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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9258450 No.9258450 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is auto sage >>9244634

>> No.9258976
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>> No.9258985
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Cover photos are all just Splatoon Hentai

>> No.9258987

That's not hentai?

>> No.9259009

It's a fuckin abomination that's what it is.

>> No.9259019

I'm so glad the lolita amino showed up to fill the drama void in my heart

>> No.9259030

Same. It's the gift that keeps on giving and I'm oddly disappointed when I check the latest posts and don't find something weird.

>> No.9259062

Oh gawd. Seeing this kind of stuff makes me fear for my child when he hits high school... what if he turns into something like this?
Publicly displaying your cringe Yuri Splatoon fantasies behind a photo if yourself, Jesus Christ....

>> No.9259113
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$200 fucking dollars

>> No.9259125

>200 dollars plus shipping and tax so, it's not a cheap dress or anything

girl got scalped hard. that or she's lying

also what kind of crit does she expect from up close boobshots

>> No.9259128

I'm scared to see what this dress looks like. Is it Milanoo?

>> No.9259137

just looked for dresses that are ~$200 on Milanoo and couldn't find it, so if it is she's lying about the price

>> No.9259168
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>> No.9259176

I don't want to hate someone with a yu-gi-oh avatar but how the hell can people still be asking this question.

>> No.9259185

i'm having a laugh at some of these wardrobe posts on LA. people who have been acting like they're oldfags but only have a couple (quality) pieces to their name

how can you have been involved in the fashion for 10 years and have so few main pieces?

>> No.9259188

Because they're either cheapskates or special snowflakes

>> No.9259204

I've been in the fashion for 7 years and only have ~15 main pieces, but that's because I sell stuff when I get bored with it.

>> No.9259209

girl in question says she never sells her stuff, which is why i'm wary

i can understand in cases like you, though

>> No.9259212
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we truly attract the worst of the worst
>mfw the ita thread would probably call this a nitpick

>> No.9259217

but aaanon she's probably a nice person and having funnnnn~~~

>> No.9259274

>I don't want to hate someone with a yu-gi-oh avatar
This made me laugh so fucking hard for some reason

>> No.9259282

Yeah, I am one of those people.
Sometimes I just want to believe they don't know any better and they will look awesome once they learn they way around. Not in that case though, mostly with teenagers.

>> No.9259296 [DELETED] 

hey r*chard if youre lurking in here please stop shitting things up on fb, we get that youre an ugly drama whore but its not even fun talking shit about you anymore, please fuck off and never post again bye

>> No.9259302

I have been in the fashion for ten years and only have like 15 main pieces. It's not weird for people who have been in the fashion to not have a metric ton of Lolita. People sell shit and buy shit. Sometimes people leave the fashion and then return later and have to build up their closet again. it easier to say " been in the fashion for ten years" rather then " was in the fashion ten years ago but left it for two years and returned two years ago.

>> No.9259304

see >>9259209

sorry gull, didn't mean to be a dick but it's just strange to me. i've only gotten back into the fashion in the past couple months but up to ~13 main burando pieces when i only had one to start out with.

i imagined that more experienced/older lolitas would have way more to work with than me, especially those that DON'T sell their stuff

>> No.9259307

Now I feel kinda shity. I've been in the fashion almost as long, but since I'm constantly buying and selling, I only have 4 main brand pieces (and two of them are for sale).

>> No.9259310

Why do you gulls sell stuff a lot? I know one of you said because you get bored.

Is that the primary reason you sell main pieces? Or is it also a financial thing? Or even "I can't justify having this many main pieces, so I'll do one out and one in"? I only buy things that I really love in the first place, so I just don't get that mindset. Personal style changes, yeah, but I don't see that being a factor every single time.

>> No.9259312

It's really not weird though for someone who doesn't sell their stuff to not have a lot. Some people are simply comfortable with a small lolita closet. I think that the people who have been in the fashion for like 5 years or less and have every AP release released in their time frame of being in the fashion are far more noob then someone with a minimal closet and been in the fashion for 10+ years. People are picky naturally. Some people are very picky about their purchases then others.

Nah you are just a minimalist. Nothing wrong with that as long as you don't look horribly tacky when you dress up l, don't be ashamed for cycling your closet out all the time. A lot of Lolita's do.

>> No.9259314

found the poorfags :^)

>> No.9259315

For me it's several reasons.
I get bored
it doesn't fit as well as I thought
I found it's hard to work with
I haven't worn it in years
my fashion style changed
I have run out of ideas how to dress it up
It's market went up and I don't wear it so I can sell it and buy that other dress I have been eyeing as well as matching shoes and a purse for the cost.

>> No.9259318
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>> No.9259326
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>> No.9259333
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Is any one else annoyed when this girl posts her videos? A few days ago she bombarded LA with her video spam trying to get attention.

>> No.9259337

She spammed even my really olds coords with comments

>> No.9259338

Caps pls

>> No.9259343

yes, i'm annoyed by people who advertise their (shitty) videos

especially because she's really bad at coording and comes across as super new to lolita

why would you make videos on something you hardly know about?

>> No.9259352

For me it's 100% just that I get bored with certain pieces. Out of the dozens of pieces I've sold, I only regret selling one item.

>> No.9259354

This is what annoys me the most about her. And the fact that she comments on almost every post someone makes. I understand being excited for the fashion and wanting to share your videos. But good god stop being a cringy weeb and post a video when a conversation is relevant in the group. Like do the stupid Lolita survey everyone is doing in a video and post it.

>> No.9259356

glad somebody else agrees. granted, most posts on lolita amino are really shitty and weeby. i'm happy that the wardrobe survey took off because it gave them all the opportunity to shut up and fill in a form that actually makes sense

hoping for adult egl to come through in the end, but amino is such a juvenile platform that i'm not really sure how well it'll work out

>> No.9259381

For me, it's part financial reasons, part boredom. I'll order something, and when it comes in, I usually don't like it as much as I thought. If it's something I don't often wear, or know I won't wear, I'll sell it. Since funds are so tight, I'd rather sell what I've got and buy something I think I'll like more. The cycle of fickleness continues.

>> No.9259382 [DELETED] 

Nope, lolita is a minor hobby for me. My money is mostly spent on travel. Just got back from a week in Anguilla. No regrets. ;)

>> No.9259385

Those so called oldfags hardly even know what they're talking about im guessing when they say "been in the fashiin for ten years" they actually mean "I saw rozen maiden ten years ago and I liked the pritty dresses" they just dont seem to be fully comfortable with the style yet like its super unnatural for them to wear it. I get the impression a few of them have lied about experience and are scrabbling for brand to validate their high and mighty personas

>> No.9259394
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Aww shit, where's deco?

>> No.9259395

For me, it's usually that some pieces just have weird cuts that don't fit me like they should. Some brands tend to not be truthful about their actual measurements.

Either that or something I really liked online comes in and either I can't coord it with what I pictured or it's just not wowing me. So I sell it so I can buy something else that will work better for me.

>> No.9259400

I do hope adult Lolita get running more. It will be nice to talk with people who actually own more then a Milanoo disaster or a hot topic dress. I still can't stop laughing at the crooked sonic art style girl who thinks she's a great artist. Brings back memories of when I was 14 and didn't know proportions or foreshortening.

>> No.9259432

found the brand ita hurr hurr

>> No.9259435

are there any notable brand itas besides Batty?

just curious, i always hear this term thrown around and hardly see people who own that much brand look so shit

>> No.9259436

Voldie also looks like shit pretty consistently

may just be because she's getting fat tho

>> No.9259439

Cimonne or however her name is spelled.

>> No.9259440

yeah, she's balloonin'

there are also some CoF posts where people are wearing all brand but still manage to look shit

but i treat it as an isolated incident since they're usually like "my first brand dress!!!!!!!"

how hard is it to have taste?

>> No.9259444

wait was she kicked, i can't find her anymore?

>> No.9259451

idk what you gulls are smoking, she doesn't look any bigger and her coords are fine.

>> No.9259453

I just hit my 1 year 2 months mark and I bought 17 dresses already. Is that a bad sign?

>> No.9259456

no. like i said i've only been involved for a couple months and am up to ~13 main pieces of burando

which is why i was confused by people saying they've been involved for years but don't own a shitton of dresses

different strokes, just make sure your coording skills aren't shit

i don't doubt their experience for the most part

though i'm sure a few people try to act like old sages without really knowing shit. that's just people being people though

>> No.9259457

I knew he was a disgusting piece of shit but this just tops it

you're on here, what else do you want

don't forget the classical moitie ita. I also highly dislike the trashy french housewife on cof who always looks sad and like shit, but I guess she's not a complete ita since her coords have gotten better. also cgl will probably murder me for criticising her

>> No.9259459

Hi voldie.

>> No.9259462

Voldie herself admitted she's gained weight.

>> No.9259464

when? she looks fine to me

nope, just confused cause she's looked the same for as long as i've known about her

>> No.9259466

that's wondercunt, and true

lmao voldie we all know you spend most of your time on here

>> No.9259467

>she's looked the same

fat and unfortunate?

>> No.9259468

im honestly not her, i just think it's crazy how everyone seems to be in agreement that shes fat/gained weight when she looks fine

>> No.9259474

Mana-san or what ever she is.

Also I spit out my tea at the batty statement. Thanks anon I needed that laugh this morning.

>> No.9259477

Well if you want a number, as someone with years to say how many main pieces they have owned since they started. That number will be significantly higher then what they own today. Most sell their stuff after one or two uses and some don't. #of main pieces=\= Lolita age and experience. Some people are just eternally ita.

>> No.9259479

>most sell their stuff after one or two uses

is this actually a thing

maybe i'm just so weirded out by this because i intend to be a lifestyler/wear it as a regular extension of my wardrobe. pawning things off so often just comes off as strange

>> No.9259483

So that only shows you can buy dresses. Now start coording them and try to be have a cohesive wardrobe. I'm 100% you'll get to the point where you'll sell a good chunk of your wardrobe as well.

>> No.9259484

>implying everybody makes bad enough wardrobe decisions to have to go to that extent


>> No.9259489

>implying noobs that are only in the fashion for a couple of months would never buy a "good-deal!"-dress, a dress that doesn't suit them as they thought, a dress that doesn't fit or change their style


>> No.9259490

I already love all of my dresses.
I don't think I'll ever sell any dresses. a) I have disposable income so there is no need. b) I keep my cats away from my closet but I'm sure somewhere on all of my dresses is at least one cat hair, I wouldn't want to get crusified in feedback.

>> No.9259492

It's very much a thing anon. Lifestylers like how you are wanting to be don't do this, but Lolita's who only wear the fashion to big events will more often sell the dresses after they have worn it once to an event or two. Kate does it with her closet. She owns a lot of brand sure, but you will see that she sells her stuff on lacemarket a lot of the time right after she has worn it to a big event or made one post on CoF. It's really not that weird you're just very fixated that Lolita's are all lifestylers when they are not.

>> No.9259496


It's apparently a (mainstream) trend amongst young women who have a lot of social media exposure. Something about having being seen by "everybody" after they've posted a dress to social media, so they feel like they can't re-wear the dress without feeling like they're repeating too many outfits or something.

Granted, lolita is slightly more resistant to this fad since a fair number of older dresses are still coveted, and having a lot of older, hard-to-find rare pieces tends to boost your wardrobe's, err, prestige(?), so we're more likely to hang on to dresses than rotate them. On the other hand, I can see a case use for those who maybe attend only one or two grand brand tea parties a year to buy an OTT dress, wear it to that year's grand party, then sell it off and wear a different OTT dress to next year's grand tea party.

>> No.9259497


please stop this

>> No.9259498

You wouldn't get crucified for having a touch of cat hair on your clothes. Seriously anon your living in some fantasy world of Lolita if you think that. As long as you inform those you sell to that you have animals and that you try your best to keep them away they will understand if a stray cat hair gets on it. Seriously get yourself out of this little ideal world you are living in becuase you are starting to sound daft.

>> No.9259499

>anon is afraid of selling something for the sake of herself and the buyer

you're the one that's sounding daft, gull

stop making mountains out of molehills

>> No.9259500


To be fair, it's not exactly deep in the bowels of ita horror valley yet, it just.... doesn't look good either.

>> No.9259501

I'm sorry grammar nazi anon. My phone recognizes Lolita as a name. Oh the humanity. Slay me for being a under educated twat.

>> No.9259502

You must be 18 or over to use this site.

>> No.9259503

Anon needs to stop fearing others criticism and playing stupid when people talk about selling on the second hand market.

>> No.9259505

You are so delusional. You are one of the anons that are just a couple of months i, right?
First, you WILL get tired of some of your dresses, and you will definitely buy a dress that doesn't meet your expectations sooner or later.
Now you ask "But why sell them? I have enough money to just buy more dresses. I can easily keep those that aren't superb!".
Silly girl, that's not how it works. Surprisingly there is a really bad taste to owning dresses that you don't like that much anymore/that don't suit you/ that you just never wear anymore. Many lolitas I know that are quite long into the fashion have revamped their wardrobe, not for the money, but rather for the nice feeling of a cohesive wardrobe.
I'm into the fashion for a little over 3 years and 'only' own 15 main pieces, but I owned easily over 40. Sure, I could've kept them, but I got sick of seeing dresses that I wasn't passionate about.

>> No.9259506

ITT: Poorfags get jealous of newbies with more main pieces than them.

Post online comm drama.

>> No.9259507
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>People only sell dresses cause they're poor!

>> No.9259508

Found the gull with 15 main pieces after years in the fashion.

>> No.9259511
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>> No.9259512

Did anyone watch this video...? That's a fucking sad haul. She spent a million years talking about a fucking simple beret. Literally all she got was a shitty bow, a beret, a blouse, and a super ita bunny ear blouse. And apparently something else that she lost? lmao okay

>> No.9259513
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-Impulse buys
-Style changes (see photo...)
-Even though I like something, I'm not wearing it - so even if I am only buying things "I really love" it doesn't translate into getting a lot of wear or any wear out of them if I don't feel comfortable wearing it or never reach for it
- Fit issues/I look pregnant (i.e. high waisted cuts every bloody time)
- Wardrobe space issues

>> No.9259514
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So lor is on amino. I'm not sure if she's just being a troll or genuinely this dumb to not now who Anne frank is and the meme that was this video.

>> No.9259516

I have pets and never even mention it in my sales posts and have nothing but positive feedback. This is what lint rollers are for anon.
Gotta agree with you anon. I've owned well over 40 pieces total but I'm always downsizing. honestly if I still had every lolita piece I'd ever bought my closet would be stuffed full and I'd have a lot of pieces that I wouldn't dream of wearing anymore. once I realized OTT sweet wasn't for me I sold all my related pieces entirely. but we're all different
I'm not jealous at all. If they want to have lots of main pieces and can afford them that's amazing and I'm glad they're happy. I'm sorry you think civil discussion means we're all jelly cunts.

I think people like me who rarely wear lolita don't like having too many main pieces because it just takes up space. I'm lucky if each of my main pieces even sees the light of day in a year.

>> No.9259517

Other than people being bitches in feedback and on here about tiny problems after their secondhand dress arrives in the past plenty of times. I'd rather not have some raving frilly bitch riding my add for a partial refund over some bullshit.

>> No.9259522

Anon, listen, you're not going to be attacked for having some pet hair on your clothes if you sold them. The biggest thing people attack sellers for both in feedback and here is bad smells from smoking or body oder, unmentioned stains or tears, failure to communicate and or too slow in shipping the package. The only time people really complain about animal hair is when it's a black dress covered in hair. A stray here and there isn't any thing out of the normal.

If it's negative judgment you fear, honey, this fashion has a lot of judgment in it. You either ignore the sass or you crumble under it. Not everyone will like you. Some may be jelly of what you own and will try and make you feel bad so they can grab what you own. You can horde your closet all you want, but you are new to the fashion and your tastes in style will change as you venture deeper and deeper into the fashion.

>> No.9259527

Do you even know what a lint roller is? Just state you have a cat and lint roll.
Also, what about this "people being bitches in feedback"? Peeps are so afraid of negative feedback themselves they always give positive. Did you even see Kate's feedback history? Several comments about undiclosed stains and such, but not a single negative feedback.

>> No.9259542

People seem to actually care most about stuff that's not disclosed. I foster cats, they get cuddles whether I'm wearing lolita or not and sometimes they climb in my wardrobe. To be honest even if you don't let your cats in, on, or near your clothing, if you own indoor cats chances are you will have transferred some hair or dander to the dress at some point anyway. I tell my buyers this (and also let them know that I spot clean/lint roll rather than do full dry cleaning) so that people who have really bad allergies can choose not to buy or factor in cleaning costs.

As for tiny problems, I'll look over my dress, take close ups of any stains or problems, and usually say that a dress has "wear consistent with being worn for [x] activity/[x] amount of times and small imperfections may have been missed" so if it's stuff like a small pulled thread on the lining then I've covered my ass and can say to my buyer that they didn't read the listing properly.

>> No.9259583

I'm too lazy to cap but they actually say not to do it and use the fabric to other dress. At least there's some faith in that group

>> No.9259591

I really just don't want negitive sells cause I have a good record as a buyer so far. I was only saying I'd rather hang onto my dresses than risk negitive feedback.
There have been a few huge stinks raised about tiny stuff, one from last year so bad the girl made a new LM account. I wish I could remember the original account name, someone else would probably remember it.
I thought that was just cause people wanted to kiss ass to a efamous lolita?

>> No.9259595


People won't give negative feedback because they fear negative feedback them selves. a seller can be just as much of a bitch to you for no reason other then you may have been too pushy for a quick shipment or had what they feel was an unreasonable means to a shipment. They can make some shit up just to ruin your perfect score just as easy as someone ruining it because you sold them some thing with a single cat hair on it. If you're going to be paranoid about negative in selling then be paranoid in a seller being a bitch as well. Just buy everything new and don't piss off baby the stars shine bright becuase they will also black list you. Or you can stop fearing the negative feedback and enjoy the world of secondhand sells.

>> No.9259619
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How is this something that is an issue? I mean you wear the tampon or pad with your underwear and act like it doesn't exist. Just like you do with your normal clothes and your having fun satans inferno spilling out your vj.

>> No.9259622

You must not have known her long then. To be fair to her, it is hard to keep the weight you were in highschool, but you can see it in her cosplays how much she has gained.

>> No.9259724

Just because you think she looks fine doesn't mean she hasn't gained weight.

>> No.9259737

The picture looks like a very ugly girl at best or a guy and them saying "spoiling ones pretty dresses" gives me serious sissy vibes.

>> No.9259745

I swear people that make these comments come across as the most immature little twats trying to sound grown up, only kids put this much emphasis on sounding like adults so shut up doodoo head

>> No.9259747

>scolds people for sounding like children
>shut up doodoo head

I know you're trying to be ironic, but holy fuck this is cringe.

>> No.9259751

I was reflecting the tone of the other anon its call advanced irony something only a adult can understand get back to your barbies underage-chan

>> No.9259752

Does wearing lolita separate some people from common sense? Is she hoping for a link to Angelic Pads or tampon et Justine? Why could you you not just do what you usually do when wearing a dress and be careful with your petti/take it off if you need to use the toilet.

>> No.9259753

Then how about you start using punctuation like the grown-ups. Then we might be able to read your posts.

>> No.9259754

>its call
>a adult


>> No.9259755

It's pretty ironic you accuse other people of being underage while throwing this big of a hissyfit.

>> No.9259764

I should have known that a board full of americans would fail to understand a simple self deprecateing joke

>> No.9259766

I'm one of the people calling you dumb and I'm not American. Nice trying to deflect away from the fact you're an idiot.

>> No.9259767

No, it's not us. Your joke just wasn't funny and you come across as a belligerent crybaby.

Eurofag here. Learn to speak English before blaming others for not understanding your totally hilarious and mature irony.

>> No.9259796
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Asking for help is one thing, but I think this is crossing the line. I was gonna send her a guide on how to buy from TaoBao or whatever but then I saw she wants people to look for specific stuff for her and was immediately turned off.

>> No.9259797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9259802
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>> No.9259807

you missed the censoring of the last ones

>> No.9259808
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>> No.9259831

dont forget kate

>> No.9259843
File: 196 KB, 750x840, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know how to avoid scams and I know where to buy! I'm not a Ita!
>Buys $50 Milanoo and doesn't know how to not look like a 5 year old with acne

>> No.9259847
File: 120 KB, 540x720, tumblr_inline_nxv3ssZl7B1r3dkdn_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Moitie Ita

she needs no other name

just The Moitie Ita

>> No.9259850
File: 144 KB, 720x960, me_in_moi_meme_moitie_by_eglmoitie-d5p81l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of like her by now, it is good to know she exists, you know?

>> No.9259866

How are these levels assigned?

>> No.9259882

Tampon et Justine
>lace with the finest fluffiest cotton
Angelic pretty pads
>for your princess cat

>> No.9259883

you get xp or something for spending time and posting/being involved in the app, I'm pretty sure

>> No.9259889

I really think that it must be that most girls haven't had their period for that long and don't know how to handle shit (have extra shit in their bag just in case, have a vague idea of when they start ect.)

>> No.9259930

Ah, so not based on experience or anything. Makes much more sense.

>> No.9259937

>tampon et Justine
Can't afford.

>> No.9259943

So I bought milky cross from a seller who didn't mention pets. Now my friend has pet rats, so I am very familiar with the smell of rats. The dress arrives, and she's obviously tried to cover the rat smell with some other scent but it absolutely reeks and now I have to get it dry cleaned OTZ

>> No.9259950

Try Baby the blood bleeds bright, still good quality.

>> No.9259953

mention it in her feedback

it inconveniences you

>> No.9259981

Dude. When I was 15 and first getting into the fashion I sold an AP jsk and that fucker was covered in dog hair because I'd literally cuddled my friend's dog in it for like an hour. The user I sold it to messaged me "thanks but it was covered in animal hair" and still left me positive feedback and didn't even mention the hair outside a PM so stop being so crazy about sales. geez

also I still kick 15 year old me for being so gross and not even having the decency to lint roll it before sending it off

>> No.9259982

>tfw I have pets
>tfw I smoke weed in my room where my clothes are
>tfw don't mention either of those things in sales posts
>tfw hovering around +50 feedback score, no negative scores, not even any mentions of anything negative in otherwise positive feedback like some other sellers

paranoid anon needs to chill the fuck out

>> No.9260074

Metamormidol for those cramps anon. Personally I used moi-meme-my blood but started out with bloodyline.

>> No.9260081

Please tell me you don't let your pets in where you're smoking weed.

>> No.9260100

no I don't. also I usually keep my windows open and run an air purifier when I shut them, or I just run the air purifier the whole time.

I've never really understood why people seem to think weed smell lingers. maybe it's because I don't smoke cheap weed that my person and my things don't smell dank? cause I know cheap mexican weed smells like shit and and I'd never smoke it inside

>> No.9260107

I'm sure she does. I know a lot of potheads who don't consider that second hand gets to the pets.

>> No.9260113

Dude, smoke is smoke. To think smoke doesn't smell is fucking stupid. It might not be as potent as cigarettes or cigars, but it's still burnt matter. I think this is one of those things where you don't notice a smell until you've been on vacation for a while. Plus, I can totally smell all the skunky weed in my complex. But maybe I'm just salty because I don't live in cali anymore.

>> No.9260120

I didn't say it doesn't smell.. I said the smell doesn't linger.

one time I inherited a bunch of nice clothes and bags from an aunt who smoked cigs in her house. literally everything had to be thrown away even after being washed and aired out for over a week. cigarette smoke clings and weed smoke simply doesn't

>inb4 yes weed smoke does linger you just don't know cause you're a pothead
okay so explain to me how I was able to keep my habit secret from the handful of straight edge anti-pot losers I've fucked around with. I'd even smoke before going to see them and they never fucking guessed it because I know how to clean the fuck up

>> No.9260129

people just assume you don't bathe.

>> No.9260131

It's not uncommon for nobody to say a thing when someone smells, they just think you have mental issues and don't want to say anything.

>> No.9260135

This, weedfags dont normally realize this because they have some sort of socal retardation 95% of the time, but people realize. There's no way they wouldn't realize when you smell like satan's ballsack.

>> No.9260137

weed smell really does linger, not all weed smells the same and if the people you hung around with were anti-pot, maybe they just didn't ID the smell as marijuana but they could definitely smell your funk

>> No.9260138

just fyi, but the plural form of Lolita as a proper name still would not have an apostrophe before the s, so that is not much of an excuse

>> No.9260144

So you're saying that if you met someone named Lolita and you want to say that it's their cat you would say Lolitas cat becuase that word is exclusive of possessive ability and would in no possible way be Lolita's since it's actually their name? I'm not English first hand but I know that you 's anything that you want to show ownership to. Lolita is a name where I'm from and my phone recognizes it as such.

>> No.9260145

do... do you think weed smells like body odor?
I'd believe you guys but one of the most frequent comments I get is "you smell nice what perfume do you use" even though I don't use perfume and it's just my nice shampoo
well I mean at least one of the dudes complained to me about his roommate always making his place smell like weed so idk man

>> No.9260155 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1073x990, Screenshot_2016-11-19-10-33-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comment by this guy really creeped me out too.

>> No.9260157
File: 361 KB, 1073x990, 16-11-19-10-36-18-264_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really creeped out by this guy's comment on that post.

>> No.9260159

When someone smells unpleasant people assume it's that they are unwashed. I know you smoke and all and it's a good indicator you don't understand social norms, so I'm explaining it to you.

You're welcome!

>> No.9260163

As an iPhone user I think the phone recognizes it as the possessive form and sticks the apostrophe in.

>> No.9260169

I've known people who I don't like to be around not because they smelled like BO but because they smelled like sour laundry, or like garlic, or Indian food, etc etc.

Sorry you can't differentiate between smells cause that must suck

>> No.9260171 [DELETED] 


You do realize "unwashed" doesn't always mean BO, right? Someone can roll in a dumpster and they smell because they aren't clean, aka unwashed.

The IQ of a weedfag in action, everyone.

>> No.9260175

Dont lump this retard in with others that smoke anon. Weedfags arent always that bad ok.

>> No.9260181

I know many Lolitas who are very new, but buy a shit ton of stuff in the first 1-2 years until they get bored. And some long-time Lolitas who still wear the fashion regularly but are not that deep into it anymore, so they sell a good chunk of their wardrobe, just to have more money for their other hobbies. So no, the number of dresses is really not an indication for being a newbie or oldfag.

>> No.9260205
File: 205 KB, 800x800, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9260208

so what, did they b'awwwwlete their post and send rude messages to deco?

deco we need caps

>> No.9260218

>socal retardation
That's funny cause a lot of folks from socal are pot heads.

>> No.9260232

We can talk about /cgl/ in these threads right? because after all this is kind of a comm for us, no?

I was thinking about applying to be a janitor but I'm afraid that on top of being not picked, even if I was, I wouldn't be able to do much for the board because of the amount of limitations there are for janitors in the first place.
Are any of you gonna apply? What would you do as a janitor?

Also I kind of hate that they communicate with some outdated thing like IRC..

>> No.9260239

I was thinking about it but it seems that there is honestly no pleasing this board and I'd rather not frustrate myself. Especially because what I deem needs to go may not be what others deem.

>> No.9260249

>Remove threads, replies and images on their assigned board(s).
>Submit ban and warn requests to moderators.
>Access the reports queue to more easily respond to rule-breaking content.

I mean, I know what threads I'd remove. I know who I'd submit requests for.

But that's it.

You can't actually clean up the board. You can't go to an anon and say, "hey, can you please knock this off? it's off topic and unnecessary." And you can't say "hey, jani here, if you guys make posts like these they will get deleted!"

I seriously miss moot. I miss all the red mod posts shutting the shit down.

>> No.9260250

not going to apply, but the one thing i really ask for in a janitor is somebody who doesn't act based on their feefees. that's probably a given

also it would be nice if jani-chan didn't ban people for unknowingly replying to HWC. it happened to me once and i'm still confused by it. not everybody's in on the funposting.

>> No.9260261

why do people who are triggered like to say other people are triggered. but I mean yeah I guess working in a comission based upscale boutique and topping sales would make sense especially smelling like weed

>> No.9260265 [DELETED] 


>> No.9260266

>needing to provide a personal anecdote to justify yourself on the internet to a complete stranger

insecure much?

>> No.9260267

In the jani application they state you need to be objective, not subjective. I don't know if you visit other boards, but this is something that plagues every board on the site, not just this one.

>> No.9260272
File: 104 KB, 500x376, tumblr_m8v674nTod1qf2qoz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've finally hit my turn of bad lacemarket experiences.

>brand dress for sale
>buyer offers trade
>offers non-brand and a replica

Got a trade offer on one of my items. I swear it sounds like a copypasta. Still trying to figure out if its a troll or not...

>> No.9260276

She's not really an "ita" insofar as the outfits are concerned. It's just her posing, her lifeless face, her shorn wigs and caked, overdone make-up.
>making face as writing this

>> No.9260312

Bloodyline is okay if you're on a budget, but Atelier Period is where it's at. I get a bit crazy on metamormidol and start hallucinating clipart prints, so just be careful if you haven't had it before!

>> No.9260315

of course I'm insecure, why else would I be on 4chan, friend?

>> No.9260319
File: 82 KB, 1023x556, IMG_2632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9260353

shouldn't you be playing sfv or some shit? practice or else i'll kick your ass at evo in a full brand coord.

>> No.9260354

I once got banned for posting a picture of j-nig before her boobjob to settle down an anon claiming they where real and that she was heavenly endowed. Guessing that jani had a crush on her or some shit. Seen people get banned for just mentioning Kate, batty, lor and HWC. Some jani-chan out there really likes to ban people for the slight mention of people.

>> No.9260356 [DELETED] 

people get banned for mentioning HWC because they are the reason she's still here.

>> No.9260368

lemme just say right now that you won't get chosen. mods choose who the janis are and cgl mods only choose their friends. the entire moderation team of this board is actually a huge circlejerk.

>> No.9260372

Jkid, is that you?

Remember, this is a no jerkin it safe space.

>> No.9260382 [DELETED] 

She's become a meme here. It's the anons that sit there and call HWC every time that get all the shit stirred up and ruffling jimmies like in the ita thread. Batty though, I'm not sure if she and HWC are two different people. They both kinda have the same story where they don't work and their S.O takes care of them. They also both shit post a lot on the internet.

>> No.9260509


>> No.9260515

you are thinking of possessive, which would be Lolita's. plural would be Lolitas. plural possessive would be Lolitas'.

the more you know

>> No.9260520

iPhones register the word Lolita as a name of a person. So autocorrect will make it Lolita's (possessive) instead of leaving it as lolitas (plural).

>> No.9260524

PSA: you can change autocorrect under your keyboard settings. i have mine so that "lolita" doesn't get capitalized.

she's more of a pinterest diy ita though.

>> No.9260525

yeah but that has nothing to do with what the ESL anon was saying.

also i know iPhone users tend to rely on their phones' programming but if you are a lolita and you have not made an exception in your autocorrect yet... gull, pls, love yourself more.

>> No.9260527

Why are all the lolita lol cows all these spoiled non working drama pits who don't bother to look in a mirror before they take a picture? Although we haven't seen HWC or their closet, nothing's proving that they are able to make a decent outfit and or even are who they claim they are. All we know is their internet personas. Although batty has been ugly to fans in person and so has soccermom.

>> No.9260539 [DELETED] 

HWC here

batty is a gross fugly ita

>> No.9260540

soccermom works as a "model", meaning that she's a budget booth babe for companies like Honda. she doesn't have irl fans either, just itas or young weebs who think she's cool because of her pokemon "coord".

>> No.9260543 [DELETED] 

Still doesn't change my impression of you. Till you post a picture of yourself, you and batty are the same person to me. Or do you want me to see you as the cgl queen PT? Yeah you're PT and batty if there where a ugly love child between the two.

>> No.9260546 [DELETED] 

I'm flattered I've left such an impression on you that your hateboner for me is this big

jokes aside

you can think whatever you want

for all you know I am literally Satan

>> No.9260547
File: 181 KB, 500x280, tumblr_o5tm7t04uG1qex5eio2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are all the lolita lol cows all these spoiled non working drama pits
most of your post is just salted bullshit, but dramamongering is historically what bored, directionless, isolated women do.

>> No.9260549

No one replaces our queen.

>> No.9260566 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 600x216, IMG_5511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm even more flattered then you because you think I have a hateboner for you. I just like to see you over use the same insults over and over. I'm amused by it.

Also here's a picture of HWC's face till we get a real image to validate your actual existence outside of your trip.

>> No.9260569

i dont know how you can go "shes gross to look at" but not ita?

>> No.9260628

Just so you know, the smell does linger. I work in a bank and me and the other tellers can always tell the moment someone deposits weed money because it reeks. If cash can reek of weed after limited exposure, so can you.

>> No.9260644

>not even mentioning you have pets
That's a cunt move anon. What if someone has a severe allergic reaction? Lint rollers don't get rid of all allergens.

>> No.9260649

If someone is that allergic, they should ask if there is any possibility the dress has been in contact with animals or someone who has an animal. Not having pets isn't a proof that the dress hasn't been near animals.

>> No.9260693

doesn't change that it's still a cunt move

>> No.9260744

dude I don't say my home is pet free

if someone was sincerely allergic I kinda feel like it's their responsibility to ask

probably because they hotboxed their car before dropping off their cash, ayyyy

the only time I've ever had people look at me funny and act like I smelled was once when I forgot I'd left an actual bag of weed in my pocket that wasn't even in a ziploc, just one of those shitty cheap sandwich bags. so I mean I actually did smell, I could smell it too, I'm not noseblind. cashier shook her head and told me I smelled too dank to be in public

>> No.9260747

That's a bad argument. Most people don't wash cash or air it out before depositing it. You can wash your hands and brush your teeth after smoking. And if you're walking around outside you're airing yourself out.

>> No.9260748

>I kinda feel like it's their responsibility to ask
I agree that people need to take responsibility for their allergies, but pet ownership is usually disclosed if they've come in direct contact with the clothing.

>> No.9260756

When smokers deposit their money, does it reek of cigarettes?

Now... marijuana can linger and I'd hope no one would be packing clothes in a box moments after lighting a joint.

However, you are over exaggerating just a little. Cigarette smoke is the only one that really lingers permanently.

>> No.9260789

eh if they kept it close to high quality fresh bud I can see that happening. Every time I get stuff in a paper envelope, the smell soaks right into the envelope, even through plastic. Have to put it in the glovebox and crack a window or the whole car smells like it. Not so much about the smoking but more about the fresh resin.

>> No.9260838

Holy shit, HWC is actually Batty! LOL

>> No.9261129

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.9261161
File: 358 KB, 1773x1297, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because LovelyLor made a Lolita amino shout out, there's so many Itas joining. Whyyyyy

>> No.9261167

That's uncalled for, anon.

Nah, weed can totally reek. I know some asshat who left his in a toolbox at my university, and I had to move the whole box because it stank up the area. Plus he had a friend who always smelled of the shit, very disgusting.

>> No.9261177

The makeup triggers me

>> No.9261184

i audibly laughed at this holy shit anon

also weeaboos need to stop with the whole faux-animu makeup thing. the excess of white eyeliner and then black eyeliner underneath. she should focus on contouring that proboscis nose instead.

>> No.9261229

Can we get a full outfit shot of this girls first coord before we jump on the ita train?

And seriously no wonder everyone thinks we're cunts

>> No.9261234
File: 1.38 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9261236

it's not the coord that's the problem. :^)

>> No.9261237

I'm not seeing a problem, looks like a decent coord and way better than most first goes.

>> No.9261239

then what is?

>> No.9261242

>AP age play print
>"baby" stickers
>cheapo ribbons
>awful makeup
Sorry you got posted
/Sage for shitting up the thread

>> No.9261243
File: 1.18 MB, 720x1199, Capture+_2016-11-19-21-38-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9261244

Charge your fucking phone
>Sage for triggered

>> No.9261245
File: 24 KB, 495x280, demnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angle is horribly unflattering

>> No.9261253

I'm here for embarrassing behavior and outfits, not shit people have no control over. This is just someone being a bitch and I get we're about that here but Jesus there's a limit

>> No.9261254

>muh morals

>> No.9261268

do you think all sweet lolita is ageplay?

>> No.9261316

its worsened by the cheapy hairbows and "baby" deco stickers.

>> No.9261347

AP Tampons with a cross applicator would be worth it.

>> No.9261350

Not to mention her mother wouldn't go through the hassle of special ordering for her kid's gift. Most parents wouldn't go through that hassle.

>> No.9261523

Since Lolita Amino is so bad, why do so many people keep advertising it? It just attracts more shit? (Lor just advertised it)

>> No.9261524

probably because she wants more followers on there or something

it's a platform that not a lot of people have really talked about besides, say, Yumi King so it's an untapped field and a way to get attention

>> No.9261545

I rarely go on Lolita Amino. The only time I'm there is when the brolita group is chatting and that only happens a least once a week.

>> No.9261549

I got a warn for saying that choke's wigs suck but that was a while ago and it seems that jan's been removed or something, since we've had perfectly reasonable threads about lockshop recently

idk, as someone with a pretty bad allergy to cats I'd expect a seller to mention if the piece has spent a large amount of time near cats. this especially considering that nearly everyone points this shit out recently

I don't see OP asking why FB visits lolita amino, I'm seeing OP asking why people are advertising it
crawl back into your hole, don't answer shit you dont have an actual answer for and burn your fucking trip finally

>> No.9262085
File: 283 KB, 1440x1549, Screenshot_2016-11-20-18-39-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew, I can understand having that problem it's not always something fixable, but why advertise this?

>> No.9262089
File: 656 KB, 1440x1549, 2016-11-20 18.40.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. The uncensored version went up and I keep getting errors when I try to delete.

>> No.9262109

>but what about the lolita exactly like me in the .0001%?!!?
>not actually a lolita though

>> No.9262119

Hopefully she never will be.

>> No.9262144

Nothing exhausts me more than girls who are "starting" lolita so they feel as if they can give their garbage opinions and crit with no understanding of the fashion or its communities.
Especially when these girls have been "getting into" lolita for years.

>> No.9262387

Looks like Voldie is selling a bunch of her lolita stuff. I'm glad I know it's her so I know not to buy her stretched out brand.

>> No.9262403

fuck off and stop trying to advertise your sales, voldie.

>> No.9262412

Wasn't me, and none of my stuff is stretched lol. Not that the person you're replying to would buy anything I'm selling regardless of who was selling it lol

>> No.9262418

>none of my stuff is stretched!
>has worn pics in sales post obviously stretching it out
Are you blind?

But you're right. Other than Lotta you have shit taste.

>> No.9262428

None of my stuff is stretched lol, regardless of me suishing into certain stuff, the fabric/shirring/seams doesn't show any signs of stretch or wear. Defending that is pretty pointless tho cause it's not like you're gonna buy anything anyway lmao

>> No.9262433


>> No.9262441

this is why everyone hates you. stop responding to this shit.

>> No.9262444


Soo are you leaving lolita?

>> No.9262446

>None of my stuff is stretched

y u lyin

you looked like a fucking stuffed sausage in lotta

>> No.9262455 [DELETED] 


hi hwc how are you?

>> No.9262457 [DELETED] 

I'm good

serious question

I think I asked it before but you need to fucking think on it

your face isn't bad so why are you getting so fat

like why ruin your face with just a body that looks like a plastic bag over filled with pudding

>> No.9262464 [DELETED] 

HWC makes voldie seem pleasant in comparison.

>> No.9262468 [DELETED] 

woah woah woah

you guys always talk about me

clearly you want me around

what's this nonsense about me not being pleasant?

I'm a goddamn peach

>> No.9262469 [DELETED] 


cgl newfag question, who are hwc and voldie

>> No.9262471 [DELETED] 

Voldie is an annoying selfposter and HWC is an autistic, even more annoying, shitposting housewife.

>> No.9262472 [DELETED] 

>even more annoying

wow rude

>> No.9262494 [DELETED] 

>woah woah woah


>> No.9262496

>muh edge

the fuck is "crit and lit"

>> No.9262499 [DELETED] 


I didn't know

thanks for telling me

>> No.9262503


>> No.9262505

dont be so harsh its just my freshman 50!

>> No.9262507 [DELETED] 

im starting an hwc fanclub

>> No.9262510

Wasn't me you replied to but idk why ppl think I've been gaining weight. I /gained/ weight like 2-3 years ago and have maintained being fat ever since (tho like I told you last time you asked, I've been slowly shedding pounds over the past year)

>> No.9262513 [DELETED] 

did you like my joke

a fan club?

just for me?

am blush

maybe on top of being fat you're posting pics where you are retaining more water

I dunno

i see any fat as fat so until you are no longer fat you're gonna be fat

good on you if you are actually losin

I don't see it tho

>> No.9262539

this is exactly how you advertise your sales to people - argue without any proof and insult everyone who dares to question you. marketing majors take notes

w..why would you publicly admit you pick on your zits, that's pretty nasty
I mean, everyone can tell from the pock mark scars it leaves

something about criticism I guess

for christmas I wish that gulls stop being retarded and feeding the troll

>> No.9262550


Fuck that triggers me every time

>> No.9262558

>tfw iktf

they will blame it on smartphones but people have been doing it long before autocorrect was invented. back in the dark days of LJ, before even spell-checkers were a common browser functuonality, people were apostrophizing their plurals for no good goddamn reason.

sometimes, i try to imagine how their English classes must have gone.

>"Class, we make a noun into a plural noun by adding the letter S. Sometimes, we add ES when the word ends in a consonant cluster--"
>"Senpai! Where does the apostrophe go?"
>"But sometimes, you put it before the S, right?"
>"Not when making plurals, honey."
>"Well... I'm gonna do it anyway, just to be safe."

>> No.9262559


>> No.9262582

In my native language it's very common because the added s will often change the pronunciation.The plural of lolitas is in fact spelled properly lolita's. In English it's a stupid thing to do.

>> No.9263046
File: 39 KB, 552x805, 15138376_1087196408059536_2780560273019049343_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this ugly shit and why did no one tell her this is going to fail miserably?
>Silly Bear Hospital from the new brazilian brand Bichinho Bobo
>More info soon

>> No.9263049
File: 130 KB, 2048x1608, 15156925_1087197384726105_7009267087019176305_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The print will be in two colors
>Pink and White
such graphic design skills wow

>> No.9263072

Dear God, this print was probably created on MS Paint and took 800 hours.

>> No.9263281


>> No.9263284

>bitchin' ho bobo

>> No.9263318

Bitchin hobo?

>> No.9263330

Why do indie brands suck so hard at making cohesive color palettes? There are a ton of websites that will make them or you.

>> No.9263380

Not everyone hates voldie

>> No.9263404

Even the animu girl looks uncomfortable wearing it, she fucking knows it looks terrible

>> No.9263406

hi voldie

>> No.9263420

Is that's supposed to look like a nurse's uniform?
What even is that collar?
The print is an insult to one's intelligence

>> No.9264166
File: 351 KB, 478x624, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted before about wanting stuff for a bgt audition - but oh jesus christ her choice of stuff.
it's all from milanoo (and the ugly bodyline thing).

I hope she doesn't wear it, she'll look so bad...

>> No.9264185

I don't understand why people continue to buy Milanoo. The first thing I learned when I was new is how scam tier quality their stuff is.

>> No.9264204

>B-But anon! Some people do get their stuff on "not-so-bad" quality and for just a few bucks, maybe I'll be one of those lucky bastards too?
I've heard that enough times already to know that stupid people really like to gamble.

>> No.9264284
File: 159 KB, 750x1209, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like AngelicGirl is being a retard again.

>> No.9264310

Is she mentally lacking or what?

>> No.9264319

Maybe English isn't her first language.

>> No.9264327
File: 378 KB, 720x960, Screenshot_2016-11-22-15-16-48-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) how is this lolita related
2) globbu? this is rorita all over again

she's ESL and all of like 13 years old, so i cut her some slack

>> No.9264335

A lot of girls from a near comm are saying they're crazy over it.

Plz, save me.

>> No.9264352

You mean girls from the 'designer's local comm? They're probably just being overly nice and kissing her ass to keep the peace. Nobody (except maybe the creator's parents) could think it actually looks good.

>> No.9264773
File: 203 KB, 750x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out for this nasty fucker. Banned from LA for not taking off their dirty profile pic, but if they return or join a different Amino- report.

>> No.9264813

It looks incredibly childish.

>> No.9264815

Is that comic sans on the clock?
Is this so bad that they unironically used comic sans in a print?

>> No.9264817
File: 27 KB, 402x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New reaction image

>> No.9264844

I would expect no less from that "please no female pronouns" brolita; it is appropriate to her level of taste in general

>> No.9264870

You know her? Please lecture her on how ugly this is.

>> No.9264875
File: 313 KB, 475x583, wp_ss_20161123_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264890
File: 1.29 MB, 984x1346, Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 11.20.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh it's this snowflake!
>studying fashion design
>wants to start own brand
>wears replicas of other brands

>> No.9264892
File: 1.38 MB, 976x1528, Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 11.24.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another AP replica. It actually seems like "he" is regressing style-wise.

>> No.9264893

>wants to start own brand
>wears replicas of other brands
what a turd

>> No.9264903

So who wants to make a replica of his god awful print and see if he throws a hissy fit?

>> No.9264935

You mean an actual good version? I haven't done art in years and only have access to MS Paint and I could still make something better.

>> No.9264937

Make Derpy's Hospital or something. Anything with Derpy in it.

>> No.9264938

Oh wow, haven't thought of that.
Maybe if someone did an actually nice print, leaving it clear that it was copied from that one, it'd be awesome.

>> No.9264944

what was the picture of?

>> No.9264973

She's french and 13, but i guess americans tend to forget that some people in the world don't have english as their first language

>> No.9264974

I assumed she was English just because everything else was fine except 'chocked' twice.

>> No.9264981

Well my flatmate smokes weed all the time, and it stinks out the place. It can linger if you don't clear it up, and it does cling to him, however I've known stoners that don't have the smell following them around too. So I guess it can be different. I'm not targeting you, just replying, but I'm kind of sick of people saying 'all stoners are gross' and 'people can never smell weed' when that's just not the case for every person, because we have this circular argument every time weed gets brought up in a lolita thread. Differing experiences, my men.

>> No.9264988

I wish Lor would get off the lolita amino. She attention whores herself enough places and noone wants to see her horse face there too.

>> No.9264991

English is my third language but my first assumption with this girl was still that she was, uh, 'slow'. Didn't realize she was 13 though. That explains a lot.

True. No pings on my ESL radar. French makes sense though, since shocked in French would be choqué/choquer.

guys I'm so happy my 13-year-old dumbassery wasn't available for everyone to see on social media

>> No.9264993

Some one please punch it in the vagoo

>> No.9265002
File: 831 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on Lolita amino

>> No.9265003

I've already heard "gulls" in place of "Gurrrl" that comes in place of "girls" on the streets and from people that have nothing to do with CGL (or so I think).

I wonder if it's something regional (?)

>> No.9265006

I think at this point it's slowly diffused out of the cgl community into the Lolita community at large

>> No.9265012
File: 202 KB, 749x1100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A convo that was posted on Leader Amino between deco and that creep. He had a dirty profile pic and deco tried to tell them to change the photo and apparently deco is oppressing his rights

>> No.9265026
File: 69 KB, 640x548, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transtrender is 3.... 2... 1....

>> No.9265028

Seriously what is Google?

>> No.9265032

I think >>9264944 meant to ask what the dirty profile pic was.

>> No.9265042

it was a (shitty) anime pic of a guy taking an upskirt pic of a girl who was bent over

>> No.9265048

Yeah pretty much. I uninstalled LA because I was tired of it blowing up my phone

>> No.9265092

Yours gives push notifications? I don't get anything aside from the little symbols on the icon itself when I have notifications.

>> No.9265114

Anyone else tired of seeing these barbie memes on lolita humor?

>> No.9265118

It did. It was incredibly annoying. I'm also an absolute retard when it comes to smartphones and I had no idea how to switch off notifications for JUST Amino so I was just like screw this and uninstalled

>> No.9265126

It's alright anon. I didn't get a smartphone for the first time until two years ago. Took forever to even get used to a touch keyboard.

>open app
>click gear symbol in top right
>community section
>push notifications
>page shows your groups
>select group
>disable push notifications (color will white)
>pop-up appears
>"Warning: Disabling push notifications means no longer being notified blah blah"
>hit yes
>all done!

>> No.9265132

Thank you so much kinda anon

>> No.9265138
File: 73 KB, 761x960, 1472834550505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob!

>> No.9265147
File: 281 KB, 2552x1098, Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 19.27.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same person as this special fucker, or are there more than 1 idiot out there that have cartoon snouts?

>> No.9265156

>inb4 someone suggests "KADONA"

>> No.9265162

It's a Snapchat extra, I think.

>> No.9265257
File: 159 KB, 750x1126, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pic. Apparently deco saw it and her creep vibes started going off so she messaged her, gave her attitude, and she just banned and reported his profile to amino for the smut

>> No.9265332

Gross. Good for Deco for getting rid of that creep.

>> No.9265464

Same. The only reason she's there is to expand her circlejerk. The influx of new members she brought is pretty irritating too, as half of them are ~lolitas at heart~ who don't know how to answer the question "what's your favorite brand?"


>> No.9265472

Dude it's a snapchat filter a million people have this on their photos.

>> No.9265473

don't say he has a vagina, it's triggering.

>> No.9265474

>hospital bitchin ho

>> No.9265475

Why can't people hire good artists? Seriously there are a ton of freelance artists who would love to do something like this.

>> No.9265479

>w..why would you publicly admit you pick on your zits, that's pretty nasty
>I mean, everyone can tell from the pock mark scars it leaves

I have severe OCD which includes picking so I can kinda understand why someone would want some solidarity in this problem. I wouldn't admit to it on social media with my real name and face up for all to see though...

>> No.9265484

What the fuck is happening with those bangs? This girl needs to get her hair cut by something other than a blender.

>> No.9265487

This doesn't even look lolita at all.

>> No.9265498
File: 85 KB, 599x1000, NagisaAnime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, trapfags are gross

>> No.9265808
File: 165 KB, 720x954, Capture+_2016-11-24-00-31-50-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's right, she did get posted to /cgl/!

Except this time, it's for being hella racist.

>> No.9265812

Same here. I also have OCD and it causes me to pick at my zits. Like I said, nothing I'd admit under my actual name.

Here's a tip from me to you. After you realize you've picked (idk about you but I just kinda start and then I'm like oh no what have I done), immediately put neosporin-type cream on the marks. It really cuts down on scarring and seems to make stuff heal better/faster.

I've battled with this since I started getting acne. It only makes my mild/moderate acne look worse, I know that, yet I can't fucking stop. I'm even on meds for my OCD, and they help a lot, but not so much with the picking. It really is nice to know I'm not the only one out there with the issue. I'm just lucky my skin heals abnormally quickly and doesn't scar too easily. Even my worst scars have healed, albeit over a matter of years.

I'm going to a dermatologist soon because I just got health insurance. I'm hoping they'll give me a round of doxycycline. It's literally the only thing that clears me up and keeps me clear for a good long while. Topical stuff either does nothing or makes the situation worse and makes my skin so dry I can't even wear makeup

>> No.9265814

saw this and was surprised people let it slide. i bet nobody's going to say anything about it because they're afraid of looking like the bad guy. people would be shat on if they said white American lolitas were better than lolitas from Mexico or something, but this is somehow okay because hurrdurr both Asian.

deco, don't let this fly.
>inb4 go back to tumblr

>> No.9265832
File: 850 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see this disaster on amino?

>> No.9265848

oh holy shit

this is the lady who, when asked what her favorite brand was, said "my brand"

it's worse than i thought

>> No.9265853


>> No.9265857
File: 309 KB, 720x655, Screenshot_2016-11-24-02-39-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265859

Jesus. I'm also a hamplanet, but fit into some brand. She's probably just pretty cheap.

>> No.9265863
File: 65 KB, 720x960, photo_2016-11-24_02-52-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, all signs point to cheap. shirring and custom sizes are a thing for those who care enough to shell out some cash. also

>some pics aren't worn with proper petticoats, most aren't coordinated like i normally do

why even bother?

>> No.9265874


>> No.9265875

have you not realized that user is an edgy meme lord that basicly screams I'm a gull

>> No.9265879

So are you Deco Demon?

>> No.9265880

get your brony shit outta here

>> No.9265881

Even if she truly doesn't fit any brand (which I can believe, she looks really large) there are other options, like getting stuff custom made by someone who actually knows what they're doing. Handmade can be a good option too but it's important to have some taste and judging from her fabric choices, she doesn't.

I'm new to Amino. Is there an option to block or mute people, not because they've been rude or anything but because you don't want to see anything they post?

>> No.9265882

Derpy-chan is a /cgl/ creation, newfag. It has nothing to do with MLP.

>> No.9265889


>> No.9265897

no, just seems like an edgy ita to me.

>> No.9265902

More like "bitch no, boo boo"

>> No.9265904

Is no one going to tell this bitch anything ? Why would you write that its lIke she wants some one to tell her she's being an asshole. And she's got a potato face.

>> No.9265907

you could report her reply

>> No.9265909

Already did

>> No.9265910

i wish there were people more confrontational than me who would call her out. i think a lot of people just don't want to get involved since racism is such a tentative subject

i did, but i'm not sure if it's ~controversial~ enough to get deleted

also i think all of the mods are asleep

>> No.9265912

>i wish there were people more confrontational than me who would call her out.
love yourself and do it. you know a bunch of people on that app/site already agree with you. have some fucking pride.

>> No.9265913

I reported her post as well.

>> No.9265915

thanks for standing up! you know who you are.

>> No.9265916
File: 329 KB, 977x857, 8284074578_5817313620_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing /cgl/'s own burando
Fucking newfag.

>> No.9265917

If you don't want to say something reporting makes it the mods' problem to handel.
I'm not even asian so I have no dog in that fight. I'm not going to get offended on the behalf of either group.
It strikes me more of being stupid than anything else
>lmao i'm such a good troll
Yes. Go to their profile, see the 3 dots in the upper right corner, the option should be there to block.

>> No.9265929

Awesome, thanks. Now I can just block all the lolita-at-hearts and pretend they don't exist.

>> No.9266097
File: 158 KB, 750x1082, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she posted this screencap on Leader Amino to warn others about this creep. If you need proof of that, here's a screenshot of her post before it got deleted.

>> No.9266218

The first dozen weren't that bad.
I think she's just an attention whore.

>> No.9267279

It's ditzy doo not derpy hooves anyway ya dumb fuck :^)

>> No.9267380

What app is this?

>> No.9267393

i hate posts like this because like, what do they want to achieve? it sounds like she's bawling that she's not "included" because she can't do certain things, but if that's the case, just accept it? No one has to like her coords regardless of what she can/can't physically do. If it really bothers her she should just do it anyways because she likes it, but to bitch people don't like it/she doesn't feel included is dumb. If you're going to allow others to influence you then you don't get the right to act entitled like they should have to make you feel welcome.

>> No.9267434

It's the Lolita Community on the Amino app