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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9374415 No.9374415 [Reply] [Original]

One month till AB. How's everyone's cosplays coming along? How late will the schedule be out? Will this year be LineCon 3: Revenge of LineCon?

>> No.9374453

>Will this year be LineCon 3: Revenge of LineCon?


Personally waiting for Eataly to decide no weebs or undesirables in their overpriced tourist foodtrap

>> No.9374590

I will probably, be fixing and wearing some old costumes I have, school and job have taken all my time, sadly.

Can't wait to see what comes out this year's Linecon.

>> No.9374600

This will be my 2nd time. My last time was in 2013. I live 2000 miles away so it'll be a new experience. I read that the food court is gone. This is going to be an expensive trip.

>> No.9374607

why are you traveling across the country to go?

>> No.9374629

Don't forget crappy overpriced 'spread' the Sheraton pops out with. I think some days I can still taste the shitty chicken fingers I got.

>> No.9374709

This year's theme is Retro, so anyone cosplaying anything old school?

I also hope they bring back the free arcade games.

>> No.9374918

Maybe the con is decent and brings out nice guests. Hard to believe.

>> No.9374924

I'm cosplaying Noriko Takaya. I was so excited when I found out about the theme because I had wanted to cosplay her for forever, and this finally gave me an excuse to do so.

Hoping that a lot of artists in the artist alley take advantage of the theme.

>> No.9374973

Anime Boston is a great con located in an area that hates it. If Anime Boston was located anywhere else it would probably be the one of the best cons in the country. It's a real shame

>> No.9374985

Have a couple nostalgia ones I'm hopeful it's not just a wave of Yoi since that's what I'm seeing a lot of prep for.

>> No.9375021

Bringing Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing. Gonna be a good time, especially since I'm not at the Sheraton this year.

>> No.9375107

This makes no sense to me. If it's a great con, what difference does the location matter? (Other than, I guess, Boston's rules about security which are totally understandable imo)

>> No.9375221

It makes a difference when the location won't let you walk through to your hotel or makes you walk all the way around because heaven forbid you upset the lady in her Vineyard Vines just by walking by her.

>> No.9375457

The Prudential Mall likes to pretend they are the highest of high class malls. So they despise the convention cause as far as they are concerned we're a plague. They go out of their way to demand everyone walk all the way around the rather than go through their precious shops. Wouldn't want to upset JLaw renting an apartment on the top floor having no interaction with the congoers after all!

>> No.9375480

Any particular retro series you're hoping to find in the AA?

>> No.9375481

EVA, and if I can finish her on time, Mamimi Samejima. Hopin to see some cute retro cosplays and not drown in YoI or Killing Stalking or whatever the kids like these days.

>> No.9375489


Dang, is it really that bad? I'm used to west coast cons, and cons there are usually celebrated by the local area/boosting the local economy so local businesses are really happy to have them. Like lots of places will even have specials running for the con or welcoming signs out and stuff. it seems weird to me to be against something that's bringing $ in for the weekend just because you think cosplayers look weird.

>> No.9375492

I'll be in the AA and I'd LOVE to do more oldschool/retro stuff, but I feel like I have to stick with what's a safe sale. Which is whatever's popular right now, unfortunately. I'm sure a lot of artists feel the same.

>> No.9375528

Gotcha, I misinterpreted what anon said as the local congoers hating AB, not the Prudential itself hating the con.

>> No.9375558

The pru hates the working class people inside it's own shops so much they demolished the food court it had. For a giant 3 story overpriced tourist trap Italian place. And expect it to survive for ten years. My guess is it'll slowly be made smaller and smaller when it turns out people who want Italian already know where to go in Boston. Even the praise I can find on it's other locations tend to say "Went there once."

>> No.9375728

I've never been to a con and this will be my first time. I'm going with a cosplaying duo, a friend and his GF, who have gone to this one and many other cons.

I've never cosplayed before but I'd really like to go as Ginko. For me the hardest part of cosplaying him would be the backpack as it looks like it would require a decent amount of time to make something that looks functional and true to the original. To cut it short I don't have the time to get that ready for the end of the month.

So I guess my question for /cgl/ is what is the popular opinion on, for lack of a better word, "modernized" cosplays? I'm an /out/ kind of guy and I've got all sorts of tired and worn out gear that looks like it could belong to a vagabond traveler. If I went with more modern clothing and a backpack that matches his color scheme and I got the white wig and got makeup done would that be cool? Or would that just be lame?

I'm not crazy about the merchandise aspect of the con so I'm really just going to do something new and I feel like I'll be missing out on part of the fun if I'm just plain-clothesing it.

>> No.9375748

It's up to you. If you won't feel self-conscious next to two people that have put a lot of effort into their cosplays, then you'll be fine. Trust me, you're going to see A LOT of people who go low effort at AB. If it's your first time, you'll potentially look back at pictures and cringe at yourself, but that's part of the growing pains and maybe next time you'll prepare better, not a big deal.

>> No.9375807

AB is not really known for it's high quality cosplayers. While there are people who do go all out, for a con it's size it's not as many as you would think. Lots of lower quality cosplays, and with the security issues from last year I don't think this year will look any better. You'll be fine.

>> No.9375873

Starting to make my costume now, hopefully will make it in time. Going as Satou Kazuma because it hopefully seems relatively easy to make in time.

>> No.9375881

Going for my fourth year in a row.

Friday I'm going as Big Boss from Peace Walker, with my girlfriend as Strangelove.

Saturday, I'll be Oscar Of Astora, my girlfriend might be Lydia from Beetlejuice

Sunday, I'm going easy, Ash from Evil Dead II, with my girlfriend as his zombie girlfriend.

>> No.9378386

I didn't go last year, so I'm wondering what are good, cheap places to eat around the con? I will be bringing snacks, but I'd rather not live on crackers the whole con.

>> No.9378412


Uhhh do you mind walking?

>> No.9378503

Well, there is dunks

>> No.9378504

There's a 7-Eleven IIRC

>> No.9378592

Supermarkets right outside the con.

>> No.9379133

Produce from Eataly is pretty decently priced.

Also there is a Boloco like 4 blocks from the con.

>> No.9379510


Going mostly for photography, so just regular clothes cosplay for me. Planning retro though.

Golden Boy - Kintaro

Gundam Wing - Wufei

Full Moon wo Sagashite - Takuto

Yes I'm an asian dude with a ponytail... and the second AB is over I'm getting it lopped off.

>> No.9379645

I'm impressed by the guest list this year. Usually there are one or two big name people mixed in with the usuals and forgettables but this seems like a pretty good bunch. Especially JYB who hasn't been around since '05. I wonder if it's because it's not on Easter? I'd be happy to see this kind of improvement from here on out.

>> No.9379667

Well after the utter confusion/mayhem of last year I'd hope so. My biggest hope is the Pru not being mega assholes.

>> No.9381774

Anyone have photographer recommendations for AB? I'm tired of seeing the same 3 eh photographers spamming everywhere

>> No.9381949

let me guess. Caroline Belge, Flashcord, Vander?

>> No.9382039

Also EMCP, myratheon, and sumiko.foto.

I don't understand how they're getting booked when only like 2 of them are decent and charging that much

>> No.9385188

I desperately need hotel space for me and two of my friends :(

>> No.9385271

I'm 31 this year.. my first con was when I was 13, getting back into it because I just love them, but I feel weird like I don't belong around so many young people. I look in my 20s but I feel like Id be thought of as a creeper if someone knew my age. Anyone else feel the same? Should I just stop going and maybe look into being staff at some con?

>> No.9385325

I'm 34 and I still attend anime cons, I've been into anime since the 90s. People only think you're a creep if you act like a creep. Making these assumptions about yourself in these cons only leads to anxiety and you acting nervous. Once you act like you're nervous as if "you don't belong" you're going to be broadcasting that to everyone with your body language. Don't think about these things and no one will care, there are plenty of people in there 20s/30s at AB, it's obvious by how drunk they get.

>> No.9385344

Your social life doesn't end at 30. I'm 33 and more into the con scene and cosplay than I ever was at 23. Just make some friends who are your age and you'll be fine.

>> No.9385584

This'll be my third AB. I'm not big into cosplay but I'm putting together something from the 4CC since, well, what else am I going to do with these jerseys?
Don't lynch me pls

>> No.9386547

If I were to cosplay Novislav Djajic/Remove Kebab Guy, think anyone would get it?

>> No.9386707

Maybe if you had an accordion and learned to play the song

>> No.9386715

I've got a childs' accordion and a JNA beret pin on the way

>> No.9386721

don't forget to rub your face on the toilet seats

>> No.9386728

I'm glad they're not using the full body metal detectors this year, just wands.

>> No.9386733

Think they'll give me guff for wearing a full set of steel armor?

>> No.9387102

Yeah, does anyone know of any good, cheap enough hotels nearby?

>> No.9387154

>Cheap hotels in Boston
prepare to sleep on the floor if you don't want to pay over 250 a night kek

>> No.9387159

If you wanna stay within 1-2 blocks of the con, there's a 7-11 and a Shaw's supermarket. My friends and I are staying at Copley house (apartments with kitchenettes) and so we plan on making dinner at least once and eating leftovers. I will probably buy some pre-packaged food as well.

When the food court got killed it really fucked up the cheap food aspect. There's not a whole of cheap-ish stuff although below $15 there's Dunkin' Donuts, Crazy Dough's Pizza, Au Bon Pain, and sweet green. Everything else will probably run you like $20 a meal, esp on newbury street.

>> No.9387161

Are you even allowed to wear a set of steel armor at AB?

>> No.9387164

They don't mention it under bans, but it would probably fall under "potentially harmful prop"
Clearly the joke flew over your head, can't wand someone in full metal

>> No.9387188

This is nonsense. Anecdotal evidence. Ad hominem.

>> No.9387260

It's not much of a joke, since steel corsets, hoop skirts, and chain mail get caught in the detectors and are all things people wear to con. It's not much of an issue and they'll generally wave you through.

>> No.9387287

Easier to smack someone in the face with a steel bracer than it would be with a hoop skirt or corset. I've seen other cons ban live steel armor, if you really want to know just email them.

>> No.9387327

There's like 15 cheap food options over on Mass Ave and that's only like what? A block from the Sheraton. People step out of the con and think like the only direction they can head is towards Newbury and I don't get it. It's a 4 minute walk to like 4 different pizza joints, some of the better pho and soup dumplings in the city and like 8 other types of food. All cheap. Like....?

>> No.9387789

Worst comes to worst, there's a Wendy's about 5 minutes away from the pru. Get that 4 for $4 every day of the con. Laugh and grow fat.

>> No.9388466
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10th year straight, let's go

>> No.9388484

nayrt but the Wendy's is on Mass Ave lol

>> No.9388510

It's a 5 minute walk you Americlap

>> No.9388954
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Food court gone is sad, sure, but there are plenty of places
you can easily walk to along with Fooda popups. If you're worried about weather, Shaws supermarket is right next door. They have hot and cold prepared meals.
I wish hentai dubbing came back, but are there any anticipated adult panels for this year? (If anyone knows about the programming since the schedule isn't out yet.)

>> No.9389645

are you actually going as madoka again? all these years i don't think i have ever run into you.

>> No.9389651


Weren't joking, was gonna wear my Elite Knight armor. But after realizing that having to lug around 80 lbs. of steel through a sweaty convention center, I figured I'd dress as a Serbian war criminal instead.

>> No.9389676

Get a wig.

>> No.9390433
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Finally finished my outfit for AB with 2 weeks to go.

Feels good man.

>> No.9390674

The WTF Manga panel will be back this year! The host pokes fun at terrible hentai. It filled up so fast last year that they had to turn 50+ people away at the door.

>> No.9390984

I know it's five minutes away because it's on Mass Ave. >>9387327 said "15 cheap food options on Mass Ave" and >>9387789 said "there's a Wendy's about five minutes away from the Pru" and I was pointing out that the Wendy's anon was referring to is one of the aforementioned "15 cheap food options on Mass Ave" good god if you're going to bash on me for being American you could at least make an effort to understand what the fuck part of America I'm talking about

>> No.9391764

I'm still debating it, actually! The only problem is I'd need new pink lenses which I wouldn't be able to get in time. I'll most likely be rewearing idolm@ster cosplay and hopefully Kirino from Oreimo, if the wig arrives in time.

>> No.9391766

Whoops, meant to reply to >>9389645

>> No.9391794

As a creator, what is my best approach to have sex with cosplayers of my characters?

>> No.9393128

Friendly reminder to avoid Mr Toe Suck at all costs unless you wish to have a bad time

>> No.9393152

I'm super relieved to hear that someone else will be wearing Im@s! AB is usually super Love Live and FOTM heavy, I was afraid I'd go relatively unrecognized.

>> No.9393761

Make your characters canonically attracted to you.

>> No.9394108
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Who are you going as? I'm probably wearing pic related again (Uzuki Shimamura, Im@s: CG) and maybe the My First Star dress as well. I get so excited to see other im@s cosplayers!! I've never actually seen anyone at AB cosplaying im@s.

>> No.9394238

Girl > ask her if she gives succ
Guy > give the succ

>> No.9394953

I'm going as Killy from Blame! I don't expect many people to recognize me but it was super fun to make.

>> No.9395343

I'm doing Kyun! Vampire Girl Iori on Saturday AM!

>> No.9395675
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Any good news about 21+ events or parties? I went to the 21+ lounge in 2014. The drinks were overpriced, people were awkward, bright lights, no atmosphere. (pic related. It looked like this but dull yellow lighting and 2 bartenders.)

Also, how are your feelings on the wands, and not metal detectors, this year?

>> No.9395688


The lounge last year was at Kings (the lounge, not the bowling alley part). Was fine, plus free food. Hope they do that again.

>> No.9395858

Whoever this is, is a goddess.

>> No.9396345
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>tfw missed Ali Project last year

>> No.9396550

Ahhh you'll look so cute! Which girl?

>> No.9396883

Schedule should be coming out soon

>> No.9397149

Not soon enough.

>> No.9398676

Seriously. Less than 2 weeks away and not a peep about it.

>> No.9399253

That dude is awesome worth waiting in line yo.

>> No.9399256

Doinf space ghost with a friend who will be brak
Then roadhog still got mask work to do.
And i might pull a hatrik with a lambert from whitcher 3 my cat eye contacts arrived when i order them for halloween.

>> No.9399317

What's up with everyone posting in the swap meet thread on the forums only having garbage?

>> No.9399388

Is there any lolita events at AB? Specifically swap meets, I have a bunch of shit I want to get rid of.

>> No.9399393

Said on their tumblr a week before still kinda annoying I agree. Like how can you plan anything

>> No.9399436

Spaaaaaaace Ghost! I will find you.

>> No.9399657

The comm is talking about a swap meet but desu it's too much of a hassle for a lot of us and the AB staff jump down our throats about it. If you want to get rid of shit local though, just post to the comm page.

>> No.9400133

SO me and my bf applied to run a panel on a whim, and not only did we get accepted, we found out that this year they're giving panelists fast passes to skip the line of death to get into the con! Best snap decision ever! Have they ever done this in past years?

(Also if anyone's free on Saturday at 6:30 and wants to watch two people bullshit about what makes a good anime opening you should come check us out!)

>> No.9400250
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Here's hoping the weather holds out

>> No.9401266

Fellow panelist here. I noticed this too and thank goodness. I was worrying about the lines to get in, especially since I'll be commuting and now security wands.
Cheers to your last minute panel!

>> No.9401608


Just wanted to chime in that I work on Newbury and there actually are a good handful of affordable places to eat that have cropped up recently, for those who might not want to haul all the way down to Mass Ave or Copley Square! Beantown Pho, Gre.Co, Shake Shack, and Dirty Water Pizza are all good bets (~$10 for a meal, and all except Beantown are counter service) and literally less than two blocks from the back end of the Pru. There's a Trader Joe's right on Boylston which has plenty of ready-made stuff, doubly so if your hotel room has a microwave. Plenty of cheap eats right in the immediate con area, if you know where to look!

>> No.9401742

In addition, if you walk toward the colonnade hotel down near Northeastern University there is a bunch of places to grab a bite.

>5 Guys
>Pho and I
>Ginger Exchange
>Kung-fu Tea

>> No.9401915

That would be incredible

>> No.9402129

Anyone looking for a room at the Hilton? Looking for two people to share a bed or take floor space, $50 per night per person, booked for 3 days.

>> No.9402520

I'm trying to learn the song, but I've got a Gorka-C, SMERSH chest rig, and a JNA Airforce pin, and I'm going to be carrying around a bottle labelled "Blood Of Chechens".

>> No.9403851


>> No.9403901


>> No.9403908

when and where

>> No.9405620

>One week till con
>no schedule

AB, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.9405626

This is normal for them tho. They always pull this shit.

>> No.9405632

Implying that makes it okay

>> No.9405648


sasuga AB

>> No.9405663

I've been to Boston exactly one time and even I know just going to a random hole in the wall in the north end is going to be an exponentially better experience than some megamart

>> No.9405677

Yep, not to mention it's located in a mall. People who just ate heavy saturated Italian food aren't gonna wander and shop. I fully expect the new smaller food-court they're adding to get far more foot traffic once it's up.

>> No.9405679

I wasn't implying anything. Only that they've always done this. They even have an ask on their tumblr that states the following after someone inquired.

Schedules typically come out a week or so before the convention. You can read more about the schedule process here: http://forums.animeboston.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=21093 "

They legit give no shits.

>> No.9406851

I really don't want security or the Pru to try to usher me outdoors when it's 40 degrees out and raining slush when I don't want to carry around a raincoat all day.

>> No.9406881

Schedule is finally out

>> No.9406897

They claim they were working with the Pru more closely this year. So here's hoping

>> No.9407005

Schedule's finally out. Anything you guys are looking forward to? I'm glad that AB has no ask panels because some of these informative panels look really good

>> No.9407013

I agree, there's actually some cosplay panels this year I want to attend.

>> No.9407131

Extreme Geek is my favorite 18+ panel. Little bummed its during the Masq.

>> No.9407144


Looking forward to dying in the AA because I expected it to be the same hours as Dealers, not hours longer than Dealers, shit

>> No.9407149

I didn't get an answer from them as to if I was vending or not until the first week of this month.

>> No.9407654


Im going to the swap meet bringing my high value stuff most of it brand new etc but what do you have and what are you looking for?

>> No.9407664

Where did they list the hours for these? I'm using the guidebook app and can't seem to find it.

>> No.9407869

don't know about where on guidebook, just looked at the actual site.

Fri 12-7
Sat 10-7
Sun 10-3

Fri 10-10
Sat 10-10
Sun 10-3

>> No.9408675
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REMOVE WEEB remove weeb puffyumi alive make fast rap srbija

>> No.9408703

Its only my second year, and was wondering any good places for after parties?

>> No.9410121

This will be my first year of not going to AB since 2014. Last year really killed it for me with all the bullshit with security and barely any good panels. I'm thinking of doing a drinking game this weekend for everytime something goes to shit.

>> No.9410126


>> No.9410299

On the social page on fb and people keep posting shit like "Don't forget to wear deodorant/shower!", "Remember to take care of your period!" and "Don't forget to fucking eat food!"

It's as if the hobby were either full of literal children that need to be reminded of these things or circlejerking morons who need to feel congratulated for accomplishing the most basic aspects of life.

>> No.9410320

>It's as if the hobby were either full of literal children
It is. I wouldn't care if I weren't also affected by the aftermath of their hygienic disaster.

>> No.9410336

I don't mind telling those (fellow) neet fuckers to remember to fucking bath solely because I don't like sitting in their stink cloud when I have to sit near them at panels or in line and shit.

But also, give them a break. A lot of them really are teenage kids that haven't been out much when mommy's not around to take care of them, and some of them are shut ins that need to be reminded of basic social etiquette, health, and hygiene. But pretty much everyone there is exterting themselves while taking the time out of their routine, and when people do that, they can lose sight of the small stuff they take for granted. My sis works as a tourguide, and she spends a lot of time reminding even adult normalfag salrymen and little old ladies that spent their whole lives taking care of themselves and raising kids that they have to remember to stay hydrated and shit, even if they are on vacation. I remember going to Disney World and on the day of the flight, between the stress and travel and packed schedule, I came to a time when I checked my feminine pad in the bathroom and it was an absolute horror show, when I don't normally get a very heavy flow and can afford to wait that amount of hours for a change. Bodies work differently in the potential exertion of a con setting and somebody that normally pulls off skipping a shower or a meal when they're busy is in for a rude surprise if somebody doesn't warn them.

>> No.9410448

Okay? What's your point?

>> No.9410679
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>When your wig arrives 2 weeks earlier than expected

If you see a Kirino walking around on Thursday, say hi!

>> No.9410756
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Blame this quote: this person was unironic about this.

>> No.9410991

>Why cant you just walk two feet away

Because they sat next to me at the panel in the very last seat available after the panel started, and I'm not giving up the seat I showed up 20 minutes early for because they stink. I don't know where in AB's history it suddenly became a "safe space," but it's been a custom there to be polite to the people around you, and that means being responsible for your own odor so as not to inconvenience all of them, not demanding they should not be allowed to politely ask you to be fucking considerate.

I know Jen H probably isn't actually here reading this, but fuck.

>> No.9411006

Can I get a link to this?

>> No.9411113

Im cross playing as Homu

>> No.9411169



inb4 banned

>> No.9411171


It got pruned by mods

>> No.9411227

Doing Gamagoori from Kill La Kill (haphazard first build edition) Friday, Jotaro Kujo (shitty ebay edition) Saturday, rockin a Starfleet Uniform sunday, and the Orange Splatoon Kid either Friday or Saturday night after I get too drunk.

If you see me, fight me irl or something idk

>> No.9411317

How popular is Kirino, I wouldn't be surprised to see multiple

>> No.9411338

I always thought of Oreimo being a pretty well-known anime, but it's been a while since it came out, and I've never seen another Kirino cosplayer irl. I hope there are some, though!

>> No.9411804

It's a tumblr convention, what do you expect?

>> No.9411991

>safe space for nerds
I hate this mentality so much.

>> No.9412152

I see why people think she's an annoying character but i always loved her design and hair dye. Hope to see ya

>> No.9412427

There's now a Gofundme campaign to give out deodorant at the con.

>> No.9412483

Smart person. They'll make bank off of idiots.

>> No.9412513

>gets shut down 30 minutes after opening due to complaints about BO shaming

>> No.9412516

Ninth AB here! Fuckin hyped.
Going to about three photoshoots and gonna shop around and hang out with confriends. Good times

My sis is cosplaying the tiger guy from Hotline Miami on Saturday. She painted a tiger mask yellow and added black buckram to the holes she cut out so she can see out of it. She even made his brass knuckles out of dense foam because yanno, real brass knuckles are illegal.

Hope to see you and the GF at the MGS photoshoot on Friday then! The MGS Friday photoshoot meets up at 1PM outside of room 301 and then we move into an atrium where one of the stairwells is.

I'm not cosplaying this year due to lack of funds, but I'll be taking pics on the sidelines. I'll probably be wearing an orange Gitaroo Man shirt, gray sweatpants with a red beret and might have a purple disney dragon sticking out of my bag

Bro i am totally taking pics and video of you if i see you. You will make my day

I missed Origa the year she performed... And now she's dead...
I'm fucking livid at myself for missing her concert. I might try to see Puffy this year as my first concert there. I never went to them because I never knew when they were

Or bondage link and zelda. Never forget

Go to the JoJo shoot on Saturday, 2PM outside room 313. we will have a stand battle motherfucker

>> No.9412610

they should just have one of those "cosplay emergency" guys but he's specifically for hygiene

handing out deodorant and febreze

>> No.9412626

Hell yeah, I'll see you at the shoot

>> No.9412629

Am I awful for spending thousands on a cosplay?

>> No.9412673

of what?

>> No.9412676
File: 306 KB, 1200x1200, Entrance_BagCheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pru confirmed for continued bastards. It's going to be fucking snowing on Friday, remember to bring your coat for your two hour wait outside.

>> No.9412681
File: 336 KB, 1200x1040, hynes_securitymap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also AB/Hynes is messing around with the bag check and security locations to try and alleviate the crowd a bit.

Between the Pru not playing ball and the security theater at the Hynes, this con is going to fail through no fault of its own

>> No.9412810

The fact that Dalton is open will help a lot, not many people will naturally go through that way after being closed last year.

>> No.9413084



>> No.9413090
File: 75 KB, 736x552, d589ceec087cf4562dc8aa0264002a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going to AB for years, just moved back to the States last month and probably just gonna lobby con because of the basic joke its become the past few years. If in do one day gonna go probably just Saturday. But I saw earlier about a 21+ meet up, you guys gonna just do the Kings event like last year or did ppl want to actually do a pub. Whiskey's is one of my favorites along with The Pour House, just can have space issues.


>> No.9413271


>> No.9413411

Plans changed, I'll be Remove Kebab Guy on Friday, and Big Boss on Saturday. See you at THAT shoot?

>> No.9413477

No what's the cosplay of, you mook

>> No.9413943

Wish I could do a meet up but I will be with normie friends. At least Ill be drinking all day.

>> No.9414037

Can you even lobby con AB anymore? There's not a whole lot of areas people wanna hang out at outside of the Hynes esp since the Pru has been such assholes, but also because no one wants to wait in the lines trying to get back into the Pru.

>> No.9414041

>Weather forecast is for snow and freezing temperatures
>Last year assholes made half naked cosplayers walk outside instead of through the hallways to get from the food court to the con center.

What will happen if I just ignore them and keep going when security tries to direct us outside? What if everyone at the con refuses to do this? They can't kick us out of the con if we aren't actually in the convention center, can they? If they kick me out of the Pru it's no skin off my nose since they were going to do anyway.

>> No.9414049
File: 10 KB, 259x194, pls help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to AB for the first time this year, any tips for a newbie congoer? So far what I've gathered is:
> lines, so many lines
> prudential center people suck
> overpriced food

>> No.9414051

I would just say "Look at me, I'll freeze out there" and that you're just passing through. Guess I'm lucky, everyone's always been so reasonable to me.

>> No.9414078

I must have gotten an asshole then because they insisted I had to go outside, even when I said I was just going back to my hotel room in the Sheraton.

This time I'm just going to ignore them. Maybe if everyone does the same they'll just give up.

>> No.9414111

You can get kicked out of the con for not cooperating with their "associates." I'm sure there's some fine print when you sign up for your registration that says they won't tolerate ill behavior from congoers even if it's just nearby to the con.

The Prudential center are assholes, but you are still on their property and they can run it however a shithead way they want, and if you piss them off enough and "trespass" by not listening to security, they can potentially call the police.

If we all got together and organized a protest, then worst case scenario it could escalate to being considered a riot and we can get arrested.

>> No.9414128

Try not to carry around a bag in case the bag check line takes longer than the no bag line. ...Or, do bring a bag, in case there's a repeat of what happened last year when there was a period when the bag line was going faster then the no bag line. More often the no bag line is faster, but hey, who knows anymore!

Eat before all of the eateries close and you end up with the 4am super munchies and your only option is dunkin donuts. Boston is not a 24 hour town.

>> No.9414138

>they hate us

Sounds similar to youmacon in a way, the rencen hates us more and more every year. RIP yall, RIP

>> No.9414144

>only option is dunkin donuts
I see no problem with this

>> No.9414290

>Volunteer staffers calling the police because a congoer walked through the hallway.

Dream big, buddy.

>> No.9414295

No, no. It would be Prudential security calling the police, hypothetically. I wouldn't expect a con staffer to do that, I mean the mall cops. And that's also a "worst case scenario," not what I actually expect to happen. Realistically, I think they'll just start yelling louder, get in your way in front of you, and possibly eventually get grabby, if you even push that far. Most of the time people just comply.

>> No.9414325

Last time they gave me trouble it was someone in an Anime Boston shirt. I don't think mall cops are the ones directing the traffic.

>> No.9414326

Weird, only time I had trouble it was somebody in a security uniform.

>> No.9414354

There are a few delivery places that stay open until ~3am.

>> No.9414747

Will they catch safety pins and ask to remove them? I need one to pin my mantle together.

>> No.9414837

Friend might be arriving hours after I arrive in boston, and he needs to be there to check into the hotel.
Is there any way I can check my bags in somewhere?

>> No.9414842

How would we know? Try calling the hotel.

>> No.9414932

Hotels will usually hold your bags if youre not checking in until later, just ask the concierge or the bellhop

>> No.9414935

No one's gonna hassle you over some safety pins. They're conceivably trying to keep actual weapons or some such bullshit not trying to catch somebody trying to smuggle in a clothespin to bust somebody out of jail. FFS

>> No.9415746
File: 161 KB, 898x656, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love snow and I'm disappointing this year was such a letdown but this is really going to make getting there and back suck.

I have to work tomorrow in Waltham but I can't decide if I should take the commuter rail in from way out where I am, or come in really early, leave my car at work and then walk to the Waltham commuter rail (2.5 miles from my office) to get the rest of the way in.

Staying with a friend at least for Friday night... was hoping to get home at like midnight on Saturday but looks like it might be two nights in the city.

>> No.9415781


Take a lyft from waltham to the CR. going all the way back north is going to fuck you over for no reason

>> No.9415817

This. Don't walk 2.5 miles in the snow, that'll put you in a bad mood for the con.

>> No.9415865


Heh, I never even considered that, I'm a rural country bumpkin and drive myself everywhere.

>> No.9415882


yeah like you could just uber the whole way there, save yourself some misery switching trains six times with luggage.

>> No.9416024

Any other gulls waiting forever for their Marriott rooms to be ready?

>> No.9416157

Any anons here going to Howl at The Moon Pre Party?

>> No.9416237

>Howl at The Moon
>at the Attic(?)
Huh, that's a little confusing, considering there's an actually popular bar/club named Howl at the Moon.

>> No.9416257

If people want food, they should just walk a block or two. B. Good and Zest Mediterranean Grille are both awesome.

>> No.9416260

Anyone else going to the swing dance? Never been to any of the other AB dances, though I *love* Lindy and Charleston. I just hope I'll be able to pass the muster of their "semi-formal" dress code with my cheap thrift store wardrobe.

>> No.9416268

When the bell did the prudential become so upscale, it went from generic mall to "I don't belong"

>> No.9416284

Around the time they closed down the food court they kicked out their more mainstream stores and courted more expensive ones/enlarged expensive ones

>> No.9416367

Any other students from nearby unis going?

>> No.9416394

how viable is it to find a date for the formal ball or should i even bother going

>> No.9416435


>> No.9416444

Where you at? BU here.

>> No.9416463

I dunno, want to go with me?

>> No.9416467

Hey, another BU student! We should say hi at some point

>> No.9416468

You're only the second BU student I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.9416469

Pretty sure the Dunkin in the Pru mall closes at night though.

I remember seeing it closed for the night at one AB after me and some friends were done screwing around in the Barnes and Noble

>> No.9416488

Who /going alone/ here?

>> No.9416490
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1451456498807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a massbay dropout does that count

The only thing I'm REEEEALLY not looking forward to is my allergies/cold bugging me tomorrow...

I've been having awful phlegmy coughing fits and my throat aches.

Does Trader Joe's sell any San Pellegrino or seltzer or anything? I know that Eataly bullshit sells it but I am NOT stepping foot in that overcrowded maze of tourists. Tried it with my folks on new years eve and it sucked.

As a health precaution I'm probably gonna wear a bandanna around my neck so I can wear on my face and cough into it like a surgical mask when I'm in big areas like the AA and Dealer's Room. And of course sanitizer. I ALWAYS bring that shit to cons.

>tfw you still need to jot down your "shopping list" for DR/AA and pack backpack


Saturday MGS shoot also meets outside Room 301 but at 12PM instead because of time constraints

Friday MGS shoot at 1PM, Saturday shoot at 12PM

>> No.9416496

Me tomorrow lol.
My sister has to work a shift at her retail job tomorrow because folks there suck shit but she's hopefully going with me Saturday

>> No.9416505

BU student too, inb4 we all know eachother

>> No.9416507

Y-you guys want to do something?

>> No.9416511

Mmmm send me an email about it, it's in the field

>> No.9416596

That's funny, the exact same but with my brother!

>> No.9416791

Tfw NEU student :^(

>> No.9416835

There's another one down the street that's 24/7

>> No.9416877

What characters wear a blue suit with a red tie? My buddy decided to come with me last minute straight out of a job interview. Trying to come up with something. Phoenix Wright is all I got so far.

>> No.9416904
File: 120 KB, 1600x873, sage_daily_lives_of_high_school_boys_-_01_720p10bit7488d67701804521-35-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have blue and red ties, but the kids from Daily Lives of Highschool Boys kinda look like that

>> No.9416906

What's it like scalping tickets? My friend was a retard and accidentally bought two. His only option is to try to sell it at the con.

>> No.9416910

Bout to leave in a couple of minutes from my place, what the rundown so far? lines abysmal like last year or is it moving smooth?

>> No.9416919

How much?

>> No.9417013

Drunkenly put on purple hair dye for Jotaro and stained the fuck out of myself,... but im cosplaying an Inkling. Probably just gonna rock it.

>> No.9417085

>hotel doesnt have check in until 3pm

What the fuck

>> No.9417109

Anyone wanna party?

>> No.9417189

Most hotels don't have check in until 3-4

>> No.9417248

He'll break even if he gets desperate enough, but will start at like $10-15 over

>> No.9417298

Ye sure where and when

>> No.9417299

Why would he charge more when people can just register themselves? If he wants to recoup some losses, he should go a little lower.

>> No.9417307

He was hoping to catch someone desperate to get out of the long registration line.

>> No.9417322

Registration line was non existant for me. Last year it was awful but I think they did a good job this time.

By the way, if you go in from the entrance right outside the sheraton, youre an idiot.

>> No.9417325

Headed over now! Any word on where lines are moving fastest?

>> No.9417332

Go to the sheraton, go up the stairs twice. Then go straight and down the hall that heads right. Youll come to a balcony area tgat has a hallway to the left that brings you to the artist alley. NoLineville

Captcha: centro claudia

>> No.9417345
File: 3.88 MB, 5344x3006, IMG_20170331_161438431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebed out the room

>> No.9417380

So what she up with the fire alarm?

>> No.9417384

Is it a test?

>> No.9417394

It stopped. What a friendly little red box. The messages were very polite. I think everything's good, but i dunno why it started.

>> No.9417442

I like your taste in flags.

>> No.9417450
File: 1.30 MB, 720x1280, wp_ss_20170331_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left. If you see me, say howdy.

>> No.9417451

Is there gonna be a Meetup?

>> No.9417458


>> No.9417474

I'd love a meetup, but I'm crap at planning.

>> No.9417487

Smoke in the catering service's kitchen

>> No.9417488
File: 208 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone sees me, feel free to say hi!! I already met some girls who were really lovely!!

>> No.9417490
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How y'all feeling /cgl/ ?

>> No.9417492

Oh damn, I walked past you a couple times earlier. Lel

>> No.9417498

We should do one tonight because tomorrow is a busy day

>> No.9417523
File: 18 KB, 293x263, 1490147067953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-does anyone have any weed

>> No.9417525

No you degenerate

>> No.9417531

Yup, but it's all for me.

>> No.9417551

Where are you fuckers at?

>> No.9417552

If I bring some tomorrow would you bring a pipe or some papers?

>> No.9417555

Where are you, you little shit

>> No.9417558

That's a secret.

>> No.9417563
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20170331_210331304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9417564


>> No.9417565

I'm going to the Lupin III thing if anyone else is nearby.

>> No.9417573

whos going to the hentai panel

>> No.9417576

Is the kings thing lit does anyone know

>> No.9417582

Well do you want to join us senpai

>> No.9417610


>> No.9417614

Actually my friend and I decided to go back on the con floor, sorry!
We can still meet up if you want so.wwhere though.

>> No.9417625

Where you at senpai

>> No.9417631

We're going to kings

>> No.9417633

Took your picture before I saw this post. Look very handsome in your cosplay

>> No.9417634


>> No.9417637

Which one?

>> No.9417652

Friday the wait was actually pretty reasonable.

Tomorrow is going to be a cuck.

>> No.9417678

Anyone going to the when hentai goes bad?

>> No.9417681

I would but I'm fucking tired and the T stops running pretty early

>> No.9417687

I'm planning to, waiting it out at the light graffiti thing

>> No.9417699

Missed the hentai panels. Was too tired. Are they any good?

>> No.9417703

As much as a room full of sweaty thirsty neckbeards watching poor animated porn can be, yeah.

>> No.9417704

Gonna be outside waiting in line saw quite a few people there.

>> No.9417707

They haven't happened yet have they?

>> No.9417709

Tbh there is a surprising amount of girls there too. Either way I've found them to be fairly entertaining.

>> No.9417715

Everyone have fun today?

>> No.9417722

Not really, wasn't much to do in my opinion, hopefully Saturday will be more to do.

>> No.9417729

Yeah, I saw Lex at the Lupin bloopers, was cool.

>> No.9417731

I'm liking the shimoneta flags

>> No.9417737

I loved the Manray guy,he had a wallet and everything

>> No.9417739

I did! I'm sure everyone will be shitting on the con by the end of it all though

>> No.9417742

went the last hour. shared a vodka bowl and then chatted with some people. didn't know they had free food? (coming here for dinner next year for that perk.)

>> No.9417951

On the way to get my badge. How's the line?

>> No.9417969

Shit, also lol the fucking security is so shit, it's unfunny.

>> No.9417988

Kings tonight like 10? Is good?

>> No.9417999
File: 475 KB, 1536x2048, 4735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the con until check in. Had a handle of captains. Dont remember leaving the room, my friend said that I didnt even make it into the con. Manager of my hotel carried me to my room.

Day 2 lets go

>> No.9418002

>Manager of my hotel carried me to my room
I would expect to be thrown out today desu fambo

>> No.9418021

So far so good

>> No.9418028

what line are you waiting in? it's a 5 minute wait to get in

>> No.9418080

Anyone have tips/places to socialize with fellow congoers?

>> No.9418081

I'm wearing a black tee shirt that reads "Welcome to the Monkey House" with a few pins including my /cgl/ one. What is everyone else wearing today?

>> No.9418087

Why are all the Boston SJWs on my Facebook complaining about people at Anime Boston trying to help smelly nerds with no clue about hygiene?

Teaching these folk how to use deodorant and take showers would make the game room smell a whole lot better. What's the problem?

>> No.9418088

Wearing the only kazuma cosplay today.

Please no bully

>> No.9418110

Contemplating to drive to the con, but this weather makes it not want to leave my comfy bed.

>> No.9418131

Is it still raining up in Boston?

>> No.9418143

Now it's snowing.

>> No.9418148

Berserk shirt I bought yesterday.

>> No.9418181
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 13600206_10207105364408510_5492035033930922979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressed as Judy Hopps from Zootopia today!

>> No.9418185

oy. What a winter.

>> No.9418209

God damnit you're hot

>> No.9418217

I'll say hi if I see you today.

>> No.9418218

A black shirt and jeans.

>> No.9418261

Anyone who has them, please post pics of the One Piece shoot or that crew

>> No.9418262

Shirt with Platinum from BlazBlue
Carrying around a camera too

>> No.9418283

The food from the cafe is not sitting well with me...

>> No.9418366
File: 77 KB, 600x800, 1486798103287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What panels are you guys checking out? I want to get to some good ones. At a zelda lore panel right now.

>> No.9418402

Yo meet at the fountain at 8

>> No.9418404

Oh hey I was at that one

>> No.9418414

No joe

>> No.9418415

Yea, i dont know what else to go to though. Im with the group with the charmander with the big leaf and deadpool.

>> No.9418416

Skimpy crossplay Ryuko here, disappointed with the lack of a seagull meetup. 5th year of my first con so it feels all too familiar.

>> No.9418441

Sumbuddy pls be leader for meetup

>> No.9418452

Oh shit I've seen you around.

>> No.9418465

Im the one not cosplaying but I will tomorrow

>> No.9418466

I mean your group.

>> No.9418468

FUCK, phone posting is hard

>> No.9418472

Anyone see any good Gurren Lagann prints or posters?

>> No.9418474

I just found a nice flag.

Say hi and ill let you take a waterfall of my captains n coke. Ps theres some 5 hour energy in it

>> No.9418489

Gonna take you up on that offer senpai

>> No.9418504

D'aww thanks.
What a coincidence, that's what I'm drinking back at my place right now! Getting ready for round two.

>> No.9418529

Oh shoot, I saw you by the Crunchyroll booth earlier! Your costume looked great.

>> No.9418593

Aw thanks so much!

>> No.9418607

Just came out, that was actually really good anon. Thanks!

>> No.9418624

What's with everyone complaining about the Prudential Mall/security in this thread? I saw everyone going through the mall today without issue.

>> No.9418658

Probably just grudges from last year. This year seems to be a huge improvment, I think they upped the AC aswell.

>> No.9418659

So after buying another handle of captains, decided that today is a better day to do my cosplay than tomorrow. If you see brown skin homura, say hi and you can get a waterfall of my captains n coke.

>> No.9418677
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 20170401_115449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you saw a 6'5 Ram today, wassup

My rem got sick so I just went solo I guess

>> No.9418680

Damn, that's almost as tall as me.

>> No.9418687

Im actually upset that I watched all of that series, as someone that really enjoys isekai manga.

>> No.9418722
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm walking around as Naoto from Persona 4, I know I'm not the best cosplayer but I'd love meet some gulls that might also happen to be Persona fans! Also, this Kanji made my day.

>> No.9418727

I too, would like to meet up with other gulls.
Is anyone down to meet up?

>> No.9418729

Yo I saw you. At the persona panel rn?

>> No.9418734

I won't mind this, do you have a place to meet?

>> No.9418738

No that's not me! I wish I could go to that panel, but I lost my ID a week before the con and the replacement didn't come in time so no 18+ panels for me haha.

Seconding this, although not sure when I'm leaving

>> No.9418742

*chanting* MEET UP MEET UP MEET UP !! !! !!

>> No.9418744

Anyone still meeting up? The night is young.

>> No.9418749

Damn it don't meet up after I'm gone.

>> No.9418751

I am assuming a bar wouldn't be good since you don't have an ID?

>> No.9418760

Im still here at the con, so we can meet up at some shitty panel or w/e. I dont know the local area at all so prefrably in the con is best.

>> No.9418762

Fuck, I really want to go meet you guys, but I'm back at school waiting on something.

>> No.9418767

I'm at the persona panel for another hour if there's a meetup

>> No.9418769

Imma chill at live gaming and then head to the +18 panels, who in

>> No.9418771

Why don't we start meeting up on the 1st floor to the right of the transportation booth and decide what to do from there

>> No.9418781

Transportation booth?

>> No.9418782

It's right next to the Crunchyroll lounge and the escalators down near the entrance of the con.

>> No.9418794

I guess that could work. Anyone else in?

>> No.9418795

When is this happening?

>> No.9418796


Well me and another gull are here already actually.

>> No.9418798

Fuck, I'm half an hour away at best

>> No.9418800

Ill probably head down in a bit.

>> No.9418807

Alright, I'm heading over, be there in a while.

>> No.9418814

Not him but if this is the spot that asian'anon i just met was talkin about than me and my charmander bro are on the way.

>> No.9418817

Yep, it's that spot

>> No.9418820

You guys the group with the Araragi?

>> No.9418823


>> No.9418825

>tfw too soxcially awkward to do a meetup

>> No.9418826

Do it nerd

>> No.9418830


>> No.9418831
File: 564 KB, 1280x720, 1490183378216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9418832

Homura and gay ass charmander are here if anyone wants to say hi

>> No.9418842

Did everyone else leave?

>> No.9418845

Don't be shy, we are nice.

>> No.9418847

Nah we're here, the Charmander is pretty noticeable

>> No.9418848

I walked by the transport booth and saw a security guard and one person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9418853

Are you people still there I know a couple of people that might want to meet up is it in Hynes first floor?

>> No.9418856

Yep, 5/6 people at this point.

>> No.9418869

Was there a cross-playing Ram going around? I noticed there were several rem/ram duos, one of which was really good. I wanted a photo with that duo and thought I saw them from a distance. Turns out it wasn't them but thought oh well and got the photo anyway. It wasn't until later that my friend who took the photo was like "doesn't Ram look kinda like a guy here" which they kinda did but I'm not 100% sure (didn't get a good look at them) and would feel like an ass calling a girl a guy.

>> No.9418870

Jackie chan we miss you

>> No.9418877
File: 514 KB, 810x810, 1489311040116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry friendo
I am under the spell of sucxubi

>> No.9418879

Mongari-guy where did you run off to?

>> No.9418880

Did everyone leave already?

>> No.9418881

Its all diajobu

>> No.9418882

What are you wearing?

>> No.9418883

It was nice meeting you homoura

>> No.9418887

I also already left

>> No.9418891
File: 466 KB, 644x399, 1489206874348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So me and jackie chan met up with some gulls. But I ran out of my beverage of choice and arararararagi n co went there seperate ways. Probably gonna re stock and hit some +18 panels. Dont feel bad if we dont party with you niggas, also dobt stalk us.

>> No.9418895

So it's all a bust then?

>> No.9418896


>> No.9418900
File: 35 KB, 940x768, 1490085229295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see me and charmander around say hi but Im not giving out water falls anymore, gotta save this shit

>> No.9418904
File: 3.66 MB, 3006x5344, IMG_20170401_232638184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daijobu or not?

>> No.9418909

For what it is, yeah

>> No.9418910

Heard that

>> No.9418914

Yeah I was the crossplaying ram. Probably was me. There was only 2-3 rams I saw, and I was the only solo

>> No.9418915 [DELETED] 

I hesitate to post the photo cause if they are a girl or are trans I'd feel really bad doing so and calling them out, so I figured I'd just ask to see if anyone knows who I'm talking about

>> No.9418919

In gaming room deciding how to spend the last two hours. Meetup somewhere third story of Hynes?

>> No.9418921

Oh I thought you and that Rem were together. ...I take it you probably know who I am then haha. Well hey great crossplay cause we didn't even realize until we looked closer.

>> No.9418923

I was with a Rem for a bit who was like a head shorter than me

>> No.9418924

I'm at the line for cosplay shinanagins, if they cut us off we could

>> No.9418925

I'll follow my band of four but if you see a tall cross Ryuko Matoi with sword that's me.

>> No.9418926

Wait really? You both look the same height in the photo like maybe around 5'5' ish? Uh maybe I'm talking about someone else. Did you take a photo with a guy and the Rem in the second floor art gallery?

>> No.9418928

I am in white with red Cross on me

>> No.9418933

Any KanColle or Arpeggio of Blue Steel cosplays this year?

>> No.9418954

Wait no I'm definitely talking about someone else if you're the 6'5" ram from before.

>> No.9419000

Yo araragi guy here. Sorry we bailed on the impromptu meetup, we wanted if to happen in some form but also had prior plans that we didn't want to bail on. Hope everyone had a nice con~

>> No.9419001

Homura commentary was the best part of shenanigans while it lasted

>> No.9419024

Anyone chilling at the sheraton lobby?

>> No.9419108
File: 394 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_onrekyrbm11r3nflvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not at this con nor am I local, but uhhhh Bernie Sanders was there? Did anyone else see him? He was confirmed for giving a speech in the city and this picture looks legit.

>> No.9419216


Thanks for the happy memories, AB!

>> No.9419230

I want to see what kind of figurines he will buy.

>> No.9419238

Does anyone have pictures from the One Piece photo shoot? I was that Franky

>> No.9419255

I went as a fat Killer Queen, I hope your at least got a chuckle if you saw me.

>> No.9419324

They really improved from the disaster of last year. I hope word gets around and more people come for '18

>> No.9419405
File: 57 KB, 564x644, 062203a688473917fd1d947e108c1b9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt know this existed

No stop

>> No.9419488

>first anime con
>see trap Kurumi there
>never been into dudes but Kurumi is actually my waifu and he was hella cute
do cons make you gay

>> No.9419495

anime makes you gay

>> No.9419630

He lives in Vermont, it wouldn't really be a stretch for him to be in MA

>> No.9419633
File: 49 KB, 566x549, 10347557_262873710569887_1276273111778936205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crossdress in private
>go as Crona from Soul Eater
>a bunch of girls tell me I look good and cute and stuff

On top of that being really nice it seems like people at cons are always in super good and friendly moods, it's great

>> No.9419641

I went to the men's room and saw you there and had a split second heart attack since I thought it was the women's room

>> No.9419643

Oh my god that's so funny
On one hand I feel bad but on the other hand I'm glad I had something like that happen
If you saw me today you probably saw me struggling to fix my Spider-Man friend's zipper

>> No.9419648

Yes, I think it was exactly that. I was the haphazardly made kazuma and I nearly bolted out of there. I think there was someone else with a long wig that added to the confusion?

>> No.9419649

oh yeah while I didn't see you, there was some
older guy doing a scarily/impressively convincing job at being a Love Live girl next to me

>> No.9419651

>it wouldn't be a stretch for him to be in MA
Helping that idea, he just rallied with Elizabeth Warren on Friday in Boston.


>> No.9419654

Me and a friend were just saying that. it wasn't nearly as congested, the wait time to enter was actually fairly reasonable, panels werent bad, and the staff was actually pretty reasonable and not power crazy.

>> No.9419655

Yeah the wait times were crazy good compared to last year that was super nice
I've only gone this year and last year but this year was much more enjoyable

>> No.9419781

I would be OK with it if it was applied uniformly, but they want it to be a safe space for their kind of nerds, not for us.

>> No.9421187

you seem retarded

>> No.9423309

Anyone know if a photo thread is gonna be up? I stupidly did not get any shots for myself of my roommate and I's cosplay.

>> No.9423331

There's this
