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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 62 KB, 500x171, Work_In_Progress_Logo_Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9343751 No.9343751 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread in autosage >>9217935

What are you working on /cgl/?

>> No.9343854

Almost finished the shirt for a Homura cosplay I want to get done by Katsucon.

>> No.9344869 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x3780, IMG_20170205_192258_827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the swords for Lagombi except for the little knobs on the ends. Can't decude if I want them to be in fur or "bone"

>> No.9345613
File: 297 KB, 2048x1152, C39yiMLUYAA8Xkq.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to play with some patterns and make my gauntlets for Tokugawa Ieyasu.

>> No.9345658

Still in the planning stage of a gown for Final Fantasy Distant Worlds. Pretty excited

>> No.9345693

Progress on my diablo, but it's so much work... I'm so proud of the mask though

>> No.9345700

Love that the jaw moves!

>> No.9345753
File: 2.37 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG2614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that KatsuCon grind. It's getting really hard to balance university, work, finishing cosplay and some sleep. I'm working on Witch Mercy's staff that I downloaded and printed. I think I should have done a lot more finishing and sanding but at this point... Idc.

>> No.9346155
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x3780, IMG_20170205_192258_827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost completely done with my Lagombi dual blades. Only the little knobs at the end of the handles left

>> No.9346329
File: 253 KB, 2048x1152, C4AbNjeVMAEES0c.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaaas Lagombi!


>> No.9346374
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished molding these puppies and going to be making casts hopefully tonight for Reapers shoulder armor.

>> No.9348458

>Hahahahahhaa, oh he's serious. I've been working in the film industry making props for 6 years now. You're correct that a good bit of it is 3d printing, but don't give me that crap that it is more labor intensive to 3D model than to fabricate something. It's more tedious than anything.

Tedious, labor intensive, same shit. 3D modeling is less intuitive and more of a chore to learn, and obviously easier than working with giant mounds of wood and steel, but compared to traditional clay sculpting? It's a lot more time-consuming.

>> No.9348515

I do both. Traditional sculpting as a hobby 3D modelling as a career.
They're both "tedious". One isn't superior to the other. They both have their pros and cons. Just depends how much effort people put into the model.
jfc this is like the stupid "traditional vs digital art" argument. They're both fine. People need to shut up.

>> No.9348961

Its not that one is superior to the other. With 3D printing you can get something completely symmetrical and can be done pretty fast. But for me, 3d printing is a lazy way of doing things. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but there is nothing more satisfying than sculpting something freehand or carving foam. You cannot get the same amount of detail that you can from a sculpted piece.

>> No.9349038


It's just a tool like anything and there's a time and place to use it. There are plenty of props both in movies and cosplay that have great amount of detail for being 3D printed so I'm not too sure where you're basing your comment about sculpted piece having better detail from.

>>9348515 here gets it at least

>> No.9349047

Is it going to be character inspired? What you thinking? Give me some deets, anon, it sounds fun.

>> No.9349320
File: 156 KB, 1024x512, IMG_1339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chugging along for Katsucrunch on Princess Tutu. Still gotta do some hemming, hook & eye tape attachment, boning, embellishment, and attaching the plate to the bodice. Otherwise I just have some accessory details and I'll be done!

ayeee My friend Jill was the one who modeled this, looks good so far! Be sure to credit her in your con pics, she doesn't get enough cred for all the modeling she does.

>> No.9349335

This is gorgeous!

>> No.9349451

Slightly off-topic, but your work area looks really nice.

>> No.9349453


>> No.9349469
File: 935 KB, 2560x1440, 20170208_210631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a cotton rose for Hotaru's headband. My old one was awful, just a fake rose form JoAnn's that I cut up. I fixed her skirt yesterday too, since I originally made it much too long and my hem was bad. A bias hem works much better than folding over on the fabric I chose.

>> No.9349612

Oh believe me in credit her just about every chance I get (except for this one apparently ooops) I know how it feels since I suspect a popular cosplayer used my files without crediting me at all.

>> No.9349622

Awesome! I look forward to spotting you at Katsu btw, I'll have to get some pics. Jill's been in need of photos of the staff in action for MMF.

>> No.9349666

Im sure itll be easynto spot me on saturday. With the hat and shoes im roughly 7'7"

>> No.9350563

That looks amazing! is there a tutorial for making those? :0

>> No.9350655

First time posting on /cgl/ for an upcoming con (ACEN) I wanna go as Reimu (Touhou) I was looking around for a wig and her shoes but I'm not sure whats good or bad. Any recommendations?

>> No.9350837
File: 756 KB, 500x750, 3d_printed_cosplay1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the exact kind of elitist traditionalist I was talking about in >>9348515
You probably don't have experience with the craft or the skills necessary to make it look, so that must mean that all craftsmen can't get that detail and thus the method is inferior.
I don't think one is better than the other; I think they both have their place. But don't be an asshole because you personally don't like it or think it doesn't work when other people can make it work.

Image related, but of course his cosplay isn't as detailed or well crafted as anyone else's because he deigned to utilise his skills and 3D print the base.

I was going to do Rosa Farrel's wedding gown (from FF4) but sadly my time constrains won't allow me to make it at the level of detail I want (i don't have time to hand embroider a bridal gown)
So some mates and I are just gonna cosplay the classic classes (Warrior, Red Black and White mages.)

I'm not familiar with the chara but it's got a pretty nice shape. Second >>9350563 and would love a tut or links to one.

>> No.9350907

This is really pumping me up to get my own 3D printer soon!

>> No.9350959

3D Printers are hella rad, but be prepared. You need to do just as much finishing work as with Worbla or foam or anything like that. The photo in >>9350837 took the guy about 8 months for the full body armour, which is understandable what with reprints and refinements. But when done right... perrfeccttoo gotta love that quality cosplay.
I wish I could afford a printer. Live my dream, anon.

>> No.9350989

Thanks a lot you guys. I followed this tutorial and it's pretty simple. Basically you take a strip and fabric and twist it around itself the right way. Actually took a couple tries to get it right and sew it well but overall didn't take long.


>> No.9351055

Her shoes are just basic black Mary janes. Also, are you going for brown or black hair Reimu?

>> No.9351066

Off to make myself a fabric rose vest no ragerts.

>> No.9351068

As an outsider, I would say a wig that looks brown in direct light and black in low lighting so you can get nice changes with lighting alone.

>> No.9351178

Thanks for the note, I know i've worked with 3d prints before and I also work generally with super cheap materials that need hours and hours of refining before it actually looks good. I think I'll deal with all that haha.

>> No.9351232

>a popular cosplayer used my files without crediting me at all.
Are you the one who did the Prompto patches that Mango claims were her own work?

>> No.9351302
File: 268 KB, 1500x1500, 81nvB5OghzL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Shoes dont look that expensive
I was thinking this

for the wig? I was looking around last night but I didnt see anything that stood out. I guess brown? since I see her more as a brown. But I could go back.

I like >>9351068
he seems to have a good point

>> No.9351358

Nope :( but that sucks too

>> No.9351442

i would go for a darker brown, this is more of a dark blonde wig

>> No.9351815
File: 47 KB, 202x414, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(>>9351178) I'm a she haha.
But I agree that wig seems too light for her. Two colours from Arda, just as an example. They're obviously brown but very dark. Good luck!

>> No.9351924

Yeah.. definitely needs to be darker

>> No.9353717
File: 162 KB, 820x1320, Sly3-carmelita1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys i need help on what fur to use on Carmelita Fox, the choices i have in Aus here are shit. Any site recommendations that ship int?

>> No.9353821

>can be done pretty fast
>3d printing
oh you naive fool
Be prepared if you buy a cheap printer, youll be fixing and calibrated constantly. Im running 4 3d printers and id say one breaks down every other week. THANKS CHINA

>> No.9354371
File: 253 KB, 500x282, 457645864568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Protomen helmet.

I sand papered this cheapo $50 helmet with 100 grit for a few minutes and then applied a layer of Colonial Red with gloss. That was 2 days ago, I hit it with a second layer the day after. After accidentally leaving a hugefuck fingerprint testing if it was dry. I have it in the garage because I don't want the smell inside and it is about 20 degree out.

How many days until this fucker is dry enough to wrap back up in painters tape to apply the white highlights?

>> No.9354529

I'm not painter but I'd say give it a day or 2 to fully dry. Touch an area ppl won't see so you don't have to repaint, light up the night brother.


After looking around I just went with a dark wig. Fuxk it, In the game her hair is black. Gonna wait till costume is here then buy shoes.

>> No.9354659


A quick google search said it might take up to 5-7 days on plastic?

Fair enough, a darker wig will look better. Gluck.

>> No.9355447
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 16754493_10210900537982362_1160817943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last bit of work to do, I'm doing midday Lycanroc. I'm hoping my idea of rigging these to my chest piece will work, I thought I had finished the cosplay, and then NOPE, forgot about these fuckers.

My only other cosplay is JBF Luka, but that was all purchased/cheap so I have something comfortable to wear.

>> No.9355998
File: 116 KB, 734x1264, 8d0baf2b58c55662a566fdd388b0d71f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent the past 3 days, on and off, hammering away at this jacket. Good ol' Johnny from GGXrd

>> No.9356770

Dude start posting when it actually looks like him. Would've thought this was Prof Cuck by looking at this

>> No.9356794

>posts work in -progress-
>"lol it doesn't look like the finished thing"

>inb4 "hurr maguma took his trip off hurr"

>> No.9356850
File: 1.82 MB, 2576x1932, 1487112946301146682564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've managed to finish all the sewing for a Homura cosplay, so now I've started working on the props.

>> No.9356868

hurr maguma took his trip off hurr

>> No.9357133
File: 132 KB, 720x480, 1397082031860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might need this.

>> No.9357136

>get criticized
>hurr durr, you must be a fattie lmao xD
I'm glad your cosplaying GG, but Jesus what a shitty attitude

>> No.9357138
File: 7 KB, 100x100, tokio_09.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on 4chan and I can't troll trolls? Did I miss something?

>> No.9357146
File: 455 KB, 1334x750, 1484127829303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, you must be new here. Maguma is a well known delusional weeb, attention-whore on here. Pretty sure he's the same Bara/Beowulf fag that got banned from Skullhearts

>> No.9357151
File: 153 KB, 523x489, 12933050_1671248723135870_3655543052941129287_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's definitely kinda correct for the first half

>> No.9357155

At least you're starting to be somewhat logical.

>> No.9357158
File: 94 KB, 500x383, 1423418043772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't deny your past. Anywho, here's to more progress posts and less jimmy rustlin'~

>> No.9357173

I love this

>> No.9357184
File: 494 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put most of Josuke's jacket together yesterday but part of the sleeve didn't catch in, ugh. I'll get that fixed tonight and then add the lapels and take in the collar a bit more.

>Katsucrunch is so real right now

>> No.9357431
File: 58 KB, 1049x692, C2rlEenVEAI5JM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might try working on a Keith paladin suit for AX. Thinking of using styrene as the main base and foam for weapon / other aspects. I have access to a workshop and laser cutting room luckily, hope this doesn't turn to shit since it'll be my first cosplay. Will keep updated if anyone's interested. Also wondering if I should do the paladin suit or pic related, his black suit.

>> No.9357512

If you do the black suit, thats more towards sewing and LED set up. Paladin is more armour building. So pick ur poison.

>> No.9357688

Need some advice if anyone has done any work on a helmet

The entire thing is now the perfect shade of red and now I am about to apply the white highlights but how exactly do I cut out the pattern?

I want the angles to be a bit more intricate then 3 straight cuts so I want to mummy wrap the whole thing and exacto cut the shape. Just worried the knife will cut the paint below. Does it cut paint at all or is there some technique to avoid ruining the base paint?

>> No.9357741


All you can do is mask tape the area you want to be painted and paint it.

Next time cut the pattern onto the helmet as it stands all you'll do now is cut into the base paint

>> No.9357743


you could also make that white highlight as a decal if you don't want it to be painted on

>> No.9357776


I'm more or less following this guys guide. It looks like he cut those slants in.

>> No.9357816


I personally wouldn't have cut the slants after I did the base coat but shrug.

If you're more or so following that tutorial then I don't think you needed to ask

>> No.9357916

He's a con staffer for one of the biggest tripfag cons on the west coast, of course he's an annoying fucker

>> No.9357927
File: 254 KB, 1204x800, Happy V day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this
But for the love of god wait for the paint to cure. It will not end well and paint can take up to 2 days to dry.

>> No.9361215
File: 76 KB, 675x1200, Dorothy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a dorothy wayneright cosplay.
I still need proper shoes and stockings, as well as the cravat and lace details on the cuffs.

>> No.9361217

My favorite thing about this fuck is he tried hitting on my sister at a con and it was so easy to guess what he was stat dropping to sound impressive.

She found me later saying he was bragging about living in LA like that was some kind of achievement.

Matt you can act like this is you "not denying your past" but this was also just two years ago.

You're a douche that uses your lame social status to try to get laid and if people can't network for you, you drop them. Fuck off.

>> No.9361278
File: 437 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workin on a my own personal Spartan from reach. The lower half is done all that's left is the undersuit.

>> No.9361371
File: 431 KB, 1533x2048, C47ynNBUYAEw_DW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slapped on some random belts just to hold the jacket in place in certain spots for the sake of the silhouette but I'm gettin' real close~

Workin' on a couple more belts today, some buckle building, and painting~

>> No.9361469

I love you for cosplaying from Big O >< Please post here when its done I really want to see it finished

>> No.9361479

Almost no one seems to remember the show. Maybe I'm just old.
And I will~ I ordered a better brooch off of etsy.
It's from the 19th century...

>> No.9361581

Tfw a season 2 was suppose to happen but it got shit canned. R.I.P.

Nice job so far on Dora!

>> No.9361915
File: 685 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current progress for my Ciri cosplay. Just finished making the pants, next in line is making boot covers!

>> No.9362094


>> No.9362154

corset color is really off i think

>> No.9362205

I remember it >< I want to make a costume of the Big O itself at some point.
I think you mean season 3, 2 was the one CN funded. Based on how drastic the quality drop was in story for S2 them canning it might have been for the best. Its a story that's better left ambiguous.

>> No.9362262

It just photographs really weirdly in this light, it's much more of a proper medium tan irl :)

>> No.9362264

Please weather this

>> No.9362273

It does look redder than it's suppose to be but it could be the lighting of the photo maybe?

>> No.9362314
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like irl

>> No.9362316

I will be! She's a grungy worn character so once everything's assembled I'll have a weathering day :)

>> No.9362372 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 227x450, israeli-combat-suit-9293701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a suggestion for what to do about this area?

>> No.9362375
File: 315 KB, 336x673, 2017-02-19_23.13.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a suggestion for what to do about this area?

>> No.9362398

this isn't a help thread and you're going to have to be way more specific.

>> No.9362425

oh nm I'll go to that thread then

>> No.9362426

nice nitpick

>> No.9363086

Well the gloves look the right tan?

it's quite crucial imo, but i guess it's hard to find a corset in the right color if you're not making it yourself

Ah that looks alot better already!

>> No.9363615

>My favorite thing about this fuck is he tried hitting on my sister
More deets?

>> No.9363648
File: 722 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made kikis dress for my friend!

>> No.9363802
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, C5JYIBfUYAAB-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly but surely Johnny is almost finished~

>> No.9367038
File: 2.86 MB, 5312x2988, 20170223_191837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brooch arrived today, its far more accurate than the other one in my pic.
It's a little bigger than a quarter.
Next is probably her loafers

>> No.9368576
File: 389 KB, 852x1136, web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started on the black suit, not the most accurate but slowly but surely I'm getting it worked on.