removing people who are leeching information. My mistake for not doing it from the start, sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused.

>> No.9393577

>juried discord

That seems... kind of laughable/extreme to join a discord that I'm guessing is just people complaining about AA.

>> No.9393585

nah there's concrit channels too so i guess you do kind of want at least a base level of competent in it

>> No.9393586

If its too much, I'm always open to suggestions.

>> No.9393587

it could get messy if the discord got too popular, but for now it seems reasonable.

>> No.9393588

if you're still allowing people in, i sent you an email

>> No.9393593

I think it's reasonable if it's just to the level of like, checking to make sure it's actually people who artist alley and not just rando cgl lurkers.

>> No.9393606

>holy shit someone asked about the cost of prints??
Talking about cost of prints, sorta on a different angle - but is this a red flag when an artist table has prints done in nearly every print method possible - mix thin and thick paper stock, glossy and matte finish prints, and what got me triggered was seeing a few were offset printed.

I tabled at a con last year and saw typical aa cookie cutter setup- pvc pipe front, blue-taped hanging prints, ordinary skinny asian girl in simple t-shirt and shorts. Hand written price sign, nothing on table. By day 2 and 3, I can see she was barely selling anything to the point just sleeping on the chair and semi hiding from view behind the table. Decided to do a pity buy, went over and looked over her stuff, none of the prints looked like the common fan art, nearly all were in my opinion original'ish characters in painted fantasy themes, I was intrigued and asked my friend to look it over to do a group purchase which we did on the last day. Luckily she lowered prices which I must admit was way way above the common $15/print...I know at this con many were from out of state so seeing those prices wasn't unusual. But later seeing the mix finishes of the prints made me question it all.

>tldr: I like to support artist but I'll ask to look closely to see offset/mix printing stock etc. and boycott my wallet from unknown proxies that pop up at cons and cannot explain the ideas behind the design.

>> No.9393614

This sounds somewhat familiar. I feel like I may have seen this person before, but not sure.

Shifting the topic again to "sad con stories", I remember at this certain texas con, there was a girl with hardly any prints at her table... Of the prints she did have, I barely recognized any of the series', and there were only about 5 so there wasn't much to choose from anyway.
On the last two days, she was standing in front of her table with a sign that said "Please buy my prints, I want to afford to fly home." That she put in front of half her face, her eyes sticking out above that she would stare down random passerby's with.
Definitely one of the most awkward things I've seen. Her doing that no doubt made people not even want to stop at her table. And also, who doesn't buy their flight home in advance? Was definitely one of those situations where I pitied them, but not really, because they got themselves into that mess.

>> No.9393617

Mixed finishes alone i wouldn't be wary of, sometimes people have to rush print something at a local printer versus their regular printer, or at a con center print center, and if they had left over from those printings they could easily have different finishes or bleeds the next con or two after. Even more so if they are new and are still trying out new places to print.

>> No.9393619

So ive seen people talk about these a lot lately on AANI, but I dont really understand. Whats the big hype with matte buttons?

>> No.9393621


Umm, what? Why is it a red flag to use different printing types for different purposes? That's why they exist.

I do my smaller, postcard-sized prints on heavy cardstock because I like small prints to be sturdy. I do poster prints on light cardstock for weight/shipping purposes. If I do specialty printing (foil/holo) I like to use a heavier stock for that as well because it looks and feels nicer. I make my own notebooks/sketchbooks, and I like gloss finishing for cover prints because it's pretty typical to see notebooks with a glossy cover.

Also, I take it you've never sold out of a print at a con because good luck getting last minute extras made that perfectly match your old stock.

Do you honestly think that people should just be using the exact same kind of printing method for everything they do regardless of the size/format? That's crazy.

>> No.9393641

I don't get it either, it just looks like they forgot to put the mylar layer on their buttons.

>> No.9393656

I still don't understand the button/pin/patch trend in entirety at all.

>> No.9393660

>ordinary skinny asian girl in simple t-shirt
thats wacist

>> No.9393664

Link? Or email I guess in this case?

>> No.9393670

"offset lithography printing" is something you should not be seeing in artist alley, maybe in the vendors typically on official merchandise for example.

On these threads the common q is how many prints you make and you get the canned 15-25 etc response. To order prints done on offset would be in the hundreds mass-produced. Now to see a few random offset with a mix bag of several just hit me like this person was GIVEN prints to sell is what made my stomach turn.

>> No.9393683

sorry for the profiling, don't know how else to say if some hong kong printer is just putting up some sad struggling student on a visa in the states to make a buck.

The designs I bought, and her nubile response didn't mesh on the pro quality finish and the art itself. I talk to a lot of artist and anyone simply can tell the hardships one does to get the prints ready for con day. All I got was a giggly stare and a vague response as I asked how did you come up with these designs.

>> No.9393688

Do people really lie about whether they made the stuff or they're a proxy though? Even the small cons I've gone to check ID when you do AA check in and don't want proxy sellers there. I've run into one person who was doing it, and they were so awkward when asked about the art or complimented. Even if she didn't say what she was doing it would have been fairly obvious.

>> No.9393709

I can understand it from a photography/itabagging angle, since glossy buttons are an absolute bitch to photograph.

>> No.9393711

>Also, I take it you've never sold out of a print at a con because good luck getting last minute extras made that perfectly match your old stock.
>Do you honestly think that people should just be using the exact same kind of printing method for everything they do regardless of the size/format? That's crazy.
These were all large prints. Random glossy and matte was not the issue. The disparity of the prints was noticeable, like I said earlier, I did a group buy with my friends in which I bought close to a dozen prints - close to $200. If I just bought 1 or 2 I wouldn't have noticed, but as I was sorting it out, I was like - wtf!? Mind you I was a former graphic artist so I notice the little things in print quality - so seeing nicely printed pieces on random mix paper stock seemed unusual.

If anything I'll try to get together with my friends to see if we can tineye the prints to get a source eventually.

>> No.9393718

graveweaverelf@gmail.com for discord invite.
Just include a link to your portfolio/deviantart/tumblr/whatever so I can verify you do AAs.

>> No.9393720

I think I'm going to skip out on a-kon this year, which sucks because it's always been one of my top cons.
But the mix of new location, giant price hike, additional day, and enormous AA, along with all the questionable decisions they're making, makes me not so eager to jump on board.
I'll probably wait a year and see how it does.

>> No.9393722

>Random glossy and matte was not the issue
meant to include that is common paper - what I meant was the prints had use matte/glossy varnishing finishes which is pro level printing.
>willing to spend on pro level prints. hand writes sharpie prices. slept through most of the con.

>> No.9393773


Did they announce from the start that Thursday would be a sales day, too, or did they just spring that on everyone now? There's no way I'm trying to get off an extra day of work for a day when the majority of attendees probably won't even be there yet, and anyone who is there will definitely be there on the other days to check out the AA.

>> No.9393781

I just read that they were going to be spread across 4 venues as well. I really feel like they're biting off more than they can chew this year

>> No.9393783

>I feel like I may have seen this person before, but not sure.
She had over 20 or close to 30 so prints again surprisingly non fan art - but had a touch of anime/manga illustrated character facial features, but the subject matter seemed.. avante garde/ dark feel to it - well a majority it looked that way to me.

>> No.9393790


Actually Akon was 4 days last year as well - the Thursday is for setting up and there is about a few hours open to attendees (which is just a few people walking around and I don't think you have to sell on Thursday) In their email it just said you needed to be ready to sell by Friday noon.

>> No.9393793

Fuck, are you serious? Watch as the AA gets put in an area with nothing else going on to draw people in.

>> No.9393859

>close to $200 pity purchase
can you feel bad for me too anon

>> No.9393896

sounds like a bullshit story to me. Why would you not buy a roundtrip ticket?

>> No.9393900
File: 28 KB, 400x267, tumblr_inline_ndsa63qJyw1r1pzsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give some AA artists too much credit in their mental capabilities. I know a girl who was in her position but drove here from 4 days away.

>> No.9393901

Not the original anon but I heard a story like this on AANI I think? Some girl had all of her cash stolen because someone swiped the zipper bag she was using Saturday night. And she planned to buy her flight with con profits so she made a sign on the last day of the con or something. I do agree it was shit planning on her part though.

>> No.9393906

It kind of sucks but I know some people don't have the money to buy roundtrip flights sometimes so they buy one-way and try to buy return tickets with their profits. It's risky and you could argue stupid but I've known a couple of people in similar financial situations. I have a couple of friends who have to save up for plane tickets/hotel costs and miss the cheaper flight prices a lot of the time, because by the time they get the money together, the costs have risen.

I honestly think most people should look into getting credit cards from their bank? Even if you have no credit history, it's pretty easy to get a credit line up to $1000 if you sign up during promotions. It's easier to put business expenses on a credit card and pay it back in installments instead of having to rely on your profits for your return flight home.

>> No.9393913

The real question is, if your financial situation is that razor thin isn't it a bigger priority to stabilize it a bit more before risking a venture like doing AA?

I wouldn't even call it stupid, it seriously sounds like they've never had any sort of financial education and that scares the shit out of me.

>> No.9393920

Hey, anons, I got an OK to add a secondary artist to my table for A-kon. If anyone, hit me up at this gmail and we can discuss it. Thank you!

>> No.9393922

I meant to say: If anyone is interested in sharing a table.

Sorry for the typo.

>> No.9393936

Yeah I definitely agree with what you're saying. But for a couple of my friends AA is guaranteed money. Like a huge lump sum they can get over a weekend so a lot of them unfortunately end up doing it with barely any capital because they need to pay rent/bills that they can't meet without doing it. It's a weird cycle.

Sent you a message, anon!

>> No.9393974

I got into akon so I can't Anext anymore but Anext this year has a no refund policy, what do

>> No.9393975

I'm glad it is for them, otherwise it'd be tragic. It's still a form of living paycheck to paycheck, which is unfortunate.

>> No.9393987

Speaking of not having the money built up to safely do AAs, I've always been curious:

If that's the case, how come so many AA artists are college students? Where are they coming up with all the money to invest into seriously doing AAs? There's no way I would've had the money to invest in all kinds of merch and products when I was a student, but maybe kids these days have a shit ton more money than I did when I was in school.

>> No.9393989

I started doing AAs right out of highschool. I've graduated from college now but when I started charms/3D merch weren't as widespread so I was really only investing in prints. By the time acrylic merch got popular, I had enough money from my print sales to fund production.

I think a lot of younger people nowadays operate on a preorder system anyway? So that way they crowdfund the initial capital for production.

>> No.9394004

As a college student who got into doing AAs, I wanted to do it as a high schooler but didn't have money/resources/driving capabilities etc, which I do have more of now.
And I had some of my own savings stockpiled that helped ease my way into AA that would have been tougher than if I were a highschooler that was broke with no income. Plus being able to drive to cons with your own car helps.

I'm able to take the hit and order more expensive types of merch that I never could have thought of as a high schooler just because I have that kind of financial safety.

>> No.9394008

I worked part time when I was in college and saved up a lot. It was also before a lot of the types of merch you see now got popular, stuff like acrylics, lanyards, and group ordered things, so I only had prints and buttons to worry about. So the initial start-up costs were probably a bit less. And almost everyone was using PVC pipe displays still.

>> No.9394022

Sell ur table to someone else. Add them on as a secondary artist.

>> No.9394068

maybe they use their student loans.

>> No.9394091

In my case I just started from the bottom and worked my way up. Also didn't really have any expenses other than bus fare since scholarships paid for those semesters, and I still lived at home so food, etc wasn't a worry. Not gonna lie, my mom technically paid for my first con, but my expenses were less than $300. Made $400 in profit, put it towards my next con. That one was kind of a stinker, but my expenses were only $300ish again, so I made $300 in profit. Invested in a button maker and hauled ass to improve on my merchandise and make $2k my next con and kept on funding myself.

Still lucky though that I don't have large expenses at home (though I plan on moving + going back to school eventually-- thats what my con savings are for.)

>> No.9394142

Anyone else have a friend who is always complaining about someone stealing artwork? Not even artwork she is selling, just random doodles someone gets inspiration from, copies, and then she starts ranting about people stealing her ideas.

>> No.9394145

> can you post the art?

>> No.9394152

So has anyone seen a rise in button and pin sales because of itabags? Are itabags even that popular?

>> No.9394162

I saw a TON of itabags at the last con I went to. I actually want to make my own now..

>> No.9394234

>Are itabags even that popular?
Insanely so. It blew my mind since my only exposure to them has just been /cgl/. I figured it was a random fad like uchuu-kei to be honest. I was so wrong, and I can't believe I expected anything else. Pin bags have always been huge. Husbandos/waifus have always been huge. Combine the two together? Extra huge AND your average teenage weeaboo gets to hop on yet another bandwagon. It's great. I sold out of all but one pin style at my last con.

>> No.9394265

I'm glad to hear this. I hate Victuuri, but I'm going to force myself to draw them for the itabag craze.

>> No.9394272

Has anyone done J-con in Philadelphia? 2-day con for the second year in a row, wondering how sales are in the AA...especially since I only do grunge original art of cats.

It would be my first AA. I don't want to lose too much money, knowing original art is hard to sell, but I also don't want to start out with a super big con too.

>> No.9394310

sent a reply.

>> No.9394369

Sent a reply back!

>> No.9394376

Lmao that was me, and no I never intended to make a sign, some asshole was saying that I should make one "for pity points". Also, I was driving home across two states, so it was gas money, not me failing to plan to fly home.

And I still broke even for all costs and made some on the last day, plenty to get home. So either you're combining stories or just misinformed. I promise I'm not that shameless, or bad at the AA.

>> No.9394381

Not gonna lie, I just go for it even when there are a lot of other things I should be paying for.

The first merch I ever made was in high school and which I made decent cash off. Shoved that away for more merch making, and it basically becomes a cycle where that money just goes to make more merch. I participated in my first con with these funds.

All of my merch and AA expenses (including ticket/hotel/transportation) are funded by myself, but I'm spoiled/lucky enough to say that my parents fund literally all my necessities (school, apartment, food) so I don't have other bills to pay besides when I buy my own stuff like books, art supplies, and makeup, which I don't actually spend a lot on. I'm also very good at saving and hardly spend money on unnecessary things (eg eating out).

I'm guessing also that other college students have part time jobs and can save up well enough. Upfront expenses can get pretty high, but with some planning and saving it's very doable esp if you start small.

>> No.9394426

Just saw the update about A-kon allowing artists to add a second artist to their table. Is it normal procedure for cons to do this? I was under the impression that artists wanting to share had to apply together so they could both be juried.

>> No.9394437

I didnt get any reply...

>> No.9394462

It depends on the con. It's nothing that new, although this is something that smaller cons usually do. I'm surprised a con of A-Kon's size is doing it, but I like it.

>> No.9394959

new thread: >>9394957

>> No.9394988


Artists who make merch of shit they actively hate are pretty much the worst. There is so much out there that's popular, why resort to the something you hate when chances are pretty good there's something else that's popular that you actually like? It's one thing to draw something you're not particularly into, but to draw something you actually hate just to cash in seems shitty to me. As an artist, I at least want to be able to talk to people about whatever fandoms I made art of without having to lie or feign enthusiasm, and as a buyer I really don't want to buy from someone who clearly doesn't know anything about what they drew/doesn't even like it.

>> No.9395034

Just because I hate Victuuri doesn't mean I didn't watch YoI. I liked all the other characters such as JJ and Chris, except Victuuri. Mostly Yuri K. I don't mind Victor, but I cannot stand Yuri K. Yuri P > Yuri K forever.

>> No.9395295

1. You have shit taste, Yuuri a qt. 2. You can draw YOI without drawing BaldFat. Especially for buttons. Draw them seperately and if people want to buy them together for shipping purposes, more money for you. Don't force yourself to draw stuff you hate. Don't draw Yuuri at all if you don't like him.

>> No.9395371

Do furry commissions, they pay well and you can do them from anywhere.

>> No.9395373

She has a decently popular webcomic and pretty much networks with a lot of popular artists.

>> No.9397748

Are mailing tubes usually expensive? I'm looking for short tubes with large diameter but all I can find are pricey 2"x26". Is there a good place for mailing tubes? I'm tempted to use the free USPS triangle tubes but they don't seem sturdy.