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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 624 KB, 1365x2048, QgjHbN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9281419 No.9281419 [Reply] [Original]

Are skimpy bikini cosplay allow-able in Cons?

>> No.9281424

conventions usually have rules posted on their official websites. what one allows, another may not, so always check.

>> No.9281612

usually, even at family friendly cons. I can't think of one off the top of my head that cracks down on it, even if it is stated in the rules. what con are you thinking about?

>I'm just here for Lum

>> No.9281619

I wish they weren't. its not cool to have a younger person with you and they have someones ass crack at their eye level.

>> No.9281723
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, vera bambi photos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9281727
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, vampirella vera baby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9281731

It's like that guy with glasses got embarrassed as soon as he saw the camera. He just took off. lol

>> No.9281734
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Is this a typical Convention? Is it an adult expo

>> No.9281760
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>> No.9281768

It's a regular convention. It's just that the girl in the video (vera baby) is a literal camwhore who's making cash on the side selling pics posing next to thirsty betas during conventions.

>> No.9281775

Likely some type of con that isn't family friendly.

>> No.9281779

ngl, wish my legs looked that good

>> No.9281785

>Hover hands

>> No.9281840

You know that kid beat off furiously to those pics and told all his buddies that she was hungry for his dick.

>> No.9281866

Its fan expo not an adult con


>> No.9282043

Ngl if I had to choose between eliminating Jnigs+Yaya from cosplay or eliminating Vera, I'd definately choose Vera.

>> No.9282067

SLUT shaming much?

>> No.9282534
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>> No.9282542
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>> No.9282548
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>> No.9282551
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>> No.9282674

>those dick sucking comments

She isn't going to be laying anyone for leaving a message saying she's awesome. Why even bother?

>> No.9282724

I hate that fucking open mouth pose.

>> No.9282727

She honestly looks Frumpy

>> No.9282803

I didn't even know who she was until this thread but this video alone has made me agree. I can't stand that stupid, annoying baby voice.

>> No.9282819
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>> No.9282828

Those two have a penis right? I mean the drag queen in the back

>> No.9282883
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, vampy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9282886

Proof that some people just really shouldn't wear certain cosplays

>> No.9282890

I don't know if I'm the only one but whenever I see someone wearing skimpy costumes to cons, I wonder if ever had diarrhea or stomach problems in it. Not as a fetish but just ruins the image and its kind of funny

>> No.9282925
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, 1409609605912.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoko and Theif Rikku have always been allowed and they are pretty skimpy

or do you mean butt revealing costumes with bare asscheeks on display?

>> No.9282952

Is it slut shaming if you're literally just stating what's happening? Anon never said it was bad. Isn't the fact you think using words like camwhore is negative the problem?

>> No.9283059

Dutch conventions: no. Japanese conventions: yes.

>> No.9283061

Why wouldn't they be? Cons haven't been taken over by religious fundies and SJWs yet.

>> No.9283100

Is it Vera Baby or Vera Bambi?!?!

Also, what's wrong with her spine?!?!

>> No.9283110

Vampirella doesn't have any tattoos. That's a shitty cosplay attempt.

>> No.9283234

the local con in bible belt oklahoma uses a beach rule

if it covers what a non-string bikini would cover then it's okay

but i've heard story of people being turned away because fuck your own rules right

>> No.9283243


She used to be Vera Baby but changed it to Bambi

>> No.9283263

What character is this even suppose to be?

>> No.9283271
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>> No.9283274



from comics

>> No.9283276
File: 466 KB, 959x1024, 5970490732_95b2184268_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick was at comic con and was walking around in pasties and they made her put this on

you can find the before pics on google

>> No.9283296

depends on the convention, I guess
since colossalcon is in a waterpark, there is no problem for that

>> No.9283308

Is there a reason why she was missing the shoulderguard or the boots?

>> No.9283313

Lazy and terrible cheap attention.

She's also missing the other arm and face.

>> No.9283316

Makes sense, oh and body shape. She's much closer there but she could get leaner for it.

>> No.9283337


>> No.9283399
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>> No.9283426
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why is this allowed

>> No.9283432

mm.. tasty

>> No.9283435

I miss how conventions were before they started paying porn models to """""cosplay"""""
Oh well, the culture is ruined and there is no going back

>> No.9283441

>because fuck your own rules, right
Rules mean shit, security at cons will say and do whatever they feel like. It's a private event and they're the ones in charge.

>wear semi-revealing outfit
>security pulls me
>"Have you read the dress code?"
>yes, it says you have to wear something that covers as much as a swimsuit
>"That rule is for women."
>produce con booklet
>that's not in the rules anywhere
She let me go because I was staff. I quit that year for unrelated reasons.

>> No.9283455

yes because that's the real problem here.

>> No.9283632

why not
equality, bitch

>> No.9283688
File: 583 KB, 897x1594, 20160709_174506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I've been to several cons and I've never seen anyone get pulled aside and asked to leave or change. I was at Anime Midwest this year where they literally had an adult video/porn con going on right across from the dealers room. I saw quite a few people dressed in super skimpy clothes walking around the dealers room/atrium and never saw security/staff utter a word to any of them. There's definitely rules, but I've never seen them enforced in person.

Pic censored just to be safe

>> No.9283696
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 13e8f803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

I was busy fucking eating anon!

>> No.9283746

>that tattoo

I feel like that last part is true.

>> No.9283786
File: 503 KB, 500x287, hhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do girls feel comfy wearing stuff like this? I mean I know they're doing it to get views and fans but is this really a casual no big deal to them? I'd feel a little silly wearing stuff like that even within my house.

>> No.9283798

This is true beauty.

>> No.9283801

Depends on the girl. Some girls can walk around naked and feel no shame. I get flustered just changing my panties all alone in my room, or hanging around people when I'm in my pjs and not wearing a bra.

>> No.9283859

Only if they have the body to do so, they can flaunt however they like

>> No.9283880

Then the younger ones should avoid beaches and water parks too

>> No.9283901

....did I miss something else? What else is a problem?

>> No.9283926
File: 37 KB, 397x500, fed223c410e0de98817ba57e3614abf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about simulated nudity for characters who are canonly nude?

>> No.9284103

>this chick

I think you mean "old hag"

>> No.9284114


>> No.9284117

That's actually a good question.

>> No.9284122

Shit legs and no green skin/10

>> No.9284126

Some convention allow it, some don't.

I know in my personal experience in Atlanta I've seen girls pulled aside for wearing that kind of stuff at Momocon. But AWA/Dragoncon it's fine.

>> No.9284285

I think it depends on the convention staff AND the venue staff. Some venues will really get antsy about this sort of stuff while others are really lax. This also sort of extends to what panels and videos are allowed to be shown.

>> No.9284298

>I get flustered just changing my panties all alone in my room
your boyfriend sounds like a lucky man then

>> No.9284409

I've never had a boyfriend. I think I may end up a virgin forever.

>> No.9284411

I don't know what character this is supposed to be, but if the intent was to be as disgusting as possible, then bravo

>> No.9284417

It's supposed to be despair from a dc comic, sandman.

>> No.9284474

I think they should be allowed. It's cosplay, after all, not sexual. The comparison to beaches is a good one, you wear it because you are at a beach, not to sexualize yourself. The same can apply to cosplay, you wear it to look like a character, not to be sexualized.
And that's assuming sexualization is bad, which is really questionable as well.

>> No.9284498

> It's cosplay, after all, not sexual

Yoko's outfit is intentionally sexual, any skimpy outfit is intentionally sexual.

Just because you live in a delusional fantasy world doesn't mean the outfit wasn't designed by men to be sexually appealing, and a girl wearing it will cause men to be sexually aroused by it.

Women actually do believe wearing a bikini isn't supposed to be sexual. I find that funny, do you know what women's swimsuits looked like not even 100 years ago?

>> No.9284539

and now you're looking for attention on 4chan because no one else will give it to you
fuck off with your blogposts

>> No.9284542


>> No.9284562

If I had more confidence, I probably wouldn't care as much but I can't see myself doing it. I'm feeling nervous just about wearing a bodysuit next year

>> No.9284566

Looks like Muscleman from Regular Show

>> No.9284568

Could you be anymore pathetically delusional? Or are you a ~sex positive~ tumblr-tard?

>> No.9284577

tell me were you live, maybe, I am your futureboyfriend

>> No.9284586

Do you know what men's swimsuits looked like 100 years ago? Yet men protested and gained the right to forgo a shirt back when it was illegal for them to do so. And now we dont' even blink an eye when we see a topless guy. You're arguing a double standard, though you are right about designs being made to be sexually appealing to men, rather than sexually liberating to women.

Going off of this, what designs would you guys say would be sexy to women? Things with sex appeal that aren't over the top Vampirella level with no function other than to please a male audience.

>> No.9284590
File: 139 KB, 255x532, Tifa-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Tifa's design. It's super simple but she's a sexy character imo. My only complaint is that I wish she had shorts instead of a skirt. Kind of annoys me that she's a martial artist kicking shit in a leather mini skirt, but then again guys don't really design female characters all that much with practicality in mind.

>> No.9284594

Tifa had a skirt?

>> No.9284596
File: 168 KB, 747x1053, Aikatsu!_3rd_Season_Anime_Teaser_Visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i prefer cutesy magical girl or idol stuff to fanservicey characters. it's kind of expected for girls to be relatively sexualized once you hit a certain age and i don't like the feeling i get when i wear revealing clothes or a lot of heavy makeup. i like the attention i get more when i look and feel cute, i guess it's "more liberating" to me, or whatever the hell the terminology is.

>> No.9284598

yeah, that's a mini skirt

>> No.9284602

well, I had in my mind, that she wore hotpants during FF7, but maybe, my mind was tricked

>> No.9284633
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>> No.9284640
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>> No.9284642
File: 441 KB, 1280x720, scv-s63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys don't really design female characters all that much with practicality in mind
Why you gotta go and drag the sexism argument into this? Women design some pretty ridiculous shit. Bayonetta had a female character designer, who also designed picture related for Ivy in Soul Calibur V.

Whether it's supposed to be cool or supposed to be sexy, it's video games and appearance trumps practicality most of the time.
You're running around with a guy with a sword larger than his body, a talking lion thing, a stuffed animal that kills people with dicerolls, and Dracula himself in a world where the first enemies you run into are goons with machine guns that should shoot your whole party dead.

>> No.9284654

a hearty kek was had
I knew doomshitty was bad, but holy fuck

>> No.9284658

Who is that? Please tell me her name. Desperate man here. Rough looking girls are my fetish.

>> No.9284665
File: 208 KB, 1302x2048, 1278893_461467697294687_309777410_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9284672

>that shitty mark
>a bra
>no wig


>> No.9284679

That seriously supposed to be the amazon from Dragon's Crown?

Bitch needs to hit the gym.

>> No.9284681

>no muscle at all
This is sad.

>> No.9284686
File: 218 KB, 480x720, tumblr_mxorwy0XRy1ru5hgmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but no one complained about the Manazon

>> No.9284691

Nah I'm good

>> No.9284698

I can and will complain about that. Bulge isn't nearly good enough and there isn't muscle just like the bad amazon. I bet the ass is in poor shape as well.

>> No.9284699
File: 188 KB, 1649x1026, 1321957695642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol thats the most covered up Ivy has been in a good long while

>> No.9284705


see >>9283426 for the ass

>> No.9284709

Alright, I'll give him some credit. Ass could still be better.

>> No.9284718
File: 53 KB, 528x960, 15400515_649878025220729_7323461660459481105_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic Con sure changed, soon you can buy porn.

>> No.9284719

your mind most likely went to the more practical explanation, but alas, it was a mini skirt. I honestly would have been perfectly fine with hot pants. It's just...a miniskirt, for the martial artist.

>> No.9284726
File: 2.15 MB, 1944x2592, 13960574806_dea6db673c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9284765
File: 1.01 MB, 2800x4520, Sc5_pub_2d_ivy1-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the point. It's not as impractical as her outfit in IV, but more impractical than her outfit in V, the same game.
At least she wouldn't flop out of this outfit as soon as she made a sudden movement.

>> No.9284768

Ivy and Voldo need to stop being so hot or start being real. It's not fair.

>> No.9284913

I would excuse that comment if she was in great shape but I saw this girl in person and her ass was super lumpy and her stomach was pudgy.

>> No.9284918

you'd think with all that dweeb money she's raking in she could afford a fucking lace front wig.

>> No.9284923

No, he's the other black guy from /k/.

>> No.9285148


so you wanna say, you can't already?

>> No.9285158

Please anon, no

>> No.9285240
File: 324 KB, 948x636, 13254144_10154107901510856_5311299333811383182_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, am I going to get kicked out of the con?

>> No.9285273

The only time I've ever known a con to have an issue with revealing cosplay was when a small group of disgustingly unhygienic morbidly obese cunts decided to spend all day hanging around the dealers room treating it like it was a BDSM club.

We're talking men and women with open sores, cuts, scabs and generally nasty looking skin walking around with their guts hanging over tiny as fuck panties and boobs spilling out of cheap leopard print push-up bras.

Despite messing around with whips, rolling around on the floor with each other, dragging their partners about with chains and badly roleplaying at the top of their voices they somehow weren't kicked out.

A large group of parents ended up kicking off at the organisers after assuming this was some sort of show put on by the convention. The con ended up refunding quite a few tickets and implementing a vague "no fetish wear, no underwear, if your tits are out and it's not sexy pikachu, skanky harley quinn etc. then you're not coming in" rule for future events.

>> No.9285282

Also very curious about who that woman is.

>> No.9285293

Do you have eyes?

>> No.9285296
File: 185 KB, 640x360, we_need_to_talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that is fat shaming and that is not okay.

>> No.9285323
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was supposed to be Peter Pettigrew omg

>> No.9285325
File: 1.58 MB, 1494x2656, 20160709_173137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry dudes, I have no idea who she is. She randomly walked up to me and asked for me to take a photo with her, which was cool because almost all of the girls were charging 10-20 bones for photos. She was in front of the Myfreecams booth, so I'm guessing she's a camgirl??? I wasn't even planning on going to the adult con, but one of the Exxotica photographers ran into me at the hotel and talked me into buying a pass.

I doubt it. If you look closely you can see a Nudist Beach coplayer standing behind me. I saw a bunch of Nudist Beach cosplayers walking around Anime Midwest/Central without anything being said to them. I also saw one Hentai Kamen cosplayer there too.

>> No.9285708

thirsty man here. thanks anyways

>> No.9285807

This thread reminds me of tuna melt girl. Whatever happened to her, did she ever cosplay again?

>> No.9285815

You know that Vampirella was designed by a female underground comic artist who was also a staunch feminist and believed it was liberating?

>> No.9285836

Yeah and im sure most cons will allow them. They're best if they have the general idea down while still being skimpy

>> No.9285841
File: 1.97 MB, 1793x3188, 20160709_173501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I figured out who it was. All I had to do was run the con name through google image search. She goes by the web handle giggles_4u. Well, uh, have at you thirsty gulls.

Not really related pic: Some drunk Latino guys walked up to me and asked to take a photo of me acting like I was an ICE agent in the process of detaining one of them. True story.....such an odd request.

>> No.9285877

I'm all for body acceptance and having a good image but god damn all she does is wear a corset. It really shows she wants to be skinny or some shit.

>> No.9285909

What's wrong with a costume being intentionally sexual and designed with that in mind?

>> No.9286218

I like her AC and KH outfit more

>> No.9286242

Sounds like you're salty because you had to be asked to put your fat ass away one too many times. I'm pretty sure I know the con you're talking about, and people bitch about this, but the only ones I've ever seen asked to change were women with their ass cheeks or under boob showing.

>> No.9286269

That's because you hate titties

>> No.9286275

>Bunch of orbiter comments
Don't these guys have any sort of self respect?

>> No.9286370
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>> No.9286402
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I wanna massage her cervix.

>> No.9286626

>jelly cause I'll never have that body

>> No.9287101

>that confused yet aroused connor

>> No.9287107

muh soggy knees
>but sexy men
just a power fantasy, despite every trashy romance novel ever having a shirtless not-Fabio on the cover

>> No.9287741

What kind of body do you have to cosplay these3?

>> No.9287772

Found the fatass

>> No.9288179

Bumping out of curiosity because I have plans on doing both a fem Jecht and thief Rikku. Also, yes, some cons are okay with it some aren't. It's better to go on the website for the con and look at their dress code. And if you still aren't sure, another good thing to do is contact them.

>> No.9288188
File: 562 KB, 1280x1707, 1413304116986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt it
NB Nonon has been done before with no probs

>> No.9288189



>> No.9288211

I've only been lifting for a year and a half so I am decently fit. Im at the end of my bulk so im a bit to chunky to cosplay any of these right yet but I have until may to lose roughly 20 lbs. I should be able to pull the first two off no problem but I might swap kars out for something else because you have to be frank zane mode to be big enough for the pillar man.

>> No.9288783

Fuck Frank Cho, he's an asshole.

>> No.9288791


Butthurt feminist detected

>> No.9288796
File: 2.89 MB, 417x525, body.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, if only I'm a hot chick, I would love to dress up in the most lewdest cosplay and offer lewd photo shoots at cons at a price, perhaps even let them feel me up for a little more.

>> No.9288808

If I were a hot con grill I would be a slut

>> No.9288813

He's a one trick pony AND an asshole.

>> No.9288846

Why Nonon and not Tsumugu?

>> No.9289032

With no probs? Try again...

>> No.9289056
File: 128 KB, 790x1057, f4048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Id slut up and pose next to the horny teens and laugh at their reactions

>> No.9289150

Im terrible with wigs and I got one that it almost already prefect for nonon. Plus she is my favourite from klk>>9289032

>> No.9290868

mmmm nope

>> No.9291562

Why not all 3?

>> No.9291657

you don't need to be a hot chick, just do it

>> No.9291658
File: 897 KB, 426x240, 1481963245400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9291664

what's your problem

>> No.9291698

Yeah do it and forever be posted on the cringe or bad cosplay threads

>> No.9291704

ok, I get it

>> No.9291748

You're either a butthurt puritan tumblrina, a jelly wannabe drawfag, or both.

Frank Cho is good at what he does, and he's great at drawing anatomy and dinosaurs.

>> No.9292603

she is canwhoring to make money out of it, i can respect that, no shame on finding a way to make money with basically no effort, i actually envy her.

>> No.9293315

a lot of people think like this, but the effort is usually very high. the picture is the easy part, but styling, make-up, dieting/exercising, buying all your outfit components...there's really a lot that these girls do to look appealing enough to make money this way.

>> No.9293339

I think you should just marry me. That'd solve everything

>> No.9293349

Because it's gratifying for the cosplayer and encourages them to continue doing it.

>> No.9293358


inflating ego and motivate attention whoring you mean?

Cosplay being an industry so stupid, do it for fun you fuckers

>> No.9293380


>> No.9293773

Is this you? I assume you're on pay status?
If you aren't don't wear the uniform

>> No.9293810


Her name is "Amaya May" (when she works/worked for Scoreland) and also "giggles_4u" (when she works for Myfreecams) my good friends ;)

>> No.9295938

That's kind hot

>> No.9296091

I'm not sure how those are any better than pasties.... eeeeuuuughhwwww

>> No.9296095

I think it is a wig... just a very fucked up wig

>> No.9296382

But he's not wearing OCP or any issued cammies, Multicam isn't really standard with the exceptions being Secret Squirrel SOCOM and other shit like Pararescue or the 75th

>> No.9296499
File: 461 KB, 1920x1200, thumb-1920-146427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotel based conventions, where you're not the only people there, will generally tell you to get changed.

Someone was cosplaying from Strike Witches and were told to put more on (third from left in pic)

>> No.9296529

>forever be posted on the cringe or bad cosplay threads

>> No.9296887

to be honest tough, why came noone up with the idea in the Strike Witches universe, to wear (mini)skirts

>> No.9296893

reveal yourself

>> No.9297266


Is that you, Mc-nig?

>> No.9299922

Why wear a skirt when you're already wearing trousers?

>> No.9299930

>a lot of people think like this, but the effort is usually very high
Camming is a VERY competitive environment, you have to have a hook/gimmick and if you're not insanely gorgeous (MissAlice for example), you will need to shove traffic cones up your ass.

>> No.9299934

Nah mate, she's just fat.

>> No.9299940

>Is he wearing a unit patch?
>Is he wearing rank?
>Is he wearing awards?

Fuck off.
Plus, Multicam is not issued to any US military branch as standard, it's special snowflake gear and thus more akin to civvie shit anyway.

>> No.9300036

The Witchblade is a living thing, and it expands or retracts depending on the situation. The more dire, the more it covers, until full body armour is achieved. So this version is not in any imediate danger, clearly... other than attracting attention of course, which is the goal.

>> No.9300360

there was several nudist beach cosplayers at AN2014 and 2015, you sound stupid.

No one was kicked out or removed.

>> No.9300896

If its canonical, it's alright.

Otherwise its always alright.

>Fully naked

Oh wow, look at that, a Birthday suit!

Skimpy clothing is literally 200% sexier than fully nude women and men, and other xeno stuff and shit.

>Inb4 rectangles with bikinis

>> No.9300916

Yes, but you do need to be a chick :(

>> No.9300955

Females wearing skimpy clothing: Sexy

Males wearing skimpy clothing: Nasty

>> No.9300967

>Fit males and females wearing skimpy clothing: Sexy

>Blobby males and females wearing skimpy clothing: Nasty

Fixed that for ya.

>> No.9300974


It's, Y'know

for laughs

>> No.9303747

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.9303881

I saw this chick at Fanime in San Jose

>> No.9303882

I hope so, I for one found her hot.

>> No.9303918

I've heard mythological stories from my elders of a legendary before-time when feminists were progressive and sex-positive instead of censorious and anti-sex.

>> No.9304137


The con is Fanexpo and that is a photoshop. That cam-whore was never a Maxim cover model. And she shouldn't be allowed to peddle her smut at all ages events.

>> No.9304139


Because reasons. Stupid whore reasons.

>> No.9304166

Lol if that's the same story I'm thinking of, it was yaoi-con and the cosplayer in question was a crossplayer. (And a /cgl/ regular, at least back in the day, not sure if he comes here anymore.)

>> No.9304766

>And she shouldn't be allowed to peddle her smut at all ages events.

Yeah, we wouldn't want some little boys accidentally growing up to be heterosexuals.

>> No.9304805 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 572x323, 1483140902088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she consent to this?

>> No.9304844

Implying children should be allowed to look at adult content is a joke. If it's adult in nature, it should be behind the booth at the very least and the booth (any booth really) should be designated as selling adult materials if it's an all ages event. :/

>> No.9304868


>> No.9304873

She seems really nice

>> No.9304877


she isnt selling nudes only pinups

I mean she does nude stuff but she doesnt sell it at family cons

>> No.9304982

we are going to need the rest of this. for science.

>> No.9305310

>dark pink hair
>longer hime pieces framing face
>soft bags instead of boxes for utility belt
>smaller, likely bought hat

not even close m8
sidenote: those lil buns are cute

>> No.9305462

>pleather hat vs felt hat
>thigh high heel boots vs flat ankle boots
>short gloves vs elbow gloves
and most of all
>obvious mosiac JAV censoring instead of a black box or meme image
What's the JAV code for this clip?

>> No.9306407


>> No.9306495

Vera Baby or w/e is from Toronto. So is her copycat Cortana. If they come to Anime North this year to slut around I'm going to scream, since it's my first convention and I don't really want these bandwagon-hopping sluts to turn it into a pornexpo. Like thats what the AVNs are for jfc

>> No.9307244

that lumbar lordosis pose

>> No.9307602

It was the 70's, anon. Everybody was having casual sex, and all men had afro's and porn staches.

The instant people became aware of AIDs and HIV, bye-bye sex positivity.

>> No.9307603

>muh false equivalence

No man wants to be Fabio. Therefore he doesn't count as a power fantasy.

>> No.9307613

Way to take that bait

>> No.9307615

Butthurt, much? Or do you always respond to bait?

>> No.9307672


So this is what not being attracted to 3D anymore feels like.

>> No.9307676

>No man wants to be Fabio

What the fuck is wrong with being Fabio?

>> No.9307692
File: 441 KB, 640x464, fabiod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a female organism alive that doesn't worship Fabio. Even Janis Ian kneels at his altar.

>> No.9307713

You really need to have a closer look at her table then. She does sell nudes with post-it notes over the naughty bits.

>> No.9307717

Who's the skinny mini on the left? Because reasons...

>> No.9307718

Her eyes are red af!

>> No.9307723

How about no. I'm sure it would be better for both parties if that didn't happen (I'm not >>9296529 btw)

>> No.9307730

BITCH PLEASE Get that middle-aged hoe bag out of here. Is she dressed as a slut? There are enough porn boards on 4chan ;-; *triggered*

>> No.9307750

Lost control of her domain name, iirc.

>> No.9307752

>No man wants to be Fabio
What fucking planet do YOU live on?

>> No.9307754
File: 30 KB, 379x436, 1465409768405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it's worth, old-timey men's swimsuits are a lot sexier than modern men's swimsuits.

>> No.9308384

cause, the flying "things" in the Strike Witches Universe needs body contact to be used, so that's why they are walking around in panties...

>> No.9308390

God I remember seeing her before she put on the bikini and was absolutely fathomed that security let her in and she was there as long as she was before being reclothed.

>> No.9308398
File: 52 KB, 444x488, Despair_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's not like it's inaccurate.
I recognized it straight away so....
I hate those two so fucking much
Christ is that SDCC?
The more I see what it's becoming, the more glad I am I started doing smaller cons and went away from that one.
No lie, if I was a lady I'd be using the FUCK out of desperate nerds and Patreon.
I'm p sure most cons put out a dress code and I've almost always seen it as "it needs to cover what a bikini would cover."
I have no idea why that chick would have had to change unless she was wearing SUPER tiny panties.

>> No.9308432

Good look with that you fat ugly whale

>> No.9308438

That's not sexy, that's adorable

>> No.9308467

yeah, that's pretty cute.

>> No.9308569

In Strike Witches they call the panties they wear by the Japanese word for trousers. Therefore they're not panties, so it's not embarrassing! That's why the hospital nurses were dressed the same way.

>> No.9311411
File: 37 KB, 600x600, Wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chest.

>> No.9311468

IIRC she's a porn star, who's renowned for both her tits and her tongue.

>> No.9311474

>porn star
I think you're thinking of larkin love
that moxxi cosplayer is ariane st amour

>> No.9311486

I thought Larkin was the one with the shitty heart tattoo?

>> No.9311503


>> No.9311531
File: 42 KB, 445x575, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that's definitely ariane
pic related is larkin love

>> No.9311536

>Are whores allowed to be whores in conventions?

Stupidest question ever OP.

>> No.9311558

Ahhhhhhh, thanks.

>> No.9311803

God he's so beta I can barely watch that shit.

>> No.9313105


See I'm not sure how I feel about that but hey if the parents are allowing it who am I to talk.

>> No.9313454

Larkin does cosplay videos, and has gone to cons. But I think the only costume she's worn to a con is her Ramona.
Which is.. I mean, it's a hoodie and shorts.

>> No.9313527

Honestly, her Supergirl vids were so hot.

>> No.9313599


Ariane has done porn. No hardcore, mostly fetish stuff and girl/girl.

>> No.9313887

It's what you are more comfortable with because being "cute" allows you to be attractive while skirting the sexual attention you fear.

>> No.9313894

>Skimpy clothing is literally 200% sexier than fully nude women and men
This anon gets it.
>tall, fit, conventionally attractive, desired by women
The only outliers is the hair, and perhaps the lack of facial hair. Shit, characters like Conan are idealized male stereotypes.

>> No.9314290

actually tough, anti-sex-feminism and sex-positive feminism started (almost) at the same time

>> No.9315936

Really? Her legs don't even look toned at all. They look like anyone's legs. I was just wondering how she got an ass like that if she doesn't work out.

Then I saw her chest and I'm guessing surgery.

>> No.9315949

ugh, Leeloo didn't have those enormous udders on her chest. If you're going to do a cosplay that's most just showing off your body, at least have the right body type.

>> No.9315952

You could tell even from the video.

>> No.9317290

She super tries to "appear"to be nice but she is actually a bitch

>> No.9317329

she aint wrong but shes still a bitch

>> No.9317955
File: 871 KB, 929x868, 15380359_2082276431999312_2496977404607525014_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is unfit as fuck tho so fuck her too

>> No.9318021
File: 21 KB, 324x340, akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have the same rules as I do right now - I really don't mind looking or even touching as long as you aren't grabbing whatever's between my legs, but at the same time I wouldn't just go out like that either.
Heck, in private I'd let someone I trust do whatever they want with me outside of it getting sexual.
Of course, as a guy saying that, it's kinda...
I guess either way, this is real life and there's really never a good opportunity to say that irl without it ending in either screaming and running away or someone trying to lewd you, is there?

>> No.9319298

It is called COSPLAY.

Read up on it when (if) you can stop sucking dicks.

>> No.9319347

Sounds like sh was suffering from internalized misogyny

>> No.9319369

you can clearly see that gear is way too clean and has never been used in the field

>> No.9319377

But I *like* sucking dicks.....I didn't realize you were a homophobe

>> No.9319488

12 year veteran here.
Unless you're cosplaying COD, which this dude clearly isn't, don't fucking do this shit.

>> No.9319527

civilian here

no one cares what you think

>> No.9319577

Th-thank you based anon

>> No.9319586

You don't like it when people are having more fun than you? OK

>> No.9319699

My spine does something similar, sadly I'm not female so I just look like a gay creep

>> No.9319726

>not reading post
Get the fuck out

>> No.9319897

I prefer "adult entertainer".

>> No.9319899

I don't know what's worse; camwhores being there explicitly to milk the wallets of thirsty betas, or people who wear airsoft gear to cons.

>> No.9319930
File: 113 KB, 1000x780, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9319932

shut the fuck up you giant fucking faggot. no one cares.

>> No.9320059

Sara something (Pellini I think) main character from Witchblade)

>> No.9320062

Witchblade is an armour that extends emerges from a bracelet Pezzini wears on her wrist, the armour can differ depending on the situation

>> No.9320064

Could be worse, could be Man Faye and his hairy arse

>> No.9320088

She was also only wearing a belt with a plastic dragon dangling from the front to shield her crotch

>> No.9321233

surely this is photoshop?

>> No.9321271

Pobably not unless you keep a bouncer/wingman outside the room and even then you'd have to be super specific about where, what, and how long they can touch.
It is

>> No.9321673

Okay real talk her seagulls.
Clearly this girl is THICC in a pleasant way, so how is there not a shadow where her belly pooch is?
You ladies know the shadow I mean.
My stomach is very nearly flat I still have it in most lighting, even girls I know who are much thinner than me have it....
Is it makeup? extensive lighting? Both?

>> No.9321680

Makeup and sucking it in. Note how she has done the opposite under her breasts to emphasize their size.

>> No.9321682
File: 144 KB, 800x518, 2011-05-25-Brustle-Up-Some-Rub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine it being like this.

>> No.9322368
File: 439 KB, 675x1035, tharja_by_minevi-d6aqphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and a friend are working on Tharja and Henry and the con we plan to debut them at has a thing against thongs... Well, on girls. Some dude ran around last year in a thong and no one gave a shit. Anyway, what can she do to abide by con dress code without ruining the accuracy too much?

>> No.9322375

yeah only land whales get butthurt at skimpy cosplay

>> No.9322433

Fat shaming is always okay

>> No.9322443

>Hot girls wearing skimpy clothing: Sexy

>> No.9322561

Post picture in thong so we can judge if it's too inappropriate.

>> No.9322584

Wear a normal panty instead of a thong? Do you really need to ask this lmao. like tharja wears a cape anyway it's not like anyone is going to look back there anyway?

>> No.9323325

> it's not like anyone is going to look back there anyway?

Oh I think there will be plenty of folks looking back there

>> No.9323813

All things considered she seems like a pretty cool shitlord.

>> No.9324079

You're right about that part

>> No.9324428
File: 74 KB, 401x479, 1474305729189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cheeky smug look on that kid

Every time

>> No.9325678

Then don't take them to the con. Or beach or pool, while you're at it.

It's an anime convention. Even though they let kids attend, it's still an adult's world.

>> No.9325682

That child is my spirit animal

>> No.9325720

I hate men with these sissy and crossdressing fetishes. You give legitimate crossplayers a bad name. Fuck off, exhibitionist. Just go join fetlife and stop polluting the cosplay scene with encouraged grouping.

>> No.9325777

I hate people like you.

You made the decision to have kids, you need to tailor your world for them, I don't have to tailor mine for your kids.

>> No.9325780


Its not too much to ask that you dont walk around with your bare asscheeks on display at a family con

Yes we need to shield kids from things, like porn.

>> No.9325792

>Family con
Unless it's a Thomas the tank engine con, it's not tailored for children.

Most cons are themed around shows that are generally intended for people above the age of 15 and have content to suit that demographic.

So if you wouldn't let your kids watch the Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc. don't take them to that con.

>> No.9325793

>Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, my super-serious comic book association is meeting here today.

>> No.9325830
File: 28 KB, 492x479, asukadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autogynophiliacs are the fucking worst, you all revolt me.

>> No.9325871

Don't take kids to any con. People like you can and will ruin it. Comic Cons are beginning to suffer from this thanks to uptight parents taking their little kids to a place that's for adult fans, dealers, and collectors. Seeing a little ass is not the same as porn.

A local one got really uptight with anything even mildly "revealing" for cosplay and is allowing almost nothing for weapon props all because "think of the children". Take your kid to Chuck E Cheese's or something.

>> No.9327113

I mean I went to my first con at 13, and I have been going to at least a con a year after that. Is 13 too young?

>> No.9327141

If you asked me, I'd say yes. I wouldn't want kids at cons unless they were at least 14 (which is usually the youngest high school kids are in America)

>> No.9327260


>> No.9327290

WTF is your problem? Do you not know what cosplay is?

>> No.9327619
File: 32 KB, 600x446, we made it fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not like anyone is going to look back there anyway?

>> No.9327888

>It's not like anyone is going to look back there anyway.
Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.9331864

this thread is pretty entertaining

>> No.9332090
File: 118 KB, 600x900, CNoPVLwWcAAVfF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna hit you with a pretty crazy piece of advice for getting away with skimpy outfits.

Don't be fat.

>> No.9332946
File: 47 KB, 625x415, magikarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related pic

Anyway I mail to cons if I can attend with a skimpy costume, that way I have a valid ground to stand on if someone would call me out for it. It doesn't help if your fake boobs look too real though...

>> No.9333043

She's hot for a granny.

>> No.9333079

The thirst is real.

Basic supply and demand. She has ever right to peddle them T and A. If there are not enough of that skin during a con all the thirsty betas and neckbeards will drool and table barnacle the hapless AA grils that do not want that attention around them.

>> No.9333090

>insert Braveheart speech.

>> No.9333093

>Some girls can walk around naked and feel no shame.
>remembers sporechan

>> No.9333102

Frank Cho should have been in that Futurama episode Death by Snu Snu.

>> No.9333194

Nnd tunamelt. Not only did she feel no shame, but I have a good feeling she was getting off on it and was probably using it for shlick material.

>> No.9334967


>> No.9338971
File: 24 KB, 427x456, 1480731237082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplaying Witchblade
>Not Masane Amaha

>> No.9339132
File: 38 KB, 480x640, cosplay is consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you post the edit?

Here's the original.

>> No.9339754

Colossalcon is basically made for this type of cosplay

>> No.9341395
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayers try to get away with as much as they can. The most you can do is try and if they think what you have is too much they tell you and make you wear something.

Jacueline has also done a book accurate Dejah Thoris.

>> No.9342688

can't find the before pics on google

>> No.9343763
