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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 52 KB, 606x327, love-letter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9283714 No.9283714 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anonymous valentines, written from your kokoro to whoever is being a dodo. Don't use real names, keep it on-topic to people in your /cgl/-related community, and have fun imagining some of these are about you.

>> No.9283718

Holy fuck this is the cringiest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.9283720


>> No.9283721
File: 562 KB, 1280x1887, 76727333079726eb1030bdbaed9850b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Ironically Flirtatious Boystylers,

Fuck kabedon. Your silly shoujo manga bad-boy impersonations are cute, but unconvincing. You're as dangerous as a newborn puppy and, to be honest, just as sweetly sexless--more neuter than androgyne.

Leave the seduction games for the grown-ups. Just be your cute, naturally charming and awkward selves.

Your lolita admirer

>> No.9283724

we already have that livejournal comm for valentines, why would you not just post them there?

why would I write a valentine anonymously to an undetermined anon here like we have the feels thread

janitors please delete

>> No.9283730

Why have the CoF thread when we have Facebook?

Why post to Facebook when daily_lolita exists?

Why not have fun?

>> No.9283737


>leave them for the grown ups

So follow you around at a con call you cute go to a room party and then sleep together?

>> No.9283739

daily_lolita is fucking dead but keep trying. here's my anonymous valentine

Dear OP,

this thread is a waste of space

love, anon

>> No.9283740

Dear You:

What a charming coincidence it is to have met you. Well, actually a pile of coincidences, with one stacking upon another. Be braver, you're cute even when you aren't dressed. Don't shy away from the photos you take only that person's eyes and yourself; post them, they're good memories.

I'll miss you a lot now that I'll see you less, but that's a good thing. You left me stagnant, and honestly, I need another muse. We live in the same city and we drove together that one time to that one event (which was honestly one of the best times I have spent), so I shouldn't be so sad.

But I will stop talking to you on a daily basis, and I will finally be able to start moving on. You're an inspiration to me, and I hope you stay as you are for a while.

Sincerely, Me

Thanks for the book, I'll treasure it. I'm getting you a dragon for the Secret Santa thing. It was expensive, but you're worth it.

>> No.9283750

Dear comm,

I've had lots of fun with you guys going to high tea parties and private gatherings and big shows for ILD and various cons.

We have nothing in fucking common besides lolita.
This makes me sad as hell. I actually took cgl's dumb advice and joined my comm and I was right. I wouldn't have anything in common with the girls there other than the fashion.

Believe me, I had a blast. But at this rate, I'm just paying to hang out with girls who dress like me. I don't see the point.

love, anon.

P.S. there are two shit stirrers in the comm and they will probably stay lmfao have fun with that guys.

>> No.9283784

Dear cute girl that never notices me, please notice me. I don't like the rest of the girls but I'm too afraid to approach you ;;

>> No.9283789


>> No.9283790

Janitors aren't here to delete stuff ~just because you don't like it~ lmao

>> No.9283792


Sorry not everyone into this community is a girl >>

>> No.9283794

No.. I was just being hopeful...

>> No.9283799

Dear several-girls-in-my-comm-that-we-mutually-recognize-eachother-as-gulls,

Th-thank you for never posting me in the ita threads.

Love, anon.

>> No.9283807

Dear girl I was in church with during HS:

I never realized you were in lolita.

You're really cute. I hope I join the comm and get to know you again someday.

Love, that girl who eventually got into Lolita.

PS I'm still not religious I hope that's ok

>> No.9283808


>> No.9283809


Feels pretty good fampai. I get to sleep in on Sundays.

>> No.9283810


Lesbians are gross TBQH

>> No.9283868

>tfw u want to be actually flirtatious but don't want to make girls uncomfy

>> No.9283870


>> No.9283876

I know I will never speak to you again but I am so enthralled by you, I think you're 1000% amazing. You're beautiful and strong, you can get through anything. I admire your resilience and kindness combined with the ability to not take shit from people. Used to/currently have a huge lady crush on you.
It's also cool that you're still semi active in the community even after you have stopped wearing the fashion.

>> No.9283908



Though just be confident and carry yourself as a cool dude and get everyone comfy, you can be flirty without being weird honestly.

As long as you're cute.

>> No.9283911


dear straight dudes,

don't flirt at a lolita meetup. go for it at a convention, though.

concerned citizen

>> No.9283913


What do if lolitas flirt with you at meets? Ignore?
I can see why it's OK at conventions though.

>> No.9283953

>tfw u talk about flirting with girls while wanting to respect their boudaries and somehow anons think ur a dude
I'm half joking but also curious, how often do you meet straight guys who actually care about not making women uncomfortable? Even in a niche hobby such as conventions and j-fashion?
I'd write a love note to that guy.

>> No.9283958

I wouldn't say the convention thing is very niche but, I'd have to say not many guys are into J-Fash.

I dunno just look for the ones that never approach anyone possibly?

>> No.9283964

i know a few, but they have rather androgynous personalities.

>> No.9283966


Is there a problem with that though?

>> No.9283967

nope. i just think being androgynously-minded makes them more likely to be concerned about things other straight men wouldn't.

>> No.9284251

Dear cosplay-senpai,

You inspired younger-me to get better at cosplay, but just as I was approaching your level, you moved to the other side of the country. You didn't post for a long time and have just picked up again and that makes me so happy to see a notification that you have posted new content. I miss seeing you in person at cons and am resigned to admiring you from afar, but I am happy that you seem to be living out your dreams and appear to be happy.

Cosplayer from your old stomping grounds.

>> No.9285241

Dear Comm leader:

Thank you for willing to host a meet with me, I can't wait! I know it's gonna be so much fun!

Thank you for willing to be my friend and for letting me meet others! You and your husband are so cute, I hope we can become best friends and twin for the next con.

Love, the new girl you met at the tea party

>> No.9285255
File: 252 KB, 540x360, tumblr_inline_ogxbbjoleP1qj1am3_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Brolita,

Your makeup skills are awesome. Your gingerbread cookies you made were da bomb at the ILD meetup. I want to ask you out on a lolita dinner date. I'll kiss you romantically and then go under your petticoats and suck your dick at the end of the night. I'll make you mai princessfu~


That Ouji Prince Girl in your Comm

P.S.: I know you're wearing a push-up bra under your dress. I hope you're wearing matching, slutty panties too.

>> No.9285275
File: 189 KB, 150x150, gosick_ep5_gif3_tsun_hoppeta_by_zafz-d39ldvo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Cutest Dumpling

You're one of my best buds in the com and I truly dig you a lot. Thanks for being adorable all the time, taking some of the most gorgeous photos ever, and putting up with my shenanigans. I'm just honestly so glad to have you around!

Lots of love

>> No.9285306

To cosplay senpai who has become a friend,

I used to be so afraid of being in your shadow, but ever since the day I met you and you encouraged me to be better than you, I've learned and internalized the best and proper way to treat the cosplayers that look up to you and desire to work up to your skill level. Now that I've gotten fans of my own who aspire to my skill level (tho it's still not at your level!), I've passed on the sentiment that you taught to me years ago.

Thanks for making me a better cosplayer and a better person,

>> No.9285321

Do you...do you even know where you are? Who we asked for winter ball???

>> No.9285328
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1466679022096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just being hopeful
Never let that light fade

>> No.9285333

>tfw none of these letters will ever be about me.
>tfw I just want a qt3.14 cosplay gf so I can rub her butt while she makes her costumes.

>> No.9285370

Dear Girl-I-see-online-sometimes,

You go through a lot of shit, but I think you're beautiful and your coord photos always inspire me. If we didn't live in different cities I'd reach out to you and try to be your friend.

Stay safe,

P.S. I don't think you should keep dating that guy. His family is fucking nuts.

>> No.9285429

You're getting a dragon dildo for your friend as secret Santa?

>> No.9285434

Thanks anon.. that girl doesn't know I exist tho.

>> No.9285440

Dear comm,

you're all so funny and sweet and I really like hanging out with you. I wish I was better at making friends because I want to be closer to you, hang out with you outside of meetups like you all do with each other. You all seem to have so much fun and I wonder if you actually don't like me, because no matter how I try I can never seem to take that step over into being friends and not just fashion-acquaintances.

>> No.9285457
File: 178 KB, 850x604, 11e129ca-34ca-4e62-b2c5-097843414b10..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Lily,
You don't know how happy I am to have met you. When we first met, you were too shy for friends, too nervous to get into the frills you loved so much, and too critical of yourself to realize just how smart, talented, and sweet of a person you are. I'm glad I could push you out of your bubble to grow and learn more. I'm sorry if I was blunt and hard on pushing you, but thank you for sticking by my advice.

I'm happy that I finally convinced you to become a frill monster, and so happy that you're so good at coording that people legitimately envy you. I'm happy that you're, for the first time, making friends other than me. I'm happy I got you those paints so you could create such lovely scenes to decorate my house with.

I love you. I know you know it, too. I'll never be with you, and it's unbearably maddening, it keeps me awake at night in tears sometimes, but I could never express this to you and burden you. I thought, perhaps I would eventually give up hope and find someone else, but I can't help but feel I'll never connect so strongly with anyone other than you. Even when actually looking for someone else, I immediately and unfairly compare them to you and feel too disappointed to pursue them.

I'm happy you've found someone that cherishes you, and I hope you live a happy life with him. I'll continue to support you, no matter what. Your happiness is truly my highest priority, and I mean it. You moved across the country with him only half a year ago and it already feels like an eternity.

Keep living, keep learning, keep growing. I'll talk to you in a few on Skype, like we always do every single day. Let's continue on like this until old age.

I highly doubt you will read this, but if you do I would love to share this song with you I've always been too skinless of a coward to give. It's a little cheesy but I know you'd appreciate the art and understand.


>> No.9285609
File: 584 KB, 500x568, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Cosplayers I saw at AX, specifically the Rin Tohsaka.

I still think about you sometimes.


>> No.9285699



>> No.9285703


Yeah I know where I am, still doesn't make me cool with them.

Anyways lolitas are only lesbians so they can double their wardrobe.

>> No.9285739

Dear Friend in My Comm,

I'm glad that we're fucking. It's been super fun so far. I think you're hella cute. I hope we get to do it way more in the coming year :3

>> No.9285762
File: 480 KB, 600x525, 1473897971068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Con-Lolita,
I'm sorry I rushed up the stairs like a total bitch when you obviously tried to make a conversation. You looked absolutely stunning, like an angel and I wish we would've chatted a bit, but I felt like I looked too fat and ita to talk to you. You're one of the first images that pop up in my head when I think of the "perfect lolita".

>> No.9285766

You should tell them this in person, anon! I'm sure they'd like to know it's making you happy.

>> No.9285774

Don't listen to this Anon. I don't think your guys' relationship is intimate enough to be talking to each other so candidly.

>> No.9285775

>hey I like fucking you, we should keep doing it
how is this too candid? if they genuinely enjoy the sex, there's no reason why they shouldn't tell them.

>> No.9285784

I'm agreeing with >>9285775
If they are fucking, they should probably be able to talk about fucking.

>> No.9285785
File: 3 KB, 200x100, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a joke. I'm with you, I don't know why anon wouldn't tell the person they're fucking it's good instead of posting in this thread. Obviously they are intimate if they are fucking.

>> No.9285795

Dear S,
I haven't seen you that much this year. I'm sure you're very busy being in school and with your daughter and am. I know we're not close friends irl, but I wanted you to know that you inspire me. Your coords are always so beautiful and appear effortless. You took the time out of your day to explain to me how to use an SS and shared tricks on how to survive blood baths. When my dad got sick, you checked up on me. I know you didn't have to, and you were the only one from the comm who did. I know you tend to frequent cgl, so I hope you find this! I'm not good at articulating my feelings in person, but I just wanted to say thank you for being so nice to me. I hope you'll come to more meets soon, it's been dull without you.

That not so ita anymore noob

>> No.9285850

Dear Comm,
It's great to be in a comm with you guys, and glad to have found out about there being a comm thanks to my friend! All of you girls are nice and fun to be around and I wish we could hang out more. And all of you dress so nicely as well! Thank you for welcoming me into the comm and saving me from being a lone lolita lol

>> No.9285893

Dear qt girl in comm

I don't go to meets often bc I'm a poorfag but I talk to you a lot on facebook. I want to be your friend IRL but I'm too spergy. Your coords are always on point and you're funny and nice, thanks for hanging out with me when I do get to come to meets. I wish I was confident enough to actually send this to you, but I know you're a gull so maybe you'll see this anyway.

Keep on memein on.

>> No.9285942

This is actually adorable. Have fun you filthy degenerates.

>> No.9286057

Y-you're the cutest dumpling... baka

>> No.9289054

>I'm half joking but also curious, how often do you meet straight guys who actually care about not making women uncomfortable? Even in a niche hobby such as conventions and j-fashion?

At conventions? Those are the ones who simply avoid talking at all.

>> No.9289468

You're gross cause you don't shower or brush your teeth. Please leave your bed bug infested ita shit at home instead of dragging it to cons.

>> No.9291064

aw poop. this is to me.

>> No.9291637


Yo you should get to know her, there's an Emily in my comm and if it's the same one, she's pretty approachable just awkward as fuck.

>> No.9291652

Dearest lolita friend I don't talk to anymore,

I'm sorry it all went to shit. I miss you. Hope you're doing well wherever you are.

Love always, anon.

>> No.9291749

Dear Goose,

I'm sorry that things are difficult and people can be real asshats. I know that sometimes you struggle with the idea that people look up to you or see you as an authoritative figure, but that's the way it is, and I'm sure that no one else who is from our group would want it otherwise. You've done a great job, and you shouldn't let others convince you otherwise; there's a reason people are constantly joining and staying. You're sympathetic and decisive, and those are two important qualities that make up a great leader, so keep at it.

I wish there was something I could say concerning your health that would alleviate some of the stress or difficulty, but there's nothing to say or can be said. I'm not generally the religious type, but if it'll help, I'll send a prayer your way, anyways. I'm trying to become indifferent to strife because there's too much of it in the world for me to be a constantly bleeding heart, but it's not that easy, especially when it comes to people I know and care about. Things are the way that they are, and we can only hope and strive for them to get better. Hopefully the surgeries pan out...

Anyways, I'm feeling myself getting too sentimental here, so it's time I ended this little fake letter. Good luck and good life to you and your own.

A ninny mouse.

P.S.: I feel it vitally important that your staff knows that it is fantastic, as well. I don't talk to them directly as much, but I can tell that they're compassing compassionate, and that is all that matters. Unfortunately, sometimes the job takes a bit of pushing back, but I'm sure they'll get used to it soon enough. I think that Cat sometimes Honk Honk Honk Honk Honk Honk, Honk Honk Honk Honk. Honk Honk. Honk Honk Honk? Honk Honk Honk....Honk, Honk Honk Honk Honk

>> No.9291844


>> No.9291881

This is poetry

>> No.9291898

Dear T,
You were always kinda flirtacious with me but I thought it was merely a game. I really started to fall in love with you in june when we came back to my house after a meeting to watch animu.
The way you patted my head with your hand to tell me my hair was fluffing because of the rain and the way you laughed and called me cute made my heart bounce. I couldnt even concentrate on the anime because of all the feelings going on in my head.
The way you smiled at me at the cafe meet and how we made funny face at each other made me smile a lot too even though i had a stressing morning.
I also feel so glad you asked me to help you for your new dress and i feel even more glad that you want us to do a twin chocolate coord.
You will look stunning in it. Even though you always look really beautiful. I love you more and more and I even fantasize about us sharing a domestic life as creepy as it sounds.
I also always feel all warm whenever you add a heart in one of your message or heard someone telling me you talked about me at the event.
I'm not ready for a relationship because i habe to work on my mental issues (being so easily overwhelmed,stressed,...) but I hope it won't be too late when I can definitely tell you how much you mean to me.

>> No.9291903

I have spoken to her once at a meet. I went to a meet and was hoping to get more of a chance to talk to her because it was a small meet but then she no showed on us as well as a few other people. I didn't get to go to the last one she was at but the next one I'm going to I think she'll be there. Maybe I'll have a chance.

>> No.9291905

Dear N,

I'm too shy to tell you this in person; I hope that you come across this and read it some day. It was because of you that I really took off into the fashion. I wanted to get to know you and spend more time with you. You helped me spread my wings, so to speak. Your coords are great and it's always a pleasure to see you and hang out. You're still so sweet and have a kind heart. You are the best friend I could ever ask for and I wish you all the best. You deserve the best in life, even when you don't feel you do. I love you.

Signed, your friend.

>> No.9291911

Dear I,

I have no idea if you're a seagull and/or will even read this, but: We used to be friends a long time ago, but I'm not sure if you remember me. It's such a weird coincidence we both got into Lolita, even if it's different substyles. I'm surprised you're still my friend on facebook because of my habit of shitposting, but I love seeing your coords and you're so much prettier in sweet than half the other girls in the comm. I really want to be your friend again but I'm way too socially awkward and keep talking myself out of messaging you because I'm paranoid you either don't remember me, or only remember me as my weeby preteen self. I'm hoping you'll also go to the tea party at a local con in January because I really want an excuse to talk to you!

Also I think you still have a book I leant you years ago (but you can keep it).

- L

>> No.9291913

Dear K,
You're gorgeous. I'm so sorry you lost your kitty, that fluffmonster was adorable and will be missed.
I'll be honest with you like I can't be directly, I want to fuck you, I want to be you, I like you as a person and love the idea of you. I'd never put you in a place to deal with how I feel about you; however, that would be unfair. You have a loving SO, the same as me, while mine would accept you, yours would never accept me. I respect you as a lolita, your wardrobe is my dream, your figure is my ideal, your sense of style is as immaculate as your eyebrows.
I could never 'own' any part of you, I just want to be a part of your life. Thank you for your mentoring, thank you for your sweetness, thank you for your coordinates and being an inspiration to me. The latex clothing you make is fantastic, I just got a dress from Stockroom and I hope one day I can get one of your designs.

All my love,

>> No.9291915

Hey, I think this is me! What comm?

>> No.9291919

Dear friend group,

It was funny all accidentally coming out to each other at the last meet. Although all of us have boyfriends right now, it is fun to fantasize with you all about having a lolita gf. I'm glad it happened and I feel closer to you guys because of it. Here's to hoping we can get together again soon and browse CoF, looking for cute girls.

With sincere happiness and rainbow sparkles,

>> No.9291928

Dear Cancer-chan,

We aren't close and I don't know your story. But you're too young, intelligent, and cool to die, or even suffer. I hope that you kick cancer's ass, and that you stay cancer-free for the rest of your long life.

A lonelita who heard you were in hospital

>> No.9291929

Portland! Though I'm not in the comm group anymore, I forgot to comment when they were culling inactive members, haven't rejoined because my work schedule hardly allowed me to go to meets anyway.

>> No.9291930

Yes, I do believe this is me! Of course I remember you! And I can't make it to the tea party, I'm out of town, but I'll be at the Newcon on Sunday!

>> No.9291980

Dear S,

I know there are people ripping you to shreds online right now, but you're still not a bad person. You're learning as you go. That doesn't make you an ita. Don't let people discourage you! Hope to see you again soon.


>> No.9292481
File: 83 KB, 516x669, 5a36fac2-c59f-434b-a24f-6e077493a6ab..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear N,
You really are the closest person I've ever met, and I'm glad to call you my bff. It's so hard for me to find people i connect with so well, who are okay with my strange humor and able to consistently make me smile and laugh.

I really do love you, almost maddeningly so; but I'll continue to support you and your SO while looking over your happiness. I know you've been busy lately, and I'm so proud of how hard you are at work.

Keep the cute little nuggets close to you and they'll help you pull through any problems you bump into.

Love, J.

>> No.9292619

Dear Rufflebutts on the Discord server I made,

Most of you are the reason why I created it and why I stay. I'm glad you are all sticking it out during our first few months. So many of you have made me take a break from the usual things of life and smile. Most of the time I still feel like a fool, but that's because I am. However, you're great at being fools along aside me. I'm not the leader you asked for—I'm not the leader I asked for, but I'm the leader's got. I hope you'll keep speaking up and voicing suggestions for how to improve the server, just know that even if I don't always do as you suggest I am always listening. You guys have no idea how wonderful it is to spend my day away from the server to take care of life and come back to find it isn't entirely in flames.

More than anything, I'm glad to watch our little server continue to grow.

Keep ruffling those petticoats and bring me more gossip,
Honk honk.

>> No.9292693
File: 691 KB, 846x1038, 1479573788591-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to be aware of myself at meet ups. I'm clean and well mannered and all that jazz but I often have trouble telling if someone is being flirty or just nice. So most of the time I try to stay as neutral as possible, it's a meetup and not speed dating.

>> No.9293305

Is that last part supposed to be a sentence?

>> No.9293765
File: 662 KB, 2144x1424, doorway_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Comm & Sister Comm,

2016 ruined me financially and emotionally, and for this, I'm very grateful to have your company at meets this year, and knowing that I have friends who can take some time off their busy lives to dress up and go places together helped keep my spirits up.

>And to the comm babbies.
(if you're reading this, you should probably get off 4chan after you're done)

It's pretty amazing how I've met you all by chance, and although it's sometimes hard to connect with y'all because of our differences in age and experience, I am also grateful for your company. I look forward to seeing you ladies improve your coord game and grow into wonderful young women for the incoming future.

Because of circumstances that were out of my control, it made me consider moving to a different city or state in order to find a job with a proper living wage; with this in mind, I was worried about the future of our comm, but meeting you youngsters made me feel less concerned for the time that I may have to adopt a new one. I may not always trust your judgement, for you're all quite young, but so long as you're all enthusiastic about all things lolita fashion, I trust that when it's time for me to go, there will always be a community to come home to.

To a new and improved 2017,

>> No.9294267

Maybe try /cgl/ friend finder? What are your interests anon?

>> No.9294268


>> No.9294287

Dear J,

I like you and your coords a lot I wish you would post more often like you did before even if it is simple. I wish I had the courage to ask you to be my friend.


>> No.9294393


>> No.9294682

Lol I did. Several times in the past. Got met with the response "kill yourself already" more than once.
I don't want to give away who I am cause I want to go to one more meet...

>> No.9295180
File: 414 KB, 864x648, 1480044315176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear 2hu congroup of the olden days,

I miss you all. I miss the fun, carefree times we had together, the adventures we went on, the memories and friendships we made. I miss being your friend.

But I screwed up, badly, multiple times over, and I'm afraid that you'll never take me back. I can understand why you don't want me around anymore. I promised that I would be a leader and a good example when I helped found the group, and not only did I let you all down but I destroyed all the respect that you had for me.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

I wish you all the best. Carry on and do what I couldn't. I might eventually see one or two of you in person, the ones that will still have mercy on me, but I'll never be a part of the group again.
It's all gone now, like tears in the rain.