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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9260219 No.9260219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else kind of starting to feel that J-fash is kind of cringey? Like when someone at college dresses up in J fash dont you just cringe? Is there a time and place?

>> No.9260228

I do, but only with cutesy kawaii shit.
If you think is cringey at college... when I see a twenty-something woman wearing all pinku kawaii vomit I feel second hand embarrassment.

>> No.9260233

sounds like you guys just don't like certain aspects of it.

>> No.9260234

If you think Jfashion is cringe, get off this fucking board.

>> No.9260241
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But I cosplay at conventions . I just cringe when i see you in regular life.

>> No.9260244
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>Japanese fashion

>> No.9260245

J-fash as a whole isn't typically cringe; it's the people who wear it badly. Like itas.

>> No.9260246

so, jfash is cringe, but cosplay isn't?

>> No.9260247


something isn't adding up here

>> No.9260252
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Dressing up as anime character isn't cringe but wearing lolita or menhera is apparently.

>> No.9260264

>Like when someone at college dresses up in J fash dont you just cringe?

Haven't seen it much at school, really. Closest thing I've seen was a guy with an Oppai shirt from OPM, then there was this Chinese lolita that I always saw in the digital media lab last quarter, they both looked fine to me.

>> No.9260279

At least it's not as cringey as pretending to be a fictional character and posing in shitty photoshoots for "photographers"

>> No.9260280

>when I see a twenty-something woman wearing all pinku kawaii vomit

Guess you saw me

>> No.9260293

Congratulations, anon. You're old now. The magic is gone. You can't go back to Neverland. It's over.

>> No.9260305
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RIP in pieces OP's soul

>> No.9260306

Someone sounds butthurt lmao. At least cosplayers generally keep their weird shit at cons, while you guys wear your weird ageplay shit out in public

>> No.9260309


here we go again

>> No.9260332

I think cosplay, maid cafes and all related drama is cringe. Also people casually wearing cosplay not for cons is ultimate cringe.

>> No.9260335

A moment of silence for OP

>> No.9260340

>you guys wear your weird ageplay shit out in public
Ah the true motives have been revealed. This wasn't a thread made for discussion it was for mouth frothing, comparing apples and oranges, and beating a dead horse!

>> No.9260358


I do believe in fairy kei, I do believe in fairy kei!!!

>> No.9260362

nice bait

>> No.9260364

I think it depends on how people go about it. I've seem some outfits look really cute and well put together, but some other people I've seen it kind of looks like "look me i watch animu, im such geek" kind of vibes. So I think that's cringey.

>> No.9260367

oh okay so you're a normie who likes to dress up as the flavor of the week character and attention whore at cons where the thirsty nerds lurk

thanks for clearing that up OP

>> No.9260376

Rest in pieces in pieces

>> No.9260576
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J-fashion is very broad and offers plenty of looks that don't clash horribly with normalfag fashion trends. It's all about coordinating well and dressing appropriately for your body type which applies to any sort of fashion.

Wearing kigurumi hoodies and other over the top clothing is of course going to draw attention once you reach a certain age. Most of that shit looks awful anyways.

>> No.9260578

truly, OP will never be one piece again

>> No.9260580

There's also 160+ pound women running around in leggings, and it's considered perfectly appropriate.

Here soon, those leggings will be partnered with Uggs and a Northface fleece jacket.

>> No.9260582

On Wednesdays, we wear pink.

>> No.9260595

Agreeing with this. If outfits are nicely put together they're not cringe, but if someone slaps on a bunch of kawaii shit because they're a weeb it looks bad and awkward. There's a girl on my campus who wears a really OTT black and white Bodyline lolita coat over t-shirts and jeans and has badly dyed bright pink hair. She doesn't look coordinated, just stupid. Plus, the coat is one of those shitty ones that isn't even warm.

>> No.9260600

I'd say so too. Of course, I'm not discouraging anyone from wearing a style they like. Everyone is free to wear whatever they like but others are also free to have their own opinion about it.
Especially childish kawaii uguu clothes with too many ruffles, big anime prints, too many bows and ribbons, animal ears etc. looks very tacky and rarely (on young teens and kids) or never looks good. But there are also nice toned down styles like larme, which would suit 20+ y/o girls more.

I don't know where you live but it isn't appropriate where I live. If you are fat and wear tight clothes people are going to stare and commnent on it too.

>> No.9260675

Where did this "lolita is ageplay" shit come from. Ive never seen lolita as 'normal' but at the same time why would anyone think it's ageplay? Are you telling me that every upper class early Victorian woman was ageplaying? Because at least to my eyes that if what lolita has its roots in.
Why does everyone think this?

>> No.9260679

>upper class

>> No.9260684

Lolita doesn't actually resemble any kind of Victorian womenswear, though. I mean I love lolita and am tired of the ageplay argument but let's be real here.

>> No.9260700

I actually discovered lolita from a girl who was wearing it on campus a couple of years ago, but she wore it in such a toned down way (JSK, blouse, usually a hat or small hair accessories) that it was a massive contrast to the weebs spouting about their 'dolly-fashion' in rainbow tutus.

Any fashion done really badly is cringe imo, goth, jfash, anything

>> No.9260701

I agree with the sentiment of it's only cringe when it's bad which applies to any fashion. There's a few fairy kei girls near where I live and they look fine but I saw someone wearing a cutesy bear apron and it did not fit their body shape and the materials looked cheap. It was so cringe.

>> No.9260710

RIP in peperonni OP.
You took too long now the magic's gone.
That's what happens.

>> No.9260721

At what point is jfash just normal clothes? What special bullshit category would you even file this incredibly average, absolutely would see every day in the West outfit into? That honestly might be the cringiest part of jfashion to me, the number of girls who want to wear average nice-ish clothes and then call it some kind of kei while mocking others for being weebs.

>> No.9260742

Sometimes I'm convinced some stuff is only labeled jfash because the person wearing it is Asian

>> No.9260743

Your highwaisted clothing is hideous.

>> No.9260746

However, if it is any consolation...

I refuse to defend that hoodie OP posted.

>> No.9260757

I said it had its roots. Like a lot of Japanese things that have roots in western traditions. Meiji Japan had a hard on for all things European. And Disney cartoons feuled the fire of anime.
I'm not saying it IS what they wore because clearly that isn't true. But I could just be high as fuck here and finding links where there are none.

>> No.9260774

>anon is just jealous because she looks shitty in highwaisted clothing

>> No.9260779

I've just never been fond of it.

Here in the South, a lot of older women wear high waisted styles. (High waisted jeans, skirts, and so forth.)

So when the highwaisted thing took off, it just reminded me of old Southern moms and grandmothers. I don't think it is an image I'll be able to erase from my brain.

>> No.9260782


>> No.9260785

But the general public doesn't care about roots. They see a woman wearing something unusually frilly and unsexy, it reminds them of what children wear, so they assume the woman is dressed like a child.

>> No.9260788

That sucks. Majority of cute jfashion stuff is high waisted.

>> No.9260792
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Yeah... it kind of does suck. With the highwaisted clothing in normal fashion came the crop tops as well. I actually love the crop top 70's sort of flair.

I can't wear crop tops.

I come off looking like the girl from Black Snake Moan only with pants.

>> No.9260793

Menhera is pretty cringy as a whole. It's like the emo of jfashion.

>> No.9260794

>I can't wear crop tops

Ah, it all makes sense now. You're a mad fatty

>> No.9260795

But who cares about what the general public thinks?

>> No.9260797

No, it's because I look like a slut when I wear them.

>> No.9260801

college kids tend to wear it badly
i aint gonna lie and say i havent worn pastel vomit to class before because i have but now Im trying to dress better.
If the kid can pull it off great, if not, put the "jfash" down and wear mori/classic/otome/yumekawaii like clothes that work better for the environment.

>> No.9260802

I don't think you should look like a slut automatically when wearing one, if the rest of your outfit is appropriate you won't look like a slut.

I still think you're a mad fat fuck who looks bad in jfash so they shit on it. Sure there are some styles of it that are a bit embarassing like menhera or that "princess of the anime club" style, but as a whole? Nah, it's just quirky fun.

>> No.9260804

I think the issue we ran into is you think I hate j-fashion. I'm not OP.

>> No.9260807

You still sound like a mad fat fuck.

>> No.9260809

>sometimes I'm convinced something is labeled japanese fashion because it's fashion that japanese people wear

>> No.9260810

What do you weigh?

>> No.9260813

Pretty much everything is cringy at some point, just like how people always cringe when they see what they wore 5+ years ago.

>> No.9260819

The last Time I Saw children wearing frilly clothes was an image from 1885. At least to me lolita has no relevance to children inherently. The fact that only adults wear it kinda cemented that fact. You can argue all you want whether you think it looks like shit on its own merit (especially those stupid fucking wigs) but it being childish should never come into it imo.

>> No.9260820

I must concur.

I've never looked at someone in Lolita and thought, 'Damn, they look like a six year old.'

>> No.9260823


>> No.9260826

Congrats. You got 6 pounds you can hold over my head if it delights you.

>> No.9260827

I'm probably taller than you are too, so when you look at it it makes it even more impressive

>> No.9260831

Not as impressive as my waist to chest ratio...

>which makes me look like a slut so I can't brag.

>> No.9260833

my boobs used to be bigger when I was 115 but desu I prefer how I look now

also I don't think you should look like a slut in crop tops just because you have big boobs. like I said, if you actually know how to dress yourself you can make it work.

>> No.9260835

When you go from 36 inches on your chest to 25 at your waist...

It's really hard to feel comfortable in certain things.

I'd lose weight, but all I'd really accomplish is deflating my boobs and like... a half an inch off my waist. My ribcage and hip bones just kind of... stay the same. They get bonier looking, but still measure the same.

>> No.9260839

I've had similar measurements before, I'm telling you you just need to know how to dress yourself.

>> No.9260841

>at work study at my college in jfash as i read this thread
Bite my frilly pink ass

>> No.9260842

It's the attention from boys that scares me and makes me feel like a slut if I dress in fitting clothing. I don't own a car, so I'm always walking.

I usually just wear loose fitting styles to compensate for my insecurity. It's one of the reasons I like Menhera. The tops are usually unisex and loose so I don't feel uncomfortable.

>> No.9260843

Shrinking your boobs would make jfash easier what's the downside?

>> No.9260845

Use to battle anorexia/bulimia.

I use to be 93. Almost went in a coma, it was bad 6 years. I guess 113 feels healthy.

>> No.9260846

>liking menhera

Well it's clear you have no taste.

>> No.9260849

Back when I lived in the midwestwrn United States I ran into a group of wild cosplayers at a Wal-Mart, running around and jojo posing in public.

It was cringe, but they were having fun and least?

>> No.9260851

I figured I'd mention it since it was referenced in >>9260802 for fairness.

This should be a /cgl/ roast thread. Everyone is invited.

>> No.9260853

I think it really rose to prominence during the era of pastel OTT assert. It's stupid and it obviously isn't ageplay, but I can see where somebody might witness a 25+ year old women in AP's Toy Fantasy or Dreamy Baby Room, accessorize with an infantile baby bonnet and pacifiers etc, and think "this fashion is age play"

Yeah I agree with this. I consider bad/overtly weeby jfash to be equally as cringe as, say, bad hot topic "alt" fash

>> No.9260854

And by roast, I don't mean people and vendettas.

Fashion roast... whether it's bittersweet, Menhera, OTT, crop tops, or anything else you hate.

>> No.9260864

I think what the anon you're replying to meant was that, since she doesn't like high waist pants or skirts, she ends up looking slutty in crop tops. And that's legit--a crop top with low waisted pants looks like 2001-era Dirrty Christina Aguilera.

>> No.9260867

This is true.

>> No.9260896

graduate top your class in pink and show em

>> No.9260902

If you wear the right clothes with it you don't look like a slut, that's like saying wearing pantyhose automatically makes you look like a slut. Don't know how you can be this dumb.

>> No.9260906

But anon she's traumatized by any bottom that goes above her navel because one time a PTA mom in ugly jeans walked past her.

>> No.9260937
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>> No.9260977

mmm francis bby

>> No.9260982

That's such a stupid way to tall about clothing, desu. If it isn't unique in some way, like the incredibly average example a couple replied before yours on this chain, why call it that? Then you'd be calling jeans and a t-shirt a certain kind of street fashion depending on where you are, and that's so useless and special snowflakey. Fact is a lot of fashion is westernized and looks exactly the same.

>> No.9260983


>> No.9261039

>not really related, but-
Yesterday I walked through Aeropostale and they were selling penguin kigus. THAT place, of all places. Super normie-ville hoppin' on the Kigu train since WalMart likes carrying them too this time of year.

It kind of depends on how much top overlaps the thighs. If you see crotch, it's gross. If it's, say, a sweater dress that covers, looks ok. But yeah, they're no substitute for actual pants.

I wouldn't mind wearing them too. For me, it's because I have scars from an appendectomy. They're not huuuuge, but I still refuse to show any midriff because the scars are hella pink and not kawaii.

>> No.9261052

It feels that those who call jfashion cringy would fall better under their ideas of cringe. For most people jfashion is just cute clothes, not necessarily weaboo/super "kawaii"/fetish wear(ageplay). It's pretty much only people who are invested in the culture already that go the extra mile to point out "oh that person must be a giant weaboo" for someone wearing jfashion rather than a normie who, because of social media and globalization of fashion, kind of just thinks it's cute.

Good example would be >>9261039 about
> Aeropostale selling penguin kigus
Kigurumis are literally just called onesies and pretty much normie-tier now. Primarily people well invested in weaboo culture (like /cgl) would interpret the wearer as an otaku rather than the common thought that they just want cute pajamas.

>> No.9261058

Yeah, there's a difference between
>wearing a kigu at home
>wearing a kigu in public

>> No.9261064

>hella pink and not kawaii.

Pink is kawaii, tho.

>> No.9261074

this is so embarrassing. actually, this whole thread is embarrassing.

>> No.9261105

The only post I agree with here

>> No.9261118
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i'm sorry anon. as someone who is currently hovering between 92-96, i'm glad you're better.

new anon but my boobs shrunk and i fit into jfash better but the downside is now my bf hates my small tits. they're only a decent size when i'm on my period.

loose fitting crop tops are cute with a tigher bottom. i dislike tight crop tops and tight bottoms because i have basically no shape (see above: low weight). or try a nice full skirt with a tighter top?

>> No.9261122

>my bf hates my small tits

what the hell

what did he say? "hey anon, i hate your small tits"

>> No.9261135

Not who you replied to, but if it's anything like my ex-partner: they grab them and say, 'Oh no, we got get some weight on you, I swear they were bigger.'

It got mildly insulting when I hadn't actually lost weight.

>> No.9261138

Please be careful, especially with bulimia.

It'll really fuck you up, don't start if you haven't already.

>> No.9261169

>now my bf hates my small tits

Sounds like you still need to drop an extra 120+ pounds

>> No.9261213

Same. Filled with under-age/new fags.

>> No.9261219

nice b8

basically? he says he misses touching big boobs, that they're flat, looking a bit anemic or deflated, or get all excited when they look nice on my period or in a push up bra and then once they shrink down again, he'll say something like, "yeah, i noticed they got small again, it was nicer before."


>> No.9261221

wow dumb anon here and i thought you were calling me fat

>> No.9261227

>Own anime related kigu
>Never thought of it as such
> If anyone ever sees me in it they will think this.

Well time to just closet the thing and burn my comfort

>> No.9261251

It's cool. And I still by what I said. Does he say this often? It must be really demoralizing. Those kind of comments could be triggering if you already have a history of eating disorders. Keep yourself safe.

>> No.9261310

I'd dump my bf like a moldy apple if he dared to speak about my body that way. Calling your gfs boobs "deflated", what the actual fuck.

I will never fathom why you guys put up with so much crap.

>> No.9261412

Repeat those exact same comments back to him next time you see his dick.

>> No.9261417
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>> No.9261464

fucking kek'd

>> No.9261477

Leave him, anon.

Seriously, you don't need that shit in your life. If he can't appreciate you how you are, then he doesn't deserve you, frankly.

Particularly since he's being so cruel about it. He's a grade A tool

>> No.9261482

Do you feel the same about other alt fashions? Why/why not?

I always feel happy when I see someone dressed out of the norm, even if it looks bad, whether it's J-fashion or not.

>> No.9261492
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Actually it took a lot of influence of alice in wonderland (a victorian child) and old dolls.

>> No.9261497

For me, it tends to rely on how well the wearer manages to balance little details and whether or not it pushes their coord into costume terrritory. There's a line of fussiness with alt fashions that you have to be careful about not crossing. It has to be somewhat functional or at least have some logic behind it.

Like, old school goth with band tees is great, rivethead stuff mixing in army surplus is great, Anne Rice inspired vampire goth with too much Alchemy Gothic and carrying around a fucking pewter chalice is cringe. Steampunk worn for casual is cringe. OTT lolita worn for casual is cringe, but simpler styles are great.

>> No.9261504

wtf, your boyfriend is an asshole anon, tell him so

>> No.9261540

In my opinion the style becoming cringey depends highly on the situation

I have seen very OTT lolitas in college who are studying to be a personal trainer, This stands out a lot because it doesn't fit the situation where as if I were to see lolitas who are studying sewing and fashion then that fits fine

>> No.9261576

while i understand what you mean, i don't think that serves as a very good example. they're just going about their business and likely understand that they need to wear proper clothing for the job. but sitting around in class is another story.

is it cringey that i'm a lolita and studying to be an engineer? not trying to attack you, just food for thought. i would cringe if somebody wore lolita to one of my labs, but not if they were sitting in lecture.

>> No.9261619

There's no definite line for what's cringey and what's not. That's an autistic way of thinking. You just have to accept that if you're wearing something as eye catching as lolita to uni, you're going to be cringey to someone.

>> No.9261628

my point was that there is no definite line, anon.

>> No.9261637

I agree with you. However, I think cringe is too subjective because other people generally won't see the same perspective. >>9261619 like what this anon said.

Personally, I think life is too short to care so much about what other people think, so when i see someone dressed up differently and looking happy, i'm happy for them. I wear lolita and other jfashion to school pretty frequently too since I love jfashion too much to limit myself to comm meets or cons. Overall, to some, you're gonna be cringey, but to others, you're going to be a breath of fresh, frilly air.

>> No.9261654

For your goth example, I feel like if people are going for a certain look (e.g. Anne Rice vampire) and failing at it, that's the cringey part. If they pull it off it might still not be to everyone's taste, but it's not cringe.
>slender woman with well done dark makeup, nice manicure, elegant flowing dark clothing and high quality understated jewellery: not cringe
>obese pimply chick stuffed into a cheap corset and crushed velvet, slathered in greasepaint and covered in plastic 'goff' costume jewellery: cringe
The majority of goths you run into on campus may seem to fall in the latter category (because let's be real, how many of us are truly enchanting queens of darkness) but that doesn't mean that goth is inherently cringy. I feel it's the same with most Jfashions. And it's not just hot vs. ugly I think. Anyone remember that fashion show with the runway models in OTT sweet? Beautiful women, but they looked ridiculous in what they were wearing because it just didn't suit them.

>> No.9261663

It's always been cringey, now you're just old enough to realize it.

>> No.9261880

to sympathize a little with OP, I study Japanese at university and sometimes I do see some weird shit, like people bringing cheap looking bentos filled with "regular" food or anime merch from head to toe. I also think however that it's more about how you dress than what you wear. I mean, we all love the culture and stuff, but some people can't keep their weeb-boner in their pants. I honestly feel bad for our Japanese teachers...

>> No.9261881

I don't see the goth aesthetic being a stand alone fashion style. It's just the by product of a subculture/mindset. Putting the words "goth" and "fashion" in the same sentence is just odd to me and rather counterintuitive. Maybe "gothsplaying" is a thing? It's a cool aesthetic though so I can see why people might be drawn to it even if they've never heard of [insert your fave goth band/artists here].

>> No.9261906

you can't expect someone to constantly keep up with cooking proper food for a bento, That's a very silly reason to pick.

>> No.9261922

Within the scene, there's definitely a sense of cringy and non-cringy and fashion is a major part of it. There might be a similar general interest in lifestyle stuff, but some people are cooler about it than others and you'll hear people bitch about it all the fucking time.

t. a goth

>> No.9262038

told them that a decent bf would make the connection that these comments make me upset and so he should stop saying them. his reply was he should get a 10/10 supermodel gf so she wouldn't be so sensitive, oh wait, he'd probably just give her an eating disorder

i feel so shitty. i'm not ugly, why does he say these things

>> No.9262043

Because he's a shit! Why are you with a shit?
You can't make people change, you can only make changes for yourself like ditching dead weight shitty boyfriends. You can't make him a nice person he DOESN'T WANT to be a nice person. He gets to be horrible to you and still have a girlfriend.

>> No.9262044

break up with his ass

i know it might not be that easy because i don't know your living situation or whatever, but if he makes you feel so shit please try to weasel your way out of this

any good SO will be willing to talk about those things and take your feelings to heart, because confrontation is scary and he should understand that

sorry anon. you're cute

>> No.9262045

>why does he say these things
Because he's an insensitive prick. Leave him, you don't deserve to be treated like this.

>> No.9262054

You know, there are guys out there who won't make you feel like shit. Why not try and find one of those instead of wasting your youth on this cunt?

You'd be doing him a favor too, since he clearly doesn't want to be in a relationship. You both are just going to end up getting more and more resentful to each other until something snaps.

Imagine being stuck in this relationship for the next two years. The next five. Do you really want that for yourself? It's only going to get worse.

>> No.9262131

Your boyfriend sounds like a major dick but what kind of passive aggressive bullshit is that? "Well a DECENT bf should just KNOW that it bothers me!" Both of you need a lesson in communication and some growing up to do.

>> No.9262153

I am this girl's boyfriend

she just told me that I smell like a corpse

she's mean to me too, does anyone want a loving rich sugardaddy bf with a big dick?

>> No.9262157

Actually cosplay originated in the US...but whatever.

>> No.9262160

not if you smell like a corpse, bud.

>> No.9262162

she just made it up! I smell great

>> No.9262165

i mean, if i get visibly upset and continuously tell him that these comments bother me, he should know not to do it? idk annon

>> No.9262166

...did i say otherwise? read my post again

i was saying that jfashion doesn't equal cosplay

>> No.9262194

>tells gf her boobs are deflated


>> No.9262213

menhara is cringey as fuck in my opinion. like oohhh uwu look at me uwu with my pastel bandaids over my eye or some shit! and the anime girl on my sweater is barfing up slugs UWUWUW

>> No.9262214

well I mean if her boobs look deflated that day can I really be blamed for observing it?

>> No.9262215

It's really bad, and the people in it can't seem to take criticism at all. at least not on /cgl/, I honestly wish mods would delete the threads so they can fuck off to tumblr. They can't ever seem to ignore a certain someone either.

>> No.9262216

No, but making the dumb decision to share it is your fault.

>> No.9262217

eh she should get over it, her boobs have this strange life cycle where they look really good and then they look deflated and then back again. it is what it is, you know?

>> No.9262219

I know this is b8 but

I'm honestly pretty surprised anyone with this lack of knowledge on women had ever been laid

whoever fucks this kind of person must have abysmal self esteem

>> No.9262221

I've actually fucked a tremendous number of women for my age, like, over 50. some were admittedly prostitutes, maybe 10%.

chalk it up to me being rich, good looking, and charming when I want to be

>> No.9262222

>whoever fucks this kind of person must have abysmal self esteem

Thanks to a whole lot of factors, a good chunk of women fit that category.

>> No.9262223

i mean, i have terrible self esteem, obviously

>> No.9262224

bitch aren't you supposed to be ordering me a pizza right now

>> No.9262225

I can imagine you have self esteem issues yourself if you don't make the effort in going after only classy gals

the 50 skanks you banged doesn't even equal one decent woman

we need to start putting them down for their own sakes at that point

you should probably fix that

you're fucking garbage as is

>> No.9262228
File: 48 KB, 574x429, IMG_3380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a mess

>> No.9262229

>if you don't make the effort in going after only classy gals

ah yes this bs that girls always get into when they find out I've fucked a lot of girls. "oh they must have all been skanks, you'll never get with a REAL woman". please. some were skanks, some were classy girls who you never would have guessed would take it in the ass on the first date (and did), some were dorky nerd types you'd expect to be in the library reading, not getting slapped around in bed after I throatfuck them.

what I've learned is that nice, classy girls don't exist - just trashy ones that haven't been caught yet.

ps my gf isn't garbage, don't make me rape you

>> No.9262230

baka means so muhc hate you fucking faggot

>> No.9262234


it's even more awful when people without mental illnesses wear it and use the excuse that they're "raising awareness!!!!!!!!!"

or people who make up a mental illness to justify wearing menhera

glorifying mental illness and making it ~cute~ is just bad

>inb4 but anon!! i use it as a coping mechanism!!!!!!!
>inb4 go back to tumblr

>> No.9262235

I said the women you slept with all had self esteem issues before I found out the number of chicks you banged

it's pretty hilarious

also I don't think you know what "classy" is, girls who let you plow them in their wrecked anus are all skanks even if they look "classy" and fall under the issue of low self esteem

>what I've learned is that nice, classy girls don't exist

they do, they just don't interact with people like you

source: I have only ever slept with my husband and will only ever sleep with my husband

inb4 you call me ugly or some shit

>don't make me rape you

please go back to /r9k/

>> No.9262237

anyone who thinks menhera is a good idea needs to be taken out back and put down for their of safety, and for the safety of the general public

liking a fashion that's literally based around "negative thoughts" and mental illness is the biggest fucking red flag I can think of

>> No.9262239

congratulations on only sleeping with your husband -- and good job on the inb4 because I'd bet dollars to donuts you are an unattractive broad, either fat or busted in the face. the only thing that really matters about a girl are her looks and how tolerable she is to be around. I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck if she's "classy" or not, I don't even know what that is supposed to mean - that she doesn't fuck on the first date? 99.99% of girls have done some extremely slutty shit like that, it's just they're very good at hiding it

hell, I bet you've done some shit like that. "I've only slept with my husband" but you've blown six dudes in a row at a party, or something. I like to call this 'whore logic' where girls like you rationalize slutty things you've done in a way that makes you not a slut

it's cool though, I don't care about your past, you can come suck on daddy's dick

>> No.9262241

>the only thing that really matters about a girl are her looks and how tolerable she is to be around.
thanks a lot, now i know you really only care about how good my tits look that day

>> No.9262242
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only if you're being intolerable that day

>> No.9262244

I'm thin and cute

just because you can't wrap your head around the idea of a pretty girl who has enough self respect to avoid being a complete skank doesn't mean they don't exist

I've only ever been sexually active with my husband

id be willing to take a lie detector test with a gun held to everyone I've ever cared fors head and say that

seriously, you can't imagine it because you attract absolute garbage because YOU are also absolute garbage

obviously you don't know any nice girls because you wouldn't put in the months/years of effort it would take to actually fuck a nice girl

>> No.9262246
File: 69 KB, 552x531, 1477500921096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stop shit posting on /cgl/, some of us are trying to get work done

>obviously you don't know any nice girls because you wouldn't put in the months/years of effort it would take to actually fuck a nice girl
this is true, all the women in his life realize he's a shit

>> No.9262248

anon why are you replying to the bait

this thread is shitty but this whole argument is based on a farce

>> No.9262253

you're full of shit and nothing short of a timestamped image will make me believe you. you probably have an overbite bigger than the grand canyon.

lie detector tests are easy to pass, source: I've cheated them in the past.

the last time I checked most of the girls I've fucked have been somewhere in the range of above average to model hot. that's what matters, not some wishy washy horseshit about how 'classy' or 'nice' they are. I imagine you'd kill to look like some of the 'garbage' girls I've swooped

>all women in his life realize he's a shit
yeah but I've already fucked them at that point so it doesn't matter

didn't you literally lick my dirty asshole the other day?

>> No.9262256
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>above average to model hot
tfw you have to lie about yourself in some way to fuck them because no one wants ur ugly mug

ilu bb

>> No.9262259

because I have nothing better to do at the moment and shitposting is an art

fampai if I actually gave a shit about what some idiot on the internet thinks about me id post myself with a time stamp in a heartbeat

but you see

the very definition of that means I would have low self esteem

and I am not like the cum crusted skanks you are so accustomed to dealing with

>> No.9262262
File: 3.51 MB, 350x196, laughingchickens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what? I still get to fuck them, which is what counts.

it worked on you, didn't it?

>all this backpeddling after I call you out
I wish I could say I'm surprised. make sure you don't stretch out your burando too badly, you fat fuck

>> No.9262265


you clearly don't know what backpedaling actually means

>> No.9262267

>correcting my spelling on a mongolian turnip harvesting forum
I think we're done here sweetheart, run along to your shrimp dick old man asian husband

>> No.9262268

I'm convinced this whole thing was thought up just to try and get my pic at this point

nice try feg

>> No.9262303

>when you are so insecure about your cosplaying that you argue in a bait thread
lmao come on
Like shit I like frocks as much as the next person, but lets get real here...lolita is cosplay
You aren't doing alt fashion or jap fashion, you are wearing a costume just accept that and move on and have fun with it

>> No.9262308

>being this stupid

it's called "lolita fashion" for a reason

it's comparable to calling goth or fairy kei cosplay

>> No.9262310

the current arguing is entirely unrelated to cosplay and jfash

>> No.9262316

Whateverrrrr anon
>muh f..fashion

>> No.9262318

i just don't see the point in making an argument for something you obviously don't know about.

>> No.9262329
File: 460 KB, 1137x1600, SCAN1665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, j-fash looks so costume-y


>> No.9262340

What the fuck people.

Can we at least laugh a little when shitposting to each other.

>> No.9262343

Classy will matter once you meet a hot, classy girl.

Then no others will compare and leave you feeling lackluster and disappointed.

>> No.9262347

This is just one person arguing with themselves, right? No one is dumb enough to actually be getting into argument with someone who is obviously trolling, right?

>> No.9262349

it's HWC, why so surprised?

>> No.9262350

this is a revenge fantasy you're having for all the guys like me who have pumped and dumped you. it will never happen, oneitis is something that only lesser men than me have to deal with

for the record this revenge fantasy of yours is literally the female equivalent of some r9k nerd fantasizing about raping the coffee shop girl who didn't smile at him

>> No.9262358


Been reading return of kings too much? You should know half those articles are crap.

If you get with a ton of classy women, at least you get bragging rights. Otherwise you sound like you are saying you lack standards and are thirsty.

>> No.9262372

As the other anon who experienced this problem, I do have a possible explanation. Have you lost weight during the course of your relationship with him? If so, he's disturbed by it. Such a thing can be extremely hard on a spouse/partner.

In my ex-partner's case, he would say such a thing out of concern given my history, not to make me feel uncomfortable. It's the whole area (the ribs, the shoulders, the breasts, the sternum). It's where guys touch during hugging, cuddling, or sex. It where they look when we are naked. It's where they will notice and feel weight loss.

It's hard to comment concern as a partner on such a thing, often 'What's going on? Are you okay?' comes out, 'Oh no, your body.'

>> No.9262376

Pic unrelated, right?

>> No.9262378
File: 132 KB, 540x721, tumblr_og36y0XWFC1qda60po1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your legitimate reply. yes, i did lose weight while dating him. i lost about ~30 lbs (i was previously 125 at 5'5"). i think he is actually concerned for my weight loss and doesn't know how to express it in a normal way. i think he feels a bit guilty about it:

when we started dating, he'd call me fat. i remember once i was doing something sexy for him and i guess my stomach didn't look great at that angle, and he said, "i don't know if i can fuck you with that stomach." i didn't know then that this was just his tactic of getting girls or whatever, making them feel unworthy and unattractive, but it really upset me so i started to lose weight to look perfect for him and here we are.

>> No.9262396

not even sure what you're trying to say here. that oneitis isn't a thing? seriously? this is a fucking girl board, everyone here is going to laugh at you if you try to suggest that the phenomenon of a guy getting obsessed with one girl and thinking she's somehow the most special snowflake in the universe even though she's got tits and a pussy like any other girl. literally every girl in the universe has had a guy get obsessed with her, invariably a guy she wants nothing to do with esxually

>sure you fucked hot girls that met your own high standards but they didn't meet MY standards for what constitutes a quality woman so heh ur outta luck buddy

seriously, you're an idiot if you think this is going to work on me. your opinion is about as meaningful here as the greasy shit that comes out of my asshole after I eat taco bell

in all seriousness this is pretty much the case

>> No.9262398

achievement unlocked: neg girl until she acquires eating disorder

>> No.9262407


Maybe I'm missing something but your relationship doesn't sound healthy.

I used to have an ex who thought my boobs were too small. Glad I dumped him because it was symptomatic of a host of other issues we had.

>> No.9262423

Wow. He sounds like a dickhead. Why are you dating this guy?

>> No.9263157

yeah i don't think menhera is offensive as it is way too edgy

>> No.9263181
File: 178 KB, 351x347, 1437852253646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to this thread

>> No.9263199

Plus wearing bandaids and bandages has been a decora as well as vk thing ages ago too.

>> No.9263204


>> No.9263613
File: 967 KB, 640x772, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These tights and all the other cat-like prints on them. Especially on bigger people, where the cats gets deformed and stuff.
They can be found literally anywhere by now, but it used to be j-fash so whatever

>> No.9263627



is that you

why are your legs the size of fucking telephone poles

I am horrified for you

>> No.9263636

I'm sure others have found my cute band-aids stupid. If I took the band-aid off, they'd quickly ask me to put it back and apologize.

I've never enjoyed the fake thigh high trend.

>> No.9263652

Haha nope!
I would never have a fugly tattoo like that, especially on my thigh??

The tights are on their way out anyways, they've stopped selling them in stores like H&M over here.

>> No.9263656

thank god

I was legitimately panicked for your safety

>> No.9263684

God honestly the only time fake thigh highs are acceptable is in cosplay, imo. Nothing worse than getting photos back, only to find that one of your socks has rolled down.

Maybe I'm partially biased though since I hate thigh highs/otks/knee socks in regular jfashion, solid tights and ankle socks are much cuter.

>> No.9263687


it's hard to admit to yourself that you ended up in something shitty somehow
things can get better but nothing will change if you don't begin to take action
if you have attempted to have a frank discussion about his shitty comments about your weight and he is still not considering your health and emotions after all this time, find a way out. if he understands that what he is doing is having a serious impact on you and is unapologetic and does not change, find a way out.

I know it's easier said than done, and maybe some text on a screen from a stranger on the internet doesn't mean much

just try to take care of yourself, anon. ok?

>> No.9264150

Oh, no. Some people have hobbies and interests.