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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9268131 No.9268131 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is saging >>9235968

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9268134

Does anyone make bags for special events? Example: assembling your items only for a specific con?

>> No.9268141
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>> No.9268142
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>> No.9268145
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>> No.9268146
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>> No.9268539

Sounds like a waste of money if you're only going to use it once.

>> No.9269154 [DELETED] 

Sorta. I mainly use the heart WEGO backpacks for a husbando or an OTP. I will be assembling an OT4 bag by taking the merch off of my OTP bags, since I don't have enough funds to make that many bags. I only use OT4 bags for cons, so I guess that counts.

>> No.9269155
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>> No.9269156
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>> No.9269205

I think it could work if you have a particular attachment to a con, come regularly and have merch related to the con from several years. I can see myself potentially making one for my college convention that's still running to this day if they had merch besides t-shirts

>> No.9269225

Not sure if this counts, but I take apart two of my OTP bags to make an OT4 bag for cons. So I'm not buying an entirely new bag for the con, but I am putting one together.

>> No.9269226

I'm planning on attending several character-specific doujinshi-events in Japan next year, so I though about it. After giving it some though I just decided that I'm going to bring my normal itabag to the events, even though the bag is dedicated to different character than the event. It's from the same series, anyway. Close enough.

>tfw previous years there have been several doujinshi-events dedicated my itabag characters, but no such events are listed for 2017 yet.
You better do it Japan, I'm waiting.

>> No.9269228
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>> No.9269235
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>> No.9269236
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>> No.9269240
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>> No.9269246
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>> No.9269266
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Got the pouches I POed off amiami today!

>> No.9269456

I'm usually not a fan of bags that have a majority of can badges, but holy shit I love how they layered everything!

>> No.9269660
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incoming new backpack to make it painful

>> No.9269743

for can badges, where can you order these in bulk? or are they mostly fanmade? I've seen lots of plush and rubber straps, but not much official can badge merch.

>> No.9269753
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There's plenty of official can badges out there depending on the series, usually for newer stuff. Some only come in random blind packs or special events like limited theme cafes in Japan so having more of them is a sign of greater pain and devotion. Some are available to purchase as is but it can be limited to pre-orders depending on the character. Like right now if you want to make a Yuri on Ice!! bag you'd have to be on top of the preorders now because that stuff will be gone soon.

To order your own badges using official ripped art of fanart most printing sites like zazzle and artmoo and honestly any promotion product maker have options.

I think what makes >>9269246 work is the use of repetition. It's more visually pleasing to have a handful of repeating designs rather than 100 different pictures. Also I think the larger badges might be official but the smaller ones are ordered custom in this case which also helps.

>> No.9269759

Link? Where did you find it, anon?

>> No.9269783

thanks so much!

>> No.9270085

would love a review when you get a chance to decorate it

>> No.9270117
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Apparently it's sold out on amiami but hobbylink has it! It's by the same people behind these bags

>> No.9270154

Oh nice! Thank you so much!!

>> No.9270155

Hmm I've been looking for these but they don't have the colors I want. Since white ones are still available and they're 100% cotton I guess they could be dyed with RIT dye and the vinyl screen would be unaffected? I guess the biggest concern would be heat warping.

>> No.9270158

That's what I was thinking so I'm a bit nervous to try it myself. If someone has experience dying their own ita bag, any input would be super appreciated!

>> No.9270292

Oh, I adore how this one is laid out. The circle of smaller badges around the larger center piece badge is really nice.

>> No.9270320
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I pulled out my merch so I could start!

So opinions: the plastic pouc is really study and rather thick which makes it a lot bigger than I thought it would be? Te pouch itself is about A5 size I think. The pouch is held in place with two clips, which my peeve is that it's hard to do up on the side the zip ends. The pouch itself is lined on the inside and has the little line of fabric at the top you can hook stuff/clip things on.

Overall I'm happy with it but you can definitely make one yourself if you wanted to DIY? Otherwise I think it'll hold my merch well

>> No.9270451

I've never tried them myself but Procion Fiber Reactive dye can be used cold as long as the bag is washed and soaked in soda ash. It's pretty cheap to get some from Dharma Trading so I might try it with a couple bags.

>> No.9270488

Just keep in mind that while 100% cotton should dye fine the plastic coated zipper and any polyester stitching, probably won't.

>> No.9270507

That color makes such a nice Leo/Leon bag!

>> No.9270876

Great taste
That sounds really nice actually, I may have to buy one now. Thank you, anon!

>> No.9270895

Also forgot to mention that putting the pouch back in (if you have a lot of stuff on it) can be a pain since it swings around. But you can always stick down the backside and read just once it's in the clear pouch.

>> No.9270896

It's a pretty decent price! Also will totally control all those impulsive perchases haha

Thanks!! The image of amiami is ridiculously innacurate ( it looks almost black?) but I took a gamble and it's perfect!

>> No.9271232
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>> No.9271235
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>> No.9271238
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>> No.9271244
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What do you gulls think, aesthetically, about having a large picture in the middle of an itabag? Prefer all straps, badges, etc?

>wanting to put large pic in middle of my bag, but don't want to look like a poorfag doing it

>> No.9271245
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>> No.9271248
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>> No.9271251
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>> No.9271253
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>> No.9271256
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>> No.9271259
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>> No.9271279
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this bnha itabag is actually cute!

>> No.9271348

I think it can look really cute but remember that a picture can take up a lot of space sometimes so it usually is a good idea to do something like this on a bigger bag. I personally like the looks of bags with different types of items on it (mix of straps, badges and even specialty items like plushes) even if it has a repeating pattern.

I personally don't care for the looks of bags with only badges when it's a character that has other things, but I understand sometimes a character only has badges or it's the cheapest way to make merch for a character that otherwise has nothing. I find it more forgiving with characters that don't have merch at all.

>> No.9271351
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I've been avoiding voltron ita bags for such a long time for personal reasons but I admit some of them look really nice.

>> No.9271373

>avoiding voltron ita bags for such a long time for personal reasons

>> No.9271443

I'm not that anon but I would guess shitty fans.

On the topic of giant robot related things though, has anyone seen any well-done bags featuring a trio of characters? I"ve been tossing around the idea of bags for some 3-pilot robot teams and I've been having trouble finding good inspo.

>> No.9271451

I really like this one, the patterned backdrop makes it look less barren, and there's enough merch to make it look full and interesting without crowding out the larger picture. The Utapri bags are just really nice in general, though, so that helps.

I'm not as fond as ones like this >>9271244 because they seem really unbalanced with all that bulk around the edges and none in the center.

>> No.9271640
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 14516350_10209926948557867_644185969347989005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like these types of bags since it helps to give the bag a single focus without looking too barren or overcrowded. I tend to lean towards bags that have a good balance with all different types of merch and good organization. Pic related is probably my favorite/best example for this, although her backdrop is on the other side.

Honestly if it's something you like and want to do, don't let people stop you. It's your bag, your money, so you can do what you like with it. Everyone has different tastes in what they like.

You took the words right out of my mouth!

>> No.9271647

Ah shit, I quoted the wrong post for the second reply. Meant to quote >>9271451

>> No.9271655
File: 159 KB, 960x817, 14469686_10102749126635588_664553280311175574_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is probably a better example of using a backdrop with a good amount of different merch surrounding it.

>> No.9271695

This looks really nice! I also think the symmetry in merch placement helps these bags look more cohesive as well (but I really love symmetrical bags in general).

>> No.9271756
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Handmade miniature itabags for dolls.

>> No.9271793
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I've only got "team" bags but the key is grouping stuff nicely to make it look cohesive.

>> No.9271819

So cute, anon! I really love these.

>> No.9271832
File: 118 KB, 750x750, o0750075013809650212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New bags and pouches by Swimmer.

>> No.9271922

Just from looking at these, they seem kind of small. I like the bags Swimmer makes but I'm not sure if I'm feeling the design on the plastic...

I'm kind of stuck I guess since if it's the size I'm thinking it'd make a great daily use bag for me but I don't want to remove printing on an imported bag I spent a lot to just have arrive. :s

>> No.9271923

We see lots of ita bags but not many small ones, does anyone have an ita clutch? Sounds silly but I'm curious.

>> No.9271980
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, CyLVTJWVEAACL-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best picture I could find for gauging size. They're only 1200 yen so if I had confirmation that you could remove the pattern, I'd definitely grab one. But with the pattern, I'm not sure I'm a fan...

>> No.9271999

That's the exact size I was thinking of, they are really adorable too. Ugh, I want one but I think I better wait until after the holidays in case someone grabs it before more and gives it a try to remove the pattern or at least makes a review for the bag as is.

>> No.9272015

So satisfying to look at!

>> No.9272031

Are we sure the pattern is on the plastic, not the fabric?

>> No.9272128

Pretty sure but there's always wiggle room for being wrong which is why I mentioned I'd rather wait for a review. If it's on the plastic that'd be really disappointing and expensive purchase for me.

>> No.9272165
File: 428 KB, 960x1280, ichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, unpopular and or personal opinion time.
I personally hate HATE fanart things on ita bags. I understand fanart when it's a western fandom or a super unpopular character but if it's someone like Shinji Ikari and they have MOUNTAINS of merch why not get some of that? The other reason is super clashing art styles/ color schemes.

It just ruins a whole bag for me.

>> No.9272172
File: 50 KB, 500x495, 1f0d7f42635c6553cddd462230963411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I have one.
People having super obvious knockoffs and trying to act like it's the real deal and no one can tell.

>> No.9272173

>why not get some of that?
For variety purposes, I imagine. I can see why someone would use fan made merch to add something a little different to their bag, especially if it's of a popular character.

>> No.9272179

Because outside of Japan and East Asia official merch can cost more than double the price? I live near a Kinokuniya in California and they have a ton of official stuff but it's pretty typical to see a $20 keychain that originally cost 500 yen if you check Myfigurecollection or other hobby sites.

And honestly this is easy to avoid. You're probably talking about that one keychain with the red background because anything else that looks like it could be fan merch blends in fine. That's all really up to your personal design preferences. I have a bag that's mostly teal and black and found one single button of hte character at my last artist alley but it had royal blue background. I got it to support the artist but put it way up on the strap away from the rest of the stuff where it would clash.

>> No.9272305

I mix up fan and official merch for my itabags because I like variety of styles instead of the same picture plastered on different types of merch.

>> No.9272310

> instead of the same picture plastered on different types of merch.

I fucking hate this, whoever designs merchandise for movic can die for all I care.


>> No.9272329

Haikyuu is notorious for doing this but hey, saves me from the pain slightly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9272382

I personally love using fan merch but I tend to be a snob and almost exclusively but Japanese doujin pieces lol. I have a few pieces of western fan merch but that's mostly due to convention impulse shopping and I've actually removed a lot of it from my bags. I don't see any problem with others using them even if there is lots of fan merch though. If you like it use it. These bags are for fun after all, why police what goes on them?

>> No.9272388

Because companies like to use the same piece of art or artstyle for all their pieces and sometimes they're fucking ugly

>> No.9272438
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>Haikyuu is notorious for doing this
Yes, this is why I need fan merch.

>These bags are for fun after all, why police what goes on them?
Do people actually police itabags? I understand cosplay, because it's just replication of a specific character, so being huge can ruin the look, but itabags are essentially free for all, right?

>> No.9272443

I don't think people do, it's one of the things I love about this hobby. People have their own opinions about how they like to make their own bags but they don't try to enforce them on others. It's a refreshing change after having been in both cosplay and lolita.

>> No.9272481
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>> No.9272531
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Cross stitching plastic canvas could be a cheap easy craft of a character sprite that looks nicer than perler beads. Not sure why this person added those huge key loops thought.

>> No.9272538

Assuming this isn't a rhetorical question but...
I like both official merchandise bags and fan merch bags, I have one of each. I love fan merch. I love the variety of art styles and I love supporting small time and independent artists. I love that fan merch can be a bit more creative in it's posing, expression, and stylization. Official merch bags are great, too - the uniformity looks nice, the art styles and colors are always the same so they work well together. I adore supporting my favorite franchises with my dollars. But that sameness can get kind of boring, too, so I like the variety in fan merch.

The price discussion is also a point, but to be honest that's not a big deal to me - especially because a lot of my fan merch is more expensive than my official merch. I can often get official stuff second hand for under $10, but fan merch charms are almost always at least $15 when you include shipping.

This is super cute!!

>> No.9272591
File: 495 KB, 1536x2048, Cx6AIQgUAAE3Pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember some people talking about Initial D itabags a few weeks ago, just found this on twitter. I've never seen one with Initial D before!

>> No.9272679

I have seen pencil bags. Not a clutch, obviously, but in a similar vein.

>> No.9272730

its cheaper to produce 987778 pieces of merch with the same art unfortunately

>> No.9272731

//who ever made those not just buying the pixel rubber straps...

>> No.9272766

>$5 for plastic canvas and floss


>$100+ for the same strap

To each their own

>> No.9272807

Unsure if this has been answered in previous threads but I'm trying to plan my Japan trip and trying to fit in some of the stores that have been mentioned before into my itinerary.

How's the experience at Animate? Is the store worth it? What should I expect (as in variety/quantity etc)? Is it easy to communicate with staff if you don't know japanese?
Any particular time of the day you'd recommend to have a seat at the café (as in, is it usually crowded)? I was also going to ask where could I check the current theme but I think I can somewhat have an idea from their website.

Sorry for so many dumb questions, this is gonna be my first time and I'm both excited and nervous. Thank you in advance!

>> No.9272910
File: 634 KB, 2000x1331, nakano-broadway-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends on the store. Tokyo stores and Nipponbashi in Osaka were pretty busy and picked over but in less busy spots you might find what you want. Only expect stuff from the newest, most popular things in Japan at that time though.

If you want variety Mandarake is all used goods and has some pretty good prices and rare items. Some even have cosplay stuff and I got some sailor fuku type cosplay for about $20-30. Each store is a little different, like the one is Ikebukuro is pretty much soley BL doujinshi and male idol goods.

Speaking of Mandarake if you go to Nakano Broadway on the west side of Tokyo it's a giant shopping center with some normal stores but mostly just a bunch of different otaku stores an a floor of almost nothing but different kinds of Mandarakes. Like one focuses on Toku shows, one is just anime gacha type stuff (pictured here) and one is all Kaiju. There's another store that's just Disney goods if you're a fan or have a Disney fan in your life that would love some Tokyo Disneyland goods.

Book Off is a giant used books and music chain but they have several variatiants including Book Off SUPER BAZAAR which includes tons of used electronics and anime/otaku goods. My favorite was in Hiroshima near Hondori street.

If you're a fan of a particular series that's current you can research ahead of time nad see if there's an Ichiban Kuji lottery or a promotional cafe happening at the time where you can get limited/rare items. One of my obscure fandoms is Idolm@ster SideM and I found out there was a lottery that was only taking place in the Idolm@ster store in Osaka where I happened to be at the time. Ended up with some foil can badges of husbando. 7-11 was giving out random Osomatsu-san pins with some purchases and I got some for a friend.

>> No.9272913

Oh you're talking specifically about cafes. All I know is that you have to come at the beginning of the day to get a ticket for a time slot, you can just point at menu items but do know your pleases and thank yous and some food terms. Also every Animate cafe has a different theme so make sureyou're going to the right one. I made hte mistake of thinking that all Animates had all the themes simultaenously and went to Ikebukuro thinking I'd get Free! stuff whne it was running Touken Ranbu and the Free! one was in Akiba.

>> No.9273238

Animate is definitely worth visiting, because it literally has everything. They mostly have stuff that is popular at the moment. I've never communicated with the staff so I don't know about their english capabilities, but paying and all that jazz goes without problems.

If you're looking for older/used stuff, check all Mandarake stores, especially all the Mandarakes in Nakano broadway. Also when walking around Akiba/Ikebukuro/other areas with a lot of anime shops, just go and visit the small shops. They have bunch of interesting stuff.

I have no experience with animate-cafes, but other places have anime-themed cafes as well (Tower Records and PARCO for example), and these cafes might be really empty if you're lucky - no reservation needed. There was a Yowapeda-cafe at Ikebukuro PARCO some time ago, and you could just walk in. I recommend checking your favorite anime's official twitter account to see if there are any collab cafes coming.

>> No.9273373
File: 19 KB, 352x500, pompommatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I know what character I'm going to use for this bag.

>> No.9273569
File: 950 KB, 800x800, ACNL itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my bag in the mail! Nothing is attached yet. I'm getting a digby charm to match isabelle. I guess the rest of the bag will be filled with fan merch.

I have two other isabelle cards, I was thinking of putting a hole in the card protector to put them on as zipper charms.

>> No.9273710

Thank you for all the info!
I was aware of Mandarake, as I regularly buy from them online as well, so they were on my list from the start (but I wasn't aware they had different kinds separated by type of merch, that's great to know! I'll be sure to check Nakano Broadway for that). Book Off had been recommended before so I had it on the list as well.
I didn't know of more promotional café-type of places other than Animate but I'll do some research on them, definitely would enjoy getting my hands on some limited/rarer goods.
Osaka will be my first stop for this trip, I'll take a look at Nipponbashi! I'm supposing the Idolm@ster store there is no more, since all I'm finding are 2013/14 articles? My brother is coming with me and he's very into it, haha. Awesome that you scored stuff of your husbando!
As for the cafés, I had no clue you had to come in early to get a time slot ticket, I'd probably have made an ass out of myself and just expect to wait in line to get in so, thank you for the heads up. I kinda understood from Animate's website that there were different themes going on at the same time, I'll be sure to check in advance to go into the right one. Thank you once again!

Thank you very much! I'm glad to know that paying and all is no trouble, I really want to visit Animate even if just for a peek.
Yes, Mandarake is obligatory, the previous anon recommended Nakano Broadway as well so I'll be taking your advices and just pay a visit. I'll take a full day for merch-related browsing so I'll be sure to peek in the small shops as well, as you said.
Oh, really? Coincidentally, Yowapeda is my favorite thing! Now I'm a bit sad I wasn't there for that haha. Hopefully 3rd season will bring in plenty of stuff for me to collect anyway, even if I'm only visiting few months after it airs. Time to start using twitter more often too.
Thanks a bunch once again!

>> No.9273950

Super cute!! Can't wait to see it finished, anon!

>> No.9273952

I love the leaf charm you added! Really brings the bag together imo

>> No.9274026

Haikyuu is so bad for this, but it still hasn't stopped my sorry ass from buying it.

>> No.9274053

Mangasouko stores in Okinawa have a lot of this as well. Sure, most are bootleg but thankfully its not hard to find ones with good paint jobs regardless.

>> No.9274055

they dont... I got a pair (naegi+kirigiri) for 500yen?

why are you being so salty anon

>> No.9274227

You're in luck anon, cause Yowapeda is my speciality (and favorite, too) and I've been doing research to find all possible cafes and events. If you don't use twitter they also have News-section on their website http://yowapeda.com/news.html that lists collabs on the side of other things.
If doujinshi-events interest you, there's a listing of all Yowapeda-events here: http://www.youyou.co.jp/only/pedal/index.html.. I'll be visiting at least couple of the events next summer (especially Best Twosome cause it's a T2 event) if all goes as planned.

Also, general info for all anons: if you want to visit doujinshi-events of your favorite series while in Japan, check http://www.youyou.co.jp/index.html.. Haikyuu, Matsu, YOI and Touken Ranbu seem to be popular in coming months.

>> No.9274304
File: 89 KB, 800x725, Cx2uJscUAAAnBNn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not release yet as far as i found on their site

>> No.9274316

Okay, I REALLY like this one. It looks perfect for a backing board insert (my favorite method) and looks a little bit more gender neutral than my current black side bag, which is very purse-y.

Judging from the size of the clips and the zipper, it looks fairly small - do we have the dimensions? What company is it? Any other released colors?

>> No.9274323

I found it here

>> No.9274326

i have a primal desire to see these in itabags

>> No.9274402
File: 220 KB, 548x256, bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Yeah, it is pretty small. It's a convenient daily bag size. And I'm really digging the optional fanny pack abilities. For ¥1600 + import fees I am definitely picking one up.

>> No.9274419

>21 * 17 *3 cm (main pouch)
> ~8 * 6.7 * 1.2 in

God, if they added an inch or two on all the dimensions I'd love it, but it's a bit to small for my mom-purse tendencies.
Maybe I"ll try and sew my own in this style

>> No.9274443

Not that anon but

> toumaki event a couple of days before I arrive

It hurts.

>> No.9274628

Does anyone have pictures of the Otakon itabag meet? I don't believe I saw any in the thread or Facebook group.

>> No.9274655

Anon, you are absolutely incredible, thank you SO much!
I'm so sad I won't be there for the T2, TouMaki and Arakita events but it warms my heart to know they exist.
I'll keep an eye on their website, for some dumbass reason it never occured to me to keep up with it, thank you for that! Is that an animate collab between december and february??
Why am I not going sooner...

>> No.9275083

Not anon but I think the point is it's just an idea for any pixelated character.

>> No.9275110

Yeah i guess, but my point was more that theres no point copying the DR ones (or anything that has pixelated merch already) because you can buy it for cheap.

I guess anon made the ones in image related and got upset.

>> No.9275292
File: 204 KB, 417x512, 608377961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I am so damn ecstatic right now. With Japan's currency rates being as low as they are, combined with one of Suruga-ya's timed sales and I managed to snag one of the UtaPri bags for only $45! I also have a friend currently living in Japan right now that needs to mail his own stuff home and agreed to ship my stuff with it which means I can bypass proxy fees AND lower my shipping cost.

I'll finally be able to build my first bag in time for ALA. I feel so blessed right now ; w ;

>> No.9275294


The background is so cute!

Where did you get that fabric?

>> No.9275619

I vectored the amiibo card back pattern and then printed it on minky at spoonflower.

I got a swatch (8x8") so it was only $5. I'd recommend their minky if you wanted to get custom fabric for your bag!!

>> No.9275680

Has anyone modified a pre-existing tote bag into an ita bag? I'll soon be getting a Pokemon Center tote that I'm thinking about making a clear vinyl cover for but I'm otherwise a little worried about pins and buttons poking holes into a nice bag. Figuring out how to make a removable cover to slip over the bag also stumps me.

>> No.9275991
File: 1.58 MB, 1207x800, 72456456345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you wanting to make a separate clear tote to go over the original tote?
Or did you want to integrate a clear cover on/into the bag? (Like a clear zippered section)

>> No.9276131
File: 474 KB, 600x800, itabag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you guys think you have collectively spend on your completed ita bags? Also let us knows if it's a character with a lot of official merch or if it's mostly fan made merch because I think that definitely makes a price difference

>> No.9276137
File: 1.39 MB, 969x1242, lmaoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9276153

For 3 UtaPri characters across 2 bags total, at least $250. Aside from 2 buttons, everything is official. I've definitely slowed down since September. The last thing I paid for was the first payment in the UtaPri bag group order. I probably won't buy any more stuff until the bag arrives (in like Feb or March) so I can get a handle on how much merch will even fit.

>> No.9276162

About $400 across two bags. One fan merch bag, one official merch bag. The fan merch bag is more expensive per item, but less expensive over all because it's a smaller bag.

>> No.9276177
File: 45 KB, 480x360, 537080_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely want to go with a removable cover or simply a clear tote. It's a nice print (pic related) and it's like $30 before shipping so I'd be afraid of irreversibly messing it up trying to hard mod it, plus it would occasionally be nice to use it without all the stuff on it.

I'm thinking of making a clear cover with slots at the top (lined with bias tape) to string the handles through and some loops sewn into the sides to attach a chain to hang charms from, but I'm unsure if it would actually work when put into practice.

>> No.9276288

I spent about 500$ across 3 official merch itabag? The 3 bags itself about 250$, I got the utapri bag and a backpack, then I have a few kind of pricy items like utapri bear, live items, and ones only sold at special events. I had a lot of luck getting those in big lots so that didn't help things?

I also have one fan made bag and it barely cost 100$.

>> No.9276304



Thank you so much!

>> No.9276357

Yea of course. I'd love to see what kind of itabag you're working on!

>> No.9276386

Does anyone know what the charm protectors are called/made out of in this one? They look custom made rather than the ones you buy in bulk at Animate; I want to make a few of these for my bag but not sure how to go about this.

>> No.9276399

I don't think I've spent more than $300 on my bags. I buy a lot of things through auctions, or buy box sets and then sell what's left so it's less of a dent on my budget overall.

>> No.9276533

They kinda look like a method that'd been discussed in previous threads, you sandwich the piece between two layers of clear vinyl and carefully iron around the edges to seal them. Then you can just trim away the excess.
I've tried it, it works but you need to be pretty patient and careful to get the vinyl to bond together well and not to get too close to your item. I found that some of the ones I made just fell apart because I didn't spend enough time sealing the edges, other than that, it's a good, inexpensive method.

>> No.9276538

Pretty much what >>9276533 said. If you need a visual on how it's done, Movic Itamate has a video/picture demonstration that can be found here:


>> No.9276706

Does anyone have any tips for putting stuff on the outside of your bag without damaging the bag itself?

I have a few pins I wanted to put on the outside of my bag, but I don't want to make holes in it.

>> No.9276715


Thanks so much!! Should have expected Movic to have all these tips already haha. The link/video were extremely helpful.

>> No.9276742
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so behind on my Josuke ita bag, school and Christmas shopping have been draining my wallet. On another note, any recommendations on how to attach plushies?

>> No.9276747

There's actually an article explaining different ways of protecting your merch here


>> No.9276962


I think I'm getting close to the $200 mark for one bag. Husbando is a relatively popular character with alot of official merch, but it's also official merch that has the same art for everything. Makes me want to rip my hair out while pulling out my wallet at the same time.

>> No.9277272

My bag is small since my husbando doesn't have any official items like at all. Even still with commissioned pieces I'm at $150 but like I said, my bag is small and it's growth is very slow.

>> No.9277284

Yay, more Josuke bags! As for attachment of your plushies, you could hang them off the straps? They're UFO catchers yeah?

>> No.9277508

Went to a con this weekend and a girl was complimenting me on my bag, asking where I got my things, wondering how much it was, etc.
Then she started asking me if she could buy certain keychains off me? Saying how hard it is to find one, and offering me a bunch of money, saying it was worth a lot...
It was super weird. Has this happened to anyone else before? I was completely caught off guard by it.

>> No.9277898
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x1920, 16-12-06-00-10-20-518_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The print is on the fabric, plastic window is nice and clear. They're small, but I just picked up the purple handbag for a character I love (no merch, so I'll make enough to fill it) and a green pouch for Kanan from Love Live.

Swimmer has actually released some much bigger bags this, shown in my picture. They even released a heart window like bag similar to the Wego ones. Picked up the pink stripe tote awhile back for Riko from LL.

>> No.9278043

Awesome, thanks for the heads up! I'm really happy to hear that the fears of printed plastic have been put to rest.

>> No.9278045

I haven't had this happen to me but how quickly things went from nice and complimentary to kinda of rude... I'm not even sure if I'd have anything to say in that kind of situation. If they're willing to offer you so much money for one keychain, anon, I'd think they'd certainly have enough to order off japanese yahoo auctions.

>> No.9278076

That's a good idea! I just hope they'll stay nice and secure when I go to my next con.

>> No.9278087

If it had been something easily replaced, you should have drastically overcharged her and gotten a new one with some of your newfound extra cash.

>> No.9278093

>tfw western fandom unpopular character itabagger
I would give anything for more official merch of my husbando.

>> No.9278098

What are peoples feelings on making your own merch out of official images and then self drawn images?
Also any insp for mascot chara bags? I'm considering a korilakkuma bag

>> No.9278104
File: 527 KB, 599x399, 1447183096959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just got this salmon thing

>> No.9278218

Its perfect

>> No.9278266

this is so cute

>> No.9278279
File: 82 KB, 600x420, mobic ita bag cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a look at the mobic website with the bag covers they sell for some ideas.

>> No.9278290

I know this feeling too well...

>> No.9278423

Who is it?

>> No.9279124

My fandom doesn't have a lot of official merch or fan drawn buttons, so since I can't draw I made official art into buttons for my bag.

>> No.9279746

Didn't someone say you could hotglue stuff to the outside of your bag and it would peel off? I got one of those heartbags everyone and their sister has and I hate how plain everything outside the heart is. Considering gluing fanmade merch around the outside but I'm nervous if it's forever

>> No.9279757

Not the person who posed it, but I remember someone talking about using hotglue but they SPECIFICALLY mentioned letting the glue cool most of the way before putting it on the bag or the item, so be careful!

>> No.9279763

Does anyone have suggestion for cheap pin makers/button makers?
I like making buttons for obscure husbandos so although I do find some merch, it's not enough to fill up the bag.
I see a lot of button makers on ebay that go for $200-$300 or more, but. I'm not sure if I justify that purchase for a few anime bags. Idk, the struggle. I'll probably cave, but I wanted to consult this place first.

>> No.9279769


>> No.9279770

Anyone have itabag examples using real people? Idols, Jrockers?

>> No.9279775
File: 23 KB, 190x324, go2_glue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider trying Loctite G02 glue. I do a lot of work with plastics and this one holds really well without damaging either item like E6000 will. Also you can usually still pull things apart with a really good chiseling or tug if you need to

>> No.9279776
File: 572 KB, 1536x2048, 1457052090764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby Metal?

>> No.9279777

Use a low-temp gun and don't glue anything heavy

>> No.9279779
File: 115 KB, 750x750, 1460344879639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the miminum amount of actual photos you could get away with before it starts getting creepy.

>> No.9279780

I have found buttons at Hobby Lobby that you can just assemble yourself.
I'd only recommend a button maker if you intend on making hundreds of buttons, like an AA artist would.

>> No.9279781


>> No.9279792

Once my bag gets here, I'll put my GOT7 one together!

>> No.9279849

There are lots of idol bags on IG that I've seen. While they're interesting to look at, I admit they can be a little creepy.

>> No.9279859

Ohh I kinda like this bag, but I think it's because they used more logo-based merch than actually plastering RL faces. I do agree that you can only go so far before it becomes kinda creepy though

>> No.9279870

Yeah, I was really surprised. I just kind of told her I wasn't interested in selling it but that I'm sure she could find it online somewhere.
Yeah, I thought about this after the fact. I was so put off by the whole thing that it didn't even occur to me until way too late. Damn.

>> No.9280225
File: 362 KB, 1280x720, komerch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related; a lot I scored for $200 earlier this year and the start of my spiral

It's hurts to add it up but I've spent probably over $700 on material for two itabags at this point, one of which is already done, the second I'm waiting for this Amiami order (it's got some stuff of a character who didn't have much merch previously and half of this bag is gonna be an OT3)

Why must I fall in love with the characters who have the highest chara taxes

Even though being fluent isn't a requirement for hunting on JP websites and using forwarding addresses, I've found that most people just don't want to put in the effort

They'd rather pay 3x - 10x the price on ebay rather than put in a little more time to get it cheaper

>> No.9280390
File: 907 KB, 1000x1147, what ever-loving fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it do gulls, it's ya boy T2-anon with some bag progress.
I got some stuff from Surugaya today and holy fuck. Namjatown-keychains (the big ones with cat ears) turned out to be huge. I still have stuff coming the mail and no space left. Even now the plan I have laid out looks too cramped for my tastes... Might have to switch some stuff around when everything has arrived.

I never thought running out of space would be a problem, I was expecting to run out of merch.

>> No.9280401

I know some characters are hard to find, but have you guy tried using etsy? If you don't mind using fanmerch, etsy surprisingly has a lot of merch for obscure and unpopular characters and pokemon. I found my mononoke charm and arslan buttons on etsy. On a side note, I'm always looking for more mononoke merch if anyone know any artists/websites.

>> No.9280402

I think it looks great!

>> No.9280407

I want to put stuff on the outside of mine too, but I'm also worried about damaging it.

I've considered hot glue, but I'd be worried that the item could possibly fall off and I wouldn't notice and lose it.

I know an anon was talking about using those scrapbook glue dots (the removable ones, not permanent) as to not damage keychains and stuff, but I'm not sure if it would work on the outside of the bag.

>> No.9280413

It looks so damn cute imo! I personally like the "cramped" look, it's a nicely balanced kind of "cramped".

>> No.9280461

A Fan Merch itabagger's best friends:
> Etsy
> Storenvy
> Tumblr searches for Tictail stores
> Twitter searches for Tictail stores
> Convention Artist Alleys

Keeping on top of the tags on tumblr is a pain in the ass, but some of my favorite merch I've found in character-specific tags.

>> No.9280468

Oh no, this is really cute! You have a really nice balance of merchandise, I don't think it's too cramped at all.

I had that same problem when I was buying merch for my Tales Of itabag, I was so used to 1" artist alley buttons that I wasn't expecting my official merch can badges to be 2" and could only fit half my merch on the bag!

>> No.9280561

These are always helpful and what I use as well. If you have a twitter account, I also suggest following artists there since sometimes they post links/previews of new merch to their twitters before anywhere else and often forget to post to other sites until much later.

Oh my gosh your bag is looking so cute! Hopefully when everything arrives you can find a way to make things work.

>> No.9280650
File: 287 KB, 960x830, 10400304_1176613039030375_3113623534621044576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. It's a bit creepy at a certain point. To be fair they do sell loads of posters, merch and in some cases, body pillows of themselves. What's a handful of buttons on a purse relative to that?

>> No.9280679
File: 181 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 100 pieces of official useable merch for a character and I'm wondering if ebay would be the best place to sell it as a big lot since I don't feel like using FB. Do people still check there cause it seems like most in these threads are smarter now and look at Japanese sites

>> No.9280685

I guess it really depends on the art. This artist clearly has a much more extreme and fantasy image branding that they're not that far of from anime art so it doesn't seem that strange. But I imagine something covered in a regular, everyday face like >>9279779 but with double or triple the buttons is where it might get kind of icky.

>> No.9280704

I still ebay, but only when the mark up is reasonable/comparable to shopping japanese + import fees.

>> No.9280867
File: 871 KB, 2048x2048, AB7F307E-F55E-4EB6-9EA0-E9FEF2E9246C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like the Itamaker wallets are ok examples of a "clutch" style bag, sizing-wise, and it comes with a removable strap. Obviously the interior is more of a wallet phone case than a bag, though. Pic related is mine.

>> No.9281090
File: 133 KB, 608x650, Screen Shot 2016-12-07 at 11.59.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. Looks like we're Doing This.
I want rubber straps, because I love them, but I just can't justify the 10-strap-sets right now when I'm not sure I could split it and make some of my money back.

>> No.9281116
File: 133 KB, 480x360, goods_ao_ex_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't suppose anyone is going to Jump Festa?

>> No.9281166

I split all of my rubber straps from a lesser known fandom easily anon, with a fandom as big as YOI I think you'll have no problem.

>> No.9281197
File: 1.88 MB, 1472x1489, RIPwallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I'm super looking forward to your bag anon! Makes me excited to know there's a fellow Victuuri fan here. I went a little too crazy on Amiami and well.. at least my itabag monstrosity will make me happy in the end?

>> No.9281316
File: 1.66 MB, 3286x2432, IMG_20161208_161636~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first parcel of Gabranth merch ! If only Surugaya would stock the damn badges too...

>> No.9281318

Oh man, I REALLY wanted those December release acrylic charms, but preorders were closed by the time I caved last night and committed. Episode 10 just hit me so hard.

I'm excited to see how your bag comes together, too! It'll be fun to see how two bags made during the same time period for the same ship end up being different. Please post progress shots as you're getting stuff together!

>> No.9281327
File: 27 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nwx6gtcQmJ1u58zcho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have pictures of plush incorporated inside itabags? (As opposed to hanging off the outside) I'm looking into what kind of base bag I want to buy for >>9281090

My current bags are a wego backpack & a salus zipped bag, and I can only see my poor plush looking a little strangled and crushed in either of those.

>> No.9281337

I like the cut of your jib, anon. Looking forward to seeing it arranged!

>> No.9281786
File: 722 KB, 1080x1349, BGzi_7ivpMy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few that I can post. Are you looking specifically for nitotans in bags? If so, they seem to fit pretty well. I have some nitotans in my wego backpacks and they aren't crushed, as the bag expands just enough to lightly hold them in place without distorting the plush.

>> No.9281789
File: 471 KB, 1080x1080, BHcwOpmjcod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281790
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>> No.9281791
File: 419 KB, 1280x870, 5a157ff4-c76f-48b1-8617-0ed2c30c33f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281794
File: 1.61 MB, 802x882, Ita-Bag-Plushies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281796
File: 189 KB, 1080x1080, dD2btX7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall, it seems like having a base tote bag with a clear cover has the best outcome, since it has lots of room to expand.

>> No.9281843

Thank you for all the photos!

Unrelated but I love that Lloyd & Kratos bag!

>> No.9281927

I love how clean your insert looks!

>> No.9282034

Ah I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as my Dec items and backpack come in! I actually have a con at the end of January, and even though my Jan items won't come in in time, I'll at least have a few things to walk around the con with.

I hope to see a lot of progress pictures with your own bag as well!

>> No.9282274
File: 84 KB, 480x280, tumblr_mkdrbc59441rbkyfjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally enough merch for your OT3 bag, you just gotta wait on everything to arrive in the mail!

How should I go about cleaning my salus bag?
Should I take it apart and put it in a pillow case and just set the washer to gentle?
I don't want to rip the plastic covering...

Using my itabag daily has it slightly dingy after a couple of months...this is my first time actually using one enough to clean it, and I'd like to be as cautious as possible.

>> No.9282316

Maybe try handwashing first? Machine could still work but try a cold setting and absolutely don't use the dryer

>> No.9282400

>the student card

Just wondering how much did that cost you? I saw a different one (blue one) for 4k but I dont think I canpay that much forit.

>> No.9282417

tfw a series you are hooked on got you good even tho you wanted to avoid making itabag for it.

jokes on me, i'm making two, damn this hobby

>> No.9282468

The clip one towards the bottom?
Like I said, I got that entire lot for $200 but that one item particularly goes from 1500-2000

The blue one you're seeing right now is from an event and I don't think it has a clip on the back (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't looked into those extensively)

Are you just looking for Komaeda, or other characters too? If you're just getting started with DR itabag stuff your best bet is suruga-ya.

I'll try handwashing, yeah! Thanks, Anon, I didn't even think of that

>> No.9282477

>tfw your waifu is a manga only character and although theres gonna be a s2 of the anime she is from shes still not going to be in it and if there was a season 3 she is a minor enough character she might never get any merch
i want to die

>> No.9282572

Maybe she'll be used to flesh out some larger sets of rubber straps? One of 10 or 12 characters in the set? Hold onto hope, Anon!

On the plus side, if she does get thrown into merch, she'll be cheap!

>> No.9282661

When your husbando/waifu is a main character and/or popular you're paying at least $20/strap even on JP sites, and there are gonna be some items that go up ridiculously in the aftermarket
Character tax is a bitch

>> No.9282730
File: 1.29 MB, 2665x2448, 1472823470136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, need a little inspo right now. Everyone knows about the Wego heart backpacks especially since it's so easy to get a knockoff from ebay, but I feel like it's pretty much one of the most basic kind of bag an itabagger can use. I love the heart window and I love backpacks in general, but I hate that it's one solid block of color outside of the window. Does anyone have pictures of those backpacks all jazzed up? Pic related is probably one of my favorites so far, but I haven't seen many besides it.

>> No.9282784

Im just after komaeda. though its crazy how the prices on suru hiked up when the anime aaired. a single badge for 3-4 times the original price.

>> No.9282809

if you want someone to pick up the yurios that you have in the sets, lmk

>> No.9282862
File: 98 KB, 600x800, 01_001-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw love BD and need to see more itabags

So, I haven't seen many jazzed up heart backpacks, I only have a few pics.

Have you considered just using a clear window WEGO backpack?

>> No.9282863
File: 70 KB, 540x960, 14359252_1308001509210743_5214398708473726704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282864
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>> No.9282866
File: 887 KB, 1080x1080, BJNlpcZBPm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282867
File: 81 KB, 960x720, 565454656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all so much! After posting I started switching stuff around and came up with a better arrangement, but it's still going to be one hell of a stretch to get everything in once the last pieces arrive. Maybe I can make an ita-phone with the leftover stuff.

It's hard to find bags as jazzed up as your pic, but I'll post couple. Not all are backpacks, but have heart cutout nonetheless.
Here goes the first

>> No.9282868
File: 155 KB, 1080x1080, 14540531_1215542675135391_6407121870167998464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a backpack, but still jazzed up and has a heart cutout.

>> No.9282869
File: 553 KB, 1080x1080, BLVNEguFg7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282870 [DELETED] 
File: 767 KB, 1080x1080, BNM2b7sF2oL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is minimal, but mostly I just see one or two things on the outside for the heart backpacks.

your bag is so adorable!

>> No.9282873 [DELETED] 

meant to quote >>9280390

>> No.9282875
File: 767 KB, 1080x1080, BNM2b7sF2oL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is minimal, but mostly I just see one or two things on the outside for the heart backpacks.

>> No.9282898
File: 1.59 MB, 2048x2048, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually started up on my New Vegas jacket! Gonna paint the NCR propaganda poster as a back patch, plus some of the pins and stuff I've worked and merch I've gotten.

>> No.9283070

Anon, you've inspired me to make a Gaston bag. I think the only official merch I'll have of him will be the amiibo card though.

>> No.9283196
File: 278 KB, 800x800, acnlfabric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, please do it! I can't find any other acnl related itabags, another acnl anon might motivate me to throw more money at items.

I'll have a button maker (1.25") after the holidays, and I draw acnl art. I could do some gaston pins for you if you'd like? Also I have some vector patterns if you want to make a back panel

>> No.9283481

It looks really good so far! F:NV is probably my favorite Fallout despite being essentially an AU. I love all the pieces you have, please keep posting as you progress more! Just curious, do you happen to know where you got the Yes Man?

>> No.9283507

Anyone want to give me tips on how to do the insert backing for the heart bags? Like cardboard or something?

>> No.9283586

I used thick paper and then attached my fabric with safety pins on the corners. I've heard using thick felt or craft foam is also really good (especially for pin heavy bags).

I still have no clue how to attach rubber straps well. I've just been sewing them in, is that really the best nonpermanent method?

>> No.9283588

I made the Yes Man out of shrink paper actually! Yeah New Vegas is probably my favorite after the original, so I thought I'd bite the bullet after having to pause on my other bag. If I am ever able to make my shrink pins last and get them a little more professional looking I might make a few for seagulls that want them.

>> No.9283653

Hmm, I actually like that the hearts window part. It's just that I feel the solid color outside of the heart seems little too boring compared to the chaos that's going on inside the window if that makes sense? That's why a little bit of bedazzlement or a ribbon or two outside of it would help with the balance I think. Also thanks for posting these! That's first Osomatsu-san one is stinking adorable!

Ahh thanks for posting these! They were what I was looking for. I love how the simple lace really emphasizes the heart window in that first one~

>> No.9283676

It really depends on what you want out of your bag. I like my Wego because it's more "stealthy" than a more exposed Itabag. I don't feel like such an enormous weeb but that's my own self-esteem stuff. If you want to dec it out go for it. That being said it'll be tricky to decorate without altering the base bag permanently. If I ever stitch anything to the outside I'd try to stitch through the pre-existing stitched area so if I ever want to resell it the damage will be minimized hopefully.

>> No.9284355

Newfag with a semi-obscure husbando from a decade-old game here, what's the best way to go about getting custom items commissioned? He has essentially no official merchandise and what he does have is almost impossible to find, so custom is basically my only option.
Are some sites better than others for custom works? Are there well-known sellers/artists? Well-known places to stay away from?
I'm interested in all kinds of smaller items, from buttons to keychains to plush figures, I'll take anything.

>> No.9284396

Can I ask who it is?

I'd check around dA/Facebook/twitter to find someone's style you like, set a budget and then ask them if they're open to commissions for x item. If they'll draw you the thing but won't make it into the button/whatever you can ask if you can take the image and make it into the said product yourself for personal use. (Do that before you agree to start the commission because some artists will say no)

>> No.9284447

Is there an easier way to search for product makers than sifting through the entire site? Are there more effective search terms that I'm not using?
I'm familiar with the art commission scene, and rather dislike all the wading through shit that has to be done to find a decent artist with a style that I enjoy, and was hoping that I could avoid doing it (at least to the same degree) with physical products.
If I have to then I have to I suppose.

>> No.9284487

Not the anon you replied to, but I guess I'm a little confused. To get most custom/commissioned items made, you have to commission someone to draw it first from what I understand. It can be a pain to find an artist sometimes but once you do things go along much easier.

I've commissioned a few artists to draw a character that has no official art from a popular video game and made the pins myself through artsmoo since that was the simplest way I could think to do it myself. Commissioning crafters for custom plushes and things like that you would have to look through dA or maybe etsy to see who is available. It sucks but as far as I know there isn't like one central site or search to find people who make these sorts of things.

Maybe some other anons can give some more input?

>> No.9284527
File: 2.91 MB, 1133x1144, insert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone want to give me tips on how to do the insert backing for the heart bags?
I use either craft foam or thick interfacing, whatever I have laying around. Here's a picture of what I do for mine, I just cut out the foam in the shape of the bag and then put fabric over the foam. Then I pin the foam piece to the actual bag.
>excuse my shitty paint skills

>> No.9284541

Thank you so much!

>> No.9284555

I imagine they meant on the clear part only. Glue on the leatherette part would rip off a layer even if it was just cool hot glue I imagine

>> No.9284693
File: 418 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_nkwisf3Onu1rmx78ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any shrines/walls/xmas trees?

>> No.9284697 [DELETED] 


>> No.9284712
File: 3.38 MB, 240x240, eafwuz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9284835

Thank you so much for offering your resources! I've also got a vector of the original ACNL pattern that I printed fabric from, so I was thinking of getting that done again at spoonflower. I might take you up on the grass pattern though since I'm getting a beige bag and that'd have more contrast.

I also draw so it'd be great if we could art trade or something to get more stuff on our bags!

>> No.9284844

>art trade
Oh man, yes please! Would you want to swap emails then?

>> No.9284858
File: 51 KB, 1000x562, j4teK.thumb.jpg.762549418155b40b2292385dcb063f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so amazing?

>> No.9284893
File: 433 KB, 799x351, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these "manju cases" popping up in some places with different colors and animal ears. You could probably make your own manju and put one in here

>> No.9284915

They're up on amiami

>> No.9284989

There's a closed facebook itabag sales group!

>> No.9285052

Yeah! Always excited to do an art trade.

>> No.9285072
File: 38 KB, 384x348, 608348892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you misread it but anon said making their own manjuus, like chaaracters that dont have offical manjuus.

>image related is something I bough for my itapouch

>> No.9285234
File: 179 KB, 606x538, Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 9.16.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that they meant the cases themselves are up on Amiami.

>> No.9285364

I'm interested on a couple keychains and a doujin of my favourite artist. But she don't sell the keychains online... They're gonna be on comiket91 and I want to ask if somebody here thinks to give a proxy service for that con!

>> No.9285478

Oh jumping on this! There's a few items I would love to get from Comiket as well. Hope there's someone who can do this <3

>> No.9285516

I'm not much of a help, since I'm not attending Comiket but maybe some other anons can help on that front.

However, my tip is that sometimes items such as keychains make their way on the internet too. I recommend checking Pixiv Booth, Melonbooks and Toranoana since they sometimes have Comiket leftovers. I just recently saw badges/pins from Comiket 89 floating around in Pixiv Booth.

>> No.9285549

I have a Komahina shrine but it's nowhere near that impressive

>> No.9285880

Emailed you!

>> No.9285922

But anon I'm referring to this reply >>9284893 which talks about making your own manjuu to put in the cases?

>> No.9285923

thats so cute anon!!
I was wanting to make a ACNL bag as well, so seeing yours has got me really fired up!!

>> No.9285934
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 11362328-1164433771257452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! They just released a set of backpack clip figures at Gamestop, so now's your chance for some new merch. Were you thinking of making a general series bag?

>> No.9286012

Not ayrt but the anon you were trying to clarify. I did meant the cases when I said 'they're up on amiami.' Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.9287079
File: 1.22 MB, 2048x2048, DC2081F6-5E90-44C4-98D5-DA45AE1174E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't posted my bags in forever, as I've been taking a break from ita bagging for a while. Not sure when I posted my Jojo bag last, but here's a recent pic along with my Tanaka bag. My friend gave me a ton of Tanaka merch for xmas.

Also pictured is my boyfriend's new Mercy ita bag! He's been collecting buttons and merchandise for Mercy, but finally upgraded to a bag instead of just a lanyard. I'm so proud of him. I can't wait for us to ita together at cons!

>> No.9287120
File: 2.27 MB, 3721x2317, itadate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I helped my girlfriend create her first itabag a few weeks ago

It's a good feel, Anon!
We can't wait to take ours to cons, either, but at least we got to wear them around the mall.

>> No.9287211
File: 97 KB, 576x1024, christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decorated my tree today!

>> No.9287231

Anyone else noticing slower EMS delivery than usual?

God bless us.
Every one.

>> No.9287242

I saw the clips yesterday! I excited to have some more easily obtainable merch. haha. I'd like to make a bag specifically for Isabelle, but we will see! I've found a lot of cute stuff on esty for all sorts of characters so its really tempting to make a bag for my whole town.

>> No.9287296

Is that... King Crimson under the tree??

>> No.9287301
File: 73 KB, 576x1024, 15503047_10211131009658748_673938870_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9287317

Well, it is the holiday season

>> No.9287360

All of my shipments are delayed cause of the holidays too

>> No.9287366
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 03_007-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here. Does the wego bag have much space for actual use if you decorate it? I was interested in using it to hold prints and such if I go to a con but I'm having trouble visualizing it.

>> No.9287507

The dimensions are 31cm x 28.5cm x 9cm - it's not gonna hold much other than postcard sized prints, maybe 8x11 sized ones if they have cardboard backing.

>> No.9288339
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_7326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RH anon here, I have a slightly updated bag! My charms from another seagull here finally arrived!! I don't currently have any safety pins at my new home but I couldn't resist. :) <3

>> No.9288340

I posted from my phone so I didn't expect the image to be that huge, I'm so sorry.......

>> No.9288364

I'm so glad the charm got to you safely!! Your bag is filling up nicely, hopefully people make some new rudolph roadhog stuff for the holidays.

>> No.9288367

As you can see, they are a huge fan

>> No.9288395
File: 154 KB, 1200x675, wipita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon but I will use this trick in the future when I finally invest in my first Wego bag--thank you for sharing!

>tfw almost done with this, just waiting on a few more things

>> No.9288427
File: 1.38 MB, 1500x660, backingbord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to add on that that's exactly how I make my backing boards, too. I prefer craft foam, and.... because I am lazy, I staple the fabric to the foam and literally have never had any problems with that method. If you're pinning THROUGH the foam like I do, I strongly recommend curved safety pins, they make it a lot easier.

>> No.9288500

DO you mind me asking where you got the charm on the bottom left?

>> No.9288538
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x733, 1476339405032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9288579

Thank you and thank you so much again! I really hope they do, he's super adorable and I'll be quick to grab him if I spot him. :)

>> No.9288616

>zero bag

good taste (tholeon is still my no1 hubby)

>> No.9288627

Thanks, anon! I'll probably browse around a little more before I decide on anything then.

>tfw might just go with a super tiny bag anyways since everything would have to be fan made merch

>> No.9288645
File: 1.38 MB, 800x1206, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I said I'd post a review of this bag when it came in, so here we are!

> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ita-cheap/32697340697.html

The bag is made out of a decently thick canvas. Thinner than salus bags, but still good quality. The stitching is all even and solid. The color is mostly accurate - a little bit darker than the picture, but not by a lot. The paint is on the outside of the bag, and comes off very easily. This was my first time removing paint from a bag so I did a shit job of it & got some of the paint on the bag itself, but that's my error, not the bags.

The bag itself is fairly flat, so it won't carry a lot of bulky items, but I'm thinking it will be perfect to carry prints in at a convention. I personally find the two sets of handles incredibly annoying, I'll probably pin the short set down inside the bag so it doesn't get in my way.

The bag is shipped folded up into quarters, so be careful that you unfold it as quickly as possible when you get it in, and smooth it out! I wasn't paying attention and there is now a small hole in the center of my bag where it was folded together. It's not a deal breaker for me, and wasn't there until after I did some uncareful bending.

I modded the bag with a $3 set of industrial strength velcro dots to hold my backing board (made out of craft foam + fabric) in place. 4 velcro dots along the top, and one in each bottom corner. It works perfectly, keeps everything affixed to the front window so I can use the bag without worry.

Bottom line:
For $5 + Backing board materials? Totally worth it.

>> No.9289035

How easy/difficult do you think it would be to open the seams to add fabric and make it wider?

>> No.9289147

I checked Pixiv Booth and it's an amazing site, thank you Anon!

But I think the keychains are gonna be only available on comiket...

>> No.9289172

I found a seller that has them for like 3 buck more but also has black and yellow if someone wants some more colors.

>> No.9289193

Shopping services for Comiket are going to be extremely rare because the place is a jungle and every purchase needs to have a plan of attack to account for popularity, location in the building, waiting times and the fact that certain booths are only there for certain days. You would have to be able to provide them with a map marked with the artist/circle's booth with the date.

Your best hope is to wait it out for booth or Otaku Republic to carry the item

>> No.9289207

>otaku republic
>buying from any site with the word "otaku" in it that isn't otaku mode an even then it's only not a complete scalp when they have a special on points

>> No.9289291

If someone wants an exclusive item from Comiket and can't be there themselves, they're going to have to resign themselves to scalper prices.

>> No.9289320

It looks great! Your bag makes me so eager to start my Reaper one!

>> No.9289359

Otakurepublic has doujin items while TOM doesn't

>> No.9289362

Thank you so much! I hope you post yours whenever you start! I bet it'll look really great. :)

I have a few Reaper pins/accessories around and an empty pencil case, so I might turn it into a mini bag for him.

>> No.9289364

This is true but I never said that TOM carried doujin items to begin with?
I was just pointing out that most sites with the word "otaku" are extremely overpriced

>> No.9289560

How do you guys feel about bootleg or knockoff merch in bags?

>> No.9289594

As far as I know, most don't really appreciate it unless it's an item that isn't made period. I guess it depends what you mean. I personally don't like even the idea since why not directly support something you enjoy if there are items already available? Like I said, I feel differently about it if it's not something made already like a keychain that's specific but if it's straps of any kind, I really dislike the idea.

>> No.9289610

I'm asking because I'm thinking of filling out some space in a bag with a bit of bootleg merch. For me, the reasoning behind it is that I've already directly supported the franchise with 200$ of merch (before you count manga/dvds). and I just need to fill in some more space with something cheap. There's a pretty big difference between $10-20 a strap official and $2-5 bootleg, for negligible difference in quality.

There's been talk in the threads of getting buttons printed off with screencaps & official art for the same purpose, which is a kind of self made bootleg. So I've been wondering if that kind of practice is accepted, unnoticed, or looked down on.

>> No.9289614

eh. when its really obvious bootlegs paired with a knockoff Wego i cant really stand it. but, if some people need to fill up space between a shittpn of official merch and it isnt horribly noticeable good on them

>> No.9289646

Hey, otaku republic may have a cringey name but the prices are pretty good and they carry a lot of doujin you can't buy without a shopping service.

>> No.9289652


>but the prices are pretty good

>> No.9289781

>why not directly support something you enjoy
Different anon, but I feel like you can't always achieve that for older fandoms. At a certain point after orders are sold out, you'll just be supporting scalpers by buying aftermarket. Knockoffs suck, but I can understand where op is coming from with how marked up certain items can be.

>> No.9289816

It's pretty hard to get stuff reasonably for older fandoms. I'm aware "ita" can also stand for pain on your wallet but I can't justify telling people ot get 100% licensed non-bootleg, non-homemade, non-fanmade merch when a keychain for 400yen in Japan goes for $20 in North America.

>> No.9289951

This is super late, but I'm the anon who originally wrote about this! I tested the method on a charm I didn't really care about first, since I was worried about the image "peeling" off as well, but that didn't happen luckily! My friend once hotglued two acrylic charms together, back to back, without letting the glue cool down and even then the image didn't get damaged when she peeled them off. So I think that acrylic charms are more sensitive to scratches, than peeling glue off! But of course I can't guarantee that wont happen, so it might be better to use the glue just on the clear parts just in case, if you wanna be extra careful.

>> No.9289976

I don't do it personally but it's your choice whether you want to or not. Why should I care if someone has fanmade merch or bootleg hanging on their ita-whatever

>> No.9290017

Anon, I literally just bought a bunch of doujins on Surugaya for 100y each, while they go for 16+ dollars on otaku scalpublic

>> No.9290068

This is the part where I mentioned "it depends". Like making buttons or something for fandoms that either don't exist or from a vintage anime would work since typically there aren't items for that period. It really depends on the definition of knock offs too.

For example, some people consider fan charms/buttons to be knock offs but I consider something a knock off if it's an obvious mass produced thing meant to look like original items (rubber straps come to mind specifically). Like if there's things heavily available then sure, but the idea is direct support. Buying scalped items isn't direct support.

>> No.9290105

I'd never consider fan merch to be knock offs. That's directly supporting small and local artists, which I am very in favor of. And people who think fan merch is a knock off are people I don't care about the opinion of.

When I think knock off, I specifically think of merch that is attempting to be an exact copy of official merchandise, but available at a lower price and possibly at lower quality.

>> No.9290157

Not that anon, but this is what I tend to think of as well when it comes to "knock offs". People can buy them if they want to and make a bag with them, I personally don't pay that close attention to what is and isn't real if I'm not buying it myself. My own bag has zero merch for my husbando and pure fanartist fandom so I have no real reason to keep an eye out of it.

>> No.9290158
File: 281 KB, 600x584, 1481473873809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got a paying job
>already looking at Yuri!!! on Ice preorders on AmiAmi

I'm scared for my wallet, anons. I want all the FairyBike goods for a tacky leopard print bag or maybe I'll do an Agape style one.

>> No.9290182
File: 273 KB, 720x1280, WaifuTree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ita Tree since I'm still dragging my feet on getting a base bag.
I think I'm to the point where I have everything ebay and amiami can give me and I have to start buying off of YJA

>> No.9290202
File: 444 KB, 1000x979, 4ada46e4e9618436366c46390d7f62065c391f09_5850af68ed47b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Comiket 91 merch for Yuri on Ice looks awesome, and I want it. And I will not be getting it.

> http://yurionice.com/news/detail.php?id=1044105

>> No.9290232

Please do it anon! The fairybike ship deserves more then this. I would totally do it myself but I had already sold off all the Otabeks in my box splits before I realized how much I was gonna love him.

LOL this is part of the reason why I was hoping there would be a proxy, but I guess aftermarket/Y!AJ will have to do. Street fashion tropes are my absolute weakness and I'm willing to drop a ton for those keychains man. _(:3」∠)_

I think it depends? Is it a bag just chock full of bootlegs or is it a few in a sea of officials? Most itabaggers I've seen are usually dedicated enough to drop quite a bit of money just to support their bias. DESU, I'll be too busy admiring all the different ways a bag can be decorated and the cuteness of the bag before my mind goes to "Oh that's a bootleg". To each their own?

>> No.9290233

>fell heads over heels for Yuri!!! on Ice
>going to Comiket this year
Perfect timing. What a time to be alive.

>> No.9290238

Omg, why did my phone autocorrect my DESU to DESU. Saging cause even my phone realizes how much of a loser I am. baka

>> No.9290241

It's Hiro's fault, not your phone's lol.

>> No.9290242

If you're going to be hitting up these specific items at Comiket, any chance you'd be willing to take an order as a proxy...?

Have fun braving the war, either way!

>> No.9290245

Which were you interested in? I'll be aiming for YOI merch anyways so it might be doable. Though I can't guarantee anything; with how popular the show is, I imagine the fight will be pretty brutal.

>> No.9290246

>only ever visits itabag thread
>mfw my newfag status is revealed
Ah.. I.. I see.

Dang lucky! Jumping on >>9290242 about proxying, but either way have fun at Comiket!

>> No.9290263

Mines a Victuuri bag, so I'd be interested in any Victor or Yuuri merch (I know, I'm fucked). If google translate is telling the truth it looks like the acrylics are one per customer, so I 100% understand if you can't proxy for those, but I'd be willing to take a chance on blindbox badges too! How many depends on how much your proxy fees'd be.

>> No.9290280

I'm also doing a Viktor/Yuuri bag (why is Viktor's merch more expensive all the time). Yeah, it seems like the acrylics are 1 per person. I'll have to get back to you on that. The blind box is fine though!

You can shoot me an email too.

>> No.9290292

Whoops, I'm an idiot who clicked send too soon and half the post got cut off. But yeah, I'm not sure about the fees. How does 25% + shipping sound?

>> No.9290318

I've made three bags so far but they never last long because I'm too much of a coward/paranoid to take them out regularly.. I've also only ever used knockoff WEGO bags and school bags so maybe if I find the perfect one I can take with me places.

>tfw already bought a leopard print luggage case for Fairy
It's hardshell or I'd deck it out with merch and drag it around the con to put my dealers room/AA purchases in.

At the very least I'll blow some cash on FairyBike and dress up as a Yuri's Angel with a banner and itabag and everything.

>> No.9290324

Awesome! Thank you so much! I sent you an email.

>> No.9290401
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a very matsu Christmas. :D

>> No.9290457

Just sent you that email as well! Thank you so much!

No regrets anon. You do you and you wear that banner proud!

>> No.9290578

>paranoid about using your bag for its purpose of being a bag
Anon, can I ask why?
Do you live in a bad neighborhood?
Do thugs know the street value on character tax?

If having a better bag would help, what do you prefer?
Totes? Backpacks? Messenger?

>> No.9290614
File: 583 KB, 2048x2048, 480B41BC-9D3F-4850-BD35-7BB22BD74145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making a wego order for two bags, one for You (LLSunshine) and another general Danganronpa bag. I am stumped as to which color bag bag to get (pic related) for You as a lot of her merch has a mix of different blues.

>> No.9290657
File: 402 KB, 500x347, tumblr_inline_og1ga2Z5Em1qh8426_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general Danganronpa bag
Which characters are you especially interested in?
I have some extras from lots and boxes I've bought

Depending on your character choices, there may be a color you like best.
Black or white always works--or just going with your favorite color.

>> No.9290678
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20160527_221706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my best for best skating boy!

Nah, none of that. I just have social anxiety so I'm very self-conscious about how I look and tend to think that the slightest bit of standing out = everyone looking at me. It's ridiculous because the college campus I'm on has weebs in abundance despite being rural and I have Gudetama and stuff on my backpack as it is, I just can't quite force myself to carry a fully decked out itabag yet.
For bags, since I've tried the backpacks and decorating a school bag, I think I'll try one of those windowed tote bags next. Since they're coming out with a bunch of new shapes and designs I'm hoping they'll make a cat head shaped one soon.

Tossing in my last bag to contriboot.

>> No.9290747

With the Danganronpa bag, the characters I'll be using are Naegi, Kirigiri, Hinata and Nanami. You can email me. Thanks, I'll buy the darker blue bag.

>> No.9291192

How do you attach plastic cards to the inside of your bag?

>> No.9291275
File: 603 KB, 797x502, Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 7.27.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these are cute, I hope I can pull one for my bag!

>> No.9291293

And we've hit the bump limit, if anyone feels like making a new one!

>> No.9291308

My wallet is crying at all these YOI merch pumping out

>> No.9291313

I just got a raise at work today and my wallet heaved a great sigh of relief

>> No.9291375
File: 260 KB, 900x1200, CzBk2b9WQAEuXYy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on twitter aka an epic iggy ita tree + dog

>> No.9291648
File: 1.07 MB, 800x600, Cz3km_2UoAATw8L copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I've ever seen something more appropriate for an itabag than the secret Victor merch

>> No.9291682

FFFF I want.

>> No.9291722

New thread >>9291716

>> No.9292157

aahh thats cute