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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9268891 No.9268891 [Reply] [Original]

It's quite difficult to decide.

>> No.9268892


>> No.9268895

Well, use whatever bathroom you normally use. People are used to crossplayers at conventions

>> No.9268899

None of them. Pee outside.

>> No.9268903

A lot of them have designated gender neutral restrooms too

>> No.9268904

But wouldn't I get arrested for that?

>> No.9268905

Keep in mind the character in question is a really feminine looking male.

>> No.9268907

Wear a diaper.

>> No.9268916

This changes nothing.

>> No.9268923

if you were born with a dick use the mens room
if you were born with vulva use the women's room
its not that hard

>> No.9268924

As I said, people at conventions do not care, as long as you're not being a weirdo.

>> No.9268926

I think it'd be weird seeing a man dressed up like that entering in to the boys's bathroom and going to the urinals,with all the other guys watching in horror.

>> No.9268929

literally no one cares which restroom you use at an anime convention.

>> No.9268930

Honestly that's nothing. Have you ever been to a convention before?

Does anyone have that picture of the Madoka crossplayer in the bathroom? Google is failing me.

>> No.9268931

guys don't care. especially at a convention. get real.

how old are you and is this your first time posting here?

>> No.9268932

Just use the same bathroom you usually use. I've had a Thorin Oakenshield ask me if I had any extra pads or tampons in the bathroom before. No one gives a shit at a con and understands there's crossplayers.

>> No.9268946
File: 69 KB, 640x480, DrVellianCrowler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking canonnically , what bathroom do you think Chronos-sensei uses?

>> No.9268976

Doesn't look like someone who bothers with public restrooms

>> No.9268980

What do you mean?

>> No.9268982

What do you mean?

>> No.9269005

Every time I crossplay I fix my make up in the men's restroom and nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9269007

So now even crossplay makes you trans and you can go to the girl's locker rooms and anyone who objects will get kicked out of the convention for bathroom policing.

There's never been a better time to be a creepy dude. As long as you put on a bad wig and don't touch anyone, you can get away with anything.

>> No.9269020

>crossplay makes you trans

Also I'm pretty sure bathroom predators want a lot more than to simply use the other bathroom.

>> No.9269027

>said literally no one ever

did you start this thread just hoping someone would claim this?

>> No.9269030

this national preoccupation and hysteria with bathrooms is driving me insane and I really wish people would stop making such a huge fucking deal out of it.

t. actual trans person

>> No.9269114

>There's never been a better time to be a creepy dude.

What, exactly, is a creepy dude going to do in the women's restroom? See a woman wash her hands? See a woman put on make up?

>> No.9269150

if you have a vagina, use the women's restroom
if you have a penis, use the men's restroom

this is all pretty straightforward and I'm not sure where the confusion came from

>> No.9269152

I don't want penises in the little girls room

>> No.9269153

>little girls

>> No.9269161

he shits right on the floor

>> No.9269276


>> No.9269546

Go where you usually go. If there's a long line, go to another bathroom. Just go to what's closest to you, but go according to your gender identity if it isn't considerably more complicated.

>> No.9269548

If they're not touching anyone then what exactly is the fucking problem

>> No.9269613

nobody cares

>> No.9269640

Just because it makes you feel weird/uncomfortable using the men's bathroom when you're in cosplay doesn't mean you have license to use the women's bathroom for a day. If your gender identity is male and you're using the women's bathroom just because you're in cosplay you're basically saying it's okay to put your comfort above the comfort of the women using the bathroom and that's not okay.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing crossplayers using the women's bathroom, common sense doesn't go out the window just because you're at a convention jfc.

>> No.9269643

>I'm so sick and tired of seeing crossplayers using the women's bathroom

honest question, why?

>> No.9269645

Not them, but I'd assume because they don't want filthy men in their restroom simply because they decided to dress up like female characters.

>> No.9269653

I can agree it's dumb to use wrong bathroom just because of your cosplay, but there is nothing wrong with using the wrong bathroom in general, if you have a reason. For example waiting times for your bathroom, it's longer to walk, etc.

I personally find it a bit uncomfortable, but I see girls going wherever all the time, so it's okay, and I'm trying to use the women's bathroom more when I have a reason to.

>> No.9269670

It screams of entitlement to me that just because you're a dude in a dress for a day you can just flip flop between bathrooms. Some crossplayers don't want to use the men's bathroom because going in there wearing a dress might make their male ego uncomfortable and going into the women's bathroom is seen as the safer choice, but again, that's prioritizing their needs above those of the women using the bathroom. Sure, some women may not be uncomfortable with it but some women will be and that needs to be respected. Also, we're not mindreaders that can guess at your reasons for wanting to use the women's bathroom and some will come to the reasonable conclusion that you might have less than pure motives and they wouldn't be wrong to be on guard about that.

I think of it as similar to the female only section that some gyms offer as a safe space for women to feel comfortable. For guys it might not seem like that big a deal, but with the sort of shit that women have to deal with that men don't I don't think it's fair of guys to so casually invade our privacy.

>> No.9269674

If women feel uncomfortable around men, that's their own problem to work on.
Your point about wanting to avoid trigger men is good, though. Men need to accept men in dresses, and do not deserve protection from that. You should not pander to those assholes, force them to see men in dresses until they have to accept it.
But "safe spaces" for women do not need to be respected. If women really hate men that much, they need to learn to live with it. Use handicap toilets if you must.

>> No.9269681

I'm getting the distinct feeling you must be a guy if you honestly believe that and you're really just proving my point.

>> No.9269686

Yes, I'm male, but what does this have to do with anything?

Gender segregated bathrooms is an outdated concept anyway, and should be removed. And I see people who don't care all the time. At a convention I was recently, a bunch of girls had a meetup at the male bathroom. And it happens, you will have to share bathroom at some point in your life. Learn to deal with it.
Also, you have so way of even knowing the gender of the person in the bathroom in the first place.
Gender separated bathrooms needs to end.

>> No.9269695

It has everything to do with it, because the way you experience the world as a male is fundamentally different and if you can't understand that then you lack the basic ability to empathize with anyone who has a different experience than you. Just because you don't understand it doesn't give you the right to deny it and claim it isn't real or is irrational.

Anyway, the fact that people in this thread basically have to yell out the fact that you should use the bathroom according to your gender identity should make this the end of the discussion. If you still want to disregard people's advice and do whatever you want and challenge the system because you think it's outdated you have no one to blame but yourself if you get called out on it.

>> No.9269712

I do give preference to bathrooms for my own gender. Priority: 1. Male 2. Handicap 3. Female
But neither is disallowed, and it's rare that it comes to 3.
And there is no reason a female shouldn't be okay with sharing bathroom. Your feelings is not an argument, your feelings are wrong, and you need to work on changing them.

>> No.9269727

If you're really somewhere where the line is just sooo long that you absolutely feel like you're going to explode and you have to go down the list until you get to option 3 I have a really hard time believing the female bathroom's line is going to be any shorter. It's especially unlikely that it would be any shorter than the handicap bathroom line unless it's filled with similarly desperate able bodied people, in which case you have no excuse not to suck it up and wait in the men's line like everybody else. Females also generally take longer in the bathroom than men on account of our hardware too so wtf kind of argument do you even have? Unless of course you're being a selfish prick who feels he deserves to assert the right to piss wherever he wants like you do.

Seriously, what the hell are you even doing on this board, your attitude's not going to win over any fans here.

>> No.9269737

the issue isn't the bathrooms themselves

but the giant gaps between the walls and door of each stalls

like what the fuck, you fucking cheapskates. is the door purely fucking ornamental?

and then the stalls are usually across from the mirror so i can look myself in the eye when i shit

also the men's doesn't have enough counter space to fix up makeup in

>tl;dr private unisex stalls with built-in water-saving washbasins should become the new standard

>> No.9269752

Oh come on, you can't be that sheltered if you're posting on 4chan. A guy at my university was recently banned from campus for recording audio of women peeing in the bathrooms. Also what is watching people through stall gaps and installing cameras in bathrooms?

The biggest issue I have with unisex bathrooms is that it seems weird that a grown man can be in there alone at the same time a little girl or boy is using the bathroom. I took training on eliminating child sexual abuse and it seems like a recipe for disaster because parents don't always supervise their kids like they should. It could be a point of access. Also at least in the US, there is little legal precedent on handling claims of indecent exposure and assault in unisex restrooms. It would literally be a he said versus she said. Why not just avoid the trouble?

>> No.9269767

>a grown man can be in there alone at the same time a little girl or boy is using the bathroom
was it not an issue when men could only access boys in bathrooms?

also the solution is still unisex stalls you can't see in. like planes, trains, and some buses have. they can be small, cost-efficient, and private. like porta-potties.

imagine: you need to pee at a convention. someone in the restroom area has overflowed a toilet. but you won't drag your cosplay through it, because the dirty water is pretty much contained in its own fucking toilet locker.

i can see the change happening elswhere, but America will adopt the metric system before it gives up its communal same-gender piss parties.

>> No.9269771

Best way to solve this. Don't use public bathrooms. Get a hotel room and use that. done with this "I'm offended" bull shit. A real trans person would use the bathroom they identify with and you wouldn't know they where trans. This trans trend bull shit is just a gimmick that tumblr and social media had blown up into a needles issue.

>> No.9269811

No one's claiming that's not an issue, but if it's a grown man in the same bathroom as both little boys and girls that raises the probability of a child being victimized because there are more factors at play. If you can minimize the risk it makes no sense not to just because there's still some possibility of risk remaining. In any case, that's just one issue out of many.

The argument isn't against unisex stalls like the ones you're referring to, the argument is about which bathroom crossplayers should use according to the current gender designated bathrooms. You seem to be really up in arms about the fact that as a male you're being "oppressed" by not having bathrooms that are as nice as female bathrooms and that somehow now gives you the right to use whatever bathroom you damn well please. If unisex bathrooms are to become the norm it won't be for jackasses like you but first and foremost trans people whose safety is actually under threat by the current same-gender bathroom system.

>> No.9269812

>people that, for whatever reason, don't pass well because they have super manface or look dumpy in general aren't allowed to be trans because they don't pass well

>> No.9269826

You're fucking dumb. Trans people are usually obviously trans and cause little to no speculation to themselves. Trans trending fuckwhits that are plastered everywhere are first to tell you "I'm trans you cis mongoloid". A trans person try's they damned hardest with what they got to be the gender they want to be. they got man face? They learn to contour. They transitioned late, they learn how to use what they have to appear how they want to. Good god you all are so fucked up by the internet you don't know shit from piss.

>> No.9269829
File: 49 KB, 600x450, 15Target_xp-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trans people are usually obviously trans and cause little to no speculation to themselves

Pic related is supposedly trans. Was filming some teenage girl in a target dressing room.

>> No.9269837

>You seem to be really up in arms about the fact that as a male you're being "oppressed" by not having bathrooms that are as nice as female bathrooms
hang on a second

not the same anon as the one who was arguing with you

pls no bully, i just hate not having privacy and have not mentioned anywhere inthread what genitals i have

also i am more concerned about families/churches/schools that abuse kids than convention restrooms. but creepers gonna creep and the best way to cut down potential bathroom molestation is to do away with the essentially open-room model that pretends people have nothing to fear from members of their own gender. it is as outdated as outhouses.

as for crossplayers/the OP my comment way up here still stands: >>9268931

the thread was started as an excuse to complain about rapists in bathrooms and the way OP kept samefagging until the thread got traction was unsubtle.

>> No.9269839

>by not having bathrooms that are as nice as female bathrooms
also, general consensus in circles i travel through is female restrooms are grodier (debatable) and more invasive (not debatable imo). "girlytoot" would never have become a meme if women had the same blinders on that men (typically) have in restrooms

>> No.9269852

Sorry anon, I assumed you were that guy samefagging because of the gender segregated bathrooms being outdated assertion. Did not mean to bully, but I still stand by my point that you should use the bathroom corresponding to the gender you identify as. Sure widespread use of single occupant unisex bathrooms could be a solution down the road that provides a more comfortable, private experience for everyone, but until that time I think that as a whole people using bathrooms outside of their identified gender causes more discomfort than it does circumvent it (and this goes for women using the men's bathroom, too).

>> No.9269864

agreed on all counts famalam

>> No.9269911

I am so fucking fed up with American gender politics.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.9269936
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone cosplays as Grell Sutcliff (from Black Butler) what bathroom are they gonna use? Grell's physical gender is male, but spiritually female.