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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9307081 No.9307081 [Reply] [Original]

You got both of the old threads deleted with drama so play nice this time.
Things to discuss:
>Desucon Frostbite
>the ECG qualifications

>> No.9307083

se poisti twitterinsä btw

>> No.9307186

>Aamuja 1/17

>> No.9307238

ECG is in few weeks and they still haven't revealed the contestants

>> No.9307261

They never announce the contestants in ECC or ECG. Only Cosvision and WCS does that shit.

>> No.9307339

Do you guys think contests should reveal the contestants like WCS and SM does? I think it's a nice addition but I guess a lot of contestants want to keep their participation a secret.

>> No.9310798

Only 3 weeks until Desucon Frostbite!

>> No.9311207

Why is Ilona taking part in the ECG??

>> No.9311664

I have a hunch who's gonna win even though I don't even know the other contestants

>> No.9311709

last year's winners won by friendship points so yea I would not be surprised...

>> No.9312817

Well Rimppu hates Ilona so not sure if she gets any friendship points there...

>> No.9312853

Wait, what?

>> No.9312888

The old threads didn't get deleted, they died because no one posted on them for days.

I'm still on the edge if I want to go or not. I don't have ticket yet and Frostbite isn't sold out, so there is still time.

>> No.9312890

Last thread indeed got deleted and the thread before it went well over autosage. There was discussion of certain someone which apparently was worth nuking the last thread.

>> No.9312934

Ok, I see.

>> No.9312974

I'm really looking forward to Noora and Hitsuwa performance. And maybe Cidi won't screw it up totally.

>> No.9313054

Why the hell? They sucked at SM. Noora is so much better than Hitsuwa, they might be cute as lovers but as cosplay partners, nope nope nope.

>> No.9313084

She talks shit about everyone so no surprises there

>> No.9314161

How many people will there be in the solo category? Shewon-Siiri and Reta apparently at least. Anyone else?

>> No.9314207
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>Used to not really care about cons that much a few years back after got over my worst weeb-phase (and the "WeebTSD" that came after that).
> Well. Used to also live in a place where it's really easy to travel from, to any given major con.
>mfw just moved so far up Lapland's ass recently traveling is immensely exhausting >AND just recently have been feeling like attending a few cons down south.

>> No.9318217

Shewon posted wip pic that look really nice, too bad I'd never want to see her representing Finland anywhere, because she's so unstable.

>> No.9319946

Could someone elaborate on this? I'm really curious because they're both the worst attention seekers of the scene.

>> No.9320468
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She can make really nice costumes when she puts some effort in, but as a person she's just difficult as hell. Also I fear for the safety of her cat.

>> No.9321810

Sooo apparently there is some lolita drama, anybody mind explaining what's up?

>> No.9321970

i qualified for ecg this year from another country. Mind telling me who's entering the finland qualifiers this year so i can go spy?

>> No.9322507

That's what people are trying to figure out because nobody knows.

>> No.9323753

One I haven't seen mentioned here yet is Maija from Casualty cosplay, I've heard she's entering? http://casualtycosplay.tumblr.com/

>> No.9323887

Well I think we then have a winner already. With and without friend points.

>> No.9324081

Maids are out if anyone is interested.

>> No.9326113

Desucon next week and I haven't even started with my cosplays.

Kill me.

>> No.9326650

Just finishing up mine for desucon. First time ever I have DAYS to spare, wtf is this?!

>> No.9328138

So animecon is 35€ and in Kuopio. Any thoughts?

>> No.9328151

Not worth it. The only reason they hitched up the prices is that it's now organized by a company instead of an association. They wanted an easy way to make money because Animecon's name will bring everyone to the convention since it's a tradition for so many people. Too bad they forgot that nobody wants to go to Kuopio and pay that much for it.

>> No.9328234

I've read from reputable source (ylis et al.) that all the maids are sluts, not interested.

>> No.9328241

Not all of them, don't know most though. Why the outfits are so ugly?

>> No.9328263

damn, i just read that they will be paying for the organizers. They are also making another con to Jyväskylä?

>> No.9328281

I decided not to cosplay at all since everything was a mess and I was missing bunch of things.

Maybe on summer Desu

>> No.9328287

They'll probably renew Kosucon that was once held in Jyväskylä.

>> No.9328409

Any guesses about Animecon's guest of honour? They say that it's going to be someone seriously spectacular, but I think it's hard to find a crowdpleaser guest in anime/manga industry

>> No.9328421

My story is quite different but I can feel your pain
Going to a con from Lapland is usually mega bothersome

>> No.9328446
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>reputable source
Pick one.

>> No.9328472

getting GoHs from the anime/manga industry requires some serious connections which they don't have so it's going to be some kind of a youtube personality again i bet. Kaoru Mori was an one time fluke

>> No.9330731

So, Elffi moved to Germany.

>> No.9331306

Nobody here has cared about elffi in at least 5 years

>> No.9331866

I just finished my costume and it seems like all the photoshoot slots are booked. Does anyone know of any good photographers that I could reach out to?

>> No.9332471

If you're cosplaying a cute girl, ask Madu. If you're not too picky about the quality, then Mialiina? Most of the cosplay photographers only shoot their friends.

>> No.9332537


Maybe not Mialiina. I want a decent photo at least. I think I'll try Madu or someone else.

>> No.9332619

Wait, what's wrong with her pics? Sure she edits them quite heavily, but I think she's one of the better con photographers out there.

>> No.9332649


Just not to my taste. They all kinda look like they are covered in several IG filters with fake sun exposures on one side and they're usually off-focus. Some look pretty good but again, they are just not to my taste, nothing personal.

Who are the better con photographers out there?

>> No.9332712

Does anyone have a screenshot of sasetar's infamous racist country lolita comments?

>> No.9332798


She already apologized about it. No use digging it up now.

>> No.9332938
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If it's about this incident, then it's not her being a racist but just uninformed. Nothing to get mad about.

>> No.9333423

Actually that was someones boyfriend who said that, she just used it. I don't see anything racist in that comment but I can see how some peolpe got triggered

>> No.9333455

Today is the day. Are you ready?

>> No.9333460

Nope, nope, nope. Still need to do some sewing after work....

>> No.9333546


My cat played with one of the wigs I was going to use for Sunday but luckily it's the short one. I can still fix it. Other than that everything is ready. I still need to find a good photographer...

>> No.9333585

Apologized? She literally said people just like to bad mouth her and that's not her fault but sorry anyways lol. Yet she is the one going around and accusing groups of people but of course she is afraid to name because she would be bullied more. It's not fair to say people associated with x are mean bullies and not name the ones that are so they can't defend themselves. She is the only one to blame for this situation, people are just having enough of her being constantly racist and rude. I'm baffled how many people have actually forgotten how her facebook used to be or just don't know her at all and still defend her.

>> No.9333646


She's racist cunt. I can't see reason why people should forgove this as a incident. She's been hateful towards POC for a long time. It's not like this is first time.

And then she's crying because people don't want to spend time with her. I suggest her to growing a functional brain and stop being dickhead. Then we can be friends.

>> No.9333652


>She's racist cunt

Fuck off with your buzzwords! This isnt Tumblr.
Not Desucon related so GTFO!

>> No.9333682

Oh, I forgot that this is the official Desucon thread.

Or maybe your lost. Ylilauta has it's own Desucon thread and you can be sure there's no angry SJW's like me.

>> No.9333692

The OP clearly said:

>You got both of the old threads deleted with drama so play nice this time.
>Things to discuss:
>>Desucon Frostbite
>>the ECG qualifications

Don't stir up your petty vendetta here

>> No.9333704

Not even the sjw anon but seriously you sound so new and dumb. You must be a fucking joy at the parties huh? The last thread was deleted because it got out of control and the person in question probably whined about it to mods. I don't care if you enjoy it or not but Finnish j-fash scene is part of these threads. If it bugs you so much maybe try the spectacular Nordics thread, kek.

>> No.9333705

Hmm the cosplay competitions start quite late tomorrow, aren't they usually earlier, like about four?

>> No.9333708

This is just my opinion, but if she has already apologized I don't see why it has to be continued further. Her comment about the plantation was silly, but no means worth of shitstorm. And if she is racist, then the problem is within her.
However I'm more annoyed of the use of poc as a non white person. I just hate that word so much. I have nothing in common with the people that its labeled with and don't never ever want to be associated with it. It's like they brought the word for "colored people" back but in "acceptable" way. I hate world.

>> No.9333710

ew, weebs!

>> No.9333712

Let's get this thread back on track!

I have seen so many people announcing they're going as Yuri on Ice characters tomorrow. Is Yuri the new SNK + Homestuck?

>> No.9333713
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Normies get out, ree!

>> No.9333716

Yes. I just hope people remember boy skaters don't have boobs...

>> No.9333718

Yes? I don't give shit for the series. Don't see the appeal either, just like with Free!, SNK, Hetalia, insert mass anime flavor of the year here etc.

>> No.9333725

I've already seen flower crowns for Yuri On Ice charas in IG photos. Holy shit! When will this flower crown shit end?

>> No.9333728

Never. It's here to stay.

>> No.9333741


At least the reindeer horn and doe makeup seem to be mostly gone.
As for con photographers, I can't think of any right now. BTW, what happened to Alexandriel Photography?

>> No.9333783

>reindeer horn and make up gone
Thank god.
About photography, I don't know.

>> No.9333976


Can we have an update or photos from today?

>> No.9334774

If I had to bet, I'd put my money on Maija to win the solos. Her Bellatrix looks really good and she usually has really nice skits too.

>> No.9335807

So who won?

>> No.9335818

Maija won the solo category, Aselea and Elzy won the group one.

>> No.9336065

desu the wrong group won in my mind

>> No.9336275

Agreed. I can't even remember their skit anymore

>> No.9336300

The way they act is so floaty, it just looks ridiculous compared to people that move like actual people on stage.

Midshow act was greatest.

>> No.9338443

Seems like everyone enjoyed Desucon?

>> No.9338476

Why is Kitkatcos so popular? I don't get why she's so great apparently.

>> No.9339233

Never heard of her.

>> No.9339243

Should be obvious, she cosplayed a Kancolle character in revealing costume.

>> No.9339274

She's just self posting. Don't give attention to her.

>> No.9339279
File: 399 KB, 1500x1000, 1472055516141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you here?

>> No.9339414


Should've just called her a southern belle and nobody would've caught the connotation. Laughed at the comment tho.

>> No.9341099

ECG group winners did not have the best costumes and their performance was boring. Also they have made their skit in the same way pretty much every time they've performed together. Really do not see the point why they won.

>> No.9341123

Most of the winners in almost all categories during Desucon were boring

>> No.9341131

are there any video or pictures of the other contestants?

>> No.9342075

They are up on DesuCosplay on youtube.

I personally the duo playing the instrumemts should have won. Their cosplays looked nice and the performance made me smile. The winning performance was really boring

>> No.9347667

Anyone going to Yukicon?

>> No.9347849

I'll make a wild guess and say that anyone who frequents /cgl/ would probably choose Frostbite over Yukicon, and with the two being so close to each other you probably won't get that many older attendees at Yuki.
That being said, I'm going to check it out. Never been to Yuki before.

>> No.9348740

Me neither, and being an older con goer I'm kind of nervous if it's filled with tiny weebs screaming and running.
Couldn't go to DesuF because of work.

>> No.9348801

At least in other cons that I've been to it's not all that different from Desu/Frostbite, since whether or not a person knows how to behave in public has a lot more to do with their personality and common sense than their age. The only major difference is probably the quality/content of the programs and lack of alcohol.
I'm not sure about holding the con at Kokoustamo, since the few times I've been to the Messukeskus it really didn't strike me as a good place for a con. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

>> No.9348823

> since whether or not a person knows how to behave in public has a lot more to do with their personality and common sense than their age.
It really shows that you have never been to Yukicon.

>> No.9349855

Can we talk about how utterly broken the judging system in all the major competitions are? Almost every time its some variation of the Majo, AG, Rimppu, Yumi, Maiju -combo, and if one of them is competing, chances are the winner is clear. Sure, their costumes are usually top notch and worthy of winning, but as long as "presentability" or another similar aspect is a factor in the judging, the whole ordeal looks really, really bad to the outsider. It is hard to take a competition seriously when it suffers from such blatant conflict of interests and bias.

This issue is not limited to the group of persons I mentioned earlier, but they are the most obvious example I could make. Nor am I saying that they have necessarily judged in favor of their friends, just that the whole ordeal these days appears fishy af.

>> No.9349980
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Although I do understand "presentability" as a factor, since no one wants to send a totally socially inept person to represent Finland, but at this point it's just a fancy way of saying "friend points". Sure it's easier to trust someone you personally know to actually behave themselves, but it won't kill you to pay a little attention to the competitors before and during the competition to assess whether or not they're complete doofuses and not just go "we haven't been friends for 10+ years I can't possibly know if they know how to behave like a human bean".

>> No.9349988

I agree with what you said, anon. Majo/AG/Rimppu/Yumi are usually the first ones to be asked to be judges despite there being other cosplayers who are just as talented or even better and have been representatives too. But they're friends with cosplay organizers who prefer to pick their friends for judges and the cosplay staff.

It's like you said, "presentability" is just "friend points" in practice. I get what it's for, but it's used to justify judges favoring their friends. Majo and Rimppu winning ECG last year was a clear case of friend play. And so was them winning WCS over Casualty Cosplay. Majo and Rimppu can both make good costumes but they're certainly not the best cosplayers in Finland like people usually think.

>> No.9349995

Who are the best cosplayers in Finland then?

>> No.9349996

Why do people always reply "well who do you think are the best"? It's not like anyone wants to mention someone here unless it's to slander. If you say someone is good in /cgl/ they're sure to be shot down in a second. If you like the cosplayer, you don't want to expose them to that.

>> No.9351500

I think the best ones are some people who do cosplay for their own enjoyment (maybe former craft students or something.) Every once in a while someone might take part in some competition.

>> No.9352149
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I just can't agree Maija winning the solo category. Her wig remind me of Romani people.

It would've been refreshing to get a new face to represent Finland. Such as the runner up Shewon... At least I don't remember if she has been representing in any?
But nope, let's just get old representatives such as Maija, Aselea and Elzy.

>> No.9352366

Shewon was in NCC already. I'm kind of undecided about Maija, her wig wasn't very accurate but she did have one of the best performances and ignoring the wig the costume is pretty damn accurate. I'm fine wth Elzy and Aselea winning, they had clean costumes and I thought their performance was one of their best so far.

>> No.9352405

I'm super late replying to this, but I think I remember seeing her write that she's lost her passion for photography and it started feeling like too much of a chore, or something along those lines.

>> No.9354168

You really can't send Shewon anywhere, she's extremely unreliable if there is any sort of stress included. She's the type of person that could call off attending the main event a week before and only tell people once they're waiting for her at the airport. Or even skip the telling part and just not show up at all.

>> No.9354746



>> No.9354756

Just see what she did with Yuki last year.

>> No.9359989

Yukicon tomorrow, are you guys excited?

>> No.9362730

Are hall cosplay contestants intentionally picked to be low to mediocre quality? At some point it used to be about the most well made and detailed costumes but now it's always so bad

>> No.9362842

You referring to Yuki's hall competition?

>> No.9362878

It's in every convention nowadays. Btw did you seagulls see the drama about that ciel cosplayer competing with a bought costume? Is it true??

>> No.9362895


Post deets and where is it?

>> No.9362898

So how was Yukicon?

>> No.9362980

They usually pick the first ones to arrive in the con so those who need more time to get into (more complicated) costumes won't be picked

>> No.9363323
File: 64 KB, 540x584, yukicon 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9364179

Now THIS is juicy.

>> No.9364208

It's a bit of an iffy situation since in Hall Cosplay you're asked if you want to join the competition, so it could be that the person who was asked wasn't familiar with the rules or didn't think it was an actual competition rather than just showing off a good costume. Still, if the person you bought it from said that you can't enter a competition in it then of course they should've denied the request. But I still think that since it happened in Hall Cosplay competition and not a regular one it could just be a case where the participant didn't know how everything worked, and it's also a possibility that the people who did the recruiting didn't properly explain about it or didn't ask whether or not the costume was self made.
Just speculating, since so far I've only seen Hansku's tweets about it and no other viewpoint.

>> No.9364248

The hall cosplay agents always ask the cosplayer if the costume is self-made though.

>> No.9366324

Apparently the rumor about the contestant having a bought costume was true. Does anyone know who the contestant was?

>> No.9366476

More important thing, did they win?

>> No.9366496

No, they didn't place at all.

>> No.9366549

Obviously some no name. Otherwise they wouldn't have gone and bought a costume from someone who is known in the circles and not to mention compete with the costume. Unless they are that stupid.