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File: 927 KB, 1080x1920, 51ab76ad-15e5-412f-b1e2-2aea7ac76664..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9374374 No.9374374 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is dead. What the fuck is this?

>> No.9374463

It's a light hearted post anon, don't take things too seriously. I rather this than itas and bad handmade dresses

>> No.9374690

Yea but this isn't even a very lolita-like accessory when on its own. It literally just like a dude wearing bear ears over his cap.

Probably would have been better if he was wearing jewelry with it, or something with a bow. Not freaking bear ears. Animal ears are the accessories you need to coord around to even make look fit with lolita, not something inherently lolita-like on their own. Putting frills on animal ears doesn't make it lolita; in that case he could have just worn frilly maid cat ears and the picture is exactly the same, but easier to realize why it's stupid to post.

>> No.9374707

Anon, don't make threads anymore.

>> No.9374832

Take some midol and eat a tub of ice cream then sit down and shut up. You're reaching very hard right now. Is it lolita? No. But animal ears do fit in the fashion IF DONE CORRECTLY. This hat style was very popular back in 2009-2010 for OTT vomit.

You need to not make threads when you don't know shit and are having a pms episode.

>> No.9374850
File: 358 KB, 720x973, KONBANWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is already stupid so have a lolita door

>> No.9374855
File: 192 KB, 720x960, areyouokdoyouneedtoliedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this even mean

>> No.9374858
File: 23 KB, 384x512, muumuugetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a lolita cowfish i don't get it

>> No.9374860
File: 1006 KB, 720x988, wakemeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 1

>> No.9374862
File: 1007 KB, 720x960, cantwaKEuP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

i am so glad I read this mini autobiography by a person who probably doesn't even wear the fashion

>> No.9374894

Of course it's that smug fatass again

>> No.9374947

Is there actually any good handmade on there?

>> No.9375040


>> No.9375434

Sorry your boyfriend got posted.

>> No.9375445

This actually made me shudder. Something seems so creepy and nymphet about it.

>> No.9375469

I know these kids are dumb as fuck, but this is kind of adorable. Amino is a blessing with how silly it is and it thankfully contains this nonsense really well.

>> No.9375676
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, IMG_4071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fave part of amino are the "tutorials" like pic related for milk carton pencil holders.

>> No.9376159

If youre going to try to troll, try harder. You're about as cringey as OP.

>> No.9376425

It's lolita because it's pink!

>> No.9376433

Good fucking lord

>> No.9376445

For a fraction of a second I thought they said
and my first reaction was "of course they do". Needless to say my standards for Amino content are pretty low.

>> No.9376480

Why is everyone defending this ugly hat?

>> No.9376709

It's just one of those bear ear bonnets over a baseball cap, people are defending it because it's just a goofy picture and not something anyone is wearing in public. It wasn't really necessary to post this picture, but what on social media really is?

>> No.9376860
File: 456 KB, 343x194, such fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for helping me laugh while I'm home sick with the flu anons! omg

>> No.9376876

This tutorial for diy collars came up on the alt fashion amino. Just bedazzle a pet collar and you too can snag this look.

>> No.9376880
File: 84 KB, 576x1024, IMG_4078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic like a doofus.

>> No.9376927

It's aggrivating only because there are so many shitposts on LA that we really don't need a lol look at my boyfriend so fanny xDD post in the midst of it. If the amino had more quality posts then it wouldn't stand out as much.

>> No.9377169
File: 193 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropping this here..

>> No.9377378

are you fucking kidding me
>open milk carton
>empty milk out
>pencil holder

>> No.9377384

Rotting milk on your desk and mold on your pencils and pens is so kawaii lolita desu you gaiiis <3

>> No.9377465

Imho this could go very badly

>> No.9377469
File: 36 KB, 512x512, SavedImage_20170304-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did the rest of her chin go

>> No.9377471
File: 25 KB, 288x512, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii gremlin filter

>> No.9377482
File: 189 KB, 750x1278, IMG_4082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt is real for this dude.

>> No.9377483
File: 31 KB, 713x164, IMG_4081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hate to the poor English but weebs across the globe think glorious Nippon is the holy land.

>> No.9377486
File: 96 KB, 750x679, IMG_4080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in the sneakers somehow must belong in lolita otherwise you're a bully uwu thread.

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.9377507

Period Lolita is kawaii desu. I like to call this tampax-chan

>> No.9377587

french weeb are the worst

>> No.9377679
File: 153 KB, 720x780, 73928272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

handless lady gets mad that nobody wants to see her bad art

>> No.9377702
File: 70 KB, 720x308, 3893922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photoshop it onto myself

dear God

>> No.9377754

I'm just lurking and reading it and dear god...im sorry "lolita art" doesnt belong in LA.Maybe if it is by brands sure but not by some tumblr-lolita-at-heart art work.

>> No.9377763

This entire chat is a mess

>> No.9377769

... I want to believe they at least washed the cartons, but now that you mention it I'm sure they didn't even bother with the most basic of steps.

>> No.9377773

Holy shit that's just kinda sad

>> No.9377839

she was such a broken record. "It's unfair that a decision is being made by a special few :( why does the rule have to change??"

what a snowflake

>> No.9377843
File: 90 KB, 750x475, IMG_7187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>specifically goes after bunbun during the chat
>uses bunbun as a defense when convenient for her argument

>> No.9377847

This chick is such a fucking bitch, how have the mods not given her a suspension/ban, she can't even keep up a civil conversation without being rude.

>> No.9377858

believe me, they probably want to but unless she really breaks a rule they can't. all of the mods in that chat seemed super sick of her shit

>> No.9378257

Catching up and I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed that I deleted the app off my phone.

>> No.9378307

So glad I left this sesspool of a Lolita community awhile ago.

>> No.9378772

so what exactly is the point of the lolita AMA chat? it just looks like bunbun and cookie-bunny playing backseat moderator. the chat itself is really hostile and i have a hard time taking any of these people seriously because they care so much about things that are so minor. how was this a good idea?

>> No.9378777

Well bunbun was a mod and is close friends with Jessie Kate. But there where some good suggestions. Just the art thing got soo blown up it started the chat with hostility. I don't know why that girl isn't banned yet because she's nothing but hostile towards people and overall a shitty person.

>> No.9378779

the lady who kept on crying about how her art can't be posted anymore? yeah, at first i felt bad for her but my pity only goes so far. i just wish that the other mods were more involved. it's supposed to be a lolita amino team AMA, but less than half the team is participating.

>> No.9378916

They look so alien....

>> No.9379967

Why does amino attract so many itas? It's crazy but it puts me off getting it altogether

>> No.9380033

I have no idea where to find all this salt and lol worthy cringe on Amino, is it in the chat section of LA?

>> No.9380060

go to the public chats and check the Team Lolita Amino AMA one for guaranteed salt. that's where those caps of the lady talking about shooping a dress onto herself are from

>> No.9380094

The app itself is full of young teenagers and adults with the emotional maturity of young teenagers. I've peeked in on Aminos for other hobbies and interests and those were just as bad. Even polite criticism is seen as bullying so many Aminos are hugbox circlejerks where nobody ever improves.

>> No.9380113
File: 279 KB, 1315x1290, 1480790014918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.9380128
File: 9 KB, 256x256, c18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so bad oh god. I'm enjoying these threads because they're so "innocent" in a way yet so bad.

Aw, get well soon

>> No.9380130

As a french lolita i'm so sorry about that.
French weebs are so cringy.

>> No.9380174
File: 501 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the public chat last night/this morning, apparently the concept of private chats is too much and drama should be vented right in the public chat.

>> No.9380175
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>> No.9380178
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>> No.9380183
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>> No.9380185

that's the kid with the crazy tumblr who can't take concrit, right? i checked her blog and she supports self diagnosis, kek

i did take a double take when deco said demisexual because i just KNEW somebody would take offense to it, but i put the fault on the people who can't take a fucking joke. if you can't laugh at yourself, people are going to do it for you. and the fact that instahoe-chan is playing right into it just makes it even better

grow a sense of humor

>> No.9380187
File: 445 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9380188

Yeah, it's the same kid.

>> No.9380190

>what does otherkin mean

HERE WE GO. how much you wanna bet she's a dollkin

>> No.9380230

someone ask these walnuts if they know what a joke is. even if it was in bad taste, it's being escalated to an unnecessary level. i've asked this before, but how the hell do they function in the outside world?

>> No.9380241

Oh look it's Instaho Duckface-chan crying about imagined ~transphobic microaggressions~, as if she wasn't annoying enough already.

>> No.9380243

don't they know that deco is a transgirl?

>> No.9380260
File: 1.55 MB, 2023x1204, 7492i2727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appreciate your effort but don't pretend you weren't part of the conversation CB

>> No.9380264

Making light of ridiculous people being ridiculous is not even bad taste.

>> No.9380275

>thinking otherkin is a real thing

>> No.9380283

Reading her comments, it doesn't look like she's implying that otherkin is legit, the only people who believe in otherkin are otherkin themselves.

>> No.9380288

it comes off that way when she's fingerpointing at how the otherkin jokes were somehow more damaging than trans/sexuality jokes imo

>> No.9380324

not knowing the full context, she could be saying the jokes were unnecessarily mean-spirited towards otherkins, even if she does not view otherkin itself as being legitimate. it's possible to want to be nice to people you think have ridiculous beliefs.

>> No.9380327

she participated in the joking, so no not really

>> No.9380328

Nayrt but she's only going on a moral crusade after joking about otherkin herself.

>> No.9380344

Nayrt, she's joking about ridiculous pronouns based on the caps, not otherkin, but judging by the lgbt chat she doesn't think otherkin are real.

>> No.9380349

CB you just posted on amino, stop defending yourself

>> No.9380394

Coconut head on full damage control. Sorry you aren't a mod :^)

>> No.9380407

Same anon here, why would CB "defend" herself by basically admitting that she thinks otherkin are fake, and joking about transtrenders. If anything she's trying to defend the people who made those jokes in the AMA chat, and she called that fake boi out on trying to start drama in the lgbt chat.

>> No.9380431

you're compensating too hard, tone it down and next time maybe I won't think it's you

>> No.9380449
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>> No.9380453
File: 343 KB, 500x609, apsneakres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They work great in casual lolita when they actually blend well with the fashion. As long as they're not just generic gym shoes and have a cute aesthetic to them, why not?
>pic related

>> No.9380462

>As long as they're not just generic gym shoes
There's the clincher. 99% of people whining that sneakers should be acceptable in lolita are talking about the ratty normie sneakers they already owned before getting into lolita, not Jfashion sneakers produced by lolita brands. They're not trying to make a fashion statement, just being too lazy and cheap to buy new shoes.

>> No.9380475

that chat is full of hypersensitive idiots save a few decent people. as expected of tumblr

i just hate this idea that you have to accept every insane thing that people do or else you are a bad person. like, you could agree with someone about everything save one issue and all of a sudden you are a bigot

>> No.9380486

>'literally a description of me'

>> No.9380858

This, honestly. Look, you can call yourself whatever you want and d do whatever the hell you want with your life and body; but don't expect strangers to bend over to your special snowflake status and cater to your will. I'm not going to go out of my way with mental gymnastics for your sake, sweetie. Call yourself Xenodemon all you want, I'm not going to feel bad for referring to you as a "she" every single time you come up in conversation.

What ever happened to encouraging people to accept who they are and not care what society labels them as? Why all the manufactured terms for asinine shit no sane person has the time or interest to learn? Just be you, Jesus. If I like you for who you are then I like you for who you are, stop making your identity about stupid shit like pronouns when there's so much more to your character than that.

>> No.9380876

preach, gull

i miss the kind of teenage edginess that prized the "labels are for soup cans!!!" ideology. now it's all about othering themselves into oblivion and competing for oppression points. and it's not only teenagers, but adults too. it makes me sad and it's hard to find people my age who share the same interests and aren't turbo-tumblr

sage for whining

>> No.9383427
File: 319 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complained about art posts potentially being banned

> was present when the team AMA was discussing Facebook like update posts

>makes a pointless Facebook like update post

I rolled my eyes at first with this girl. Now I just cringe when she posts and hopes she keeps it up to get banned.

>> No.9383443

it's stupid but at first i was kind of giving her a pass because no hands

but then i realized she's just a massive bitch who doesn't really have anything to contribute to the comm besides whining. don't even feel bad anymore.

>> No.9383453

>I'm not going to feel bad for referring to you as a "she" every single time you come up in conversation

well hopefully youll do your best to correct yourself- since transpeople aren't special snowflakes and deserve respect.

>> No.9383455

>trans people aren't special snowflakes and deserve respect

i mean not all of them but this is mostly about

>> No.9383457


>> No.9383458

actual transfolk, totally.

but these demiboi otherkin fuckwits are absolute snowflakes

>> No.9383461

Yeah but the person that is being all "offended" is a Tumblr transtrender. That's why no one cares about her self diagnosed snowflake gender.

>> No.9383464

Being trans doesn't inherently mean you deserve respect. This is the shitty thinking hat made a shitty person like Catlyn Jenner into OMG SO STRONG AND BOLD, WOMAN OF THE YEAR!!!!

You earn respect, not command it. It depends on the person. Anon was talking about special snowflake pronouns though, but nice projection.

>> No.9383470

She can be banned for stirring up drama and creating a hostile environment where ever she goes. She also spams the page from time to time with irrelevant shit. I would say her over all presence is grounds to be banned. No one wants to deal with her and she's not one to be reasoned with. She also was calling out other people in public chats if I remember correctly.

>> No.9383480

>be me
>be biologically female
>always relate to males
>always hang with the boys
>play Dungeons and Dragons all day erryday
>parents try discouraging all boyish things
>makes me hate myself when growing up
>deep pit in my stomach
>learn about trans as a mid teen
>go through edgy "I'm a boy!" phase
>grow up
>realize it's fucking stupid
>i'm just a girl that'a really boyish
>even if my brain is closer to that of a boy and I feel like a boy, realize it's silly to impose others to call me by male pronouns
>just dress in ouji and not give a shit what people call me because I'm a grown fucking adult and not a little crybaby bitch who who takes asanin shit like pronouns too seriously

awww poor baby, do you also cry when the telemarketer says "good morning, madam" on the phone when you pick up because your voice biologically matches that of a female and you have no fucking y chromosome? yes i mad, little bitches give the trans community a bad name. stop making a big deal out of small shit, i understand if people call me a girl because i literally am a fucking girl but just have a masculine brain. in the end it doesnt fucking matter because they're just labels. and yes i'd love to have a dick but it's pointless if it's fakecock and i'm not going to fucking MUTILATE my organs and pump hormones into myself just to be fakeboy. people take shit to such extremes.

yes i mad

>> No.9383487

nice blog

>> No.9383488

I was ranting about the snowflake gender crap. I've no issue with actual trans; but there's undoubtedly a large body of tumblr raises kiddies who pick special pronouns out of it being totally sugoi desu just like self diagnosing mai kawaii disease is a thing.

Whoa, calm down, madam. People have different thresholds. It's true some people should toughen up, but it is legit disrespectful to purposely call someone the wrong pronoun if you know it bothers them.


>> No.9383897

>purposely call someone the wrong pronoun
It's just a pronoun. There are people that still pronounce my name wrong that I've corrected dozens of times.

It's ridiculous to get mad at someone that gets it wrong. Like even if they did it on purpose jokingly, you can't poke fun at yourself? What they refer you by doesn't change you on the inside so don't take it so seriously like it's some sort of hate crime. Like maybe if this was a close friend we are talking about, but I don't see how anyone that requires everyone to walk on egg shells and will not excuse one instance of the wrong pronouns could make many close friends.

>> No.9385085
File: 135 KB, 640x962, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a plushie she drew on with marker

>> No.9385118

why would they post this in a lolita art chat... also, that poor little lamb. it deserves so much better than this.

>> No.9385126

But anon the world is paper skinned and glass bones. You can't expect them to laugh at themselves when you get more attention by being offended and angry all the time. You can't act oppressed when you laugh at yourself.

>> No.9385127

This makes me sad.

>> No.9386546

No one going to point out the xmas wrapping paper used as fake fabric decoration on the right?

>> No.9386566

I think she's just posing on the floor, and that's an actual tablecloth

>> No.9386585

That's a table with a cloth you fucking moron

>> No.9388497

Oh my god, this person came into one of the amino chats. I try not to make fun of people's looks very often but jesus mary and joseph. This is just plain scary. When I went through to her profile I gasped.

>> No.9388500

Sorry your thread is fucking stupid.

>> No.9388557

demisexuality isn't a fucking real sexuality holy fucking shit

>> No.9388586

Stop oppressing my cis white and technically heterosexual self, you shitlord!

>> No.9388677

No, your brain isn't masculine, your psyche is. You're as female as I and every other biological woman is. You just had a different psychological development which led you to feel that you're a male. So relax, all persons are different from one another.

If the majority of us develop a congruent correlation between our sex and gender is because nature says so. And I'm not talking about moral or religious shit, it's about how every single thing in the world has the same goal, reproduction. Whether we like it or not, biologically, that's what we're made for. But in modern times not everyone needs it so no drama.

>yes I'm a psychologist, I know things and stuff
>sage for pointless ot

>> No.9389591

I'm glad I don't believe in gender pronouns. Call me whatever you want.

>> No.9389614

Can I call you a cunt?

>love u anon

>> No.9390913


Supreme cunt