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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9294025 No.9294025 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody planning on hanging out with weebs for NYE?

>> No.9294225

unfortunately, yes.

Ichibancon is no different from any of the other small NC/SC cons. same shit every year.

>> No.9294392

I actually really like Ichiban. It's a pretty fun time.

>> No.9294446

Yeah, I'm still trying to decide if I want to go. I went for the first time last year and wasn't really impressed

>> No.9295001

What other cons have you been to? I am not being mean. Just curious

>> No.9295004

This my 3rd time at Ichibacon. Between this Nashicon, Banzaicon and Hoshicon (RIP). I feel like I am throwing money down a boring hole.

Same Vendors selling the same shit. Shitty panels. Shitty rave. Guest nobody cares about. Artists Alley is a hit or miss but I usually enjoy it.

>> No.9295012

I go mostly to hang out with old friends for new years and compete. It's ok but I find a lot of the entertainment is self made.

>> No.9295015

Sadly, I do not know if my town will be throwing their annual small con. The site's not been updated in ages, and the college group that runs the con hasn't mentioned anything about the convention on FB and it's already almost January. (The first couple convention runs advertised as early as 6 months ahead of time.)

Oh well, no con for me and I don't want to try finding rides to go to Ichibancon.

>> No.9299552

Getting so drunk and fucking all the sluts.

>> No.9301600

you mean horribly obese lesbians right? Then yes, you will need to be drunk to do that.

>> No.9302090



Yeah we know that's not going to happen. Most cosplay chicks think they are "gay", are underage, or ugly as shit.

Pick one.

>> No.9302473

I mean did I say hot sluts or did I say sluts? This is North Carolina No one is attractive here it's the inbreeding.

>> No.9302475

All of those options have holes you know that right?

>> No.9302599

I'll be going alone because I have nothing better to do and I live fairly close anyway.

>> No.9302848

What con?

>> No.9303193

Ichi needs to move. It was already almost too crowded for that hotel last year and it's already looking like this year will be even worse. Parking is a fucking nightmare and it's only Thursday. Saturday is gonna be indescribable.

>> No.9303295
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This. I've never seen it this bad on thursday

>> No.9303402

I met my girlfriend that I broke up with earlier this year at Ichi 4 years ago. Hoping to find somebody new at this one now that I've pulled myself together and am on the right track.
Like others here I don't really expect anything new. Mainly spending time with old friends, hanging out in the video game room, and going to a couple flavor-of-the-moment panels like the Overwatch one.

>> No.9303543


Cons are the worst places to hook up. If they're not fat and ugly, they're mental cases.

Especially in NC, the only place in the country more inbred than West Virginia.

>> No.9303561

That makes me think of Ashley, too many crazy stories on her.

That is exactly why I am not going (along w/ certain people who run the con). The venue was too small a few years ago and keeps getting worse. Although the Charlotte Convention Center may be too big. The RCC would be perfect size, but its all the way in Raleigh.

>> No.9303649


Agreed. It's gotten way too big for the venue. It's especially bad because the staff at that little bar/cafe area make you leave if you're not buying anything, they removed the "game tables" in the hallway next to that big window, all the tables in the lobby are almost always full of people, so there's almost nowhere to sit down and rest for a few minutes.

>> No.9303763

Too many cute girls, not enough courage to talk to them

>> No.9303818

Don't be a bitch

>> No.9303969


Alright, but what am I supposed to do, just walk up to a girl and spark up a conversation? Isnt it clearly obvious I'm trying to dick her? I even shaved my balls for this

>> No.9304179

>I even shaved my balls for this
Try leading off with this. Con girls are sluts and love shaved balls

>> No.9304274

I'm surprised people can even manage hooking up with girls at cons. Seems like everyone there has a boyfriend and honestly it kind of makes me feel like shit. I wish they would make a rule about no handholding or something.

Only one girl was nice and she was the brown haired lady with glasses in the artists alley

>> No.9304533

I am hearing someone left their drink somewhere at the con, someone put rubbing alcohol in it, and caused someone to have to see the paramedics. Please, never put something in a persons drink. That is so wrong and not cool.

>> No.9304786

These skits are as bad as I'd thought they'd be

>> No.9304795

You can rent out only parts of the CCC. Even Heroes doesn't use all that space. Unfortunately we'll probably never see Ichi there.

>> No.9305084

Someone let me know how the New Years's Formal Ball turns out

Did I miss out on an opportunity to dance with a cosplay qt?

>> No.9305259
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I heard niggas were getting poisoned there.

>> No.9305563

So many drunks last night it was almost like a kiddies 1st beer kinda night

>> No.9305641


Every goddamn year it feels like police or EMTs are called out to this con.

>> No.9305658

It doesn't "feel" it actually happens. I was terribly surprised at how little cosplay there was at this con.

>> No.9305675


It's because Ichibancon is stagnant. It's a growing midsize con that still treats itself like a small nobody con in a small nobody con venue and this year more than ever that was readily apparent.

People don't go for the panels or guests or dealers because none of that has changed at all in years. Most of Ichiban's (primarily underage) visitors are just there for room parties and hookups now.

>> No.9305771

Pretty glad I didn't go this year,

Y'all kinda hit the nail on the head, the only reason people really go is to see other people.
Now why they want to see those people and what they want to do together varies, but there's really not much else at the con.

>> No.9305814

Yeah, agreed. I didn't go this year because last year I was bored out of my mind and surprised by how many teenagers were there.I stayed for maybe four hours before I decided to go back home. Definitely not worth the drive

>> No.9305847
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Agreed but what the solution? Can it be saved Or is it best to let it fester until it destroys itself?

>> No.9305856

Well the big thing is to actually apply for panels and do it yourself. Really, that's it. That and actually have decent cosplayers show up, or any for that matter.

>> No.9305916

that what I figured. I was discussing that exact thing today after I left.

>> No.9305923

It really is that easy. Basically the con does not get a ton of people submitting panels based on anime or interesting stuff so they have to go with what they get.

>> No.9305982


And what they get is usually cringe shit no one actually cares about like character Q&As or Charles Dunbar's youkai/mythology/culture lecture panels.

Nothing against Dunbar mind you, his stuff is interesting and very well-researched, but he gives the same panels at pretty much every con he goes to and once you see them once, there's really no reason to see them again.

>> No.9305983

Went to it for the second time this weekend.

-The staff were on their shit (for the most part) and kept things organized.
-For a medium-sized con, it had some IMPRESSIVE cosplay from a plethora of source material.
-The video game room was pretty great. Had a lot of variety and was never dull.
-They had an improv group that was pretty chill.
-Everyone was polite when I asked for a picture or when they asked to take one of me.

Cons (heh):
-The panels were the EXACT same as last year which weren't good to begin with.
-The raves had the EXACT same shitty Drum and Bass music as last year. Pretty sure the DJ's used the same set.
-There's an annoying sense of pompousness among the crowd. While meeting some new people, there was so much judgment on other cosplayers and people were acting like experts and cosplay/convention police. Like, chill the fuck out and let people have fun.
-Like >>9304533 said, some dickhead poured rubbing alcohol in a friend's friend's drink.
-Honestly, >>9305675 hit the nail on the head. All anyone could talk about at the end was who got the most numbers and which room had the best party.

What I would suggest is instead of having 4-5 Medium/Small cons in NC/SC is to have one large one in Charlotte since it's on the border anyway. Because if they don't get their shit together, Animazement will be the only one worth going to in North Carolina...if it isn't already.

Feel free to ask any questions about it.

>> No.9305984

Its probably not the same girl I'm thinking about but if it is kek

>> No.9306098
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The part you said about the judgment is spot on. I was observing stink eyes and under the breath/talking just loud enough so the talked about party could hear bullshit quite a bit.

Oh no somebody cosplayed the same character as you. Maybe cause it's popular right now or its easy. Your not gonna be the only character all the time and when your not take the stick out of your pompous ass and have some fun with the other person. "Hey I like your costume, how did you do this thing,ect." goes along way to helping you with your false sense of superiority.

>> No.9306183

Asherbee? Because she was in NC over the weekend, just not at Ichi (thank god)

>> No.9306243

Ashley Roberts. She is usually at Animazement and Triad, sometimes Ichi maybe.

>> No.9306249

The problem is plenty do submit panels there, but the group who runs that con and others, they tend to select their favorites to run the panels at every single one of their cons, which is why their panels are the exact same and sometimes not as interesting outside of a few people.

That was how I felt the times I went. I was bored for the same reason and too many young kids around like a daycare.

>> No.9306274

desu this is the case at most cons. I've been cosplaying around 14 years now and things haven't changed in that regard. I am semi guilty of it myself especially when competing. That doesn't mean I will be a dick about it.

>> No.9306278

It really got on my nerves. Like, usually in society I'm a "normie" but I've always found the nerd crowd to be welcoming as fuck. Yet at these conventions there's so much hostility and "drama".

One thing that bugged me was there were some people dressed as real world people (Markiplier, people from rock bands, memes) and judgey assholes were having a shitfit over the fact that they were cosplaying as things not from fictional material. Who cares?

On an unrelated note, another highlight was a gang of Team Skull cosplayers. They were lit af.

>> No.9306280

Are you new? Cons have always had this. The big difference here is that there seems to be more meme spouting homostuck/undertale/SU people here than the usual. The team skull people were just as guilty of being annoying and uninteresting.

>> No.9306283

Competing is different. What you put your time, effort, and money in is supposed to give you a sense of pride and having a group of "experts" pit you against someone who did the same thing but better can make anyone salty.

What I was talking about specifically is how people think their opinions on how others should have fun have any merit whatsoever just because they have been doing it longer. If it makes them happy and it's not hurting anyone, who gives a fuck.

And desu, I'm not completely above the influence. My friends and I started playing "Count the Harley Quinns" after Day 1. Nothing wrong with dressing as her but Christ, there must have been at least 30.

>> No.9306288

It was only my second con. I'm still new to the whole "community" itself so I guess I have some learning to do...

And I see what you mean cause it was like the con was one part Anime and one part Tumblr

>> No.9306301

Ashley roberts is who I think they are referring to anon

>> No.9306302
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The overly shooped cheerleader girl?

I thought you meant pic related.

>> No.9306304
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The never ending quest for dick.

>> No.9306311

She was the Elsa that does an Elsa skit at every con right?

>> No.9306317

I'm not sure. I never attend the masquerades. I just know her as the crazy chick who dressed as Hannah Montanna in a Walmart costume one year and cried because no one recognized her. She also spent the first year the formal dance came out trying to snag herself a date to make her boyfriend jealous and hooked one of the worst pervs in the AZ group who she later dumped. He sperged out after the con about bitches and hating women and how he'd bought her flowers and everything.

>> No.9306350

OMG that girl is a mess too. Her cosplay is always mediocre and she spams a lot of con groups. She always hopes senpai will notice her when no one cares about her cosplay to begin with.

>> No.9306354

She had a meltdown last year when she got posted here and sent her white knights to defend her honor.

If your costumes are cut in the dark and held together with hot glue, of course you'll wind up here.

>> No.9306372

I remember it well and her Deadpool was the worst ever. She made posts on her own Facebook about never attending Animazement again after all she went through. I doubt anyone will miss her there.

>> No.9306380

At least it wasn't the Michael Jackson Deadpool that posts every fucking day with a million hastags and clogs up the hallway.

>> No.9306704

I definitely feel like the NC cosplay community has waaaay too much drama. It's a major turnoff and it really stopped me from trying to reach out to people. I'm giving it a shot this year but I don't have high hopes

Totally agreed on the last part. AZ was the only decent anime con I went to last year. The comic cons here are pretty great but there are way too many small anime cons and most of them suck

>> No.9306711

I swear to god, each year there are more and more younger kids at the con. On the other hand, alot of people decided to bring their dogs this year which was pretty cool.

>> No.9307207
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>"I wish they would make a rule about no handholding or something."
>being this petty and pathetic

>> No.9307755


I think that's what I've noticed about a lot of smaller cons. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or if the general crowd is getting younger on average (or both), but it feels like the gap between me and the rest of the con population gets wider and wider every time I go.

>> No.9307846

I've noticed this about smaller NC cons in general, so many kids.

>> No.9308696
File: 67 KB, 401x421, 1477891112658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, some dude got poisoned. I don't think there were others tho.

>> No.9308723

Seeing the photos makes me more glad that I didn't go. Looks worse than last year.

>> No.9308794

That is what happens to cons Fang Fox is a part of. He ruins everything.

>> No.9309131
File: 45 KB, 525x324, 1310005911958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah that guy. He's become more and more obnoxious overtime. It seems like a compliment went to his head at some point and now thinks he's hot shit.

>> No.9309513

I hate NC cons they are boring, fun of drama and have legit nothing but teenage kids. Even the people my age who go are all drama Queens or assholes. Honestly would prefer to never go to another NC con but I'm too broke to afford out if state shit

>> No.9309727

Animazement to me always seemed like mostly older folks that have been coming year and year. It's like a bizarre family reunion at this point.