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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9363406 No.9363406 [Reply] [Original]

52 Days untill the party starts!
Who's going?
>how many years have you been going?
>horror stories?
>fun things to do in Seattle?
>any Panelists?

>> No.9365245

>how many years have you been going?
8 years. This will be my 9th.

Sword Art Online, fuck me right? I don't know what my second costume is going to be.

>horror stories?
Too many.

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Depends on what you like. Some people like going down to Pike Place Market or the Gameworks arcade across the street, but it's overpriced in my opinion.

>any Panelists?
Some of my buddies tend to do panels every year and I attend to support them.

>> No.9365547

Sakuracon Ikkimasu
This will be my 6th year I believe

>> No.9365594

>how many years have you been going?
not this year sadly
>horror stories?
I heard some lolita walked off a parking garage idk
>fun things to do in Seattle?
anything near international district, blick, and a smooth on store
>any Panelists?
i'm hopefully doing a quiz show

>> No.9365666

How is the masquerade, especially in terms of music? One of my friends wants to go but I heard it’s a lot of Disney music (I hate Disney). My other friend wants to go to the rave but I've heard that’s generally a good time.

>how many years have you been going?
2, this is my 3rd
Akane (Psycho-Pass), Mokona Gijinka (xxxholic mini group), and hopefully either Sailor Pluto or Akuma Homura depending on which I can finish first. I’m looking forward to the meet-ups.
>horror stories?
None, just some awkward moments like from seeing one Akuma Homura cosplayer almost naked because her cosplay constantly trying to fall off her in multiple spots, and seeing spaced out high teens(?) sprawled out under the plants during the rave.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
We drive down from Canada so I’m not too familiar with the area, but Pike Place Market, Gameworks and the Art Gallery (depending on the current exhibit) can be fun to visit, also the Science Museum (?).
>any Panelists?
I’ve missed them every year but I plan to go to at least 2 this year. My friend applied to do one though.

>> No.9366021

On mobile so formatting this will suck lol

This'll be my fourth year! I'll be Link (BOTW version) & Sangwoo (I'm litteral shit) on Friday and then Saturday I'll be Jack from ygo and Noctis from FFXV. Sunday I'll probably just do sangwoo again

I actually don't have any sak horror stories--and you gotta check out the arcade down the street. Also I'm not a vegan but I go to veggie grill every time I'm in Seattle because it's delicious

>> No.9366048

>how many years have you been going?
This will be my 5th year!
Up in the air, but probably something Love Live and FEA since I have enough bits and pieces for both that I just never ended up finishing.
>horror stories?
Two years ago saw an Elsa cosplayer bleeding on her shoes because she decorated a pair too small on her. Saw some kids sharing colored contacts with spit in the bathrooms. The usual shit.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Pike Place gets some pretty cheap eats (for all you YOI cosplayers, there's an iconic piroshki place and it's delicious), obviously the city of coffee so pick any local joint with 5 stars on Yelp. If you have like literally hundreds to blow, there's actually a michelin star sushi place in Pike Place but fuck, we're all poor weebs so.

There's a Link bus lightrail station now, so it's a straight shot to International District if you want to check the Kinokuniya there. Or you can take it one stop north to Capitol Hill and hit up all the bars there.

The walk to the boardwalk kind of sucks (or navigating our bad public bussing system), but if it's a nice weekend, it's a gorgeous place to do shoots, especially since we've got that sculpture park.

As other's have mentioned, there's that Gameworks right across the convention center. Pretty overpriced but they have a working purikura that is fun to make memories with even if it costs a bit.
>any Panelists?
Have some friends running panels, but overall I play this con by ear. It's my chill-n-hang con so I don't really do much except see friends and get drunk.

>> No.9366054

> How many years have you been going?
Second year? Last time I went was five years ago though.
Otabek from Yuri on Ice, not sure who else.
>horror stories?
homestuck troll ran into my white cosplay last time I went. Could not get the stains out and I cried.
> fun things to do in Seattle?
I took the time to go see the space needle, it was awesome. But I'm a totally a tourist.
>Any Panelist?
Yes! Hopefully? I ran a History of Yaoi panel a couple of times at different cons and I'm hoping to do my first one at Sakura Con! Kinda nervous.

>> No.9366257

The Piroshiki place you're thinking of is called piroshki piroshki! It's quite good, just had it a while back.
>how many years have you been going?
2 back in HS, but not this year because no AA table
>horror stories?
fat weeaboos holding hug me signs and not taking no for an answer
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Japan/Town Chinatown is just a few blocks away from the convention center. Japanese food or dimsum is the pretty great here.
>any Panelists?
no panel, but kind of want to go see miliyah katou

>> No.9366327

>how many years have you been
This will be my 10th year, which is weird as hell
Probably. Will be my first time balancing cosplay and lolita through the weekend
>horror stories?
Surprisingly no, or at least nothing worth mentioning
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Uwajimaya, Capitol Hill area
>any Panelists?
Nah, I do attend panels on occasion

>> No.9366333


>> No.9366349

How do guests at cons work, guys? Ive never been to a con, but I was thinking of going the day that Hiroshi Nagahama will be there, but I actually want to hear him talk about his work, not just wait in line for an autograph or something weak.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Marginal Way

>> No.9366366

>how many years have you been going?
This will be 9 years. Jesus.

Probably just lolita coordinates, maybe a Sheryl Nome or Mikumo Guynemer outfit if I'm feeling frisky.

>horror stories?
A grown woman in her late 30s once followed me around the con floor for upwards of three hours while telling me, in explicit detail, her BDSM headcanons about a children's show

>fun things to do in Seattle?
idk the EMP museum has a Star Trek exhibit going on right now that has every single surviving piece of the original Enterprise bridge set on display

>any Panelists?
Not even buying a badge. Just there to take photos of people and hopefully not get fuckin ditched.

>> No.9366438

>how many years have you been going?
0. this is actually my first convention of this scale and my first con since moving back to the US, so I'm very excited but super nervous!! any tips?
either Robin from FEA or Asuka. either one would work, maybe both
>horror stories?
all of my con experiences have gone smoothly... hopefully continues that way
>fun things to do in Seattle?
I love Uwajimaya and the usual touristy stuff around Seattle like the Space Needle and Art Museum. haven't been here long enough to find anything particularly unique!
>any Panelists?
nope, just looking

>> No.9367077

>how many years have you been going?
this will be my 4th year!
im trying to get my friends to join a maid dragon group with me...
>horror stories?
secondhand heard, but someone tried to use superglue for fake lashes.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
it really depends on how much walking you want to do and time you have. lots of touristy things for sure, but even being a local, i stick literally to a five block radius to the convention center during the actual con. the Mo-POP, formerly known as EMP, has a bunch of pop culture exhibits. also molly moons is good ice cream but i think all the shops are out of the way (UDist, Wallingford, ish)
>any Panelists?
just going to look around! take amateur photos of my friends!

>> No.9367209

I still haven't bought my badge but i'm planning to, i live fairly close to downtown seattle, only ~5 miles away from washington convention center but i've never attended a convention. the main reason why im going is because of AA and exhibit hall.

is anyone here also attending emerald city comic con? it starts soon but i can't find any threads on cgl or co, where are they? should i make one?
also why are the thursday and friday tickets for eccc cheaper and still not sold out?

>> No.9367297

>how many years have you been going?
10 year, this will be my 11th year
not sure yet, I might just look like a casual weeb this year
>horror stories?
too much to type here
>fun things to do in Seattle?
I screw around in Chinatown day zero and buy lots of snacks, particularly weeb shit, and eat cheap Chinese food

also like to go to westlake mall in cosplay, always fun to freak out the tourists with the weird colored hair
>any Panelists?

>> No.9367305
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first year i cant go unless a miracle happens

please have a virtual business card in my memory

>> No.9367346

>tfw sakuracon's 10th year and would be my 10th anniversary of attendance but I can't make it
e-enjoy it everyone

>> No.9367394

>how many years have you been going?
10 years going on 11 (final year)

I wished I cosplayed

>horror stories?
Surprisingly I've never seen any horror stuff happen

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Only things I do in seattle is go to sports games or just chill at uwajimaya.

>any Panelists?
I'm guessing Zapp will be there as usual. Other then that it just depends on what's on the schedule or just browsing the expo or snapping pics.

>> No.9368813

>how many years have you been going?
3, going on 4!
Yes, unfortunately
>horror stories?
Nothing major, and I'm hoping to keep up the streak
>fun things to do in Seattle?
I'm getting here earlier on Thursday than I normally do, so I'm hoping to check out the arcade and Uwajimaya
>any Panelists?
Hoping my panel gets accepted!

>> No.9368890

ECCC has waaay too many people attending, so I always pass on it. I assume Thursday is cheaper because it's shorter hours and not as many big guests will be attending that day.

>> No.9368894
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Senpaitachi, pls.

>> No.9368897
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>Elsa bleeding in her shoes

>> No.9369040

Will all the people invited to the artist alley attend all days? I wanna visit and buy some stuff from them but only the Thursday and Friday tickets are left

>> No.9369112

>how many years have you been going?
This'll make 5 and I'll keep going every year even though it shows no signs of getting better.

I couldn't make anything wearable if I tried.

>horror stories?
I was parked right next to the loudspeakers during the swimsuit contest in 2013 and now I have tinnitus.
2015 I invited my sister and cousin, both rabid SJWs, and offered to share my hotel room with them for a cut of the room fee. Not only was dealing with their constant bickering a nightmare but I'm still short $400.

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Park, deal with hobos, be conservative.
Oh, you meant actual fun things. There aren't any.

>any Panelists?
I go to Zapp's panels every year but other than that it's a crapshoot. Most fan panels end up being garbage and the industry panels always devolve into people asking the guest "How can I have your job?"
I'd like to put together a panel one of these years but I can't think of anything even remotely interesting to a sizeable audience.

>A grown woman in her late 30s once followed me around the con floor for upwards of three hours while telling me, in explicit detail, her BDSM headcanons about a children's show
Greentext please.

>> No.9369115

check schedule when schedule is released. if he has a panel listed that's what you'll want to go to. he might not even do that much talking on his own but have Q&A instead so if you want to ask questions about anything or learn about something specific then get ready to jump behind the mic.

>> No.9369462

>how many years have you been going?
I've been going off and on for a while so I think this is my 4th or 5th year?

Hoping to fix up Tiki from FEA, make Mikatan from Punchline, and then wear lolita for the rest.

>horror stories?
Only the implosion of the general social circle I was in, which was more amusing than horrifying.

>fun things to do in Seattle?
The Moore Coffee Shop is a place kind of near the convention center that does really cute latte art, but it's pretty small. Pike Place is fun but crowded, so go in normie clothes. Gameworks is meh, but the only arcade nearby. If you have a car I'd suggest going to Round1 in Tukwila, since they have more purikura booths and better games.

>any Panelists?
I don't usually go to panels. I tend to go to the fashion shows more often but the lolita fashion show last year looked like shit. Not surprising given who was running it.

>> No.9369557


It's honestly much less interesting than the description implies.

>Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger was still airing
>So it had to be 2011
>She was really into Gokaiger
>REALLY REALLY into Gokaiger
>Main five characters are space pirates. Red, yellow, and blue Gokaigers are the first three in the crew, later joined by green and pink.
>She wouldn't stop waxing poetic about how Red (the Captain) had a lock on a chain around his neck and that Blue and Yellow had keys on their necklaces
>This obviously meant that there was some kind of kinky Dom/Sub relationship going on between the three characters
>The show is literally aimed at like, second graders
>Blue doesn't even have a key on his necklace, it's just like a weird cameo thing in a decorative frame, Bandai Fashion made replicas of the prop and everything
>I actually had to tell this woman I was going home and she should enjoy the rest of her day at the con to get her to stop following me and my friend around

I think she was lonely because I was the only person that recognized her godawful cosplay of Philip from Kamen Rider W.

>> No.9370040

>how many years have you been going?
This will be my 8th!

Melia Antiqua from Xenoblade Chronicles and Anne Takamaki from Persona 5

>horror stories?
I met my ex on one of these threads lmao

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Get drunk :^)

>any Panelists?
Not really into panels, but if there are any good ones I'll probably stop in.

Is there gonna be a meetup this year? I've kinda outgrown most of my cosplay friends (I've known most of them since the 2012 Homestuck days) and need to make cooler friends

>> No.9372747


>how many years have you been going?
First time going, looking forward to the 20th anniversery

Still debating two kinds

>horror stories?
dunno, but if it is like other cons it's proably just normal drama bullshit that happens at all cons

>fun things to do in Seattle?

>any Panelists?
Everycon i go to I never end up making it to any of the panels I want, always try for a few but usually get carried away

>> No.9373444

>how many years have you been going?
3 years now, on and off this will be my 4th. Still not sure if going to attend this year or not since life is busy and kinda feeling slowly to old for con not sure.
Probably nothing, to busy with real life job. Just gonna otaku it out, was gonna go as a dark soul character but no time to make or finish.
>horror stories?
>Sakura con 2015
>me and budds bro-ing it out in merch area
>then suddenly a 400 pound skirt wearing 6'5 whale has crashed upon our shore
>to our luck it was her time of the month as she rottens the air around her
>the smell of a thousand Neptune's sun dried tuna has hit our nostrils
>yeah it was pretty bad and I felt bad for her too. must be lonely to be her... feels bad man
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Not sure if gameworks still exist but it's pretty fun arcade games and stuff. Other then that just walking around Seattle enjoying the atmosphere is pretty enjoyable if sjw haven't taken over yet that is. Also if you are in Seattle you can't miss the underground nerd shop it's pretty good it's located at the same area where the above ground witch shop is haha.
>any Panelists?
As always gonna attend to the amv showings. Also every year there is a secret anime showing hopefully can attend that too.

>> No.9376262

Generally, but some of the more popular ones will have 'signing times' but you'll have to go check their table to make sure.

>> No.9376704

First time goer to this con, how cold is it normally? Debating if I should do a sleeveless cosplay or not, but haven't been to Seattle/Portland outside the summer time.

>> No.9376719

Dress for rain. Temp will be probably mid 40s to mid 50s during the day, 30s at night.

>> No.9376808

Seattle springtime is basically anything goes, but have a backup plan for rain, at least. Indoors probably shouldn't be TOO cold, at least.

>> No.9376907

>how many years have you been going?
not going this year due to my shitty job not letting me have time off
>horror stories?
nothing too bad, just occasionally getting stuck rooming with underage kids who get wasted and then spend all night vomiting in the bathroom 'cause they can't handle their liquor
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Pike Place Market is nice but touristy/packed as fuck, Uwajimaya in the intl. district is awesome, the Thursday before the con starts the Gameworks across the street has all you can play games until late at night for like $12.
>any Panelists?
Have done panels in prior years, would be if I were back this year.

For everyone mentioning Piroshki Piroshki I can't really recommend it, not because it's not awesome (it is), but because it's SO overly popular with tourists now you might have to wait in line for like an hour.

>> No.9377347

In doors gets pretty warm, especially if you're moving around all day doing stuff. Bigger panel rooms get A/C, most others do not and even in bigger rooms, doubtful A/C gets turned on. Spring here is all over the place, so plan to bring an umbrella or rain jacket if the forecast (from only a few days away) says there's going to be rain. We can go from a rain storm to sun to hail to thunder in a day, it's pretty chaotic.

>> No.9377501
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A little note to first timers, look at the bathroom signs before you go in since Seattle has a specific separated bathrooms for trans etc. I made the mistake in walking into one was really akward.

>> No.9377529

Where was it last year? I was crossplaying last year and didn't know we had trans ones so I walked into men's bathrooms last year and felt so fucking awkward getting stares from normies on the bottom levels...

>> No.9377561

I don't think there were any last year. Every bathroom I saw only had men's/women's signs.
Just look out for the doors with snowflakes on them and you'll probably be fine.

The first time I encountered rain over the last four years was Sunday of last year. Since it's happening in April again you likely won't have to worry about being too cold or wet but like the other anon suggestion, it's better to come prepared. Outside temperatures during the day usually hover around 60-65 degrees and it'll be anywhere from 65-85 degrees inside depending on where you are.

>> No.9377562
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Felt the same walking into the trans bathroom. Any who if you are facing the info booth turn to your left walk past the elevators that go to the 6th floor and it should be on your right. There should be a tri gender sign on the bathroom. It's the same if you attend to emerald comic con. Pic related hope it helps.

>> No.9377569


Did they try to rape you?

>> No.9377577
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No, they just stood there staring at me. While I'm standing there frozen. Walk back out and saw the sign. Though I went into the woman's bathroom.

>tfw no gf to joke about me going into a trans bathroom

>> No.9379375

>how many years have you been going?
This is my 4th year now.
Inkling, Girlymatsu and maybe Kaban-chan
>horror stories?
None that I can think of, thankfully.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
The monorail is super close making it a breeze to get from the convention center to the Space Needle/Seattle Center for tourist stuff. I'd recommend hitting up the laser dome there
>any Panelists?
Nah, but I do enjoy them. Hope there's a good selection this year

>> No.9379735

I'm looking forward to the AA shit show now that Funimation has kind of banned any art of their properites

>> No.9379750

Shouldn't they just assume you're trans? It seems they preach a lot about how being trans has nothing to do with your body or how you actually look...

>> No.9379756

Source? This is the first time I've heard of that.

>> No.9379787

Not that anon, but here's this.

>> No.9379806

>how many years have you been going?


>horror stories?

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Every single thing I didn't get to do last time

>any Panelists?
Whatever strikes me as fun, animeweedlord has good stuff

>> No.9379834

that's two years old and mainly applies to Funi's trademark logos and whatnot since they specifically say they don't enforce the copyrights

>> No.9379900

Yeah this is why I'm asking for a source, because it looks like >>9379735
is just spouting nonsense and acting like Funimation will be ready with an army of lawyers or something.

>> No.9380031

From friends in the AA I know they haven't said where AA is going to be this year, but know it won't be in the main building due to word of mouth from Funimation. Since Funimation is a huge sponsor for Sakuracon (a non profit), unlikely they will work against them. Also heard some big artists that usually do wallprints in vendors won't be attending due to actually getting denied from their application.

>> No.9380705

Funimation was also at ECCC. They didn't have any problems with AA there, although they're not a sponsor. I know AA at sakura con won't be near the exhibitor hall and might be on a lower level that's not required to have a badge, but I didn't bother finding out why. Was Funimation a sponsor last year? Like the link above, they've never really had a huge problem with fanart at AA.

The big artists didn't get denied, they just weren't lucky with the shit lottery system that was used this year. I'm having trouble believing you if you didn't know this.

>> No.9380837

ECCC isn't a non profit like Sakuracon and Funimation wasn't (and isn't) their biggest sponsor. Funimation has definitely made bigger moves this convention year because it also wasn't a big deal last year. I do know Sakimichan won't be allowed to sell this year because the block and typically applies to artists who sell through vendors not AA (duh, I know there's a lottery system).

AA contracts are due by the 21st, but even if you sent in money and signed contracts, no say on the location or confirmation. Some of my friends have been waiting for a week and a half after submission of contracts.

>> No.9381067

ive been to sak for years and never have seen any kind of gender neutral bathrooms, i call bs

>> No.9381070

thanks for sharing really making the thread a better, more interesting place

>> No.9381076

theyre on the 4th floor near the entrance of the skybridge but i thought theyre just "everyone welcome" bathrooms

please take pics of his panel(s) for me!!!

>> No.9381145

>how many years have you been going?
Aqua from Konosuba and some simple Love Live cosplay.
>horror stories?
I can't recall any thankfully.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Gameworks next door to the Convention Center is fun, I want to finally check out China Town this year.
>any Panelists?
I'm just waiting for the schedule in few weeks to see if there is anything interesting.

>> No.9382334
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Gen neutral only affected male bathrooms locations since you are most likely a chick you won't see the change.

>> No.9385456

Anyone think they'll be doing something special for the 20th anniversary?

>> No.9385542

Probably a small panel or like what Otakon did was just have some small room off to the side with shit that has happened between then and now.

>> No.9385573

Not going but if you aren't hitting up that crepe place in the convention center you're missing out

>> No.9385586

anyone have room for someone in a hotel? id be willing to pay my way in with food.

>> No.9385684

I have a single room but it's just me. You're not a minor, are you?

>> No.9385792

She didn't jump off the garage during the con, but there was a tribute art show for her the next year at the con during the rave. It happened five years ago. RIP.

>A grown woman in her late 30s once followed me around the con floor for upwards of three hours while telling me, in explicit detail, her BDSM headcanons about a children's show

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm morbidly curious about what show

And yeah EMP is fun.

>> No.9385860


>> No.9386741

>how many years have you been going?
First one was '05. Intermittent attendance since

Not this year

>horror stories?

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Take the light rail down to Chinatown and find Uwajimaya. It's a big store that sells anime/manga

>any Panelists?
Hoping to host a panel this year. Haven't gotten an e-mail either way, which apparently is the norm right now. It hasn't been rejected yet, so I'm liking my odds. If Chris Patton hosts a panel I'm attending, 'cause he's funny dude.

>> No.9386871

Last time I went to the rave I ended up with a contact high. Unless that is your idea of a good time, don't touch anyone.

>> No.9386882

IIRC there are also gender neutral bathrooms on the 6th floor at both ECCC and SAK

>> No.9386908

I went in 2012, and it was pretty fun as a normie dude with no cosplay. I can imagine it'd be different if I were younger (getting offered drugs) or a girl (creepers). Has it gotten that bad in the past 5 years?

>> No.9386960

It was about 2 years ago when I got the contact high. Haven't gone to it ever since. Shitty unexpected molly was just awkward.

>> No.9387021

How can you get a contact high from molly?

>> No.9388299

Word on the street is panel e-mails are going out

>> No.9388414

you can't. anon is just a dumbass

>> No.9388470

>how many years have you been going?
This is number 7.
I used to, but I don't have the looks or confidence, so I gave up
>horror stories?
Made the mistake of befriending a psycho stalker who took forever to get rid of
>fun things to do in Seattle?
I'm usually by myself so I don't know
>any Panelists?
Not me. But I wanna attend more, so if there are any I should know about let me know.

>> No.9389191

Is there a /cgl/ meetup or event planned?

>> No.9389498

>How many years have you been going?
This will be my 6th year. I didn't end up going last year.

Friday Team Magma grunt, Saturday Anastasia and Sunday I'll be wearing my tv head

>Horror stories?
I saw a girl have a seizure at the rave one year. Otherwise I haven't had anything horrible happen.

>Fun things to do in Seattle?
I don't ever really do much besides hang out at the con. There are awesome bars up in capital hill and Pikes Place is always fun to walk around and it's only a few blocks away.

>Any panelists?
I usually don't go to panels. I'm not really to big into anime anymore. I just use this con as an excuse to hang out with friends I haven't seen in a long time. Kind of interested in meeting Matt Mercer though.

>> No.9390055

>Who's going?
Me!!! I am!!! Gulls, you have no idea how excited I am. I was at a point where I thought I wouldn't be able to make it, but it looks like it's going to happen! So hyped
>how many years have you been going?
10 years! I'm happy that my 10th year going and the 20th anniversary coincide.
Probably just recycling old love lives. This will be my first year without a new costume. Might be able to whip up the Little Devil Rin I've been working on on time.
>horror stories?
Too many for this post
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Going to actually venture outside of the con center this year. It's fun to check out Kinokuniya (even though they have a booth haha) and Daiso since they don't have them in my state. The Japan/Chinatown area in general is nice.

>> No.9390073

Just a month to go

>> No.9390168

small nitpick, but uwajimaya is the grocery store, the actual bookstore is called kinokuniya

>> No.9390172

Lmao, dude, drugs don't come out through sweat.

>> No.9390621

is this likely to sell out?

>> No.9390655

I don't think it ever has before.

>> No.9390800

It's getting record attendance (near 20,000) and they're still selling tickets. PAX this ain't

>> No.9391279

It did in 2005. They moved to the convention center in '06 and it hasn't sold out since. I imagine there's probably a hypothetical cap at around 50k but at the current growth rate it'd be another 15-20 years before hitting that mark.

>> No.9391833

>how many years have you been going?
This will be my 3rd. Moved up to the PNW recently.
Max (Life is Strange), Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April. Find me and I'll play you something on my violin!), Mari (Evangelion), possibly Yin if I can salvage the wig (Darker than Black)
>horror stories?
Had a guy my first year not take a hint and follow me around the con for a while. Gave him a fake number and changed costumes. Still feel bad about it, but I was a tad creeped out.
>fun things to do in Seattle?
EMP museum, Aquarium, Uwajimaya, Gameworks, Kizuki Ramen by the Northgate mall is really good.
>any Panelists?

>> No.9392652

One month to go

>> No.9393407

Cosplay panic is starting to set in

>> No.9394553
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I wasn't able to get my RO costume done, so I'm just going as Tiger Man again.

I think I'm skipping the meet-up this time around, though. The '15 /cgl/ guys were great. But man, who invited tumblr last year?

>> No.9395254
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>>how many years have you been going?
Since 2004 i think, they were still at the seatac airport area.

i might dress up as a mad scientist but for many years i have been going as vivi from ff9.

>>horror stories?
not sure who it was but when i was wearing my first Ver of vivis coat (was denim) someone cut it up with a box cutter, it straight up had razor blade cuts up and down the back and sides of it and this had to of happened while i was wearing the coat.

>>fun things to do in Seattle?
while i am wearing the vivi mask (only way i feel comfortable ) i love going and being very lively and dancing in public or just being silly & cartoony.

>>any Panelists?
one year i was on a dating panel in the vivi costume and while on my knees won a wrestling match against the panels champion.

>> No.9395260
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>how many years have you been going?
7 or 8 years non consecutively I think
Pic related. I don't think I'll finish Mirage in full but it would be nice. I'll have a big dragon maid group on Friday and I'm very excited.
>horror stories?
Working in cosplay repair I usually have a few. The classic puke Levi, beta Makoto, the homestuck floor
>fun things to do in Seattle?
Take the light rail up to capitol Hill for the good bars. Or U district for a whole lot of food for not a lot of money.
>any Panelists?
Schedule isn't out yet so idk. I might be on a panel about sewing knits but we'll see.

>> No.9396580

>Witch Mercy
>haven't watched yet but my type af

Noice. Your Mercy is cute as heck by the way, I'll have to find you and get a picture!
Also, I'm curious, is that the Elma outfit you're going with? I'm just wondering how you're doing the tail.

>> No.9397067


Oh shit if you're doing Mirage on Sunday I can tower over you in my White Bunny stripper boots.

>> No.9397227


>> No.9397366
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Thank you! Yep that's the outfit I'm doing. I actually was just working on my tail! I'm kind of winging it T.B.H. Pic related is it unstuffed atm, not sure if I like the sequins/scales yet. It's a tapered tube that I'll put some wire or pic pipe for shaping.
Forever in Sheryl's shadow

>> No.9399720

25 days left

>> No.9400145
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If anyone is going to the idolmaster panel can you please record it for me also get me a cillian murphy autograph!!!

>> No.9401408

>how many years have you been going?
I attended in 2008, GIRUGAMESH killed my interest in returning up until now.

I'm a man with no aesthetic sense (why am I on /cgl/?), so not this year at any rate

>horror stories?
In 2008 my girlfriend coaxed me into cosplaying some shota character from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. While she went out with her friend to do a photoshoot I was accosted by some 50-something dude who had designs on fugging me
>How old are you, boy? Cuz in Georgia the legal age is 16

>fun things to do in Seattle?
- Arcades (Gameworks, Round 1)
- Karaoke (Rock Box, Round 1)
- Beach parks along Lake Washington (Madison, Seward, Magnuson)
- Japanese garden somewhere north of Capitol Hill
- Kink play parties, inquire on fetlife, cosplayers welcome
- Ballard Locks
- Woodland Park Zoo

>any Panelists?
I haven't even looked at the schedule yet but I intend to go to anything that actually pertains to Japanese culture seeing as I speak the language now. Maybe I'll be THAT GUY and talk to a panelist in Japanese :^)

>> No.9401538

>24 days to go

First time going to Sakura con, is this normal?

>> No.9402438

>Maybe I'll be THAT GUY and talk to a panelist in Japanese :^)
Please don't, I've had enough of that bullshit. The interpreter is better than you (that's why he/she does it for a living and you don't) and nobody in the audience can understand you so the question has to be repeated in English anyway.

Is what normal?

>> No.9403160

Wow go me, meant to add that the schedule is still not out.

Guess I had a brain fart

>> No.9403179

Unfortunately, yes. Seems like the release of the schedule gets later and later each year.

>> No.9403211

Ah well that kinda sucks.

Anyone got food ideas that would be decently quick and easy? First time in downtown seattle, and also doing cosplay.

>> No.9403213

Programming has definitely been a shit show this year. Apparently the new Director is pretty useless and BTS has been like a headless chicken for the past few months.

>> No.9403222

Westlake center is a quick walk to a food court of the third floor. There's also two very shady McDs and a Chipotle within 5 min of walking. Make sure you get a lot of food in you for dinner, things downtown close surprisingly early-like 7 or 8.

>> No.9403244

A new Paseo was established in Capitol Hill two weeks ago. Its sandwiches were once rated #2 in the nation by the Food Network. They are worthy of that distinction.

>> No.9403306


Thanks for the suggestions, looked around a bit more, found some bars like Yard House and others open late. Looks like there are a lot of small sandwhich shops with some quick food to grab if otherthings seem too busy.

>> No.9403776

Anything going on Thursday night?

>> No.9404198

Is it a requirement for male fans to always dress up as the 2hos?

>> No.9404362

Careful of crackdonalds

>> No.9404444

I usually bring my old ass backpack to carry my purchases and my lunches

>> No.9404464

I got drinks with a couple anons last year, would definitely be up to do the same again.

>> No.9404477

The only food place on the 3rd floor of Westlake Center is Auntie Anne's, right? Or did they open the food court recently? I thought it was closed for construction still.

>> No.9404487

Also seconding inquiry about the Westlake food court --- not that I'm going to Sakura con but when I was there for PAX, it was mostly closed and my friends and I were kinda sad about it.

>> No.9404578

There is no food court at Westlake anymore

>> No.9404589
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>how many years have you been going?
[f/22]irst time be gentle
Trying to come up with something easy. I'm good enough with sewing to do basic things like a fin hat/backpack and can probably make a wooden sword? I could just cheap out and be Leorio
>fun things to do in Seattle?
All I do is swing dance (century/aria ballroom) but I hear Sakuracon is all night? I don't see a schedule on the website yet

desu I have no fucking clue what I'm doing my power level isn't even that high I watch normie anime some girl from swing convinced me to go using stories that I suspect are more than slightly exaggerated

Someone tell me what events I should actually go to and shit

>> No.9404738

Pacific Place (like 2 blocks before Westlake Center) now has a Din Tai Fung. I'm expect it to be more busy than usual during con. That building also has a few other places.

>> No.9405193

I'd be down, I'm getting in around noonish to downtown on Thursday. Any ideas.

>> No.9405399

>stories that I suspect are more than slightly exaggerated
do tell, I bet you they're real. Anime cons can get crazy

>Someone tell me what events I should actually go to and shit
Hard to say without the schedule out, but if you're in to ballroom dancing they usually have a formal dance or two, although from what I hear it can be very hit-or-miss. They've also got casual "rave" type dances if you're in to that kind of dancing too. You'll want to check out the dealers hall, lots to see there. When the full schedule comes out, check for panels related to your favorite anime/games, even if you haven't seen a ton there's usually at least something for everyone. Also download the guidebook app as con gets closer, they include fan-run gatherings and photoshoots so you can see cosplayers from your favorite series all at once.
Telling you all this assuming you've never been to a con in general, not just Sakuracon, sorry if I misunderstood!

>> No.9405702

I'd like to go back to the place we went last year but I don't remember the name or any defining characteristics because it was 1 in the morning and I haven't been there since that night. I'll try and figure out the name by then because that place was awesome.
I do know that I don't want to go the the first bar we hit with all the pinball machines because the service was shit.

Either way I have to work Thursday so I won't be down to Seattle until around 6 at the earliest.

>> No.9405781

>how many years have you been going?
first year
Kazuma from konosuba
first time loser cosplayer

Currently have a room with 2 others I'm doing Konosuba with. We are also looking for a 4th to room with us if anyone is looking.

>> No.9406406

>Extend panel applications twice because they didn't have what they wanted
>Take an extra two weeks+ to sort out applications
>20th anniversary and everything's on the line
I do not envy them right now

>> No.9406546

>cosplay I ordered came in
>too big
>not enough time/money to send it back and get it fixed and returned intime

Welp, looks like I am doing some safety pin work to make this cosplay work, that or go with my backup cosplay

>> No.9406754

Anyone knows any good places to eat around the con area?

>> No.9406829

Depends lunch or dinner? Also price range?

>> No.9406833

Hand sewing? Ask a more experienced friend to help you?

>> No.9407565

Anyone else get the weird ass email about volunteering?

I didn't realize they were hurting that much for them?

>> No.9407737

30-50 bucks lunch or dinner either is fine just somewhere good.

>> No.9407939

I got it too. I don't recall lack of staff ever being an issue, so I wonder what happened from last year to this year. I feel bad for them.

>> No.9408012

No, but they're making a push on Facebook. Something must have happened behind the scenes. Last time I was there most of the volunteers were mediocre. Probably friends of friends of other volunteers. If someone influential left that could impact a large circle of volunteers who all know each other.

>New director
>New director
>For 20th anniversary


>> No.9408553

Schedule is out and it looks severely lacking this year.

>> No.9408607

Doesn't look like there's much to do. I hope more gets added soon.

>> No.9408676

Not if you like yaoi

>3 cosplay chess games
How do you even pick one?

>Smash 4 tournament takes all day
Gonna have to pass

>More than a few 'breaking into the industry panels'
Mite b cool

>3 Different panels suggesting anime to watch

The industry's getting a real history behind them. I wonder how licensing for old titles will go, especially since many are out-of-print

>> No.9408681

>how many years have you been going?
This will be 12. Which probably means I'm insane.

Fuck no, too Asian for that.

>horror stories?
The crazy-ass Luigi cosplayer I was rooming with at the Sheraton back in '09. Found him on the SC forum. Creepy bastard, his feet stank like hell. Had a cute Canadian girl also found on the SC forum in the room as well, I think I missed some signals from her. Stopped finding hotel roommates online after that, traveled with friends from then on.

>fun things to do in Seattle?
A lot of my friends live over there, I probably won't even be at the convention half the time.

>any Panelists?
I wish.

>> No.9408701

They are catering too much to fujoshi. They are a large demographic but not large enough to have a bunch of irrelevant panels. Hetalia in 2017, really?

>> No.9408738


Cosplay chess is a fucking travesty that is 100% more fun for the people participating than it is for the people watching.

>> No.9408754

I remember it being pretty interesting back in '09. What's changed? Are the matches scripted by someone who doesn't know how to play? Are the 'pieces' shitty actors? I just wandered in and got to be a piece back then

>> No.9408765

is anyone going to do the quiz

>> No.9408796

>My panel made it in
>Chris Patton will indeed be sharing too much
Feel free to kill me after Easter, I will have lived a full life

>> No.9408848

you got to be a participant. it's a million times more interesting when you're doing something

>> No.9409097

>it's a million times more interesting when you're doing something
Maybe for you. Cosplay chess is getting played three times this year. It and Zapp Brannigan don't get 3 panels because they fail to attract crowds

>> No.9409111


Sak only counts the line to get in, they don't count the fact that the room is half empty by the time the game is a quarter way through. The jokes are all flat and most of the choreography is unfortunate at best. You put a nerd on a live mic and expect them to be funny and you'll just be disappointed.

>> No.9409330

19 days left

>> No.9409348

>Din Tai Fung
Why is that restaurant so popular? It's always crowded whenever I visit no matter the location, the food is good and all but there are plenty of other similar Chinese places that offer the same quality but cheaper (they've got pretty pricy items). Pretty overrated imo

>> No.9409353

I'm curious to try, they've been building one at Southcenter for 1.5 years but I'm sure it's not worth the wait.

>> No.9409376

Yeah, again the food is good but not spectacular and it's definitely not worth the high price and the long wait. I recommend visiting Chinatown, it has many restaurants with lower prices and some of them are open until 1am-3am. Those restaurants also have a larger menu and don't have long lines, especially late at night. I'm not sure how crowded those places get during the day though, but probably not as much as din tai fung

>> No.9409805
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Schedules out.

It's my actual first con. Honestly what got me was how varied the stories were. Bathroom hookups at raves where the age minimum is questionably low, cutsy "glomp" circles and arts and crafts, and the final straw in convincing me was the gaming room.

Just going to every dance/sword event, two crafts that look cool, and the mandatory JOJO event already gives me less time in the gaming area than I wanted, so I should be pretty happy. Also, are there microwaves available anywhere? Trying to decide if it's a horrible idea to bring a camping stove to heat dinner in my car.

>> No.9409835


>> No.9410932
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Yes, that is a horrible idea and no, there are no microwaves.

>> No.9411052

Guidebook is up

>> No.9411095

oh i didnt know the costume contest registration was full that really sucks

>> No.9411847

17 days left

>> No.9411874

Most likely they were staring because this guy looked like a deer in the headlights as soon as he saw feminine people in what he'd assumed was a men's toilet. In my experience, walk in and do your business and walk out and no one cares no matter how masculine you look.

>> No.9412074

>Trying to decide if it's a horrible idea to bring a camping stove to heat dinner in my car.

this is probably one of the strangest things I've read on cgl in a long time

>> No.9412168
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is anyone actually going to show up to this

>> No.9412465

i would

>> No.9412472


>> No.9412475

More important question is anyone going to slip some hardcore hentai under his hotel door again

>> No.9412482

I'm considering going mostly out of morbid curiosity. Plus the novelty of being at a church service in full cosplay surrounded by other weebs.

>> No.9412548

What's up with the 'Super happy fun times' panels? What does it mean?

I was weirded out by this but >>9412482
anon has a good point.

>> No.9412648

I went to the first super happy fun time some years back. All I remember was a group of people playing duck duck goose and other elementary type of games. I don't know what's changed since.

>> No.9412843

I would suggest investing in a hotel/AirBNB/etc.

>> No.9412892

Omg I want to do this.

>> No.9412967

Is that supposed to be a joke thing, like people in Hellsing cosplay reciting bible versus all crazy?

>> No.9412977

Nope, regular old church service. Vic does one at every con that lets him.

>> No.9413060
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That's because I'm from /fit/

I live in Bellevue, not worth

>> No.9413575

Anything happening Thursday night? I know some cons allow you to pick up badges sometimes the night before.

If not, anything going on otherwise that might be fun to look into that night? Never really been to downtown Seattle before.

>> No.9413609

Day 0 badge pickup runs until 9.
At least two of us plan on getting drinks, not sure where yet.

>> No.9413630

Thursday night badge pick up is 12PM - 9PM. Gameworks is a two story arcade + Bar a couple blocks away from the convention center that does all night passes on Thursdays, a lot of Sakuracon folks go to that.

>> No.9414185

Fuck this quiz

>> No.9414662
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No kidding

>> No.9414870

Guys, help me find Vic's hotel room so I can slip hentai under it.

>> No.9414876


My favorite was the year he had fluid dynamics on it and got his own questions about triremes and multi-point perspective incorrect

>> No.9414967

I want to do this too

>> No.9415014

>camping stove to heat dinner in my car
Can't say I've ever head of someone wanting to do this. I also can't say conclusively whether or not it'll be a bad idea, so do it and give us a precedent to work with.

Cut out the middle man. Just bring the hentai to >>9412168

>> No.9415363

how fast do the autograph lines move if at all?

>> No.9415975

Depends on whether or not they're selling shit to get signed at the table or not. If they are you'll be in line for hours.

>> No.9416611

14 days left

>> No.9416619

I found this on last years Super happy fun time


wew lad

>> No.9416626

Something something Yaya Han at Sakuracon?

>> No.9416629

Looks like she's going to be there on Sunday (for fun)

>> No.9417043

We should get a bunch of gulls to go for the potential cringe/novelty/morbid curiousity

>> No.9417243

>2 weeks

Anyone down to hit up Gameworks or somewhere thursday night around 7?

>> No.9417643
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I'll probably hit up Gameworks and do their Thursday night deal. Might be after 7 though.

>> No.9417755

Is the masquerade ball worth going to?

>> No.9417767

Seconding this. I'm also worried about music that is beyond my levels of cheese (Disney) as anon above mentioned. Will for sure hit up the 'raves' though.

>> No.9417769

what makes you think the rave wil be better

>> No.9417776

I can do cheesy electronic or shitty top 40 club whatever, but Disney is just something I can not do.

>> No.9417826

Wondering the same. I went briefly in 2011 or 2012 and remember it being really underwhelming. Just people standing/sitting around awkwardly and few actually dancing.

>> No.9417829

Depends solely on if you can find someone else who went to the morning Ballromm Dancing class. I may go for shits and giggles. If you went, you know how to dance, and asking people is easy-peasy

>> No.9417857

Anyone knows if Miliyah Kato any good?!

>> No.9417919
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So, are we just not talking about how the cosplay contest is at 9AM?

... ok.

>> No.9417924

I had the exact same question and I took the necessary steps to form my own opinion.

Why talk about it if nobody's going to be there in the first place?

>> No.9417925

>how many years have you been going?
this will be year 5
yosuke hanamura from P4, light yagami & shiro from voltron
>horror stories?
last year i had to share a room in the Roosevelt hotel with 10 people. 4 of which were all involved in their own drama and made for some heated arguments. which would be fine if it wasn't while everyone was in the room trying to get into cosplay. this year only staying with two chill people so it'll be a lot better
>fun things to do in Seattle?
>any Panelists?

i'm still working on cosplay and just mostly excited to go again.

>> No.9418076

>Why talk about it if nobody's going to be there in the first place?

I have a friend who's a hardcore cosplayer and she's beyond pissed. She's still going though because >muh community

>> No.9418102


Sak's gong show cosplay contest has been utter garbage for a very very long time. Not worth competing in let alone attending.

>> No.9418477

first-year attendee here, what time would be less busy to pick up my pass on Friday, late-morning or around noon? Can't make it down for Thursday because reasons.
Does the convention center have wifi?

>> No.9418479

>Does the convention center have wifi?
They don't have it for the panelists, so I'm guessing they don't for 20,000+ attendees

If you go around noon, the line will either be clear, or it will be the same line as if you got there Friday morning. Take your time. Just make sure you get there about 90 minutes before whatever you wanted to do

>> No.9418482

What happened anyway? It used to be fun skits, now it's a fashion show. I guess that's what cosplay turned into thanks to all the "professional" cosplayers?

>> No.9418568

I'm still not over the lack of a Japanese VA guest. They've brought over some fairly big names in the past and it's always been a highlight for me.
They have a lot of other industry guests and Western VA's...but pretty disappointing considering it's their 20th anniversary too.

>> No.9418608


Current person in charge thought it was a good idea to split skits and costumes into two separate shows, so now the craftsmanship judging costumes are all in a fashion show and the skits are just tacked onto the front to make people show up in the first place.

My main beef with it is that the trophies are nice locally-made blown glass art pieces you could totally bludgeon someone to death with, and those would be just fine for a prize. But then they give you a voucher for "petal points" and tell you to go pick something from the corresponding petal point prize tier in the prize room. A staffer watches you like an old lady that thinks you're gonna jack a pair of sunglasses from an AM/PM quickie mart the whole time you're choosing and tries to throw you out if you take too long, and the prizes are pretty much garbage. Second volumes of manga you've never heard of, magazine inserts ripped out of newtype, second or third volumes out of anime box sets, etc.

The last year I competed I got Best Master Craftsmanship and they gave me like fifteen petal points. You know what that gets you in the petal points room?? You can dig through the unorganized pile of mismatched manga. The Best in Show Skit group had five people in it and they were also only allowed to pick a single volume of manga from the mismatched manga pile. The third place runner up in the Ridiculously Hard Anime Quiz that year, on the other hand, got to pick from the top prize tier (she was a friend of mine) and she had the choice between volume 3 of the FMA Brotherhood box set and a couple different SHFiguarts worth about $15 each.

I wouldn't even give a shit if they had just given me the trophy and said that was it. It's a goddamn nice trophy. But they stick you in a room with a set number of "points" you're allowed to spend and you get to look at all the much nicer prize tiers while you're there.

>> No.9418629

Contd because I'm saltier than the post character limit allows:

Apparently Best Master Craftsmanship and Best in Show Skit are worth about as much to Sakuracon as volume 13 of the Maeda Keiji manga.

>> No.9418907

Is it worth going to?

>> No.9419064

12 days left

>> No.9419111

Clearly another sign the con is slowly dying.

>> No.9419451

Is there any where I can store my luggage? I don't mind paying for storage but I don't have a hotel room.

>> No.9419549

No, I don't think that's something that is offered. Do you not have a vehicle to keep it in?

>> No.9419735

No. No one wants to store your luggage.

>> No.9419848

I think there was a bag check last year but I don't think they'll store luggage.

>> No.9419880

There's always a bag check but it's only so you can drop all your valuables off before going to the rave/concert/whatever else.
You can't keep three day's worth of clothes and shit in there.

>> No.9419969

Yes! I love Gameworks.

>> No.9420225

I am not leaving my stuff overnight. For four or five hours.

>> No.9420240

>how many years have you been going?
since 2013

papa franku and a ditto gijinka which is unironically just a pink zentai with a smiley face

>horror stories?
there are still homestucks

>fun things to do in Seattle?
what errbody else is saying

>any Panelists?
idk so far

>> No.9420245

Yeah don't. been to the one in SJ when it opened up and there's better places to get the food they do.

>> No.9420251
File: 793 KB, 500x281, cinder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many years have you been going?
Hell if I know. Four/Five years?

I'm an idiot who does both college & a full time job.
Who got promoted and has more responsibilities, yay!
So throwing together easy shit & pulling out my old standbys because con's creeping up on me.
So maybe a Ramona Flowers D0, then 1 or 2 Roxy's from Hamsteak, Chiaki Nanami, & genderbend Law.

>horror stories?
Not really, but my best friend always makes an ass of himself @a Zapp panel so curious how he'll top himself this year

>fun things to do in Seattle?
Actually going to touristy shit since I surprisingly got all my leave for the weekend granted + the Wednesday before and the Monday after so flying in/out then.
Lucky me, Madeon's going to be in the city on Thursday so grabbing my badge and switching gears to catch his show again

>any Panelists?
Haven't really looked at the schedule yet even if it's already downloaded to my guidebook but Zapp's are the only ones I ever really make desu.
I'm more excited for the dealer's hall because of figure companies & getting to see some of the new prototypes in the flesh

Sort of looking forward to the meetup this year, since something's always come up and I haven't made it before

>> No.9420254

Don't call me out liek this
Have not figured out how to beat the gay erotica reading a few years back and the gay hamsteak kiss.

>> No.9420259


I think I was in that group.
Three guys and we talked about Initial D and dubs forever?
Cool dudes and was fun. Would do again.

>> No.9420365

The pinbar you're talking about is called Shorty's. I don't actually see the appeal in it UNLESS you're like myself and actively into pinball.

>> No.9420712

Petal Points are never given out in large numbers at anything - to get the "high tier" prizes you have to be consistently active in panels all weekend long, that's how it's always been.

Consider the trophy your prize - the petal points are there as an added bonus because it would be weird to NOT give them for a prize tier structure at SC, but they're meant more as a gesture and part of a scavenger hunt than as a direct analogy to monetary value.

>> No.9420802

That sounds like the kind of conversation I'd be apart of. Do you have any idea what the other bar was called?

>> No.9420811

Does the surrounding area have those small ghetto bars/corner shops that dont id

>> No.9420833

Not that I know of but there are plenty of anons of questionable moral character you could talk to.

>> No.9420875

>Does the surrounding area have those small ghetto bars/corner shops that dont id

Is this a real question

>> No.9420900
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>guys I'm totally not underage how do I get booze at a con?

>> No.9420912

Found the anon who wants to drink.

Wheres the typical anon who asks about weed every Sakura thread?

>> No.9421010

You're right. Ill pick up a homeless guy like usual and get him to buy for me.

>> No.9421022


not the anon you're replying to but then why does the anime quiz guy give out like 30 PP for runners-up in his contest? That's the highest prize tier. I competed last year but I was like fourth or fifth.

Also, you'd think the prize value for a Main Event would be a little higher. Even shitty cons like Kumoricon have better prize offerings for their point system than Sak.

>> No.9421071

if i asked a va to say a line would that be rude instead of just getting the autograph and leaving

>> No.9421078

Depends on the VA and where you ask them, I once ended up drinking with some voice actors going them to say some funny shit and had a blast. This was a much much smaller con than Sakura con though.

>> No.9421087

Some will do it and some won't, I'd imagine most would be fine with a quick line so long as you aren't recording them.

>> No.9421502

And I forgot to ask; are you the Asian or the Alaskan? I thought both of you said you weren't going to be attending this year.

>> No.9421559

I don't think that'll happen now that weed is super legal now

>> No.9421576

three words: 3rd & Pine

>> No.9421643

Alaskan. I might have said I wasn't certain, but it's very certain now.

>> No.9422059

>No wifi for panel hosts
>OpenOffice Powerpoint doesn't support .mp4 files
>Crappy movie-making software can output .avi (which is supported), but each file is 700 MB per minute compressed. Uncompressed is 3 GB/min)
>Even larger than the original 22-minute episode (250 MB)
>Must open Windows Media Player to show clips to accompany Powerpoint

My panel won't be as slick as I want, but we'll have some fun with it, eh?

>> No.9422083

still not legal for under 21
there's still a good possibility

>> No.9422324

will /cgl/ have a meet up this year?
haven't been since the 2015 meet up but had a huge blast

>> No.9422988

9 days left

>> No.9423300

I'm always down for a meetup, just depends where. Think most people are doing gameworks on Thursday night.

>> No.9423317

Damnit no thanks to customs some supplies still haven't arrived so I'm on to plan B for one of my cosplays. I know I'll finish on time but my friends are really pushing it.

I'm interested but I'm coming down from Canada so I won't be there until early Friday morning.

>> No.9423527

I wouldn't mind doing something Friday night depending how the con goes. First time at Sakura-con so not entirely sure what to expect

>> No.9423669

Expect chaos. It's the 20th anniversary. I'm hitting the dealer hall either early in the morning or after the ballroom dance classes (early Friday, everyone will be fully-stocked)

Also, bring a 3DS or fully charge your phone. Lines will be a thing.

>> No.9423806
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>how many years have you been going?

on and off for 6 years


Three times. Once as Eriks/Trigun as I stood in line with 2 lady Vash's(they knew nothing lol). Once as leaf ninja(gasp! I know), and once as the dude that fell asleep during the Badlands Rumble premiere(got called out by promoter and told "it was my job to stop piracy/recording").

>horror stories?

A super hot ninja called me cute.... then her "9 tailed fox" furry gave me the evil eye of the ages as I retreated.

>fun things to do in Seattle?

Me. Seriously though if you find a local, have them take you where-ever you want. One does not need to only visit an open air market when there are (wold class)art exhibits literaly everywhere.

SAM will have impressionists on display during the event.

The Fye art museum is FREE, and they will have the salon open again (the oil of the horses escaping a barn is a masterpiece if you can find it)

Olympic Sculpture Park is fun if you have an eye for architecture.

Seattle Aquarium has THE best captive examples of northwest(any American west aquarium) cold water Pacific species.

The Library is amazing. Simply amazing. If you have time, and enough will to request, make sure to find yourself in the top floor's "special stash".

The train is fun. For $5 you can see all of best(south) Seattle, gawk at the tired international travelers, and make it back to the convention center for a Subway sandwich that smells suspiciously like wet dog.

>any Panelists?


some things are best left unanswered.

>> No.9424255

>how many years have you been going?
This will be my first
Not ready for cosplay yet, hopefully in a year or two
>horror stories?
I met a fairly infamous girl from /r9k/ at different con last year. She was really awkward, kept talking about "niggers need to die", then she fled our party when two people from our group started holding around each other. She said it was disgusting, though they weren't even fondling or kissing. Never saw her again. She owes me $5
>fun things to do in Seattle?
I hope I'll get to explore the city. I'm flying in from Norway just to visit the city, the con and some friends. I hope I'll get to do a lot of exploring!

>> No.9424333

Is this actually going to be a big deal? I'm not sold that people care enough about SC...

>> No.9424595

>how many years have you been going?
8 Years! I try to do different things all the time, see new parts of the convention and garner new experiences. This year will be my first year in the Artist Alley.

Not this time, my cosplay group fell through so I'm lacking motivation, and I haven't had the time out side of AA prep to work on sewing anyways.

>horror stories?
None of the funny kind, only the tragic, and only once. Sakuracon has been very good to me over the years. I've really come to appreciate the community and the staff here.

>fun things to do in Seattle?
I try to always make it down to Pikes Place to buy jam from a particular artisan seller, and pick up some roasted nuts while I'm there. It's nice to walk through on Sunday before I head home. Sometimes I hit a Daiso on the way home for the Japanese snack food munchies con sellers can't hit.

>any Panelists?
Friends of mine are in the Yuri on Ice 18+ panel, so I'm hoping it's good!

>> No.9424665

If you are concerned about cell power or the like just get a cheap 10 dollar usb charger. They will usually give you a good limp along if you run dry

>> No.9424751
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>nobody mentioned the Japanese garden

If it's not raining (lol?) you should go there.

>> No.9424828
File: 904 KB, 500x532, shaken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hosting a photoshoot for the first time and the closer the con gets the more incredibly nervous I get that everything will turn out horribly

>> No.9424838

Might do it thursday, looks to be a bit out of the way from the con center

>> No.9424867

You and me both, senpai. My powerpoint's only around halfway done.

>> No.9425343

Giant drunk messy party after Zapp!~~~

>> No.9425424

Is it me or is it always the same people monopolizing the big j-fashion shows? At least half of the people who were selected in the "model search" are flying in from east and only because they were selected, like Lonlon admitted.

>> No.9425496


>> No.9425504

and I'm just starting on my costume today!

>> No.9425505

what are you even trying to say anon

>> No.9425507


Buy a megaphone on Amazon, best investment for photoshoots I ever made. People listen when you're the loudest motherfucker.

>> No.9425514
File: 37 KB, 168x161, when the propane kicks in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two and me too, friendos. But, if our panels burn, we all burn together.

>> No.9425917

>my <thing> didn't get in

>> No.9426050

Costumes progress is going well! I'm almost done with my last new costume. Now I just have to fix up a few things on my older costume. I'll be away and unable to work on cosplay this weekend so I'm a little stressed about that but it will all be okay!

>> No.9426107

where would we meet on thurs?

>> No.9426125

So what's everybody's plans?

>> No.9426152

I just got the newsletter and good lord are these images artifacted. Can't anyone on staff edit?

>> No.9426157

I'm pretty much free all day after 12, was planning to see some sites.

Probably going to hang out around the Public Market for a bit, get some food maybe see the Aquarium, try to hit up the space needle, and then make my way over to the garden to finish it up before maybe heading back to near the con center, and getting some drinks.

For the con? Not really sure, going to plan it all out this weekend.

>> No.9426294
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>Artist Alley isn't even in the Convention Center anymore

>> No.9426328

wait what? where did they put it?

>> No.9426334

It's at the Conference Center, in the registration building.

>> No.9426335
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looks like in the building where we pick up badges
man that sucks

>> No.9426337

>The one year I actually want to see the artist alley gets moved


>> No.9426339

>how many years have you been going?
been seven years now? time is a lost concept

nothing on thurs if i decide to go
on friday: a horrible amalgamation of "sexy anime clothing" including the mega milk t-shirt, the virgin killer sweater, and the cat bikini ( i will regret this )
sat: Rin from that one Shelter animation by Porter Robinson
sun: jill from VA-11 HALL-A

>horror stories?
ahaha let's keep that can of worms closed

>fun things to do in Seattle?
i'm a seattle native so there's nothing too "great" for me in particular, but i love visiting the kinokuya bookstore for maybe a sale or two, or eating at pike place after a quick peek at the comic store there.

>any panelists?
a friend of mine on saturday is hosting one in the evening but beyond that i'm opening up my schedule

>> No.9426371

that's kind of odd, but i guess bigger dealer's hall this year?
It's not a very convenient area...

>> No.9426383

Especially if it decides to rain. Who wants to be carrying around paper products in rain? And it'll only make traffic worse having thousands of people walking back and forth between the two buildings.

>> No.9426484

>a horrible amalgamation of "sexy anime clothing" including the mega milk t-shirt, the virgin killer sweater, and the cat bikini
I'm going to need to photograph this so if you could post periodic updates on your location Friday that'd be great.

>> No.9426496

I plan on doing the same, I just go with the flow

>> No.9426503

>Might be taking public transit to the con
>Not lugging around a suit
>Want to learn to dance anyway and attend the classes
Is that bad form if I don't show up to the Ball?

>> No.9426504

We've known this for months, though? Since before AA applications went up, at least.

>> No.9426513

Not at all, you look important in general so who cares

>> No.9426517

>you look important in general
Y-you too

>> No.9426524
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Genuinely mean it my man, rock that shit

>> No.9426552

I guess just actually seeing it on paper is weird. An entire floor dedicated to companies and press is a shocker after all these years of the same layout.

>> No.9426701

>how many years have you been going?

Been every year since 2010. This will be year eight, holy cats.


As the years have gone by I've just found life giving me less time and money to commit to cosplay. These days it's more game/anime related T-shirt/accessories or a comfy Kigurumi. I have been pestered by my group to bring back my Lisa Garland from SH1 cosplay though, so I may be wandering in it one of the days.

>horror stories?
Maybe the one year I barely dodged having my cosplay ruined by a coal smudged rabid homestuck from the glomp circle area.

The wedding proposal year at Zapp's panel was pretty hard to top too, I think the level of secondhand embarrassment nearly suffocated the room.

>fun things to do in Seattle?

Uwajimaya!- Great Asian food court and Deli, a good place to pick up hard to find foods, and Kinokuniya bookstore is always full of gems.
Gameworks - I know many have echoed that the quality of the place has gone down over the years, but it doesn't change the fact robust arcades full of fighting and rhythm games are almost non existent in America anymore.
Pike Place - It's always worth exploring the ins and outs of the markets and the pier if you've never been before. I'm taking my girlfriend this year and it will be her first time in Seattle so we are going to check out the big Ferris wheel.

>any Panelists?
I am frankly super disappointed in the programming this year. Being that it's the 20th Anniversary I was expecting all the stops to be pulled out. They had fucking Moi Dix Mois show up in 2012 for the 15th and that made my life. Looks like they just padded their lack of JP VAs and other special guests with a bunch of Western VAs most could care less about. Gen Urobuchi is the only slight saving grace. Other than that I will hit AMV contest and probably Loveline. Then the usual dances, Dealers/AA and game rooms.

>> No.9426708

>>9426701 also

Always been curious to meet up with /cgl/ anons. Are the meetups usually down in that little tucked away cafe area behind the escalators?

>> No.9426762

>They had fucking Moi Dix Mois show up in 2012 for the 15th and that made my life
seriously, did they blow their whole budget that year or what? Musical guests have been so downhill since then

>> No.9427014

I helped organize one that met up there in 2015, but I'm not sure if there is a meet up planned this year other than general Friday / Thursday Gameworks from what I've read in the thread.
Would totally love to meet people there though, I had tons of fun last time :D

>> No.9427023

thunderbolt fantasy developers and gunsmith cats creator isn't good enough?

>> No.9427086
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>> No.9427135

>The wedding proposal at Zapp's panel
I need details

>> No.9427165

I think it's this?

>> No.9427190

Yeah, that's the one. I wonder if they've killed their first child yet.

>> No.9427225

They are being super dicks to their panelists this year. Giving shitty rooms to good panelists, having the cosplay contest at fucking 9am. What the hell are they thinking?

>> No.9427372 [DELETED] 

Holy shit it snuck up this year. I'm mostly ready though, considering my year hasn't been off to a great start.

I am strongly considering NOT going as Zapp Brannigan to Loveline though. I'd like to switch it up.

>> No.9427374

Holy shit it snuck up this year. I'm mostly ready though, considering my year hasn't been off to a great start.

I am strongly considering NOT going as Zapp Brannigan to Loveline though. I'd like to switch it up.

>> No.9427396

>Zapp not going as Zapp

Also, how do plan to pull off a panel a day for three days? What kind of prep do you need?

>> No.9427401 [DELETED] 

Right? It's a weird idea. My friends always get to do Loveline as different characters but I never do. Of course, I'll still be Zapp for Spaceship of Love.

As far as planning goes, HAH! Seriously though, we have a 15+ hour drive down which gives us lots of time to go over stuff. I also spend a few months at work brainstorming during downtime where I can write stuff down.

>> No.9427403

Right? It's a weird idea. My friends always get to do Loveline as different characters but I never do. Of course, I'll still be Zapp for Spaceship of Love.

As far as planning goes, HAH! Seriously though, we have a 15+ hour drive down which gives us lots of time to go over stuff. I also spend a few months at work brainstorming during downtime where I can write stuff down.

We also run panels at 3 other cons and 2 day-long cons through out the year, which gives us lots of time to practice material and learn what works. We take the best of what we do throughout the year, and do it at Sakura-con.

>> No.9427448


Dude do it, I would love to see a complete fucking twist

>> No.9427617

>Year-long prep
Makes sense.

Do you get paid to do this con stuff, or do you just enjoy putting on a show?

>> No.9427633

Loveline is the ONE event at the con I make a point to get to every year- anything that makes it even more interesting can only be a GOOD thing.

>> No.9427635

You have a dinosaur kigurumi?

>> No.9428515

Do Loveline as Love Live?? Har har

>> No.9428671

What is the best way to deal with potential weekend rain in Seattle?

>> No.9428683


Bring an umbrella

>> No.9428687

you do realize that the buildings are connected, right? you don't have to actually go outside to get from one to the other

>> No.9428864
File: 32 KB, 272x368, 1302985537831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The powerpoint is nearing completion. I do not know fear. My mind and body are ready to speak in public. If I am to be a failure, I shall fail with all the style, effort, and grace of which I am capable

>> No.9429025

Or just tough it out and walk in the rain.

>> No.9429331

4 days left


>> No.9429354
File: 1.38 MB, 600x338, 1477285838936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have everything ready to go buy I still feel like I am forgetting something


>> No.9429376

>>how many years have you been going?
Since 09. Missed '10 & '16

Bringin' Rashid, Prof. Kukui, and Johnny from Guilty Gear Xrd

>>horror stories?
None that I can think of lol. Almost always great experiences heh

>>fun things to do in Seattle?
Game works, Mall, movies, Pike Place Chowder (fight me, it's the best)

>>any Panelists?
Not at Sakuracont his year

I'm always down for a meet up!

Sounds like Thursday plans are tentative? Meeting at Gameworks or something? 100% down to clown with some seagulls <3

>> No.9429385

It looks like I'll be on a panel about sewing stretch fabrics! The presentation is done but is there anything you guys really want to know or make sure is covered?

>> No.9429785

whats your panel i'll come say hello

>> No.9429807
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x900, SakuraCon17-PrivateShoot-Ad-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing private shoots at SakurCon. I have some more availability if anyone is interested. If not, have fun regardless!

>> No.9429831

And I will come to watch it all burn.

>> No.9429856

>paid shoots on west coast
welp time to quit cosplay

>> No.9429859


>> No.9429960

that's pretty much all photogs here now. It's spread. Super sad

>> No.9429980

it's not that common on the west
coast, and it's not shoved down your throat like the east coast

>> No.9429985

When did cosplay become all about shoots and all that jazz? I guess I was never really paying attention...

>> No.9430018

It's always been like that, really. What better way than good photos of your hard work to remember it by?

>> No.9430192

beep beep motherfuckers