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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 955x135, Youmacon_Yearless_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247926 No.9247926 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9182578

Who had a great time? Who didn't?

>> No.9247949
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, 20161105_151756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought too much shit I don't need and drank pretty much all day every day. I love Youma

Did everyone enjoy their elevator adventure on Sunday morning?

>> No.9247968

Thank God I woke up early and put all my stuff in my car, then told roomies that checkout was a lot earlier than it actually was.

>> No.9247993
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>> No.9247995
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>> No.9247997
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>> No.9248000
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>> No.9248002
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>> No.9248046

that would have been a great idea. We lugged our shit down 24 floors in the stairwell

>> No.9248061

Went to a bunch of cosplay, lolita, and shopping panels. The taobao panel and lolita panel were particularly good with nice hosts.

I enjoyed myself overall, but Houma seriously needs to cut the crap with "we bring the same people back every year because that's what fans want!" I want to see Japanese guests. Voice actors, musicians, and fashion brands. Even cons smaller than Youmacon can bring these people over so Youma has no excuse.

>> No.9248071

I had to take the stairs my first time staying at youma and boy did it suck seeing as I was on like the 65th floor.

>> No.9248076

yeah that sucks. There's no way around it either, at some point everyone needs to get up or downstairs at the same time

>> No.9248124

Had a ton of fun this year, wish I hung around and met more people, but hey what can you do

>> No.9248167

Really bummed the /cgl/ meet ups fizzled out. Still looking to hear from that Roseville anon ;_;

>> No.9248183

Was there a CGL meetup? I'm thinking about attending for the first time next year, and I'd love to meet you gulls

>> No.9248184

There were two failed meetups, Friday and Saturday.

>> No.9248217

Yes kinda. I went on Saturday and there were 4 of us. Then I had to go film outside before sundown so it kinda dissipated. Maybe we should plan an activity next time

>> No.9248223

I tried going with a few other people probably right after everyone left and couldn't find anyone. Really didn't want to be the weeb running around shouting "HEY ARE YOU FROM FOURCHANS?" to everyone. I save that for while drunk at colossal

>> No.9248251

Wasn't the supposed to be a sign?? What happened to the sign initiative?

>> No.9248279

their excuse is that they don't have any money. They said at the feedback panel that they had to reduce the game room (tournaments got cut back) in order to have enough money to get any guests at all

>> No.9248281
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I'm really dissappointed at how many of my pictures came out blurry. Got a new camera before Acen and it worked decently there, wonder what changed between then and now?

All in all though, while I feel like I didn't do as much as I usually do, I feel like I had more fun than I did for the last year or two, oddly enough. Maybe because I spent less time in the game room? On the other hand, Hotel staff was kinda bad for us this time around, between telling us a 4 hour wait was only a 1 hour wait when checking in to being rude when we were trying to see if our luggage trolley was still coming before checkout. We'll probably book the Crown Plaza next year.

>> No.9248316

That makes no fucking sense considering last year was one of their biggest turnouts.
Are the prices of gests / venue going up or what

>> No.9248393

right?? I wasn't gonna argue with them but it does not add up

>> No.9248416

When's the next big anime gathering near the Detroit area?

>> No.9248419

I'd be in on that.

>> No.9248460

Where's your you tube channel?

>> No.9248498

This was my 4th year going and probly my favorite year so far. Last year was utter shit compared to this year, despite the repetitive guest list.
Only downside was the really shitty hotel staff?
My roommates and I got there friday afternoon after receiving an email earlier that we were confirmed for 2 double beds. We get there and they give us a single double, and then roll-in a prison bed with what looked like an old hospital felt bedsheet.
They tried to tell us that requesting 2 doubles was not a garuntee'd thing but as soon as we showed them our email confirmation we were immidiately moved to a 2 double literally 3 rooms down from the one they first put us in.

>> No.9248557

I could see it being due to the cost of renting both Cobo and Ren Cen, those are the two biggest venues in Downtown Detroit, the rates have likely increased in tandem with the ongoing hipster renaissance in the city, and renting both of them for 4 days + set up is probably hella expensive. it still sounds like mismanagement bullshit and laziness, but renting both facilities at the same time can't be cheap.

either way, this year was fucking massive, so if things don't change next year there's gotta be something fishy going on

>> No.9248700

yeah that's true, they were using more space in cobo this time weren't they?

>> No.9248866

It seems that the consensus among most people this year is that they've had more fun this year despite noticing more problems or having more annoyances this year.
Funny how that works out.

>> No.9248877

They definitely were. The tabletop games were spread through three rooms, and I believe more panel rooms were used.

>> No.9248895

I wish they had panels between the two buildings organized better or just move all panels to Cobo... I don't mind returning guests, but have some more variation or international guests. At least we're getting a Final Fantasy band? Cover band?

>> No.9248954

Yeah, it was good to meet up for a second at least! But everyone left pretty quick so it was hard to stick around and find anyone who came a bit late, sorry guys. It'd be nice to plan getting dinner or drinks or something like we did at Colossal!

>> No.9249120

I was late because some nerd kept insisting on getting pictures taken

>> No.9249169


If anything we need to make a facebook group. All the other boards have one and it's not like /cgl/ isn't all normies anyway.

>> No.9249178
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Favorite sight all weekend was the homeless man armed with pic related, swearing his mouth off at the JoJo shoot "taking [his] spot" on Friday, along with another homeless man trying desperately to hold him back.

Still need to listen to the rap album from the "HEY YOU LIKE STAR TREK?" guy.

>> No.9249237

They should move tournaments to a panel room(s). The reason why the game room filled up so bad was because of all of them crowding around one tv.

Man my gf and I laughed so fucking hard when we saw that sonic ice cream thing. Loved it

>> No.9249341

Actually the tg rooms were cheaper this year because of the fact that they were ones on the 4th floor.

>> No.9249468

Anyone else get annoyed with the 5 black badge checkers at the game room entrance? They just kept screaming "NO BADGE NO ENTRY" over and over and over again, shit was fucking obnoxious. Cons are supposed to be fun for attendees, I don't get why staff/volunteers feel the need to be so hostile.
t. a staffer

>> No.9249491

there was a bug eyed little white girl who was screeching non stop at the top of her lungs while people filed in saturday afternoon, the other checkers seemed pretty chill in comparison

>> No.9249502

shout out to the same homeless guy who was in the people mover all weekend, asking people if theyve ever turned into a car / begging for change

>> No.9249578

There actually is a Facebook /cgl/ group. I made it years ago and it's not that active. It's set to secret though so you need an invite

>> No.9249579

Look up Linkspeaks on youtube

>> No.9249711

I never saw that guy but there was one guy in front of the game room, as we were about to go in he puts his arm out and yells 'STOP', and then a second later he goes 'Hammertime' and lets us in, that guy was cool

>> No.9250161

Wouldn't that just mean mme is losing money or something? Don't they run that or is that just like a sponsorship thing?

>> No.9250280

They run it but I think they have said the money for that is seperate from youmacon.

>> No.9250625

Had an OK time, wish they would just move the whole thing to the COBO at this point, having to go back and forth between the two buildings is a pain at best, and really spreads the general atmosphere. Having one centralized building is always the better option for cons.

>> No.9251071

They try to keep both so they can keep the con going at night too. Cobo closes at like 10 or 11.

>> No.9251123

The Ren Cen is where the hotel is though. It's convenient for going to the arcade or dance right from your hotel room

>> No.9251172

they had stuff going on at cobo until 2 am so I think it's possible. The ren cen is awful in terms of bottle necks on the escalators and elevators. Cobo is a lot better for people with mobility issues too

>> No.9251311

I got lost messed up as all hell in the Ren center on Saturday. 4 circular walkways full of drunk people with lots of bridges, a giant glass hall leading out to a river with shiny casino lights on the other side, and a rave... there's hardly a better place to trip than there that night that i can think of.

>> No.9251331

Just put some of the guest panels in ren that aren't just musicians. Just vary it up...

>> No.9251339

It would be even more convenient if the lines for the hotel room's elevators weren't so fucking long

>> No.9251445

get on at floor #1. Done

>> No.9251453

uhhh the central elevator only goes down to floor 3 (ontario ballroom & mariott lobby floor)

>> No.9251494

I got on at the first floor all the time and it was so much nicer than trying to get on at the 3rd or 4th

>> No.9251495

I was getting on and off at 1, I dunno what your issue was

>> No.9251775

Wait, what FF band? Did they announce this?

>> No.9251862

O-oh? I didn't notice that. Honestly all the Friday jojo's were blinded by the sun becsuse that location was terrible.

>> No.9251870

The guy was a good distance away just staring at everyone and pissed off into a blind rage.

The people who picked the spot are from out of town and I think it was their second youmacon. I'm guessing they were trying to go for something away from Cobo or the Ren Cen to stop it from being super crowded. The little amphitheater would have been a better spot if that would have been possible.

>> No.9251969

Maaaaannnn.. that guy. He and his husband were super nice and chatty right before the AssCreed meet, then he got threatening at another hobo. People scattered. Drunks gonna drank, I guess?

>> No.9252047

First anime convention. Had fun standing in line and stuff (but I was only here for one day so I didn't consider preordering). Maybe I'll come back next year.

>> No.9252057

Nvm, friend told me they did at closing and weere super vague. Hope it's Soken or Umatsu or something

>> No.9252317

Might be Sawa's Phool since they youma had a visa issue one year

>> No.9253034

Are these things worth going to alone?

>> No.9253051

Only for like a day, obviously. There's stuff to do, and it's not hard to meet new people at them.

Also there's no spoilers on /cgl/ stop looking silly

>> No.9253548


Any con is good to going to alone.Even if you find a way to make no new friends, you can go to panels and increase your knowledge, or have fun, and become someone who can make friends in future cons.

>> No.9255744

Youmacon is bad with money. No financial department or specialist. Just what the 3 con-chairs "vote" on.

>> No.9256844

Is that why things are so different year after year?

>> No.9257038

Is the Youmacon orgy still happening every year?

>> No.9257222

They've had orgies in the past?

>> No.9257645

It's a running joke every year. Someone posted an ad on craigslist (that may or may not have been a joke) so everyone asks about it every year.

>> No.9258029


It's gotten to the level of "con meme" now, much like "CHAIR!" did back in the day. (Phew, showing my age with that one...)

>> No.9258599

Man I remember CHAIR! and then immediately hating it because of all the people ruining it like any meme.

>> No.9259170

I didn't like how they split the line at the rave for women and men. I feel like they could have easily had one line, then as people come to the front either a man or a woman inspects them.
>salty bc had to wait 20 minutes for bf