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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.93 MB, 4608x3072, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247683 No.9247683 [Reply] [Original]

Need help or advice on a cosplay? post here

>> No.9247686
File: 239 KB, 610x395, kite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a cosplay of Kite from Hunter x Hunter and I can't figure out if the blue part of his shirt is frills or just a wrap or something

>> No.9247695

Looks like it's supposed to be a wrap to me. If it was meant to be frills, I'd imagine they would flare out a bit more.

>> No.9248140
File: 278 KB, 1000x750, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I replicate these hand wrappings? Searching 'hand bandage wrapping' on google gives a advice of a medical nature, but I was looking for something that wouldn't be too chunky or uncomfortable. Thanks

>> No.9248144

I would get some cheap gauze, and lightly wrap it around my hand. Seems like that would be your best option. Maybe some light fabric, that you rip some strips of

>> No.9248193

The "frills" honestly look more like the pleating on a cummerbund if I'm being honest

>> No.9248222

Thank you

>> No.9248340
File: 91 KB, 550x350, ash_old15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my own Army of Darkness gauntlet and I'm using the Blind Squirrel tutorial as a guide.
Anyone know what type of plastic he'd have used in pic related? He describes it only as "thick plastic." It's has to be able to be heat formed and cut fairly easily. Thanks

>> No.9248347

I mean, it was pretty obvious. I've been seeing you around, and I thought someone else would answer you. Best to you, famalam

>> No.9248351
File: 739 KB, 3840x2461, GRW_COSPLAY-GUIDE_MIDAS_Seite_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda stuck here. I already tried on /k/. Anybody got an idea about the vest setup here? Like, what parts are those??

>> No.9248379

Muslin. Its cheap and looks like that.

>> No.9248409

Thanks, you too, but my only other post was in the WIP thread, so I think you have me mixed up with someone else

>> No.9250254
File: 985 KB, 747x660, BLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post here since other help thread is a sagin'.
First time seriously attempting a cosplay involving a bit more skill, how difficult is pleather to deal with overall? I know it's already harder to sew, but after all that, how's it like? Does it get hot to wear? How heavy is it? I've never actually handled any pleather so it's a bit of a mystery to me right now.

Pic very related. If you know lighter or better suited fabrics for this, do let me know.

>> No.9250703

Last thread is autosaging so I'm reposting my question ahaha. Is Anime Midwest worth going to if its a seven hour drive? I've heard mixed reviews about it.

>> No.9250722
File: 210 KB, 373x359, ref1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stumped on how to make this vest. Any ideas?

>> No.9250729

Look up adhesive gauze/first aid tape. I bought a roll of it from Rite Aid but I don't know if you even have one in your area.

>> No.9250734

Yes, it does get hot to wear. It is considered a heavyweight fabric, so yeah it can get heavy if you use a lot.
You have to use some lubricant with your machine or a special foot to sew it correctly, otherwise you're gonna have a really hard time. You should work slowly with it as it's not forgiving because while you can remove the thread from it easily, there's gonna be a lot of holes left behind and they won't look good. Also, the fit has to be very well done because if there is no spandex in the fabric, it won't stretch and can end up being very uncomfortable.

I take it you're using it for the coat?

Is the vest made of armor or fabric?

>> No.9250770

How do I start Cosplaying? I've got no experience and honestly have no idea where to begin, I would like to do something easy from lol or overwatch and am a guy if that helps.

>> No.9250777

First step is to develop some taste

>> No.9250781
File: 386 KB, 480x480, eva hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been debating doing some kind of yu-gi-oh cosplay, and a friend of mine sent me a picture of this guy who, rather than putting a whole wig together, constructed the hairstyle out of eva foam and used it in conjunction with a more or less plain wig. Is this actually a viable option or was it just some guy fucking around?

>> No.9250810

This is actually viable, moreso if you put more effort into it. The best Yugi wig I've ever seen was done in foam covered with wefts.

>> No.9250863

Reposting from old thread since I posted at the end:

I need fake muscles for a jokey cosplay, don't wanna spend too much money on them but I need a full body. They can look bad, no problemo.

Tips/links/tutorials to make my own?

>> No.9250962

I'm the pleather anon. Thanks for sharing your experiences with it! I was considering it for the coat, but if there's a more "normal fabric" option that has the same leathery look I'd love to know.
Sorry if this sounds newbie-ignorant, but I've only worked with the usual suspects of fabrics so pleather would be a step up.

>> No.9251028
File: 256 KB, 415x549, Alex_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought finding a jacket like this would be easy, but I'm super picky and none look right. Anyone know of any pointers?

>> No.9251075
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, qY0gOXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wondering what material i should use to make the head crystals?

>> No.9251080

I'd say if weight isn't an issue, resin; if it is, a vacuformed plastic?
You can make a tiny vacuform setup with a tupperware box and a vacuum at home, those crystals look small enough to be able to do that.

>> No.9251151
File: 527 KB, 850x850, kei, just kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I even begin with kei's space bikini?

>> No.9251152

It looks like a rib knit waist band.

>> No.9251226

I know no other fabrics that have the same look, sorry.
I do advise you to get some swatches of different types of pleathers and get the softest you can find, that will make it a lot easier to work with. Also, keep in mind that you're gonna have to line the coat, so this is going to be a big job for you.
Good luck, anon.

>> No.9251269

I've given myself a year to work on this, so mistakes are allowed. Thanks for the help!

>> No.9251478
File: 286 KB, 536x692, ref2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like armor, but it's actually fabric

>> No.9251482
File: 198 KB, 1500x1000, il_fullxfull.673177116_llg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could *try* pleather spandex , with a thicker, coat-like material for a lining to give it shape?

The spandex is way thinner and more breathable than actual pleather, it's the stuff they make like... gymnastics costumes out of.

>> No.9251852

Anyone knows how plastidip works on foams?

Do i need to prep the foam with anything or can i just spray it on in thin layers and it wont melt it?

>> No.9251853

Craft foam and EVA foam will be fine, any other foam I am not sure of.

>> No.9251855

>Craft foam

Yea, intending to use it on craft foam or rather moosgummi the europoorean variant.

>> No.9251865
File: 71 KB, 768x590, 041216-220732240-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this but I want to try to make this hat. Any ideas? What material(s)?

>> No.9251876
File: 9 KB, 168x206, IMG_20161111_151654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI guys. I need cosplay ideas.

I'm blonde, have a short beard and need to do a fast cosplay from a movie. Was thinking of doing Steve Rogers but I'm unwiling to cut my beard.

Any Ideas? Ideas featuring a leather jacket will get a cookie.

>> No.9252262
File: 249 KB, 764x540, 9784891993061_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've a question less about construction and more about behavior in cosplay. Are hand outs generally considered annoying? I'm cosplaying Matthew Perry Jr. and since his whole bit is being self-absorbed, I was thinking about giving autographed photos (of him of course, not me ha ha) to anyone who asks for a pic. Thoughts?

>> No.9252295

That's such a cute idea anon! He's one of my ultimate faves and I think I would die if someone did that, ahaha.

>> No.9252336

use the suggestion thread

>> No.9252436
File: 710 KB, 933x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me fabric I can use for pic related? My brain is fried and I can't think of what kind of fabric is in the picture

>> No.9252442

I found a few but It's up to you my dude.



(I personally like this one the best)

>> No.9252463

Oh my gosh I hope you are in Australia

>> No.9252754
File: 26 KB, 262x61, cosinspire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the correct thread, couldn't find one more relevant, but I am looking for advice.

I usually make my cosplay but sometimes I just want to buy it. Was wondering if anyone has purchased from cosplayinspire or knows anyone that has? I found a total of 3 reviews of the site and I'm not sure if they're legit.

>> No.9252759

almost looks like a metallic pink pleather/vinyl because of the thickness. The way it stretches makes me think spandex too, but will need some interfacing for stiffness.

>> No.9252806
File: 40 KB, 400x556, jotaro_kujo_19368[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making jotaro's jacket but the white inner collar has me stumped, it looks like its detachable or something. I really want to get the look right so I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy one or at least know who to make an accurate one

>> No.9252863
File: 59 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the longest someone could drive to a con and it still be worth it? Is ten hours too long?

>> No.9252864

That's uh
Not the image I was intending to post but it works.

>> No.9252877

i'm having trouble with this pleated skirt. i have to stitch the pleats down 10" and I made it an a-line to help w/ that but it still bunches around my stomach and makes the pockets stick out. This is the third time I've resewn it and I only have a week to get it done. Besides starting over from scratch, what can I do w/ the pleats to make it fit better? I don't want to take out the pockets and I just want it to be more flattering.

>> No.9252886
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 15057793_10208985088879174_1817062735_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can i use to fill out the seams on my foam weapon before i prime it with plasti dip? Im not quite satisfied with some of the seams on the edges, but then again its my first time i work on something like that.

Would gesso work?

And should i wait with adding details?

>> No.9252897

Kwik Seal by Dap.
Look up Evil Ted on YouTube because he has tutorials on how to use it correctly and he can give you more details, too.

As for the detailing, I would so it before plasti dip, but that's personal preference.

>> No.9252913


Oh yea, I planned detailing before plasti dip but after filling gaps.

As far as kwik seal goes, i know of Evil teds channel, but they dont sell it here in this part of europe. So i was hoping if anyone knows of alternatives.

>> No.9253124

I could find and pleather or vinyl in the color/metallic look I want. Any idea where else to buy spandex from other than spandex world?

>> No.9253170

? it's not detachable. it's just a whiter colour because that's the bit that is meant to be shown when it's done up properly.

>> No.9253297
File: 100 KB, 155x559, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, I want to cosplay Korekiyo badly but those boots are doing my head in. How would I even go about making those kinds of boots?

Sorry for the terrible reference picture, this guy is from a game that has yet to be released

>> No.9253300
File: 48 KB, 351x303, 1425234598675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoilers don't work on /cgl/

>> No.9253388
File: 33 KB, 585x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of jacket has such a high color that I can just wear as a cape and also red?
How can I keep a wig that always looks like it's flowing?

>> No.9253420
File: 110 KB, 680x1024, 1477539451104m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about styling my hair like pic related? I'm doing a Guts cosplay, and surprisingly enough they hair has been the hardest part so far. I need something more specific than "just a spikey hair style" because that's what I'm trying and it keeps fucking up. Is it a particular style? Should the hair be long or short before spiking it?

>> No.9253485

It might be, the reason i think its not is i've been looking at actual uniforms for reference and the ones that look closest have detachable collars. I just don't know what sort of material they are or how they attach or anything

>> No.9253630

You use a wig.

>> No.9253651

Possibly sintra?

>> No.9253891
File: 66 KB, 639x376, c1a3c7e9331063ff6b21b08be96387261461769604_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about making the neck, arm, leg shackles? My first idea is make them from fabric, but then they won't be thick/wide enough.

>> No.9253909

you could use some EVA foam and cover it in a stretch vinyl. its flexible enough that you can open it up to put it on.

>> No.9253914
File: 125 KB, 1329x1199, latest-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go around making morrigan cowl

>> No.9253921
File: 107 KB, 564x835, 56c522a8e1dafe6906763372745f57cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making (what i think would be) the crinoline cage for Sakizou's Aquamarine? Does anyone know the proper term for this crinoline cage?

>> No.9253946

Thats the most unhelpful comment I think you could've come up with. Good job Anon

>> No.9254219
File: 8 KB, 183x275, 2016-11-13-16-51-52-389595876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would i get the shirt and pants

>> No.9254233
File: 48 KB, 345x427, IMG_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make something really colourful and intricate like pic related. Any suggestions? Interesting makeup is a plus

>> No.9254242

I am thinking about doing a LoZ x Fallout cosplay. I am thinking about just buying a generic link cosplay and adding Fallout stuff to it. For example, I made a chainmail vest out of pulltabs and I have a pipboy. I want other ideas. Any thoughts?

>> No.9254266
File: 445 KB, 697x1195, Canopic_jar_Depicting_Qebehsenuef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So me and some friends want to cosplay Egyptian canopic jars. NOT Egyptian gods. Literally, giant jars. I didn't know how to do it at first, until I saw Adam Savage's Totoro costume tutorial:


I know HIS costume worked, but I just want to check that his technique can be adapted to mine:

So for my Canopic Jar (pictured), the body will be a ratan structure, like Adam's. Unlike his, it'll only go to the shoulders, not over the head. So now shoulder/head rig needed. Once assembled, it will be covered in a cheap, thin muslin. Will use spray-glue to attach batting to round out the shape. Use a thicker muslin for the outside (still not EXACTLY sure how to attach that layer securely to batting. Will it even stick/be sturdy?). For the stone texture of the jars, will apply stone spray paint lightly on the outer layer of muslin.

The head's going to extend slightly past our shoulders to hide the top of our rattan structure. Head will be made of foam- worbla if we can afford it, but I worry about weight, and I personally have more experience with foam. . We'll have limited vision, obviously- mostly likely through the inner corner of the costumes eyes. Eyes will be some kind of webbing or perforated plastic. I already did some paint tests on foam. Going to use that stone spray paint again, with Metallic Lustre over it.

Does this seem like a sound plan? I'm ADHD af, so it's likely I'm missing some huge obvious problem here...

>> No.9254303

Will try that, thank you anon!

>> No.9254378
File: 223 KB, 1198x624, Cordelia Referance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see a wig thread so I will post here.

I need some advice on how to do her hair. It will not be going to my ankles but rather my waist, I still want to do the fade in color though.

Would it be better to get the wig in the lighter color and dye the top darker? Or would it be easier and have a good effect if I sewed longer lighter wefts in? Or is there another way.

>> No.9254402
File: 117 KB, 500x750, PNUk3QR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sewing wefts may be easiest if you're not comfortable with dyeing. See if you can find Starfire cosplay tutorials (and other characters with ombre hair - I think some MLP characters probably have it?) and look at what they do.

>> No.9254409
File: 58 KB, 500x684, fist wrapping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like a frill that connects back to the shirt at the bottom. Maybe sew it like a casing but leave it a bit baggy.

That doesn't look like a vest it looks like a shirt. You can either get a long sleeve shirt or turtleneck pattern and measure out where you want those lines to be and cut them into separate pieces and sew them together to make a solid piece. The lines would end up being the outside of the seam. (cut the pattern up into pieces and puzzle it together to get the original shape) Or you could make the shirt and 'embroider' the black lines as an accent. If you make it like a shirt you can also just attach the light brown collar neck part too it so it's only one thing to put on.

Look at outfits and tutorials on Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. Good luck with those shorts.

Maybe muslin? It's pretty cheap and ravely, you might have to dye it though, and spray it with the blood of your enimies. For construction look at oogie boogie cosplays. Or maybe just make a tiered cone sack.

Depends on the con and how badly you want to go and how much you like driving? That's a question only you can answer anon.

I wouldn't do them as super tall boots. Maybe get some ankle boots that are a similar military style then do the upper part like a legwarmer that you put on over the boot with a functional zipper so you can take them on and off and just sew the buckles and straps to it. (make sure the buckle works and isn't sewn on completely so you can open it enough to have the zipper pass) Also look at boots of that era for inspiration because he looks like an army guy.

Picture related. Just use store gauze. It will catch on things a bit and will get worn throughout the day

>> No.9254551
File: 79 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make a translucent spear? I was wanting to make Remilia's Gungnir like this figure's, but the only way I can think of to achieve this look is to use resin and that would be very heavy and very expensive.

>> No.9254684

Thank you anon

>> No.9254768

I've not worked with it so I can't vouch for it, but Worbla has a transparent variety nowadays. Transpart, something like that. Not sure how colourable it is though.

>> No.9254834

Korekiyo anon here, thanks!

>> No.9254857
File: 589 KB, 500x578, tumblr_mo6z64MY3S1rtailho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fabric should i use for a Miss Martian cosplay?

>> No.9255032
File: 366 KB, 379x528, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 10.25.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an idea of what type of fabric this is?
It's not linen, since the listing says it's 100% cotton. Could it be canvas?

>> No.9255072

Nylon spandex

>> No.9255075

TraspArt can be dyed, and it usually retains the color quite well, but it is a very messy process. So far, the best results of come from iDyePoly.
The other big thing to know is that TranspArt does not work the same way traditional Worbla does. It does stick to itself, but not as strong, and seams cannot be blended the same way. It can still be heated and shaped, but it can tear easier than normal Worbla.

>> No.9255094


I've used transpArt before and it was an absolute bitch to work with.

I'd suggest you look in to a thermoplastic called PETG. Its very similar to the transpArt, but its nicer and imo easier to work with. Plus you can get it in different thicknesses which is good for props. The transpArt only comes in one thickness and its very thin, one layer is very wobbly, you'd need to reinforce the whole structure with acrylic rods (probably not a bad idea for the PETG as well) but the PETG is the more sturdy material.

PETG is dyeable with iDyePoly as well (or any dye made for synthetics.)

>> No.9255205

Duck cloth, burlap or canvas would be my guesses.

>> No.9255361
File: 109 KB, 424x244, ruto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try as I might, I can't find the answer to what seems to be a pretty simple quetion, so maybe you can help me, gulls. For anyone who's worked with brushing latex on to a headpiece (I'm using mask latex, but I imagine liquid latex would have a similar answer), how much of this stuff do I actually need for pic related? Two quarts? This my first time working with prosthetics, and a lot of tutorials tend to leave out bits of information like this since they assume you're buying in mass quantity.

>> No.9255365

duck cloth and canvas are what I figured. I'm not sure why people keep suggesting burlap...the weave is too loose.

>> No.9255371

This would go in the dumb questions thread if we had one because it is a dumb question
Is alcohol activated paint opaque? I'm already planning for next Halloween and I want to make my hands white without wearing gloves/armsocks because they never fit my very small but long fingers correctly and then I lose dexterity (also is very hot here in the deep south on Halloween. It was 85° this year). Painting them with anything other than alcohol activated probably won't be a good idea since I intend to wear it all day and it would just rub off

>> No.9255398


>>9254768 here, sucks to hear it's not great. I've just started dabbling with normal Worbla and I'm liking it for little detailed things like buckles and clips. I'll keep PETG in mind if I ever need some transparent stuff.

>> No.9255492
File: 434 KB, 1152x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know the name of the white fabric with the vertical line threads? I found the red/gold brocade and the white/black dragon brocade but I don't how what to google for with this to find it.

>> No.9255501

It can be. You need to build up layers the same way you would with water activated paint.

>> No.9256259
File: 381 KB, 1500x1000, westworld-dolores-and-little-boy-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you call Dolores' undergarments? Looks like an underbust corset and some sort of frilly top. If I wanted to search/buy something similar, what would it be called?

>> No.9256438

Stick with the foam, not worbla, and make sure you seal the foam properly unless you want to ruin your hard work once you start painting or have it wear off really quickly
And just to make sure, what type of foam are you using specifically? EVA? Pink insulation? Something else?

>> No.9256439

>still doing shitty zelda crossover cosplays

>> No.9256441

the shirt is a chemise. it should basically be a little bit shorter than the skirt

>> No.9256443

Google, walmart, thrift shops? Really shouldnt be too hard to find, it's pretty generic stuff. Might have to attach the white stripes yourself to the shorts but that's not much trouble,even if you can't sew

>> No.9256455

>>9253630 has a point though, this isn't going to be really feasible with just your own hair, as you seemed to be implying you're doing. A wig will also give you more time to work on it to make it look the way you want, better access and view of all sides of the head, more options of what products you can use in it, and it will stay looking the way you originally styled it all con long, unlike real hair which will start looking really lackluster after the first couple hours. You'll want a short and very full/thick wig, and some hardcore spiking glue, usually the Got2B stuff is my go-to, though you may also need some straight-up fabric glue for around the hairline etc. Look up wig spiking tutorials and basically just do that but smaller and all over the head (and make sure they're facing the right direction so it doesn't don't end up looking more like a pineapple/durian than a head of hair)

>> No.9256460

jackets like that don't exist, just make yourself a cape.As for the wig, you'll have to read up on "gravity defying" wig tutorials. Some heavy duty wig styling supplies will be necessary, and likely some foam and/or wire to keep it standing on end like that

>> No.9256495

never heard of them, but a quick google search isn't giving the best impression

>> No.9256497


>> No.9256671
File: 111 KB, 277x316, junkrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should ask here or in makeup general but whatever
What products could I use to achieve this look? Like, sooty, but kinda blended in to the skin?
Every cosplay I've seen of him seem to use way too dark colors and kinda only on the upper part of the face. I want it to look more like been there for so long that it's kinda part of the skin, like how it looks in game

I've done a few makeup tests with black eyeshadow, but it gets way too dark and not really blended..
I saw someone use like one of those makeup sprays tool thingys(?) but I felt like that also looked too dark

Any ideas at all would be appreciated desu

>> No.9256678

What you saw was probably an airbrush. They're super cool tools, but the learning curve is pretty steep and its pretty expensive to get a setup. I think you can probably achieve that look with eye shadow (blend until your fingers fall off) or face paint.

>> No.9256803

I'm making purity seals for a costume.
What's a good material to make the actual seal part?
I was thinking of using resin or something similar.
It's for Larp, so it will be reused lots.

>> No.9257130
File: 36 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In wanting to cosplay Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker, I'm looking at some various wigs from Arda, and I'm torn between the Benny, the Derek or the Hansel in sandy brown

>> No.9257176

Best place to buy kigurumi? It seems like every store uses the same stolen photos.

>> No.9257198

Get yourself a fuckton of cheapo cosmetic sponges and blend everything out. I'd probably also go for dark grey colors rather than pure black, as there will be less margin of error.

>> No.9257516
File: 365 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time using eva foam for a prop instead of pepakura. I'm making this sword with Eva, and I've got the pattern down and I know how I'm going to shape everything and implement the PVC into the foam for sturdiness, but the length has me. I'm going to need to split this into several mats to get this length, and I'm super confused on if this will effect the sturdiness of the form at all. I know at least not to split them in the same spot on front and back, but as long as I split them at different parts and line it up closely, and then worbla ontop should it be fine? I'm a little worried about the lines from the seperate pieces showing too, and don't want to do much cover work to the worbla to cover it since I'm hoping to just prime a bit and then paint to keep the rough texture, but I'm sure the heated worbla will pick up the seam even if I don't "press" it onto the seam very much. If I fill the seams with kwik seal before worbla, should that prevent the issue?

This is probably super confusing lol. My blessing out in advance to whoever can help me figure out if what I'm assuming should work will be okay or not.

>> No.9257528

Nope, you made perfect sense, and you're on the right track. If you cut your seams straight, and you've glued your pieces together with contact cement (don't use hot glue), that already makes the seam easier to hide. A few thin coats of Kwik Seal should do the trick of hiding the seams.
Since he uses Plastidip instead of Worbla, it's not 100% applicable to your method, but this'll show you what Kwik Seal does.

>> No.9257663

Yeah, airbrush, totally forgot the word lol
Not really interested in getting one anyways, since like you said pretty expensive, and I probably won't use it that much anyways.
I think I'll try to find a gray:ish eye shadow like >>9257198 suggested, and some sponges
Thanks both of you for the suggestions!

>> No.9257682

Definitely not Derek (I don't even think it comes in sandy brown anyways) buteither of the others should be fine depending how you style it. I'd probably go with the Benny though: I've bought the Hansel before for something else and it was really stubbornly shaggy, probably a bit too much so for Luke

>> No.9258206
File: 2.77 MB, 1728x1712, kid from tlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need so much help with this even though at a glance it looks simple
I could easily find the orange shirt, pants, and the sandals but I want to know how I should go about sewing the robe and how to create the pattern on the little cloth on his waist (also what material i should use to get that poofy and also flowy look)
WHAT is a good body paint for these scribbles on his body, should I even use body paint? I don't want to be that loser that draws tattoos on with sharpies please help me

>> No.9258263
File: 886 KB, 512x725, AssassinEMIYAGOStage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying materials atm and having a really hard time deciding what I should make those shoulder things out of. Any gulls have a suggestion?

>> No.9258272

It looks like little bits of metal.

I'd probably use eva foam. Cut it right and paint it good.

>> No.9258293

Wondering if you guys had any recommendations for good minimisers? I'm a D cup looking to flatten to around a B if possible for a cosplay. It's not going to be for months so ordering from overseas is fine, but I'll need it for getting measurements done on myself.
Otherwise are there any good alternatives- for example, are sports bras useful for this kind of thing?

>> No.9258541

Not a specific cosplay construction question but what do you all use to share your cosplays/keep a sort of cos portfolio? Are cosplay fb pages the only viable option nowadays? Coscom seems to be dying more by the day and their upload system is shit, but I've never really used anything else (aside from the occasional tumblr post)

>> No.9259068

Re: body paint. If you're going cheap, look for Snazaroo, Wolf FX or Diamond FX. You can find these on Amazon. Alcohol activated paints and hybrid liquid paints (like ProAiir Dips) are great for things like tattoos. Make sure to set and seal your body paint with setting powder and spray.

You can also look into printable tattoo paper so you don't have to draw it every time you want to use it.

Bras are one of those things I wouldn't recommend buying online. Boobs are so different from one another, its hard to say what works for one person will work for another.

You can achieve some success with a sports bra. although a minimizer will help preserve the round shape of your boobs, whereas a sports bra will just sort of mush everything.

>> No.9260187
File: 68 KB, 272x574, arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a spandex bodysuit and need to attach some vinyl-covered details to the arms.

I can't sew or hot glue them (with glue, the sleeve fabric stretches and they'll pop off). My last-ditch idea is to hot glue velcro to the backs of the details and sew matching velcro to the sleeves, but that won't get the details flush to the arms. I have contact cement at hand, but I don't know if it would get the job done. Any ideas?

>> No.9260299
File: 690 KB, 1763x1866, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stitch is this and how would I do it? I see it on a lot of my baby's clothes.

>> No.9260341
File: 116 KB, 950x560, my pebbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well first off, are those shingles or strips of leather? They look like the latter, so I'm sure just buying a skin of leather and then cutting them into strips would work.
I don't know, but here are some resources I hope will help. I'd imagine resin would be just fine. Also perhaps some heated clay or a clay-like material?
Where did you find it? I'm sure you could just ask whoever wore it.
Take a full body robe, and then cut out the other parts until it starts to resemble your pic. Alternatively, show the picture to a tailor, give them some cloth, and pay them to make it. I'm assuming you can't do it yourself yet, since you asked.

Also the cowl on the right looks different than the cowl on the left.
I cannot for the life of me find a vest like pic related. I'm trying, and although I've found similar things to it(http://www.securityprousa.com/armor/riot/secpro-soft-shell-riot-upper-body-protection.html)), I can't find something exactly like it. In case nobody knows what vest it's based off of, how can I make/add those square things to a normal, flat vest?

>> No.9260759
File: 41 KB, 311x597, Lord_Dominator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good tutorials for wefting onto bald caps? I've seen a few people make wigs for undyne that way but haven't found any good tutorials. I'll be Cosplaying Lord Dominator in January and I feel like this method would look the best if I can get it right. I'm open to other suggestions on how to make the wig as well if anyone has a better idea for someone who doesn't have much experience working with wigs.

>> No.9260766

Magnets? Sew small magnets to the underside of the suit, or make a harness or glove to go underneath the suit, then glue the magnets to the vinyl. Pop them in place and keep an eye on them throughout the day.

>> No.9260771

Velco is your best bet. It won't add all that much of a gap unless you're using some mucho thick velcro. Make the velcro patches smaller than the actual detail parts and they shouldn't be visible, but don't make them super tiny either or your stuff might fall off occasionally.

Superglue the velcro to the details, and sew it to the sleeves. Hot glue will make the gap WAY more noticeable because it adds thickness.

>> No.9260781
File: 19 KB, 500x400, FB_IMG_1479566973135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do if I can't source the exact fabric pattern I need foe a character? Go for a near-looking one? Get it custom printed? Painfully paint 5 metres of fabric to get it?

Pic related.

>> No.9260947
File: 142 KB, 615x922, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did you find it? I'm sure you could just ask whoever wore it.
That's a puppet. The pic is from a display for Thunderbolt Fantasy, where it's all 4-foot-tall puppets.

>> No.9261530
File: 141 KB, 564x846, russian_heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna start making EVA armours. Nothing too specific right now. What part would be the easiest to make? (Gauntlets, bracers, pauldrons amd so on)
And what are the best guides to do so?

>> No.9261544

Gauntlets are a good starting point. Shapes aren't (necessarily) too complicated, and fingers give you experience with how to shape foam and fit shapes together so that they're flexible after assembly but also look good.

>> No.9261894
File: 32 KB, 502x718, c395571d15df7b6ade652214483bf9ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to come up with a costume asap, and I don't really want to have to buy a wig. Ponytails/buns are an area where the wig rules change a little, so I'm looking for character recs with ponytails or buns - preferably high on the head and blonde. Type of character doesn't matter, but TV or movie is preferred. I really just need to put this together last-minute, so I'm super open to suggestions. Thanks!

>> No.9262315

Are dance belts the kind of thing you want to get a size up or a size down?

Most of the ones I'm looking at come at 32-34" and 34-36" size and I wear 34" pants (with a bit of room)

>> No.9262332
File: 57 KB, 800x800, charliebrownchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what kind of jacket Charlie brown is wearing?

I already got the hat and the tree.

>> No.9262520
File: 226 KB, 533x800, IMG_7951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a wig from the brand classe I would like to buy. The issue is that classe is a Japanese website and they do not ship to the US.
I was wondering if anyone had experience buying things like this through a shopping service like Celga? About how much did it cost you to use the service? The wig I would like to buy is 3600 yen and I was just worried about how much more it would cost using a shopping service and with shipping.

>> No.9262590

I'm going to guess the reason you're asking this question is because you plan to wear a tight outfit, something like a spandex suit. You might want to read about what a dance belt does and consider if that's REALLY what you need, or if pouch underwear would be more appropriate based on how much you need to conceal your package.

>> No.9262659
File: 109 KB, 250x323, Korekiyo_Shinguji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korekiyo anon here again, small question. Which material should I go with for the shirt and pants? I was thinking a polyester-cotton blend for the shirt and probably the same for the pants, but I really have no idea.

>> No.9262663

I started off with bracers and a basic breastplate to get a feel for it and first learn how to work with it as a material: the bracers are simple shapes and small in case you mess up and need to toss them, whereas the breastplate starts to teach you more about curves and is big enough that you can recycle the pieces for smaller pieces later on if you're not happy with it.
As for guides, I swear by the Foamsmith trilogy guides, the first two volumes are definitely worth purchasing in my opinion (or at least the first if you're just focusing on basic construction right now rather than sealing, deatailing and all that jazz)

>> No.9262678

You should use tenshishop, the lady who runs it is nice and reliable, and the site has a calculator to estimate what your shipping fee would be before you submit a request to buy anything.


>> No.9262866
File: 1.41 MB, 1196x840, mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also gonna post this here since no wig thread.
I'm planning on cosplaying Mami and originally I was just gonna do the natural looking curls like on the right, because I didn't think the drills ever really translated well irl, they always either looked messy, weird from the side, etc.
Most of them looked way too long, or just weird and not like her. But then I thought maybe my cosplay would just look unfinished if I had a regular curly wig, and I found that I actually quite like the drills on the left, it's really the only cosplay I can find with them that I like, so I thought maybe I could try to do mine like those. I'm also pretty inexperienced in wig styling, but I'm definitely willing to try. Any opinions on which I should do?

>> No.9262885
File: 207 KB, 519x506, Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 10.54.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck is going on around the buttonhole area of the jacket/waistband clasp. This is too weird to have an actual name as to what the fabric's doing here as it twists, right?

>> No.9262898
File: 113 KB, 1430x803, 1479405161575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to help me im

>> No.9263003

well how exactly are you looking to do it, like with the fake face thing as the hood? Not sure if you're looking for kigu construction help or are trying to conceptualize how to make the character work as one.... Obviously you're not gonna be able to get the proportions recognisable as anything other than a derpy pikachu due to the build of the character vs a typical kigu but as long as you're cool with that it should be pretty simple. I guess maybe give it a little skirt like thing over the legs to give that zig-zag bottom? I've never seen anything like that before though, so I can't guarantee a skirt part won't look really stupid once actually put together

>> No.9263009
File: 230 KB, 402x484, Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 3.58.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky for you there's a pattern for that

>> No.9263010

I'm pretty sure it's called a barn coat.

>> No.9263013
File: 556 KB, 532x703, Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 4.01.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263081

I dunno if you've seen it, but I really like Lucaille's unstyled Mami wig. I prefer the natural look with her curls honestly haha, but the wig on the left of your image looks really nice. Maybe look for a tutorial for Catherine's wig and size it up?

>> No.9263104
File: 51 KB, 610x343, king-dedede-smash-bros-4-610x343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any guidance on how to make king dedede's mallet? was thinking of using so expansion foam, shaping it, and layering craft foam over. if theres an easier solution by god please tell me.

>> No.9263113

It's a scallop edge. Not sure how to do it but I'm sure youtube might be useful

>> No.9263158
File: 3.43 MB, 2992x4000, Spear_parts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to repair kyoko's spear that I had ordered online. The joints between the spear segments were just shitty rolled plastic that broke after a day or two of con.

Need help with ideas on how to remake the joints / connections. The pole itself looks like some sort of Chinese PVC, as there's characters on the inside. I can't really tell the size, but the pole has a total diameter of 0.75" though.

>> No.9263274

Use a pretzel barrel as the base, cover in felt or batting until smooth, and then layer your EVA foam, seal, and paint to look like wood…

>> No.9263412

I'm wearing a morphsuit, and I'd need the Dance Belt.

>> No.9263464
File: 97 KB, 155x559, touken ranbu ripoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, but I hope this image could help for reference.

>> No.9264669
File: 572 KB, 3992x2340, delilah wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Arda's Cady be a good wig for Delilah's hair? Hers is very short on the sides, almost like a buzz cut, but I'm iffy about trying to trim the wefts too close. I've never worn a lace front before, but I think that would be the best way to get a natural-looking hairline like hers. Plus, Arda's got that sale going on right now.

>> No.9264700
File: 123 KB, 512x512, ref 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a sewing pattern or a garment that I could modify to make this tunic. I've looked at several medievalwear sites and browsed patterns, but I'm just having trouble finding anything that I think I would be able work with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.9264747

It honestly depends on the dance belt. General rule of fitting is that if you're concerned about it, go a size higher. However if you're concerned about it showing through your spandex, you need the correct size. If it's too tight and makes a belt line, that will show through the morph suit. If it's too loose and baggy, that will show through the spandex as well. Also the exact fit is going to differ by brand.


>> No.9264766
File: 96 KB, 564x880, a2d66dda555bd2903415daafbca4eb20[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If male, there's this Nehru jacket pattern.

If female, try looking for mandarin collar tops.

>> No.9265029
File: 224 KB, 1200x1200, CkbD2kLWsAAUqks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone try to explain how to make a pattern for the upper arm thingy? It feels super simple but yet I managed to fuck it up somehow... I'm new to prop making, but I've done a lot of research, but making patterns in general is my weakness, idk why but my brain just cant seem to get it right ever...

>> No.9265037

kek you really can't escape this cunt's face anywhere can you

>> No.9265041

Get yourself some brown paper grocery bags and masking tape, wrap that shit around your arm, mark up your design with a marker, and cut out the details and points of attachment. It's also nice for planning any cosmetic detailing you plan to do.

It helps to make a vector image of the parts and details from screenshots and references, so you can scale to your proportions and print for pattern making.

Just be careful, as if you're using EVA foam, the thickness may translate a bit awkwardly from the paper prototype. It's easier to cut a larger piece and trim to fit, than spend the entire afternoon cutting out pieces because shit is too small. (Learned the hard way.)

>> No.9265054

That's pretty much what I did, but it ended up being way too small... But like you said, I'm using eva foam so that might be why

How would you make a vector image? It sounds really complicated haha

Thanks for the advice though! I've ordered some thinner foam online, so I'm probably gonna wait until it arrives and maybe use that instead, seems like it could be easier since you don't have to keep the thickness of the eva foam in mind (like you said)

>> No.9265341
File: 219 KB, 311x500, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope of getting Arda wigs to not tangle? The Eowyn is pretty much perfect for the style that I want and I like that Arda's wigs don't shine as much but I also know the reputation that Arda has with tangling.

Alternatively, is there a wig supplier that anybody can suggest that has a skin part, not too shiny fibers, doesn't tangle as easily, and preferably won't bust a hole in my wallet? I know it's a lot to ask for in a wig.

>> No.9265538
File: 29 KB, 335x295, IMG_2384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I go about making this hat? I was thinking heavy interfacing with fabric but I'm not sure. Also what I would be a good diameter for it?

>> No.9265635
File: 37 KB, 215x217, gladion icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would i go about doing gladion's hair without it looking stupid? would it even translate well irl? his hair looks like a fucking hand

>> No.9265662
File: 16 KB, 372x297, alphonse_conqueror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been thinking of cosplaying Alphonse from Conqueror of Shamballa, but I'm wondering if I can realistically expect anyone to know who I am and not think I'm just an inaccurate Ed..?

>> No.9265789

Use silicone spray! Here's a tutorial: http://fabrickind.tumblr.com/post/129443054128

>> No.9265792
File: 312 KB, 1476x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aspire to make a petticoat like this, however I would like to use chiffon rather than organza like J. Hart did. Will it look the same and have the same amount of poof, or will I need to add more layers?

>> No.9265793

you can't make a petticoat like that out of chiffon, chiffon doesnt hold itself up

>> No.9265816

Aw really? I'll go with organza then, thanks!

>> No.9265841

While people will undoubtedly mistake you for just cosplaying Edward, I'd say go for it! There are enough differences in the designs that I think anyone familiar with the 2003 canon/Conqueror of Shambala should be able to know what you're cosplaying.

>> No.9266004

How do you make the stereotypical "anime cape"?

>> No.9266023

Please be more vague.

>> No.9266323

>I have no idea what I'm doing
Stupid redundant question aside, I want to buy a binder for daily use and not just for cosplay. What's good quality that won't hurt me? Thanks guys.

>> No.9266324

trans dude here. gc2b is really good quality. if not them you could try underworks but their products are made moreso for cis male athletes with tits than for daily binding wear.

>> No.9266459
File: 4 KB, 1280x640, 1280px-Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I appreciate the advice. I'm okay with being a girl in general but I really can't stand my tatas for whatever reason so I'm going to give binding a shot. Keep being you my friend.

>> No.9266534

Yes definitely, but I'd really recommend ventilating the widows peak

>> No.9266587

you could probably pull it off using the same technique used to do drill curls: http://aeriscetramagic.deviantart.com/art/Kasane-Teto-Drill-Curl-Tutorial-374705950

by adding wefts to a shirt wig in the front and then just bending to shape. Hope this makes sense, if you need clarification, just ask

>> No.9266675
File: 20 KB, 480x339, juri character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions for barefeet? I'm cosplaying Juri next year but am not sure what to wear on my feet since the con has a policy about footwear, and I'd rather not walk around bare foot anyway. She has painted toenails so I'd like to show my toes. Flip-flops feel like the obvious choice given her feet wraps, but it feels too cheap and lazy.

Do you have pics of what the bottom of the jacket looks like? From what I can see, it's a lapel from top to waist. From the waist down, it's just a topstitched facing? It's hard to tell without seeing the hem.

>> No.9266678
File: 586 KB, 539x635, 1476001107034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANyone know where I can get a good wig for a Guzma cosplay? I only know where to buy shitty quality wigs, and I don't want to destroy my bank account. Thanks!

and also: What would be the best way to go about making those glasses? I've never done anything with glasses, before.

>> No.9266687

A lazy (but decent looking) idea for the glasses is you could use sintra to cut out the "frame" parts and try dyed/stained transpart for the glass and attach it on the back where it'll be hidden by your hair, or i usually use the plastic from toy boxes for clear glass on props, if you could figure out a way to stain/dye that darker you could do that too. If you really wanted you could always just do the "glasses" part with sintra and break apart a cheap pair of sunglasses for the part that goes on your ear, too.

As for the wig if I were doing it I would probably buy Arda's shortest lacefront in dark brown or black and another, (non lacefront) short wig in white and use their tutorial for sewing two wigs together (specifically the one for undercuts) for the wig, but that could easily get expensive. Just an idea if you decide later that you're willing to shell the money out for a really nice wig, though. You could also probably buy a white wig and cut the bottom yourself and try to dye it, but I know dying white fibers can be difficult sometimes depending on the place you buy it from, and you won't get the "natural" lacefront look from that which I would suggest considering what his hairline is like, but it's up to you how much you care about that or not. some basic places people get wigs are arda, wigisfashion, and epic cosplay.

>> No.9266689

So, I have really short black hair. What if I just didn't wear a wig cap for the very bottom?

>> No.9266692

Correct me if I'm wrong, buttt
Try this wig? I'm no professional, but styling this seems like a good option


>> No.9266696

Yeah if you can get it to dye (just google for other people who've dyed white epic wigs) then that would be good

>> No.9266770

you could do what jack frost cosplayers do and find a tutorial for the invisible sandals perhaps?

>> No.9266778
File: 911 KB, 1060x996, D'Vorah_renderr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to go about sewing the curved panels on the front of the jacket? I was thinking of either cutting each panel separately and then sewing them back together or just sewing 2 rows where each line is, but a tutorial on a better technique would be much appreciated.

Also, any tips on getting the jacket to stay down while keeping the deep underboob cut? I'm hoping if it's fitted enough, it's stay down enough but I'm really not sure.

>> No.9267343
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with making a pair of large black wings, mostly the feathers because real feathers aren't really an option at this point. I love the way underlayment foam looks with white wings but the only pic I've found with black is pic related and it looks like nasty shiny plastic hell. If I can't find anything better i'll probably chance the foam anyways.
I looked up some DIY feather tutorials and most recommend using paper/bristol board which likely won't survive being shoved into a suitcase. If anyone knows of any other methods or materials, would be much appreciated.

>> No.9267379

Just use the foam but paint it so that the feathers look less crappy maybe?

>> No.9267415

I did think about that but it would have to be some magical paint that has all the flexibility the foam does

>> No.9267423

Sorry for being unrelated to the thread but jesus she couldn't just shoop her body a little bit better?

>> No.9267428
File: 157 KB, 512x720, nozomibunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to make this version of Nozomi for a con in January. What would you guys recommend for the boots?

I figure, last ditch effort I can get a pair of the ugg style knock off boots that are everywhere or just sew a boot cover. But I figured I'd ask first.

>> No.9267467

Boot covers are always my go-to for thigh high anything and this looks easy enough. Plus boot covers would make everything match.

>> No.9267484
File: 916 KB, 776x1013, shadow_mario_by_iggykoopa321-d9zw96u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torn on how I'm doing Shadow Mario's face. Should I go facepaint and contacts, a morph mask, or some other route?

The rest of the outfit so far is all blue tie-dye.

>> No.9267490

mascot head

>> No.9267506

Wouldn't a metallic lycra/spandex be a bit better suited to his "metal" look than tie dye?

>> No.9267518

So I hate the hat on the left but I want to make it like Red's hat with the black outline on the white half circle. What would be the best way to achieve this? sharpie? Paint?

>> No.9267519
File: 1.05 MB, 1218x770, redhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to say I have, and i also forgot the picture

>> No.9267532

Sharpie will bleed. You could tape a stencil down and paint the black on. Or consider doing the black detail with a black embroidery thread.

>> No.9267533

I always thought he looked watery?

>> No.9267534
File: 198 KB, 899x1200, 1477079484124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of Mad Max character could a 5'8 slightly chubby guy cosplay?

>> No.9267535

leather paint, anon. Alternatively, you can use PAX paint that sfx makeup artists use for prosthetics. Either one will do what you need.

>> No.9267614

Where can I get bulk package of tabi? Like an 8 pair back or something? Any cute ones? Links please?

>> No.9267687
File: 500 KB, 780x871, 1476822314145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't cosplay fat fuck

>> No.9267697

Not fat, slightly chubby. You big tosspot.

I was fat but I'm down to a healthy BMI and I'm still losing weight
Suck me off

>> No.9267757
File: 779 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with knowledge of Japanese garments able to help me? I've been calling the top half an uwagi but I'm struggling to find any sewing tutorials or pictures outside of martial art stuff. Is there anywhere I can see how to construct it, and can anyone recommend fabric? I'm not too fussed with cultural or historical accuracy as I'd rather it survive cons and being machine washed.

The pants I'm planning on getting some kind of cotton type fabric from spoonflower.

>> No.9267907

imo the top looks like a pretty standard judo/karate gi so martial art stuff wouldn't be too off the mark. Cotton should be okay as a material since that's what gi are usually made of.

>> No.9268073
File: 56 KB, 514x707, M7398_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this Yaya Han pattern for $2 and it's for brocades and satin fabrics. The fabric I want to make it out of is a 4-way stretch pleather. Should I treat the stretch fabric like a woven and do all the layers of lining and interfacing and boning, or would it be okay to just make it out of the stretch and skip all the inner layers and not use boning?

>> No.9268388
File: 184 KB, 900x634, 5hz4wgskkscwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That. I'm going for a more bright/watery look on him, versus a metallic one.

>> No.9268588
File: 253 KB, 1026x983, Shiromori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna cosplay a pic related soon and i already have a ok plan for the costume and makeup but i need help on two things and a suggestion on another

for the face- i already have the makeup and skin color ok but i cant seem to find a good way to color my eyebrows white, i'm using mehron paradise face paint so i tried a white eye liner for it but its just coloring the skin and my eyebrows still show as black,i also tried oil facepaint but the same result- does anybody have any ideas on how i can color my eyebrows white?

my second is about the costume- as you can see in pic related she has three layer like things on her back and i have no clue on how to do that, i was thinking maybe wire sewn into three strips of white fabric on some other wire thing i can slip into between my side and the pink thing on my waist-so it can be easy to remove so i can sit down.

and the last is on the shoes- most cons require some type of foot wear to walk around cons so i can't walk around in the leggings themselves. so i was thinking just buying slip-on shoes and covering them with fabric that matches my facepaint and body suit
does this sound ok or does somebody have any other suggestions on how i can make that better or easier?

>> No.9268592
File: 32 KB, 600x600, abhw-1-2_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used this stuff on dark hair and it works great.

>> No.9268635
File: 235 KB, 384x288, tank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks alot for this!
i'll look at this and i think it might work for what i need it for

>> No.9268782

why would you not use boning? i am not an expert, but i think without support, the bodice would lose its shape.

>> No.9268792
File: 62 KB, 894x894, doa5_eliot_casual_coat_outfit_by_stickloved65dwqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made a thread on this, got told to come here.
I want to recreate this outfit, basic stuff I can get from the shops piece of piss. But it is the undershirt/t-shirt that I am having trouble finding, looking for either the T or a one-stop shop for the whole thing.

>> No.9268848

The pattern is meant for non-stretch fabrics for a reason. It's supposed to hold it's shape and stay put without a need for straps or fabric glue. A stretch fabric is probably going to slip down, especially without the interfacing and boning. You should try to find a different fabric, or use a swimsuit pattern.

>> No.9269286

So I need to wear a latex catsuit but it squishes my boobs flat. Is there a way to get them to stay full/perky while wearing my catsuit? She is supposed to have big boobs...

>> No.9269413
File: 52 KB, 429x640, 4007289-clea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I can see where the one layer would be a bad idea since the fabric is pretty thin, I was originally planning on sewing it to the top part so that it wouldn't fall down since I'm not wearing it against bare skin.

What about with the boning and a stretch lining and underlining to make it stiffer? I don't care about losing the stretch of the fabric, it's the finish and color that I bought it for. But I don't like any of the swimsuit patterns I've found, they look too flat and I like the structure of a corset better. I'm open to alternate pattern suggestions, but I really want to use the fabric since it's already purchased.

>> No.9269699
File: 22 KB, 1135x591, suitboobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using 1.5" thick upolstry foam and covering it in vinyl that I'll paint to look like metal for something similar. Try it out. secure it with velcro or magnets in the back
Can't find in rn in my abyss of my HDD but there's a tutorial somewhere on deviant art on using 8" wide elastic with hooks and eyes to squish and redistribute the boobage
I still use ACP a little bit
Some machines have scallop stitches built into their decorative stitches
since hakama are very vertical garments and that's a very vertical pattern, I think quilting together a bunch of strips would be the way to go. Just invest in a good rotary cutter, long ruler and cutting surface and it should be a breeze. Don't forget to press your seams open
use a concrete pouring tube (home depot or something) Or get one of those huge things of cheese balls and cover it
bring that with you to the plumbing section of hardware store. I'm sure you'll find something
you could find one of those rice paddy hats and cover it or just mess around with cutting chunks out of paper circles until you find a good pattern. I bet there are still a ton of "Akatsuki hat" tutorials on deviantart you could use. If you're going to use interfacing, consider stabilizer or buckram. It's much sturdier.
There was a tutorial from the character kigurumi side of the internet where you take fishing line and you sew it so that it cups your boobs and forces the material to create some depth. I tried to recreate it, but you;ll probably be better off finding it yourself

>> No.9269707

Thank you! I'll give it a try. If you happen to find it before the thread dies feel free to post

>> No.9269947

I want to make and add ponytails to my black Epic Cosplay wig; does anybody know if Arda Silky's black wefts will match? Or even their classic black? I don't particularly want to get Epic wefts since they're not long and Arda gives you a lot more.

>> No.9269952

Making a costume that needs feathers for a cloak. Do real feathers have any lasting/staying power or should I look at making my own?

>> No.9270041
File: 37 KB, 225x350, 251373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing pic related and the wig has me stumped, I'm not familiar with wigs at all and I feel like I'm in over my head, any tips please?

>> No.9270114
File: 389 KB, 742x862, Image-bloodborne-doll-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to do all the details on the cape here? Embroidery by hand?

>> No.9270120

If you don't have time to do the embroidery by hand (or if it's just too much effort) you could try looking for similar floral appliques or venice lace.
This sort of stuff, but in the right color.

>> No.9270124

By lasting/staying power do you mean 'will they last'?

They will, but you need to take care of them. Make sure you buy from a reputable seller to begin with so that you don't get feather mites or anything nasty like that. Then just try to store them in a cool, dry environment. If you're making a cloak you might want to use a garment bag or a box to store them, along with some moth balls or cedar chips to deter pests.

If you're just asking if they'll stay on your cloak, that depends how you attach them. You might find it easier and cheaper if you make your own, but that will be very time consuming.

>> No.9270131

Would I be right in guessing most of these types of things wouldn't dye easily? Since the color of the tasseled bit and scalloped line has to be the same I feel like finding something I could dye would be easiest.

>> No.9270133
File: 81 KB, 1024x565, 5d5ac06aab7389a4bd0bbc4321f66ef8cc34089c_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a decent lab coat for Prof. Kukui. I'm 6'0" and 185 lbs. Muscular build.

I found this and I like the way it looks, but it's women's sizes. https://www.amazon.com/Greys-Anatomy-Womens-Pocket-Fitted/dp/B01412DXSS

Also need help with the shoes. I'm completely new to this whole cosplay thing

>> No.9270142

See if you can find something in unisex lab coats. I understand that they usually come with a breast pocket so it might be a little search.
For the shoes, I'd google something like "surf shoe" or "water sports shoe". I found these fairly quickly, but again, women's sizes. Also the soles are obviously wrong, but this is just an example.

>> No.9270176
File: 10 KB, 240x240, pPOLO2-24168871_lifestyle_t240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I might actually try and see if I can dye some shoes I don't use anymore. For comfort's sake. I tried walking in shoes that didn't offer much support for a while day at a con. My feet and ankles hated me for it. I have shoes like pic related that I don't mind fucking up

>> No.9270219
File: 246 KB, 391x750, hvnbvnb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could buy a skirt like this or fabric? I've found similiar ones on bodyline and aliexpress but didn't find any close enough to the color.
It seems like my only option will be dying or painting fabric and I'd rather not do that if I can help it since I find that tartan skirts using painted on fabric usually looks pretty unclean, imo.

>> No.9270362

Has anyone bought a Golden Blonde wig from Epic Cosplay and has pictures of it in natural light? Does it have that orangey tint like it does in stock pictures?

>> No.9270363
File: 54 KB, 640x422, 1478871088338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make my first costume soon, but I'm at a loss as to how to make the armor. I've heard about craft foam the most so far, but I've only seen it sold in small sheets. The only other person I can find who has done the same costume made the armor out of straight up steel, so I have no clue what to use.

>> No.9270368

It might seem like a really tiny detail, but I'd really rather use my own hair. Is that something I could have done for me, like going to a stylist? Or am I completely fucked?

>> No.9270388
File: 266 KB, 869x1384, l002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really really wanna cosplay pic related, but she has no legs. how could i do this? is it even possible?

>> No.9270412

it might help if you show us what the character actually is? not all armors are created equal anon

>> No.9270455
File: 766 KB, 1400x2110, 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Golden Age Guts, his BotH armor.
The only cosplay I've found for it is here:
And its.made out of steel. The armor is fairly simple compared to most, I couldn't imagine it would be too hard. That being said, I have no clue how to get started on it at all.

>> No.9270574

Holy shit I did not know feather mites were a thing. That's pushed me right into making artificial feathers. I'd rather put all that time in just to know there won't be creepy crawlers in my costume.

>> No.9270589

Cut your legs off, that's the only solution

>> No.9270739
File: 699 KB, 815x1280, Sun_Moon_Aether_Foundation_Employees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to do the male aether foundation employee, but I have no idea where to start with the base of the outfit.
Should I just try to modify a coveralls pattern? Or is there a better way to go about it?

>> No.9270821


This one looks pretty similar imo but you could always spoonflower fabric.

Look up tutorials for EVA foam armor anon there are tons out there. For what you want to make, look for thick floor mat EVA. It's sold in rolls at most hardware stores. Craft foam sheets will be way too flimsy.
This guy's tutorial is good for basic shapes and details, no need to worry about the worbla part. Basically what you need to do is cut out your shapes, assemble them, heat it smooth, prime, paint, and seal.

>> No.9270904

Thanks Anon, that's pretty simple.
Side note, any tips on the leather gear? Never worked with the stuff before, is it just like fabric where I buy a certain amount of it and cut away, or is it different?

>> No.9270971

you're looking for a romper pattern, anon

>> No.9271677

does anyone know if a gakuran jacket would have a vent in the back or if its just sort of split. if anyone has an answer or even some references pics that would be great

>> No.9271747
File: 17 KB, 190x291, rohan_kishibe_48510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna make Rohan's headband. What materials should I make it of?

>> No.9271772
File: 62 KB, 514x707, K3052_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ol' faithful
i would look at this pattern because from the artwork it doesnt look like his outfit has side seams. this pattern has a seam up the middle like the artwork.

>> No.9271787

I know someone who made it out of a thicker fabric, something like twill or canvas, and had it sit around his head like one of those paper crowns you get from burger king

>> No.9271794

Thanks so much!

>> No.9271808

What do you people do to motivate yourself to work on projects before the last possible moment?

>> No.9271821

I guess he used velcro at the ends? Twill might be tough a material, so canvas might be good.

>> No.9271823

is there a prize? do you plan on leaving an impression?

>> No.9271967

What is a good spirit gum brand and remover? I'm just using it to put on elf ears and I've never used it before.

>> No.9272032

never made anything myself for cosplaying but would like to start. just I have no knowledge of how to make anything or what is even realistic for someone inexperienced

also curious what everyone else started off with making?

>> No.9272035

medium weight craft foam could work

>> No.9272057

i have always used Graftobian brand sold at Aradani Costumes and it has always worked great for me.

>> No.9272137

I look at other people posting their cosplays or plans on the event pages. Aside from that, I think of the time and money already spent, that I (most of the time) already bought a cosplay ticket so I -have- to show up in a costume and hell if I'm going in an old one. Plus the fact that I just don't have that many conventions so if I miss the deadline it usually means waiting half a year for the next opportunity.
Anon, get your ass in gear. You'll manage, but stop slacking.

>> No.9272637

Not cosplay related and probably pretty dumb but all the same: I'm using ZenMarket and just added some funds to my account but the amount isn't showing up. I got a receipt from paypal but no email from ZenMarket saying that my balance has increased. Should I just wait it out or contact the representatives for help?

>> No.9272702

Pick something you want to cosplay. If possible, pick something simple, or easy to purchase. (A ball gown is not a good starting place, or example.) Break down the cosplay, then research the shit out of every part you need to make or buy. Prepare to fuck it up a couple times, and prepare for it to take more time than you'd expect.

My first cosplay required a strapless corset that I made from scratch, so do as I say, not as I do.

>> No.9272717

alright thanks! my only concern is that I have no clue how to make anything, but I guess if I start simple, I can make google my best friend

>> No.9272721

That's how I started. Don't be afraid to use patterns if you're sewing, and look up more tutorials than you think you'll need for any new techniques you're trying out. There are tons of resources for all kinds of crafting, you're pretty likely to find something you can use.

>> No.9272849

definitely gonna have to do a whole lot of research on how do everything or even anything at all ahaha, hopefully I can get something together worth sharing eventually!

>> No.9272963
File: 209 KB, 996x1068, taskmaster-task.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get the white(?) lining in the down the center of his body on a morphsuit?

The hood is easy enough to do, but on the torso I'm not so sure.

>> No.9272977

I think that's probably supposed to be a zipper? Weird placement but that's the only way he could get that off and on.

>> No.9272989
File: 65 KB, 960x539, Samus 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273106

it's like you didn't even stop to check which thread this was
I've been using Ben Nye for both the spirit gum and remover for the same purpose, works great (and the remover smells amazing imo but no clue if that's only the ben nye one or the removers in general)
honestly? pictures of my previous rushed costumes and all the things I know I could've done better had I spent more time on them. Though progress threads and insta accounts help too

>> No.9273378
File: 76 KB, 960x960, Peluca close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273432

at least post in the relevant threads, you absolute walnut

>> No.9273584
File: 70 KB, 330x500, IMG_8086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have plans to make a Sango costume next year. Most of the costumes I've seen are made out of some kind of spandex or stretch knit. I know InuYasha is super fantasy and the costume designs are totally innacurate for the time period, but I wanted to possibly make this body suit out of something that would appear to offer a little more "protection" for a demon slayer than just a woven fabric. I was thinking of using a stretch leather? Would that be super hot and not a good idea? This will be my first time making a body suit. Any suggestions are welcome.

>> No.9273650

Hey /cgl/. I painted the shoulders/sleeves of a tshirt for a cosplay, but the paint ended up drying too stiff. It looks like cardboard on me now. Is there any way to soften fabric painted like this?

I did use a fabric medium with the paint, but it didnt end up helping much.

>> No.9273662
File: 6 KB, 251x201, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate picking fabric sometimes. Super torn on this one.
The skirt needs to be something sturdy but not super stiff. Was considering dupioni but I don't like/want the shine. Maybe just linen? Silk/Linen?
(Caplet/Scarf/Hood thing is raw silk btw)

>> No.9273672

What about top stitching stretch leather pieces on top of a body suit?
Cotton lycra does the same job as spandex for the most part and it's easier to work with imo.. (It's also not shiny, though,maybe for Sango you would want that? idk)

>> No.9273680

You could try hand washing it/letting it soak in fabric softener. If you have time/resources to redo it try using fabric dye.

>> No.9273737
File: 209 KB, 984x640, xshotgun_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this gun out of EVA and craft foam and I was wondering how to even start on the base?. Most gun props I've seen are flat and definitely not round like this one, so they just cut out a flat base from EVA foam and start adding more foam and details as they go. But in this case literally most of the gun is just round so I can't do that, anyone have some tips on how I should make a base? Thank You!.

>> No.9273760

I would make the base square first and then cut and sand down to a round shape.

>> No.9273927 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x251, choir_trousers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call shoes like this? i don't know how to specifically search for them.

>> No.9273932

Find something round and craft it around that? I'm sure you could find something styrofoam, and go from there

>> No.9273964

Thanks so much, anon! I'll keep spoonflower in mind as well.

>> No.9273990
File: 22 KB, 236x331, you ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally stumped on this. are the ends of her sleeves and jacket shirring, or just regular fabric? I had assumed shirring cuffs at first, but all cosplays I'm seeing just use regular fabric for the ends. Thoughts?

>> No.9274486
File: 83 KB, 664x720, _20161202_185223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning a MI cosplay of ffxv but I cant find any referance pictures.
Does anyone have some/know where I could find one? Already checked all the obvious places.

>> No.9274493
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-02-28-01-48-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any idea how to make clean, straight lines for a jolyne cosplay? I don't want to paint them because it can be messy and crack, and I feel that using strips of fabric would pucker and be too easy to mess up. Any suggestions?

>> No.9274504

what about some kind of thick stretch stitch with a white thread? idk m8

>> No.9274731

Try to get some screenshots/video from ingame? I know PS4 can do this, not sure about Xbone

>> No.9274738

Will do if there are no other options, its kinda hard getting close ups of them

>> No.9274873

If you make it out of stretch fabric and skip the interfacing and boning, it's not going to hold its structure and you'll look weird and lumpy. You can use the stretch fabric as the fashion layer as long as you have something strong to serve as a base, but it won't stretch. What are you trying to make?

>> No.9274876

Show us a pic of your hair. Black out your face if you want. It's not a super unnatural hairstyle so honestly I'd say it might work, but show me what you're working with.

>> No.9274937

Youtube is a really good resource for sewing tutorials. If you use search terms like "sew zipper" rather than "cosplay sew zipper" you'll generally get higher quality tutorials. Look up ones that teach you how to read a sewing pattern, and sew yourself a pair of pajama pants or something to practice.

>> No.9274940

Regular fabric. There's no reason to use shirring there, and the fabric looks stiff and flat.

>> No.9274943

That might be your best bet unless you feel like waiting for an artbook to come out. Keep looking around every so often though, the game just game out so there might be better pictures in a while.

>> No.9274994
File: 966 KB, 1312x2112, 1479903649008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm geting that one smoky quarts cosplayer flashbacks

>> No.9275077
File: 26 KB, 500x339, 78d2d925537d6bd95ea1e27ad7fa6128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for low res, but what's that string/chain thing called? There's a close-up of it near the bottom, and I have no clue what it is or how to go about it.

>> No.9275080

It's called a fob chain. Usually there's a T-shaped bit that goes through a buttonhole and enables the fob to hang securely. The ends of the chain would go in ones' vest pockets.

>> No.9275099
File: 137 KB, 500x500, guzma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do a Guzma cosplay for MAGfest, i've got pretty much everything done and down. But I am having some trouble figuring out how to do the sunglasses. I'm thinking of just buying a couple pairs of different shapped sunglasses, sawing them in half and putting them together to look correct.

Pic related

>> No.9275209
File: 271 KB, 1275x1650, Camille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, more so I have a question about how you would suggest hiding your feet in something like this? Point shoes maybe? Being on those ALL DAY or even hours would suck and might actually mess up your foot for a while. Plus since they are thing at the bottom, being knifes, how do I make them as thin as possible? Would they look weird being the thickness of my leg? I guess I literally wouldn't have anyway around that. The leg blades would just have to be thick. Which might ruin the whole thing anyway.

>> No.9275226

Something with stilts, maybe? I wouldn't recommend pointe shoes, they can really fuck up your feet even with training and plus they're exhausting to walk in, you wouldn't be able to stand all day without a rest.

>> No.9275232
File: 125 KB, 480x640, ClearStilts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This LoL cosplayer made plastic stilts for her Elise cosplay. I thought they look cool but I don't think she could walk in them at all.

I think point shoes would be a good idea. They wouldn't be connected though I don't think. That way you can walk on the balls of your feet like a normal shoe, and when someone wants a photo, you can spring up onto your tip toes for two seconds. Your toe bones will thank you. You can edit it in photoshop afterwards to make it look like one piece of metal?

>> No.9275249
File: 111 KB, 600x900, Wonderheel-Hot-New-Extreme-high-font-b-heel-b-font-18cm-font-b-Heel-b-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like her blades aren't actually blade thin. If you look at her front view her legs actually look more like boots, just with tip toe sharp point. Dem hips looks like they made her extra thick there so her thick legs wouldn't look disproportionate.

There are lots of shoes out there no with no heels now a days.

>> No.9275375

Piggybacking off this, the Ultimate collectors edition came with a 192 page artbook. Surely the megitek soldiers design is in there, youd just have to find someone on 4chan/tumblr/FB/twitter that has the UCE and get them to take pictures/scans for you.

>> No.9275441

I bought a cosplay from Taobao that includes a hat, but the hat is too small for my head + wig circumference. Any ways to work around this? If it helps I can do basic hand sewing although I don't have a sewing machine.

>> No.9275508

they look 2d so you can just get some eva foam and paint it with a yellow enamel. then shove some black visor material in for the lenses

>> No.9275552
File: 55 KB, 490x689, a6059beb3306ef7053cd65538ef44724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does anyone know where to get a good wig for kurisu? most websites are either flat out brown or too red. i wouldn't mind a dark red if i really can't get that weird mix of brown and red

>> No.9275682

Can you reheat foam that has been painted with plastidip?

>> No.9275718

Dont think so
Tried it once, only thing I achieved was to get the Plastidip all bubbly and to get some possibly toxic fumes in my workshop

>> No.9275720

Aaah nice thanks, will see what I can do

>> No.9275928

Repost from Jojo thread.

I'm planning on a DIO part 3 cosplay.
I've been trying to source a yellow satin/silk for the trousers and jacket but finding the banana yellow in anything but shitty costume satin is proving difficult. Does anyone have a source/alternative fabric suggestion?

>> No.9276077

Might wanna try sateens or bridal satin, since it's a much higher quality (but more expensive as well) type. And if banana yellow is the main hangup, there's always another one of the billion color palettes to try!

>> No.9276209

Has anybody had any experience of Match Wigs? Considering ordering, but I'm seeing some reviews that their site photos don't match the products.

>> No.9276481

I ordered one from them way back when (around 2012ish?) and it was pretty great, exactly what I wanted, but cant vouch for the quality since then or with other wigs. I feel like in retrospect it wouldnt have been the best for any eccentric styling because of the really silky fibers though

>> No.9276498

A lot of taobao hats are just made like that for anime proportions, I think. Depends on the kind of hat it is but usually I just sew clips onto it and clip it into my wig.

>> No.9276575

If you're cosplaying on a budget, I swear it may sound weird but they look like Popsicle sticks.

>> No.9276681

I'm not a cosplayer but I need your help, I am joining the wrestling business soon but I need help making my gear.
Since you guys spend alot of time making cosplay I want to know what are some good durable but flexible material for tights?
Have you even made something like Kickpads before and what would some good material be?
More question to come, but I'm aiming for something like pic related.

>> No.9276693
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Forgot the image

>> No.9277020
File: 7 KB, 300x131, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing a cosplay that has bug eyes that are greenish, but I'm not sure where to find/buy materials. I found a fly costume mask that I could pop the lenses out and use for my own costume, but they were a gold color.

I was wonder if there was a material like on polarized sunglasses that I could find in a moldable sheet form, or something that was just green and transparent that I could use.

>> No.9277051

Also it would help if I could do this in red and blue as well.

>> No.9277069

i've ordered from them a couple times with zero problems

>> No.9277424
File: 141 KB, 540x763, tumblr_ohjaamNZAc1r6q1pto1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of fabric should I use to make her shirt? I feel like a normal t shirt knit would be too heavy and anything dress shirt-ish might be too stiff and thin?

>> No.9277464
File: 76 KB, 480x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of dress is this? My boyfriend would appreciate answers, seeing as he wants to see me in something similar. Please and thank you in advance for your help.

>> No.9277467


My guess is he's white and wants that yellow fever hard on?

>> No.9277468

It's a slutty version of a cheongsam.

>> No.9277745

Really dumb question but can't seem to find a quick answer. It's my first time working with Worbla and looking up priming tutorials I see a lot of people using white PVA glue as a smoothing layer. Would clear PVA work the same? Clear comes in bigger tubes, here, so I can get more of it.

>> No.9277897
File: 241 KB, 720x402, yuri-on-ice-episode-10-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a cheap place to order prescription glasses online that will do Prisms correctly.

Specifically, for Yuri's glasses.

Already tried Zenni, the glasses came in unwearable because the prisms were aligned incorrectly, and now that I've been burnt once I'm not excited to blindly order again. Anyone with experience with this have a suggestion? Idealy I'd like to stay as close to the $50 range as possible, but I'll consider closer to $100-$120 too

>> No.9277911

Ugh my ex was like that and now he's dating another asian girl for the sole reason that she's asian. (Because it sure ain't for her looks)

>> No.9277966
File: 33 KB, 620x470, jsavpbmwtcju9hhdsetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go around making moana oar, as I can't bring a real one as hard wooden props are banned

>> No.9278419

> hard wooden props are banned
every con i've been to doesn't hold up on this and they're pretty easy to lie to about the material if they do attempt to hold up on it but if you know for a fact your con is super anal about keeping up their weapons policy, you could try a piece of pvc and do the flat part with pink insulation foam and bondo maybe? I'm not sure how blending the two would go since I've never put bondo on pvc before but I'm assuming it can't be that difficult.

>> No.9278529

Anyone got a good link to all the tips I could ever need for sewing sleeves and attaching them? Primarily sleeves for jackets.

>> No.9279065
File: 1.74 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have a few questions regarding 3d printing, would be great if someone could help me out

>> No.9279294
File: 80 KB, 728x546, aid50827-728px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The work in progress thread is super cool, but I want to see how all that stuff is made.
Do any of you know of any blogs/youtubers that are worth following that do that kind of stuff?

>> No.9279509

Evil Ted channel is one of the best tutorial channels I've seen. You can even buy patterns from him. Adam Savage's Tested goes through the process making movie grade costumes.

>> No.9279716

Is there such a thing as too much weathering? Making a Bloodborne Hunter and in game the player gets drenched in blood but I'm guessing pouring a bucket of fake blood over my coat is overkill.

Also was planning on using mousse to stiffen my hair, don't want to wear a wig to reduce overheating. But then I don't want to look unwashed and have people ignore me because I look like I didn't shower that morning.

>> No.9279911

Don't forget its got a matching bra. Details anon.

>> No.9279915

"black isn't seen in theater"
do a plain black drape maxi skirt

>> No.9279919

interface the stretch stuff and it'll act like a regular fabric. Then do it properly

>> No.9279921

You can do chiffon on the final band, it'll sag a little more but if it's seen at the bottom it'll look like the whole thing is chiffon.

>> No.9279926

Just noticed her corset is on the wrong way around.

You're going to want a chemise, bust supporter under that, corset the right way around, bloomers, suspenders and stockings.

>> No.9279965
File: 363 KB, 974x1400, 2a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy a sweater like Nikkis'?

>> No.9280528

Ugh that sucks, I thought it was just maybe that one cosplay/company, but guess not. I suppose I'll have to stick to non-hat Taobao cosplays since I think having hats sit so far up look really awkward.

>> No.9280578

We've been talking about this in the Yuri On Ice thread if you want to take a look >>9277651

>> No.9280583
File: 253 KB, 524x1500, Obi Wan Kenobi Clone Wars 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on making patterns on the shape of the forearms and legs?
I'm trying to make just the arm and leg armor in pic related but I'm losing sleep trying to come up with the proper shapes to draw before cutting out the foam.
I keep reading about frustums or something, but at best, I can only draw straight lines so I'm looking for workarounds for curves that are too important.

>> No.9281521
File: 122 KB, 705x774, goldenage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here. Need some help assembling a Golden Age Guts cosplay like pic related.

I'm mostly looking to buy the pieces separately or finding someone to just commission the set for me because I cannot craft worth shit.

>> No.9281708

>Its a "dude expects everyone else to spoonfeed him" episode

>> No.9281783

Didn't intend to come across that way. I'm just new to the stuff and really have no idea where to start.

>> No.9282343

This isnt necessarily related to cosplay specifically, but how do you gain followers as a new cosplayer on Instagram? It sounds like I just want attention, but I want to be able to make friends through it and I'm not able to go to any cons for a while.

>> No.9282717

What's the best sort of shapewear/underwear to wear with zentai suits? I have one that's mostly white and I want to avoid everything showing through.

>> No.9282758

If youre looking to get it made by someone else you should look to the replica prop forum. There you will most likely find someone and most people there are incredibly skilled

>> No.9283139
File: 845 KB, 1080x1080, Brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any ideas for tats for cosplay? I want to go as pic related, but idk what to use for tattoos. I've used sharpie before but after two-three days of wearing a sharpie tattoo, I started to break out pretty bad. I hear body paint is an option, but I'm not a fan of the cracking and I would hate to rub off on everything.

>> No.9283207

You could make a flesh toned body suit and paint the tattoos onto that instead of being bare chested.

>> No.9283492

got a link to any good forums like that?

>> No.9283593

Hello cgl I'm new to all this cosplay mumbo jumbo I would like to make a helmet/mask for my father's birthday If you guys would be so kind to show me where to start what to read or basic materials for the craft, it would be only for display so it doesn't have to be wearable if that changes the complexity at all

>> No.9283882
File: 226 KB, 590x580, Tahm_Kench_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay tahm kench. I'm not talking any pussy bullshit, with painting myself green and wearing a jacket or any of that crap. I want to make a costume that will make me look like pic related. I do not care how much money, time or resources it will take. What would be the best way to go about it?

>> No.9284078

Just Google replica prop forum
Theres also a rpf group on Facebook

>> No.9284388
File: 83 KB, 1920x1080, 15417900_1789655421307464_2110053361_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any point even considering a wig for this guy? my hair is really thick and i'm willing to get the right cut and dye it since it'd only be one step further than getting just the sides shaved (which i'd need to do anyway). i can't think of a way to make it look natural and good otherwise. any suggestions?

>> No.9284511

Got it. Thank you.

>> No.9285252
File: 70 KB, 525x371, ee6c5283d9514a3d990c3667bd13463d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to make Gundam's scarf but I'm not sure what material to use. All I can think of is fleece but I think a dark purple in fleece would look bad and I'm sure his scarf is actually a nicer material. Also, for the design I found a tutorial that just printed the design on card stock, cut out the squares with an exacto knife, then used the card stock as a stencil and filled it in with fabric paint. I worry that'd look too cheap and was considering buying some square studs in a gunmetal color but idk if that'd weigh down the scarf too much.

Deleted my last post because I linked to the AliExpress thread.

>> No.9285281

silicone spray. I picked up a bottle from sally's beauty supply but I know that there are other places that sell it too.

One Minute Cosplay has a great video on their facebook page