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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9286087 No.9286087 [Reply] [Original]

Okay you fluffy assholes let's brainstorm the best meetup ideas for lolita communities. Our comms are stagnating and we're bored out of our fucking minds with the usual shit.

Easy mode: Just rattle off your idea(s)
Normal mode: Have a picture or something to illustrate
Hard mode: Fucking pick a fucking meetup idea and put it on your comm's fucking calendar

>> No.9286088
File: 394 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_9868be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember these fucking photos we all used to take? So old-fashioned, ugh. Get with the times with a SELFIE CIRCLE.

1. Gather in a circle, back to back
2. Lean backward until your wig starts to slip
3. Hold your phones up
4. Try to get as many faces in your selfie as possible

This will be the next JoJo pose or Dap I stg

>> No.9286090
File: 77 KB, 640x480, IMG_0520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about: PARTY LIKE IT'S 2008

1. No wigs
2. No blouses
3. One petti per person MAX
4. Bodyline prints preferred
5. Listen to jpop from the era and talk about how the looming financial crisis will destroy a million indie brands you used to believe in

>> No.9286092

no thank you

>> No.9286095
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You know you're going to bring them anyway. We know you're going to bring anyway. Make them part of the festivities by giving them fucking kawaii makeovers. Best SO makeover wins an iron, electric razor, and a collared shirt to look halfway presentable next time you drag them along.

>> No.9286114

>This will be the next JoJo pose
You clearly don't know what Jojo poses are, don't make yourself look dumber than you are.

>> No.9286118

As in it will be the next TRENDING POSE, the NEW IT THING to do at meetups

Like how orange is the new black or the novel I'm working on will make me the next Nora Roberts

>> No.9286150

I stole this idea from egl but it would be pretty cool to have a book meet/lolita book club. There's a library in a church that would be a cool location and everyone could bring the book or magazine that inspired their coord.

>> No.9286193

I really like shoe shots though. However there's one girl in my comm insistent on wearing sandals or sneakers who always ruins it

>> No.9286292

London has a lolita book club

>> No.9286297
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>> No.9286304

For some reason this is the most hilarious thing I've read today, thanks anon.

On topic: maybe a charity meetup organized every couple of months? Like everyone picks a charity to donate a few dollars to, or brings food to donate to a local food bank, or for the holidays brings a toy to donate to a toy drive.

>> No.9286309

This is beautiful

>> No.9286314

>bring food for a food bank
Speaking as someone who works for a nonprofit and knows many food bank employees--please don't do a food fundraiser. Just raise money and donate a check. It's a 1000x more useful for them, even if bringing in a big box of random canned goods feels better for yourself.

I fully support the idea of charity meets, though. It makes comms feel more like a true community

>> No.9286316

Not a meet idea, but awhile back I thought of donating to a pool at each meet. The money would build at every meet until Christmas where someone could then win the money to buy a new dress.

Now, a bunch of anons told me this was a shit idea when I first posted this, but no one could tell my why it would be.
What am I missing?

>> No.9286320

Holy shit, this sounds so fun. I'd love to dress my boyfriend up and put makeup on him; I want a "who can make their boyfriend into the cutest girl" contest.

>> No.9286364

Op, me and you should start our own comm
You seem fun

>> No.9286378

I'd imagine it could create animosity between people, especially if there's a huge financial gap between people. If anything, I'd say the pool would be better off going to a big, fancy meet, or a bunch of raffle prizes.

>> No.9286398

Oh yeah. I remember doing something like this a while back. It works best with a large and/or older comm though. Raffled prizes seem to work as a real draw.

Silliness aside, I think it'd be neat to have a DnD gaming night. Leading up to the event, members can review how to play basics and come up with characters based off of a template (which would be helpful if they're new). I think it'd be cute to have characters that fall under the magical girl theme.

>> No.9286403

That sounds really exciting. Would it be weird if I went to one of their meetings when I visit the UK even though I'm not in their comm/club?

>> No.9286406

Thank you for your insight! How about instructing meet attendees to bring an envelope with money/a check inside for the donation and have them write a kind note of thanks to volunteers on the envelope? Or would that just be a hassle for the volunteers?

Well, like >>9286378 pointed out, it'd definitely foster animosity. Plus there's the risk of the person in charge of everyone's money being a flake, or the "raffle" winner being the comm leader's bestie, etc. I definitely like the idea of pooling money all year to book a fancy venue for a Christmas meet, or getting a few lucky packs to split and raffle off pieces from with one winner getting a whole pack, etc. That way it would feel like the money is more for the whole comm - or a good chunk of the comm - rather than just one person. Naturally this all depends upon how much money you can safely raise, with transparency. IMO the best thing to do would be to tier it based on money raised, like:

$: fancy food at big end of year meet
$$: fancy food and pro photog
$$$: nicer venue w/food
$$$$: fancy venue with photog and food
$$$$$: all of the above, but also raffle prizes

Everyone likes getting dresses and all, but for me, meets/comms are more about the social experience. Selling the idea on enriching the experience seems smarter, and more beneficial for the whole meet.

>> No.9286507

this seems pretty solid

>> No.9286562

I'm not part of the club myself, but from what I understand the group all reads the same book and then gets together to discuss it. I know the mod and she seems to be firm on who she lets join.

>> No.9287343

You're the lolita friend I've always wanted.

>> No.9287350

You got good points except that in my comm - we already pool money together for very expensive venues. In fact, unless the meet is at someone's house, you have to pay to go usually. Even if it's just a bar event or something, we've got so many people going to meets that most places want a deposit first and will want extra for tips and yeah, we all dish lots of money for every single meet. And usually we just pool it all up ahead of time with a good estimation and rarely do we come up short unless people flake or the venue is douchey for no reason (happens).

I like the lucky pack idea a lot though. But I feel like my comm does that too. Or at least they always have pretty damn good raffle prizes.

The only thing people don't get at meets are new dresses. Then again.. sometimes meet ups at certain cons result in girls buying dress but that's not quite the same.

I don't know, I was just brainstorming. Thanks for not shouting me into oblivion like anons have in the past.