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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 213 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170125-121523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9331554 No.9331554 [Reply] [Original]

Lolibrary is down, so Hell hasnt frozen over yet.
>Discuss lolita general-related things

>> No.9331566

Just came here to see if it was just me. I don't understand how it's been offline so often lately. I know it was always a bit iffy but I feel like it's down more than up lately.
They haven't posted on FB since the start of the month so there's no news about the update. Hope everything is going okay for them.

>> No.9331573

Hoping to see more casual/daily wear this year, OTT is great and all but it'd be nice to see more toned down stuff.
>can't wait for spring coords

>> No.9331575
File: 49 KB, 640x404, 705264015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into lolita since like 2006 but looking through old fruits/kera/GLB and comparing them to the same magazines today, I don't understand how anyone can say J-fashion is dying just now. I think it's been long dead.
Even if the sub-styles remain, the general vibe of fun and experimentation which jumps out of the pages of an old Fruits has been gone for a decade. And it's honestly depressing.

Also I feel like nowadays it became so boring. I see mainly classical OTT with boring neutral colors,even sweet isn't as playful/vibrant, decoras don't or barely exist anymore,... Larme is popular but it's so normie i don't even consider it an alternative fashion.

>> No.9331578

Maybe a lolita renaissance is around the corner?

>> No.9331579

If you know what you are looking for but need measurements you can google it and then click the little button next to the result and look at the page in the cache.

>> No.9331581

I think it's just different. Just look at the amount of people wearing it, we never had so many j-fashion people. Everything is just different now, more normalfag and more stuff is going on online. It's just not this niche lifestyle thing with blog posts about sewing and lolita bedrooms and more about wearing the stuff.

>> No.9331585

You smart anon

>> No.9331588

Maybe, I can only hope. I deeply miss 2010-2012, these were the best years for me lolita-wise.

Yeah, it's really different and I can't really get used to it in a way? I'm super glad it's becoming less niche since it means more stuff online,second hand market getting bigger and bigger,... So it's neat in a way. I just miss the "lifestyle" aspect of it and how we had a specific platform (livejournal) for it I guess. I hate FB, but all my friends are there and everyone moved there.

>> No.9331590

>the general vibe of fun and experimentation which jumps out of the pages of an old Fruits has been gone for a decade.
That's because people are afraid to step a toe out of line or they'll be branded as ita. People complain about coords being boring and samey but when someone actually does something a bit different they're ita. It's a mess.

>> No.9331606

Because of the Internet. People are more worried about backlash. It'll follow you forever and work people can see it. Secondly, it has become popular worldwide, and more commercialised. Taobao has made things more competitive for brands and some of them seem to be focused on releasing as many prints as possible now. Magazines like G&L Bible seems to be less about what lolita's wear daily and more about promoting those brands.

>> No.9331618

Lolita is more experimental than ever. If you think most lolita nowdays is OTT classic then you clearly haven't learned much in 11 years.

>> No.9331626

Agreed. I remember people on LJ discussing whether polka dots were acceptable in lolita or not, and losing their shit over the vibrant colours in Whipped Magic. There is much more variety in lolita now than at any point previously. If you like 2012 style sweet, you can still wear it without anyone calling you an ita. Newfags might bristle at anything that's not the most current trend (like always), but who cares what newfags think?

>> No.9331631

Probably an unpopular opinion but I rather the way Lolita is now to what it was in those days. Like the outfit that girl is wearing, I wouldn't wear something like that even if they pay me.

>> No.9331648

I would love to see more oldschool looks like this, it looks so comfy and like something someone would actually wear around town. Also kind of bored with OTT classic. And who says we can't use livejournal? That'd be a nice way to start a community that misses the nostalgia of early lolita.

>> No.9331671

Baka gaijins ruin everything~

>> No.9331675

Agreed. Lolita is better now than ever.
Also agreed. There's nothing stopping anyone from wearing old school styles or 2010 pastel vomit OTT sweet.

>> No.9331680

I love lolita these days. It's more accessible than ever and it's easier to experiment.

>> No.9331689

This, and I hope gothic lolita makes a comeback too. After the reign of sweet it seems like we now have more people wearing classic than anything and gothic has been shoved into the corner for too long.

>> No.9331702

political angst will bring back gothic when the next wave of popular edgy music becomes commercialized

original goth blossomed in the Thatcher/Reagan era, and the dark aesthetic went mainstream via "emo" in the Bush years. the Trump/Brexit era will have artists so bootybothered that the aesthetic pendulum will swing toward the darkness again.

i mean, we will probably hate it just as much as tradgoths hated Evanscence and MCR 15 years ago but y'know. it will come back at any rate

>> No.9331704

I got a rosary in my meta luckypack and I don't know whether or not I should give it to someone religious in my comm or wear it. It seems awkward and disrespectful to wear it because I'm not religious at all.

>> No.9331730

Is lacemarket down for anyone else? Or is my internet just shitty?

>> No.9331735

works fine for me

>> No.9331737

Just wear it if you like it. It's a fashion accessory. Japanese fashion has been appropriating crosses for decades. Who cares.

>> No.9331763

How long does it take you to finish a coord?

>> No.9331773

Do you mean buying different items for a specific coord or deciding what to wear?

>> No.9331780

Well, damn.

>> No.9331782

>mfw I don't practice Catholicism anymore
damn it would be fun showing up to stations with a burando rosary

anywho, if it feels weird you can give it to someone. otherwise, just wear it. some Catholics will get uppity about it, but most won't say anything.

>> No.9331786

You could just say you're extremely passionate about the letter 't'

>> No.9331795

I thought the 'culture appropriation' shit only worked with minorities.

>> No.9331812
File: 127 KB, 400x320, A209 Miraculous Medal Gold Plated Oval Latin Wording Regina Sine Labe Originali Concepta OPN Ora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a bloody Jesus hanging off it though.

The thing is hilariously weird coming from a brand, even for Meta. Looking into more, I guess the "beads" are mini versions of the miraculous medal. Can any Catholic-chans elaborate on it? Google won't give me a straight answer.

>> No.9331814

buying the items.

>> No.9331824

I'll buy the thing from you if you put it up on LM, my man. It sounds right up my alley.

>> No.9331827

Could I get some advice in becoming a more "daily" lolita? I'd love to start wearing my dresses more often during the week (or at least on my days off), instead of just at cons or events. I have them on a rack in my room just glaring at me because I never attend cons/meets anymore. Would it be horrible of me to wear a more lower-poof petti? I'm okay with the dresses and style, it's the poof that makes it feel awkward for me.

>> No.9331828

I often will just wear a single leg avenue petti with my casual outfits. I'm not a daily lolita but I wear it at least once or twice a week.

>> No.9331843

Here's a secret to lolita: in the end, they're just clothes. You can wear them however you want. Wear a petticoat or don't. Wear something that doesn't quite match. If you're not likely to see another lolita, and you're not posting a picture of the coord online, who cares?

Personally, I found that gently easing into wearing fancier things one piece at a time (a brand blouse with a blazer at work, a JSK with a normie cardigan) until I was actually wearing otome or toned coords at work/friends. That way its "Oh look, anon is wearing those clothes she normally wears" rather than "WHAT IS THAT?!"

>> No.9331850

I'm >>9331782. Do you have a picture of it, anon? Those medals don't really look like they'd go on a rosary (not that I'm expecting meta to care but...)

>> No.9331851

If you started noticing more grey hairs, would you wear wigs more often?

>> No.9331853

>what is dye

>> No.9331856

>miraculous medal
I don't want to sound like a weabo but that just sounds like something a magical girl would have

>> No.9331859

> What is not wanting to ruin your hair

>> No.9331863

Its not unheard of for a rosary to have a "saint's medal" with Mary on it. If you literally have Jesus on your rosary that's kind of weird.

>> No.9331874
File: 3.75 MB, 5312x2988, 20170125_154858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please bear with my shitty pictures. It's nowhere to be found on lolibrary.

>> No.9331883
File: 3.25 MB, 2088x2394, 20170125_155445-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get a good close up of the front of the medal, but it says "regina sine labe originali concepta" on the back with a picture of what I assume is the Virgin Mary. I could get the meta tag clesrly clearly though so you know I'm not just making this shit up because I can find absolutely no evidence of meta ever selling this.

>> No.9331977

Anon speaks the truth. I know a few girls who experiment with their looks, but they only post the photos privately because of the possibility of backlash. It's sad.

>> No.9331982

is it just me or is boystyle gaining a lot of popularity?

>> No.9331986
File: 10 KB, 275x273, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to tell what's going on here, but that doesn't look like a rosary to me, maybe a rosary-inpired piece. The chain doesn't look right, the lack of real beads is rubbing me the wrong way. A real rosary will have five sections of ten beads, is the chain sectioned like that?

>> No.9331987

>wanting to be respectful of a religion when the brand itself is the one who sold it as a costume jewelry piece
Anon, for one thing you're adorable.
Secondly, don't worry about it being desecrated because unless it was blessed by a religious authority it's just a necklace. You can even tell people it's an unblessed costume piece and no sane religious person would press you after that.

t. ex Catholic

>> No.9332003

I'm with you there. I never considered anything other than MM, VM and Boz back then because fit looked so atrocious for all the other brands. I'm glad there's been more crossover in terms of bodice types, waist definition, etc. as well as expansion of colors, materials and motifs.

>tfw cotton used to be the only acceptable fabric type

Also how much more information we have in terms of being able to order something and not be too surprised in terms of how it actually looks on a human body now.

>> No.9332071

The material looks kind of cheap, but maybe that's just the picture. What material is it made of? How does it feel?

>> No.9332153

As someone who grew up in a 110% hardcore catholic town; nobody cares. Rosaries got handed out as party favors at church functions and ended up getting pinned to random crap/left at shrines as a "blessing" or ditched in alleyways. A rosary isn't significant without a history of use ( like if you or your abuela uses it daily, or if it's an expensive piece, etc). Wear it.

>> No.9332173
File: 68 KB, 690x946, 16114925_10154881110478911_1856671632599543906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in the comments seem to love them, but damn I think these shoes are ugly.

>> No.9332201

Me too. The toe is too round and the top is too shallow(? like the part where your toes connect to your foot will show. idk how to describe it.). It's bound to make anyone look like a clown.

>> No.9332211

Toe cleavage

>> No.9332250

I thought it was some Mew Mew Power thing when I first saw them. Looks even tackier than usual sweet shoes.

>> No.9332259

They barely look cat related unless you see the footprint...The tail is dumb and probably really inconvenient to walk around with too. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get the appeal.

>> No.9332264

bait for the ageplayers?

>> No.9332334 [DELETED] 

They are just clothes but they're very specific niche clothes. There are personality traits and shared knowledge that would have which gravitate you and other people specifically towards lolita.

It isn't the same as just seeing someone else wearing Macy's clothes that anyone can braindeadly pick out from a rack on a random store visit without any rhyme or reason.

I'm the end they're just clothes, but there is certainly and undeniably a lolita culture surrounding the clothes. You can choose to ignore it and not participate, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.9332339

They are just clothes but they're very specific niche clothes. There are personality traits and shared knowledge that would gravitate you and other people specifically towards lolita.

It isn't the same as just seeing someone else wearing Macy's clothes that anyone can braindeadly pick out from a rack on a random store visit without any rhyme or reason.

I'm the end they're just clothes, but there is certainly and undeniably a lolita culture surrounding the clothes. You can choose to ignore it and not participate, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.9332393

I actually really love the design but these look cheap as hell. They literally look like they're made out of hard plastic.

I can't imagine wearing them for more than 3 steps without my feet becoming bloody stumps

>> No.9332404

I was responding specifically to an anon who was concerned about wearing a low poof petti for daily wear, not saying that a subculture around lolita didn't exist.

>> No.9332411

I totally agree with>>9332259
I really like the paw bottom but the entire top design is blehh.

>> No.9332464 [DELETED] 

are you from Laredo by any chance

>> No.9332470


>> No.9332472

It's just a necklace anon holy shit.

>> No.9332526

>who says we can't use livejournal
Exactly. A small group of people are still using it, nothing is stopping you.

>> No.9332533

As long as it looks good to you just wear them, the lolita police won't find you unless you post online. It's okay to go with a low poof petti if it suits the dress.

>> No.9332536

Its a 3d rendered image anon
That aside I can't see wanting them unless your closet is full of cat prints.

>> No.9332548

Anon, don't be afraid, just wear them. You don't have to insist that your outfit is lolita or post it online. Sometimes I wear more casual dresses with long sleeves t-shirts and no petti at all when I'm just going out on my own. Noone cares. Really.
I would avoid doing this with really OTT princess sleeved dresses though.

>> No.9332609

I don't think I've ever bought an item for a specific coord, I buy items for my wardrobe as a whole. It's quite cohesive so I can mix and match easily.

>> No.9332613

I'm usually a whore for anything with cat theme but these look so clumpy like those weird orthopaedic shoes people with one leg shorter than the other have to wear

>> No.9332616

To be honest, I feel like with a lot of simpler and less floofy dresses/skirts (think a lot of Innocent World's stuff), a light petticoat can often look nicer than a massive fluffmonster, particularly if you're going for a more "vintage"/"retro" styling.

>> No.9332626

>as a costume
>it's an unblessed costume piece
It's fashion

>> No.9332644

google "costume jewlery", you fucking sperg.

>> No.9332692

I like that, it looks like it was made to match Secret Eden. It might match that vampire print, too, idk since I haven't bought it yet

>> No.9332703

>literally costume jewelry=cheap fashion jewelry
The terms are interchangeable,

>> No.9332705
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 10c4d6e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone is saying these are stubby but I see no difference from standard tea parties

>> No.9332719

oh my.. I hate basically everything about these :/

>> No.9332721
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x2268, 20170124_154855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody help me If this dress? Received in a BTSSB lucky pack not this year but last. Even when library was up, I never actually found the dress. It has partial shiring in the back

>> No.9332740

It's like individually I like everything but together it's crap

>> No.9332743

It's cute! Do you have the ad for the lucky pack?

>> No.9332751

It's called Candy Ribbon JSK.
Here it is in white: https://www.wunderwelt.jp/products/w-19763

>> No.9332753

Almost everyone I know misses those years. I bet that style will have a comeback soon.

>> No.9332758

Costume jewelry is any jewelry not made of precious stones. Brush up on your normalfag fashion first before you declare yourself a lolita fashion advisor.

>> No.9332810

Innocent World, man, I love you guys but like.. a month to receive an invoice is tough to swallow. Please hurry. Anyone in the same boat?

>> No.9332824

That seems like an unreasonably long time. You ordered before the sale began, right? Maybe email them about it and ask?

>> No.9332830

It's the details anon
>tea-parties don't look like they're made of cheap platic
>shoe-design is a lot more flattering
>seams on the sole can be seen (suggests better construction)
>the lace-cut leather

>> No.9332833

I want to like these, but I hate them.

>> No.9332836

It's a 3d model. No shit it looks like plastic.

>> No.9332883

Thank you, someone said it. I'm shocked how many anons fail to realize these are a 3D model.

>> No.9332901

No unfortunately not, I got it in the random veriaty pack in the 2015/2016 winter
Holy shit anon thank you. I've spent hours looking through lolibrary with no luck, looks like it wasn't very popular

>> No.9332919

In this case it's a good one. But it still looks wonky, like it will make you feet look really long.

>> No.9332971

> tfw you're so lifestyle even the bottom of your shoes has to be kawaii

>> No.9332977
File: 216 KB, 505x505, TB269p.aUWO.eBjSZPcXXbopVXa_!!136061026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when does Sweet Dreamer to whole outfits btw? Only remembered them doing accessories.

>> No.9333094
File: 512 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever designed the JSK needs to be slapped. What is going on with the bodice???

>> No.9333115

What foods do lolitas eat?

>> No.9333119

>something someone would actually wear around town
that wig's OTT and weird as shit, tf are you people on

>> No.9333122

I'd never thought of how the political climate influenced it after the 80s. IMO goth was always a bit more capitalist/apolitical than other styles around and immediately preceding it - compare 80s goth to 70s punk, or late 90s goth to early 90s grunge. It probably is influenced by the political climate but IMO it comes back up when people become apathetic and comfortable, not when things are really fucked.

>> No.9333124


>> No.9333126

Which classic instagrams do you follow?

>> No.9333127

They've been releasing dresses for a couple of years, I think the first one was a tartan one about two years ago, then they had a couple of releases of a chiffon dress that looked a bit like BtSSB's Trianon OP but with detachable sleeves.

>> No.9333130

>3d model
How can you possibly tell? I'm not being snarky but it just looks like a real pair of shoes to me.

>> No.9333136

Do you have eyes? Look at the highlights and shading, or that it's floating in a perfectly black abyss

>> No.9333150

You're welcome anon! I'd actually seen it on Wunderwelt a couple of times but can never remember the name because the dress doesn't exactly scream candy ribbon (actually realized just now that the things near the hem are ribbons, always thought the name referred to the buttons and thought it odd that you would base a dress name on buttons only...) but thankfully found it on the site in no time. Anyway, glad I could be of help! It's a cute dress.

>> No.9333152

Anon said they weren't trying to be snarky and were genuinely asking, why the salt??

>> No.9333170


>> No.9333173

I actually love it. Hooray for tit room!!!!

>> No.9333183

Which brands make the warmest coats?
I live in a climate with relatively mild winters. I own a btssb coat which is so warm it is only useable a few times during the year. I'd like to get another lolita coat or jacket, but not sure where I can find a lighter one.

>> No.9333192

Yeah, but I got the feeling that since it's placed too high, it's going to cut the bust in half.

>> No.9333195

The op is for fatties, again.

>> No.9333198
File: 72 KB, 341x353, IMG_0559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess off topic, but, does anyone else's significant others (who don't use 4chan or CGL) pick up CGL-isms? My boyfriend has literally become a gull in the sense that he can tell me if a coord is good or bad/what's wrong with it. He also knows some drama and who people Mr. Yan are. I also heard him say "nice self-post" about something unrelated to CGL yesterday. Mind you, he has no interest (??) in j fashion. I'm getting so much amusement out of it, I can't be alone in this?

He's been harder on my coords than my actual lolita friends, kek. I appreciate it though!

>> No.9333201

You are not alone.

>> No.9333202

My ex browsed a few boards here so could be the same with yours.

>> No.9333243

Good. Stay salty.

Many ap jsks have adjustable straps and the boob area actually looks long enough to fit some unlike some other jsks that cut boobs in half.

>> No.9333283

How can you tell? Where are the measurements?

>> No.9333322

Is anyone else a bit... underwhelmed with the print? It looks taobao-y.

>> No.9333421

It just looks really wide in the torso, perhaps it's just me

>> No.9333425

So your basis that this OP is for fatties is because it looks kind of wide?
Flawless logic.

>> No.9333446

Question for you fellow anons, has anyone ever gotten cosmetic surgery? What were your thoughts with it, or to anyone in general what do you think of people who get them?

I have terrible face genetics and never want to post a photo no matter my coord because of my butterface. While I've gotten over being emo about it in high school, I still hate my Lor-level beak and hereditary chin fat that never goes away no matter how thin I am. Cave eyes, dark circles, acne, I got blessed with the whole package, I'm glad makeup is a thing.

Family and friends of course just want me to love myself, and money wise it hurts looking at the costs, at least $2k for the chin and at least $5k for my nose. I don't know if I could justify it.

Maybe I've internalized cgl and 4chan too much combined with an overall lifetime of despising my face.

>> No.9333495

So let's say you're objectively ugly. So what?

It's taken a long time to undo negative thinking taught to me by cgl, but honestly, if the worst thing someone has to say about you is that you're ugly, you're doing ok.

That said I also think people have the right to get whatever cosmetic surgery they want, it's your face so you get to decide. Just don't bankrupt yourself for it.

>> No.9333512

This might be a bit shallow, but I say go for it. I mean, there's nothing wrong with remaining the way you are, but if it helps you love yourself even more then what's the harm?

>> No.9333514

That's not wide to you? How fat are you?

>> No.9333525

The print is underwhelming, its like a shittier version of mirage castle to me. I absolutely adore the JSK cut though, it looks really beautiful. I think it might only look good on small busts though

>> No.9333544

>it's floating in a perfectly black abyss

Lol, so many stock-photos of real things are like this

>> No.9333558

anon you goofball, dying your hair is completely fine and non-damaging unless you're bleaching the shit out of it

well everyone knows lolitas are actually beautiful fairies who feed off of pixie dust and flower nectar

I love how quickly everyone forgets about shitty people, not 2 weeks ago choke was dragged on RC yet again for not getting her shit together with lockshop and today she's gotten almost 900 likes for a relatively meh coord just because she's pretty and has good quality pictures

>> No.9333586

This is so not true. even normal dye is damaging your hair. Not as much as bleach but it's still harmful. I can't count how many times my sister complains that her hair doesn't get better when she always dyes it brown. And my (natural blonde) hair was so much worse when I still dyed it brown and red compared to now.

>> No.9333587

Instant ramen so we have more money for burando.

>> No.9333588

>she's gotten almost 900 likes for a relatively meh coord just because she's pretty and has good quality pictures
well, that's what people like. they want a decent coord on someone who is really pretty.

>> No.9333591

clearly she's using shit hairdye then, I've never had a single issue with using assorted well-acclaimed hairdyes. in fact my last dyeing with Directions seems to have made my split ends better/occur less than they used to

>> No.9333594

I just eat normal foods.
While wearing lolita I prefer to eat daintier, so I might get a salad as opposed to a big juicy and potentially messy burger.
At meet ups the comm will decide where to eat, generally cheap to mid tier Asian restaurants.

>> No.9333595

We both dyed our at our hair dressers, who uses professional hair dye (and our country has pretty high standards for hair dresses, you need a proper education to even handle hair dye).
Don't try to sell fucking Directions as good hair dye. That's one of the worst hair dyes my friend ever tried out.
Most people don't realize how normal hair dye damages their hair, because they dye it for a long time really often, they simply don't know what their normal healthy hair looks like anymore (this was me a few years ago).

>> No.9333596

Cause people forgive beautiful people. Choke could steal a kid's ice cream and I would still fawn over her pretty pictures.

>> No.9333598

so do they over here, and Directions is commonly considered the best non-professional unnatural hairdye there is, no matter what anecdotal experience your friend had with them
please, do come and tell me how my hair looks awful and unhealthy when you haven't even seen it, haha
anyway come to hair thread if you want to keep fighting, we're derailing

>> No.9333602

Come at me with your split ends anon. I never said you had 'horrible' hair, but every hair dye attacks the hair since it's chemicals, that's fucking logic.

>> No.9333605

>"Anectodal evidence!!!"
>"in fact my last dyeing with Directions seems to have made my split ends better/occur less than they used to"

>> No.9333608

what's the current verdict on flower crowns? are they still tacky or has enough time passed to bring them back?

>> No.9333609

I'm not saying that's not anecdotal kek, I'm saying that there is plenty of evidence for Directions working fine for 99% of the people who've used it
but I would love to see an actual study or anything of the sort about this, go ahead if you have one around

alright will take pic later, watch hair thread :^

>> No.9333619

Why don't you google it, huh? Just google "study hair dye damage" and look at the results. I'm not gonna wage a perma-ban for linking sources. Do your homework.

Idk if directions are that good or that bad, I used them years and years ago for blue and pink and they were shit (but this was very long ago, so they might've changed their recipe). One friend of mine still uses green and blue and her hair looks, well, not as good as it did with other normal dyes. Also, how would a pic of your hair help without a comparison to your normal, non-dyed hair? Not every dyed hair looks completely shit, but 99% would look even better and healthier without dye. I dyed my hair for 10 years and had the nick-name of a hair-dye-maniac and it's simply common sense to know that every hair dye is damaging.
Dyeing is not the end of the world, your hair won't looks like shit. But saying "dying your hair is completely fine and non-damaging unless you're bleaching the shit out of it" is simply wrong. End of discussion.

>> No.9333640

>perma-ban for linking sources
what planet do you use 4chan on where posting links (besides the obvious blogspot and artsmoo) is not allowed? as I said above, this should be in the hair thread anyway, just come on there if you want to keep arguing and I'll happily respond.
and you're saying that like I don't have any undyed hair pics (admittedly they're from 5 years ago when I was literally 13, so my hair's probably changed from then). it's great that you think that undyed hair looks better and healthier but mine had all of these issues before I started dyeing and I doubt they'll magically vanish when I stop.
and dying your hair IS completely fine and non-damaging as long as you're not a retard about it. don't completely change colours every 2 weeks and take appropriate precautions if necessary (masks, treatments if you can see your hair quality dropping) and your hair will be just as nice it was before. bleaching the shit out of it is where most people frizz their hair, burn it off or just remove absolutely everything from inside it so it looks like shitty dry straw

>> No.9333645

I once did post a source about some weight-related study and got a warning. But Hey, why not, here's one source

Hair dye alway damages the hair fibers, or how do you think the colors fucking sticks to your hair? And masks and all these "pre-cautions" are bullshit on the long run. Hair is dead material, you can't revive it once you damaged it. It's like putting lotion on a corpse.

And since you don't reply on the hair thread and are absolutely delusional about hair dying (which is not bad at all, but simply not good for your hair) this will be my last post about this subject. Sorry you had bad hair with 13 and think your natural hair would still look as bad undyed. Maybe consider puberty.

>> No.9333647

The damaged ends probably fell off, happened to me still for about a year when I completely stopped dying my hair. Other option is, you are not speaking of an actual hair dye but rather those shock colored ones. English is not my native language so I don't know the proper term for them. However, judging from your earlier posts you are not. If you stop doing that to your hair for atleast a year you will see some pretty shocking progress.

>> No.9333648

I got an ex that's practically a lolita and could go full gull if he wanted to. He loves Yan, knows all the big lolita e-celebs like Lor, knows most the brands and knows exactly what makes an ita. Some non j-fash guys are just great at grasping the fashion and put actual female lolitas and itas to shame.

>> No.9333672

I got rid of my "hook" nose and honestly it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. The biggest difference was more psychological than anything else, but that was worth it to me.

Obviously, don't let anyone talk you into it, but don't let anyone talk you out of it either. People who say things like "you should just love yourself"/"you're beautiful the way you are"/etc. are coming from a good place, but they're not ... you know, living as you everyday.

>> No.9333681

If changing one particular thing would make a lot of difference I would do it, but if it's a lot of small things I wouldn't. A lot of plastic surgery needs maintenance and it can be addicting.

>> No.9333683

Yes. I hate that there are so many people on this board who don't wear jfash or cosplay

>> No.9333684

I really want to fix my nose. It's not too terrible but I always hated it. My family and friends would judge the hell out of me though, because my nose is kinda iconic for part of my family.
I secretly hope that I get into a small accident where my nose gets broken and I can use it as an excuse to fix it.

>> No.9333691

I have the same problem. All the women in my family have the same nose and while I think they look beautiful with it, I think it looks too large on me. If I change it they'd be insulted, so I just kind of hope I have a small accident too.

>> No.9333719


Your first coord? Honestly I did mine the easy way in one go -- a special set from baby, petti from qutieland and shoes from bodyline, all ordered at once. Took about a month for everything to arrive and I was ready for my first meet. It really depends on the approach you take, if you want to order whatever is available and goes together at once, or if you want to start with a dress and then wait and keep searching for the perfect shoes, bag, blouse, etc to make that one really perfect outfit.

If you're looking for a similar fast route, keep in mind Baby doesn't do lucky packs with blouses nor bags anymore. AP and Meta do the blouses but not the bags anymore. Easy enough to fill in with stuff from Bodyline or one of the taobao brands/resellers, though.

>> No.9333729

It looks exactly like every other OP ap has been pushing out the last 5 years, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.9333734

Everyone has different hair, I have super thick, coarse hair and when I use dye I have no issues. My hair doesn't feel dry or look damaged, but other people can use something as harmless as 20% volume bleach and have breakage in 20 minutes. Hair dye does contain chemicals and will wear down your hair, if you have strong hair you probably won't notice anything different unless you bleach your hair. Even then, if you're paying out the ass for high grade products your hair will still feel fine and the damage will be masked. And a lot of products these days have nice conditioning within them so after you use them your hair feels amazing, but yes, damage is being done even if you don't notice it. The only dye I can think of that probably does zero damage or close to zero damage is Manic Panic.
Not sure why that's such a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.9333740

actually it is the opposite? Take a look at old school lolita, it is quite boring and lots of the same. Now there are so many styles, prints and ways of wearing it. It's true that you see a lot more classic (most sweet people are either too young or don't post a lot maybe?) and I guess people could experiment a bit more with stuff, but definitely definitely not dying at all.

>> No.9333744

Yeah but it's all looks like magazine photoshoots instead of a street fashion

>> No.9333751

Nah, sweet still reigns supreme, it just doesn't look like pastel explosion anymore.

>> No.9333801

Big fat meh. That JSK cut is horrendous too.

>> No.9333920

As a trend, I don't think they will comeback. If you want to wear one, no one's gonna trash on you about it as long as it matches the coord and the crown is well made.

>> No.9334012

Here, maybe this is a better explanation:
>Attachment points for straps nonexistent
>No actual buckle holes for straps
>Highlights in shadows
>Too many shadows for product photography
>Material texture for bows do not explain what their actual material is
>Ankle strap has ignores all effects of gravity
>Cat emblem ignores all effects of gravity

>> No.9334072

I received a lucky pack from Baby with a blouse just this past November. What makes you say they don't do them anymore?

>> No.9334079
File: 17 KB, 330x192, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> permanent hair dye

Unnatural colored dye (Manic Panic, Directions, Ion, Pravana) is NEVER permanent. It's color + conditioner. Unnatural colors (SEMI PERMANENT) require no mixing with a developer. They don't need to be developed. You just add them straight to your hair. In order for semi-permanent dye to work, your hair has to be made porous so the color can deposit. You do this by pre-lifting your hair. Even natural blondes will struggle with maintaining unnatural colors since the dye has nothing to stick too. The damage comes from the bleaching, not the dye itself. It is nothing more than an advanced version of those

PERMANENT hair dye can have ammonia or peroxide in it, which is what binds the color tightly to your hair follicle.

>> No.9334150

That's called a stain, not a dye. I don't even have a dog in this fight, but there is probably where the confusion comes from.

>> No.9334163

The JSK, sure. But the OP looks like Meta. And I don't mean good Meta.

I was really disappointed by this one. :c

>> No.9334166

Do it if that's what you want. Know lots of people who have had plastic surgery and you wouldn't know in most cases because it's not noticeable and they don't openly talk about it. Of around 20 people, I only know of one who remains constantly unhappy with her appearance, who has had multiple surgeries and has a cyclic eating disorder. She needs a therapist, not a surgeon.

As long as you don't think the surgery will magically make you 100% happy with your body (because it won't and that's how you end up like exhibition B above), and you don't go into crippling debt, do whatever the hell you want.

>> No.9334196

>implying there's such a thing as good Meta

I like the accessories for this series, but the print looks like it was lifted from a knockoff Cinderella storybook.

>> No.9334325


Their special sets, not the blind lucky packs. They used to come with blouses with coordinating lace and coordinated bags, this year both aatp and baby sets have no blouses and just a pass case.

Their blind packs can sometimes look a little...well, blind. It's leftovers after all, it doesn't always go together in a cohesive coord.

>> No.9334364

Cosmetic surgery anon here, was a bit embarrassed by making my post (honestly wanted to start discussion but it became "wah i'm so fug"), but thanks for all the honest replies!

I'm always so amazed by how much a nose job changes someone's appearance, the cost is literally the only thing stopping me from getting it done right now. I'm hoping one day I can get a consoltation and they'll discover some problem with my nose that will make insurance partially cover it. The nose is my biggest concern - the others are all unfortunate genetics but with lots of makeup it's very manageable. It's so encouraging to see the community not looking down on this, which was my worry.

You get me, man, you get me. I'm curious since you've gone through with it, were the costs about what you expected/were quoted/the average in your area? How was recovery time? I read that I'd have to take the week off work afterwards but at my job I honestly can't take more.

>> No.9334430

Every rosary I've ever had has Jesus on it and most of them have Mary.

>> No.9334436

They are so cute by themselves but they seem like they'd look stupid worn.

>> No.9334574

But manic panic are still all considered dye, even if they technically aren't

>> No.9334596
File: 24 KB, 607x315, e14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a problem buying secondhand clothes but the thought of buying socks secondhand perturbs me. Is there any getting over this?

>> No.9334611

>bratty anon is only 18
Not sure why I'm surprised.

>> No.9334615

I used to dye my hair around that age (13) too and it was heavily damaged by the bleach.
Hair of a person who is not fully developed is weaker. It is affected differently by the dyes.

>> No.9334640

you're not alone. When I first bought socks second hand, I decided to ask here in a B/S/T thread so I could just ask to get clean ones. most anons are neat freaks, so of course it's safer to buy here.

>> No.9334648

I'm going to be doing some gothic maternity dailywear shots but I won't be sharing them - I figure no-one wants to see a pregnant lady in lolita anything.

>> No.9334649

Ok so im doing an order on wunderwelt, and i had some questions.

I know you pay first, then they send you a thing to pay shipping. If the shipping is too high, do they let you cancel or change your order?

>> No.9334650


Its reasonable to be a bit apprehensive about it... Especially because so much gross shit happens around the feet. Not just sweat and dirt, but warts and fungal infections bleeehh.
I think the best course of action is just wash them before you wear them or only buy new socks if you really cant get over it.

>> No.9334654

No they don't.

>> No.9334657

My husband is like this. He doesn't browse this or other boards, but he's aware of drama-figures, the farm, and gives fabulous concrit. He recently saw some animal print monstrosity at a department store and pointed at it, saying that he'd found Meta's newest release.

>> No.9334665

well fuck. Is there a huge cost difference between SAL and epacket?

>> No.9334666

Bro, do you even dark night guardian?

>> No.9334667

Calculate the weight of everything and online ems rate charts can give you a pre-packaging rough estimate as to the shipping costs.

>> No.9334669

Well, it cant be too bad, its a bag and a bow. Right? (idk the weight of my bag, and im visiting family and dont have one of mine handy)

>> No.9334736

Yes, SAL and ePacket are very different in price, and if your order does not fit into an ePacket you're better off with EMS anyway. Regular SAL (=not Small Packet SAL) is actually slightly more expensive than EMS for smaller orders and is only worth it for really heavy orders of 10kg or so.
ePacket is usually around 2/3 of EMS I'd say.

What kind of bag are you getting? It might not fit into an ePacket.

>> No.9334742

That's really weird considering what rosaries are for. A lot of mine have Jesus too but all of them have Mary.

>> No.9334788

Less people are going to buy it if you call is a hair stain versus dye, especially with something like manic panic where the people buying it are usually kid's parents. Stain sounds worse, like a mistake or something you'll never get rid of.

>> No.9334862

>gothic maternity
I'll admit I'm intrigued. You're probably right in not sharing them, at least not to COF or the like because RREEEEEEE BREEDERS, but if you have a personal blog or something I'd like to see it.
>tfw also planning to start a family but all alt mommy groups I can find are full of crazy

Don't engage the anti-Metafags, anon. It's not worth it.

>> No.9334981

The dimensions are 21.5 * 23 * 8.5cm
Forgive me for being such a newfag at this, last time i ordered from a two part payment store, my ex was handling the payment

>> No.9334987

kissing a lolita on the hand?

>> No.9334988

Are you asking if it's okay to do? Use common sense. If you know each other and you know she's okay with you doing that then sure, go for it, otherwise please don't.

>> No.9335006

Stay away from lolitas.

>> No.9335047

That's not a haiku, but thanks for playing.

>> No.9335073

this will finally be on its way to me after the new year celebrations are over. psyched as hell for more velveteen all over ma bodeh

>> No.9335084

diff anon. I've never used the natural color boxed stuff like clairol, only manic panic. veggie-based colouring that couldn't damage your hair if it tried. some shades won't last a full year but it's a great moisturizing formula.

>> No.9335104

muh lady
*tips fedora

>> No.9335120 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to buy something from AP's sale but I keep getting an error that the server can't be verified and isn't secure, has anyone had that error from AP's website before?

>> No.9335130

I love it, but they made it too small for me.

>> No.9335155

As long as you aren't like that breastfeeding anon I don't think anyone would say anything.

>> No.9335158

Lose weight then.

>> No.9335173

what is the most respectable lolita brand after angelic pretty

>> No.9335192


>> No.9335195

Either Baby or Innocent World

>> No.9335263

I think you should email and ask if you can change. WW has always been super nice and worked w/ me on stuff.

>> No.9335271

In that case you should be fine with ePacket. It sounds like it's a smaller bag so shipping should be around $18 or less. (Please keep in mind that ePacket is only insured up to 6000yen so if your items are expensive you should think twice about choosing it.)
You could also leave them a message in the comment field like "if it doesn't fit into ePacket please change to the next cheapest shipping method".

>> No.9335279

What are your favourite blogs/youtubes, and why?
Do not want a link to the list, just wondering which are people's favourites. A lot of the blogs I used to love seem to be inactive or completely gone.

>> No.9335299

>angelic pretty
>most respectable


>> No.9335308

angelic pretty's quality is awesome af

>> No.9335382

all i wanted to do was kiss a lolita on the hand :3

>> No.9335385

Y-you can kiss me anon :3

>> No.9335387

AP's quality is decent. Their fabric choices and construction are nowhere on par with brands like VM or MM. What AP's good at is producing designs with wide appeal, and having high customized details like findings and laces.

>> No.9335393

Same, I just never buy used socks. It kind of sucks because new brand socks are way over priced, but I'd rather get offbrand or indie and once in a blue moon brand, rather than dirty used socks.

>> No.9335432

I think my feet are already gross so I don't mind, as long as they have only been worn once or twice only.

I used to be really paranoid about my brand socks so I would wear clear pantyhose socks underneath so I wouldn't get them all dingy.

>> No.9335467

Honestly, AP is my favorite brand but a lot of their choices re fabric and lace are extremely questionable and I have gotten a dress with wonky sewing more than once. For example the ruffle on the necklace of my Strawberry Whip OP is so crooked I considered trying to exchange it but then I couldn't be bothered because I doubted they'd let me (also their shop staff is always so rude that I don't want to talk to them more than I absolutely have to).

>> No.9335622

Nope, and you're not alone. It's the equivalent of buying used underwear to me.

>> No.9335643

only if you pay me, freak

>> No.9335646

Ditto to this. That, and their sizing has gotten too big. AP dresses from years back didn't have me tightening the lacing so much.

>> No.9335649

Yup, used socks are gross. There's a reason for why brand shops require blouses under jsk's when trying them on. People are gross.

>> No.9335679

And some cuts don't even have laces! If a dress has full back shirring but no lacing it wil gap open really awkwardly in the back on me and I'm not even skinny, so I've stopped buying those cuts completely. Way to abandon your original demographic, AP.

>> No.9335710

Guls, help. My bf bought me a dress on lacemarket, the price was $280 + the girl charged him $50 for shipping (although later she refunded $15). So the shipping was about $35. The seller said that USPS don't provide tracking number, but later on she said she just shipped the dress the cheapest way (the fuck, couldn't you ship it with tracking number for $50? It takes $15 to do so in my country). The problem is - it's been two months, the dress still isn't here. We contacted her quite often, and finally she said that it might be lost, BUT: the most she can refund us is $50, or she can MAKE A DISCOUNT on one of her dresses.I'm not fucking agree with that, I'm going to fill a PayPal claim if it doesn't arrive in two weeks. The question is - would PayPal fully refund us in this situation? I'm not agree with her "I shipped the dress so I can only refund you one quarter"

>> No.9335717

I think they would refund you in this situation. It's the seller's responsibility to get tracking + the appropriate insurance. Since she didn't they would probably side with you.

>> No.9335779
File: 19 KB, 250x333, 1ec7bfff7472e2549fd05677efa3572f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9334649 here, thank you guys for helping me through this. i just bit the bullet and ordered the things. The bag in question was pic related, since i wear mostly dark coords.

>> No.9335784

Very cute, anon! I hope you get your stuff safely.

>> No.9335898

Can anyone direct me to where I could possibly find some fawn fur caplets, collars, muffs etc? I have a few cute brown IW JSKs that I want to pair with some fawn fur accessories. I swear I saw them everywhere a while ago now I can't seem to find anything

>> No.9335915

There's a collar and cuff set on LolitaDesu that you might like: http://www.lolitadesu.com/fawn-fur-collar-and-cuff-set/#

>> No.9335917
File: 325 KB, 720x656, IMG_20170129_100311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link anon. I remember seeing a bunch like pic related but with the fawn fur, but now all I can find are plain ones like this

>> No.9335920

There are quite a few collars (and a capelet) on Etsy as well, they might be more to your taste.

>> No.9335930

Thankyou! I totally forgot about Etsy!

>> No.9335959

If there is no tracking, paypal will 100% refund you.

Also, USPS always includes tracking if it is going somewhere in the US. It's on the damn receipt.

Also also, shipping the dress should not have been more than 20-25.

She tried to rip you off.

File the claim now.

>> No.9335967

Oh crap sorry I thought you were also in the US. Disregard my post.

This is a bit more tricky. Do you live in Italy? I know that can take quite a while for packages to show up. To register a package it is an extra 14.95 or something, which gives it a tracking number. Typically it takes only 2 weeks for a package to arrive when shipped out of the US however sometimes custom's can be a bitch.

I would ask her for a proof picture of the receipt and custom's form first. If she doesn't provide it, go to paypal. Ultimately the dress has to be sent with tracking unless you both agree to not do that (usually involves a gift payment and both parties know there is no buyer protection anymore.)

Where are you located? If she gave it to you already, have you tried putting the custom number into USPS? That sometimes shows it was shipped and up until it left the US.

Sorry anon, this is a crappy situation

>> No.9336075
File: 155 KB, 716x1280, 16177706_901663243269316_1626694873617508258_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Baby dress only for the LaForet grand bazar? Will it be released for reservation or is it an old release?

>> No.9336078

>Releases jsk with boob room
>94cm max

>> No.9336204

Because Melty Cream Fuck You never grows old

>> No.9336215

Where can I find burando tier qi lolita?

>> No.9336237

Print looks like cheap kids book illustration. Its horrible, like its made by someone who just found the airbrush tool on photoshop

>> No.9336305

It's a release from.. end of 2016? Oct ish? it's called ""Fairyland of Little Red Riding Hood"

>wanted this so bad but had to save for a trip
>it gets released again but I'm saving up for another trip

>> No.9336326

What an ugly bag. Why would you even buy this?

>> No.9336333

>how dare you like what I don't like

>> No.9336336

Yes, shipping from the US is that ridiculously expensive. To ship with tracking was $100.

>> No.9336351

The cheapest option would be airmail (not trackable), $35 price sounds about right. If you wanted Priority, it would likely be more than $50, and the customs # number doesn't always work.
And this is why I refuse to sell without tracking to overseas. You whine and moan about the cost and only want to pay the cheapest, then turn around and file a PP claim when it doesn't show or takes a long time.
Don't be a whiny cunt and shell out for fast and tracked shipping next time. And let us know your LM username so we know not to sell to you.

>> No.9336357

Don't be friggin rude

>> No.9336358

Calm the fuck down. It sounds like they paid 50$ for tracked shipping and then the seller decided to send via the cheapest slowest method possible.

It's the seller's responsibility to provide shipping with tracking. Ask for a receipt/some kind of proof of shipping. If she can't give you any then file the claim and get your money back.

>> No.9336361

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.9336427

Shipping what, a couch? Shipping is expensive, but not $100 expensive

>> No.9336497

What the hell happened to baby? Most of their recent releases have been absolute fucking garbage.

>> No.9336521

They've been better than AP's. AP has been utter shit lately.

>> No.9336526

I haven't been paying attention to their recent stuff. Post pics of the pieces you think look bad? I agree with >>9336521
that AP has been a rehashed mess all last year.

>> No.9336530

There's this horrid rerelease of Shirring Princess, for one: http://ameblo.jp/baby-fukuoka/entry-12239837326.html

>> No.9336547

What kind of method were you using? If you're shipping via priority (like the flat rate boxes) or global express then yeah I could see shipping being that expensive but to ship via tracked registered mail, it's been around $36 on average for me. The faster the method, the more expensive it is via USPS.

>> No.9336571

>Shirring Princess
Is that name a joke? I'm laughing so hard. It looks disgusting.

>> No.9336626

This is part of their "old school" thing. So, ya, if you don't like old school, then it looks hideous.

>> No.9336630

Damn it has that across the chest shirring. That looks awful on everyone.

>> No.9336686

I agree with calling it horrid, only because that lace is absolutely not okay for old school

>> No.9336851

I've been intl shipped four thick hard cover books and the shipping for those was $100, unless anon is shipping bricks she shouldn't be paying that much at all

one dress intl through flat rate box was $40 like half a year ago as well, I doubt it's suddenly rocketed up by that much

>> No.9336861

No, it's horrible and not true to the original releases at all.

>> No.9336870

lose weight

>> No.9336896

>bodyline-tier lace
>sheer ribbons
>wonky waist bow
>flimsy fabric
This thing is a disgrace to old school.

>> No.9336909

Because everything solid must be old school right? Baby have been doing many releases of older designs with new fabric and lace and most of them are fine. I'm not saying Shirring Princess is actually a good dress for that or that it wasn't ugly but lace is probably an attempt to modernise it.

>> No.9336931

Is BtSSB's pieces dropping in quality? What are some of their other ones that haven't been so great?

>> No.9336952
File: 113 KB, 480x640, juno's blessing jsk_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like watching your loved one become fat and old. Momoko would probably kill herself.

That too.

>> No.9336953
File: 143 KB, 480x640, 5th avenue op mint_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9336954
File: 125 KB, 480x640, genoise jsk ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9336955
File: 114 KB, 480x640, rose muse op apricot_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9336958
File: 110 KB, 480x640, rose muse palyi jsk blue_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The material is the worst thing. It looks so cheap.

>> No.9336959
File: 111 KB, 480x640, garden flower jsk pink_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9336963

Ive noticed a drop in quality for AATP for the last few years.

>> No.9336964

I bought Snow Dot jsk and while it's nice and all it's definitely made of less quality materials than their older dresses. It's chiffon so of course it's not as thick as cotton but especially the bows are not stiff enough. However, it's fully lined and has some beautiful lace but definitely less lace and details and less quality fabric than the older dresses.

>> No.9336971

I honestly like the print on this one, but that cut is wtf.

Is that the same shiny fabric their AatP prints have been using lately? What is the name of the exact material? It looks shiny and cheap.

Baby has always had thick and almost heavy cottons so I wonder what's with the switch,

>> No.9336991

So awhile ago someone linked this vintage tea party planning video from a channel called "Retro dectective." I was watching a lot of their videos but I just went to go watch and their channel no longer exists wahh
Anyone know why ?

>> No.9336999

This. I fucking love AP, but they ain't perfect.

Also this. I embrace having a wider variety of sizes, but the one size fits all model is frustrating as fuck. My JSKs from 7 years ago fit better than the ones I've bought this year (to the point where the underarms gape and the shirring is scrunched af.

If the western market is finally getting bigger and worth spending the money for, why not attempt an IW model? :P

>> No.9337003

Can you explain more about the AP staff being rude? Which shops are you talking about?

>> No.9337004

I've heard the HQ in Japan has this old women who is rude, but she's been there for a long time.

>> No.9337016

Duuuudee that is 4chan language that is at least 7~10 years old, you find it in all boards, just look around! and reddit is not taking stuff from 4chan that has been here for years, then it jumps to Youtube, facebook, 9gag. Nowadays every normie thinks is hip by speaking like ~internet wizard~, calling things horrifying, cringe, without having ever seen actual edgy shit.
Is the new cancer

>> No.9337314

I'm considering purchases a blouse that had detachable waist ties that the current owner lost. The blouse seems like it would fit nicer with waist ties. How would I replace them? Would a satin ribbon be too weird? The fabric is cream with small polka dots, I'm not sure I'd be able to find a match with fabric.

>> No.9337333

You have no taste. >>9336958 in particular looks gorgeous irl but photographs like shit.

>> No.9337338

If the colour of the ribbon is reasonably close it shouldn't be a problem. You could try to match the texture of the ribbon to the blouse too if you want it to stand out less.

To be honest I never really saw the point of waist ties on blouses though. Blouses get worn under JSKs and skirts anyways so it doesn't seem like they'd accomplish that much.

>> No.9337340

I realize this sounds like the worst kind of humble brag ever, but I have a very dramatic hip to waist ratio and I like to show that off if I can. Having blouses well tailored blouses (or waist ties so I can fake it) helps with that effect.

>> No.9337349

Yeah but your blouse would be tucked into something else and the bodice/waistband of your JSK/skirt would be defining your waist anyways, wouldn't it? Unless you're wearing it for non-lolita purposes...

>> No.9337356

If you think that's Bodyline tier lace then you've either never really seen bodyline or brand in your life.

>> No.9337358

The "abs" dress

>> No.9337369

Fixing things like bone structure, sure.
Plumping your lips up to ridiculous amounts? No.

>> No.9337399

Did you see the terrible lace on the waist bow? It absolutely looks like the kind Bodyline uses.

>> No.9337415
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Re: Omnia Vanitas - who the fuck is this and why are they going to be there

>> No.9337417

Shit, I take it all back... It totally does look like Bodyline bow, I was looking at the shoulder strap lace earlier.

>> No.9337423

Because they have an artsy theme they are inviting artists. SFE events are not just for lolita. I think there'll be some sort of gallery.

>> No.9337446

Agreeing with this. It's pretty hit and miss depending on release and cut. There were a couple of high quality releases I ended up selling because it didn't fit in with my wardrobe, the rest that I've sold off was purely because the quality was so bad.

>> No.9337463

I was trying to figure out why there was a candy cane hanging on the shoe

>> No.9337476

Same. Looking at it again makes me see the resemblance. All the bows look terrible, along with the shitty back material

>> No.9337477

I still can't get over the girly look with a beard thing. It looks terrible

>> No.9337494

I think that person is from my comm actually (although they didn't attend the meets that I went to).

>> No.9337502

Question for lifestyle lolita's: what are some lingerie and sleepwear brands that sell really adorable and high quality stuff to match your lolita aesthetic?

>> No.9337949
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Poorfag ouji who always dresses like shit.

>> No.9337975

You gotta be kidding me. Does this person even own brand?

>> No.9337980

I'm don't know much about high quality yet affordable lingerie, but when it comes to sleepwear something lolita-like is actually pretty hard to find. Some different lolita brands have been putting out cute nightgowns (but they're hard to find) and you can find sleepwear on taobao.
If you want better quality fabrics than that I'd suggest looking for vintage nightgowns. I wear classic and it matches the aesthetic very well.

>> No.9337989

I really don't mind the artist theme of Omnia Vanitas and am looking forward to the exhibitions, but I think it is kind of bad taste to let some borderline cosplayer/wannabe alt fashion model join the artist ranks. 50% of the people involved in the fashion craft their own accessories an have pretty photoshoots, it's really not that special. Therefore I thought only visual artists like painters or photographers were allowed in the gallery, and not models. This just reeks of blatant attention seeking from his side

>> No.9337991

>no brand
That does not matter, though.
I am more concerned with his attention seeking behaviour.

>> No.9337998


lol no. He posted a while back on Tumblr asking for someone to shop online for him because he has an 'illness' that prevents him from doing it himself. I tried finding receipts, but it looks like he deleted the post.

>> No.9338000


Transtrender, fake albino, 'anxiety'. I don't really follow her - am I missing anything?

>> No.9338030

It's a pricy endeavour but I wear an AP cutsew OP as sleepwear. I can't wear these types of dresses out because they're really unflattering to my figure but as sleepwear they are adorable and comfy. See if you can nab some for cheap from y!ja or something.

>> No.9338046

Comfy cotton bloomers and a nice lolita cutsew work really well.
But it really depends on which lolita aesthetic you go for. Sweet lolita have it easy, there are so many cute pajamas out there. Classic lolita might work if you go for old timey sleepwear, like the mentioned nightgowns. Gothic lolitas probably have it worst, they would have to go for black lace stuff, and that shit is pretty, but uncomfy.

>> No.9338079

Most people I've talked to about this think the opposite. They think that 'minor' or 'temporary' things like lip fillers are totally fine but changing your bone or cartilage structure is dishonest and a betrayal of your family or some shit. I'm in the same boat as anons upthread in that I hate how my nose looks on my face, but everyone on my mother's side of the family has that nose and I know they'd be really upset if I tried to change it.


>> No.9338341

I thought SFE had decent standards for guests, what the hell happened?

>> No.9338369

You all should learn to read. They didn't invited him as a special guest, they are just presenting everyone who submitted an artwork for their exhibition. If anyone of the artist is attendong, then just as a normal paying guest

>> No.9338382

I feel like I am turning in to an ageplayer. Help.

>> No.9338384

At the risk of taking bait, how exactly?

>> No.9338405

what is that disgusting beard

>> No.9338410

With what? Kinks are very personal (or at least meant to be), either participate in it or don't, either way keep it to yourself because it's irrelevant and we don't want to know about it.

>> No.9338417

I don't understand how you fuck up Shirring Princess? It's like the most basic of basic dresses

>> No.9338418

Gothic AATP was the best, I wish they would go back to that

>> No.9338434

Likewise. The style and the quality just lacks a lot of what I liked about the brand in 2011. I've compared for example the quality of the old Vampire Requiem wine tote and the newer tote that was released the other year, and there's just no comparison. The original was in the same fabric as the dress/skirt and lined, whereas the new print was on different, lower quality fabric and wasn't lined. Even the printing technique was different - on the new bag the print was only on the surface of the fabric. I think looking at details such as on accessories can be a good indicator of production quality. I miss their more 'aristocrat' style stuff, and when their prints weren't just sweet prints in darker colourways.

>> No.9339031

are they seriously trying to say they're albino? I have albino customers, you can tell by how the skin is pigmented(or lack there of) and eyes if not by the hair

>> No.9339034

Yo don't be dissing Garden Flower. The fabric and lace is fucking gorgeous in person. It's one of those dresses that just looks bad in the stock photos.

>> No.9339040

I bought the Aquarium Carnival OP and one of the bows had... Let's say a very odd sewing method used on it. Only one, the other bows were very nice.

However, AP has way better quality than recent Baby and AaTP. Baby seems to have abandoned lining their pieces entirely.

>> No.9339063
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>Not even steamed or pressed in anyway
>Lumpy petticoat underneath


Bad paintjob is bad, but a comparison to an old release

>> No.9339065

They don't claim it as far as I can see, but have several photos up with this kind of albino esthetic or whatever you wanna call it, you know, the whole "painting my eyelashes white" deal.

>> No.9339080



Bitch even complains about people discriminating against albinos.

>> No.9339125

They're definitely not albino and even have dark hair coloring for a white person? Looks like they actually quietly fetishize it.

>> No.9339135

holy shit. this is actually a gorgeous op.
the little puff sleeves under the little shawl flap (don't know how else to describe it).

I really wish the skirt was fuller, because I like to go all out with poof, but I NEED to see the other colourways.

>> No.9339151

Anon pls. It looks like something a mommyblogger made out of candy wrappers for her daughter's knockoff Barbie doll.

>> No.9339194

somebody stop me i want to send anon hate

>> No.9339225

No, do it. Snowflake "ouji" are the worst and they most certainly shouldn't think they're some kind of e-celeb for the community.

>> No.9339310

doesn't shit like this break board rules??
complaining here is one thing, directing others to hatefully complain on another's blog is pushing it.

>> No.9339493
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> Black owned business

Does it make any difference worth mentioning?

>> No.9339515

Oh gosh I'm glad I didn't dig into their tumblr too deep. I mean... If they're seriously claiming to be an Albino, do they claim they're dyeing their beard that barely is one?

>> No.9339565

Things like this are so dumb and don't help their intentions at all

>> No.9339712

when ur so yt ur actually a minority ;^)

>> No.9339735

I've found a store that sells replica fabric of famous brands. What can I do to stop it? Sending the links to the original stores (BTBSS, AP etc.) does anything?

>> No.9339989

Where do you think is the best place to post reviews nowadays? I thought about sticking to lj but there's blogspot and amino too.

>> No.9339991

Amino is great except for the fact you can't find it unless you're in that amino. Post it in a blog and maybe repost in amino.

>> No.9340165

I like to post on my tumblr

>> No.9340591

youtube is good for negative reviews cause you can really go into depth

>> No.9343728

Does anyone have a screenshot of the chick who posted a coord photo on a dirty bed with her half naked hairy bf sleeping on the bed in the shot? It was a mint baby jsk that was inside out

>> No.9343734


Wasn't that a sales post?

>> No.9343739
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No that was a different chick who's boyfriend held up her dresses in no pants lol. I found it anyway.