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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9260352 No.9260352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

it's that time again!

shitposting funtimes q & a thread

>> No.9260359

What are you getting husband-san for xmas?

>> No.9260360

What's your favourite anime?

>> No.9260363

every xmas/bday/valentines I draw a new volume of a picture book I write about us traveling through space plus a few other gifts

sailor moon

I don't watch a lot of anime

>> No.9260365

What's your favourite Tim Tam flavour?

>> No.9260366

Does your husband get mad at you for farting? Or do you take it outside?

>> No.9260371

What do you think you would be doing if you hadn't married the husband?

What's your favorite cereal?

What was the last movie you watched?

Do you have a favorite burando? What is it?

Is androgyny hot?

Do you have/want children?

Do you frequent any of the other boards?

>> No.9260373

>every xmas/bday/valentines I draw a new volume of a picture book I write about us traveling through space
that sounds cute as fuck. would you mind sharing a few of your drawings or is that off limits?

>> No.9260377

I don't like sweets much

I don't really fart in front of people in general let alone him


one time he was putting his d in and I did

I almost died but he reassured me he didn't care about said farting when his dick was in me

at least he has his priorities straight

What do you think you would be doing if you hadn't married the husband?


What's your favorite cereal?
I don't usually eat any

I like it with raisins tho

What was the last movie you watched?
nature documentary about Alaska

Do you have a favorite burando? What is it?

Is androgyny hot?
it can be

I think from an artistic perspective it's very beautiful

Do you have/want children?
want em

Do you frequent any of the other boards?


for privacy reasons I will pass

but thanks for the compliment on my idea for his gifts I do

>> No.9260383

>Do you have/want children?
>want em
HWC confirmed for disgusting breeder
have fun with your rekt vag

>> No.9260386

are you barren or just one of those people who can't let other people make their own choices?

>> No.9260387

Interesting. I fart on my bf like 50 times a day, so I assumed you'd do the same. Why not?

>> No.9260388

once you have kids your husbando will leave you with them and go get tighter, younger pussy.

>> No.9260389

because I don't like the smell of my own farts

I can't imagine others would either

he's comfortable farting in front of me

it's not like it's forbidden

I just don't like sharing it

>> No.9260390

Do you enjoy seeing mens' asses?

Does husband-kun have a nice rear?

>> No.9260391

somehow I don't think that's right

but if it makes you feel better to believe it then okay sure

in general not really

he has really long legs and they are p muscular

when he was chubby he had a bubble butt

now it is okay by others standards

I think it's nice tho

>> No.9260393

How big yo titties?

If they're bigger than mine I'm gonna poop.

>> No.9260394

have fun living in your delusional breeder dreamland

it's a well known fact men get bored with women once they've bred them

>> No.9260397

since I've lost weight they've gone down

at their biggest it was an American 32DDD

I'm sure it'll happen just as you say

>> No.9260398

oh okay that's why you're not worried about having kids you were a fat fuck previously so your body is already riddled with extra skin and stretch marks

>> No.9260400

I don't like smelling my farts either. That's why I make my bf do it for me. It's hilarious.

Daaaamn, cgl, I knew we had some mean bitches here, but let's chill.

>> No.9260401

you know stretch marks happen no matter what you weigh right

at least get your shitposting right

be dedicated

>> No.9260402
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>at their biggest it was an American 32DDD

>> No.9260403

What the fuck is this shit? Why am I suddenly on soc.

>> No.9260405

>you know stretch marks happen no matter what you weigh right

lol keep telling yourself that, fatty. whatever you need to sleep at night

>> No.9260406

Is it okay to wear a thong with lolita?

>> No.9260408

there was an instance where he was pinning me down and he accidentally farted on my leg

does this count as abuse?

it's big by asian standards but I'm not full asian so there is no surprise

hello newfriend

>calling someone who's underweight a fatty

I appreciate your humor desu

>> No.9260409
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that sounds so uncomfortable

but if you want to k

>> No.9260410

just because you're underweight doesn't mean you can't look like a previously fat piece of shit

if you have a bunch of flabby skin and stretch marks everybody notices and knows you were an ex fatty. keep starving yourself, HWC, maybe one day you'll make the stretch marks disappear

>> No.9260415

>there was an instance where he was pinning me down and he accidentally farted on my leg
Did you screm?

I knew a dude who accidentally sharted on his gf during sex. They got married soon after.

>> No.9260418

I have never been above 125 and I'm like 5'6"

there's no excess skin

I have stretch marks on the back of my knees but plenty of people with a healthy weight have things like that

I stared him down until he nervously laughed and unhanded me

wasn't during lewd things or anything

he was "harassing" me

such is a part of our daily routine

it's like flirting

>> No.9260420

Can you post a pic of your wardrobe and prove you're a real person and not a sad fat man in a basement? and/or can you type some nice fluent japanese shit about... I dunno... write a short story in Japanese about a lolita and a rabbit or some shit

>> No.9260423
File: 14 KB, 313x313, butthurtazn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to my favorite board on 4chan
>find HWC talking about her farts

>> No.9260424

Are there any other styles of clothing you like to wear, or at least admire from afar, that aren't lolita?

>> No.9260427

>post wardrobe
I could if I actually cared what people believe about me enough to forsake my own safety
someone asked

I wear uchuu kei and I like what /cgl/ calls larme but I wouldn't wear "larme"

>> No.9260430

Which tripfag do you think you could beat up in a fight

>> No.9260431

Why are farts such a common topic in lolita spaces? Are lolitas just terrified of ruining their kawaii demeanor by tooting?

For the record, I fart hard in my dresses and feel no shame.

>> No.9260433

Are you still actively shitposting on this board? Or are we just killing ourselves in paranoia thinking everyone is you?

>> No.9260434

I'm not very strong physically so probably none

if we're being honest

if you just wanted a shitposting response then

ur mum fegt

because it's such a contrast to the "perfect dolly" image that gets wrongly associated with lolitas prob

I dunno what could possibly be less ~UUGUU DORRY~ than letting a horrendous fart thunder from your asshole

>> No.9260435

husband is home so lately I've been distracted

I hold these threads a few hours a few days a week

don't worry tho

I'm planning to be more active in the future

>> No.9260437

alright, so why not post a quick little japanese story to at least prove you're fluent? that won't forsake your safety. just make sure it's original and pertains to lolitas and bunnies

>> No.9260439
File: 274 KB, 500x612, nanitobesore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I farted while reading these

>> No.9260441

desu I would have if that's just what you asked for but since you felt so entitled to things way beyond that I'm gonna pass for the time being because I am a contrary cunt and this way the trolls will have something to bitch about

I encourage bitching from them because it's p funny

it's also a lesson for you on being greedy

>> No.9260443

Hasn't she already done something similar?

>> No.9260444

Are you ever gonna show us your face and/or anus?

>> No.9260445

if you're talking about the anon who tried to test my knowledge on what it's like to be a japanese lolita then yeah?

I haven't written any short story for cgl so I dunno what you're talking about

>> No.9260447

I will probs show my anus one day

>> No.9260452

It's okay, I know you're a liar anyway, just wanted to see if you'd surprise me and prove me wrong.

>> No.9260455

you are free to believe whatever you want

desu if I gave proof the people who don't like me would bitch about it anyway so why give in when it's more fun to not

>> No.9260458

How do you feel about traps? I want to go to tea as a trap, but I'm afraid I'll get hit in the balls.

>> No.9260460

Not that anon but for the record, I don't care either way. You're entertaining and the way you give zero fucks about what the people like the anon in this thread calling you fat say is refreshing.

>> No.9260461

if you aren't making it like a fetish and involving other people in it knock yourself out

thanks bby


>> No.9260463

It's weird because I actually like these threads when they appear for a short time. You actually seem pretty chill.

What's your favorite thing about lolita?

>> No.9260464

Why would you get hit in the balls?

>> No.9260467

I hear these lolita things get out of control.

Is it true, HWC?

>> No.9260470

nah it's not weird

/cgl/ is so highstrung it's ridiculous

I like Lolita because it's so out of place in every day

you look like someone handpicked a fairytale character from a book and plopped them into the real world

I like irony and juxtaposition etc so it's irresistible to me

I'm not a part of a comm so I wouldn't be able to tell you

from what I read if you fart in front of another Lolita it's tradition for them to castrate you tho

>> No.9260473

How often do you and the hubs fight?

>> No.9260474

I like that answer. It's very sweet. I hope you can continue to enjoy the fashion in that manner.

>> No.9260475

we don't really fightfight too often

sometimes I'm sort of careless with my health and he gets pissed

he acts like I'm gonna die any instant as soon as I start sneezing and it can get kinda annoying so sometimes in turn I get irritated

i have to remind myself sometimes if he didn't love me he wouldn't be so annoying about it

other than that there are times when we will do a little tit for tat arguing but that is nothing getting naked won't solve

>> No.9260478

thanks anon

I've loved it for a very long time and I probably will continue to love it for as long as I am me

>> No.9260482

Hubs is the overbearing type huh? Wouldn't have guessed with him going away so often.

>> No.9260489

he's normally not that bad but when it comes to health he just freaks out and goes into constant hovering over me mode

there was a time I was p sick and I think it really got to him

I know it comes from a good place but holy hell it gets exhausting really fast

>> No.9260490

She can't speak Japanese because she hates herself and is a delusional lonely sociopath. I feel sorry for her.

>> No.9260494

>lonely sociopath


don't think you know what a sociopath is

>> No.9260496
File: 35 KB, 453x576, internetlies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can say is, at least she/he is smart when it comes to choosing a target to troll. Gulls are so fucking easy to troll. Look at us, we don't even require any sort of proof at all.

>> No.9260498

If she really is making up all this shit she should join an improv group.

>> No.9260500

one day I may give proof

maybe the day that I finally gather enough people who don't want me to kms in these threads

I'm creative but I don't think I'm creative enough to make up a whole new person and stick to that new person for this long

if I could that would make me pretty talented wouldn't it?

>> No.9260501

Do you think every rando who creates an ~edgy~ persona on the internet is talented?

>> No.9260504

... the remaining part of the hymen will be no more.

That shit doesn't just loosen up and remain that way. Fuck. The cervix shrinks back. So does the vagina.

There's also kegels.

Of all the men I've spoke to, only one mentioned problems and that's because their girl had a rupture during birth and had to get stitches.

I'm out, I just had to say it's not like putting small pantyhose on an overweight leg.

>> No.9260505

am I that edgy?

here I thought my husband was the edgelord

maybe he's rubbing off on me in more ways than I thought

>> No.9260506

You literally just proved my point. Gulls are beyond gullible.

>> No.9260507

desu you are grumpy and this shouldn't matter to any actual person this much

it's literally just shitposting either way

>> No.9260508

oh yeah like a guy is gonna tell the mother of their children that their vag is fucked.

there's a reason gyn's have different sized speculums and use the bigger ones for women who have given birth. stop kidding yourself

>> No.9260510

either way you know

if you've loved a person enough to get married an have a child with them and you don't stick with them because their vag is blown out like an exploded stick of dynamite you're kind of a shit person

it firms up some but I have a hard time believing it would go back all the way

good thing there's such a thing as anal

>> No.9260512

They have different size speculums for different sized vaginas...

Read the kama sutra.

And as I said, there's also kegels.

>> No.9260516

The outside appearance will never go away. The remaining part of the hymen is destroyed completely. If you've ever noticed some extra 'flesh' down there that keeps you from 'peering in', that's what remains of the hymen. In most girls, it's kind of got irregular edges. After birth, it's completely gone, you can see straight in there.

As far as going back, it does, especially in women who exercise and are active/healthy. Obviously, the leftover hymen tissue will never reform.

Kegels will solve any issues that remain a year or so afterward.

>> No.9260517

you can literally google it and google will tell you that the size of a speculum used on a woman with 3 kids vs a woman with no kids, even if they're the same height/age/weight/build, will be different. kegels aren't a magic cure all

>> No.9260518

How many freaking children are we talking about?

>> No.9260521

well thankfully I think most girls don't have an entire studio full of lighting aimed at their vagina

the times i have scoped out my own lady bits I've noticed that part you're talking about

I haven't had the experience of staring at a lot of vaginas from mothers so I guess I didn't know that would be gone

obviously your body is going to change after something like that

birth is fucking violent

but that shouldn't deter someone if they truly want to have kids

>> No.9260526

It was a very late night of researching things that will never serve me well in life.

A late night that started with, 'Is it really like a hotdog in a hallway?'

>> No.9260530

desu the whole rekt vagina doesn't freak me out nearly as much as my nipples cracking and bleeding

like what the fuck is that about

I understand why it happens but that just seems unfair

>> No.9260531

There's also the god awful sweating, the increased amount of hair, and the subsequent shedding of excess hair.

I think the latter freaked my friends out the most.

>> No.9260532

Oh, and the apparent pain when you can't drain your mammaries in time.

>> No.9260534

>shedding hair freaks someone out but not their fucking nipples drying up peeling and then bleeding

your friend is sick

>> No.9260538

Well... they got really freaking hairy during their pregnancy. Head and elsewhere, it all came out afterward.

They had huge clumps coming out in the shower and thought they were going to be bald or something.

>> No.9260541

I thought that was common knowledge with pregnancy

I guess if she didn't know I see why she was freaked

>> No.9260544

Sex ed isn't very good where I live. Parents leave it up to the schools to tell their kids what happens.

It's summed up as, 'If you have sex, you'll get pregnant and die of STD's.'

And then they show us pictures of people's genitals from Africa without medical care who have untreated herpes, gonorrhea, and genital tumors. We don't really learn about anything else.

>> No.9260551

hooray for repression!

>> No.9260553

the vagina is made of muscles.
a virgin vagina is like a bicep that has never been exercised.
it contracts and expands like every other group of muscles, especially the more it is used by the owner.
the vagoo of a sexually active person has a heightened ability to expand with more experience, but, if you've ever had satisfying sex, you'll notice your vag will contract and tighten like crazy when you are super excited.

ladies, try having less one-sided relations. looseness is just an excuse used by lazy assholes who think the vag is always ready for penetration/needs no prep, and are too wrapped up in self-centered ways to listen to a body and get it to ecstatically grip the everloving shit out of you.

kegels don't permanently shrink your love-tunnel--they work out the muscles. you naturally perform kegels when you cum, and you can do kegel exercises yourself during sex just for an added level of fun. a mother's/older woman's vag may be larger "at rest" but can squeeze as tightly as anyone else's.
I only expect to hear this kind of demonstration of ignorance from dudes...sad. defy your ageist education and actually learn about how your parts function.

> t. queer anon who fucking loves vaginas.

>> No.9260555

do you have advice on what to do if your lady bits get too tight tho

cause that's a problem

>inb4 dildo

>> No.9260556

>contract and tighten like crazy

That's what happens when they have an orgasm.

It actually expands in size, ballooning near the cervix, prior to an orgasm.

And it's certainly not 'loose' before arousal/preparation. The opposite is in fact true.

>> No.9260557

Some people just are. I've had guys tell me I'm ridiculously tight before, no priming, they're just like holy shit anon. With that said I also cannot wear tampons comfortably

>> No.9260558

There's nothing much you can do.

Extra lubrication and added arousal will help, but some girls just have small vaginas. Starting slow at first can sometime help as well, don't just dive in there.

>> No.9260565

Oh, I'll add this, be wary of having sex if you are stressed or got shit on your mind.

Surprisingly, this can lead to worsening such problems even if in the moment we aren't actively thinking on it.

If you do, continue carefully.

>> No.9260568

>Late Night Vagina Hour with /cgl/

>> No.9260570

It's the only appropriate time to speak about lady bits.

>> No.9260586

hwc-chan do you use BC or anything? if not, how heavy are your periods?

>> No.9260620

Kind of OT but I live in Tokyo and jfc BC pills are expensive as fuck here and they're the shitty ones too.

>polite sage for rant