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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 768x960, 16649464_917171851751860_1553948351451160623_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9371431 No.9371431 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see one in the catalog so ITT: Bad Photography. OC is encouraged

>> No.9371499

Finally, a thread I'll never be posted in.

>> No.9371574

Contribute or shut up

>> No.9374538
File: 66 KB, 768x960, 16681779_1389912467693985_6320023115087255163_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9374591

Ah yes a photo of the gazebo where the Cosplayer is actually a prop

>> No.9375321
File: 109 KB, 960x638, 13062013_562066673972381_6446568017848659958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9375421

It's kind of sad. Everyone just wants to be at the gazebo because gazebo

>> No.9375874

I mean, how can you tell it's the gazebo? The whole middle of the frame is pure white.

And why is her body so warped? Her feet are literally biger than her head. You guys always boost the bad photogs. Feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.9375887

Fisheye lenses distort things near the edge

Do either of these understand the concept of leading lines? Doesn't it register to them, why the fuck uninteresting parts of the picture grab more attention?

>> No.9375894

i-is that a crotch stain

>> No.9375964

your brightness is probably too high. you can tell its the gazebo if you're not on eye-blinding mode. it's warped because of lens physics. he wanted to feature the gazebo so he used an ultra wide lens and those lenses have a lot of distortion the closer to the edges of the frame as well as when you're too close to something (things closer to the lens will look HUGE)

first one is just whoring the gazebo
second one probably just learned what the rule of thirds is

>> No.9375986

I suppose I can't fault someone that's learning, but that does look like a rather isolated spot. Jumping to location shoots w/o learning the core basics of framing is a little off imo. Laboy has been at this far longer than I have, I don't get this gazebo fetish the photogs have, it's not all that interesting.

>> No.9376134

it's basically a meme at this point. it's no longer special since everyone and their mom uses it.

>> No.9376166

I know _why_ her body is warped; I'm just not sure why he chose to shoot her in such a fashion to have her warped like that, and have the background blown out like that.

It's not a good picture, and yes, he has ben at this a long time, so he should kow better. I wish people would stop supporting bad photogs.

>> No.9376325


I think a lot of cosplayers don't understand the basics of photography. I felt something was off about the photo but until somebody pointed out the distortion couldn't tell you why.

And then bad photogs get popular, cosplayers see these pictures, and learn that this is what's "good", instead of understanding that style and crisp focus aren't the end all be all.

A good photog could totally make the panel circuit if they wanted to do an educational series about composition etc.

>> No.9376336

I feel the same. I didn't know anything about basic photography until taking a class last year and I wish I'd learned sooner because I got back awful photos from a photographer that I only booked with based on positive reviews. If I'd known a bit more about composition, I would've been able to tell right off the bat that she wasn't good at taking anything but basic portrait type shots. Lesson learned

>> No.9376348

Simple psychology allows anyone to tell if a photo is bad, the subconscious immediately says something is shit. Just look at his photo and the first thing you notice is the very top of the Gazebo, you don't need training to realize that. A photographer that understands the basics should be able to easily manipulate this. If the cosplayer is supposed to be the subject, they should be the first thing you notice in the picture and there shouldn't be anything that makes uninteresting parts of the picture lead the eyes away. The lady deadpool has a similar issue, you may notice her first because she takes up more of the photo, but the eyes are more drawn to the back, the leading lines converge to the distance when she's off to the side. It's bad form to have the subject face away from the center of the photo if you use the rule of thirds, there are some exceptions, but they don't apply here. It's also bad form to crop photos at someone's joints (ankles, wrists, so on)

Notice the majority of the vertical lines (the gazebo framing) isn't parallel, they're angled and converge upward, it leads the eye upwards. It's good to do that with pics where the subject is in the center of a long hallways, the flow of leading lines lead to where you want your attention fixated. If you crop off the top half of the picture, it would immediately make her the subject, but Laboy wanted to make the ceiling of the gazebo the subject of the photo so show off his stupid lens.

>A good photog could totally make the panel circuit if they wanted to do an educational series about composition etc.
Most photographers can learn these basics on their own, there's likely hundreds of videos on it about on youtube, there's probably thousands of articles about it. They're just not interested in learning. Most photographers at conventions couldn't care less about the panels in the con itself, they just want to shoot cosplayers.

>> No.9376374


I meant panels geared towards cosplayers to teach them what they should be looking for.

>> No.9376396

This is what I meant. Most people don't know why the photos are bad and most cosplayers are just so excited to get photos taken that they don't really realize they're paying for crap.

Most of the local photographers here are terrible but because there aren't other options and people hype them up, they can keep churning out crappy photos

>> No.9376726


Just because someone has been at this a long time doesn't mean they are a good photographer

>> No.9376797
File: 61 KB, 539x960, 16998105_747432872096766_470303161141476202_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some OC, I had one photoshoot the entire weekend of Katsu and the photographer gave up on editing my face halfway and left me looking like I had surgery to fix a hare lip. :(

>> No.9376925
File: 706 KB, 539x960, ThisEditMakesMeSad (1 of 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you pay for that?
That edit is so horrible I took it as a challenge to see if I could fix it some, this is 5 minutes worth of work.
Who the hell did that?

>> No.9376942

The weirdest part is even in your edit it still doesn't look anything like me. I've actually been giving the pictures to my friends for practice haha. We did pay but I believe we're in the process of getting a refund, the photographer was Euphoria Cosplay Photography or something. I didn't book him but someone else in my group did.

>> No.9376966

kek, well I tried, I have no clue what you look like w/o the harsh light and extremely low res out of focus picture. These shadows are just awful, did he hold a flash like 3 feet off your face?
The guy shoots in direct sunlight at colossal, shadows everywhere

Euphoria Cosplay Studios is a verified page, why...

>> No.9376980

He had a tiny light box or something without any kind of diffuser, we were all blind by the end of the shoot.

>> No.9379450

Page verification isn't a big thing, unless its a blue checkmark. the grey ones are relatively easy to get

>> No.9379478

i heard bad things about Euphoria. aside from bad photos, your experience was positive?

>> No.9379541

honestly if you're paying a photographer the least you should get is good photos. getting bad photos is an automatic non recommendation.

>> No.9379575
File: 420 KB, 2048x1367, 17017234_1406152079446986_560963680517706794_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Euphoria Cosplay Studios

This is you guys, yeah?
Holy cow... I don't even know what to say about this photo.....

>> No.9379584

I'm pretty sure you could've gotten a better picture on a cellphone, wow

>> No.9379677

Group photos with single point of flash in darkness? lol, that's shit

>> No.9379688

I hope this was like a $5 paid shot, and I'd still ask for a refund

>> No.9379696

Tip for other cosplayers: a quick way to tell if a photographer doesn't know shit is if they profusely use Dutch angles

>> No.9379697

why shoot in the dark though? to get the fucking wheel?

>> No.9379717

looks like a slow lens

>> No.9379725

This makes me so angry, they don't even look ready and the flash is awful

Everyone there would look very cute and nice under proper lighting and better photography too

>> No.9379809

that doesn't explain why they're out there. my guess is the cosers requested it.

>> No.9379818 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 1000x667, DSC_2945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the ferris wheel as a backdrop, I've taken several shots at the river at night, however I use a tripod and the softest light I have on me. I'd use my 85mm at f/1.8 to get that as a backdrop. This pic is one of my test shots to figure out the exposure (23mm f/1.8, 1sec), it's out of focus of course cause I focused for the foreground. Later had the cosplayer with a faster shutter speed and I simply layered it.

If I were to guess it's a kit lens probably around 18mm the aperture is very small, I see almost no bokeh whatsoever on the wheel. I wouldn't understand why anyone wouldn't shoot as open as possible at night.

>> No.9379820
File: 319 KB, 1000x667, DSC_2945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the ferris wheel as a backdrop, I've taken several shots at the river at night, however I use a tripod and the softest light I have on me. I'd use my 85mm at f/1.8 to get that as a backdrop. This pic is one of my test shots to figure out the exposure (23mm f/1.8, 1sec), it's out of focus of course cause I focused for the foreground. Later had the cosplayer with a faster shutter speed and I simply layered it.

If I were to guess it's a kit lens probably around 18mm the aperture is very small, I see almost no bokeh whatsoever on the wheel. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't shoot as open as possible at night.

>> No.9380009

We didn't ask to be shot outside as far as I know, but he really pushed for the ferris wheel to be in the background even though some of us were like that doesn't really fit the cos but ok... I didn't do any booking/had no contact with the photographer beforehand I was just there.
He was on his phone most of the time and we all felt super rushed. :/ As >>9379725 said, in most of the pictures we weren't even ready half the time and I was too much of a pussy to ask to retake some pics. I've had better experience with unpaid surprise hall photoshoots.

>> No.9380102

Euphoria. you know his photos are bad when each photo has 1 or zero like and nobody tag themselves

>> No.9380180 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 640x960, 16806977_1238539662927531_5028847355490469908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see a page get on average 1 like per 1,000 followers I just assume they paid a third party that uses click farms to boost their like count. In turn they get to claim they have about 4,000 followers, just think of that reach!

Shinakophoto is a another page that is far worse that Euphoria, about 4,000 followers and at least half the posts have 0 reactions.

I'm trying to be generous when I say this is probably one of her better photos. She tries to photoshop special effects in some her pics that displays how she has absolutely no artistic sense. I suffer from second hand embarrassment looking at them.

>> No.9380184
File: 39 KB, 640x960, 16806977_1238539662927531_5028847355490469908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see a page get on average 1 like per 1,000 followers I just assume they paid a third party that uses click farms to boost their like count. In turn they get to claim they have about 4,000 followers, just think of that reach!

Shinakophoto is a another page that is far worse than Euphoria, about 4,000 followers and at least half the posts have 0 reactions.

I'm trying to be generous when I say this is probably one of her better photos. She tries to photoshop special effects in some her pics that displays how she has absolutely no artistic sense. I suffer from second hand embarrassment looking at them. I believe she also charged $15 per shoot, and that was her cheap rate for a 30 min shoot.

>> No.9380238

NGL I have like 4k in followers, but my reach is nerved by Facebook. I'm lucky to get 5 people liking or commenting whenever I post a photo, except right after a con. If I share video though, I'll suddenly have like 600-1000 people see the video. So don't just think we went out there and bought Likes, sometimes it's just Facebook trying to extort money.

>> No.9380254

That's strange, I have slightly over 1k followers. Whenever I post an individual picture it typically gets around 15-25 reactions and a few comments. Most albums I get about 5-10 reactions, granted they're mostly from the same people that choose "see first" on my page.

Video posts gets the most views because all someone has to do is see the video for 3 seconds and FB would record that as a "viewer". For whatever reason when you post single pictures w/o an album the reach is typically 3-4 times higher.

However, with Shinakophoto, I find it completely impossible for someone that consistently puts out shit like she does to ever get more than a hundred followers even after 2 years.

>> No.9380269

The higher your follower count the more Facebook starts to limit your reach and keep pushing you to promote your posts.

>> No.9380329

look up photos from Just Cosplay if you want to see bad con photos.

>> No.9380369

>Bland hall shots
>Doesn't charge
>Puts in no effort, just spews out unedited JPGs
>Knows he isn't good, doesn't care
People that use him know what they get, at least he's self aware. At that point you might as well attack everyone using their iPhones thinking they produce the best shit known to man.

>> No.9380419


Jesus Fucking Christ!
Is this person for real? Are you guys sure she's not a joke photographer or parody account?

>> No.9380441

Can confirm from same comm. She's serious She shoots her friends mostly though.

>> No.9380450


Can confirm that she is serious. I live in the same city and state as her and she comes to a lot of the meetups. I never thought I could experience secondhand cringe until I saw the pure garbage she tries to pass off as photography. Her photos are almost offensively bad.

>> No.9380455

I have had better photos taken with disposable cameras, wtf?!

You PAID this guy? This means it was a photoshoot and not some guy walking past and asking for quick photo?

It's just so.... Bad.

>> No.9380491
File: 326 KB, 2048x1366, 16819116_10202806202233998_4986139492466470524_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see all the money I lost for this paid shoot cuz I have no eyes!

>> No.9380492
File: 99 KB, 640x960, 16832212_10202806203394027_827574847202901905_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squish the tiny head

>> No.9380499
File: 117 KB, 1080x720, 16826098_1329713430437237_3943685414802104498_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could capture such saturated colors!

>> No.9380634

he's notorious for sniping and stealing cosplayers from other photogs though. scum of the earth!

>> No.9380653

How do you steal a cosplayer? Last time I checked they tend to have their own concept of free will.

I've seen the quality of his work, compare it to my own, I couldn't give less of a shit if he sniped. Which he has numerous times when I was shooting someone, I just shrug it off, cause I know my work is vastly better than his, since I edit stuff and use the proper lighting. This also depends on where you are shooting, if you take the cosplayer off to some isolated pocket in the convention or outside where no one else is and he comes and starts sniping, that's a little fucked up. I never seen him go outside the populated areas where there's already hundreds of other photogs and cosplayers. He's the type that will just hover around the gazebo or atrium areas. I treat him just like any other guy snapping pictures with an iPhone and dumping them into some hole that only 20 or so people will give a shit to look through.

Think of it, if you have a large diffuser or two, a fast lens, and care to edit photos, do you really see him as a threat? If you do, you kinda suck.

>> No.9380663

you're clearly worse

>> No.9380669

I've taken better pictures with my phone's shitty camera jesus christ

>> No.9380721


You got violated.

Next time book with photographers who have good portfolios.

>> No.9380725

Phones are mostly pure auto. If you sync pure auto with an external flash cranked up to a high setting it's going to wash it out. The camera does not know the flash settings and will work as if there is none. I made this mistake the first time I attempted using an external flash before I moved passed depending on full auto. My night shots looked similar to this as a result. It's an awkward phase when the quality of your photos will look worse than the crap from a half megapixel flip phone.

>> No.9380860

I only have my DSLR and on camera flash with diffuser. he has a rolling cart full of you know what. cosplayers are dumb and thought he's good shit and left me. Too bad I actually know how to bounce light and get good photos.their loss.

>> No.9380875

>He took 'er jobs from me!
I must have missed the cart, every time I see him he just has a DSLR with a speedlight mounted on it. How do you steal cosplayers with a cart filled with gear and snipe people at the same time? That sounds like something that would take a considerable amount of effort to set up.

Are you trolling me? You just made me look through hundreds of his pictures, brought traffic to his page, and the only thing I see are shots that would come from a DSLR that has a speedlight mounted on it. They're all in the crowded areas, I have absolutely no sense that he even takes cosplayers from the spot he stands at where they meet, where the hell are you doing your shoots? Are you one of those photogs that expect no one to snipe pics of a shoot when you're taking up something like the gazebo in an area surrounded by nearly a thousand people? Get over yourself.

>> No.9380891

i misspoke. he has a rolling camera case. don't look at his hall shots album. he has a separate private shoot album. he use gels and umbrella in those.

>> No.9380900

Sorry, I got to his MAGFest pics and he's definitely using more gear there. I judged by Katsu's crackdown standards

>> No.9380939

Honestly I don't even know if that helps with reach. Out of curiosity, I paid for Facebook advertising on a particular post on a page I run, and I don't think it increased my reach at all. Or I did something wrong with the settings which is possible.

>> No.9380998
File: 64 KB, 400x600, JLP_1567-2-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love excessive use of Dutch angles!

>> No.9381061

Please stop posting this guy. He's overrated as shit, and really is garbage.

>> No.9381091

Another bad con photographer is Dan Seiter. I can't stand how he walks around with 5 light stands yet his photos are complete garbage. harsh shadows and clarity slider overload. half of his photos are out of focus.

>> No.9381106

does he use umbrellas or softboxes or does he just have the lights by themself on them?

>> No.9381113

If he's taking shitty photos, what difference does it make how he's taking them? Book a good photographer!

>> No.9381117

one is a surefire way to get harsh shadows and the other isn't. it wouldn't fix his post processing or his focus problems but it'd at least limit how much of the first he has to do

>> No.9381170

>Book a good photographer!
You sound like EMCP, keep talking shit about other people you produce garbage quality 9 times out of 10

>> No.9381227

Don't take the word of someone with a strange vendetta against me. It's obvious by how he can't stand "I walk around with 5 light stands" kek.
I usually carry 2 or 3 stands with me depending on my mood.
I almost never use more than one, I just like having an extra /should/ I want back lighting with a color gel
>what difference does it make
Words of an idiot that doesn't understand the concept of soft lighting and direct flash, I prefer a soft box, but since I don't feel like setting it up every single time I use an umbrella because it's faster, I will always use one of the other. What the fuck idiot uses a direct flash on someone without at least bouncing it.

>harsh shadows and clarity slider overload
I use soft light and I'm pretty much allergic to the use of direct sunlight. Most my post processing the clarity slider is around -45, another nonsense claim, unless he digs up a photo I posted only within a year of when I started this and didn't know better.

>half of his photos are out of focus
I manually focus EVERY SHOT to their eyes using the back of camera.

>> No.9381231

Composition isn't inherently terrible (the circle makes almost an halo on the head) but that's... a whole lot of skirt for something with such a detailed upper body.

>> No.9381258

this is why ultra wides are better for landscapes. unless she's supposed to be a giant

>> No.9381265

this distortion probably work better for sexy cosplay that show off the long legs. not a fucking dress

>> No.9381271

Looks like a fisheye lens, I wouldn't even use that for Landscape. The shot does make the aesthetic of the building more dramatic, but also makes her look like a giant. Personally, I'd use it with shooting architecture or astrophotography. I tend to prefer normal landscape with short telephoto, around 100mm.

>> No.9381297
File: 135 KB, 960x960, Sumikofoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People get paid for this. Let that sink in. I stop stop trying and just set my camera to Auto at this point if people are paying for crap quality photos. I won't, but just saying why even work at this point.

>> No.9381312

... Over 42k pictures posted on Flickr and this is her profile pic?

>> No.9381416

She literally just dumped every photo into her Flickr

>> No.9381455

This is no White Specs but still miles ahead of Dan Seiter, Just cosplay, and EMCP. Sumiko has tons of bad photos but I would rate this one "ok"

>> No.9381475

He's also slow as fuck. Spent almost an hour inside the gazebo. I wanted to tell him to get out but he looks like an awkward sociopath so we shot at the ballroom instead

>> No.9381520

Bro, you're in the bad photography thread. Just suck it up and watch some fucking YouTube videos to get better. Deflecting to others just makes you look worse.

>> No.9381524

Emcp is a fucking god dude

>> No.9381526

Thanks man, nice to know someone likes my work as much as me.

Looking for new cosplayers to shoot! Message me on FB EMCP... Use the discount code "gull" and I'll give you a discount on your photos! Remember: EMCP! I do all kinds of shoots and only the best!

>> No.9381541

the roof of the gazebo is so distracting. my eye is immediately drawn up towards it

>> No.9381544

what is with this photographer and upward shots?

>> No.9381597
File: 840 KB, 640x960, me1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Street Photography UK

-Charges a fuckton for shoots [unless he sees you as gf material and/or can touch u]
-Takes months to get photo back to you.
-shit edits

>> No.9381601

forgot to add
-often never gives photos back [aka over a year]
-gets angry if you ask

>> No.9381637

I'm not sure if it's a sign of success if people are pretending to be you, even mockingly

It's pretty fucking bizarre

>> No.9381643

desu the photos I got from her were pretty nice. Only issue I have with her is how long it took to get them

>> No.9381671
File: 59 KB, 218x236, 1488661403130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they paid someone for this

>> No.9381831

ok i retract. this photo looks a lot better on my phone.

>> No.9381832

>that broken fence
come on.

>> No.9381862
File: 599 KB, 480x724, 17161036_10155044365834378_1741647398_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My what big feet you have

>> No.9381887

white specs. is that you?

>> No.9381895

hahaha holy fuck who thought this looked good???

>> No.9381913

Are all shitty photogs gulls? Like I legit come in these threads and hear the same shitty fucking names over and over and see you all claiming you're all the best but you always end up here. (looking at you emcp, white specs, euphoria)

>> No.9381939

people who have feet fetish

>> No.9381948

This is why people need to learn what their lenses actually do

>> No.9381951

EMCP is great though, his work is so great and gets it done on time which is good. I always get my pictures done by him and it's great. He's a nice guy and so professional. I hear he's having a discount now, maybe message him?

>> No.9381956

I don't know if it's hilarious that someone is pretending to be him or sad because it's so accurate

>> No.9381957

is EMCP the new Black Luigi? what happened to him anyway?

>> No.9381974

It's just gulls pretending to be shitty photographers.

>> No.9382050

EMCP and Dan Seiter probably don't even post here. just a bunch of gulls pretend to be them.

>> No.9382087

newfag here, what the hell is a "gull"?

>> No.9382166
File: 188 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_om25nlRTuM1u42pu9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9382213

hahahaha oh my god thats horrible

>> No.9382216

Believe he's still around haven't heard about him in ages though.

>> No.9382234

dude why are you into feet

>> No.9382245
File: 75 KB, 376x375, 1357626593226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was asherbee

>> No.9382275


Especially fitting since it's so close phonetically to "girl" or "gal".

>> No.9382290
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>> No.9382292
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>> No.9382295
File: 49 KB, 720x479, FB_IMG_1488966945167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9382297

Did you not read the name of the thread?

>> No.9382303
File: 95 KB, 595x394, 1479697352657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was because all the salt and sand

>> No.9382511

They've definitely posted on here before, even mentioned it on their own pages

>> No.9382521

They have? I see EMCP self-bloviate constantly about his reach, Dan Seiter just uses his page to dump photos w/o ever saying anything.

>> No.9382632

Dan mentions cgl on his personal profile from time to time

>> No.9382651
File: 71 KB, 960x960, 15541186_1256456107726584_4588398168748939754_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure who I feel worse for? The shitty photographer or the blatant attempt to cash in on horny guys by this cow?

>> No.9382673

Don't see any mention on his personal timeline of it either

>> No.9382686

A happy coincidence, I think

>> No.9382754

You're probably not a very good friend of him and got filtered out. He talks politics and drama a lot

>> No.9382760

On his personal timeline? In this day in age? Then unfriend him

>> No.9382899

That's a lotta salt, anon. You should watch your sodium intake.

>> No.9382986

Durr, use a wide angle lens to make a small space big! Nevar fails!

>> No.9383021

There have been some bad pictures is the thread, but this one really stands apart.

Just... why?

>> No.9383233

Lol. It's crazy, but as bad as that is, it doesn't even register anymore for me. I've seen some terrible shit come out of these guys' cameras, man. Much much worse than that.

I've seen some shit. Lol

>> No.9384275
File: 392 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20161203_231549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9384444

that's white face and culture appropriation.

>> No.9384978


i have seen worse con photos. come on. are you even trying. any bad photo from ECCC?

>> No.9385105
File: 207 KB, 2048x1365, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9385443

what's wrong? it's perfectly fine as a hallf shot. the composition is really bad, but it's a masterpiece compared to the other Photoshop disasters.

>> No.9385638

>The composition is really bad
you nailed it, a somewhat blurry picture with decent composition is miles ahead of this.
Cover the right half of the picture, dramatically improves it
Also the guy in the background dominates too much of the picture with a bright saturated red jacket, it's a distraction.

>> No.9386199

holy shit. do you have OCD? at least the cosplayers don't look like shit, unlike 90% of hall shots.

>> No.9386204

its a bad con photography thread, not a bad cosplay thread. that photo looks like it was taken by a middle schooler

>> No.9386342

I'm actually offering some critique, hoping that at least cosplayers and maybe some photogs that just take pictures indiscriminately of their surroundings would pay attention.
>Someone posts horrible picture
>A-At least the cosplay is good
No, the photo is horrible, their height difference is FAR too disproportionate for them to be framed that way. Why crop so narrow with how far apart they are and their absurd height difference? - Try backing up, or at least don't use a short telephoto.
Why would a photographer cut someone off at shoulder level and leave half of the picture above her head empty (yes, the one on the left is considerably taller).
Group photo with headshots? their heads are on opposite corners of the photo, no, just no.
Not only is there nothing interesting to enhance the photo above her head which is mostly dead space, there is actually another person's head outside the DOF directly above it (try not to make it as so background objects look like they suddenly sprout outside the top of your subject's head, it's a common mistake, like seeing a light pole or a tree in the far background doing this).

If you don't care about the background, if the subject is standing, it looks horrible to have their eye level at the bottom third of the picture. It doesn't even look that great to have it below the 2/3 level. There /must/ be something that adds to the top of the picture if you want to frame it so high.

Too many people rely on a fast lens as a cheat to not care about backgrounds. They still matter if you're able to discern shapes as recognizable objects. This picture just screams to me "I got this expensive 70-200 lens on a full body so now my photos will always look good regardless of skill".

>> No.9386412

is this a mother daughter cosplay duo because that is legit what this looks like. young ass mom with lil white child, struggling in middle class america.

>> No.9386748

Cosplayers and majority of cosplay photographers don't recognize what makes a good photo. They just go by initial impression, not what's badly violating the simple rules of photography and it's views on exposure, composition, and other shit like that.

>> No.9386751

I only took a basic photography class and even I think this photo looks awful for the reasons you described. When would a height difference that noticeable ever look good when shot that way? You could crop the right cosplayer out entirely and improve the whole photo

>> No.9386894 [DELETED] 

Even without the height difference the crop is bad, the negative space above the one on the right makes her look shorter than she already may be. Like she's barely tall enough to fit in the frame with this giant next to her. For some reason it looks like she's also leaning backwards to fit in this frame, not sure if it's because the photog tried to use a short telephoto and didn't have the space to back up. Try googling "group photos", it's kinda campy shit, but the trend in a massive chunk of them is everyone tends to face inward, towards the center of frame. She's facing away from the center of the photo, makes it appear she's stepping out of frame.

My best guess would be backing up about 10 feet assuming the same focal length and shoot portrait waist up, having them somewhat closer together. I'll admit group photos are my weakness and I spend a great deal of time looking at the work of other photogs to learn what looks good and bad. Any healthy subconscious would immediately flag something as awful the more you look at something. It's up to a photographer to figure out why a photo isn't good, this stuff has been studied psychologically for a very long time.

Whoever took this picture at least knows how to produce something that's sharp, the color balance is decent. It's just weird I can't find any mention of this person anywhere. Where do you people find these pics?

>> No.9386897

Even without the height difference the crop is bad, the negative space above the one on the right makes her look shorter than she already may be. Like she's barely tall enough to fit in the frame with this giant next to her. For some reason it looks like she's also leaning backwards to fit in this frame, not sure if it's because the photog tried to use a short telephoto and didn't have the space to back up. Try googling "group photos", it's kinda campy shit, but the trend in a massive chunk of them is everyone tends to face inward, towards the center of frame. She's facing away from the center of the photo, makes it appear she's stepping out of frame.

My best guess would be backing up about 10 feet assuming the same focal length and shoot portrait waist up, having them somewhat closer together. I'll admit group photos are my weakness and I spend a great deal of time looking at the work of other photogs to learn what looks good and bad. Any healthy subconscious would immediately flag something as awful the more you look at something. It's up to a photographer to figure out why a photo isn't good, this stuff has been studied psychologically for a very long time.

Whoever took this picture at least knows how to produce something that's sharp, the color balance is decent. It's just weird I can't find any mention of this person anywhere. Where do you people find these pics?

>> No.9386920
File: 51 KB, 640x960, katsucon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo completely out of focus.
terrible lighting on face
tree grows out of her head
just going to stop here.

>> No.9387030
File: 353 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate sumiko foto. My friends did a shoot and they all look paper white, and they're Hispanic. Pic not related but look at this shit.

>> No.9387109

are the cosplayers not related or is this an example of paper white? they look like regular white people to me

>> No.9387120


Sumiko does a public service by photographing all these ugly people who wouldn't be able to get pictures otherwise.

>> No.9387125

I actually like this, it has charme.

>> No.9387127


>> No.9387141

>pic not related
Anon, please.

>> No.9387596

Are you assuming their race?

>> No.9387742

is anything even in focus?

>> No.9388089

Digemon cosplay.

>> No.9388589

i tried to look for the paper white example on her flickr, but i gave up. How can someone upload 42K bad photos?