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File: 288 KB, 640x640, typical-winter-sweet-lolita-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9316506 No.9316506 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss j-fashion and lolita shoes and what offbrand shoes work in various styles for you.

>> No.9316508

Does anyone know where I can get fairy kei shoes or boots for winter?

>> No.9316515
File: 93 KB, 1000x800, lesbourdons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone link a review of Les Bourdons or talk about their shoes here? I haven't really heard much about them since they released.

I wanted to browse and maybe buy a pair but their website is down. Is Chokelate better with this brands quality and communication than with Lockshop?

>> No.9316534
File: 57 KB, 750x512, TB2ap8RaRyN.eBjSZFIXXXbUVXa_!!1130199603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what your shoe size is.

>> No.9316537

My shoe size is 7.

Also those shoes are adorable, where can I get them?

>> No.9316546

I feel like I'm the only one that absolutely despises lolita boots. Not so much the look, but even the most expensive brand boots are the shittiest quality. They even look like shit in those stock photos. But I'm probably partial because I have high end normal boots and I know what the quality COULD be for the price tag.

>> No.9316549

seconding this

>> No.9316552


>> No.9316563

I feel exactly the same way, plus I know there's a 0.0001% chance any given pair of brand shoes/boots will fit my hugeass-by-asian-standards feet.

>> No.9316611

I can usually fit an asian XL shoe, but I feel you. Before I was in lolita I used to cosplay and brand boots are almost identical in quality to those Pleaser boots that a lot of people use for Sailor Moon cosplays and such.

>> No.9316623


>> No.9316628

As a gothic Lolita who mourns the loss of clunky shoes in Lolita this pains me.

On that topic, best source for chunky shoes? And if I want RHS that don't suck VWs are the only real option I suppose? I have Lolita Lola's and they're total shit, the platforms rip off constantly.

>> No.9316637
File: 63 KB, 640x425, IMG_4858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same with most brand boots too, except pic related. I really regret not getting them.

That being said, all of my shoes are off brand, but I'm a classic lolita so it's easier to find suitable shoes than if I wore sweet.

>> No.9316645 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 500x500, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tempted to buy these for pastel styles, but I'm really hesitant. I walk everywhere, and the sidewalks here aren't very well maintained meaning there's a lot of areas it's nothing but jagged cement. Can anyone attest for brands of shoes that hold up super well to a lot of wear? By a lot of wear, I mean easily an hour or two of uneven terrain on any given day. My other option is these cute creepers from Demonia, but the platform almost looks like that foam material, and I learned that's not going to work from my Rocket Dog sandals.

>> No.9316646
File: 23 KB, 500x500, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tempted to buy these for pastel styles, but I'm really hesitant. I walk everywhere, and the sidewalks here aren't very well maintained meaning there's a lot of areas it's nothing but jagged cement. Can anyone attest for brands of shoes that hold up super well to a lot of wear? By a lot of wear, I mean easily an hour or two of uneven terrain on any given day. My other option is these cute creepers from Demonia, but the platform almost looks like that foam material, and I learned that's not going to work from my Rocket Dog sandals.

>> No.9316661

Those are actually really cute, anon. I wish sweet had some different shoe options. I like classic shoes so much better.

>> No.9316666

Demonia, TUK, and Wego have all been reliable for me

>> No.9316695


>> No.9316705

I got those boots for the winter ! I have really small feet tho. I live in Canada, and I really surprised. They are warm enough for the heavy snow, my feet stays dry and they are too much slippy on the ice. They aren't list of the shop anymore tho.


Could you send the link to those shoes anon ? They are so cute !

>> No.9316782 [DELETED] 

once a shit seller, always a shit seller

>> No.9316802 [DELETED] 

i really want a pair of AP engineer boots but im considering the antaina ones cause im worried the weather here would just destroy them

>> No.9316863

max size 39
*cries in giant*

>> No.9316873

I own Demonia platforms (though not their creepers). I wouldn't wear them in wintery/slippery weather. Don't want to get the shoe messed up from the salt/if I DO slip, I'll definitely fuck up my ankle on 6 inches of platform.

There is barely any difference in quality between AP and its replicas when it comes to shoes. Also, shoes are things that are guaranteed to always get fucked up, so why spend 200 dollars on something you KNOW you're going to eventually step in shit in?

>> No.9316896

Requesting some nice offbrand shoes made of real leather that can work with classic or gothic. Bonus points if they're loliable boots.

These shoe threads have saved my feet from cheap plastic brand shoe hell.

>> No.9316922


>> No.9316924

Sorry, I didn't see your post or I would've replied to you as well. Link posted above.

>> No.9316927
File: 27 KB, 460x575, OTF-Mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oak Tree Farms. They run narrow so you'll have to buy half a size up from what you normally wear. Their only downside is their lack of a zipper makes them a bit of a hassle to put on but totally worth it in my opinion.

>> No.9316934
File: 122 KB, 620x400, AD-Manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, American Duchess.

>> No.9316935

American Duchess also makes nice leather shoes, and they're period-accurate.

>> No.9316950
File: 366 KB, 1000x907, neo-s846-restored-skin-chestnut-rococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neosens, they also carry a wide palette of unusual colors, which is nice.

>> No.9317021

I always wear Demonia boots (goth4lyf), oldest pair is 7 this month aha, they do me proud.
Off topic but those pink shoes legit look like a pair I had in the 90's, except the hearts were light-up!

>> No.9317028

Try fluevog and hush puppies (I liked their Vivianna boot)

>> No.9317095

I've been on a quest for good knee-high lolita boots for almost five years now and have come to the conclusion that everything is shit, except Meta, which is okayish but still not great. It's such a shame but most non-fabric items put out by lolita brands (jewellery, shoes, bags) are costume quality, apparently meant to be used sparingly otherwise they fall apart after a few years of use.

>> No.9317131 [DELETED] 

and thats exactly why i wanted the replicas, you spoke my mind! i think ill definitely go for it!

>> No.9317155

Thank you both for the information! I think I'll go with Demonia for now. Oh definitely, if there's 6 inches of snow outside then cute shoes are the least of my concerns. I'll give the creepers a try, but if they seem to be problematic, I'll go with the boots.

>> No.9317360

Do you want lolita brand only? You're probably going to be stuck with the same material no matter what the brand unfortunately. You're going to need to look at offbrand if you want something higher than plastic taobao type shoes.

Also, are you more sweet/classic/gothic?

>> No.9317534

I hate that weird pleather that they use for everything. I legit got the horror bat bag brand new from AP's website and it arrived with dents in it that are impossible to get rid of. Every single flaw is shown with that pleather.

>> No.9317636

Yeah, I get not wanting dress replicas since there IS a quality difference and in most cases your dress won't come in contact with dog shit lol. But for shoes...

If your winters are more mild/not icy, you should be okay. But if your winters are harsh, maybe just abandon looking cute and getting real winter boots with grips and insulation etc. and changing into cute shoes once you get inside.
I want another pair of platforms now...

>> No.9317654

I'm looking at where to buy secret shop tea parties and http://www.clobbaonline.com/ looks sketchy, but I was directed here from their old website. Sorry if new fag question, but is this the right place?

>> No.9317664

You indeed sound new because Clobba is a very popular Taobao reseller.

>> No.9317671
File: 507 KB, 750x1480, TB2Tk6Xd31J.eBjy0FaXXaXeVXa_!!267626588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always go for some from https://shop58746168.world.taobao.com/ as they come in big sizes too.

>> No.9317676

Does anyone know where I can find some US size 9.5 Lolita shoes?

>> No.9317691

I'm new to taobao stuff, the site just gives a me a milanoo vibe

>> No.9317703

Then go inform yourself because you couldn't be any more wrong.

>> No.9317746 [DELETED] 

im less worried about dog shit and more worried about the cold/wet uneven canadian sidewalks

>> No.9317747 [DELETED] 

the only taobao reseller thats no longer safe is Qutieland. they completely disappeared and stopped updating shop

>> No.9317748 [DELETED] 

antaina. custom. poor bigfoot.

>> No.9317872
File: 21 KB, 400x400, boooooot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossposting from taobao thread, sorry to spam. I'm searching for these boots, I had a taobao link saved and now it's dead.

>> No.9317973

Thanks so much this helped!

>> No.9318360

don't trip

>> No.9318407

So I'm considering dropping some money on a nice pair of leather shoes (originally I was looking at Fluevogs and American Duchess, but now appearantly I need to look at Oak Tree Farms and Neosens, thanks alot anon). Since most of these shoes are pretty pricey, I'm torn about what to get: do I get a pair of sensible, versatile black or brown shoes that I will use forever (but similar to shoes I already own) or do I get a weird color, like red or blue, that I don't own (but that I'm less likely to wear on a daily basis)? For reference, I'm a classic lolita and I'm the market for a pair of red heels and blue heels but wear black and brown shoes daily for work and at home.

>> No.9318646
File: 1.74 MB, 3000x3462, eleanor_rdrs_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluveog, American Duchess, Oak Tree Farms
I love these threads because we get so many high quality shoes.

For your question, are your other black shoes "loliable" enough and comfortable enough? If not, I'd say get a good black or brown, depending on what fits your wardrobe better.

If you think buying yet another black or brown shoe in similar design is a waste, get an unusual color you wear a lot of.

>> No.9318703

I've got some solid mary jane style shoes in black and three strap ankle boots in black and brown. They're all pretty comfy and fine for classic. I was eyeing that exact boot on Oak Tree and it seems like the most "sensible" of my desire for unusual colors...Unfortunately I just want ALL OF THEM.

>> No.9318888 [DELETED] 

i say it sounds like fun to get red and just work more of it into your wardrobe to get some use of it! expand your creativity and look awesome doing it!

>> No.9319199

I can confirm that clobba is legit, and the customer service in my experience is very good. I had a problem with a dress once and they harassed the brand to send them a replacement part for like 2 months. They finally got the part from them after much badgering and then clobba forwarded it too me free of charge.

>> No.9321314
File: 88 KB, 403x604, sadgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here,


>> No.9324006
File: 267 KB, 828x900, IMG_6885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So modcloth had these 3-strap shoes and they recently went on sale for 60% off so I grabbed a pair in brown. They only have two sizes left but the black ones are still in stock from 5.5-10.

They're really nice and have a zipper in the back + elastic straps. They do run slightly large in the back part like some reviewers said.


>> No.9324064

Seven blessings friend

>> No.9324783
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 0e26613f0bc871a45a5f90fae1317ed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to the taobao shop that has real leather mary janes? I remember seeing them in a thread several months ago, they had a bow on the front, similar to or maybe a copy of these baby shoes

>> No.9324861 [DELETED] 

doesnt antaina give you a choice between real and faux?

>> No.9325409

Thirding this.
I'm also interested on similar options. I already searched for "three buckles" on Taobao, but no luck;

>> No.9325764

You can try searching this: 三扣靴
Or this link http://c.b1za.com/h.2g182x?cv=86mr7YaL8g&sm=ce1c6c
But it is currently priced at 10000 CYN because the reservation has ended and that page is there for display, and you have to wait until after Chinese New Year for the next reservation starts.
Also, the taobao seller has already made it clear that no shipping service is allowed here and this page is provided for Chinese lolitas only. I am not sure you can buy it via shopping service, because the seller might cancel your order when she sees your address.

>> No.9325774

I have two pairs of these. One golden and one off white. Since I reserved them from taobao, I can't possibly tell you the communication experiences with Chokelate.
But I can definitely tell you about the shoes! The shoes are pretty, but you won't want to walk too much in them...I walked one pair to a con and it was totally a nightmare, more so when my tights are pretty tight at the toes. Also, if you are a chubbier girl, you won't want these shoes because these shoes only look good on girls with slim feet, and your feet will look strange in them since the shoes will be too overstuffed. But the shoes themselves are of good quality.

>> No.9325804

When you're talking about the shoes being tight/overstuffed, are the shoes narrow or something or is it just shoe shape? I wear size 6.5 / 23.5 and have wider feet, hence my concern. Slim otherwise, just wide/flat feet.

On another fit question since you have them, how are the backs of them? Even in the stock photos they're slightly folding in at the back, is it an issue or just an okay necessity for the design?

>> No.9325822

No, the shoes are not narrow.
What I mean is when your insteps are too thick, they will bulge through between the buckles. I am a little chubby, so this is a issue for me. My shoe size is a standard 36, and the shape of my feet is normal, I am just a little chubby...the shoes fit, but my insteps bulge.
As for the folding at the back, actually I didn't even notice that, and it isn't a problem for me!
Also, make sure you put insoles in these shoes, if you don't want to taint your tights/OTKs. This is a painful experience for me.

>> No.9325824

How are dreamV shoes?

>> No.9327405

I didn't know that, I'll look into it, thanks!

>> No.9327855 [DELETED] 

also, iirc, custom house does lambskin

>> No.9328764

What's the calf like on yosuke boots? I love the designs but I've got really thick calves, so I'm worried about the fit.

>> No.9328778

These are available on taobao? Could you post a link to them? I want to avoid ordering directly from Chokelate because of her poor service in the past.

>> No.9328779
File: 44 KB, 442x508, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op, but that isn't a trip, newbie.

>> No.9329016

Yes they are! But they are only provided to Chinese lolitas, if your address is overseas or shopping service they will cancel your order.
I've posted the link/key words in this post>>9325764
I hope this is helpful!

>> No.9329034

Tight, very.

>> No.9329542

How do they compare to say, bodyline?

>> No.9329547

I don't think there is much of a difference sizing wise, the ones from suede can stretch a bit tho.

>> No.9329554

How about the quality?

>> No.9329609
File: 155 KB, 700x1200, IMG_0904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find shoes like the ones in pic related?
Bodylibe doesn't seem to vary them anymore. I'm looking for them in black

>> No.9329642

Glitzy wonderland has them, they're like 100 buck tho

>> No.9330197

Thank you, anon! I'm curious, are you Chinese yourself? How did you get them without a shopping service?

>> No.9330230

At that point, you might as well try to find some of the original Vivienne Westwood ones second-hand.

>> No.9330315

yeah I think some store was actually selling authentic VW rocking horse shoes for about 125 due to a sale or something

>> No.9330333

Yes I am a native Chinese, so I don't need ss to get them from taobao.
However I am still not fluent enough in English. If my words come out as offensive to anyone I am truly sorry about it!

>> No.9330504

How can they know if your address is for a shopping service? Do you happen to know of any SS that could get around the block?

>> No.9330517

Nah, bby you're fine

>> No.9330520


This place?

>> No.9330526

These are the closest ones I could find: https://world.taobao.com/item/45187862481.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4004-13643506142.25.83pFYc

>> No.9330528

Sorry! Because I never use shopping service for taobao, so I have no idea how they judge if your address is ss, or what ss can get over this block! But if your address is at a warehouse, or one of those addresses ss often uses, or if the recipient name is in English, it might cause your order get blocked. I don't actually know how it works, but this is my best guess! Hope this is helpful to you ^^

>> No.9330587

That was helpful, thank you!

>> No.9331244

Where would i find some cute shoes for OTT sweet for a size 10.5/27

>> No.9331302

bodyline or antaina,??

>> No.9331917


looks like it

>> No.9332565

Bodyline's shoes dont fit, and antaina seems to be just barely too small.

>> No.9332571

an tai na goes up to like 52 in some styles.

>> No.9332653

welp, im retarded.
time to figure out the best ss to buy shoes from them.

>> No.9336962
File: 139 KB, 650x500, bl shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls I have an embarrassing question but I need help.
> Just decided I need a new pair of pink shoes.
>Normally wear Bodyline ones, they fit me really comfortably.
>goes onto BL store.
>pretty much all sweet lolita shoes only have black or brown in stock.
>embarassed to ask where else to buy this shoe cause lolita of 4 years and still haven't used taobao...
I am so sorry to ask such a noob question. Where can I get these shoes?

>> No.9337473

On the topic of rocking horse shoes, would anyone happen to have pictures of tall girls wearing them? I have size 8-9 feet and I don't want to look like a Sasquatch.

>> No.9338936

>size 9.5
>see size 10 US in listing and get excited
>"The size of these shoes are smaller than ordinary, we suggest buying a bigger one size."
The entire site is like this and I want everything on it. Any other 9.5s here that have gone for this kind of thing, successfully?

>> No.9338957

You don't need a SS, they ship internationally. You can order through email.

>> No.9339003

>You can order through email.
Shit, really? I just bought a pair off of MLD and the shipping bled me dry. I wonder how much less it'd be ordering them directly, no markup aside...

>> No.9339011

Not the same anon but it's only cheaper if you want to use EMS because they won't ship with anything else.

>> No.9339077

Just got my first pair of Meta shoes. DAMN THEM BABIES ARE COMFY

>> No.9339109

Which pair did you get, anon? I keep hearing Meta is the best of brand shoes, so it's making me want to try a pair

>> No.9339142

These are NOT original RHS. They are legit Vivienne x Melissa but they are made of melflex - the entire surface is very shiny and they just close through a thin removeable satin ribbon. I own them, they are very nice, but not the same thing if you're wanting the matte style that goes best with lolita.

>> No.9342560

I mean go for it and sell them on if they don't fit?
What's the site?

>> No.9343195

>be size 9/40
>being taobao is suffering
>if it's not antaina the size cut off is usually 39
>contemplate enduring the pain for cute shoes.

>> No.9343198

Don't do it, anon. I'm the same size as you and it's a real struggle but too small shoes could really hurt you, it's not worth it.