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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9341680 No.9341680 [Reply] [Original]

how hard does /cgl/ go at cons?

>do you party every night/at all?
>room parties or wandering?
>worst/best con party experiences
>what are you on? Alcohol? MJ? other substances? Sober?

Tell me all your dark ways /cgl/, I want the edgiest of the edgelords.

>> No.9341688
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> I want the edgiest of the edgelords

>> No.9341689

I mean, I've never been to a con party but one time I drank a cooler than started crying about how prominent my boyfriend's arm veins were and how I missed my mommy

>> No.9341691

I smoke crack and proceed to literally sick my own dick while everyone watches in horror. It's a real crowd pleaser.

>> No.9341692

>not at a con
Welp ya fucked that one up anon

>> No.9341695

I party all day and every night. A good light buzz in the day, maybe smoke some weed, then hard alcohol at night. I'd like to try acid while at a con.

I wander and go to parties. My con experiences have exploded in fun since I started partying. I'm in a fandom where it's very common and we usually host patties after the meetup/shoot.

>> No.9341697

Only drink with my room. One year we did spin the bottle shots the day before the masquerade while one of us didn't have their costume finished. I was bartender cause I didn't want to be hung over and drag my huge ass snake tail around all day the next day (we were doing Monster Musume) Girl with the unfinished costume gets super drunk because of shitty luck (some shots were pure soda, she got like 6 shots of pure vodka or rum) I make her go take a shower to cool off while I sit on floor and finish her wings. Burned the fuck out of my hand doing it too.
It's been 2 years now and I'm still salty as fuck over her not finishing it. I bring it up from time to time when the group talks about shitty costume ideas.

>> No.9341700

I would never party with con people

>> No.9341737

I used to drink at cons but now I do Molly and coke all weekend and it's way make funz
Personally I prefer to wander but that's mostly because the main con I go to is 24/7.

>> No.9341745

It was in a con hotel room, sorry for leaving that out thought it would've been obvious kek

>> No.9341754

You will think I'm lying since /cgl/ talks the mythical orgies happening but I watched it happen. We got to drinking all night then it whittle down to 5 of us left in the room. The others started getting frisky then I watched an orgy take place. I didn't participate as I watched for reasons.

>> No.9341762
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>The others started getting frisky then I watched an orgy take place. I didn't participate as I watched for reasons.

lol. your smol penis is so smol.

>> No.9341771

I avoid all mood altering substances while at cons, i dont even fucking drink things with caffeine in them. the hours of sleep are few and need to be actual rest and not drunken unconsciousness.

>> No.9341819

Con people are disgusting and I only go to cons to remind myself that I am better than they are.

>> No.9341826

drink every night, basically don't go to any panels during the morning / afternoon just wake up late as hell and get drunk and do my thing. smoke weed sometimes at cons, ive yet to do any other drugs.

>> No.9341829

When I was younger me and my friends would meetup and have a room party here and there. Some people got a little too drunk and it caused unnecessary drama. Eventually we decided we could get together and drink without spending money for hotel rooms and con tickets. I still do cons and drink of course but drinking is now a minor thing at cons.

>> No.9341830

Meh just get smashed and then smash some random con slut GGEZ

>> No.9341837

I find it really weird cons have a party scene.

>> No.9341851

first con I went to, I went to a /cgl/ party, it was pretty nice, room was nut-to-butt tho. Next year I'm bringing friends tho and we're gonna do drugs and fuck each other

>> No.9341868

Anime Evolution staff parties... late 2000's. Hard liquor, absinthe, and even harder liquor (some Polish shit called Spirytus Rektyfikowany that I brought along with scotch).

My crew would get to AE for Thursday. Then we'd drink. Friday morning/afternoon staff work. Evening was more partying. Get 3 hours sleep. Saturday was morning work, afternoon liquor runs, then HUUUUGE staff party with nearly all the guests. Then get even less sleep. Sunday was more work, sleep during closing ceremonies, then teardown and more drinking. Drive out of Vancouver Monday afternoon.

>> No.9341877

I never heard of con parties out of /cgl/. Is it because I'm german? Is it an American thing only?

>> No.9341893

They're usually kept somewhat on the down low, but there are without a doubt at least a couple that happen in your scene. There's a larger amount of them here in the States (And probably the UK too) mainly thanks to the differences in drinking culture.

>> No.9341909

Austrian here, and I also never heard of them. It's probably because our cons (at least in Austria) are not held in convention centers or hotels, but regular locations. So some people might go out drinking/partying afterwards, but it's not concentrated in one place like in the US.

>> No.9342090

>one time I drank a cooler
what is a cooler?

was someone filming that?

>We got to drinking all night then it whittle down to 5 of us left in the room. The others started getting frisky then I watched an orgy take place. I didn't participate as I watched for reasons.
cause, you aren't gay?

I also think, it is cause "Nerdculture" is more accepted in the US, than in Europa

another Austrian here, and one problem of cons in Austria is, most of them are in Vienna (cries in tyrolian)

>> No.9342093

Alcohol is to unwind and have fun with friends. We typically drink every night then wander. I'm not into big room parties, but I stumbled into one and had a great fish bowl and chatted with some fun people.

>worst/best con party experiences
Worst: the year I could legally drink I got myself sick and had to retire at 9 PM
Best: took a bunch of shots, wandered around, and found myself in the middle of an osomatsu meetup. everyone was doing a weird superman pose so I did it too. Later learned it was called dabbing.

>> No.9342137

I'm too socially inept to get invited to one.

How can I become part of the cool dudes club /cgl/?

>> No.9342140

Maybe it's like a canadian/ north american thing but it's like bacardi/ a pre-mixed drink, typically vodka

>> No.9342184

I daydrink and smoke weed during the whole con and usually go to one room party where I drink a lot. I use ecstasy at the rave with my friends, it's always a blast.

>> No.9342223

>5 of us left

You didn't participate cuz no one wanted you to, and they got tired of waiting for your socially clueless ass to leave. So they just fucked in front of you since you wouldn't get the hint.

>> No.9342241

I save my money and instead of going to cons just go on cruises. Then I get the unlimited drink package and drink all day for days on end.

I see no reason to go to cons when I can have more fun and spend less on a cruise - there's an internet full of folks I can talk about my weeby interests with, I don't need to vacation/party with em.

>> No.9342245

Aren't cruises all old people? Like 50+?

>> No.9342280

Depends on what line you're on and what itinerary. Short (3-4 night) Carnival cruises aren't particularly fancy but they're real cheap, and the crowd tends to be young (people between 21-35). Royal Caribbean is way nicer than Carnival but more expensive and the crowd is more of a crapshoot, you can get mostly old people or mostly families or mostly younger people, or a nice mix of all, which makes for the best cruises in my opinion.

Also people turn the fuck up on 3 night Disney cruises and the crowd tends to be young. But Disney cruises are expensive.

>> No.9342289

Forgot to mention Norwegian, I love cruising on their big ships because they have a studio option for solo cruisers like me. I get to pay less than usual and have access to a lounge that only other solo cruisers staying in studios can access. I've made so many lifelong, unexpected friends.

Also, forgot to say, while I prefer cruises with a younger crowd, I've made great friends with people even on cruises where the crowd was essentially me in a retirement home. I met some old hippie couple who had seen the world like three times over. Seriously cool people.

>> No.9342331

Most recent con I went to was the first con I drank/went hard at.

I want to do it again asap.

>> No.9342353

I party at cons but not with randoms. I could just imagine how disastrous that would turn out to be.

>> No.9342358

If you were five total and you didn't participate that means it was a foursome, not an orgy

virgins lol

>> No.9342364

>Unknowingly walks into a bunch of osumataus dabbing
That's pretty cancer on their part, but also a great story.

>> No.9342365

Ya'll need to get on some uppers. Far better than alcohol.

>> No.9342387

Alcohol doesn't shrivel up my dick and make it hurt to pee like uppers so I think I'll stick to it when I need to get schwifty.

>> No.9342405

>having a dick
Lol gtfo

>> No.9342408

>not wearing your dick to cons

>> No.9342412

lmao did you just assume my gender

>> No.9342580
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>go to first /cgl/ meet with bunch of anons and trips
>ends up going to a room party with about 16~ people
>decide against drinking too much b/c hotel is on the other side of the city and I was a babby at the time
>friend and others decides to multi-shot this blue stuff, no idea what it was
>30 mins later half the room is begging to dunk their heads in the toilet bowl
>toilet and most of the bathroom floor is now covered blue
>cosplay wig ruined for one friend who was still in hers
>have to escort a 16 y/o girl home in a taxi and assure the taxi driver she won't puke over every speed bump
Othere than that every other con party I've been to has been fine

>> No.9342585

Holy shit anon what was in that drink??

>> No.9342596

I tend to drink a lot at cons when I feel like it. The past few years I would mostly smoke the herb but I've realized that it makes me less sociable than I like so now I stick to drinking. I try to take Captain Morgans as my drink of choice for a few reasons: 1. Liquor gets you drunk quicker, 2. you can mix it with anything, even water (I've used red Powerade before), 3. cheap and tastes decent.

I stay out as long as possible but once it gets dead and I don't find anyone I turn in. Room parties are awesome, as are raves and late night panels. I think the hardest thing for me is I love to lead people on adventures but no one wants to follow so I end up disappointed. If only I had a fandom to latch onto.

>> No.9342647

If you go Fanime con me and my friends are usually down for late night adventures. We usually see the sun come up.

>> No.9342671

I used to drink alot during cons as well and transfer from room party to party. The cosplay I wore during cons usually was what got me into almost any room party. But now I'm taking it easy on that since in my semi-drunk state I usually wind up making 'friends' with alot of random mother fuckers.

Sometimes they prove themselves to be cool people after I've sobered up and we talked. Most of the time though I'm looking through my FB and seeing a shitload of people I barely remember adding (but they somehow still remember me) and I've grown tired of it. This con year I'll drink but I'm not gonna go around making friends with 20 random fuckers and I'm more keeping in with my own group.

>> No.9342685

If the concept of humble bragging could ever turn into a human being, you would be that person.

>> No.9342693

I'm pretty sure this entire thread is humble bragging.

>> No.9342694

lmao at this because my friends and I have this joke that every con we always find a away to drunkenly befriend the worst fucking people on accident, and of course you don't realize until it's too late

>> No.9342776

My friend stole a whole bottle of Grey Goose at a con party once lmao

>> No.9342789

another reason to not invite randoms to parties

>> No.9343050

I usually host room parties at cons. Instead of an open bar, I bring a professional setup and mix the drinks. I try to make sure nobody gets too fucked up and has a bad time. I usually clear the room at around 2 or so, and go wandering the con area or kick it in the lobby of the hotel, depending on the con. My worst con party experience was getting sick off of everclear before I knew my limits. The best would be getting to run a room party in a top floor suite that fit over 100 ppl comfortably. I personally only drink. There is a group of people in the California con circuit that have been getting into hard drugs and pills, and I am pretty sure one of them is gonna OD and die one of these days. I don't fuck with that kind of stuff.

>> No.9343067

Burichan essence. Feels. Rage. Cynicism.

>> No.9343069

>Wanting to party
>Thinking partying is finally and not just another infantile attention competition
>Still thinking it's fun or worth the effort.

>> No.9343080

You aren't alone in feeling that

>> No.9343083


>> No.9343086

I went to a party once where the host had a bath tub full of beer and let us go wild. He gave my sober friend like $300 dollars to go buy as many burritos as possible and then we proceeded to roll joints out of the Bible. Fun times.

>> No.9343089

That's extremely gross.

>> No.9343096

getting drunk with strangers is fucking degenerate

>> No.9343122

well it's how you got conceived

>> No.9343132

ha ha 11/10 bazinga

>> No.9343180


Were you also imagining a bathtub full of liquid beer, bubbles and foam lazily floating on top. Maybe a couple stray hairs in the mix, some weird black crusty thing that might have been a burnt french fry swimming on the bottom.

Cause me too. Then I thought, wait, they probably poured in a ton of ice and stuffed it with cans and bottles, like a normal person would do.

>> No.9343182


I go hard with my friends but when we are at room parties that we don't host, I just don't know what to do. My mind shuts down, I don't know how to talk to random people and have fun. I'm not autistic, I swear. Just crippling introvercity.

>> No.9343197

Do you really think they just poured beer into a tub?

I mean, if you consider that most people at cons tend to be in their twenties it makes sense

>> No.9343252

Me neither but if I want to do drugs I can literally do it with anyone other than my cosplay friends

>> No.9343292


>> No.9343296

>"Nerdculture" is more accepted in the US, than in Europa
The fuck you smoking?

No seriously, it is the exact opposite from my experience.

>> No.9343323

the closest thing to partying at cons was indirectly when walking around the Radisson during ALA, but I did get laid at a con a few times.

>> No.9343352

Maybe it's just the poeple around you that are more accepting. I feel like I'm not allowed to be passionate about anything other than beer, boobs and sports

>> No.9343356

cruises seem to be an up and coming thing for younger people atm. There is the "10000 tons of metal" cruise for instance, which basically is a metal festival on a cruise ship.
>mfw tickets are super hard to get

>> No.9343369


>> No.9343372
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I don't party at all. The faggots that go to cons in Michigan are usually either creepy looking and sounding mouth breathing autist or a fuckton of cosplay girls that look fun at a glance but after 5 seconds of being around them you find out they're a bunch of psychotic femnazi tumblrinas. If they aren't that, then they are brain dead bimbos that know nothing about the characters they are cosplaying, only that they are wearing it because it makes them look "hawt" and they are hoping to seduce and gold dig some nerd tech savant that becomes a billionaire. Funny thing is they'd probably cuck someone like that with a Tyrone, Jamal or a Chad. Matter of fact, no matter how ugly or pretty the bitches at cons are, most of them have been fucked by a Tyrone, Jamal or a Chad. Sometimes even an Omar or Mohamed.
Libtard cucks and race mixing sluts are like 50% of every con. The others are either smelly MGTOW neckbeards or deranged socially awkward autist that are beyond a therapist's help.

>> No.9343379

>I don't fuck with that kind of stuff.

>> No.9343398

Spotted the "alpha" that constantly gets rejected.

>> No.9343411

I literally go to cons with my tits out to pick up an Omar or Mohammed, don't mind a Singh or a Patel either desu

>> No.9343416

Be my gf, I want a gf like that

>> No.9343419

Sorry sweetheart, it's probably not a surprise but I already have a nice brown bf.

>> No.9343422

t. robot

>> No.9343431

>300 for burritos
lmfao best story in here

>> No.9343435

Been to animenexts con party. It was alright considering it was a bunch of weebs huddled into a dance party. Im pretty sure i saw more people kissing and taking their bras off and shit but like i said, weebs at a party who most likely dont get out much.

>> No.9343436

anon holy shit I love you no homo

>> No.9343439
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Anyone know if liberty city anime con in nyc has an 18 plus dance?

>> No.9343441

My second con we fit 12 people in the bathroom of our hotel room and smoked three blunts, pretty lit.

>> No.9343442
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>> No.9343483

>I mean, if you consider that most people at cons tend to be in their twenties it makes sense

Idk, I only get shitty with friends, seems weird to be hyped just because some stranger watched K-On, too.

This is literally just a bunch of 4chan buzzwords.

>> No.9343487

Why even go to cons then?
One of the best things about it is knowing you already have things in common with most others, so it makes it easier to meet people and make friends.
It's not everyone's bag to be social at cons however.

>> No.9343603

>do you party every night/at all?
We usually party every night (me and my core group) pretty hard

>room parties or wandering?
Mostly wander but have occasionally gotten swept up in a group going to a room party and have always had fun that way.

>worst/best con party experiences
worst: getting to a 50 person room party and realizing it's a sausage fest
Best: aborning randos into our group as we ride the elevator to/from parties

>what are you on? Alcohol? MJ? other substances? Sober?
weed, alcohol, sometimes coke and X depending on the con

>> No.9343629

I wish, but I'm in Georgia and don't venture much to California anymore.

>> No.9343700

this is true

>> No.9343740

Chartered cruises like that tend to kinda suck though

>> No.9343776

Nerd culture completely normal in France, but weird af in the UK. On the flip side they have whiskey tasting panels in one of the Irish cons. Hope it catches on elsewhere.

>> No.9343781

>whiskey tasting panels
Holy shit what con is this? I may have to make a special trip to Ireland

>> No.9343783
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>worst: getting to a 50 person room party and realizing it's a sausage fest

>> No.9343784

Eirtakon. Been a few years since I went, but I remember the opening ceremony being in a student bar. I think they've moved to a stadium since.

>> No.9343808

>I want the edgiest of the edgelords.
I stay sober the whole time, since it's amusing to watch other people get impaired and make fools of themselves.
I never party in my own place. That way if I feel sleepy or whatever I can just leave, and not worry about noise.
I like doodling obscene things on passed out drunk chicks with a marker.

>> No.9343840


>> No.9344422

>do you party every night/at all?
I hate alcohol and never have been to a con party and don't like normie parties, this Katsu I'm hoping to party a bit though
I never just have had an awesome time at a party and chatted up a cute girl before (I'm a lesbian)
I want to hopefully have a crazy time this time
Any tips to have fun? Should I smoke weed?
I am such a fucking autismo around other women that I don't know how to loosen up.

>> No.9344435

pretend that they're men dressed as girls

>> No.9344533

Well, someone had to hold the camera...

>> No.9345112

>tfw most of my fandom is underaged or boring af

>> No.9345385

Just hard enough to have a good story by the end of the weekend, but not so hard that I can't still wake up at 8am to get ready for a day of cosplaying.
>Friday night is usually a pre-game for the other nights. Maybe like a beer and re-union with con friends. Basically a kick back. Saturday night con party at hotel or friend's hotel. Heavier drinking. Probably drinking games. Just drunk enough to go back to the con and go to the dances or act silly and comfortably go to bed. Sunday night might be just the same if the con goes to Monday. Otherwise, might just finish up leftover drinks and chill because balls and stuff are usually on this day and I want to be pretty sober for that.
> If there are no room parties, my friends and I will wander. We like to hop around though.
>Best experience was with all my close friends and we just played games and caught up and had heart-to-heart and then we went out to wander. Worst was when my friend, underaged at the time (about 18 or 19) was so drunk we had to drag her through the lobby and hold her hair while she threw up and everyone we passed by was looking at us crazy. Also the time I saw a girl who I was trying to desperately avoid and there was no way of escaping unless I wanted to wander in the cold until I got the hotel key.
>I only drink and I know my limits. I don't want to be THAT bitch.

>> No.9345389

...r u ok

>> No.9345415


>> No.9346392

I mean I know you're baiting but I'm still gonna ask...where the pics tho

>> No.9346465

What cosplay did you wear?

>> No.9347658

In the UK there's a dividing line whereby the people who are cool, fun, have good cosplays, actually care about anime and shit are the type of people who will kind of recoil slightly if you mention parties with alcohol or drugs and think that you're different from them and they can't really relate.

Yet on the other hand, when you find people who are into parties, alcohol, drugs etc they're normally the cringiest people there because they really think they're so much cooler than everyone else and brag about their sexual encounters (which probably didn't happen) and how wasted they got 'this one time'.

For that reason cons are always my sober fun spaces where I can weeb out with people in an innocent way. I keep my party/drug habits completely separate from them and never bring it up.

>> No.9347691
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You gotta' do jigglypuff gijinka one day.

>> No.9347892

Sucks bro because there is nothing more fun than getting blasted in costume with all your best nerdy mates.

>> No.9347908

i have one drink and pass out every room party (almost always in my room)

best experience
>have my 1 drink
>find a cute female friend of mine
>fall asleep on her

>> No.9347944

Small private room parties at night but not too late because my friends group are all in lolita for daytime and usually helping at tea or panels. Hangover lolita isn't a kawaii look.

>> No.9348114

yes, where are the pics?

>> No.9348134
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>Came for the Nerdy sex
>Stayed for the Friendships
>Left for the girlfriend

Con going was fun while it lasted....

>> No.9348228


I've got separate friends I go to parties and get blasted with. It's nice to do something calmer and more sane on the weekend where I actually get to sleep in a real, warm hotel bed instead of rolling out onto a cold London street at 5am with a fried brain having to wait hours until trains start running again.

>> No.9348244

I simultaneously await and fear the day cons are normified enough that music-festival-like levels of drug use are present... Drugs are fun but alcohol still reigns supreme among the notoriously unadventureous nerd crowd an I like to be on the same wavelength. I'll to save my serotonin for a worthier, more intimate vibe.

>try acid while at a con

Have you done acid before anon? Because I love acid and cons but mixing them sounds like an awful idea desu. Significant risk of bad vibes aside, you'll be locked into your own world and be largely unable to socialize at a highly social event

But I WOULD recommend Yerba Mate to any aspiring drunkard. Provides a very clean, clearheaded stimulation that synergies perfectly with alcohol. A much better alternative to that vodka-redbull /jagermonster/snorting lines of pure caffeine (would not recommend) and can even help alleviate risk of hangover!

>> No.9350286

why the fuck would you do acid at a con or any other crowded space? you are retarded. acid is not a party drug.

>> No.9350310

Yeah I have to agree with >>9348244
And >>9350286 that con is not a good place to be doing acid, especially if you haven't tried it before. Too risky that you will have a bad trip.

>> No.9350519
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I tried coke for the first time at a con party

was pretty gud.

>> No.9350527

No, but my friend's and I enjoy taking shots outside of the con's rave every time some newfag OD's on E or gets way too drunk and has to be escorted out by staff or EMTs.

It's a fun little drinking game.

>> No.9350672

Sounds like a shitty drinking game desu

>> No.9350740

Sounds like a surefire way to fucking die

>> No.9350983

do halloweens count?

>> No.9351229

I disagree, acid can be lots of fun at parties in an appropriate dose and at an appropriate party. Raves can be amazing on acid but I don't think the rest of the con will be enjoyable.

>> No.9351239

What nationality is that?

>> No.9351249

>In an appropriate dose

I can't help but feel an appropriate dose of acid is automatically an inappropriate dose for a convention. There doesn't really seem to be any use in microdosing at a convention, none of the effects you want from acid would be prominent enough. You might need to be more specific in how much ug is an 'appropriate' dose.

Doing it at a rave is fine for some, but not at a convention rave..The atmosphere is too different.

>> No.9351257


You can't really OD on 'E', you'd have to eat way more than you can afford to have as a personal dose. The worst that would happen is you'd just be sat in the corner staring at the wall for hours.

You're probably thinking of people passing out from dehydration or just taking something completely different.

>> No.9351267

After a full day at a con I simply dont have any energy left in me to even think about partying. I dont know if Im just old or what but most of the time I just wanna rip off my cosplay and flop down to bed by like 9pm. I dont like the idea of being hung over the next day either, I work super hard on my costumes so l try my damnest to look good in them too.

>> No.9351271

Sure, you can't OD on MDMA, but you sure as fuck can OD on all the shit their MDMA is prob cut with. Street-bought ecstasy is nearly consistently impure, you absolutely should not believe that you're not taking some amount of coke or meth when you take E; and trust me, you absolutely can OD on coke and meth.

>> No.9351273

>You might need to be more specific in how much ug is an 'appropriate' dose.

>> No.9351292

In MY experience, 100ug would be an appropriate dose. It would give me the slight visuals I enjoy but it would be low enough to not intrude on my mindset too much to the point where I'd collapse in a corner.
Under no circumstances would I recommend someone who hasn't done acid in a public setting at least ten times to try it at a con. I feel like you could get away with doing 100ug of acid at a music festival for your tenth time or something, but doing it at a con should only be handled by people experienced at doing acid multiple times in public.
Keywords here are in my experience.

>> No.9351399

The difference between MDMA and ecstasy is that ecstasy is cut with something. MDMA aka Molly is the pure substance (or it should be if you are getting from a trusted source)

Honestly you sound like someone who hasn't actually ever done it and just has opinions that "drugz r baddd omg"

>> No.9351426


There's no point in 100ug...so you can get visuals, so what? LSD isn't about visuals, those are just a gimmick of the experience. You need to go 150ug or above to actually have a trip, at which point you probably won't want to be in a convention.


You don't sound like you know what you're talking about. MDMA by definition is pure, if you 'cut' it with something then it isn't MDMA anymore.

You're not going to be taking coke or meth when you take MDMA pills, do you realize how expensive and pointless that would be? Coke sells for a much higher price than MDMA or Ecstasy, no chemist would press an MDMA pill with coke for this reason, not to mention that orally ingesting coke would already weaken it down massively. Same with Meth, there's no reason at all to put Meth in another drug, there is already an established market for it. Why would you synthesize meth just to put it in a pill?

MDMA is MDMA, it's not cut with anything - it's just MDMA.

MDMA pills AKA 'Ecstasy' are not completely pure but they're not going to be cut/pressed with other drugs, they'll either be MDMA pills pressed with harmless binding agents or they straight up won't contain MDMA and they'll be piperazines/MDA/something else entirely instead.

>> No.9351454

>there is only one purpose of LSD

No there isn't. Some take it for the visual effect, some take it for its boost to creativity, some take it for its introspective effects. Depending on what you want to achieve I'd say it's very suitable for a rave.

>> No.9351476

Dragoncon is the place that will humble you. Especially if you're a person that likes to brag about money and class.

>> No.9351525


I never said there was only one purpose for LSD.

Have you even taken LSD? You should know that visuals are useless without an actual psychedelic experience.

>> No.9351532

I typically get pretty drunk once a con. I learned from my last (Ohayo) to not make that day Friday evening, because being hungover at a con is the worst thing.

>> No.9351567

Is Dragon con considered a bourgeois con?

>> No.9351594

Indian, duh. It's a relatively common Sikh name.

>> No.9351601

Yeah, and I don't get how you can claim that visuals are useless without a 'psychedelic experience', you'll have to be a bit more specific about what that entails for you in order for me to understand the point you're trying to get across. Because for now I don't understand what you mean by calling visuals without a 'psychedelic experience' useless.
LSD can be about the visuals if that's what you want it to be, and it can be about the change in mindset if you want it to be.

>> No.9351627


Visuals on LSD are nothing special, you can get the same from a number of other legal research chemicals, there's no reason to take LSD if all you want is visuals because you're not going to get any headspace at 100ug.

The whole idea of taking LSD at a convention is stupid, it's the sort of thing people who think LSD is 'XDDD TRIPPY PINK FLYING ELEPHANTS' would do. I've taken LSD at all kinds of places, there's no point wasting LSD on 'visuals' just so you can watch the pattern on some cosplayer's backpack morph and twist slightly. It's this sort of thing that encourages other people to do stupid shit on drugs they don't understand properly.

>> No.9351645

I guess you and I differ from each other in the fact that I enjoy the minor visual change LSD brings, even at a con. Also, if LSD is what you're familiar with and what's easy for you to acquire it could be the preferred drug of choice over legal rc's.
I don't claim taking LSD is great for everyone or that it's the best drug visually for a con. I just claim that I personally like taking it at a con, imperfect as it may be.

>> No.9351649

Okay anon some people do just take acid to fuck off and see shit, not to have some profound experience. I've done it both ways and have always had a good experience.
While I agree that a con is probably not the best environment for LSD (especially for noobs), there's nothing wrong with doing it just for laughs and visuals.

>> No.9351945

You just have to drink everyday so the hangover doesn't have a chance to set in, amateur.

>> No.9351975

Lmao this

Or just drink hella water. Have a glass for every drink you have and I can almost guarantee no hangover.

>> No.9353281

So no one has any real stories. Gotcha.

>> No.9353291

are you kidding? i have a hangover setting in practically 3 hours in...

>> No.9353319

>3 hours in
Well that's shit

>> No.9353348
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>> No.9353350
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>> No.9353419
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>sending people to random rooms when they ask "where's the party at?"
Good fuckin times

>> No.9353520

Doing this ty anon

>> No.9357202
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Last con I went to, I was cosplaying as Snake from Metal Gear 3. I met a bunch of girls cosplaying as anime characters I had no idea what they were. They all called me Snake the whole time and didn't even bother to learn my name. I was cool with this, and the whole time they were trying to find a party because they were only going to be there one night. So, when we were unable to find an after party, I decided to have one in my room. When the con closed that night, I went and got a bunch of different beers, had a whole list from everyone. Took them all back to the room and it was cool, we sat around drinking and smoking on the balcony thing of my hotel room, One girl didn't have a place to stay for the night so I offered her to stay on the spare bed. Once everyone left, I took a shower and got in bed, then she took a shower, once she got out she got in bed with me and it went how you would expect.

>tfw she called me snake while we were fucking

>> No.9357210

This never happened.

>> No.9357247


I doubt that will ever happen. Cons are way to nerdy for that.

>> No.9357258

Nerds can be fans of drugs too I think. Geek culture is normalising and safe drug use is normalising as well so I think the amount of drugs taken at consider will only increase.

>> No.9357787

Almost all my friends are nerds who party and use drugs safely, it's a beautiful thing

>> No.9357791

I'm jealous. All my nerdy friends are straight edge as hell. Like, most of them don't even drink, or if they do it's only on the very rare occasion.

Ugh, I just want some nerdy friends who will smoke weed and watch anime/play video games with me, is that too much to ask?

>> No.9357798

Drugs and freedom are two halves of my life. Pokemon on acid is like the greatest thing ever. Usually doing something geeky while tripping, speeding, or rolling

>> No.9357827

Do Renaissance Festivals count as "cons"? Cause if they do I go hardcore full on man-whore-can't-believe-I-don't-have-VD-but-probably-have-illegitimate-bastards-I-don't-even-know-about mode.

Keeps life exciting, ja?

>> No.9357848

If you are who I think you might be, then we've definitely fucked a few times. Care to say what letter your name starts with?

>> No.9357852

lol I doubt it, I'm hardly alone in a being a whore at faire.
Name starts with P, I'm in Texas, TRF and Sherwood mostly.

>> No.9357854

Yep, we have, lmao

>> No.9357863

Well I would say I hope it was good, but I'm sure it was haha

>> No.9357894
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>not even at a con
>start listing parties at random rooms at hotels listed on the con website and talking about how great they are

>> No.9357923

It's better when you have a view of the room. I watched some guy go in and come out like 10 minutes later

>> No.9358037

she just called you snake, why not, Big Boss?

either way, true story?

>> No.9358052

LMAO anons give us the dirty details come on

>> No.9358089


Don't leave us hanging anons

>> No.9358098

I feel like I missed out on the late 2000s heyday of con parties, being stuck in Australia without real conventions at the time.

Ren faire's sound like a hell of a time, though. What are the ones worth flying to the US for?

>> No.9359022

I have never been to it but ironically enough, Texas of all places has a huge ren faire. I have friends who have worked it and it's one of the biggest in the country. Not sure what the dates are.

Ren faire is a whole different beast from con party wise. People go hella hard all weekend, especially the staff working it. It's a big community with a lot of people who know each other from years of doing Faires. After hours is where the real parties are. If you can make friends with a staff member to get you in, that's the way to go.

>> No.9359082

TRF (Texas Renaissance Festival) is pretty much the biggest one, runs October I think through Novemmber (3 day weekend for Thanksgiving is last weekend). Camping is where it's at, normally campgrounds open noon Friday and close noon Monday IIRC. Tons of drinking and whoring and bonfires and drum circles and whatnot.

Then there's Sherwood, also in TX, near Austin. Runs March through (3 day weekend whenever spring break is too, so can camp Thursday through Monday, similar to TRF thanksgiving weekend) dunno when since they moved opening to March used to start February and end in March. Not as big as TRF and fairly new (started in 2009 or so?) but already got quite a following and it's still damn big, plus camping there too, and there are clans that have clan camping where they can build shit and such on their clan site. It's got a more "by rennies for rennies" type vibe then TRF.

Also Scarborough but it has no camping, and a variety of other faires.

Big festivals in Cali too but never been and probably not as good anyway, I think TX pretty much takes the cake for huge wild party renfaires lol. And it's the camping, which apparently lots of non TX faire lack, where the real crazy ass shit happens.

>> No.9359148

Awesome! I'll have a good look at them today; Thanks anons!

I really want that 24/7 roleplay, livin' the larp life kind of a deal. Everything I've found in Australia is very casual/silly and ends up full of cosplayers.
>Wanna get wrecked on mead and fuck a dude on a fur blanket.

>> No.9359151

>that green text
Ren faire is the place for you then anon, very high chance of that exact scenario playing out

>> No.9359155

As long as he stays in character. :3c

>> No.9359533


>> No.9359558

What kind of character. Like a chivalrous knight or noble prince or some filthy illiterate peasant.

>> No.9359598
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I don't party because I can never find the parties or have any clue where they are.

I can only assume you get invited and I must look like the type of person you don't want at a party.

>> No.9359603

>be 20
>people at cons still treat me like I'm not an adult and look at me weird especially if i'm drinking with them or doing shenanigans

what the fuck is wrong with me. i'm not incredibly ugly and it's not as if everyone there is super attractive or anything, but I just have this aura that makes people give me a strange fucking look that I just remember forever and it makes me uncomfortable and feel like they dont like me

>> No.9359611

How do I put my penis in something at a con

I'm not fat or ugly but I am a virgin and slightly retarded and whenever I go to a con I have a complex where I refuse to believe that it's possible to get laid here and I tell everyone around me that it's a myth and it's impossible and that girls don't exist but apparently it is possible

>> No.9359613

>not asking "where the white women at"

doing it wrong anon

>> No.9359615

doing god's work, bless your soul

>> No.9359633

Just be yourself. It works every time.

>> No.9359678

Literally any of them will do. I watch some really shit period-fantasy shows just for the ass, anon.

The mightiest need.

>> No.9360258

Sounds cheezy but you have to put out vibes that attract people. Do you walk around with resting bitch face? Serious question bc it makes you very unapproachable even if you are otherwise a chill person.
It helps traveling in a group as well. Loud party groups inevitably attract other loud party groups

>> No.9360392

From experience, virgin > thirsty > obviously hunting for tail, and that's not very appealing... Try giving up, planning to just enjoy yourself, get talking to people about nerdy stuff, and let things happen anon.

>> No.9361058

I'm always in cosplay and with two other friends in cosplay and we just walk around enjoying the con. Nobody ever asks us to join in on any parties.

>> No.9361708

You have to put yourself out there. If you see a rowdy party group, find a way to engage.

>> No.9361747
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I'm from an older crowd of nerd, from when Anime cons used to be mostly run-off from the Star Wars/Comic Con crowd. The con party scene was not as much of a thing back in the 90s. To us, the party was out in the con, hanging out with everyone and chatting it up. (Cosplay.com wasn't a thing yet, and AX only had an unofficial EZboard in 2000 or so). So socializing en-masse was still pretty big.

Flash forward to the post 2005 scene,I found out quick I only have fun if the room parties are run by friends. I don't feel comfortable at all drinking around people I don't know. I'm the type of convention goer that is confused why there is raves at anime cons, doesn't like to drink or do drugs, and enjoys actually talking to people instead of loud fucking music playing while do speed or some shit.

I enjoy the occasional drink, but watching people get drugged out/drunk beyond belief just fills me with contempt.

"Is this what the anime fandom has become?" is what I usually wonder to myself. It's like our fandom got invaded by the exact type of people we tried to escape from in high school.

I blame Toonami.

>> No.9362491

step 1 stop being so worried about being a virgin
your puttin the pussy on a pedestal

>> No.9362500

I work the AA so as soon the day is done I pack up and go to sleep.

>> No.9362529

Cons are the worst place to try to hook up now with the current "safe space" culture going on.

You're better off finding a normie chick and just try to get her interested in that con life.

>> No.9362547


It's not just you, I'm the opposite end of the scale - I'm no oldfag, I love drugs and parties but I can't stand them at conventions. It's as you say - the convention is the party. There's no reason for me to do drugs at a con when I can do them at better venues with better music and with (dare I say) better people, rather than adolescent nerds who can't come to terms with their nerdiness and so need to prove to other nerds how cool they are by engaging in what they think other cool people do.

It's like the guy who goes into the anime threads namedropping his 'gf' as if everyone is going to be so impressed.

>> No.9364307

I tend to like to converse with people and make friends M'lord but I guess that's just infantile as fuck

>> No.9364389

I'm from this same crowd. Well maybe a few years after but I do remember the days before cosplay.com and cons having ezboards. The con was the party.

That's not to say that these days, I'll get pretty damn tipsy at a good con late night and I will party it up. Usually only late night though. I like spending the days hanging out, going to or running panels, doing my artist alley stuff (btw, running your artist alley table or doing a panel hung over is no fun at all and a good way to ruin the rest of your con.)

There was a time where I could dance all night at a con rave (or dance, they were a thing when i started but it was mostly jpop/anime remixes, not so much anymore). Run in and out for more water and to cool off for a second. These days I'll pop in for a minute but it's too loud and hot for me. I've become more of a crowd watcher. If it's a good dance with good visuals I'll chill toward the back and take it in or try to take pictures.

Room parties are really not my thing unless I'm friends with most of the people and I'm with people I trust. I used to go to them though. Now they're just crazed drunken parties and I have no desire to be around vomit thank you.

Never had any desire to take drugs.

God, I sound as old as I am.

>> No.9364608

I mean it's cool that ya'll aren't down for the party scene but don't shit on people who are.
I've been a nerd my whole life and have always enjoyed getting fucked up in cosplay with my other nerdy mates and having immature, nerdy giggle fits at 3am after singing a few rounds of the Pokemon theme.
Partying and nerdiness are not always mutually exclusive.
I cosplay all day and party all night for the whole weekend. Best time of my life tbqh.

>> No.9364612
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>being this square

>> No.9364779

Just getting into cosplay, as an attractive man on a scale of 1-10 how difficult is it to get laid at a con? Getting over a bad break up and figure I can kill two birds with one stone

>> No.9364792

Depends on what you look like and your personality type. Are you at ease talking to women you might sleep with or do you spill your spaghetti

>> No.9364811

I think the only thing that would impede me would be my lack of knowledge when it comes to new anime/manga so I guess you could say I'm concerned I'll come across as someone who's shallow and only there to hook up.
I'm very comfortable talking to all walks and I'm not afraid of who I am/being myself.

>> No.9364822

>I mean it's cool that ya'll aren't down for the party scene but don't shit on people who are.

I'll shit on what I want thanks, con parties are for desperate and cringey people. They're worse than cringey weebs doing cringey weeb things because that's exactly what a con is about. The problem with con parties is that they're for people who think they're somehow cooler than the cringey awkward weebs because they're getting drunk, trying to score drugs or trying to have sex and so they put themselves on a pedestal and act like they're somehow cooler than everyone else.

They're the sort of people who would go into a board like /a/ and act superior for having a 3D girlfriend and try to pass on their shitty advice to people who don't care and then get offended and act like they're doing everyone a favor when people tell them to fuck off.

Con parties aren't actually good, if you actually regularly go to non-con parties you'll know exactly why they're shit. They're not for people who like parties and they're not for people who like conventions, they're just there for a specific niche of terrible person - horny adolescents on 4chan who are desperate to fuck, literally IRL /r9k/.

>> No.9364825

>I guess you could say I'm concerned I'll come across as someone who's shallow and only there to hook up.
>I'm very comfortable talking to all walks and I'm not afraid of who I am/being myself.

If you're not afraid of being yourself then why are you concerned that people will see you as someone who's shallow and only there to hook up? That's literally exactly what you are.

>> No.9364826

You should be fine then anon, I know lots of girls that are down for a con hook up as long as the guy is cute and fun and open

>> No.9364828

As long as it's not just a bunch of 19 year old boys with condoms in their wallets what's the problem?
It sounds like your judgement is being passed with alot of emotion. Alot of projection.

>> No.9364834

>As long as it's not just a bunch of 19 year old boys with condoms in their wallets what's the problem?

That is literally it.

>> No.9364835

>being this angry about something that has nothing to do with you
kek anon I'm confused why you let other people partying ruffle your feathers so much.
You don't want to party? Fine. You do want to party? Also fine. Who cares if it's a bunch of weebs weebing out and being cringey? That's the whole point of a con. And as far as people doing it to be 'cool', who gives a fuck? Just avoid those people.
Honestly you sound like someone who desperately wants to belong but are super insecure about it so you project that onto anyone doing what you secretly wish you had the balls to do.

>> No.9364838

you sound like so much fun at parties anon!

>> No.9364843

>Honestly you sound like someone who desperately wants to belong but are super insecure about it so you project that onto anyone doing what you secretly wish you had the balls to do.

I've actually been to con parties - they are shit. Like literally shit. Literal proper fucking fecal matter.

You sound like the exact type of terrible cliche that goes to these parties and now of course you're getting all defensive about it because I hit too close to home. Maybe you lost interest in cosplay years ago and trying to score at con parties is all that keeps you going nowadays. We can all project, but we can't ignore the fact that con parties are shit no matter how inconvenient that little truth might be. I deeply apologize for my observations if they've caused you that much discomfort, I'll try and sugarcoat the real talk going forward.

>> No.9364852

and you sound like you don't even go to parties.

>> No.9364854

>people getting triggered over an opinion expressed on 4chan

>> No.9364866

Just concerned I'll be instantly judged for someone I'm not because I haven't seen My Hero Academia. As I've said I'm not going to get laid, I'm going to cosplay and have fun. If I go to a party and something happens, great. I'm not going to go out of my way asking person to person if there are any parties. I can find someone to fuck elsewhere but bars and clubs attract the worst kind of women. I'd be pretty happy to just meet someone worth my time.
I can hardly take one persons bad experiences as fact

>> No.9364880

I agree with u tho. Every time you call out slut culture and "party yolo 420" culture that is infesting cosplay people get all defensive.

It used to be just about chill nerd gatherings and now it's about dressing up in slutkinis and fucking

>> No.9364912


I remember one time this kind of thread came up years ago and I said something like "Fuck no, the types of people who go to these parties are the type of people who don't see anything wrong with making out and going for intense PDA with their partners in front of everyone in the same room".

Most of the replies were people just saying shit like "What's wrong with that?".

That's when I realized that the type of people that post in these threads and talk about this shit ARE those people. They don't understand why their behavior is cringey and doesn't make them cool because they literally are those cringey people. You can't reason with them, you're looking the cancer right in the face and it doesn't understand what's wrong.

>> No.9364920

>being active in a thread about something you pretend to hate


>> No.9364921

I want all the party haters in this thread to know that next con I'm going out of my way to party as hard as I can just to trigger you, because apparently it's that easy.

>> No.9364930


>Posting opinion in a thread about a topic.


>> No.9364942

Does the OP say "tell me about how much you hate parties?"
No. It says tell about your party experiences at cons. Because whether you like it or not, it has become a part of the culture in many ways.

>> No.9364943

I go p hard but I went through a pretty intense party phase when I was a bit younger. Usually party every night with a thorough mix of room parties and wandering
I can't classify best or worst experiences, I always have a good time p much.

I usually am on booze and weed but I've also (this list is just what I've done at cons) been on 2c-b, molly, ketamine, and mushrooms at various different time. Kawaii shit is pretty when you're fucked up.

>> No.9364948

How did you find doing mushrooms at con? I'm always worried the volume of people will shit it up. I usually do the same though, get fucked up with friends and wander around

>> No.9364955

I've only done them at smaller cons, and so desu that's what I'd recommend. If it was too crowded it would probably suck, although I could imagine the dealers room would be fun. It's nice if you have friends to do it with and rely on. A trip buddy will make everything cool usually.

>> No.9364959

Idk how I added desu in there omg

>> No.9364973

its not that i hate parties, its that i hate people that don't even like anime attending anime conventions for the parties

>> No.9365007

Well yeah that is annoying, but I'm not talking about those people. You can like anime and also like to party anon.

>> No.9365008

Did you put t b h (no spaces)? Bc it automatically changes to desu just like f a m changes to senpai

>> No.9365023
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Word filters. DESU is now desu, BAKA is baka, SENPAI is senpai.

I personally like it desu. Triggers the normies and chads who came over from Facebook.

>> No.9365026

Huh, thought you could get past the filter with caps just like the old wordfilters on /b/.

>> No.9365085

its ok anon, you can stay home and eventually overdose on salt.

>> No.9365109

Oh that explains it

>> No.9365128

>Does the OP say "tell me about how much you hate parties?"

>Expecting an echo chamber from 4chan

You're gonna have to try harder than that. OP even asks if you go to parties at all.

Or are you suggesting we should all respond with binary answers and not explain our reasoning? Is that really what you want? Yes and No answers with nothing inbetween?

You've lost mate, get over it. I told you why your parties are shit and all you've done is call me a big meanie-head and told me not to reply because you don't like it. Is this how you act in every thread? Nobody is allowed to share any negative opinion ever if it hurts your fee fees? You're a mess, a shambles - hardly the fun-loving cool party guy you wish you were eh?

Sort it out.

>> No.9365138
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>> No.9365157

Can you stop samefagging in all of these threads?

>> No.9365163


God how fucking delusional do you have to be to not think that you might actually be the problem but instead suggest that it's all a conspiracy conducted by one person. Yeah that sounds more likely doesn't it? After all, who would ever disagree with you? Imagine that, obnoxious con party goer is actively disliked by much of the community, what a shocker.

Have a word with yourself.

>> No.9365171

me and my friends cosplay all day then do coke in the bathroom and party all night long. then i sleep for about three days straight after. I always request an entire week off for cons for this reason.

>> No.9365193

So that's a no, huh? Well have fun, I hope you're making the most of whatever thrill you get out of mass trolling a 4chan board

>> No.9365307

go watch My Hero Academia instead of whining on here you fucking chimp, it's god-tier. Best new shonen in years.

>> No.9365447

I usually have drinks on Friday, go kinda hard with alcohol on Saturday, and then I don't do anything on Sunday. I like pre-gaming before a rave. I usually don't do con parties though, my friends and I drink and play games in our room.

My stories are pretty tame though, I don't do too much lol.

worst of the worst story
>back story: bf doesn't drink, no drugs. doesn't care about me drinking but he's uncomfortable with me being high around him
>promise him that I won't get high around him because I respect his boundaries
>pregame for con rave
>a little drunk, but mostly tipsy (everyone else got sloshed so I tried to not be sloshed)
>tell my bf that we should meet up and go
>he shows up and I hug him because I was happy to see him
>he apparently thought I was high?
>in line for rave(boy and girl lines)
>looking for bf
>he's gone?
>friends tell me he left
>I really only went to the rave for him because I wanted us to dance together and have fun
>disappointed and upset that he didn't tell me how he was feeling
>also disappointed that he didn't trust me
>leave and get back to the hotel room
>completely sober at this point
>text message: "my phone is about to die. I'm heading back to the hotel room." then he text something along the lines of "I can't believe you'd do this to me / etc etc"
>pissed because I am literally in the hotel room
>he comes back, we talk out in the hallway and resolve things (friends I was rooming with were asleep)
>cries about how he didn't feel like he belonged while waiting in line at the rave
>actually cries
>before he left the con center he went back into the rave to look for me bc he was worried that I was "too high" and was being taken advantage of by other guys
>kinda ruined my night of good vibes but whatever miscommunication happens
>next day he apologized

>> No.9365955

Are you still together? Not gonna lie your bf sounds like a little bitch kind of. That kind of behavior is always about control.

Okay here's my story:
>be in a group of about 5
>be waiting for a late night con shuttle to our hotel, lots of people around
>shuttle pulls up
>cheering as people exit (don't ask why, drunk people gonna drunk)
>smaller Asian dude hurls himself out the door with his arms in the air, slips in the step and smacks his head on the shuttle door
>falls down, not unconscious but definitely concussed
>he gets taken away in an ambulance five mins later

The moral is, wear non slip shoes.

>> No.9365958 [DELETED] 
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edgy af kek

>> No.9366619

We are. It definitely seems that way- but I know him well enough to know that it wasn't about control, it was him being a little bitch lol. He feels like shit about it and hasn't done it since, so everything is AG

>> No.9366644

Ain't the Tumblrina types just a vocal minority and are a lot of women at cons that scared by the sexual assault hysteria?

>> No.9366653

Also what's the ratio of guys to girls at con parties and most cons in general?

>> No.9366739

See, I don't think my opinion matters that much because I have never dressed in a very revealing outfit and I have always had a man in my party.

>> No.9366745


You don't have to be a tumblrina to not want to get groped by a bunch of creepy guys looking to hook up with 'cosplay girls', it's pretty normal to want a safe space. It sounds like you have a guilty conscious if you're concerned that women might be vigilant against sexual assault.

>most cons in general

Don't you go to cons? Why are you even here? It doesn't matter what the fucking ratio of females to males is, you're here for the anime not to hook up. Maybe an anime convention isn't the place for you.

>> No.9366750

Good I'm glad to hear that anon. I wasn't trying to be rude about your bf, I just hate to see guys controlling their partners but it sounds like you handled it.

>> No.9366752

>Maybe an anime convention isn't the place for you.
You're wrong for the wrong reasons. Larger anime cons are filled with people who show up just for the parties and the raves now. It's turned into a normiefest.

>> No.9366757


I go to larger cons and I don't see anyone but the typical crowds at parties. You get normies at conventions like comic-con where there's mixed-media appeal of shit like movies and comics, but anime convention parties are still very much driven by people who like anime. You don't see parents with their kids in the same way as you do at bigger conventions.

>> No.9366935

Depends on the organizer's quality control. Can range from 30/70 to total sausage fest.

>> No.9367203

if you're asian, just find beanie and his traveling band of cock sluts

>> No.9367906

Tbh I've been going to con for many years now with a group of girls, all of us pretty chill and solid 6-7/10 or higher (depending on personal taste) and at various points in the time we've sort of rotated being single and looking to hook up at con.
Has never happened. Not even once. I've never heard of any of my guy friends hooking up at con either. I'm sure it happens but I think bc of the general socially awkward nature of con and con goers, it happens wayyyyy less than people think

>> No.9367989

You fuck guys? 2easy
Fucking girls? Depends on con and your fetishes.

>> No.9368507
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>Almost all of my friends typically just avoid associating with me at cons
>Go to random parties, drinks in hand, and have a ball with randos
>Go back to room, nobody wants to talk with me, get ostracized
>Leave, find another party, balling out until ~3/4AM
>Go to sleep outside of my room, leaning against the door hinge
>Repeat until the con is over
>Last day
>"Anon, we wanted to hang out with you, but you never answered your phone!"
>Literally zero calls, texts, messages, e-mails, faxes, nothing from anybody, signal has been absolutely perfect for everybody I've called and gotten called back from
>Only exception were a series of angry messages about bullshit, which I responded to immediately, and got hit with that "seen"

If I find you in your room, and you offered me the hospitality of sharing drinks, dancing, singing, and having a fun chat, let it be known, I love you more than my so-called fuckass "Friends". The fact that someone repeatedly offered to let me stay in their room for safety, despite me being a particularly large dude, warms my heart more than most people could know.

>> No.9368510

:( Sounds like you need better friends anon.

>> No.9368517

I audibly laughed. Miscommunication happens but overreactions like that shouldn't happen with adults.
>worried I was being taken advantage of by other guys
No, he thought you were so high and drunk that in the midst of his childish rebuke he convinced himself you'd just say "fuck it" and hook up with other guys. It sounds like he forces himself to go to something like that so he can have peace of mind.
>doesn't get high or drunk with you, and disapproves
I don't know how people think this works out

>> No.9368521

Having recently been in a give/give relationship a "friendship" of the same calibre absolutely isn't worth the effort or stress involved.

>> No.9368525

If I had a dollar for every time I've been told this, I'd buy a suite and throw a party for all the randos I can stomach.

Not at all. Honestly I'm thinking of just lone wolfing it the next con I go to. No old flames, just new company in cosplay.

>> No.9368528

Friends are not a necessity to do the things you enjoy. You'll likely find that you have a better time on your own than before but having a good group brings it to another level entirely really. One of a few things you have to understand however; If you leave your group to go partying all night you start to ostracize yourself. If you feel that's the case aforementioned then by all means have a better time.

>> No.9369031

>ditch you
>lock you out of the room
>talk shit to you
I don't think that word means what you think it means anon.

Side note just went in on 3 8 balls with my friends for an upcoming con, gonna get riggity riggity rekt son

>> No.9369096
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How do you find a con orgy at a hotel? What signs should i look for

>> No.9369219

Get drunk.
Wake up with regret.


>> No.9369405

Just knock on random doors and ask until you find one

>> No.9369588


A con im going to is also having a rave, should i ask around there? Like not explicitly say is there a hotel orgy but like is there a after party at the hotel

>> No.9370447

Part 1: Convention Drug Use In general. Part two is highlights of parties and shit.

I spent both MAGfest and Katsucon extremely inebriated which for a not-exceptionally tall or large man doesn't actually make me.... "act" super drunk at all according to... all my roommates apparently.

It wasn't til last year I started vaping/smoking up at cons but it works really well, especially at the Gaylord because those family restrooms are perfect to nab a quick vape in. I ate some AVB at MAGfest so my high had just peaked during the LAN tournament I was in so that went well. Katsucon had ridiculously gorgeous weather so even at like 10 pm a trip to the top of the parking garage to smoke and enjoy the view was great, A+.

The only other things I've done at cons are Adderall, Klonopin and Xanax because I never have anything more psychedelic or dissociative at con time. I DO hope someday to do nitrous/whippets at a con. It would be pretty great I think. HMU if you ever want to do real MDMA, ket, lsd, or shrooms at a con.

My nonstop drinking foolproof plan: Get a plastic transluscent or opaque cup with a screw on top like they have for iced coffee. Lots of geek themed ones, if you met me at MAG or Katsu my BMO themed on never left my side. Fill it up in the morning with vodka (Popov my homecomrade) and mixer of choice and maybe ice, screw on top with straw in, drink in 99% of spaces, refilled periodically from a flask or ducking up to your room. I was hanging with my friend who was watching their preteen in some ChibiKatsu thing, not a second glance from a soul. Sturdy, IDs as your cup, little or no spill concern. And the day is just smoooooth. If you are an obvious drunk, still risky, but worth a try.

ALWAYS keep track of what drugs you have at cons. organize and count how many pills(and what your dosage is), how much weed and alc etc. Younger people who your friends may trust have a propensity for sticky fingers.

>> No.9370462

Partying hi-lites etc.

I don't do a lot of room parties. I did somehow make it into a massive room party at MAG last year because people who were goin thought I was cool and I shared hash oil with them, think it was somebody vaguely internet famous who hosted... Spoon something. I don't remember. I drink pretty much nonstop and vape a few times a day or one-to-two oral does. I'm really socialable at cons though in a chill way so I will oft spend an hour or so with some randos in their room who are usually great.

Funniest story I remember, this was like, over maybe 5 or 6 years back so I was a bit underage
>meet up with my super cool friends who I recall some of them were russian
>temporarily crash cgl photo because I lurked here back then
> left the gaylord to go to Hampton Inn across way to get booze
>almost got in trouble with their roommate who turned the shower hose on to get us to take it somewhere else
>somewhere else was a gaggle of five people in the hampton stairway with equal booze bottles, most of it was baaaaad
>suddenly stairwell door opens
>we freeze, bottle right in front of door
>maid silently looks at us, yet completely nonjudging look on her face
>walks away without a word
things blur here
>first time I went to bed at six am at a con

That was a quality night i'm n-g-l

>> No.9370467

>drink in 99% of spaces

I specify because I went to see Protomen and drinks weren't allowed in so I put my mouth to the straw and inhaled the half full mix in about 8 seconds without a beat, showed them the empty cup and they were like "that's great!" 15 minutes earlier i had toked the fuck up. That Phil Collins song I sang along with with one of my best friends ever was fucking transcendental.

>> No.9370523

Yes definitely.
I see people on these kinds of threads or in the feels thread that they never get engaged socially at cons, the trick is you have to put yourself out there if you want cool/fun/weird stuff to happen.
So yeah I'd say just start talking to people and try to pick who's DTF and who's an awkward prude

>> No.9370532

You sound a lot like me at con.
I stay moderately fucked up most of the time, always being more fucked up at night and a little less during the day.
Maid story is hilarious.
I can only imagine what the hotel staff had to put up with and see at cons, this is why I always tip

>> No.9370864

I need friends who aren't too pussy to do drugs at a con with. Which cons are you attending next?

>> No.9370900

I work in the service industry atm tho am a better position than most with union influence, so yea, i tip like a rich guy at cons. it is absurd but also CON BULLSHIT must be a nightmare to handle in hospitality.

I'm not sure! Probably an east coast con since that's where I'm centered but other than that if I can manage my finances I'm open to anything but maybe NYCC. I would LOVE to find more people open to experience cons through the lens of drugs. hit me up on the attached email its a throwaway i check for semi anon chan connects.

>> No.9370901

lmao the email didn't attach. try artisticotaku@gmail.com

the address is 8 yrs old but i can still access it L-M-A-O

>> No.9370905

Also yea, that maid was the epitome of I Work Hourly I Don't Give A FUCK. Love her. Great memory.

We should hang if you're ever on the east coast. I don't usually leave this area for cons since work and union matters have me stuck here tho maybe sometime. It'd be great to hang with someone else who treats cons as the True vacations for lonely nerds; the time to get ABSOLUTEY BLASTED. We'd b a dynamic duo.

>> No.9370969

If you're gonna do acid, you best be a very pleasant area. One thing I hated at EDC Vegas was walking from one set to another, although I didn't mind how everything sounded and the lights.
Bumping into people is bothersome, seeing people walk everywhere gets to ya.

>> No.9371233

Careful with roofies.

I did the drunkest brave thing this weekend.
Saw a guy slip a roofie into a drink. Fucking im on the border of blackout drunk. So i grab the drink and chug it then yell thanks for the roofie fuck boy. And stumble out of the party. Woke up 12 hours later in my car. Friend said he found me outside smoking and mumbling to some random person next to me.

>> No.9371245

>chugging it when you could have just as easily dumped it out
not your best moment anon

>> No.9371251

For real my dude I am a west coaster but have a couple friends moving back east this summer so I'm thinking of going to Katsucon next year

>> No.9371378

Yeah! I hope to see you there and maybe we can take a trip during it!

I wouldn't do LSD in a con inside a major city. I'd definitely aim for one like Katsu at a resort or another slightly-removed from things location.

>> No.9371403

Im suicidaly reckless.

>> No.9373807

I'm old for 4chan, but when I used to go to cons, our group had the best room parties and I would spend all my time after about 5 or 6pm just wandering around people's hotel rooms until it was time to go get free hotel breakfast.


If you are holding a room party, have a tip jar near the bar for people to contribute to housekeeping after the con.

Have an alcohol room and a chill room. Have volunteers you trust card people who are going into the alcohol room- if someone ends up drinking underage, EVERYONE staying in the room with the booze could be in legal trouble. The chill room is for hanging out and lights go out at 1pm for people who want to sleep.

Ask your con or hotel staff if they have a designated block of rooms at the con for room parties so you can avoid staying in a block of people who have a panel to run at 8am and want to fucking sleep.

If you are female, don't drink anything you didn't pour or see poured at a con.

If you aren't used to drinking, drink slow. Remember to keep the heat from your costume and all the people in mind- drink lots of water when drinking. If you start to feel dizzy or confused while sober, drink water ASAP. If you start to feel dizzy and confused while drinking, stop drinking until you feel better.

A con is a bad place to take drugs that alter your perception, because you don't know who is around you. I've had REALLY good experiences with ephedrine at cons, highly recommend.

Have everyone who is staying in your rooms pitch in a set amount of money for buying drinks, food, mixers, and plastic cups. Calculate what it will cost ahead of time and just add it onto what they are chipping in for the room.

Watch out for that one guy who no one knows who is in all the girl's personal space. Have a plan in place for that guy.

>> No.9373828

Most orgies are invite only. You don't want people wandering in.

This. Basically most fun I've had at cons is just wandering around whenever I'm not at a panel or something and talking to people. Spend a lot of time in hallways or invading a diner or something with random con people. Be friendly with everyone and do the Jim Carrey thing. Unless something sounds unsafe, whenever someone invites you to hang out with them and do x or y, say yes. Go help someone with their wig or their mission to go to Joann's because they forgot their cosplay fix kit or something. Be nice, be helpful. Also, sadly it helps if you are a female person.

The biggest problem with that is how many people don't have a place to fuck because they have like 6 roommates. Focus on getting someone's info for further contact at cons and fuck after.

>> No.9373988

all very solid advice

Remember gulls, we are nerds who party. Our ability to do so safely, considerately and efficiently is what separates us from the dude-bro frat scum.

>> No.9374104

I don't drink at parties because I'm borderline autistic. In fact I hardly speak to anyone.

>> No.9374148

So why do you go? No offense but it sounds like you hate it

>> No.9376212

Last year was it's last year buddy

>> No.9376229

Cons in my cunt aren't at hotels.

>> No.9376242

>go easy Friday night, maybe just some weed to chill out
>go hard on the alcohol Saturday night with some shots and then some terrible energy drink mixture, maybe edibles if I don't want to stink up a space or need to be high later and won't have time
>Wake up without a hangover on Sunday and eat a shit ton before I take the biggest dump of my life

As far as parties go, super easy to just be outgoing and find a group. At this point I have a pretty solid group who also knows people so we never have parties in our room but just go trash someone else's. We also have our resident paternal figure/straight edge who just fucking loves Trigun a lot and will make sure we aren't left throwing up in a parking lot some place or getting raped. On the bright side, I am a girl, so honestly getting into parties or finding out about parties isn't that hard. It's super reminiscent of frat parties when I was a baby college girl.

>> No.9376562

Are you the same person sperging in every thread

>> No.9378407

I'm usually light day drinking at cons but got black out drunk at the last one I went to. The next day people I don't remember meeting at the party kept greeting me and asking if I was doing okay. Luckily my friends are saints and got me, all of my personal belongings and my cosplay props back to the room intact.

>> No.9378455

Shame you aren't in Canada, these are the kinda antics I like getting up to during cons. Used to buy a box of white wine for the weekends, the 4L suckers and pour them into water bottles. Would drink them throughout the day, and once night hit the hard stuff would come out. Ketamine is my drug of choice, mix it with some blow so you remain coherent and you're solid. I normally won't bust lines out at parties due to a fair amount of people being straight-edge/alcohol only/super judgemental/etc, but the bathroom is fair game.

I quit drinking last year so I'm usually sober throughout the days now. Absolutely love the con scenes for the socializing, nerdy discussions, and panels but I also see them as party weekends. Don't quite get why people demonize the party aspect of cons, if you don't enjoy that side of them then don't go to room parties. It's quite possible to be a weeb and a druggie, and god forbid socially capable too. Most of the hotel parties I go to the people are all around 25-30 (give or take) and aren't acting like complete degenerate aspie retards. Basically I'm the worst I see at these gatherings and that's mainly cause of the chemical cocktails I subject myself to. I take oxycodone to achieve an mdma-like buzz strangely enough (increased talkativeness, empathy, connecting with people) and then k and coke or possibly dexedrine depending on what I can get before hand, for the raves and subsequent parties. Xanax or clons for the comedown cause fuck ain't no way I'm sleeping otherwise.
I've got a funny con-related story I'll type up actually, my friends and I usually will host small parties if we can't find anything so every con certainly has its "interesting" moments

>> No.9378483


>book hotel for Anime North, get about 4-5 friends to pitch on it
>last minute buddy joins us, he sells k so don't mind him rooming with us for free, as long as he's fine sleepin wherever he can fit
>room is a drug den, other buddy has hydrocodone script, another dexedrine and clonaz scripts
>lotsa wine and lotsa beer
>needless to say, chaotic
>closer to end of con day, head back to hotel room with gaggle of folks (Stan, the hydro guy, Mike the k guy, and some others we met there)
>bit of background info Stan is a bit of a paranoid drug user in regards to safety measures (won't share a straw, freaks out about dosages, etc)
>understandable, opiates are dangerous
>Mike is the opposite, always doing random shit, not really concerned about how much, basically loves to get rekt
>we unwind at hotel, crack some beers and bust out the other goodies
>good times for all
>doin my thang, tickling my nose and enjoying the company
>Stan gets up to piss, finds door blocked, but not locked
>da fuq?
>headcount, Mike is missing
>"Mike? you okay buddy?" Stan yells
>no response
>Stan is getting worked up, starts shoving against door to dislodge the obstruction
>too k-tarded to help, watch with rest of the group
>eventually gets the door open enough to squeeze in, finds Mike comatose on floor
>Mike is practically naked, shorts down past his ass and t-shirt off, looking like he tried to poop and failed
>"oh shit he's ODing isn't he, do you guys know what he took? Did he have any opiates?" Stan asks freaking
>no clues man
"help me get him in the shower, we need to get cold water going on him in case its an opiate overdose"
>help stan awkwardly shift this vegetable mass into the tub, take off his remaining clothes and turn on the cold water
>ice cold
>Stan keeps him propped up for a good 5-10 min, until he starts to regain his senses
>oh fuck
>I start laaaaaaughing hysterically, having finally realized what was up with Mike

>> No.9378491
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>he wasn't ODing on anything, he was in a k-hole
>slowly coming out of it naked in a shower soaked with freezing water, bunch of people staring at him in mixed worry and amusement
>me just laughing still
>Stan's face when realization hits
>hand Mike a towel and some clean clothes

Mike was a pretty quiet guy for the most part so his silent demeanour afterwards was nothing new. But it was a different silence now. The silence of misery and befuddlement.

Be careful with your drugs kiddies

>> No.9380534

>You don't have to be a tumblrina to not want to get groped by a bunch of creepy guys looking to hook up with 'cosplay girls', it's pretty normal to want a safe space. It sounds like you have a guilty conscious if you're concerned that women might be vigilant against sexual assault.

You sound like a Tumblrina. You get so defensive and then throw in shaming to try and attack the person.

No - I've never groped a woman nonconsensually. And read the context of what I said. Everyone has always thought nonconsual groping is shitty before Tumblr "safe space" crap tried to politicize it and create hysteria to the point where even harmless attempts at consensual interactions become demonized. Just look at what you did by connecting approaching people for the eventual outcome of consensual sex then tried to flip it into a nonconsensual groping situation.

>> No.9381654

Damn dude you go hard

Mostly I agree tho, I've always been a nerd who parties pretty hard. Cons are all about cosplay and parties for me. Weekend long drug binge bc I don't indulge in my daily life. It's called balance kek