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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 600x316, taobao-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9352365 No.9352365 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is saging >>9315268

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

New Store Spreadsheet:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

Anon that will translate stuff: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com

REMINDER!: Image search function and detailed filters are only available on non-US/global Taobao, so switch to the default Chinese mainland version in the upper left on the homepage

>> No.9352856

What does 'ulzzang' mean?

>> No.9352863
File: 991 KB, 500x332, tumblr_mor0romTgK1r748qjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh face/good looking. They're like Korean efame people that get popularity for their looks.

>> No.9352997
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>> No.9352999
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>> No.9353002
File: 500 KB, 900x1029, TB2z0K2XxvzQeBjSZFKXXXgXFXa_!!852738433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353003
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>> No.9353005
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>> No.9353007
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>> No.9353111
File: 159 KB, 600x973, 9b52625egw1f5iezvsws7j20go0r142n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any Chinese proficient anons help me with proofreading a message? I'd like to message Little Dipper about one of their releases, but I'm afraid Google Translate might mess something up.

>> No.9353114

What would be the best search term for cutsew dresses similar in style to AP ones?

>> No.9354582
File: 235 KB, 900x1050, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest haul in congratulations to myself for completing a huge project and being paid for it!

>> No.9354594

In the previous thread my package arrived and I'm still wondeirng if anyone would like pictures/ reviews.
Below are links to the items.

Love Live shirt

Heart Cut-out Tank

Fuzzy Slip-on Shoes

White Knit Blouse
(Link is above in previous reply)

Floral Crop-top Sweater
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13967066571 (it shows your belly alot)

Floral Lace Crop-top Shirt

White Lace Dress(can order with or without belt)

Blue Chiffon Blouse

Brown Ruffled Skirt(has shorts underneath)

White Floral Dress

Link to the Espeon Kigu

>> No.9354815

Review and link the straw hat, lavender brooch (?) and the berry&leaves necklace please Anon? They all look super cute!

>> No.9354928

Congrats, anon!

>> No.9354999

So i'm finally signing up for tenso, but i need to translate my name in to romaji...
Any place to recommend online that will do it?
>Please enter your name (romaji) with an alphabet (within 60 half-width characters)
Help on this is much appreciated.

>> No.9355023

Romaji is just writing a Japanese word into English, like kawaii instead of かわいい.

Just put your name, it's already in English

>> No.9355219

ohhhh, i feel stupid thanks anon!

>> No.9355336

could you link #10

>> No.9355366

yes but use katakana for it-- not hiragana like you wrote out kawaii. First try breaking your name into syllables, then finding their best match as a Japanese syllable. Like Katie Williams for ig (made up name-- sorry if its someones!) would be ke i ti wu i ri a m su --> ケイティ・ウィリアムズ

>> No.9355371

oops misread the question, self reply. For my tenso address, I have my name in Katakana and my Romaji name in English.

>> No.9355460

This is the taobao thread guys

>> No.9355622

Haha funny you ask. It's super bright and great, but stupid me forgot to consider the fact that since it's from China, power conversion might be a thing I would have to fuss with. That being said, it will not stay powered for more than 10 seconds because there's just not enough power reaching it. I need to power it via a power converter with 70Watts of 230V. That, or rework the interior.

Curtain: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=539739946391
Green Screen: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13296723744

Skirts in order from left to right:
Third skirt's item link is 404'ing. Probably discontinued but you can find it on yesstyle:

>> No.9355729

I will try to remember when I receive them! They all look like good quality though.



>> No.9355971

Thanks Anon! In the meanwhile could you link them please?

>> No.9356424
File: 200 KB, 888x888, TB2IdPadZtnpuFjSZFvXXbcTpXa_!!2673783642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how long the shipping time for this will be? I tried finding the info myself but I can't seem to find any date or anything..


>> No.9356455

They estimate it to be the end of April

>> No.9356869


>> No.9357046

>can't find that blouse
Why is the world so cruel?

>> No.9357051

It's currently on sale in their shop. I think they provide a link in the JSK reserve listing.

>> No.9357053

Thanks for the clarification anon. The mobile site is being poop for me so I'll give it a better look on the PC version

>> No.9357067

Has anyone had any luck buying parasols?

>> No.9357145

Sorry, I did forget the links.

Hat- https://world.taobao.com/item/45244601480.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700846.0.0.zgs5kA&_u=f25d5elc2976

Looks like the others are out of stock but here's the shop: https://shop109522104.world.taobao.com/?spm=a312a.7728559.2015080705.3.mRAvFm

>> No.9357152

Wow I wouldn't have thought of power conversion being an issue. Luckily my country is on 230V. Link?

>> No.9357170

The pre order for this print was cancelled due to lack of orders.

>> No.9357239

I know. That's why I want to message them asking if they would potentially put this up for preorder again in the future if enough people are interested.

>> No.9358624
File: 177 KB, 1080x1920, _20170216_182706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons I'm in a rush to get my order before a con, is the most expensive the fastest?

>> No.9358633

No, it's not, oddly enough. I think "Air Parcel" means Airmail which takes like 2-4 weeks to arrive while EMS is usually 1 week, 2 if there's delays.

>> No.9358634

I'd go with the China EMS, personally.

>> No.9359660

Have any of you gulls done preorders with superbuy before? Do you pay the full amount when placing the item on your cart or just the deposit? I'm guessing they ask for the rest later in that case?

>> No.9359671

I think expresspost might be fastest, but I would go with China Post EMS personally.

>> No.9359761

thanks I went with china EMS. Wish me luck

>> No.9359767

Good luck! I hope it gets there in time.

>> No.9359909

Fairly specific question, but do any TaobaoTrends users know how long it takes for them to receive things from Fox's Feather? I choose the bundle everything together option to save on shipping and the rest of my order is already marked as arrived, so I'm just waiting on the JSK from them to arrive so we can start the process of shipping overseas

>> No.9360188
File: 198 KB, 888x888, TB2zr98d00opuFjSZFxXXaDNVXa_!!2673783642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone know where the bag from this coord is from?

>> No.9360190


>> No.9360487
File: 2.10 MB, 1299x998, taobaoorder11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to be more responsible so I only got items I "needed"

>> No.9360488

link for the crown?
Congrats !

>> No.9360530

So sorry for the nub question but where on earth does everyone get those puffy stars for lolita? I've been searching for hours and having no luck.

>> No.9360678

Wow! I'm jealous. Luckily I had two people offering to rewire it


>> No.9362821

I've been out of lolita for quite some time now so aren't really on top of taobao. How's Antaina these days? Gotten better or worse?

>> No.9362837

Here's a listing if that helps

>> No.9362852

This bag is from the taobao indie shop MilkyWay. It is out of stock right now.
It is pretty, but although it looks big, it can't hold a lot of things actually, because I own this in white personally(the attached bow is pink, and the bow is unmovable)
Hope this is helpful to you!

>> No.9363306

I posted in the last thread but it looks like it died before I got any replies. So, does anyone here know if/how you can get the taobao warehouse to reweigh a package? I bought a bunch of super cheap clothes, but the package weight ended up being 4.15 kg, which can't be right. Especially since I ordered a similar amount of goods from another store that was like, mainly heavy knits and that only came to 2.7 kg. At this point I would almost rather return everything (and/or eat the cost, it was only about $23) than pay to have it all shipped to the US (which basically doubles the price). I'm using JCEX, if that makes any difference!

>> No.9363327

Ahhh I see! I would totally be interested.

>> No.9363350
File: 2.34 MB, 1592x994, TaoBao-Feb20172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest haul feels surprisingly practital. I wanted some more accessories and blouses for more variety in my coords.

>> No.9363362

did you get those tights from MuFish?

I got the black ones and they look like shit irl, you can barely see the design and from more that 2 feet away they look like the $2 pairs you get in those plastic balls.

>> No.9363653

Does anyone know a store that sells shoes with lace-up detail on the heel? Or search terms for that kind thing. I'm also looking for cute larme shoes in general
>tfw feet are smaller than the smallest sizes of japanese brands

>> No.9364062

If anyone was still wondering if the Yoybuy partnership thing was legit, I just got credited for January and have a balance of $40 in my Yoybuy so it's definitely legit. Probably not worth it unless you're rolling in followers though because of how few people will actually go to the effort to sign up and buy but still, it's $20 a person so it ain't bad.

>> No.9364409

I've gone through the list of jfashion stores already and still am hunting for more. Any suggestions of stores where they have pretty and feminine dresses?

>> No.9364425

Are you me? Except for the bag and blouses I bought almost the same thing of you this last week.

>> No.9365816

What do people think about Clobba? Anyone have particularly positive or negative experiences? Have my eyes on a JSK that's in-stock and ready to ship, so I'm hoping that will at least improve my chances of communication delays and dresses taking six months to arrive.

>> No.9365821

these look like beautiful choices!

Speaking of tights... Are absolutely all taobao tights one-size? I'm a tall lolita who is sick of converting their too-short tights to thigh-highs

>> No.9365929

Very expensive shipping

>> No.9365957

basically >>9365929
I tried them a few weeks ago for a reservation and while they were quick at communication and pleasant I'll never use them again due to shipping. A lot of SS have low minimums now anyway.

>> No.9365969

ah damn, good to know. I'll look into a SS in that case. I've done business with lots of Japanese SS, but never ordered from Taobao. This thread has been a great help.

>> No.9366050
File: 67 KB, 500x380, tumblr_nzzfiwL2zH1rb9a6wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a search term for this kind of stuff? I like the decoden and false food style jewelry and accessories but searching DIY just gives me the cabochon pieces.

>> No.9366205

Does anyone know what's going on with SpreeNow's website?? I'm waiting for one pair of shoes to arrive to complete my order before I can pay for international shipping but when I went on the website yesterday my computer gave me a malware warning. Should I wait a few days before going back and checking? Is anyone else having problems with their site?

>> No.9366219

Anyone have store recommendation for swim suits/bikinis? Of course I used google translated to find some but I wondered if any gulls had any favorite shops

>> No.9366251

I couldn't find a particular term for it, but I found some similar stuff by searching a combination of these keywords:
原宿 (harajuku) or 日系 (Japanese); 仿真 (fake) + 食物 or 食品 (food); 可爱 (cute); 手工 (handmade), 原创 (original)
and the type of jewelry or accessory you want (just google translate). It can also help to use more specific food terms like ice cream/macaron/strawberry/etc. (again, google translate) instead of just "food".

>> No.9366281

Source on tights please?

>> No.9366417

I'm having a similar issue but have no ides why or how to rectify it.

>> No.9366607

I bought these in white and can confirm. I ended up selling them.

>> No.9367036

So has the mobile site just become impossible to use for everyone else too? Cant even open shop links anymore without just being brought directly to the Play Store instead to download their app

>> No.9367121
File: 2.10 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170224-022727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been eyeing a nier automata cosplay for a while now, did anyone else buy it? http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=544540545126&toSite=main

>> No.9367385

Do you guys think this shop is a reseller of some sort or just a knockoff Pokemon shop? They have the Lillie bag, which with all the fees may still be a bit costly but I'm losing hope the US online store will ever get it...


>> No.9367400

Me too. I've resorted to opening other tabs to trick the taobao ones into loading fully before they open to the play store action.

>> No.9367486

Same problem for me. Is the app any good?

>> No.9367504

I've heard nothing but bad things about it. Asks for pretty much every single permission on your phone, constantly crashes or doesnt load, and I'm not sure but I dont think there's any way of translating it like you can in chrome. So I'll pass.

>> No.9367841

Are you using spreenow? I'm using it but it is down for me and has been for 3 days. What do

>> No.9368247

Sometimes their website goes down for some reason (especially around the time their ssl certificate expires). I was having trouble the past few days but it seems to be working now so give it a go

>> No.9368258

I obviously spoke too soon because now it's not working for me either

>> No.9368832
File: 38 KB, 668x595, IMG_4566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Buynosuar always been this inconsistent when it comes to how long it takes to get a quote?
>first quote only took a couple of hours
>i requested a second quote due to my screw up. It's been a few days and still nothing.

>> No.9368857


Can any anon tell me when this is supposed to come out? I've tried scouring the listing looking for a date, but I can't find one. I'm not sure if it'll be ready for a con that I'm going to or not.

>> No.9368888

I'm planning on buying it. Thanks for the link.

>> No.9368918

Link to the Nibhra/Niohra tights please? They'd finish one of my outfits perfectly!

>> No.9369812
File: 89 KB, 800x600, gakuran-japanese-school-uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the Chinese term for a gakuran?

>> No.9369836

Yes. They're too loaded these days.

>> No.9369975

Where do you go for custom shoes if you want to avoid An Tai Na?
I find An Tai Na's quality not so great so I'd rather not order from them.
Angelic Imprint offers many options to their shoes, but can they also make shoes based on a picture I wonder?
I assume they do have better quality?
That's the only other shoes factory I was able to think of that does custom-ish shoes.

>> No.9370159

Does pruany fix the discount price even when you don't ask them to?

>> No.9370179

I caved in and bought it as well. Will post a review if people want one

>> No.9370215
File: 121 KB, 800x800, TB2RH99ebtlpuFjSspoXXbcDpXa__353468124_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find something like this but without the d.va logos?

>> No.9370244

No, if you leave it on "without payment" they don't look at it.
They will, however, fix the price and refund you the difference/ask you to pay the extra if you overpay/pay partially and put it into "buying" category, cuz thats when they actually look at it.
I usually just leave a message in the contact form and tell them to fix everything in order Dxxxxxxx or whatever. Alternatively you can leave a message for a specific item. But if you just leave it without doing anything they don't care.

Yeah! was eyeing it as well, although desu I don't play nier. the design is just nice

>> No.9370269

Oh okay thanks. If they refund after it's fine. Just wanted to make sure I didn't need to message or remind them at some point

>> No.9370413

There's an option for full payment【全款】二团提灯姬 so I think it's already on sale. It says the seller guarantees it will ship within 45 days.

立领 学生 制服 (standing collar student uniform) or just 日本 学生 制服 (japan student uniform)

Not sure how similar you're looking for, but I guess a very general term might be 连帽 短袖 连衣裙 (hooded short sleeve one piece).

>> No.9370675
File: 80 KB, 606x414, spreepicky_Cutie_Creamy_Chocolate_Strawberry_Cappuccino_Jumper_Skirt_Set_SP178854_5_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen this around? Reverse image search isn't giving me anything and I'd really rather not buy it from spreepicky.

>> No.9370888

So do people still like buynosaur? I usually use taobaoring but haven't been having a good experience lately so I'm considering switching.

>> No.9370948

Any cute/sweet lingerie stores? General browsing is giving me mostly 2edgy4me strap monstrosities

>> No.9370953

I still use them, they're a bit slow but they take preorders and they're really sweet. Though if I need something fast I go with Yoybuy or Taobaotrends.

>> No.9371206
File: 3.42 MB, 1147x1379, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really needed to stock up on accessories. I'll be happy to review once they arrive!

>> No.9371311

Do you have the sauce for this?

>> No.9371320

Could you review the beret and the cat rings when they get to you? I need more cat accessories in my life.

>> No.9371368

ooh, links to 1,6, and 10 please?

>> No.9371421

Sure! I'm also looking for more cat stuff, so if anyone has links that'd be great.
1- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=532787493822 (Great store, everything I've bought from them so far has been high quality.)

>> No.9371469
File: 52 KB, 500x380, IMG_5446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a response back. Turns out I somehow got into their spam mail.
>ended up sending a response back, asking them to change the size of an item (my fault)
>time to wait again
>pls start checking your spam on the reg

>> No.9371510

Link to 11 pls

>> No.9371521


>> No.9371804

Anyone having luck with Spreenow? I made a payment but my top up says 0 and that page won't load.
I don't know how to continue my order since the site won't load certain pages.

>> No.9371847

They've told me the same thing, and it's not the first time it happens... It seems a dress I bought on preorder was never shipped to them. Now I just wanna watch how this will end...

>> No.9371941
File: 22 KB, 350x315, ohno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just venting here but arghhh it finally happened, I got the dreaded 【集运】很抱歉,您的包裹因拆单发货原因无法正常入库,请速与佳成集货商联系 message on my Mu Fish order.

I didn't buy any of their replicas but perhaps JCEX flagged the seller? I sent an email to their CS and am crossing my fingers for this to be resolved soon.

>> No.9372060

I'm looking for a virgin-killer sweater, I know there's one that's similar on aliexpress but I'm doing a taobao order so.

>> No.9372091


>> No.9372413

Another anon who got back a few days after Buynosaur, they emailed saying they don't feel like charging me a service fee and now I'm not paying any agent fees! The wait was worth it!

>> No.9372439

Has anyone used taobaotrends recently? I used to use them but stopped buying from Taobao for a little while. I have a pretty big order and everything has been at their warehouse for like 4 days now, how long does it usually take for them to send a shipping quote?

>> No.9372626

Any gulls have shoe size US8? Trying to order shoes that only go up to size 39 and not sure if it'll fit. Different conversion charts say US8 is size 39, 39.5, or 40. What have you had most luck with?

>> No.9372630
File: 832 KB, 1177x1501, Screenshot_20170228-091547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyeing these in particular if anyone can attest to the size and quality.

>> No.9372654

Im an 8.5-9 and I usually order a 40, you should be fine.

>> No.9372802

I'm US 7 and wear size 39 Japan size 24. I don't think it will fit you. What's your foot length? That's usually what is better to check.

>> No.9372851

I'm a 8.5-9 as well. I find 39 to be tight, 40 okay and 41 comfy. Just look at your foot measurement in cm and order a bit larger.

>> No.9372972

EU39 is perfect for me but you're better off measuring your feet just to make sure.

>> No.9372973

Check whether the reviews say true to size, too small, or too big.

I'm a 8/8.5 and I get 39's and 40's and my experience is all over the board. I've had 39's be too small, 40's be comfy in one pair and huge in another, etc.

>> No.9372981
File: 259 KB, 320x176, panic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're just waiting on one last seller to ship your items but apparently they're sick and in the hospital so they've been delaying shipping

>> No.9372990

My condolences.

>> No.9372991

Review/pictures for the Love Live shirt and heart tank please?

>> No.9373033
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1423552793628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for blog posting but everything's ok: Mu Fish split my order into 2 shipments and JCEX thought they received duplicate parcels. When I emailed them, they responded the next day and processed the shipments at their warehouse.

This was a surprisingly painless experience?

>> No.9373329

eu sizes and china sizes are not the same, and many of the anons commenting seem to not know that. size 39 will be tight an uncomfortable on you unless the shoe runs large. Get 40.

>> No.9373349


Thank you for the input. There's no size chart so I'll ask my ss how many cm size 39 is to be safe since the reviews didn't provide much insight.

A few reviews mentioned "grinding feet" (磨脚 google translate). That makes me think it runs small but there are also quite a few reviews that stated it was big!

>> No.9373554

Mufish once did that to one of my orders too! Glad it turned out okay for you, anon.

>> No.9374481
File: 313 KB, 800x800, TB2KIYDfq8lpuFjy0FpXXaGrpXa_!!259555105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374516

That is the most kawaii penis I've ever seen

>> No.9374863
File: 157 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170302-061628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what "no brand" means here? I assume that's in reference to the shipping see ice itself, since it's just USPS and not something like FedEx or UPS? Or does that refer to the types of products that can be sent with it? I don't have any bootleg shit in this order but I don't want any issues because it's from China.

>I mostly don't want to pay the extra $10 for other fast shipping

>> No.9374907

No brand means no identifiable brand name bootlegs. So nothing with the Nike/Adidas symbol despite it being popular to toss on Harajuku themed clothing.

>> No.9375128
File: 3.98 MB, 1125x2057, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipped out today, shipping fucked me royally but I'm so happy it's on its way.

>> No.9375263

not sure where else to ask, but anyone know of a SS that'll buy from mercari other than japonicamarket? They're overflowed atm and not taking any new orders

>> No.9375272
File: 191 KB, 1432x662, Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 2.59.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered two outfits, some accessories and a wig on taobao, ended up costing around $180 CAD.

I used taobaotrends and I live in Canada. It's my first order.

What should I ask them to declare it as? Gift worth $X? I don't mind paying a little bit in customs if it means it gets them off my tail. Would it be stupid to ask TBT to declare it is a gift worth $60? I don't mind paying customs fees on $60. Will Customs investigate too hard about how much the items are really worth? I found cheaper versions of all the items I ordered and it totalled around $60-70 anyway.

What should I go with shipping? I've had experience with DHL/Fedex in the past and I know that they ALWAYS end up charging me for customs and other fees. I remember I ordered lenses from China for $35 and ended up with a $16 fee from DHL.

I'm tempted to go with EMS because I've heard good things about it and don't mind paying a bit more, but what are the chances it gets stuck in customs? Also what would the difference between using EMS and using CAexpress/Canadapost?

What are the chances that I have to pay a 35% duty fee on the "real" cost of my order i.e. $180?

tl;dr I need this package by May 1st, and I want to pay the lowest amount in customs. pls help

>> No.9375326

if you only need it by May 1, SAL is the least likely to get hit by canadian customs in my experience. dhl and fedex almost always do, as well as anything Canada Post sees as urgent/express mail (so while I dont know about the canadapost express they're proposing, it's probably not super great chances). EMS has been about a 50/50 shot for me usually on big taobao orders but SAL rarely gets me hit. Usually takes closer to the 15 days than 30 mark too for me, though I can only speak for Toronto

>> No.9375332

oh and as for marking it down, just to play it safe/keep from seeming suspicious, I'd only knock it down to about 80. (Then worst case scenario you can also just claim there was a typo on the declaration if need be, though thats probably just me being paranoid)

>> No.9375335

Ask in lolita general or the spoonfeeding thread. This is for taobao. In any case maybe Tenshi Shop

>> No.9375486

I'd love a review anon!

>> No.9375500

fromjapan does now!

>> No.9375537

I've ordered a different one instead, will post it later but it's still in preorder though

>> No.9375579

Link to the dress on the top left?

>> No.9375626

Is SAL gonna come before May 1st? I don't really wanna risk it. It isn't because I have a con, but because I'm literally moving.

I'm near Toronto, London. Usually things here are fast, I guess.

I'll think about it some more I guess. I might actually go with SAL in that case since it's the cheapest as well. Stupid question but SAL provides tracking?

>> No.9375781
File: 391 KB, 2148x1388, review1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love Live Sunny Day Song Shirt:
Was stunned at how comfortable and well done the print on the front is. It's alil see through, but comfy and perfect for warm weather. The front shows no signs of peeling off because they used a different method?

Cut out heart Tank:
It's a really cute top but you'll need to wear nude bra with it. The top isn't that long either, it ends just below my belly button but it would work with high waist shorts or a skirt.

>> No.9375886

different anon but yes, it will arrive before may.
i usually get my SAL parcels in 2 weeks too, am also based in GTA. At most itll take like maybe 5 weeks? but i think that's super rare.
also yes it has tracking

>> No.9375890

Would it be too much to ask to link everything? I love your taste!

>> No.9375908

NAYRT. With SAL, you might get lucky and you might not. I've had it arrive within three weeks, but I've also had it arrive after almost three months. I'm in London too lol, but I'm pretty sure the longest wait was waiting for it to leave China or sitting in either customs. When I ordered through TBR I did have tracking, but you might want to confirm with your SS.

From experience, I can tell you right now that even if you set up a redirect for your mail for when you move, it does not affect parcels. It's because they go through a different sorting center or some shit, idk, thank you Canada Post. I almost lost a dream dress this way, I was just lucky nobody was home and I could pick it up at the post office.

As for customs I've never been dinged for SAL (about the same value as your package, ~$200). I was dinged on a ~$150 dress I got through EMS (only about $30 tho) but wasn't on a $300 one. It varies. Also, DHL will not only charge you customs, there's a fee on top of that, and it's higher for clothes, something ridiculous like 18-20%. I've paid $30 customs on a $80 package before, they're ridiculous. Ditto with FedEx.

I hope that helps!

>> No.9375978

can you review the dolly+delly cutsew when it comes in? I'm considering a few of their items including that one

>> No.9376228

I can! I can also review anything else that anyone wants to see, it should hopefully be here within a week.

Thank you, anon! I actually got the first two from a reseller, and I can't seem to find a link to the red and black starry one, so I just linked back to the reseller. Maybe you can find it but the name of the brand is "Lucky Star" and that's vague as fuck.

The wigs and bow at the bottom are also from Amazon, but this is the second time I'm buying them and they're the nicest wigs I've ever bought. Super comfy and they don't tangle, so I'm gonna throw the links in there anyway. They're probably from some taobao store in the first place anyway.


>Top left vest JSK

>'Quiet Starry Night' JSK



>Sakura Kinomoto wig

>Mu-fish harlequin tights

>Puffball socks

>cat socks are sold out

>Fuzzy socks

>D.va jacket

>Cat print tights (black and white were sold out when I bought them so I got stuck with two pairs of navy)

>Strappy bralette

>red and black ankle harlequin socks

>Knee high harlequin socks (Man, I love harlequin socks)

>cross print tights

>sheer black striped socks

>olive branch sailor dress


>> No.9376232


>Only 90s kidz remember velvet dresses

>Peter Pan collar blouse

>Some cheap bloomers

>Yuri On Ice garbage daki

>Batwing heels (go up to a size 40)

>Hexagram t-shirt is sold out

>Dolly+Delly high collar blouse

>Dolly+Delly batwing sailor cutsew

>Black wig

>brown wig


>> No.9376293

Thank you for the links anon!
I managed to use the image search function for the Lucky Star dress so here's the taobao link in case anyone prefers that

>> No.9376404
File: 2.14 MB, 1972x780, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some new clothes for my pilgrimage to DW/WWOHP next month and a few new semester supplies.

>> No.9376418

Ohh man, I'm going in July, can't wait to sweat in my outfit and drink Butterbeer.

>> No.9376451
File: 115 KB, 859x644, IMG_0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going mid April for spring break while it's still a month or two away from being Satan's asscrack.

I keep being torn between random female Slytherin or going as low-key Draco. I'll be there four days so I might just do both. On the one hand I don't want to get any attention (or asked to be in family photos) but on the other, how can you pick a better opportunity for cosplay photos?

Are you going as anyone specific or just random student as well?

>> No.9376470

I want to do someone specific, but it's going to be too hot for a wig and I have really short, dyed edgy hair. So I'll probably just Ravenclaw REPRESENT.

I'm just excited to buy a wand while I'm there.

>> No.9376472

I'd love one of the interactive wands but I know they'll be expensive. I've got a Sirius Black replica that's really nice though so I don't feel too bad.

Hope you enjoy it!

>> No.9376527

Could I get the link to the tights and petti?

>> No.9376601
File: 449 KB, 640x480, 0119150944_mh1421680324337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go in January. I went and it was BLISS. I had lived in FL for 6 years so I know the seasons well enough to know that a summer visit is asking for misery. It's hot as hell, the humidity is annoying and it rains like clockwork at 3PM every day in the summer. Plus crowds.

In Jan there was low humidity, the day started at a lovely 73F and got up to 85F. Crowds were low so we rode all the fun WWOHP stuff 3+ times with very little wait.

No one is going to ask you to be in their family photos unless you are the spitting image of some character. Plenty of people wear costumes but the place isn't overridden with them.

>> No.9376607

I'd love to go in January but for a full time college student spring break was my best bet. Is it too awful weather-wise in mid-April?

>> No.9376630


I understand. You did better than going in summer so that's good.
April isn't bad. Rain might still crop up in the afternoon but it's not a forgone conclusion cause the daytime heating hasn't gotten to summer levels yet. It's the heat that triggers the lightning storms like clockwork.

Some tips

Buy the refill cup –
There is a cup you buy for about $16 that gets you free refills at Coke Freestyle machines all over the park. This will save you time and $3-5 every time you use it and we used it at least 5 times a day. Hydration made so much difference when it came to fatigue.

Bring a bit of a snack like trail mix in your pocket –
When you find yourself getting peaky enough for a bite but it’s too early to stop your whole day to eat that trail mix is wonderful. We snacked on it a little and went clear until 2PM before we ate.

If you are an HP fan, bring your costume –
A whole lot of people in the park wore theirs and it really added to the fun. I wore mine and got a lot of attention due to it being custom made & unconventional.

When arriving to the park go the opposite direction of where the crowds are going –
When we got there everyone went to the comic book side. We went for the Dr. Seuss side and even rode a ride.

>> No.9376632
File: 116 KB, 1023x576, B7zxhsBIEAATIwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Leave your camera at home – If you have a decent phone like a Note 3 or similar it takes good photos. It will leave less for you to lug around and look after. Even my Optimus II took decent photos!

Someone in your party needs decent cargo pockets – you will need to store things you want access to all day like trail mix.

Bringing a purse? Wear it on your belt – Seriously this was the best. No strap to wrangle as I bent, twisted, sat, whatever. It sat at my waist, out of the way.

Bring a small poncho – useful for the wet rides so you aren’t soaking wet and just in case one of the afternoon showers gets you.

Eat outside the park – If you have the foot power or have a park hopper walk back to City Walk and have your meals there. There is a Panda Express and a Moe’s that cost $4-10 less than park food. Have your Butterbeer or Krusty Burger by all means. But if you have done that, go eat at City Walk.

>> No.9376647

Bless you, Florida anon. I got the 2-Day Park pass + 2 day free special they had going on. I'm not sure what that limits me to but I'm not above smuggling in trail mix in my bag or something along with a water bottle.

>> No.9376655

Forget to mention it was the 1 park a day one, not the park-to-park.

>> No.9376699

Link to both memo sets? Cute haul btw

>> No.9376703



The shop hasn't got much more than this unless you're into envelopes and notebooks.

>> No.9377578

Every time I try to order something I get this message:

The banking system is busy. Please try again later. (25_002)

I've been trying for over a week, is I'm starting to think the problem is with me.

Any ideas?

>> No.9377777

Can i add an item after I checkout with bhiner? Nothing has reached the agent yet

>> No.9378032

Link to cloak and uniform please?

>> No.9378123



>> No.9378202

Yes, order new stuff, and must show option "create new order" or "add items to a current order"
If I'm not mistaken

>> No.9379205

Is anyone else having issues with TaobaoSpree? Their site on mobile just says "It works!" In plain text and nothing else for me.

>> No.9379228

Anyone already bought SWIMMER stuff on taobao? They take 2-3 weeks to ship att ss's office. is any chance to be official by SWIMMER?

>> No.9379298

I got a Swimmer lucky pack once but that's about it. Everything was good enough quality but I don't know if it was legit.

>> No.9379301

Could someone recommend me stores that sell cute bedspreads?

>> No.9379476

I'd go to AliExpress for that. it'll be cheaper.

>> No.9379728


>> No.9380001

Sorry anon, I bought it for 11/11 so I don't have the link anymore.

>> No.9380515

I feel like I'm going crazy, but I can't find any size measurements for these items on their respective pages or anywhere else in the store:

>> No.9380740

Does anyone have a rec for an SS that will ship particularly long items? I've got two cosplay swords I'm eyeballing but TBR says they're too long to ship. Got the same thing from TaobaoSpree a few years back, so I'm unsure of who to turn to now.

Add a "www" before the URL and it should work.

>> No.9381464
File: 255 KB, 1230x924, second taobao order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Taobao order ever. Giving Taobao Trends a try this time.

>> No.9381620

Links to the blond wigs and shirts
Everything is so cute

>> No.9381653

link to white wig pls

>> No.9381656

Source on Sakura wig, mousepad, and moon shirt?

>> No.9381886
File: 65 KB, 849x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just payed for shipping. COME TO ME.

>> No.9381888

Let us know how the fuzzy dress is! I'm really tempted to get it.

>> No.9382437


Blond/Yui: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=522847887293
White: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=43763041707
Sakura: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6160723862

Panda: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=544865036699 (currently sold out)
Coffee: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=536585764753
Camera: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=536521012180
Moon: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=544637783628

>> No.9382439

Oops, forgot the mousepad!

>> No.9382716
File: 293 KB, 423x386, Anime_2ec675_6105111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just paid for shipping for my order, and all in all I paid about $380 for everything, and I'm already looking at more stuff..
I think I have a problem gulls

>> No.9382858

RIP your wallet.

>> No.9382863

link to dress?

>> No.9382877

post your haul if you havent already? let us live vicariously through your poor wallet anon, bless you (and I mean hey if it helps, when i've gotten a giant box of taobao stuff and am feeling guilty I remind myself I wouldve spent the same for like one or two secondhand brand dresses anyways and instead got all this)

>> No.9383127

Will do anon! Should be here next week.

Which one? Fluffy pink, pink polo or To Alice lavender and black?

>> No.9383447

i'm and 8.5 and I usually have to go to 40, if I were a solid 8 I'm sure a 39 would be just fine.

>> No.9383753

how long is chinese EMS taking to get to the west coast of the US these days? my package left beijing on monday AM china time, but no updates to my tracking since then.

>> No.9383758

Can I get a link to the heart bag and the black blouse?

>> No.9383780

Seen them from other sellers, but i bought these ones



>> No.9383781

Not sure about west coast but mine was sent out on the 6th, left China on the 8th, and arrived at JFK in New York today (the 9th)

>> No.9383788
File: 400 KB, 1206x772, taobaoorderinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to pad my wardrobe. Entrusting this order to TaobaoRing.

>> No.9383813


These wigs are crazy cheap. I have similar wigs from other stores and they're nice quality, what do you think of these? Anyone bought here before?

>> No.9383830

>just made huge order
>forgot two small items

Any suggestions for getting a few small things without getting rekt on shipping? My order had shipped out before I realized that I had forgotten them, and none of my friends are planning orders anytime soon.

>> No.9383839

Personally, I'd see if AliExpress had them.

>> No.9383843
File: 15 KB, 219x312, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought similar wigs from other stores
>so these are automatically ok, right?
>click listing
>see pic related

Anon, how fucking new are you?

>> No.9383844
File: 7 KB, 523x93, yaidiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just to drive the point home. It's a wonder you haven't gotten a wig that fell apart the moment you opened your package.

>> No.9383899

If you're still looking, I tried to order some wings and a sceptre (which they bought for me before?) on TBR, but they just 'no', so Clobba got it instead - it's only small wings but maybe Clobba will ship out awkward items for you if TBR won't?

>> No.9383904

FFFF my tracking still just says "processed through facility." hoping it hits LA customs today since i need something in there for sunday.

>> No.9383910
File: 2.03 MB, 1366x1092, firsttaobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first petticoat. :] And a bunch of fabric and shit for both lolita and normie fashions. I'm envisioning the brown floral as something sort of IW/VMish.

>> No.9383926

would you mind linking/reviewing the floral fabric when you get it?

>> No.9383938

Yes, I'm more than happy to do that. It shows up tomorrow theoretically. I have plans to almost immediately launch into a JSK with it so the review hopefully won't too far away.


>> No.9383958
File: 1.63 MB, 1285x746, i really like pink can you tell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure! Sharing it with you gulls makes me feel like I'm doing a good deed and not just wasting my money heh

>I remind myself I wouldve spent the same for like one or two secondhand brand dresses anyways and instead got all this
This. Not with brand dresses, but I try to think like, if I was shopping in a normie store I would have gotten maybe 6 items or something for the same price lol

Thanks for making me feel better anon <3

>> No.9384016

Adore your aesthetic, anon!

>> No.9384068

Did yoybuy get unscammy? I've been out of the loop but I remember there were a lot of issues last year

>> No.9384069

link to the pink wig?

>> No.9384083

They reinstated PayPal do they're fine. They just use their own yuan conversion rates but I noticed that my goods get to them faster than any other SS. My items were bought, received, and shipped out in under a week.

>> No.9384085

Has anyone tried Taobaoage? (taobaoage.com) Thoughts?
I'm in a rush to get an order out and I'm unsure what SS to use.

>> No.9384169

Aw gosh, thank you!
Keep in mind that gradient/multicolored wigs can sometimes look bad if they're from taobao/ebay etc, so it can be kind of a gamble.
But It's really cute in the pictures so I'm hoping it'll turn out ok!

>> No.9384173

Link to the fuzzy hoodie on top right, please?

>> No.9384180

dhl is faster for west coast / california, ems takes around 5 days

>> No.9384211


>> No.9384240

Links for the sweater in the left bottom corner and the choker?

>> No.9384765

thanks anon.....wish i could use DHL, but they can't get into my gated complex and don't have a local branch to pick up packages (learned this the hard way) so i don't use them

>> No.9384769

DHL is faster than EMS overall imo. I live on the east coast and it only takes around 3-4 days while EMS usually takes 5-7 for me.

>> No.9384818

Link to pink sandals?

>> No.9385119

Which of these is supposed to be ivory?


>> No.9385121

Is there any way to search by "Newest" for Taobao listings? I Google translated the options for sorting but I don't see the word (or synonyms).

>> No.9385129

W-what shops are these from, anon?

>> No.9385208

Is the one without the dots on the shirt

>> No.9385277

links to the turtleneck and the coat below it please

>> No.9385315

You can only sort Newest within a shop. For searching the site itself it's only number of sales, shop credit (higher ranking shops to lowest, I think), and item price.

>> No.9385345

Sweater: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=540675319312
Choker: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=541753096053

Sandals: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520351250389

Most of the stuff is from different stores, but everything on the top row except far left and far right is from the store Elfe in our house (or something like that)
They're a bit expensive for taobao stands, but I've bought a shirt and a dress from them before and I love the quality and the styles, so I definitely recommend them!
Link to their store:

Turtleneck: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=522869503615
Jacket: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=542500027616
The jacket will probably not be the best of quality considering the price, but whatever

>> No.9385445
File: 2.49 MB, 576x324, 1483623287827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling, anon. I just got a $100 order (with shipping) shipped and I'm already making another one for $200 (without shipping)

>> No.9385512

link to the white blouse?

>> No.9385762


Crooked Melon updated their shop again. It's always cool but a little weird to see what they do.

>> No.9386006
File: 186 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_omg9rc0WKc1v0ovb2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where I can find it? I tryied searching for yugioh skater dress but I failed.

>> No.9386067

Ages ago, CiCiWorks (or whatever they go by now) had some autoplay music on their store and I really liked it. Does anyone rememeber what I'm talking about, and knew the artists/songs that played?

>> No.9386115


I don't know, but like customized shirts, I saw a custom service for skater dresses on Aliexpress (maybe...)

>> No.9386327
File: 23 KB, 300x300, rhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good sellers for RHS? I don't like the look of antaina's, I'm looking for some with straps like this ideally.

I remember coming across a store a while back which had a lot of bodyline's styles, and used their same insoles and everything- is it possible that they're really from the same manufacturer? Because I like the materials and construction of bodyline shoes a lot more than other offbrand ones that I have, but they'll probably never restock the styles I want.

>> No.9386415

It's here! It's pretty good, especially considering the price. It felt really shitty and sort of like oilcloth or tablecloth, but after a wash with some industrial textile detergent it's much better. A tad on the stiff side, but that's about par for cotton. Definitely wants a nice gentle fabric conditioner after being sewn. Colors are very accurate. It's a printed fabric, the base color is white, but the color is really opaque. Not see through at all, but I'll line it anyway, so that doesn't matter much. I'll take a day time draped shot tomorrow, if you want.

>> No.9386417

Seconding this

>> No.9386504

yes please, that'd be wonderful if you don't mind!

>> No.9386511

Links to the hearts ribbon choker necklace, natural wig, ribbon heart sweater, and fluffy shoes please?

>> No.9386514


>> No.9386551

Taobao is dangerous
I already linked two of those though...
How lazy can you be to not even check the replies first
Wig: https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=542775908036
Shoes: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=535591639318

>> No.9386684

>$230 order
>$80 shipping
>I'm shopping again

Save me from myself.

>> No.9386763

That's because it's made by an indie Australian company called Living Dead, which isn't as well known as Black Milk (which does have knock offs)

Searching by the original stock picture has no hits

Though I have managed to find one of LD's other dresses mislabelled as BM, but they're using old stock pictures that LD doesn't use any more and I don't know if the yugi skater has older stock pictures either

>> No.9387025

Only if you save me first.

>> No.9387645

Link to the shoes, please? And can you review the two shirts next to them when you get them in?

>> No.9387922
File: 379 KB, 447x447, 1489010599732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realize I posted this in the wrong thread like a week ago so if anyone needs cute DIY fabrics: https://world.taobao.com/item/43853221686.htm#detail

>> No.9387925


Better link since their main shop page is a bit hard to navigate.

>> No.9387984

Shoes: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40941585636

Yeah, I'll make sure to review!

>> No.9388631
File: 39 KB, 300x400, 0ab165f61f8ba0fa9026dc2e791f25f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any gulls know how to find these type of cardigans on taobao?

>> No.9388648

Image search.

>> No.9388726


>ugh my order is just piling up in the warehouse
>but if I order more, the more cost-efficient shipping will be!

Taobao support group for gulls when?

>> No.9388864
File: 1.10 MB, 1334x750, IMG_4899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my stuff is finally at the warehouse
>Can't pay for shipping until pictures are sent.
>"Photos will be sent very soon!"
>It's been days.
Just gimme my shit please

>> No.9388895

Guys, I'm doing it.
The currency has been shitty lately (Canada) and I've been putting off Taobao for quite some time, but enough is enough. I'm fucking doing it.
(If you know a service that somehow uses RMB directly to CAD and vice versa, that would be amazing)
I used to use Pruany, and never had problems with em, did something change?
I heard good news about Buynosaur, but there's also delays.

>> No.9388908

I've had really good luck with taobao direct, and google translate! Plus, it's sooo nice not to have to pay extra fees for consolidation and such.
The one thing to watch out for is depending on your credit card, you may be charged foreign transaction fees, but I just got a credit card that doesn't charge those specifically to use with taobao, and it's worked out really well!

>> No.9388912

Is there a guy for taobao direct?
The FAQ has not changed since I last shopped on Taobao (2014)
and I'll look into the charges, I don't even mind paying the fees, they are WAY better than paying the whole jazz with the SS.

>> No.9388922

Another Canadian here, I find you end up just as screwed over through Buynosaur too because you still end up with the three-way currency conversion (since they do everything in HKD).
I think TaobaoRing will technically invoice you straight in CAD but it's only for certain pretty annoying payment methods and their set exchange rate is 1CNY=0.22CAD (instead of the real 0.19 rate), so I've never tried it. If anyone finds any other ss that will do it though, I'd love to know

>> No.9388930

I used this tutorial to get through signing up and stuff:

I also really recommend the google translate phone app - it has a feature where it can read and translate text from pictures or straight from your camera, which is super useful for parts of the website where you can't copy/paste the text, or for those sellers who put info (like sizes) in graphics.

>> No.9388937
File: 76 KB, 600x600, TB2rvW.ahdkpuFjy0FbXXaNnpXa_!!2386043013.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9388961
File: 35 KB, 600x600, TB2.y1biS0mpuFjSZPiXXbssVXa_!!2108357690.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9388991

Canadian as well and I've also bought through taobao direct with no problems. They consolidate very well and weighing is pretty accurate. Their English abilities are minimal (like google translate level) but they are willing to help if you have questions. Also, I asked for a photo of some items I had questions about (problem with the seller shipping all the items) and they took a few pictures for me hassle-free.

Like the other anon said there's a foreign cc transaction fee, I think it's around 3% through alipay.

Using chrome + translate this page will make everything a breeze. But basically when you checkout there's an area (make sure you set up your home address in your account first bc taobao will automatically figure out that you are out of the country and will give you forwarder choices) to choose "ship to forwarder" and we have 2 choices for forwarders the last I checked. Google translate should show the buttons for consolidation and whatnot when your items arrive.

It's good that you waited, I hope you have a big haul bc first kg is like ~$30 iirc and subsequent 0.5kg is only a few bucks so it's worth it for a big order.

They also marked down my package without me asking for it.

Is it RMB to HKD to CAD for buynosaur? I was afraid they would throw a USD in there so I never considered them lol.

>> No.9389136

Never. We'd enable each other instead of helping.
>tfw counting down the days until my next order

>> No.9389194

>taobao support group for gulls when?
Asap pls
>tfw I send more mails to the people at my taobao ss than anyone else
>so this is my life now

>> No.9389198

>Is it RMB to HKD to CAD for buynosaur?
Oh yeah it's been a while but actually I checked my old order emails/receipts from them and they just invoiced me in HKD, it was just PayPal that did the CAD conversion for me. So maybe it's not so bad? Dunno
The one thing I noticed with them was that both local and international shipping costs were a bit higher due to location, but not so much so to really drive me away. I tend to alternate between them and TBR most of the time (Buynosaur better for custom stuff+English service, TBR better for big orders bc they have decently inexpensive SAL shipping)

>> No.9389215

Quick question, when you put items into your cart on TaobaoRing, they don't know until you confirm the order yourself, right? Like as long as it still says "Await user confirm" it won't start going through, right? I'm gonna place a big order later next month but want to make sure if I start putting it together now it won't actually start processing or anything, and risk finishing up before I'm actually back home to receive my package.

>> No.9389219

Until you submit/confirm an order, they won't do anything.

>> No.9389220

Thank you!

>> No.9389284

Thanks! Yah I was only considering buynosaur for preorders items that I wouldn't be in a rush to get.

>> No.9389302

Any chance I can get some help figuring out the sizing on these? No measurement chart in sight and google is failing me in figuring out what any of these number sizes indicate. For reference, my standard b/w/h measurements are 84-64-84

>> No.9389320
File: 660 KB, 700x700, TB2r8zBid4opuFjSZFLXXX8mXXa_!!441028822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favourite LOL. Thanks for linking this store, I've been meaning to hunt down some fun fabrics!

>> No.9389329

>he's my homie, go! go! saurus!
Truly amazing.
I'm getting the famous bread print for sure and if that turns out nicely maybe some of the book/library and constellation prints too

>> No.9389401

No lie, I definitely think we should have a discord chat where we share links, tips, and other stuff.

>> No.9389744

This will be my first time buying a cosplay from Taobao and I'm just wondering if it's a good rule of thumb to size up? My bust is on the dot for medium, and waist in the middle of the range for medium (hip is free size), but I can't help but feel I should order a size larger to be safe? The fabric isn't stretchy but there is a shirred panel in the back.

>> No.9389882

I would guess those are waist inch sizes? One of the reviews said she was 162cm and weighed 90lbs and bought the 26 and it was juuuust right.
Anyways these aren't waist high shorts so your waist measurement is useless, do a guestimate based on where the shorts will sit and measure there, good luck!

>> No.9390078

Ahh that would make sense, thanks. I might just get a size or two up from my best estimate and hope for the best, that way even if they don't fit I can just take them in a little. For 22cny it doesn't really matter anyways

>> No.9390083

She said she was 90 斤 not 90lbs. 90斤=45 kg. 26 would be huge on someone who was 90 lbs at that height lol

>> No.9390089

I'm shopping with Spreenow for the first time - Just paid for my order, and site says it's still unpaid,

Is it just not automatic, or do I need to contact someone about that?

>> No.9390095

Ahh, another order foiled because Taobao sellers don't fucking delist items or make it obvious if they're sold out.

That being said, time to mildly complain that the shoes I want only come in sizes 36 and 38 when I usually fit size 37. Hopefully 38 won't be uncomfortably big, especially since it covers the entire foot.

>> No.9390111

In my mind a pound is half a kilo, that's why it made sense to say pound as the translation lol

>> No.9390256

Larger size.

>> No.9390257

Have you tried refreshing? Sometimes it's a bit slow updating it. I wouldn't contact them unless it hasn't changed in like a day or so...

>> No.9390934

link to pink fluffy dress pls

>> No.9390988

For the US the EMS one is scammy, they add weight..., the usps one is fine.

>> No.9390998

What are some high quality cosplay stores on Taobao?

https://youwowo.tmall.com/ is the one I know, nobody else comes close to their quality.

>> No.9391185

but that's wrong lol

>> No.9391559

Is TaobaoSpree no longer in business? I sent in an order a week back and didn't hear back from them.

>> No.9391767

Haven't ordered from them yet, but want to for an Enstars cosplay.

>> No.9391935


>> No.9392157


Construction (how solid the costume is/won't fall apart): A
Fabric choice: B
Accuracy: B
Reliability: B- for preorder costumes, A for in stock
Price: $$
Construction is usually very reliable, printed fabric choice is a little lack luster (they print everything but usually on the same type of fabric; it's accurate but doesn't have dimension). They do add some nice details to unprinted fabric pieces though (their wedding Love Live cosplays were made up of two layers of fabric, the plain white printed under layer, then a fine meshed tulle layer over the top which gave it more dimension). They usually have built in petticoats in their costumes or include small petticoats to help skirts poof out. Usually any crowns in a cosplay will be made out of metal, which is good and bad (looks accurate, but much heavier than a plastic crown would be). Their preorders can take a LOT longer than they specify (waited like five months for a prop they said would be out after one month), but they're willing to keep up communication with you when you message them. If the costume is in stock, they'll ship out within a day or two.

>> No.9392159

Construction: B-
Fabric choice: A
Accuracy: A-
Reliability: C-
Price =:$$
Construction is okay, costumes are usually a little fragile but are wearable. Fabric choice is really good (they print fabric accurately and use different fabrics to print on), and they include all the little details of the outfit. they add horsehair braid when appropriate to poof out skirts. Really unreliable shipping times though; sometimes they ship immediately, another time I had to wait 3 months for an "in stock" cosplay before, no communication when I messaged.

Construction: C
Fabric choice: C-
Accuracy: B-
Reliability: A
Price: $
Their fabric prints aren't all that accurate, and the fabric choice leaves much to be desired (they use the same fabric for everything). They leave out details sometimes, and don't really add anything to help dresses poof out. Their shipping is fast though, and they are slightly cheaper than ascos. Would reccommend for simple costumes, but nothing complicated/more detailed (for example, their wedding love live was pretty lack luster in quality especially when compared to ascos's wedding love live).

>> No.9392161

1/3 Delusion
Construction: A
Fabric choice: A
Accuracy: A-
Reliability: B
Price: $$$
The construction, fabric choice, and accuracy are all pretty good for newer costumes of theirs, but the older ones, like the love live kimonon ones, use the standard printed fabric. They're more expensive than the others and they tend towards more asian traditional clothing cosplays. Most of their new costumes you have to order during preorder waves (they'll have very little in stock after each wave), and they do multiple preorder waves for more popular costumes. The do push back the date for the preorders sometimes, though.

I'd buy fom miaowucos if i had no specific time that i needed my cosplay by, because I really like the fabrics they use. Ascos i frequent as well, because they are reliable and very accurate. I don't use uwowo much, because their quality isn't as nice as the other two. 1/3 Delusion I haven't ordered from as much due to price and their preordering system, but their quality is still pretty good and I would order from them again.

>> No.9392176

source on the pearl necklace?

>> No.9392379

On a similar note, does anyone know of any shops that carry any decent amount of video game cosplays instead of just anime? Aside from only Overwatch, if possible. Wading through store after store of endless Love Live cosplays is getting tiring...

>> No.9392457

I like Ascos as well, there was enough detail to my liking and they included all the accessories. I would repurchase from them. My friend did send 2 msgs to them and never got a reply though.

Uwowo is decent for the price but quality and detail take a hit. I only got something from them bc my friends and I needed a seller with all of the LL costumes that we would need for our group and we wanted to look cohesive. Luckily we can sew so we made adjustments to some items to fit us better. Some accessory items like gloves and socks in the outfits were kind of a miss when it came to wearability. They did include all the inner wear items (tube top and safety shorts) and a petti though. I've looked through their listings for some other costumes I'm interested in but their fabric choices and construction of certain parts of a costume were not to my liking. I don't think I would repurchase if I had a better alternative in terms of quality unless it was something really simple and the price was right.

To piggyback, request for more good quality cosplays stores for general anime and not just LL? Also, for fancy stuff like Clamp artwork?

>> No.9392533

Anyone knows a good taobao store for hime lolita?

>> No.9392536

Seconded. I have a really hard time finding cosplay shops on taobao that aren't 70% LL.

>> No.9392688

I'm wondering this too, I tried to look at their website just now and it's just a blank white page that says "It works!"

>> No.9392718

There was a taobao shop that specialized in touhou dresses, most were all very intricate and costed upwards of $150 USD, does anyone have any idea which one I'm talking about? Long preorder time?

I can't find it for the life of me :(

>> No.9392723

Any reviews on https://shop34324763.taobao.com as a store? Their name's in Chinese (火花伟伟动漫服饰), but the translation says "Sparkling Wei Wei costumes". I just bought a LL cosplay from them, so hopefully it'll be alright..

>> No.9392758


This one seems to open around new years only though.

>> No.9393195

Had my package posted out on the 26th last month and it still hasn't arrive. Tracking has been stuck on "Departed from Processing Facility" since the 2nd. I've emailed Speedpost who says they will investigate and report back to me within 5 working days (tomorrow's the fifth day, after that I'm going to call them). Called DHL (was told that it's still going through security checks but should be moving in two days. It's been two days and nothing has happened) and also emailed them (was told that the shipping label was created in the system but they have not been physically handed the package yet).

I'm not really sure how my package has both a Speedpost and DHL tracking number but I guess once Speedpost clears it, they hand the package to DHL to deliver? Package is going to Australia btw.

I just want my clothes and merch dammit. Has anything like this happened to anyone else?

>> No.9393302

Can anyone update the Yoybuy section of the SS list? It's really out of date and they accept Paypal now.

>> No.9393314

What's up with Krad Lanrete? Is it true that we can't buy directly from them anymore and have to go through scalper clobba?

>> No.9393341


I actually just bought a dress direct from their taobao store, not sure if I want to whine about how we're unable to make preorders in my feedback or not.

But to answer your question, yes, they're complete arses about not taking preorders via their taobao shop, they only do group preorders now, clobba being one of them and the rest being Chinese lolita comms. So yes, you'll just have to deal with scalper clobba. Mind you, jellyfish was a debacle -- the dresses were way overly late, and even Versailles was almost half a year late in delivery, so even if they did preorders through their taobao shop it seems you're in for a long and rough ride anyway.

I've pretty much put them in the box of "pretty, but not worth the shit".

>> No.9393376

Geez, guess it will be better to wait for second hand then. I am not in the mood to go through all of this shit for a preorder
Thanks, anon!

>> No.9393399

Canadian here, EMS costing $75 for me and DHL/FEDEX costing $95. I've had good-ish experience with DHL previous (took 2 days to ship something from China, low fees relative to the scary stories I've heard) but I don't want to go with it if it's not the cheapest option.

I need this stuff by the end of April, will EMS deliver? Otherwise I might ask tbt to hold my package so I can add more stuff to make DHL worth it..

>> No.9393403


They do still upload leftovers to their taobao shop, you could drop in and see if what you wanted is available.

>> No.9393406

EMS should get to you by then. I live a bit off the west coast and everything EMS arrives within a week to a week and a half.

>> No.9393414

also adding on to this, is it normal for taobaotrends to send you pix of the wrong items? they sent me a link to a dropbox filled with ugly crap

>> No.9393513

I think I'm an outlier but I've always had great EMS experiences. Delivery averages 3 days for me and I've never been hit at customs no matter how big my boxes were. As far as I know DHL will almost for sure charge you their handling/service fee for dealing with customs for you on top of the customs taxes.

For reference I'm from east coast Canada.

1.5 months should be fine for EMS, I can't imagine it taking longer than 1 week.

>> No.9393569

No, it's not. Contact them and say those are not your items before they ship you someone else's crap.

>> No.9393643

i did and they ended up sending me the wrong link like i thought

i just thought they got confused and ordered me a bunch of random shit instead lmao

>> No.9393644

thank you!

>> No.9393649

Has anyone tried purchasing makeup brushes on Taobao? They're like super cheap for a set of cute ones so I'm planning on getting some.

>> No.9394069

I'm planning on ordering a cosplay from 1/3 Delusion but I don't quite understand the pre-ordering system. Do they make everything once a wave sells out? I tried translating everything on the page and couldn't find any dates, times, or relevant info.

For reference, it's a Stardust cosplay that another anon here ordered and posted in the last thread.

Their website works ok for me, but I was wondering this as well since they haven't responded to a question I sent them a few days ago.

>> No.9394140

will taobao trends combine two orders for me if one has already come in and the other hasn't been ordered yet?

i made an order a month ago and it came in today and they sent me pics but i basically wanna add 2 more items to it. i sent them an email but still no response

>> No.9394169
File: 149 KB, 800x1171, 1476692915481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirated To Alice dress at 1/4th the price


China the home of the free market...

>> No.9394500
File: 46 KB, 640x480, TB2O_00qpXXXXaEXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!441028822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a cute fabric that lolita out there might want:


>> No.9394703
File: 206 KB, 2154x1515, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On that note, some shops seem to be taking deposits for Krad Lanrete replicas (most of them are priced at half the original price)

>> No.9394889

New thread

>> No.9395184

Anyone know of good stores for edgy tumblr/anime/vaporwave shit like o-mighty, dolls-kill, or this?


I would actually wear this but not pay $20 when the quality is awful.